".'& 1 THE ADVERTISER. Arrival and Departure of Mails. 3. & 3C SATLaOADTISCE. Clese. Arrive K. C St. Jee, geiac seata. daWr SsS a ja(a K. C. rf St. Jee. fltfiff aarth, HsUr SBpai 69 pm Nebraska. Railway. Betty 7:15 a m felS p m Fulls C3v. Dallr. via. 2tenab&, .AsjHawau aae si. .uerwo ouia uu;a Beatrice, Cssy. via. iAerid&s acts a si &00 p si rMsneli . Tri- weekly . Loedec. Gtea Jtaei. Cttftes. Hswirc aM Oraax. fclS-a nt SeOO p xa Pebic?. Seait-weetly, via Saer- iBan aac .arxsoa- fcUaa 89 -p ie TecHSJseb maH.7 Loadea fce-. leaves It&Ddaya, Wedtusdavs aad fridaya, arrtrtE? Taeddays, TbErsdaystwiSatardays. Febtas. leave Xnoaarg aad Prtdayg. arriving TeesCays aad Sasardsys. Brownxllle Bcsi Line to Phelps. Leave Brown-' !1 a. m as p. - An- atRrewaviue ism B. i-.aa w- a- J. O RQCEFIELB. : , ssejertateadeaC Dally Stage Line South. prata BcewavUle to Ar?a, "caOe City and. "Rata te ?aaaA Ctty, Asptnwan a St Becota. ea--. M4jr wtta caaveraoee aU other aetata. 1 BiewnvuteaaUyataaae'eleetea. h. Arrives at Broira vUle o'clock p. m. A- j.c.HAEXEsS, Proprietor. Xebraslta Railway. AKXXV2 BrowavtBe Peru pm ftWpa tiWpm l)?4ai .UdSpai leSaxB 2ieraefcacv aia WX. IRVEJG. Sapi. THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 12 1S7S. For 30 Days! For the next SO days I tvIH close out my entire Fall and TTinler Stocli of rj Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hats, Cups, j and Fine Shoes at the lowest j possible cash prices. Call and j examine before you purchase Tee., Co&e Sugar. S. & C. Ball at Nemaha Christmas Ere. Craekersaadsoaa atH. C. Lett's. fa superseding all otheFS. I2J hesfeete eors for Ths Advhb Tia rat oe year. Battng ajp freafa and nke, by T. L. Jes. " ."- Thos. RPKAXa6. -Ask yjr niiitair,s t sefcseribe for T AvursxttEEm.. Lwe, htaters, sad -cel l calls. emp at T. L. Jones'. Dtiiwe. aaqiK, ged time Chrfea Eve, t Marsh He. Th .banks ibrouston the U. S. and t&.e State of Nebraska which of coors'c ieki4es Nemaha cooaty will l closed on Ctiritas and New Years, they-bing-NatiaI Kolidys. . G U Mrs-. Whites for yoer holi- daygq&lB. Sfce h ee liae. ' tf osteal cveotUa this week. In the Presbytern Cturreh. While it may be & sueeez? it woW have heea doubly -aare so had it ea held ia the peMie bjrIL 1M cfeeap.. aelberry posts for sale "W. A. Jcbkins a C. If yoa waat a feraiiy paper one that will be eagerly read by yourself, wife and children, sad containing all the focal news, take The Adverti ser. .Dry, eaae4 and green fruit. S. & C. Died! Oa the loth Inst., Mary .Frances, daughter of T. J. and Mary J. Caapheil. this city, aced 15 years 2. moo tbs aoJ SS days. Funeral ser vices at Presbyterhtn church, 11 a. m. 11th iast., odaoted by Rev. H. B. Dve. Everything in the grocery line cheap at T. L. Jones'. Prof. Harry Cnok ehoweo his ex pose of Spiritualism two nights in this eitv hist woek. The show was a oo3 one in every respect, &ud merit- ! ed a much larger attenusneetaan was present either night. Miss Crawford wag eersain'ly a clairvoyant of no com- ian ability. Oas Cb. Cftrotnefe. If Miss Crawford is a real clairvoy- . s.nt, she is a real medium and demonstrates an important phase of Spiritualism. Hence, the query: where does the expose come in. Axes, sails aad forks. S. & C. Any person getting up a club of; tea or more nczr subscribers for The ' Advertiser may retain SO per cent, i of the raooey collected to pay them for I their trouble Renuber, they must j he nsw subscribers that is any person not now taking the paper and the raoaey for the same, at the rate of S2 a veer, mast accompany the order, less the 20 per cent, retained to pay the sceot. Any industrious, young maa oould make $5 a day at this busi ness thie winter. Speetosea copies of the paper sant to any address gratis. Chairs, tablet amdbedsiad. S. & C. Young people get married and buy one of these aheap stoves at the Reg ulator. Thos. Richards. The aaniversary meeting ef the Nemaha County 3ibie Society will be heW at the Ciirita Churoh Sunday December loth, at 7 e'efoak p. m. All that feel an interest in the good work of supplying the destitute with the Holy Seriptures are requested to be present. Reports from the officers of the society will be preseated. A. H. Gilmoke, Pres't. J. S. Church, Sec'y. A. W. NlCKBLI., Tres. and Dep. Oeuntry produee taken In exchange tergeetis t,iha Grocery -and 'Erovi is store of T. L. JesfES. UUTI . 1 5:4a ai lw . 9pai -mm 1- York BUSINESS BEETITIES. Maple syrup at H. C. Lett's. Flour of all brands at Jokes'. Lamps, flower pots, backets. S. & C. Hannibal and Savannah -floor at Hill's. Candy and china toys by T. L. Jones. Bring along that wood yon prom ised ne. It pays to advertise in The Ad vertises. Dr. Collins, Dentist, visits Pern j every Friday. j Money to loan on farms. Apply to T. L. Schick. Oar subscription list is constant ly lengthening. For your horse blankets and lap robes go to Bauer's. Shooting match at Brownville 24th and Christmas. Go to Mrs. White's for your Mil linery and notions. Pure maple syrup in any qeanti ty, by T. I.. Jones. Two inches snow fell here Satur day night and Sunday. Ulce stock of clocks, watches and jewelry, at Joseph Sehutz'. New corn will be taken on sub scription, at 20 cents per bushel. Large stock of Christmas goods and more coming. T. L. Joes. Some people are now trapping quails regardless of the law forbid ding it. For the beat tonsorial work call at the old establishment of Albert Smith's. , The old reliable Advertiser has a. larger circulation than any paper in LUtr CDUUlj . Buy the Milburn Wagon, the best for tbs least money, for sale by Thos. Richards. Two dollars a year for The Ad vertiser same priee to everybody no use to try to get it for less. Extra copies of The Advertises for sale by A. W. Niekell, druggist hook -seller and stationer. If yoa want the offlcial news, the local news, and a good family pa per, take The Advertiser. Ladies, if you want a nice pair of men's slippers for holiday present, you ean Snd them at Alex. Robeon s. Oa Thursday evening, lfith ist., the ladies of the Presbyterian Churoh will give a Tea Party at the ofaureh, for the benefit of the Sabbath School. Public invited. Cod fish and mackerel. S- & C. On last Saterday evening John Mulitg&a, while laying off a worm fenee up the sidewalk on Main street, was eolkred by Marshal Love, taken in oat of the cold, and Moaday morn i inflated the school fuad just $8. New York and Michigan salt. S.&C. An X in peneil, on yetir papers indicates that yoa are sometime be hind with your subscription, and that we ned the pay. Friends, piease call and renew, or send in the money, as soon 5 you ean. Don't forget us al together. We never forget to give you, regularly, the best paper we pos- f sible see. Saws, hetebets and flies. S. c C. Ckristaias Gifts! Now is the tieie to call at Joe Sehutz's Jewelry Store if you want a ehoice article of jewelry for a Christ- I mas present. He is just receiving a large aad varied stock of beautiful, el egant, fashionable, rich goods, em bracing ever;,' thing in his line. Mr. Sehutz is the most reliable jeweler to deal with, and he warrants his jewel ry to be truly a' be represents it. Go and see his splendid sets for ladies, chains, bracelets, finger rlags etc. He also has just received an invoice of the finest clocks ever brought to this city. Cookstoves at cost. S. & C. ?feiu dress goods just ar rived at J.L.JtcGEE'S. XTITT GROCERY STORE. A. G.Gates "Ab." hasjustopen ed a vsry large stock of GROCERIES, COXFECTIOXS. CAN5ED GOODS, etc, in the old post office building No. 99. He desires the public to understand that he has, and will keep, everything in the line of Family Groceries: will sell as low as any body for cash, or country prodace. Buckwheat flour and meal. S. & C. If you want something nice, get one of those cologne sets at T. L. Jones'. IERfiEIRE 1 Apply to Boars for Sale, j T. A. BATH. J If you want to see the largest Stock of clotMjhg ill town, caU on McGee Moore. GIIT EDGED. Gilt Edge Whisky, Gik Edge Brandy, Gilt Edge Gin, Gilt Edge Wines, From the Doniphan vineyards, for medioiaal or any other pnrpose. For sale at R. C. Berger's Gilt Edge Sa loon. Flour and furniture. S. & C. Fresh oysters at Strobles. I will self the best Pianos and Organs for less money than ever offer ed before In this section of country. J. R. Dye, Brownville. Twenty deqsonk, cloaJcs I at cost for cash. J. L. McGEE. If you want a nice roast or steak j sail at the New Central Meat Market. I Two buttes genuine Alexandria ik!-$i:3S,at v HAffEEYhB. 1 I Crow DFoi? jf V vVvBf nflbaaaSsaKnnntL a w nmrni IS U 131 "Who Beats Thezs all on HBISTMAS T0Y AND HOLIDAY GOODS! Iron, horseshoes and timber. S.&C 3Insouic. Installation of officers of Nemaha Valley Lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M., will take place at their hall on the evening of Dee. 27th. Supper as usual. Members are expected with well filled baskets. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited. By order of the W. M. B. F. Souder, Sec'y. Christmas! Christmas!! Call at the store of T. L. Jones and examine his stock of Christmas goods. Ladies, McCee - Moore have a few more of those cheap cloaks left. Oranges, lemens and nuts. S. & C. Tit n iiT jt o .CO ' t - h wrfS iray - c C r ZZZ ' - zz o kj m lj y& . r1 - o r t ft v - - O u bss " 4 i- p g . 5 . - G - a i 5 x- i j 22 ? !!- B r r- o - o I JlesolntiGita of Hespect. Whereas, It has "piessed the Su preme Grand Mater, to remove from our midst and companionship our be loved Brother Peter Fraker, there fore Besotted, That in the death of Bro. Fraker, our Order has lost a zealous aad worthy member, our country, an honest and upright citizens, and his family a kind and indulgent husband tand father. Hesoived, That we. his brethern, tender to his bereaved family, our heartfelt sympathies in this their sad bereavement; and that our Lodge be draped in mcurninc for three months. Jiemlvid, That these resolutions be spread upon our records : that a copy of the same be sent to the widow of our deceased Brother, and that a copy be furnished the Nebraska Adver tiser and JTemaha Granger for pub lication. Done in regular communication at the Hall of Hope Lodge No. 29, A. F. &. A. M. This 7th day of Dec, A. D., 1S79. John W. Shubert. H. SiiAGLE. A. L. R. TKOiTPSOX. Committee. For Sale. Biock 20, 16 lots, on the main busi ness street in Nemaha City. Price, $400. Enquire of Philip Crother. 10.000 dozen eggs want ed by McGee Moore. For bargains in boots and shoes, gloves and mits, for the next thirty days, call on Alex. Robisox. ATTEXTIOX! ATTENTION!! A Card. Too small a capital compells me to commence a strictly cash business in my drug store after January 1, 1879. I have marked my goods very low and shall pay five per cent, discount to all cash buyers. The really poor shall have medicines at half prices. My many patrons will not think wrong of me if I treat everyone alike. Those indebted to me for drucs or medical seevices are respectfully re quested to settle at once. It takes money to run a good drug store, and such a one I try to keep. Respectfully, Dr. A. Opper2A2t:s. SherMan, rf ctrasta, Dcnbr 3. HK. Wishing to close out my en tire stock of ladies', 3Usses and Childrens' Trimmed Hats, I Trill sell them for the next 30 Days at less than Actual Cost. 3LOCIS I,OW3IAiV. Cider Vinegar at Nickel's E. C. LETT has very cheap Looking-GIasses. A fine stooi at Gates'. of Holiday candies Ladies, Misses and Children's un derwear at Mra. White's. Holiday Goods ! I have a complete Stock of ; Fancy goods for the Holidays. I.IiOTTJJIAS. Buckwheat flour snd honey at ! Gates'. " I READ THIS ! I Ted. Huddart having made special j icash terms with the Sinirer Machine 'Co., wilLsell said machine lower than I - was.evsr oSsred before in thkrmarket J LOCAL PERSONALS. "Gad," of the Lincoln Journal is in the city. W. C. McReynolds, of St. Joseph, was in onr city Saturday and Sunday jlaet. 1 Anna Shurtliff, wife of the Elder, died at Bratton on the 4th inst., of consumption. Last Saturday we dropped in at i Jim McGee's mammoth store that is, i we watched our cnance ana crowuea in among the people, whom sev en clerks were hardly sufficient to serve. It does one good to see that kind of business going on. Mr. ArthurV. Walsh, of this city, went down to Sabetha, Kansas, last week, having received agood "sit there at his trade as a shoemaker, and will be gone during the winter. His genial companionship will be missed in his circle of friends here; but he will soon make friends wherever he is, and we commend Arthur to the special cure ef all good fellows. Peru Herald : Mr. M. L. Zook, traveling agent and correspondent for the Chicago Tribune, will hereafter be connected with the Peru Herald. Mr. Zook will visit the people of this and other counties thoughout the State furnishing us information that will be valuable to our readers. He will also solicit subscriptions and ad vertisements for the Herald. "The 'Neely Truss Bridg' is ex tensively adopted by the Commission ers of the various southern counties of Southern Nebraska." We copy the above from an adver tisement in the Falls City Journal, of onr esteemed old friend G. W. Neely, and feel a pleasure in the knowledge that he has Invented a bridge accepted as good. We congratulate him and wish he may make a fortune out of it. Prof. S. W. Tanner, with one of Edison's Phonographs, was in town last week making it talk to the peo ple. It Is certainly the most wonder ful of inventions. One can hardly realize, even at seeing and hearing it, that a simply constructed piece of mechanism can talk, with voice and articulation, as a human, but such, nevertheless, is a fact which any one may satisfactorily test, if Prof. Tan- ner happens among them. He will be in Peru Saturday this week. Butter, crackers and cheese. S.&C. Holiday goods of all kinds at McGee Moore's. Cash paid for butter and eggs at Gates'. Fancy Goods I Card hoard. Canvas, Tark Isii and Russia Toweling-, &c, iwc, at t. X.OTT3X A3. Nice silverware cheap. S. &. C. House and Lots for Sale, or Trade. The house and seven lots where I i . . . ... - . re-iueiu crown vine, are lor t-nie, or ou . ,. . - . . ... tion of a house on farm. Apply to Robt. W. Furas, Brownville, Neb. Axe handles, brooms and rope S.&C Best Rio Coffee, oibe. for $1.00, at Gates'. Axes and seoep shovels. S. cb C. Wool lined boots and shoes at McGee $ Moore's. Horse blankets and pig's feet at J. L. j, irna-RT?.'? IU.VWO-JJ Men's Overcoats ! Tosave your money buy your OFERCOATS of me. I have the largest stock and make the lowest prices. I.OUIS LOW3IAX. Good, fresh butter sold by J. L. McGee at 15 cts. The Oldest 3Iaa In Nebraska can't sell Glass and Queensware as cheap as H. C. Lett. Cranberries, pickles, honey, S. & C. Cranberries cheap at J. L. MCGEE'S. Charter! Charter!! Cook stove with automatio shelf, hot blast best cook stove to huy. For sale by Thos. Richards. Carpets, blankets, boots and shoes p.t' reduced prices at Ted. Huddart's. Bargains. Mrs. Cook's is the place to buy Millinery Goods for the next thirty days. Ladies in the country, don't forget the place, near the river. K. R. Urid?e. The bridge is not yet located, bat we are informed the St. Johns' Sewing Machines are a combination of superi or points of all the standard machines in market. St. Johns or the Howe for $30 by Hawxey & Douglas. Mrs. White will receive, in a few days, a nice line of Holiday goods. I kave a xtinp. ln. nfflTic MTJSICAI, INSTH.TJ-1 for corn. T3 STPnPT.f I . j .y -m ill l li Overcoats cheaper than ever at McGee $ Moore's. -r Oil, codfish and.bacon. S. &G.Z. McGee's. Seat thing- out in Lamps and auraers at 2Ir. Xicfeell's. - XE3IAHA CITY LOCALS. Titus Bros, have a large stock of fall and winter goods. Titus Bros, are authorized agents forTaE Advertiser, to receive sub- scription and money for the same. Sam Bennett's saloon building is enclosed, and the city fathers have is sued him license- Wm. Drain is buying corn for Bausfield of Brownville. Our grain "buyers are now paying 14c and 15c for corn. A. H. Scovill has purchased he' Barns brick house. He got a baTgain. There will be a boll and sapper here Christmas Eve. The dancing will be in Hcover'a Hall and supper at the Hoover House. A splendid time may be expeeted, for when Burl and Mrs. Hoover take hold of any thing of that kind, it means first class. Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve. But how a bail and Christmas tree can run in the same Hall at the same time we don't exactly see. Will try and explain it next week. The Good Templar lodge is fully as interesting here as it ever was, and growing in strength. The hotels have about aa much business aa they can attend to. The Nemaha City Sunday School Convention is in session here at the present time. rotcnvilte items in Pe ru Herald. Notmjch Nemaha City doesn't do her Sunday School business inBrown ville. FalCity Journal: The first train of cars entered Nemaha City on Friday of last week.ind now the den izens of that hopeful village feel them selves a part of the great busy, bust ling world. The subjoined letter received by Mr. Johnson, being of interest to every tax-payer of this precinct, we are per mitted to place it under the head of "Nemaha Locals." The writerof the letter is of course an interested party, yet there may befact3init worthy the matare-dellberation and action of our citizens. Mr. Johnson having no de sire to place himself in antagonism with his neighbors, makes public this Ietterao that all may know the de sires and expectations of the bond holders, and then act, as their judg ment may dictate which should al ways be for the best : Warsaw, N. Y., Dec. 3., 1S78. Levi Jofrni-Bs, Kq 2iemab& City "ebfHkn. Bear Sir : We have been informed that the Midland Paei3c Railroad has been completed to your city, and main(.y through your efforts. Would it not be the right thing for your people to now make the levy to pay the interest oa the bonds, for which you have just received the "value received" expeeted in the oom pietlsa of the road to your place? If any injustice has been done in the issuing of the bonds, it was not done by those who, trusting in the honor and faith of your eity and pre cinct, innocently bought them. The men '!L. did the wrooe. if vour neo- n! 5df l.ial oannot be .harmed by "- -;r "-c,i eausf delay and lawsks for your xvesijra tne owners of the bonds .vesl f Asai a4satterof honesty ean you not encourage the people to recall their P'Jloa !r the Co Commissioners, and req at levy made. There is no doubt ovtbe legality of the bonds, and while if i always hard to pay debts, it is no more so in your case than our own. f Payments will undoubtedly be made after the expensive suits whieh in variaWj fallow such a ceunse, and why bring it upon the people. They have i tin their power to decide" the matter aither way. Since the completion of the road we should think there would he a differ erent public sentiment. We do not own any of the bonds, but are acquainted with-some of the owners, and know how hard it would be for them to relinquish the belief in the final payment of the bonds and interest. Very Respectfully, E. 0. McNair. The Charles kid gloves, superior to the Alexander, at Mrs. White's. Corn meal SOets per hundred lbs. at Gates'. S cIiooX Books atickelTs Sugar sand of all colors at Gates', '. O. building No. 86. No. 1 Extra Size Fear Trees, I have the sale and handling of the Irish Bankrupt Nursery Stock, among whwh are several thousand of very finest quality, size and shape pear trees six to eight feet high. After personally examining them, I have no hesitancy in recommending them to be as fine stock as I have ever seen. TJadereircumstanees, they will be sold at retail for less than such stoak can be had at wholesale any where. The varities are, Bartlett, Sheldon, Flemish, Beauty, Burrea D'Anjon Howell and Seekel. Robt. W. Furnas, Brownville, Neb. L.ar?estockof31asical instru ments just received at STROBXS'S. H. C. Lett Will have this coming week the nicest lot of Holiday goods, for the least money, ever offered In this city. Go at once and moke your selections. Wisconsin Buekwheat Sour at HrnLs. Don't forget Meat Market. the New Central &CU5i WiOaSS i Another invoice this week Come and see them. I,. X,GW3IAN3S. v t -r . r -riComDOny has 30 euna and 2.fl01 JVCIV OOOZSOJia fiaVS aU d. A -r5na lino atf lanralrw inck . iIUD jn.j j w v. eelved aIra. White's XOXDON LTE2IS. Jf a man say, I love God ; and h'a teth his brother, he is a liar, for he that Ioveth not his brother whom he I hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen ?" Chri3fmaa time draweth nigh. December has brought alight fall Gf snow. Infant child of James and Em ma Peterson was buried, a few days ago. Henry Vickers is sfcwiy recover ing from a long and severe illness. The snow will stop the progress of corn husking, somewhat. John Heikes thinks of starting! for Ohio this week, to spend some I days. A school for the study of the Bi ble, at the Methodist Church, direct ly after morning service, on Sunday. Everybody should study the Bible. It3 incidental references to customs of the olden timeswill cause you to study up "the antiquities," and make yon wise in the wisdom of the aneient And If you catch the inspiration of the Prophets and Apostles, you will grow Christ-like, and "become wise with salvation." John Winters returned last Fri day to Red Cloud, he has been home on a visit. Every body was glad to see John. The winter term of the London school has commeneed Sm. Win ters teacher. Lanterns, saddles, pictures. S. & C. SKERIDAX ITE1LS. Hand sleds wanted by the school boys of Sheridan. Grand woK hunt on Muddy to-day. The Red Ribbon club of Sheri dan has decided to have a course of lectures this winter. Several cases of dyptheria in this vieinity. It is probable that the next legis lature will enact a township law. The question should be thoroughly dis cussed, etc. Granger. It is probable that the Granger has not heard that the question of tewa- J snip law has already been discussed by the Sheridan Lyceum, and though the eloquence of Reed and the logic of Hewett were farooght to bear in fa vor of such a law, so ably was the question handled by the opposition, that there is no possibility that such a law will be enacted. Mr. Chas. Wright, the man that was so badly hurt in the hacking peg encounter, is doing well and is thought pe3t danger. W. Dundas & Bro. have Christ mas candies aad toys by the bcehel. Go m to H. C. Lett's Drug and Grocery store and priee his goods before you buy. SverytTnng in tiae Sckcol line at NickelTs Hon. Church Hore. wrerfoue to the election, daring a speech bewae making in Sheridan, offered the M. E. church there SoO to aid ia finish ing a new church building under way of oonstruetion, on the eottditiom that he be elected. Mr. Howe him self informed us that be made such a proposition. He was elected ; and Mr. Howe true to his promise has since paid to the trustees (they ac cepted it of course) the said fifty dol lars. We write the above item for the es pecial purpose of seeing it reproduced in the Omaha JiepubHean; as our es teemed metropolitan daily seems to snatsh, like a toed after a fly, for all we cay favorable to Nemaha's corpo ral in the great U. P. army, and avoiding with great care whatever we may say unfavorable to him. And here is another one, whksh will cause a pang of grief to pierce the generous heart of the Republican, when it learns how a supposed friend betrayed Mr. Howe and swindled him out of a sum of hard earned Union Paeific money. This matter whieh will serve to make the Itejmb Hcan another good item fe precisely as Mr. Howe told it tome, and is as follows : "Well, Howe, how about the Shel lenberger bribery ? He says you paid him 325 to support him." "O damn him be lies-I gave hint only ten dollars, and that for proposed actual work. I've nothing to keep secret about an - transection with him. It was jost this way : Shellenberger came to me and said, "Howe, I want to work for your eleetion, but I am a poor man and can't spend my time for nothing.' AH right, say I, go ,r -Kt -.. - : t . . .. , , ... I merman preeincis, ana l wm pay you : for your time, but he wanted his pay 1 then, in advance, so I pulled out a ten dollar bill, and giving to him said, this will pay you about one dol lar a day till the eleetion. Go and do what you can for it, And the damned whelp, when he got my money. ! worked for mv opponent, doing all be could to defeat me!" We ean give the -Reoubiictm more of this kind from time to time. Two doses of Dr. Marshall's f - Lung Syrnp eoepleteiy cured my ehild of a severe case of Croup. J have U3ad a great caaay diSferent Cough medicines, but have never found any so efficient as Dr. Mar shall's. J. W. Spklucax. Blkaart, Indiana. Sold bv A. W. Niefcefl. Old Fence TFir ITantod. We win purchase two thocsendi pound? oid fence wire. SravExsox fc Csoes. A militia company WtfOfnfewi at North Pfctte last Tuesday evening. and elected M3J. Frank North aseao - f tain, John Bratt first lieutenant, and Frank Alexander second lieutenant. Theofiicers are all caUle men. The - nf ommnHT, ri ,. -Omaha e- AUuuu w HU . nnvM .aw puotKOX. The Stock men OH the frontier pro- ra-lnnsa tn nrnlAPt thomcftlsa: 00 fKiti t .-.- ., , - HUNDRED Expected to take part in that Friday Eve ining, i TJJSTDJElTt tlio JCSSPICrJES of THE MBRASEA HIC-HTINC-ALIS a - f lac at kt rni v i'ooiaif s 3 U!i i SfUOiUff ofCliloajro. Hiinois. don't ran, to attend. Tickets, SO cts. Besened Seats for sale by H. P.. Belenv "WitliOTit 5hra Change. lIMHyoMilftiidi Hlf4r4i 1 iiikr villi! I H1b a s si d II fH sibi 14 ins i rn mwape & j&, Something new in the city s Mrs. W- H. Small's "Dollar Store," first door west of Roeers" liverv stable. Thoro ia nn Irwttnra .tnnt it-rrni aim. plypiek out what you want from a variety of a thousand tilings of bean j or utility, or both, and pay one dollar for it. Mr,. Small fe jaat opening very splendid stock, and there is not an article that would not nfc a bandisoeie Chrfcstaas present. H. C. lot Sells Oatmeal with It is now rumorod that the antfc ipatod railroad from Teeutneeh will not follow the old graded track to Brownville, but will ran seth of Sheridan and strike the river here via Nemaha City. Well, all rignt.any way, so it comes. Our druggists all say they have sever sold any medicine that gives sueh universal stisiethn as Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for Cosgne. Cold-s, etc It has so eoal. Priee 25 cents. Seld by A. W. Nickel!. SpotUmen will assemble, after dinner, on the 24th inst. at Mat Al derman's Shingle Machine, on the bottom just below Brownville, to en gage in the animating old time sport of riSe shooting, and will continue the matches during Christmas day. One hundred turkeys will be oa the ground to be distributed amongst the best shots The matehes will be oa- ducted according to tbe usual rates and regulations. Ail marksmen, who love tbe musical ring of the old nh, are cordially invited to come and par ticipate is the spot. BARGAINS I3T CL,OTSS5G At HACKNEY'S. If you want to emerge from the manipulating hands of the barber In a happy mood, you will eail at Haw kin's tonsorial headquarters, first door west of national bank. Mr. H. bae recently secured the assistance ef Mr. Wllletta, who is an expert, and they will shave, shampoo, and per rem e Tnrt and trim rimr Kir siu) ria vanrt jt - . j- . - -.--..w-. mnstaehe. warrantia-r aatffection Give Haw-kins a trial, and than voaU know how it ia-yoctseif. For f avsi For the next 36 days I wlia close out my entire Fall and Winter Stock of iiry Goods, , Clothing-, Notions, Hals, Caps, i , w,- , ... . -" a-iue 3iioe ;it me iTvesx possible cash prices. Call and examine before you purchase. i.S.OTT3!AX.k2!!2: A CAItD To aU who are safltetes Anwe.tlterron aad indiaeretiom of yqatb. nmsrroaa weak- . bck. eartr deeay. lose at u baoi, .. X -Kin & reeipe tbat wUl eoravoe, FRES ( Or CHARGE. XMs saoi rawy wsd- towed by a mlsoaarr in, SoaUCAaaertea. Snd a st-ddreMed envelop to the Rev. Joecph T. iBtam; StaUcn D. BtUo Hooae, IferYo City. nyl ! !?bt Uwass-stiacx, broeefel!. at'm pnvsiiTtw.tnr r.T-r I 3Brn. tnroat antt ioar dtsenae. A. - COAsU3IPTIOS GUE.30. I 305 relief and pmnuest ear firaeru. AaMavanaa.racetaaa praettea. aweinei oebUlrr. drspepataaqd all nervooa affect. , nin-rtt 'nhn nadt sj to Baa IaiQa mi Ion arvta bnnt. - di. --.-ki . i .; . IIZ? TrT J. f ZlEZZ7LV i ?obctloaawapoeftrvesadrainnleaTea7 aarTonsaeMBtr -'--riiiirwili-ii i in ' ' - '-u . pow ; . itfc datyeo mei. afii. Aoaated by this .ioreiieve an. ssfierfnr. I r , wv vw kumnct Aa W mu isrSv M.f trfl n waT r hi 1 1 11 - - ' , reetpe. witb tan darecsiQaaaK' tn6eraaan.:Preneh.ar ' : a,,Bw""sI'' Is iaMfflM.;Mi SLZJSSS. Qgsg Jaw, imnmi.atawi Vsr. rrjf5Kj1B"g maaa.JWM? j rfaAiMa-i mosiBi fcO.it.fcwa ay I unr mt O msmn.ar 5 tvuinu UJ I COM3ESCIAL CHICAGO MARKTIIV I CKICAOO. Dee. . JS7 wtrSistV ;o.J aueagaoyang. 3 , j te I CORX-Doll and tower; cn ; V fo 'SSLT'SSss,. M. UKb4.r.Tax CATTUE jtfaefcet ttmmty ; ffco9: THE BXt01V3rVIX.rZ XARKBTS. Wnwr mi, Drcembar E HT, tbe tteowot! " HTMBtOCX. nuiiB Kogs. 2 00 aurtoonalaa- C0vm,fcu OMAjy MAMKJST. concm arr w. w. m .a f . oaAiK nUL. '50 - Cnidcene, old. par Tnrteoyg, arxata. y"w Wood, ft i . a s5 o4 JtMTATL : riimi. n T !) 3 & iii A - im t Mr rr I m 1 i Ur I m ion iOW Cofler.Bta. 51 O.CJaEva,3Kb. Tea. 'Ps Cnmbarrt ,1 i Dried Con. per Dried PwnjtiM.yfc Iirted Apptaa, Bw Tarea ruoHat. nx PttA ChanavS a. SYrap. p sl Iird- .. I. ... , i CoaIOU. White . por ktl V7.. kit. 3ot.l banei- Cool Ft.intt Mask. j et STAAT3ARB TAKIK1S, e following ;po,, " i mesuooea: Applet, dried. Bariey Ban wam! Beanaycaator g BocfcwtteeX iCoat. I Corn. on . Corn, sbelled fOorn Jteai tr. Btaatertac Hema, Hay. ton 2,8BP . Oaae Oraase.. t nnrf TTrTrt rrt ntriinriai " Ltac. a toe feed m I Tlnakv f MeJt. Barter 9 fTvndp . us J4 Onions Onion Seta -j. j Jtrooaa Corn. -25 j Ranmriaw ! Millet t A S7&H crBB oy a sunnie veaetaue mertiexae wnicA cor. ' rBCTBoie mKORary nirsjcian who ws toZ redent o Sarrto an! tft East, and tZSSSTSl greatest po!V: benefits. aziJ nes0w'b- &'! tatfxtmn doty tn impart to other , r ras ; tae wVZl? to any verma eselosmr; suunp Jbr reiT naoiliM? paper JCr.Maaaa.WestTror S. x. r. . oo . rica 2r 0 4a t8 x ear r- marafl; ; aarness SS:95 3 Vxalb Wirz Cnta tmtmmm a.,., u. . 11 - sbellMl 17 imBwnm nr u, c rar. naALgB CamMoai,'.la j 1' Bauer Ufca t Tfe. hi l..Wg ..I ,. I.I ,1 J Apptas - 1 hU r. Onteoti ,, SO sMtae, I MSI Tu- " Gloa Boete yi loj wfcoat ,. - Sborfatoa wm ? " Gsaaam - Appfot --L Con. par busfcei ; , , ; fr,ojA,tiilT - ExtaaC.ttna L. - CM . - Upfcah.ii ia. CBS Loaf. 7 . . tatal bona fiae bbbunu- .i besnat of tho wrioa aruriei 3S BHMlMB , li Poroem. frteh .. (f) 9oita. sweet... i Thn i -W 3 S- X mom i SBKD6. it Clover i,t M OMtoe u. lius . papecnncacdKiaz; ftGOij2Pii3XS'V!rAiciii!sCi1 t