Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 11, 1879, Image 3

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"The Gates Ajar."
Sidney French.
This Interests Erownville.
Brownvllle Buss jlne to Plielps.
IeftrtBrownv5Il fl a. m., and 3 p. m.
Arrive at Brownvllle 12n p. m., and CiO p. mZ
:J. C BOUSFIELD. SuoerlntPndent.
THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1879.
Jewelry at Nickell's.
New England Supper.
Lecture to men Thursday night.
Xecture for the benefit of men,
Now is the time to advertise your
holiday goods.
Holiday goods have commenced
to arrive at Nickell's.
Baked beans at the old bank
building this evening.
Go to Mrs. White's for your rub
ber and arctic overshoes.
Don't fail to hear Dr. Andrews'
lecture to' men to-night.
J)on't forget the New England
Supper, evening of the 11th.
A beautiful line of new jewelry
atNickell's, astonishingly low.
Cornshellers, harness and barbed
wire. Stevenson fc Cross. ve and ten cent counters
everin .BrdwnviUe at Mrs.SmaU's.
7Tra. White will receive tills week
an entire new line'of miliinerylgoods.
See H.M.Bajrley's card. "Berk
shire aud Poland China hogs for
Young men, attend Dr Andrews'
lecture Thursday evening, and you
will be greatly benefitted.
Niekell is the busiet man in
town, receiving his immense stock of
books and holiday goods.
Try it he Central Hoarding HouBe,
-mmedirttely back of J. L. McGeo's
residence, for a square meal.
New stock of confections, can
ned goods, cigars and tobaccoo just
received at Johnson & Palmer's.
Stevenson & Cro are polling
more furniture than ver low prices
and nice good- does the business.
Full new ttnck of Drugs. Medi
cines, Bonks. Fine Stationery. Al
bums, Desks, Work Boxes, &o.. at
L. A. Polook will sell you mil
linery goods cheaper than any other
house in town. Call at Mm. Cook's
building:- " v"
Now that Falls City has a place
for holding entertainments, the Jour
nal favor" organizing a home dramat
io company.
The New Home'Sewing machine
is becoming the favorite in this coun
ty and is sold for less thin any other
first ol ass machine, by Stevenson &
For Christmas Presesnts, albums,
vases, easel frames, velvet frames,
chronioe, dolls, 4o., call and see my
etook before buying.
Mrs. Small.
Berkshire males for sale. Grand
sire cot fourteen hundred dollars,
Grand dam one thousand. The best
pedigree hogs in the state of Nebras
ka, without doubt, for sale by Stev
enson & Croap.
F.or lyour -millinery goods, at
low prices you should call on Mrs.
White, No. 45 Main street. She also
lias iii ptock an elegant line of lace
ftoode, drees goods, jewelry, notions,
ladled .cloaks, dolmans, Ac. Give
her a call.
New married folk nnd new com
ors, -Stevenson & Cross can fit you up
in everything for housekeeping
Stoves, Furniture, Groceries, Queene
ware, Knives, Forks, Carpets, Pic
ture, etc., cheaper than the cheap
est. Give ub a call. Stevenson &
"The ladies who have been at
tending Dr. Andrews' afternoon Iec
tures'to women.-are very much pleas
ed With 'them. They learn from the
Doctor that which they would not
learn in any other way, regarding
tbeir health and happiuesa.
Mr. A. B. Grant, will on Satur
day next'dispose of his nice little bay
pony tnnre by raffle. He will sell
fifty tickets, at $1.00 each. The man
ner of the raffle will be determined
by the parties holding tickets. Tick
ets are being sold by D. H. McLaugh
lin and R. G. Berger. 25wl
Treasurer Gilmnre this week ap
peals to the people to conic forward
and pay tteir taxes, thereby saving
costs of collection. The law he will
have to enforce against those who
neglect this matter the law is man
datory upon the officer, and the taxes
must be paid, if not voluntary, then
hy force.
The Forbes Dramatic company
played in this city Monday and Tues
day evenings xf this week to the lar
gest houses thafever turned out to a
traveling dramatic troupe. The
Forbes' could have played a week
here to good' houses every night, for
it was the best that ever called on ns.
The gentlemen are gentlemen and
the ladies are ladies, and good artists
without exception. We Invite them
to call again when convenient.
See notice, farm for sale.
See that your flues are safe.
Choice eating apples at Gate's.
Book store iB now at Niokell's.
California Caned Fruit at Hill's.
Dr. Andrews to men and youth
this evening.
Barb and smooth wire, by Stev
enson & Cross.
Buckwheat Flour and Maple
Syrup at Hill's.
Pies mince'and apple at John
son & Palmer's.
Go to Mrs. White's for your
cloaks and wrapB.
Call at MrB. White'e!for anything
In the millinery line.
Everything in the millinery line
at cost by Mrs. Yauney.
Harness, baby oribB and silver
ware at Stevenson & Cross'.
New and elegant styles trimmed
hats at cost, at Mrs. Yauney's.
Shot Guns, JPowder, Shot and
Caps by Stevenson & CrosB.
A light enow, just covering the
ground, fell here Sunday night.
Bain, Studebaker and Nebraska
wagons. Stevenson & Cross.
Money to loan on Real Estate se
curity. Apply to Wm. H. Hoover.
Geo. Arkwrlght will do you a
ten cent job or fill you a $20 bill, O. K.
Call at A. W. Nickell's drug
store for a bottle of Thomas' eclectrlc
Take supper this, Thursday eve
ning, at the old national bank build
ing. Complete stock of fresh drugs at
drug and book store of W. H. Mo
Creery. 6mo3
The ferry boat, for the paet week
has had a hard time, with ice and
For the Best working cook stove
with automatic shelf, call on Stevn
Bon & CrosB.
Butter and eggsja specialty at the
West End grocery atoro of B. G.
Dr. Collins, Dentist, Brownvllle,
Office hours, 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not at
home on FridayB. 39tf
A pencil cross on your paper In
dicates that we want you to pay up
your subscription.
The sidewalk In front of Mrs.
Yauney's millinery more needs re
pairing very badly.
L. Johnson, of the big new hotel,
Nemaha City, is going to have a
Christmas Eve ball.
Two seatedfamlly "carriage, and
one horse, for sale, cheap.
Ted Huddart.
2,500 acres of land in Bedford
Precinct for sale on reasonable terms.
Apply to William H. Hoover.
Do not buy furniture until you
look through onr mammoth stock.
Stevenson & Cross.
We have just received the best,
prettiest, and most stylish visiting
cards, for ladies, you ever saw.
I have for sale, cheap, some ohoioe
lots, in Nemaha City, for those who
want to build. Wm. H. Hoover.
S. M. Summers is selling glass
ware and queeiiHware cheaper than
was ever before offered in this city.
We are prepared to do ail kinds
of tinwork on short notice and at low
pri6e. Stevenson & Cross.
The winter so far has been quite
open ; very little fdow, unusual quan
tity of rain, mud, sleet, dull business.
We make a specialty of bill, let
ter and note head work, and have the
best paper, linen or cotton, to suit
The reason why Stevenson &
Cross are constantly selling stoves is
because they keep the latest patterns
and sell at lowest prices.
The Advertiser job depart
ment is turning out some good work
every day. This is the place to get
your work done in good style.
Never too late to mend. What
never? Well, hardly ever! What?
My Watches, Clocks, etc. Geo. Ark
wright, 90 Main street.
Notice the little lag on your Ad
vertiser. It will tell you the date
to which you have paid ; and If you
tare behind, will admonish you, we
hope, to pay up arrearages.
Tue Falls City Journal sayB that
Richardson "county warrants are
worth but 80 cents on the dollar."
Nemaha county warrants are worth
at the bank 95 cents on the dollar.
Send us in the news of your
neighborhood marringes, deaths,
church and society notices, lodge do
ings every thing of any interest. But
don't Bay anything that will offend
your neighbors.
Violators of the liquor law, ac
cording to the latest predictionsabout
theoomet, may hear something'drap
when they least expeot it. Retribu
tion may seem Blow in overtaking
those who persist In violating law
and insulting the decensy of public
opinion, but it will be sure.
Hastings, Neb., has formed a
"Business Men's Club." The object
19 to promote business in the city.
Would not some such organization
help the business of Brownville?
We are aware that business here is
good, and business men generally
satisfied, but yet it might be better,
Closing Oct. The undersigned
will close out his entire herd of Berk
shire and Poland China swine aBsoon
as possible; consisting of as fine a
herd as there Is in thewestand repre
senting some of the most fashionable
strains, such as the liucifer, Robin
Hood, and Crown Prince families. A
fine lot of young bows large enough
to breed ; also can be paired with
boars of different families, all eligible
to Berkshire record. Stock In good
thriving condition, all bred and far
rowed here, therefore will be acoli-
mated. Original stock Imported from
Iowa and Pennsylvania. Those wish
ing something in this line will get as
good stock here at less sost than from
the east, besides having a chance to
select for themselves. Come early as
Btock Is going fast. Farm nine
miles south and" one-half mile west
of Nemaha City.
H. 3F. Bagley.
Elmore, Richardson Co., Neb.
Yon are now thinking of CHRIST
MAS, and the HOLIDAYS, where
you will get your goods, and the
Presents you intend to make to your
family and friends. Before you pur
chase call on A. G. GATES. He haB
just what you want. His Queens
ware, Glassware, etc., fine, auperb,
and positively THE CHEAPEST
in the city. And his line of grocer
iesteas, coffees, sugars, &c. Is
Of the Best Line of
which you can buy of
Substantial Cliristmas Presents, aiao.
The Den Jbuilding immediately
baok of J. L. McGee's residence has
recently been refitted and furnished
by B. L. Dalbey, in first ciasB style
for a boarding bouse, and is now
open for the acoommodationj of
guests. With or without lodging, at
living rateB.
500 cloaks and dolmans
iust opened at Dolen's. La
dies call and see.
Ladies9 and Children's
furs, a large stocJz received
tliis tveclc. Call immed iately
and talce your choice, at
Louis Loivman's.
The New American,
Self-threading Sewing Machine
the best in the market. For sale
the "Regulator" by
Tiros. Richards.
A large stock just received by Miss
L. A. Polook, Mrs. Cook's building,
College St. Trimmed hats for fifty
cents. 22tf
Holiday Goods.
There will be the finest stook
in Brownville at Nickell's.
Barband plain fence ivlre at
Willing Bros.
by the barrel at H. C Lett's,
before the price goos up.
A small gold pin In shape of a lyre,
with chain and pin attached, in
scribed "B. U. M. class of 1878." A
liberal reward given.
Mrs. J. S. Minick.
Oats and corn vranted.
D. E Douglas & Co., will pay the
highest market price for all kiudB of
Take a chance in the
china tea set at Mc
Gee & Moore's.
Hay Knives, axes, lanterns,
corn poppers, scoop shovels,
cross-cut Raws, corn shelters,
and a few heating stoves at
Willing Bros.
Ladies, Miss V. A. Perry and Miss
L. A. PoIook are prepared to do dress
making in the latest styles and at
loweBt prices. Call at Mrs. Cook's
building. 22tf
x"or your wliips go to
II. C. L.ett
Will pay the highest market price
for Butter aud Eggs.
II. C. Lett
Has a full stock of fresh Grooerics,
and Drugs.
Nickell's drug store will be head
quarters for, Christmas goods this
Will give prenenin id custom
ers who buy their gooods at I.
Now Is the the time to buy a nice
stove at a low price, of Stevenson &
Cloaks & Dolmans Cheap
er than any other house
in the city.
Kew Goods! TVew Goods!
A new stock of millinery goods
will be received this week" by Mrs.
Yauney. Ladies, call and examine.
liATs, Caps as i fubs.
An entire and complete new
stock at lawman's this "week.
have just
& Moore
opened a
of new
Call and
see the Boss Stock.
Grain ! Grain ! Grain
HigheBt market prioe paid for grain
by Hackney & HandKey.
All you old settlers remember the
young lawyer who used to live here ?
Yea. And the most of you have tak
en a'-drlnk" with him? Yes. Well,
Sidney will be in Brownville on the
evening of the 20th inst. and deliver
a Temperance Lecture in the Opera
House. Mr. French stands near the
head of variou temperance organiza
tions. HiB heart and soul is in the
work, and report Bays he has few
equals bb a lecturer. Let the Opera
House be crowded on the night of the
Cloaks & Dolmans cheap
er than any other house
in the city.
Calland see tlwse $1.75
cloaJcs at Dolen's?
has cranberries.
Everybody I
Whose parlor, sitting-room or other
carpets are rotting by rains beating in
under the doors, should have the pro
tection of Fred. August's
It is the best thing ever invented
for the purpose. Can be made, to fit
any door, is simple, oheap, and thor
ough. Holiday Candies.
McGee & Moore have
just received the lar
gest and best varie
ties of Holiday candy
and candy toys to be
found in the market.
Editor Nebraska Advertiser.
Permit us, the members of the
Catholio church, through your col
nmns, to return our.sinoere thanks to
the people of all denominations for
their generous support and attend
ance at our sociable on last Thursday
night. We bIbo return thanks to Mrs.
Leigh ton and Mrs. Cline for the use
of their residence, to S. and J. Sum
mers for their kindness in furnishing
musio for the occasion ; to Mrs. J.
Summers, Miss Arnold and Mies
JCauffman for music, vocal and In
Mary Campbell,
Tresa McLAtTClHIiTX,
Th.0 cheapest stock of an y
house in town, at: Louis
lam now ready to receive orders for
Picture FrameB, Upholstering and re
pairing Furniture, atRoy's old stand.
All orders promptly attended to.
M. Felthauser.
in shawls at
Teas ! Teas ! !
A new stock, oheaper thanlcver, at
Nickell's. Call and get a sample.
Receiving large stock of fan
cy goods for holiday presents
at Li. Lowman's.
Our ferryboat Is running, but we
would rather see the Ice on the river
30 inches thick, and a string of teams
clear across said natural bridge haul
ing wood on to our streets.
TTill give presents to custom
ers who buy their goods at 1L.
Boss stock of dress goods
at J. L. McGee's.
Holiday Goods.
NIckell bought bis holiday goods
before the advance, and Ib selling
them very cheap.
Closing out cloaks at cost,
J. L. McGee.
Dr. Andrews' leotureB Wednes
day evening upon his pictured, and
portraits of famous and infamous
men and women, giving a shore bi
ography of each, making this lecture
very useful for school children.
Por your
saddled go to
Ladies cloaks at Dolen's
from $1.75 to $50.
Is what our ladies' and
children's fine shoes are
made of 4
Dr. B. Bell.Andrewa closes his
course of lectures Wedfieeday eve
ning. On Thursday evening as his
lecture will be entirely for the good
of the males, the ladies will be ex
"New" England Supper" old
bank building this evening benefit
of Library only 25 cents'.-
THING. Another large stock just
arrived. .. Call and see my
prieesbeforefyou purchase.
it wm Pay
to call at Niokell's drug store and Bee
his immense stool;.
Fire, fire, fire, wanted in every
Honesty is always rewarded. The
little boy that found a pooket book
and returned it to its owner, received
a nickle.
A. C. Hall, of Philips county,
Kansas, came to Sheridan just to vis
it friends, but ere he left he took unto
himself a rib. Mr. H. returned to
Kansas before the boys could get
ready their horns, and Mrs. H. takes
the train and will meet her husband
at Kirwin.
J. H. Dundas has sold his farm
west of Sheridan to Joseph Loveless,
of Wyoming Territory.
We had the pleasure of listening
to Pinafore. The performance was
excellent, the musio splendid, and
the moral sublime, but we don't like
A resolution in onr Lycenm reads,
Besolved, That Grant Is the greatest
man on earth, ahem ! except, per
haps, the "Captain of the Queen's
W. Dundas & Bro. have some
thing less than fifty thousand coats,
overcoats, pants, vests, hats, capaf
bootB, shoes, overalls, shirts and
drawers, that they want to sell for
cash dt trade for corn. Don't freeze
whHe-clothing Ib bo cheap.
James Brown and Estella Day
are married. It was a crusty old
bachelor that Btarted the story that
they had committed suicide.
Rev. Tibblts and Deacon Stod
dard were out duck hunting. They
got a good ducking butonly one duck.
The band festival was a grand
success and the "footers" are happy.
Por your
harness go to
Solidav goods of all
kinds at J. L. McGee's.
Early In January next Miss Fan
nie Arnold, assisted by an able corps
ofsingers, will render "The Sorsorer,"
a comic opera by Sullivan, at Brown
ville. Due notice of the time will be
eiven in these columns. Bock Bort
Selling' of!" goods cheap for
holiday presents at L.. low
man's. Taxes! Taxes!! Taxes!!!
All persons owing tax are hereby
notified that the same must be paid
by January 1, 3880. The time given
by law has already passed. Why not
come forward, pay up and save cost.
The new tax book for 18S0 will be in
my bands for collection January 1,
1880. Times are good, money plenty,
and there never was a better time to
pay off delinquent tax than now.
A. H. Gilmore, Co. Treas.
Look at those new dress goods at
Mre. White's.
A young man named Cram, a
week or two ago, weut to Tecumsoh,
got drunk, and on bis road home he
laid down in the bottom of bis wagon
bed, went to sleep, and when his
friends tried to arouse him, found
him dead. The laws of Nebraska
hold responsible the saloon keeper
who sold that young man the whisky
that poisoned him to death. That
law is not enforced as strictly as It
should be. If It was rigidly enforced,
and saloon keepers prosecuted for all
immediate dangers to life and prop
erty that occur by reason of their ne
farious business, no man would want
to be a saloon keeper, and no man
would go on the saloon keeper's
New goods arriving every
day. Call and see them, at
Xiouis liowanan's.
on McGee & Moore
for your furs and
cloaks, they have tlie
largest and cheapest
stock in town.
tiert' Snglancl Supper
Thursday evening Deo. 11th in the
Old Bank building under the Libra
ry room. For the benefit of Library.
All are cordially invited. Supper
from 5 to 9 p. m. Admission 25ots.
Of all kinds and descrip
tions at the lowest 2ossible
cash prices tit Louis Low-
Happy time fit
building this evening.
tho old bank
200 new overcoats
just opened at McGee
& Moore's.
An entire newj siocfe of aU
the latest agonies in ties,
scarfs, cellars, undertvear and
hosiery, at Louis Logman's,
Teachers Meeting
On Friday evening, December 26tb,
and Saturday 27th, a teachers' meet
ing will be held in the school house
at Nsmaha City. On Friday evening
Prof. Wallace, of the Brownville
High School, will be present tind read
an essay on the subject of "Authors,
and How to Read Them." It is hoped
and expected that teachers" will make
a special endecvor to be present. All
friends of education are cordially in
vited to nttendr
PniLip Ckother,
County Superintendent.
Pounds of white lead
cost. W. H. ScCreekv.
for Bale at
Miss Cora Gates is visiting friends
in Lincoln.
Willing Bros, will remove their
hardware store to Nemaha City about
the 1st of January.
Misses Nettle Mutz and Hattie
Smith visited this city Tuesday even
ing. Came to the theatre.
H. A.'Brower will, in a few days,
start for Undiila, Nebraska, and will
take charge of the Chicago Lumber
Co. at that place. He wants The
Advertiser, of course.
TheBev. Mre. Mary C. Nind, of
Minneapolis, Minn., preached in the
M. E. church, this city, last Sunday.
The Rev. lady is regarded here as
very talented, and made a favorable
Mr. Anthur V. Walsh left Tues
day this week for Humboldt, where
he will remain for the winter, em
ployed in his brother's shoe store.
Arthur's friends will miss him here,
for he is a genial lad.
Born, 9th inst.. In this city, to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Body, a 9
pound daughter. Mother, baby and
papa are doing as well as oould be ex
pected. Charly set out the cigars, and
received the congratulations of many
Mr. Joseph Loveless, of Laramie
CIrj' sends us two new subscribers for
The Advertiser, and has our thanks
for the interest he takes in our paper.
How easy It would be to double our
list of subscribers, if our friends
would but take sufficient interest in
the matter to ask their neighbors to
subscribe. Friend Loveless may be
assured that hia work for us is d un
In our report last week of the
Pinafore opera, in the notices briefly
made of the leading characters we
thoughtlessly omitted to mention
MIbs Clara Mercer, who so admirably
represented the character, "Cousin
Hebe." We never were more morti
fied, chagrined, over any of our
sins of omission as in this instance;
for certainly Miss Clara carried her
part aB well as did any of the compa
ny, and some critics whom we beard
express themselves, thought "Cousin
Hebe" the best cast in the play. Apol
ogies are not in our line, but having
given an estimable young lady occa
sion for offense, it Is eminently her
due that we tender her this public
State Journal: Brownville is a
prodigy in musical circles. Her home
talent has just made a successful ren
dition of "Pinafore," with Miss Cora
Gates bb Josephine, Miss Clara Mercer
as cousin Hebe, and Miss Mollie Fur
nas as Little Buttercup, and J. B.
Docker as Sir Joseph. The pla3 was
rendered two nights and to orowded
houses every evening, as something
over $300 clear of expenses was real
ized. Why oannot Lincoln do like
wise? Miss Cora Gates, assisted by tbe
musical talent of Brownville, sang
Pinafore to a large audience at
Brownville on Thanksgiving eve
ning. The entertainment was a great
puccess financially, and otherwise.
Efforts are being made to induce Miss
Gates and her company to give the
opera in this city, at an earlj day.
We assure Miss Cora, if Bbe will favor
our people with the opera, she will
be Greeted with a crowded house.
Falls City Journal.
Lost. One grizzley grey hound,
white breast and feet. Left Dec. 2d.
A liberal reward will be given for in
formation that will lead to her recov
ery. The finder will please leave the
dog at Hawkins' barber shop.
B. O. Heikes.
Arrangements are talked of for a
week's lecturing here on the temper
ance question, by srmo celebrated, ef
fective sppaker. Tho time will be
about the latter part of February.
B. G. Whittemore has juat re
ceived six barrels of choice navy
beans. Lovers of fresh beans, re
member this.
Roads bad during last week and
businGs& dull, excepting In the hog
trade, which were rushed in for the
high prices.
Rfrfccived, ai liohison", Wo
men's and Men's Fanes Cloth
Slippers, just the thing: Tor
Christmas and Sew Years Gifts.
Nickell's Drug Store Is crammed
full of Christmas goods and they are
astonishingly cheap.
Steady rain, but light, all last
Thursday afternoon and night.
The largest stock and best
quality of table and pocket
cutlery at Willing Bros.
To the Afflicic?
Dr. L. Hansom Brown, Licentate
of Paris, France, is now at the Cen
tral Boarding House, Brownville,
Nebraska, and will Btoy fen days.
The Doctor treats all diseases of the
eye, deafness, catarrh, fistula in ano,
hemorrhoids or piles, he care- not of
how longstanding. No charge except
for medicine until cured. Call and
.you will be convinced.
Choice butter and fresh eggs a
specialty and Wbittemore's, and gro
ceries at bottom prices.
Farm For Sale
Tbe S. h tf. V. , tiec. 8, f . 5, R. 15,
GO acres in cultivation, good frame
house, granary, stable, good well,
orchard and living water, will be
sold at a bargain. Apply to S. A.
Osborn, Br&wnvilfs.Neb. of !o Wm.
B. Harris, on the premises. 25w4
Ladies' and Cliildren's
furs, a large stock received
this weefc. Call and tal;c
your choice, at Louis Low-man's.
These Items were prepared for last reet.j
"There was a certain rich man,
which was clothed in purple and fine
linnen, and fared sumptuously every
day ; and there was a certain beggar
named Lazarus, which was laid at his
gate, full of sores, and desiring to be
fed with the crumbs which fell from
the rich man's table; moreover, the
dogs came and licked his sores, aud it
came to pass that the beggar died, and
was carried by the angels Into Abra
ham's bosom : the rich man also died
and was buried, and in hell he lifted
ap his eyes, being In torments, and
seeth Abraham afar off" and Lazarus
in hiB bosom."
Winter is here.
Married, Nov. 30th, Mr. Frank
Cole and Miss Alice Parish.
Eider Henry is holding a series
of meetings In the Christian church.
Come and hear him. It is a serious
thought to live, it is a serious matter
to die. And it is wise to make tbe
most and best of existence. And if
the bible teaches the best way to live,
and the best way to die, (and I believe
it does) then it is wise to be instruct
ed by it. Come and hear what Bro.
Henry lias to say of the way of salva
tion. He is an earnest man, of fine
talent and cultured thought.
On the 2Gth of November Elder
Young was 74 years old, and the time
was honored by the parsonage being
filled with his brethren, Bisters and
friends, and a very pleasant social
gathering it was. A very fine supper
was served ; it was in great abundance
and variety, and in great taste. Then
singing, exortations and prayers,
after good Methodist style. The
Methodists are a live people, and the
Methodist ladies know how to get up
a fine supper. The Elder is bowed
with the weight of many years and
much sickness, yet we trust he may
yet see many birth-days, and be
spared to show sinnerB the way of life
eternal in the Christ.
Sheriff" Black, of Brownville, at
tended worship in the Christian
church last Sunday.
Another grave has been dug in the
London burying ground, another
spirit has gone home, another body
reBts in the grave. Father Sedoras
has made his earth record and gone ;
he had his joys and sorrows, lila dis
appointments and triumphs, but the
perilous journey is over and he is
landed, we trust, safely on the other
Bide. He had been a great sufferer for
some years, but there is a land where
there is no sickness, nor sorrow, nor
pain, nor death, and we trust brother
Sedoras is in that lend. He was for
man3" years a member of the Christian
churoh, he may have had his trialR
and temptations at times which led
him out of the Christian path, but,
we trust he is in one of the mansions
in the Father's house. So we all are
going over the river of death. Soon
all of us will be gone. But where?
Let ns be wise and make preparation
of character, fit for one of those beau
tiful mansions.
Cliildrens knit Sacqucs.
lest line at J. L. McGee's.
Receiving large stocK of fan
cy goods for holiday presents
at IL. Lo'vman'H.
Resolutions of Thanks.
At n meeting of the Board of Direc
tors of Brownville Public Library As
sociation, held Dec. 2d, 1S79. the fol
lowing resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted :
Bcsolved, That wo extend to Miss
Cora Gates and her associates, our
greatful acknowledgments for the
strong and substantial aid rendered to,
and in support of the Library, by
their magnanimous and generous ac
tion in the performance of "Pina
fore" on the 2Sth ult., as a hencfUfor
the Library.
Bcsolved, That wo congratulate
them on their successful performance
and that tbe secretary furnish tbe city
newspapers copies of these resolu
tions. TJo to Itobison's for wool
lined boots, shoes, arctics and
List of hotter
Remaininc in the Postoffice nt
Brownville, Nebraska, for the week
ending Deo. G. 1S79. whloh if not
called for will be sent to the dead let
ter office :
Hamilton, R. ; Mathews, Tbos. ;
McNamee, S. H. ; Miner, G. ; Meek,
D. S. ; Noble, J. E.; Townsend, J. H.
Persona calling for an3' of the above
letters will please say Advertised.
T. C. Hackkk, P. M.
Selling oil goods cheap for
holiday presents at E. Lovr-
It appears that we were misin
formed regarding the disposition of
the proceeds arising from tbe first
night'? performance of Pinafore ; ffnd
Rev. Weeber requests us to say the
Presbyterian church did not receive
that mftney, "save $25 subscribed by
the choir of thatchurch, the memb&ts
of which brought the opera out in
this city.
A lady's lyiBli.
"Oh, how 1 wish my skin war
as clear and soft as yours," said a la
dy to her friend. "You can easily
make it so," answered the friend.
"How?" inquired the first lady. "By
uinfr Hop Bitters, that makes pure
rich blood and blooming health.- It
did it for me, ns ynu observe.'' Read
of it. Cairo Bulletin.
Don't trifle with a severe couh
or cold. Procure Irr time, if yoa wish
to gave doctor bills, a bottle of Dr.
Marshall's Lung Syrup. Price 25
cents. 50 ppnts and $1 a bottle. Sold
by A. W. Nickel!.
A. TV. Nickell has added to hfs
stock of medicines all of The Carter
Medicine Co's remedies. See ad. in
another column.
The St. Joe I?eus has the follow
ing: Articles of incorporation of "Tho
Atchison, St. Joseph &. Northern Rail
road Co." were yeterday filed in the
office of the Secretary of State at To
peka. Tbe directors are S. H. H.
Clark, of Omaha : Jay Gould, of New
York ; L. D. Tuthill.'jno. Doniphan
aud Joseph Hansen, of St. Joseph;
J. P. Pomeroy. B. P. Waeceuer and
D. Martin. ofAtchison. The charter
authorizes the construction of a road
from Atchison, Kansas, to St. Joseph,
Missouri, over a route now undeter
mined. The charter also cive au
thority to construct a roHO fmtn Doni
phnn county, Kanas. to Douglas
county, (Omaha) Nebraska, over a
route also practically undetermined.
Brown & Bier, road builders, who
were ordered by Mr. Gonld to report
to Mr. Clark the moat favorable route
over whloh to hrlnsr the Missouri Pa
cific from Atchison to St. Joseph are
now at work examining the loy of the
First Edition. lOS.OOO.
So rapidly are orders increased for
the December Scribner that it is
thought the first edition of 108,000
will not supply the demand. One
cause of the recent Increase in circu
lation, by which one hundred thou
sand November numbers were sold
In two weeks, is undoubtedly due to
tbe growing interest in the two seri
als, Henr James, Jr. 's "Confidence,"
which is one of the most fascinating
character studies, and George W. Ca
ble's novel of New Orleans life, "The
Grandissimes." The latter, begun in
November, will be the leading serial
story of the year. Mr. Cable's "Old
Creole Days" has attracted wide at
tention, and this, Ills first novel,
promises to be among the strongest
and most important works of fiction
that have yet appeared In American
literature. A new serial story by Mrs..
Burnett, author of "That Lass o'
Lowrie's,' has also been secured and
will begin In an early number. The
special attractions of the December
number include twenty poems by
American women, comprising verse
by many of our most prominent wo
men writers ; "Two Visits to Victor
Hugo," ty H. H. Boyesen, with a
large portrait engraved by Cole; an
illustrated description of the Johns
Hopkins University, and an interest
ing paper by Burroughs on "Nature
and the Poets." "The New Capitol
at Albauj"" Is critical described in
an articlejof eighteen pages, with the
aid of twenty-three drawings, and
there are illustrated papers on "Coffee
Culture in Brazil," "Success with
Small Fruits," etc., etc.
"The Reign of Peter the Great," by
Euqene Schuyler, will begin in the
February number. The illustrations
for the first of this splendid series of
Historical Papers are now almost com
pleted, and include reproductions of
famous Russian paintings, cut on
wood by Americau engravers, who
are pronounced by the London Snt
arduy Bcvicw "the best in the world."
Sold, and subscriptions received, by
book-sellers and news-denlers, at
$4 00 a year, 35 cents a number. "A
Portfolio of Proof Impresions," of
the best enqrnvlnc from thp pacs of
Scribner and St. Nicholas (pditon lim
ited to 3.000) will be ready about De
cember 1st. Price, S10 00. See De
cember Scribner for extended notices.
Scribner fc Co.. New York.
MP"' ''
""' .i-r
Disolntion Notice.
Notice Is hereby given tbnt by mntiMl
nRreomenO'ic ro-pnrtiterHhlp of Rlelwfit A.
IlawleylaiHl'IDRnlel E. Iofcls. partners,
dolns business under th Arm imim f Hhw
Icy & Pongtas, is dissolved from b1 after
this date.
AH indebtmenta to'abovp Hrm, either toeJc
account or note, eaa fee nettled wtth I). E."
K. A.HAirx.Kr.
November 1, 1879. D. K. IKimr.AS.
The bmdnesR will be conf :nueI n hereto
fore under the firm nitme of I). K. Donates
fc Co. who will py the highest market prico
for nil kinds of Grain.
I. E. Dovolah A Co.
BBBBiBaf ' TJ ,hH I IfMli-mrtLm.
jjuMjns rrAi
Browxvii.i.b. December 11. M6.
Following are the quotations ywtur&iy
noon, the time f K4nx.t yew.
As sinrrJCK.
Hoes &m m
.Steers, fair to choice
Cows, fat-
Wheat, choice fall . J KW
" spring 64 0O
Rye . las
Bnrley. , 2g m
Corn In the ear ... . i 2
nhelled 0 l
Corn jrea!,lW....- . Sl W
Butter. 23 2S
Krs . ya
Potatoes -
Apples . l Ngr as
Onions . ffy
Chlckons.ohl.per dszerv. .. 2'M$2 216
sprlnc, 1 !
Chlckens,lressd,f!8.... 0
Turkeys, dressed", II .. 7 V
Wood, cord S 9R0S W
Hay, ton mt&rvi
Flour, R. T. Davis
" Savannah Mill fell wheat. -
Glen Rock fall wheat
" Glen Rock sprl wc wheat
" Sheridan spring whew
" Nemaha Valley springr.
" Graham .
1 W
J "
1 V
1 10
Bran and Shorts raised, per JW
Corn, per bushel-. ........
Sugar, co Hee A, 9 fts fer .
Extra C. M fe
" light brown, lift
Cut Loaf, 733l.
Powdered, 7 .....
Coffee, Rio. 51&s
" O.G.Java,Jlbs.
Cranberries, per t..
Dried Corn, per fc
Dried Apples', 20 ft r
Dried Peaches, 3t ftr
Pared" Peaiie. f
Pitted" Cherries, fi 6
Syrup, per gal
Coal Oil, per;aHoa.
Mackerel'. perklt
Salt, per bacrrtl
Coal Ft. Seott red. pr ton
" - teek. per to
by Stevenson & Cross