Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 03, 1880, Image 4

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    - T
-4 .THTJBSDAY, JUNE 3, 1880.
rir!AT-2RTisEH la on sale attfceTjrng and Book
atorerA. W. NJckell. '-
ItOcJfoTicEs,8et'Jaa ordinary reading matter
will bVeharged ten wnti per line, each insertion
.eellndlsplay type.cfieon cents a llns.-
Authorized Agexrts.
3iTi?n;BRoe aro our authorized scents at Neraa
avha City to receive and receipt for monis duo ns
Tu,om a Btrimsan 1 oar authorised scent in Glen
7tock precinct to receive and receipt for monies
loc ason-Bubscrlptlon.
Aw J. "Uittkh. atSt. Deroln, Isouranthorlied agent
.attbatpi& receive subscriptions and adver
tUlng, and to collect and receipt for monies due
Tee Advertise.
J;W. Oavitt is onr authorised agent In Benton
precinct to receive and receipt for men let daa ns
on subscription.
Wm. Txukow, at A6plnwallis our anthorlxed agent
to receive and receipt for monies due us.
Publishers Advertiser.
Iowa Courts Olosed.
Speclnl to.the Cincinnati Commercial.
" ."yjCsniNGTON, May 21. The starva
tion policy has brought things to a head
finally, in Iowa atleast. "United States
Marshal J. TV. Chapman has been here
for some days to find out whether any
thing was to be done for their relief or
not, and, if not, to wind up business.
The latter alternative has been the re
sult, asVill be seen by the following
Washington, D. C, May 19. The
Hon. Charles Devens, Attorney Gener
alSir: Being out of funds formiscel
laneous purposes, which includes pay
of bailiffs, criers, stationary bills, etc.,
and being informed that the appropri
ation for that purpose for the present
fiscal year is exhausted, I respectfully
submit that it will be impossible for me
to assume the burden of making fur
ther advances to continue the terms of
the circuit and district courts now in
session. Advances already made for
tho government amount to more than
$10,000, and are quite sufficient to ex
haust my credit and patience, if not to
measure my patriotism as well. I
have therefore, telegraphed to Judges
McGrary and Love, requesting them
to relieve me from additional burdens
by adjourning court now in session at
DeaMoines, la.
It would seem to be my duty to in
form you of this action, and in doing
bo I crave indulgence and generous
criticism, feeling that the imposition of
further burdens upon me would be the
requirement of sacrifices far in excess
of-both the honor and tho emolument
of my oilice.
. Very respectfully your ob't servant,
J. TV. Chapman,
TJ. S. Marshal for the District of la.
- To this business-like missive came
tho following response:
Department of Justice, "Wash
ington, May 20, 1880. J. W. Chap
man, U, is. Marshal for Iowa, Wash
ington, B. C. Sir: I am in receipt of
your letter of even date, informing me
that it will be impossible for vou to
continue to carrv on courts in vour dis
trict and to make further advances, in
view of the fact that the fuud for mis
cellaneous purposes for the current
year is now exhausted, as well as in
view of the very large advances you
have madeiieretoiore m consequence
ot the failure of Congress to make anv
appropriation for the current vear for
Marshals of the United States and
their deputies. In regard to the fund
for miscellaneous purposes, I called
the attention of tho appropriation com
mittee in February to the fact that it
would soon be exhausted, and in April
to the fact that it was then actually
exhausted, and I deeply regret that the
appropriation has not yet been made.
The expenses the marshal's havo been
compelled to bear for themselves and
their deputies during the present year
have, however, been much larger than
uiksk, ;uiu in -ueuuuiuei x urijeu, wun
all the force that seemed to me proper
in my report, that an immediate pro
vision should be made for them, sta
ting that I felt under deep obligations
to. them for the exertions thev had
made for six months to carrv on their
offices without any appropriation; and
further urging that it would be impos
sible for them much longer to continue
in the conduct of the business of the
"United States without appropriate
muansrvere piaceu. at tneir commanu.
I respectfully called attention, also,
totbefact that the closing of the
United States Courts must bo attended
with the greatest injury to the whole
criminal justice of the United States,
as weiLas to its financial interests, and
private interests of individuals. I can
onlyasay to you now that I am under
obligatious to you for past sacrifices
made, and that if you have reached the
limit of your capacity in this matter, I
shall' certainly feel that if the result
must be the closing of the courts of
theUnited States in your district, ev
erything has been done by you to pre
vent a result so unfortunate and disas
trous. Very respectfully,
Cha-rles Devens, Attorney General.
"Sludges McCrary and Love and Jus
tice 'Miller are holding court at Des
Moines, and will adjourn at once, with
vervheavy dockets, embodying a vast
amount of very important business,
not vet reached.
The Two Charges at Balaklava.
In describing Balaklava, writers
hitherto have been so deeply imbued
with:admiration of the Light Brigade
charge that they have generally devoted-
but little space to that of the
Heavy Brigade; but the latter was a
grand affair, nevertheless. The Hea
vies were dragoon guards large,
strongmen, mounted on large, high
spirited charges, and, with their scar
let jackets, white gauntlets and (with
the exception of the Greys, who wore
bearskins) brass helmets, they made
a gallant show, as, charging with sa
bers en tierce, the turf flying from the
hoofs of the horses, and the earth Ut
terly trembling under their thunder
ing rush, they struck the enemy with
a shook that could be heard all over
the valloy, and with an effect that all
most chilled the blood ot the oenoiaer.
They fought, saber, to saber, against
great odds, and won. Tho Light charge
was daring, brilliant, dazzling; but at
no point did it appear more so than
when, amid smoko and flame, they
closed on the battery. Then, when
men and horses were lost to view, we
knew that they were still there and
doing their duty bravely, for, like
forked lightning playing through a
thunder-cloud, wo could see the gleam
ing and flashing of their sabers and
lances. I have beheld many cavalry
charges since then, says a writer in the
Boston Commercial Bulletin, but the
charges of Balaklava will remain fresh
in my memory "while life lasts
A housewife, on being advised to put
list on her doors to keep the cold out,
testified, because she had read that tho
fr?wi'rrtMwrfttri whefeitlfsteth." 1
Pisb Arguments Against GrantTheir
Temfio Significance.
From the Now York Times.
If General Grant had any real deli
cacy of feeling he would go away to
some quiet place say Timbuctoo or
Madagascar and die. He must see
thathe is greatly in the way of Mr. I
liiainc ana .Air. snerman. ana mat no
body except the people wants him
"to be nominated for the Presidency.
He must, by this time, be fully con
vinced that the experience gained by
two terms in the TVhite House has
rendered him unfit to fulfill the duties
of the Presidency, and that his one ob
ject in life is to overthrow our liberties
and establish a despotism. In these
circumstances, how can he excuse his
conduct in continuing to live and exer
cise the inalienable right of an Ameri
can citizen to accept a nomination,
provided it is offered him? The fact
is, General Grant is an unfeeling, cruel
man, and he would regret with scorn
the idea of dying just to please Mr.
Blaine and the Tribune.
It is General Grant's own fault that
his obstinacy has compelled his oppo
nents to bring forward an entire new
series of arcuments aeainst him. He
would not consent to be driven into
obscurity by the publication of the
loathsome fact that if ho is nominated
at Chicago he will accept the nomina
tion, and be has outlived the terrible
charge that he is fiendishly determined
to insult the memory of "Washington
by accepting a third term. Even the
disclosure of his infamous purpose of
making himself emperor has had no
effect on him, and he cannot complain
now that the new argument that his
son and his wife have made some al
leged remarks, is reluctantly brought
to public attention by the chivalric
friends of the plumed and particularly
magnetic knight.
Some weeks.ago it was asserted by a
newspaper correspondent that Colonel
Frederick Grant remarked on one oc
casion, when a mob of Mexican idlers
crowded around the General's carriage
that, "were such a thing to be done in
Washington, some of the mob would
be put in the guard-house." A thrill
of horror was at once felt by all intell
igent Americans. It was bad enough
that any young man should have ex
pressed an unfavorable opinion of the
conduct of a mob that was annoying
his father, but that the son of a man
who might be a Presidential candidate
should have thus spoken was intoler
able. Colonel Grant is a cold-blooded
wretch, who wants to put everybody
in the guard-house. It is a warning to
the American people that perpetual
imprisonment awaits every one of them
in case General Grant is re-elected, and
is alone a sufficient reason for giving
the Chicago nomination to the gallant
Blaine, who would not put anybody
except Chinamen and Mr. Mulligan
in the guard-house.
A little later, still further evidence
of the unfitness of General Grant for
the Presidency was produced. It was
asserted by another anonymous corres
pondent that when General and Mrs.
Grant were lately traveling through
the South, they arrived at a railway
station where the General was warmly
received. Thereupon Airs, (irant was
distinctly overheard to say that "those
peopie seemed to like Ueneral Urant,
or words to that effect. On learning
this teirible fact, the American people
straightway rent their clothes and ex
claimed, "What more evidence is need
ed that this bold, bad man intends to
make himself emperor?" Xot only
was the sentiment expressed by Mrs
Grant atrocious to the last degree, but
the fact that it was expressed by Gen
eral Grant's wife added peculiar horror
to it. It was a full revelation of the truth
that Mrs. Grant is pleased when her
husband is treated with respect. In the
face of this demonstration of General
Grant's treasonable designs, can any in
telligent American support him?
But there is even worse to come.
Onlv the other dav Colonel Frederick
Grant, the hero of the Mexican out
race, said that General Grant was of
the opinion that in the future an emer
gency might arise in which it would be
desirable to re-elect a President for a
third term. Xo language can do jus
tice to the infamy of this avowal
There is not the least doubt that Col
onel Grant, who, with unblushing ef
frontery, admits that he is the son of
the ex-President, knows what his fath
ers opinions are. It the newspaper
correspondent who reported Colone-
Grant's remark told the truth, General
Grant has ventured to express an opin
ion as to a possible contingency. Af
ter this let us have no more or any
pretense that such a man is fit to hold
an office.
And yet neither Mrs. Sartoris nor
her baby has said anything which can
be used as a weapon against General
Grant; but strong hopes are entertained
that, by bribing the nurse, evidence
against the ex-President can be collect
ed from this source. Meanwhile, no
effort is to be spared to induce Colonel
Grant and Mrs. Grant to make further
remarks. It is thought that, if a trust
worthy newspaper correspondent can
conceal himself in Mrs. Grant's bed
room, he may hear her express a will
ingness to see her husband re-elected
to tho Presidency ; and that a clever
detective who should worm himself
into Colonel Grant's confidence might
induce that ypung man to make the
most damning expressions of regard for
his father. Thus a mass of evidence
may soon be collected which will not
only render General Grant's nomina
tion impossible, but will create such a
tremendous indignation against him
thathe will be driven out of the country.
Should the fickle voters forget what
Colonel Grant and Mrs. Grant have al
ready said, and should they turn a deaf
ear to the possible remarks of Mrs.
Sartoris and the baby, it would prob
ably become necessary to attack the
character of every member of General
Grant's family. This, of course, would
be a painful duty, but there would be
no choice left. If General Grant, with
his pig-headed obstinacy, refuses to
make things pleasantby dying, he must
expect that his nomination will be op
posed by calm, convincing, and decor
ous argument. Mr. Blaine's sense of
duty to his country cannot be outraged
with impunity, and if General Grant
persists in standing in the plumed
knight's way, he must be made to bear
the proper penalty of his crime.
"Women Never Think."
If the crabbed old bachelor who ntterod
this sentiment could but witness tho intense
thought, deep study and thorongh investi
gation of -women In determining the best
medicines to keep their families well, and
would note their sagacity and wisdom in se
lecting Hop Bitters as the best, and demon,
stratlng it by keeping their families in
perpetual health ,at a mere nominal ex
pense, he would be forced to acknowledge
that such sentiments are baseless and false.
Of the multitude of new and old
flowers, the rose is still he favorite
and the- queen, and the tea roses may
be said to give more universal pleasure
than any- other variety. Plant the
most hardy kind-.
Discovery of a Singular Little Settlement in
the South Atlantic.
Sooner or later the poles and Africa
must yield their little mysteries to the
organization and persitence of modern
exploration and then there will he one
thing only to look for a spot of ground
large enough to be inhabited on which
humanity has. not its representatives
The search may be hopeless, but cer
tainly up to this date the most eccen
tric' "and indefatigable globe-trotters
have failed to find any such place. The
man, woman, or child, in this free
country of free schools, who knows
even the existence of the Tristan De
Cunha Islands can scarcely be found,
yet most maps show them, and in some
cyclopedias they are recognizable in the
few lines abo'ut Tristan De Cunha.
There are three islands in the group,
which lies in theSouth Atlantic Ocean,
about midway between 'Africa and
America, and nearly on a line drawn
from Buenos Ayres to Cape Town. It
was on the largest of the group, con
taining about forty square miles, that
the ship Mabel Clark, owned in this
citv. and sailing from Liverpool to
Hong Kong, was driven ashore by
stress of weather two years ago next
Mayday; and now, Captain East, of
her Majesty's ship Comus, has just re
ported his delivery of the presents
sent by President Hayes to the island
ers who succored the crew. There
are 100 in number, and are chiefly de
scendents of a certain Corporal Glass,
who was one of a garrison placed on
the island by England,whenBonaparte
was imprisoned on St. Helena, 1,500
miles away. The oldest inhabitant is
Peter Green, a hale, hearty man, in his
72dyear, and the youngest is his great
grandchild, aged a few months. There
have only been four deaths in thirteen
years, and no death in infancy was ev
er known among them. Tho perfect
climate is probably the explanation of
these facts. The community cultivate
about twenty acres, potatoes being the
chief crop, and usually get ten or twelve
bushels from one of seed. They have o00
cattle. 500 sheep, and any quantity of
fowels. The little Stateis both order
ly and contented, and Peter Green is
looked upon as the chief,, although he
disclaims all pretensions to power.
Doubtless the fact that nearly a major
ity of the population are related to him
he had sixteen children accounts
for the estimation in which he is held.
Captain East recommended his son,
William Green, for the Albert medal,
or the life-saving medal of the Royal
Humane Society, as he greatly distin
guished himself on the occasion of the
Mabel Clark's wreck. The matter is
one for somebody's attention in this
country, also. Some years ago the
islanders begged some cats from a ship,
which, for some reason, stopped at
Tristan de Cunha, but the perverse an
imals preferred rabbits and chickens
to exclusive mice, and now they run
wild all over the island, while the mice
are greater pests than ever. All the
islanders want now is a clergyman.
The chaplain of the Comus christened
five children, who, doubtless, could have
waited a year or two longer for the
ceremony, but the case of expectant
brides and bridegrooms is hard indeed.
Contemplative persons without inor
dinate appetites for letters and news
papers may not find its picture unat
tractive, but the genius of the age is
all for restless competition, and most
people will regard such a life as vege
tation rather than existence, and will
not cease to wonder that human be
ings should, of their own free will,
choose to endure it. New YorkTimes.
A Jealous Goose.
Some weeks ago two of my geese
were sitting close together, their nests
being not over 12 inches apart. They
had chosen their position and I made
them comfortable there. There was a
difference of about three days in the
period of their hatching. Each goose
was regularly mated with her gander,
and the careful husbands each watched
faithfully over his own spouse during
the month. The first goose hatched
eight gosling3, and now comes the cat
astrophe. The mate of the goose that
had three days yet to sit, was so 'taken'
with the goslings that, deserting his
sitting spouse, he devoted himself to
the aid of the fortunate-pair that had
already begun to enjoy the cares and
pleasures of pat-and mat-ernity, be
coming a sort of loving step-father to
the young brood. At this infidelity
his goose was very much worried, and
would quit her nest and follow him
about, now querulously, now carress
ingly trying to induce him to return
home and watch and wait as had been
his wont for nearly a month. As 1
saw that he was a hardened deserter,
and that he was doing a world of mis
chief to the expected brood by tempting
the mother to abandon their care
while following his faithful footsteps,
I arrested and imprisoned him out of
her sight. Thereupon the sorrowing
mother returned reluctantly to her du
ty, and in due time the brood of gos
lings began to come forth. But the
mother was outraged and wrathful. Xo
father to share her joys and cares! Xo
marital help or caresses for the little
ones and their ma! Brooding on this
angered her mightily, and a more furi
ous bird I never saw. Witli deep in
terest I watched her. Xo sooner would
a gosling peep from the shell than she
would pounce upon it, toss it about
and follow it up until it was 'deader
than a door nail.' Then she would
grimly return to her nest and wait for
another to come forth, when she would
repeat the same cruelty. After a
couple of furious exhibitions of this
kind, I took the remaining eggs and
put them under a hen, but only one
hatched. The goose finding nothing of
her own and husband's left to vent
her indignant fury upon, hunted up
the rival whose better fortune had se
duced her husband, and would, I am
sure, have destroyed her brood also,
had I not interfered. The jealous mad
am anu ner iaitniess partner are now
ignorantlv happv in the fattening coop.
C. M. D. Rural Neio-Yorker.
A "Washburne Man.
"I am for Washburne."
"Yes! Why?"
"He is a statesman a born states
man and every way a man of honor."
"How do you feel about Grant?"
"O, Grant is well enough, but he
can't be elected, and then, his last ad
ministration left a bad odor, and he
lost to us several southern states no,
I couldn't support Grant."
Exactly. Xow let us see the posi
tion you "occupy. You think Wash
burne knows enough and is honest
enough to be president. He says he
is for Grant because he is the best man
and can be elected. If Washburne is
honest he means what he says, and if
he is intelligent he knows what he is
talking about. Don't you assume just
a little in setting yourself up as smart
er and honester than your own candi
date for president?"
"Excuse me, I want to see a man
'round the corner."
"Yes, good-bye, but you had -.better
get in out,of th wt."
Strawberry Pudding.
Cream, a cup of sugar and a table
spoonful of butter ; add the beaten yelks
of five eggs and two cups offine bread
crumbs soaked in a quart of sweet
milk. Flavor with lemon or vanilla.
Pour into a deep pudding-dish and bake
until the custard is 'set.' Boll a pint
of nice strawberries in powdered sugar,
spread over the pnddingand cover with
a meringue made of the "beaten whites
and three tablespoonfuls of powdered
sugar.. Return to the oven until the top
is delicately browned.
Bud-variation is fully recognized
now, and new varieties are produced as
well as from seed. Botanists, however,
continue to record examples, the latest
of which is by Fritz Muller, who, writ
ing from Brazil, says that a banana,
which for years produced reddish fruit,
one season sent up a stem which bore
yellow fruit; and he asks whether all
the varieties of bananas may not have
originated in this way ? This is the gen
eral belief, as they do not perfect seeds.
All the varieties of sweet potatoes in
America are produced by bud-variation
the plant not flowering under
"I Don't Want That Stuff."
Is what a lady of Boston said to her husband
when he hrooRht home some medicine to
cure her of sick htadache and neuralgia
which had made her miserable for fourteen
years. At the first attack thereafter, it was
administered to her with such good results,
that she continued its use until cured, and
made so enthusiastic in its praise, that she
Induced twenty-two of the best families in
her circle to adopt It as their regular family
medicine. That "stuff" la Hop Bitters.
Cuts or Bruises. Tobacco, wet
with spirits or water, bound on a fresh
cut or bruise will save much pain and
soreness. The tobacco should be kept
moist by occasionally wetting the band
age with warm water. Fresh tobacco
should be applied every day till the
soreness is gone ; then remove it and
put a piece of court-plaster over the
wound, so as to exclude the air, and it
will soon heal without further trouble.
AH Indorse it.
The Recorder, Amerlcus, Ga., says:
C'Clerks, Senators, Representatives, Doctors
Lawyers, Citizens, in puhllc and private life
are testifying by the thousands, and over
their own slgnitures, thataremedy has been
found for Bright' Disease of the Kidneys
and for Diabetes; these are respactlvely
known as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
ure and Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure," 4Sru3
For nice apple sauce, pare, halve and
quarter tart apples and put into a bak
ing dish. Cover with a thick layer of
white sugar, grate over a little nutmeg
and cover with a plate. Set into a pan
containing hot water and bake in a
good oven until the pieces areclearand
Tho Herald, Detroit. Mich., says of War
ner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure; "Its effi
cacy In kidney, liver, and urinary diseases Is
so fully acknowledged that it Is not worth the
questioning. Bona fide testimonials from
well-known citizens In public and private
life are evidences strong enough to convince
the most stubborn doubter." 4Sfn3
The Canadian Minister of Agricul
ture has been persuaded by a large
number of pork-packers at Montreal to
rescind the absurd order, recently is
sued, prohibiting the importation of
hogs from the United States.
The great English Beauty now is
Lady Gladys Herbert, the Countess of
Lonsdale. Her loveliness is of the
dark Jewish type she is called "the
Baltimore loses another centenarian
in Tarah Springer, who died recently,
aged 103. She leaves thirty-one grand
children and twenty-eight great grand
children. The Cincinnati Gazette calls him Sam
uel Job Tilden, for his patience under
Pride hath two seasons : a forward
spring and an early fall. New York
Very Droll to Think of.
If not nhovo being taught by a man, use
Dobbin's Electric Soap next wash day. Used
without any wash boiler or rubbing board,
and used dlfferei-tly from any other soap ev
er made. It seems very droll to think of a
quiet, orderly two hours' light work on wash
day, with no heat and no steam, or smell ol
the washing through the house Instead of a
lorg day's hard work; but hundreds of
thousands of women from Nova Scotia to
Texas have proved for themselves that this
is done by using Dobhlns's Electrio Soap.
Don't buy It, however, if too set In your
ways to use it according to directions, that
are as simple as to seem almost ridiculous
and so ea-y that a girl or 12 years can do n
large wash without belnsr tired. It positive
ly will not injure the tlnest fabric, has been
before the public for fifteen years, and it
sale (Untitles every year. If your grocer has
not got It. he will get It. as wholesale grocers
keep It. J. M. Campbell, sole agent, How
ard, Neb. I L. CltARI-fcCO.,
ITyle.o.w. Philadelphia.
NOTIONS. Etc . Etc . Etc.
Nemaha City, Nebraska,
Will se.l goods as cheap as any house in
Southeastern Nebraska. I
J. 13. REES,
Good liuggles nnd horses, charges reas
onable Best of rare taken of transient stock.
J. B. HOOVER, Proprietor
This bouse treats its patrons to fl rat-class
accommodations, In every particular;
has good stabling for horses.
Centrally located; Good fare. and notroa
ble spared to make guests comfortable.
Good barn for horses and
Charges Seasonable. .
Workers In
Wood and Iron5
at the old place, foot of
promptly repaired.
All kinds of
done to order, and
Satisfaction Guarantied.
Cures Soi'e Throat, Cures Diptheria
Sold by A. Tf. Mckell, Dragglit, BrownTllle.
Go to Nlckell'a for iln. Freeman's New Nation
al Dyes. For brightness and durability of color
theyareunequaled. Colors to 5 lbs., price IS cents.
T. A. Bath. Joseph Body.
are now prepared to accommodate
the public with
Good, Sweet, Fresh
Highest market price paid for
Beef Hides
First door east ol P.O. Brownville.
MONTH euamnteed. :
laday Rt
home marie by the Industrial!
Hal not required . we will start you
Men Women. Horn and Girls make
money faster at work for us than at
ativthln- else. The work Is light
and pie i.:ini, and such as anyone
can go rlsbt at.
i nose who are wise who see mis
uotlo will send us tliflr addresses at once and see
for themselves. Costlv outlit and terms tree. Now
Is the time Those already at work are laying up
large sums of money. AddressTKUE&CO., Au
gusta Me. 21yl
dealer in all kinds of
Harvesting Machines
The Randolph Header
Brownville, Neb.
Is not a Vibrator nor an Apron machine.
Is wonderfully simple and admirably perfect in It
threshing and eeparating qualities, yave ail
the Train, and cleans it ready for market.
guns c3aljla constructed durably, is finished
uutifully. is the most economical, least expen
sive, and most satisfactory machine in tho
market. Will handle wet grain aa well as dry.
lias no equal in threshing flax and timothy, threito-
as wheat, and requires no chanze except the neves'.
lagana cleaning ootn aa weu ana nearly as ra
Bat more square jeet qf separating and cleaning nr.
fact than any other machine made, and can not th
merloaded. Is both over- and under-blaftt- Onr
new and Ttis desirable. Does tho work more
rapidly and better than an exclusively Hailing
Machine. SEPARATORS of tha various sixes fitted cr
Steam or Horse Paicer, as desired.
An Improved Pitts Power, an Improved
Woodbury Powert and the El ward Equal.
Izinjr Power, all mounted on four wheels, ara
manufactured by BS, and art not rurpasied by any
in At market.
Wo are also prepared to famish flratcI&M
Portable Engines with our Separators.
Tot Price-list and Circulars, addrees
Manufacturers, Stillwater, Minn
Drop Into the reliaMennd well known Drug
Stand of J. J. Bender. Nemaha City, and ask
them whnt the reputation of theGreen Moun
tain Cathartic Pills haa been since 1S35. You
will h told that they have been and area
Liver Regulator or Medicine
An Infallible Eemedy for
Malarious Fevers, Jaundice,
Restlessness, Mental Depression,
Sick Headache, Constipation,
BilliouBness, Dyspepsia, &c.
Try one box, only 25 cents. You will never
regret it.
O.C. Day- &- Brackett,
Sole Proprietors.
46m5 Kansas Oily. Mo.
Mortgage Deeds,
Chattle Mortgajres,
Warranty Deeds,
Qnlt Claim Deeds,
Always In Stock, at the
Hambletonian Stallion
Recorded in Wallaces Trotting: Reg
ister and Brace's American
Trotting Stnd Book.
Dark bay horse, property of IlolJaday &
Co.;bred by Gen. W.T. Withers, Lexington,
Ky., sired by Administrator, record 2:29,
son of Rysdyk's Hambletonian Sire of Dex
ter, record lS17Ji; first dam ot McMabon,
Mattle West, by Almot. son of Alexander's
Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid, record
2:14; second dam Monogram, Membrino
Chief, sire of LadyThoru. record 2:ISJ.
For extended pedigree, and other Informa
tion, call on or address,
Brownville, Nebraska.
Fortify the System
And you are armed against disease. The finest
tonic for this purpoxem Iloatelter's Stomach Bit
ters, which renders digestion easy and complete,
counteracts biliousness. nd keeps the bowels In or
der, and so genial and bencScent are Its effects,
that not only Is the body Invigorated and regulated
by Its use, but despondency banished rrom the
For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally.
"Studying the subject objectively and from the
educational point of view seeking to provide that
which, taken altogether, will be of theninst service
to the largest number I long ago concluded that, It
I could have but one work for a public library, I
would select a complete set ol Harper's JfonAfy."
Charles Francis Adams, Jr
Its contents are contributed by the most eminent
authors and artists of Kurope and America while
the lonjr experience of Its publishers has made
them thoroughly con versanti Itli the desires of the
public, which they will spare no effort to gratify.
I'll a .mlt.mA0 rft Via Xf.!. Aln nl1. ., a .... M
bers for June and Decemberof each vear. When
I no time Is specified. It will be understood that tbe
I subscriber wishes to begin with the current Num-
Harper's Periodicals.
Harper's Magazine, one Year Z 4
Harper's Weekly. " " 4
Harper's Bazar, " " 4
The Three above named pub
lications, one Year . 10 00
Any Two above named 1 Year 7 00
Harper's Yonng People 1 Yoar. 150
To all subscribers In tbe UnltedStates or Canada.
A complete set of Harper" Magazine. comprlslPr
59 volumes. In neat cloth binding, will be cent by
express, freight at expense of purchaser, on receipt
of 12 23 per volume, blngle volumes, by mall, post
paid, ft 00. Cloth cases, for binding, 33 cents, bv
mall, postpaid.
Remittances should be PostofQce Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Xeictpaperr.are not to copy tAU advertisement with
out the txpress order of Harper t Brother.
Tlie Oldest Paper in St.
Josepli and. tlio L.eadin jr
Paper in tlie Great
Xow In Its Twenty-" rst volume the IleraM ha
been a succesi'ul nrt intluci.tlar paper from tin
day it was founded, ami Its publishers are detr
mined to maintain its establish d reputation as
Tlie anient nilvncmc or good moral,
anil correct prluclplr.
Tlie most reliable Ncivpaier.
The most lelrable business paper
for business men
And the best .evpnpcr for nil clas
eg. The Dnllr Ilernlil having been recently enlarg
ed and belngr prlnt"-i on clear ne type, and our
facilities tor obtaining news being constantly In
creased. It wIlljL'oitlnue 1 1 nnlntiln Its position
anionic tbe best and ablest papers In the country,
and the
Oneofthelmportantieaturesofthe Herald and
that which makes It especially aluable. If not In
dispensable to business men. Is the full, complete
Reliable Market Reports,
which are every day found In Its columns, and
which larcelycovern the transactions of merchants
and dealers in:.stock.craIn and produce of all kinds.
The business man who does not avalt himself of
tbe knowledge contained In these d illvcommerclal
reporu. and who d"es not keep posted In the dally
fluctuations of the markets Is at the mercy of the
more enterprising traders. In many cases hun
dreds of dollar are lost that mlht be '.ved by In
vesting Nine Dollars ayear for the Daily Ilerald.
Collar Herald,
as its name Indicates, Is published at the low price
of (INK DOLLAR a yeer and Is mailed to sub
scribers witnout additional cost for postage. It is
the best and cheapest Weekly Paper published in
the West, containing
AH tlie Important News of the Tveelt.
Pare and Interesting Literature.
And a Complete Re-rievr of the Gen
eral markets.
Hio other Paper Is so Desirable, so Sat
isfactory and Cheap.
Subscriptions to the DO L.LA It HEK.AI.D must
be paid Invarably In advance, and the paper will
be promptly discontinued at the expiration of the
time paid for.
One dollar for one year.
Fifty cents for six months
All Postmasters are our authorized agents to re
celve and forward subscriptions. Address
FRANK M. TRACY, Manager,
Ksatiy printed atthisofflc.
a Wo,, c S am
m 3 W S PPi
g- gsM
S3 3 & "3
Nebraska State Journal.
During the coming year the political affairs of
the Nation. and the discussion growl ug out of tHem
will assume an importance rarely equaled, In our
will b a more able contest, second, perhaps, in
magnitude and blttexaeaa, to none that have pre
ceded It. The
will he taken. Including the raapportlonment of
Congressional Representatives, and the thirtlns of
the balance of power, and tho re-adjustxnent of th
lntluence of sections.
ol all narttes will precede tbePrwIdentlal Election.
and the Platform will determine the coarse of
Legislation and tfce Pvllcy or the Government for
another lour year.u
for Members of both branches of tha LestiUrora
Involving the election of & U.S. Senator, nd for
full Cxecutlvo Ticket, will occur.
In December, for the "lone session." and Questions
of vital Importance to the people. Including the
Indian and the .uorinon problem, ana me new
attempt to insert the soverclcnty of the States a3
superior to the power of the Nation, In the, matter
the franchise, and providing for the
Sumy or national Elections, win oe developed ana
ebated by the leading spirits of the Country.
The "Weekly Nebraska State Journal will
be a faithful epitome of these events, and will fully
present the merits of the discussions provoked
thereby, while at the same time it will give con
cisely and lully. all the Current, Foreign, and Do
mestic news, full and latest Market Reports, local
aa well as from Eastern Commercial Centers, full
reports f the proceedings of all Jjitcrnry, Jo
clnl. Religious and Kdncatlonal Convention
and State Socletlea. and of the State Leglela
of Congressional Proceedings, and will be In fact a
weekly history of the world In general, and or the
Nation, and the State In particular.
The Weekly NebrnskaState Jonrnal Is not
only the largest Weekly published In the Wcst.but
It contains much more reading matter. In propor
tion to Its size, than can be found io any of lu con
temporaries on this side of the Missouri, and com
mends itself to every Ncbraxkan as the State paper.
to be taken In addition to the local papers of the
several connties, ror its general una state news.
Republican In politics. It discusses public affairs,
cot from a partisan, but from a broad, national
.standpoint, crltlotslng public men and measures
upon their merits, Independent of tactlonallsm or
No better medium of the news that Is wanted In
Nebraska for the enllgbtinent of the heads or the
family, or for a liberal education of the rising gen
eration, can be found than the State Journal.
Single Copy, per year.........$ 3.00
Five Copies, at one time. ....... 8.75
Ten " 15.00
tsr The Money (registered letter or money-order)
must Invariably be sent with the names.
'av in your own locality. No
risk. Women do as well as men
Many make more than the am
tint stated above. No one can
fall to make monev fast. Any
one can do the work. Yon can
make from EOcts. to V an hour by devoiine: you.- ev
enings a:d spare Ume to the business. It costs noth
ing to try the business. Nothing like It for money
making ever offered bafore. Business pleasant and
strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know
all about the best paying business before the public
sendusyouraddressand we will en-you fall par
ticulars and private terms free : sample worth iS
also free- von can then make up your mind ror
Jourselft'Addrw OEORQE STINSON & CO.,
Portland. Me. ,
F- -o fiAM2ffsv
ft ''
mre mCarb sod x er n
dirty white color- It Ssay
appear KUte, examined dtji
cHtiKcn & co.'s AB3i and
haitx:tiek bbani will show
the difference.
See that yonr Baking: Soda 1
TVhite and PfiBE, am HhouTd he Alt It
A simple but serera test of tie ceaparatlrt
Tatae ot different brands of Pods is to dissolve a
dessert spoonful of each kind with about a pint
of water (hot preferred) in clear glasses, stirring
until all m thoroughly dissolved. The delete
rious insolnble matter in the inferior Soda will
be shown after settling some twenty tninntea or
sooner, by tbe milky app.
and the quantity of floa
pearance of the eolation
atiog nocsy mnwx &
cording to quality.
Be suro and ask for Church & Co.'s Bsda sad
tee that their name is en the package and you
sjrill get the purest and whitest made. The tut
of this with sour milk, in preference to Bakinj
Powder, saves t7enty times 1U cost.
Bee one pound package fsr valuable iaforma
Moa and read carefully.
A WEEK In your own town, and
no capital risked. You can give
tho buiint.-i-i a trial without ex
pense. The best opportunity ever
offered for those willing to work.
You should try nothing else until
you see for yourself what yon can
o at the business we offer. No room to explain
ere. You can devote all vour time or only your
pare tlm to the business, and make great pay for
verv hour that vou work. Women make as much
as men. Bend ror special prlvato terms and partic
ulars, which we mall free. i Outfit free. Don't
complain of bard times while you have asuch ;
chance. Address If. HALLETT& Co.. portl nd. At
Warner's Hs(o Pills are an Immediate
stimulus ror a Torpid Liver, and cure Costive
nes. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Billons DiarrhcM.
Malaria, i'ever and A rue. and are useful at
times In nearly all Diseases to cans a free and
rernlar action of tbe Bowels. The beet anti
dote for all Malarial Poison. Price, So. a box.
Warner's SafeKervIae quickly rives Best
and Sleep to tbe sufferlnr, cures Headache and
.aeuraigia, iTeventa tpnei
eptlc Fits, and Is tha
best remedy for Nervous
Prostration brooch t
rr, nv AV-aealA itplnhl.. ... H!..!. ..,
shocks and other causes. It relieves the Pains
of all Diseases, and Is never Injurious to th
system. The best of all Nervines. Bottles of
two sizes; prices, SOc.
Warner's Safe
Remedies are
old byDrnfinrlst
and Iealen ia
Medicine ererx
Boch eater, V.T.
S&"8ead for Pamphlet
and Testimonials,
Tnls machine Is jnixrsnteed in its present com
pleteness. to meet tbe want ol every househod fo
either domestic or fancy work ; Is simple and dura
ble In constructloa. easily kept In repair, and wll
f?'' stocking: with keel and toe complete In from
a to 10 minutes, and articles of any desired shape,
size, or material can be easily and quickly knlton
this machine. The machine is warranted to he in
rjjc;i.oroerana io ao joss what is represented. I
iAch machine Is accompanied by a book of JUl 11- '
nstrated Instructions by which any one can learn to
operate them. GOOD AGENTS WANTED with
wnom the oest terms will be made. AH orders and
communnlcatlons should be addressed to
DANA BICKFOItD. Prea'tand Oen'l Art.
i7y 9 Broadway, n ew Tsrk.
. 8
VstlsPsWy W
W A. IMTE 1 A all ta.tiM Buhtn
WW tail count -u IU U.S. o mII ts
"Cjrfepe41 f Tblan Wntk Xmwb- j tBiKr!ffc.
To tseb bus. hUi jw.1 rtfcrtotei, w Twrsttk tU outfit frw. '
i prs taraj tttt -4l -.-!- t -rt w ftjj - -.,4
trt UTZSIUXISS J IrtS. t3 n :.St. LciiMt
13stoiw.3setredj. JreewH
9WOI.J)OOK.jOnlrS39. lUAOS.
!UQl.co7er & book 20 to fl.SS.
i lutsrraica i-ataiogu tree, ab-
drees Daniel F. HenttyrWaablngtoat Nr J-4w4
Hcst made; warrna ted Six Years. NEW
PIANO'S ton, find cover. Blfie. upward.
Now ORGANH, 845, S50, S6U, 873, upward
Illustrated CataleffHefren. Agents lranted
Mecoml hand lastrnmentr ar Bar sal aa.
ftorncoTTntrrs ifc Co., Sag Br'tlway. 7t;- V
We will send onr Electro-Voltnlc Belts and ota'f "
Klectrlc Appliance upon trial fbr 39 days to thor
suflerlnr from nrrvoua debllltr. Rheumatism.
Paralysis or any dlseaaeof tha llveror kidneys. axx'
many other diseases. A suro core guaranteed or
no pay Addres Voltaic Rex.t Co.. Marshalllch-
1 L. I unllko the many so called pr-
m ' paratloos for this d!ordr
9 V which only relieve while ucd
bv the Patient. tTRES
PERMANENTLY f and has been endorsed la
this respect tor the past 3) years by th leading
medical authorities of Europe. NO CHARGE
made to give Ita falrtest. as bit. T.ASCSLLE un
dertakes to end.acb sntferlng applicant a XRE
package on their forwarding name and postofflce
address to his Sole Agents for the U.S. and Canada.
Messrs. Slocum A Co. No. 4 Cedar st. N. Y.
This remarkable Ointment contains no Jlercarl
rel oro-her Mineral substance, and nothing can
be found lh Its composition that can lnlaro the ten
der Infant or unduly effect the aged or In3rm. B
Ing a Vegetable Preparation the ALL, HEAL
ING OlN'TIUKNTwllI never Injure you. but can
be used with Impunity bv ALL. Ita healing
poxvera aro wonderful, and the great repu
tation It hna acquired the past 33 year
itpraka volume nfprnlsr for Ita merits.
Sores, Scrofulous Humors, Cutaneous
Eruptions, Common ItcTt, Felon and
Poisonous AVonnds to discharge their
pntrld matter and a thorough hallng
process follows. Burns and Scalds ar
Instantly relieved. Chapped Hands A.
Feet, Frosted Limbs and Chilblains are
promptly cured. Salt Rheum, Darhera
Itch, Ring; Worm, Sio. speedily' eradicated
Asaremedyfornil PP
Price 23 cent3 per box.
Sold by all druggists, ot
It la a Specif.c.l ILLO
mailed free on receipt of lie. by HjiXZ. &. Kcrxsx.,
flmgeiatt. "18 Oreenwlch Street. New "Vork.
rPHERE Is no trrcater Blood purifvlr.r and life
L glvlnjr principle In the world ormedlclne than
Malt Bitters, prepared by the Malt Bitters Com
pany from vnermented Silali and Hops. It is a per
fect renovator of feeble and exhausted constitutions
It enriches the blocd. solidities the bones hardens
the muscles. Quiets tho nerves, perfects digestion,
cheers tbe mind and vitalizes with new life evey
lluldof thebedv: It is so. because It strikes at thw
root or all debility Enfeebt-ek DioestioN and
IuroVKnisnED Blood. Sold everywhere.
The Only Remedy
and the KIDNEYS.
This combined actum rir9 iitcon-
derful jxneer to cure ail duease.
Why Are We Sick?
Because we aUoto thae oreat oraam
U become donned or torvid. and
pottonoiuTiumorsare therefore forced
tmo tne 0100a that tmuld de erpeiled
by cautingfre action of then organ
and restoring their voiccr to thjwc off
Why Suffer Bllions vain and aeh t1 i
Why tormented with File, Coastipatlo!
u nr frightened oier disordered Kldoevs 1
Why endure nervous or sick headacaesi
Why have sleepless nhrbU!
Tit KIDNEV WOKT and rtjelct in
htalth. Mis a dry,TegetGlls compound and
One package will taakoalx atsof3IUIac
QtZ it ofyo'tr Drucn f, he tall prder. it
jvr yu'. rrua, ii.wi
V72L15, 2XA2TSW CO.. rrsdrtei.
(WEI Mad port put.) Borllncton. Tt.
Spoor t
takoc r h u, or 1'TnltV
Hop Bitters
If yon aro a rainlrter,
with care vrc.ri, or
will C
cad kr cr c-txxod yota
tied: tr c l. oLaer. worn
If yc-i r- maply aUIsri
piritod, without clearer
Restore You
iz joa ieci trwuc ana au-
Hop Bitters will
IfTouiro amanoi
strain of your crcr
tries, weakened br tb
duties; or a mm cf I
nlrtnUhtworfc. Strengthen Yon.
ten, touinjr orer yoor
Hop Bitters will
If yon aro younsr, end
"retlon, or ore growing too
satTeztatz from any ladisv
f&at, as U often the cue, .
Relieve Yon.
Hop Bitters will
If you are in the worfc
drak. nnyrrhr". and feel
shop, oa the farm, at tb
that roar 'Tstcm nwl
fimnsmg. looms or ru-
nlnrrpjr without tataxV
What Yon Need.
Hop Hitters Is
"f yon aro el 1, and yonr
t t.3 u-. .a. 7, and your;
IpulM Is feebla, your
I f acnltles wsning.
lisp Bitters will give yoa 3few Xlfo and Vlsr.
Bor Coco;: Ccsx is tb sw-.'test, safwt asd beeCsT
.fUk Children. I
One Bor Tjj for Stomach, liTer and K! '-m Is wpo-1
rl.rtotUotaat Curesby absorption. ,.: u perfect. H
D. I. CL is an absolute and Irrerfrtibltj enra for d-nak-
ennca, use of opium, tobacco and narcuUcs. 5.
AhorstoUbyirgp-'jU. Hap Bittcn Mfy. Co. Eia'.r, X Y . fc
Remedy; la
esSthtaf nr tsr
'Sods! We.
nut, 8pneuw
r. lapouae?.
ud tit ieu
Before Tsllar-. Xyw. urirf After Taking
stmetj, Cart ensi losW,, Fata la tit Srt. Diaans rf
suisa. Pressors Old Jt(. sad run? ter DUos. u
fcsd to lmxsitj er OoropU.,3 1 , fmuvu, Grsw.
ffj" Tun psrUsaUrs ta crsr rapfclt. -irfciri -n ids W
esadarebynistltorrtrjcos. CXTbsZpwlflsMedWasU
scld sy a'J 4ra!u st It per jscssjs, er U rr
SS, cr wtu b msi in by asll co rsooj ef & sor bf
sddrssdjs ME GBAI X2DICI5E CO., ' '
kcitxis' Hiac. Pttscr vjest .
Jffl-Boldln BrexDTills.
evgry srhetra "
-em- ."f
-iajsr ' , ' -