Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 28, 1879, Image 4

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I V-1
Publishers' NotLceH.
mk Abvkrtiskr Is on sale at the Irug and Cook
iM-ore of A. W. KlckeU;
Local Notices, set as ordinary reading mnUr,
will be chargedten cents per line, each Insertion
Set ladisnlay.tyne.ilfteeu cents a line.
Authorized Agtnts.
Titvb Bros nre onr authorized agents at Nema
ha City. Uuecelve and.rocelit foa inoalps due us.
Thomas Bvhrkss Is our authorised agent In (Jlon
Rock precinct to receive and rocclpt for monies
iuo us on-sufaHcrjpUotk
A J.Kittkk, ntSt. Deroln.lsonraiithorleediient
t that plu,o receive subscriptions adver
tising, and to collect and recelptfor monies due
Joiik 8. Minick la our authorized agent at Aspln
wall, to receive subscription and advertislng.and
collect and receipt for monies due us.
Js W. Oavitt Id our authorized agent In Jlenton
precinct to receive and receipt for monies due us
an. subscription.
Iunl!HheB Advertiser.
Specimens of Flupdoodlc and Gush
over the "Lost Cause" A Pcr-
Chicago Times.
Xn ono of Senator Blaine's last
speeches in tbo Senate he made the
assertion that the south had become
bo rabidly Beotionai' that even her
schoolbooks were specially prepared
k. keep. up the anti-northern and anti-union
feeling In tho South. He
hurriedly quoted from a book called
"The Students' Hand-book of Selec
tions and Oratory." This book wbb
prepared by John Q. James, superin
tendent of the Texas Military Insti
tue at Austin. It is a book of 407
pages, and. does not contain a selec
tion from anything not written or
spoken by a man of unquestioned
Southern birth. Every author in the
book is wholly unknown In literature.
The only names that are known are
where extracts are given from South
ern congressmen speeches. Noth
ing could show more clearly the in
tense narrowness and provincialism
ol the South than this collection of
oratorical gush from nobodies, whose
eole importance lies in the fact oftheir
Southern birth. The fact that these
same nobodies should be selected- as
literary model, when the great range
of English olasslcs is Iguored, Bpeaks
volumes for the eo-oalled Southern
culture. The most objectionable
feature of the book, however, aside
ftoroy It&v setting false standards for
style is the teaohing tht tho war
against the Union was a holy cause
and one that may In the future have
better hopes of success. Mr-. Blaine
In his hurried glance at tho book pass
ed over some of thoso precious teach
ings, the seed of future Southern sen
timent. Here is ono sample of this
class of eloquence. It was uttered by
John L. Girardeau upon the reinter
ment of the Carolina dead from Get
tysburg. The following, extract from
what he said 1b handed down to
Southern studentB?for study :
The mournful ofllco which ha&sum
rnoned us hither, waits to be perform
ed. Let us hasten to remove these
relics of conquerod patriots from a
strange atmosphere less free than the
air of a sepulchre. And if we aban
don the last hope of maintaining
their principles. If we are prepared to
give up everything for which they
died, let us discharge this oQioe for
them with the feelings of those who
aro Interring their principles with
their bones of those who are solemn
izing the funeral rites and burying
the corpse of liberty. Let ub plaoe no
emblems of hope abovetthelr heads,
but, having In the silence of death
stuok the laBt stroke of the Bpade- up
on their graves, retire from the scene
as men withdraw from, a field on
whioh all has been lost. But If it be
our determination that we will cease
to cherish the sacred principles whioh
these men consecrated with their
blood only when we cease to live,
then let us, oomrades, with reverent
mein and tender hands, oonsign all
that remains of our brethern to the
ooveted resting-place in the bosom of
their laBt sleep, let us bury with them
every proposal to ub to apostatize from
their principles, every tendenoy even
to compromise them, every desire to
recover position, wealth or'.oase at the
saoriflce of honor, virtue and truth.
Let ub lay them down in hope, and
as eaoh modest stone rears its head
above them inscribe upon it a vesur
gamihe token of our faith that their
principles now trodden into dust,
will rlBe again, the symbol of our in
vincible resolution that these men
shall not altogether have died in vain.
Heroes,of Gettysburg! ohampions of
constitutional rights! martyrs for
regulated liberty! once again fare
well! Beat ye here,
Goldiers of a defeated God grant it
may not be a wholly lost cause!
and hope kind
ling her torch at the fireB that glow in
your ashes will in its light look for
ward to a day when a people onoe
more redeemed and enfranchised will
confess your death was not in vain.
Robert Stiles, in a speech upon a
Confederate decoration day, promis
es :.
That wo will teach our ohlidren and
our children's children that these men
fought and fell for the only principles
upon whioh well regulated Christian
ity can ever be established.
William Presoot Johnson, in writ
ing upon the Bubjeot of confederate
dead, informs the youth of the South
that :
They were the gayest and gallantest
gentlemen that ever went down to
bettlo, the stoutest soldiery that ever
breasted the flood of death, and their
cheer had a ring of victory in It that
made the foeinen's hearts to quail.
Woe to the enemy who
urged too rashly their snllen retreat
e They met in. the
field the flower of the youth of every
land, allured by tho stipend of the
North, and Celtic firo was quelled,
Teutonic stubbornness was melted
like wax and the well-knit phalanxes
of the West were shattered by their
blows They
rnuk in history among the first for
courage, endurance, discipline, oueer
fulnesB, intelligenco'and humanity.
This clasB of materiul runs through
out the book. It occasionally varied
by guehiug rhetorical flapdoodle, sil
ly poetry, or absurd twaddle in the
shape of unwholesome esnayB.
A Cure for Bronchitis and Consump
tion. This recelpo cured me of bronchitis
and consumption two years ago. I
waB not able to sit up half a day, my
cough being very severe, and my
throat ho raw I could not eat anything
with salt in it. Twelve dollars worth
cured me. I am perfectly well, do all
of my housework, sewing, and take
care of my children, weigh twenty
four pounds more than I did before I
commenced using the medieiue. It
has not foiled to cure any oase if giv
en a fair trial. Extraot bloodgetti,
threeounces ; by pophosphltes of lime
and soda, one-half ounce; alantin
(pura,) one dram j meconin (pura,)
one-half scruple; extraot oinchona,
two drams; powdered sugar, one
pound; pureport winefconehalfpint;
cold water, one quart. All of the
powders and extracts should be thor
oughly compounded and mixed well
together; place in a bottle holding at
least three pints ; pour in half a pint
of cold water; shake well; let stand
five minutes ; It will turn a bright red
color; add tho rest of cold water with
sugar dissolved In It; last the wine,
which must be pure; shake well;
dose, four large tablespoon fu Is a day,
one before each meal and one before
going to bed. The medicine must not
be kept in a room where there Is a
fire. For asthma and bronchitis,
crushed oubeb berries smoked in a
pipe, swallowing a little of thearaoke,
effects great relief. I eat the unoruBh
ed berries, swallowing the juice; it
will help bronchitis in one day. Smo
king the berries will cure the worst
cases of ootarrh. Cure for whooping
cough: One tablespoonful of clean
pure tar, one pint of new milk ; stir
wnll? let stand two hours: pour ott
the milk ; let the ohild drink It every
hour; it will efleot a cure In three
days. Exchange.
m m i
Rural New-Yorker..
Mrs. J. B. P: aBks to glvo some ways
of cooking oat-meal.
AnB. For Mush To threequartsof
boiling water allow a tenapooufuT of
salt and a quart of coarse meal; stir
while the meal is poured In; let it
stand whoro it will boll gently for 10
or 15 minutes, etirrlug frequently ;
then cover the kettle closely and set
on the buck of tho stove to swell and
steam for an hour, not stirring in
that time. Thia may bo eaten with
6alted milk, milk or cream and Bugar,
or fill a- saucer nearly full of the mush
and press into it ripe blackberries,
peaches, pears, or any fruit, and eat
with cream and sugar. This makes a
very nice dessert.
Oat-Meal Puffs.
To a quart of sweet milk allow three
well beaten eggs, two teacups and a
half of oat-meal, one teacup and a half
of Graham flour and a littlosalt; beat
all thoroughly together and bake- in
hot gem irons.
Oat-Mkal Cake.
To a pint of meal1 add enough water
to make it stir like pancake batter,
soason with a little salt and bake In a
shallow pan for 20 minutes fn a hot
Oat- Meal Jekvy-
Put half a pint ofJgoocT, oat-meal to
eoak over night in littio less than a
quart of water. In the morning drain
through a Bieve, preBBing out all of
the water, and to it add one pint and
a half of hot water. Season with salt,
boil up quickly, thenlsetbaok to Bim
mer ten or fifteen minutes. Pour in
to molds, and In half an hour it will
be set sufficiently to turn out into
saucers. Eat with cream and BUgar.
The success of this dish depeuds very
muoh upon the quality of the meal.
Oat-Meal Pudding.
To a quart of milk allow four table
spoonfuls of Irish oat-meal, four tea
spoonfuls of flour, and a littio salt.
Bring tho milk to a boil using a farina-kettle
or a tin pail" set into a ket
tle of boiling water and Btir in the
meal and flour made smooth in cold
milk. Stir constantly for fifteen or
twenty minutes, then set back for fif
teen minuteB before turning out. Eat
with cream and Rugar.
We some days since quoted the re
mark of general Toombs to tbe efleot
that the United StateB Government
was only a temporary concern at best.
Tho interview in which Toombs
made this remark recolves the atten
tion of the New Orleans Times, and
Mr. Toombs is bolabored. with an en
ergy that is pleaaant to behold.
Among tho outs and the thrusts Ib the
The remark of Mr. Toombs that the
government of the Union "is only a
temporary conoeru at best" only In
dicates that he has mistaken the beat
ing of his own pulse for the throbbing
of the heart of the American people,
Ho says that he does "not like the
General Government, and would not
oonsent to serve It in any capacity."
He therefore conclude&that its dissol
ution Is impending. Ho mistakes his
own state of mind for the sentiment
of his countrymen. His inconse
quential reasoning and conclusion re
minds U3 ofthe children's story of
the young chick upon which the roBe
leaves fell. It ran to the hen crying:
"The eky la falling !" "Why doyou
say so ?" asked the elder. "Because, I
saw It, I felt it, andapeloe of it fell
on my tall.'
This Is pretty good to oome from a
Democratlo paper. But we remem
ber that the Times was read out of
the Democratic party last week.
Inter Ooean.
J J A Pueblo Indian considerably as
tonished the Inspector in San Ilde
fouso, N. M.f by replying to his In
quiry as to the orop prospects, "Ugh !
muoheo dam good crop, by God !"
A Woman Who Hid Her Diamonds.
The town of Stratford was thrown
Into a state of excltment on Saturday
by the discovery that a case of dia
monds were missing. It seems that
Mrs. Gunther came from New York
on Saturday to the house of Asa Cur
tis, her father, bringing with her a oase
containing a diamond ring and pin
valued at $1,000. The jewelB had
been presented to her by her father-in-law,
ex-mayor Gunther, of New
York, and she waB very careful of
them. Upon retiring she placed the
case In a bureau In her sleeping apart
ment, and when she looked for them
next morning tbey were gone. A
preliminary Bearch of the house fail
ed to discover tho missing gems, and
the theory of robbery waB started.
The police of Bridgeport were noti
fied, and upon searching the house
again the missing case and its con
tents were found in the covering of an
old sofa. Mrs. Gunther is given to
saranambullsm, and in a fit of sleep
walking Saturday night had taken
the case from the bureau and thrust
it into a hole In the sofa covering.
She remembers nothing of tho freak
on awakening, of course, and was
therefore as much mystified over the
disappearance of the jewelry bb any
one. In a former fit of somnambu
lism some timo ago Bhe secreted a
new silk dress;iu tho attio, whore It
remained undiscovered for a year.
New Haven Palladium.
A lady furnishes the Kansas Pilot
tho following good conundrums:
Q,. What two Letters express tho
most agreeable people In tho world ?
A. U and I.
Q. Why is the Letter "T like
A. Ttis the end of quie-t and the
beginning of t-rouble.
Q. Why aro Kisses like the Crea
tion? A. They are made of nothing and
yet are very good.
Q. Why is a Weather Cock like
A. It Is a vaneand glittering thing
to a-splre.
Q. Who Ib thfroidest Lunatio?
A. Timeout of mind.
Q. What never asks questions, but
requires frequent answers?
A. The front door Bell.
Q. What most frequently beoomes
a. Woman ?
A. A little Girl.
Q. Why is a Lawyer like a restless
A. He lies first on one side, and
then on the other.
Q,. What is the difference between
a Honey-Comb and a Honey-Moon ?
A. Ono is oouiposcd oPllttle Cells,
the other is one Big Sell.
Q. Why is a Dog's Tail like a very
old Person?
A. Because it Is In-firm.
Q. A Boy said, "My Father has a
Brother, but he Is not my Unole."
How can you explain the oontradlo
tlon? A. Tho Boy Lied.
Q. What is the difference between
Perseverance and Obstinacy ?
A. One arises from a strong Will,
and other from aBtrong Won't.
Q. Why ia the Figure 9 like a Pea-
oock ?
A. It is Nothing (0) without Its
Q. What Is that which Adam nev
er saw, and never posseBBed, and yet
gave to eaoh of his children ?
A. Parents.
Q,. Why do Women seek Hub
bands named William?
A. So thev can have a Will of
their own.
Q. What Bose Is born to blush un
seen? A. Negroes.
Q. What Is the difference between
a Barber and a Mother?
A. One has Bazors to Shave, and
the other Shavers to Balse.
Old Hickory's Bluff Way.
Long years after the capture of Stony
Point, when Andrew Jackson was
President, a visitor at the White
House remarked that tho Postmaster
in his town (who "held over") was
an enemy to the President had even
been heard to call him a "scoundrel"
and urged the removal of the HI
mannered officer.
"What sort of a person is he ?" in
quired the President.
Tbe visitor admitted that the Post
master was an aged an honorable
man, and incidentally remarked that
be was one of the survivors of the
battle of Stony Point.
"What" said the President, rising
from his ohalr, "waB he realty with
Anthony Wayne at Stony Point?"
"Ho certainly was,"- replied the
"Well, then," said Old Hickory,
"by the Eternal! he has a perfect
right to eall me a Bcoundrel every
day In tho week, and to be Postmas
ter during his natural life." Hart
ford Post.
A Baltimore Inventor has a patent
for a suit of flying clothes. By work
ing the arms th6 man In tho clothes
mounts heavenward. Waterproof
pantaloons "and .jacket are In one
piece To this is fastened a reservoir
made of oiled silk, and stretching
from shoulders to walBt. To each arm
is attaohed a wing made of silk, with
steel ribs. After the mortal has es
sayed the flight of a bird and is high
in the air, he hoists a sail. A mast
four feet long is jointed with his back,
and a triangular sail is set so as to be
regulated by his feet. When the sail
is raised the arms are motionless, and
the genoleman In the air booms along
like a centre-board yacht under a
spanking breeie.
A contemporary asks : "How shall
women carry their purses to frustrate
the thieves?" Why, carry them
empty. Nothing frustrates a thief
more than to snatch a woman's
purse, after following her a mile, and
then find that it contains nothing
but a recipe for spioed peaches and a
faded photograph of her grandmother.
Holstein Cattle
It may be as well to state the fact
tbatjlour interest in the Holstein oow
is purely on acoountjof her superior
excellence as a dairy animal, her
economy as a feeder, her quality of
readily fattening and making good
beef, her docility, hardiness, and large
size. We neither Import, breed, nor
deal in the breed. Believing In her
superiority, we would have all dairy
men believe in her too, for their own
interest and the general benefitof the
entire country. Tho Holstein excels
the other breed, in quantity of pro
duct continued through a long time
often eleven months or more in the
We have no fear of contradiction In
asserting that the individual value of
our dairy cows, when but once oroBS
ed on tbe Holstein breed, will be In-
increased fully one-third, from $26 to
$34, or upon the entire stock of tbe
oountry, which will amount to the
enormouB sum of $99,499,955 increase,
which would amount to the grand to
tal value of the cows in the United
StateB, In round numbers, to $397,999,
821. TblB would doubtlesB be the
most speedy and prompt method of
adding to Individual as well as to the
national wealth-
Bemedy fob Cancer. In prepar
ing the remedy take equal" parts of
rosin, mutton-tallow and lard; melt
and stir together ; when partly cooled
add a heaped teaspoonful of verdigris
ami stir well. Soread a plaster the
size of tho oancer with the salve, sprin
kle on Bulphate of zlno until the sur
face is about white, wash with castile
Boap and renew the plaster In from
six to twelvo hours. Continue until
the cancer Is killed or comes out,
which will require from ten to twen
ty days. Then apply the salve with
out the zlno until the spot is healed.
This treatment kills the cancer and
affects but slightly the sound flesh.
None of the cancers so treated have
appeared again, bo far as I know, but
all seem perfeotly well. Cor. Ameri
can Stockman.
Purification. A hater of tobacco
asked an old negro woman, the fumes
of whose pipe were annoying to him,
if she thought eho was a Christian.
"Yes, brudder; I specs I Ib."
"Do you believe In the Bible?"
"Yes, brudder."
"Do you know. there la a passage in
the Scripture which eayB thatnothing
unclean shall inherit the kingdom of
heaven ?'
"Yea, I've heard of It."
"Well, Chloe, yon smoke, and you
cannot enter the kingdom of heaven,
because there is nothing so unolean
as the breath of a smoker. What do
you say to that?''
"Why, I specs to.leavemy breffbe
hind when I go dar."
m s m
The parade made over the penit
ence and Christianity of ChaBtine
Cox, and criminals of like character,
is wholly diBgustiug. It is all right to
attempt their reform, but boasting of
results Is nauseating. A olergyman
who jb writing up the new-found vlr
tueB in this murderer could be better
employed. Christianity can gain no
additional luster from this eleven-
and-a-half-hour oonvert who moral!
zes behind Jbars as be feels the hemp
about his neok. Inter Ocean.
Holding the Mirror Up to Hen
dricks. "No, no, no,' stoutly
ejaculated Mr. Hendrioks, "I won't,
I won't, I won't, and I won't, and
there's and end of it. I will not do
it, I won't accept, I shan't take the
seoond place on anybody's ticket, I
shan't do it, I won't, I won't, I won't.
Say," he added coaxingly, after ares
olute pause, "who's talklngabout me
for the second place, anyhow? What
do you reckon
my; ohanoes are.
John Baker was Indicted for mur
der in Guadalupe County, Texas, and
released on bail. He employed hiB
liberty in attending religious ser
vices, and became a real or pretended
convert. He went to a MethodlBt
camD meeting, and addressing the
congregation, when a rifle ball pene
trated bis brain, and he fell dead.
Some friend of his victim had fired
from a distance with unerring aim.
Charles H. Stilly tramped into
Beading, Pa, a few dajs ago, hun
gry, ragged and disconsolate. A year
before, he had made the people of
that city stare at his ways of squand
ering $20,000 that had been left him.
On the latter visit he begged a meal
at the hotel in which be bad once oc
cupied the finest apartments, and
slept in a barn where he had previ
ously kept hiB horses.
m m
An Inveterate old ohloken thief In
Alabama, who had a marvelous fac
ulty of gliding out of a olose corner,
was at last eaught in acioseoorner
with a ohicken in his hat. He de
nied the stealing of it, and on being
asked bow then it got into his hat, he
solemnly said: "Dat, marater, is
jes' what 'stonlshes me; but fo de
Lord, I speo's it mus1 hab crawled up
my breeches leg!"
The superintendent addressed the
Snndav sohool on obedience to the
moral law. and urged the keeping and
not breaking of tbe commandments,
and to fasten the Impression, aaked :
"Is anything better for being brok
en.?" "Yes." eaid a little boy "a
nag." The address proceeded no fur
A Maine political Bpeaker mention
ed somebody as a Shylock, andanau
HUnr Asked who Shvlock was. "If
you don't know," the orator scorn
fully replied, "you'd better go home
and read your Bible."
A Utlca sportsman returned from
the Bacquet river with a foot-stool,
the legs of which are made-from the
legs of a deer with the hide on,. the
hoofs resting on the ground. When
upholstered it will mako a novel and I
TtvnrrT niniin ui r- t iv m .
pretty pieoo ef furniture
Just bold a bit, you Yankees, until
we have kicked thedead and stinking
oarcaes of Centralism back into the
grave that was dng for It by thegrand,
old statesmen of 1783 ;
Just hold a bit, and you will see our
Sovereign States revoking tbe ballot
from the negro race ;
Just hold a bit, and you will see
our people closing the last free-school-house-door
in sunny Southland ;
Just hold a bit, and you will see
more fun than a ew.Okolona Stales.
The old Cincinnati Gazette, not
usually given to levity, abounds with
mirthful paragraphs on the Conkllng
Sprague affair. Pioneer-Presa.
Yes, it appears to have struck Dea
con Smith and Wilbur Storey simul
taneously In their weakest spot, and
their great brains oould not stand the
pressure. Both are as frisky as young
rams in early grass. Tbey should hold
a meeting and punch eaoh other In
the ribs. It is a oase of revelry among
the ancients. Inter Ocean.
The real name of Miss Anna Oliver,
the girl preaoher of Brooklyn, is
Anna Olivia Snowden. As her par
ents were opposed to her preaohing
she took the name of Anna Oliver,
and after she had made a reputation
under this name she would not aban
lt, although her parents bad then
changed their minds.
m . nsr
"Have you tried electricity for
your complaint, madam?" asked the
minister as he took tea with the old
lady. "Electriolty!" Bdd she.
"Well, yea, I reokon 1 has. l was
struok by lightning last summerand
hove out of the window, but it didn't
seem to do me no Bort of good."
Gardening is regularly and practl
oally taught in 20,000 primary schools
in France. Every school house has
its garden, and teachers niUBt not on
ly be good gardeners, but qualifid to
teaoh horticulture, or they cannot
pass examination.
The first BDeaker of the Houbo of
BepreBentatives was also a Pennsyl
vania man. He was F. A. Muhlen
berg, and he wbb speaker of the Third
Congress also.
The Best Tables in the City.
Nothing in any Shape Intoxicating.
and everything
Temperance BilliardHail,
Geo. Arkwright,
Practical Watchmaker,
(Sewing Machine Dealer),
One door west of UNION HOTEL,
Watches, k Clocks Repaired Reasonably and Prompllj,
Fine Watehs a Specialty,
Manhood : How Lost How Restored.
mfmbm JustpuDltshed.a new edition oTUr.
r'JACulrcrvreU'M Celebrated Essay
on the radical cure (without medi
cine) of Spekmatorriicea or Semi
nal weakness. Involuntary Seminal
Losses, Impotkmcv, Mental and Physical Inca
pacity, impedimenta to .Marriage, etc.: also con
sumption. Epilepsy and Fits. Induced by self-indulgence
or sexual extravagance, fcc.
fiyPrlce, In a sealed envelope, onlr six cents.
The celebrated author. In this admirable Essay.
clearly demonstrates, from a thirty j ears success
ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self
abuse may be radically cured without tbe danger
ous use of Internal medicine or the application ot
tbe knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once
simple, certain and eirectnal, by means of which matter what his condition may
be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi
cally. j(3-Thls Lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every man In the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, pott-paid, on receipt of 3ix cents or two post
age stamps. Address the publisher. THE CUL
VER WELL MEDICAL CO., 11 AnnSt.ycw York
Post Office BOX.45S8.
Nemaha City, Nebraska.
Obstetrics a Speclaltr- Sight Calls Promptly
1WTB f?f!ff4-tf.i'ffa
Modo and repaired 03 well as ean be done
anywhere, and at short notice
and MOUrimrE hb!t ibw.
lottlj and speedily- cured. Pu
Uu "So publicity. Send itunp
for foil rurucsUn. Dr Cirlto.
Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Patent Illedlclnc,
Livery and
Farmers' Trade Respectfully Solicited. Prices the
J. H. ROYSE, Proprietor.
ggj fn3fflli 'p1 i KisssssKEPl 1 hrt-
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Foreign and Domestic Marble, Monuments,
-r-aY-niT h r TM-irmiVTC All orders promptly tilled, andsatlsfactlonRtmrantasd
SPECIAL DLblulNb Offlceand Yard, Main street, between Oth and 7th,
FURNISHED M- M- CONNER, Traveling Agent
m A "rVTOQ andOUGANS.51.in0 Pianos on-T.-t!P-rtr?-lY
S22i..tf5 ? !'7 oruani only
SOti.S ; :l.l.t organs only 37li.75. Trcnien
iliiiiN ICiiliir-tinii- durinc the lUIiIsummer
month. Having been KI.KCTKD MAYOR of
niycity ana entrusted with it. Donussnouia oesui
llclent proof of my responsibility. Latest circulars
and Illustrated newspaperree. Address DANIEL
F. BEATTY, Washington. y.J. 7w4
AGENTS "WANTED for the bett and ThtUtt $eU
iny l'Ictorlal books and Ulblrt. Prices reduced 33 per
cent. National Publishing Co.. Chicago, Ills. 7wl
Please write
for Lnrge Illus
trated C'ntn-
Address Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa
A bfitAI UN-tHSmrd., PIANOS
3123 upward, not used aye.r, goods an
newt warranted, NEW PIAHOS ana
prices for cash. Catalogues Dialled.
HORACE WATERS, ARt.,40 East 14th.
St., N.Y. P.O. Box, 3530. 7w4.
& I inn returns in 30 daysonSlOOInTested.Of
4 I ZUUflcIalBeportsandlnformatlonfrce.IJ'ce
protlts weekly on btock options of ?10 to SM. AUdros
T.Potter Wight A: Co., Bankcrs.33 Wall stJf.Y.
( The only combination of the
true Janiatc&Glnger which choice
Aromatlcs and French Brandy
Cholera. Cholera Morbus. Cramps
and Pains, .Diarrhoea and Dysen-
terv. Dvsneiwla. iatniency. want
of tone and Activity In the Stom
ach and iiowels.anu avoiding the
dangers of Change of Water, food
and climate, a sic tor
Bamfoud's Jamaica Ginger.
'$ CAPCiNE ppr
was invented to overcomethe great objection ever
found totheold style of porous plasters that of slow
action in bringing relief. Benson's Capcinp Porous
Plaster relieves pain at once and cures quickly. It
Imparts a sensation of gentle and stimulating
warmthand brings rest and comfort to tho suffer-
the market: one In particular having a similar
sounding name. contains lead poisons. iJjch genu
ine Benson's Capcine Plaster has the word Cupclne
cut through the plaster take no other.
Sold by all druggists.
Llverr Stable In connection with thcllonse
4(5-Stasre ofllce for all points Knst, "Wcst,-3
.93-North&Sonth. Omnibuses to-a
.EB-connect with all tralns."3
Always on Hand.
Satisfaction Guarantied
Tho oldBarbershop, No. 47 Is norr owned
and run by
J. !R. Hawkins.
It Is the best fitted fghop In the city, one) the
place lsfgenerally patronized by the
people. Mr. Hawkins keeps
Experts at The Business,
and gentlemanly and accommodating In
their conduct. All kinds of
dono promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
made are always In preparation.
!- m lrlWHlW.JM.TVw,
Mt mo. m. iwirfilh. JW lL,7M!Ttf
. 1-TMiOTMi.i.fu. i
RZ-y&iH rW
X ljSSJsiPBbSW''i
Into the new stable South of the
Miarsli House,
corsei: secosd;axd;colleoe stt.
"WLer I Intend tokeop a First-clan
Feed Stable
The Celebrated
Maxsic House
W. "W. BZimbalL
Of Chicago,
Keep in stock a follline of
For full particulars, terms &s3ces,
call on or address,
J. R. DYE, Local Agent,
E. M. Lippitt,
Hvownvillc, -
- JSTebrasIca.
Quick Time ! Through Traiss !
Close Connections!! No Dela7 1
To Chicago & the East.
Lowest Rates of Farelwlll be made.
Through Cars will run from B. A. M. points
In southern Nebraska to Chicago.
A ten mlnuto connection will be made at
Pacific Junction.
j&Jl, Oliicagro
close connections will always be made. to tho
Sleeping car berths reserved at the Lincoln
ticket office by telegraph or on application,
from Missouri River to Chicago.
The Burlington Route havo n system of
Tnrougn Sleepers it. Ulose, Connection!
between theMlb&onrlUlverandSt. Louis.
To Peoria, Indianapolis, Cincin
nati and the Southeast.
.eSJ-Thls Is the only reliable Route to the
Southeast. Connections ore made at Peoria
with the T. P. & W. and I. B. & "W. Rallroad3
for IndlannpoIIs, Cincinnati. Colnmbus, and
all Central and Southern Ohio, Kentucky,
Southern Indiana. Ac.
When yon go East be sure and travel over
tho B. fc M. line if yon wish to be SAKtt and
Comfortable and desire to travel speedily.
Gen'IManager. Gen'IFt JtTktAgt
WAGON MAKING, Repairing,
Plnws. anil nil work i)nn In tViwt
I manner and on short notice. Satisfaction Kttaran.
ed. OiveUlmacall.
i i
A'wire-t is"I l
cents fry Bail. M'lie
riea er Satnre. Pajul
elog ef Marriage. Or
rans ef feneration.
DlMasea of Toata tail
Manhood, wealth ot
choice and Talaable la
forraatics. of latrst
to both seiee. Xolblat
offeaiirt to good taste
and refinement. Xnfor
roatiea stitr before
puMlihed. No fksii.r
should be without It.
fT7Addreas. Dr. A. O.
uLI.t.aCa Clark St.
mttit, l araaic aoa
Female Dlaeiae.
Ceninltatlon free
Ladies inJ Orotle
mn, lead oae dollar
for auafle at ben
rabber rroli.and
Talaable ta formation
by nmu. Itrlln
Me rtmate PIIU. S3
per box. Private I
borne and none for E
Ladies daring con j
Snemest. I
I a monthly. ICO-paKe Scrip Book of the cream of
the World's Literature. Singla copr. ' or $2 per
rear. An Oil Chromo 0-1X20 inches) of " Yosemito
Valley," price, iJU; -Black Sheep," a SL50 book, in
papar binding: "Christian Oakley's Mistake." a l
book, in paper bindins; and a tample copr of "Wood a
Household Jtwazirro" all post-paid, for only 30 cent
in money, or in one-cent postage stamps. Asnta
wanted. Moetliberalterms.batnothinKoentfre'e.
Addrea S. S.Wood. Tribune Baildiss. New York City.
A flne assortment or Type, Bor
ders, Itulei, Stock, Ac,
for printing,
Colored and Bronzed Labels,
ClrcuUrs, Dodgers, Prog ranvwe.
Show Cards S
With neatness and dispatch
Canon Block,
Kemedj; aq
i tmSsillng ear tor
Seals! TT
mm, Bjxnnstw
ThM, InpoUocy,
tad all tlxue4
asnee ef Sslf-'
Before Talis;, aiicm; uLouet After Tkla$.
Hsciory, Cnlrerssi LaultoU, Piia la Out Buk, DlmoM. .X
Vision, Prrmstors Old Age, sol rasaj olhsr Dtseucs tba
kltalsnalt7crC30S3aptto,sadarrematBrGrTe. "
C3yan rrtlclirs Is oar pamr Met, which w. deslrs to
csdfreabriaslltoeTtryrae. C7Ta Specific Medietas 1
oM fcy ill dronlsU U f 1 per package, or six pwctsgts far
3, or will U sent free byruUea roodpt of ti. mocrjby
Xjssujw's Bwcx, Crrmorr, Knar.
-83-Sold in BrownvlUe uud everywhere
by all druggists. 6yrl
A Urt;r. new sn4 complete Onlrie to
Wcdloclc.eoutaiaiDC with saij others.
the fnPawiRJC chapter A competing
tVonisnhfw1.elcction of lfifr, EvtHcl "es
of irctnilr. Temperament,, compar Vo
auX incompatible. Mcrtlity in Women.
niM iui treatment AJuee to Erale
crjom. AJvice to Huibantis, Jtilrtee t9
Wires, Prostitution, its came,, Celibicr and Matnmoo com.
pircd. Conjugal duties, Conception, Confinement. Lose so!
Courtship. Imiivtllmeuts to Marrute iu male saJ female, Soencs
of Krproiluction, Miigle Life cousxlerxf. Law of Manure,
Law of Diforre. Lecal riM of aurneJ women, etc ine.uO
ias; Diseases iulir to Women, fieir causes ml treat
ment. A bonk for private anJ cc Jcrate reaJinc ot 320 pares,,
with full I'tatc En.raeiit2, by mail, sealed, for CO e.nts.
on Syphilis, Gonorrhcon. Stricture. Varioo
cole cal mi Spermatorrhea BesnalDabllltJT.aii
Impotency, from elf-abi.ic aid Laceiu-s, cautinsr Sem.nat
Eumaioas, Jf-ouiues. Asrrsuin tn Society, loufution cf
Ideas, I'hssieal Decay. Dimnsss of Sicht, Ucfrcl.i. 5femo-y.
Loss of Seiual Toaer. etc., makine; ruarrurr improper or
unhappy, irmoc treatment and a crest mane salmUcjfcc ;!
for the cure of all prifatc diicascs, 224 pa, otcr.Slltn,
SO cents.
A lecture on Manhood and Womanhood. 10 rents ; or all -thrre
id one nicrjr botiiMt volume. II. Ther contain 600 pa
and oter 100 Illustrations, embracing eserr thio
reaeratlre sjslcm that is lorlh knowmr, and much tha
pnbluhed id ass other work. The combined swUm
tisely the most popular Medical nook iiblibcd. au.t thus
sati.ned after reUlocH can hase their money refunded. Tho
Author is experienced Fhyswian of aiany years prac
tice, (as is well known,) and tho adeicc riven, aad roles for
treatment laid down, will be found of great value to Cw suf
fering; from imparities of the system, early errors, lost s ror.
or any of tho nnmrruos troubles coeainr; under the head of
" l?rivato" or "Chronio" diseases.- .Sent in siorte vol
nnies, or complete in nut. for Price lo Maiups, Silver or C or
rency. (Cousultatioa cunthlentul ; all tetters aire .roenptlr
and frankly answered without cbarru.) Address lr. It uiU'
I!.jH.sury , 12 '. 8th St, M. Louis, Mo. (EstaUnncd IT?
CTForile-byNwsDMlorj. AGENTS wanted.
- DR. BCTT8 invites all persons sutrenn irons
IltlPTITRIT Ij .nd him their names aikl addres,
ind herebv assures them tnat tnev will learn
rn W
a. J
somcthiaf to their advantage .Not a xniu.
Prirate Hojplul. K3
S Clark MCbK3r
( mtk
A Valuiblc DUcovorr
kit &c.bacF n tntirVy
1S and !!- I j ttftt
lit Kemrdj for It pedy
au 1 Lcrtiaanviit C ore (
Seminal Zmlsstons fic
Impotency by th on y
true wcy, viz: Dirftct
ADDlicalioil to thr pr-n-
Mrt 4 tilt t$ A tIMIWAC MlTIHt
cipal Stat of Iht IiMe. act.DS Ly Absorption, a-! ticrt-
tnjc itt !. Ac inflnvnc oa the Seminal Veiule, EJao
ulator7 Duct, Prostate Oland. and TJretnra 1 u
of the Hcmtdy n itlen-leJ with bo fkoin or Utomt aw-at. aad
doc not hotf rfro with tho onlinary unuitt of Urn , it 1
atsiCatly dtttoJred anI aooa b-orbd, producic a lmmo
aiatO lootbii.; and roitoratiT effect opoa lie Mxaal ami
ncrvoai orrioizatioQi wrecked ixa -elf-aboit aa4 execjiro,,
top por. the drain from the ijitem, rcitwiac the mind t
health and sound memory, rcmoeioe; the Dimness of
Sight. K errous Debility. Confusion of Ideas, Aver
sion to Society, etc. etc.. and the appearance of prema
ture old ajro u-ua!Ijr accoup-nyiax thi. trouble, aad reator
ior perfect Sozual Vigor, where it haa teen dormant for
j earn Thia inode of treatment hai stood the trt ia very
aeeere, an-J ia now a brooounced aurecaa. Drugs aro
too much preterite J in theto trvables, and, n-anr cat. bear
witacia to. with but little If any cnnai.en. food. There w u
.Nonaenie about Ibi. Preparation. Tracttcal vLstrvatwn enables
ua to pontif cly guarantee -hit it will cte natinnactlon.
Dunn; tho ci(ht yeare that it hat been to jtcnra. ate. we hatro
thoutauds if tettmoniaIt a to Its value, and it now coneeJftd
by the Medical r,ffta to be the moat rational meaaa ytr
discovered of reachioe; and cuna thia very prevalent trouble,
that it well known to bo the caua of untwlj mt.ery to to many,,
and ttpoa whom QU&CkB prey with their otHcta olnon and
big lees. The Remedy is put up 10 seat Ujim, of three aires
ISO. 1, (eaonrb to latt a month,) 3; Ko. 2. (astjrieat tax
aifect a permanent cure, ualctt iu aevere cihi.j S3; Ko.3
(Ustinr over three months, will atop esilisioot and rettce
viror in the worst catet ) ff,7. Scat by mail, tealcd, ia pUTi
wrapper. Tull DIRECTIONS for using will accom
3ena ior a ucaenpuvr arampQiet fiiiui; Anaiomica
Illustrations, which will convince the moat i.f.tKi"
that they can be rt stored to perfect manhood, and
D ilea rortne iiutiet oi ur. tame at u never anccieu
Sent Sealed for ttaiap to any one. bM ONLY by thc
Mirket and 8th Sit. ST. LOUIS, MO.
Sattle Crook, aiicla.
original: and only genuine
THE MiteHeas, Grsfa-Sftrrlnr. TTsa-e-Srrliii:,
Ud atocer-Savias; Tireshers f toi day aad tner
tott. B7e4idrf rivalry fcrRapiaWk,rufsttaMBls
saws s ediB vm m."w'--
STE.U1 Power Threshers a. Specialty. Special
sixes of Separators maia siprssslr for Buna Power.
OVB UariTale Sfesa Thresher Englae,
both rortahi tsd Traction, visa. Valuhla lojrsvsr
nenU, JartejoailxirjoCar maker Xlod-
THE ESTIBE Threshia? Expenses (aad often
three to II re tisae. that aooang cm t mU 6 ti
Sztrs Grain 3XTXD by taeso ImproesJ ifaaMavw.
fRUX Batsera tHI cot tobatltto tie exer
T ssotu vastagq of Grabaad the laferlor work dona few
In otiar Bieilaes, whea oocs postal Ms tha Uffcrsaea.
NOT ObIt Tastlr Superior fr TTheat.OaU;
Barter. Bye. aa4 like Grains, bat tie Obit Hoeeess
fal Thresher tn rial, Ttaotty. ainiet. Cerrr. and Ul
Seeds. Seqnlres no "stucticenU" er TviiiiMiaa;' to
caasfrga Grain to Seedx. 'I
Z5 Thorossh iTortmaBsh!p,aearaBt Tlalahj
Perltctfoa .f Parts. Conpletrncs. of Xqulpceat, tic.3
yar " sBZaaaanj- Taxtsaer uatau azx sscoDparajitv
7-Y1STEI0US ftr Siaplldtj- of Paxta, Mi-or
sssTats) less than ene-aatf the Bssal Belu aad GearaT sty
CJeao Wori.wttanoLftsertngi or Seatterlnn. "i0-
POCK Sizes of Separators Made, BaatriB--from
SU to TwelToHoria siir, and two .tvlea of VianS
ed Boras Powers to matt J. ' "i
FOB Particulars, Call om obx Sealers or
Tear I Campbell, Agents.
30mG BrowuiHlp. iVni
, ..,
aaRsssS. 0-f