Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 22, 1880, Image 2

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fI?rank Leslie, ihe famouB-pabliaher,
!i dead.
California has a Hah .farm- whereon
are hntebed euch year 2,500,000 gqN
Rfnatnr Lamar's physicians say he
will recover fron bis recent paralytic.
A'iodge of Good Templars was in-
ftituted'afOrnaha last week by the G.
m . a
A repent freshet on the Umpqua
river, Oregon, swept away $12;000
jrorth of hoi;s.
A bill uaipassedthe Senate Increac-Ing-the
pension of totally disabled sol
dier from $50 to 375 a month.
Mrs. Stauley Marsh, of Decatur, III.,
recently presented her husband with
triplets two boys nnd a girl.
Margaret A. Cleaves. M.D., of Dav
enport, b&s-been appointed superin
tendent of the insane hospital at Mt.
Pleasant Iowa.
Deadwood Ip scourged with a die"
ease of the throat, something like
diphtheria, and attacks old and young
with generally fatal result.
The House committee, on militaryaf
fairs have agreed upon a report restor
ing Geu Fltz John Porter to the ser
vice, with the rank of Colonel, and
awarding him $73 000 "back pay."
ms i m
The female card spinners-of Now
port, It. I., recently Indulged in a1
strike;- and when one of them at
tempted to resume work Bhe was
roughly assaulted- by one of the
It Is said that Maj. D. H. Wheeler,
Plattsmouth, will probably be ap
pointed Census Supervisor for the
northern district of this State. A
mors competent man could not be ap
pointed. MeF-ndree's saloon and billiard hall,
Central City, Neb., was blown to
pieces, on the morning of the 16th, 4
o'clock, by gun. powder placed under
the building. The perpetrators of the
crime are as yet unknown.
There eeema to be real starvation in
Ireland, and some terrible cases of
suffering are reported? A cable dit
patch of the 16th says that on the 14th
iDst., at Klllarney, afxty able bodied
men with their families were admit
ted to the work house. A woman ap
plied for admission with three chil
dren, one of whom was dead In her
arms from Imager and exposure.
Senator Paddock- baa introduced a
Mil to authorize the appointment of
commissioners toascertuin and report
the losses sustained by citizens of the
United States on account of Indian
depredations, and to adjust claims
arising therefrom. Omaha itepu&it-j
Andthe Senator's Is said to be the
most practicable bill yet prepared for
that laudable matter.
State Journal . Ex-Governor Fur
nas Is inaugurating a new feature of
exhibit for the coming meeting of the
State Historical Society. He will ex
hibit specimens of wood from fruit
trees grown in Nebraska since the
eetllement of the State We under
stand he had 103 different varieties,
about one-half of which he will place
on exhibition.
The Journal should have said for
est trees instead of fruit trees.
The Peru Herald, a sixteen tb Lbeet
dodger, published some where In the
btate for the benefit of nursery lead
ers, is assailing Senator Paddock, and
Congressman Valentine, telling what
they don't know. If either of the
aforesaid gentlemen care enough
about this nincompoop's tweedling to
notice it. we are mistaken In the men.
Beatrice Courier.
Of course not-he's the thinnestsqulrt
yon can Imagine ; and our representa
tives will certainly lose no sleep over
bis mumblings.
The reason the Bloomington Argus
likes u a so well is because be id the
Bon-i-law of an ardent admirer of
nnrs theBrownville Advertiser.
Iron leal Iy the oroaker of the Nebras-
kan is right. The Advertiser will
admire hinivhen it begins to admire
editors who have the disgusting fttyle
of exaggerating, misrepresenting or
studiously lying'about every sulject
I speak of. That's the way we ad
mire Mr. Williams; and from the
tone of the State papers generally ws
may infer they have about the same
opinion of him that we have.
Do the newspapers and politicians
who are so industriously attacking
General Grant waut to provoke o sim
ilar onslaught upon their own favor
ites?" If they do. they are pursuiug
a course well calculated to accomplish
tbeiraim. Inter Ocean.
The Advertiser prefers Blaine as
the Presidential candidate. But that
is no reason at all why it should abuse
Grant; and if It can't get Blaine
without saying a Biugle word against
the great and magnanimous General,
it can cheerfully do without Blaine
and take Grant. It is a fact to be re
gretted, however, that there are-some,
even friends of Grant, who think It
necessary to ungenerously attack
fciui- to' boost the chances of Blaine.
Yet our cUv. probably forgetting
the death of one of her citizens a few
weeks ago. who waa-aurneu io an on-
"John Jeffries. living aoou io- ..-
north of this place, csme to town last
Thursday with soma produce, and un--forinnntely
be entered one of our
'business promoters" (as soma or
our nalne.GB men terra them) nri
was filled with the pure (?) stuff In
rn',m The nronrletnr after get
C4H -fU -Sly
wagon after dark, dumped him into
it, untied" a span of runaway tnuleu.
and aturted him home. Uf couree
the mules got uoire ub fast U9 they
could, throwing poor, drunken Jeff
ries out of the wagon, and the ctmae--quences
were, the burlul of the man
last Sabbath. Still we hear it &aid
that saloons benefit u community. If
I'glve my brother'ursenic and he dies
I am guilty of murder. But if the
dramaeller gives him poisoned drugs
and he dies "well, is that murder, or
is it one of the ''tricks of trade?" We
do not blame the saloon keeper be- jMrV i7t 18S0. Hon. Daniel F. Davis
caue the law nays he Is licensed tj5ir: I have the honor to acknowl-
murder his fellow man. ledge the receipt of your communlcn-
Tbe above case is chronicled In the j tlon informing rip you have bpen le-
Humbdldt Sentinel of the 16th Inst.!
The iso re we look- the,.morejWe see
that these murder mills promote only
the coffin bnpineea. the whisky busi
ness, the jail business and the poor
houee butdtiess'. That's about all.
The Maine Matter.
On the 15th, It will be remembered,
the fusion Governor, Smith, issued an
order to relieve Gen. Chamberlain of
the command of the State troops. On
the 10th Gen. Chamberlain, by the
following note, indicated to the bogus
Governor that he could not recognize
his authority;
Headquarters First Division
Maine militia, Augusta, Jan, 16.
Hon. Joseph L. Smith Sir: I have
the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of a notice herved on me this evening
by Meser9. Black and Blood, repre
senting themselves aa- on your per
sonal staff, which notice purports to
be general order No. 2, adjutant gen
eral's oftlce, relieving me from com
mand of the militia of Maine and
revoking special order No. 45. which
charged me with the duty of protect
ing public propprty and institutions
of the state until a governor should
be dnly qualified. When mnftprp
now in Issue involve the very ques
tion whether you are governor or not.
it must be manifest to you that I
ahoulri fail in my duty were I to sur
render my truht, except on undoubted
evidence of your aqthorlty to demand
It. If you are the lawful governor
you can easily relieve all embarrass
ment by affording me authoritative
decision of the court, to which I am
ami always have been ready to yield
prompt obedience. I cannot, but add
that, the courtesy anil custom of the
service, to say nthinir of the grave
compHcatlouof the present situation,
give me the riirht to expeet that you
will furnish proper evidence of your
I have the honor to be. very res
ppetfnlly. vour-ohedient servant,
Joshua D. Chamberlain,
Major General.
Every militia company in the State,
excepting one, notified Gen. Cham
hprlain that thev would adhere to
hiro-and-obey his orders.
The fusionlst legislahireon the 16th
did a great deal of talking on the sit
uation, and showed unmistakable
signs of weakening. A strong ele
ment favored goinc to the Supreme
oourton questions of thplr own ask
ing. The fusionl-ts after indulging
in the farce of appointing some com
mittees adjourned to Monday.
On Saturday 17th, the Republican
legislature convened in the State
house at 2:20 p. m. The House was
called to order by Speaker Weeks,
and the Senate by President Locke.
The House was literally jimmed full
of people enthusiastic over the indications-that
law was prevailing over
fraud and rascality ; and just as the
body was about proceedingto business.
Senator Blaine came upon the floor,
followed by Lot M. Morrill and Eu
gene Hale, when the vast multitude
arose and made the old State House
tremble with their cheering.
The question of the election of a
Governor was then Introduced. The
committee on gubernatorial votes re
ported as follows : Whole number of
votes. 13S.0S6 ; necessary to a choice,
69.404; Daulel F. Davis, 68.9G7 ;
Joseph L.. Smith. 47,673; Alonzo Gar--
celon, 21,851 ; Blon Bradbury, 64 ;
the remainder eoattering for several
candidates. No choice.
The House and Senate then pro
ceeded to ballot, which resulted In
the election of Daniel F. Davis; Re
publican, for Governor.
Gov. Davis being notified of his
election and bis presence asked before
the joint convention, he promptly re
sponded. The dispatch says:
"As he entered the hall, attended
by tbecouncil andseveraldistiuguish
ed gentlemen, the crowd arose as one
man and the air was rent with deaf
ening applause, steadily increasing in
volume until thecapitol building fair
ly rocked. Men jumped upon the
seats atid upon, each others' should
ers, pouuded with canes, and muni
fested their joy in ways indescribable
As Davis stood at the right c.f the
president and faced towards the peo
ple the applause broke out again and
three cheers followed for Davis, for
Blaine, for Boutelle, Chamberlain,
Nast and Sproul.
After quiet was restored Governor
Davis, in an imprea!v manner, took
the oath of otticeand delivered an ad
dress. Cheering followed the address
which did not subside until the gub
ernatorial party took their departure.
The Governor took possession, of the
executive chamber without any inter
ference. The only obstacle placed In
the way by fu9lonlsts during the day
was the refusal of the deputy secreta
ry of state to give up the gubernator
ial returns, but certified copies of
clerk's returns were substituted.
At 7:45 both branches of the legisla
ture adjourned, until Monday at 11 a.
Gov. Davis issued an order continu
ing Gen. Chauaberlaingln command,
as follows: "
To Muj. Gen. Chamberlain Sir : I
have thb bouor to iuformyou that 1
have this day been legallyijelected to
the office of governor audjeommand-er-in-cbief
and have been duly quali
fied to perform the duties of that of
fice. In common with all citizens of
this state I have watcheii with great
anxiety the events of the past few
dayB and rejoice with them Sn the
good results of wise and efficient
and more especially that tbo& results
have been accomplished without re
eorting to military force or perralUlne
violence to be uied. Fully recognizing
the propriety of the demand made by
you- upon others who have claimed
the right to exerolse the office of gov
ernor that they should furnish you
ifh authoritative dfolelon of th
court, - and believing you will require
the same of me, T hand you herewith
a copy of the opinion of the justices
of the supreme judicial court adtlresB
ed to Joseph A. Lcke. president of
the senate, and G. E. Week, speaker
of the house, sustaining legality of the
legislature by which I have been
elected and qualified in the office I
have named.
(Signed) Daniel T. Davis.
Headquarters First Division
Mimtta op Maine. Augusta. Janii
gaily elected and duly qualified a"
governor of Main.e tpgether w.ith .a
certified copy of the opinion of the
suprpmp court upon the questions af
fecting thplpsallty of theorsnnlznMfm
of the legislature of lfiSO. A t I?
mnnlfeotthat this opinion psfahl!ohpj
the lpgnlltv of vour election and that
von are the dulv elected eovprnor. T
have the honor to report fo von thnt T
onnsliler mv tru-t under sppcial order
No. 45 n nf nn end
Joshua-L. Chamberlain.
Mnjor Gnpral
' On Monday 19th, the Republican
legislature took posesslon of the State
house, and proceeded with business.
The doors and passage way? to the
houseand senate beingstrongly guard
ed by armed policemen.
After the Republicans adjourned
nndat4-p. m. the fuoionistR, headed
by Smith their bogus Governor,
marched to the State house door, but
were not permitted to enter. They
then, without violent demonstrations,
but many threats, withdrew, and
held a meeting on the sidewalk. Ttiat
miserable crowd of oases are about
played oat.
Our news up to the 20th Is that the
Republicans are still masters of the
situation, and that thegang of thieves
calling themselves a legislature get
together occasionally in convenient
places and howl about fraud. They
Indicate that they will submit their
caeto the court and abide its decision.
They seemo want a pretext forjend-j
5ng the filly farce Uisyfihave Deen
Jacob MueUefAaJsllfton keeper .of
Chiotgo. waVehbt dead by
some men
whom he refused
trust for the
Atlrvington; 111., loth, while Wm.
Norton, a farmer, was eating his
breakfast. Al. Forbes shot through
the window, Instantly killing Norton.
Recently the Canada Central rail
way was condemned to pay $100,000
to a lumber company at Toronto for
the destruction of the lumber yard
caused by a citider from a locomotive.
Calvin Thompson, a luuatio at
Armstrong, Kass,' shot Jas. Morrill
his step-father, and then lied.
The friends- of Frank Rtdridge,
aged 8 years, recently of 165 Christo
pher St., N Y. city, offer $200 to learn
of bis whereabouts.
At Huntsville, Texas, ex-sherlfl
Elkins was shot dead by Peter Greer,
iu settlement of an old feud.
In a saloon fight at Indianapolis,
15th, Douls Rutovul stabbed Robert
Keifor. killing him instantly.
Burglars recently entered :the office
of the treasurer of Linoln county,
D. T , unlocked the .safe and took
therefrom $5,000 to $S,000. If the safe
was unlocked, some one connected
with the office committed the rob
bery. Saturday of last week Geo.- Mont
gomery a young man, and Wm. Mc
Killip, a married man, residing near
Bolckow, Andrew county, Mo., be
came involved iu a quarrel, during
which Montgomery struck his neigh
bor on. the head with a pole, crush
ing hl8-skull ami killing him iuatanl-
At Beloit, Kae., 18th inst., Michael
McCauley, a stone mason, while in
indicated went to sleep upon the rail
road track, and several trains passing
over him he was cut to pieces; his
bead, legs and arms being cut otfand
scattered along the track. A fearful
cL-queuDB of saloon toler.-tlou?' '
The qualifications for the United
States seuaiorship in the southern
states vary with tue ditlereut locali
ties, all agreeing, however, iu the po
sition that loyalty to the "lust cause"
is the tiral requisite. If braggadocio
and bluster, and a ready use of the
shotgun iu settling political disagree
ments, are added, the Houtheru chiv
alry further question of the
candidate' fitness for the lofty posi
tion. Mississippi has set a fine ex
ample to her reconstructed citizens in
the nomination- of Barksdale, the
butcher of Yazoo, who on last Friday
received the highest number of votes
in the legislature caucus, and who
wililn all probability succeed Senator
Bruce to the United States Senate.
Such an arrocant defiance of public
opinion candidacy of thl red
handed nasassin whs never hpfore per
petrated In our country. "All a man
needo In Misiacipp," pays the Daven
port Gazette, "to make him pnnnlnr.
la the reputation of having killed a
rnnMfenn or two In cold blood."
Omaha Bp.
Deeds that fit men for th peniten
tiary and the gallows under Northern
Republican sentiment, qualify men
for the U. S. Senate and Congress,
under the sentiment of Southern
Kansas Pilot : When "Blue Jeans"
Williams wa- elected Governor of In
diana, a Republican officer constitut
ed the canvassing board. The lawof
that State requires duplicate returns
from the co'unties, one to be sentfo
the Secretary of State, and the other
to the Speaker of the house of Repre
sentatives, and provides that tbe
Speaker shall open the returns, ap
point tellers, and upon these returns
shall declare who Is- elected. John
Overmeyer, Republican, wa3 Speaker.
Wheu he examined the returns he
found that those from six of tbe
strongetst Democratic counties In tbe
State had not been sent In. He could
upon purely legal grounds have
counted in Ben. Harrison. He went
to the Secretary of State's offlp.e, got
copies of the necessary returns, and
counted them. He was not a Garcel
on. Dennis Kearney's orowd at that
convention in Washington wasn't the
mob to stand a prayer without kick
ing.. Omaha News.
But if somebody had ROggested
whisky it would-liiwo been all right.,
MOBILE, Ala., Jan. 15. The exodus
of negroes to the North from Mississ
ippi has been over 1,000 during the
pait three weeks.
Petersburg. Va., Jan. 15. One
hundred colored emigrants, passen
gers via the Baltimore and Ohio, Rail
road, arrived thio morning 'from
Goldsboro. N. C. en route to ludlaua.
The emigrants consisted of men, wom
en and children of all ages and condi
tions. Several hundred more will
shortly follow.
" -Xo More Hard Times.
If yon will stop spending so much
on fine clothes, rich food and style,
buy good, healthy food, cheaper and
better clothine; get more real and
substantial things of life every way.
and especially utop the foolish habit
of emplo3'inr expensive, quack, doc
tors or using so much of the vile hum
bug medicine that dop you only
barm, but put your trut In that sim
ple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; that
curpa always atn trifling cox t. and you
twill see pood timps and have good
health ChronMe.
Sugar From Corn.
Leavenworth. January 13. Par
ties have arrived here from Buffalo,
N. Y., and a stock company has been
formed by them and other capitalists,
representing $25,000 in capital, which
will at once commence fitting up a
buiidlnu for the manufacture of sugar
and syrup from corn. The machinery
h now on tlve way. One hundred and
fifty hands will be employed and 1,000
bushels of corn cnnnimul daily.
A careful comaii.-on of Dr. Price's
Special Flavoring Estrada with oth
ers in the market, will convince any
person thai forstrenuth and delicacy
of flavor. Dr. Price's is far superior.
While tbe other flavorings have a
turpentiny taste ami odor. Dr Price's
is as natural as the fruits from which
they are made.
m T1
If you desire dougtiuuts that are
the nicet und riciie.-t you ever ate.
make them from Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder, according to the di
rections on the can. Such doughnuts,
with' a-cup of coffee, ami a light
Cream Baking Powder biscuit, would
caue a delightful surprise to the un
initiated. "A friend in need 13 a friend In
deed." Such a friend is Dr. Marsh
all's Lung Svrup for coughs, colds,
etc. It costs 25 cents. 50 cents and $1
h bottle, and may save you many a
doctor bill. Sold by A. W. Nickell.
I deem it my duty to acquaint suff
ering humanity with the luct that St-
Jacobs Oil is the most betiehclal rem
edy ever introduced; this I have
practically tested. For the pastsix
lesn years I have muttered with Rheu
matism, and so severely ttiat i wa
t ften robbed of my night'H rest. A
chance of the weather would have
the most painful effect on me. for
then Ii could move neither hands nor
feet. T tried every known remedy,
but of no avail ; at lat somebody
recommended St. Jarobs OH. and T
concluded to try it, but with little
hope for relief. Having hnrdly used
half a bottle, the pains diminished.
and to dnv I am well nnd hardy onee
more. The flmall pom of fifv cents
had cured me. TnosrAS Ott.
St. Boniface, Pa.
Hon. J'. W. Ginnett. the agitator
Regent of the State University and
Auditor of the U. P., made a flyiu
business trip to Colorado lat week.
We enjoyed a shaking of hands and a
pleasant chat with him at Sydney.
Mr. Gannett Is a gentleman whom to
know is to respect, and the.better one
knows him the more they must re
ppct him. In all our acquaintance
with him we have npver known him
to do one demeaning aot. He I" gen
tlemanly. affhle and nhliglrig and as
outspoken and honorahleasanv man
in Nebraska or elspwh rp. nnd ypt
eiieh Is thp mnn who has bppn held
up no on "Infidel" nnd nn agitator.
Grand Island Independent.
Whattis home without a baby?
Many children have couhaaud colds
just now, aud should ave the great
est care, and a bottle of Dr. Marsh
all's Lung Syrup. Price 25 cents, 50
cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by A. W.
m ' '
Rev. Jacob Ids, pastor of a church
at Meadway, Mass., died recently
aged 95. He was pastor of. the same
church slxty-thiee years. Of the 8U0
memherd ot his original congregation,
he couducied the tuueral service ol
ull except one.
Expressed Their I5eliIit.
TUoueauda ot luuiea ot reiiueuieut
have expressed their delight al find
ing such delicate, fresh flowery fra
grance in Dr. Price's Unique Per
tumes. Pet Rose, Allstu Bouquet, Eve
ning Violet, and his other odors. La
dies aud gentlemen of taste nppre
elate the sweetness of Dr. Price's Per
"I Don't Want a Plaster"
said a fick man to a druggut "can't
you give me something to curb me?
His symptoms were a lame back and
disordered urine, and were a sure in
dication of kidney disease. Thedrug
gist told him to use Kid ney-Wort
and iu a short time it effVcted a com
plete clirp. Have you these sympt
oms? Then get a box to-day .before
you become incurable. It is the cure ;
safe and surp.
Prize Butter at the IV. Y. Fair.
There was a very fine display of ex
tra choice butter at the great Interna
tional Dairy Fair. The packages that
took the prizes were splendid samples
samples of what gilt-edge butter
ought to be. prfct in quality and
color. Manvofthfm were colorpd to
a perfect June tint 'with WpIN ..Rich
ardson & Co's Perfpctpd BntterColor.
thp nsp of which was universally tpc
ommpndpd both by the makers and
the hutter huvpr.
Spdlmenf or mucus in the nrine 1 n
cure Indication of disease. TakeKId-ney-Worr.
Boyd's packing house, Omaha, lar
gest In the city, was destroyed hv firp
Sunday pvening last. The total loss
was about $250 000. Insurance cover
ed about $126,000. The bouse was
worth $50,000 and was packpd full of
pork. It is hellpvpd" to have bpen the
work of an Inclndiary. as there had
heen no fire where the fire broke out.
This Is a hard loss to Omaha; and
there were 100 worklngmen employ
ed: in the establishment now thrown
i&t of. work
The Negro Exodns.'
ISM- J -k " s I !- -..J.''- - ('
,,-. vne nox or sax esoiiics.
If you aresuricriug trotu u combina
tion ol liver or kitluey diseases, and
constipation, do not fail to uue the cel
ebrated Kidney-Wort. It is'ailry
compound us easily prepared as a cup
of coffee, and In one package id as
much medicine as can be bought iu six
dollar bottle of other kinds.
Facts s. Theory.
In regard to the method of coloring
butter. The theory is thatcows wheu
well fed and cared for will make yel
low butter; the fact Is that not one in
ten will, except in times of flush pas
ture. This i just the reason that the very
bpst Dairymen In tins country use
Wells, Richardoon & C9 Perfected
Butter Color. Wp warrant ItUn add
at least flvp cents ppr pound to ihe
value of white butter, a return for ev
ery cpnt It onata.
"I Am All Played Out"
is a common complaint. If yo fpe'
o, cpt a package of Kidney-Wort
nnd take It nnd von will at once feel
jto tonle nowr Tt rpnew the healthy
nptlon of the kldnpv. hotvelp and Hv
rr and thus rpatoree the nntn-l life
nnd atrencth to the weary body. Get
a box and uae it ntohce.
Chas. E. Wallace, a young lawyer
of Weir. Cherokee county, Kas..
was asnssinated. by some unknown
party, on the night of the Tlth inst.
Supposed to be a woman at the bot
tom of It.
Omaha Republican : The latp Pro
ff9aor Williams Is now trying to In
duce Regent Gannett to take some
taffy. AfterFairfield's late Ineffectu
al attempt anybody but Williams
would give It up as a bad job.
Omaha News: Hearing that Sam
my Tllden had paid $100 000 to the
St Louisj. Alton and Terre Haute rail
road company. Dr. Sliller started Im
mediately forGramercy to catch the
barrel while it was open.
A number of petitions, asking for
the suppression of the manufacture
and sale of intoxicating liquora. have
been Introduced iu Congress this ses
sion. Of course they will receive
very little attention.
My Good Wouiuu
Why are you out ol sons, never able
to tell loiUa liml ou are well? Teu
lo oue it's- ull caused in the Ural place
by the habitual couatipatioii, winch
has no doubt finally cuued deranged
Kidneys and Liver. The sure cure
tor Constipution is the celebrated
Kidney-Wort. It is also a specific
remedy for all Kidney and Liver dis-eui-es.
Thousands are cured by It ev
ery month. Try it at once.
A Successful Dairyman
is the one ihat makes uniform "gilt
edged" butter the season through, aud
sendu hiri butter to market in perfect
condition. The best dairymen all
through the country Ijhvh by long
and varied experience found that
there is no article so perfectly adapt
ed to keeping up the goldpu June
eolor. now absolutely neee-ary In or
der to realize the best price, as b
WpJIs. Richardson & Po's Perfected
Rotter Color, madpat Burlington. Vt.
Buy it nt the drmiejats, or eend for
descriptive circular.
Tt haa wonderful power on Rowels.
Liver nnd Kidneys! What? Kid-nev-Wnrt,
try it.
The President has nominated no
Census Supervisors of Nebraska, B.
D. Slaughter for the southern district,
aud ex Secretary of State Bruno
Tzschuck for the northern district.
The number of Enumerators to be
appointed to take the census, is only
one to each one hundred thousand
people. How many will Nebraska
be entitled to?
Three hundred buffalo overcoats
were forwarded yesterday by expre-.s
from the Omaha quartermaster's de
pot to Rawlins, to be distributed
among the soldiers in Colorado. Oma
ha Bee.
It is said that Blind Tom Is fond
of all kinds of noise even the crying
of children except Sunday school
music, which ho dislikes to plaj.
Chancellor Fairfield has his fauRs.
He is nervous, excitable and 'ncgi
tious. Hastings Nebrdskan. ri
fc -"--
"Senator Saunders -Is doing, much
good for the state.if NorthnBend In
dependent. J0l-t
The Omaha papers think ParnplI
the great Irish agitator, will visit
The firUniiow that fell this winter
nt Louisville, Ky., was on the 12th
The Utah legislature are all Mor
mons except pix members.
We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieve'
..-Old Cm I'rove XV hat we Claim.
PB There arc no fUilnrcannit ix1!ii;
potitltitpnl.'s. If jihi ar? troubled ;i:ll
SICK ilKAOACTlK 3 oi"can"it' cn.ll.t mt.
Hialckly ouroil. ju fnrirdrt-Us lime own
alr-;ul. Vcnli:iIl be plcaM-l to mail a
uliect of loMimoiiinU to any lnU-ri-tMl.
Also cure nil fbrnnof Bilionsnpss.prevpntCon'itl
pAt.on nnil Dy.prpsla. promote Dicesuoo. relieve
dhlress from too hearty ea in g, correct Dioi den
of lite Stomach, Stimulate tbe Liver, and Kecu
late the Bowels. Tliey do all th s by taking just
one little pil Rt a do-e. They an purely vegeta
ble, do not r pe nr P'lrse. and nre as nearly per
fect a It K poi We for .1 p II to in?. Price 2" cents,
5 for Jl. "''i 1' 'I ..K-ixe .'i-ieori nt by mail.
Sold by A. W. Nickell. 21.
Deeds, Mortgages, powers of Attorney, and
other Instruments In writing carefully
drawn, and acknowledgments taken. Col
lections a Specialty. 31tf.
Natly printed attblsoflTce
Plfi'SP I
A good working barber is wanted
here. Several parties Join in offering
to build a shop for the right kind of a
Thesecllon line on the north side
of Hardy Caldwell's place has been
oped through to Allen's mill.
Per?oii9 claiming to own lots In
the Nemaha City Cemeterj'. and who
are without deeds, are requested to
perfect their title and receive a deed.
Apply to Philip Crother, Seo'yof the
Cemetery Association.
WeIive"Iii-n'railfnnr town. If
you are not exactly on time with your
loaded cars, the iron horse racks out
aud leaves you.
Ever3 day complaint is made, be
cause we have not a bridge on the
line between towns 4 and 5. A bridge
there would be a great accommoda
tion. J S. Minick offers one of his new
store rooms-at a very low rent. A
good chance for any one wanting a
What we need Is a man with a
$50 000 stock of good to light down
iu Nemaha City one who would keep
for sale everything, from a needle to
an anchor. The anchor, of course,
would be purchased by the marines
Several Converts have been gath
ered Into the fold of the Chri-tlaii
Church, during the series of meetings
held here in the pa-t week.
It appears the Sheridan manda
mus fell through. If the movers for
It would-direct their efforts to secur
ing a railroad from Nemaha City to
Sheridan they would be on the riht
track to do more for Sheridau than by
any other place.
He who speaks too much tires
himpelf and his scholars.
The scholar's final aim Is not
what he can do, but what he shall
grow to be.
The greatest gain iu instruction
Is obtained if the children become
desirous of learning.
Is it consistent with personal free
dom under a free government to com
pel a citizen to enter the army iu time
of war for the good of his country,
and not consistent to compel him to
educate hi." children in the free pub
lic schools to the same end?
Wiro may Vote at School
Meetings. 1. That by the laws ot
this state, "Every male citizen and
unmarried woman of the age of 21
years, residing in thedistrictand own
ing property therein which is taxable
for school purposes in such school
district, shall be entitled to vote in any
district meeting." That Is if the per
son be a male he must be a citizen
21 years of age must reside in the dis
trict, and must own property in sudh
district which Is taxable for school
purposes. If he possesses all thesr
qualifications he is entitled to vote at
any school meeting.
2. The length of time a man may
reside in a school district, does not
confer upon him the right to vote at a
school meeting unless he posstsses the
qualifications above stated.
3. Wheu a person comes into the
State from another Slate, with prop
erty, at any time of the year, he will
be entitled to vote at school meetings
and sign petitions in his school dis
trict as soon as his properly becomes
liable to taxation in his school di--ti
let, provided he possesses the other
qualifications, of age, citizenship aud
4. Where a person moves into a
school di-trict after the 1st of March,
with property, the property is not lia
ble to taxation for that year in that
district, but is liable in the district
where he resided with his property
on the first day of March of each
year. The six-month clause in the
general election law, does not apply to
the qualifications of voters at a
school meeting. In the latter case it
appears to proceed on the theory that
those who will have to pay the ex
panses should do the voting aud have
thjMmanagement of the expenditure
oRtheir money in the district.
C. JDiivorth, Att'y Gen.
ejjanuary 2. 18S0.
NOTIONS, Etc . Etc., Etc.
Nemaha City, Nebraska,
Will seil goods as cheap as any house In
Southeastern Nebraska.
Nemaiia City. "Neb.
ij JI.UIX,i" UKOClZ&iKS- Ea
Keeps a varied stock of everythlng'the peo
ple want. Call and see him.
Nemaha City, Nebraska
obstetrics a Specialty. Sight Calls Promptly
Made and rppalred as well as can be done
anywhere, and at short notice
Good buggies and horses, charges reas
onable. Best of care taken of transient stock.' city, .vjct.
2fema7ia City9lsebraslia,
Machine repairing and horseshoeing aspe-
. : zi.. w- - -".' --w- - -r.
J. B. HOOV3SR, Proprietor
This honae treats Ita patrons to llrst-clasi
accommodation. In every particular; and
has good stablhig for horses.
... - 1 . -t .".rrtn
Centrally located: Gowlfare.and notrno-
Mo spared to make guests
Good barn for horses ana
Charges Reasonable,
Millions of Mother express their de
light over Castoria. It is nature's remedy
for assimilating the food. Unlike Cas
tor Oil, it is pleasant to tafce, and
unlike Morphine Syrups, it is harmlen.
Castoria regulates theBo-wels,destroya
Worms, Cures
Sour Curd and Wind Colic,
and allays roverishnoss. What give?
health to the Child, promotes rest for
the Mother. Children Cry fcr Pitch-
ava uasTorxa. J.t -" " ,
- . . .. . .
affective and -popular article aupenseany
,. . , A .
Sinco Heahns remedies have been uwa W
cTT-cr&vTfrKrn. VAV
" "
has there boon known such absolute Pain
relieving agents as the
entaur Xinimi:nts-
They soothe, heal, end euro. They
EEAX-Cats, "Wounds. Galls, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts
and Sore Nipples;
CUKE Pain in the Lack. Rheumatism, Scia
tica, Lumbago, NeuraUia. Ear-Ache,
Tetter. Pimples, Itch. Salt Rheum, and
all Flesh, Bone and iluscle ailments of
Animals :
SUBDUE Inflammation and Swellings;
KEIJEVE Boils.Felons.UIcers.SoreThroat,
Bronchitis, Croup and Quinsy;
EXTRACT pain from Burns. Scalds, Stings,
Frostrbites, Sprains and Bruises.
The experience of centuries has made the
Liniments, the most speedy and" effective
oarative agents for
the world has ever known. Tho Centaur
have relieved more hed-riddon Crip
ples ; healed more frightful Tcounds,
and saved more- valuahlo animals than
all other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts,
plasters and so-called "pain killers" and
"skin cures" combined
Physicians and Veterinary Surgeons en
dorse tho Centaur Xdniments ; millions
of men, women and children in all countries
use them, and Housekeepers. Farmers.
Planters. Travelers, Liverymen, Teamsters
and Stock-growers, are their patrons. They
aro clean, theraro handy, they are cheap,
and they are reliahlo. There is no ache,
pain, or swelling which they will not alle
viate, subdue, or cure. Sold throngbont
for 50 cts. and 31.00 a bottle- Trial
bottles, 25 cis-
keeps constantly on hand.
and all kinds of
Bologna, Pork in Casing Loose.
Liver Puddings and Head Cheese
a specialty.
Highest market price-paid for
Unexcelled in Economy of Fuel.
Unsurpassed in Construction.
Unparalleled in Durability.
FniisDuted la tie BRO A9 CI AIHcf Using tlie
tth r -t nrr rr cs -r - - -
612, 814, 616 &. 618 N. MAIN
Sold by STEVENSON &.
m HB
Bi r n T M A D If
liiLni ni n lift
R'&.ITTr W I
4u j2sJM&y fefsn 4k Lu
Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these goods are
free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better results
than any others, and that they use them in their own families.
The Best Dry Hop Teatt in. the TTorfrf.
STEELE & PRICE, Slanfra., Chicago. St, Louis & Cincinnati:
are hereby notified that on the !Mta
day of January. ISfiJo. Mary R Cntes flled her
petition- In thootllee of the Clerk of the Dis- -irict
corirt in nnd for Nemaha County, Ne
braska. The object and prayer of eald peti
tion Is that the aald Mary Jl. Cutes may be
divorced from yon, and tbe care nnl custody
of her children named In said petition may
be decreed b her. You are requested to an
swer said petition on or before the 1st day of
March. 18S0. MARYE CATES.
3M W. T. Rogers, for PVffl
accused. In the County Court of Nema
ha Coimtv. State of Nebraska.
1 'Xr.lfk. la Iia.aKi !.-. ittiil An i.nvtllAntf AM.
E WWfclW rt UflCUj MCII Wint till MUIMIMillUUt
hiw bn muJe to the County POUr; of saltv
Ccunty to appoint James E. Nenl ad
ministrator of the estate of aid wyman
Ker.t, deceased, ana that February 7U ISBJ,
at 12 o'clock noon, at the oiHee of the County
Jndt;e of Nemaha County, Nebraska, In
Urownville. Nebraska, has been Used by the
coort as the time and place tor the hearing,
thereof, when and where all persons inter
ested mar appear and contest the same.
Dated January 13, 1AM).
:Uw3 .7. S-. STTI.L. Connty Jadgo.
No 13.1.
0 hereby given that the nudersKned,Sher
ltrof the County of Nemaha. State of Ne
braska, will by vtrtne of an e xentlon Issued
by the Clerk of the DtMrlct Comtofsatd
County, In favor of Hiram M. Swartz and
astalust I. R. Sidftldw, and to htm directed,
1 will sell at public auction at one o-'elock. p..
Monday, February Oth, 1S80,
at the residence of said I. B. Shields In
Island Precinct In said county. thefiI!owlg
personal property. to wit: One crtbofcorn,
estimated at three hundred bushel-!.
Taken on said execution as the property of"
I. H. Shields.
Terms ot sale cash.
Dated this J nunrySl. IPSO.
31-3 JOHN it KLECKNER, Sheriff.
O hereby notified taalon the 3d day of Jan.
1SS0. IraN. Leeuy flred'hls petition against ""
you In th District C'nrt In and for Nemaha
County. Nebras a. The object and prayer ot-
Atiu I'viutiJii i? fctia ticr niiu nn i. xicith;
m be divorced from yon and the care and
saia petition is mat tne saia ira .n. i.eey
(custody of his minor children be decreed to-
hltn. Yon aro reanired to answer said netl-
j tlon on or beiore the 23d day of Februarv.l&jO..
1 SOW! WM.T. ROGERS, Atl'y.
' No 1176. J
O Notice Is hereby given, that by vlrlne of
' an order of salo Issued out of the District
Court of of Nemaha County, State of Nebras
I ka, and to me directed as Sheriff of said
' County, upon a decree and Judgment rentier
' ed bv nalil Court, In a cas-e wherein Samuel
; We-.theliner was plaintiff, and William H
Small and Charlotte Small, his wife, and
joimS. Brlttlan. Milton Tootle. Richard E.
I Turner, nnd John M. Frailer, surviving
. rn t ri et tha lofch nnrtnai'uhln Mm rf
Itrlitaln. Ovelman & Company were
ajt S aa b iiuiintfi aj
defendants, I will offer for sale, at publlo
auctlon at the door of the Court House In
Brownvllle, In saldCooty.on
Saturday, February 7th, A. D. 1880,.
at 1 o'clock p. in., the following deerllied.
lands in Nemaha County. Nebraska, lo-wlit:
Toe west half or lot eleven (11). in block
twenty 0:0), in the city of Brownvllle, to
gether with nil the improvement and prlvl
ure1 thereto beloimtu;;. ,
Taken on said order ot sale as the property
t William H. ymall & Cnarlotte Smai-. his.
wife, ami John S. lirlttlnn. MiH TeotleJ
Richard E Turner and John M Hmsler. sur
viving partners or the lal prf r.ereblp flrnx
of Briillao. Ovelman & Company.
Terms-of sale. ca.h.
Dated, this 3tth day of December. ltC9
2-w3 hhilfT.
(No. 1173 )
O Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue at
nnd order of sale issued out of the Dthtrfctt
Court of Nemaha County, ttat of Nefetwka,
and to me directed aSherinof M Cmtaly,.
upon a decree and Jndcinetit rendered by
vnid Court. In acu-:ewherein.Tobn W'.Bwunett
va- plaint ir. and Mary J. Hacker audi
James 51. HacUer. her hn-lwnd. tbe Jtrst Na
tional Bank of Brownvllle, Neb , and the
State Bank of Nebraska, at Brownvllle.
Neb., were defendants, I will offer for sale, at
public auction, at the door of tbe eonrt hottsa
in Brownvllle. in said County, on
Saturday, February TtivA.D. 1880
nt 1 o'clock p. m.. the following described
taints, in Nemaha County, Ntrir8ka. to-wit:
The north hair of the southwt qnurlcr of
wctlon thirty-four (.M). In township are (5),.
north of range 1 15) eaut. containing elvhty
acres, together w,n allthe. Improvements,
and privileges sbereto belonging.
Taken on said order ot sale as the property
of vary J, Hackerand JametOI.Haeker.hbr
husband. The National Bank of"
Broxvuvlile, Nebraska, and the Stat Bank,
of NerrakB at ISrnwnville Nebraska.
Terms of sa1- cush.
Dated, tkiaSVt.i da- of I. cember. 1879.
Sa-Sw Sh.rijn
Hereby call? the attention of the people of
Browni'leanl vielnitv to the la.t that he
keeps a full line of the best
And sell at the very Lowest Living Rates,
also ha: a
Where 21eala at all Hour are furnished:
up n fhs i -est intl" rf People from
the country are in vltrd to call and
get a "square meal" for only
2.7 CJE.VTS.
Tli Mackinaoai l?en
Will write a week wi'h one filling with any
clear writing or copyiEg wk. Point .solid
gold, pointed with Iridiam. thereforednrabla
ana Kintet as easity over tne pMper a a hois
pencil. Ink cannot e.epe exeept In act of
writing. When, not in neth- pen is hermet
ically sealed. It combines luxury and utility..
No one who does mneh writing nhould b
without one. No onf who f- veja xhoukl ha
without one. A use) ol pre.-. j'or friend
There are Imitations of t' , i that aro
worthless. i$e.urt..ri ti ": 'klnnon.
II. P. PAGr, 'grnt,
rorB-o-.vr iui Vicinity..
ii - y. ivrmrurt. --
CROSS, Brownville.
vJz G
i mMzMA FrnmMirpj
1 W'WrifVI Ml,2iJELTUmimUj
- r- i
E PERFUFrtES are the Gems of all Odors.
An. agreeable, healthtul LiquHt Dentifrice.
AD. A ctllicf itoto FnT 7 rrrnra
EXTRACT JAMAICA CINCER. From the pure root.
ting ail hlfi tnfi look h,ra- t0 U,sl