Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 07, 1879, Image 4

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Publishers' Notices.
iik Abvkutiser Is on sale at the Drug and Book
-Store or A. W. Nickell.
I)CAi,N0TiCKS.8etas ordinary reading matter,
, will be.charged ten cents per line, each Insertion
Set In dlsplay.type, fifteen cents a line.
Authorized Agent's.
3Titos Bros arc cur authorized agents at Kcma
I'jbaCIty to receive and receipt for monies due us.
'Thomas Buansrsslsoar authorized agent In Glen
.. Rock precinct to receive and receipt for monies
due us on MibbarJption.
A J. Rittkii, atSt, DeroSn, Isourautljorizcd agent
at that place, toreceive subscriptions and adver
llslng.'and to collect and receipt for monies due
." .
Joiix S. Minicic Is ouranthorized ngentnt Aspin
I". 'wall; to receive subsorlpUon and advertising, and
.celloctatid receipt for monies duo us.
J; AV. Oavitt is our authorized agent In Benton
precinct to receive and rccelit for monies due us
' - oa subscription.
, '"' PuhllsheraAdvertiser.
3 -
Tlir Pae.ers. Fastest on Earth.
Inter Ocean.
.The day was Warm, the wind died
down,; and the track $was "fast as a
ghost;" the oldest turf-men said,
when the bell rang to finish the pac-
Ing race begun the day before. They
got the wordat the third attempt, and
went away, with Tom and Mattie
Hunter a trifle In the lead,. Rowdy
13oy trailing. Atjthe turn Tom was
'n length ahead, followed by Mattie
Rowdy Boy, and Lucy in order. Go
ing up the back stretch Lucy, put on
more speed, and at the half passed
Rowdy Boy. Tom was now throe
lengths ahead, but the rest were com
ing up Into a bunch. Rowdy Boy,
however broke before reaching the
turn, and was left by Lucy, who
made a gallent effort to close the gap.
At the head ofthohomo'strotob Mat
- . tie went after Tom in daad earnest.
-Tom heard her, and paced for all.that
.was In hira. Half-way to the dls-
tauce Mattie'sno3e was at, his wheel.
"Go Tom," cried his driver, and Tom
went. Another stride aud Mattio
lapped the blind gelding's wheel..
Another instant, and the brave mare
was stretching her white nose along
side his girth. Anotherthrob of the
heart measured thejtlme of another
.leap, and still the gallent mare clung
o the leader. Under the wire they
went like a flash of lightning, Mattie
a neck behind, and the roar of a hur-
ricaue rose from the crowd. A noted
. horseman had held a watch, end when
the man nest to him asked the time,
he looked at him and put his timer In
his pocket without a word. Mr.
Smith, the judge, announced "the
fastest heat" irObe world: 2:12,"
.'The man took out his watch again,
looked at it-in amazement, and turn
ing to the gentleman who had asked
him, said "that is right.''
- It was the fastest heat ever made
Before asulky, and Tom's great record
-.of IU was cut down by himself be
low where any one had ever dreamed
. -of seeing it. Mattie Hunter's time
was 1:13, as announced by the judges,
the fastest oyer made by., a beaten
The first quarter waa made In 33 sec
onds,, .the Becond in -32, the third in
34, and the last In 33. Lucy finished
' third four lengthsSback, and Rowdy
Boy last. This was glory enough for
one day.
. TJie attention of the judges is re
Bpeotfully called to one point that is,
Mattie Hunter's time. There is not.
c a shadow of doubt but that Blind
Tom made the mile In 2:12. Hun
dreds of watches can testify to the fact,
'Now', Mattio Hunter was variously
placed as from a neck to a half a
length behind him. The mnjority.
put it at about ten feet. By a simple
calculation it may be determined that
-a 2:12 gait equals 39.924 feet to the
-.second, and if Mattie was three-quarters
of a second later coming under
the wire, she must have been 29.943,
or in round numbers, thirty feet to the
.rear. Any one who saw the race
. knows that no such gap was between
them. The judges were, no doubt, so
dazed by the phenomenal flyers' grand
rush that they forgot all about taking
the time of thesccond horse, and then
made a wild guess at it, not calcula
ting' that the discrepancy would be
, noticed. There is no doubt that Mat-
.ties true time was 2:12J, as near as it
could bo measured, instead of 2:13.
A Warning to Cider Drinkers.
The Springfield Republican says :
'A curious caselthat has just come
to light at Northbridgo, Mass., of the
death of two persons' and the expect
ed death of two others, all in one fam
ily, from the effects of cider drinking
willre-enforco the.argumentB.of those
who condemu the practice. As near
ly as can bo made out, the father,
aged sixty, mother, fifty-six, and two
sons, thirty-five and thirty-one, have
drunk since last fall between forty
and fifty barrels of cider. The moth
er was taken with-fits six week ago
yesterday and died the next Thurs
day. The youngest Bon was taken
with fits three weeksjago, and died on
Thursday, and last Thursday the old
est son was taken with fits like the
others, and Friday night his physi-
'dans gave him up. The father is also
in a very bad condition, 'eee3 snakes
nearly every night, and frequently
gets up in the night and .runs about
the house orying'Fire' at the top of
his voice, doubtless suffering from
delirium tremens. All parties suffered
jgreatly. No oause but the clder
.drinking can be found.'
This remarkable case furnishes an
other striking illustration -of the fact
that alcohol, whether In the milder
or stronger beverages, is perilous in
proportion to. the quantity consumed.
In this instance the quantity of cider
drank is enormous, and the results
are aa deadly and destructive as from
whisk or brandy drinking.
' A ohild without legs has just been
'born. "Thank Heaven!" said the
weeping father, "this will never bo a
champion pedestrian." ,
A Triple Elopement.
In tho wilds of Crittenden County,
Ark. there lives an old man named
Itosebury. His eons, Robert and
John, are of the same age, 27 years
being twins. Mrs. Rosebury, the
mother, died Jong years ago. The
nearest human habitation was a house
occupied by a Mrs. Glenn and two
daughters, though, -pity to say, the
daughters were not twins at the time
,of their birth, snd have not yet suc
ceeded in attaining that point. Mr.
Rosebury fell deeply in love with
Mrs. Glenn, and the two sons, Robert
and John fell equally in love with the
two daughters, Mary and Rachel.
The most imaginable wholesale love-
making ensued. Tho old man and
wldow.seemed devoted to each, other,
and the young people were sufficient
ly marry, which they all did on
the same day. After the ceremony
the six happy souls and the six happy
bodies repaired to the residence of tho
husbands. Everything worked
smoothly. The old man was very
kind to his newly-made daughters,
particularly so to Rachel, the wife of
his son John. The kindness Increas
ed and other matrimonialist marveled,
one to another. The old man eyen
disregarded the wishes of his wife,
aud Raqbel snufJed her Grecian noBo
at her Roman-nosed husband. Ono
morning about two weeks after the
tnarriuge and ono week ago, tho fam
ily discovered that the old man and
Rachel had gone. Searching and not
being able to find them, but learning
from a ferryman that they had cross
ed the river into Tennessee, the fami
ly returned. Pretty soon an lntlma
oy sprang up between Robert, Mary's
husband, and tho old lady. The old
lady was so wise, and had such broad
experience that Robert never grew
tired of profiting by her. counsel.
Another disaster. Robert and the
old lady ran away, leaving John aud
Mary, who seeing, as they were not
blind, that they were left alone, clasp
ed themselves in lovingembrace, for It
seems that they had loved each other
from the first. Did they stay on the
farm ? No, sir. There is a mortgage
on It. They packed up and, accord
ing to the-ferryman wont over into
They have got a 'Pioneer Grant
Club' in New Orleans, and have begun,
the campaign In a very spirited man
ner. Thd club has issued an address
"To the voters and espeoiallylthe ex-
Con federate soldiers of Louisiana," in
which the latter are called upon to ral-
lv for Grant as the "manliest leader
of all." The following incident Is re
lated in the address:
General Robert E. Lee discovered,
fourteen years ago, what should at
once admonish us. On the 4th of
April, 1855, five days before the sur
render, he lost the advantages of his
forced march to Amelia Court House.
where he had ordered rations for his
famished men to await him.'by rail :
but where ho' found, to his dismay,
that the unladen train had, two days
before, been ordered to Richmond by
the authorities there to carry off the
Democratic politicFans. Their safety
may have been of greater moment
than the subsistence of Lee's scarred
and. exhausted heroes. Five daj's la
ter, after the terms of surrender had
been signed, Lee remarked that he re
called too late the fact that many of
the cavalry and artillery horses be
longed to his men, whereupon Gener
al Grantjreplied : "I will instruct my
paroling officers' that all enlisted men
of your cavalry and artillery who own
horses are to retain them, just as the
officers do theirs. They will deed
them for their spring plowiug and
other farm work." What was Lee's
reply : "General," said ho, with all
the earnestness of a proud, warm, and
unselfish heart, "there is nothing
that j'ou could have done to accom
plish more good cither for them or the
The address closes as follows :
However much Democratic com
plaint was made concerning Federal
Interposition during his administra
tion as President, ho executed the
laws as he found them : and while we
desire and shall pronounce for any
modification that may withhold such
interposition In strictaccordance with
the measure of compotenoe in a State
government to maiutaiu itself, we
likewise declare that if the South
must be a part of the nation, In order
to receive succor in measures of inter
nal improvement from that nation,
she is no less such a part of the nation
that sectionalism cannot convert the
map lines of States within that part
into walls, to oppose the true political
progress of tho war-settled American
We want a better peaoo ono that,
calms the judgment as well as stays
rvioleut hands. Wo believe that Gen
eral Grant will be elected, and that In'
1885. the South will Bay to him for her
sous, as said tho heroio Leo:
"General there is nothing that you
could have done to accomplish more
good either for them or tho govern
ment." Last spring tho Democrats of Kings
ton, N. Y., carried their bull-dozlug
practices to extremes. A mob toek
possession of tho polls and prevented
Republicans from voting. Several of
the mob were arrested, and among
them was William Ryan, who assault
ed and crippled a man who attempted
to vote the Republican ticket. .Ryan
was tried, found guilty, and senten
ced to one year's Imprisonment and
tho payment of a fine of $250.
Through the Influenooof the Attornoy
General of the State, a Democrat, tho
sentence was reduced to six months'
imprisonment and a fine of $75. This
was not satisfactory to the bull-dozers,
and a stay of proceedings were
procured, and Ryan was roleased on
bail. The Kingston bull-dozers count
this a triumph.
The old darkey preachers thoughts
about Lent aro about right.. Man
comes up use grass no nourishes like
sparrow-grass he rrisiis about like hop-
per-grasB no uu mu u jaois-ass. j
A Ball Underneath the Urouiiil.
A ball was given last night by Capt.
Matt Canavan at the New York mine,
Gold Hill, of which mine heisSuper
intendent. The ball took place at the
new station opeued at the depth of
1,040 feetjbelow tho surface. This sta
tion is quite as large as an ordinary
ball-room, well-floored, walled in with
substantial timbers, and has quite a
lofty ceiling. The station is cool and
comfortable, was appropriately deco
rated for the occasion, and was lighted
with lamps suspended from the ceil
ing. The ladies were dressed in cali
co and the gentlemen in correspond
ingly-inexpensive raiment. The fur
niture was In keeping with the place,
and, while there was furnished every
thing necessary to comfort, nothing
very extravagant was seen. Never
before in the United States if any
where in the world has there been a
ball given at the depth of nearly a
quarter of a mile beneath the surface
of the earth. There was no trouble
about persons slipping into the ball
room without tiokets. It Was a queer
way, too, of going to a ball, this step
ping upon-.a cage'.ins'tead of Into a car
riage, and being darted straight down
toward tho center of the earth instead
of rolling off horizontally iu the usual
way. Virginia Nev.) Enterprise.
A Hen Becomes a Rooster.
Six years ago next July there was
hatched in this section a female chick.
With the exception of the usual ad
ventures with hauks and owls, this
interesting fowl reached the age of
puliethood without creating any un
usual excitement. She quickly won
the hearts of the lords of tho barnyard,
and more than one pitch battle was
fought for her favor by rlvaljlcocks.
In time she developed iuto a steacty,
matronly 4hou, and not only proved a
good source of eggs, but sat upon and
hatched five litters of chick, and one
of geese, from which feat ahe was
known in tho neighborhood as the
"gosling hen." Last February, how
ever, a marked change was observed
in tho subject of the sketch. First,
the roosters ceaBed to worship at her
shrine. A change was also observed
in herigeueraljbearing, she assuming
decidedly masculine airs crowing
with the tone of a thoroughbred ohan
ticleor ; spurs commenced to grow
from her heels ; the tall leathers
lengthened and curved ; her comb
grew in length, and now this remark
able fowl has developed into a full
fledged rooster. Oglethorpe ' (Ga.)
Dinner Is frequently a heavy meal
compared with the others, aud to re
ceive it comfortably and without con
sequent Incoqveniece, tho stomach
should be in the best oondition it is
capable of acquiring.
There should be between work and
meal a certain period of respose, to al
low time for the collection of a good
store of gastio solvent, indicated by
the phenomenon of a keen, healthy,
vigorous appetite such an appetite
as stimulates mind and body to a gen
uine joy at the Bight, smell, and sound
of food.
A plcnio will be held at I'nwood
Park, Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 10th of
August, 1879, by a matrimonial asso
ciation formed August 19th, 1877, at
Cincinnati, on which occasion it is
expected there will be over one hun
dred couples publicly joined in matri
mony, aa an evidence of the influence
and successful workings of the asso
ciation. The novelty of a hundred
marriages at once will doubtless bring
together tho largest assemblago of
people ever collected in that city.
A ballff having been ordered by La
dy Hardwlck to procure a sow of tho
breed and size Bhe particularly des
cribed to him, came ono day into tho
dining-room, when full of company,
proclaiming, with a burst of joy he
could not suppress
"I have been to Royston fair, my
lady, and have got a sow exactly of
your ladyship's size." The company
started. Aud didn't Lady Hardwick
look funny!
Iced Tea. The tea should bo
made iu tho morning, and half of
green and half of black ; make
stronger and awoeter than. usual;
pour Into a jug, and place In tho ice
house or chest. Servo In goblet, with
small plecee.of Ice.
Lemon tea can bo made by adding
a few slices of lemon and a little of
the juice to tea made as above.
a ci
A calf will draw milk in thTCG min
utes, aud tho nearer a milker can come
to that time tho belter. A slow milk
er makes a oo w im patlen t, which often
causes her to hold up her milk. The
"strippings' are tho richest part, and
if a cow is milked quietly as well as
quickly there will -be moro as well as
richer milk becauso of tho "strip
pings." Several boys weeding onions in
Southport wero prostrated by a stroko
of lightening. Boys, whoso fathers
own onion beds, should out this out
and paste It in their fathors' hats.
Grumbling kills goodness.
Government should begin at home.
Great deeds survive the flood of time.
Greatness consists, in not feeling
Breakfast Puffs. i pint of milk,
1 pint of flour, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoonful
of butter, or 2 of cream, and-J. tea
spoonful of .salt. Bake in hot roll
"One can overcome any bad habit
If he ohoose," says an old moral law.
We'd like to see nny one overcome
tho bad habit of tobacco If he chews.
it is lucky to pick up a horse-shoe,
auieBs, of course, it happens to be at
taohedjo a uiuio's nma leg.
The New York Tribune has an wl
mirabfc article on the great issue
which beyond all questions of administration,-
of finance, etc. must
be first settled by the People's party
of this country. It concludes thus.:
It Is safe to predict that all changes
in the future will be iu the direction,
not of restriction, but ofenlarguientof
the national power for. the protection
of tho right of sufferage. The people,
whatever democratic politicians may
think, are really disgusted with the
changeable, conflicting and vexatious
regulations of the Btates. They are
citizens, not of a state, but of the
United State. In their dearest rights
they want the steady, equal and pow
erful protection which the national
government alone can give. The
chief defeat of existing laws is that
they only scratch the surface. More
will be done before ten years have
passed, to insure a government of the
United States by tho people of the
United States, and not by legislative
tricks, rifle clubs, state boaads, bands
of repeaters, or bribed electers.
J s c
The young woman who desires to
have herself published in thenows
papers as "fascinating, beautiful, and
accomplished," will, please pack up
her clothes in a dirty towel, crawl out
of the back up stairs window some
dark, rainy, night, andj elope with
the man who currlesand feeds her
dad's horses. It's a big price to pay
for compliments but it will bring
them just as certain as a dirty rain
water barrel will beget mosquitoes in
Every day we have evidence that
the small boy has no soul. The other
day a crowd gathered around a farm
er whose wagon-load of butter and
eggs was fast In a mud-hole, and,
whlloj some suggested that? he pull
his horse geo, and others that ho pull
him haw, the ever-present boy yelled,
"It's no uso, mister. Your hoss ain't
strong enough. Take him out an'
hitch in a roll of yer butter."
In Stanstead, Canada, a man sold
ten cent packages, "warranted sure
death to pota'to bugs ; no risk of pois
oning animals as with Paris green."
The paokages wore not opened until
time to use them. Ono victim, hav
ing three, opened one, and found two
square blockB of wood, on one of
which was written : "Place tho bug
on this block, and press firmly with
tho other."
Besldo a straw stack sat a tramp a
jolly tramp, and wisewho, while he
patched his tattered coat, did thus
soliloquise: "It seems so sad that
my lone life doth ever downward
tend, and rags me into wretchedness;
but still I'm on tho mend. And when
I needle Httlo cash, I. makonoloud
laments, but by a straw stack-eit me
down, and gather in my rents."
A gentleman lately inquiring for a
young lady of his acquaintance1 was
told, very gravely, that she was dead?
"Is it possible ! I never heard'of
It"what-was her disease.?'
"Vanity," returned his Informant;
"She buried herself alive in the arms
of an old fellow of seventy, with a
fortune, in order to have the satisfac
tion of a gilded tomb."
X Ml
I have seen salt recommended to be
eaten with walnuts, so as to prevent
Indigestion, but I think I prefer eat
ing the walnuts without any such
condiment. If lovers of nuts of any
kind, will drink a eup of sweet milk
after eating them, they will not ex
perience any unpleasant sensations,
aud can eat a great many more with
Mrs. Hayes has a flower mission of
her own, which does good In moro
ways than ono. Tho conservotories
of tho White house bloom raostabund
antly. Each morning a messenger
on horseback is dispatched by her to
bear baskets of freshly-cut flowers to
ladles of her acquaintance. Tho poor
aro also remembered in this exquisite
A Sunday school for Chinese meets
every Sunday afteroon I In Chicago,
Of tho hundred or more Chinamen
In that city twenty-six attend the
school regularly, and there is a teach
er for every scholar. The converts
aro said to bo genorous contributor to
rellgous and other charitable enter
prises. Wine. At tho first, it sparkles and
cheers; at the last itpoisonsand mad
dens. At tho first, it exoites mirth
and song ; at the last, it produces sor
row aud oursos. Is an
affair or good feoling and fellowship ;
at tho last, it Is an affair of feuds,
flighting and murder.
J I c.
One of the charges against a Seneca
Fulls (N. Y.) minister is that ho hir
ed a livery horso and wngon, was
gono two days, swapped horses six
difleront times, and came back to tho
stable with tho sumo horso he took
out having made $100 by tho opera
tion. Tho Rev. Dr. Rhea, a leading Meth
odist Episcopal preacher at Daven
port, Iowa, created much excitement
among his parishioners recently by
preaching, a sorman in which he fav
ored the entire prohibition of religi
ous teaching in the schools.
c '
The hand of Time, imperceptible
in its touch, steals the color from our
opinions; and like those who look on
faded pictures, we wonder at having
been struck with their force.
The Incognito- business Is being run
into the ground. John Smith of
Detroit is traveling in Germany under
the name of De Bologna.
WAGON MAKING, Repairing,
Plows, and all -work done In the best
mannorand on short notice. Satisfaction Ruaran
oil. Ulvouini-ttcall. 3i-ly.
The Best Tables in the City.
Nothing in any Shape Intoxicating.
and everything
Temperance Billiard Hail,
One door West of P.O. Two shots for 5 cts
Wiih CrossBow or- Rifle
Comonnd shoot, an be sure to examine that
Which I have for sale.
Persons wishing to enjoy a nice
dish of
Ice Creara
or a good glass of
Sodawatep of Lemonade
should call at the
three doors east of P. O.
Good cigars always on hand.
iiisrsl Merchandise
Aspinwall, Mebraslia.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
Tne Celebrated"
"W.."W. ICiraball,
Or Chicago,
Bleep in stocliafaliline.of
For full particulars, terms & prices,
call on or address,
J. R. DYE, Local Agent,
E. M. Lippifct,
jBroivwvillCt -
- ZfcuvasJta.
A line assortment of Type, Bor
ders, atules, Stock, tc..
Colored and Bronzed Labsh,
Circulars, Dodgers, Programmes,
Show Cards,
"With neatness and dispatch
Cheap on Ixfekior T."obk
Carson Block,
ITxe Xjai'g-est
jSTew ITirin II jSTew ;. Goods ! ! !
PLOWS, . ' i
WAGONS, - .:. -
McCormick Eeapers & Mowers.
Our Goods are all of tlie best quality, and the
Call and Esamine our implements and be your own
K3 j
C3 -
No. -d.O 3,Xa.Iii Street,
CAirimn jtjiuits, jxvts, toys,
Pi ics, Tobacco, CJgarSaUIusicallnslruaienls, Patent Medicine,
- ?3r
V v ? jy -s. its' T
Farmers' Trade Respectfully Solicited. Prices the
J. H. ROYSE, Proprietor.
- ",,-"V ajoC-. 1 larf.sV.rf-a' 1 , - . 1 P.I., ., .eTT
3Innnfactnrer and Dealer In
Foreign and Domestic Marble, Monuments,
CTTH1 1 r TT7CTP1VTC All orders promptly nlletl. and satisfaction gnarnn teed
bJriiLilKL UtiDlUllsJ Office and Yard, Main street, between Cth and 7th,
FURNISHED M. M. CONNER, Traveling Agent
Tre W0R&
SiMR ,
HfLWMnt n masi all
SEABURY & J01TSSON-, prop's 21 Plntt St, 2T. V.
t I fl T(l t 1 tlfin I Invested in wall st. stocks
4 I U I U 4) I UUU imnkefortunescverymonth
Book sent free explaining evervthlnc Address,
BAXTER i CO., Bankers, 17 Vall St., 3f. V. -Iwl
.Please write
ptbTTjirKc Illn
trntetl Citta
3 loeueof
Address Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa
Slita nptrards, not used nj-enr, (roods as
new ; warranted, IfEAV PIAXOS and
prices for casJi. Catnlognes Mailed.
HORACE WATERS, Apt.,10 East 14th
St., X.Y. P.O. liox, 3530. -iivl.
f t nnn returns in 30daysonSlOOInvested. Of
4 I ZUUflclnl Reports and information free. Like
profits weekly on fatock options of J10 lo&O. Addres
T.lottcr Wight &;Co Banker3,35 Wall stf.Y.
Bro - n - arillc, IS cYiva&lca..
& . i .S.J JL U A J V .&&.
Into the new stable South of the
Sarsh. House.
"WLero I Intend toliocra a First-class
4 v. -e V
. aaasii n HI""
Parson's I'urBative PHIsmake new rich blod
and will completely cnange the blood ia the en tiro
system In three nionthsAny person who will take
1 pill each nicht from I to 12 weeks may be restored
to sound health, Ifsuch a thingbe possible. Sent by
mail for 8 letter stamps. I. s. Johnson it Co.,
Bangor, 3Xe. 4wM,
Iilvcry Stable In connection with thcllonso
5Stao:o ofllce for all points East. "West Ka
3-Xorth&Sonth, Omnibuses to-g
es-connect Avith all tralns.a
IS ft msw BEH ifi9 88
Th8 GreatKngllah TRADE MARK
Bomedj-; xa
: .fining sore for
Seninil TF ek-
nei, speraMor
r&M, Iapotcoc7i
aad ill disease
tt follow u a -
Before TailBff. Abuse; u Lou of After Taking-.
mivi or Slr
Xemory. tJnlTerui Lanitode, Pala la the Back, Diaaesa of
Vision, Prtmatan Old Age, and many ctlier Disease! that
Had to Insanity or Consanptloa, and a Prematnre Orare.
pyFofl partknlars la ocr pacphlet, which desire to)
aendfreetrmaatoererj-one. CJTheSpeciaelfedldaeU
soabyaUdrogglits atl per package, or six packages for
13, or will b scat free bjnaU ca receipt of the noney by
Addressing t'
M zcaane's Biocr, DnrsrrrHrcS?
2-Soldln Brown ville and everywhere
by all drngglsts. Cyrt
Mlll1lHXrr. im9 9mvjUMmmmmwww
4 PW WlllllWiMMiiM BiTa
ii ! T ..i1 efc n iiitf r -ill
U. fa Uftta n mt fkjfc. M
pajH.U.-'WAti.ri'fc t-." AflhrtlTf..l
Hnd MORrniNE&aMtasjo
latelj anJ iferly ewtd. -Psin-I....
Nn mhiieitr. brixl itima
y fcr full MrticoJir. Dr Carlton,
li SXi 3. Clark iU, Cfc'iwjo, IH.
t. .nM i.-n-tuvcrn Scran Book of tho cream o
the World's literature. Sinslp copy. 20c.. or 2 por
An Oil Chromo (14x20 Inches) of "Yosermto
'S&r Drice. S3: "Black Sheep." a SLSObooi. in"
iiwVmdi&i Christian Oakley's MUUta
Kofc. In naper)!ndin?. and a sample copy of "Wood 3
IIoiSehoMiIasazin8"-anpost-paid,for only 30 cents
In money, or in ono-cont postago stamps. Aetata
wanted. Jlostliberal terms, but nothinKScntfree.
Address S. S.Wood. Tribune Bailduu,'. Ji ew i ork Ctr.
A lrrr. DIM inJ COBcWt QnldO tO
I Yedloc!c,contii!na;. ! may other?.
' IVonuohood, Selection of Wife, EWenee9
,or Virginity, TrrupenmntJ, wnflrtWs
j ni incompatible, Serilil W nen,
lcae and treatment. JUme ts Brle-
mpn. A 'rice to HuskaxK Aileite to
Wires, Prostitution, its caues Celibacy and Matrimony e6
uared. Conjugal duties, t onceptton, Coefinenient. Le and
C ourtthip. Impeiuneuts to Marriage ia male and fenl.Sce
of Reproduction, Siutie Life couuderrd. Law of Marrtar;,
Law of UiToree, Lestai right cf married women, ec mefnd-
inr Diseases peculiar t Women, their caoes and truat
meat. A boo t for pnrate an.l coderate readnr. at 320 ?aji,
with full Plate EnrrariBp, by mad, sealed, Hr CO e4s.
on Syphilis. Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Strtetarc.Varico
eelc. lc ilwoa Spsrmatorrhcco. Sexual DeWlity. ad
Impotency. from. lr-alu aul Exeer, eawstSeBar
Emission!, NrrTomneM. Attmob t Soeiet'. t.nloa of
Ideas. I'hesicil Ueeajr, DimaeM of Sight, Dcfr?tire Memory.
Lost of Sexual Tower, etc., mail marriage marofer r .
nnhaper. siTins trealmcut. and a great mr Tiluohi reerfi
for the cars of all private diseases j 234 pajes, iT CO otat.j,.
A lecture on Manhood and Womanhood. 10 cents ; or al
three in nee nicelv bnd TUme. SI. They eoauia 600 sure
and oser 10O Illustrations, eenbracteic erer? ru oalSHr
reneratlTe sr.tem that a worth kaowiac. aad ma rhat Is net
published la'anr other wark. The ceasbined r4aaM is w.i.
tirelr the w ropalar Medical B rbOsaaa, ami tha-e -satisfied
alter jettine; it tan hare their nwaey refunded. The
Author k aa experienced Fbynetaa af aar rwinm.
tice. (is is well kaowa.) and the adme green, aad rates frr
treatment laid down, will be fon-d of great eiaa ta Haw f
fnar from impaririei of the trstem. early errors, hut sajar.
or any of the numerous troubles eeexac uadee the beat of
"Private "or" Chronic " diseases Seat n swarte Ta.-
uiacs, or cumsdete ia oae. for Pnee m stamps. Stiver, or Car
reney. (Consultation conMeatial; all letters are BemuaJ
an ! fraakly anjwered withoat charee.) Addres.- iJr.Kott'
IM.pcnuary.lSN. 5thS,!.Loi,M. (EstaUwaad !.)
CJFor $3lo by Mows Dealers. AGENTS wanted.-
r DR. BfTTS unites an persoas saaenaj mm "v
RUPTURE to send bim their names ami aaVlfes, rj
and hereby asres them tftat taey wrt leara
leasethiu; to their advantage Not a Truss. Jr
A Valuable Discovery
ani ?tt Uepsrtare ia McJ
icsl bcieace. aa eatircsr
Neir aad feOMtiseljr effsst
ire Remedy for the speeds'
SHd peraiaacat Care of
Seminal Emissions' &
Inrpoteaoy a tae cat,
true -way, vte: Direct
ADDUeaiion t te aria.
ri;al Srjt f th 1 iue, actus; It Absorption, aad eitrt
inr its spec tic oa the Seminal VesselM, 3Jac
ulfttory Duets. Prostate Gland, and Urethra. Te a
af tac hesiedT is atiarded wit no pan ar iacaaiaee, aad
daes act urtcrfere aita tee ortiiurr parsaits ( ah; It u
fiaieklr 4ald aad saa aasorbad. prndaoar an irarae
diute MotaiajC ai.d restorative effect apoH tie saxoat sad
aersoas oramiaa wrerferd from seif-aause sad erevun.
lopiiuiC tie drain rrnn the sjriteai. restnnae; the mind
kealth sad sound memory. renaTiae; tbe BtsiBeM of
Sht. Nervous Debtiit y. Confttsioa of Ideas. Aver
siea to Soeiety. etc.. eta. ad ta apaearaaea at prama
tore Old age u.ijiII accompsajipf; tan traaale, aad rettar.
iar perfect Seznal Vigor, waare k kas been dansaat fcr
jeara. This m.Je of trMtsaeat kas stawl tsw tt aa
sesere ease, aad aavr a proaonacad saece. Dru3 ars
too msek prcsenbed ra these trouI.!r, atrf, as sasar as bear
witaoi to. with hat little if aaj- perauueat red. There rs do"
Saesense abost thi Freparatinn. rraencal ooteratiaa aoaUes
a, to poitirer; frnaranieo that it mil jut Batisfaetion.
twine tbe eiht Tears that it has been ib Haefai ase. ire hara .
thovsaadi of testiaienuls aa to IU voice, aad it st nw eaa;eirl.
aad upon n'joai quacks prey Hb etr mateisjioitttnBijiadF--
bi jt fees. Ttie KeBaedr ispat op tn ami rHm,' w tnrsljrsi
Ko-1, cncaiU to last a roooth.) S3; Ko. 2. fAc!eatJ,tai
ctfiret a pentuuieat core, nnless in severe cairs ) $5 If ol
(sastta? over three mouths, will stop emiwk'ns atl restora
Ticor in tbe worst esses.) S7. Sent be niail. se'cil. ia arafti
wrarpers. Full DIItECTIONS for using will accom
pany XAUxi. XU2
SstoJ for a lineriptire ranpatet rlrtoe Aaatasaical
CItlastratMMis, which wilt convince the most sk-ptical
that they cao be restored to perfect Bsnbooo. aad
fitted for the duties of life, same as if aeaer aaVeted
Seat Sealed for stamp la aav oae. JM OiflsY kf the,
Maricat and th Sis. ST. LOUIS, MO.
IJattlo Ciroolr, IVIlcli.
TITE Matchless Graln-Sarinr, TImo-SaTlDe,
nd Money-SaiiriS Tbresbers of this day and genera
tion. Bejond all rivalry for Rapid TTerk, Fufest ClesilarV
B33 fcr Saris; Grain from TTsju;-
STEAM Power Threshers a Specialty. Special
sixes of Separators mads tnreulr for SUaa Fowsr.
kDB Unrivaled Steam Thresher Engines,
' both Portable and Traction, -with Vslusile lmrov.
Bests, far beyond any otaer make or tnit t
THE EXTIBE Threshing Expenses (and otteri
tbree to Bra tine, that amountj can be made by the
Extra Grain SAVED by these Improead Machinss.
BAIX Baisers will not submit to the enor
Jal raooi wastage or Grain and the Inferior work don ty
all other machines, when once posted on th difference.
NOT Only Tastlr Superior for TThtat, Oata;
Barley, Rye. and like Grains, bnt the 0.T Suecess
fal Thresher in Flax, Timothy, unlet. Clover, and Uks
Seeds. Require, to "attachtasau" or "rshuililaz ta
ehanje from Grain to Seed. '.
SX Thorough TTortmanshlp, Elecant FInlsh-J
Perfection of Parts. Cbmrlcteness of Equipment, sc.3
cur "viaEiroa" Thresher Oatnts are Incosjparable. J
-. ' -rA ?w Ayvsvr-'S
S"8' Jf" J3? one-half the nsoal Belts and Gears. .v.i
Clean Work, with no Utterinis or Scattering
E10.,,81288 of Separators Made, Kantrlnr-
Tear a Campbell, Agents.
30mG Brownvllle, lYcb.-'
Prirate Hospital. 203
III. C3peciattytall
j ctnu bmaiL Mriu-
CCW TTftrt nrlM Rrk.
I ologj of Marriage. Or-
Comulutton free.CZ3
Ladlei aoa Get tie- 2 . .
lattn. unlit nr-i stAlf. B f t 1
Prtn I ak Tllu-
I t ." " ueneratlon.)
Jtuease, or Toattt anJ
I tor aap!es of best 9 CJD
i choice and salaa&le hj.
m m u c r Kuoja;. htm
i lormation. er IsteresC
! tO both WIM VfKl.
anivii tuiuimauon j aaa
oaVssiie ta good Ustcf
.c e owe nils, j j
tr box- PrlviftteS
rartaceacsL iafor
2 as-er before
jj u m ua Dorse r.r;
a Ladie daring cea-;
3 fin em rot- j
Jhoold be without it.
u v-Aaaress. Dr. A. O-
'''. . urt St.
Manhood : How Lost How Restorer!
Jfffer7 Jnst published.a nPw oai.KLiHtv,0-.
rflT- Tmrvi ! . -TV u -tHystCal Tnr-
duleence or sexual MtravaAi u self-la-
sTITIci;, in a sealed envelope onlv iw .
i-iKny aemonstrates.rromathlrtv ifnrV'.,7Xwi''
ful practicthat the alaralDgc0MeQn2r?cJ.?;
abuse may be radically catred without tr,.0Jselt
oususeof Internal metlldne or th rtnSfi??.Dger
the knlfer pointmrc oit a mode orSLU?ttioa of
bentnnderseaUIn a plain eiiroinr,
dress patf-rxtw, on recipt or Vi ? cemfn r ?'
??.e. "Sffil!; Address the tiiS gXS
Post Olllcc Box5i5.; Stcw Vor w
( iflft
' jSSftSw
Z?GT .-J t,Trt
MVH- iirfi
VL t5fiAN
iStl -r. J SI I
Pg3ga Trade MarlcV
S t an-cy il saSTittt
' tl
' !