Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 13, 1879, Image 2

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THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1879.
Tlmn&sglTing Proclamation.
The following proclamation waB Is
sued by the President:!
"At no recurrence of the peaeon
which the devout habit' of religious
people has made the ocoasion for giv
ing thanks to Almighty God and
humbly invoking HIb divine favor,
has the material "prosperity enjoyed
by our whole country boenlmore con
spicuous, more manifold or more uni
versal. During the past year, also,
unbroken peace with all foreign na
tions, the general prevalence of do
mestic tranquility, and the suprema
cy and security of the great Institu
tions of civil &nd religious freedom
have gladdened the hearts of our peo
ple and oonflrmed their attachment
to their Government, whichithe wis
dom and courage of our ancestors so
fitly framed, and the wisdom and
courage of their descendants have bo
firmly maintained, to be the habita
tion of Liberty and Juatios-to success
ive generations..
"Now, therefore, I, Rutherford B.
Hayes, President of the United States,
do appoint Thursday, the 27th day of
November, instant, as a day of Na
tional Thanksgiving and Prayer; and
Ii earnestly recommend that; with
drawing themselves from secular
cares aud labors, that the people
of the United States do meet together
on that day in their respective places
of worship, there to give thanks and
praise to Almighty God for Hiu mer
cies, and to devoutly be-jeeoh their
"In wltnessfwhereof, I have here
unto set my handjand eaused the seal
of the United States to be affixed.
"Done at the olty of Washington,
this 3d day of November, In the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and seventy-nine;! and of" the
Independence of the United States,
ths one hundred and fourth."
Rutherford B. Hayes.
By tlie President1:
Wm. Evarxs, Secretary, of State-
TVo dominate for President: James
G. Blaine.
The Patriot Statesman of Maine.
The Republicans of Connecticut
will have a majorlly in the next Leg
islature. An old man namedlMcCathromwas
dangerously shot while gathering
wood on an island in Hamilton coun
ty, Neb.
m m
At the recent municipal election in
TJ trolt, Mich., the Republican gain
r m 3,000' over the election one year
State Treasurer was thsj principal
officer elected In Pennsylvania thin
jear, and the Republican candidate,
JButler, only received' about 60,000
Last week the contract ror building
the new wing to the Nebraska' capl
tol was let to "Boss" W. H. B. Stout.
His bid was $66,000.
Did you ever bear or a Buzzard and
a Crow getting married: Recently in
North Carolina Col., John Buzzard
was married to Eleanor Crow; and
Rev. Dr. Robin tied the knot.
Mr. Hugo RosinskI, editor-or the
Omaha Post, German, was horse
whipped by a burly Bohemian,
named Wm. Nerad, a day or two af
ter; the election. Tue fracas-was
about election matters.
Jesse James, the notorious- Mis
souri bandit was killed a few days ago
by one of his own gang, namedShep-
herd. Shepherd, took revenge- on
James for killing a relative of the
former some time ago
m t
Judge Cobb's majority" In Omaha
was 293. Carson's majority was 731
and Gannett's, 800. Omaha is Gan
nett's horns. But wasn't Baldwin
fearfully scooped for district judge by
Savage, his Democratic opponent?
1,253 majority.
Ben. Butler was- the candidate for
Governor of Massachusetts of the
Democrats, the Greenbackers, and
the Workingraen ;'yet D has oeen
defeated by Mr. Long, the Republi
can, by 15,000 majority. That's all
right, and we should think that
would be about old Ben'e last race.
A number of old" dwarfs and young
ohildren arrived at New York recent
ly, from Italy. They were brought
here for the purpoaeof making beg
gars of them. One of the men was
over 70 yaare of agsj The society for
the prevention or cruelty to children
will return the children, and the Ital
ian consul will take charge or the
dwarfs, and send tbem back to their
own country.
Hon. Church Howe called at this
sanctum yesterday. He is covered all
oTer with glory and vlotory. He came
over to the republican party and
brought his sheaves with him. Oma
ha Republican.
Yes air, he did that? Last year he
dereated the party by a email majori
ty ; this year hej supported the party
most industriously and it is success
ful, In oonnty offices, by 400. Howe
has the credit, and is entitled to it,
having the sheaves to show for'it.
m '
Th GlobcDcmocrat thinks the
mall Republican majority in New
York is a strong argument for the
contlnuanoe of the Grant boom, as
nothing but Grant's popularity can
"pull tho State through In 18S0i"
This argument Is hardly good, how
ever, from the faot that the opposition-
to Cornell In .the.'.Republlcan party,
led by George William Curtis, was
about as great as was the opposition
toltobineon led by Kelly. ThI a be
ing correct a united party could pull
J. G. Blaine through, very easily.
One hundred Eugllsfi farmers have
arrived in Sbntreal, en route fo Lit
tle Baskatohewan, where they pro
pose to settle. They bring capital to
the amount or $50,000. Among the
party are eons ot Euglish nobtamen.
It 1b a matter of some interest at
Washington to know who will take
Tburman's place in the long winter
evenings when he- formed one of a
whist quartet, the other three being
Edmunds, Bayardjand Conkllng.
Robert P. Crockett, the only, survi
ving Bon of "Davy" Crockett, has a
farm near Granbury, Texas, and is
the keeper of the bridge aorosB the
Brazos river at that place. Ashley
Crockett, one of RobertCrookett's
eons, Ib one of the two editors and
proprietors of aflourshlngfnewspaper
or that region.
Prof. Arnold reportBthot?, lo-Oxford
county, Canada, many of the dairy
men are feeding the new milk to pigs,
thinking It more profitable In pork,
at four cents on the farm, than In
cheese at four and one-half and fite
cents, with;a deduction of two cents
for hauling and making-.; and be
thinka they are right In the estimate.
Thirty years ago the common sheep
of Germany are said to have had only
5,000 or 5.500 wool fibres to the 6quare
inch or Burface; through improve
ments In breeds, the common grades
of sheep now have 27,000 to the square
Inch, and the pure-bred merinoes
have from 40;000 to 48,000 wook fllla-
ments to the square inch.
Henry Smart, the English muBlc
Ian, and composer of the music,
"Hark, Hark, my Soul," "From
Greenland's Icy Mountains," and of
hundreds or anthems and Baored
songs, was recently offered- bg- the
British Government the oholce be
tween a knighthood or a, pension of
$500 a year. He ohose the penBion.
Smart fellow!
A writer in; a recent number of
Harper's Magazine says: Siugle trees
have been burned' In Americailn log
heaps, which, cut into veneers, would
sell for more net cash than the whole
farm where it grew. When our for
ests are as well, treated aa those- of
Europe, few trees will be cut exoept
by advice of a forest engineer.
Prof. Collier, chemist or the Agri
cultural Department, Washington,
who is experimenting with cornstalks
aud sorghum to see their sugar-pro-
dnclnsr Qualities, finds that 1.000
pounds or cornstalks yield 39.09
pounds of sugar. In experiments
made by other obemists 160 pounds of
syrup have been obtained from one
acre of cornstalks.
A runguB, Bimilar to that which
Dr. Salisbury first noticed in the
blood of persons suffering from ma
laria, Is now announced as constantly
present In the blood or consumptives,
and that is suspected as being the
cauBe or this dreadrul malady.
In the year 1877, near LurayCIark
couaty, Mo., Lewis Spencer aud hia
rour ohildren wera murdered. There
was sufflolent evidence agahrat a des
perado named Bill Young to warrant
blB arreBt. He waB universally be
lieved to be the murderer by- the peo
ple In that section or oountry. Young
was imprisoned; But hia- tr-Ial',. being
put over from time to time, did not
take place until the last week of Oc
tober. Thejury acquitted him. Young
was a widower, with, a family of chil
dren ; and thedayfter bis release,
he was married and took his wire to
his home. Upon: his acquittal his
ueighbors, and the people ror miles
around, became deeply Incensed, for
none bad tbeleaBt doubt of the guilt
or Young. They finally bad a. meet
ing, organized a mob and resolved
that Young must die. On the day ar
ter bis marriage, ;some 200, mostly
youngjmen, went to Young's house,
surrounded It, and demanded-his sur
render. This he refused to do, and
with his Cson eighteen yara. of age,
opened fire on the mob, which was
returned by the latter, shooting
Young down. He was then taken,
put In a wagon, Ihe wagon, was run
under an arched gateway and there
Young was hongeduntil dead, In the
presenco ofthis uew wife, ohildren
and some gueBts. The men of the
mrh mnrn nnf. mnnked. and many of
them were known. The wife of the
murdered man has endeavored to
have the leaders of the mob arrested,
but it cannot be done unless the Gov
ernor of Missouri sends an army
there to assist the officers. Young de
clared his Innocence of the orlme to
tho last. He was charged with other
murders and robberies, and the peo
ple are eatlsfied they did a good thing
In killing him even though the meth
ods of doing it was oomewhat
Tho republican-gain in Lancaster
county is about 800. We remind the
republicans of DouglaB county that
by their action Uiey will be outnum
bered In the next state-convention by
the Lanoaster county delegation.
Omaha Republican.
And old Nemaha wl!l loom up
again in the State convention, as she
used "for to do."
At Leonardtown, Maryland, Mr. A.
A. Lawrence, a Kepubllcan',.was elec
ted county commissioner. The night
or the eleotion Lawrence was 6hot in
the breast, but his friends hope not
fatally, by some Democratlo assassin.
That Ib the game In the "olld south."
Ex-Go?. Fletober,7of Missouri, aaya
the Union element of that State Is ror
Secretary Sherman; that If he
(Fletoher) had the selection a Pres
ident he would take Garfield, "but
Bherman would make a better candi
date." Since the first of January 23,973
German emigrants have landed at
Castle Garden, N. Y., against 18.71S
ror the corresponding period last year.
The Bhorgun policy still works well
ror the Democracy of Mississippi.
That State has gone Demooratio.
Chicago went overwhelmingly Republican-
Last spring the bourbons
oarrled the Ity. Big gate.
Swindling Pension Agents.
The Commissioner or Pensions re
oeived a letter from an aged female
pensioner which (omitting names)
reads aa follows:
"Dear Sir: I wish to know If Mr.
has any right to any pay. He
uays he got the arrears of pension- bill
through Congress. I thought It took
two-thirds of the members to pasB a
law.. He wrote to me before I got my
check to know how muoh I would
give. I told the man that filled my
papers- to put down $2o: I would like
to know if he Is trying toswlndte me.
an old woman 70 years or age, or shall
I give It to-him. lenolose the papers
he sent me."
The papers referred to are copies of
printed circulars which have been
sent to claimants throughout the
eountry by certain' personB ln Wash
ington with the purpose or duping
the Ignorant by pretentions or Influ
ence, or with the plea or requittal for
alleged services. CommIslonerBent-
ley, with a view to further exposing
this disreputable scheme, furnished
for publication hiB reply to the above
letter. He writes :
"Dear Madame: In answer to
yoor letter of the 3U inst., you are-Informed
that neither Mr. , nor
any other persons, have any right to
demand pay or you ror any efforts
they may have put forth to secure the
passage of the law granting arrearp.
From the papers wbloh you Inclosed,
and whloh, with your consent, I win
retain, It appears that Mr. Is
trying to levy a tax ror his private
use upon your credulity and' gener-
UE31VJT. i
Gannett ror recent waB largely
scratched yesterday, on account of his
hrnad pmee" tendencies, ir It had
been generally known through Jtlie
ooontry what his hellers were. It Is
doubtful if he would have Recured a
majority. Votera felt that it was not
a matter of politics that was at stake
In voting for or against him, but a
matter of sustaining the present uni
versity management or opposing it.
Pawnee Enterprise.
Voting againstGannett, on account
of his religions opinions was a very
narrow minded bnslnesp, we think.
and was done solely by Intolerant big
ots, ir broad-goage and narrow
guage Is to be the Issue let It be bo un
derstood, and the chances are that on
a closely defined conleaJrof thafcklnd
the narrow-guage will suffer as muoh,
ae one like Regeut Gannett, who be
lieves In proscribing no man for hie
religiouB belief solely. The people of
Ncbra&ka believe In freedom of
thought, or at least a majority of
them does, and now by this attack on
Gannett they have Iearnedsomething
that will wake them up for ruture
The Washington correspondent of
the Philadelphia Times speaking of
Blaine's candidacy says :
Blslne, it wouicf appear; is doing
nothing toward firrShsrlDg h-Is-candi-daoy.
He haa, of course, made many
speeches, but I know that he has
made up his mind that the Presiden
cy Is too big c thing to secure by n t
ting pins and laying wires. He has
made up his mind o do what he can
for the party, sod ir the nomination
comeB he will bo mighty glad of it.
Neither Sherman or Conkling can be
nominated, and Washbuvne Is not
talked of now. Tf we may trmt to
the signs oftfie times the Republican
nominee will be Grant or Blaine.
Blaine seems to bo tbe'eecond choice
of everybody. He 1b laying baok
quietly, and thus escapes tho active
opposition of the friends of Grant.
Sherman. Conkllng and the others.
If there I'9 anv trouble araone the
other candidates, Blaine will slip In
like a created pig. Blaine enn raise
more money and mora enthusiasm
than any man In the country, and
don't youjforget It.
Mr. Brown, editor of the Nebraska
City Press, worked against Judge
Cobb on 'leotlon day." and for the
Democratlo candidate, and the same
has been proved on Brown to his
great shame, when his treason was
exposed. Republicans of Otoe are de
manding that Rrown get off of the
central committee. Put bim off. A
Republican editor that cannot be
trusted should' not be put on guard.
A band- ooounterreltera were- last
week broken up in northwest Mis
souri. Seven men, living in different
localities, were arrested and jailed.
Some of them are prominent oltizens.
In Nodaway county the deteotives
suddenly pounced upon a house in
which tbree-mea were at work, with
furnaoe ablaze, making bogus dollara,
and had the fun of taking the last
dollar, hot, from the molds.
How the colored-heart must yearn
for the Republican party! An exo
dus of negroes from the south' was
started by that party some time since.
Nebraska City 2icws.
A bare aB3ertion-by the-iVettw which
It could not support by a single fact.
In other words, the assertion that the
negro exodus was started by the Re
publicans Ib a deliberate lie.
Mr. N. P. hooper brought into our
office, on Wednesday of this .wees,
someflne looking wheat, the second
crop this season. He thinks It equal
to a creat deal of the finest crop of
harvested wheat. Mr. C. will try the
experiment or raising two oropB next
year. Tecumseh Chieftain.
It wasn't winter wheat was It?
Major Reno Is again- Us trotsb for
his indecency. This time he getB
drunk and insults the wife of poBt
trader Farnshaw, at Ft. Meade. A
court martial has been detailed to try
Reno, by Generar Terry. They ought
to kick nlurotrtof the servioe.
The vote lwt Tuesday wafr the larg
est ever polled in the county, the en
tire number of votes oast being 1,314,
an inorease of 314 over last year. Of
this inorease 237 were Republican
and 77 Demooratio. Tecumseh Chief'
The generar missionary committee
of the M. E. ohuroh appropriated
$600,000 for missionary work the en-
Hiiincr vpar. which Is an Increase of
$50,000 over the amount appropriated
last year.
General Garfield's bat Is the largest
one on the Congressional pegs. Ex
change. He will &aug that hat on Senate
pegs ere long.
Editor Nebraska Advertiser.
In the political canvasB which has
just .arosedVthere were strange doo-
trlneB advocated, and from remarks
that! have heard and from questions
asked by young men, Republicans, I
am satisfied that they have different
ideaa of government from what was
taught twenty odd years ago, and as
there are numbers' of intelligent
young men In this county it will be
Interesting to know their Ideas on po
litical affairs. I therefore hope that
some of them will, with your permis
sion, answer the following queatione-:
let. Have the States-any rights?
If they have, please explainj those
rights as you understaud theraj?
2d. Give us your viewa on tho fi
nancial question, whether the money
or the nation should be coin alone, or,
whether it should be part coin and
part paper, and whether the paper
should be Issued by the government
or by banks, and' if issued by banks,
whetheror not the govern menfsbould
endorse those notes and be rsBponsi-
ote lor iwoir reuuiujjnuu i
3d. Please- explain the STederal
eleotion law, and tell ub who appoint
the supervisors of elections, and
whether you believe they arepf an
benefit to the nation, and wcold yog
approve of Federal supervisors Nsr
roahaonunty ?
4th. There Is a Republican orator,
Robert IjgersoU1. who kIs teaching
Home strange political doctrines, and
extraots rrom hlsspeeobes are printed
in Republican papers as the true dor
trine. Among other things, be com
pares the United StateB government
o b pauper; M7& tnat tile note-o
the government are or no more value
than the note or a pauper in the poor
house ; that the government subsists
by passing the contribution box with
an armed man behind It, etc. PleaBe
tell us ir these are the vievve of the
young men of to-day. and whether
von are willing to risk your lives n
the battlefield to defend such a gov
ernment as Ingersoll describes?
Hoping that these questions will be
answered by several of the yonng
men of Nemaha county, and that a
general review of political matters
aIII be the result.
Sam re&peotfullyi,"
W. A. Polock.
I am utterly opposed to the sending
or impure books through the mallsor
any other way. I Bee, however, rrom
tbe papers that the Rev. Joseph Cook
charges that I am In favor of the dls
semluation or Impure books. When
he made the charge he knew it wbp
untrue, and that was the only reason
he-had ror making it. R. O. Inger
A leading Republican cltlzenor this
city in forme-ue that he heard thrfeof
the most nrominent Democrats or
Omaha say yesterday, arter heailng
the final reports rromN. Y.. that they
have got enough or the conred- rata
brigadier business, and will now vote
for any good Republican. Omaha
m i
The publlo debt of Ruwia Is $3,180,-
m m
All About Hqme.
"The Complete Home1 J&rs. Julia
MoNair Wright's new book?j"t pub
lished by J. C. McCurdy & Co., of
Philadelphia, haB received the warm
est commendations from the Press
and Clergy in all aeotlons of the coun
try. Tho following extracts clearly indi
cate that it is a work of sterling merit.
The Christian Advocate says : A
book of more practical utility will sel
dom, ir ever, be round outside or in
spiration. The Presbyterian sayB: The pre
vailing feature of tha book Is Us good
sense, and when we say this of euoh
a book we pay It the highest compli
ment wo can imagine. It la true ev
erywhere to the Evangelical faith-
The Journal and Messenger, Cincin
nati, Ohio, says: We believe that It
would be of unspeakable benefit to
every family Inour land could it be
read not only by fathers and mothers,
but by aons and daugbiers as they
are growing up. Its healthy tone, Ub
common sense and trutbfulneea com
mend it, aud can but render it of the
highest value.
The-iV: Y. StfioolJburnarsnys : In
this work we have all the lights and
shadows that go to make uplthe pic
ture or a real home. It imparts in
struction to the whole range- or do
mestic government in the moat pleas
ing and effective manner..
The Missouri Republican Bays:
This is assentlalJy a home book. It
must have been dictated by heart that
has been baptized in the beauty of the
hollneis of home. The sen
timent or the book Is lofty while the
style is natural, cheerful, easy and
fluent, and- tbe pages aro- bo many
bright pictures of domeBtlc quiet and
Rev. Dr. March says : It Is bo well
written that it cannot rail to be read,
and it cannot be read without bring
ing sweetness and light Into some
body's home.
From the above, it will be seen that
this is a BenBible, beautirul, and ex
tremely valuable book. Ita-apbere Ib
wide as tbe world itself and It will
exert a powe?ftil influence for good In
every home into which it enters.
Agents for itssale are wanted every
where. Sick Folks Can Save Money
by buylns tbe medicine kuown as
Kidney-Wort. It Is a dry, vegetable
compound or wonderrul efficacy in all
diseases of tbe liver and kidneys. One
package makes fix quarts of medicine
which contains no poisonous liquors,
being prepared in pure water. See
large advertisement.
Dairymen's Folly,
Some dairymen adhere-, even
acainst the full light or fact and dis
covery, to the old fashioned folly of
coloring butter with carrots, annatta,
and Inferior substance, notwith
standing the splendid record made
by WellB. Richardson &Co., Burling
ton. Vt. Thoe creameries that gt
the highest price use ft constantly.
It fs ooTrf by druggists.
Kidney-Wort radically cures BM
iousness, Piles and nervous diseases.
Hedge! Hedge f!
Farmers, if yon wish to purobase
first-olaes Osage hedge plants, call on
m n f J k-' 4t .
i; &r. renney, enenuan, xseo. wom
k If
Best Groceries,. Flour, Provisions,
Give Me a. Call.
Kidney Diseases.
Kidney diseases afflict the greater
part of the human race, aud they are
constantly on the increase but where
the virtues of Kiduey-Wort have be
come known, they are held in ebeok
and speedily cured; Let those who
have bad to constantly dose spirits
of nitre and Such Btuff. give thiagreat
remedy a trial and be cured.
Facts for Dairymen.
It should be borne in mind by prac
tical dairymen, that the Perfected
Butter Color of Wells. RIohardson &
Co., Burlington. Vt., Is the best ob
tainable In the world. It is absolute
ly pure and harmless, free rrom odor
or flavor, cannot spoil in any weath
er. Is in liquid form and ready for in
star t use. ooits but little, and Is of a
uniform standard as to strength and
intensity of line. Use noother.
no a Favor to a SleR .Frleadv
Tf yon have a friend ru Bering .from
any disorder of the Kidneys send
them a package of Kidney -Wort, and
yon will make them happy. I
treat fonio power is especially direct
ed to these disease, and It quickly re
lievos th distress and cures the dis
ease. Have vou tried It?
Humbugged Again.
I saw so much said about the mer
ita nf Ron Rltters. and my wife whi
was always doctoring, 3udmevar welH,
teased me bo urgently to gei uer some,
I concluded to be humbugged again;
and I am clad'I did, for in leas than
two months uae of the Bitters my wife
was cured an&sbo has remained so
ror eighteen months since. I like
snoh humhugfjlng. H. T.St. Paul.
Pioneer Press.
- c,
Forest' Tree Seedlings Osage
Hedge Plants--Grape
Vines IVursery
I have the sale of a large stock of
joreBt Tree Seedlings, Osage Hedge
Plants. Grape Vines, and General
Nursery Stock. Most of the stook I
have given personal attention to rais
ing. The balance Hedge Plants and
Forest Tree Seedlings were raised
near, In an adjoining State. One and
two year old apple t ees can be had
direct from Nursery rows. Ever
greens the same.
Robt. W. FunNAS.
Brownville. Nebraska.
to sell the people of Scmnba
and adjacent counties the lar
gest'and cheapest lines ofDry
Goods, Clothing, Overcoats,
Cloaks, Dolman's Tarns, Flan
nels, Muslins etc., etc., at the
lowest cash price. Call and
give us a trialjbelbre you pur
chase. Louis I.9?vniais-
1)1 a I aria.
If you live in districts where you:
are subject to malaria, you should
keep your liver and Kidneys In per
feot? order that they may throw it off.
The great preventive is the celebra
ted Lidney-Wort. Use it wheneve
- ou are constipated or bilious.and you
will never have a touch of chills.
Attention Dairymen.
Those dairymen who huve the rep
utatlortoralwiya making tgilt-edged
butter, get their high prices by uung
tlie Pei iected Butter Color, made-by
Wells, Richardson &, Co., Burlington,
Vt., by which they maintain thesamt
fine, bright oolor the whole year. Thi
New England Farmer,' say s : "It
should entirely supercede the use of
carrots, and all preparations of annat
ta." P is sold by Dsuegisrs..
'The Doctor Told Me
to take a blue pill but I didn'Cfor I
had already been poisoned twice by
meroiuy. The druggist told me to
try Kidney-Wort and I did. It waB
just the thing for my biliousness and
constipation-, and now I am as well
as ever."
Aaron Palmer.-. Bofat'. Johnson
Palmer & Johnson.
First! Door Weit or lite OW 5atiocnl Bank
This firm, hnvlng fitted up these rooms -will
run a first class restaurant, where good
wnnn'meals can be had at all honrs. They
give their customers the best viands In the
market, Including fresh oysters served In
any manner called for.
Try the New Restaurant
All Orders for an Express Left with
Them will be Promptly attended to
LIvcrr Stnblc In connection with the House
5-Stnce office for nil points Enst.W"est.-E3i
S-Nortb& South. Omnibuses to-ea
as-con nee t with all tralns."a
AMPIjE rooms ox first floor
Therp la at all times an almost universal demand
from learners, for the Jet Black Glossy Ink used r.y
IradinR penmen. It flows freely, warranted not
to corrode on any kind of metal Ic pen, nnd will not
fade or mold. It Is easily made. Tbe materials can
be had anywhere at a small cost. Price of Recipe
sent to any address, with full directions. 50 cents,
postace stamps orcurrency. Address K. L. SUKD
LABERGEK. Brownville. Nemaha Co.. eb. 10-
Plows, and all work done In thebes
manner and on short notice. Satisfaction gaaran
d. Give him acall. f3-ly.
TO $0000 A YEAR, or $3 to 200 a
Jay In your own localltv. No
rRt.Wumen doas well ass men
Iany make more than the am
ount stated above. No one can make money fast. Any
one can do the work. You can
make from SOcts. to $2 un hoar by devotintr your ev-enlnRsa-ad
spare tlmoto tho business. It costs noth
ing to try thebuslness. Nothjns like it for money
making ever ofTered bafora: usinesa pleasantand
strictly honorable. Reader, if yon want to know
all about the best pavlnff Business before the public
sand us your addrets'and we will send you full par
ticulars and private term fe; sample worth $5
also fre; you can then mak up your mind for
yourself. Address GE&ROE- ST1NSON & CO..
Portland. Me. 21yl
JOYFUL News for Boys and Gtrlsil,
Tonne and Old ! ! A SEW IN
VENTION jiut patented for them,
for Home use I
fret and Scroll Sswinp, Turning;
Boring. DriHing.Grindinir, Polishing,
Screw Cutting. Price $5 to $50.
I Send C centa for 100 pages.
ZPHEAIM BBOWS, Lowell, 5ui.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions,
Hats, Capsy Boots, Slioes,
QueensiDare, Glassware, Cigars
tobaccos, fee-
Vegetables Sc, always on Hand.
Poml's old Stand.
Millions of Motkors express tBeir de
light over Castoria. It ia nature's remedy
for assimilating; tho food. Unlike Cas
tor Oil, it is pleasant to take, and
unlike Morpliine- Syrnpsr it is harmless.
Castoria regulates theBowols, destroys
Worms, Cores
Sour Curd and Wind Colic
and allays revorfskness. "What gives
koaltk to the Child, promotes rest for
the Mother. fJkildrenCryfcrPitck
er's Castoria. It is the most reliable,
effeotivo and popular arttclo dispensed by
Since Healing remedies have been nsed by
has there been known such absolute Pain
relieving agents as the
Qentattr Iiniments.
They soothe, heal, and cure. They
HEAL Cuts. "Wounds, Galls, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts
and Sore Nipples;
CUKE Pain in tho Back. Rheumatism. Scia
tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Ear-Ache,
Tetter. Pimples, Itch. Salt Rheum, and
all Flesh, Bone- and Mussle ailments of
Animals :
SUBDUE Inflammation and Swellings;
KEUEYE-Boil?, Felons.UIcers.SoreThroat,
Bronchitis, Croup and Quinsy ;
EXTRACT Pain from Burns, Scalds, Stings,
Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruises.
The experience of centuries has made tho
Idnlments, tho most speedy antj effective
curative agents for
the world has ever known. The Centaur
haTe relieved more hod-ridden Crip
ples healed more frightful -nrounds,
and saved more valuable- animals than
all other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts,
plasters and so-called "pain killers" and
"skin cures" combined.
Physicians and Veterinary Surgeons en
dorse tho Centaur Idnunents; millions
of men, women and children in all countries
use them, and Housekeepers, Farmers,
Planters. Travelers, Liverymen, Teamsters
and Stock-growers, arc their patrons. They
are clean, they arehandy, they are cheap,
and they are reliahle. There is no ache,
poln,orswolling which they will not alle
viate, subdue, or cure. Sold throughout
for 50 cts. and 81.00 a bottle. Trial
bottles, 25 ots.
Mrs. Julia McHairiWright's Book.
Full of practical infomntlon.
Theyoung house-kteper's gnlde.
The experienced nouse-Keeper s xrienu
ouso keeplnp. Cooklne. DrrHx, Accidents.
HicKnesi, ciuiaren. trorupnnr. -uarrmRe
T?pllelnn Morals. Monev FamlIy. Kiov
rnment, and u multitude of other topics
fnllv testpd. Tells how to make the home ItKATT-
TT:i!l. una HAPPY. "A book of more practi
cal utility will seldom, if found outside of
inspiration." unrtscum -itivoeaie.
Mrrnrnineveryoity homenV rich and poor.
riCCUlZLlin all cmtnlru home iU I oouna atul old.
Fine Paper. Clear Type. l!eut!ail Binding. Splen
did illustrations, dearly WM page. .Low price.
Sells ranldlv.
SIONS. Description and terms FJiKE.
J. C. JIcCCUDT i CO., rhlladeTphla, Pa.. Cin-
clnnati, 0., Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Xo.21it4
TO JAN. 1. 1880.
The Chicago
Weekly News
will be sent, postpaid,
from date to Jan. 1st
next, for 10 cent. This
trial subscription will
enable readers to be
come acquainted with
ths best and cheapest
weeklrintheU.8. In
dependent In politics,
ail the news, correct
market reports, six
completed stories ia
every issue. AfaTorita
family paper. Send
10 centa at onctrand
Set it until Jaa.1. 1880.
;egnlar subscrrptloa
price is 75cenUayar.
Address. Victor IT.
Lnwon. Publish
er, 123 ITlrtb Ave.,
To Introduce krevery.county' In thernite? States
The History of the Bible.
The best work to sell that ha ever been publish
ed, .splendid premium to every .subscriber
For circulars and tprms apply at once to the
JlKKItY BIL.I Publishing Co,
44,043 and 45 SbetucketSt,, Norwich. Ct.
A WEEK Iwyonr'own town, and
no capital risked. Yon Ci give
the builness a trial without ex
pense: The best opportunity eves-
onerra ror luose.wuiing to wont.
You should try nomine eie until
you see for yourself what you can
An n.t tho hiwinnts irf offer. No room to explain
here. You can devote all rour time or only your
spare time to the business, ana make great pay lor
every hour that you work. Women make as much
as men. Send ror specUi private terms and partic
ulars, which we mall free. ' Outfit free. Ixm't
complain of hard times while you have nan
chance. Address If. HAELETT& Co., portlandiafe:
Farm, Field and Fireside
Ig the best illustrated AgriculturaVanff ?amily Stc
ry paper published, is jfes-lttf every two w eeks, and
devoted to Agriculture. Live Stock. Sporting ot all
kinds. Grange Matters. News. Correspondence,
Domestic and Family Matters. Charming. Stories
Short and Continued, and tilled with valuable i ead
ins only I a year.
To get this magnificent Journal more fully In
troduced, we will send It tne remainder ofthLsvear
and the whole of l&?f). to any address, on receipt of
only o.xis x)(Ji.ij.'f .
To whom a CASIrC0nSf?I0X will no nald. Ad
dress at once FARM, FIELIf, AND FIIIK-
Milt ruonsnins tympany, aa .East Madison St.
Chicago, 111.
HOJrTHgcaratteed. Ji2adayat
home made- by the indu.strIous.Cap
ltal not required . we will start you
Men Women, Boys and Girls make
money faater at work for us than at
anything else. The work Is light
and pleasant, and srch as anyone
notIoewIlljnd, their addreiees at once and tee
for themselves. -ostly outfl to nd terms free- 2ow
Is the time. Those already at work are laying up
larcesums of money. -AddressTRUE&CO., An
gustaMe. ayl
. ",, or iinBewDoarewho v. tin see mis
A9miw1mlim n. NMMt)lUIWlM
C.II AJofcwiiatilnf
JP1AT flsTft
M " j lAAkfeBal4MMnMa,MIBMS,M,KnM
m Z- S A Pfr hw. trj5tsp4wMa, iv
V" 3 ..4me-.rr M-.23.a .
feTV TfcJ?SALUJ-i.A,'M.
Bupluees Is brisk.
Corn husking lively
Heaitb unueually goodv
Every bouse in town is occupied.
Tbe Hoover House is again in
full Blast.
T. B. Skeen nebougbt the Nes
bitt farm.
Ell Terry and family intend tc
reside over hid store as soon as It can
be got ready.
David Tourtelot Is about to build
a business bouse on tbe lot between
John Smith's residence and tbe shoe
J. A. Titus has commenced! to
build an addition to ills residence and
store building.
Bob Frost has begun work on
the foundation of the new church.
The carpenters commence uext week.
W. H. Hoover has had put up a
substantial corn crib to hold hierent
Johnson has so changed hia hotel
appearance that you would not know
it for the same building.
It Is said that Dr. Sage, the-discoverer
of the widely advertised ca
tarrh remedy, is about to locate in
this oity.
At our late election, C. C. Don
Hid and J. P. Crother were elected
Justices of the Peace, and O. C. Zcok
Assessor for the precinct.
Those Editor talks of spottGrs at
elections. That mam should better
mind his own agreements.
That the Chicago Lumber Co.
Will pU x-ou more Lumber, Lime, and'Paln
for less money than any firm In thoState,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
Nemaha-City, Nebraska,
Will sell goods as cheap as any home In
Southeastern Nebraska.
Nemaha City, Hfeb
U J'J.TIIL.Y' anocjjjtms
Keeps a varied stock of every,thlag3he peo
ple want. Call and see him.
mm i im
Nemaha City, Nebraska
Obstetrics a Specialty. Xlght Calls Promptly
J P potliep
Made and 'repaired a well as can bo done
anywhere, and at short notice
ZTem aha City, IFehrasJca.
Machine repairing and horseshoeing a spe
Centrally located; Good fare, and no trou
ble spared to make guests comfortable.
Good barn for horses and
.J. J3. BEES,
Good bngglcs and' horses," charges1 reas
onable. Best of care taken of transient stock.
Is hereby given that I will examine-all per
Bins who may desire to .offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of tho primary or
common schools of this connty. at the Court
House, In .Brownvtll. on the first Saturday
In each month. PHILIP CROTHER.
21 tf Co. Superintendent.
Unexce!iatf in Economy of Fuel.
Unsurpassed in Construction.
Unparalleled in Durability.
Undlspnfel in tlie SROAD CLAIH Gf lielng tlie
612, 614, 616 & 813 N. MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO.
Sold by STEVENSON & CROSS, Brownville,
9 Mm.Wmim'E;-
rrREAiv ,likk
J . 2J 'Jfc-V-Ssc & i "
z- 5- ; JZ--- 2s5S
Eminent Chemist's and Pfiysicians certify that these goods are
free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better results
than any others, and that they use them in their own families
LEMON SUGAR. A substitute- for Lemons.
The JSest Dry Hop Yeast in the World.
STEELE & PRICE, Kanirs., Chicago. St. Louis & Cincinnati,
In the County Court of Jferaaba Cousrr,
In the matter of proving the will of ald
John Jv Johnston. Notice is hereby given
that November 29th. 1S79. at 11 o'elodta.m...
at the oiEceor the County Jade of Nemo
lm County. . In Brownville. Ne
braska, ha been fixed by the Court as the
tliue trnd place of proving the win- of said.
John J. Johnston.deceased.when and where
nil concerned may appear, and contest the
probate thereof. JOHN S. STULL.
21v3 County Judge-
Dated November P, 1870s
-Hi deceased. In theCOunty Court of Nema
ha County. State of Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that an application,
has been, made to the County court of said
County to appoint Ellen Kl Johnston ad
ministratrix of the estate f said Mary John
ston, deceased, and that November 29th. 1879.
at 10 o'clock n. m., at the offlco of th-Conner
Jiult;e of Namaha Connty, Nebraska, In
Brownville. Nebraska, has been fixed by the
court as the time and place for the hearing
theTeo5vWhe:.ui where all persons Inter
ested may appear and content tin j-ame.
21wS County Judge
Dated November 6, lSTJX
(No. USD?
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue oC
an order of sale Ivued out of the DtstrloS
Court of Nemaha County.ytate of Nebraska,,
and to me directed as Sheriff or said Connty.,.
uponadecrcoandjndgme t rendered by said:
Court, in a case wherein H. ii. Blood wa
plalntltn and J. B. Marsh and Laura Marstr
were defendant, I will offer for sale, at pub
lic auction, at tho door of the Ceort Honse
in Brownville. In said Conntyron
Saturday, norrem1er3th, A. D. 18T9r
at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following described
lands in Nemaha County, Neorasfca. to-wltr
The northeast quarter of the northeast quar
ter of section twenty-five S, In townshlp
(7L north of range fifteen 15 east and;
known as lot one t J ot said section, together
with all the improvements, and prlvllegM-
tnereto Deiongmg.
Taken on saiu oraer or sate as me property
of J. B. Marsh and Laura Marsh.
Terms of sale, cash.
Dated, thl3 23d" day of October. 1S7.
No 1203.
O Notice Is hereby given., that by vlrtna off
an order of sale Issued out of tho District
Court of of Nemaha County. State of Nebraa
ka, and to mo directed aa Sheriff of said
Connty. upon a decree end Judgment render
ed by Bald Court, in a case wherein Charles
P. Denser was plaintiff, and A. H.GUraore
Administrator of the estato of R. V. Hutches,
deceased, E. A. Hughes. Margaret Jans
Hughes, Hanah Elizabeth Hucbea. Mary
Ann Hni?he. Clary Catherine Hughes. Ed
ward Thomas HuutiQs, John Joseph Hngbefl
Susan Merrle Hushes and Kose Hughes were
defendants, I will offer for sale, at publlcr
nustion at tho door of tho Court House la
Rrownvllle. in Mild County, on
Saturday. Novpm6er2011i, A. D. 1870,.
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described
lands, n Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wltr
The east half of the northwest quarter of
section tiveuty-e!ght2S.ln town.sMpflveol
nortli of range fifteen flSJ. together with all
the Improvements and privileges thereto be,
Taken omsald order ot sale as the property
of A. II. Gllmore. Administrator of the es
tate of K. V. Hughes deceased. A. E. Hughe,
Margaret Jane Hughe. Hanah Elizabeth
Hughes, Mary Ann Hughes. Clary Catherine.
Hughes, Edward Thomas Hughes. John Jo
seph Hughes, Susau Mcrrlu Hughes and Ro
sa Hughes.
Terms of sale. ah.
Dated, thfsiith day of October. 1379
19iw5- Sheriff!
No. 1213,3
O Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of
an order of sale Issued out of the Dl.strlcn
Court of Nemaha County. State of Nebraakr,
and to me directed as Sheriff of haid Countfa.
upon adecrtenndjndgmentronderedbysaas)
Court, in a case wherein A. J. Unger waa
FlalntiCUand John W. Uncor was defendant,
will offer lor sale, at publlo anctlon at the
door of tho court house. In Brownville, In
said county. on
Saturrtny, Xovem'ber 2a, 1879,
at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following dem-rlbed?
lands. In Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-'vrltr
Tlie undivided one Slfth (1-5) of Jha northeast
quarter of section twenty (20, In township
four (11. range thirteen (1SJ east, together
with all the Improvements and privileges
thereto belonging.
Terms of sale, cash.
Dated, this 18th day or October. 1S79.
lSwS Sheriff
No. 1177.1
O Notlco-ls;hereby Kfven, thatby virtue of
aud order of salo Issued out of the Dlstrlst
Court of Nemaha Coanty,Stato of Nebraska,
and to me directed aaSberlff of said Conntyr
upon a decree and Judgment rendered by
said Court, in a wherein Zadok P.Thorn
ton was plaintiff, Lyrtia IIc Daniel
H.Ulce, Charles P. Rice. Benonla Rice. Or
son Ulcc. Freeman Rice, nnd Sarah J. Bre'v
er were defendants, I will offer for sale, a
public auction, at the door of the court houaa
in Brownville, in said Conntv. on
Saturday, Xorrmher '-iOtli, 1879,
at 1 o'clock p. m.. tho following described;
lands, in Nemnha Coanty ..Nebraska, to--artt:
All or block twenty (31) In tlio town of St.
Deroln. In said connty ; also, a tract of land,
descrlbed as follows-r Commencing at tho
southeast corner of the southwest quarter ot
the northwest quarter of section thirty-one-(31),
township four (-f), north of range severr
teen (17), east of theslxth principal meridian,,
thence north eighty (fcO) rods, thence west for
the east line of the town of St. Deroln,
thence south elichty(Wj rods, thenet east So
the placo of beginning, except a tract con
veyil oat of said described premises as fol
lows: Commencing at the southeast corner
of the town site of the town of St. B
roln. thence north on the line of said town
site forty (4C) rods, thence east twenty (30
rods, thence south (10) rods, thence west
twenty (201 rods, snlijcct to the dower InteiesE
of Lydia Hlco. widow of Lorenzo Rice, de
ceased, together with all tlK) improvement
nnd privileges thereto beniglng.
Taken on said order of vide as the property
of Lydia Rice, Daniel H. Rice, Charles P.
Rice, Benonla Rice. Orson Rice, Freetnaa
Rice, and Sarah J. Brewer.
Terms of sale cash.
Dated, this 21st day of October. 1570.
18-5w Sheriff:
Bridge Katice
Notice Is hereby given that bids will be re
ceived at the ofllco of the County Clerk of
Nemaha County. Nebraska, up to noon of tho
20th day of November, 1879. for the building
of two or more forty foot span, wood or com
bination bridges, to be t onstructed on piling.
Bids to lucludo ?llls and setting: the
Ihe Board of County Commissioners re
serving the right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the Board of Connty Commis
sioners of Nemaha County Nebraska.
19-4w Connty Clerk.
E-5l0'TT3e?,'3- OO.
P ytp'attc
y JUJXixu3i
IOUE PERFUMES are the Gems of all Odors.
An agreeable, healthful Liquid Dentifrice: