V ? . t ' T n'. '' &r Jt " OFFICIAI- DIRECTORY. District Officers. B.-raosrn ?EO.s.srrnr-. WILLIAM H. HOOVER, O. A. CECIL Jud?e. .District Attorney District Clerk. Deputy Clerk. Coantv Officers. JOHN 3. STHLL County Jodsc WILSON E. JIA SOVM Clerk and Recorder .V. H. GrLMORE . Treisurfr Jt-V BLAi'K Sherifl O B. PARKER- Coronet JAMES M. HACKER PHILIP CROTIIER JOflNH.SHOOK. ) JOXATUAN IIIOaiNS. -.. J. U. PKERy. J City Officers. W.T. IIOIKRS L. i nnr-naRD J. R. DOCKER- Hurveyor School Superintendent Commissioners THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, DEC. 5. 1S78. Publishers Notices. The AvRTMn Is on sale at the Drug and Book Store jf A. W. ?lc-ell. fc Notices. set.aa ordinary reading mutter, will be charged ten cents per line, etch Insertion &et In display type, fifteen cents a line. TlEN B. THOMPSON OKO. H. LAS505- COUNCIL-IEN. .Mayor -Police Judjre Clerk Tr!iiirr . -Marshal ?. T-D. ROBINSON JOSEPH BODY. W.A.JODKIX3.1 J. 3. MERfER, bf.W 13 HiLL. I CNE1DHART. 1st Ward n Ward 3rd Ward SOCIAL, DIRECTORY. Cliurches. .tlcthodtat K. Church. Services each Sabbath at iisMa. m., and 7:00 p. m. Sun1av School at n. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eveoln. S. P. Wilsox. Pastor. Preshytetian Church. Servicer ach Sabbath at 1KM a. m.. and 7:30 p. in. Praver Meeting Wed niUy evenings. Sabbath School -l 3 o'clock Ba.m. n. B. Oyk. Pastor. Christ's Chur -li. Services every 8und.iv, a 10:30 a. m. ind 7:00 n. m. Sundav School at 2 "p. Rev. Matthew Hkxby. Missionary In charge. Mt. Plrannt Cumberland Prenhyrrrinn. Chnrch four miles south-westof Brownville. Ber vlces first Sabbath In each month. B. J. John son. Pastor. Christian Church. Services every third Sunrtnv of o.ich month, by Elder Clias. Itowe. Social meetings every Sunday at II a. m. Prayer meet ings Thursday evenings. Catholic Services every 1th Sunday of each nionth, at 10 o'cloch a. a. Father Cumlaky. raw. 'Schools. Brownvllle Union 0-ncled Schools.-J. M.Mc Keozie. Principal: Miss Jessie X. Hain. Assist ant Hlzh School; Miss Lou Tucker. Grammar Department: Miss Alice nut. 1st Intermediate: Mist Kate Cox. 2d Intermediate: Miss Krunia BnUth, 1st Primary; Mrs. Carrie Johnson, 2d Pri mary. i. o. of o. r. Bromivlllr Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F. Regular meetlucs Tuesday evening ol each wpek. Visit ing brothers respectfully Invited. A.H.GIltnore. N. O. Jas. Cochran, Secy. Nemaha Cltr Lodce No. 40. I. O. O. F. Meets every Staturday. O.C.ZoK.N.U. Davis TooTott. Sec AutUorlzecl Agents. Tiros Brob arc our Authorized agents at Jfeiuo- lia City to receive and receipt for monies due us. rnouAfl Burrkss ia our authorized agent in Glen Itock precinct to receive and receipt for monies due us on subscription. A J. lttTTKK, at St. Deroln, is our authorized aent lit that place.to receive subscriptions and adver tising, and to collect and rc-cct for monies duo TllS ADVKRTISKR. fort:? S. Mikjck Is our authorized agent at Apln wall, to iwcive subscription and advertising, and collect utid receipt for monies due us. J. W. Gavitt Is our authorized agent in Benton precinct to receive and receipt for monies duo us on subscription. PAIRBROTHER fc HACKER, Publishers Advertiser. The Baukers Bull. KnisHts of Pythias. C-celalor Lodge No. l.5, K. P. Meet evorv Wednosday evening in Masonic nail. Visiting Knights cordially invited. J. B. McCabe.C. C. "Wis. Kxvrrstxs, K. of R. S. Mrfsonic. Nemaha Valley l.odse No. 4. A. F. AV-. A. M. Stated meeting "Sa'urday on or before the full of each moon." Lodge room open every Satur day evening for lectures. Instruction and social Intercourse. J.C.lTcNaughtou, W.M. B.F.Sou dcr. Sec. Brownvilln Chapter No. 4. It. A. 'M. Staled meetlngsocnndThursdavofarhmontlj. K.W. inrnas. , E. n. P. A. K. Davison, Sec. Furnnn Council No. 3. It. S. V S. E. 31. Stated mHtlnr8second Thursdav ofeacli month. J. C McNaughton, T. I. M. A. R. Davison, Rec .Mr. CnrmelConimnnderrNo. 71, K.T. Slated meetings econd Mondav In each monjh. R.W. Purnas. E.C.; A. W.NIckell.Rec. Romp and Lily Conclave, No. 03, K.Tl. O.K.. t:C. Meets at Masonic Hall on the fifth Mon days. R, W. Furnas, M. P. Sov. R. T. Ratney, Secrotary. Arfnh Chapter No. 2. Order ot the "Eastern Star. Stated meetings third Monday In each month. Mrs. E. C. Handley. W. M. Societies. County Fair AsKorlatinn. R. A. Hawley. President John Bath. VI -e Prest.: 8. A. Osnm, Secretary: J. M. Trowbridge. Tresinrer. Mana perii H. O. Minlck. S. Cochran. F. E. Johnson, Thomas' Bath. Geo. Crow. J W. GhvIi. ChnrnI Union. J. C. McNaughton, Prcst. J. B. Docker. Sec lilako Dramatic Ansoeintlon. W. T. Rogers. Prent J. li. Docker, Sec and Treas Mntropnlitau Cornet Hand. D.T.8mlth. Mu sical Director. E. Huddirt, Treasurer and Busl jwh Manager. Brown vlllo Literary Soclety.-R. W. Furnas. President. A. O. Cecil. Soc I. O.lrfG.T. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. Mum ADA VAN PELT. W. G. C.T Lincoln. E. W. MET :ALF. W.G.C Tecumseh. Mas. L. F. Markel. W. G. V. T Rlverton. F. O. KEENS, w. Ct. Sec . Kearney. Miss E v. RANSOM. W. G. Treas Falls City. A. J. SKEEN. W. O M Brownvllle. W. F. WARREN. W. G. Cnap Nebraska City. A. J. SKEEN Dist. Dep. for Nemaha County. Brown ville Lodce No. OH, I. O. of O. T. -.leetn every Friday evonlngin Odd Fellows Hall, over Nickell's druir store. Main street. Stran gers of our order visiting the city are Invited to meet with ns. L. L. Huiburd. .V". C T. Ben. Loransa.Sec . W. Fairbrother. Sr.. L. D. Nfiai'm City Loilec No. 100. Meets every M ndavuvening. Mra.S. A Huntington. W.C.T. Joha P. Crother.Sec P. Crothcr. L. D. Aoplnwall l.odcB N'o. I OS. Meets every Sat urday evening. JohaS. Minlck. W.C.T. T.J. Hilt, Sec Zlnn.Nu. 137. Meets every Thursdav evening, at the Kenned v School House, two raileR north weiitrf Brownvil'c J. H. Lorance W.CT. Ouo. Sandcrs.Sec ILO.MliiIck. L. D.. Brownvllle. Sarnrltr. o. 13S. Meets overv Saturday oven- inc. at Falrvievv Church, sir miles south wen of Brownvllle. John Maxwell. WAVi. ii.ii.sow- man. W. S Geo. Crow. L. D.. Brownvllle. I.tn.lon. N'n.OS.-Meets everv Saturday evening. alLlnd-nSchool Houie.six miles north west of Sheridan. II. 1 oooa. w.i- r. .m. a. i'aimer. Sec H. F. Palmer. L. D.. Sheridan. Pleasant Prairie. No. 100. Meet every Satur day evening, at Bmtton School Hour-. Benton precinct. M. L. Eastwood. W C.T. E. dwell. Sec B. H. Bailey. L. D.. Brttton P. O. Bedford. No. 10O. Meets every Friday evening at Coal Tir -School Houii. four miles south wp.t ofNemahaCItv. Jno.Stokes.W.CT. P.Young Sec C Tuckef, ID.. Nemaha City. Sheridan. Vo. Ifi'Z. MeetseverySaturdayeven Ing. T. J. Gell. W.CT Robt. Bryant, Sec Geo. Harmon, L.D. tOther lodges In the countv that desire a place In this directory will pleas Inform us of name, num ber, when and where It mets. names of presiding officer and secretary, together with any other In formation they mav wish to communicate. BUSINESS CARDS. i S. HOILADAY, il. Phyalclan, Surgeon, OL-tetrlclan. Oraduated In 1SS1. Locat d in Brownvllle lSSS. Offlcc.-U Main street. Brownvllle. N-b. L. HULRURD. ATTORNEY AT LAW And Justice of the Peace Office la Court House Building. Brownvllle. Neb. STULL .& THOMAS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Offlee. over Theodore nill & Co.'s store, Brown vllle. Neb. . TL. SCHICK. , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oftlee over J. L-McOftOttBro's store, Brownvllle, Nebraska. T H. BROADY. U Attorney and Counselor at Law, Office ovcr3t,ti Bank. Brown villi .Neb. WT. ROGERS. Attorney anil Counselor at Law. "WIHglvedlllgent attention to anylegalbunlness entrusted to his care. OScc In the Roy building, Brownx'lllc. Neb. Q A. OS HORN. O. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OOice. No. 81 Main street, Brownvlle. Neb. A D. MARSH. ' TAILOE. . BROWN VILLE, - - EBRASKA. Catting, or Cutting and Making, done to order on short notice and at reasonable prices. Has had long experience and can warrant satisfaction. T W. GIBSON, BLACKS3IITH AND HORSE 8IIOER. Work done to order and satl-factlon rtaranted First street, between Main and Atlantic. Brown vtlle.Ncb. pAT. CLINE, r-fj- FASHIONABLE tyl BOOT A.D SHOE MAKER CUSTOM WORK made to order, and U alwtyf c-arnt-. Repairing neatly and promptly done fiop.No.7 Mala street. Brawnvillr.Neb. Prairie Farmer. The entire country was startled Jaat week when infonuei of tlie revolu tionary action of the New York and Boston banks in combining to drive the silver dollar out of circulation and thua attempting to nullify a lata of the land. No law ever enacted by Congress received such deliberate searching and exhaustive cifticism as the law re-enacling the silver dollar aB legal tender money. That great struggle demonstrated beyond a doubt that the people demanded that the old feilver dollar should be lemon etized; it ulo demonstrated that the gold clique in Europe and Amerioa were its bitter and unrelenting oppo nents. The Prairie Farmer as an agricul tural journal had never forgotten that the politics of the country is outside of its uiisbion. We have studiously avoided the rock on which muu ag ricultural papers have run, and given our untiring energies to the develop ment of the agricultural resources of the nation. Wt have been contented with uiving our leaders the political news but have purposely left the dis cussion of political questions to poli ticians and the political press, where it properly belongs. The actions of New York and Boston in combining to drive the silver dollar from the cir culation as money, and thus, in fact, again demonetize silver and restore gold as the sole monetary standard, i not a political question nor is It even per ee, a financial question. It is a unholy and arrogant combination for the purpose of nullifying a law of the Ittnd; as Buch it should be .manned, without reference to the intrinsic merits of the controversy between the single and double-standard of ; coin. A few years ago the great railroad corporations of the country had grown so overbearing, selfish and ex acting, resting upon fancied "vested rights,' the timidity of courts and the corrupMon of legislatures, that they considered themselves above the law and beyond the power of the peo ple to control or regulate; but the people rose when their exactions could not be longer borne, trod them under foot and procured a recognition of the power of the eieator over the creature which we think will not aain be questioned. W warn the monied men and institutions of New York aud Boston to beware ! In your Most assurredly the Continental Congress employed all the means in its power to appreciate the value of this currency. In 1776 after but$3, 000,000 liHd been issued, a law was passed providing that any person who refused to accept thiscurrency should be "deemed, published and treated as a public enemy aud precluded from all trade with the inhabitants of these Colonies." Moreover, the Colouies individually backed Congress in its attempts to keep paper money at par with coin. Ju New England laws were even passed rising currency prices which storekeepers might charge for their goods. Safety Com mittees were clothed with arbitrary powers to compel people to exchange their goods and property for this de preciated and redundant paper money. General Washington was authorized to take whatever property or goods he needed and pay for the same in Con tinental currency at whatever he deemed a reasonable rate. General Putnam issued au order remitting to close conflnementall those "bo lost to the public virtue" as to refuse to ac cept the paper mon-y of Congress in payment for purchases. Thus it ap pears that the strong arm of militar3' power re-enforced the decree or "flat" of Congress that its issueB of paper money should be taken at their face. lint all was or no avail. in seven years the value of the paper dollar fell to untter worthlessuess and died in the hands of the holders. Kamas Pilot. Cheap Sealing Wax. I have a way of making sealing wax which I have used eight years, and found it superior to that I had the misfortune to buy. It possesses hardnesB without being eo brittle. I thicken boiling resin with the dust of common buildinc biick to the consis tency of cream, using on the cans as you would any sealing w.nx., John T. Henderson, of Fulton. Arknnsaa, writes to the St. Loufs Be TUTTS PILLS! A NOTED DIVINE SAYS THEY ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT in COLD READ WHAT HE SAYS: Db.Tctt: Dear Sir: For ten years I havo ,.,,- ... , . .,- . v. i. ji i ' - tjtt: caroir: xuncu yearn x navo publican to say that he lias dlsrovered been amartyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and a certain cure for hos eholprn He Mcs- I-rt Spring your PiUs were recommended a ceriaiu cure lor nog cnoiera. Me to mo; I usedthem (but wth little faith). I gets an ounce OI Sir"ennine, OIVIUPS am now a wen roan, navegooa oppeuie, aigce ,..,,. , , , tion perfect, regular Btools, piles gone, and I it into eight equal parts and adds to have gained forty pounds solid flesh. They Br each part one-half teaspoon fu I of cIo mel, and puts the mixture into sweet milk, or anything that hoiH will eat. One part will serve for twenty hns, and wll eure them, Mr. Henderson says, in any stag- of the disease. An Iowa papergives the following u atuitous instructions in wahziiU': "Young man. If you will wallz, and wish to do it in the highest style of the art, do It tliusly : Place your ritiht arm around her waist about two inches above her pin-back, throw yonr left arm undr her right fin. then stick your nose in her left par, and whirl. Do this, and you have got the thing down to a fineness." TUTT'S PILLS! Cubs eick Headache. A Uevivaliu Kissing. In the course of human events a girl is certain to get kissed more or lesi- probably more but it isn't al ways that the fact gets befoie a court and into the newspapers, iura'l that. Such things do happen somt-times, however, lo the everlasting disgrace of men who go about kissing the wrong girl. More than a year ago Thomas Epply, of Lycoming county, kisded Delilah Bos well. Delilah was beudiug over the wash-tub at the time doing the Boaweil family wash, and didn't think much about the matter. It was an exceedingly lucky thing for Thomas, because it would be very much like any girl iufuiiated by a kiss to pour soapsuds ,ver the of fender or duck him in the tub. Af ter a year, however, Delilah suddenly revived the memory of the kiss in all its dreadful details, suddenly blushed, sudd 'nly gr w awfully indignant, and in au impetuous sort ot a way concluded to prosecute the man who had takeu the kiss for damages. The case came before the Court of Quarter Sessions at WilJiamsport a few dsys ago. and the jury having beeu around a wah-tub itself some in its time, probably decided thai Thomas was not guilty, and that Delilah should pay the costs. This is a decis ion that deoidts, aud it not only a j warning to precipitate yomm uoinen who uet indignant at nothing a year after it happens, but it gives kissing a fair chance lo revive along wiU-the threatened revival of general business. The Lycoming county jury has done the civilization of the age a priceless rervice in at-serting mail's rihts to a fiat Ui-. and plenty of it. Philadel phia Timea. General Grant's latest eaptnr- is ex-G ivernor Hoffman, ofNw YorU. The Governor, while in Paris, d rop ed his prejudices and oecutneacquaiut- A John Bull, conversing u-Jtb a Ca nadian Indian, asked him if he knew that the sun never sets on the Queen's dominions. "No," said the Indian. "Do you know the reason wlij?" asked John. "'Cause Great Spirit iH afraid to trust an Englishman in the dark!" was the savage's repty. The traveler who asked to be tick eted to the infernal regions and was setoff at 0hkosh, could not have been far amiss. They con-iime 150 -000 pounds of brimstone and 1.500.000 feet of pine lumber there every year in the niannfaeture of matches. arrogance you may pull the templeLj wUl fjrant.aii.l this isin. result: down upon yourslves, and you may be the principal victims. You t-ay you will excommunicate from com merce as far as it lies in your power any one of sufficient temerity to ig nore the tiuaucial bull. The time has gone by in thi laud for brute force to be successful, and the capitalistic class should un derstand that the people will neither permit the laws to be deliberately trampled upon nor themselves treat ed as ignorant chattels. You have made in this bull, gentleman, a stronger argument against j our use fulness aud your good intentions than greeubacker or flutist have ever made. We advise you to take heed lest you antagonize the country against the present financial system (which is far from being a bad one,) for you may wake up some morniug and find that you are no longer national bankers, only brokers. Continental Honey. JACOB MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOE, and dealer ra F!rlts,Fiet, Scotch and Fancy Cloths, Teitinrt, Etc., Etc. Br&rivUIc. n'ebra&Ua. B. 11. BAILEY, aUIIi 1 A5J OIVU i LIVE STOCK! BRdWXVILLE. NEBRASKA. Farmers, please call and get prices; I want to handle yonr stock. Office 3f Main street, Hoartley hnlldlng. TrTTKTr,i Apply to' the publishers ot I I I J IN JT thi newanaper for half " -rTT TVT membership fat dlRcoiint) In the fVI Hi IN Mercantile Colleen. Keoknk. Io wa on the Mississippi. Bookkeepers. Pen men. Reporters. Operators and Teaehers thoroophiy fitted. Don't fall to addressProf. A friend writes us desiring a histo ry of Continental currency and the difference between it and "fiat mon ey." We do not know of any, butts such on answer might be considered as partisan we will endeavor to give a history of Continental money, as we glean It from history. First, then, let it be understood, that when our struggle for iudepeud eucs commenced, our people in a strait for money, and what was there after known as Continental money, was printed au1 circulated. Of course it passed, but before the close of the first year the people manifested a de cided hostility to paper money, but this mado no difference, for once be gun the race must be ruu down to the end. Is:ue followed Issue until, at the close of 1776. $19,000,000 of Conti- I Dental currency was outstanding. r i it-- ! iinn nvi n..n .... ; jjuimi; nil. cio,uuu,umi hum- ua i-- supd, and the issues multiplied until on New Year's day 1780 the total amounted to $241,52 2-SO. This was a fraction over $S.i to each man, woman and child in the colonies. According to the theory of the Green back era ev erybody should have beeu prosperous, since money was so plenty and was most magnificenly cheap and the vol ume apparently "adequate to the wsnts of husinerio." Ruf r UprA ciation of the currency had begun with the second or third Issue, and while the volume increased In arUh matieal progression, its depreciation went on with more than geometrical velocity. On March lt. 1778. a spe cie dollar was worth $1.75 in curren cy, and the difference grew wider and wider until in 1781 the hundred cents in coin were rated as equivalent to SSjOOId carrency. "The General travels with his eyes open, aud is particularly well inform ou every State in Europe. I have condemned some of his public uct as much as any man. hut if hisenemies wish to continue their attacks upon him they had belter leave his person al habit- alone, as the reports concern ing those are simply ho-h." What a heavy Democratic gun was spiked when Governor Hoffman bore testi mony to that eff-ct. Inter Ocean. Golden Coffee. A cotemporary gives the following : Fr two per sons, lake four heaping teaspoons of ground coffee, tie up in a piece of Swiss muslin (leave room for expan sion), pour on one pint boiling water, cover close, and set on back of stove ten minutes. Beat one egg thorough ly, divide it into two coffee cupr, add the usual quantity of Bugar for each. Hold the coffee urn high up, pour the boiling coffe on the egg, add the warm milk, and with the gulden foam standing above the rim of the cup, you have a pretty picture to look at, and will think you never knew how good coffee could taste before. Two EnlNhmen have ridden from London to the South of -France and hack on velocipede. The whole dis tance traversed wa 1,530 miles and, as they rode on twenty-four day, their average for the whole journey wa8 sisty four miles ner day. Whenever a man begins to ftel that he is so great that the country is standini: our in the middle of the road waiting for him tncomeby, it is about time for his friends to look up some soft place in a lunatic nsvlnm to lav him down in. Cinn. Breakfast Tabic. o e A credulous woman, hearingja great dpal about 'preserving autumn leaves' put up some, but afterward lold a npisihbor tbe$ were not fit to eat, and she might as well havo thrown her sugarawav Ml . "The strongest propensity In wom-j nn'a nature," sa3s a on refill ettnfentof the sex, "is to want to knov what Is going on ; and the next thing is to boss the job. worth their weight in eold. Rev. It. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. - " Dr. Tntt bas been en gaged in the practice of medicine 30 years, and for a long time was Demonstrator of Anatomy lathe Med ical College of Georg ia,hence persons using his Pills have the guar antee that they aro prepared on scientific principlcs,and arefrco from all quackery. Ho has succeeded In combining in them tho heretofore antagonis tic qualities of & ttrengthcning,jttrgalivG and a purifying tonic. Their first apparent effect is to increase the appetite by cauaingtho food to properly as rftnUatc. Thus the sys tem is nourished, and by their tonic action on the digestive or gans, regular and healthy evacuations are produced. . The rapidity with which venom take on fltA, while under tho influence of these puis, of itself indicates their adaptability to nourish tne Dooy, ana zence their efficacy In curing nervous debility, mel ancholy, dyspepsia, wasting or tne muscics sluggishness of the hv- TUTT'S PILLS Ccr- DYsrzrsi-. TUTT'S PILLS Cuke Constipation. TUTrSPILLS Cube Piles. TUTT'S PILLS Cuius Fvn asd AcuEr TUTT'S PILLS Cube Bilious Colic. Josepli Sclmtz, DEALER IN' Clocks, Watches, Jewelry -t Keeps constantly on hand a large and well Vto assorted stock of genuine articles In bis line iTARepalrlng orCIoc-B. Watches and Jewelry done on short notice, at reasonable rates. ALL W'OKK W'AHItAXTIiD. Also sole aceat In this locality for tne sale or XZARUS & MORRIS' I; B. COLHAPP, , -)x"xv MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN TIrEIS OIO.AJE&3rf CELEHnATED IEKFECTI SPCTACLES ETE ' GLASSES. Xii. .VJ Main Street, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. Io Magazine Club iters ! 3-BUTTOH KID GLOVES. GJ CO CUL 3 TUTT'S PILLS Cube Kidnet Coa rmT. TUTFSPILLS . - ohwfniA Annotlnai tion and imparua? health and strength to the system. A DOCTOR SAYS. Dr. I. Guy Lewis, of Fulton Ark., writes ; "Ono year ago I was taken sick, a friend argued eo strongly in favor of Tutt's Pills that I was In duced to use them. Never did medicine havo a happier effect than in my case. After a practice of a quarter of a century I proclaim them the best anti-bilious medicine ever used. I havo pro scribed them in my practice ever since." SUPERIORITY OF TUTFS PILLS. They are compoundod from medicinal substan ces that are positively free from any properties that can in the least degree Injure the most deli cate organization. They search, cleanse, purify, and invigorate the cntiro system. By relieving the engorged liver, they cleanse the blood from poisonous humors, and thus impart renewed health and vitality to the body, causing the bow els to act naturally, without which no ono can feci well. A TORPID LIVER is the fruitful source of many diseases, prominent among which are Dyspepsia, Sick-IIcadache, Coativenesa, Dysentery, Bilious Fever, Ague and Fever, Jaundice, Piles, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaint, Colic, etc. Tutt's Pills escrt a direct and powerful influ ence on the Liver, and will, with certainty, relieve that important organ from disease, and restore its normal functions. BOLD EVISYWHEEE, OFFICE, 35 HUBSAY ST., NEW Y01t KltENCII .1.1D KXGLISH CASHMERE and EUgant SILK DRESS PATTERNS. giveist iiar premiums for subscribers at Club Hate to ARTHUR'S HOME MA6AZIIEI TERMS : f25 ayenr with a large reduction for Clubs. Specimen Number 10c S".Send lor Club Getter's Bwcial Circular, con- miuiiip iuii particulars or mis splendid oiler. T.S. AETEUS k SON, 227 S. Sixth St., Pliila. g GC ft H C CO G3 fc CD c7. CD o H Q a SB, CQ CO Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. Culvcrwell'H 1 elehruted Kh.iiiv im .iic iuuihii cujc iwiwiout meu- cme) of rERiiATonnnoiAor semi nal Weakness, involtiiit-rv Seminal Losse, iMPOTKxcr. Mental and Physical Inca pacity. Impediments to Mnrrince, etc.: also Con sumption. Epilepsy and Fits. Induced by aelf-in dnlReiice or sexual -Ttraviteanee. Ac. fiTS"lr!c. In a sealed envelope, onlv six ents. The celebrated author. In this admirable Essav. t'learly demonstrates, from n thirty j ers' success ful practice, that the aUrmln? consequences orsell abuse may be radically cured without the ilunger oususeof Internal medicine or the application ol the knife: polntluc; nut a mode of cure at once Hlmple. certain and efloctual. by means of which every sufferer, no matter wb-t his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi cally. if-d-Thls Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man In the land. Sent under beat. In n plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on recipt of tx cemsor two pot nse stamps. Addrp.ss the publishers. '1 TIE 'UL VKItWKLL MKoICALCO.. Ann St.New York. I'ostOKIce Box. 4585. 3yl UMVEKSITV OK NEBRASKA. Instruction xlvcn In nil the branches of n liberal education. Open to both ladles and gentlemen. Ciuuliilittes for admission to the Prepnm tory Department must pns a fair examina tion In Orthography. Rendins, Arithmetic. Geography. Enlis!i Gramma i, and the Uls toryoi the United Sintes, Instruction Is giv en in higher Arithmetic. English Annlvsls. nnd Physical Geography, each for a single term. tuition fkeeto all. Full Term begins Tuesday. September 10. IS7S. nnd ends Friday, Deccmber0. WhiierTerm begins Ttiursdoy, January?. 1873. and ends March 21. Spring Term eglns April 1, and closes on the Second Wednesday of June, tho day ol tliennniml commencement. Caitnlogue. eontainin full information, can bclntd upon application to K. B. FAIRFIELD, Chancellor. LllH-oln.JuIy 0. Is7n". 4yl Ifo. 40 IVXaiti Street, Brownvi lie, IVelii-askn. TIT US BRO'S, GENERAL DEALERS IX !Ci Bi' Bd? H H EM m -HS on " - 13 Eft fi.'S NEMAHA CITY, XEBKaSKA, SI ?'-: -? 3 "ii-S A X AfiK A pripo-ition will cntup before th GportMn 1 -Mhitnrp it U sniii n -,-. I oBD3iiDrc.vi.uc. Anavamauioasitn.itdoca u,,ia I j;ijiaiure, it m phk, to ex- antrcprssontatliousandthp.nrtcfthorccoRincnd- pmnt oililfprn wounded in tlie rnn fpl- ' ?t!pahlshnr3to-dave"crctlbyfrlcnd3tofriend empi S'IMJierS WOUUfieil 1U llieconieu- laltafavor. PjonlaofwcalthAiulrennrmnntlnnll firnte service from all state awl couu ty taxp. 'I ne'T knew a fahioiml "3 woman who didn't think more of a 'ool than of an upright, sensible mtu,' fieys Tahuage. Japanese women do not jse pins, and lovers are not seen to M tio as if they had struck the pointed end of a hornet. J. H. J3A.UEH, Manufacturer and De-lrrln To Make Jet Black. An ex changesayH: For seven pounds of wool or woolen cloth, take three and a hhlf pounds of logwood, three-quarters of a pound of sumach, three-quarters of a pound of fustic. Boil these drugs in suftiuieut water for about twenty minuted. Cool it down, put in your good, bring to a boil half an hour, then tuke out. Cool your liquor again, add copperas dissolved in wa ter, one and one-quarter pounds, hlue Htone vitriol, two ounces.- Again en ter your goods, bring to a boil fifteen minutes; takeout, wash well In cold water aud finish. c Astronomer tell us that if there was a telegrupbic wire from the earth to the uebelie in Andromeda, it would take 1.250.000 years for a dispatch? from here to reach its destination. And suppose the rate was 40 cents and you sent the message to ho paid j at the end of the liue, how like all eternity the interest would pile up on the other fellow by the time the boy banded him the message. Fipure it up, some of you. Burlington Hawk eye. IP History is getting a fearful ripping up uowadays, and sketiciam is taking 4eeper root. It won't be long at this rate before we shall hear that the Old Oaken Bucket which bung in the well was nothing but an old tin pail full of boles. ft Jf ViUrff PR U 13" a a vK f ' " ! Iklllll Blankots, Brushes, Fly Hots. &c. sfi Repairing done on short notice. The cele brated Vacuum Oil Blackinjr. for preserving Ilar nese. Boots, Shoes. ,tc. always on hand. 64 Main St., Brownvllle, JVeb. BROWXVIIiliE Ferry and Transfer THE EYE, EAR and THROAT Successfully Treated with SSORD'S BIOiOiJL OIIRE. SVCOISBO 1. l. t- -f .erlt, -U nw) In tho treatment of Catarrhal AUcctlouB, after so nany mlscrablo failures, means undoubted specific vuratlv- properties In the remedy used. Does SiAjfror.D'j IUdical Ccnn for Catarrh possess such prcpsrtlcs? Tho evidence, la the shape ofunaoli. Cited tS3tlmonla!e from tho most rcspcctablo pcopla n all etatloaa of life, must bo conducive on thla point. Kcv-r, wo bcllovo.ln thohlatovy of popular medicines has such valuable testimony been of. frsd. freely offered. In lavcr of any remedy then uui ra ma possession 01 tne nropnrtora or ni. vaiu: .nrt c ctlbj thnn partsoft iecou:)try daily admltlasupcriority over any method of curu known to thn reetilnr mirtlfil prof--iiion. but shun thn publicity incidental to a imblhhod statement. Ucnco tho testimonials in our possession represent but a small part of tliMSo TrUnlield for tao reaon mentioned. Tho following nosollpltcd testimonial from IternY "V.riis. )j., of Wells, Farpo & Co.'s Exprcs. 13 aa ou-spoken ladoraeient of which wo aro Justly preud. INVALUABLE. . irT3.Ws & PoTTKt, Wholesale Drnjrgisfcj, Boston, irass.: Cent lemtn, I havo forsonio months f -It it a duty that I owe to suflcrinjr humanity to wrlti yiu.statUiff thejrroat benefit that I havo de rived frum tha uso of Sanfocd's Hasical Crs roa CATATinn. For more thnn 20 years I have been cdlcted with this very troublcsotna complaint. I hive trlod all t ie remedies that I could and. but without mat -rial rr prnu-ent bencllt. Lastfall tha dlsoaio had arrived at that stato that I must cava reliefer dlo. T."io cntiro membranous system had hec me so inflamed, and tho utomach so disor dered, that It was a doubtful m -iter whether I could ko to the Pacific coast, or in did go whether I saoald live to couio backornot. Isawan adver tisement of this m-5di"lne, and nlthnwrtJ bchJsrTery rncrednlous about sp-clflcs or no-trnms of any kind, yet la sheer desperation I tried th's, a-.d was at onco bemfltod by it. Tho ch-tnfres of climate, a chronic disease of tholivcr.and my ace over TO may prevent my cntiro restoration, but the bene fit I ucrlvo rrom its dally uso is to mo invalunlie, and I an hoping to be completely cured, and c last arrive at a respectable old nffc. If this statement orray caso can be of any wrvlco to those afflicted as I h.ive been, and enable yon to brlntf this remedy Into moroKeneral use, especially oa tho Pacific coast (whero it Is much needed), my object In writing this note will bn obtained. Very truly yonrs, EENTtT "P ELT.S, Arotv, . Y., June, 1S75. of Wells, Fargo Cz Co. Each package contains Br. Fanford's Improvf d Inhallap Tube, and full directions for uo la all cases. Price $1.00. For sale by all Wholesale and Jlctall Dru gtrists and Dealers tbrouerbontthcCnltcd Btalcsand Canadas. WEEKS & POTTER, General Agents and Wholesale Druggists, Boston, Maes. T r A V business you can eiiKmse in. 5" to f.o pet JJ L V j dav rnndi by auy worker of ether sex, (11 t 1 right in their own lccalities. Particuinrs ULU I and s.iumles worth 5- free. ImprOVeyour spare time at this business. Poi iirtlaud, Maine. AddresAijuuaon ACo. 5lyl ACESTS W4MED FOB THE YOVXU PEOPLE'S ILUSTRATEO BIBLE HISTORY. Over i0.000 copies already .old. AND ONLY A KUAIArAKTuF T1IK CilPxTKY CAN VAvlKII. Tlt-BlJir ANIKASIKT2IOOIC III SKIL. This wurk contains an attractive account of the grc-t events mentioned In thr Old and New Testa ments, the live3 of the Patriarchs. Prophet3 and Kiucs: of Chrlst and his Apoilles. and or the re markable women and children mentioned In the sacred volume. Illustrated with elegant steel m irravings. For terms, address. Eenjy Sill rublishing Co., Norwich, Conn. NOW KEADV! The Grand Achievements ol gaJ Ai-J 9'-B8EC EXPLORERS A full blMorv ot hs e.xp orations in Africa and marvelmut joufnev om the Congo. Tlie public are eagerly awaiting this book. It Is utmata'dets Inter est, richly Illustrated toeirlced aud will sell with out a parallel. For ull description and terms, ad dress N. D.Thompbon Ji Co. Am? M TO WlM'l C"n 5) Pine Street, bt. Louis iilJ2iU10 fYtlUEU Do not intend to be undersold by any Iwuse in Kern aha County, Come and see us, and learn our prices WE KEEP A FULL STOCK OF I)ryGrooclsaG-roceries,ECarcl"vai"e, QUEENSWAEE, NOTIONS, EATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SE02S, COAL OIL, 1ASJPS, kc, be. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. LUMBER Tlie undersigned have opened a Lumber Yard in Brownville, where they will keep on hand and for sale all kinds of Lll lYUSi-Lii SAdrlj UuOH ISLstiUdj and everything kept in a first class Lumber Yard. Also HARD AND SOFT COAL, by the ton or less. W. A. JUDKINS&C o. pa" limn zn n GOUIHSia - m--l-b--s-eS-HIIb1IEi I VOLTAIC PLAST ALWAYS CURES. Enlarged Spleen. This is to certify that I hare been uslnf your Collins' Yolt-io Plastsss for EnlarKement of the Spleen nnd Depression in the Stomach, and they havo given mo mora relief than any other remedy 1 hare ever used. I would highly recom mend them to all s2erl3 from tho effects of pain and Inflammation. , J. W. SELLS. Piex-sixo, Mo., June 23, 1ST?. Severe Pain. E&vIdk' occasion to use a remedy for a rry tevere pain in my side 1 tried one of yonr ColliV Vol taio PA8T-s. and la twenty-four hours the pala was catlrcly removed. J. B. S. MMI t. Ars't Cablrr Firat K-t. Baalc. Winona, Minn., June 13. 1377. Weaknesses. Collins Voltaic Plasters give th-5 best ratlsfic tloa h;n of a'ythliiit th't has been tried l"r Lameness an-l Wca&css of the Back. Fleam 'ad more rl.cht away. JAMES LEWIS. BsTAT, III., June J5, 177. 3?rlcc, 23 Ccxxts. Bo careful to obtain Colliss Voltaic Plas nrn, a combination of Elec'rlc and oltalc Plates, Ub a highly Medicated Plaster, astern la Uio above enC Sold by all "VhoIrIoand Betiil Drug clits throuehont tn Tnlfd Stafs and CnlM, nnd by WEEES t POTTEB, Proprietors, Botoa, iltiS. SPECIAL NOTICES. Q FnneyCnrds with name.ICc.PlalnorGold. 150 ZQatyles-Agt'sOutlitlCc. IlulKtCo. Hudson, N.Y. oknts wanted Forthebestandiastestselllne Pictorial Hanks and Bibles. Prices reduced 3J ptrceut. National PonLi.iiiso Co.Cblcuo.IlIs. VANTKD-A COOD 31 AX FOB EVEUYmatj- V and Territory in th Union : a fair salarv paid. Cad on or address La Belle ilanfj. Co., SJUlurk St. Chicago. lwJ AGENTS iMMl! We will pay Agents a salary of$100 per ."Mouth, and expciiMcs. tosullour Nevr and Wonderful Invptitioiis. We mean what tec jay. Address with out delay, Sit human fc Co.. Marshal, Mich. PErdEDY FIT BALDNESS Proscription Prrn tj inr eraon to will .in bi tn mv SI. -h.n cowrtowUj or Untr, W.ers or !ic:m l .ctusllT pndiiC"L S--orxoa li CO" 9 Cnton Place, .few 7or AHEAD AI.L.THETIME Tlie very best goods direct from the importers at half the i sual co-it I Best plan ever offered to Club Agent8and largo buyers. AU express chnrce PAID. New terms FltEK. TE3 GESAT AMSEICAN T2A COMPANY, PO Box,435 31 and 33 VEbEY. ST N Y Wm. WIIoLm MANUFACrUKEIt OF ei-sas 000 C3" Outside BROW.WILL&, SKI5-.SK4. 3 worn All wrork guaranteed one A large stock of COOKINi Constanrlv on Iiand on snon nonce. Give me a call. and HEATING STOVES m i DCALER IN SUfE TEAS im SWEET Pia CuBwiDo: -----a Taoacco Awarded highest jwizi at Centennial Expedition for fine chncvag rfutditxt and excellence and la'inj char, aeter cf raitlening tni ficverinj. Tha Iwst tcbacca evtr made. As car blnr .trip trade-mart is clroely imitatrd on inferior cood, im that JacXicn'i Be.l is oneTeryplnr. o:l bvaliiieairr. ndfornamnle. free, to 1 . J-CKkox Co., MfM., Prtersonrg, .vi mmmw. Paron's Purcntivo Pills inak "Stvr Rich Blood, and will completely change thebhodin the cntlrcsystcm in three months. Any person who will take I pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may re restored to sound health. If nuch a thing be pos sible. Kent by mail tor 8 letter stamps. 1. S. JOHNSON ifc CO., Bangor, le. 16wl PTaHLAME back. iw FAMILY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, TEAS, CANXED FRUITS, yU'IS. TOYS, QUEEIVS. CrLASS, TIN & V700335Iy9'AKe, STATIONERY, BRUSHES. POCKET KNIVES. Pipes, Tobacco. Clears -cUIusical Instruments. CITY BAKERY, BROWIWILLE, NEBRASKA 33SrS02STS Cf.?CINT3 POROUS PJLASTER. Thl artlrla l one which really nossesea ex trumllnnn- morit. Rv fnnMlI tine reliaMe phy- frslcians In your own locality, you mil find that tne anove is irup. 11 it ir siip-ri-. .... . 5 dmarvDorous Blaster. hII the so-ciilted e tclrl- ?cal appliances, and to all extt-rnal renilies rwhutHver. It cont!ns entlivly new elements which cause it to relieve patn at on -e. strength- S2500 U ATKAR. Afrcntswontcd. Busi ness legitimate. Particulars free. AddreuJ TOBTB-CO StLoalj-a. jen and cure where otln-r phisters will not pven ifrellfve. For Lmen.t and Wi-aknes of the 3 (back dweaseu Kioney i.ungsanavutauncui 3 J tie-. Ubeun.a fcm. Neglected Cold-t. temtileAf-a lecuoui ana mi ineai acnes ruu iiuis I remedy ever devised. Price '-3 cents m JMBRTrjui unnif hetrb I llliJ IIIUUIUUIIU 111U1I Ullliill iliwfc$)-ir i t m wvanFHj9't?B)jwr l Cl I v?KaBtJjAcSVP El !t E 1 WW?fcSXtiffB -i c t v as3KPIkI r. if 3 CtSJTt?k --Vg -S-J S?fSSSH5? JP5iH SKvvS33f53KS'' Ifti t-3gj-7ri', -M-r"- - p.. .It Uslm-S fc- - B -t.. tl ? iuy me oesi remeay ever aevueu. ww uj j . drtiirirt5.Ls Price L5 cents. m ISVJ i o There Is a fearful rumor that the days of crinoline are to retarc:. CQV1-N Y". Having a first clawi Steam Ferry and owning andcontrollnz the Transfer Line from BROIVATJLLE TO P58EH-PP, we are prepared to render entire sxtlsfaction in t transfer of Freight and Passeojers. We run a regular line ot w WJ to all trains. Al orders left at ths Tranter Com pany's odea will receive promptattentlon. J. nosfield. Gen. Supt. can make money taster at work for u than at anything else. Capital not required: we will start you. J12 per day 1.1 home made bv the Industrious. Men. women, bovs and icir's wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Is the time, corny ouint i-na terms iree. .auress irue XCcAugusta. Maine. 51jl iV-isiyfcl STANDARD WEIGHTS. The following table .-bows the nomber of pounds In a bushel of tho various articles mentioned: , )Jtri..iiM ... 83 ii 1 Potatoes. Irish .. w) A PHYSIOLOGICAL Vi&w of Marriage ! VOa.de to Wed-ock ! inCiLc 1 Ti-uue en ti uh of mar--are -bI t i.B..r'r 11 itiitor it t .- irttj er Eerrodnc-n rd he XLseasc er ttoan. I it'll 4 In W 1 -l-l t!ercac s-)Da;es,(n A UHI...1E MEDICAL ADV'SEPt . On t!l d mrim a PriV! -. - a r r . . . Imn ecu Ats9, rce5.or Secret Ilj-e-ses. ta U: A CL'XTCA.JCTUP V -- - H rS-e U the Thrc-t r J lonn, CUTbu;iro. t Osun Habitue, pkrWrt- LlhrN'-'ntpn-'p.'d-r-re'rtefp-ter o- Ou-. cr-n-BirrVOr-r-O-air-ifti t, uirat. d. I--. - -. ArtlJBTT3,o.! fc-t--. LLoi.:o. ND2 K M Mill 1 .- T-i GOLD PLATED WATCHES. Cheat tttlnths -nrwnworld.-S3!ncJ4rcA.r-r3 I me Airt5,.CorTs4Co-,Ctorx ft --, --- Earlev . Beans, castor..... iu Ileaus, white.. (SO Bran .................20 Buckwheat .....5 Coal, stone .80 Corn, on cob...- .70 Corn, shelled .....5 Corn Meal ......50 Hair, plastering . 8 Hay.ton 2.000 1 onev.stra'd.galia Lime, unslacked. SO Malt, Barley 30 Oats ........."' Onions. ........... 57 Onion Setc -. .3j Potntoes. sweet .50 x nj -.- wt oj t-i o -- - SEEDS. Blue Grass. .H Clover 60 Flax. ... 56 Hemp ... ...... ........44 Osage Orange. ....S2 SorKhura.... JiO Tlmothy............45 Turnip .... ...fV5 Wheat . ..... 60 Broom Corn......46 Hungarian ......4S Millet -50 OK PNEUMATIC EYAPOEATOE. Crrect Priifsiolsi drrej'l' Applisl ! Inclusively Original and Radically Seio In tne History of Fruit JJriers! The Drier for the Jlillion! Simple, Durable and Portable.! A Household Yocatfv. ty !. PEICE LIST. INCLUDING EVAPCEATOR AND PDENACE, ALL COMPLETE: No. 118 inches wide. 6 feet long, 3 lines of trays, S40 on Gar. No. 2 24 do 8 do 3 do 60 do. No. 3 36 do . 16 do 4 do u do lIYt it-Knit, .-J:t t Wilr- n.. i n ns 3&HO SIT ft tm 9-1 ClU - ft. CUcao yunnvJ '--,- -- ,--. - ' UDea.of- PHrat- jealte C-m !- !ae SrKSrtlon of tscmlijal eknewlrtlai EmlvdVni?Lo- of Memory. lopIrl hhr-t, Lot ? .nirArtiSTcil-Tk. Itto. -U Chro!ctt. aad B18-VAsSoKF-ALB,yWU to hi. trtan.t. Dr.Oda fe?hlIi-Io--J rpcroc, aa J con wt- oUmm 1U 7 AnnU of the Eefcr-aed School. Bo PeiLUrT. tai tha SiSairr -.--3- IVBIE8rtqnHcitanntwIt nrWata borne "d -1-- c-t, 0T mjiu- t-xt!y onT--"i for iLnT -nd fifty rnu for taaiplt of Ratfcer Goodi and cir- rLi-Ia rai5 per Bor. Co-n-U-Qir' fr-e.- MAEElSaE GUIDE ESEJ&i& rcamraod t41 ared of both Seio. on all dUue of pinf SaS -3tsmilatiiminitni lion - eonUtjpla-ci zaT. How to ba B-Jiay and truly haj-fy a manl-i rsU S?Err boly thwdi - . Mot W c,i, to 7 n--o,tl. nni-tQ a Tntpic ciT) "O Tl 7 Hnf Deen awanled the hlfthcst premiums In every ln-ic where It has beea exhthljpd both forthelJrlernsa new and u-eful Invention, and for tae superior oxeellonco of tne fruits and vegetables cured upon it. . -c- Send for Illustrated Catalogue, containing much information of value tq ery tarrn er. Fruit Grower. Dealer or Grocer, and a full xtnl Intorw-tliig hfator- of the Tarhe or Evap. orated and Conserved Fruiui. tho parties who buy them, c.. and Investigate our claims. ROBT. W. FUBNAS,; Broioniiille, IfebrasJca; GENERAL WESTERN AGENT Hsi-llIP?,- k f $ .,L.t,r' ' -p '' wm fAfJM L-M...1 ..-.,.-. -r--tf.,--t-----. ,- . ,-