Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 06, 1879, Image 3

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Tbiak.zlTinr Proclamation.
The following proclamation was ie
oed by the President:
"At no recurrence of the season
which the devout hhbit of religious
people hag made the occasion for giv
ing thanks to Almighty God and
humbly invoking His divine favor.
bn the material prosperity enjoyedJ
bj our whole country been more con
spicuous, more manifold or more uni
versal. During the past year, also,
unbroken ceace with- all foreign na
tion!, the general prevalence of do
mestic tranquility, and the suprema
cy and security of the great Inptitu
llfta of civil and religious freedom
have gladdened the bearta of our peo
ple and confirmed their attachment
to their Government, which the wis
dom and oourage of our ancestor bo
fitly framed, and the wUtlntn and
courage of their descendants have so
firmly maintained, the habita
tion af Liberty and Justice to auccem
Jre generation.
"Now. therefore, I, Jlutherford D.
Hayes. President of tho-United Slates.
dr appoint Thumday, the 27th day of
overuber, lntant, as a day of Na
tlena! ThanktglviDg and Prayer; and
1 earnestly recommend that; with
drawing tbcmcelres from secular
care and labors, that the people
ef the United States do meet together
on tiiat day in their respective places
of werthip. the 'a to give tiianks and
prale to Almighty God for His mer
cies, and to devoutly beseech their
'In witneii whereof.I have here
nnte et my band and caued the seal
af the United States to be affixed.
"De at the city of Washington,
tfel3d iay of November, in the year
of r Lrd one thousand eight hun
dred and seventy-nine, and of the
independence of the United States,
the one hundred and fourth-."
Hlthekfoud B. Haves.
By the President:
War. Evarts, Secretary, of Stat.
Meaiphl. vbat Is left of it baa got
evesthe yellow fever.
The ttftl expenditure of the pos
tal ervioe far the last year was about
Jacob Abbot;, the author, died at
Mi r-W8e nt Cumberland, Md.,
2 . jeI 76 ynaw.
Tk nbiicn majority on the leg
islative vt in Ohio is 17.SI4, an ex
oes of tSS aver the majority for gov-
New Yrk electa Cornell, Republi
can, Gverr. Of course we cannot
give Mie majority yet, but the latest
nwa lafc&tes 40.000.
CSaecal Grant vri welcomed with
ft plead W m1 fitting ovation by
OenmltH. It w mn well don a lok
a ?rralreJit to our State;
M. A. 3rcLeAQ. Chicago, was bit
tea by a mad dug about thre months
;, ifcd at hydrophobia lait week,
three days after the dUea-e attacked
a -i
An Mtajt whisky distillery was re
cently JbuHdand broken up In Chica
. It wa running under the name
of a clycerlne and patent medicine
One f the matt appropriate and el
oquent 3idrese made durlng-the re
ct meeting of the Northwestern
MUktnary Asaeiajlnn was by a col
ore! man from the South.
TheOkoloaa States penUs-of the
National Klas, as "Oie dirty rat;."
Ab! we hare extract from over fifty
SMithern pper Indors'ng the De
ancy of the Okolona Slates.
m m
Potrpater General Key. ha issued
Itructina to postmasters at Nw
Yrk City, Louisville, and New Or
Ieas awt to rent boxes in their otli
cc9 to lottery companies or lottery
Mfalipl I ft Nation, with a
big N. OfeeJtna Southern Stale.
re!!et Grant will send General
Sbrrttan dawn there ono of these
2ays. umd fence in your Utile nation
ami civp It to the darkles for a tater
patn wllli a. little p.
We raut blazon State Sovereignty
on ajr banner iticludiug the Im
mortal right of Sec ion and NuIIi
ficatto. Obotna State.
That U what the Democratic stump
ers have been doing In this county
r Use Ut two weefc. and that is
what all the Democratic ticket.
itrnuMsi-e any worklngman orany
jh-h in Cilifornm. but I won't se a
rK. Gcseral Grant.
O. t-ti Ul. though.
Y will o one vrv tlm that!
ynm Imtz In year mirror. Okolona
If the North is not nolid for Grant
raw it will be ere another year. Ev
ery thing i- wonting like a charm.
Zch Chandler load for bear and
brins bis game every time. In his
ipfcb at Flushing he saldr "I do
think that you have in the .tate of
NW Yark.'ln the person of Samuel
J. TtW3. tho blgert fraud that ever
Mr.! on the face of the earth. Oma
ha Republican.
Not oaly a fraud not only a most
nncrapnleu(t politician but a dl
hoae: man In his business relations
vitb bl fellow-man.
Tt! a atraoge thing that as soon
m rebel ar pardoned thy will
tern anond and try to justify their
tronabIe act. Seward Reporter.
In that portion of mankind In which
bo ne of gratitude Uts. we find
ihHgHc nae. warmed to life,
tc, and the ptrabollo hog of scrlp--tore.
before whom, tbe good and gen
roa ars warned not to cast their
jr!. Upon wid thought it Is
sot very 'rnr;e thing" aftr all.
Found Dead in His Room in Chicago.
His Sadden Denth Caused by a Cere
bral Hemorrhage.
Chicago, Nov. 1. Senator Zacha-
rlah Chandler- of Michigan, wa
found dead in hia bed at the Grand
Pacifid Hotel this morning. He bad
been speaking iu Wisconsin, and last
night addressed an immense audience
nt McCormick'8 Hall In this city, and
spoke with his usual earnestness.
After the meeting, when he and Sen
ator Logan and Hon Jesse Spaulding
were sitting in his room engaged In
conversation. Senator Chaudler com
plained of indigestion. As be had
complained of the same distressing
feeling while en route to the city with
the gentlemen, Mr. Spaulding sug
gested that he remain over In-tlieoity
until Sunday night; but he eaiJ his
business affairs required hi attention
at home, ami the order was given to
have him called in the morning at 7
oVIock. Hi- friends then bade him
good-night and left. Thar Ip the last
time the Senator wasspen alive. This
mornlnsr, when the office boy called
him, there was no response' So, up
on renetltlnn. the clerk effected an
entrance through the transom and
found that the senator was dead. The
body was not quite cold, and a phy
sician who was present decided" that
death occurred about three hours pre
vious to the discovery. The face look
pd tTflnquli, allowing, that death was
painleBs. The Coroner will hold an
inquest. John B. Drake telegraphed
President Hays the sad intelligence
about 8 o'clock.
From a partial examination, Dr.
McVickers, who was culled In, Is of
opinion that death was the result or
sudden congestion of the lungs,
brought about by a cold which was
contracted at Janesville.
Sorrow because of the sad event is
universal and genuine. Flags are at
haif mast upon the Pacific and other
hotels and public buildings. The
Tribune Is also iu mourning. The
Republican County Central Commit
tee aud Federal officials, together
with members of the Congressional
lelegation from thin State, the Union
Veteran Club, and; the bead of the
County military organization, hud an
informal consultation at the Grand
Pacific, to tender the Bervice of ap
propriate committees, whenever the
relatives of the deceased Senator shall
arrive from Michigan.
The epeeoh last night Is pronounc
ed, by those who were familiar with
the Senator's campaigns, as by far the
most vigor' us and able of all hia- pre
vious efforts.
Chigaoo, Nov. L The following
resolutions were presented at Repub
lican headquarters this morning and
unanimously adopted :
"The Western branch of the- Re
publican National Committee-, the
Republican State Committee, Cook
County Republican Central Commit
tee, and the Republican Campaign
Executive Committee of Cook Coau
ty, speaking on behalf of the Repub
licans of the Northwest, and of Illi
nois, aud for the County of Cook, rec
ognizing, in the sudden decease or
Senator Chandler, of MicMgnu, the
Chairman of the National Republican
Committee, a great publio calamity,
have adopted the following preamble
and resolutions:
"During a public career of thirty
years Senator Chandler baa exhibited
such splendid traits of patiiotic and
honest manhood as to command the
respect of the whole couulry. In his
public oareen- he pursued no end but
the public good, and was Inspired by
no motive but an Intense love of the
whok' country. He hated oppression
wherever lie found it, and counted no
con;equenceB in denouncing the op
pressor. He never bartere-i away, a
right, and in governmeut was satisfied
wl-h nothing abort of absolute just
ice, ne was a great tunn- because he
was a true man. His opinion? bore
the final test and are now upon the
statute books and embodied in the
organic law of the land. His intel
lectual and moral courage neverquall
ed. and bis convictions-and friend
ships were. In his very nature, patri
otic to tho lieart'score, with n head as
clear as his heat t was pure. His pub
lic lifo was uieauied merel by the
publio good. Wise in council and In
trepid in action, he wan a great leader
and a great man. He died full of hon
ors, and hN lat publio utterances
were for an honest governmeut and
an undivided Nation.
Therefore, resolved. That1 wo de
ploro the decease of Senator Chaudler
as a great national bereavement, and
a Iss to the councils of the Republi
can party of the Nation which it will
be impo-i-lble to supply
Jlesolvcd, That treasuring his last
f-palri.itio appeals, no l.iglwr honor
can be paid hia fame and memory
than following to the uttnott Ins wlso
and ?nrn?9tcoan9e!tH
Jiesolvcd, That we tender to the
family of the great Senator our most
sincere sympathy In their ovrrahad
.i.r nminHnn niUhpps resolution!
nnd preamble be engroesed and foi-w-nrdert
to the family aud friends of
the drczased family.'
Emblems of mourninir are now on
nearly all tbe public offices and tbe
President Hays, through Secretary
Rogers, sends h " patch that tho an
nouncement of tbe Senator's death Is
received with a deep sens of the
great Ios? tbe country has sustained.
Meetings have been called by vari
ous organizations to take suitable ac
tion on the sad event. Telegrams of
condolence are- coming- In froa all
parts of the West.
Gear. tbe-R-publlcan candidate for
v ' . . . .... ,
Governor, in fowa, received a plural
Ity overthe Democratlo candidate of
75.000; over the Greenback candidate
of 100.000: majority overall, 25,000.
There was a Republican gain of thirty-four
members of the Legislature,
and-the Green baok representation in
tho lower hou was reduced to- one
He Strikes tlie KeyOfote for 1SS0.
In his speech at Paleron N. J., on
Saturday last John Sherman said :
"Now I want to serve notice on the
democratic party, that the republican
party baa resolved upon two- things,
and It never makes up its mind upon
anything until it Is determined to put
it through. We are going to see that
every lawful voter iu this country baa
the right to vote an honest ballot at
every national election, and no more.
If the democratic party stands In the
way, so much the worse for it. If the
south, rebellious as it is, stands in the
way again, we will protect every vo
ter In hie right to vote, whatever tbe
constitution gives the right to vote.
We Intend to protect voters in the ex
ercise of their lawful franchise, so
that ever j. man shall have the right
to vole freely. Local elections must
be regulated by state laws.
"Southern voters may cheat each
other as ihey please iu local elections.
The republican party never trenched
on the rights of atates, and does not
Intend to. Whenever uallonaLofflcers
or congressmen are elacted, those are
national elections, and, under the
plain provisions of the constitution.
the nation baa the right to protect
them. The republican party Intend.
If the present law Is net strong
enough, to make it stronger. Great
In the south 1,000 000 republicans
are disfranchised. With the help of
Almighty God we intend'to right that
wrong. CongresB has a right to regu
late congressional elections. The
Tweed frauds, reversing the vote-of
New York state in 1863, led to the
nafeSDtre of the first federal eleotion
law, breaking up false countfH Then
the Mississippi plau was introduced
In tha south. If congress was purged
to-day of men elected by fraud and
bloodshed In thesouth.the deim crats
would be iu a pitiful minority iu the
capitol. At the last session the dem
ocrats tried to repeal tbe election laws,
and were met by veto after vetofrom
the staunch republican president.
Then they tried to nullify existing
laws. We must us firmly resist nulli
fication now as when Jackson threat
ened by the eternal God to hang, the
original uullifier. Calhoun-. We muBt
ha e free elections. We are deter
mined to assert the supremacy of the
United States in all matters pe-tain-
ing t. the United States so enforce
the laws of the Unite"d Stales. Come
what may we will enforce three laws,
and make nullifying congressmen
and their allies obey tbe laws,"
Seatkof Gen. Joe Hooker.
Garden City, L. I., Oct. 31. Ma
jor General Joseph Hooker died here
General Hooker had been In hf us
ual health until an hour before his
death, and purposed going to fcew
York to-morrow to attend to business
matters. He gave a large dinnerpar
ty at the Garden City Hotel on tbe
25th. and lias seemea to bein the best
of wpirlts, and to enjoy social inter
course with his many friends-as fully
as at any time in his life. Hk took
his socuslomed:walk-ln the park dur
ing the afternoon and did not com
plain of feeling ill till about 4 o'clock,
when he retired to his apartment aud
summoned li Is valet, who helped him
to a sofa, where lie rested, about an
hour. Ho then rose and busied him
self about hi rooms till, at 5:45, tbe
valet, hearing the General struggling
for breath, hastened to his side sod
assisted him to lie down upon the
bed, at tho same tint?- ringing for
help. The hotel. superintendent hur
ried to t'e room, but when he arrived
the General was dead.
Judge Pound gave tbe Grand Jury
of Littncuater county some good advice
iu tiia churga a tew days ago. He
udvined lheu i iguortMtll petiy oases
which could be tried aud settled in
the justice courts and to find no bill
against any one on mernlv hearsay
testimony. The testimony being nec
essarily only one side of the case,
should be such a, if uncontradicted,
would convict on trial. Many per
sons have suffered great injustice by
being indiorprf on the slightest ap
proach to toptlmny. which upon ex
amination in open- court proved to bp
no testimony a' all. Tf our judldary
pvm mut be encumbered with
this urand jnrv fraud. I should he
made as harmless as possible. Hast
ings iVfl.V" skan
We Indorse nil the- above. The
greatest humbug and mot expensive
swindle c nnecled with the judiciary
system is the grand jury. No mistake
about It. We think the accuser
shonl I be made to meet tl e accused
In theop'-n twirl, i itead of clipping
in before a secret inquisition to give
vent to an opinion that bis neighbor
Ii guilty of soint crime. It is tbe
common business-of graud juries to
listen to puoh trash.
There is an oooasional Democrat
in tbe Sou.b.tbaS begins to realize the
situation. The Memphis Avalanche
awakes to the situation, .iid confess
es tbe terrible crinB charged upon
the South by tbe Republicans, and
denied by th- Js rth i. copperheads
generally. The -rtrafaricfie euy :
Southern democrutio leaders are
beginniug to realize the ituits of
their folly In welding a "solid aouth"
for the democratic party. For four
years the crack of the Mississippi
shot-guu, Iu defence of democratic
principles, has been heard without
protest. No protest to this barbarous
mode of enforcing a political dogma
has ever been breathed by any pioin
inent Mississippi democrat. No
compunctions of consctenoa ever vis
ited the La mars, the Singletons, the
Hookers and the Barksdales, ontil
they discovered that n south made
solid by violence and fraud had made
a solid north for the republican party.
A solid north bids the southern dem
ooraMo leaders pause. But it Is too
'' ' ' ""'" hn nnade,
and James Buchanan will atiil re
main tho last demrcratio president
for all time.
Ohio now stands n good chance of
helne represented In thf United States
Senate hy a Repnhliean instead of a
Democrat. Counctt Bluffs Globe,
Ah, yes. It do look a little tbat
way. Grflem for Instance.
Tllden Taxes.
New York. Oct. 30 The examina
tion de bone esse of James B. Colgate,
of the firm of Trevor & Colgate,
brokers, was continued to-day before
United States Commissioner Lymau,
hv tbe suit against Samuel J. Tilden,
to reoover arrears of income taxes
Witness refused to produce bis booka
and papers, and was taken before
Judge Choate, in the United StateB
District Court, who beard an argu
ment on the matter,, and reserved bis
decision until to-morrow. Witness
examination was resumed, but he
could not recollect pny stock, he pur
chased from Tilden. By looking at
I hia books he might be able to refresh
his memory and answer that question,
but be refused to. do- eoi. and" would
give no reason for his refusal.
Tbe Solid South isn't caring a con
tinental blank-cartridge what tbe
people of the North may or may not
think of the retributive wrath that
was visited upon Chinlm-, or the
popular uprisings in Yazoo. South
ern States.
"The Solid South" will be sick
enough for Us indifference- to crime,
before this game Is played out. No
party oan poFsIhly prosper whose sole
nourishment Is innocent blond f and
whose hope of perpetuity Is baspd
upon its opportunities to cheat and
defraud by force and cunning rascali
ty a portion of the people out of their
guaranteed rights. Thepe opportuni
ties will be suddenly cut ehort at no
distant day. Read, in this paper, our
extract from John Sherman's speech.
That in the doctrine founded upon the
Invincible Rock of AmerlcanNm.
which finds an approving response in
the heart o three-fourths of the
whole people North and two thirds or
the people South. It matters not
how they vote. When it comes to
the te.t they will be fuuud'for tbe lib
erties of the people.
Inter Ocean : The Wilmington (X.
C.) Star copies the following from a
letter said to have- been written by
a prominent Southern Democrat and
member of the last Houee :
I, lor one, would be glad to see the
Democratic party disband, and unite
with the Republican party in the
unanimous selection of some man
who would' give-to the country a rent
from the howl of faction, and wouM
even be glad if the two parties would
throw up all their quarrels and unite
up:n Grant. With bis wide-exp-r-ience,
I am sure that he would be
more conservative, auir-.belng elected
by votes of both parties, would make
a titrong and impartial executive.
The Star admits that the views set
forth prevail to some extent; iu the
South, but believes that Grant is too
much of a radical to find favor
among Southern Denjooratsv.
Stat Journal: JYhv Omaha Herald
wants it recorded, that VillianiH, the
coIored-Bepublican elect to the leglfl-lat-irp,
iu Cincinnati, ran 2.-05 behind
his Hcket, andwas crrried irrby sheer
recoraen, tnar nat of 27ipurmh-fIB"DeSr TSlJlCT III l!lC City.
oan votes in Cincinnati, only 1.1,00
scratched off the colored candidate's
name through (prejudice of color,
and voted'ibr a Democrat only four
percent. which shows lhatr the Re
publicans of Cincinnati are pretty
solid. As It waa, there were morf
men by about 950 in Cincinnati who
preferred a colored Representative to
a Democrat, a good decent majority
in such a city as Cincinnati, a bigger
mnjori-y tban.the whitestRepubMcan
can get iu ordinary elections. Let it
be recorded as a proof Lh&t Cincinna
ti's) head ie-levei.
North Caruliua Invites General Grant.
Washington. Nov. 2. An invita
tion has been f.eut to General Grant
atCbiasgoto visit North Carolina iu
Deceuibpr, or such other time as may
be conveninnt. Tbis iuvitation if
from Judge Settle, and other leadiur
Republicans. They promise- him a
boom 1'respeotive'of parly. Demo
crats from that State soy they will
join in a Grant provided
it is non-partisan. There are- many
Indications of a strong effort to ii
Grant to"m.ike an extended toui i.i
the South this winter.
Gen. Grant has alpo bpen extended
an invitation to viit Louisville, Ky.
The bonm" is npreading Soutiiward
Jhn Montgoiueri and Charles
Riley, fir robbinsr the po&tofilce at
Chesinut, III., 24ih ult., have been
sentenced br tbe U. 8. Court, to 8
months imprisonment in the county
Thos. Dyer, Syracuse county, I1U
has been sentenced to ten j'ear in Hie
penitentiary for asfeault with attempt
to co.nmit rape. -
Henry PercivnT, Covington, Ky.
has b?n arrested for InceBt with hi-da-jghler,
14 years old, upon- her in
formation. He it 72 years old.
N. O. Greenfield. Syracuse, N. Y
has had three trials forJmurderr which
has cost the couny $40 OOft
Increase in National SauECircnlation.
Washington . Oct. 30 The nation
al banks, partieufarly In the West,
are Increasing their circulation very
rapidly, and the Bureau of Engra
ving and Printing is being crowded
to furnish the.notes. Thl- month the
increase will b- over $3,500.000v
.1 rlvol of llrnrn finld.
New Yorft, Oct. 30. The steaTi -
abip Amerique brought $900,000
French gold, and the Abyssinia $550.
000 British gold and American gold
Gen. Grant has accepted the infla
tion of tbe oldiers to be preseat at
the soldiers' reunion at Indianapoliu
on the 20th of November.
Flannels, cassimeres
and yams, cheapest in
town at Lawman's,
Millions of Mothers express their de
light over Castoria. It Is nature's remedy
for assimilating the food. Ualike Cas
tor Oil, it is pleasant to taie, aad
nclike Morphine Syrups, it is harmless
Costoria regulates tho Bowels, destroy
Worms, Cures
Sour Curd and TfJ ind Colic,
and allays Feverfe&suess.. "What civet
health to the Child, promotes rest tor
the Mother. Children Cry fcr Pitch
er's Castoria. It is tbe most reliable
effective and popular article dispensed by
Since Healing remedies hare teen tued by
hag ther bn known such absolute Faia
relieving agents as the
Centaur I,inxments..
They soothe , Heal, and euro. They
KEAIj-Cnt. Wounds. Galls, 01d-Sorcsf Bro-
kcn-breants and Soro Nipples;
CURE Pain in the Lack. Rheumatism, Scia
tica, LumbaKO, Ncuralsia. Ear-Ache,
Tetter. Pimples, Itch. Salt Rheum, and
all Flesh, Bono and Musclo ailments of
Animals :
SUBDUE Inflammation and Swellings;
BELIKVE Boils, Felons.Ulcen. SoreThroat,
Bronchitis, Croup and Quin?y ;
EXTRACT Pain from Burns. Scalds, Stings.
EroaL-bites, Sprains and Bruises.
The experience of centuries has made the
Liniments, tho most speedy and effective
curative agents for
tho world has erer known. The Centaur
Haro relievod more bed-ridden Crip
ploe; healed more frightful wounds,
and caved moro valuable animals mnir
all-other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts,
plasters and so-called "pain killers" and
"skin cures" combined.
Physicians and Veterinary Surgeons en
dorse the Centaur Liniments; millions
of men, women and childrcniin-all countries
uso them, and Houekcepers, Eormers,
Planters. Travelers. Liverymen,. Tcauwteis
and. Stock-growers, are their pitrons. They
aro clean, thcr anhandy, they are cheap,
and thearo reliable Theio is no ache,
pain,orrwelling which they will not alle
viate. subdue,.or cure. Sold throuchout
for 50 cts. and 81.00 bottle Trial
bottles, 25 cts.
soda pop;.
Nothing In any Shape Intoxicating.
and everything
Temperance BilliardKall,
George !Klien9
has re-opened his biiJoh"r''p, and keeps
constantly on hand
and all kinds or
Bologna, Pork in Casing & Loose.
Liver Puddings and Head Cheese
n specialty.
Highest market price paid for
Boot and Shoe
TSjS. a. IK E.IR.
Having doneht the cus
tom shop of A. Rotlon,
I am pr-p-irrd to-do work
of all kinds at
Reasonable Rates.
3-Repatrln npatly and
Shop No. 62 Main Street,
KrownziUc, Nebraska.
Tnls ma btnelsgnsTsnu-ed iu i's prps-ntcom-prcicims.tonjetibeuantof
every ho senort for
either domestic or fancy work : Is simple nntf Jam
ble In construction. easily kept lniepulr. and will
knit a "locking with I eel and toe complete In from
5 to In minute-, and article of any desired shape,
size, or materia! can be easily and quickly knit on
this machine. Tbe mscSlne is warranted to be In
perfrct order and to do jn-n what is represented.
Each machine IftHccompnoietfby a book of WI "
luxtrated IrulruelionM hy which any onecan learn to
operate tbni. GOOD AGENTS VASTFI) with
whom tbe bst terms will b?mle. All orders ana
communn!cationsrinul t bf addressed V
D VNA BICKFOltn, Pr-s'twnd Oen'l Art.
lSyl CS3 Broadway. ?Tew 1 -rlc
yeatly printed atthtsofflc.
irsf National Bank
O F-
Paid-up (Jajyital,
General Banking Business
on all the principal clUes of tha
"United States and Europe
On approved secnrlty onrr. 7hne Dran rthcount
pd. and special accommocfattwwgrantwlto deposlt
Revived parnble'ondcmanrt.ftnrt IKTEREST al
lowed on time certificates ofaeposit.
OinKCron'.-'Wni. T.Pen. B. V. Bailer, if. A
Handler. Frank E. Johnson, Luther Hoadley
Wm. Fraliher.
V.R.T)AVISO:if.Cashler. President.
William H. Hoover.
Docs a general TCenl Estate Bnslncw. Sells
Lands on Commission, examines Titles,
makes Deeds, Mortgage, and all Instru
ments perlalnlng to tae transfer of Real Es
tate. Has a
Complete Abstract of Titles
to all UealEstate lu Nemaha County.
Worker In
Wood and Iron,
nt the old place, foot of
promptly repaired.
All kinds of
done to-order, and
Satisfaction Guarantied.
has removed his
Sewing Machine mporium
Where he has put In a new line of Cbolco
He will tell yon anything, la the
Sewing Machine
Or Grocery Line
Call and see that $1(X'
Light Running 'Domesttc'
07, A.TBAT.H
is now proprietor of the
and Is prepared to accomodate the
public with
Gentlemanly and accommodating clerks
will nt all times be in nttendance. Your
patronage solicited. Remember the place
tbe old Pascoe shop, Maln-sL,
Bvoivnvillc - Nebraska.
At Tlio
T. Lu Jones
is the place to get
Fine Cigras,
Toilet Soap,
Canned Goods,
Fresh Butter,
Etc., JEtc., JE(c,
We also keep all tbe best brands ol,
flour, and everything nsualfy kept In i
a flrat riasBroc"ry store. I
We have In con
nection Willi ou
Thn h at H tiroes an nlmnut milveral demand
from learners, for the Jet Black Olissy InV owl y
l-adlnc penmen. It flows frwly. wrrantc1 Dot
tocorr deonanvkinio' mtall in. -.nil will not
fade of mold. It Is ens ly made. Th materlaU can
be had anywber a a mall ensf. Price of Itwlpe
sntto any address, with fntf rtlrec:lns.M cent,
nostuce blimps Tcnrnncy. ArfrtrK. LSHEL-
LABrJtQKR. BrownviUe. Xemaia Co.. Keb. IIW
LlrerrStable In connection with tbeHoase
49-&tei offlw for all points Kast, Wt.-C
4-Norlh&5onth. Omn'hasos to"S
49-connect with ail iralns.-O
That the Chicago Lumber Co.
Will sell you more Lumber, Lime, nnd Tain
for less money than any firm In the State,
MOTIONS. Eto , Etc., Etc.
Nemaha Cityr Nebraska,
Will seil goods as caenp- o& nny houso in
JVMithenstcrn Xebrnka.
TflTJRTV? CT 3fJrtjrTE and lomoairecteil as SlierlffofaaM County,
& y&ASLvf &6 ZlSi&.vl &. , uponadeoreennUJuUKme t rendered hy said-
I Court. In a cive wherein II. II. Hlixxt was
plaintiff, ami J. B, Marsh ami Laura Marsh
weretfefendunt, 1 will offer for wile, nt pub
AC1TCDII 13 CD P U I UniCaa lie nuethin. at tlwidoor of the Court House
Pert L HAL mtnbnflnlLliOL InBrownvUfc.mKHM County, on
r I
W """",1 BABW,Alii tm.a,
W,ml' GK0Ci:ttiES Sat
Keeps a varied stock of CTeTTthlDjp the peo
ple want. Call and see him.
L. ffl. FOSTER,
mmufj i SURGEON,
flcmaTia City, Nebraska.
Obstetrics a SpIltT. 9lght Calls Promptly
7 P. Gvofhev
Made and repaired as weir a can be done
anywhere, and nt short notice
ITem alia City, NcbrasJca.
Machine repairing nnd horseshoeing a spe
cialty. J. J. BENDER,
Drug's and Mediclnos,
Also Books.Stntlonery. Oils, Taints. Perfum
ery, and everything usually kept
In drug stores.
Acmaha City, Nebraska.
ity Hotel?.
Centrllv located; Gootl fare. and notron
hle spared to make guests comfortable.
Good barn for horses aud
Ch ares F Reason able.
J. 33. iise;.
fiood bupoles and horses, nhareea- reas
on able. Best of care taken of transient stock.
The old Barbemhop ?fo. -17 Is now owned
and run by
J". !R. Hawkins.
It Is the best fitted shop ln the city, and the
place ls.'generally patronized by tho
people. Mr. Hawkins keeps
no assistants who are not
Experts at The Business,
and gentlemnnly and accommodating- In
their conduct. All kinds of
dono'promptly and sallsSictlon gnaranteed.
made are alwnys In preparation.
Bridge Notice.
Notice Is hereby ziven that bids will oe re
ceived at the office of the Couuty Clerk of tonoolhofthe
2flth :ay of November. 1879. for the building quarter of section twelve H2. In township
of two or more forty foot span, wood or eom.,'ve 5 nortn rff rnnK fifteen (15) east, to
blnatlon bridges. tober onstructcd nn plllntr. lather with nil thi- Improvements and prlv
Hlds to Include piling and setting the ' n(Kestliereto befonziriK.
same. Taken on salit order of salens the properly
The Board or County GonimlsMnncrs re- nf Artam E. Trayer. WIlllMm H. tlarrls and
serving the right to reject nny orafl bids Tahltha J. Hurrls, UU wife.
By order of the Board of Countv Comtnls- Trms of salecash,
sloners of Nemaha Connty. Netraskn. Dated thin 4th day of October. A. P. 1879.
County Clerk.
19 4w
Unexoeliad In Economy of Fuel
Unsurpassed In Construction.
Unpara!Ie!sd in Durability.
EVZ3 0?rEa3?03 7E5 P3IC3.
612. etc, 61S & 613 H. MAIM
-' r '
-L- ' j&i.-C?. fc.
Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these jrooda aro
free from adulteration, richer. mo8 effective, produce better results,
than any others, and that they use them in their own. families.
The Sett Dry Hop Teatt in the ITorld.
STEELE & PEICS, Manirs,, Chicago. St. Lotus & Cincinnati
Aaraa Palner.. Holt. Joacrca
Palmer & Johnson.
FirU Boor TTnr or the OW 5atToas! 2aa&
This Arm, havlnst flttetl up these rooms tcM
rnn a flrst cla reatanrarit, where eoo4"
wnrra meal can behKd at all hoars. They
give their customers tbe &t vlaai!s In the
market, lnclndlne fresh ousters served In
l-any manner called for.
Try the New Restaurant
All Ordprs for an Express left KHh
Thorn will lie Promptly attended to
(No. 11S9)
Notice Is hereby given. Xx byvlrtne ot
nn onler of SHle lsuttl out or tlie Dtntrlct
(?mrt of XeniihiiOtiniilv.St.iteof Nphnmkn.
Saturday, N crrera'Mr 29lh, A. D. 1S79,
(jatnrrfiT Xor(mVfr29lh. A. D.
, .).i.V- n m th r.illnn'lni.
i o'cliu-k p m., the followlnp de
lnnd.s n Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wlt:
The northeast qunrter of the northenat quar
ter or section iweniy-nve &), in iowutnip
(71. north of rano flrie-n 15 east and
known a lot on?(iotn!d section, toother
with all the Improvements and privileges
thereto belonutui!.
Taken on wild order of sale as the property
of J. R. Marsh and I-aura .Marsh.
Trm of .nli eah.
Dated, this 2SU dnr of Oe'obrr. IST3.
Richmond V. Black.
19w5 HheilfT.
No 1203.
2ottce Is hereby given, that by virtue of
an order of Rale Issued out of the District
Court of of Kemnlm County, State of Jf ebras
kn. nnd to me dl roe ted ns Sheriff" of said,
Connty. upon a decree and" Judgment render
ed by said Court, in a cae wherein Charles
P. DeiiMr wa plalntltr. and A. II Gilmors
Administrator of the estate of B, V. Hughes,
deceased, E. A. Hnehe. Margaret Jnn
Huiche. Hanah Elizabeth Hushfs. Xnry
Ann ITnhe; Clary Cather'iv IIUKhes, Ed
wnrd Thomas Hatiheo, John Joseph Hitxhes,
Pnsnn Mrrrie Htiiihr and Hose HtmheM wera
defen-innts. I will offer for sale, nt publio
austlon at the door of the Court House iu
Tlrownvllle. in said County, on
Saturday. Nov ;fier 30th, A. U. 1870,
nt I o'clock p. m., the followlns decrlhl
Innds. in Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wlt:
The eat half of the northwest quarter of
section twenty-IithtlSSI.In lonnMilpflve5V
nortli of rnnue fifteen 1151. totetber wlthall
the Improvements and privileges thereto be,
Taken on said order nf-sil. as thr property
of A. H. Ollmore, Admlnlctrator of the es
tatoril. V. HuphPs.decend.A.E Huahes
trfjarel Jan? Hiiuhe. Hanah Kl'xabthi
HrjfhPH. Mary Ann hughe. Clary Ciitherlna
IIugh-. Edward Thnmm Hughes. John Jo
seph Hughes, Susan Merrlo Hughe and Ro
sa Hughes.
Terms of sale. cash.
Dated, this 24th davnf Octobe. 1ST9
19 -w5 Sheriff.
No. I21X
O Notice N herebj' given, that hy vlrtne of
an order of nle Iskiieii out of the DNtrlcw
Court of Neniahn County . Stale of Nrbrjiykyv
ami tomedliectel nnHhcifr ofsald Countld
npn adecrvenndjudgmenrreiideret by si
Court, In a cns wherein A. J. TJueer wat
FlulntlfT. and John ". Unser w.n defendant,
will otfer lor sale, nt public auction at tlio
donr of the court liouse, in Urownvllle, In
said connty. on
Saturday, Xovmilifr 32, 1870,
ft 1 o'clock p. m.. iIih following; decrlbl
land". In Neinnha Connty, Nebraska, to-wlti
Tlieundivldelone fifth (I-5)tf theimrthesat
quarter of HtcUon twenty i20, in township'
tour (V. nvnne tlitrteen l'tj east, toueiher
wlih all the Improvements and privilege-
lliereto belongins;.
Terms of sale. cash.
Dated, this ISth day or October. IS79.
lSwiS Snerlff.
No.'ll .
O Notlcp-ln hereby jtlven. that by vlrtup of
unit onler of sale Issued one of thr District
Court of Nematin County. Htnte nfNebraska,
and to me directed asSherlfTof sahl County,
upon a decree and Juilifment rendered ty
nld Court. In a case wherein Zadok P.Thorn
ton was plulntlir. and Ldla Rlci. Daniel
H.Rice. Charles P. Klce. ilenonla Rice. Or
son Rice. Kreemnn RJce. nnd Sarah J. IJrow
rr were defendants, I will oCr for sale, at
public auction, at the door or tiie court house
m Urownvllle. in said 0intv. on
Snturdny, Novunbrr aOttirlS79,
at 1 o'clock p in., tliu fi)l!.wiuic described
Innds. In Nemaha Count-. Nehrnska, to-Wltr
All of block twenty (!5J) in tho town of St.
Dc-oln. in said conntv; also, a tract of land
derrtbvtl as folhiwsr Commonclntt nt the
outheast corner of the southwest quarter of
the northwest quarter of secilnn ttilrty-one
(31). township fmir (4). north of range seven
teen (17). enstof theslxth principal meridian..
thcnctMinrll: eighty (t(0) rud.s, thenco west to
the east line of the town of St. Deroln,
thcrwe south elehty (0j rods, thence east to
thepFacw of beginning, ewept tract coc
vpyeil out of ald deJcrlhiMl premises as fol
lows; Commencinir at th southeast corner
of the town site of the tiw of St. De
roln. Shence north on the line of said town
site lorty (40) roils, ihencf fast twenty (20)
rods, Jhnro south 140 rort, thence west
twenty (201 rods, snlJ-t to the do wt Inter est
of Ljdtn IUce. widow of Lorenzo Rlc, de
ceased, to'ttir with nIV the laiprovementa
and privileges ilierefo hefonitlnc.
Talteii on -aid order it sate as the property
or Lydia Rice. Ditnlel H. Rice, Charles P,
Rice, Ilenonla Rice. rsi UIcer Freetnatv
Rice, and SnrxhJ. llrewer.
Terms of sal" ensh.
Dated, this 21st day or October. 1P70.
18-ow Sheriff.
(No. 7r9.)
O Notice Is hereby elen that by virtue of
nn order of sale issued out of the District-
Court oiNemaha Count-, state of Nebraska
and to meillieted iiHSherln" of sm! Connty
upon u decree and Judgment rendered by
said Court in a ease wherein Franklin K
Johnson ami Homer Johnson, partners, do
ing business under the ftrm nnme of K. E
Johnson & Co.. were ptnintlSTs.and Alnm E.
Trnyer. Willlum H. Harrl nnd Tabitha J.
Harris, hi wife, weredefendanls 1 will offer
for sale, nt puMlc auction, at the door of the
court house. In llrownville. In said county,
Saturday, "toyembtr Rth, A.D. IH70v
at 1 o'rbxPlc. p. m-.. the following described;
! lrinfla fn VAmnrn Cnnnli- S?Kruui.. In.irtr
Tilft nnrthwpn nimrlrr nf h nnrthnMt
F ' 9 . I
IOUE PERFUMES are the Gems of all Odors.
An aerccalilr, healthful LTcuitI Dcnlifrfcc
LEMOH SUGAR. A substitute for Lemons.
EXTRACT JAMAICA C1NCER. From the ptinr rooi.