Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 23, 1880, Image 4

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I r
Publishers' Notice.
kg AtsTHbtiser Is on sale at the Drug and Book
Store Of A. W. Nlckell.
Local Notices, set as ordinary reading matter
wlllbechargedten cents per line, each insertion
8et In display type. fifteen cents a line.
Authorized Agents.
J "W. Qavitt Is oar authorised agent In Benton
precinct to receive and receipt for monies due us
on subscription.
Wm.Tidbow, at Asplnwall Is our anthorlzed agent
to receive and receipt fur monies due us.
Publishers Advertiser.
What is a "Good" Lodge Meeting?
Wlien we leave a comfortable home,
to spend a few hours at a meeting of
any sort, we are anxious that the time
shall be spent pleasantly, at least, and
manv will add to this the other condi
tion of profitably. But it is almost
impossible to expect the experience of
persons attending a meeting to be uni
form, for what may induce one to feel
that the meeting had been a good one,
will perhaps leave a less marked im
pression upon another. This is partic
ularly so, if the primary object be
amusement in one case, or instruction
in another. That which will amuse
some will fail with others, and that
which proves refreshing and instruct
ive to some will be looked upon as tame
and insipid by others. Our purpose
is to inquire what is generally under
stood by the term "good meeting"
among Good Templars; and what each
one ought to do to secure a good meet-
In a good meeting there will be no
strife. Differences will arise as to
places of action, or methods of accom
plishing certain desires, but the dis
cussions will be such as to leave no un
happy thoughts in the mind after re
suite are reached. Discussion may be
thorough and sifting in its character,
but not personal or vituperative, and
conclusions arrived at will not be per
sonal triumphs, but vindications of the
better reasoning. A pleasant temper
ance debate iB neverso pleasant as when
itisreally instructive, and this it rare
ly can be if it is boisterous and per
sonal. A large turn out is not necessary to
make a good meeting. Every Good
Templar has experienced this truth.
.The attendance being confined to a
limited number, there remains to be
put forth a little more effort on the
part of each to make the hours pass
just-as profitably as if the lodge room
were filled with members. Liny
'lodges, it is to be regretted, rarely ever
have lull meetings, and if they could
be persuaded that the means of making
their slim meetings pleasant and profit
able were in their own keeping, they
would not so often complain of "poor"
meetings. Any twenty-five persons be
longing to the Order of Good Templars,
whose minds are fully made up to do
so, can make every meeting a pleasant
one, by conducting the usual routine
of "business in a careful manner, and
under "Good of the Order," have time
left for an impromptu entertainment,
which will be instructive and encour
aging in its character.
" An initiation is one of the best means
toward making a lodge meeting a good
one. Impressively conducted, we feel
a stronger bond of sympatic for, and
faith in, each other; it thaws the icy
and warms the frigid; it makes the
"hour one of more pleasant social intei
course, and tones down ouv mutual
stubbornness or positivism into conces
sion or accommodation. If the lectures
are delivered with earnest, hearty feel
ing; and the odes are sung with "the
spine ana tne understanding," tne im
pressions of pleasure and gratifications
are felt by all. Then, all subsequent
business and exercises are likely to be
favorably influenced by such an initia
tion, and the members will retire with
the conviction that it was
v good meet-
Good music helps to make a good
meeting. We all love music; and what
is equally true, we all love simple music
the sort that winds around the heart
strings, and mellows and softens the
feelings whether it be instrumental
or vocal, or a combination of both. "We
doubt whether there is a lodge of Good
Templars in existence which does not
have among its members those who
can always supply this craving. But
let us be as choice in our singing as we
are in our drmk discarding that which
does not agree with our temperance
Temperance instruction is absolutely
necessary to make a good meeting, in
the highest accentation of the term. It
may come under Unfinished Business,
iNew Business, or Good of the Order,
but somewhere in the evening it must
have a place. The lodge room is a
temperance school, a temperance meet
ing, not a social gathering, or a musical
soiree. As a temperance institution,
we might rightl' subordinate and m
corporate many other things with it,
but it is rankest folly to place them
higher than the grave, all-important
plane to total abstinence. If we were
asked what has caused so many lodges
to die, we would truthfully answer,
"because temperance was subordinated
to less important matters, and these
lodges were social resorts instead of
being temperance school houses, pro
mulgating the doctrines of our Order.
"Wo have the church, that is a distinct
institution; Ave have the various schools
of learning, they .are distinct institu
tions; Ave nave tne places or amuse
ments, and they are distinct institu
tions, and avo demand that the lodge
room snail bo distinctly recognized :is
a school Avhere temperance instruction
shall be faithfully administered as the
supreme object, and Avhatever auxiliar
ies are used shall be kept in subordina
tion to that object. Do this, brothers
and sisters, and your meetings Avill al
Avays be good ones. JIassain's Read
ings ami Recitations.
How He Got Ahead of Providence.
Many vears ago there lived in Salem.
Conn., an eccentric man named Amasa
Xilborn, about Avhom numberless
stories are told to this day. On one
occasion in summer he had a five acre
lot of choice grass, cut and spread out
to dry. In the afternoon a shoAver
came up and drenchedit. Thenext day
the hay Avas spread out to dry. An
other shower came up and drenched it.
On the third day after the hay had
been properly dried and raked into
winroAvs, a cloud pillar moved up over
the Avestern horizon, and a distant
growl of thunder echoed from the
hills. ICilborn was mad. lie looked
at the hay and looked at the cloud.
"Run up to the house, boy," he said, in
a voice trembling Avith resentment,
"and bring down a firebrand; quick,
now!" The boy asked no questions.
He came back Avitha blazing torch, and
Kilborn touched off each winroAV.
"There," said he; "I'll see if this hay
will get wet again P
Jefferson Davis Avill complete iiis
"History of the Civil "War in America"
this fall.
A Very Cleverly Gotten tip and meet Val
uable Text-Book of PoUticaltfnformation,
Giving allloneiWants to Know in a But
shell. From Uie.CUttsagaTImea.
Railroad advertising is becoming:
more and more an art, and no road is
demonstrating it to a clearer purpose
than the Baltimore & Ohio. To com
bine quiet and unobstrusive advertis
ing of the advantages of a lina Avith
information of such value as to make
one forget the fact that it is an adver
tisment, is indeed a clever thing, and
it is just this that is accomplished by
the B. & O. Red Book. Various roads
from time to time have essayed the
publication of political, statistics, but
as a rule they have been the work sim
ply of copying. It has remained for
the B. & 0. to prepare and issue a lit
tle work Avhich, for exhaustive inform
ation, for concise statement of results
and for handv and instant reference,
is unequaled to day by any of the more
pretentious and complicated political
textbooks. It gives for each State wii:ir. ji man Avishes to learn at a
glance. The vote of each party for
President in 1STG, with total vote, ma
jority and electral vote. . The vote of
each'party at the latest State election,
with total vote and majority. The
political complextion of the Legisla
ture, Senate and House in each State,
and if a U. S. Senator is to be elected
it is stated. The result in every Con
gressional District is set forth, and in
foot notes the facts and figures are giv
en in such shape as to admit ot a per
fnpfc concent ion of the situation in the
different districts. To wind up with
the population of the State in 1870 is
shown, and the vote for President in
1S72 given Avith the ratio of the total
vote to the population of 1S70. The
latest obtainable facts from the Census
Bureau are noted and an esli mate made
ofthe probable A'ote'of each State this
fall. It is evident that much time has
been spent upon the compilation and
general details, and as it was the labor
of a former ATell know journalist of
large experience in political statistics,
its correctness is, beyond question.
There is not the slightest vestige of
partisan bias in the book, figures and
facts beimr stated without coloring or
comment. The little Avork is a gem
typographically, being from the press
of Knight & Leonard, Baltimore. The
cover is an exquisite thing, the design
and engraving being by the American
Bank Xote Company of Xew York.
Throughout it is an exceedingly elegant
and artistic book, the fine and perfect
taste displayed being certainly Avell
woithy of emulation. The Red Book
is not on sale, but can be had for the
mere trouble of making the request for
it to C. lv. Lord, Baltimore, Mil. A
postal card or note to that gentlemen
will be followed by the prompt receipt
of the book, Avhich is beyond all com
parison the handiest and most compre
hensive political text-book of the cam
Senator; Blaine Analyzes Them.
Senator Blaine the census
frauds in his own characteristic way as
'The situation is a very grave one.
Four and a half million of negroes in
the South gave thirty-five representa
tives in Congress, and thirty-five elect
ors of President and Vice President,
and yet the negroes have no voice in
choosing either representatives or elec
tors. The result, is, as 1 have taken
occasion elsewhere to demonstrate,
that the vote of a Avhite man in the
South, even Avith an honest count, is
immensely more inilunential and po
tential than the vote of a Avhite man
in the North, and the vote of a Confed
erate soldier is immensely more influ
ential than the Arote of a Union soldier,
even in fixing the rate of pension for
the Avidow and orphan. In Georgia
the Avhite man exercises :is much po
litical influence as three Avhite men in
Pennsvh'ania. In Mississippi four
Confederate soldiers in a national elec
tion offset the votes of nine Union
soldiers in Xew England. To this in
equality, already existing, galling and
unendurable in character as it is, the
fraudulent census Avill add a still great
er and still deeper and still more tin
endurable one. The suppression ofthe
negro A'ote and the usurpation by the
Avhite man of the representation found
ed on it is the result of the systematic
violence Avhich has pre'ailed in the
South. The recent enumeration by
Avhich 3,000.000 of imaginary people
are to be added to the South is the
most gigantic achievement of fraud
that Avas ever attempted in the Avorld
under the form of law.
"The question now is, how can Ave of
the Xorth and "West, the great body of
legal States, meet and destroy the dar
ing attempt to undermine the founda
tions and remove the landmarks of
honest government. The first duty in
hand is to beat the Democratic party.
It is the ally and the servant of that
Southern power Avhich is to profit In
the fraudulent enumeration of the peo
ple. The plain proposition is to usurp
the representative and electoral rights
of 4,r00,000 iipgroes and then to add to
it the representatiA'e and electoraf
strength of 3,000,000 of fraudulent and
fictitious names of people avIio are in
graA'eyards, or never were born, and in"
the power of these 7,300,000 of people
Avrongfully seized and added to the
Democratic column, the hope is to de
feat the Republican partv, and hence
the Democratic party seems to have
made up its mind to beat the census
According to the Omaha Herald the
Republican party arrived at power
"after sixty years struggle Avith the
good democrats "who made the country
Avhat it is." The Herald is correct ex
cept in two minor particulars. It took
the Republican party, Avhich Avas or
ganized in 1836, just four years to get
big enough to whip the Democrats, al
though the latter were reinforced bv
the Southern whigs. And the Demo
cratic party didn't exactly make the
nation what it is, but what it w:is in
18(51, Avhen it was on the verge of dis
solution, its credit gone, its navy scat
tered to the four Avinds, its forts and
munitions of Avar stolen, and its stand
ing army banished to Texas Avhere it
had been arranged it should be sur
rendered in a body by Pillow, through
the conspiracy between the Buchanan
government and the secessionists.
Verily the Democratic party has rea
son to be proud of the pitch of glory
to Avhich it brought this government,
and the thriving condition of things
when it was kicked out of "Washington
by the young men of the country who
had determined to save the union, and
rescue the old flag from the conspiracy
of northern doughfaces and southern
slave drivers against it.
"What the country is now, though
there is still room for improA-ement, is
quite a different thing from Avhat it
Avas when it escaped from the deadly
grip of the Democracy in 2SG1. State
School supplies at Nickell's.
Greenhacker Wants
Gen. E. X. Bates, avIio Avasthe green
back candidate for state treasurer
in Illinois in 1S7S, is out in a strong
letter for Garfield and Arthur. "In
this campaign," says that gentleman in
his letter, the vital question is not one
of labor or currency, but Avhether or
not Ave are to have a national govern
ment, Avhether or not the men avIio
fought for and preserved that govern
ment during the great peril shall ad
minister it. For three years I Avas in
the union army, and to the best of my
ability aided in the defense of the na
tional cause. For fifteen months I
Avas a union prisoner of Avar in Libby
and other southern prisons. Since the
close of the Avar, I have, by my voice
and by my vote, co-operated Avith those
Avhose purpose seemed to be to main
tain the principles for Avhich the war
Avas fought, and to guard the rights of
all the people as secured, .especially by
the last three amendments to the con
stitution of the United States. I shall
not knowingly co-operate Avith those
avIio Avould depai t from these principles
or overthrow the rights guaranteed in
those amendments.
"In my judgment no greater ppril
ever threatened the union cause than
that Avhich threatens it to-day. I could
not, as a union soldier, and a believer
in the equality of the rights of all men,
be indifferent to this national danger
if I Avould, and I Avould not if 1 could.
There are practically only tAvo national
tickets in this political contest. Either
Hancock and English, nominated and
supported by a solid south, or Garfield
and Arthur, nominated and supported
by liberty-loving, law-abiding unionists
north and south,, will be elected presi
dent and vice-president of the United
States for the next four years. I have
slated reasons, conclusive to my mind.
Avhy I cannot support the former. I
need state only a few Avhy I shall sup
port the latter.
"The republican party has a record
of tAvcnty years in behalf of liberty and
loyalty. It has showii itself the advo
cate and defender of free speech, free
education, free labor and free homes.
It has exemplified its devotion to this
line of policy by selecting James A.
Garfield as its candidate for president,
lie is to the people of tills country in
1SS0 AVhat AUranam JLincoin Avas in
1S00 an example of the possibilities
open to every boy and to every man in
this nation. Springing from poverty
and obscurity by his own labor and
diligence, integrity and ability, lie has
raised himself to the present high po
sition, and has demonstrated his fitness
for the still higher trusts of the office
of chief magistrate, to Avhich he has
been nominated. I believe that a con
tinuation of the present unparalleled
prosperity of the country, the protec
tion of the rights of all the people, and
the stability of the national union can
only be secured by the success of the
republican party in this campaign. I
therefore tender to that party, through
you, Avhatever service by pen, or voice,
or vote, I may be able to render fiom
this hour until the close of the presi
dential campaign."
A Boarding House Eomance.
His name Avas Moses Sparrow. He
Avas very green, That was the idea
Avhich always came into Miss Page's
mind Avhen she looked at her country
landlady's son. Such a rustic youth
with such fair hair, wornlong.such big
blue eyes, such sloping shoulders, such
a lamb-like expression. And, being
there at the farm-house, whither she
had been sent to spend the summer
months, the city belle resolved that she
would try her poAvers of fascination
upon the boy, avIio struck her as so good
a subject for flirtation, in which all the
fun was to be on her side and all the
sentiment on his. And at it she Avent,
beginning with a smile, a look, a Avord,
and rejoicing to see the fish bite so
readily She enjoyed herself very much
until she grew tired of it; and then she
decided on breaking the heart she had
won, and enjoy the crash. So she lur
ed him out in the garden and made
him sit beside her on the bench under
the Avistarias, and said: "I'm going
home next Aveek. I shall send you wed
ding cards when I am married. I am to bo
married to a rich old gentlemen next
winter." Then she Avaited to see him
drop at her feet; but he did not drop.
He only said: ""Wal, I'm real glad! I
kinder felt afraid I'd been goin' to far
Avith you. I'm a sort o' butterfly, flit
tin' from floAver to llower, you know ;
and I hev llirted Avith yon, I du alloAV.
I was afraid you'd go off into a decline
or suthin' you seemed to set so much
on me if you beared sudden-like that
me and Ane Maria Avas keepin, steady
company. But, hiAV, sence you're goin'
to be married there ain't noharmdone!
I shouldn't hev liked you to drown
yourself, like t'other summer boarder
did, in the mill-pond. She had my
photograph in her pocket Avhen she
was fished out." Then he smiled at Miss
Page, and she arose and sailed away
from him Avith great dignity. But
Moses sat Avithin the arbor a Avhile
longer, anil laughed so loudly that his
mother heard him in the kitchen, Avhere
she Avas sprinkling clothes, and thought
that old owl in the woods Avas hooting
louder than ever that night.
As a representative citizen of Ne
braska, Senator Paddock lias honorably
and acceptably filled his seat in the
United States senate. As a man of
ability, he has done all that laid in his
power to further the interest of the
state and promote its prosperity. As
a statesman, he compares most favor
ably Avith those sent to congress by old
er and more powerful common Avealths.
He has proven to be a trustworthy and
has acted Avith studied consideration
on every point that could bo carried
for the betterment and enhancement
of the interest of the homesteader. In
the face of this, there has sprung up
an opposition to him. The leading ele
ment in such opposition invariably
comes from a class of sore-heads and
disappointed office-seekers men avIio
are opposed to him simply because
the' cannot further their OAvn ends and
schemes by Avorking in the interest of
his re-election.
Not one of Senator Paddock's ene
mies can show Avherein ho lias failed
to accomplish all for his constituents
that could reasonably be expected of
him. None of his bitter enemies can
bring against him charges that Avould
lessen him in the estimation of intelli
gent voters. No complaints of dishon
esty has been brought against him. He
is free from complications to rob the
tax-payer and laboring man, and. has
proven impartial to all interests alike.
Looking at his record in congress, no
fair-minded man can bring forward
and substantiate reasons Avhy Senator
Paddock should not be his OAvn suc
cessor. It is the interest of Nebras
ka's future prosperity to retain in the
United States senate a man who is hon
est, even if he is not gifted in oratory
equal to a feAV aspirants avIio are noAv
parading their oratorical powers be
fore a suffering public, in hope they
may, by hook or crook, be able to win
the coveted honor of United States
senator from Nebraska. Republican
I City Enterprise.
We Mean GurstI, Hot ftoly Believed
And Can JFrocc What tee Claim.
ggTltcroaren f.tili;re nnl no 'JP.
poittliiicitt. If Ju iiret rtm hlett wtHa
SICK SlTVIlAt'tEsTzMiiiVaii lie ca.sia unit
.juirUI.v fiircd. ;ts Iiiilnirotlg Imtc been
tslrcatfy- Wr sltltll In iIraM?il lomnil :t
sheet of testimonial to auy Inlgronteil.
Also cirp il' forms of .Biliousness, prevent Consti
pation :!! Dtspepsli. promote Digest. on. relieve
(Mitres lro:n"i(A hearty eatlttjr, correct Disotders
of the Mom tell, htimulritc t!n Liver, nnd Kesu-l.itt-lln
Knurls. Thevdoall th.s !y taking Just
one l.ttlr piil at a doe. They arc p.'tre!y vegeta
ble, do nnt cripeor t"iri;o. nnd uro as nearly per
fect as it is possible lor :t pill to lie. Priii S"i cents,
r.. ft ... II .( i . t .i- i.r. r fliii.fir.i lit iiV lnn.ll .
'ABTr asi::r::vE'co., ekif, pa-
Sold by A. W. NlcUell.
Defensive Mi (Mention.
Ts n precaution which should never be nPRiccted
when danger is preei't. anil ihereforea conrs-e ol
the Hitter Jt this season h particularly desirutilc.
especially for the Teehle and sickly. As a remedy
lor biliousness, dyspepsia, nervousnf ss. and bowel
cuinplaiiiis, there H nolliiiiK' comparable to thM
wholesome restorative, for sale by all drnttKl&ts
and dealers generally. August.
Neatly nnd promptly done by
Shop .1 doors e:istof I' Olfii'e.
"What are Ave to do?" says Toombs,
of Georgia. "We can't put in one of
our men t his time and have to take a
Yank." But he adds with significant
emphasis, speaking for the solid South:
"You may depend upon it, sir, that
'Yank' or no 'Yank,' if elected, the old
boys of the South will see thatllancock
does the fair thing by them. In other
words, he Avill run the machine to suit
them, or they will run the thing them
selves. They are not going to be played
with any longer."
That is it precisely. The "old boys
of the south". nominated Hancock be
cause they knew he Avould be a pliant
tool in their hands, and if he is elected
they "will see that he does the fair
tiling by them." In other Aords, to
continue the quotation, "he Avill inn
the machine to suit them, or they Avill
i un the thing themselves." Toombs is
a representative southern democrat
Avhose authority to speak for the party
in the south is unquestioned and un
questionable. Xo comment can add to
the significance of his Avords. The
south expects and intends through the
election of Hancock to come into com
plete control of the government and
will then proceed to justify and enforce
the doctrines of state rights and seces
sion, nullify the Avar amendments to
the constitution, appropriate millions of
money for the payment of rebel claims
growing out of the war, refund the cot
ton tax, pay the confederate debt out of
the National treasury and put rebel
soldiers on the pension rolls. This is
Avhat the south means by "running the
machine to suit itself," and it only
awaits the election of Hancock to enter
upon the programme it has mapped out.
How do northern tax-payers like the
Minor, the Humboldt editor of the
Weirs, in his account of Grandmother
Tipton's speech, says: "He reverted to
the history of the Republican party
from its lirst organization to the pres
ent tune in all its corruption and ras
cality." Tipton Avas a member of the
party until a Republican president re
fused his incompetent son an appoint
ment to a foreign mission, and then he
suddenly discovered that the party Avas
corrupt. If there was any corruption
in the Republican party, Tipton joined
in it, and that he participated in any
rascality that came along, no person
avIio knows him will doubt. Falls City
Afternoon naps are Avhat keep Bis
marck in health. German physicians
advise that people Avho eat much
should sleep much, and thev sav that
sleep is necessary for people whose
nerves are overworked. In Germany
the heavy meal of the day is taken at
noon, and the after-dinner nap Avill of
course become popular, now that Bis
marck has been advised to take one.
Pithy Address. One of ilm finest
specimens of laconic speech is that of
-uocnejacquenn to ms soiuiers: it l
adA'ance, follow me; if I fall, avenge
me; if I Hindi, kill me."
The Rev. Thomas lv. Beecher, a
brother of Henry Ward Beecher, has
been nominated for Congress by the
Greenbackers of the Elmira (N. Y.)
More money made off the cod than
off any other fish in America. The sal
mon comes next, and then the mackerel
and herring, in order.
The amount of Butter now made in
Ioawi creameries is estimated at 50,000,
000 pounds per annum.
Miraculous Power.
The Forest and Stream has It: "To preserve
health use AVnrner's eafe remedies. These
are almost of xalrarnlou power in remov
ing diseases for which recommended. The
wonderful curative qulltles they are pos
sessed of is vouched for by tens of thous
ands." Jlortpaes,
Mortgage Deeds.
Chattlo Mortgages,
AA'arranty Deeds,
Quit Clntm Deed,
Always In Stock, al the
S8& IIESspa
M li-J !?!"
0 H g
it IPapex in.
Its history is co-equal and co-extensive Avith that of
In politics it is an
Free to do right, free to approve honesty or denounce, corruption,
because no political or religous ring or clique owns any part or parcel in
it and it owes indorsement to no man except to him who has acquired
the right to be indorsed by discharging his duties well and honestly as a
private citizen or a public official.
THE ADVERTISER believes in Free Thought, Free Schools, Free
Politics, and the broadest individual liberty, consistent Avith the rights o
others; and that every individual, South, North, East and West, should
be protected in the enjoyment of those rights by the General Govern
ment in obeyance to the guarantees of the National Constitution.
o, Unocal Paper,
The publishers of THE ADVERTISER labor assiduously, and Avith
unremitting industry, to make it a success. Without prejudice or par
tiality for or against any particular
all; and anything a newspaper can do for theadvancement of the gener
al prosperity, THE ADVERTISER is not only willing, but anxious to
do. Beleving in
Jfl CB V JL3L CSlJjI.JL'Ua. S'KJ' B-. JLJk. fUJL. 5
and that the prosperity ofthe one depends more or less upon the other,
Ave can consistently work for the prosperity of all.
As an evidence that we labor to give our readers an honest paper, and
the most and greatest variety of reading matter possible, we invite atten
tion to the columns of our paper, anJ comparison as to quantity and qual
ity, with any other weekly in the State not made up from the matter of a
daily. We are determined to make THE ADVERTISER a paper that
the people will seek for, and receive full value for the money invested
in it.
Tliat the Best Place in Nebraska to Iray
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Gents Furnishing
Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, 'Shawls,
Fine Family Groceries, j) edieines, and all other goods
usually kept in general J erchandise, is at
a 5 n Ea p p f&
llilllj n
nlisoivi I BgBfcLBin
Who is now receiving
. y .1. I
ighest Market Price
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
At Brownville, Nebraska
Missouri River.
Bates Zo w Camps Shady,
Jioads Good,
Indemnity Ample,
Connects with all Trains.
Address or call on
Tolan F. Lyon.
At MARSH HOUSE, Fridays and Saturdays
of each week.
435-Privllege given of payingoff loan,ore&
CJ-nny considerable part, at anyo3
CSrtltno interest falls due.-ga
IB A 5S "P ET F A eoiaprtent bsitaeu ram ta ct
WW -il I CU coanty in the L. 5. to sell iht
"CjftopKUa. f "Sl'if north kaoobi; bjt julscripuoa.
To inch men. wrfk 500J refereacn, we rnreuk tie ontflt frrc
xcd ;ne terms thit will Insure a worker arer $100 x nonlh.
Addren liTEK J ATtOi AL 11.K. 1 fr. 11,2, St. Louu, He
sim til P3lWiSR!P - - -
mii . - j . i- -?S ??r . ' . tt "
1 1 lLaip
localities, they desire the welfare of
xi cri c-.4
k A m h i a K W
the most complete and
Pi B733 8
is Oonxplcte.
for Butler and Eggs,
!&. Uiioy BsB V tfioUB
IjOS3 oPPtitg, . ITausea, bpycj? costivo,
Pain lnttojaiijvitvcjbe'nsatiojajui
ine pack partrP-ununoreiaoulder-
aliide, lullneGj alter eatin x. T.-iLfa. a aisin-
jPi?: -5-Z?F'. 3,Pt2-aPro tne eyes
Ifeiiow SlanrHeada'cheT'neatlessness ai
night, highly colored Urine.
TUTT'S PUIS arc especially adapted to
snch cosch, onodose clJcctsuach achango
of feeling ns to astonish tliesnfferer.
A Med Diving says:
Dr. TUTT Dear Sir: For ten rears IhtTO been
martjTtoDypepeia,Constip&tionaodPiIes. Last
SpnnsjrourPi s wero recommended: I nsed then.
Irn nowatrellmin.hare gool appetite, digestum
perfect, rcealar stools, p.Ies and hare pained
lorti ponadf fleb Thry cro won h t heir weigh t in gold
They Increase iLc Appetite, and canse tha
body to Talio on FIcsb. thna the ejstcm is
nourished, cud Toy their Tonic Action on the
Digestive Orcans,Koilar JHtooIiarc pro
duced. Prifc25renls. 333lK.-aySt..N.Y.
Csat If vit oit "WnisKEES chanced to a Glosst
1JLACS IT a Einijio fcppjcaiion 01 aa uic it la-
parts a r.nrai ioior. ccis insianuneousiy. 00.11
6? Dnweist. r s"nt by exp-esa en receipt of I.
Office, 35 Murray St., New York.
If. Bell Andrews.
L. IT. Foster
Physicians & Surgeons,
Xemaha City, IVeb.
All calls promptly attended nigh t or day
Dr. Andrews makes Chronic and Surgical
Disea-ses of women n specially. Also, it edl
cal and Snrglcal Disea-ses of the eye. Hav
ing had special training In surgery, and a
large and varied practice in acute and chron
ic disease, tumors, bone diseases, old nlcers,
granulated sore eyes, fibroid and ovarian tu
mors, female weakness, and diseases ofthe
heart, lungs, throat etc References of oper
ations performed, and cures effected in cases
prononjc'l tow-JJ -- - - ' Ki.
i il rs fp
fee p HivajJj ' V
1&fr Qf al l- L&
1 ea
Is not a Vibrator nor an Apron Machine
la wonderfully simple and admirably perfect In its
threshing' and separating- qualities. Saves all
tho grain, and cleans it ready for market.
Rnns easily, la constructed durably.a finished.
beautifully, is the most economical, least expen
sive, and most satisfactory machine in tho
market. Will handle wet grain as well as dry-.
Has no equal In threshin pr flax and timothy, thresh
ing and cleaning' both as well and nearly as rapidly
aa wheat, and requires no change except the sieves'.
Mas more tquarejeet qf $jaratin and cleaning r
faee than any other machine made, and can not b
overloaded. Is both over- and under-blast Our
new and very desirable. Does tho work moro
rapidly and better than an exclusively Hulling'
Machine. . . ...
SEPARATORS of the various dzea fitted for
Steam or Ilorte rovrr, as desired.
An Improved Pitts Power, an Improved
Woodbury Power, and the Elward Enuai-lzing-
Power, all mounted on four wheels, aro
manufactured, by U3, and are not surpassed by any
m the martet.
"We are also prepared to furnish first-class
Portable Engines with our Separators.
For Price-list and Circulars, address
Manufacturers, Stillwater, Minn.
,,s. A WFEIC In j our own iuwii. an
fa no capital risked. You can glv
a "the builness a tr'al without ex
KS pense. 'I he ben o portunliy ever
M Kj oiren-d fur lh( se wi'Iins to work
lHou should try notl.l.iK cNo until
-' you see for yourself vt hat j ou can
o nt the busings we offer. Xo room to explain
ere. Youcan'evotealI -our time or only your
pare time to thi business, ami maVe grea pay for
very hour that vou work Women make as much
is men. Send for sp'cl ' private terms nnd partlc
ninr wlili'h u-i nnvll free, i" 111. Hit free. Don t
complain or Jinrd tiirr-i whl'e Ji n have." such .
rhnriri Artrtrevor. HAI LITTAl o . porllnud. .M
f .,.. Vw. TtlnnA TntlTA. UTtA CtfmnT.ltf
every function to more healthful action, and is
thus a benefit In all diseases.
natural and necessary result Is the cure orscror
ulous and other Skin Eruptions and Diseases,
including Cancers, Ulcers and other Sores.
Dysoe psia. Weakness of theStomach.Constl-
patfori. Dizziness, General Domiuy. etc, ara
. tr..- - vt..M Tf l noon!itprl
cureu Dy me saic ;- . - -
as an appetizer and regular tonic
It is a medicine which should bolnevery fam
ily, and which, wherever used, will save tho
payment of many doctors bills.
Bottles of two sizes; prices, 50 cents ana h,
Safe Ke me
dics are sold
Iy Druggists
and Dealers
in Medicine
Rochester. Jf.TT.
prrcnrl fnT Pltmnhlt
and Testimonials.
Tnls machine Is cnarantced in its present com meetthewunt of every liou'chod fo
either domestic or fuiic work; Is simple and dura
hie in construction, easily kept in repair, and wll
knit astocKlnr; with beef and toe complete in from
5 to 10 minutes, and articles of any desired shape, m-iterlal can be easily and quickly knit on
mis macuine. iiiemacnineis warranted looem
perfect order and to do Just what is represented.
Each machine Is nccompanled by n book of Full 11
lustratrd Instruction by w hich any onecan learn to
operate them. OOOb AGEXTS WAKTFI) with
whom the best terms will be made. All orders and
communications should be addresed to
I)A.A JJICKFOKI), Tres'tand Gen'l Act.
19yl UVJ Broadway. Xew Yark.
An .ntip.f. V.wiml nn.itiv! .fflptivtt
I Kemede far the tpeedr ind Dermsnent
cure of Beminal .Emissions ana impoiency cy ue oniy
trn tTp vis.. lmvl Application to tbm priaapuScmt tbe Pucue. Tarn
lue of ue tr&tA, is stteiHl4 with do pain or tscoBTeame., tad 6mt Bel
laterfart with the orrtintf? porfnas ef life. This mode of rmtsieot see
etooil the test in eery severe ceiel. st is e peeaoonctd soeeese. There
la ao Boaseneo aboot this preparation. Practical etecratloa ecablM as to
positively guarantee that It vU giro perfect eatiafaetJon. It la eoo
ceded by the Medical ITefesslois to be the most rational ceaes Tet dieoev
eredof reachiag and conac this eery preralent troBble. ThelUmedy lei
B.t.etaMh.a.tan.Ks . N. I (iMti.f a WMthl.13. lT3(Mf3Mt le
iriiii..iii.lim eiliMn f t, Nf.3llMi.MrUiMkwhL
"T I'll i-iii Tin ' pi.ii.i.1 r Ba bf eaaJ. e.W4
lu. .ie ran nrtiM. Le awae wwrr a Wa.
yHMi e . n P. .eut imi .Sua i
1.1... lb. anil t..ti.l Uu tkar .. b. vw. 4 a a.rft.1 ataatiit. I
tel be ik. e.tM. U br.. mm. ae if a.. afiVMit. B.M rf Bje eL
. . It- 1
jiaraiCa anix one otrccia, oa. aiwuao. jiw
Unoltcitel tefttimnny to the Efllcacu of
Prof. JInrr in' bruit mil I'liHtillef.titketx
from Letter receivctl front I'atronat
Indiana. April Ilth, 1S79. The remedy is working perfectly.
Had epiler y from weakneee. for eight years rast.
Chicaro, Asr. 11, 1579. I in thoroothly cured and feel tip
top. The Toupr. ran in Ihe couoirr is eettipg better.
Jlliwnri. Sept. IS, 1879. I receieetl so moeh benefit from the
use of jour remedies that 1 want to try them m another case.
Tlus js of lonr; standing, snd will need something eery strons;.
Mich.. Jan. 23, 1679. I baee nsed op your packareof medi
cine; tend me another as sooa as pombte. That piekire
topped all apparent trouble, but there n wesknees jet, and
1 wish jou would prepare this lot for Ihe cure of that.
Iowa, Oct. 10th. IST9 I am almost surprised at jour Fas.
titles. They hare worked Ilka a charm on me. I am juet
twic? as much of a man as 1 was before taking;. I was on tha
verre of the rrne, I thought, and there was no cure for me,
but now 1 am id rood hope, of cure.
Weil Virginia, Aug. 2", 1679. I rreeired your medicine, and
I believe it bas cured me, f.r which I am eery thankful. In
closed please End $3, for which please send me another box
(No. 2) for a friend. Von have done a great thing for me. t
Will send jou all tie orders I ran.
FVo in a JtViisieaM nnd JiMrocoit.
Missouri. Jane 26th. 1379. f I cue forward me at oece another
Vol of the Pastilles. The patient on whom I hare used most of
one box. in addition to a sample box, is fist recoTeriBg, and 1
think another will set him all right-
Froin a Drti ao
Maryland, Sept. 2, 1679. Last January we got from ye
box of jour remedy, for one of our customers, and it has made
L perfect cure of him. We hate another customer now suffer
i. ia the suae way, and wish by return sail oca ho. J box.
ZriiU!:icil3i7 at 12 IT. Ell Street. 37. LCTO, HO.
THE PbjtkUns 10 chart; of this oU and well knoira iottl
tuttoa are regular graduate in roedicice anJ turjery. Yewt
ef Expericaee 10 the treatment of tbroale Wa have mido
their k.." itvl ability so much superior to that of the ordinary
practitioner, that they have acquired a national rep static a
throne h their treatment ff complicate J eawt.
grtglCTfiTf3 argrri,rt.-t-.;nJrw- -r . ingSUC
sna.aies as jpeillla, tionorrbea, Ole.t, Mrleture, Urrhltia, ail
Crtaary Trouble, and Sjphtlltie or M errarlal alfeebons or tha
throat, akin or bone, treated with success, on scientific prin
ciples wi'hoot rjsinr Mercury or other Poisonous Medicines.
YnllNP. IVI P N and those of middle age who are auf.
Illllll Ilil l" I il II t"W frcm tht eff"t of Spermator
rhea or AetBlnal nraaness, the rtsnlt of self-abuse in youth
or excess In matured rears are permaeently cured. This dis
ease produces tome of the fo 'owing effects emistiont, tfcxct ef,
dixtiness, nerrouisess, d miess of liht. cough, indigestwo,
constipation, despondency, corfnston of tdeaa. asersion to so
ciety, defectue memory, sexual exhalation, impotrney or Ion
of manly eiror, which unfits the eietim f r businees or marriage.
PnT EN TS TKhA 1 -u ?r ""'" ""5."
i bat wkere cossiLle.
personal consultatioa is preferred, whicn is FIXCB a&d irsit
ed. last of questions to be answered by patients desiring treat.
meat mailed free tn any address on apjl irallon.
y rVrtene snlferiBr from Itaptaraaheald send their addressV
and Iens aomethieg la tbelr adianta-r. It fa not a Imt,
Commnniear nseirictyconfuientia ,a dslI i be addressed
Bit. JJUTTS, ISAorth btit St., St. LouU. Mo.
A large, new and complete Guide to Wed
lock, coutaining, with many others, the fol
lowing chapters i A Con-petent Womanhood.
i Selection of Wife, Temperaments. coooatibla
and incompatible. Sterility in Women, canse and treatment.
Adsicetouridgrocm, Aceice to Musoands, jtavice to ises,
Prostitution, its causes. Celibacy and Matrimony compared,
Coaiegal Ihitl. CaaflaeBeeat, Loeo Bad Ceartsa-B. Impednaeats to Mae
reare, cieneeof lUprodaetkia, &sr Life eeaaVlered. Lav of atamace aad
Dtrdeeo. Wal rights af surried veaes, ete.. iaetudisx Diaeaass pocviiae
to Woesea. their caoaea and treataaoot. A. bck far Beieato aad eooMleraia
reading, of tlz rAe. vtth faU Plato Eseraeiags, hj saail, soad,Uata.
On SypnUle. Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Stricture. Varico
cele, ic also on 8permatorrhce3. Sexual Debility.
aad Impotency. from Setf-Atuie and Excesses, cassiog-
DemlBalCxaiaaioaa,errotaaeBe. arerswBtaSoCMtT.FhjaieallVeaj.Zliar
Beaafoirh.Ieretieo3feaMrT. LaMeseXGal asaUaf asaa.
stare improper se uaaacee. girlBg traaeneat.aada rteaUBBoy ralBaaiaroo.
Ipee far theesrs of all pnrato diaesaes: I parrs, osar 51 plates, SO cob
KeiJal AItUs,' lerfzrs k Kirii 4 7Teii::l, lft.
FOR ONE DOLLAR " " " "r" tf tb'
fnp; Ji iiii naii,asaaaBiaaaasBwa bore desenhed books, nice
If oouiaa To oee soiiu&e, coaui&mg 53G pages, and oser 10O
illustrationa. The combined volume is pesitisely the most
popular Medical Book putliahed. The author is an experi.
enced phjsicua of many years practice, (as ta welt known).
and tho adneo teea. aad rmlM for trearaeat tana devB. will to found of
great raloa to ttooo suSrrief from rapurstieo of the rrstrn. early errors,
east eigor. or azrcf tho trobleo eomiaf ader tho bead of "PaUraTX"
or -CHBOSIC E-ae Pootare suczps taken la pastoral for boeka.
BjBsaBcaBaBBj in !t7, ceres
from impura sexual asooctatioas. lf abuse or scxnal excesses
Patisnla treated by mail and ezpress. Where possible, per
sonal consultation is preferred, which Is free and invited. Ques
tions to te answered bj patients desiring treatment mailed free
to any address en arr legation. Tor books or treatment address
DR. BUTTS, 12 North 8th SU St. Loula, Mo.
cnro&ic oiscaoea and complicatea cases, aad diseases resaltme
foly described with fcienfifie mod
cf enre Ir f llama Illustrated
pamp! et sent frte on apcaUo2.
Saarg UcaalsU, dlh A JIarkrt SU,
(t. Louis, ilo.
I Bl fti sjfei M ssS! M
I 1 II W mm gy,l'l
Tim .iirf-f-.tH
TTho Oldest Paper in St.
Jofcsepli nlt:IieJL.eiiling,r
I?iipcx in "tlio Grettt
TV est. '
rowlnltsTventy-fIrst volume the Herald las
been a uccessrul unr! influential paper from f a
day it was founded, and its publishers are Ceter
nilnetl to maintain its established reputation an
Tlie abiest advocate or good moral
iiml correct principles.
The most reliable Xcwspnper.
Tile most desirable business paper
for business men
And the best Xcvvgpapcr for all class
The Dally Herald having been recently pnlanc
ed and being printed on clear, new type, and 1 r
facilities for obtaining news being constant'v in
creased. It will continue t maintain Its pu n
anions the best and ablest papers In the couutry,
and the
Oneor the Important feature? of tbe Hern Id m !
that which makes 't especially alunble. if nrt Ir
dlipensable to business men. is the full, comp.ete
and Reliable FtTarket Reporls,
which are every day found In Its columns and
w high lirgely govern the srartsactioiihoi" a
anilde.ilersin.stock.RpvinamlprodirceofaU ki s
The business man who dos not avail hmit " f
theknowledgeoontalned in theed iilvcinn vr j.1
reiKirts.:ad whndnesniit kep posteil In the d' y
liurtimttotw or the markets is at the mercy o- U e
more enterprisuie traders. In many cases hr,
dreds of dollars are lost tlmt rofhtn saved b n
vesting .Nine Dollars; a ear fiirthcDnitr lit. raid-
Dollar J-leralcl,
as Its mme Indicates. Is published at the low pr co
oftlNi: l)l)l.l,AK a jetr and Is mmled tt st S
scrlhers uitDoutaddliii'titltswtt fiir poi?e. It s
tho best nnd cheapest Weekly Taper published In
the West. ctintnlnliiK
.Ml t llr lmnnrmnl Sf J-r ot tile Cfllc.
Pure nnd Intcrct Int; l.lteriture.
And a roinjilelc llcvlew ofthe Gen
eral Market.
.o otlierPaprrl so Desirable, 90 Sat
isfactory nnd Cheap,
? inscriptions to the MO 1.I.A It 11 F K A I.D must
be pi tl Invar l. in iidvawe and the paper w!.l
b promptly disContlnuetl at the etpiralion o( iLu
timepaid for.
One doll a r fo roue yea r.
Fifty cents for six months
Al Vostrra'tersaremir snfr oril aitents to re
cel - O sr.d forward subscriptions. Address
FRANK l TRACY, Manager,
ST. JOSEPH, iv rex.
'Studylnt: the subject objectively and from U.e
educational point or view seeking- to provl 'p tl t
which. taken .iltngether. wlllbeot tfcenintser 1
to the lar-cest number I Ion 3jto concluded tfa , f
I could I ave but one work for a public Iinrtr I
would select a complete set of JTtvrper's .VfTitVy
Charles Francis Adams. Jr
Its contents nre cun trihitted by Iheranflt emlre M
uitliorsainl artists or Kurope and America wi .
Hie lon experience of Its pnWIshers hits made
'hemthoronshlt com ersant with th desires nfttie
public, which they will swc no effort to gratify
Thevo'umesortheJffwrnl egln with thennm-
rers for June nnd Deeenihs rir eneh vear When,
lotiine IssporiHerl. It will It- understood that tio
'ibscriber wishes to begin with the current JNum-
Sarper's Periodicala.
Flnrpor's 1D.azino, ono YaT $ 4 CO
Inrpor's "V'colily. ' 4 G9
!I irper'a Bnzar, " " 4 00
Tlie lliroc nTiovc named palj-
lictttion-r, nc Year - 10 00
Any Tiro nboiro xtaaiotl 1 Yonr 7 00
Hrtrpor'sYonnpFfoiilolYoar 150
To all subscribers in the United slate or Canada.
A comp'etPset of Unrftn't Magmmr. rnuiprls'ric
V volumes. In neat cloth binding, wttl be sent by
xpresH. freight at etenserporch.-er wnreiei t
t ?U i' per volume. tlnnle volumes, by ma. I post
paid. -J-t . Cloth cafes, for bliHlimc, art cents, br
mail, postpaid.
Itemlttnncs should fx made by Posfofllce ifoney
Order or Draft, to nvohi chance of loss.
AVuMjwrX'W.nrr ttot In atp) this mlrrrtuement wifA
nut thr express order of Jtarper df Jtmifier.
av;h- YORK.
Nebraska State Journal.
Bnrlnit tlie eomlnir ypar llif polltlral afTiirrs of
tlie Nation ami tlie fliscieH,uii Kr inn out of thei
ullliLHSume an Importance rarely equaled in our
will I e a more able contest, secnod. perhap tn
maRii Unit and bltternt.i, to none that have pre
ceded It. Tho
will be taken. Inclnillmc thereapportkiiinrrt of
"oiiRressional itepresentatives. hiii the InftlnR of
he balance of power, und the re-atljiMtinentoI the
nil'lence of sections.
ol nil partieswlil precetle the Presidential Klectioii.
And the I'latfurnis will determine the Cjurse of
LecNlatlon and the Volicy of the Government for
another four years.
forMemlien of both branches ofthe Legislature
nvoKIiiK the election of a U S.Senator, and for
fjll Hxecntle Ticket, will occur.
in December, for the "lone session," and questions
of vital Importance to the people. Incliullntc the
Imlinii nntl the Hlorim n problems and the new
attempt to aert the overeinty ofthe otafe-i as
superior to the power of the Nation, in the mutter
of protecting the frahchite, and provlirlnn for tho
pitrlt; of National Klections.vull b-dPY-el ptdatd
debated by the leailint; spirit of the Country.
The Weeklj clr nltn Stntc lournnl will
ben f.tithful epitomeof these events, ami will fuliy
presei.t the merits of the discussions prof eI
thcr-by. while at the same time K will Ktve c n
clsely and fully all tbo I'nrrent Korehtn. nd Do
mstlcne-w full and la-est Market Heporls iral
as well as from Ka-'tiri Commercial C enters, 'nil
reports .'the prt'ceeslinus of all I.ltcrnry. "-o-cinl.
KclluioiiHand i diicntinnitl t'onrcntioas
:iinl-t!itc societies, and of thestatc I.ei-'la-turc,
of ConKrelonal InceedlnKS,arMl will be In fart a
weekly history of the world In Keneral, and of tk
Nation, am! the ;Vhte In particular
The Wccklr .Nehrnka tnt Joiirnnl is rot
only tin" largest Weekly piibllshrsllii the luet,bat
itconti Ins innch more reatlinK mutter. In propor
tion to Its size, 'han can be found .n any of Its r. n
temporarles on this side of the Missouri and com
mends itself to every Nebrnskari as the Stixtr pnprr,
to be taken in addition to the local popes or tnx
several coniilles. for Its general nml Slate nttrs
Republican In politics, it discusites public attain,
not trout a partisan, but from a broad, national
tnnd point, criticislnc public men and Hieanr3
upon their merits, Independent ot tactloRallum or
No better mellum of the new thai Is wanted in
Nebraska for the enlh;htmer.t of Ihe beatls if the
family, or for a liberal education of toe rising itea-"
e ration, can be found than the ;?tnte Journal.
SlnRle Copy, per yer 5 2.0O
PItc Copies, at one tlmc. P. 75
Ten , 15.110
tf The 3foney (registered letter or roonoy-or-der)
must Invariably be sent with the names.
T iWA YEAR.or5toyOo
'ay Ift youfjown locality No
risk Wodihii do as well as men
Many make more than the uni
f nnt stated above No one can
foil to make money fas'. Any
one can do the-work. You can
make from S5cts to Jan hour Dy uevotlirstyour er
enlnKS a.d spare time to the business. It coHts noth
ing to try the business. Nothing like It for money
making ever offered bafore. Business pleivantand
strictly honorable. Reader. If yon wnnt to know
all about the best pavimr business be.ore the public
snd us your address and -e will send yoa full nar
tlculars and private terras free ; sample worth f 3
also free ; yon can then m: ke p your mind for
yourself. Address
Ur.Ui.ur. v v.vs.t
Portland, ile.
Drop Into thorellable nnd well known Dms;
Stand of J. J. Bender. Nemnha City, and ask
them what the reputation of theGreen Moan
tain Cathartic Pills has been since lt35. Yon
will he told that they have been, and aro a
Liver Eegulator or Medicine
An Infallible Eemedy for
Malarious Fevers, Jaundico,-
Eestlessness, Mental Depression,
Sick Headache, Constipation,
Billiousness, Dyspepsia, &c.
Try one box, only 25 cents. You will never
regret It.
O.C. Day fc Brnckett,
Sole Proprietor.
JCm5 KansaJClty, Mo.
A. MONTn unaranteed. J12aday a
home made by the Industrlous.Cap!
ital not required, we will start you
Men Women. Boys and Girls make
money faster at work for us than at
auvthlmr else. The work Is light
and pleasant, and such as anyona
earr ko right at. Those who are wise who see this
ootloe will send ns their addresses at once and se
for themselves. Costly outttt and trmsfree Now
is the time. Thosealreadv at work are laving up
larce sums of money. Address TKTJK t CO.. Au
gusta Me. ayl
St a fa "a J" ?i 1 s i!5Dns n
la JUdLiii tlLiiRLU