Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 17, 1879, Image 3

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Arrival and Departure of Mails.
St. Joe, going south.
120 to
K. C fc
dally .-
K.C. t St. Joe. going north.
k a m
1:43 p m
7:15 a m
50 p m
6:13 p m
Vphraska Rallwav. Dally
Vnlls wtv. T)ilv. via. Netnaha.
1 AspinwaUandSt.Deroin tpm 7:J0 a iu
"""Beatrice, dally, via. Sheridan
and Tecnmseh 6:13 a m 60 p m
Teciimjeh, Tr!-weekly. i.
LoDdon. filpn Hock. Clifton.
Howard and O rant &45 a m 60 p m
Febing, Semi-weekly, Via Sbcr- ,
man and Uratton 645 a m 6rf)0 p m
Ternnvwh matl.hy London Ac, leaves Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, arriving Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Teblng. leaves Mondays and Fridays, arriving
Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Brownville Buss Line to Phelps.
IJeave BromVil 0 a. m., and 3 p. m.
Arrive at Brownville lian p. m.,and G:20 p. m.
J. C BOU3FIELD. Superintendent.
THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1879.
Hogs $3.00$3.25.
Mixed paints, all shndesand col
ors, at Nlokell's.
For tlnshop work on abort notice
call on Stevenson & Croes.
Last Thursday and Friday were
eoorcbers 102 in tbe shade.
Arctlo soda, healthiest ,drink In
the world, at"NIckeirs.
A large and new etockj of hardware?-cheap,
at Willing Bros'.
"RriOov. Butler has sixty acres
of wheat ruined "by chinch buge.
Bain, Studebaker and Nebraska
wagons. Stevenson & Cboss.
Money to loan on Real Fstate se
curity. Apply to Wm. H. Hoover.
A flnelotof shotguns just receiv
ed and will be sold low by Stevenson
& Cross.
3Largo Stock ladies' and
Misses' Slioes at Robison's.
Builders Stevenson & Cross will
"give bed rjck figures on hardware
and throw the nails In.
2,500 acres of land In Bedford
. Preclnot for sale on reasonable terms.
Apply to William II. Hoover.
We are prepared to do all kinds
of tinwork on short notice and at low
prices. Stevenson & Cross.
There is a rumor In town that the
R. B. Co. aro receiving bide for tbe
repairs of the grade and bridges on
the old B., Ft. K. t P. R. R.
An open nir Ice Cream Festival
iiest'TuesdHy oveninjr, 22d Inst., at
residence of B. M. Jialley, for the
benefit of M. E. ohuroh. Admission
to grounds 10 cent.
Improved Empire Machine
Manufactured by Sieberling the man
who Invented the first 2 wheel ma
oblue, is sold by Stevenson & Cross
and Is tbo-bcet and cheapest Reaper
Presbyterian church services ev
ery Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p.
in. Sabbath bchool at 11:30 a. m.
Prayer -meeting on Wednesday eve
ulug at 7:45 o'clock.
W J. Weebeu, Pastor.,
Tls said that the tiea and iron
are to be at oucb laid on the Railway
between Nemaha and Falls City.
From the force of employes at work
we ebouldn't be atull surprised If the
rumor Is correct.
Sborldan Post's Peru Items: T.
J. Majors is making preparations to
build a large brick barn, which, when
completed, will be the finest structure
of the kind, In this party of the
Oil Say !
Have you seen the new and large
etock of Btoves, tinware and hard
ware at Willing Bros'. Prices with
in reach of all.
Peru Herald: It was estimated
that the number preeeut at Brown
ville on the 4th, was between G.000
and 7,000. Everybody expressed
themselves highly pleased with the
reception given them by the Brown-
villo citizens.
A new line of Ladies Hoscry
and Clilldrens Hoscry at Do
Icn's. Sheridan Posl: J. A. Clark took
to Brownville, on Thursday, five
hogs which netted the enormous
weight of twenty hundred and ten
pounds. The hogs were one year old,
with the exception of two of them,
which had not yet reached that age.
Mr. Clark is an enterprising stock
Ply Brick
At H- C. Lett's.
In the matter of a bridge across
the Nemaha river on the line between
townships 4 and 5, tbo petition for
same was examined and ordered fllod.
The board were favorable to the en
terprise and will order it3 construc
tion when the condition of the bridge
fund, which is reduced at pr66"ent,
will justify It. Should the Immediate
construction of the bridge been order
ad, it would so exhausted the fund bo
fore it could be replenished under col
lection of taxes on levy juat made,
that there would be no money for re.
pairing In oases of necessity that
might occur.
A Card.
We take this method to return
our thanks to the publio for the pat
ronage liberally extended to us in the
grocery business. Also to say that we
are In need of the money and must
have all arreraees paid up. And
from this date we will sell for ready
pay, by cash or exchange for ench
produce as we need. On this princi
ple you ehall have goods at the best
terms tbe same quality can be bought
of any retail dealer west of our whole
Bale towns. Geo. W, Bratton.
Cor. 6th and Main streets, Brown
yJlle,:Neb. 3w3
Jewelry atNlckell's.
Root beer at Nickell's.
Head Light oil at Hill's.
Paints and Oils at NIckelPs.
California Caned Fruit at Hill's.
Collins' Dental rooms over Jonea'
Go to D. H. McLaughlin's shoot
ing gallery.
Thermometer showed 102 on
Friday last.
Our corn crop Is safe, except as
to hail stormB.
Fine lot of new Cbromoes just re
ceived at Mrs. Small's.
The weather is warm, but busi
ness is good all tbe same.
Sewing Machines and needles for
dale bySteveneon & Cross.
Tn the cellar or basement is tue
potest place during a tornado.
Everybody neartygets ineir
barberwork done at HawkinB'.
Cook stoves & Furniture at price
that all can buy. Stevenson &Cross.
Arctic soda at Nickell's, reno
vates the whole syBtem and keeps you
Big lot of 5 and 10 cent goods better
than over, just received at Mrs.
Going to see Cooper & Bailey's
great show at Nebraska Clty next
For the Best working oook stove
with nutomatio shelf, call on Stevn
eon & Cross.
Dr. Collins, Dentist, Brownville,
Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p.m. Not at
home on Fridays. 39tf
A good second-hand reaper and
mower, as good as new, for sale cheap
by Hawley & Douglas.
Call and see the large stook of
stoves tbatjhave just arrived at Will
Ing's of the best make.
Extra copies of The Advertiser
for sale by A. W. Nickell, drugglBt
book-seller and stationer.
Our merchants are closing out
their summer goods making room
for Immense fall stocks.
Farmers, this week, are In the
midst of their spring wheat harvest,
and the city Is rather dull.
We understandfthere will(be sev
eral new buildings erected In this olty
duiing this summer and fall.
Do not buy furniture until you
look through our mammoth stock.
Stevenson & Cross.
T have for sale, cheap, some choice
lots, in Nemaha City, for those who
want to build. Wsr. H. Hoover.
Spring Wheat Is turning out
muob better than was expeoted some
time before harvest commenced. A
generally good crop.
The reason why Steveneon &
Cross are constantly selling stoves is
because they keep the latest patterns
and pell at lowest prices.
Our County Agricultural Society
have decided to hold a fair some time
in September, before the State Fair,
so that all articles can bo sent to the
State Fair If desired.
The fellow who was going to build
tbe'blg livery barn on Mnlu Street,
suddenly Bklpped out. His boarding
house keeper can get the money for
his board by calling on WIIs. Majors.
The usual services will be held in
the Episcopal Church next Sunday,
20th In6t., and the Rev. Henry W.
Meek, of Brownell Hall, Omaha, will
be expected to conduct them and
An old "soak" from tho south
part of tho county was In the city
last week. He got drunk tho first
thing, and exhibited a bottle of whis
ky but would not tell where he got it.
Too sharp for that.
A sort of a beerkeg of a fellow
that Is advising business men to with
draw patronage from our paper, cer
tainly doesn't know what he Is doing
We are well aware that be nor his ad
vice, nor his Influence, amount to a
pinch but then it might pay him to
reconsider the matter before he shoots
his silly mouth off too much.
Beatrice Express: E. A. Touza
lln will be in Beatrice on Wednesday
to meet suoh citizens as are interested
in a railroad through Gage, whioh is
the road In contemplation from
Brownville to Red Cloud. Mr. Touz
alin will submit a proposition to the
county, which we understand will bo
exceedingly liberal.
The bell at the Presbyterian
ohurcb hereafter will ring aa follows:
The first bell will ring one hour be
fore time for services; the second
bell half an hour before services, and
the last bell will toll ten minutes, at
the close of which services willjcom
mence promptly. Services in the
morning at 10:30, in tbe evening at
The largest etock and handsom
est variety of oook Btoves and ranges
to bo found in Nemaha County, with
all tbe lateBt improvements, consist
ing of the different patterns of the
Early Breakfast, Charter Oak and
several other varieties, are now offer
ed at lower prices than any stove
dealer dare sell, with a wagon load of
trimmings, by Stevenson & Cross.
Last week In the fullness of our
local reports, and not knowing fully
to what extent our reporters and com
mittees would notice events and per
sons, until our space was occupied,
Borne items deserving attention were
omitted. The oommittee of general
superintendence, while it thanks the
people of Brownville individually
and collectively for tho aid so freely
and generously given, cannot extend
to itself the thanks which the people
feel toward the committee, or at least
some of the members. The incessant
work real labor that required mus
ole and sweat of James StevenBon,
W. H. Small, and Gov. Furnas, who
said "come boys," and lead off In
clearing grounds, packing brush, ma
king platforms, etc., when the mercu
ry stood at 85tf, and were constantly
on the go, late and early, for three
weeks before the Fourth, "without
money and without price" if there
is a greatest credit duo anywhere for
the grand succees of our celebration,
It Is due to these men. And in behalf
of the people who saw and enjoyed,
we thank them.
I will close my entire
Goods, Clothing,
Ladies' fine Slioes, at and below
COST. Call and Examine my Goods.
A Weather Strip.
The best thing ever invented as a
door attachment to prevent rain or
snow from beating in under doors,
thus wetting and ruining the carpet,
Is sold by Fred. August, this city,
who has the sole right to sell them in
this county. It Is cheap and perfect,
and every housekeeper will want one
or more to preserve her carpet, or to
shut out wind, snow and rain. One
may be seen in place on tho door of
B. M. Bailey's office.
Ed. Arnold, Mi D.,
Visits patients both day and night.
Large stock of men's
Slioes at Robison's.
The County Commissioners met
first Monday in July, as the law pro
vides, and made a levy of taxes on the
total valuation of the county ($1,823,
002.49) as follows :
For State General fund, 4 mills on tho dollar.
" Sinking " yA " " "
" School 1 ' " " "
" University " " " "
"Snpport of Insane
" County Gen. fund 10 " '
" hrldgo " 3 " " " "
" " Blnklng " 2 "
" Pern Precinct It. R. 15 " " " "
Levy for Bohool purposes as report
ed by tbe various districts.
Farmers !
Willing Bros, would like to show
you anew puTip. Call and sea them.
During the next thirty days
Mrs. White will sell Hats, Par-.'
asols, and other fashionable
goods cheaper than ever be
fore. Call early and;take first
Fanny Still, a hired girl In the
family of Jacob Sanders, Rook Port,
Mo., on tbe evening of the 5th Inst.,
was delivered of a fully matured
child In the privy. She had conceal
ed her condition from those about the
bouse where ehe was working, and
still designing to conceal it, called no
one to her assistance, and threw her
babe luto the privy vault. After re
turning to the house the mother was
taken with convulsions. Mrs. Sand
ers procured the assistance of phyBla
ians at once, but not knowing tbe
cause of the girl's affliction, until by
acoident, sometime during the night
the child wos discovered in the privy
vault, prompt appliances of remedies
were not made, and tbe unfortunate
orealure died next morning.
None slwidd fail to visit
the So stand at J. L. Mc
Gee's. We call special attention to the
advertisement of The Nebraska
Advertiser In this iBsue. Better
terms wero never offered. To Novem
ber 15, 1880 sixteen months for $2.00.
Old subscribers, by paying up to pres
ent. time, making their subscription
begin now, can have advantage of
theso terms.
Go to J. L. Mo Gee's for
Gents and Ladies Linen
Just Married.
"I'll never starve, my dear," ho said nnto
his ruralbride.
As through the garden -walk the two were
strolling sldo by side,
The little farmer's girl looked up, and
she arohly said "why ?"
"Because from Willing Brother's I Bhall
my stove, tin aud hardware as I know
they have new goods and sell cheap.
Dr. E. D. Arnold
Makes a specialty of diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
The Omaha papers getting Into a
dispute as to which has the largest
circulation, a comparison of postage
paid on the respective papers settles
the question In" favor of tbe Republi
can. The Herald, on'dally and week
ly, paid last year SGS0.18; tho Bee
$732.73 : the Republican $756.26.
The most interesting railroad
gossip now Is over a rumor that the
Railway is to be extended south from
Nemaha City on the old graded
track ; and also that the old Brown
ville, F6. K. grade will be utilized by
the B. & M. to run a road west. It
really looks' reasonable that bb the B.
& M. has, or may have very easily,
two graded lines from this city one
30 miles west, the other about 25
miles south and as the company ap
pears to be figuring to operate lines In
both these directions that it will
utilize these old grades. There is too
much money in them to be thrown
away. A gentleman who can talk
railroad with tbe B. & M. men had an
Interview with the President of the
road last spring. He didn't tell us
what was said by Mr. P., but when he
offered to bet us a plug hat that
when tbe B. & M. should run a road
west It would be over the old B. Ft.
& P track, we felt Beared and would
n't bet. For we couldn't tell but
what it might be so.
Full stock of men's fine
and coarse Boots at Rolu-son's.
stock of Summer Dry
Notions, Hats,
Goods, and ,
Warm weather heap!
Ben. Swift is about to commence
work on bis new house.
Tbe chinoh bugs are doing much
damage. to wheat.
The fourth of July celebration at
Sage's Grove was well attended con
sidering the numberof gatherings In
the county and all went happy "as a
marriage bell."
Oscar Dundas and family of
White Rook, Kansas, are visiting In
The man that wants a well im
proved farm near Sheridan cheap and
on easy terms will do well to address
J. H. Dandas.
Another humbug has skipped
and tbe people talk about a sweet
The above items were sent In for
last week's issue, but were crowded
out. Editor.
This is a good year for corn,
wheat, bogs, oattle, rallroadi, etc.
A new lot of Hamburg Is nil
colors just received at Dolen's.
Save Money
And buy your goods of H. O, Lett.
Some friend sonda us a oopy of
the Counoll Bluffs Qloheot 14th. Inst,
with the following Item marked,
which make us think the woman
named Is tbe wife of Wat. Empson :
attempted suicide.
Mrs. Empson, tbo wife of Mr. Emp
son, who keeps a saloon adjoinlug
the Revere House, conoluded that
she did not want to live through the
heated term, and at about dusk last
evening took a half ounce of chloro
form. She bad been drinking quite
freely through tho day and it is doubt
ful it tbe drug would have had a dead
lyleffeot had it been permitted to take
Its course. But to mako a sura thing
of it, Dr. Maorae was called and life
was made oertain with her. It seems,
however, that she did not care to die
as much as she at firet supposed, for
no sooner had she taken the obloro
form than she begun to oream and
beg for moroy. Mrs. EmpBon may
learn wisdom from this little episode
In her life and hereafter devote her
self to doing good deeds Instead of
bad ones.
Cornshellers, harness and barbed
wire. Stevenson & Cros3.
Something new
roods at Dolen's.
in dress
A meeting of the board of mana
gers of tbe Nemaha County Agricul
tural Society will be held at the Court
House in Brownville on Saturday,
July 19th, 1S79, to complete arrange
ments for holding County Fair, &o.
A full board Is desired.
R. A. Hawley, Pres.
For a Grey Ulster If left with
Lett. Lost on tbe4tb.
H. C.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Postoffice at
Brownville, Nebraska, for tbe week
ending July 12. 1S79, which If not
called for will be sent to the dead let
ter office :
Bavars, Mr. ; Ballard, William ;
Culpen, Z. B. ; Crocker, W. W. J
Clark, A.; Dare, John; Jenkins,
Frank; Moore, J. D. ; Moore, Mrs.
M.J. ; MoAuley, MarllnL. ; Morgan,
H. C. ; Swager, Wm. H. ; Wade, B.
Peraons calling for any of the above
letters will please Bay Advertised.
T. C. Hacker, P. M.
Prof. Tanner, has purohased the
photograph gallery and fixtures of
Air. Zook, and will be ready to tnk-9.
your pictures next week In accord
ance with the latest Improvements of
the art.
Ladies cali at Dolen's and
soe the newest thing in ribbons.
The Rural New-Yarker gives tbe
following seasonable recipss:
Sweet Gbeen Tomato
WaBh, remove any imperfections,
weigh out eight pounds, ohop fine,
add four pounds of white or light
brown sugar; boil slowly for three
hours, then add a quart of vinegar
and a desert spoonful each of ground
cinnamon and doves. Boll fifteen or
twenty mtnuten longer, and when
cool, put into bottles or jars.
Lemon Ice. One pint of rich lem
onade with a little grated rind of lem
on in it. It must be very sweet as It
tones mucn in ireez nc AHd th
whites of three eggs out to a stiff
froth. Freeze like ice oream. The
juices of any fruit, with Bugar and wa
ter added, may be prepared In the
same way.
Green Tomato Pie. Stew green
tomatoes with veey little water until
tender, aod for eaob pie allow one ta
blespoonful of butter, three of sugar
and a little nutmeg. Bake between
two crusts. Tbe quantity of butter
and sugar given is for a med Jum-Bized
Dave MoLaughlln is running a
shooting gallery.
T. N. Sanders-has our thanks for
substantial favors.
Rev. 8. P. Wilson Is rusticating
at Clear Lake, Iowa.
Cash Royso and BobDunn have
started a livery stable.
B. M. Bailey will ship Scars hogs
this week. Four last week.
Thanks to W. H. Talcott, of
Johnson, for renewal of subscription.
Mr. Chas. Shaffer, Nemaha City,
has our thanks for continued patron
age. Josh Rogers has removed his liv
ery buslnees up street to Union House
S. M. Rich has made a handsome
and commodious addition to his resi
dence. Marshal Love has made some
needed improvements around the pub
lio well.
Our jolly friend Jco. W.Bennett
has gone to Kentucky to be gone two
or three months.
Mr. David Campbell, who has
been quite eiok for several days past
Is again able to attend to business.
Geo Cross, Chicago Lumber
Company, sold a oar load of lumber
at Phelps, Tuesday. That's business.
Thanks to Mrs. E. Marlon, Lar
amie. City, for remittance on subscrip
tion. J3he says they are prosperous
aud happy, whioh we aro pleased to
Out old friend Baohelor has been
In the olty several days. Some indi
cations that he has an eye on an ex
tra "rib" to take back to Macon City
blB present home.
Friend Brower's cow fell In a
well near his residence, Sunday last
35 feet deep went down tail first
derriok, pullles, horse-power, twenty
stout men, pulled her out all right
Is now out In herd.
Mrs. Mary J. Sholly, of Tecum
seh, will deliver an address in tbe M.
E. oburob, this city, next Sunday
evening, In the Interest of the Wo
man's Foreign Missionary Soolety.
Free admission.
Mr. Touzalin, General Manager
of tbe B. & M. made a speech In Be
atrice a few days ago, promising for
$43,000 In bonds to complete a railroad
from Beatrice to west line of Gage
oounty on or before Nov. 30 this year,
and from the eaBt to Beatrice in 1SS0.
Mr. Arkwright, jeweler and
watohmaker and repairer, Nemaha
City, learned his trade in England
learned it thoroughly, and Is oneof tbe
beat workmen, especially on fine
work, ever In this seotion of tbe coun
try. Give him a call for anything in
his line.
: Mies Ruth Rogers, of Ghent,
Ky., has been visiting with the fam
ily of her brother, W. T. Rogers, this
city for Bome weeks paBt. MiesRnth,
In oompany with her brother, called
at our office on Monday last, and was
initiated into some of tbe mysteries of
the "art preservative."
A letter addressed to Miss Fannie
Arnold, signed by several of the la
dies and gentlemen of this city, re
questing her to favor the publio with
a musical concert, at any time to suit
her convenience, olloltsa reply from
Miss Arnold that she will endeavor to
do so at some date in September.
So much to refer to last week as
connected with tbe celebration of the
4th that wo omitted to mention the
juvenile drummer, little Joe. Will
iams. He Is only four years old, and
beats a drum with as muoh precisiou
as a veteran. On the 4th he had to be
plaoed on a table that tbe audience
could see him. His time was perfect.
Capt. Bedford, for a week or two,
has been 'renovating and fixing up
in good shape bis tasty residence and
Its appointments In this oity; and
last week his family arrived and their
many friends here welcome them
heartily; and hope the Capt. will
conclude to remain In his very pleas
ant, home-like residence in Brown
ville. Dr. Miller, In his admirable and
generally correct artiole on the "Gar
don County," gets off in sober hon
esty, a good joke on Billy Hoover iu
standing him up in that twenty years
ago crowd of Bourbons. Billy bim
himself says It's funny. Ex-Senator
Tipton, however, although he was
eleoted twice as a Republican U. S
Senator much less than twenty years
ago, has done so well for the Bour
bons to make up for lost time Bince be
entered their camp, that Miller's
slight mistake oan scarcely be taken
aBmuoh of a joke.'
Dr. Miller, in his address, whioh
appears in this Issue, compliments
very handsomely the First National
Bank of Brownville both as to tbe
beauty, convenience and perfectneBS
of tbe banking room and its appoint
ments, and its finanolal solidity. On
"ens evening of the fourth one of the
most attractive displays for its beauty
was tbe illumination of the front and
Interlorof the banking room by the full
lightof a dozen large globe lamps. This
Bcene was a source or admiration by
the throng on the street, and many la
dies and gentlemen wore permitted to
walk through the publio division of
the bank that they might more close
ly view its splendor. On this page
we publish the quarterly report of tbe
condition of tbe bank, to whioh we
are pleased to call attention.
Nemaha County Sportsman's Club.
Under provisions of law, and the
auspices of the Nebraska State Sports
man Association r the Nemaha Coun
ty Sportsman's Club was organized
In this olty on Saturday evening last.
W- W. Hackney, President; W. T.
Den, Vioe President; O. A. Cecil, Sec;
A. R. Davison. Treasurer: Alex.
Robinson, Geo. Hatchett and E.
Dowman, Ex. Com. The objects of
the association are to protect the game
of the State and to Introduce fish, and
proteot them In the waters of Nebras
ha. Good move.
Empire Reaper
Cuts the lowest, runs tho lightest,
sells the cheapest, and lasts tho long
est. Stevesox & Ckoss.
The Fourth at Sucrfdan
Seldom has there been a more pleas
ant day for a eelebratlon, than last
Friday, and the good people of Sheri
dan and vicinity fully appreciated
and enjoyed It. At an early hour the
crowd began to assemble to witness
the "ragamuffins" parade, which took
place about 9 o'olook and was a grand
success of Its kind. They paraded
through tho principal etreets and to
tbe grove, whioh had been put In ex
cellent oondltion to .accommodate the
people. By lOo'clook there was from
1,200 to 1,500 people In the grove. The
Bedford Band was In attendance to
furnish music The oommittee on
singing had also provided some excel
lent musio, whioh, during tbo exer
cise, was interapersedand was highly
appreciated. At about 11 o'olook the
audience was called to order around
the stand, where comfortable seats
had been arranged. F. B. Tiffany
was elected President. After prayer
by Father Lyle, and muBio by the
ohoir, Ex-Senator Tipton, of Brown
ville, was Introduced, and spoke for
about an hour, In a very able and
forcible manner. Sheridan can cer
tainly feel that if any place bad a
larger crowd, or anything superior to
It, one thing is certain, none had a
better orator. After the oration and
musio, the crowd broke up for dinner.
They assembled again at 2 o'olook,
when several toasts were responded
to, in an able and interesting manner.
H. Presson responded to Our Flag ;
A. W. Morgan to Nebraska and Ne
maha County ; F. B. Tiffany to the
Press, and Father Lylo to Temper
ance. Alex. KearnB,-: Mr. Horace
Scheffer, Dr. Randall and others
Bpoke. Nothing ocourred to mar tbe
pleasure of the day, and all felt high
ly pleased with the celebration. In
the evening there was a ball, at Ten
ney'a Hall, and fireworks on tbe Pub
lio Square. Post.
We aro sorry that Bome of our
friends who honestly believe In and
advocate saloons, not pleased with
something we said a week or two ago
on 'temperance matters, take occasion
to make It a personal matter with the
apparent intention of injuring our
business. There have been Beveral
stories brought to us of what certain
gentlemen have said about "Wash.
Falrbrother," and this or that that he
may have said on temperance matters.
It Is true we deem theee things as
scarcely worthy of suoh a notice as
this, and will regret It very muob
if we yet shall be goaded by sneaking
assaults to "make a few remarks"
somewhat specific as to point and per
son. In the position we have made
our paper take during the temperance
revival, and Its consequential results,
we have followed a long established
rule with us to make no personal or
Individual attacks upon private citi
zens, but to deal vigorously with prin
ciple. We olalm only the right to ex
press our conviotionB, and advocate
the right-as we see it, the same as any
other person, and have no thought of
quarreling with those who may criti
cise tbe solidity of our position and
take other views of the subjects treat
ed. We would like those who differ
with us to accord us this right in
kindness ; but If otherwise, we must
take our right let the consequences be
what they may. In the temperance
reformation here wo saw men, the
very best friends of our life, turn from
constant inebriety into sober paths.
While some were bo heartless as to
sneer at the "excitement,'" we rejoic
ed. The people rejoiced at least a
majority of them and for tbe sake of
those who hod made an attempt to
utand, and for fear they might fall
with bo much temptation at every
band, they procured, lawfully procur
ed, prohibition. They Bald "we will
oloct a olty council of temperance
men and try prohibition In tbe city
for one year, at least, and by that time
tbe people will be able to see how It
works."' Now If after Booh a trial
these temperance men see a prepon
derance of evil over good In prohibi
tion, they will most certainly aban
don It. Now we repeat, that we want
our prohibition ordinance to remain
in force at least the year; and at the
time It was adopted, and the subse
quent election of city officials upon
the express understanding that the
ordinance would stand during their
term of office, we thought tbe quest
ion bad been for tho time being so
well settled that there w'ould be no at
tempt during the year to undo what
had been done; and that we would
have no oocaslon to again open our
batteries against the flimsey argu
ments of saloon advocates in that
time. But we were mistaken, for
there haB been, and recently, hope
expressed by some that tho council
would ere long repeal the prohibitory
ordinance and grant licenses. We
have no Idea that any suoh thing will
be done: but that constant work to
proselyte temperance men, and make
child's play out of last spring's work,
is going on wo know, hence we break
silence now and then in behalf of the
temperance people, and of what they
started In to do when In all earnest
ness they elected a temperance ticket
and by that extraordinary petition
procured a law closing saloons. The
Advertiser is only consistent, and
tbe man who gets mad because wo
notioe and endeavor to counteract ef
forts to re-establish saloons In Brown
ville, really before they are all closed,
is simply fooling his time away. We
feel pretty safe In our position, for we
are on tbe side of tbe reformed of
Brownville and Nemaha county, and
of their wives and children; and If
the terrible tempfatfon behind tbe
green soreens within saloon doors,
shall again be held out tolurerour fath
ers and sons from their sober manly
ways, it shall not bebeoause The Ad
vertiser, as a sentinel on duty has
not sounded the alarm. We may not
prevent the whisky power from re
establishment In our city, but we may
do our duty nevertheless by trying to
prevent it.
H. C. LM
Can do better for you In Groceries
and Drugs than any bouse in Nema
ha County. Try it.
"They drank wine and praised
the cods of cold, and of silver, of
brass, of Iron, of wood, and of stone.
In the Bame hour came forth fingers
of a man's hand, and wrote upon tbe
plaster of tbe walis off the king's pal
ace. And the king saw tbe part of
the band that wrote, and his thoughts
troubled him. The king cried aloud
to bring In the astrologers, the Chal
deans and the soothsayers. The king
spake, 'whosoever shall read this
writing shall be clothed with scarlet
and have a ohaln of gold about his
nick,' but tbey could not read the
writing. Now the queen spake,
O, king! let not thy thoughts trouble
thee. There is a man In the kingdom
in whom is the spirit of the holy Gods,
made master of the magicians, astrol
ogers, Chaldeans and soothsayers, and
Is excellent In interpreting dreams
and Bhewlng hard sentences and dis
solving doubts. Let Daniel be called,
he will shew the interpretation.'
Then was Daniel brought before the
king, and said, Mot thy gifts bo to thy
self, and give thy rewards to another.
I will read the writing unto tho king,
and make known to him the interp
retation.' And they clothed Daniel
with scarlet and put a chain of gold
about bis neck, and made a proclama
tion that he should be the third, ruler
In the kingdom, and he had under
standing In vision and dreams."
People are recovering from the
patriotism of the Fourth.
Weather most too warm to write
items. If you don't believe it, try It.
All praise to Nemaha county,
just because it is bo "hopelessly" Re
Thanks, lawyer Broady, for giv
ing the palm of superiority to women.
May she never prove you to be mista-
ken. At any rate, she will "remem
ber her Creator In the days of her
A Bon was born to Henry and
Fannie Still, July 3d.
Milton Smith, who accompanied
E. Money to Colorado Springs for
health, has returned after one week
of sojourn. Theolimate did not agree
with him. Mr. Money Ib still there.
As Dr. Miller talked of his drift
ing from New York to Nebraska, I
thought of the tide of oiroumstances
whioh has drifted me also from that
grand old State to this untamed yet
beautiful State; and I went into a
revery on free agency, as tho oauses
which compel action and destiny.
The will free? When prompted
by motives? (and yoq cannot will
wlthoot motives) howabsurd.fatallem,
predestination, election reprobation,
and irresistable graco and the final
perseverance of the saints, are the
sure foundation of Christianity, and
Christianity is tbe true philosophy
of life. "Tbe end Is deolared from
tbe beginclg," whatsoever is decreed
must come to pass. God sets the lim
its man revolves within them, God
layB out tbe warp of human exlstenoe,
man fills out the web; while inweav
ing it may look unsightly, aud im
perfect, because of the blots nnd
blooks in the woof, but tho warp is
strong and firm, and the powers
which move the weavers, are skillful
and can take up all stitches dropped;
gather up all broken threads. Tbe
web when completed will be like all
the works of God, pronounced "very
"London" cannot meet with the
Red Ribbon Club during tbe hot
weather. Hope the olub will prosper.
In any Quantity,
and ofthe Heat quality,
Will be Sold Lower,
Tli an ever Before
In Brownville, by
Our attention Is called to an ad
vertisement in a Chicago paper, of
two hundred and fifty improved farms
for sale in east half of Kansas, taken
by one firm of money lenders In the
East, on mortgages foreclosed. These
money lenders by their agents, are
here and everywhere, to lend money
for the accommodation of farmers
who imagine they must have more
money than tbey can legitimately
make on their farms tbe farm is
mortgaged and eventually goes to pay
off the mortgage. Loaning and bor
rowing money is legitimate business,
but there must be something veryJ
wrong in a system that seems to ne
cessitate tbe eacrifloe of a large pro
portion of tbe homes mortgaged. The
blame Is with those who place them
selves In the power of tbe money
lender. But examples of the distress
occasioned by mortgaging bomeB are
so numerous that a warning from us
seems superfluous.
II. G. Lett
Will pay the highest market price
for Butter and Eggs.
Admired by all.
Every person who has used Dr.
Price's Unique Perfumes admire
them. His Pet Rode Is charming
the fragranee of sweet blossoms ; bis
Alinta Bouquet, dellcatly delightful
the odor of dainty buds ; while his
Floral Riches surpass In rich, fresh,
flowery odor any Cologne or toilet
water ever made.
Tbe C. B. & Q. superintendent
has submitted a proposition to College
Springs, Atchison -county, Mo,, that
for $25,000 the road will bo extended
down to that plaoe from Clarinda by
December next. The College Springs
Courier thinks the proposition reason
able and urges tbe peopie to accept if.
Brornollne, the great Vegetable
Blood Purifier, takes tbe lead of all
otner Jttiooa Medicines. (Jail at ourt
store and get a bottle of it. Sold by
A. W. Nlokell.
H. C. Lett
Has the name of keeping the best
groceries at the lowest prices.
For your cheap
go to Batter's.
Keport of tie Condition
Is tho Stale ofNtbraska, at cleae ef
business,. June 14, 1S79.
Loans and Discounts
Oserdrafta -.
4 73,K is
. 50,000 oa
. 3.882
. w.sncT
9.017 51
. 74K1S
, 3.H101
U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation
Otner Stocks. Bonds and Mortgages..
Due from upprovsAreaerve ageuta
Dufl from other National Banks . ,, .,
Doe from State Banks and Bankers.
Real Estate, Furnltnre-and Fixture .
Current expenses and taxes paid
Checks andother cash Items.
1.477 0O
Billsofother Banks
Fractional currency (Including nlckcli)
Specie- (Including gold Treasury cextlUr
cates).., i
U.7J7 20
Legal-tender notes-
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5
percent, of circulation)
Dao from U.S.Treasurer. otner UjanSyer
tsicent redemption n , .
2,250 0t)
Capital Stock paid In
0,000 00
15.000 00
60.714 1
43,000 CO
Snrplns fUnd.
Undlvbta) profits
National Bant notes outstanding.
Individual deposits subject to
check 135s7S6( S3
Demand certificates ofdepeatfc 1.615 -IS
Time certiorates ofdepoIt TAWi
Total Pr"?!
, 14433 99
- 59JM
Dee to other .Nation! Banks-
Doe to State Banks and Bankers-
C52 77
. Sural 19
County or UrMAiiA.
Ij-A.Tt. Davison. Cashier of tho above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A.R. Davison-. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before tne this 25th day of
June 1879. J. C McNAtronTOif.
Notary PubUc.
Correct Attest:
W. T, DEN, J-DIrcctors.
The following letter from tha cele
brated Prof. Tice on the subjeot of
tornadoes will be found of Interest,
more especially In view of the lata
disastrous events at Red Cloud. Tho
letter is addressed to Mrs. A. Galpln,
of Watervllle, Kansas :
St. Louis, Mo., June 21, 1879.
Mrs. A. Galpln Madame : Yours
of the 19th Inst, received. Watervllle
Is not likely to be visited by a tornado
or oyolone. Its locality is unfavora
ble to these meteors. Cyclones, nine
times out of ten, come from tbe south
or southwest or south even. The high
hill south and southwest from your
town will proteot It. Very few torna
does are In contact with the earth for
any great distance, uenerauy mey
bound along like a ball, no sooner
touching ground than they rebound.
Hence if a tornado should come In to
wards Watervllle, from either south
west, and be in contact with tbo
earth, it would go no furtherthan tho
top of the hill. Then It would take a
leap for the Blue.
TornadoeB have a groat affection for
water, because they are very thirsty.
They drink np wells, cisterns, ponds
and rivers, and never fall to take
them In their path. In most places
tbey begin or end on ponds or rivers.
The water they lift In a column o tha
clouds and disperse It Into vtpor.
When tbo water is all gone the mud
Is Bucked up and carried along for
miles, and everything In its path is
begrlmmed with it. Sometimes the
mud is frozen in the olouds and fur
nishes the nucleus of the hail stones.
In the Missouri oyolone, laetyear, the
mud taken from HIgbsinger'a pond
was found In the hail that fell at Car
rolton, twenty-five miles from the
There Is no dongerof aoyclonecom
Ing from tbe West or Northwest at
Watervllle. It would take to the
Blue and follow its general directlos.
In a frame bouse tho safest place dur
ing a tornado is in a cellar, though
there Is danger of being bit by missi
les, if tbe bouse with the floor should
be off. In brick houses the walls
sometimes are piled upon the floor,
which gives way, and then every
thing beneath it ia crushed. This is
the case where the house Is lifted
some ten or twelve reec ana aasnea
back upon tbe foundation. In many
oases tbe brick walls fall outward, but
In most cases everything Ib swept
Tornadoes are most likely to ocenr
the last day of a stormy period or a
day or so after, because they never oc
cur except when retarded by obstruc
tions is the front of tbo oenter, or
when the low 'barometer Is driven
like a wedge between two flanking
high barometers. Hence, they ar
rive late In the period Indicated In
many forecasts. It i In fact owing
to their effort to force a passage east
ward that their energy is aroused and
their violence developed.
Very Respectfully,
John H. Tich.
Boy's and Children's
Boots and Slioes at Robir
Hon. Guy C. Barton, North
Platte, and Hon. M. L. Hayward?,
Neb. City, have been appointed by
the Governor to represent Nebraska or
the National Committee in Ih9 pro
ject of having a World's Fair in New
York, 18S3:
Tlie Cheapest.
Reliable articles like Dr, Priced
Flavoring Extracts, Vanilla, Leaioa,
Orange, Ginger, etc, that have steed
the test of the beBtjudges of the coun
try, are tbe cheapest in the long Hi
if health is to be considered.
Nebraska City is already making
preparations for a grand Fair this
Febrina, tbe great ogue cure, op
erates to neutralize the poisonous
miasm, and eliminate It from the ay a-,
tem. Try It. Sold by A. W. Nickell
Bertie Trevette, a boy, was drowned
at Omaha last week.
But Just to say.
It la but just to say that tbe firm of
Steele & Prlco were tbe first to place
in the market article for culinary
I purposes that are striouy pure ana
wholesome, 'ineir xr. .trice's uream
Baking Powder has obtained Ita pop
ularity and extended sale by the pu
rity of the materials.
Otoo county fair will be held at
Syracuse this year, and opens "Sept.