Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 30, 1880, Image 3
fc TFTE ADVERTISER THTBSDAX, SEPTEMBER 30, 1SS0. A3H73J zvA Departure e "Mafts at 3rawa- vjgaPostelgce. tke yF erasing. B. &"M "Nrtb . 7rfl0a.iru F X SIb fefl.p.m. Kr4C. B. Socta .... ,lkia.m. a if. B. Nrtli 2Vp-ia- Te"Traei DaU-r Ptace Use 3SW a-is. ffv Me4ays, walaesdaFH sad ifllPIl Q P 1j Uluil u ij reai Ma lOlSE "'-Mr.. Fetsg Macdas and Fridays TI iC n. Sate &flfta.m.l 2dX)a.m. & C. K "Sort. ftBp.ra- id&pta. " nh DuTIt Sfecre Up TeTni-wti Taewlsy. Tbari5s Jtrt'T aBrdM vte. Gte& Hoes, -"iasicfc.esc 8100 pi Feeo'-ng Taiwriare fc Satacaps M m, s: gOge aasrs.S a. m to S p.m.-33 T.C.HACCBE.P.3L lC9 8JJVVmnjw Cchnal books at Slefceffs. Sebeel sanoaies ai XirkeWs. Sweet potato or, rtbunannn:, this market. M Satasd&y TO MY CUSTOMERS! I zuish to call your attention to my Xarge Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which is now complete in all departments D)y Goods, Notions, Boots and &7ioes, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ladies' Cloaks, & -. IP-gill tock of 3rioeexsie. Lowman. is closing out at bedrock tpnees. Find Wright's notice of sale of shorthorns. MsGee & llsore have an. immense I stock of goods. Bob. Teare saw the Qmftfei Pair one day test week. Mes. Terson, neeSsger, sebscribes f for The T iMSk Qac- Lot c charmers a"CT"W c-i:, New aaaniy of ; k eakeftst Far- TheiaB -feat kept bySie-i "ve:.ou A Cwojk. Tie ite irlawaftte - Thebeat o- Ltand at T. I. atwaos i7 "C0 -For 5; ;t g 1 Otxr . oj in LoOe, K. of P.. Ittir eaMB, COOk the hart. aad cheapest Jb VjOMsS a of (he wee r: -Afaflaai ore hap hy nrnck of far- fcCOS6. Beat Bfeead in the dry at P & Palmer's sad- daa.1 yon iocge k. TheUH Lit tday J ie as the-best doi- INebeaskn. bei, k dnzzle and part of ike Tatwod da's ft atfcsc ta afiter ves wiak w wfli -ive er the article from tfce Oaaaha. I-f7,i wkaeh kas the wiad Nt f tfce picitical 3afl& J. Sterims Macsae. Wishing to give you some idea of a few of m,y prices I wiU call your attention to some facts. A good Cloak for . . . 83-00 A good pair Boots for .... 1.50 A g ood pair Hoys Hoots for . . . 1.25 A Woman's Shoe for 1.00 7 Ihs. Coffee .... 1.00 10 Ihs. Sugar 1.00 18 yds. standard prints . . 1.00 JEastern Carpet, 2 ply, per yd., . 30 These are a feir of the many bargains I have to offer this faU. I offer no baits, only using good goods and giving my customers the benefit of good goods for the smallest amount of money. Thanking a gen erous public for their past patronage, cund wishing I0O4L2EBS0S5IS. THE MODEL IHIOU SIEJ of gaotb is J. L !MJeGee,5 stock of traly maisaetk in sEie. X W. Garkt and. Jacob Eitcifin gave tts a calL test week. See the atLvertlEiaen of" Patter- I son, tae ekaggist at Peru- Eora, Esonria? 291 iest. to Mr. aadllzs. J. H. Eoyee, a 12 ft. grrlfeefoj. Xrs. Atto Tatevctk, ef E& Creek, adds Iter aaase to er siribecrif tioalist. iTanny L&vresa. arrired here on. a visit to pares aad frieeds, 3 kiy fest. J. Pw HawkiHS, PaHs City, was in this city last week. "WeHadeEStaadhe thinks of sawing ba here. "W. H. HJoover is agfiisaRg m se- I euriHrite of way for the B.4 1L exteasioa froe. XefflflJia City. Eeayoa Skeea, of Xeaha C&yv w31 ronove to BrowariHe this fajl If he caaseeere a residence to seit Mm. that all may continue their trading with me, they wiU find me at the only douMe first-class interna tional store in Brownville. JVb. o2 and oA next door to the Postoffce. UXDH U LiiOiilliiLljiiittLluiiQi Nuinbers 52 and 54. ULuiu, 5GS5S It fc jfesindMe ft ie w?d thai iherefthe Gxrfeki Geca oa hand at heaaajBactefS, at i i.xi shie ewnixer. Now. boys not U&. The eaatpain. epeas taight L- Marrwd. 4th iat, at TTaEtrfniaa I-.wa.Dr. C.T. Stewart of ais e&y. a-ni Mies Aasie L. Haniy. of the far. tvu- rL ThI- arrrvai hotae wiU Li? brva cMtcacaaj last. Tans, A9TE& xx -mi tends ia eaogratahoiscjg. Browthxe. Sept. 24, 1SS&. i BrewnTiIleLoteeXo.,I.O. G.T Tedere head quarters at KkeTs. adopted the foUo win? resoIatBs: Cash paid for batter asd eggs at Whemly, In view of the loss we Gates'. have sostamed by the deeease of oar For irst eh6 sscariefi eafl oa seter. Mrs. Adeik Hitte, and by the t T IstOI heavier loss sustawed bv those J O 'WES- j ,rM; Joartr trt h- tkarsfnra tiii lekeffs dxarrhfeeaie mpnsr fe. I it Saanpk free. Rm$ced, That it is bet a. just tribute Groceries of all loads br Sic vea the memory of oar departed sister to Jfc Cr " ' thaI a re?n!ttnS ler removal -f- from oer midst, we noora for one who Extra copies at ehe sspraxiSMa. g ja j -y worthy of or re- at A. W. Ntckeifs- I sweet aad resaca. " Saaoked Ti i'Tihat, aodEsa aaL Xo. j MmoHd. That we sraeerety eoadoie i wj r Om&? ' ' tbe iiy f the deceased in the Tr!r tT'.. w ,. i djspeasatron with which it has pleased OaSBeaadrmTBttase.aJargestoet: , Djrme Provkienee to aiet them, aod of all styles by Steveaeea 4b Cross. coomend them for eoasofcUioa to Him Moaer to loaa on Heal' o orders all things for the best, aad i- 1-, - Tn. TT ttutt- -whose cbastisemeBts are meant inmer- CU.U-T. -1 jtfn. BV rt ill. u. i tw. CaH as A. W.Nieioeirrag store forabatae of TJ-oaaas' adaetne oik Laaap e&asaeya of evary deserip- Etioa at Joxss EeaCiaestoves, a kindE. at prices to salt aB. at Sfteveoeoa Jt Ocoss. Sarghaa- ifiJl andEvaporatoc for sale cheap. H. S. Haxkafokb. A bis: stack of heather stoves aad wiU be soki Vw by StevensoQ & Cross Presh Bread, pies and cakes al ways oa hand at Parana Jfc Palmer's. If yoa vac stoves, fara&aeerj qaeeoBware ett, very low, cail oa ate- veseon dk Crofls. Aaaodscoad-miw asoTcookstove Dr. GiHina, BeaidBOwavi!le.isxe4aa!:eSKrwed or fcav. Aaolv cv. BeGedr That this heartfelt testi monial of ear sympathy be presented to the family of oar deceased sister; that they be spread apoa the records of oar Iodise asd. a copy be f rssshed to eeefe ef oar city papers. Axxa Mabse, Mrs. E. HUDDA2.T, A.H.GILXOEE. Two second hand sewing machines and one bu reau for sale by J. L. Me Gee. Sofia O. Heftes, who has beeam Utah, siace last sodas, arrived m BrowxviBe Swsday fesL Hfc IierflB. fe goed. EJO. PeU&Wa took charge of the Sheodw-a Past last weak. Ewaa re tires to give Ms whoie atieatioG to ais profession. ZSeeaabn Times: Jaha Arfr, of Blae Sprinss. will sooa opea a grocery and qaeopsware store rae store rooei occapied by WflTmg Bros. Mr. Anit was forserry a resideat of this pfepee? aad his frieads will be glad to have hiai with, them oeee more. CM. Fff-t" has'a Eoaber of beeriae ehestaaat trees aboet S years id oa his soxsery farm Bear this city. He fooad a bar en oae of his trees the other day that coataiaetL neatly packed ia, sevea perfect eaestaass. Mr. E. says he was raised aswagst eaestaat trees, bet sever bef ores aw so asaay chestaats ia oae bar. Mr. W m. SSevees, a whfioa eiti sen of this city, bat bow of Colorado, was ia the city this week sbakinjr hands with, his maay frieads, aad pw tariog. is. Eldoradic colors, his aew home. Mr. Stevens last May went to TorkvSle, Premoat eoanty, Colorado, where he parehased a ranch at advaa tageoos ares, aad is bow aaakiag aey "hand over fist." He keeps the , stage station six stages daily which is fratf way between Cannon City aad SHver CSS. has a grocery store, the psbtofike, and works two paying silver mines, which, afco yield some gofcL Mr. S. presented us with a specimen of his ore which, aeeavs 5100 to the tan. In that eoanty he says politics booms as weH as elsewhere, and he told as about raising a Garfield pole at his pisee over one aaadved feet high, and indicated that the eoanty there and pare atmos- THE EEGULATOR OE PEICES, is now opening a mamoth Stock for the Win ter trade. I can now assure our patrons that every department is replete with the latest novelties. Oar Stock, hoth in variety and the hareains it contains, offers at tractions unsurpassed by anv house in the country. We call very especial at tention to the latest noTeltiesinDBESS GOODS, VELVETS, SATINS, BROCADES, SILES, FRINGES and TO7 S of all descriptions to match, now on. sale. We Guarantee by our uniform JOoic Prices to save our customers money at the end ofthe g Years Trading. We also Guarantee c7 our goods to be just as represented, andmost respectfully invite autocall and examine this Immense Stocla, and Satisfy themselves that this is Seadqua?Tters, both in Quantity and Prices. mi We are also in receipt of a one i ! 5-jZ i m vik im - M-a LIT oot Queensware and Groceries, Trunks, Talises, &c. Siioss Hats, uaps, ISO. T lTA'tRSTT BIOCK, ill L i Si tfea Pastas tee Ph&ss SefeeoL The first BMath of the aew school year eaded with the present week. DeriBget week a report of each, pa pers staadg for the sooth will be seathoae. This report is designed to show the atteadaaee, deportment aad prooeieney of the panS daring that ae. If parents aadgaardians win show an interest in examining: these reports at the ead of each month, they may assist the teachers in seenring more thoreagk scholarship tmd more substantia! progress in the senooL In all edacaSaoal work parents and teachers are associated, aad faithful co-operation between them is necessa ry to the saecess of the work in which they have a common, interest. Oar hope for the improvement of oar school is in the watted desire aad effort of the oSears, teachers, pepifcand peo- pie to wsoffi: it fcst-efesa in every re spect. As yet oaiy two or ihree of Use pat rons have called, at the school baildiBg. An invitation to visit the senooi is un necessary, yet if jta invitation is ex pected, an who are interested in what we are sapposed to be doing are hereby cordialiy mvited to visit the scliool freelv. "- "-' -gM t I will close out iav entire stock of Of -I CLOTH $ 2 m i fc riW:0 ING KM iiAl TJ! X3Si -iPiSSLi i S, Ladies' and Childrens Shoes, iS"otions, Eib hons and Eaney Goods, at and T3TP.T ,rrKr cictn mnaa o pmBmanl amaaaw7 w f aaaaa aw r w All who want SEWUfG SIACHIKSS. Bay the Xew American with, self threadm? shuttle and setf-settiBe;need-k lightest rannmg machine; it is the boss; nohambag. Porsaleby T. BjHVKflS. G. G. Blanfs Wksai Press Drill, Xevrlon aHd:ShatHer TFaons, Par sale by David Campbell. 3T3B-! jm fc 3 iTj e Kr3 . . ? f 51 n 13322 it ' cSa: 3 will call soon, as I will close out a Office 9 a. : Piidays. SpiB. "otat el -OarleatfiEmbueaKW the bteaat a. new targe GaxieM ai thur flag, Wednesday mocaia uqvnded over 3aain stieat th Maaab, baMfe: aadtb of SteveaEon & Cram, aad moks weM. iAr- :. It is between Dr. Sberfy. Dentist, wiii nialseBBTai Brown viBe the llth will sasy week or ivreraxed to do work, by lb to see nam. SL Joe. of October. He daae. aad be of dental Catt early 15 w2 4ma o-i T.ESQB3MK. fife. all at this Bain wagons the best aad. sale bv Stevenson & Cross. for The!". S, nvor imeecs who bare been here s weAs. ae atoH iloae theaarfey. wHI ere bang tni rimapptagtae river bank on timltaBoaa aide pparitr tte crtv. TtBwaeebaadiBeBatsaadskHfc f or" tbe work, aad wffl be aaramed here aad for Stove coal beds. aaasLcnbery and of hardware at wlffia? Bras. Best Bread in BrowavSe at tbe new Bakerrof Fi wavs fxesb. triaL Steveaeoa i: Crass iavbe ail who wish, to bav anvthias kept ia their aae to look throw their varied sto GoodE soM low. Died oa tbe moraiag of tae 5fc mat. i this city, Clytie D. daaebter of Thos. X. aad .Tafia M. Saadacs, aged 4 years. 10 months aad 13 days. A. "9T. Xiekell, oar draggis. has retamed from his extended trip eest-j where be has beai porcbasta? an im-j mease stock ; bis expedeaeeand fcaowl- edge of tbe basaeds has enabled him to select a comptoe stock of pore drags, BMdtcraes and chemicafeatvery low price, of whsea. be rateads to give t hi rwtoaMTfffnnhrnaftt Wbeaaeiia- hag iarythhae; la the drag Sne, eaS oa Xiekefi. w"e have known towns to be s aad then wake i ap aad go ahead wife all the vigor of an oriaiaal boom. BcowavSfe is- not ; dead by any means, as her five baenass J attests, bat m &e way of baOdiBer and , ealargias: she has stood still for three ! years. s?ne nas live men MKNnajr azter her health, aad the way she will drive things one of these days will make her envioac rivals stand aghast. And it w3l not be many years hence, either. The foUowiag regarding the home of ear whflom eidaea, Mr. John Crea son, recently appeared, in a Hastiags Mr. Cs. friends here wffl be Corning, the largest stock of overcoats, winter cloth- j ing in the market. CHEAP SJ. a- Palmar al-' ,!f STJSIKESS! 3TJ3rZ3S!! iBW " , Now is tbe time to take advantage 1 of the low prices which the Regulator is makmr: oa jraraitareJEIardwa-re and Agrieekoral Imabsmeass. T. BJCHA2DS. Loadyoar saotgmai, aad get for another invastea of Bghtning- swindfers. The Pawnee BnLnyrue says: It has been broagat to oar notice that a band of drartfmiable aad swindl ing: lishtnin?: rod men is aboat to tarn loose on this eoanty. They were last week ran oat of Kiehanl&oo eoanty. where in the vicinity of Hnmboidt, thev attempted afcgitimate bostness. which was afterward exposed. Their manner of pcoced are is to call on a man and get from him a daly signed order for patting- ap rods for so roach per foot, Bsaaliy a double price. They rep- resent tnat it wiu tase a mncu Kts- nnnriber of feat than it really wUi re quire, aad tans make the sam total of the job sem very reasonable. Bat oc I also offer my residence and store house ready 'propeiiy for sale, and possession given short- rod It has been recently diseoveretiia the treasury department that after the breaking oat of the hue war. tbe Xow OrJeans mint continued several weeks, aad aboat oae aad a oaaxter dollars of gold aad salver of different denominations were corned from bullion on hand at that time. It is sapposed this money feS into the hands of tbe confederacy, and has aft been pot into arevlation. the aaoaatia arcalation jaecso i cfcu. t-Wtl CLAHHl iC paereooes not agree wun uemocrauj. i to pat ajo theyaad the number of feet reqarred to I aeatry m excess of what the first agent represent- iy. AsM ASSin a A LUUld WYfS&AJZi. 50 Empty barrels for sor- 2:hum at McGee k Moores. Ttee boaeaaA Meaole prwhwtiifr KolS. the XreBlttes Hop, 0seer 3fauiaa UttoettalBe.aadler yreefciaii fcretll eag, eombtn.Hl wttbo fermuatetWan. are by tfa i&iJt Mer3 Cmmamr. numituy. as at the note raisinsr m one hundred aad fifty people present there were only three Democrats. Mr. S. still owns his farm opposite Asptnwall. and two other fa-ans in Western Iowa, aad I he is here bwaine after his property in terests. He says if any of his friends here will visit him they wnl receive a cordial welcome and the best he has to give them. Now is your time to ex amine the mammoth stock and low prices ai J. 1. Mc Gees. Sevr Goods ! 5e it Goods : : Arriving daily at J. L. Mc Gee's. Call at Dolens for bargains in all goods. For the best floiur in the market get the gilt edge ai Cheap Sam's. He ivccrromis i cxrci y atfrc. "We have mcaA cards ins 2e makiljge of P. M. Hnftord, Psqoa the 2d last. toMJsgEUaE. -o Hvm-u mi TiMvfBa Calarado. rr" . a -deatf Jar twenty Mooee apoa bai happy exit from tbe sphere o ham aad hot fcaar and haanw fife. ""iambi Tfrnrr- Died, oa Mon day aa-at. Sept 2h, iSSt, Capt. Johaeon HeaaarsOB, a the T8d year rkKvrp. Tie was bora m the north oflrefetad. In hie early years he Mr-leweilasea-farHKnfe,viEiaae;aH e psotnip oat seaports of tfce worH. In laser veass. be navisaited the Hakes. In 1S35 he commanded aad sarfcd oat paper. ofMilwaakee tbe arst saSag vessel pleased tobearbehasmadeforhisetf ever bailt &&&, and was renowned . So pleasant a borne: TiponlLakesasasknifalaHvitor. A MorrL taxx: I have jast visit He was oae of the earlvsettiers of Xe-1 edMr.Jobnt'rensan farm. It is ioc- t , . , . , , T- fcj. I ed one mile soatb west at Doniphan, iKasfca.and.byeaidof n5saiwart a$T jfet sons saceeated in Trwfrmg- a coEasorta- CaitleaSale. On aecooat of the death of Mr. Sim eon Wright, of Maryville, Mo, hfe en tire herd of short boras will be sohi on Wednesday, Oct. 13. 1SSQ. This herd numbers SO head of the Toaag Mary, G wynne. Mazarka. etc. Dr. H. M. Car ver L. Miller will join ia the sale with 42 bead of fine cattle. Catakeraes mifkri on aiaalcation to tbe above ties, or W. M. Wsiot, Adminis&ator. 33 ATHtG STOTZS. The nicest stock aad best variety at Willins Bros. cmihlwun ! & a ed. makine the price of the job two or three times wnat it wat cs.uucu. -u t the honest gran?;er grows stubborn,! thev show him his order, daly signed, which be iiads to read diiEecently from what he thoacfat. and th .eaten with sait. They afco play the tnek of rep resentiae themselves as the agents of legitimate local dealers who do an hon t hnKss. Si-n no orders presented bv aakaowa fehtning-iod men. This is the-only safe method. The party is now in the eoanty, or expects to be this week, and will take the nnwary. watch, for them. i each, and every one of the eopartner- ship to his best ability. Bat he thiak- LsADvniE.Coi-.Sept.lS.lSSO. ingthat the teams were makings too To the Editor of the 2f kbkaska Ad- aaen money, and he getting only oae- vsimKra nri tn hjt friends who wooH ainth. determined to have it aB. Sohe be glad to bear from me, aad tbe far!?ot oat a writ of replevin, aad took West. After three months say in away the teams that were hired for six t a m. t m nnmtnhi i H & - months, and had paid the sam of S2flO rect statement of Leadvffie and its before leaving. Oa tbe 23d of Jaly we borrnding. It fe sitaated 12J0OD feet ! bad a trial aad be beat as. Batoaxat above the level at the sea, and is kxat-i torney. Mow Bndbosd, whom yoa all t im thfcfKfarwi -lrh . j know, who ataod at tbe bead of Prof. and has a popoLuion of -WyDOO inhabi- Wen's sebool, and who started oat a tants. Bat three yeas ago where the w years since, a yooag- lawyer of citv of Leadvflle now stands with its " abtiity, and oae who is mcetme: eno.moas wealth was a dease forest witii saecese in ms new fieM of work, with bat few inhabitants, bat of fate advisad as to take an appeal, which we i .. - . . . . . . . worM-wide leaatation, and one'aat; and ontoesstliot Angasttaecase If you, want a bargain call and see me. for I zafiU not be icndersoidby anyone. CHEAP SAM. The resoJt of the eiectioa in Maiae has apset tbe Xew York stock market. and investors are hooting o) Iv to see bow the pofitnari torn. Tbe Xew York JZevaid. a Han cock paper, says: "Untfl soate dawfier information is given a to tbe raaalt of tbe Presidential canvass than eoriBfeat present the ehaaem are that the seaok market wul conttnne mactne and, S33l Sorghum Gee's. at J. Z. Mg- All kinds of yarn ai J. L. Mc Gee's. If y oil want cheap glass sets I will sell them- chea,per than the cheapest. CHEAP SAM. Woven wire beds, all sizes low prices at Stevenson & Cross7. NEW MADE sorsrhum for sale McGee & Moore s. Bi&ck gloves ofihebestj ai J. I. McGee' s. Scliool Bookx At the Dra and Book Store of W. H. McCebekt, BtownviUe, Xeb. aad at xosas. SHEDS. Fresh, bine grass aad Timothy, at tbe drag and book store of W. H. Me Creery. Garfield and Han cock hats at Dolens. Prost aad ram. Elder Bowe wnl neeaeb. in tbe Christian Cnarch, next Sautaiay aignt aad Saaday mottung. Mrs, Mastie McGrew. with Mr.J aad Mrs. Peery are visiting friends in SL Joseph. Ms. Maaaia has been eafied to the death-bed of her brother, Joan Yaaaoater, who was baried last Satur day. "Set yonr aSections aboveBOt ontmn-pa Mr. Xash. of Pesasytvaaia is vis- noar friends m the neighborhood. He k expresses snaeea wen pmasea wna Miss MeGrew, of Peoaeyrvania. is vfeing her brothers in London, her nephew accompanied her. that has excited so many minds in the ( East, and has brought many to an early grave. They start from the East the weather is nice aad warm, am oat here not prepared to meet the high attitade where the snow lays on the ranees the year round aad ice freezes every nisht. Prom this they wfll take a cold which wffl terminate mpneame nia aad soon resort in death. It is stated by an Eastern paper that Lead vifle is the very cradle of pneomonia. Well I mast say to a certain extent it is, hot the greatest amoont of deaths is eaased from drinking aad saicadea. For tbe three weoks past there have faeea 3 deaths. Of these 19 were mar- oers, smcaoes aan acrmnra, Bavnoj i lOtnat oxa oa(8iaiiaBUB neu,uB not so strange after aC where there ate so many men ot axaerent was decided in oar favor, and P. H Dcaema, the pfanatiS, was eomaetted to pay cost to tbe aaaoaat of $11?. and I retorn tbe teams to as. Bight wiZlmJe, no matter where. wen, as 1 have given a Leadvum aad vicinity a as it has ocearred to me, I will data by saymer that afi are well and meeting with saecess. I lemma yooxs resaeet- faBy, Fka2tk Fmxorao. Ire&oer Sss s the . IiOOK Old stoves relined and. made as good ss new at law ngares, by WillragBros Henderson's shoes I. Mc Gee's. ai J. hfe aad. happy heme He was a char ter 2emer of Xemefca City Geed Templar Lodge, aad remained a con sistent member, '-TBI severed oay a death.- an example weS. worthy of bains followed. In ms death the corn- farm iaHalL Adams or Webster eoen- ties. There is an esage orange hedee en dosing the eighty, and a good sized pasture fieM hedged in by the same. Aire of the hedge, f oar years, aad tarns cattle and horses. Mr. CreasoB asa aas a tan: saea sp- H021EWOOD:s FLOUIL Homewood's mill now with, its new machinery is m fall operation, aad is the best mill in Southern. Nebraska. His floor IS OX S.4XH aad. those who nave tnea it sav Yams, flannels, mus lins. prints and gloves at Dolen's. Gen. Tan Wyck spoke to a erowd edboasehist Wednesday evening aad made a powerfal speech. His arraign ment of the Democratic party was a mastedv effort. He warned the people of the inevitable evil coaseqneaees of reinstating: rebel brigadiers totbeeon-troSmg- powers in the government. Sgracmse JmtntaL Gen. Tan Wyck speaks here this Wednesday- evening. Tare oat ev- evbodv. He a -oed STOT2S ! STOTTES ! The Charter Hot Blast is the best be cause it consumes tae least met ana. bakes most even and weighs more1 any other stove m tbe : tator. T. GRAIN ! Hbjksc market puce paid by IX. S. Boaciasii; Co. oo3raxT:soi a t. THE B30WSVILL2 HJttEETS. The foBowinjr is a eirealar letter ad- dreesed to the greenbaekers of tbe Union by their candidate for Presi dent: -Indianapolis. Sept. 21. To tbe Greenback-Labor Reformers tnroasb- oat tbe United States: I urgently re quest that yoa have struck off by tboapimta. lot orcaiation rnontT. full extracts from fr. Smid's and so many that do set see alike. es-K'ew York speech, in which he says that tbe Democratic candidates for Fraodent and Vice-President of tbe DemocratM party are in favor of his btil to destroy the greenbacks, aad that thev wiU carry oat that policv. PabSah tbe Bavaru resotatton. with the full ex tract from bis speech, so that the peo ple may know just what it i3 that the Democratic party and its candidates are pteded to carry oat. Thehvaeis fairy made. Let every greeebaeker ha the Union acoose bnaoelf to the reafi zarien,anri brand as an tnfamoas trait- or to onr holy eaaee any reman to hs forme party, who altaaiaiji so Tinaaftr votc X to estber of she ant parties. tStentJ) J. B. Wxjlvsk. FHtac are tao qwuiMM yestesdaj e.the tuw'f temtmtz to pei. ZJTMSTOCK. WttT-iriTTra-TTT W X. B.LCUET. SZSGX 9XASS3 EZ3 S4W Sieves. nOf tate 9 MM 3 neciaQv when thev set one or two drinks of Leadvffle whisky, having at least two fights and an attempt at mur der in everv -iass that is drank. The weather all saaamer, and on the arst of ber we bad a snow storm that lasted aB day. aad on tbe IStkef this month three inches of saow fefl. Tbe mines of Leadvffie aad vicinity areasneeess. The Chrisocite, the lara- kest aane aere. tarns oat iw tons ox ore per day. worth S6T a fioa, while there is a number of them that tarns oat less, bat mere rateable to the tea. There are mines here that have been nmnoar for two years, and employ 100 men at 53 a day, that have never paid a dollar, bat has been kept ap by the stock beimj speculated on in tbe Eastern market. L Miniasr here fe a fsaad to a certain ex tent, bat one strikes it once ia a while. More do not than do. We me: Meaner a box or The AovExasat. which wffl be omAiy xjlksxz. bt m. i e&U5 Wheat. afc-aaig- ye- Ok ia nar ihrBrff ssa TH -at aa 33 m a. & s srmmsr XAJtsm-rmomweEi LT- i yea, ?Mtt FMtaes, J3 sew - W -w w p tse mBstTia. CTitittupn. tuewii, f X. Wi, "5 me& Sar.rsoK MSTAJt. K.T.Bate Prime Feathers ai McGee's. J. L. ... - . rJ orob-trd ITii) OXIA Bkf WA(W-' ts ... . . Hsan&y loses an imiaental aaa vaiaea .- r ---- tfee oess ever sow cBen.aadhisfaffliryagoodhasband QZ& cuL && strawberries.! ETBROniULlE. d fondfatheE. The ssSeted faaSy TheseaaveaH wodBced frait except The dealers ail keep re Try a sack-L have thehesxt-felt sympathy of every-, the pears. Otid Tinrcn nnrl twn TF7?z77 on .7" T. 'XTiC oaA " purchased the largest stock horse Buckeye grain of goods ever bought bu him AytWz, nill nnrl qpa and they ivillbe sold at boi- t -n -, , m y k fe Item prices. CaU and ex- sample. jioDert ieare amine. SOdB. We arrived at LeadviBeon tbe foaxta of Jane, after a saceassfal trip across tbe great plains of 709 miles. In less x1mWanasa.St. Loufe ? is dueioainf: new projects almost every day. Tbe latest hi the awardms. on Thursday, of a contract tor the gra duer. brkfanng. and n-ooing of the arst eighteen mite of a projected airline road from Chieaeo to Peoria. Theom ceis aad manaeers of the road left Chi cago on Friday for Peoria, .keokak- Qainev, aad Omaha. One or two bers of the partv, with er and J. J. Stocum. trustees for theex- of the Mkeoari. Iowa 3c Xe- wHl proceed from Keokak foardays. to the wrmrans of that road, at rieville. " Saoaaak MSI tUtwkeat - 6aa. Kcfc laB wheat martin syrtae? -vseac yimntwi VaBey sprtwf?, Gsaaoai. Seas ami. Sfcorw atfciei. pernO iffCZy yK anna'gl. i - C.WH Obi. Prai-f - riluuii.Taa. Ch&w.Elo. JSs r I m of Ae great the extension to Shenandoah .Brace ! , uae iwie h. lfctT. 0. 6. Ja. 394a 3teea, aw This farm is sevea rears old. aad de-! Attention Smokers. T. L. Jones has ordered the largest ene. The capfeife was one ot tnese l . .. . t .a -. a raravon h -K-faam it has been said Blessed is the . ,? rh-t -v-pi,,, t, , of the man who is afraid of no mac, aad of mots favorable fruit JTrowiiresioES in. stock of sae cigars ever broaghi: Trfcom no man is afraid.- the west. D- . this market. Come and see bim- Cash PsM E to Vk m'Ji j. agent. Want batter aad eggs. Highest T2ie:faIsii5t:rnarketTsrice pace nmd by aserfia-a L-wa. paidfbr good-witest at. Glen to SockMiils 43:f JO.STJBPAS.Tfe CG. Oat 1 Gee's. meal ai J. L. Mc strike, all received work at good pay. with one exception, and work did not agree with hmeaastitntxon; and owing: (to the high alritade and fight arir, bzs stay was short with as. retmning from where he rime. Oae of the most disetacme things that a man coaM be gailty of, occurred on the 13 of Jary by one who left LBrownvtSe with what was known as the Brownvffie Meehaaie Mhame Co. in good faith, and had pledged himself to oat forth his best endeavors EohehJ ,p-q SL Loais i Omaha Kae of the Wabash ! Craarres . -vt rrt . I nrwf Ora. 3w & I wTlP. I EH FlXJP !!! IV H-aUlHII. IS n vaH a j . m s .iapw 480 43 Am ss z 92 3 53 180 lt 188 1W 189 180 180 1 80 1 W sajgneao The rouse will be atraiaanit- Iv located bv these sntfemen. Pres "" f3 - - dont Humphreys sad on Thuxsdav eve aingthat the money is not only alieedy provided for baOdiog the Missouri. Iowa & Nebraska from. PrairievfTle !!! II .BlT rv& CWi3.-MKMft ommmA H.MJT . mpes, bat ahm or exsaaimej g to the ( T-MteFfch.Fecic lkbvuu ', ff im..i, - MfnkrM seritt- I ' Dcfc4 FefMOs. S ac Pare Pcueaej. Pitted Cesw ? a Syrep. pir sal (Larg 3 180 lie 63aiM w this State. Qmmkm I satt, yer barreL. sat eo !5 Dociae the moash of iasx AaeaEt , i g tar a Ki-rr lf Jnli 1 5mU mmmn m dw B cyi( f i r q. na. imkir' j nil i jrezaxiTwafc m. wcjtu.iof i5 -SiV..N