4jjhj.w. 'A'fjAH'yja.-r.-.-esasgga: J !'.' !.MHBl: r'v:,j gc?Agaae3sa;ia8aaj2!gfcajje!gv no K!za5gcsgfcCTgragwTsrera THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1S79. Beatrice will, probably, havfr a planing mill, soon. 1 1 p m Last week 240 negroes landed in Indiana, from N. C. Conzre58 will adjourn for the holi days on the 19th inst. MV.Crary has been confirmed1 U. B. Judge of the 8ll district. The Beatrice Express complains of the "drunken tears" of that city. The Enterprise saya that Platts mouth needs a new first-class hotel. Chicago ha3 21 grain elevator, with an aggregate capacity for 17,000,000 bushels. Senator Paddock has introduced a bill appropriating $150,000 for Im provement of the Missouri river. The evv York board of canvassers hay X!MR&M&?n&- ii i neer. Ex-Senator Rimsey of Minnesota, has been appoiuted and confirmed Secretary cf War, m place of McCrary resigned. Tntcr Ocean: We have not heard of Jay Gould purchasing a railroad for forty-eight home-; business is growing dull. Patti undertook to run a concert in Chioagojat week, but the- second nightshe had a had cold or soniethIg and couldn't sing. James McCulloch, who was a Cap tain in the Kith Illinois regiment in the late war, suicided', by taking laudanum, 10th hist. Rev. Hayden, Worcester, Mas., charged with murdering a Miss Stan nard has had his trial and been tri umphantly acquitted. Plattsmouth Herald: Wehavethe first Nebraska Republican Newspa per yet to see that favors the Presi dent's recommendation to retire "Xie gal tenders."' The ticket receiver of an opera Tiouse in New York was recently in dicted by the grand jury for violating the civil rights law, in .refusing ad mission to a colored man-. The women of Boston, or many of theni, voted at the recent municipal election. Itis stated that "they were courteously treated;" but we are not to infer that they were treated' to "the drinks." Petitions for the repeal of the legal tender act, so far as it relates to Unit ed State notesj have been largely signed in Boston and forwarded to Congress. Comeon with your Marine hospital. Come quickly, Bro. Paddock. Neb. City Sun. Save us, Cassiu or we sink. Even n Marine Hospital is no straw to pro pie in that fix, but regular sawlogs. Seward Reporter: Senator Pad dock is reported to have introduced a bill in congress to locate a marine hoepital at Nebraska City. If the bill passes, the question will then be, where will thecitizens of Nebraska City get the marines from ? Inter Ocean: If the Democrats ould dropja coupleof dozen c5f their leaders to the bottom of an eighty foot well, and set David Davis over the liole, Shey might go to sleep at night, for awhile, without the fear of awak ing to father some new mistake. All the Democratic newspapers, some time ago, announced that E'iza Pinkston, who their bulldozers of XiouLdaua came near murdering-, had been anesteil for poisoning her hus band. Eliza has been acquitted, but none of tho'-e newspapers announce that fact. Chicago market reports, 16th inst., quote hogs dull ami lower. Mixed packing $4.40$4.50; light $4.50 $4 60 ; choice heavy, $4 oo$4.G5 ; a few extra lots brought still higher prices. Cattle shipping $3.40$5 00; butchprs cows, $1.50$3.00 ; steers, S2 90$3.50; Texans, $3.00$3.4P. Corn, down ; No. 2 and high mixed, 39c39Jo; bid for May, 35o46c. Wheat No. 2,61.27-; winter. No. 1 and 2, red, $1.29($1 33 according to location-. Omaha Rcjmblican: The amount of :rain, malt and mill-feed used in the production of distilled spirits during the year to June 30, 1S79, was 1S.735.S14 bushels. Nebraska- stands tenth on the list; the figures being : Illinois, 7.519.671 bushels; Ohio, 3, 318,874; Kentucky, 2 304.716; Indi ana. 1.971.720: Missouri. 714.021; Maryland, 273.44-5; Tennessee, 271. 9D8; Nebraska, 23S.406 bushels. 'Wis consin follows with a consumption of 233.303 bushels, North Carolina 13S. 443 bushel?, and Iowa, 6S.255 bushels. The coroner's jury that enquired into the cause of the death of Allen J. Yocum, the brakeman, whoMt was at first supposed perished in the burn ing depot, at Hastings, was warrant ed by the strong levidence adduced, in finding that he was murdered shot to death by Wm. B. Baldwin and JRalph M. Taylor. Taylor confessed, saying Baldwin did the killing, and that he (Taylor) did nothing more than witne8 the tragedy, and agree to t tell. Hesays Baldwin seciue uuihi- Rra I ntendingtc.utoniue ma - Baldwin has been put in the char-e of attempting to- extort mon enrae .u his trial -ev from a prisoner. pgnUeutiary to rtwaitius tnai. rv The National Council of the Union League of America was hiJd in Phil adelphia lat week. After electing officer a series of resolutions were adopted declaring it the duty of the nation to execute its laws with force, if neceosary; demanding protection by the national law of all citizens in the enjoyment of all their privileges and immunities ; opposing elevation to national power of those who car ried on or sympathized with rebell ion ; denouncing all attempts, to im pose upon the national Treasury Southern claims for losses or dama ges growing out of the rebellion ; de claring it the imperative duty'of ev ery State to provide elllcieut free school, and, in ca-e of failure, Con-gre-s should suppty deficiency. It was also resolved to call on Con gress to abrogate the Indian treaties and to bring the redmen within the pale of civilization, according- them the rights of citizenship The council adjourned, to meefa at the same place on the day before the meeting of the Republican Nat.oual Convention., A man named Erhard Zipf. of San Francisco, claims to be the husband of "Lotta, "' the famed actress. He savs thev wp.re marriort " - years ago. bmce then Lotta having acquired fame and fortune desires nothing more to do w5th him that when they wereytnarried he had $4, 000 which he expended in their hon-ey-nioon. Mr. Zapf, through his at torney, has asked Lotta to pay him baok his money as she is rich and he poor. L tta denies that she was ever married to him or ever knew him. Zapf thereupon proposes to sue the little woman for a divorce and bib money, and bring her, with necessary proof, Into court. If Zapf is not a lu natic the papers may look oub for a highly sensational law suit to chroni cle. . o . o A few days since- invitations were issued in Jamestown, Wis., for the wedding of Miss Lilly Siss'ron, of that town, and a young man from Galena. Among those receiving invitations was Jo3hua Calvert, of Fairplay. a former admirer of the young, lady, who, feeling his affection rekindle at the prospect of losing the object of it forever, sued her with such ardor that, leaving her Intended, she ran away with Calvert to Dubuque, where they were married. Now, young man, learn from this to never invite to your wedding an old flame of your intended ; for it might break out in a fresh place. State Journal: The proposition that it is rumored the Mexicans are going to make Ben. Butler come down and take charge of the govern ment. Is one that does creditlto the good judgment of the greasers. Old Ben would do a good turn to himself, of course, if he went in a a dictator of all the Mexicans-; but he would straighten out things there in a way that would be money in the; pockets Oall property owners, aud a blessing to the mercantile interests of Europe and the United States. The St. Louis Board of Trade re cently adopted the following, to go into effect on and after January 1st: In case safes are made for future de livery by car loads, a car of wheat shall bo deemed to contain 400 bush els a car of com 425 bushels, a car of rye 421 bushels, and 24.000 pounds shall o mititute a oar load of all other kinds of grain not herein mentioned. Frank Marshall of Richardson county last week was fined $5.00 for cutting a horse's tail off. Good enough for him. but the Quo was too light. Some time ago in this county a vicious man severed a horse's ton gue from his head by the roots, but those who knew of it hadn't the nerve to have him punished. Our next original portrait will be that of Ex-Gov. Furnas-, of Nebraska, who, as we are informed, has devot ed the greater part of his life to the interests of pomology in the Far West, and the greater part of his fortune as well. Rural New Yorker. We find a good letter from the Gov ernor, in the Rural of the 6th inst. If I thought that a God stood at the door where men go out of life to strike them down to an eternal hell, my scfiil would cry out, "Let there be no God." Henry Ward Bccchcr. Good for Beach er. He dare to preach common sense. Kansas eity, the dirtiest, ugliest, roughest and wickedest city in the West, has ISO saloons. Humboldt Sentinel. No city could be worse unless it had more saloons. On the jGhiiiPsc question our peo ple are practically, a unit. Out of about 163 000 ballots cast at the last election, K.6.000 were against Chi nese immigration, and only a little over 2.000 declared squarely the oth er way. Senator Booth. Located at the town of Collyer, Kansas, is a coloii3T of Chicago Union soldiers. Recently an entertainment was held in Chicago to raise funds to help the colony In school matters. At Piano, TIL, a young man named James Loneacrowas jirille?lnct week by C. M. Bennett, the brother of a young la-Iy with whom Longacre was about to elope. A revolution in San Domingo, which has been waged for some time, has proved successful, and th-e- Presi dent has fled to Cuba. Charles Markup, the man who is sued forged pension papers at Moline, 111., has beeasentensed to five years in tlie penitentiary. Hon. Wra. Ivetchum, Judge of the TJ. S. District Court of the Western district of Pennsylvania, died of ap oplexy, 7th Inst. r Dennis Kearney, the agitator, has been arrested in San Francisco on a Transfer of Political Ftnvcr. Dei. Mblnes Register. The com limed north will, for the tlret time, have more than double the population of the entire south after the next census. In I860 the north contained 19,128,418, and the south 12.313. S72 Inhabitants: in 1870 the north contained 24,000,352; aud the south 13,753.520; in 1880 it is supposed that the north will have abnu& 34, 000,000 and the south 16,000,000 inhab itants. After the next apportionment the power in congress and in the elec toral college will be very nearly in the rate of two for the north to one- for the south. In the lower house there wiirbe at least'200 north and scarcely more than QO.BOuthem meu. In the electoral college after 1880, the north will have about 240 and the south about 120 votes. The election of 18S0 will furnish the last chance of demo cratic asceudauoy on issues similar to those which have of late commanded attention. The soepter. of power is rapidly passing to the west and north weat, and if the south does not adopt steps for encouraging immigration and arresting the negro exodus, she will oease to be an important factor in national politics..- ,. - , Terrible Oil Fire. Bradford, Pa., Deo. 12. A fire broke out last evening at well 40, be longing to E. O. Emerson, In Red Rock. The well had beeuolosed pre paratory Sb-torpedoing,, and was left open. Superintendent Mason-., of Emerson, lesee, passed by with a lan tern, and the gas ignited and set fire to the rig. The well made a flow, and the burning oil ran down hill to a 250 barrel tank, which caught fire. The fire communicated with 25,000 barrel iron tank, which was soon in a blaze and burned steadily until 5 o'clock this morning- Rivers of oil flowed down the valley and through the main streetfof Red Rock, burning all business and private houses of the town. Three hundred families are homeless, and there is great severing. The scene at the village, after the fire had consumed all there to feed on, wasslmply appalling. A dense black cloud hung over all the surrounding county, and nothing, but the blacken ed beams and still smoking ruins showed the site of what had been, not long before, a thriving village. .o o The Bulldozinsr'fjliurclu Norwich, Conn., Dec. 12. While Father Quinn, an ex-Prfest, was speaking on Catholicism iu the Cen tral M. E. church to-night a volley of stones was thrown through the win dow, breaking glass and hurling broken fragments among, the audi ence. One girl was out about the face but the meeting was not broken up. Three men werekilled, aJPottsville Pa., on the 12th, in a coal pit, by the falling of the slat& soofing. Their names were Pretierick Hay, John Kickler, and James. K t4 Omaha business men may just as well open their eyes firat as last to the faot that Lincoln is liable to become the bestotate re-shipping point in Ne braska. Omaha Republican. Sherman wants to further meddle with the currency. Blaine says let well enough alone; and the people are for Blaine. General VanWyck may as well give it up. The marine hospital fixes Otoe county for the Paddook boom by a large majority. Bee. 0 i General Grant's father died at the age of eighty and his mother is still living. The Ply mouth Bock among fowl is just abo-U what Concord ia among grapes. Rural Neio Yorker. General Ben'Butler, iu paying his campaigning, finds a little item of -$18,000 for printing." e The people of Louisville, Ky., gave General Grant a very splendid re ception. The Reason "Why. The tonic effect of Kiduey-Wort is produced by its cleaubiug aud purify ing action on the blood. Where there is a gravelly deposit in the urine, or milky, ropy uriue from disordered kidneys, it cures without fail. Con stipation aud piles readily yield to its cartharticand healing power. ISiglB lriced liutter. Buyers pay the highest price for "gilt-edged butter,' but want every tub to be of an even, bright, color. They recommend their patrons to use only Wells. Richardson & Co's Per fected Butter Color, as it is the most reliable known, and will give a per fect color. It received tha only award at the International Dairy Fair for "superior purity, strength. perfection of color and permanence.' Wliy are You Rilious T Rpcaue you have allowed vour bowels to hecome costive, and liver torpid. TJpe Kidney-Wort to pro duce a frep state of the bowels, and It will Rtlmulate the liver to proper a t Ion, deansps the skin of Its yellow neo". cures bilious headache, and onuops new life fn the blood. Drug gists have it. Vopnlar Favorites The Floral Riches. Colocne Water, Alista Bouquet and Pet Rose hand kerchief pxtraots. made by Dr. Price, are becoming popular favorites. Dr. Price's Floral Riches Is the finest oologno or toilet water made, and Is in high rppnte among clergymen, public sppafcers and Invalids for its fine, agreeable and refreshing fra grance. Our druggists are selling large quantities of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for coughs, colds, and pulmo nary complaints generally. It takes the lead of all chough remedies. Try it. Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by A. W. NIokell. It is "Well Known. Man j' grocers sell Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder at the same price of the cheaper kinds, and as they pay more for it, make less money ; hence, the3T never sell it unless the purchaser demands it. Pure articles can not be made aa cheap as tb.os.8 t,hat are adulterated- Teachers' 3Ieetins On Friday eveuing, December 26th, aud Saturday 27th, a teachers' mest ing wili be held In the school house at Nemaha City. On Friday evening Prof. Wallace, of the Brownville High School, will be present and read an essay on the subject of "Authors, and How to Read Them." It is hoped and expected that teachers will make a special endeavor to be gresent. All friends of education are cordially in vited ro-attend. Philip Crothkr,. County Superintendent. Board fin?. The Den building immediately back of J. L. MeOee's residence has recently been refitted and furnished by B. L. D.ilbey, iu first class style for a boarding house, and is now open for the aceommiHjaHoai of guests. With or without lodging, at living, ratea. Suffering- Woman. There is but very small proportion of the women of this nation that do uotsutler from some o the diseases for which Kidney-Wort is a specific. When the bowels have become cos tive, headache iorm en kidneys out of fix. or piles distress, t. a package, ana lis wonaelut touio and renova ting power will oure you" and give new life. Color Your Butter. Farmers that try to deli white but ter are all of theopinion that dairy ing doeB not pay. If they would use Wells, Richardson & Co.? Perfected Butter Color, and market their butter in perfect condition, they would still get good prices, but it wilLnot pay to make any but the best in color and quality. This color is used by aTT the leading creameries and1 dairymen, and is sold by druggists ano mer chants. listen fo Tuft. The unbiased opinion ofsomeof the most intelligent medical" men In this country and Europe, support the statement that Kidney-Wort is the greatest, discover' yet. for curine kid ney and livor troubles. pilaarul con stipation. It acts on both Kidnpys and bowels nt theame tiutxeand thuc cleanses the whole system. Forest Trpp SpoTifmrj Osage Hertsre Plantsf3rape Tines !Vurery" Stock. I hove the sale of a large stock of Forest Tree Seedlings, Osage- Hedge Plants, Grape Vines, and General Nurdery Stock. Most of the sti.ck I have given persona! attention to rais ing. The balance Hedge Plants and Fore-i Tree Seedlings were raised near, in an ndjoiuiug State. One and two year old apple t ees can be had direct fromj NurseryJrowtr. Ever greens the same. ItOBT. W. FUKNAS. BrowtivSIJe-. Nebraska. Celebrated. Two articles have made the name of Steele & Price celebrated : their Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, mid Supninl RMnvnrirur T!vfruniu F'Pi...n. . ..n ...:.i...... x nvcc y(t)(jaiauuu3ui:, iiiiuut u It ca tion, the finest of their kinds in ttie world, and they will eventually be used as a luxury from one end of our country to the other. Wh3r Wear Plasters ? They may relieve, but they can? cure-gnat lame back, for the kidney;, are the trouble aud you want a reme dy to act directly on their seoretious, to purify aud restore their healthy condition. Kidney-Wort has that specific action and at the same time it regulates the bowels perfectl'. Don't wait to get sick, but get a pack age to-day, and cure yourself. Xo More WZiite Rutter. No dairymen can afford to make and sell white butter. People who sbuy butter want it yellow, and are willing to pay several cents per pound more for it than they would for the lardy looking stuff they often have to take. By using Wells, Richardson & Co'a Perfected Buttpr Color, every dairyman CBn have the jrlden color of June the year round. It Ir sold by druegi'sts and merchants gpnra ly. Physicians use Kidney-WTort fn regular practice and p onounoe its action perfect. glome Grown Trees and Vines. I have a good supply of well known and western tested Apple Trees one and two years old. Grape Vines and Evergreens, all grown here in the soil in which they stand. Come and have your treesdug under your own eye. Osise BSedgc Plants. One million Osage Hedge Plants for sale. Get trees, vines and plants when you are ready to plant them. Robt. W. Furnas, Brownville, Neb. Common Sense. Tho best thing in the shape of a door look was shown us a few days since by the agent of the Gilbert Lock Compauy, of Newark, N. J. It is called Gilbert's Solid Knob or Com mon Sense Look. The Knobs are put on in such a mauner that there is no possibility of their getting loose or coming off. There la no screw in the shank to annoy us as in the old style of Locks. Then there Is but four pieces or parts in the entire lock, while all of the old style have from seven to fourteen pieces in each lock. Their frontdoor loci;, also their lock for stores, churches, school houses, or all publio buildings, is a marvel of in genuity and beauty, yet so very sim ple as to meet the approval or an. We have learned that the architeot of our new State Honse at Lincoln ap proved of the Gilbert Lock over all competitors, or being the most simple In construction and most durable of any fn America. Their coat fs no more than any othpr lock of the enme grade of finish. See them and you will never want to use any othpr. Stevenson & Cross havo Bpcnred thp agency for thplraale at this place. 25-2 Brafnard's Musical World. The December number of the 3fusi cal World comes to us promptly and is foil of pood things, it contains twenty pages of new music, vocal and instrumental, and sixteen pages of valuable and interesting musical news and miscellany. With the present number the Musical World closes its sixtieth year. This journal has long been looked upon as the leading musical monthly of theUnlted States, and its interesting and Instructive ed itorials, Musical World Letters and Biographical Sfe etches are read with interest by thousands not only I in this country but abroad. The cir culation of this popular journal Is constantly Increasing, and we are sure ltff success ja in every way ae- serving. The "ubscrlption price is si.ou per year or cn.ou witn a vaiuaivre nreminmr single oenips IS oonfu Ad- dres, he publishers. S Bralnard's Sons, loS State Street,, Chicago 111. , r - ,- v v- Constipation is positively cured bv Carter's Little Liver Pills. Not by purgiug and weakening the bowels, but by reculatiug and strengthening them. This is done by improving the digestion and stimula ting the liver to the proper secretion of bile, when the bowels will perform their customary functions in an easy and natural manner. PurEative pills must be avoided. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Price 25cents. 26-2 The season for oonirbs and coldf is now upon us. Dr Marshall's Luinr Sj'rup re the greatest specific of the May. CaH'at. the d rue store and try it. Price 25 cents, 50 oenla and SI a bottle. Sold by A W. Nlokell. Bll!'T-l""n COMMERCIAL THE BKOWSVIliLE flI.t3CET3 Hnow-viM.K. December 18..1S79. Followlnc are the quotations yesterdnj noon, the time of goLngtu lycss.. Lim STOCK. CORKECTED BV B. M. BAILEY, STOCK DEALKh AND SHIPPEH. Hogs .:i 2."3 rn Steers, f.ilr to choice '2 503 Cfl Cows, fat 2 002 51 GRATX MARKET.Z CORItECTED BY D. E. DOUGLAS, OKA IN DEALER. Wheat, cnolce fall S " spring li ill It) j Corn In theenn. . . " sHeileO; . ai oo -15 CO 60 25 STREET MARKET FRODUCE. CORRFCTED WEEKLY BY II. C. LETT. DEALER IN DRUGS, GROCERIES AKD PRODUCE. Corn ileal t 10t S S01 Of- 22 25 16 XtljS NMMtlHIMMHMHHHMM(HIHM r.ar(r..... .... .... . , 7& H Potatoes- ... . Apples Chickens, oW, per dozen . " spring Chickens, crresef,i;-in Turkeys, dressed, "P ft Vood, i cord .. ... Hay, frtotr. 40 . roeai 2 5t 2 002 25 .. I- SCSI 75 5 7 . .1 255 m - i 505 01 RETAIL MARKET- Flour, R T. Davis 3 " Savannah 5T11I toll wheat. :i " Glen Rock fall wheat 3 " Glen Rock prinr wheat . 2 " Sheridan spring wheat- 2 " Nemaha Valley spring.-...-. 2 " Graham ... 2 Bran and Shorts mixed, per 100 Com, per bushel tSngnr, coffee A, 9 9s for . 1 " ETtra C. 10 lbs 1 Of IUIOSm . J " light brown, Hlb 1 " Cut Loaf, 7JIb. I " Powdered, TlCs .-. 1 Coffe.Rio, 5Bs 1 O. G.Java, 31bs 1 Cranberries, per rjfr. Dried Corn, per fo Dried Apples, 20 fo for ... 1 Dried Peaches, 20 fo for I Pared Peaches. fo - Pitted Cherries, ? B. Syrup, per gal 601 Ird Coal Oil, pergallon 20f White Fish, per kit G0(c Mackerel, per kit .. Salt, per barrel , Coal Ft. Scott red, per ton 8 ' " black, pes- ton : UHJf.m .. ..-'JJJ...J nil. L.nj; LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. T?STATE OF FREDERICK SEDO -Li ras, deceased. In tlie County Court of Nemaha County. Nebraska. In the matter oi proving tne will or said ! rederlck Sedo ras, deceived. Notice Is hereby elven that Janunrv 15th 1SS0. ntO o'clock a. m at thn onion of thn County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, in uiunuiiiic, .cursMi, mis oeen nxeu oy the Court ns the time- and nlnca or nrnvinv tho will of snid Frederick Sedoras, decea&ed. ui'ii uu vniuruiiii concerneu mny appear. uuu tuuaai me ycuuiuu iierem. JOHNS.STULL, 2Cwt County Judge. Dated December o, 1S70. ESTATE OF PATRTCK BURKE, deceased. In the County Court of Nema ha County. Nebraska. In th matior of al lowing tlie nnal administration account of .nary mirKe,a(unnhirnlrlx of the estate of bam nuucKuiuKe, deceased. JNotice is hereby given that January iui a. i). im at ia o'clock, noon, at inu uuiixiM me iiuiiij- juupe oi rxemnua ..muiij. .iruruimi, in urownville, has bet-n fixed, by the court, as the time and place for examining and allowing nld account when and whereaU persons Interested may appear and contest the .same. December loth, 1S79. JOHNS STULIi. 20wt County Judge. WTATJE OF JOHN J. JOHNSTON, -LJ deceased. In the County Court of Ne maha County, Ne&raska. .?"'oUce ,s hereby Ulv en that January Mh. 1SS0. at 1 o'clock p. m.. and June lOlh, 18S0, at 1 o clock p. ni at tho olllce of I he County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, in Brownville. Nebraska, have hppn fltni hv the court as tho times and plnce. when anil wnere an persons wno nave claims ami rtg mands against said deceased can have lb same examined, adjusted and allowed. Air claims not presented at the last mentioned date will be foiever barred by order of tho court JOHN S. STULL, 2ow4 County Judge. November 20 1S7R, B ESTATE OF MARYJOHNSTON. deceased. In the County Court of Ne maha County, Nebraska. ,noUcels ''oreby given that Jannary Cth. 1850, at lOo'clock a, tn.. and June 10th. IsSO. at biuvik u. hi., i, me wince oi me uounty Jndge of Nemaha County. Nebraa. in Brownville, Nebraska, have been fixed by the court as the times and place, when and where all persons "who have claim and de mands angalnstsild deceased can havo tho same examined, adjusted and allowed. AH claims not presented nt tlm Inst. mpniin,n,i dato will be foreTer barred by order of the court. JOHN S. STULL. 2o-4w County Jgdge. Nverabor20, 1S79. (No. 1211.) CHERTFF'S SALE. sJ Notice is hereby Riven, that by vtrtneof an order of side Issued oat of the District court ot iserrmhn. Uounty. State of Nebraska, and to me directed as Sheriff" of said County, upon a decree and judgment rendered by snid Court. Inn case wherein Stephen Cross was plaintiff", and Alexander B. McEachern nnd Joseph Cross were defendants, I will of fer or hide, nt public auction, at the door of the Court House In Brownville. In said county, on Snturdrty, December SO. A.D.I 879, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described lands. In Nemaha County, Nebraska, to-wlt: rhe northeast quarter of section sixteen (16). (13) eat, excepting twenty-five acres sold out of said section to-wlt: Ten acres oir the southwest corner and fifteen acres ofT the southeast corner of said section. Contain ing one hundred and twenty-five acres more or less together with all the Improvements and privileges thereto belonging. Taken on said order of sale as the property of Alexander B. 3IcEarhern and Joseph CrosT. Terms of sale, cash. Dated November 19lh. ISTff, KICHMOND V. BLACK. ah buwuMiinNic mi norm or riintrA thirtnun w Sheriff. (No. 1219.) CHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is herebv rlven thnt fix- vfrtnA nt an order of sale Issced oat of the District vour oi Nemaha Connty, state or Nebraska, and to me directed as Sheriff of said Coanty upon a decree and jadRrnent rendered by sald Court In a case wherein Sylvan us W. Tanner was plaintiff, and Isatah Lfghtfoot and Julia A. TJirhtfnof wr lrorr.1r,n.Trc T win offer for salp, nt public nactlon, at the door Of tho pnnrthmiRf tn Tlrmrnulllo 1 said county, on ' Satnrdoy, December 20th, A. D. 1870, nt 1 o'clock, p. m the following described lands In Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wlt: lr,and SO-HW acres of Inndofl the west side of lo No. three (3) of the south half of section No. twentv.fnnr fOJ nml WlPon nml oO-lOO acres off the east side lot No. four ), or said section twenty-four (21), In township ro. six (6?, north of range No. fifteen (!:. luumimug in me agKregnte twenty (20) acre, together with all the improvement tT ,H11 "ges cnereio oeionglng. rnken on said order of sale as the property oflsfilah Ughtfootand Julia A. Llghtfoot. Terms of sale cosh. Dated this I7th day of November A. D. IS79. .KICtiatOND'V. BLACK s:w Sheriff. "Co-,,,, t- u.' -STray JN OX1C8. mof,?? in5i,'iS stesr calf. j,c. c,qlsma 28-5w - ... CHIIiDRbN CryforPitchor'sCostoria. Thoyliia itliecause it is sweet; Mothoxs like Castoria "because it gives health to the child; and Physicians, hecanse t contains no znorpl110 or nunoraL Is nature's ro'mcdy for assimilating; the food. It cures Wind. Colic, the raising of Sour Curd and Diarrhoea, allays roverishncas and Kills Worms. Thus the Child has health and tho Mother ohtains rost. Pleas ant, Cheap, and Reliahlo. The mo3t effectiva Pain-rolioviSig azenta for MAN and BEAST tho world has evor known. Over 1,000,000 Bottles soutlaii jcnrl Tho reasons for this unprecedented popu- ... ... larity. aro ovident; the Contaur Iiini- monts aro mado to dosorvo confidence ( tfcey are- ahsorhod into tho structure v thoy tzuoiur. mi. always euro and nover disappoint, Kb person, need longer suffer with. PAIN In tho BACK, Bhonmatisni oc Stiff. Joints, for tha GENTA0R liniments -will surely exterminate the pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Scnld,Burtt, Bruise, Sting, Gall or Lameness to whioh Mankind or Duma Brutes are subject, that does not respond, to this Soothing Tjalnu Tho Contaur UmftSENTS not only relievo, pain, bui they incite healthy action, subdue inflammation, and cure, whether the symptoms proceed: from -wounds of tho flesh, or Neuralgia of the Nerves ; from contracted Cords or a scalded hand f front a sprained ankle or a gashed foot; whether from, disgusting PIMPLES on a LADY'S PACE or a strained joint on a Horse's Leg. The agony produced by a Burn or Scald; mortification irom Frost-bites; S-woll-ings from Strains: tho tortures of Rheu matism; Crippled for life, by somo neglected accident: a valuahlo horse or a Dootor's Bill may all be saved from One Bottle of Contaur Iinimont. No Housekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Teamster, or Liveryman, can afford to bo -without theso wonderful "Liniments. Theycan bo procured in any part of tho gloho for 50 cts. and 81.00 a bottle. Trial bottles 25 cts. Unexceliad in Economy of Fuel. Unsurpassed in Construction. Unparalleled in Durability. Misimtea in lbs BRO AS CLAIM oilsing tie VERY BEST OPERATING, AKD MOST SVES OFFSBEB FOE TEE P2ICS. MADE ONIiY S bllillflJjll I o 612, 614, 6iS &. G13 'A. MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS, KIO. Sold by STEVENSON & CROSS, Brownville. etiMM IMM Ifn.wli F U J sl if.U M Wl ' ;, v Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that theso goods are free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better results than any others, and that they use them in their own families. TT) Tin ww mh i STEELE & PRICE'S LUFUL!K YEAST CErVIS. TXic llest liry Hop Yeast in tl.c TVorld. 5TSELE & PRICE, Manfrs., Chicago. St. Louis & Cincinnati f$?3 rij ifi OVER 2,000 DRUGGISTS Have signed the following remarkable paper, the signatures of which can be seen at our office : Meat,. SEABURY & JOHNSON, zi Piatt St., N'nr YorJi; ; Gentlemen : "For the past few years we have sold various brand of Poroua Plosterg. Physicians and the Public prefer BENSON'S CAFCINE POROUS PLASTER io alt olhern. We consider them one ot the very lew reliable household remedies worthy of confidence. They are superior to all other Porous Plaster or medicine for External jtse." SPECIAJL. ADVERTISEMENTS. PS A W n OstooJ-core ooTz oniyrmor5 9 Ull S ISrans 13 stops. 3 se's reeds. 2 knee inilwWsnt.,s.,tool book only 5W jff3"IIoli i mi 1 1 day newspaper !eiit free. Daniel t.Hcnttr. vvashiHKlonX. J Zixrl & I Orifl 'ni3ln3edaysonSroOlmested. Of- ticUIBportsaij(lInrormationfrec IJke lirohw weekly ou btoclc options of flOtoK'". Addres ptionsorfiatofT'O. Addres , Bankers.s; Wall at J.-y -r.t-otier wisruivuo., LOWEST PRICES erer K inown ao l-rirh-livi- Q.r-,iunr ij rr, iur.h, llnohtn. MfiT$!5Sl!0t-G8fl a.K.iT..f.j .. &$ ""end Umpfrriareir P.rOWELLiPOX 2aSl!a.n U( TNt ISVATI.O. AGENTS READ THIS! Ve want an Agent In this connty to whom we 111 pay a salary or J loo per month and rx penaes to sell onrwonderful Invention. Sample free. Ad dress at once SUEKiIAN.fc CO., Marshall. Mlctil- CONSUMPTION OHHnn. A MBinln vErfntiTn rrmpilT for the ipeed'itail permanent cure of Consmnp- umx,xruiicuius,tuaxni, ABtamama an xatxw ana mj JJKWMM. AisO nPOsmVO rmd radical care for Nervona Debility and all -Scrvons Coiap&intp. vMc ha been Urttd in thousand cfcmei. Keape. with full directions m German, rrencb. or EnpUah) for prepar ing and tisine-, sent byroad free of charge on recelrt or jtsnn. rieaie nam thit -.?z. w.w.aHEKAS.l Power3'BIoefc.Eoeheita-.H.Y I m B a & h w 11 E BKHBaa Hi R i 2 5 "Workers In- "Wood and Iron at the old place, foot of COLLEGE ST. WAGONS, MACHINERY, JPLO WS, J2TC, promptly repaired. All Sinds of BL&CKSMITHIHG done to order, aud Satisfaction G itarcnitied. Globing OfS.t. The undersigned will closu out Ti!s entire herd of 'DERKSHIRE & TOLfiHD CHINA D SWIEfE. II ns soon as pos ible. Consisting of as fine a herd as there Is in the WY-.r.and represent ing some of tho most fashlouablu strains, such as the Sniper, Robin Hood, and Crown. Priiice Families. I L 1IUC7 1U1 .11 A fine lot or young sows, large enot'eh to i breecj . ca.a j,e paleuL with, boars of different families, all ellixlhlo to uerKsiuie recoru. btock tn good thriving condition; all bred and i.irroweiJ acre, tiierciore win ne accii- lnale,i Original stock Imported lrom Iowa 'and Pennsylvania. Thosw wishiig some thing in this Hue will set as good stock here nt less cost than from the cast, besides hav ing a chance to select lor tin melves, Come early, a- stork Is going fast. Farm nine miles south nndlonc-hall mile West of Nemaha City. a. St. BAGL&Y, Iwiore. BJ charrtsi n Co.. Neb. We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved" And Can JPi-ore What we Claim. CSS" There are no failure- unit mo li;u IioiutmcntM. JT on Ki'f tronliSetl iitU SICK iLeaTAC1.; ym earn twesisilj ami quicUl.r etirc, a lium!rvI luo Jmni alreadj. IVe !:ill ;i-u.seU ti mml a. nlu-et oP t'st3nioiii:il' to :inyl'iteieleI. CARTER'S UTILE LIVER PILLS Also cure all forms of Biliousness, prevent Consti patioa and Dj ";rM.'isia. promote IMgest.on. relieve distress lrom tot)- hearty eatui?, correct Disorder of the .Stomach, Stimulate the Liver, and Resu late the Bowels. Theydoall this hy taking juss one little pill at a dose They are purely vegeta ble, do not gripe or purge, and arc- as nearly per- leciasmspossiuieiorapinio ie. i-nce - cents, 5 for Jl. Sola lylrus;i;tst-i everywhere orient b; mail. CAliTEH MEUHCiXE CO KIE. 1A- iyl u--uta mm, y ...,sj3 iisfrLl'fl M'1"N X. '-'TwTf,iJiill.V - . -s. 'i'fflXS. SXN5C Sszit so :tis VvYCv y . iM ji xaxxvs iM $?VClAi MiMCTS., &?&& U H fcft? hailiai . , 1 1, T!. SAa&iPi J V ? rsc TTCT -W sw UNIQUE PErtFUFelES arc the Gems of all Odors. TOOTKEHE. An asrccablc, Healthful Liquid Dentifrice. LEMON SUGAR. "A sulstitutc for Lemons. EXTRACT JA?iA!CA G1HGER. From the pure root. $25to$5000is Jodirioml- inT-.tr't i V tllbt-l.k s die IoumU- il3 for ftrtiTKvi.r vrk,auap).itiiiiH.tii? rrotu y the V C.tiiUml jja Sjtn ofoprmttneln bl -k. FalIciplantfoa.iraip' -t!oatuADis,BuxiCa.,I!anl.er,IsIJrol&t.,h.'i ON 30 DAYS TRIAL" We will scad our Klectro-Voltalc Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial forW d. -s to tho uireri tig from Ni-rnnH Debilit, Kjremnatwni. israiworanyisea.sesortlie Lier or K.dneys. and many other rtNea.st's a "sure cure suarant-ed or iiunij. Aimrw Vo'ta'cUp't Co Mar!i tl M rh GENTS YANTED FOR A TOUR NO THE WORL BY GENERAL GRANT, 3:023 OKTJjY Thlslthefxitestse' i-KhooK cverpu 1 shedjmd the only comp'et- and a thymic history or Grant's TraveN.j-end lor circulars containing a full dewnp tion ofthennrlc and oar ettra terms to airents Art. dres National Pufr. Co., Cldcago.IU t. "Kob". Is hereby given that I will examine all per S2 ii ih? ,nay de're to offer thewselxcs as candidates lor teachers of the primary or common school of this county, nt the t onrt itoue. In Brownville on the first Saturdav In each month. PHILIP CUOTHEK. -I tf Co. Superintendent, ETTEB HEADS, BILL HEADP Nc3tly printed JUthlsoftjce, INEMAHA CITY. Nemaha Citj fs untfoubfedly the most moral town in southeastern Ne braska. Bev. Wether, pnator of tha Pres byterian church at Brownville, preached in the school hall ou Sunday afternoon last. Twenty-nine cents per bushel was paid for corn ou Stiturihiy,. for a few loads, at thech-.spof the day, but for the mot of it only 23 cents was paid. Monday morning it started at 23 ets. The Steam Elevator Co. have found it neee-iaiy to put in a new and more powerful steam engine. Nemaha City groves- poss.Wy, to be a better point for graiu shipping- tban was expected. The Missouri is bridged at pres ent, and Nebraskaus are hauling wood from the sand bars and across from rhe other hore at a lively rate. David Thanipson brought the corpse of hla wife fra McKjsufck's Island lately to be buried in the Ne maha City cemetery. The poor fel low is left with four small children to care for and protect- Titus Bros. : Co.'s store is so crowded with goods that one can hardly get to the l O. We understand that ffnpe Mason ic Lodge intt nd having a happy time on St. John's eve. Our Htreets are alive7every pleas ant day with teams, and the stores are crowded with people. Lewis Thompson and Hob Frost haif a.discusjsion with knock down argument, in the former's cornfield one day lastweek- We oeoasionally hear from our old acquaintances, True Stevens and Lewia Elliott, who went to New Mexico, some five or six 3earsago. True writes that he Is making money, and Lew shinies of selling his share of a mine for $30,000. A number of our town people are about concluding that New Mexico would euit theouat that rate-. Mo-es Banks says he can rind will make brick to b en!l for SS .30 per thousand at the yard, if parlies who contemplate builriiugr churches or other buildings will engage sulll cient to warrant him in the enter prise. Ht- has some brick left from n kiln burned thh last summer. Any one finding a buekskln purse with a little over $20 jn it, may know that it belongs to Wm. Ilawx by. Tbeopbilus Pardon-, and ho knows all about it. sas that "A find er of property who knows, the true owner and conceals the properly, or appropnats it to his own use, is guil ty of theft." The apportionment of State school money to IhN county has been received from Ihe State Superintend ent, and has been apportioned to the several school districts by the County Superintendent ; but at hist account the County Treasurer had not receiv ed the warrant for the actual mony from the Slate Treasurer. Probably bj the Jast of this- week it will be ready to pay out. The total amount is $4.4G1 9S. According ih th& school law one-fourth of it is dividod equally among the school districts that have sustained school the $2opts lengtfctof time in the previous 3-ear. This year there .ire 74 district'nUtled toshurc, which give to ecch of them,$15.07. The remaining thiee-fourth,s is divi ded pro rata among 3.S30 scholars, yielding to each S7 cents. Eli Terry went down to St. Joe on Monday morning. nrZTTTS BBOS DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, CliOrmitlES. RE A D YMA DE CL O THING. NOTIONS, Eta . Etc., Etc. Nemaha'City, Nebraska, "Will soil goods as chittp s any honse In Southeastern hrnvka. ??? TTl W S MI.WIGM 'i "K Siesnaiia City "Neb., PENERAl MERCHANDISE 9 i-'.j.Tus.i" aRci;n:ns' CAXXED GOODS, COXFECTIOXS, Ef. Keeps a varletl stock of everj thiogUhe peo ple want. Call and see him. L. M. FOSTER, PSii B ! iUiih Nemaha City, k-ijraska. OhstetricH a Sttecialty. cht talis I'remptlj Ansneril. 3P. QrotihQs? S00TSr SHOES, AND HARNESS Made and rfpatrwl .v well can, be done- anywheM-. ana at short notice AXD VERY REASOXAUIE TERMS. 13. isise: 3 rn ptj nrr mu rccu oiASLi:. Good bungles and horses, charges reas onable. Eest ef care taken er trar.ilenttock .VE.n.etf.i citi -vj-rir. HOOVER HOUSE! J. B. HOOVER, Proprietor 5EBAIIA CIT5T, 3EBCISK.I. This honse treats Its patrons to flrstclnss accommodations, in every particular; oji8 has good stabling for horses. Otl, LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, KE5IAHA CITT KE3 blee"rnrf HPi Good fare, ami notron GodKfo'Aiorana18 C'"able. Charges ISeasonablc BAYID A. MOKTQN, ElacIisiaitiL, ITcmaJ.a City, Nebraska. Maehinereghfcg and horeshlne a Spe- nssypiPHEi EON, rillMLifi V n - -3