Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 06, 1879, Image 5

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Lwl XuTicca.aet a ordinary readier matter,
rllltiechkrsedteneeiitatx'r Mne.eech InaerUon
l (a dlapl? uiK.&tlva col a liar.
Anlhorlil Atnti.
TtTata Barn ir a-Bthorised arenta at Nema
ha. CHx J rrc4v otrcJjji fur moul- dae u
Tbdhki Rer.laHrBtor1wl acrnt In CSlrn
KmIc prrttaet to rrearlre and receipt for rsonle
do ss est aabaerlptlou.
A J. Krrrc. lSi. nrl.inranlBorlilar;ent
tatitPi.torcrtTeu,crtptloiw and urtrer
ttelae. asdut select and receipt for moule due
i W. flavin-U oar iwlrorired Agent In Bentnn
y.rttittti.UirKiTt nd receipt for mimlva. due tt
ca sebfrertpttea.
The Colored Kefiuru Ouesliou Agiiln.
TLb-Kjuo i?.cuiueu'e AsocIh
liuu Uka lUia luclUuil ol tifcacullug
to tlilir ICIWX CUiZcUa lUc lUlefealfc
kUU U'lUUllluU ol lUcir UseUClulloil.
A lo weila.uovu, tue colored peo
ple of lUedoulU ltve Ucf;u tiiir2tlut;
to ibis Abate lut Vcrul !. II ley
couic iu lue Limjkj ol liuj.iuviug llieli
Cotiillliiiii. 5so luiiuueuieiils ere of
fered to UietU oilier IUU UiOBts uttered
Uui! luiiutgratila lo nor outig mid
growiug stale, wtioae policy veuureo
etjaul ntit (or all uUoe. Many ol
tlieiu arrived iu Uesiituit: condition ;
but our people, wall their uual litter
nlity, supplied Ihelr Immediate lieeiln,
ami ucxi-ieit them to umke a betfin
ninij. Early lust Kpring the iinnii
grutioti increased to audi uu extent
tlint private charity wa
Boat Io4ilof people, hungry hih! half
olal. left pnfi!!es upon the rlvr'a
bank, excited universal sympathy
and our foolrty wim the outKrowth of
a eenprnl demand for nn orirHiilzd ef
fort In their he-half. The firat Boarti
of T)TfctiiH comprised the Govern
or and other State nfnVer. whoae
faithful, wife and unpaid gprvlces are
fully Hppreciaied, and cnn-tJtnfM ne
of the hrifthteet chapters In our his
tory. Money and clothlne came un-
enirtfht from all part of the land, and
shout live thousand found honieH
Many of thexe were, nettled in colon
lex, and all of thnm are unw healthy.
IniliirtriouH. honpxt and happy.
But our work la not done. Many
mut tie uided dtirhit; the approachltiir
winter, or foiffer; and Home, prhap.
mot he fed until the harvest ! wrath
ereil next year. And n w are cretl
ihlv Informal, the knmlirration will
et In thjo fnll and next xprine larger
thnn ever, and w rnut he prepared
And vet our trurv I nearlv empty,
ihofontrihiitlnnaliftvineeradualty dl
mlnUhd. It mir he thnt other min
rt hxvo encatrd the puhlirt atten
tion, or hat the people are not nwre
of tlie nrenent nrpent need". Hence
we nroprtinnelled to mike fhB"B ate
menta. ami antral to the benevolent
'and nhl'snthronlo thrntihon lh
land; Tte neople of the Nation
onrh not fo lere to Toonn the hon
or anl tmrden of dolnir r rrea
wnrltn'on'tn the fotiir. Tfpolhe
th tide nf lmm'"raMon aoonld he
partlv riirned aolde. Rut t that e
lmPlhe. tle nionev ohonld nnl he
withheld. Our nttj.n ire repjdr a
ever to do their pa't. hut we desire the
oo-operntion of all. "
AH 'iii nd popplleo alinuld he
nt to Oov. John P Rt John. r our
Pcretrv. O. "R. Wheeler. Topkn
Knn AH aoppHea enf ahould he
marked n the Seeretnrv ran tell who
eoda them, and where thev pome
rnm. o their receipt can be prompt
Jy acknowledged.
A. n. JK7TMONT Pre-ldent.
Geo. W. Cakuy. lt Vice PreBt,
J. E. GlLnEKT, 2d Vice Prest,
J. E V it EEi.Elt, Secretary,
JniiN D. ICnox. Treasurer.
John M. BKOWN.Superlntenrtent,
T-PKKA KaB . Oft'dier 15, 1879.
Accompanying the above appenl to
benevo mi people, iu a list of dona
tions U thid worthy cause, with the
named of the donors opposite the
aniountrt given, from April 20th to
October 13, 1879. '. Iu some Instance
sums are credited jn bulk to the clliea
and towna in which they were con
tributed And the amount from
States are credited to such Slates. In
dividual and cities of tweiHx States
and the District of Colum' ia, have
contributed, making a Ilt "f contrib
utors of about 130 Individuals and cit
ies, who. have given sums of money
in vario-j" amount mnginfiom $1
to $1,531.50. The city of Cleveland.
Ohio, flaudat tJie'head of-the cities ;
and John Hall, of ; Westchester,
PemiHylvaoia, Is credited with $1,000,
stands Qmt among the individual
donors. The whole foots up $9.7fi7.48
The inrg8t amount of contributions
$2.974.07 came from Ohio. Penn
Bvlvauiti. $1,601 50 la aeood Maine
$3 has giveu least of the States;
yet she hat given something, and
more than Nebraska, which has giv
en nothing, according to this list.
"We'wlH here say, that iu view of
the benevoluBt reputution of our peo
ple, and the undoubted worthiness of
the oatue of euflering humanity, and
of this particular case, we rait jipnn
our goodpeople to give ir.mcthwg.
Give, if only the amalleM sum.
which iu some degree will alleviate
the wants of some huugry or. poorly
clad human being.
If any one feels like volunteering a
contribution for the. needy colored
people, and will leave what they have
to ulve with us, at the Advertiser
office, or wiihpnstiuHSier Hacker, at
the poatofllce. we will forward it Iu
safety, guarantee that it eliall reach
its destination, and due credit be giv
en. Bprague manifested a high regard
for the honor of his wfe didn't he?
It Is rather humorous to hear him
threaten a man who he ullegea he be
lieves ha9 broken up hisjioine, that
he will shoot him If he doe so again.
He has opened the door for all the
tattle aud gosilp of all the scandal
mongers of the laud.They go back
to the days of Kate Chase's youth,
ami they tell how this Btory was cir
culated aud that, and then proceed to
ay there wa no truth in any of them.
But the name oHhe wife and mother
Is in the mouth of every foul minded
person in the country, and they shake
their heads and roll their eyes who
never heard Kate Chase's name un
til laat week. Sprague has a ourlous
way of looking after his .'honor.' J
Cincinnati Timet.
Icec Waou Coniee ftcxtec.
A short time auo tne nun oi tue
universe wan vieited by a thunder
ftorm. aecornpanled hv a well-developed
eample of the Kannas tornado.
Many HveB were lost among th ship
ping along the Ma aehunetts coast,
and efpeeiallj In Boston harbor. The
damage to gla-n In the city of Bocton
was very heavy. The next day after
the storm one film, on Canal street
reported the sale of 2,000 panes of
window glass. The whole perform
ance was without a. precedent in the
memory of the oldest native. The
Murllinir uppearaiiee of the ky pre
vious to the bursting of the shower
warned travelers and pede-triana to
neek cover. Among the many care
lens nni i-aught nut in the storm was
George B , a young reporter on the
Buxton Telephone. He waauauubt by
the shower on Hanover street ami
stepped into a doorway to w 't until
the heaviest was over. There were
two Chinese washee-washee.- from
Howard street, and several less queue
rious looking Individuals, each and
all of hm itwouli be afe to say.
had not fnr a 1 -tiir time imck had any
very close relations with a laundry.
The r o f. 1 in loieuip, and soon
great hailstones truck the id -walk
and rebounded a few feet in the air
BuvhiuK out In the r .1- the thus!
astlc reporter got several specimens,
drew a tape line from his pocket,
measured l.em carefully and recorded
theexact flume in l memorandum .
Repeating MiU oppraton several
titnea, he attracted the attention of
some young clerks iu the ullice up
stairs, rh. luok- large chunk "f ice
from the block in the ice-moler. and
throw them not in the reporter, who
measured them carefully und record
ed the reoult. Every one in tha' door-
wav tt'j awe-Mtricken at the size of
the hail stones, and the did men
war- exliihitiui; eye of an unusual
roundness and prominence. One of
the chaps in the office accidentally
dropped the billance of the block of
Ice fiotn which the monatrous hail
stones had bean chipped, and it came
down and landed, on .the sidewalk
with an imraeuse crash. I' must
have weighed all of twenty pounds,
and spattered the water right and
left. Jo-l at thi instant con. that
awftl crush of thunder that startled
everyone that heard it, and of which
the pipers ojiok" next laj Thl- was
too much for John C'lnaman. They
both rau yelling up the street In the
driving luiu.tite Ur-t oin aaylug a he
uloird tbed -or w-j : v opce up.
hellee. Icee wagon comee nextee.
Good-'.y Jul. it.' - Dtlroit Ft c f'i ess.
m i
Woman'.-. Vote.
nf tv Grvfetiwooil -ay : 'That wo
men aie going to vote i? jus' &s Inevit
able a- the fulling of an avalanche
from an Aljdne flope. I mUft come.
Anybody who looks at it mu.t see it.
That .iiauhood -uflYage Include- wo
manhood suirrage, and tqual rights
and fqual wages and universal educa
tion are the logical results of our form
of government, I cannot couoslve
that there cau be a doubt. Uulean we
ko baok on the v, r) urln iplea of the
Declaration of Independene. theBe
things must be. They are the express
train of God's Providtine; a- ' un
less we make up our mind to "o along
with the train, we had belter staud
out of the way.'
The H v. Phebe A. Hatiaford : 'It
Is your (.vomenV) solemn, saered du
ty, as you love God und the truth and
human welfare, to seek the ballot;
and, having obtained it, to Uot it in
purifying our statute books a"d mak
ing them read more like the oracles of
God the -leventh o.unmauJmeut
aud the golJen rule.'
Julia Ward Howe says: 'This
edifice of the bleal.soclety has many
mifSioiiB, who?e doors open one after
another in the ruins of age. When
Providence has moved the mysteri
ous peal fiooi oue of these doors, those
who know the signs of he times
uladly enter. The crowd without
laugh at them iu loud ch rus, 'See,
these fools have gone in there! After
a while tbey halt and the lame aud
ihe blind hear f the new refuge, the
new belief ction, and 'make huste lo
crowd i ills .md i-rl rs '
Trees and Health.
Ev-r3'bndy knows that trees take
the carbonic acid thrown out in the
breath of men arul animals, separate
it into its compound parts corbou
and oxygeu give back the latter to
be used over again, aud woik up the
former into wood aud fruits.
It I- also coiuii g lo be generally
understood that fort-st trees do im
portaut service iu prcmntiug rainfalls,
and In helping to retain tlie ur face
water for springs, streams and gener
al U9CK
It i also known"th&t certain spe
cies, planted iu malarial localities,
help to reuder the latter heIili by
somehow using up the deadly mi
nima. It would now appear that trees
growing near .draiua cairy.utl' the,
sewage -water.
A gentleman, whose ces-draln
was constructed just like hi- neigh
bora' and In the saru; kind of soil,
had found it unnecessary to clean it
out, while the others had lo be clean
ed out frequently.
An examination showed that three
large trees, whose roots had penetra
ted into th& vicinity of his seeotid, or
waste, cesB-pool, were clearly the
channels through which the waste
all excaped.
Whether it was chnrjged in to plant
food, as h likely, or was exhaled
hrouch the leaves, in either case It
was disposed of with equal safet.
An idiot who lives near Lnwville.
and wlin eins himself 'Nature's Po
et,' bend us three foolscap pages of
jinnle, beeinnine: 'The forests are
fretted with golden fire.' All right,
let 'em fret. Uliea Observer.
About five thousand -women are
employed In Brltlth coal mines.
Eureka UlilVersiilife't'Ablocfiition..
Ozark, Kas . Sept, 6. 1879
In plirsuaace to artangaiuents, the
delegutes frcui the UnfverBall-t socie
ties at Greeley, Gu'rnett, Eliza'betb
liiwu and Ozark met at 7:30 p. m.
J. M. Vaughn was called lo the
chair, and A. C. G. dhockey as secre
tary. Atter a calm consultation, the fol
lowing basis Was unanimously adopt
ed I
I ibis MBbociuliou shall be called
-1111) Eu'iehtt (JulVcUaUel AaeOUla
liuu ul iluUeiBun Couuly, Kauut."
II lla oijeoU bbalt be
j?uai. luauaiaiu uiiuisters of the
(jiuopci ol Christ.
cjeoouu. To fooler free luvestiga
uoun ol intellectual, moral aUd tellg
luua cullura.
Tinrd. To build hiKiees for such
culture, and feVery such building
siiall tie freo to occupancy by any per
uu oTaiiy school or tenets wiio is of
ood repute, al.all Unite iieU Uot
occupied by this society.
Ill Any pereou believing In or
syuipathlztng with the principles 'of
the dual holiness and hapiuexH of
all liiaukiuil; and deal rous of sustain
ing a pure character, abalUbe.a mem
ber of this association, when chosen
as a delegate by any auxlliuiy iouieU
of this asociAtion. "
IV There shall be chosen, at "each
annual meeting. president, secreta
ry aud trea-uirer : l-o. flce triMeer
and a enmmittes nf arrangements,
which may be composed of the trus
tees, shall be elected annually.
V At each annual meeting each
(oci.ety ahall report U4tatun -f nieui
hers and the amount it will ril- pe
annum for th di-Memlnatinn of
knowledge among the people. 2
There" may he a minister engaged
each year, and tranta piirnhaed and
elven to thoae who will read.
VI This asociit!on may by a ma
jority vote. -t any annual "'eetlntf
heenine n noxiliarv to the Ty'v r
alist .onv- ntlon nf the Mate . f K''
n. 2 -Eaeh -mxirary rop!v shall
be entitled to two delegates t nil se
VTT "Tt'pee nrtlelp" nf compart rnav
h m"nrtp.l At ny annual meeting,
hr h mnjorlty of Its voters.
Ri M Llneo wv elected president ;
J N. Cliue, secretary ; J. W Vugln
treasurer: J. W. Broady. of Ozirk,
A. G. PerkiiH of Colony ; S. A. Her-
rlman, of Garnett; J G Itees. of
Greeley, and W. A. Johnson, at
laree, were chosen trusieen, und com
mittee f rratigements.
Tie.aolvPil That the committee n-gage-U"V
W PShoCkeyas minister
for current yea.
Adj, urmd. J W. Vaughn,
A. C. G. Snorrc-'Y, Ch'n.
Watching1 a Kifle Ball.
Three centl men member of the
Rochester Amatuer R tie. Club, on
recent afternoon w-reiu the town nf
Brighton target shooting. The dl-
tance was S'K var'-; nil three were
shooting Creedmoor-rifles From the
firing point to the target the ground
gradually ascended, so that n small
telescope, but a go t u fi ui.y fixed
to a tree, at a distance of perhap
thirty feet, made a flue point for ob
servation. One of the shooter, while
looking through theglas to maik a
shot of one of. hi companions ox
olaimed that besa the ball aa it j-ped
on-ita mis-ion, The announcement
was received with incredulity ; but
one of the other sjiooters went to the
glass, and ha also saw the hall almost
as it left the iiii, and through its
whole flight, nearly the whoW Hue of
its trajectory, until it struck the tar
get. Sm.le eling aud beautiful wai
the.slg'it that every shot was watch
ed by one or other of the gentlemen ;
and it is un actual fact that the point
at which the 'ball .would, strike the
target could be seen before the ball
struck. It was even insisted upon
that the ro u.otiou oi u.t ball
could ' observed
The Cuiuilii'' Chinese.
A new Chinese trick .has been dls-euv-red,
eny. the Sau Fianoisco
Chronic'e. A few daye.iince, on the
arrival ( a vessel from liouululu.
containing beverul case of china thut
had been shippril to. that portby
some Chinese house in Si FrancU
eo, and ent back uou-'eruneil by the
oouaigiiees, the cu-tom-houde 6ftitals
were curious to know the caime, and
this curiosity prompted them to open
the cases, when an ingeuiois plan.
was discovered lo smuggle opium, in
to that port through the heels of
1 condemned' shoes. The heels, at a
glance, appeure 1 uatural ami proper
it? m titif" f.t' r.fitlltlrr nit n 'null
j v . .: "mi
or iwo, .! removing oue tun sues
of leather, a hole, ocoupyjng nearly
the whole biz" o' the heel, was found,
into which opium had been placid to
introduce lulo the Hawaii! mar
ket. The ooudemued'1 buBineos
was a part of the programm , and
the shoes w?re returned evidently to
he reloaded and forwarded aaiu to
I hat port. .
m' m
Poor Grammar BotrayerI''HinU '
Erofessor Thomas, recently- con
nected wltluButJer University, was
noted chiefly fur hl& exactness in the
une of vernacular. One iifKht-he was
awakeued at an uuseumlngly hour by
discordant sounds of midnight rev
elry from the directlo-i of a student's
beu-roo:u. Dr.sriug himself hastily,
he hurried down the hall, and after a
few kuockB on the bolted duor to en
force silruct-, he called out, "HI, you
fellow in there! Ct-U'tyou make less
"Who's out-thero?J was the-'rea-
' Try
pons9. r '
"It's me." '' ' - ' f
Who are you'?M ' '?
"Profe-sor Thomas.' ' -"You're
a liar You can't fool us.
Thomas would" have- said. 'It is I.
Come on. boys, just onrif more."
Aud the etrains of Landlord, fill the
flowing bowl!" resonndeJ through
the house till daylight. The affair
wan never alluded to by the Professor.
Evening Auburnian.
The Sons of Temperance- riumber
about 90 000 in North America, the
Temple of Honor20.000. and the Good
Templari, whose order extends to .
many nations, number some 4-50,000. 1
a,,Suakc Bites. '
I had stopped br the-night at a ho
tel In Southern Missouri, when an
other traveler hastened in whose dog
had been bitten when a mile away,
and its throat was then swollen equal
iu size with its head, and the animal
was in great agony. Its owner asked
for spirits or turpentine, which, be
ing furnl-hed, he applied repeutedly
to the bitten part, until the dog be
came quiet, and by morning It was
well. This traveler resides in the
Ozark Mountain region of Arkansas,
where he hud, sa he said, witnessed
many such curss. not of animals only
but also of men. and he believed it an
infallible remedy If soon applied. It
quickly relieves the sting of a bee,
and may cute the bite ot a cobra If
immeoiately applied outwardly and
a little internally on eugar, a-i done
by the hunters amoug the Ozarks,
who carry it iu their pookets as they
traverse that region where snakes do
abound. N. Y. Observer.
Bee In'n Man's Ear.
FrdmtnoYor Pa. Dally.
We .'requentlyjbear of bees creeping
Into the ears of peip'e, which Is gen
erally attended with great dangerand
nntiaiderHble naiii. A cose of ihis
kind was reported to u last week. A
bee riilereil one of the ears of David
Llebenknecht. Of Lower Windsor
Township, anil although it would
occasionally work Its way out so far
h seen, all methods adopted to
eject it from its hiding place proved
unavailing ; finally, smoking a oi
ar wa p--p-Me J, and, by (iloinir the
nose uiid'forviiitf the smoke down the
throat iuto the eu-tachiau tubes that
connect vvith the head, it had the de
sired effect .to diive the Iroubhsome
insect out, and thus relieved Mr. Li
ebeilknechtfrom an further tiouble.
This i a very simpls und certain
"TheKia-in the Dark" wa played
as a far.:e by amateurs in Mount Ster
ling, Ky.. up to-the point where the
young mau kisses the pretty girl.
There it was turned into a tragedy.
The girl's real lover, jenlous of her
stage lover, and discerning that the
kissing was genuine aud much rel
ished, shot the otfeuder on the apnt.
The Aound was trifling butlt brought
the performance to u close.
'That's whete the bo,)t fit for col
lege,' said the professor to Mrs-. Part
luifton. pointing to a school-house.
Did they?' paid the old lad with an
imation. Then if they ri foreollege
before they went, they didn't tight af
terwerd?' Yen,' said he. smiling,
and f.i-orhg tLe conceit, 'but the
Ilht w i with f1i hwad, not with the
hunds.' 'Butted, did they? asked
the tdd lad
S.-e Lradville und li-. Rome iSen
tlnel. The advice contained in the
latter pait of ttie above paragraph is
almost useless a fellow, generally!
does, unless he's iuadeof melril and
lined wllli boiler irou. Elmira Ga
zette. i m
TthiH been said that whep you see
a parMi.n wearing his best clothes ev
ry day that he it gln down hill.
If this be true, all we've got to say Is
that we're traveliug down an almigh
ty lonn hill, (ttivgo Times
An ha- a plea-ini! article
upon "A Tramp's Preenie of Mind."
That Is much beitei much bettr.
We'd far rth, r have tramp's pres
fiice of mind than his presence of
body. Ro.-klund Courier.
In winter clean carpet- with dry
fnow ; nave tue room coot; HpruiRie
on the snow ; -cruh first with a broom
aud then aweep clean.
The only kind of cuke ohildren
don't cry after : A enke nf soap.
3 Sr-itiBtics show-that Chicago has 313
clergymen In good standing.
. W
I. 0. G. T.
Oct. 25th 1L79.
j J.. l-ll
The regular qiiaheily mteth.g of
DietiLodge., No. 12 will inv:t with
Pleasant Praiiie L t:e. No. 100 at
tlie Biatti . .hool hou-e, on Satur
day. Nov. 8th 1ST!), commencing at
h() o'clock, a. m. Lodges ar entitled
toouelHelegBle, for each leu members
or fraction of ten. G: W C. T. Ada
Van Pelt will be present, mid viBit
ihe several lodges iu the district, of
which due notice will be given.
There will be a public meeting In
the evening to which the putdio are
cordially Invited. Fraternally,
A. J. rKEEN, Dlst. Deptuy.
County papers please copy.
Since the foregoing was. put In type
Brother Skeen has reieivet notice
from,the G. W." C. T. that she will
beat Peru. Nov mher4th ;G'a t,5th ;
on the 7th she "ill he in Brownville.
aud thence to District Lodge.
Almost Young: Again.
My mtitiier was itll -iii a long time
witli-Neuralgia .mil a dull heavy in
active condition of the whole system ;
headache, nervous prostration, ami
was almost helpless. No physicians
or medicines did hranygood. Three
m onths ago she hegan to use Hop Bit
ters, with such good effl-ct that ehe
seem and feels young nein, although
over 70 year old. W think there I"
no other medleio fi' to npe in the
fnmilv." A lady fo Providence, R.
I. Journal.
The widow of Alexander Cambell,
the founder of the Cambellites or
Chrlotlan Chnreh. la living with her
Bon-in-Iaw, Col. Barelay near Hllls
boro, Alr.
The bop erp of E iglaod is po light
that the E glish brewers will be
obliged to ue the American article.
i m
An Indiana Presbyterian minister
has srone on a strike. His-n.otto Is no
pay no preaeh
Illinois reportstbut Mule over half a
crop of apples this year.
. j r r .
UEWTdSFKAfc f Oc'25t 1879.
Editor Nebraska Adyerttser.
Thin king Vhat a few lines from the
Arkansas 'Valley mlghl interest a!-
portion of your readers, I will en
deavor to give you a'falnt Idea of my
Impressions In relation lo this and the
surrounding counties.
We arrived in Newton one wee"k
ago,' and have since been spending
our time iu looking ovej this and the
adjoining counties.
Newton is the county seat of Har
vey county. It has a beautiful loca
tlon, near the centre of thecounty. It
has a live, enterprising population of
about three thousand, and contains
some of the finest business houses
and rewidauces that I have ever seen
In the west. It ia on the Atchison,
Topekn & Santa Ft B. R , oue hun
dred and tbrity-five miles southwest
of Topeka. Thegurroundlngcountry.
including Ibis county, "parts of Sedge
wick, Butler, Chase, Marion aud Mo
Pherson aouutle, is as fine a body of
farming lands as any one need to see.
Yet, all things considered, I do not
think them equal to old Nemaha.
This Is a winter wheat region, and
there Is a large area sown, generally
looking well for the sess-on.
There are conslderablo amount of
corn raised here, but the yield Is uot
so good as lu southeast Nebraska.
Buyers are paying 20 cents per bush
el for it here. The greater portion of
It is shipped to the mining regions of
Stock raising Is a good business
here, ami I haeseeu some fi e herds
of cattle and sheep In this part of the
Till part of Ktnsas Is not so sub
ject to drouth as the Suiok HHI ami
Republican region;, and therefore is a
much more desirable rigiou for agri
cultural purposes.
Settler here have a yet paid but
little attention to planting orchards,
consequently fruit 1 -carce.
We had Ihe pleasure of meeting our
old fellow-citizen, Parson Moore, who
residbs iu this place. We have met
several ol it acquaintances here'which
were surprises to me. - ti
This Uvunty is strongly Republican;
yet the Democrats and Indej endents
now aud theu succeed Iirrutining iu
a mau the same as with us. Hoping
to be home in time to vote the straight
Republican ticket, I remain yours,
-! W. Briikie.
Forest Tree Seedlings Osage
Hedge Plant-t;ruiic
I have the sale of a large stock of
,jioreBt Tree beediinxs, Orage Hedge
Plants, Grape Vines, and General
Nursery Stock. Most of the atouk I
haveuiven personal attention lo rais
in". The bnlanre Hedge Plants ami
Forest Tree SpedlingH were raised
near, in an adjoining State. One and
two year old apple t ees pan be had
direet from Nursery rows. Ever
greens the same.
Rout, .FrritNAS,
Rrownvjllp, Nebraska.
Get out Uoors.
The close oou(iuemHiiirll factory
work, give the operatives pallid
faces, poor appetite, languid, mis-ru
Ide feelings, poor blood, inactive
Oliver, kidneys and urinary 'ronl.les.
and all the phyoipians anil medieine
iu the world p.annot help them uiile
they get out of doors or ue Hop Bit
ters. tjie purest and hppf remedv. e
poelnlly for soph caes, having abuu
danpe of health -unhpp and rooy
fheek1 In them. Thev post hnf n ri
flo f?p nnothpr column. Christian
Uecorderi t
Hume Grown Trees and Vines.
I tiaVe a good supply of well kuowo
and wesieru tested .ipple Trees on
aiid two years old. drape Vines
and Evergreens, all grown heieiii
tlie soil in whtcli they stand. Cmm
und have your trees dug under your
own eye.
Osage Hedge Plants.
One million Osago Hedge Plants for
Get. trees, vines and plants when
you are ready to plant them.
Robt. W. Furnas, -Brownville.
Itemedj: xa
, nf!IIni ton tar
1 Scmlaml Vf k
aeu, Spcrattor
rhe, Impauacy,
UlAt follow UIH.
atteae. of B.lf.
Before Taktr. Abu:uixar AfterTaklnr.
Mxatrr, CnlTtnal Luiltult. rla la Ut Biet Oloaeu ot
TUicn. Prtmttart Old i(,ad nu; other Dfteuei that
load to Inattj orCosnmptloB.uaa Prtaacare Gran.
07 rU pmrtloaUn la oir puspiln. which wo detlrt U
Mad frtt by mail to tnrj one. CTTht s jdfle MtdldneU
oM b all trottt i I per poclif t, or ilz pcki(t tn
IS, or win b kbi free bj csoil oa receipt of tte aaarj bf
iLMcmxxKt, Zukx, Dmtn, Ukm.
-So(l In BroVL.iiic ju i.uij iaio
by all druggists. 6yrl
A flne assortment ef Type. Ber-
ders. Rules. Stock. Ac,
Colored anil Bronzed Labels,
Circulars , Dodgers , Prog ram m es .
Show Cards,
With neatness and dispatch
Cheap ob Ixfebiob Wobk
Carson Block,
I nnr ,If.l3S'tpp3snRedsl.ueeell
! I K hUlV-N Woof 4tRols..jiUr SBS-7ctav i- book, ontst
..-. . ...1-c to... . -.
teat free. Daniel JbMtenttr. WnslilMgton"J 1T-
xia..7.i. jiiusiruieu ntsi.aLit?
AtJXTS WANTKIrortbeIfj(anil HattntstU-
ing Rctprial teocs Hnd Bibles. Prlcva reduced 33 per
Cf fiKiwutmil monatJiiK va.. untcago. liu. v.
returns Id 30 days ou 31 00lnested. Of-
CctnlHeponsar.dlnformatUinfrce Ue
iTrohiswecklj-on btoc)ciiitloiiorjiuioio. Ad!re
T.Fotter Vikt tV fo.rBnker-.y Wall at.X.Y
W All I til) canvass Hrnwnville Jt ail
'oinln(rtawns lor the bentselllnKhoaseho'd artlc'e
In tlie world Tip top profits. v lie at once to World
Main 'HCtnrlnK fo. 12Z Nassau St. New York.
LUrvurrxituim -cV
KoaaBrr'b-UtM-'. "Ir
vn, KMm, A Ktwrw
I Seni tump for our Nt w
' ntaitntMtCitiloriie.
Active parties to act aa
UenerM Agents for the
salepfour speclaltleaJJus
laess respectable. Goodli
sell ptdl We paj-a snlarjr or a liberal commls
iion en sules. Krxu S tGtt ioS-i00 a month can be
rnada by live men. Hare chance for makins mon
ey. Aauresa j.5.jicllealt A: L.'o.,
138 Clark ijlreel. Chicago.
Warranted to kee pickles for years.
Thirty-one years la it arlcet.
Consumers should Insist upon seeing ourbrand'no
the barrels when bli Ing- I7w
CpBtlt34'iciejJon- JCV LUST ill .
mbl lnnn UaJors Etfl STfl ttSt? i
and UiU, EpAcieu, Ci-'
Cti cootalns 85 pages of
nONtniAUJrlPfVV " Tl
CURED. A almnlo vecetnhlo rr-mnAv
tOT the ipttdy and ptmantnt curt ot Conffoinp-
ana uvng ujtcuont. Also n. .positive anil
radical cure for Ncr-. ona Debility and all
Nervous Coaplalr.ts. vAicA hat btm ttited in
tKouanUof cotes. liecpo-wltU full directions
lay lad tislncr, sent by mill free of choree
en receipt of stamp. Pu nam ihU paper.
WCT.BHERAB.Ua Powtn'Bloet JoeheitarJt.T.
-Ag-ents Wanted
L"iuu nisu up jvjxuw lirnr iiufiims uri
Sa ind Io-t iu a day; lum-ilirewpd men are
g mined in Wail rttree : how "couturymen"itre
-ll f Ilillww.'i rtv rH4triof- hnu mlnldtavu .. H nta
cliants are hlackmnlled; how Vamlerbllt uiude
eight i millions orrtollars: how gambling bouses ,t
lotteries are conaucte-J : now to make and spend
money in New York : how millions are fed dully;
how the rich anil poor live.
ltena una lenrn utmui rew orr Dankerumerch
ants, broken. Kift swindlers. gnmulers. Howery. el
evated railroads, TutiibH. Hrooklln bridge. Central
Hark, with biographical sketches or A.T.Stewart,
James Gordon Beiinett.Koh.-rt Bonner, the Aslors
Vanderblit. Urew. (Jreely. Bevcher. TultuaK and
his Tabernacle. FIsk. J. Gould and many others. In
short all about the Wealth ai.d poverty the mystcr
les and miseries ofNew York. Complete mirror or
Ihe Metropolis as It Is to-la.
Over 900 octavepaues.wlth full-page eiiRravInss.
Mow It the time Tor energetic men and women to
make money. Agents are averaKlng trom W to 60
orders per week. Vor terms addre-s
The t'rtiI.IIIINR CO.,
!Sw4 ilartford.Conu .or Chicago 111.
l"TIie "Celebrated
lIiiisic. House
W. 'W-. Kimball,
' M..Q t
Km "! ' .
Or Chicago,
Keep in stock a fullllne of
For full particulars, terms&prices,
call error address,
J. R. DYE, Local Agent,
3S.rMa .Lippitt,
rT -V Ut' ' TT--V T-
JrOWnVXUCs - - lUeuraSICa.
Pipes, Tobacco. Cigars. Musical Instruments, Patent Medicine,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Foreign and Domestic Marble, Monuments,
CTZTTl A I TMrCTPiMC AU oriler?!?Ryv, 1,ileil.ands..itljfctJos.Kiiarautt?i
brtLIAL ULbiUUO Office and Yard, Main street, between 6th nml 7th,
FURNISHED m. m. conner, jYovatnoidgou
Open Hjum, Ucatcr, CoL
TV,nvir nmr hni lmiUtlnn nf40r)ll- nrfftt
Twenty veurs ago Denver a sm:ill tni'lfti?
nnmcrouH Chnrclics. Hotels. The.Ucn, Strcet -
I'll I H'll VH I VV .1 .lAlllilll .&! aai
rk n BakUIW.w ; v; r-fe warxautcb
vik BA K .B'BsaA Mr W ob ICKfc.
- m. i jiiB . m &r H n
T WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. 1
r I' I'l M H Sa 8 ft. rTSi
i m M wP M in Q ti Si
lflHHi25is-125 PEETilra
Sliver Smeltlnt: and Uerlutus Works, with a tutted M;tis m mc, arni i tnc prww '"
Center of the West, There arc seven First-eln UiiirmtN nowniualnEi ml nnectl np
with all the Principal ami Branch Hail roads fiom ilalne o I nUPniiiu . N be I niiitalof
Colorado, naturally the richest State in the Union, and locate! in aljont the geographical
center of the Oultcd SJatcs. The climate Is chartnln. w Ith thr tvt water ami innest Ur
in the world, and the scenery is unescelle-1 r.r beauty awl r.r-er It m"2i !.
by the nchest Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron Lead, and Cad ilme; initl AgiictdU.rtd I--dslu
America. It is now the headquarters tor Coiorwlo, Kroia-.. Aebia.ls3,ew Mexico, vj
ominz, Nevartm Arizona, ami Northern Tex-u. The itch r.ilnnd an' .pilcultural re-ourte
of this vast country will make Denver the largest und we tlthicst city In tLe t
As tho tide of immigration is now !i this direction, it is the CompnnyN Interest to havo
people locate inDcnvcrand on the'rpr ncrty. Tucucoaraecenug nilon heie.Utt-Compnny
win mve to anyone seuum; uieir u. i i:m huui--u ............ ...... ... -. ---
one or more lots in 1 in WcldCotmty.HiUeoCto.o.iidjMn ImmciUato
view or this beautiful city, the only i ...irj;c tMiw'ffoiiorir.llarionay tne Nolan- I tiblicfces
. n.i.nn.,,i nmi invMtii T".. i nmitnii v i!of"t not ur.eevcrY lot awm , oui
each alternate one, and does not expect that ev
will come here, but a Krciit many will, and they
fi ..V.. .. w. . w. .x..
creased population will soon maKe mis property very vaiHume.aim Kim . ui1i.i.jv.
each alternate lot, which they hold at prices varying from 5 10 S5C0, nccotri jn to location.
anyone to'settle or 'improve, but with full power 10 ttansrer and deed to others. The limit
Y'i "...; -. i.M..,imnil,.,.nr ti.infTnr i i lots. This nrooerlv 1 not lull
For this reason thealiovc projo-.Hion is made.
Hitle.inoiintniii.or swam'ii, but it level, fertile, and lias advantaiar. for building,
upon too numerous to mention. Kull aud at factory iufonnatiou, wilh iudoemema
from our beat citizens, will be furnished.
T. VT. C. Faseees, ConctT Clerk ana Eocorrter within n ' sitl Connly amf Ptai, do reby etrtiiy
lo tho aboTO and foresoini; to rw true, and titl coraplot J . . laml thrin dwniwl accwxling "
rrccrM in nt office. I ftirther crrtlfr there a'e no altrc traincrirti of jiHttmrot, . tax or JJnrr
Jeiai utandini sgiinst said land. Iu tcsUmouy whereof I bivo hereunto t laj hand aud atoxed mj omcial
Jeal th 2d day 0f August AD. V. Q BIEBS, County Clerk aadBcordr.
is.i n.r'id0:"- INSTRUCTIONS.
This Company will send by return mall, to
i:UC or UI1S paper meir iiiinira, x . v. iiuu.i-7,
County and State, plainly written In full, a clear
warrantee deed to a lot feet front by li feet
denn in North Denver. Colorado, clear of all taxes.
Applications forcity lots must lcaccompanleu
with one dollarforeach lotto pay cat of making
nml nrl.-nnwlMlfHn'? deed, oostace. etc. The lots
thDiimn hnKold antl trausferreil at your pleasure. A'
21 . Hoirf Mntf In thi world.
,jj ...v. ..V..t...... ..,...
of the V. S. and Camidas.
lligb actwvl, lXunr, CO.
The Only Remedy
and the KIDNEYS. I
This combined action aires itican-l
derful power to cure cut diseases.
Whv Arft Wp. Rinlr
iTj m' . 'ui' " mm.
Because we allots these artat omans
U become doffoed or torpid, andi
poisonous humors are therefore forced
mw inaowoaincx snouia oa expeueai
by causing fre ac'ion of these omans
and restoring tlicir voucr to throio oif
Why Saffrr Hilton pains rmd aehrst
I lThy rrisUtoacdOTcrdisorderrd Kidneys 1 1
ii uj cn'iare nenuiu orM neauacjicax
Al Iiy Iiare sleepless nights 1
Uit KIDNEY "WOrrr cr.d rrjolce in i
health. II it a dry, teqd&U cxnfo'zzdand I
One pacLacewCI mol.oIxqlaor iTcCclae.
Gtt it ofyvtr Drr'f, j 7 orCer iS
j or yoj. j: .ce, i..xj.
-Bins, rr'aa 4 a., ?x&d
1uiii?w.j iiurUaslon. VI
Ihe Pares land Best 3IeliciaceTr made
A eoraKa-tloa of Koo. Bneba. Mandrsie.
nd llarti?fl?i with r .f .X- t . . J7T-Jkc
fi tnd Uaadclloii. with
Mf lr ?Trt ftf Af .11.'. fc. . ..
l)Ct ud ot ca-B
I -i--'"-i-iii.tii3rjsja3 Ulcere; t-B
1 Ilestonn- A-ent oa tarta.
-SlE?JS ?.r?y Jojw --
EaroticiropcicSoaT -'
laty 1r aw Uf xad rifm- fa tat rtd ul Ixirm.
To all whcym?nliiiiii if. .-... 1 t. . .
... . --rj " .. it.uijr.i7n.
BttioOOTelj or unnarTorcxns.orwLo nl
1 Aivfiti Trtsf ai :i.f 1. -..""
areiarilaailewlUautlutoxieariiier tultKr
sssflsssf sawB-wBT-S i
no ciaiuTumE Trtrrr Tun-M .. t
rr t ' 1 -j.cwt wiiu too ocir icu
ftaTw-rAntifi rtl,..Mi . .T "J I
500 xrHl be mid for nuti. -jti - ..
help. ponotiniirernarUtTocrirJcruliauirtr.bTit
OMaiuiaemtonMlfcpBitXersr '
Eemeracer.IIoBitteril.nnft. .i. . i-
ea nosfjpa. but tho Pnrf-rt and Etst iitrads-i rrtr I
u w muuj uuiua LO WiUOtt UX1& I
Get Hae tal Iy. V.-mJJUI l
Vnor Cocoa Cmosls tho sTreetest, saTest and beat. I
I Mt.v.2XZl.
3.Juoi-x-AirorstO!aaca.UTerandZIdnrTt.. E
rrioaaothera. Uareabyalaori.tloa.AA(&t. !
-j, use ci opium, tetxxeco and narcoU xz
oUbj-dTOju. l?S.vn5tfeC.Eitr.X.rv
Sr4 for Cursor.
-WAGON MAKI-XG, Repairiug.
( . Plows, and all wor&doneln tbebest
taannerandoa short notice. SAUatrftion Knaran-
viiTBUiaiacau. lS-ly.
Ijtnll imDrovothlsoniortunitytoM'Curealioiaein f!
i. tki
l.h. Jliut. fenrtr. lot
CltlCS are t! C OIlICTtWlll Ot KITUl IVUIlimn.
iks: on !iu fnmlie .now it I. a lnryeclty.
t v. with
nllro - uls Oas-wo'ic, wwcwmiAu, "
irAlai '!! I ll liaavix. -.-- c -.
v- , fc- -- - v ...--.J,. t-i'.
cry ncioa wno ccxv a j.i inform j.
will induce their rricncU to follow 1 he in
'rin tlomlsrn? iincoiiilitloiiid. not renulrinir
any one sendlnc within sixty days from tno-
Deeds scut to anv narl -i
Address alt Itttcrs to
..... -
ST., DKXVIIK, COI Onreflhenunrtborttwfc
j vSSffit !.. fAfld New l)rurtur i MJ
icl ScUec. aa retire If
New aiil poirfifcljr tiftel
iv Rianif hr th p4r
uj pvrmani. C ur i
Bemtnal EmUslona Ac
Impotency tj t of
true vxay. viz: Direct
.ADDlioation to to Dn-
cipit 3at tb Uti, -iwi Lj- Absorption, s4 axcrt
i c iri if-Tfic leftrrstra oa the Seminal Vcnti'les, Ejao
ulatory Dacu. Prostate 01anci,axl Urethra. Tb t
of the KeyteJf lfer iJ" witU on piu or iBtAhitmcftce. aii
doet sot iAlrfir uf the niaary purtutl Me; ft
r;iiKity tlimolvei anJ rtoo attorld, prodMix aa Imme
cSiiitO foothiar aid rcitarative rtfect upoa tar msiuI and
Bt?rTou oratm4tio wrecked from wlf abuse aid eircaitt
ttyinj trc drain from th tjitrw, ririap in znind to
hc'h and icund memory, remoTior. ih Dimnem of
Sizht, Nervous Debility. Coxxfusion of Ideas, Aver
sion to Society etc., etcaJ ibv arovraBc(ir prema
ture old aj?o uali acc-j4fvrnTinr liit trovMa.aad reitor
ire perfect Sexual Vlor, Un H aa bea dorraaat for
yrarx Tbi ovxJ of trcaliueat hai tUzd tie trt ia ferjr
iTerc ease, aaJ it now a froaed tcca DrUfTS ar
too much presented m thct trottM , and, aa maar e tear
witBffU tit. with B4i attlt If aor proa0t e;rod Taer ia ae
NoneBe aloot thi Prcuratioo. TrattKat otscrratirfB naU
ut to (4Murclr fcuarantee that It wiu ru e atia fact! oov
Lorlcf tha ieht jear that it bat ben ia. xeaeral ate aar
thCMtai U of fctimailt a to Its value, and it i anvr conceded!
Lr the Jlrdleil rrofrtwon tn be th nioir raflotial meaes jtt ere 1 nf reacfiinr aad cari t&it tctt ptwltmt trtlr
ttit it werl kiwwi to W the eawt of aatoW talMiy to to mas,
and opoa urban QuaCiS pry vim thfr otcIw sattrvrnt aad.
bfff leeo. Tha Ktov-iy j,ot so in a?at lmtr oftSrve aire
Ho. 1, (esouta to IU a nwoth.) S3; Ifo. 2, (tufCeieat fa
effect a persiaacsf carv, aslctt in eire umi.) S3: No3,
('aslior; over tttre n atbt, will tf eoaliftto aad rcitor
icr ta the- wortt ce i S7 by bim) sealed fa plaftk
wrapper Pull DIRECTIONS for JJlue wUl accom-
jwray .Abu ukjj.
ena v r a uew , uif rimpnei iiBjr ABaiofnieai
the Bwnt taeplKaJ
Biannooa aau
ONLY by thJ
r affected
Market and Eth St. ST. LOUIS, MO.
A Inr. Dt. aaJ cnrlpl. GnM. tr.'j.iHr with un 4krt
I..Uow,r chlpur. A nnrxltat
VVomiahons.lctlMMrarVir. CriJmitti
r '' Virimly, Trufn-mc.rt. cuiiliUi
and iaeoDuliWr. Mtr.lrtjr m W.m.o,
tVif ei. ,n ttKi. CelAur xkI JI.Irm..T com.
pr.i tor cr' tf.l.rl, toKtptws, raaiif.fl Vmit ,aS
I ourteH.p la-f diacnti In Mxtrurr fc ud IhoV, 3tic
er RcjiTOjocti a 'inr'e U m tn4ttmd. Law at Mami(l,
""J! "r: Ltttl njf t uarril wrmm,ttt . tntlud
it Ctaeaaea revtirtu Women. thr r-nwi an4 trtai-mrr-
A font ferpn rate ajltaihlraterraJir rSSOpa'ca.
wh fxH I UU Lnjrui.f.. tj aua.1 ak J, fer &0 c Ma.
on Sjrphllla. Oonorrbcea. Gleet. Stricture. Varico
cele. r . alw wr hpennatorTrioea.exrial Debility. aa4
Impoteac7. frana Vi!i ami ticet-n. ca.wr Smiaal
rjaiiunm, .HfroBMcfi AiiriMi fo Soewlr. CaFaaMa or
Mcai. fhtaml Drcaj. Uiaincno 3iiif.Tl.(,i.r ileaaorr
Lnaa cf ro.rr tc . naku.; xtrtutt impritr r
iibappr. Kiar trcaKMet. aat a rrtil uit lai.aMe rrcpt.
Inr fie eare ut all prmtt docxaet , 24 pain, ir 00 tUt.i
COccati. . '
A leere on iTan hood i-l 'Wocianhood. 10 1 ; or air
tkrt-mreKrlTiakl -Iib. JJ Tr cvalaia 000 ..
ao.1 orcr 100 Uluatrationsv tattieirg errrj. ta oo ,ke.
rtaeratHa ar.trm I .t i w.rtk kaii.itf aftrf anorb Hut ia sot
rxiUiatal ia ur tkr work. Tk CMnotrcl bo ia uiii-tia-lr
te DMtt Ixwlar Mlical Bo.. iUuIm aext Ikoordu.
aittarwj alrtr ftno;ltcai fcaar lhr aooy rtfuttiri. Tbo
Author aa experienced Pla-iaf iii.T j.ara Lrae
Iict 'aa ia w,H tn axi tae . al nArt f.r-t-ealsarat
UJ doira. ..IIU h 4 "( rmt a.laclo&oae aaf
fenae Iraoa laapannra of Ik aartrm, tarty rrr-.ra. leat airr
or ay of fko a.m.rMa li.oWra cofai.c aarfcr Ibt ti of"
- Private "r-Chronic- diMaata. ,, TO.
. or tosft't' ui om. lor Prite ta 5taaasa. Srt.rr or Cr
rec Koew.1'1, onBdirial; aO IrHera ar. 'rr-nftlr
aal (ruklj iail wiWiout caarjr. ) Addreia Itr. Ill lt
DNoen.ary.12N !.SUSt Loo.a'jlo (t.uuw IOC ,
Cj-Fcr sals by Newt Dealer. AGENTS wanted.
RtrriRC u nl hin f..r luti ul aUrraa. A
b.V T. """ "T rrara 9
tMctth-lig to lie r advautaee Not a Trass.
Frltate H.imt.1 irt
S Ctar St. t-Htaaro. I
A w work, price SO
eenia kr mail. Mrato
rlei or Saiarr. fbjai
oJ t ataniate, Or
rn. or O'Deralloo,
mea of Youth as
Uanbood a -faJta or
cbvlce ao-t aalaablo la.
f.naatlun or iaternl
tftbolharlea. etkltc
oCeasir. ta aod tat
ai d reaoeioeat. IaSar
matioa aeaer befor N ramHT
ibauM be vHaoot It.
t'a-W'aa. Dr. A. O
OLIN SB Clark St.
' LJ-3preluy a'l
lrla,i. C Srrolc and I
PtBlla Dlaaaa. !
Coao!caiim free
LaJaca aod Gen le I . .
mra. aeoj one 4. ar LJ-1
for aamplea it oe.t I rt
rubber roajt.a&l j r-y
aaTJkle ial&mation C 3
beirr.a Kella.' r'
ble reaale Pi.:-. ; f .
ur Un. IMiale
noa n.t aim fur J-La-I'ea
dixinj eoa 3t
fianairnt. I C
S4 ill I W TThfVtOr '
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