Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 23, 1880, Image 3
THE DCOIDEJIj HOUSE O1 It Has Many Imitators but no Rivals, G ! mm B THE BEGTJLATOB OE PEICES, is now opening a mamoth Stock for the Win ter trade. I can now assure onr patrons that every department is replete with the latest novelties. Our Stock, both in variety and the bargains it contains, offers at- tractions unsurpassed by any house in the country. TTe call very especial at tention to the latest novelties in DRESS GOODS, VELVETS, SATINS, BROCADES, SILES, FRINGES and TRIMMINGS of all descriptions to match, now on sale. We Guarantee bu our to save our customers Years Trading. We also Gxiarantee all our goods to be just as represented, andmostl respectfulh invite all rrL?2&. Si Prices. ISO. 72 3IABSH BLOCK l&asfisneaes BirEGCKj.i State Fair. OmIh, Sept 20 to oth Soaiiec Senior Central City, Sept. Johnson CmhIj Pair, Tecumsen, Sept. lith to iSto- Graad Lodge. EL of P lth session, Nebraska City, October lfta. Case County Pair, PfattG month, Sent. 13 th to nth. Sewet&l Cowaiy Fair, Sent, lota to 13th. Kaaans CSty Sxa-citian, Seat ota to3U. Sennet books at Niefamfe- & TsesAfcj-aertet. Ne:r s :e cakes at Far- man & .extra, eopi of like abtextkez at A. IT. Nieke-fs. Heavy rattae here test Satacday Taobeei aivviiws en CT.L. See Ned CM's ear. He 1 best livarj rigs in to div. the Cfceait Court wffl open at Sack Port, , an toe 27to test. eeok stove an to JfcCr;'. -AfvUMH niture kept by of fr- & Cross. atkediy aiP & Paper's aad aaat job focset k. of aaer k-pt. arSle- Teasam & CraeE. Tkt Bamnaate wfll baM a t SaedaaaaeKC SataBaHj. Vekataaata tr fraa P1iiUiaiiwi-i) ihSkKrjmmL poa-f VECaaftSQtt. Tae p. e. bit vS aaxra tbaa. k caeid aaastkaie ia tae fwaa awtlec; relapse has st ia aad tae dirsr taiag teaks woc taas ever. Uverr Saaeboeaa ia. 2s cocatj aubt so take Tkk Ad vezxieee. PricaaJn, beap as to increase ig eirceia tioa. Ife aotire ia tae CA-Tm taa. id fxiead. Aadrew Cok. of Te- ctrBftgk, was recently married so Mrs. Hetea X. Searte of PfttEtaa. Pa. Tbec. e. of foM pea aad seaool boaee ocgaa iafaaiy baras abK Gar eJd aad perjery. wtekrj. He jades otbers by binwLf, m& wbac Deaw erats as weU as IpohlksLjg abaet Bcowavffle knev. him to be sad say Parties ia tae aterast; of tbe B. & 3L X. U. CooapHay a few days aso pgreaaaod tae farm of J. B. Piper, r iH -Kasaia aae ante at Sheridan, aad also an 30 acre lot of biad adjoiaia tae Per place, treat A. W. Margaa. IHa woaid seem to indicate beyond dociic tae ixae of tbat eoataany's roed, esse aad west Unronh duescooaiy. Oct aiat-we reaaezs vrbe et aews they can "tie to ia tbe Aivxa- TKnt,wffl perase wi pieasare this week the be? adverosaaeats et oaf BrownviUe bas aa ia tec of goads as toe present state. g, toaa ever before, d tbe owners aropose to sell rbcai. Be- fying coniiwf il wwi. ia Soataera Xebra ka, abase who bare Money eaa sec bet ter bexsaiBS bare aad better goods than, st sc any other point. Mr. Laaaberasea, ia dosine bis re Tflgrks as tbo opera nooce test Priday eveaiag, referred to oar tegjeteerve tieket m very coaaiimeatarr terms, aad especEiHy so to Mr. Dairy. He said fee kaew tbe BeaabBeaa candidate for Senator well, as aa omeer, aad eate goed tern as a geatieasaa of hisk ehar ncter and aa oakaalof ability and ia tesrisy. Mr. Laaabertsoa is the IT. S. Attorney for fte districc of Nebraska, aad in uflirnT basmess operates efesery viti. tae MarsfeaL Seek is Mr. Daily peniaiaaa all over the State. He bos aeea. a faitbfaL boaest IT. S. Marshal aad wffl serve the people of Xessafea county jest as vefl and faithf cfly as their Senator. uniform JLoxc Pricest money at tlie end oftlie to call and examine this Hats, Caps, Trunks, Yalises, &c. Teachers head quarters at Nickel's. Cash paid foe batter aad eggs at Gtites'. Pec first etiLSs groceries caH on T.L. Jeaes. NiekeM's d&rrhcQCBre sever fails. Sample free. Groceries of ail kinds by She yea sea & Crass. Smoked haliibtit, coafsa. aad No. 1 mackerel at Gates. Comas aad faraitttre,a large stock of an styles by Stevenson k Cioss. Money to tea on Real Ptate se eriy. Aahr to W. H Hoer. Call as A. !T.Xk:eas tinaj store liar a battle of Thearag' eeteecrie oiL ; Lamp cfciaefs everr fescrip- i tiaa at Jojtes. Heatias: stages, all kiwis, at pdees to sit aiL at Skeveaasoa & Cxoes'. I SorhsA Mitt aad ErpKaitor for saJe ebeap. R. S. HLlsx afohd. A btjr stx: of betttia-- stomas a& wiS as sold kw br Stereasoa. & CrasB Presa Brei pies aad cakes al. ways on band at Pnramn Jk Pahaer's. j If yo want stores, feraitore ejeeeaffware etc, very low, eall ae. Ste veason & Cross. Br. Cotfias. Thxttist. Scawavilie. 0ee bours, 9 a. au to 5 p. a. 2TK at fbamc on. Friiiitys. 3oaer loaatnl oa kaarovad bhcbk 1 per eeak-iafceresc coiBaMceioa. i.'mg T. LsCfacE. Stave pipe, elbows, ase-boardg. caai bails, sails, eafeerj ead aM kiaas af bncdware at Wiaiac 3re. Best Bread ia BrawaviUe at tae aew Estkery of Parana & Paaaer al ways f tesk aad cieaa. Give tbeai a crktL Stevenson 3c Crass farrite all wao wiFa to bay anytbiae: ksat ia taetrHae' to teok tbroagb Goig soM tew. their varied, stock Oaarad Sebxser, ia&etod for sdbba? bear witaoes a Heease, aad tried by a jury of tbe district eoart test week, was aeitbed. The g. e. p tbe s&ect brays test-1 ly, evidently tamking be is aae of Baraem's males, bet being a regular jackass will sot pass master. It gives as sorrow to ieara of tbe deack of Mr. Ed. R. TTrijrhi:. of tbe irm of MeCroeky & Wright, Teeaw sek." Mr. Wrigbt was estonmed as one of TecesBfieb's best ettixeas. A. W. Xtekeil, oar dracgist, bas reta-aed from bis erteaded trip east, wbere be bas beea perehasiag aa im- mease stock: bfee.Terieaceaal kaowl-1 edge of tbe basiaess bas eiabted bim to select a coraptete stock of pare dras. medteines aad eaemtcaisat very tew pciees, of which be iateade to give bis easterners fall benefit. TVaea need ing anything ia the drog See, caH oa :NfcelL Patrons, of Tire Av k ftdfe.. are you. aware that we are giviag yoo a paper weekly these times, and have beea tor the past six months, that nev er was equalled in tab: eocasy? We mean as to qoantity at aew, fresh, in teresting reading. Kcamine tns is sne in ths; respect aad remember that k is all deae m oar omee the type all set, aad att ptiated at home. Our am bition is to make tbe best paper possi ble, and to this end we tabor incessant ly, and think we merit the salted sep port of the pnbiic WtOmm Hatter was tried by a jary, for the erkae of bigamy, at tbe recent term of tbe district eoart intois coanty, foead ga3xy, and seatea ced tose-ve two years aad six months, at bard labor, ia toe pesiteniiarT at Lneols. The indictment alleged that Hotter, "Oa. toe 3d day of Jaaaary. 1S, rataecooasy of Haaeoi!krHIiaoi&. did aary oneZllza Christian; and her, toe sakl Pima Cbristea, then aad there bad for bis la wfal wife; aad that tbe said WPIiam Holder afterward, aad! while be was so married to the said j Efea Christian, as aforesaid, to-wit:' oa tbe 26th dav of Jaanarv,. iSTf,ia toe I sad eoaaty of Xeaaba, in toe State of Nebraska, feteeteesly aad aaawfaUy dM marry and take to wile, one Asse ss A. Lovekss, and. to her the said Amefia A. JLovefess, then aad there was married, tbe saM Eliza Carisdan, ms former wife leeies; then alive; eoa trary to the statae ia eek ease made aad provided, and against toe peace and i digaity of the people of the State of Nebraska." AadWmiaw.tbegayaad festive yoetk, went no to Uacofa. Monday fast to learn his new trade of ' pounding stone and carrying a hod. ; i e are so y RPr i lur 3i ca 7 an mi t n e m bnlayia -ubSkI-bi g WW L, - f "1 T 2 -Z- CT J Queensware I TO JfP CUSTOMERS I zuish to call your attention to my Large Stoch of Fall and which is now complete in all departments Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Slioes, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ladies' Cloaks, & -r-. jFYiII toelc of" Zn-ocei8iejg. Wishing to give you some idea of a few of my prices I will call your attention to some facts. A good Cloak for A good. pair Boots for . A good pair Bogs Boots for A Woman s Shoe for . . . 7 lbs. Coffee 10 lbs. Sugar . 16 yds. standard prints Eastern Carpet, 2 ply, per yd., These are a few of the many bargains I have to offer this fall. I offer no baits, only using good goods and giving my customer's the benefit of good goods for the smallest amount of money. Thanking a gen erous public for their past patronage, and wishing thai all may continue their trading with me, they will find me at the only double first-class interna tional store in BrownviUe. JVo. 52 and 5JL next door to the Postoffice. . Tt.4, Numbers hj0 second hand sewing machines and one bu- ,reau for sale by J. L. Mc Gee. CJard eTTfes?fe Tbe Hsdersfeaed take tbis metbed of expressing their gratitude, aad tender-' nc tber aeartfelc thas, to kiad Bebbors aad friends for tbeir deep sol'eiiade watdifalearfi aad sympathy, dttrias: tbe sickaess aad at tbe death of oar beteved ebfld. Mar the haad of agfetion aad bereavemeat towA tbem teaderest'iaercv when tbe boar of tbeir sorrow shall eorae. GEORGE G. PUKXAS. CHA.Ki.orrK S. Fuexjls. Baia wagoas tbe best safe v Stev-easoa & Cross. and for Coming, the largest stock of overcoats, winter Icloth ing in the market. CHEAP SAM. ! 3USIKS33 ! BUSINESS ! ! Xow is tbe time to take advantage of tbe tew prices which the Begrlator k makiagoa Paraitare. Hardware aad Agrieaitaral Imaiemeats. T.Bjchaets. Sevr Goods! Xew Goods I! jdrrtving McGee's. ft daily at J. L. Call at Dolens for bargains in all goods. CaltleTSale Oa accoaat ol the death of Mr. Sim eon Wright, of MaryviBe, Mo, bis en tire herd of short boras wl be sold oa Wednesday, Oct. 13. 1SS0. This herd namhers CO bead of tbe Toesg Marv, Gwy aae, MasBrka. etc TJr. H.M. Car ver & I MIBer will jom. ia the safe with 42 bead of fine eattle. Catateeaes mar!ed oa apaMcaaea to tbe aWve par ties, or W. M. Which Buckglovas ofihebest. at J. -L. JucGees. School Books At the Drag- aad Book Store of W.H.McCeezet, Brewnvifie, Neb. Henderson's shoes at J. Z. Mc Gee's, Sifl! OH P I in receipt of a 3faWrei?u and Groceries 7 ft .1 El 9 Winter Goods, ") S3.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 30 1 DtlL iMLulMiiUiitli olUI I 52 and oi. Jrow is your time to ex- amine the mammoth stoch and low prices at J . L. jVc Gee's. Agoodsecosd-bandXo.Teookstove to ecbaage for wood or bar. Aaeiv at this oraee. SEATING STOVSS. Tbe nieest stock a best variety at Wiliiffir Bros. All kinds of yarn at J. L. McGee's. Attention Smokers. T. L. Jones has ordered tbe largest stock of fine eigars ever broeght to tbis market. Come aad see bim. Woven wire beds, ail sizes tew prices at Stevessoa & Cross'. and G. G. Blunfs Wheat Press Drill, Xevrton and Snnttler Wa?ons, Porsale by TavidCanipbeIL Tbe Aasnal Conference of tbe M. Neoraska, will meet at Nebraska City, oa Thursday moraiag. September So. Next Sanday will be tbe fast in or eedasiasiieal year. FareweD services at the M. E. Chnrch, BrowaviBe, ssoraing aad eveaiag. Subject of seratons: Moraing. '-The Grandeerof Uie Christiaa Life." Ev eaiag, -Soaday ScaooJs aad the Pniare Ckercfe." E. J. Wuxe, Pastor. SEEDS. Presk biae grasi and Taao&y.afe the drag and book store of W. H. M Creery. Garfield and Han cock hats at Dolen's. IOOE OW stoves refined aad made as good as Hew at low ggares, by Willing Bros Yarns, flannels, mus lins, prints andgloyes tat Dolen's. While east J. L. McCee ypurchased the largest stock of goods everbowghtbyhim rr-rt rf -fh arrr -rtrrl I Ttn nTrJ i7,-f , P J " WL"r torn prices. Call and ex- i amine. TVill open to Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Notions, Than any fire stores We extend to all an invitation to call and examine our new goods and get -prices. It zcill do you good even if you don't want to buy, to looh through the Largest Stock of Goods in Nemaha Co: LQOALFEESOEAIS. T. C. Hacker went ap to Wednesday to see the Pair. The little girl of T. N. Sanders is quite sick. Also the child of Wm. Berger. Mrs.P.M.Pairbrotherand Mas ter Charles, her son, were visiting fiiendsin this eitv and vieimty this week. The largest pear we ever saw was shown as Saturday by CM. Kanffasaa. It was grown in his nursery aad weighed lj pounds. AL Ewan, Esq., editor of the' Sheridan Post, passed a very ereditable examination in the mysteries of Black-j stone at the late district court, and was admitted to practice law. Ex-Gov. Pumas went ap to Oaaa ha last Satnrday, to attend to bis duties as President of the State HertiealtBral Association. He retarned home Mon day to be present at the f aaeral of hie grand-son. Mrs. W. T. Bogers aad Mrs. Tames Stevenson took ia the Bichard son county fairs last week and ate several farm bosses between Falls City aad Brown vife. Tbey were hav ing a gooti time whea we saw taw. Hon. M. B. Eeyman, BepaWieaDi candidate for the fetnsfatare was in the ety fast week. He doubts not that oM Lafayette will do her duty at tbe ejec tion, and regards the prospeeis of the whole ticket as very fettering. Dolen has his rooms chock fall of goods aad staple groceriers. His dry goods department is a model of neat ness and order and the ladies appreeiase tbe fact. Bead his new ad. and eall and examine his elegant stock of new goods. J. L. SVEcGee as a merchant aad citizen has tbe confidence of tbe people. What be promises he performs. He advertises both for bis owa interest and that of bis eastomers. He is now receiving bis fail stock of goods, aad oa this page and bis big advertisement. Wednesday eveaiae of next week. 2th iast Gen. Tan. Wyefc. a veteran Kepobikan, aad an ex-New York Con gressman, will speak in thiseity. We arrre everv voter in the eoaaty, who possibly-can, to be present on that ec- casioo. The cornet band will play, the Gaards will he oat in fail force, tbe Glee Cteb, oae of the best ia tbe Slate. wiM sing, aad tkare will be -a general good time. We publish in this issae an article from tbe pen of Mr. Biehard Wallace, giving some of his experiences amonsst the Democracy of Tennessee. Mr. Wal lace fe a citizen of this county, a school teacher, and having a sister residing in Tennessee, went reside, aad engage in that inoffensive basiaess. He is a oaiet, steady, unob trusive man, and takes little intesestin polities farther than to cast a Hepobfi caa ballot. His testimony regardtng tbe iatoleraace of free opioteas in toe South, wilt sot be doubted by anybody acquainted with aim. Hon. G. MTLaatoertsoa. of Lin coln, addressed a farge aadieaee ia tbe opera bouse, this city, test Friday eve ning, en political oaestioas. Mr. Lis of the stalwart type, politically, intei leiHuaDy and physically. His speech was eteqeeat, logical amd convincing: aad was frequently iaterrapced by tu appbmse of his iateffeaat aadknee of I gtBtiemea. ?od ladies. A vote of thanks for toe able address was given with eotbamasm. Mr. LambertEoa was ac- comfaaied to the c&y by be wife, and! they ware the gaests of W. H. Me- iCreery. If you want cheap glass sets I will sellihem cheaper than the cheapest. CHEAP SAM. Thes. C. Thurstoe, the man who sometime ago shot at D. B Aatoony. and iB-ssiBg him seroasiy woanded two other gentlemen on the streets of Leavenworth, TTn-?., bas been senteseed to eighteen years in the penitentiary. Prime Feathers at J. L. McGee's. uasn raia ior P-sM i-.32.Vi T2ie nigTiest iar2et price paidforgoodTwiieata SooV TVT-mq. . ir.-u. 43tf JO. UD3A5T s CO. Ufc"J lJ Kami ma! ananamml aanvliun-Rr 1 1 IntftrnQtiflnQl 11 ii&uitin&iy the public this week the largest and most complete stock of Goods Eyer Brought We will show yon more Men's and Boys3 Olofhing, Hals, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Grocene QneensTvai-e &:e. in Kemaha Connty combined, and mil sell j Died InBeriblicanCIty,Nebr.ts-! ka, September 14, aad buried in Brown vUIe. Nebraska, September 16, 1$K, Mrs. Bosa A. TisdeL ased 35 vears, 11 months and 2 days. Ia this case, as in all others, it is nothing but a death notice. Every one that is pebiished, represents a family's sorrow aad a family's less. To those who read them, aad many people moke a habit of searching them oat and reading them throagh, tbe above aotiee will be like unto all others. Bat to the writer and to many people in Brownville, and to tbe very many people in other ports of Nebras ka. Iowa and Illinois, it will not be like all others. It will bring back be fore our eyes ! the anseMsh woman with her bright eyes, her eearitabie, lovog, affectionate, disposition as she was in fife, and it will picture her to ', as as she was in death buried in flow-, ers furnished bv sorrowing hearts and beaming through them the oM face with a trace of tbe okl smite upon it She endea-:ed herself to all who knewi her, and many sad hearts attest the ' love that was entertained for her. This if any were needed fe another ex emplification of the fact that "Death loves a shining mark, a signal blow, a Wow which white it executes alarms and startles thousands by a single faB." Tears will pass aad tbe meon- Kghtthat first slept npon her grave win ran gentry upoa euers iaas wm gather around it. but, by suafight aad' starlight, in eteeds aad disaster, the memory of her win be ever present with as. I was hers to gradually waste away, to grow pale aad thinner. till at fast the Same flickered aad ex-' ly to rest in the arms of her Redeemer. Like a dower too early eat down she ! passedawav from the emlfiBg bnsts ! er, better, happier existence, where no doubts or dark shadows are thrown. over hopeful trusting hearts. The beautiful pass from our homes and hearts. leaving: us only mocking memo ries of the loved aad test, do they not hover near as as unseen angels. And as we descend mfco the shadows' at tbe end of the bine we are all traveling, are we not fanned wito white we faint with life's fever, of those that have gone before. To her sister in the hour of festive mirth, when tbe soal is ?ay and thoughtless, aad ia the hoarof nark despair waea sorrow jEe a miow falls over her. a brisbt and beauteous vision will come to help her, a vision of a loved oae who sweetly sleeps iaj Jesus and rests safely with the Father. ! Ever as night comes marcbias: over i the bQfc, wrapping all in his dnsy , mantle, she .will remember the test words spoken loving and trustful. Toh. will take me home with you sfeter wont you." "Tkedaui are like the stars by day, Wlthdra-w-n f rocs aortal eye. Bet boC extiat ; titer koM tttsT svrar. In. gtocr ttoroeii e s&y. HOMSTFOOB?is Fi.OCR. Home wood's mill now wito iis aew macbiaery is m. full opecatioB, aad is the best mtTI mjSoatnera. Nebotska. Tig flour IS OX SAL.B aad those who have f'-ed it say is is toe best ever sold IX BROTfTTILLE. The dealers all keep it. Try a sack. One horse and two . horse JiuckeTe srrain drills. Call and see sample. .Robert TearetHfese, agent. Xotice Is bereoy iven that I wift all persons who may desee to oSer themserves as rirarfhtirn for teachers of the primary or comiami scaook of this amsT, at tbe Court Honse. m. BrewavSJe oa the first acarday in giica Pbttip Crother. Co-Saperintendest. 21-tf Want batter aad eggs. Highest pace peaa oysteveasoa duress. 0ot Gee's. meal at J. L. Mc MWMADE sorsrhnm for sale at MeGee & Moore s. Sorghum Gee's. at J. L. Mc- to TWATTS! 3TO MISTAKE BUT GO TO MeOEDE & 3IOORE?S Great International & only first-class Double SfGE'e in the CHtjw I mil close out DHT o Xj o t Ladies' and Childrens Shoes, Motions, Eib bons and Eancy Goods, at and H 0"VsT J All who want W A icsOf Cr. aS &mUi a will call soon, as artless of Cost w 1 1 also offer my residence and store honse ! property for sale, and possession given short- y i - iSUlx: WATT. TFrafS i- T3- w,, - i Jack Proa bas maae bis appear- ance, aad inished up the hay season. Engineer McEeen, with bis kid. ored in the mttdle of tbe river, and are looking for bed-rock ia day time, with red fi-bt for moraine star at night. roia, oa the Miscoan. side oy toe 22a, wneatoeywiB commence at tbe fcne of toe Mosquito oa the Nebraska side. j Piof. Dottoa has beea teetadne; ; for several nights on phronotecy and physiology. On aecaaat of abreakage. B. F. Stephens has to saseead operatteas for a few days wito his aorgaam milL All toe excitement is whether we wiH get toe railroad bridge or not. It is snrpriaag to see the amwnnf of goods W. Tidrow is seeing, from early moraine: until fate at night. We want a good batcher shop in this village. Whoever gees into that baaness here will be well paid. T. L. Steele wffl break ap bis herd aa next Friday 4tb hast. The bass engineer came a few aignss ago to J. A. Hoods. He is seed bteast works. iweigbsll poande HeaJto of country aad town good. Nasry. SWIIfe t ,.UjX Buy the New American with self threading shuttle and self-settin? need le lightest running machine; it is tbe boas; no humbug. For sale by T. BjCHASoe. eas Died ia tins city, otk inst Sobort W.Pacaus Jr soa of Gaacge G. Caadotte S. Faraaav agd aew yoa tozeeaays. Atea, Cathariae. wife of C wies Kei6wettor. 20th iaat- aced 3S yeast. Ab ? -- wawn. of Aspm wall prectoetv morn-ag -1st insL. aafeou7ye- Also, m toJs city, istk iast, Mes - XL B. J2-B ft niHI . W C W. JUt. JX. A TT .. : J - C? XT of Mxs. J-S.Mmiek. See Homewood card aad ave j b noar a triaL STOV:S ! STOV-SS ! Tie Charter Hot Bast is tbe best he- it eonsomes tae tenet fuel , 0-. imsi even and websaore T - ?. t . rfcstr !-- , j --- - -.w -. . . . . ... . . ' fej- x. Sjcfaxi?. 50 Empty barrels for SOI-1 ' T,-- nj- "XTr-. J;cBoawte.arot iiJ.U.lll Ctb JJiOVCC VX. ' jVJ"oores Pruit Dryer. Haviag constraeted Dryers for Bayi5yrp.irii. Iowa nee. u larger scale thaa. beresa - fore. I have two small machxaes. I wiH seiL, or rent, aad tase pay m ptwiace, if deshred. Boar. W. Ptrayjbs. Browavifite, Neb. P. S. I will dry apples on the shares, iwbeadesrred. this Market 5, at our usnal low prices. my entire stock of GOODS, I 1ST Caps, COST. n A T'laTCI yriii.Ai I will close out LOUIS L-OWHM. r ! About five hundred persons of both sexes gathered in Suaueiso&'s Opera Howe on Saturday evening: last to ; fisten to Hon. Church Howe's ildreB to the GarneM and Arthur dab. Tbe elaborate and eloquent speech, in which be reviewed, in a telling nasaer; the records of the two great pofitkal par- s m eceeHeat ainstrations of some" of his strongest points. A demo- crat who occupied a xront seat grew restless beneath toe shower of hotshot from tbe speaker and undertook to bine him. but before Mr. Howe was half through with his speech oar dem ocratic friend was as quiet aad peace ful as a quaker meeting. He bad evi dently bitten oS. nKe than be could "chaw." Never tackle a man who has the boot until vour time comes. ffum haidt&mtimeL GRAIN ! Highest market price paid by D. Donstes Co. COm F.RCIAL. THS BROVV5VILLE SABKZ7S. Bne'jivrxxE. Sep teafier 3. ISO. Fantrtee are tl q&fxa.tma yeslenlaT' aoe. tlK U f zatec to press. LTFZSTQCSL &zz. 4 eoa so 5es.fctrteiM(ee 3 0a4 SO Ocra. fee 2 602 S CORSSCT-9 BT M. JC -OS-JlS, CTBJLIX BE.IT.Z- syrtp- eaa TO Baxter -S 55 p- --- -I CaS2XT V TVSEiXT. 5rs 1W astsei: . m a? 7a to .oas5 . 1 50(6t T . 0 8 . 55 W 42 2? s ,mti.-per ze G--efc:e,teised,? a. I Tecxeya, dcessi. r 2. I0 - ? MMTJLEL. Fteer.E.' . Davte - SasxLMBob t Bvke. - eaBae:-iB 1k- - Siini'Mim ayrtay wjgaC . - yesaafcc VaBex spcter. - Gcafeam 1 Seas aaSterK te4. per 1C0 4 54 ! -S 3 32 3 W 7S -3 1M I CU lft? 160 ItW ISO 180 ISO i oa S leo ICO 20 33 -saioc 5esr. caCte A. 9 igc - grteaC. 10 Sa - CMOa Cfc Ids-, 73(2 - P-Ttere,T2sa-CCeeTBSo. 52s - 0.e.JdTr.3JOs. " .foot, 3 MBS Tea. Drte4Cca.Beri I ScieA ,nw, 10 2 foe. Scied Fee a-s. S -i S9T- Ptte4 Cherries, y. i tf i Ceal OIL, per s-Bsa. Wlirte Flsk.prkK MacfcereL, ?. salt, per tetrreL. WANTED w W a kc (. 1 ji T.tseaj . witayt f. n.fcplctsi SALE. cn tXBU-Xal-- TO. CO, . iXR. a---.X