Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 03, 1880, Image 2

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p-w iw waannneaaen .nana. i nnan 1 wiii
r.Thg.2vel)ja3lia delegation Js at the
Palmer .&usexoSm 43.
The N. Y. Herald says Grant will be
nominated and elected.
i.'Eha nextitJE. General Conference
will be held at Philadelphia,
Deadwood has been selected as a
suitable point for an assay office
I -Reports' of Indian depredations in
STorth Park, Colorado, are said to be
Savoy, Texas, was destroyed by a cy
clone on the night of the 28th ult., and
nine persons were killed.
The Democratic State convention of
Nevada elected delegates to Cincinnati,
on the 27th inst. By a vote of 53 to 36
the convention decided Tilden to be the
choice of the party.
Hon. E. B. "Washburne, presidential
candidate, is at present confined at his
brother's house, Portland, Maine, by
illness.. It is reported that he has a
serious attack of pneumonia.
Hurrah for the Republican nominee!
The Advertiser will have no heart
burnings and no crow to eat, not hav
ing prepared nor allowed others to pro
pare for it, the unsavory dish.
- A bill has been introduced in the
House of Lords, England, providing
for permitting burial of dissenters in
church yards and cemeteries without
fche church-of England service.
s The court' of inquiry in the
Case 01
cadet "Whitaker have unanimously
agreed that the cadet maltreated him
self. The points given in the summing
Up, make this theory look reasonable,
and it's hard on the colored cadet.
News from New Mexico about Silver
Gity, say the Indian war is on the in
crease, and that General Hatch is a de
plorable failure as an Indian fighter.
The report of parties having opportu
nities of knowing say he has been
whipped in every fight in which he has
been engaged, but lies about it in his
" TJ. S. Courts are now suspended and
suspending, in various parts of the
country for want of money to pay ex
penses of oilieers, witnesses, jurors etc.
The Democrats of Congress are deter
mined to bend and force everything to
favor their political rascality,
or stop
the legitimate systems of the govern
ment. A few days ago Senator "Win
dom endeavored to get through a small
appropriation to pay the already in
curred expenses of U.S. Marshals, but
it was promptly voted down.
The Right "Worthy Grand Lodge of
Good Templars, in session in New York,
passed the following resolution, com
plimentary to Mr. and Mrs. President
Resolced, That the right worthy
grand lodge, I. O. of G. T., representing
the civilized world, in assembly met,
desire with pride and hearty approval
to make mention of the noble act of the
president of the United States of Amer
ica and his most excellent wife in pro
hibiting the use of wine at their re
ceptions, and trust this worthy exam
ple will not only be followed hereafter
at the white house, but the practice be
adopted "by the rulers of all lands.
Tho InternationaLMillera' Exhibi
tion began in Cincinnati Monday this
week, and will continue one month. A
dispatch says: The hall of - the build
ing is filled with milling machinery
from this country and Europe, and the
oxhihilion promises to be of tho most
valuable character. Tho grain congress,
which meets on June 2d and 3d, and
ia composed of delegates from all the
boards of trades and commercial organ
isations in the country, is expected to
be of great interest. Samples of all
grades of grain from the leading mar
kets of the world will be on exhibition.
-. The following bill designed to de
feat the federal election laws, passed
the Senate on the 26th. Of course it
will pass tho House, and if approved
by the President will be law; but we
think the Executive will interpose a
a veto, as he Bhould.
Be it enacted, etc., That the term of
office Chief Supervisors of Election,
provided for in section 2,025 of the Re
vised Statutes shall be two years. Such
term shall begin on the first day of May j
in each even numbered year. The.
terms of those now in office shall expire
on the first day of May, 1SS0, and their
successors shall be appointed from
among the qualified olectors of the prop
er judicial districts by the President of
the United States, by and with the ad
vice and consent of the Senate. The
President may appoint such officers
during the recess of the Senate, who
may hold and exercise their office until
the next session of tho Senate; and it
shall be the duty of the President to
send in such nominations within thir
ty davs after the ensuing session of the
Senate; provided, that no person now
holding or who has held the office of
Chief Supervisor of Elections shall be
The question as to whether General
Grant will withdraw, seems to be set
tled, by tho following from the Galena
Gazette, the General's homopapsr, con
sidered good authority as its editor is a
personal friend of Grant's:
"An item has been going the rounds
of tho press- asserting that Geo. W.
Cbilds, of the Philadelphia Ledger, had
stated that General Grant would order
his name withdrawn from the contest
" at- tho National Convention in Chicago.
Neither George W. Childs nor any one
else has authority for making such an
,..f, r.nprii firant's name has
never gone before the public as a can-,
daate lor tho Presidency by any word
iLnati wu". v -- .
or act of his own, and he most certain
ly -will not' order his name withdrawn.
A verv larce class of the American
people have chosen to make him their .
candidate, and if the Republican Na
tional Convention at Chicago sees fit to
tender him the nomination, he will not
decline. This we know to be a fact,
and wo publish it because it is well
that the Republicans of the country
should cease to hold the matter in
General Logan's opinion being asked
about Grant "withdrawing, said "the ru
mor is too foolish for a moment's con
sideration." That is pretty good au
thority, too.
Day Before the Convention.
Chicago, June l. The Journal saa:
Here are the estimates of the more ar
dent friends of the several presidential
candidates of the votes in the national
Blaine estimates: For Blaine, 324
votes; for Grant, 276: for Sherman,
101; for Edmunds, 32; for "Washburne,
Grant esthetes: 'or Grant, 411;
for Blaine. UH; fox4 Sherman. 103; for
Edmunds, JSCi ; for "Waslwurne, 13.
The Sherman estimate .jives him 227
The New Torfc Tribune's estimates
give Grant 3io ; "Clair,, 272 ; Sherman,
110; Edmunds, 37; "Washburne, 13;
"Windom, 10.
The Albany Ecening Journal's esti
mates give Grant 314; Blaine, 277;
Sherman, 100; Edmunds, 37; "Wash
burne, 13 ; "Windom, 10.
A letter has been received by Judge
Hoar from Senator Edmunds declining
absolutely to allow the use of his name
as a candidate for president. The friends
of General Grant believe this will help
them. The Vermont delegates although
refusing to state who their second
choice will be say they will not vote
for Grant. A Massachusetts delegate
said to-day that Edmunds' withdrawal
would add twenty votes to Sherman's
The Grant figures above are based
upon the presumption that delegations
will vote a unit as instructed ; but in
dications from renorts from amongst
. ! Hio P.liiivx-rn rJnlnrrrif o-z ;irf flinf". thf. milt.
" .o wt,
rule will not be the rule ol the Conven
tion. If this is true it indicates Grant's
defeat. The Inter Ocean of June 1st,
for Grant and the unit system, has an
editorial showing it is scared. If there
is a break look out for Blaine or Sher
manthe latter we think.
"Wellg for the Par "West.
A proposition is before the House of
Representatives, in the shape of an
amendment to "the Agricultural An-
i propriation Bill." which provides that
the Commissioner of Agriculture shall
be empowered to contract for the sink
ing of artesian wells for the purpose of
reclaiming the arid and waste lands of
the West by means of irrigation. "While
it has justly been considered doubtful
if wells caii be made available for this
purpose, yet the bare chance that they
may be "usefully and profitably em
ployed is of such vast importance that
it is to be hoped the amendment will
prevail. The cost ot making the ex
periment win ue very siimu, ana u one
successful attempt is made under such
circumstances as will show that the
project is feasible, it will set at rest the
question of the value of our vast terri
tory in those regions that are now in
arid and waste. If thesupply of water
is of no greater volume than shall per
mit these at present worthless, lands to
be used for grazing cattle, the expendi
ture will have been a judicious one for
the Government, for it will give a cer
tain value to millions of square miles
of land which is now utterly worthless.
This is eminently a case in which the
public funds may be justly expended
and a business which may be very prop
erly entrusted to the present Commis
sioner, who has proved himself both
enterprising and energetic. Riwal
New Yorker.
This is one of the grandest proposi
tions for the West ever brought before
Congress. But it is doubtful if those
brigadiers now having control of af
fairs, can see how the scheme can be
of political use to them, or they might
favorably consider the matter,
Among the prominent Grant men at
the Palmer House Friday evening was
Mr. W. S. Lingle, Postmaster and editor
of the Courier, at Lafayette, Ind. In
conversation with an Inter Ocean emis
sary Mr. Lingle referred to the fact that
Indiana gave Grant 10.000 majority
over Seymour in 1868, double Tilden's
majority over Hayes in 1S76. In 1S72
General Grant's popularity had so in
creased that he had a majority of 20,000
over Greeley, the liberals, scratchers,
soreheads, and bolters combined. No
State convention has been held in In
diana, the delegates having been ap
pointed by the Congressional districts,
and two-thirds of them instructed for
Blaine. "I am satisfied," said Mr.
Lingle, "that were Grant and Tilden
nominated, the former wouldpoll 30.000
majority over the bar'l manipulator in
a fair and square vote. The people of
Indiana are incensed and indignant at
the raid made upon General Grant in
his own State, and they are coming
here in thousands to see that justice is
done him, and that ho will again honor
hi3 country by becoming its Executive
officer." Regarding the instructions,
Mr. Lingle said that the Indiana dele
gation did not consider itself bound. On
the first hallot the delegation would
be evenly divided between Grant, Blaine
and Sherman, w
Grant would have
hilo on the second,
the entire delegation.
Inter Ocean.
Tho Republican publishes this morn
ing a batch of crop reports, covering
nearly every section of the state, from
which it will be seen that the outlook
is more flattering than could have been
expected, considering the dry spell with
which Nebraska has been wrestling for
some months past. In but few instan
ces is there much complaint of drought,
and as copious rains have fallen very
generally throughout the state within
the past week, it is but reasonable to
suppose that localities now suffering
are few and far between. Opinions of
those whose opportunities are such as
to enable them to form correct judg
ment, are to the effect that Nebraska
will produce an average crop of small
grain, while of corn and the vegetable
product it is, of course, too early to
speak definitely. Omaha, Republican.
The Springfield Union preaches or
thodox political gospel when it says:
"The cohesion of a political party is
based upon the principle that the ma
jority shall rule. Everybody knows
more than anybody." If a party is so
bad that a good man cannot trust its
majority, he had better keep out of it,
and if ho declares in advance that he
will cot trust the-maiority. he is out
oin ana iigui, u, . u-t
, tions.
i "V . .l.i 1h Hm AriVnvr 1
a ,i;L-nn4sii enT7c 1ip f.imniifl and nOD-
'- Brougham is dying,
in N. Y. city.
Goss and Ryan, the bruisers, have
arranged to fight, "Wednesday this week.
at- some place within 50 miles or Pitts
burg. The strike of the miners at Leadville
has ended.
Wallace's tannery and shoe factory,
Rochester, N. Y., were destroyed by
fire, 28th ult.
rive deaths and many cases of pros
tration, from heat, occurred in New
York citv, 2Sth ult.
John A. Rea, formerly of Lincoln,
Neb., has received the appointment oi
Receiver of the U. S. land office at Bis
marck. A terrific storm passed through Ev
ansville, Ind., 29th ult., blowing down
houses. Frank "Wasson was killed.
InN. Y. 23d ult, Emil Breimenn
killed his wife by cutting her throat.
John Conrad, of Roundom, "Wis.,
has been arrested, charged with the
murder of his own son.
Ambrose Armes, Chicago, suicided
last week bv sending a bullet through
his head.
Milton, Pa., was recently destroyed
by fire.
In one county in New Jersey, Atlan
tic county, it is estimated that 95,000
of the 120,000 acres have been burned
over, including 10,000 acres of vine
land and 9,000 acre3 of cranberry
meadow. One hundred houses have
lnn nniir.nmn1 "Tl4-l OltoTl Tl Ol TT I
losses iii a single county, the sum total
of destruction must be appalling. The
fires are dying out for lack of material,
but the drouth continues the work of
Herbert Spencer was 60 this month,
and congratulates himself that he runs
up stairs two steps at a time just as he
used to do.
Alex Stephens says Daniel Webster
is the worst slandered man he ever
knew in respect to the stories of his
drunken habits.
A cyclone at Mitchell, D. T., last
week blew down most of the houses in
town, killing Jacob Luther of Ala
makee, la., and injuring several other
The barn of Michael Fiunegan, near
Troy, Kansas, was struck by lightning
recently and burned, with two horses,
two mules, wagons, machinery etc.
The barn had only three lightning rods
on it.
The miners of Leadville went on a
strike the other day. 2,000 of them
marched through the streets. They
demand S4 a day.
Dennis Kearney has been released,
and the impeachment case against May
or Kalloch, of San Francisco, has been
Heavy wind and rain stornis report
ed from northern Texas.
Wyoming Indians are on the war
path and reports of murdered miners
Kansas had some good rains recently.
The Republican editors of Indiana
have formed an association for more
effective campaign work, 17 of them re
cently convening at Indianapolis.
At Marion, Tenn., 2Sth ult., L. L.
Ford was hanged for murdering John
At Woodsfield, Ohio, 2Sth ult, Peter
King was hanged for murder of David
At Hartford, Ct, 27th ult, a man
giviug his name as Henry Hamlin
supposed to not be his rail name was
hanged for shooting the watchman at
the jail.
At Hanover Court House, "Va., 2Sth
ult, Charles Ballinger, colored, was
hanged for raping a small white girl
on the 1st of April.
At Ozark, Ark., Tho3. Edmunds was
hung for murdering his wife and child.
He declaredhis innocense to the last.
A malt house burned down, with
30,000 bushels of barley, at Buffalo, 28th
T. C. Thurston, of Leavenworth, on
the 26th ult., attempted to assassinate
D. R. Anthony, editor of the Times.
He fired a navy revolver at Anthony
as they passed each other on the street,
missing him but not failing in doing a
lamentable work, as two disinterested
gentlemen were struck by the widely
flying bullets; the Hon. Lucien Baker,
a prominent young lawyer of Leaven
worth, and a merchant named Douglas
beiug the unfortunates. The latter
was not seriously hurt, but Mr. Baker
was shot through the body in the re
gion of the heart, and recovery is
thought to be impossible. Thurston
some time ago shot and killed Erabry
his partner, and was acquitted; and
the man Erabry that he killed was the
same who shot Anthony so seriously
some three or four years ago.
Measles and scarlet fever are scourg
ing Indianapolis.
An excursion train was recently
wrecked at Santa Cruz, California and
15 persons killed.
Robert Gray, the traveling man of
S. I. Smith & Co. Jt. Joseph, suicided,
in Anna Chambers' bagnio at Kansas
City, by shooting, 26th inst.
Hanlan and Riley had a boat race
last week; the former winning easily.
A convention has been arranged be
tween the United States and Canada,
by which the exchange of postal money
orders has been simplified and the cost
The Methodist conference passed a
resolution calling on Congress to pass
laws for stamping out of polygamy in
Two brothers named Bussley, half
breed Indians at Denison, I. T. recent
ly fought a duel and one of them was
At Peoria, 111., last week two em
ployes at a brewry, named August
Pf ulhauer and Chas. Hoch, quarreled,
and fought, and the latter was killed.
Prince Leopold and Princess Louise
are in Canada and will visit-the United
Select Telegrams.
"Washington, May 26. The stand
ard silver dollars got a boom in the
House to-day that will send them over
the country by the cart-load. Delegate
Dnwnp.v. the Doet, moved an amend
ment to the sundry civil appropriation
bill that all moneys appropriated-in
this bill, over ?20,000,uuu, oe paui in
standard silver dollars.. .TkiB-yas
adopted bv a votTof 85yto2t Ififcbe-.
comes a law, no more vault-room will
be necessarv, which was Downey's
point in offering the amendment The
appropriation of $350,000 for the Cin
cinnati Custom nousc is in una uiu,
and, according to the amendment, it
will all be paid in standard silver dol
lars. The Inter Ocean says, regardingthis :
Downey's amendment to the sundry
civil bill, which was adopted in the
House, mav dispose bf the question of
the storage of silver. The bill appro
nrmtes over twentv m illions. This en
tire amount, it is provided by the amend
ment, shall be paid in standard silver
dollars. Should this become law there
will not be very much left of the silver
now in the Treasury.
"Washington, May 28. The senate
pension committee voted to report with
some verbal amendments the housebill
granting pensions to certain soldiers
and sailors of the Mexican war and
Indian wars with the Creeks and Sem
inoles. The bill repeals that section of
the revised statutes which provides
that no money on account of pensions
shall be paid to any person, or to the
widow, children or heirs of any de
ceased person, who in any manner vol-
untarilv engaged in or aided oraoetteu
the late rebellion against the authority
of the United States.
Denver, May 2S A News Buena
Vista special says early this morning
two men James Reid and James Ed
wardsinstantly killed each other.
They had some trouble .and upon meet
ins drew revolvers and fired two shots
each, when both fell dead.
Bracket, Texas, May 2S This
morning the heaviest and most disas
trous rain storm ever known visited
the state, and is still pouring in torrents.
All of Bracket except the portion on
the hills is inundated. The water is
from four to eight feet deep, rushing
down stream with most incredible ia
pidity. Business houses are from one
to five feet deep under water:'- -Great
anxiety is felt for the safety of families
on creeks. More than twenty people
were drowned. A dozen houses were
washed away. All residences in the
lower part of the town are being vaca
ted as fast as possible. The greatest
excitement prevails.
trize TIGHT.
Pittsburg, May 31. Jack Fleeat, of
England, and George Turnbull, of Mc
Keesport, fought a prize fight near that
place to-day for S250 a side. Sixty-six
rounds were fought, resulting in a vic
tory for Turnbull. The fight lasted an
hoar and a half, and was most brutal.
Fleeat is fifty-four years of age, has
fought twenty-five battles and was
never whipped before. Trumbull is
thirty-three. No arrests.
San Francisco, May 31. The fifty
yard foot-race to-day between Archie
McConib, of San Francisco, and George
Rekots, of Rhode Island, for a purse of
82,000, was won by the latter. Time
not given.
Chicago, May 31. The national
woman's suffrage association begin a
three days' session at Farwell hall to
morrow." Many delegates are already
here, including some of the most prom
inent ladies in the country.
Dublin, May 29. Harvest prospects
are.good throughout Ireland. An un
usual area has been sown in potatoes
which came up well, as new seed has
been extensively u&ed.
New York, May 29. Two thous
and and eight3'-four immigrants ar
rived to-day, making the total arrivals
thus far in May 53,009, a greater num
ber than arrived in any previous whole
month of May.
San Francisco, May 20. Last
night the workingmon, headed by a
brass band, escorted Kearney from his
house to the sand lots, where a very
large crowd gathered. Kearney ad
dressed them in his usual style, an
nouncing his intention of taking up the
agitation where he left it, and making
it more bitter than ever.
The Rev. Emperor "Williams was a
colored delegate to the recent colored
M. E. Conference, and gave some of his
experience as follows:
In slave times we had a good deal of
trouble about reading the Bible. I re
member once they tried to put me out
of the church when I read from a Tes
tament the words, "And Jesus was
born in Bethlehem of Judea." And
another time my master caught me
holding forth on a text from Solomon.
I was out in the graveyard, and he was
behind atomb where Icouldnotseehim.
I was making a big noise, for I can
make a noise when I try, and w hen I
got through lip stepped out and, said:
"Look here. Emperor, you and your
God have bothered me long enough,
and I am going to set you free." And
so down we went and he made out the
papers. Then he took me to a store and
gave me a suit of clothes. Then to an
other and bought me a gold-headed
cane. "There, now." said he, "go and
preach till you die," and, thank God, I
have been preaching ever since." After
a short pause he asked if the audience
remembered John Brown, and added:
"Green Williams, who was hanged with
him, was my father. And now, as I
told you before, I am not going to
preach a sermon. I give this part of
the history of my life, and only a small
part, and now I wish to hear some re
marks from my brother here with me."
Topeka has been thrown into a fever
of excitement by the elopement of A
beautiful 37-year old Sister of Charitfy
from the convent in that place. Her
name is Katie Boyles, and she has been
an inmate of the convent for ten years.
During all this time she has striven
hard to give up the world, but finally
was compelled to surrender to her im
pulses, and is now on her way to Colo
rado, accompanied by her mother.
State Journal.
The old man of Cipher Alley is blind
in one eye, paralyzed on one side, and
cannot speak above a whisper. He
keeps a little old woman near him to
attend him and to cut his steak and
feed him. Like an old spider, sa5;s the
Xew York World, he remains secreted (
in his lair weaving his political web;
and seeing no one who would' daro di
vulge' his lorlorn physicalcondition to I
the. world out si'dc -. I
"Is it such a fast that I have cho
sen? a day for a man to afllict his soul?
Is it to bow down his head as a bul
rush, and to spread sackcloth and ash
es under him? Wilt thou call this a
fast, and acceptable day unto the Lord?
Is not this the fast that I have chosen?
to loose the bands of wickedness, to un
do the heavy bar-doors and to let the
oppressed go free and that ye break ev
ery yoke. Is it not to deal thy bread
to the hungry, and that thou bring tho
poor tnat are cast out to my uuu&e r
When thou seest the naked that thou
cover him, and that thou hide not thy
self from thine own fle-sb."
The Christians will have a basket
meeting next Sunday in London.
Elder Rowe will preach in the
Christian meeting house next Friday
night, Saturday night, and Sunday
morning and evening.
We are having rain in abundance
Mrs. Jane Loveless is getting bet
ter. Nathan Coleman is making some
quite extended additions to his house.
Don't be in a hurry to get youi
fortunes told, even if the Gypsies are
here, but seek the wisdom which will
clothe you with moral strength to meet
your destiny, with courage, as it re
veals it to vou each day. Sometime if
if we could see the deep waters and
dark ways through which our "for
tune" would lead us, we would shrink
from it and faint by tho way. In many
cases we may say :
"Oil! blindness to the future; kindly given
Strawberries are ripe and quite
plenty, and when all those green black
berries are ripe there will be an abun
dance of them, too.
"Alas that anything so lovciy
should have a life so brief." That j
means the rose; their oeauty is iaamg.
If men and women kept as close
watch of their own errors and follies
as they do of their neighbor's, how
much better it would be for them. For
each one would suffer for his own sins
and be rewarded for his own virtue s.
It is well to keep the ""beam" out o
our own eye, and not fret so much
about the "mote" in our neighbor's eye.
The eigbth of June draweth nigh
-keep calm.
The most curious plant in the month
ly exhibition of the New York Horti
cultural Society, on Tuesday, was the
Cyclopedium Cordalium, or "lady's
slipper," belonging to Mrs. M. J. Mor
gan of X. Y. It is two feet high,
and the gray foliage, tinged with pink,
resembles a slipper with the hind half
of the sole bare, and has a pendant tail
a foot long. That plant is valued at
$300, and is a native of the East Indies.
The National Temperance Society
has just published a new four-page
tract written by ex-Gov- Felson Ding
lev. Jr., of Maine, giving the facts as
to" the present state of affairs in that
State, conclusively showing that prohi
bition prohibits and answering many
of the objections and enquiries recently
raised In regard to the law.
We notice by the Gunnison, Colora
do, Reoiew, the first newspaper estab
lished in that magic city, that Gen. Geo.
A. Stone was the purchaser of the first
copv of tho Review that came from the
press, paying S100 therefor. Mr. Stone,
well know in this count', is now a mer
chant of Gunnison. Humboldt Senti
7iel. Some fifty wagons and over 300 per
sons passed through Orleans Friday,
May 2lst. enroute for "Washington Ter
ritory. They travel about 20 miles a
day and rest every alternate Saturday
and Sunday. They are an intelligent
company, well organized and equipped.
Orleans Sentinel.
90 Main Street,
Talies tills opportunity to
Tim ult the People of Srown-
ville and ft'emalia County for
their Liberal Patronage dur
ing the past year, and solicits
a continuance of their favors.
ISavins: now a choice, new.
stock, of WatcS c, CIocJis and
tiVtfjywTff11 in i wTnnnriinJhj.napfcftJh
Jewelry, at price tsiat cannot
be discounted any v here. Call
and See. Sta
T? .fcWU K..,k ."..-1-
.r C vrhv)&e.
msa.9 j. Kscwwaas
e's pass the door
; pet the con
ductor to put yon down at 90
DZaiu St., opposite Lmvman'o.
dealer in all kinds of
Harvesting Machine
and M0 WEBS,
The Randolph Header
Bmwnville, 2feb
CryforPitolier'BCwttorift. Tieylike
itljecauso it Is rwoet; Mothers US
Castoria Tjcoanao it gives health, to
tho child; and Physicians, hocans
Arm-tnlna sao morohine or mineral.
Is nature's remedy for assimilating
t,.. fl. Tt cures Wind Colio, the
' raising of Sour Curd and DiarrhcBa
allays reverisnness anu. ,?-
Worms. Thus tho Child has health
and ifio Mother ohtains rest. Pleas
ant. Cheap, and Reliahle.
Tho tacit effectlTB Pain-relieving enU
tho world has over Imovm.
Over 1,000,000 Bottles sold last yarl
Tho reasons for tht unpreaedented popa-
laritx. sre evident: the Uonxaur wju
ments are made to deserve confidence i
they sre ahsorhed into the structure; they
always euro and never disappoint
Ho pnon need lonser luffer with
PAIN in tho BACK,
Rheumatism or Stiff Joints, for the
Lteiments will surely oxtorminato
thepain. There is no Strain, Sprain,
CutTSeald, Burn, Bruise, Stinc, Gall
or w.--- -
or A.amenes v w-- .7Tr-,
Tesvona, to this Soothing halm.
Tho Centaur
. nnlv -.rtHntrn tiais.
but they Incite
healthy action. suTiduo inflammation,
aad enre, whether tho symptoms jwMd
from wonnds of tho flesh, or Neuralgia, of
the Norves; from contracted Cords or a
scalded hand; from a sprained anile
o?a Boshed foot j Khether from dfafUiUag
or a strained joint on a Horse's E
Tho agony produced by a Bum or Ecald:
mortification irom Frost-bitaiss Swell
faura from Strains : the tortures of Rnon
aatisnu Crippled for life, by some
neslected accident; a valnaWe horse or
a Doctor's Bill ar all be saved from
One Bottle of Centaur Idniment.
it. TT..v.wT.r. Farmer, Planter, Teamster,
t. . M afford to bo without.
or Jji J Mi w
those wonderful I,inimets. They can
be procured in any part of thegloho for
SOcts.and 81.00 a bottle. Trial bottles
Aaron Paiaer. Hott. Johnson
Palmer & Johnson.
First Door West of the Old National Bant
This firm, having lltted up these rooms wll
run a first class restaurant, where kooo
warm meals can be had at all hours. They
sjive their customers the best viands In the
market, lncluillns; fresh ovsters served in
any manner called for.
Try the New Restaurant
All Orders for an Express Left ivitli
Them will be Promptly attended to
Neatly and. promptly done by
Shop 3 doors east of Post OOlce.
. - . XEURASttA
The Doctor's Testimony.
A.S.Russel.of Marlon. WnvneCo.. N. Y. ay:
The won Jerfiii success of Thomas' EOectrlc Oilin
all cases of Kcuieanil chronic Inflammation, rn
tarrh. bronch'na, lame back, eti. xasiitu the Ue
mand for it verv great.
The Druggist's Testimony.
Cowmbcs. O., Fee, ctii. ISM.
Messrs Foster Mllbnrn fc Co.
Rearnrdlnjr th skip Of Thomas' Fclectrlc Oil we
are gratl 'el In bpiiie able to Info-m you tiiat since
we t-oft theuttency three montlis ao for the sale
and introduction of TJcIectrI Oil. our very large
tales prove' conclusively toot.r tnlnd": thli tct
edy has extcaoidlaary merits ai witneed by
the unprecedented sale. Weantlcipate a large in
crea?in the sale, ai its virtues become more gener
ally known.
YOurs truly.
Dealers In Drugs and Surgical Inv.rt-rnenH
Sold bj A. W. Nickel, Druggist, BronnTillo.
Goto Slckell's foriXra. Freeman New Nation
al Dyes. Forbr'ghtnebS and d itab llty ol color
tbeyareunen.uale-1 OtrrStoMV? p IceH centa.
Appetite refrpshlnii IeeD. the ucaulsitlon
of flesh and color, are hlea-slngs uttendan'
upon the reparative proeesnes which this '
priceless Invlgorant speedlty initiates and
carrlPR to a successful conclusion. Digestion
Is restored and sustenance afforded to each
Hfo.KUstalnlnir organ hy the hitters, which'
la Inoffensive even to the feminine pulate.
vetretable In composition, and thoroughly
For sale by all Druggists aud Dealers gener
Neatly prlr-tsd atthiaofflos.
2?. Bell Andrews.
Z. M, Foster.
Physicians & Surgeons,
Nemaha Cllr, Ke&.
All calls promptly attended night or day
Dr. Andrews mokes Cbronle and 9arglcnl
Diseases or women a specially, also, m eui
crtl and Surgical DIs-enses or the eye. Hitv
tng bad special training In surgery, and a
larce and varied practice In ncato am! chron
ic disease, tumors, bone disease. old ulcers
granulated sore eyes, fibroid andovartsn ter
mors, female weakness, and disease- of the
heart, Innus, throat etc. References of oper
ations performed, and cores effected In cases
pronounced incurable. Feea reasonable.
The people of Nemaha County vlll please
take notice that
la now In
ISTem-alia City
Frith a new and full stock of
Groceries & Queensiuave,
Hats and Caps,
JBoot8s S7ioe8, and Harness
I propose to keep
Everything the People
in the lines nbovo named, and to sell at low
est living prices for rendy pay
M IP CbroJaEreifa
Made and repaired as well as can be done
anywhere, and at short notice
Nenialia City, "Neb,,
Keep3 n varied stock of everything the peo
pie want. Call and see him.
Kemaha City, Nebraska.
Machine repairing and horseshoeing a spe
NOTIONS, Etc , Etc., Etc.
Nemaha City, Nebraska,
Will sell goods as cheap as any house In
Southeastern Nebraska.
J". 13. BEES,
Good buggies and horses, charges reas
onable. Best of care taken of transient stock.
J. B. HOOVER, Proprietor
This house treats its patrons to flrjt-clas4
accommodations, In overy particular; and
has good stabling for horses.
Centrallv located : Good fare, and notrou
ble spared to make miests comfortable.
Good barn for horses and
Charges Reasonable.
Enure kar.i
3yS5r4l I Amatlre,yNe"tadpcuSifelyeCeetiT
r3ff-3j3J I Rtmrdy for tfc tpiy ar.4 rcrmjotct
vsn of Seminal ZmUsicas acd Ipotnc7 -r ue enly
!urfTt wvb tut orriiT pcr"! rf !. TVl dj of tftLt.t &M
1 1. tet U Ttry rtT. mh, m4 U njw t pr.--wt.ft a .a-cs-tL Tl-r.
I a. uhmou &u4 tfea TT-v-rejoa. Srtrrr-.. etwrru .MUt u u
TfTMITtlT fr'. Ut -i r jr..--' UrftltW. It M -4
v, tfc .ovfcii rraHW.i l. r-. t rC3S4U a-iist .i i.
cre.rf K&ei3 &--. U.1WT f.TMat trc..-. It. :ie.j Id
r-v.staM.t..ruwM V.. I V Xl i-Xtmiw
1 flT, f,- .. - -- .prM.r.tur - g..t t, U. iiin
..wnnn. t. ,t.TilJ). hn .,.-,.
Vfe4IWDM-..'.i. P..-.V- fi-r.rt -1 E.M!..'yrl.i?
1 .MM U. m M-t.l2 l-M l-f . .t-4 13 J?-.' KMMlhi. fc. . Si- J
JhliI.V.l'''-"' " ' r"
Market and ath HtrceU. til. LOC1S. ai).
ViiHOlicitea tentlmonu tu t ftc Xfitrani of
lrof. Ilnrri' Sctniimt Z'aalillr. taken
from Xeffera reeciveil front JPatronat
Irlar. Ainl IKi. rt T..r'c y Is waring FtrfccUy.
Hki t;Mlej..J (ran wt.n.v f.- . ' Tr Cl.t.
Chlrii. Ar. IS, 1'7T!' I in troroijhly c-1 1 fl Up
top. The Tai'I "1 ' cm.ii.rr .1 g-f.-r ll'Uf.
MIn:nn,ScFt. 13. 1679. I rtciTl.uc& Lrttt fror-itii
-cf TOKr rtmtiin t!lt I want to fry tree, in ji.ttlkirt.iie.
Ttii is ot tun; ntnJmr.iM w. I r.f J iwt 'Met "ly Wong.
K.eb., J.2i, '.-. I hT eiL? 1- f m-CJ-e;
i4 rat sarther is o"a is pinVi. Tm pitkiic
i!t-j ill ippreit tro-.ble. l-.t tfir ill wn.nrM yet. saj
I wu!v J01 wc'i rreysft tn . ' far t, ear- pf tilt.
Is-, Oct. IStb, J379. I im tiaul iu-rri'el st Ttr Tn Tlify lie wocieJ l.-c x e'urm " me. I m ji.t
Uric is much of X minis I was left-e Vrrr. I m li
este of tie ?rTC, I tiimisM. tai there i s .r far ct,
bat cow 1 10 m rl - r t. c. it
West, Ai , !"9. Ir-ee re! yfur B'f.cne.ini
1 teliese it his eared roe, far wh.-h I ia serf thirfat. Iu
e'asel rleue fri JS.fjr wveh ylene i-ni ire Hc'h'r boi
(So. I) for fnen4. Vou hire ton greit thug for e. I
will icni yon K ' r-r 1 1 si
rvnm a I'hiiKiclan anil Sttraeon
Mlrsonn. Jae25t2. S79. Fleiis for jrinl me it eees asstfce;
hoi of lie Fisnllei. The pitied cb wkoci I bite use J aoit
nse bei, ia ailitiet lis li-i-'e osx, is mc receTcrug, ia
think nether wir :t Eim s t nr t.
.FYom. ex Dn1aBi.1t.
Maryland. Sept. 2, Uf73. List Jiauiry we rt freta yoi
box of your remedy, for oee of our eoitocsers, snJ it Los msie
teerfect csre of cisn. we hise aeetrer twiner row ssur.
, ia the siae way, as4 wua y rtturs miol est No. 3 tox.
terfect csre of cisn. we hise aeetrer euiimer bow sscer.
ZjUUiaisilii7 st 12 IT. 8th Strsst, ST. 1C-E, 113.
THE FhyncUas ia charge of this oil ud well kaowa isitj
tatioa axe regular graduates 10 medieiae asd surgery. Years
of Zsprrreaee Is the Ireitamt of Ckraale DUmjm lute ma.le
their skiU sad atility o Disch superior to that of the erJieiry
yrxttiwoDer. that they base assured a naliesal reostaUoa
throac! their treatment of complicated caies.
miiuiei as ayykllte, bonorrhea. Gleet, Mrirtare, OrehiU.. i-I
Crtmary Trouble and Syphilitic or arrearlal affeebeni ef the
thraat, .hln or boon, treated with success, oa scientific prin
ciple, withoat tnsr M erenry er other foiMaoas Medicines.
YflllNR rVl F N aa-1 these of middle age who are saf
UiigHBBM feneg from the effects of Spermator
rhea or bemlaat tSeaaneu, the result of self-abase la yosta
er excess ta matured years, are Fermaaectty cared. This dis
ease produces some of the following effects emisines, blotches,
dixsiaesa, cerrocsoesa, diraness of sight, cecgh, isdigestea,
cOBitipatiea. despoadeaey, confusion ef ideas, aversion, la so
ciety, defeclise memory, sexual exhaustion, impoceney or lose
of manly eiror, wfcieh nnSts the Tietim f r busiars or marriage.
paVients treatep?,,,
personal cootatunon is preferred, wnica is yitS aad invit
ed. Lilt ef questions to be answered by patients dasiriag treat
ment mailed frra ta any address oa application.
rerens tacrine from Knptare sboald lend taetr aeHraos.X
aad learn amsetalns; ta their advantage-. It I, n.t a trass.
Comai.oieatMHuimctly can fidenllal, and snnaH be addressed
BS. HLTTS. 12 XoHh Sti 8t SW Louis, ilo.
fnllv described w rh sciecrS mode
ef ea-e tr"r. Harris lllastrated
paisprlet sent free oa spptieatioo.
3f g CitxUtt, Stb Xarfcet Sta
6t- Lala, M4.
New Gash Store.
National Rairit
Paid-up Capitalr
General Banking Business
on alrthe principal cities of !3V
United States and Europo'.
On approved security only. Time Trnn dlnconnr
ed. and special accommodation enntfti to deportT
ReclTd pav.t!c on demand and INTEKEJrTal
lowedon :imectr:incatwo'depc!t.
DTttECTORS. Wm.T.Den. B. 3f. Bll. M.A
irnndler. Frank E. Joonsoa. Lather Hoadley
Wm. Fralsher.
A..R.rAVIS0N.Ca.'h!er. , PrwldeaU
I. C.McN AtTO HTON. Asst.CashUr.
O I- I E S T
R Bj AX.
Does a ceneral R;al Estate Bns!n-. Sells
Lands on Commission, examines Titles,
makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all instru
ments pertaining to tne transfer of Real Es
tate. Has a
Complete Abstract of Titles
to all Koal Estate lu Nemaha Comity.
Herebv calls th attention of the people of
Brownvilleaml vicinity to the fact that ho
keeps a full line of the best
And lelli at the tery Lowest Living Rate.
alio bat a
Where Meal t nil Hours are fnrnahed
upon the shortest notice. People from
the country are Invited to call and
get a "square rnal" for only
Boot and Shoe
Having houjjht thtfcnv
toni shop of A. RoblOBr
I am prepared todo work
of all klndnat
Reasonable Rates.
C-Repilrlntj neatly and
prom ptljr done.
?-9- Shop No. 62 Main Street.
MiroirnvHle, Nebraska.
willpay the hiRhefat market price for scrap
iron and rags. Main St., West Brownvlllo.
Hambietonian Stallion
Rocoruod In "Wallace Trottinir Re;y
ister and Brace's American.
Trotting Stud Book.
Park iiay horse, property of Hollariay .4
Co., bred by Gen. W. T Wlthors. Lexington,
Ky.. aired by A-tmlnlstralor. record acSJ,
H(n of Rysdyk's tlambletonlan Slrf of Dex
ter, recorsl -ziTAi flrnt dam ol McMnhon.
Mat.Ie West, by Almot. son of Alexander's
AtwJallah. slrr of Goldsmith Mxld. reeorti
2:31; second dam Monogram-. Membrfno
Chief, sire or IidyTiioru. record 2.-18-K.
Kor extended pll(tee, and other Informa
tion, call on or address.
Brownville. Nebraska.
Drop Into the reliable and well known Drnc
Stand of J. J. Inder. Nmiiiia City, and ask.
thPin what the reputation of theGreen Moon
tain Cathartic PtH hrtB heen since i$35. "iu
will retold that they have been and arrs
Liver Eegnlaf or or Medicine
An Icfallible Eemedy for
Malarious Fevers, JauodioQ.
Eestlessness, Mental Depression,
Sick Headacne, ConstiDation,
Billiousness, Dyspepsia, &cr
Try one txx, only 25 cents. Yuu will nevsr
regret It.
O.C. Day & Brachett.
48m5 Kanmsri'vMo.
A large, aew and complete Cude ta TTed
toek. emtaiaiag, with many ethers, the fol
lowing chapters. JLCeapeteat Woaaaahoe4.
delection of Wife. TemDerameBts.enmcaiih
and ivBirauie, Sterility ia Wooes, caase aad ire.tmcBty
JldticetaOridegroem. Advice to Bssbacds, Advice to Wive v
xrosuxaiion. us cmw .cnnacy aaa Kairunecy compared
GkwZ 11- ' CtMBil, In. and COTruMs.IninUIaMa w SUf
rlM. l.rf iutmlaeiia, Bmeta UU nutoli, rf jtuAp aad
S. tt ntkia rf ".rri-t mm, .. UMtadmc D va
t.WMra.ihciteaiuMaadtnatiMt. A Boh t vvsw end mitmm
naJine. of 311 paces, vnh fait TM. Zarravbifi. by sul, Ma.Koia.
"THF PRIVATP MrniCnt sniiocDif
IE PBIVflTF Mcnical AnvriQPos
Oa. eypttllla. Gonorrhcea. Oleet. Stnetuts.
flvrihl11 OnnnwH(.a niAAB.w.M... V . .
celo. &e also oa SDeiraatorThcsa. Sczna beb.-lltr'
Bamlaal KnuanoM. Xvwianns, Avvrawn ta Skty. rajucal Dway.Pf'
afofocht.Il.nrativXeBy. ltsf bVzuJ Pvvn.Mm.sB.kaif w
liar, iapnpsr r aaaapar. imt mt.'Ml.ub (tew .j vsla,Wrt
rptifgeih.eome'aarr'vmvaMajM: Stpw.e-eriOBlatH.Hmaa,
impoicscr. irsm iell-JSDuie aa4 csctsses. uiue
Ksdlal AiTice,' lest-m en Hisixl t Votzsi, IS,
. OK Pna UUyLflH we seaa all three ef ti. -
. bene dascribed books.
Iv Douaa ia one volume. ronta.uiBg &3a pagsa, aad over tOF
popular Medical Boot published. The aethor ts aa eipeev
eaced physieiao of many veara-practice, (aa is ati haewat,
aad it. adnc erisa. and rU fr trsataMSt Ud dva- Ut W Nuad f
umirraiians. ine cemnises voiazse is paamvelr tAe
CatrarceMtfra Elirot frvm Rartoiuj f ta.iTM.'!' ws.
Irlrr.ffiqtfionmkinahinJir tbe knd .C -rjlViTX
n baas.iaw ajarejaanvBi,' uae
enrsaic diseie aad ccap.lez
r " CUKOIC aueasra, Posiara ammpa UkMa M narawns fee bfca.
t coop. tested raaes. and mseaaes resaiiia
rrora impure sexaal uiiclatioes, aeir-iBsse er peruaa eaeeesae.
f atfials treated- by mail and express. Where poii.We, per
socat consaltatiaa is preferred, whtch irfrae and invited. Qaea
tiBS ta be answered by patieas des.nag treataacat mailed fre
to bzj address on aorl,car9. Tor bunks or treaiaeer addreaa
BR. BrrriS, 13 HertS. itii. 3U SU Leal. Maw
V9 -J -