. . m " ' ' ggg THE ADVERTISER. 8. W. rilKBaeTKEE. T.C21CK1K. TBlEl adyertee FADtBROTHEIl & ELLCX, Publishers fc Proprietor . FilRBROTBER & H.1GEER Publishers ami Proprietors. Published Every Thursday Morning AT BBOWAVIXXE, NEBRASKA. ADTERTISDfG JT-1XE5. OeliCix.Oce yai jioca sso 10O 5 Osalsch. par noctn TTarh uTrtfttocaJ loch. frmn Ob cepy. year Ob tray, six aMUtba ... .82 00 - J 00 . 50 Lcal!verlfcnnx r Jfralrtr f)ni. (UUaesar2rBpsreiI.rtessarsctesntes inn'. e&chsGu3;ei::lBaeraQ3.Sc. "AU traaaieataavezaMssesUziasr&e sat Oae copy, tferee aoatbft. S3- y pHr sent from the office BtilpaMUr. ISTABLISEXD 1856. BROWKVJLLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1879. VOL. 23. K"0. 34 !i EADIXG 3IATTEB OXETERYrAGE Oldest Paper in tie State. . OFFICIAL PAPER'.OF THEC0U5TT ' II 1 f .s 4 r j' t I 1 ArrnoEiZED by the r. s. goteeskest. , 7T A'RT.TSTT'P.'n IS" 1856. Firs! National Bank i or 15 R O TT 2fYILLE . Paid-up Capital, $60,000 Authorized " 500,000 o TuJl e s a? BEAT, ESTATE -AGKEN"cnr IIS' yEBBASK A . 05LT A DOLLAE. SB FREPABKOTO TEAShACT A General Banking Business BITT A2TD SEIX OOIK & CUSBEFOY BEAU'S all th svriscipal cities or the United States and 2-hirope "William ; Hoover. MONEY LOANED nHrwi tturtty only. Ttae Brafts dfscant wt. a.iwt cil accoaaamdatta graatett to rteposit is. Vrs hi OO VEKSTOEXT BQNTS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Does a general Real Estate Business. Sells Laads on Commission, eramlnes Titles, makes Deeds, 3fortzass. and ail instrn menfcs pertaining to tee transfer of Heal Es tate. Has a Complete Abstract of Titles te all Real Estate in Nemaha Oocntr. HAVE YOTTSEEN DUUKrWAf:. W.T.ec, B. X. Batter. 3f..4 Mnwttar. Fnat: . JohT , lather HttUlejr Tffm.x'iaiotur. johs L. CABSOX, A it. avto:t. . President j. C JCcXAtTGHTOX. Aast-Caahir. iWffi jjIBPPJllWI Havtes purchased the '- jE X, 3E I? SC. 3N T "She Eewa very nicely," eald Mrs. Wharton, "and if yon have any work yon wish to be done well and very cheaply, I would advise you to em ploy her." Mrs. Wharton was Bitting before the fire in her crimson silk morning wrapper, and her pretty hands loaded with rich rings, lying in her lap. She felt that she was doing a chari- I table deed in employing this poor ; widow, and a still greater one in rec ommending her lo her friends. It is easy to beti good Christian nn dersacb circumstances. "Well, I shall certainly send for her," said Mrs. Marvin ; "what did you tell me her name and address were?" "Mrs. Leggett, and she lives in one of those horrid, musty, tenement houses, Kb , street, the back room, in the third story.' Mrs. Marvin entered the details in her little pearl-bonnd tablet, and took leave, internally convinced that Mre. Wharton was a "good Samaritan," of the very highest class. .ileanwblJe tbe latter was gazing ureamny into toe nre, wonaenng what toilette would be the most ap propriate for the morrow evening's soiree. i am i , n u r s rs liJiUiiiJjiJij i LI VEBT AH i 0 FEED STABLE. ter her coupe and drive away with the comfortable consciousness that she would be invited to no more of Mrs. Clarance Fitz Gerald's delightful ex clusive parties. Mrs. Wharton was now considerably annoyed. "To think a dollar should -be such a useful thing," she muttered to her self, taking up her portfolio." Ahalf finished letter lay there one to her sister who was the wife of a clergyman out West, with a flock of little children around her. The last words she had written were, "I send you a dollar to buy a doll for the ba by, my little name-sake." "How provoking!" she exclaimed, "I can't even finish my letter for lack of the everlasting dollar?" She leaned back in the velvet cush ions of her chair, drowsily watching the blaze and listening to the patter of the rain on the window, and fell fast asleep. Where was she? In the spectre boat of Charon, gliding over the Styx and as the bark touched the shores of the other world, the ghastly toll- gatherer extended. his hand relent lessly : "Your fare, if you please, ma'am.'' Mrs. Wharton had her fare ready ; ?he banded it up, eager to pass through the gates where she could see He Dreamed he Dreir the Capital Prize. "There's my pea-green satin," ' the musical wave of the palm trees. mused Mrs. Wharton, checking off the various garments on the tips of ! her white fingers ; "but I've worn it I wish to announce that i am nrenared t& i ready. And there is my Marie j-.ouise Diue sws, a tne ssiri was only gored a little more. Mv wine colored d j a first class iirerj-besiness. Josh Horjevs. eat i rset. is bw proprietor of the :Hi BODY&BPuO. BUTCHERS. SRO'iViYVlI.'LE, STSISSIASIIA. G-ood, Sweet, Presh Meat Arwf s m haad, sm4 s&tfcfeeiMB "Gr- aJl J: jBC. B-A.UJEE, 5 blLJf lVldaLifldi and is prepared to accomodate the public with GOOD, FRESH, SWEET MBAT, and sparkling, glittering tides that flow beneath the shadow. "Short by a dollar, ma'am. Short by the dollar you cheated the poor seamstress out of. Tlou cannot enter.'' Mrs.TVharton then drew out a hun dred dollar bill. The grim Charon shook his head. "If you had ten thousand it wnnld not do; nothing will serve our pur pose but that one dollar." Charon turned the boat briskly around ; Mrs. Wharton was justopen- i robe is getting wonderfully behind, j ing her lips to utter a wild cry of an- An Italian gentleman with a nice little income had a nice little servant girl who said to him one morning: "Oh ! if yon please, won't you give me three francea to buy a lottery tick et with? I dreamed last night that No. 41,144. was going to draw the cap ital prize, and J want to buy that number.'' He gave the girl the three francs, and, next day, on happening to look at the report of the drawing, saw that No. 41,144 had drawn the capital prize pf 51S,6S5 85 lire, or to speak more ao- curateiy, $100,000. Eeturning quietly to the house, he concealed his emotion, and said to the servant girl: "I have lonz observed with approbation your piety, beauty, modesty, skill in the art of cookery and other good qualities calculated to adorn the highest station. Be mine. Just as you are." "Honest Injun.?1 said the blushing virgin. "Ton bet. I swear by yonder silver spoon that tips with beauty all the fruit pi top." "Then count me in, and regard me hereafter in the light of your turtle dove." "Hasten, then, Susan; put on your bonnet and shawl and let ns take a walk around the block to the old friar's cell, where we shall be made The Boaa-Bobbers' Doctor. Strange Statements Made Tr the Fe male Physician of the Blcct Hills' Stasre Boboers. - man lay. There, in a dark corner, npon a pallet, or bunk, made of pine poles, lay a man whom I at once rec ognized as John H". Brown, who is now lying in jail in Cheyenne. The men told me he was not wounded. rrosiihecieyenaesctt. but IdecHned to believeit.and insist- So much mystery ha3 clouded the e(j np0n knowing the truth before I work of the gang of bighwayjrobbera would nrescribe. Brown was In a who have infested, Wyoming during hisrh fever and delirious. Blood and the past five years, that it Is doubtful pn3 a thrown from his mouth dur whether to-day a correct version of iD?each convulsion. He was raving, any of the numerous Istage or train ana- wouid not permit any one to ap robberiea committed between the line : proach nim, saying the gang wished Boles for Spoiling- a. Child. of the Union Pacific and the Black Hills has aa yet been published. One 1 glVIng them away or tbe boldest robberies or tne season was that committed on the 3d of last July, some distance tim side of Dead wood, when the outward-bound stage to poison or kill him to prevent him whipping-machine. Finding that 'taffy' and nonsense would not do, the men told me the truth that John ny Brown had been engaged in the robbery of the coach on the 3d of July him 1- Begin. VOUnjr hv trivinn- . o--- a whatever he o?ies for. 2. Talk freely before a child ahoaS his smartness as incomparable. 3. Tell him that he Is too much for you, that yoa can. do nothing with, him. 4. Have divided coamels, as be tween father and mother. 5. Let him learn taregard bis fath er as a creature of limited power, oer nciocs ana tyrannical? or oaa mere was stopped and robbed. As two of j and bad beeQ shot He had laId there the men out of the three engaged in ten davH wifhoo6 medrcal atteation. the robbery are now captured and In , fearingthat a regular physician would expose the gang if he was introduced. I obtained control over the suspl- silk with the ruby set will look very well, if Fanny Palmer hadn't got one j just like it. And purple velvet don't J light up very well at night. Oh dear I II really think I must get something new. A rose colored tissue perhaps, or a whiteIndia muslin. My ward- one i? Gesttemanlj and aecoBiraedatins; clerks will at all times be In attendance. Yoor patrenase solicited. Remember th place ta oki Pascoe shop, Main-st., SroicHviHc. - Nebraska. itai MDtkrbi h Jgg' Is! r? fJJl? A ( If 5 Ally I k f ! 7HE AI3VZK.TISSS. a JOB PR NT HO Blaniets. Brnakes.Tlr Kets, &c. 7 otriar done m hrT bcw. Tbe cele brmcerf Vaeannt Oil Btacidite. fir prterviae Har a", Boots. Sbues, c.always oo baa4. 4 Ulain St., Broirniine. 3Teb. BROITXYILI.E Ferry and Tranfers DEPAETMENT. nBnBoa A n &serta:et f Tjpe. Bor ders, Rsie. Stek, tc fr prtotta. j iC3HES.VI2mKSWmiHs CARDS, Calorec zai Brwiicd Lifcck, STATE3TEXTS. LETTE11 & BILLHEADS ENVELOPES. Cirmhirs , Dodgers . Prg ramaa . Show Cards, BL IXE W0BK OF ALL KI5DS. "With eiit Be aad dispatch Cheap on Ixferioe Work 1 XOTSOHCITED. tr?' i. tt rrrTJ isz. Hi.cz; i, s C&rsoa Blk. BROW.WII.LE, XEB. pHARLES HELMEE, 'jSKiSSf ' --"Ur-iJ', , zik&M :-. mzmit 'fe&s&f " "itrT hi I -i r r.f ' al bsI F.VSHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Having boccat the cus tom shoo of A. Robison. I ara prepared to de work or ail Kinds at Reasonable Rates. 3-Repairinz neatly and pro ciptly done. Shop Xo. 62 Alain Street, SroiPiirilic, Nebraska. i Dear me, who's that? Ho wyou startl ed me, Mra. Leggett!" "I beg your pardon ma'am, I am sure," said the slender, meek-looking little seamstress, rustling gently for ward in her garment of shabby, well worn black ; "but I knocked several times and you did not answer." "Then you should knock louder next time," said the Irritable fine lady: "however, now you are here, you may as well sit down. How wet you are positively dripping !" "Yes ma'am, it rains very hard, and I have no umbrella." 'VNo umbrella: aear me, how shock ing. "Well, did you bring home those things." "Yes ma'am, here they ore." And tbe seamstress produced a neat package from beneath her shawl. "I hope they are not wet. No. they seem tolerably dry. What is the bill?" guish, pleading, when shejawoke. She shuddered ; somehow the dol lar hadjassumed preternaturallj very Iarce dimensions. 'Charles! Charles!" how welcome were the footsteps of her husband up on the stairs.! "Well, what is it?" "Have you a dollar?" "Haifa dozen of them if you want.u "But I only want one just a dol lar bill." He gave it to her, and she immedi ately rang the bell. "John, I want yon to pnt on xrar India rubber cloak, and take this bill around to Mrs. Leggett, and tell her it is what I owe her!" John departed, and Mrs. "Wharton breathed more easily. "Perhaps they will let ms in the gates now,"ishe said dreamily. "My dear, what do you mean?" demanded her astonished husband. And Mrs. wharton told him thesto- Tn a fiw minutes the bride-elect re turned, ciad In a red shawl, with a black velvet bonnet trimmed with sunflowers and Victoria regia. In a few minutes more the ceremony had been performed and the twain were one. Tney returned, to tne House, j when the husband carelessly took up the paper and said, with a well coun terfeited start of surprise: "Barling, everything is bright for us on our wedding day. You remem ber the ticket in tbe lottery that you dreamed about, and" I gave you three francs to buy? Where la it my ownest?" "Oh, I didn't buy it. I spent the money for tbia duck of a bonnet." JXew York World. the jail in this city, and tbe third is dead, there can be no harm in mak ing public such details as may prove interestingjto the public. Learning that a person intimately connected with the "Boad Agents' " organization was m the city, lying se riously ill, and desirous to make pub lic certain factsconnected with her intercourse with the gang, a iSim re porter sought an interview. Guided by her medical attendant, Dr. J. J. Cook, the Sim found its way into a snug, quiet little concrete or adobe cottage in tbe suburbs of the town. In a small room, at the top of a narrow, tortuous flight of stairs. lay, almost at the point of death, one of the most remarkable women of the west. Young, handsome, even in her extreme illness, with commanding 6. Let hJm leasa from lila father's example) to despise hfa mother. 7. Do not know 05 eare wha his companions may ba S. Let him read whatever ha Hkes. 9. Let the ohihr, whether boy or girl, rove the streets in the aveaing a good school for both sexes. 10. Devote yourself to-maklng mon ey remembering always that wealth is a better legacy for your child' than clous sufferer by means of chloroform principles in the heart and habita In which I administered from above the wounded man's head. When I knew that the excitement was- reduced suf ficiently I told him what I wanted to do lo save his life. He had a bullet in his side which X wanted to cut out. I asked him if he could stand the pain, or whether I should give him chloroform. He said, "2b I can trust you, as you are not interested In my death." I turned him over, and found where the bullet had lodged be tween two of his ribs after passing through his sideand liver. I cut in to tbe bullet, and inserted a wire loop I had prepared, and in less time the life ; and let him have plenty of money to spend-. 11. Be nofe with him In the hoer of recreation. 12. Strain afragnatandswaiJow a. camel ; chastise severely for a foible and iaugh at a vice. 13. Let him run about from chureh to church. Eclecticism in religion i the order of the day. 14. Whatever burdens of virtuous. requirements you lay on his shoulders touch not one with oneof your fingers The rules are not untried. Manv pa- loop 1 j rent3 i,ave proTed them, withsabatan lnanit 1 tial uniformity of results. If a faithful physique, share, searching black eyes' has taken to tel1 yon IfliPPed the bQl J observance of them does not spoiryonr The Boy IVho Doesn't Care. "Siy dollni-a. ma'Am " "Six dollars! isn't that hich?" in- 7 of her day' adventures, and the quired Mrs. Wharton, discontentedly. "I worked eleven days faithfully on them, ma'am.'" "Well, I suppose I must pay what you ask," said Mrs. WTharton, open ing her purse and slowly examing its compartments. "Dear me, I have only a five dollar bill ; I suppose you could not change a twenty ?" Mrs. Leggett smiled bitterly. "Well, then, we will call it five dol lars, won't we? A dollar is not much either way, and the five is all I have." "A dollar is a great deal to me, Mrs. Wharton." The lady's smooth brow contracted. "I have given you a great deal of work, Mrs. Leggett.' "I know it ma'am, and I am very much obliged for all your kindness." "And I should be sorry to have so trifling a thing as a dollar part us now." Mrs. Leggett was silent ; she did not know what to say. "Call it five dollars," said Mrs. Wharton, tossing the bill into the lap of the widow. "A dollar don't signify, and then I recommended my friend, Mrs. Marvin, to employ you this morning." "Thank you, ma'am," said the poor, woman, faintly, as she took the mon-j ey, feeling inwardly that she had dream that closed them "Helen," said her husband gravely, "let this be a lesson to you, never to neglect the just dees of the poor. A dsllar is not much to usto them it may be the last frail bulwark between them and starvation." But there was no danger of Mrs. Wharton ever forgetting the lesson she had received. Cantion. My son, you are wasting your time playing with that kitten. You ought to be studying your lesson. wJve- a black mark If vou don t study," said Mrs. Ma3on. "I don't care," replied the hoy. "Don't care will ruin that child," said Mrs. Mason to herself. "I will teach him a lesson he will not for get." When noon arrived, her idle boy rushed into the house shouting : "Mother, I want my dinner!" "I don't care," replied Mrs. Mason. James wig puzzled. His mother had never so tieated him before. He was silentawhile; then bespoke again the invalid at once impressed tbe in terviewer with curiosity as well as with interest. A few words exchang ed, and it was discovered that, she was one of the lost belles of Kansas City, Mo., and a daughter of one of portion of the city now bears the let out. Johnny, the brave boy, made but one groan during the entire oper ation. I was then permitted to go home, with the promise to return on the following nighL" The invalid here relates her Intro- its wealthiest families. The southern Auction to Charlie B033, .the robber now in jail here in Cheyenne. She name of her uncle, now dead, while53 she went to see Brown every three of her uncles are to-day leading ( night until he was out of danger, citizens in Jackson County, Mo. She , Dnng her visits she met many of was at one time one of the reicuinei the gang. On the second nightshewas belles of Missouri, shining alternate-startled by the discovery that two Iy at the State capital, Jefferson City, i aien ,ay concealed beneath tbe St. Iiouis, and Kansas City. She j mounded man's bed. She retained speaks of the journalists of St. Louis, her presence of mind, and pretended l-.i t- -w Kansas Citv and Sedalia with the r no1 lo Knowr m ineir Presence- -"aP- freedom of old acquaintance, and eag-1 P23" that Charley Boss and Bar erly absorbed every item of news con cerning old acquaintances. She appeared indisposed to allude to her career since she so suddenly left her home in the States. Frag mentary remarks, dropped In the brief conversation, showed that rhe had been married to a surgeon in the army with whom she had studied surgery and medicine, and, according to, her own statement, practiced anatomical studies at tbe dissecting table. Her husband died, and we next find her at the Bed Cloud Agency, a tutor among the Sioux Indians. Then as a roughs were dissatisfied and suspicious of her, and had determined to listen to her conversation and watch her action, and, on the first indication of treachery, to kill her. They were in the habit of spending the day in the woods, and at night seeking shelt er in the shanty in the heart of Dead wood. It was while she was acting as medical attendant for Brown that she learned the particulars of the stage robbery in detail. She states that there were only three men engaged in the stage robbery on the 3d or 5th of July, the- newspaper report to the contrary notwithstand ing. These were John H. Brown, "Bat recess will be over, mother, j sae gat behind her table dealing what Charley Boss, and a person she de- child, you will at least have the com" fortable rejection that yoa have dac what you could. Honor of TTwnen- " Mother, I want something to eat." reigning queen at a fashionable gam "I don't care," was the cool reply, f bllng palace in a frontier town, where 1, Xever sleep in a room where there is any green paper on the wall, aa this color is made of arsenic or lead; the former Is by far the most dangerous, being Sbeele's green, and is known positively by a drop of mu riatic acid on the green leaving it white. 2. White glazed visiting cards con tain sugar of lead, and will poison a child, who is tempted to chew them! not better, for tbe slight sweetish ta3te. 3. Green glazed cards, used for con cert tickets, are still more poisonous ; a single one of them contains a grain and a half of arsenic, enough to kill a child. 4. Never put a pin in the mouth or between the teeth for a single instant because a sudden effort to laugh or speak may convey it to the throat, or lungs, or stomach, causing death in a coiPAJsnr. Has ninin ia ar.iv W AJi&l AUivAJN A i ben defraaded. yet perfectly, aware few minutes, or requiring thfe wind- tnat she bad no means of redress. pipe to be cut open to get it out if it Ma am, if you please," said Mary, has passed into the stomach, it mav HuTtnr s. trst cUm Steun 'Ferry icg BROl'TILL.E TO PHELPS, tee are yccpitred to rtern4ire ratte&estosiB t traanfer f Frrtg&t x.m& Pajfresjare. We ra. a rgaiorUact safcM. AI voters ift ax the Trawfer Cam s liii wHi receive prompt aKtefi. J. BoKueid. Gen. Sujji. 'riEAT,S JNX LUNCH A T ALIj BIO UJ2S. CONFECTIDHERY,CAKESfNUTS FRESH AND CHEAP. Oysters Cooked to Order. KoksjoIjs Olcl Staxid. Mrs. Saraii Raiischkolb. J. RATTSCHHOIiB'S nnch & Beer and I shall starve if I don't get some dinner," urged James. "I don care." This was too much for the poor boy to endure. He burst into teara. His mother said: "My son, I want to make you feel the folly and sin of the habit yon have of saying 'I don't care.' Sup pose I really did not care for you, what would yon do for dinner, for clothing for a nice home, for'an edu cation? I hope, therefore, you will cease saying 'I don't care.' ' James bad never looked on this evil habit in this light before. He prom- is famiiiarlv known in English as ! dines to call by name as she says he "twenty-one." And again she ap- dead. v ben tne stage bad been pears as a serio-comic singer in a!sPPedtue passengera were ordered well-known varietv theater, and late- oncanu to lau into line, wnue unar There, ia no more certain sign lot a bad heart, than to hear its owner speaking lightly of theJvirtoe of a woman. There Is a certain class- of empty-headed young men who deem it something smart to speak knowing ly of the weakness orfraKty of their lady acquaintances. Did these "nin compoops" only snow how eookeaini uously they were regarded by all sen sible persons, their tales of shams would never be repeated. Nor la j there anything Ja which yoaes; men are so thoroughly mistaken, as the low estimate they form as to the integrity of woman. Not of their own mother and sister, bat of others j who, they farget, are somebody eloe'a mothers and sisters. A3 a rule, no. person who surrenders to thl deba sing habit is to be trusted with an en terprise requiring integrity of charac ter. Plain words must be spoien on this subject, fo? the evH b a general tone and deep-rooted. If young men are sometimes thrown rato the soolety or depraved or thoughtless women-u they have no more right to measere all other women by what they se& of these than they have to estimate the character of honest men by tbe ac tions and words of thieves. Svery young- man should feel that his ehifef bappicess in Iifa depends upon utter ly in the the character she now ap-Mey Boss stood over them with two j faith in women. No worldly wfedom, pears, as the doctress of a secret or- ganization known as the Black Hills i road agents. It was in this character that she was introduced to the Sun last night. "I have sent for you, Mr. Sitn," said tbe invalid, as she half raised cocked revolvers. Brown- and the third person who is supposed to be Archie McLaughlin (since hanged by the vigilantes) were engazed'in rob bing the coach when Dan Finn com- V AV ,Ai. ts (rl iTIhA Vi M .0 -- . RlR.tlni) lUCIttCU LUDUUUb. 2lCUUian( SLUiblCU by the shot, started off on a gallop with the stage, and did not stop until no misanthropic philosophy, no gen eralization can cover or weakentruth. It stands like the record of Itself for it is nothing less thaa this and 3boa!d put an everlasting seal upon lips that are wont to speak lightly ot women. State Eegietar. herself upon her pillow, "for the nur- i i pose of tellingyou what I know about j they reached the stasre station, sever- Charley Boss, who has just been ar-a! miles distant. Brown turned on rested and is nowhere in jail. I had Finn and shot him, the bullet pass ing through one of his eheeks. Sev- A Singular Sect in JTetr Mexico. ised to do better, and, after receiving inot intended to say anything about a piece or pie. went to school wiser If Exchange. it, or to mix myself up in it, but as one of the three robbers engaged in j the Finn shooting affair i3 dead, and one has confessed, I don't think my I oath binds me to silence. I am famii- Penitentis is the name of a singular j iar with neariy an the members of Better than XoUuhsv A good old Mhethodfat lady, xezy particular and. very pious, once kept 1 t A .- era snoia were exenangeu. one 01 boarding house In Boston. StaasJt which straek Brown In the side, pass- to her principles, she woald take no ing through his liver and lodging in one to board wha did not hold to the his back, beneath his ribs. The pass- entersal puaishment of a large por engers seatteTed, and hid themselves tion of the raee. BbS the pple in tne grass ana brsu, wnue tne rob-f were more Intent on sa?ns) comfirt sect or order existing in great num- the gang recently engaged in stage' hers mounted and rode on. They on- . than spiritual health, so that ia tiae robbery. I was not in any way con .1 bers in ew Mexico. The self-inflict eu torses wnicu tney unaergo an-; nected with their business: but my ring tba season of Lent are almost in- restaurant in Deadwood was a place credible. With no clothing but a pairmf cni-t fnr nma f hn mQmv,aTO of U. .V.-.W...W. w..W Ul UU 4-U.J-Wl..J Ul waitress, "here is the newspaper boy, as it has done, cause yeara of suff-r- he sav3 master told him you. would i ing, ceasing only when it has made ex aa k v vr a-k' . Xi rmmm. "Ha. -c : L - ? liinR TT. STia Rr . T3 VZ dfcab ? v viwmvb 2r-,- t .? S 3 &K - it &4Lii ' m. i - - - -c Idon't. pay the bill this wee "How much is it, Mary ?" "A dollar, ma'am." "How provoking ; I haven't a dol lar in the house." "He says he has orders not to leave the house until it is paid." "He is very impertinent," said the lady, coloring up, and for the first time in her petted life, feeling the want of a dollar. Mrs. Clarence Fitz Gerald was the next person announced a lady of the utmot style, who Mrs. Wharton had just succeeded in making. Vr. rto.n . t-: i . . .C tt ue.ug out in mis SSO.OQO.OOO per year -"""I "jj ucii4, uui. i am raising The livestock business at the Uni on Stock Yards, nhtoa f,- rha ,-.. acquaintance 1S7S amounted to Sie.Mi.B and i the last thirteen years of its business, to $1,047,955,69), an average of over SSO.000,000 per year. The receints of i nnttlA Tjm i n rco . -. dollar subscription for a noor mn i V " ' "' ' nogs, b,d3y,- . , o; oi el. " " uaa juai Uioseu nis arm. course I may depend on you." its way out of the body through the walls of the abdomen or other portion of the system. 5. It Is best to have no bntton or string about any garment worn du ring the night. A long, loose night gown is the best thing to sleep in. Many a man has facilitated an attack of apoplexy by buttoning his shirt collar. sheen. 310 4 nm n , rtr...- ' : " ' -", 'y,-io. Abe increase of hogs handled of dravera rolled above the knee, they carry heavy crosses until they sink under them from exhaustion. As they walk they lash themselves over the shoulders and back with a scourge made of the Spanish bayonet the gang, and there I learned much concerning their actions. But I paid little or no attention to them or their conversation. It was about the mid dle of last July that I became reluct antly connected with the gang, and iy obtained two watcbes ant 60 in her bouse became emotv. mach to hep money. The watches were cached, 'grief and alarm. and afterward stolen by Charley Boss. After some time a btaS'oid' sea ip- jonnny .Brown, alter nis recovery, tain knocked atthedoor, ami the old was engaged to work for the Black lady answered the call. plant, or soap weed, which is full of i ha"ppeued In tbis way: Kw.Br p.uic, suoiiiaa uccuies. uuui i , . . .. , rh hi mn HoJT f ha- ,' a ns nIht a Particular he I mine a young friend of carpenter, named "Servant, ma'aea. Hills Stage Company for a purpose. m rl t-V1- &Wa ! -- .. fc ... 7 - r ! l" " T wa me board for two or three dajs a con- Osa'tyoJi elve. ? Got tm? cHtrm hara owe? ah.ll ha &tT" am.. .. fesslon cf the crime, which .he inva-f j j lid ssys releases her from he oath of: wJ'i r nt .M . .......... um novn , ;oiu bjixc OfVi annnamfBTiM infnrmoi? ma fot hri -, m nrnifc. ,k . -"" -Hansneia, poor ooy, be nas been , k u . .. . , . innocently hung sinee then came to each shoulder, weighing one hundred ' . . . u x. . pounds each, and a heavv log chain i . t - fofQr,a . e 4. C-i ... ; see me at a certain opinm smoking- fastened to each foot: while another, . ... ... K.. . , ,,. . .. . '. ... j house that night, as a friend of his with one of these whips plaited to or-1 . . T . s . ' . iT , : . , AT -naA w X. t. x. i was sick. I had been m the habit of der, scourged him over the back and ; .. , . ;.. shoulders for one honr. and th,B ."""- p.e-aauu uu ,n tuas opi - ... . secrecy. She has further statements to make concerning the workings Jof the so-called road agent3, which will be made public in due time through the columns of the Am. I l,r.- :tl. H. r-. i ji ne.itPd vprsl f,moa '. , A : U4" "UU2C "" !" ineuus, ano E -w-. ..mws AJ. fcJW AJ J I told my husband wher ! thought nothing of the appointment. Bear in mind thnt thpsu man Mvra in : .l. TTr,;ffli ef., . .1 told my nusbano wnere A was go- tne Lrnited States; they are voters, t . . J . . . .. .. .e. and a part of the acquisition of the , .iJk war with Mexico. Correspondence ., . L kt.-"-' j r"r. infAFrrtnn ma r r q r rite Tian ri tvna einN Cincinnati Gazette. - .--.-.- - - -- ana tnat. x mn?t go ana see mm. ai- five cent cigar, with a good draught and an enterprising youth ter some expostulation and argument on my part I accompanied him down the mam street or Deadwood to Ze Cuitiaieur, a French journal, says that If chloride of lime be spread on the soil or near plants, insects and I vermin will not be found there, and adds: "By Its meas3 plants will' easily be protected from insect plasnes ' by simply brush ins over their stems brightening np. with a salntion of it. It has often been noticed that a patch of land which has been treated in this way remains religiously respected by grubs, while the unprotected beds round are literally devastated. Fruit s&ws Keep a famine at iDBULEISESkQSffRi. Onuawnted and Plain. . Ibnyiaybeer AB broads Somen, ladlo and infants-i DyjaEe. AM rtiers left -with Mike Feltaooser will " F: CXai Street, BEOTTyyiLlXaXEB.lBroTruviIle3 - - Nebraska a trcca mcr Ka rnora r-i-r f li a --( attached to the tail end ofit, will load!, K, " . ,r, ..!. u tL v, t.,1....:.- . .t..r. jin 1S7S was 50 per cent, over that of. e immediate atmosphere with fra-met McLaughlin and another mem- pieces of tow, smeared with a mix- u.r. : uone-yaru.or jj. of the and in prefieace tnre of chloride of lime and hoe's uvu. "'ivi Luak uui.ia iw w x u r .i- , r .-- j IIT'n.f . t. J , i . -r . t"1 " tUCli X 43 LLiaUt; -o uU6 ao." saia Airs, iitzi xieipsomebody worse off than vour- 'scraps. solemn oath c iTeratll snriKminn hn. r.t.nu.. . u-r cnK j ... - I , -. .6 i cuuutucla t x . cc, Uu yoa Will nna that VOnsrpI I tn rpfnP. fnr n r.rBor,' Ha J f t - " I rwt -T-ltrT --...-- -- . t " --wf -w uwAvru. J 111C 3 A-r ine iroiiaaelphia inquirer esumaies nrf. n . - .., .m that the real and personal property of' the Tuited States is worth $50.000,000-1 .xnuiu nau oeea aa 000. against $42,000,000,000 for Great m,nistered .the doctor .!n aend- Britain. and $48,000,000,000 for I aui:e' auu B ut,ei re!,t' ine nKi re- (. TTTL & 1 , .. iio. uariou coiorea. "i will I isrr :send it around in the morning." am determined to settle the business : better off than yon fancied io-aav." to take a; lard, and ants and grabs alreadv In I was afraid : possession will rapidly vacate theiri TV ifrT Trrffa-lr I Ml' lady. "Oh bonse fell, eh ?- "No, but' "But what, ma'am y "I dont take uaclean orearnafpeo-L pie in my boase. What do yoa believe 2" "About what ? "Why, doyoo believe tactany e&e will be condemned?' "Oh, thunder! yes "Do yoe T said tbe sood woaaa. 'Well, fcow iaay souls do yoa thiak will he on Sra Feternaliv ?" "Don't kaow, ma'oa, rsay neer caicclated that. "Can't yon guess V "Can't say pechttpa fcy tboes and." " Wra'al, hem V mesed IheoW wom an : "I guess 111 lake yoa, ftfty tioas and ia better than nothing. am "I am very sorry," said our morti fied heroine, "but I have not 3 single dollar inthe house." Mrs. Fitz Gerald bowed coldlv : ev idently she did not believe the protes tation, and sirs. harton Eawher en- A man calls a puppy after him by whistling, but a girl has only to wink at one. Many a son pf Erin who comes toL mis country uas a hod road to travel. poaition. Butterflies, again, will avoid all plants whose leaves have been sprinkled over with lime water." i France. he tipped his glass he remarked, 'How's ths for rye ? sumed her statement: shanty-near the bridge to another not 'far cistanc, where the pretended sick plaiah y e (hie) couldn't get there.' The man who stepped bla paper lately because he could net afford it I recently sold a hundred bushels af wheat at twenty cents less thaa th market price. Mr. Heep said to a drunken fellow 'Iflwere In vournl3ce J wnnld ml & a T j i a r x. j . . r T 1 x WM uuuuucteu irom tne aesertea i oat to the woods and hang myself.' The answer was. If vooz in mv They propose to make bricks out of paper next Their lightness com mends them as for pleasan.er for bats than those parehased at tbe - - -faTi. KiAJX ZZ '