v BI ""BHHBIHiBiSBHBBHHHBBBliHQBSBBBBQHMiEBBBBBHBHHBBHHasaHBBSiMBMKHMHBWBBBHBBWMBWBBBBSHMBM I I THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, FEB. 1?, 1SS0, A 2$ fool veiu of coal haa been fpund Bt Ponsa.Kjb. The F'ope's health is reported-to be unsatUfactory." - Otto Sharp I tp be banged bI Mary ville, Mp., M-arcli 3th. Ex-Secretary of the Navy, A. Borle, died in Philadelphia, 5th inet., aged- 71. A bill to aholteh hsncinp has been Introduced into the California legis lature. Mies Hoamer, the American sculp-irtf-H thinke she has dincovered the theory of pprpetuaJ motion. r -' The Ifew York Times thinks there appears a elipht prospect of Delaware RoJnc; Qf publican, at the gext presi dential election. The Senate has refUBed. to confirm John M. Mprton. son. of late Senator Morton, as. collector ol. internal rev enue In California. York the Presbyterians umnber 123,223 communicants and 2012 ministers; aii'M the wealthiest deuomiuclioa of that city. The Nebraska delegation in Con gress recommends Clinton Brings, of Omaha, for Commissioner of Indian Affairs, vice Hayt. dismissed. Omaha New: Mr. John Sherman denies using federal patronage in fos tering hie presidential "boom." Can John give ui a corroboratory witness on that poiut? Weshouid like to be lieve It. 1 i ' Prof. A. D. Williams himself voted aininst Gannet. We have it from ttood authority that the Prof, not only voted but talked against th eleetion of Recent Gannet. Grand Island In dcpaident. Thet St. Louis Globe-Democrat has been sued for libel by. a man named Williams, who claimB$25 000 damag es, for the publication of the state ment of a woman who claims Will iams as her husband. Major Reno has been dismlPBed from the army. HI offense was look lug at a pretty giiJ through her win dow after night. Reno was one of Custer's br&.voun.d. gallant officers, but flattening hir nose against a pane of glass to see a woman in her night clothes, was fur from, buiug gallant conduct. a State Journal: We aro opposed to encouraging emigration to Dead wood. A receut number of the Pioneer of that place anuounces "that the ladies of the M. E. church would close their Winder's eutertainmeut on the night qf the 0th, with a grand masqurade ball." A common, plai.n, ordinary bail, Is not bad ; but a masqurade, un der the auspices of the ladies of the church, is terrible to contemplate, ev en to. an outsider. i I... i ag i The Republicans of Pennsylvania beld their State Convention, at Har rishurg on the 4th lust. The follow ing resolution was adopted by a vole qf 143 to 113: Resolved, That the delogateaelected to the republican convention from tbiastate are herehy instructed to sup port for the presidential nomination. General U. S. Grant, and to vote as a unit on all questions that may come before the convention. There was considerable opposition tp this rertolutlon, by the minority which was entirely for Blaine. John A. Lemon was nominated for Auditor General, and William H. Greene, for Judge of the Supreme Court. Lee Grimes, alias, Curley, a high wayman was recently arrested in the vicinity of Ft. Meade, by Llewellyn, the Omaha government detective,, with an assistant. While the party of three were on route for the fort, horseback, Curley suddenly put spurs to ills horse to escape, when the de tectives fired upon him killing him. A Chinese wash house was burned in San Francisco, 5th Inst., and ten dead bodies of occupants have been found, jyid those are thought not to be all. A negro cabin was burned in South Carolina JaBt week, and the husbands wife and six children perished in the flames. Augusta, Me., February 6 Gov ernor Davis, in hie message, refers to the late difficulties in the following language.: There can be no half way ground in regard to this great publio wrong which should receive the condemna tion of every honest- oitizen that it may serve as a warning in the future to those who under free governmeut may attempt to trample upon the rights of the people. I would recom mend investigation of the whole eub Jeot, of arranging, tabulating and counting returns, that the faots as as certained may be made public. He congratulates the people that they maintained law and order, and that onr representative government has shown, itself stroug enough to btand the test of such strain upon its fabric. The next thing on the programme is New York;, whjcU may be Bet down for Grant without a doubt. And af ter that the fun will begin. Mr. Grant will be fairly in the race, and his precedent1 will have- been set. Histwo dromios, Conkling and Cam eron will have penormea wieir awu. od tasks Their 6ceptres will have de- parted, ' The "?" " "" have a cbanoe. M??fp,wl apeak wlth more than "thirty' majority r Mr James GL Blaine. Minnesota iii np5 -Likewise Iowa. And In lln And California. OreKon and 4l .' New Jersey will make Omaha News. The News eeems to forget the "solid South," which with Illinois and Mdesnuri must be added In with X. Y. and Pa. Nou-e to shut our eyes and talk load, Bro. Nye. Grant will be nominated if he stays on the. track. OUR STATE IXSTITUTIOXS.. Their Conaitiou, and What it Costs to Maintain Them. We copy the following pommary of the report of the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, from the State Journal. It Is for the year 3S79: HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Tn thie institution on January 1. 1679, there were 120 patients. 60-malea and 51 females. Jan. 1, 1850. there were 157 patients, divided as follows : 83 males and 74 females. A gain dur ing the year of 14 realms and 23 fe males. Thetotal expense foctheyear 1S79. not including the appropriation for the two wines, laundry, tree?, and fencing, baf been $28,114.16. The amount on band from the several ap propriations for the institution for the year ending Maroh 31, 18S0. Is 7.773. 15. Of the special appropriations made for the two wings, etc., thpre has been expended $29,226.51, leaving a balance of $9 675 40 unexpended. STATE PENITENTIARY. The population in this institution is steadily increasing. On the first day of January, 1879. there were con fined within its walls oonviots to the number of 133. On the first day of January. 1SS0, the records show 1S4 au Increase of 51. Thetotal expense for the year has been $34,422.13 There has also been expended, for com pletion of wall andtovers $3,000, and for a better supply of water $1,200. INSTITUTE FOR DEAF AND DUMB. The number nf pspila in attendance at this io&t-jtotlon its G4, an Increase of 12 during last year; officers and teach ers, 6; employes, 8. The total ex pense for the last year has been $11, 562 43. Of this amount there haa been paid to teachers. $252 03. and to help $140. There has also been ex pended for workshop, repalrson build ing, sisterne, well and windmill. $4, 322.70. Balance on hand, $2,823 82. INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND. The total expenseof this institution for 1879. has been $7,157.33. This amount include3 ealaries of principal, matron, teachers, physicians, living expenses, fuel, improvements, books, musical instruments, furniture and bedding, clothing, tools for shop, etc. There remaina unexpended of the ap propriation for the first quarter of 1879, $860.97. THE REFORM SCHOOL. Thus far there lias only been ex pended $176 00 of the $10,000 appropri ation. Mr Davis recommends- that some action be taken toward carrying Into effect- the provisions of Ihe act providing for a Reform School, as the time is limited for the ereolion and completion ofthe building. CAPITOL BUILDING AND GROUNDS. There lias been expended on the building and grounds, $278.10; for fuel and lights, 325 85. There remains unexpended on fuud for building and grounds, $21.90, and on fuel and light fund, $1 074 15. BOARD OE PUBLIC LANDS AND BUILD INGS. For stationary the Bonrd has ex pended $34.72; for traveling expenses, $200; for recording deeds, $8.50. And thus endelh a brief summary of the condition of our State Institutions. The following Is a list of the num ber of delegates apportioned to the several States to the National Republi can Convention : NORTHERN STATES. California... Oolorfirio.... Connecticut Illinois Indiana . Iowa .... Kansas ........ Maine ........ ....... Massachusetts.. Michigan... Minnesota.. Nebraska........... 12 Nevada.. 6 , 6 New Hampshire .. 10 lSew Jersey...... 18 AZ New York . TO 30 Ohio - 41 . 22 Orecon....- 6 ,..... 10 Pennsylvania.........,. 53 H'Khode Island. 8 2 Vermont . 22. Wisconsin.. 13, .. 10 -20 462 SOUTHERN STATES. Alabama. Maryland ., North Carolina.. ?wtli Carolina.... .... 16 -.20 . 11 .... 21 ,. 16 Arkansas Delaware. Florida... neorKliu...... Kentucky.. IOulslana -.... SiToiineMee 22' Texan.. .. 21 Vlrclnlfi l6West Virginia 10 30l 27S Mississippi.... Missouri ... THE TERRITORIES. ,.. . 2 Wyoming Arizona Dakota .. Idaho . Montana New Mexico Washington , Utah. ... 2 16 .75I Total The pretty city of Fremont, Dodge county, Iaa candidate for the Nebras ka Republican state convention, and notwithstanding the proposition is handsomelj' indorsed by the Omaha News, we think that .Lincoln is the place for the convention, because most convenient of access by the State at large. m OmahaiVeit'S.- Wm. E. Chandler, ex-secretary of the national republi can committee, says that it is an in sult to Conkling to say that he will not work with his whole heart for Blaine if the senator from Maine is nominated. He states further that be knowB that he will. Mrs. Wilson, of Saunders county, has recovered $225 from a saloon 1st for selling whiskey to her husband. Exchange. Nebraska baa a very good law for the protection of families, against sa loon keepers, If It should be enforoed as rigidly as other laws. A ISociiester Physician's Expe rience. R. Caulkins, M. D., of Roohester, N. Y., certifies Oct. 6th, 1879, that he has used the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in his practice for diseases of the kidneys and liver, and the result has fbeeu satisfactory in the extreme. He sayBt "I would now prescribe the same remedy to all similarly afflicted, and j'ou are at liberty to. so state In your testimonials." 31mos? If you are tired of Uking tho larso old fashioned griping pills, anda.ro satisfied that purging yourself till you ro weak and sloli is not good- oomnvon-Ron.se, then try Carter's Little Liver Pills and learn how easy it is to be free from Blliousne&s, lleadaohe. Consti pation, and nil Liver- troubles. These little pills aro smallor, easier to tako and give quicker relief tban.anr pilUn use. Forty In r1U OneadostJ.. Price S&ceutR. Telv j ThtKcmon 17tiy. The tonic effect of Kidney-Wort is pro ducsJ,by its eJeansingand purjffing action on the blood. Where there Is a gravely de posit in the urine, or milky.ropyurinefrom disordered kidneys, it curi without fall. Constipation and Piles readily yield to its carth&rilcand healing power. High Priced Bnttcx Buyers pay the highest pries for "gilt- edged butter," but want erery tub to be of an even, bright, color. They recommend their patrons to use only Wells, Richardson fc Go's Perfected Butter Color, as It is the most reHaohs known, and will give n, per fect color. It received the only award at the International Dairy Fair for "superior pn rlty, (strength, perfection ol color and per manence." Wiijr arc You Bilious 7 Because you have allowed your bowels to be come costl Y.e, and liver torpid. Use Kidney Wort to produce a free state of the bowels, and it will stimulate the liver to proper ac tion, cleanses the skin, of Its yellowness, cures bilious headache, and causes new life in the blood. Druzgists have it. Care in Selecting Food. Theflrstcondltlonsofhealthfulness are se cured when care Is taken in selecting the articles which enter into our dally food. Let all the articles used be as pure wholesome and easy of digestion as Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, and we warrant that the health of the family will not be likely to suffer. Manlcve Self-Opening and Shutting; Gate. The most complete and convenient piece of farm machinery ever invent ed or used. One can be ppen at en trance to Furnas Fruit Farm near BrownvJIle. Price of that style gate, complete, $30. Robt. W. Furnas, State Agent. Be wise in time and get a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, which always cures coughs and colds and preveut3consumption. Price 23 cents, 50 cents and SI per bottle. Sold by A. W. Xickell. As a Cure for Plies. Kidney-Wort acts first by overcoming in the mlldc-st manner all tendency to consti pation; then by its great tonic and invigo rating properties. It restores to health the debilitated and weakened parts. We have hundred of certified cures, where all else had failed. Use It and sufTer no longer. Don't Spoil Your Butter. Farmers, do not run the risk of spoiling your batter by using carrots, annatto or oth er cheap colors, when Wells, Ktchardson & Co's Perfected Butter Color is so much bet ter. It lw harml&is hh salt, and never gives a dull reddish color, or any taste or smell. It is made In astrlctly scientific manner by a skillful chemist, and can always be relied on. When exhausted by mental labor, take Kidney-Wort to maintain healthy acilon of all organs. . Hyacinth. Any person acquainted with the fine odor of this delicate flavor should get a bottle of Dr. Price's Extract of Hyacinth, and they will readily see that It gives as natural and as powerful an odor as the flower Itself.- We thlnic that Dr. Price's Unique Perfumes are the best and most per&istent odors that arc made. ESonte Grown Trees and Vines. I have a uond supply of we II known and western tested Apple Tree: onp and two years oll. Grape Vines and Evergreens, all grown here in thoBoi! in which they stand. Come and have your trees dug under, your own eye. Osusre Hedge Plants. One million Osage Hedge Plants for sale. Get trees, vines and plants when you are ready to plant them. Robt. W. Furnas Brownville, Neb. Br. Price's Flavorings.. Have grown rapidly In popular favor, as It is known that they are natural flavors, ob tained by a new procewi which gives the most delicate and grateful lahte. We con scientiously commcnd,Dr. Price's flavors as being all that Is desired. Forest Tree Seedlings -Osage II ed pre Plants Grape Vines JVursery Stock. I have the sale of a large stock of Forest Tree Seedlings, Osage Hedge Plants. Grape Vines, and General Nursery Stock. Most of tli'e stock I have given persoual attention to rais ing. The balance Hedge Plantsnnd ForBtTree Seedling were raised near, in an ndjoining State. One and two year old apple t ees can be had direct from Nursery rows. Ever greens the same. Robt. W. Furnas, Brownville. Nebraska. 3reoe XOieix OF THE- WEST END m keeps constantly on hand BEEF, POME, MUTTON, POULTRY, and all kinds of SAUSAGES, Bologna, Pork in Casing S Loose. Liver Puddings and Head Cheese a specialty. Highest market prlco paid for BEEF HIDES I TALLOW. At Tlio QROCERY AND PROVISION y STORE OF II T. L. Jones Is tho place to get Groceries, Provision.. Confections, Fine Cigras, Toilet Soap, Canned Goods, Fresh JSuttcr, Ftc.j Etc., Ftc. Wo also keep all tho best brands of uour, ana everytning usually kept In a first class grocery store. We hove in con nection wltli our housoa flrtciaBj FEED STORE T ETTER HEADS, m BILL HEADD Xectfr priattd-ut thitofflco. ME AT iMAHKh NMAHACITY. Married, on the 7th, by J. p. Crother, J. P., Mr. Samuel Brirable and Mies Abie Cook, all of Nemaha county. Philip Crother I? severely afflict ed by inflammation of the eye of which he lost the sight some time ago. Died, 6th inst.. Mary duguter; of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Crother, aged IS months. Harness mended or-made at Crother'e shop. Good Templars meet every Mon day evening. John Colerick has started a new meat market. Wm Drain is going into the mer cantile budluess in the Minick build ing. Persona desiring a good rig to take a ride can And the same at Ree's livery stable. Delinquent subscribers of The Advertiser will please call on Jim Titus and settle for their paper. He is authorized to give receipts in the name of Fairbrother & Hacker, as agent. The saloon business ia most prof itable here neither licenses or fines to pay. Two or three more saloons could make it pay. There was a horse race in the street Monday evening. Nemaha needs some good ordi nances for the regulation of city gov ernment, and more yet she needs of ficials who will enforce them. The itinerant photographer ia iu town. Enquiry is frequently made for houses to rent, but there are none. A nice line of boots and shoes just received by Titus Bros, to be sold very cheap for ready pay. Willing Bros are lilliug up their store room with a fine lot of hardware, stoves etc. Trade with the merchants is good in the city. Farmers represent fall wheat as in good condition. There is temporary suspension in the corn trade at present. The new Chrietiau church build iog will soon be finished. We are expectiuga course of tem perance lectures soon, by J. B. Finch, Grand Worthy C. T. Naebit'a 6ale of stock, farm im plements and household goods, oc curs 17th inst. Some of tiur citizens have taken the Leadville fever bud, and there Is a few cases of measles also iu the vi cinity. The rpgular Advertiser corres pnndent being sick' must excuse this small batch of iteinn. A Sew Departure. Willing Bros, have opened a large and complete stock of hardware aud agricultural implements iu the Min ick building, Nemaha City, where they propose to sell goods in their line as cheap asany house in Nemaha County. TITUS IBIEvLOS DEALERS JiV DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. RE A D YMA DE CLOTHING, NOTIONS, Etc., Etc., Etc. Nemaha City, Nebraska, Will sell goods as cheap as any house In Southeastern Cebravka. IOMJV S MIJVI&& iNesnalia City, Neb., pENERAL MERCHANDISE CAXXED GOODS, COXFECTIOXS, Etc. Keeps a varied stock of everytbing'.the peo ple want. Call and see htm. L. ffl. FOSTER, PHYSICiaH I SURGEON, Nemaha City, Nebraska. Obstetrics a Specialty. Sight Calls Promptly Ansucred. ir wj?yj!4js' I V"T 'S! Oi -31 KTSn BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS Made and repaired aa well as car? bo done anywhere, and at short notice AXD VERY REASONABLE TERMS. JT "!. TF?."1T!T71 UVERT AND FEED STABLE. Good buggies and horses, charges reas onable. Best of care taken of transient stock. DAVID A. MORTON, Blacksmith, yemalia City, NeurasJca. Machine repairing and horseshoeing aspe clalty. HOOVER HOUSE. J. B. HOOVER, Proprietor XEMAIU CITT, XEBRASKA. This house treats Its patrtras to first-class accommodations, in every particular; and has good stabling for horses. Jfil tSSH -5-S' 9 ; V) ? U7 M E. Bil IQI' flL LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, NEMAHA CITY NEB., Centrally located ; Good fare, and no trou ble spared to make guests comfortable. Good barn for horses and Charges Reasonable. PHARLES HELMER, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe MAKER. Having bought the cus tom shop of A. Roblson, I am prepared to do work oi hi i Kinusnt Reasonable Rates. 2-Repalrlng neatly and" promptlydone. Shop No. 62 Main Street, Brownville Nebraska, iMHHH"BBBHBna99Bnact HHSk. 9mm. ABA. W5W SBb SfPMB WB3BCs3M 1H (HPfe. MPS Castona Millions of Mothers express their de light OTer Caatoria. It is nature's remedy for assimilating tie food. Unlike Cas tor Oil, it is pleasant to take, and unlike MorpMne Syrups, it is harmless. Caitoria regulates tho-Bowels, destroys Worms, Cures Sour Curd and WJnd Colic tnd allays Peverishness. What gives health to the Child, promotes rest for the Mother. Children Cry for Pitch er's Castoria. It 13 the most reliable, effective and popular article dispensed by Dragzists. NEVER Since Healing remedies have been used by SUFFERING MAN has there boon known such absolute Fain relieving agents as the Centaur Xiiniments They soothe, heal, and cure. They HEAI-Cuts, Wounds, Galls, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts and Sore Nipples; CUBE Pain in the Back. Rheumatism, Scia tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Ear-Ache, Tetter. Pimples, Itch. Salt Rheum, and all Flesh, Bone and Muscle ailments of Animals ; SUBDUE Inflammation and Swellings; BEXIEVE Boils, Felons.UIcers, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quinsy ; EXTRACT Pain from Burns. Scalds, Stings, Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruises. The experience of centuries has made the CENTAUR Liniments, the most speedy and effective curative agents for MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS have relieved more hed-ridden Crip ples ; healed more frightful wounds, and saved more valuable animals than all other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts, plasters and so-called "pain, killers" and "skin cures" combined. Physicians and Veterinary Surgeons en dorsethe Centaur Iiiniments; millions of men, women and children in all countries use them, and Housekeepers, Farmers, Planters, Travelers, Liverymen, Teamsters and Stock-growers, are their patrons. They aro clean, they are handy, they are cheap, and they are reliable. There is no ache, pain, or swelling which they will not alle viate, subdue, or cure. Sold throughout THE HABITABLE GLOBE for 50 cts. and 81.00 a bottle. Trial bottles, 25 cts. h 1STO. 43. H F JOSEPH BODY, 3 Proprietor 1 CJ Old Reliable H IET. Give ISim a Call And you will be well Served vrltli tlic best market affords. W j 10 H IsTO. 43. ABBOTT & EMERY, Workers in "Wood and Ixon5 at the old place, foot of COLLEGE ST. WAGONS, 3IACIIINFRY, FLO TVS, FTC, promptly repaired. All kinds of BLACKSMITHING done to order, and Satisfaction Guarantied. Aaron Palmer. Rofct. Johncon NEW RESTAURANT. Palmer & Jolmson. First Door West of the Old National Bank Building. This firm, having fitted up these rooms -wll run a first class restaurant, where good warm meals can be had at all hours. They give their customers the best viands in the inarKot, inciuaing iresn oysiers eerveu in any manner called for. Try the New Restaurant All Orders for an Express Left willi Them will be Promptly attended to T0NS0BIAL. Tho old Barbershop No. 47 is now owned and run- by J. E,. Hawkins. It is tho best fitted shop-In the city, and tho place generally patronized by the people. Mr. Hawkins keeps no assistants who aro not Experts at The Business, end gentlemanly and accommodating In their conduct. All kinds of T0NS0RIAL WORK dono promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. EAT THE BEST DYES nd are always In preparation-. Robert Teare. Itofrrt Teare. ifjirin Eobert Teare. ! i Robert Teare. Plows- Haiw!' w$ons- Suiky : nuwb, opnug wdguiib, Eobert Teare. IPiilfivQfnrQ RpqnPKQ Mnuorc P.nm Uu:uiuiuiU Robert Teare, Robert Teare. Robert Teare. Call and see me one door West of I Will Sell you Goods as E.OBEE.T TSA-XE. Unexcetlsd in Economy of Fuel. Unsurpassed in Construction. Unparalleled in Durability. Unlispnted ia tie BRO AB CLAIM cf Im tte VERY BEST OPERATING, AXD MOST PEBFECTM EVSB OFFSSSD F03 TEE P3ICS. HADE ONLY BY 353IXLOE2XjSX 612. 614. 616 & 618 K. MAIM Sold by STEVENSON 01 ST0 hPblj! "- -1 Zh ar -- s . df B A A . "" rf c. rrflr 1 vrl A. " Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these poods are- tree Irom adulteration, richer, more enective, produce Dercer resuiis than any others, and that they use them in their own families. IMffi'Si IOTHENE. STEELE & PRICE'S LUPULIH The Beat Dry TF.ELE & FHICE, Manfrs., We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved Ami Can Procc What tee Cluiui. Cg Tlicre nro no fiiilnrrfa nml no 1Uiii Itoinliiipnt. If you nrc ti otililctl ttitli SICK jTE,lIAt,""n .tom onttJraTbjiiiI qutoUly cured, ;u tiuntlri'tl tistie htfii ali--a(l.v. WoHiiall in- icnaci mall a sltvl r tei.!lmoiti:l ntiy im - !. CARTER'S LITTLE OYER PILLS Also cure all fornw of BilIousn?si. prevent Conitl jinlion and D sin-jaia. prunicte JJiKestKin.reiit've dbtirev from loo hearty eating, correct Disordtn of the .S'omacli. Stimulate the Liver, anil Itcsu late the Bon-Pis. They do all tli s hy taking Ju one little plil at it c!oe. Tln'sire purely vegeta ble, do not crlpe or purse. and :irc ns nearly per fect as It is nossihli lir .1 pul to lie. l'rite 25 cents, 5for$I- Sii'"ll t! ' -'"i v -'. ref.ru t Lj uia.1. CAItTEIt Mr.MCIMi CO., EIUE. 1A Sold by A. W. Xickell. 27yl. A vegetable preparation and tha only rare remedy in the world for Brizhl'a DUense, Diabetes, and AXXi Kidney, Urer and Urinary DUcoki. Testimonials of thehlgheat order In proof of these statements. BSTor the cure or Diabetes, call for War tier's Safe Diabetes Care. iSS-For the care of Brisht'a and the other diseases, call for Warner's Safe Kidney and JLivcr Cure. Safcllcme dies arc sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. EH.WARMR&CO., Proprietors, Rochester. jr.1T. BS"Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. cr. Xj. iRO", Undertaker Keeps afalllineol BiiMWCMETS Ornamented and f?lafn. Also Shrouds for men, ladles and infants. All orders left with Mike Felthoaser will receive prompt attention. 3 Bodies Preserved and Embalmed. 5G Jlain Street, BK0WXTILLE,XEC AT. CLINE, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER m CUSTOM WORK made to order, and fltsalwayi rusranteed. -Kepairlngr Deatly and promptly dose. Shop, Io. 27 Un treet,Bro'',:i7llle.Nb. IOMkMHMCKra H t4 CsVsTiVr CJwrss p?lltHJsgalipa IsMBPB rS Tr,3sro3fcstoisMssrri Dealer in ail Kinds of Machinery, SUCH AS iiuujjuiv) iiiuviuiwi wwii Shelters Threshing Ma chines, Corn Planters, Pumps, &c, and any other article in form of Machinery, Ponn's Store, Brownville, and Cheap as the Cheapest. 3M-ia.3Sr"0'DF,,Q- OO. STREET. ST. LOUIS, JWO. & CROSS, Brownville. SIPJAI mmm a M6aJJ IOUE PERFUMES are the Gems of all Odors. An agreeaLle, healthful Liquid Dentifrice. LEMON SUGAR. A substitute for Lemons. EXTRACT JAMAICA GINGER. From the pure rooL YEAST CEMS. Hop Yeast in the World. Chicago. St. Louis & Cincinnati CHARLES BODY Herebr sails the attention of the people of Urownvuie ana vicinity to the fact that he Keeps a lull line or the best FAMILY GROCSHrSS, PROVISIONS, FLOUB, CONFECTIONS, etc. And sells at the very Lowest Living Rites. He also has a ESTAURANnp Where Meals at all Hours nre fnrnshed upon tho hhortest notice. People from the country nre invited to call and get a "square meal" lor only 23 CENTS 1CTH0BIZED BY THE C. S. GOVERXSEXT. irstNatione OF. BROWNVILLE. Paid-up Capital, So 0,0 00 Authorized " 500,000 IS FT.EPAKF.BTO TRANSACT A' General Banking Business BUY AND SELL COIN & 0UEEEN0Y DRAFTS on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED Onapproverlsecurftyonly. TlmeTTrafts dfacoimt ed. and special accommodations erantrd to deposlt rs. Dealers In GOVERNMENT EONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Received payableon demand and INTEREST al lowed on time certificates of deposit. DIRECTORS. tVm T.Den, B. M. Bailey, 3T.A Ifandley. Franfc E. Johnson, Lcther Hoadley Wa. Fraisber. JOHX L. CARS0X, A. R. DAVISON". Cashier. I.C.McNAUGnTON.Asst.Cash!r. President. -J m JC3- m T -V. JL Is now proprietor of the and Is prepared to accomodate the public with GOOD, FRESH, SWEET MEAT, Gentlemanly and accommodating clerks will at all times be tn attendance. Your patronase solicited. Remember the place tbe old Faacoe shop, Maln-st., Brownville - Nebraska WMW 1 CtJ couBty m the U,5. tt i,H ihi Cjdoptdfe or TUas Trtk KiMin;" ty iuSenctlon. To tuch nn. with joed rtfcrect, nt fumish il.e nUtlm. sd firs tersu tht wilt ininre a worker ow S 10U moirtli. AiirtM SI225ATI0Sil ttfc Vf., B:s2ffl,iLcsi!ir XL IBank tflalffl, X.EGAXi ADVEHTISEMEXTS. -OTO.T2H.) THE UNKNOWN HEIR3 OP X Jesse L. Brown, deceased. wHl take no tice that petition has heen fifed In :be dis trict court in ami for Nemaha, county, 2e braxlca, wherein Geo. "vT. Benjamin Is plain tltr and the nnknosc heirs oJ Jesse L. Brown are defendants. The object ami firayer of sM petition tn lo eorreet aa err!' n the acknowledgment of oed from Jes rc 1. Brown and Sarah E. Brown. hU wile, to Barton S. Wood, for ti e snath- half ef the feonthenst quarter of xectka twenty-krfit, townllp fonr of ranse fonrteen eiwt.la Ne maha County, Nebraska. Said pernios aks for the Insertion of the name of Jesse L. Brown In the acknowledgment tonnW deed, which ljdated August 17th. )TO. and record ed In Nemaha County Peed Kecord. Bofe Fonr.Pase243. Said defendants are required to answer or orherwlse plead to jalI petltlca on or before the 2M dsy of Slarch. ISSa. S. A. 05BORNI Attorney for PlalatlS. A LONZO DOUD. OF THE STATE -CL of New York, will tako notice tfeat Net tle L. Doud. 0' the County of Nemaha, Ne braska, did on the 8th day of February. ttS0,. file her petition In the flfrlct court wUbtn and for Nemaha County, Nebraska, against paid Alonzo Doud, defendant. yeUlni: Jorib. that she has been a resident of said Nemaha eonnty for six months last past. tbatSrp terabr 1st. 1636. he was married to defend ant, that about July 3d. 1S79. defendant was Kitltty of extreme cruelty toward her. that defendant Is of sufficient ability to provide a suitable maintenance for her. which he re fuses to do. and praying that on the Saal -hearing of this esse she may be divorced, from him. and the said Alonzo Dond Ik noti fied that he Is required to appear aiwl answer said petlMon on- or before the Kd day of March, 1SS0. NETTIE L.DOt'D. 81 wl By her attorney, J. S. Stbll. ESTATE OF JOHN. J. WARD, deceased. In the County Court of Nema ha County, Nebraska. In the matter of al lowlns the final administration account of Edmund Huddart. administrator of the es tate of John J. Ward, deceased. Notice is herehy given that March Cth A. T). R0. at 9 oVlock. A. 3d., at the office of the County Judge of Nemaha County. Nebraska. In Brownville. ha been: fixed, by the court, as the time and place for' examlnlnpnnd allowlnz said account when, and where all persons Interested mav appear and content the me. Fehruaryetb, 1S8; JOHNS STCLL. Wwl County Jmlge. E3TATEOF WYATAN KENT. DE ceased. In the County Court of Nema ha County, Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given that March 6th. April 10th, and September nth. ISSfl. at W . 1 o'clock a. m.. of eaeh day. at the office of the County Judge of Nemaha Conntv, Ne braska. In Rrownville. Nebraska, have been lixed by the court as Hie times and ptace, when and where all perrn who have claims and demands agalnt ail deeeksetl can have the ame exauiimsl. NtroAteU and nllowfHl. All claims not presented at tho lust menttunel date will be fiarewr barred by ordei or the court JOHN S. STVI.T, -3lwt County Judge. Dated February 7th, 186. lioad Notice: To all whom it may concern ; The eommli--sioner appointed, to locate a road oonmeH lng at the northeast corner of the northwest' quarter of section four, township foar, north or range thirteen east. and rnnnin; south e:i the west lde of the line from the above ue fcr!bed c ". ner to the ?oitheMt crMr of tio-southwe-t quarter of said section tour, ana on the sooth line of said section; tbenett run ning wM on said section Hue to the north east corner of the we-t half of the northwest quarter of section nine, township four, north or ranse thirteen east; then son lb oh the west slde or the line Irom said corner 10 U10 southeast corner of the west half of tbe northwest quarter of said section nine. thence west to the aoathwest corner of tko northwest quarter of said scctloa nine, town four, range thirteen eaat, has reported In fa vor of tbe establishment of sold rood: and tbe vacation of half mile of a rood ffOtn the quarter set loo corner on tbe weat He ef said t-elon nine, north to the northwest comer of said seetton nine, town foor. range thirteen eet thereof. And all objection thereto or claims for damage, most be flled in the County Clerk's otnee on or before noon- of the 10th day of May, A. D. ISS9, or such road will be estabiisbed ami vacated without referent thereto. SAMUEL CCLBERTSON. v County Clerk. DaJed th!3 10th day of February. 1SS lioacl Kotice. To all whom it may concern : Theeemmis sioner apiolnted to alter a road eommeHalng at the southwest corner of section 2S, town ship 5, range 13 eaf-t in Nemaha eoonty, Ne-bra-ka, and running tbenee north S chains, thence east 16'. south 3 chain, thence east 5. t-outh three chains, thence east 2lJi. south 4.3Q chains to the north iinof tbe read on the section line between sections 23 and 38, township 5, range 13 east ; and vaeatinz that portion of the old road between tho southwest corner of said section 23. and where the new location intersects said line, has reported in favor of the establishment and vacation thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages, most be tiled in the County Clerk'a office on or beforo noon of tbe 10th day of May. A. D 1SS0. r soclt road will be establish, d and vacated without reference thereto. SAMUEL CULBERTSON. Stw4 County Clerk. Doted this loth day of February, 1S. P3TATE oTFREDERTfJlC SEDO-J-i ras, deceased. In the county court" of Nemaha county, Nebraska. Notice is hereby Ki vex that an application has been made to the county court of said county to appoint V. H. Loranee adminis trator, with the will annexed, of Uie estate of said Frederick Sedoras. deceased, and that February 2Sth, A. D. lSoO. at o'clock a. m., at the office of the County Judge of Nemaha county, Nebraska, in Brownville Nebraska, has been fixed by the eoart as the time and place for the hearing thereof., when and where all persons Interested may appear and contest the same. Dated January 27th. IbSO. Jw4 JOHN S. STULL. County Judge. W'lLLrA.M F. CATES. YOU day of January. IhSi), Mary K. Catea filed her i"-""u" "icuuiccui ;ne LierK ortne Dis trict COOrt In nmt fni- 7.mnhn rnnn. -- orasKa. The object and nraver of snii! ni.ii. tion Is that thf until Mnrr V Clc .. . UlVOrced from vnn ail tho ar.ru r..,, I ... pf her children narted" in said petition may be decreed to her. You are requested to an swersald petition on or before the 1st day of 31- W. T. Rooers fiirWfr --, . v. j. . m TESTATE OF WYMAN KENT, JJ deceased. In the County Court or Nema ha Connty, State of Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given thnt an application has been made to the County court of said Ccunty to appoint James E. Neal ad ministrator of the estate of said Wymnn Kent, deceased, and that February 7th 1880; tt 12 o'clock noon, at the office of the County Judge of Nemaha County. Nebraska. In Brownville. Nebraska, has been fixed by the court as the time and place for the hearing thereof, when and where all persons Inters ested mav appear and contest the same. Dated January 12. 1880. 3lw3 J. S. STULL. Connty Judge. SHERIFF'S HALE.' NOTICE IS J hereby given thnt the nnderslgned.Shpr. itrot the County of Nemaha. State of Ne braska, will by virtue of an execution Issued bV the fTlerlc nf thn niui.lm (V.,.. -u County, in favor of Hiram M. Swartz and" against I. B. Shields, and to hlnr directed. I will t.ell nt public auction at one o'clock ti ro-., on .Monday, February 9th, 1980, at the residence of said I. B. Shields, lrr Island Precinct in said county, thefollowlnsr personal property, to-wit: One erlbofeorn estimated at three hundred bushels. Ta&en on saldex-ecution as the property of I. R. Shields. Terms of sale cash. Dated this Jinuary 21. T8S0 31-3 JOHN M KLECKNER, Sheriff. SSTABLISHEB IN 1858r o tl. r e s re EJEAL ESTATE AGEKOY IIS" 3VEBRASKA. William H, Hoover. Does a general Heal Estate Business. Sella Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to-tno transferor Real Es tate. Has a Complete Abstract of Titles to all Real Estate lu Nemaha County. npHOMAS BUBBES. X N0TABY PXJBLlU GLEN ROCK, NEBRASKA. Deeds, Morf gages, powers of Attorney, ant! ubticri iuAi.ruHieuijii writing crtxciuiiy drawn, and acknowledgments taken. Col- ,i.viaj ti, wwa.tv . OiU. C, y l