Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 08, 1880, Image 4

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i mm mawpMlamawaMamwawmmaJamMawama.
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Publishers' Natters.
hk Aovkbtihek 1 on sale at the brag and Book
Store 'jf A. W. NIcfcell.
LoCAi. Noticm. set as ordinary reading matter
will be charged ten cents per line, each insertion
Jet in display type, fifteen cents alloc.
Autliorlzed Agents.
TtTns T?ro arc our authorized agents at Nema
ha City to nxelve and receipt for monies due us
Vilnius Bcrrrm is our'authorlzed agent in Glen
Itoclc precinct to receive and receipt for monies
due as on subscription.
A. J.ltiTTKn, alSt. Deroln.lsourauthorlzedagen
at that Place, to receive subscriptions and adver
tislng, and to collect and receipt for monies due
The Advkrtisck.
J. W.GavittIs our authorized agent in Benton
precinct to receive and receipt for monies due us
' a subscription.
.,, Publishers Advertiser.
Hoys on t"ic Farm.
."Why don't you say a good word
In the papers for us boys?" asked one
of the neighbor's boys as he came
into the room whero I was busy
-'What Is tha matter now, Guy?" I
"Nothing In particular," he an
swered. "Don't tell me! I know better!
Boys don't wear such melauoholy fa
ces for 'nothing in particular.' Come,
out with it!"
"Weil, then, it isn't any one thing
In particular, it is everything put to
gether that mates me so mad. I
want to get somebody to write a
whole book about the way grown
folks treat us boys. I tell you and
I want you to put it in the paper
that boys have a hard time of it on the
farm. We are hauled out of the bed
before sunrise to milk the cows, cut
Jbe wood, and do forty other things
that nobodv else wants to do. I
wouldn't mind the work if we ever
got any thauks for what we do, or ev
er had anything we could call our
own. No matter how much we do,
er how well we do it, grown folks are
always finding fault. I wonder if
they expect us to know how to do
everything just right. I guess the
men have forgotten that they were
boys once. Then tho old folks never
thiuk that we boys like to have some
thing of our own. There's father
now ; he Js always complaining be
oause I don't take an interest in the
farm. How can I take an interest in
the farm or anything about ii? He
never gave me an interest in any
thing. I never had anything of my
own in my life except a pair of rab
bits, and the first time they got iuto
the garden- my rabbits had to go,
Last year I wanted some chickens of
my own, some pure-blooded ones,
you know, but he would not hear a
word of it. Then I begged him for a
little piece of ground where I might
raise what I pleased. Do you sup
pose I got it? Not much! Aud now
to top off with, he wouldn't let me
go to school this winter; says I've
got enough learning for a farmer, as
If I ever expected to be a farmer! I
hate the old farm, and I'll not stay on
it a day after I am ofoge! If father
wanted to.make a farmer out of me
he took a mighty queer way to do
'iWell, well, Guy! that will do for
onoe. Please take these letters to the
office for me, and I'll think over what
you have said.'
And I did think the matter over un
til I came to tho conclusion that
there was a good deal more truth than
poetry in Guy's boyish outburst.
Ijlke his father, a good many men
take a "mighty queer" way to make
farmers of their boys. They show
the boya only the hardest, most disa
greeable, most barren Bide of farm
life;-and then'wonder why it is that
their sous leave the farm the first
ohauce they get.
If you want your boys to "stick to
the farm," stick the farm to the hoys.
Teach them to like the farm and
farming eo well that they will have
no desire to leave the old home until
they leave for homes of their own.
You can do this by making home at
tractive, by taking pains to show
them tho bright eidoof farm life, and
by showing them that a man can bo a
farmer and a gentleman too.
Provide your boj'S with good books,
magazines, agricultural works and
papers; and Instead of sitting In the
corner during the long wluter even
ings and bewailing the failure of one
crop, predicting the failure of auoth
er next season, and declaring that
"farming don't pay, and a farmer's
life is a s'.avo'H life," read with your
boys, study with them, play dices,
backgammon and checkers, with
thorn, and If you should happen logo
coasting and Hkating with them once
In a while you would feel all the bet
ter for the fun.
Glvo your boys an Interest in the
farm. If oue Is Interested in chick
ens, let him lake rhargo of the poul
try; and if another shows u taste for
gardening, give him a patch of ground
and let him work it. Require them
to keep thorough and systematic ac
counts of their work, and deal square
ly with them. If, at the end of the
year, the boys have done fairly well,
do not withhold the praise they have
earnestly earned : aud if tbey have
failed in anything don't be discour
aged, and don't discourage them :
point out their errors and let them
try again. I might go on aud write a
whole sermon on this Bubjeot; my
heart Is full of "good words" for the
boys. But I have Baid enough to
open the eyes of men like Guy's fath
er, and to show them: their duty.
Cor. in Prairie Farmer.
' Montreal Heard From.
R. L. Moaely, of Montreal, Canada,
oertified Sept. 27, 1870, that he had
Buffered terribly from dyspepsia, and
was completely cured by taking War
ner $afe Bitters. He says: "My
appetite is good, and I now suffer no
Inconveuieuoe from eating hearty
meals." These Bitters are also a spe
cific for all skin diseases. S4ui3
Turning the Tables.
Some few years since, in the coun
ty of Penobscot, In the United States,
there lived a man by the name of H.,
whose greatest pleasure was in tor
menting others. His own family
were generally the butts of his sport.
One cold aud blustering night, he re
tired to bed at an early hour, his wife
being absent at a neighbor's. Some
time after, she, on returning, finding
the door closed, demauded admit
tance. "Who are you?" cried Mr. H.
"Yu know who I am ! Let me in
it's very cold !"
"Begone, you strolling vagabond!
I want nothing of you here !"
"But I must come In."
"What is your name?"
"You know my name it is Mrs.
"Begone! Mrs. H. is a very likely
woman she uever keeps such Jate
hours as this."
"If you don't let me iH," replied
Mrs. H., "I will drown myself iu the
"Do, if you please," he replied.
She then took a log and, plunging
It into the well, returned to the Bide of
the door. Mr. H., hearing the noise,
rushed from the door, to save, as he
supposed, his drowning wife. She, at
the same time, slipped in and closed
the door after her. Mr. H., almost
nude, in turn demauded admittance.
"Who are 3'ou?" she demanded.
"You know who I am. Let me in,
or I shall freeze!"
"Begone, you great rogue! I want
nothing of you here!"
"But I must come in !"
"Whutisyour name?"
"You know my namo very well
it is Mr. H."
"Mr. H. Is a very likely man he
don't keep such late.houn."
Suffice it to say, she, after keeping
him in the oold until she was satis
fied, opened the door and let him in.
Took a Long Time to Sec it.
On the mantel piece of the Savage
Club, In London, you see busts of
Dickens, and Thaokeray, and around
the whIIb pictures of many distin
guished men. Perhaps the largest
picture there is that of an American,
Charles F. Browne, better known as
Artemus Ward. It is in the post of
honor, and hangs above the seat or
the Master of Ceremonies. He was
the first literary American, per
haps, who ever got wholly into the
great, warm hearts of the English.
Here the' tell you how he first made
them laujih. He had been dined at
the Savage Club, and In turn invited
some of the members to dine with
him. Now, the humorist was a poor
and a very democratic man, and so
chose a rather plain inn for his din
ner. The butter brought on the table
was not nice. It was, to pay the
least, puggestlve. "Walter," said
Artemus, "haven't you got some
bald-headed butter?" Nobody smil
ed ; nobody thought of laughing.
The stiff Hiid stolid Englishmen went
back to their club-room, after leav
ing, and began to discuss
the great American humorist. Sud
denly one of the number sprang to
his feet and began to laugh. "Oh,
now, I say, did j'ou not hear him talk
about bald-'eaded butter? Why, he
wauted butter without 'airiu it, you
know." Very slow are those honest
Euglish to see American jokes.
Would it be vulgar to call soothing
sirup a kid-napper?
One hundred thousand ' Londoners
live on canal boats aud barges.
Some men cannot stand prosperity
Others never get a chance to try.
Of all thlugs known, farmers agree
that a mortgage is easist to plant and
hardest to raise.
Man Is a machine sometimes a
thrasher, frequently a gas-generator,
more often a beer barrel.
Wilkins says it is not very difficult
to cure liams; but tho trouble with
him is to procure them.
It is in order now to haul out and
spread manure. The Bpring ralnB will
carry its fertilizing matter into the
There Is a rumor in England that
James Gordon Bennett has hired an
English nobleman to manage his sta
ble for him.
A conespoiident wants to know
what to do when a dog shows signs of
hydrophobia. If you can't shoot tho
dog climb a tree.
Howard L. Smith, a Boston negro,
finds himself rewarded by a gift of
$27,000 from a Baltimore man whoBe
sous he saved from drowning.
Jim.i.y Caick. One cup sugar, two
eggs, one-half cup of milk, four table
spoons butter, two teaspoons baking
powder, one aud a half cups flour.
Wo have just been thinking how
language came into the world. It
was during Adam and Eve's first
quarrel, when oue word brought on
An Irishman who had on a very
ragged coat was asked of what Htuffit
was made. "Bedad, and I dou't
know ; I think the most of it is made
of fresh air.'
A smart Philadelphian who scours
clothing for a living, keeps himself
busily employed by compelling biB
three daughters to fill their hair with
oil the nights their young men call.
Christian Church, Main Street.
Services every Sunday at 11 o'clock
n. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m. Sunday
School at 10 o'clock, a. m. Prayer
meeting and Sunday School lesson
review Wednesdays, at 7 p. m.
Elder Charles Roave.
Leipsio, Germany has pnt on the
market colored inks, which may be
UBed for writing labels on glass, iron,
marble, mother of pearl aud metal.
The writing Is done with a goose
quill, aud when dry adheres so firmly
that it cannot be removed by any liq
uid. Four different colors are made,
black, white, red and blue.
A man once look a piece of white
cloth to a dyer to have it dyed black.
He was so pleased with the result
that, after a time he went back to
him with a piece of black cloth, aud
asked to have it dyed white. But the
dyer answered : "A piece of cloth Is
like a man's reputation ; It can be
dyed black, but you cannot make it
white again."
There Is really no necessity for
one's taking cold, nor even any occa
sion for it, if a New York medical
man can be believed. He says that
"cold-taking is simply the result of a
sufficient Impression of cold to reduce
the vital energy of nerve-centers pre
siding over the functions of special
organs." That's all there Is to it.
When you begin to sneeze and cough,
all you have to do 1h to enlarge the
vital energy of nerve-centers. A
man must be idiotic or else tho disci
ple of pure cussedness if he would
catch cold after this. Boston Post.
A mixture of kerosene and lard
will remove lice If it is well applied.
It should be used all over the skin
aud brushed iuto the hair thoroughly.
It will be more effective if some sul
phur is added to it- Take one pouud
of lard, one pint of kerosene
oil, and four ounces of flowers
of sulphur; rub these well to
gether ; smear some of It over a horse
brush, and brush the horse with it
until the hair and the skin are all
touched ; give thecoltaeach oneounce
of sulphur daily, and as soon as the
coats are brushed with the lard mix
ture, cover with blankets.
At a recent meeting in which there
was much religious interest, an old
man gave expression to his joy by
shouting, and continued it until It
began to interrupt tho services.
Brother H. said :
"Go and stop that old gentleman's
Brother W. went to him and spoke
a few words, and the shouting man
at ouce became quiet. Brother H.
asked Brother W.:
"What did you say to him that
qui ted him so promptly?"
Brother W. replied, "I asked him
for a dollar for foreign missions."
Fastest Time.
The following shows how the trot
ting time for a mile has been lowered
year by year:
In 1S20, best mile time, 3:00; 1030,
best record was 2:30; 1840, the best
"record was made by Dutchman, In
2:28; 1850, Lady Suffolk made the
best mile record in 2:26; 1860, Flora
Temple went a mile In 2:19 3-4; 1S76.
Goldsmith Maid made her best record
in 2:14; 1878, August 3d, at Buffalo
Park, Rarus trotted a mile in 2:13 1-4;
1879. October 25th, at San Francisco,
St. Julien, in the presence of Geu.
Grant, and other distinguished men,
trotted a mile in 2:12 3-4.
The plantation negroes were en
gaged in pitching coppers. It was
discovered that after pitching nwhile
several coppers were missing, though
uo one had been detected iu picking
up any but his own pennies. One old
negro, whose coppers had mysterious
ly disappeared, at length became sat
isfied in his own mind that there was
a foul play going on, aud observing
that one of the barefoot party iiad a
peculiar way every now and then of
jerking his right foot up to his hand,
caused a pause in the game, saying:
"Degemmen wif de tar on his heel
will please to wlfdraw." The sus
pected individual retiring on this po
lite invitation, the game went on
without the mysterious disappearance
of any more coppers. Savannah
Coal Ashes and" Gooseberry Mildew.
A correspondent of an exchange
writes as follows :
"Every one who has tried them
knows how difficult it is to grow the
larger aud finer kinds of English
gooseberries, on account of mildew.
Recently there has come to the
knowledge of the writer two instan
ces iu which the growers have suc
ceeded with them, the choicest Eng
lish varieties proving as hardy and
free from leaf-blight as Hough
ton's, or any of the native seedlings.
The mildew was prevented by the ap
plication of a liberal coating of com
mon soft coal ashes ; and coal ashes,
so far as relates to the imported goose
berry, may be considered a specific
for mildew at least on some soils.
The Secret of Beauty.
The secret of beauty, says the
Quarterly Review, is health Those
who desire to be beautiful Bhould do
all they can to restore their health, if
they have lost it, or to keep it, if the'
have it yet. No one can lay down
specific rules for other people iu these
matters. Tho work which one may
do, the rest be must take, bis bath,
his diet, his exercise, are matters of
Individual consideration, but they
must be carefully thought of and
uever negleoted. As a rule, when a
person feels well he looks well, and
when he looks bad he feels bad, as a
general thing. There are times when
one could guess, without looking in
the glass, that his eyes were dull, and
hisskiu was mottled. This was not
a case for something in a pretty bot
tle from the perfumer's, or for the lo
tion that .the circulars praise so hlghr
ly. To have a fresh complexion and
bright eyes, even to have white hands
and a graceful figure, you must be
well. Health and the happiness that
usually cornea with it, are the true
secrete of beauty.
"Off she goes," said Mr. Smith to
his spouse, bb tbey started by the rail
way. "You are wrong," said Mrs.
Smith, "for this is the mail train."
"Sam, why am members of Con
gress like de fishes?" "I don't meddle
wid de Bubjeo', Pomp." "Why, don t
ye see, nlgga, dey'a bo fond ob de
There are three Rowland Hills.
One preached and made jokes; an
other was commander-in-chief; the
third invented postage stamps, and
haB been buried in Westminster Ab
bey. i
Veal Sausages. Take fat bacon
and lean veal in equal quantities, with
a handful of sage, a little salt, pepper
and anchovy. Let all be chopped and
beaten well together, floured, rolled
and fried.
Here is a rare specimen of the prof
its of horticulture worth striving for.
The originator of a new white outdoor
grape suited to our climate, is said to
have sold the "copyright", of the
same for $20,000.
Scene in New York. "Please.slr.
give me a penny: my mother isstarv
iug, and we have nothing to eat, and
no money to get food." "Can't do It,
little girl; I'm on my way to sub
scribe to the Irish relief fund, and
must not be bothered."
Tho exposure of cows, as Is general
ly the practice in the West, when
they ore weak and suckling young
calves, is exceedingly injurious both
to them and the calves. At Buoh
limes they need especial care and
protection from the cold storms of
In their season, by the dozen, hun
dred, thousand, or million. Varie
ties: Yellow Nansemond, White Nan
scmond, Bermuda, White Brazillian,
Southern Queen, Yellow Strasbvrr, at
ville, Nebraska. 41w4
A lady sent a note to the newspa
per to get a recipe to cure the whooping-cough
In n pair of twins. By a
mistake a recipe for pickling onions
wns unconsciously inserted, and her
name attached, and reoeived this an
swer through the "Answers to Cor
respondents:" "Mrs. L. H. B.: If
not too youhg, skin them pretty
closely, immerse in scalding water,
sprinkle plentifully with salt, and
immerse them for a week in strong
Show Carets,
Business Cards,
"Wedding CnrrtR, '
letter Ilenrfs,
Bill Heads,
Monthly Statements,
Dnnce Invitations.
Program iucs,
Horse Itllls,
or nnything In tho printing line, neatly and
promptly done at THE ADVERTISER JOB
Location Changed.
T have removed my stock of Agri
cultural Implements to Carson's old
bank, where I will go it alone with
the largest stock of the best goods in
my line ever seen in Brownville.
I offer many thanks to my many
friends for their liberal patronage in
the past and by fair dealing I hope for
a continuance of their trade.
Koukkt Teare.
Is hereby given that I will examine
all persons who may desire to offer
themselven as candidates for teachers
of the primary or common schools of
this county, at the Court House, in
Brownville on the first Saturday in
each month. I'nup Crotitkii,
21-tf Co. Superintendent.
Made and warranted sound; and
jobs of
solicited. All work done promptly,
and satisfaction as to prices and work
guaranteed. Apply to
38m6 Brownville, Nebr.
Land in Peru Bottom for Sale.
The Southwest fractional quarter of
the Northwest fractional quarter of
section sis, town six, range fifteen,
forty acres, for sale very cheap for
cash. Apply to Itobt. W. Furnas,
Brownville, Nebraska.
After dinner tnke one of Carter's Little
lilvcr Pills nnd you will find tlicy ure n pos
itive cure for Dyspepsia. Indigestion, nnd
distress from Too Hearty En ling. A single
pill gives prompt relief, and their continued
use greatly Improves the digestion andnppe
tltc. Carter's Little Liver Pills are a most
excellent Dinner I'M. Every one speuks well
of them. Apr.
By going to tbe reliable and well
known Drug Stand of J. J. Bender
Nemaha City aud buying a $1. bottle
of Greek Mountain Coucih Balsam.
If, after using two-thirds you get no
relief, return tbe balanoe and get your
money back. See advertisement in
this paper. 39ru3
A Good Housewife.
The good housewife, when she Is giving
her house Its spring renovating, should bear
In mind that the dear Inmates of her house
are more precious than many houses, nnd
that their systems need cleansing by purify
ing tbe blood, regulating the stomach nnd
bowels to prevent and cure the diseases aris
ing from spring malaria nnd miasma, and
she must know that there Is nothing that
will do it so'pcrfectly and surely ns Hop Bit
ters, tho purest nnd best of medloltvel. Con
cord X. If. ratriot.
Hofore yoit begin your heavy spring work
nftera winter of relaxation, your system
needs cleansing and strengthening to pre
vent an attack of Ague, Billons or Spring
Fever, or some other Spring sickness that
will unfit you for a season's work. You
will savo time, much sickness and great ex
pense lfyeu will nso one bottlo of Hop Bit
ters In your family this month. Don't wait
Burlington JJaKhrye.
Agricultural Implements
Ever Brought to Nemaha County,
Canton, Dixon, Norwegian & Pattcc Plows,
Sterling, Vibrating 8f Reversible Harroios.
Corn Shelters, Wheelbarrows, & Pumps,
drjem:em:i3er, 3r-AJRii:jEi.fcs,
T "Will .Not Be Undersold.
Robert Teare.
Robert Teare.
Robert Teare. I
Robert Teare. !PIows Harrow?' W50nS' Sulky
Robert Teare. r.nitivatnrQ
Robert Teare.
Robert Teare.
Robert Teare.
Call and see me one door West of Ponn's Store, Brownville, and
I Will Sell you Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest.
Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Patent Medicine
fill nw
ti ir t m
Benson's Capcine Porus Plaster
Ouer 2,000 Druggists have signed a, Paper stating that
Physicians say they are in every way superior to the or
dinary slow acting Porous Plasters used for this pur-
VOSPj. SEAUUIIY fc JOHNSON, Pharmaeemtlrnl ChrmUts, . V. Prloo23ct8.
" V ' '! I CM
" -
Impure BlCarb Soda In ef &
lightly dirty white color; It may
appear white, examined by It
self, tont a COMPARISON WITH
cntmcir fc co.'s akm and
IIAITliTlEH" BRAND will show
tho difference.
See that jonr Baking: Soda in
White and PURE, as should bo AI. Et
A. simple but severe tst of the comparattTt
valna ot different brands of Soda is to dissolve a
dessert spoonful of each kind with about a pint
of water (hot preferred) in clear glasses, stirring
until all is thoroughly dissolved. The delete
rious insoluble matter in the inferior Boda will
be shown after settling some twenty minutes ot
sooner, by the milky appearance of the solution,
and the quantity of floating flocky matter ac
cording to quality.
Be sure and ask for Church & Co.'s Soda and
see that their name is on the package and 70a
will get the purest and whitest made. The uso
ot this with sour milk, in preference to Baking
Powder, saves twenty times its coat,
' See one pound package for valuable informa
tion and read carefully. '
Aaron Palmer.
Bott. Johnson
Palmer & Johnson.
First Door West or the Old National Bank
This firm, having fitted up these rooms wll
ran a flrst class restaurant, where cood
warm meals can be bnd at all hours. They
give their customers the best viands In the
market, Including fresh ovbters served in
any manner called for.
Try the New Restaurant
All Orders for an Express Left with
Them will he Promptly attended to
A WEEK In your own town, and
no capital risked. You can give
the business a trial without ex
pense. The best opportunity ever
offered for those willing to work.
You should try nothing else until
you see for yourself what you can
o at the business wo ofTer. No room to explain
ere. You can devote all your time or only your
pare time to the business, and make greai pay for
rvery hour that you work. Women make as much
us men. Send for special prlvato terms end partic
ulars, which we mall free, ta Outfit free. Don't
complain of bard times while you bavoa6ucb C
chauce. AddxcsjU.UA-LLETTitCo.. portl nfl, 21
, fS
'mmmwL, n
mx ?rv t
Vaers DiAiine
Dealer in all Kinds of
spring wagons,
Papers Mowers, Corn
Shelters Threshing Ma
chines, Corn Planters, Pumps, &c,
and any other article in form
of Machinery,
1 miiiBiWAfcx
A !!
a n ...I
13 8toD3.3set Itecl-.2 Knrc Swell
Stool. Book, only ?m. l'lANOS
slool.coverit dook yjio 10 IMU.II-
'" iiiscraiea caxaiotjuo iree. Aanress
Daniel F. Benny, Wawhiiitfliui, N. J. Mwl
A $10 BILL.
SEND name and address with 3 cent stamp and
Kt It. C. rttor.rt IJey Slreot. New York.
A GENTS WANTED Korthe J-jf and fhtrxt-eU-int
1'lctoral Itookiand Diblct. Prices reduced 33
percent. National Publishing Co.. Chicago, III.
TjnniT A QfMTQJfall usu Postal icith your
JjUUA iiUXliN lOmMreu. It wlllpay you. A.
GOItTON ACO., 2BS 7th St. Philadelphia. Pa.
We want an Agent In this county to whom we
will pay a i salary of fliK) per month unrt expenses to
sell our wonderful Invention, jjnm pie free. A1
dreatoticeSHKKMANit CO., Harsball. Mlchi
Kn. S5wl
We will send our Electro-Voltaic tlelts nnd other
Electric Appliances upon trial for.) days to those
stiflprint; from Nervous Debility, Ilhcumatlsrn,
FaralyUoranydlsctMesof the Liver or Kidneys,
and many other diseases. A sure cure Kuaranteedor
uop.ij. Addres.VoltalcIlelt Co..MrslmlI.3I!ch.
Warner's Safe Pills are an Immediate
stimulus for a Torpid Liver, and cure Costive
ness. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Dlarrhcoa.
Malaria. Fever and Ague, and are useful at
times In nearly all Diseases to cause a free and
regular action of the Bowels. The best anti
dote for all Malarial Poison. Trice, 25a. a box.
Warner'aSafe Nervine quickly gives Rest
and Sleep to the suflurlng, cures Headache and
Neuralgia, Prevents Epileptic Fits, and is tho
best remedy for Nervous Prostration brought
on by excessive drinking, over-worfe, mental
shocks and other causes. It relieves the Pains
or all Diseases, and is never injurious to tho
system. The best of all Nervines. Bottles of
two sizes; prices, wk.
and S1JD0.
Warner's Safe
Remedies are
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ticulars and private terms Tree : sample worth $
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out the txprcss order of Harper & Jirother.
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Dleteness. to nfevlthewant of everv housenod fo
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Inch machine Is accompanied by a book of full Jl
lu'trateil Instructions by which anv one can learn to
operate them. GOOD AOESTS WASTED with
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K f"7 f f A jrONTIT miaranteed. fISadayat
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notion wlllpendu their addreasen at onee and see
forthemgelves. Costly outllt aud term. rree. "ow
Is the time. Thos already at work are laying up
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KUita Me. ;iyi
Tlio 01tet Paper in St.
Josepli null tloJL.ccliii7
Papci iu tlio Orosit
NowlnltsTwenty-flrstvolumo thcllrrnlil lias
been a Huecesfiil 'and influential paper front the
day It was founded, and Its publishers are deter
mined to maintain its established reputation as
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unci correct principles.
The most reliable Newspaper.
Th moat desirable business paper
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And the best Neivspnper for all class
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ed and being printed on clear, new type, and our
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creased. It will continue to maintain Its position
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dlspcusable to business men. Is the full, complete
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Thebtislness'man who does not avail himself of
thefcnowledgccontalned In these dallvcommerclal
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more enterprising traders. In many casns hun
dreds of dollars are lost that might De'saved by In
vesting: Nine Dollars a year for the Dnlly II crnlil.
Dollar Herald,
as its name Indicates. Is published at the low price
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kcribers wltoout additional cost for postage. It Is
the best nnd cheapest Weekly Paper published In
the West, containing
All the Important News of the vreelc.
Pure and Interesting I,lternture.
And a Complete Itcvlcvr of the Gen
eral Itlnrkets.
No other Pnjier Is to Desirable, so Sat
isfactory and Cheap.
Subscriptions to the DO Mi A It II KKAliD mult
bepaldinvarably In advance, and the paper will
be promptly discontinued at the expiration of the
time paid for.
One dollar for one year.
-Fifty cen tsfor six mon ths
All Postmasters are ou reauthorized agents to re
ceiveand forward subscriptions. Address
FRANK H. TRACY, Manager,
Nebraska State Journal.
During the coming year tbe political affairs of
the Nation. and the discussion growing out of them
will assume an importance rarely equaled In our
will be a more able contest, secoad. perhaps. In
magnitude and bitterness, to noneHhat have pre
ceded It. The
will be taken. Including the reapportionment of
Congressional Representatives, and tbe shifting of
me Daiance or power. ana tne re-adjustment or the
influence of sections.
of all parties will precede the Presidential Election
and the Platforms will determine the course of
Legislation and the Policy of the Government for
another four yean.
for Members of both branches of the Legislature
Involving the election of a U.S. Senator, and for
full K.t ecu 1 1 vc Ticket, will occur.
In December, for the "long session." and questions
of vital Importance to tbe people. Including tbe
Indian and the Hlorin. n problems, and the new
attempt to asert the sovereignty of the States a.
huperior to the power of tbe Nation. In the matter
of protecting the frnchlse, and providing for the
I purity of National Elections, will be developed and
I debated by the leaning spirits of the Country.
Tho Weekly Ncbrnska State I our mil will
be a faithful epitome of these events, and will fully
present the merib of the discussions provosced
thereby, while at the same time It will give con
cisely and tully. all the Current. Foreign, nnd Do
mestic news, full and latest "Market Reports, local
as well as from Eastern Commercial Centers, full
. reports of the proceedings of all Literary, So
clnl.KeliglouMand Educational Conventions
ana state societies, ana or me stale i.eelia
of Congressional Proceedings, and will be In fact a
weekly history of the world In general, and of the
Nation, and the (State in particular.
The Weekly NchraskaState Journal Is not
only the largest Weekly publlshedln the Wfcst.but
It contains much more reading matter. In propor
tion to Its size, than can be ronna in any or its con
temporaries on this side of the Missouri, and com
mends itself to every Nebraskan as tte State paper.
to be taken In addition to the local papers of the
several conntle. for Its general and State news.
Republican In politics. It discusses public affairs,
not from a partisan, but from a broad, national
standpoint, criticising public men and measures
upon their merits, independent or xactlouallsm or
No better medium of the news that Is wanted In
Nebraska for tbe enllghtment of the head of the
family, or for a liberal education of tbe rising gen
eration, can be found than the S'tato Journal.
Single Copy, per year , .S 2.00 ,
Five Copies, at one tlme... 8.75 ;
Ten. " " " 15.00
y The Money (registered letter or money-order)
must Invariably be sent with tbe uamt-s.
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W. V. Kimball,
01 Chicago, "A-J
Keep in stock a fnlllino of
For full particulars, terms &priccs
call on or address, - -
J. R. DYE, Local Agent
E. M. Lippifct
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Brownville, -
- Nebraslta.
I Constipation and Piles.
SR.S.IL CLARE. South ITer,TC (ays,
"Incuti ofKIDXLY TROUBLES likas
acted llko a charm. It bos eared many very
bodcnMsorXMLE, aud baa Dover fullod to
act dBetttly."
sars Jt L of priceless Tolne. After alzteca j
year el srt-at oCcrlas from Pile aad Cs-1
tlveoe It completely cared me."
C S. JIOG AB8X, erBerkildre, says, ,'om
package has done wonder far mo la com
pletely curias a severe Liver end Kldaoy I
IT HAS llTlfTTtl
POWER. mmSkmm
Because It cleanses the system Of I
the poisonous humors that dovelOBe
In Kidney and Urinary diseases, Bil
iousness, Jaundice, Constipation
Piles, or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia
and Female disorders.
KIBXET-WORT U a dry -rreetaM eoav I
ponad aad eaa be scat by Ball pre sail.
i'JtiTT IT 3J"0"77" t
Bay It at tbe Drmgzlrt. Price, !..
TOLLS. 3BCEA2SS03 & CO.. Prscieixt.
3 BBrHastaa, TU
Ifyoa are a man of business, treakriud by tbest9fiso
your duties, avoid stimulant and uns tm
Ifyoa are a roan of letters, fo-T n-rrT"irtrlihlirbt
work to restore brain serve and wiste, cso
If yon are joang and stUTcrlag from any indlsentlcm
or dissipation ; It you aro married or single, old or
fyousgvsafferlDgfrom poor health or lacgnlsh- aa
lngoaabedof sickness, rely on W
TTfcoeveryoTi are, whsrevor you re.whewTeryou feet
that yoursrstcin needs cleanahur toning or
stimnUting, without intonmting.t&ko Bf
Bare yoa dutpesata, Jcidney or urinary complaint. Ua
Teaee ottaemomaehjboveu. btood. ltver,czjUTVtat
Toa will oe cored U yoa use
IfyooareBlniplyweakandlowspIrltcd.tryltt Bay It
Insistuponlt. Yourdrnggtrtkocpiit. I
It may save year life. It has saied hadreda.
iIojCoo;UOirtitli"tt,ifat-Hf-l. AikibiUr-. 1;
TbfKepfJforMtaintk, I.irrr and KUnryi.Ii p.rir Wfll
t edun. Curt, by ilnorpUta. It U perfect. Ask drucrbte. j
mmmag opium, tokarre er ureolkb BBmaCS
AixT MMy4robU.HapBit!m3if;.,CoRchnWr:i.X.
Remedy; ja
caTalllst r St
Stmlatl Weak
sew, 3pers:or
rbea. Inpotmer,
lad all dbnjea
Before TaXIng. jlbaw. a, Le f AftrrTnllnL-
VraMrr.CalTerMi L,.!tod. Pal. ra lUUack. D.a.....f
VWo.rrBatura Okt ic.uj uar Mkfr !,.-.,.. mat
C3"r"aH partUalara la Mr rrapbl.t. whick e Aiuf to
tnitTKlt mxlltaeyctfw.
ottbj aIlCfUu at 11 pr !, r 1 pc- fr -IS,
ar 1H b Mat fire bj nail oa racnpt T t a.. by
a-acna? Btvx lrt w.i -
-SS-SoMIn Brownville and everywhere
by all druggists. Gyrl