'THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, DEC. 28. 1878. Conkling Bays he will not be a can didate for the Presidency. Exceedingly heavy enow storms are reported throughout the west. In Kansas City 85,000 hogs have been packed since November 1st. Among the DemooraU of Illinois the cry now Ib "Anything to beat Lo gan ii Both houses of Congress adjourned on the 20th inst. to convene again January 6th. Chicago and the gas works are at ,'ont'' and the city fathers ere going to light up with oil. It is announced that Bayard Taylor, American Minister at Berlin, died in that city on the 19th inst. The National Advocate, a New York greenback, flat, paper 25 cents a year, "invarably in advance" is dead. i i Senator Thurman declares to run for (governor or unto. He fears oe feat, which would kill his proapects for 1SS0. Freighting business between Dead wood and Bismark is immense. Up ward of&l.OOO teaniB are constantly employed, at good wages. nils ascertained beyond doubt that about 200 negroes were killed in Lou ieiana, (during the late election cam paign, for political reasons. Senator JPaddock's bill providing for the use of the army inj protecting thejfrontier States against Indian dep- cedatlon8,has passed the Senate. ManyCIn Cuba are voluntarily emancipating their slaves. Senor Ag ramonte recently manumitted SO.giV' lug each one their freedom papers. Wade Hampton, S. C, has had his foot amputated, caused by that mule falling on him. He has also been elected to the United States Senate. a oni.nas massed uongress appro priating $50,000 to defray the expen ses of the committee to investigate causes'oftbe yellow fever epidemic of the South. The Illinois and St. Louis bridge was Bold last weekjundor foreclosure of mortgage. Anthony J. Thomas, of New York, was the purchaser, paying $2,000,000 for it. Jack Kehoe, the King of the'MolIy Maguiree, was hanged at Pottsville, Pa., on the 18th inst., for murdering a man named Langdon, in 1862, but he bad been engaged directly or iudi rectly Jn many other similar crimes. A late despatch from Yankton says: "A contractor just in from Red Cloud Agency sayB the Indians "there are about out of provisions, and that there is no immediate prospect of a supply. The reds are growing uneasy, and In spector Hammond is there trying to smooth over matters." There is no need of reiterating the fact that the negroes do. not all vote the Republican ticket. JVe&., City H'avs. Aud thoBe that do vote have their ballots stolen and tissue tickets sub stituted, or some other Democratic device used to cheat the colored man out of hiB vote. i m If Council Bluffs 1b the terminus of theU. P. railroad, it does look to a not very much interested spectator, as if the bridge 'across kthe Missouri river is a. part of the road, and that therefore the pricefor orossing it should, beno more than 'the'regular ratesper mile on any other part of the road. However it may be a toll bridge, which might pass as a reason for tho.extra fare charged A negro was hung down in one of those immaculate Southern States last week, charged by somebody, with attempt to commit rape upon a while girl. It is not, we are safe in saying, the love of virtue among the chival ry, who think nothing of gratifying their bestial instincts on the wives and daughters of the colored people, but it is their love of murdering ne groes. A mere rumor on some black man they do not like, is all the pretext thoy nesd to hang him to the limb of a tree. Senator Thurman, prospective De mocratic candidate for President, said in his stammering effort to answer Blaine, that "wealth and intelli gence" must govern at the ballot box. Blaine and tbo Republican party say majorities and fair elections must govern. The President enunciated Republican doctrine and the very life and soul of Americanism, when he declared that every enfranchised citi zen has the right to cast one unintim idated ballot and to have that ballot fairly counted. Aud there will be no oeB$tion of agitation, no harmony, and thero ought to be none, until this prinoiple, accorded by all sections, prevails. a i The South has renewed its old game of brag and threatening. It threaten ed warand dissolution if Fremont was emoted. It declared it would not Bub mifc if Lincoln or Douglas was elected overBrackenbridge; and it did not until it was whipped into submission. Ths following from a leading South Carolina paper, the Columbia Regis ter, is a familiar snarl and not at all scary: "If the people in this country eleot Grant President in 1SS0, a war will follow, the terrors and magnitude of which will far exceed the frightful example of the past history." The violators of law and conatitu-: tional rights down there may, with their rifles, intimidate negroes 'and steal their ballots, but the supporters of General Granttreatwith contempt all such attempts at intimidation. They demand an uniutimidated bal lot and fair election in the South and North, and that he who receives a ma jority of the electoral votes must be the President. The Finances. Special to the Inter Ocean. Washington, Dec, 18. At 1 o'clock this afternoon Secretary Sherman re ceived a dispatch stating that gold opened at par. He remarked to your correspondent that this was as he ex pected, and he did not believe gold would again be above par with the amount of gold at hand, and in the near approach of the time of paying it out and he thoughtit impossible for a premium, however small, to exist. He thought, however, that within a short time greenbacks would be at a very slight premium above gold, ow ing to their greater convenience. The Secretary Is still receiving! congratu latory dispatches from all sections of the country upon'the assured success of resumption, and many are from so-called Greenbackers, who say they prefer resumption and solidity in fi nance, provided it can be maintained. A Democratic editor in Missouri sends a long dispatch, giving extracts from recent editorials assailing Sherman aud speaking of his tyranny over the people. This, the editor says, he now takes bock, as geld is at par and re sumption assured. The Secretary called the attention of your correspon dent to a coincidence. To-day being the first entire day that gold was at par, the receipts from customs and in ternal revenue were exaotly the same $301,100 each, the former in gold and the latter in currency. This is the first time this has happened, and Treasury officials think it remarkable. The New York &un, the ablest Democratic paper published,aays of Senator Blaine's speech : "Never before, in a long public ca reer, has Blaine taken such pains with a speech ; neverj before has he had such cause to take pains. Every paragraph, sentence, word, haB been weighed, and he has said in half an hour what a clumsier speaker would have taken six hours to say. He has mingled provocation with modera tion, and hns said;jonough to excite the susceptibilities of the South with out startling the conservatism of the North. A less expert politician would have frantically waved the bloody shirt but Blaine has not done this, know ing a trick worth two of it. Ho has- not sought to enlist the sympathy of tho .North for the bulldozed negro vo ters, but? has touched at once the available issue, asking the white peo ple of the Northern Statea : "Are you willing that the white men of tile Southern States, who fought against the Uuion, shall have twice as much weight in choosing lis rulers and ma king its laws as .you have who foujrht for it? Is every vote cast by a white man of the South to count as much as two votesj cast by white men fin the North ? The substance of Blaine's tirade are the charges of election "outrages" iu the south ; that the entire colored vote of the South is the property of the Republican party. Nebraska Ci ty Neica. Last week'we printed the'epeech'to which the News refers. Can any of our readers fiudjanywliere in that speech a sentence to justify a newspa per in representing it as the; above paragraph does ? Not one. No distor tion of deflnitioncan make it appear "that Blaine claimed that the entire colorod votefof the South is'.theproper tyof theRepublicau party," hencejthe Neios utters falsehood made out of wholeeloth.F If Mr.? Blaine made such a claim why does the Isiews not quote juBt 'asingie'isentence, if no more, to back up the assertion ? Ah, itjdoesn't quote a word, because there is not a word to bear out and justify 8Uoh an inference. Wo well fknew. and said, what such aiders and apolo- gizers of frauds as the Neius would do and day In their chagrin over'.Blaine's terrible array of facts that it would be by subterfuges and lies. There is no other man out of the U. 8. Senate so much needed in it at the time, as John A. Logan of Illinois. The election, to that place, of no oth er man would cause such universal re joicing among the old Union soldiers, and the loyal people of tho nation ; and the election of no other man to the Senate is so much dreaded by the Democracy : and for these reasons the efforts of the Democraoy to defeat him will bo greater than it would be to de feat any other man. Although Logan will have a large majority of the Re publicans of the legislature, we can scarcely hope for his election, for we can scarcely hope that the entire Re publican delegation will stand, solid, together, and above and beyond the hoodwinking fAcilitiea of Democratic schemers. Western Nebraska appears to be a sortof murderers' paradise. Nino mur ders have been committed there in a single week, and the Governor declar ed that owing to the want of money, he is powerless to bring the assassinB to punishment. N. Y. Herald. The Herald is about correct, but the Governor, we understand, will ask the legislature for an appropriation to prosecute the murderers, ifcaught. He has acted in some of the oases to the extent authorized by law offered a reward of $200 for the criminal. And it does seem that Western Nebraska is a sort of murderers paradise. A man would be as safe, as to life and prop erty, in Sittine Bull's camp, as in some localities in the western part of this State. m tn When John Dillon, the comedian was about to leave Lincoln the other day, & constable stepped to the front and attached his trunk, for some lit tle bill he had not liquid-ated. He then paid the bill and took his trunk with him. Republicans everywhere, except, perhaps a little ring in his own State about big enough to defeat him by joining tbetDemocrats, are anxious to see General Logan returned to the U. S. Senate from Illinois this winter. North Platte, Neb., Dec. 20. A party of fourteen mounted Indians raided Walker's ranohe, eight miles weBt of here this morning, driving away eight horses. They also got a few head of horses at Randall's ranche, and one from Long's. The Sheriff of Lincoln County, with a posse of citizens and a squad of sold iers from Ft. McPheison, are in pur suit. They hope to overtake the raid ers on Loup River. As this is the third time Indians have raided this vicinity without being pursued, it is thought they will not expect it du ring this cold snap. CRI2IES AND CASUALITIES. Horace F. Wilson, a letter carrier of Indianapolis, has been arrested for robbing letters. Hon. H. P. Gage, ex-President of a savings bank at Findley Ohio, com mitted suicide on the 10th by sending a pistol ball through his head. John O'Connor, an ex-member of the Ohio legislature has been sentenc ed to serve a terra of one year in the Montgomery County jail, for forging pension papers. I. P. Harris, engineer on the Chi cago, a. l. & v. raiiroau, suiciueu on 10th Inst. Dr.'.Orlando Bradford, N. Y. city, has been sentenced to the penitentia ry for ten years for criminal malprac tice upon the person of a young wo man in attempting abortion and caus ing her death. ITEMS OF INTEREST. A Texas jury does not call it mur der in the first degree to call a negro out of his house, tie his hands, hang him and cut his throat. J The bousted English iron-clads don't seem to work as well as expect ed. They prove the poorest kind of sea vessels, and very awkward to handle under any circumstances. The Vermont law requiring a per son who has been made drunk to dis close the name of the person from whom he bought the liquor, has been declared constitutional. Several gigantic squids have lately been captured on the coast of New foundland. One of them had a body niue feet In length, and arms thirty five or forty feet long. .J A perfect monster. One of those big California trees in the Yosemite Valley will, when cut down and chopped up for house fuel, make a little over 400 cords of wood ! The Canadian marine consists of 7361ive8BeIs, measuring 1,810,468 tons. This is more than one-sixth of the tonageof the whole British empire. A new singer has arisen, in the per son of Mme. Sclike, n colored woman, whose voice gives great promise, ac cording to musical critics. One establishment in New York employs three hundred and eighty cirls In making cigarettes. What a commentary upon the tobacco habit ! Maggie Mitchell, tho actress-, has adopted the two rcmamio -ebildnn of; her only brother, who with his wife, and two little boys, fell victims of the yellow fever at Memphis. The State of Iowa is the banner Re publican State, and one of her mem bers in Congress boasts that she will market more wheat, and hogs this year than any State of the Union. NSW EESTAUKAKT. MEALS AND JL.TJTSCJEL AT ALL HOURS. CONFECTIONERY.CAKES.NUTS, FRESH AND CHEAP. Oysters Cooked to Order. Rofisels Old. Stand. Mrs. Sarah Rausclikolb. PHIL. PRAKER, Peace and Quiet tKUacb-c Saloon and Billiard Hall I THE BEST OF BRANDIES, WINES, G-irs, ALCOHOLS IMEWd 49 Main St., opposite Sherman House, Brownville, - - Nebraska. QHARLES HELMER, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe MAKEK. Having bought the cus tom shop of A. Roblson, I am prepared to do work or all kinds at Reasonable Rates. -es-Repairing neatly and promptlydone. Shop No. 62 Main Street, ISroitmviUe. Nebraska. TTnTXr"' Apply to the publishers of I W U i VJ this newspaper for balf- TVTT?XT membership (at discount) in the JJl FlDi Mercantile Collese. Keoknk. Io wa, on the Mississippi. Bookkeepers, Pen men, Reporters, Operator and Teaohers tborcughlyfltted. Don't fail to address Prof. Ililler, Keokuk, Io-a. icyl iLjsggs 1Lg? fi-' ti Ii & il "Up" S. GOTEBSSEXT. BROW PrtTTXX.13. T?aid-up Capital, $30,000 500,000 Authorized tt IS PKEPARED TO TRANSACT A General Banking Business BUY AND SELL G0IN & CURRENCY DRAFTS on all tho principal cities of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drafts discount pd. and special accommodations granted to depoadt rs. Dealers In GO VE11SMEST BONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES "DEPOSITS Received payable on demand, and INTEREST al owed on time certificates c deposit. DIIIECTORS. Wm.T.Dea, il. M. Balle. Handley. Frank E. Johnson, .Luther I . Jr. a oadley Wo. Fralsher. JOHN L. CARSON, A. R.DAVISOlv. Cashier. , rresldnt. I. C.McNAUGHTON. Asst.Casbier. JULIUS FREITAG. Carriage, House & Sign Painting, Graining,!: Gilding, Bronzing, Papor Hanging and Calcimlnlng. fiTB-Cheap and first class. For reference, apply to Stevenson & Cross. Shop over Abbott & Emery's Blacksmith shop, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. ALBERT M. SMITH. Brownville, Neb. Shaving, iQing, Hair- dressing 8c. Latest THE ADVERTISER JOB PBIHT!NG DEPARTMENT. A-flne assortment of Type, Bor ders, Rules, Stock, Ac, for printing. BUBIKE2B, YIOITIHQ 25c WBDD1R0- CARDS, Colored and Bronzed Labels, STATEMENTS. LETTER & BILLHEADS ENVELOPES, Circulars, Dodgers, Programmes, Show Cards, BLAXK work of all kinds, With neatness and dispatch - -. i i nrm Cheap on Infebior Work XOTSOLIC1TED. FAIBBR0TH3R Is HACKS2, Carson Block, BttOIVNVILIiE, NEB. HAVE YOUSEEKT Having purchased the "ELEPHANT 0 STABLE. I wish to announce that I am prepared to do a first class livery business. Josh Iiofers, Meat Market. BODY&BRO. BTTTCIIBBS, BROtrsrvilAE, NEBRASKA. Good, Sweet, Fresli Ideat Always on hand, and satisfaction cuar antledto all customers. Josepli Selurfcs, DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry f"? Keeps constantly on band a large and well 3V assorted stock of genuine articles In hlsllne ,3jjEopalring or Clocks, Watoaes and Jewelry done on short notice, at reasonable rates. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Also Bote ent In this locality for the sale or w LAZARUS & MORKIS' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES i No. 59 Main Street, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. AUTOOniZED BY THE U. First National Bank OF mm A.NJ j StyiSS, KBTIIDF .Bkxxv VsssS " nrn J. EC. BTJEH, Manufiicturer and Dealer In Blankets, Brushes, Fly Nets, &c. a- "Renalrlncr done on nhort notice. The cele brated Vacuum Oil Blacking, for preserving Har ness, Boots, Shoes, itc, always on hand. 64 Main St., Brownville, IVeb. ESTABLISHED IN 1856. OLDEST EEAL ESTATE A-G-EDSTCY IN NEBRASKA. Docs a general Real Estate Business. Sells Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to tnc transfer of Real Es tate. Has a Complet9 Abstract of Titles to all Real Estate In Nemaha County. NEW RESTAURANT ! Attention Is called to the new, neat and nobby Restaurant, Just opened a few doors east of tho post ofQce. If you want a dish of Raw, or cooked lu most excellentslylo, at II A. T C K E T T J S cosy rooms is tho placo. If a nice lunch Is preferable to oysters, -with hot coffee It Is served on the shortest notice. Gentlemen and ladies of the city and country aro Invit ed to call and be made hnppy In quiet, neat and isolated rooms. lOtf DEALER IX Boots ft 85 Main Street, nroivHvillcS - Nebraska BROWXVIEiliE Ferry and Transfer OOMP-AJSTY. Having a first class Steam Ferry, and owning andcontrolinstheTransfer .Line from BROWXYIEJLE TO PIIE&FS, we are prepared to render entire satlsractionln t transfer or Freight and Passengers. We run a regular Hue ot to all trains. Al orders left at the Tranfer Com pany's office will receive promptattentlon. J. BoNfield, Gen. Supt. FRA3STZ HELMER, f AGON &JLACKSMITH$HQP ONE DOOR WEST OF COURT HOUSE. WAGON MAKING, ' Repairing, Plows, and all work done in the best manner and on short notice. Satisfaction guaran eed. Glvehimacail. f34-ly. A IiECTURE TO YOTJIN'Gr 3LEN. Just published, in a sealed envelope. Price 6 cents, A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Rndlcal cure of seminal Weakness, or Spermator rhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emis sions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impedi ments to Marriage generally: Consumption, Epi leysy. and Fits: Mental and Physical Incanacitr Ac-By ROBERT J. COL VER WELL. iT. b au thor of tho "Green Book," fc. ' me woriu-renownea author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awral consequences of Self-Abase may be effectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surirlcal oneratlons. hnnc-iM instru ments, rings, or cordials: pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which everv and thousands. Sent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad dress.on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers. THE COLVERWELL MEDICAL CO.. . Ann St., New York: Post Office Box, SC. n3yl T business you can eneace in. $5to!20pei day made by any worker of either sex. rightln tbelrown localities. Particulars and sam Dies worth S3 free. Tmnrovevnnr spare time at this business. Address Stiuson & Co. Portland. Maine. 5iyl u can make money fester at worK for us than at anything else. (Japnai not required; we will start you $12 por day it homa made by the industrious. Men. women, bovs and cirls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Is the time. Costly outfit aud terms free. Address True t Co., Auguta, Maine. 31 rl p5 9 I la CO iL MllrpISIIMj Shoes If Misfit STOYES I STOYBS I ny one wishing a good No. I Stove, at greatly reduced prices, should cai! on THE REGULATOR, as he has a large stock, and will mate great inducements to purchasers to close out fall stock. Remember, now is the time to buy cheaper than ever again. Come and see me. THOMAS Just XjooIs: At tlxe Prizes tliat still Xemaiix tobo Tx-wn One Ton Dollar Gold-piooo, Ono Steni--windins Watch. One Gold Frame Oil Painting. Ono Fino Oil Paintings, 25 Chromos, 2 Call Bolls, 2 Smoking-Sots 3 Glove hozes, Tnree Rovolvors, Ono Silver Pickle Castor. One Sunrise Clock nickel, Twelve Silver-plated Lings, Plated Silver Spoons, II II II il ii m Teaspoons, " knives&forks Fonrtoon Fine Books, Ono dozen Velvet Frames. 15 pairs of Pine Vasos. 7 Nico Lamps, 1 Barrel of Apples. 50 Albums, And Numerous otlior articles not Montionod hero. One Draw cr 25 cents, Five jDraws for $1. i vviil also sell goods at 3?xi-n.te Sale, NED OTELT. ST. NICHOLAS, Scribner's Illustrated Magazine FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. S IDEAL CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE. Messrs. SCRIBXKR & CO.. In 1$3. besan te publication of ST.XIOHOLAS.onlllustrated Mag azine for Girls and iJos, with Mrs. Mary Mapea Uodgo ns editor. Five years have passed since the first nnnioerwAK issued, ana the magazine bas won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation OVER. 50,000 COPIES It is published simultaneously in London and Jew York, and tho transatlantic recognition ia al most as general Bnd hearty as the American. Al tliouch the progress or the macazine has been a steady advance. It has not reaohed Its editor's Ideas of nest, because her ideal continually outruns It and the magazine as swiftly follows niter. To-day si ,iinjiiuLiAS fi tunas ALONE IN ME WORLD OF BOOKS. The New York Tribune has said of It: St. Nicho las has reached a hUther platform, and commands lor its service wider resources in art and letters than any of its"predecessors or contemporaries." The London Literary World says: "There Is no nint;azlneforthoyounjr that can be said to equal GOOD THINGS FOR 1878-9. Thenrrancementsfor literary and art contribu tions tor me new volume the sixth are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R. Stock ton's new serial story for boys, "A JOLt.T FELLOWSHIP," Will run through the twelve monthly parts, -be- Kinnintr wiin me numoer tor iNovemner. 1878 the first of the volume, and will be illustrated by Jas. E. Kelly. Tnc story Is one of travcOnd adventure In Florida and the Bahamas. For the girls, a con tinued tale, "Ilnlf a Dozen Housekeepers," By Katharino I). Smith, with illustrations by Fred erick Dlelman. begins In the same number: and a fresh serial by Susan Coolidse.entttled "Eyebrlsht" with plenty of pictures, will be commenced early in tho volume. There will also be a continued fairy tale entitled "aUJIPTV DODCETS TO"lYEIt," Written by Julian Hawthorne, and illnstratrd hr Alfred Fredericks. About the other familiar fea tures of St. Jsicholas. tbo editor preserves a sood hnmored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five volumes already Issued, prophesy conrerninc the sixth, in respect to short .stories, pictures, poems, humor Instructive sketcnes. and the lure and lore of "Jack In-the-Pulpit," the "Very Little Folks" department, and ;the "Letler-box" and "Riddle box." Terms. S-1.00 a year : 23 cents a Number. Subscriptions received by tho Publisher of this paper, and hy all Booksellers and Postmasters. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the pub l'shers should write name. Post-office. County, and State. In full, and send with remittance In check, SCIIII1SER iCO., 743 Broadway New York. '. u. monev oraer. or reRierea jeiier to AGENTS WASTED TOR THE YOUiYG PEOPLE'S ILUSTRATED BIBLE HISTORY. Over 100,000 copies already sold. ASDOStYA 8MAIXPARTOF TOE COP.NTHV CAK VASSKD. TIIEBEST AKDEASIKST BOOKTO SELL. This work contains an attractive account or the great events mentioned in the Old and New Testa meats, the lives of the Patriarchs. Prophets and Klnits: of Christ and Ids Apostles, and or the re markable women and children mentioned In the sacred volume. Illustrated with elegant steel en cravings. For terms, address. Henry Bill Publishing Co., Norwich, Conn. UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Instruction iven in all tho branches of a liberal education. Open to both ladles and gentlemen. Candidates for admission to tho Prepara tory Department mnst pats a fair examina- tion in Orthography. Readlns:. Arithmetic, ut'uruiJiJjr, .cjuusu uiumiiiiii, iuiu mu His tory of the United States, Instruction isgiv- - i... tiiw - . i .v. th. -i en in nigner Ariinmetic. injniMi Analysis, and Physical Geography, each for a single term. TUITION FREE TO ALT. Fall Term begins Tuesday, September 10, 1578, and ends Friday, December 20. Winter Term begins Thursday, January 2, 1879, and ends March 21. Spring Term begins April 1, and closes on the Second Wednesday of June, tho day ol the annual commencement. Cattalogue, containing full Information can be had npon application to Is. B. FAIRFIELD, Chancellor. Lincoln, July 6, 187S. -Jyl The Great Family Paper. THE NEW YORK LEDGER FOR THE NEW !E4B. 1873 Entoring upon tho new year resolute for tno worK ota new voiumu oi uiu ,eugcr, u win hnmir ambition to make that volume superior to all Its predecessors. People who havo passed from childhood to middle age as readers of tho Ledger under stand very wen our nue to nave every num ber fresh, original. Interesting and attract ive. AvAlmost every variety of question is ans cred In our columns. Wo engage the very best writers of both Continents -wlrhrmt reference to cost. The most eminent divines, of different de-l nominations, write regularly for the Ledger. All who have had the Ledger heretofore wei are sure will wish to continue It ; and those who have never taken it before would speed ily subscribe if they knew one-hair tho good things in store for oar readers during the, coming year. Ths cost of subscription Is but a trifle com pared to what will be received In return. OarTermifor 1879 Postage Free. Single copies, Z per. annum: four copies, ?10 which isiZSO a copy: eight copies, jj.posiape jtcs The party who sends us?M foraclnb of eight cop ies, (all sentat one time.) will bo entitled to a copy free. Postmasters and others who get up clnbs. in their respective towns. cn afterward add singl coples at J2..V). No subscriptions taken for a lese period than one year. When a draft or money-ors der can conveniently be sent. It win be prererrea as it will prevent the possibility of the loss ormon. ey by mall. Remember that the postage on the Ledger to all partsof the country will be paid by us, eo that our subscribers wilt have no postage to pay. ear V employ no traveling agents. Address all communications to . . ROBERT BONNER, Publisher, Corner of William and Spruce sta.. New Vork. T ETTER HEADS, 8 BILL HEAD Neatly priniedai thisofRce. CHARTER The Beat Gook Stoves OuL RICHARDS, at the BE;0"V7"lsr"V"IIJLE Li OHAELES Manufacturer Foreign and Domestic IViARB TOMB STONES, TA3I.E TOPS, &c. &c. rnrfU r TM7CTPlTC a" orders promptly filled, and satisfaction gnnrnnteed' 3X"LlL DlijluLlO Office nnd Yard, Main btreet, between 6th and 7tb, FURNISHED M. M. CONNER, Traveling Agent J. RAUSCHKOLB'S Lunch ft Beer I buy my beer by Jako. I don't. PLil. Denser's old stand. Brownville, - Kebraska O?. .A.. BATH Is now proprietor of the nnd Is prepared to accomodate tho public with GOOD, FRESH, SWEET 3VCE-A.T, Gentlemanly and accommodating clerks will at all times be in attendance. Your patronage solicited. Remember the place the old Pascoe shop, Maiu-st., Brownville, - Nebraska. To Hoosiers in Nebraska. Former residents of Indiana now living In io West, desiring to obtain the news from th their old Hoosler Home, should at once sub scribe for that best of all the weekly papers. The Northern Indianian, GEN. REUB. WILLIAMS, Jsainois u irjfc uh. I Without a doubt The Northern Indlanlnn i ia r in nocr ifpav i. nnnnt- nnnn.i pfi tc'ieiuii the borders or Indiana, It Is a larg forty column folio tho largest in the country and each number is filled to repletion with Indiana News, Editorials on every subject. Choice Fragments of History. Select Sketch es, aud Letters frim lis own Correspondents In the Eastand West. The great size or The Northern Indianian enables it to rurnlsh 1th readers with a splendid Continued Story, in addition to its large amount of Miscellane ous Reading Matter, and It Is conceded by every one to be the best paper published In the old Hoosier State. In the first number of the year 1S79 will be commenced a new story, entitled ROXIS, A Tale of the Harrison Campaign. Rv the Rev. Edward Eeeleston. author of 'The Hoosier Schoolmaster. "The Circuit Rider." etc.. the nlot of which Is laid lu In- dinnn. and which will far surpass any tale ever published in a western journal. Hi-intun win nrint. n. Mammoth Double Sheet At tlio Beginning ot tne new yenr ine in- r "-. "-. . . . :.. r: .. - Holiday Number, which will be tho Largest Paper Ever Printed in America This double number will be sent to regular subscribers the same as Its usual issues, but single copies of this special Issue will be sent on receiptor ten cents. THE TERMS ABE! Three Month (on trial) 8 50 Six Months ..... ..... .............. 1 CO Address Gon. Roub. "Williams, Indianian Building, Warsaw, Ind. J". Xi. ZR,0"3T, Undertaker Keeps a full line ot mmimmm Ornamented and Plain. Also Shrouds for men. ladies and infants. All orders left with Mike Felthouser win receive promptattentlon. &3 Bodies Preserved and Embalmed. 5G 31aln Street, BROWNVILLE, NEB. MABSH HOUSE, JOSEPH 0'PELT, PROPRIETOR. Liverr Stable in connection with tho House 5Stnge Office for all points East, West,"S .83-North. South. Omnibuses to- 42connect with all trains.-2ar SAMPLE ROOM FIRST FLOOR Subscribe for THE ADVERTISER!? it ?f J m . jO HET- Jiff F--7 Liter wefflffl, Bff&jiTi WO ISTEIDHA.IIT, and Dealer In Marble, Monuments ItEGAI. ADVERTISEMENTS. -JVTASTER'S SALE. - il DISTRICT OK NEBRASKA. SS. In the Circuit Court of tho United States for the District of Me:rasko. In Chancery. Ellen J. McNantthton vs. iiicuuure nut FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Public notice Is hereby given thut In nnr- suanceof a decree entered In the above canto on the 13th day of November, 1S78, 1, William. Daily, Master Commissioner appointed by said Court, will on Saturday the 25 tli day of January 187D at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of the said day. at the door of the Nemuhn. County Court House at the City of Brown ville in Nebraska, sell at Public auction, tho following described property, to-wit: Com mencing twenty-two (Q leet from tho North West Corner of lot number six In block num ber three In thecltyof Brownville, Nemaha county, Nebraska, to-wlt : At the centre of me iast wan or the Court House, thenco running East twenty and one half (iMJa) fcot to to the centre of the wall between number seventy-four and seventy-six (74 &76) thence soutli one hundred and torty-tlve(HG) feet to ineaney running tnrougn Kust and West or Block number three (J): thence West tweritv and one half (20)-s) feet; thence north ono nunureu ana rorty-nve (H5) rcct pnsslnd through tho centre of said East wall of saig Court house to the said plnce of beginning, the said property being lately occupied by sald Theodore Lewis Hill for a storehouse. WILLIAM DAILY. 27w5 Master Commissioner. No. 1070. CHERIFF'S SALE. O NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY virtue of an execution Issued out of the Dis trict Court of Nemaha County. Statu of Ne braska, and to mo directed as Sherltr of said County, upon a decree and Judgment render ed by said Court. In a case wherein Jnnw Claire was plaintiff, and August Claire was defendant. I will offer for sale, at public auc tion, at tho door of the Court House lu Brownville, In said County, on Saturday, January 25th, A. J. 1870. at one o'clock p. m.. the rollowinjr rtescrtoed lands. In Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wit: Commencing nt thi northwest corner of tho northeast quarter of section seventeen (17 In township six (6) no-th or range fourteen (U east, thence east fitty-one (51) rods to a post, thence south one hundred and sixty (160) rods to a stone, thon.o west fifty-one (61) rods to a stone, thence north one hnndred and sixty (1C0) rods to the place or begin ning, containing 11 fty-one acres. The said lands above described are taken subject to the dower Interest of Jane Claire during her lifetime, together with ail the improve ments and privileges thereto belonging. Levied npon and taken on said execution aa the property of August Claire. Terms of sale cash. Dated, this 20lh dnv of December. 1S7S. 27W5 RICHMOND V. BLACK. Sheriff. INo. 1.1.07). CHERIFF'S SALE. O Notice is hereby nlven. that hv vlrtm of an orderof sale Issued out of the District Cowrl me directed as Sheriff of said County uuou J a decree and Judgment rendered by said vAJiin, iu n ra.se wnerein t ratiKUn ii. John son nnu iiomer Johnson, partners, business under the firm name of '. E doing Jnliti. son & Co.. were plaintiffs, and Adutn K. Trayer, William H.Harris and 'labltha J. Harris, his wife, were defendants. I will offer for sale, at public auction, nt the door of the Court House in Brown ville. In said Conn y. nn Saturday, JminrylSr!i,A.D. IS79. at I o'clock I. Al.. the following described lands.in emaha County. Nebraska, to-wlt r The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twelve (12 In township live ir). North or range fifteen (15), east in sahl County of Nemaha Nebraska, together with all the ltnpro 'emeuts and privileges thereto belonging. Taken on said order of sale as the property or Adnm E. Trayer. WIMum II. Harris nmi Tahltha J. Harris, his wile. Terms of sale. oi-!i. Dated, this 17th day or December. 1878. ifiwa RICHMOND V. RLACK.Sl.erlfl. jVTASTEH'S SALE. 11 DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. S3. In the Circuit Court or the Cnlted -imic Tn-r the District of Nebraska. In Cbancery. Phcenlx Mutual Life Insur ance Company, Complainant, versus Rich ard A. Hawley. Elizabeth J. Huwley, the Goshen Pump Company and W. J. DeeHn, Delendants. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Public notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of n decree entered In the above caUKe, on the 11th day orSeptember, 1873.1. Willi am Dally, Master in Chancery In said Court, will, on Wednesday, the 8th day of January,, 1879, at the hour or eleven o'clock in the rorenoon or the said dav. attlii rirmr nt th Nemaha County Court House, at the City or Brownville in the State orebrnska. sell at public auction, thefollowlnc described nron- erty, to-wit: The southeast quarter (J0, al so the northeast quarter 04) of section num- ww. iiisu me wmt mill in me normweafc lquarter(X. also the west half or the nonti- j west quarter (f) of section number two (2), (all In township number five (5). of range number thirteen (13). of Nemaha County. Nebraska. WILLIAM DAILY. Special Master In Chancery ot the Circuit Court of the U. S., District of Nebraska. 19w5 BIDS FOR. WOOD. The Trustees of School District No. 31 will receive proposals until January 1, H79. tor 0 cords of green hard wood, to bo delivered on the School premises in Brownville, theTrus tees reserving the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must specify the kind of wood proposed to be furnished. Dated December IB. 1878. 20 w5 T. L. SCHICK. Director. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, bavin? had placed In his bands by an East India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remeiy for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical care for nervous debility and all nervous complaint1?, after having tested its wonderful curative powers la thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to raabolt known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human sufferinir. I will send, frett of charge, to all who desire It. this reclDe. with nill dlrectlonsHor preparingand using, in German. French, or English. tcnt by mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. w. Sherar. 110 Powers Block, Rochester, New York. lihvl A SURE CURE Por CbnsTtmption, bronchitis, asthmu, catarrh, throat und lung diseases. Also a snre relief and permanent cure for general debility, dyspepsia nnl all nervous affect lona by a simple vegetable medicine which cured a venerable missionary Physician who wna long a resident of Syria nnd the East, and1 who has freely given this valuable specific to thousands of kindred suffers with tha greatest passible benefits, nnd he now feels iC his sacred christian duty to impart to others thlswnndrrfultnvieoratingretnedv.nnd wiir send FREE the original recipe complete. to any person enclosing stamp for replv namlng paper. M. F, Manas, West Troy. N. v. . boss: Wra? f t 4 V.3dltMSfeiiN. '"hSr1