:.5S jFSPPBB3P? the advertiser; : - PTxbUhe A. Proprietors.- ,C AIJTERTISI-G 1TATES. tOaei&ek.eae ttm- Osfr'lMi. per afesa . 5 M . 1 S3 3Sg - . , :.Mr "- ' - "I ' " a n .s THE ADVERTISER- .. iS&ft. , A' , - - M A' f -. iv. r:tdMwi x. c. KiCTES. y-mr PJu J. ' Jfc.. iV A A Jfe, CA P 1 pB A fe- V t wk i. H ,&. A. A -fc. A P"2 &, S fe -k A imirbrotses t hacser; Syg "Mfe I SHW'wnf r'xmVU' 1 Haw W P FT n1 I y IMw-w4t m mim Tfm'W " Published Evarv Thursday fidrnina 3, .lsibJ1H ; iH .11 i 13 laS 9 fH.JB W T? n ' v W .9 8 & S. iM .fli S. 1 9 '9. '9 "-.. - ?; 'VWm.K AttkiSJK S'ii'ttJfi ' fiar W 'UIBJ nmAWW Mlb'Ai at a''iwi. JcoB-"a-i. tiissrv J; . . wfisr vie? wsst- ' sy tw isw sc-C-S-rW '.no tir w -fe-"-. mp - xe' mf .v vb ' vr v'WF fji 'wr , .cs- k. TEU-H-?. IN ADTA"Ct f J V ) ' ' 11 I 1' li m A i I i t -eap?. wwjwr- - ' 5 l N . 'V J r 19 i - cnnr. rJ -1 u ; " iii r mit t.nr wirftfTT 50 . . . . ,.- v.tb-uui rvm r ?- nil! m-W fnc. ' " " -. rxr:5WWrl! oifJlf?-.-.. BBOTTCitTILLE, SEEBASKA, THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 24 1873. r-ricflstzrn r. thf. t. . G0V&5SME5T. i TKTA'SLIsnSD 12 1856.! ! 'A FT5 A V"n&TY EEP rst National ba t F BK 3 a id- up Cap ital, Aittfiorizrtl " $59,000 f o00.000 IS PRET AREPTO TmAJfSsACT A General Banking Business BCT AJO SKT.I. 00117 & GUEEENCY DEATTb1 awaUtlMprtaclvcletttea irftke United States and B-arope MONEY LOANED on -.!-. iDmnty ly. Tlae Dmte m. 1 Mil -! -Ill -IW' il ! ml' Itfl n. OMJecata 60VBX3t3T BOIte.. STATEfC&lKTY & CITY'SEGUP.I-TfES DEPOSITS tatttBi i rr.-XTOs.-Wte t.bm, . Hurfhr. li r je. j tattr -Sdley .!. JUKX L. CAKSOX, PtatUeai. . C ilcXA.im HTSWf. .-.Oagcr. !FS.AlT SSIiSEER, f AGON &gLACKSMITHHOP ;j DOCK WEnT OF inrET HOC v AGOX MAKING. Repiring, Piwwk. -ut! !l work done in tiieUest -;a.'r - i linwoR ioic -asicoc cu-wi-s d i(l" ; J4-ly. BUT I A T)T Tl nn ..hi, p LiJJ i ilUUIiil i.t . ! ! IU .H..U .-..z.-. JJt 31 30DY & BEQ i Bl'TCHEllS, ORO'iVni.t,E. XJ2SRvt.SZi..L. Oood. S-wet, Presli jiEeat Aiorar n taad. Md -citi fcett Wtr au!eJtoaI.et4iTS. JACOB MAROHS, MSSCHANT T aaiVG) aad dtUer.o J Urtarlisk. Vieack. lcli 3a4 Faaej CUtk. sUc-. Etf.. Etc. I?rov:i"i51e. r.'el-raUa. SPSCIA1. 7TOTICZS. PiiHOSl SlOOOJhiT5. Fr- ty o-tjojuj pric- :S...O oai? rl. Parer tree. Iat-iI i. lievLZtj, a-binrtoB, rs. J. 2rF 0 .Tll-.k.-.La... i Vlf lik tTt.TI.MV. nar--nn "V V wj-w-,,.-. ..-.- " ' 20 H hrB.oCard- rrectbeiiUee.wtiiooHc fi. Ijc Taraerrard C X-i'a.-id.Mi... cad men ac LHP. UaOl-.H Ol Pr. f-L.-hett.nUcr''nok on Peslse-nni nirae of ibe Ear ar .- r r Tr -r-ati-en'-r -. . - :i-ir " Tt'.r ' --relief '-y. rn. -sa ? rr . ei.rnr." V v ---r fjn - a - -n - ' - A.J-'SsBr' F fflW B' iiuyy iiiu v fld i. BB7 Pat-tra- rarcatirr- Pi!! tz- New Rieb Bio.i fcn-lu-i'.cotiif.fte s-l-aneilibioodm the "uftv Tien: in !.tt? r n-lr Ary person ictio Tv'.i . 1 v:l pact, a ?tt rriir. 1 1'. E wwt soar res. tvi u sw . e.i iTicaaUHs bep s.b "eu' bv ia, -,r etr stampn. L. S. JOHNMKN A: CO.jttaay r Xe. ! IAYT iw! TI-. ,.--., viei xm T-. . X. .A K.. M-T i. Seziiir fr Ilticrxrh rf 5-Trz 0 ?re:- wikp-.hicd i3.3e. iiir.-J..c:S.r. r.:: -..- j AC-EXTS TTAXTED ; MM To UAKiiDAWN l-orDK-ilAR" II NEW BOOK." FROM Intkieaew voloisc lje perm iar an tor -Sight: SrK3A IN 1K BI-H.E P"rtTrS Witt. M . tl tri ttnlls for awl e.oq,-.f iheTeitso sart-.; Tnrtli a?irfaJfn4h test:BaNT tctfcibatj-p-tx.jBd-(l.ji.tT or 'hrveries-jf the Bible Jtrc ts tcT' 8- this Bo. wi tilt spars!" 3S-.Vashj. jrow laF'xle. fceaat!,'ji. 3JnzTa,aa. and no. v:nvLa. th liet 'B e Taarstift T-nsw "rnau 1mir f. A4re-- J. C- JIcCTKDY Si CO- Cfai caye. IIS. 1t PARIS, 1878 ATEYEHT SWEDEH. i87S EXPOSITION Philada. 1876 rnn nvrsne SantiaaO. 1870 - ILhllU yiehka. 1873 HIGHEST HONORS PARIS, 1867 nave been i-varded te Mason & TTTnl'ST ca!bijnet ojkgiss. aup P-T-P'--Tiil.ntl-tsveartl-ersraTiarsI TH1 iOIJifErAl. UJohtrtealrecoTnpet-se at J- tpeIJorr TtK-r!vaborct.Ted the I.KAXI' 'M)LL'-KDAL of SWEDEN i OB WAY I'sife. a other American Orsss ?Me Kxv.itioB. U tw cjuh or payiu8 y In- Zu-uf UTAi:ms TtiU. newt-it itrles. ariees. mte tzt. XA.ON & 3A3H.IX J fiiAV CO- WBPJX JIKW TOR2I. r CHi- CAUO. w m m k r 's nK EiS zims VU Mill 14 lill.'illF i h&mmt Cteiifi!!ki i-M vi n.ii y t5 Wm . v fLAMs' B ACK.1 B L "f ".iaww --Treaj-aesaofUw baeKS B fe 1 B-cnoiLjw.a.'la. sea. aeiiesi jain3 t.j'bt.rei.edTkB-'Wi Itwas jjve.vc.t .er-3 IcooK Lhc s-o actuoc the ertinar. P ruag fasten I ri.'TeT:pai.a;'?nceiDt!.-e',x!:ert3 Ec 'hrpasier'i.ui-)otTT."re.ire, -.-. "ry- . ; sjjLtj,i&a. OLDEST REAL I ESTATE A-GBjSTOir S" KEBRASK A . I William JEL Hoover. Does a. setten.: Real Sstaie 3ast&estc. Sells Lands on Cotnmisetoa. eiiaiD Tlttes, ) makes Deeds, Morteagp. ad all lastra- eat. rtalainc to toe transfer of Beat Es- . t.e. na , Goapiete AbEtract of Titles j U all Real Bstate la Netm Coeaty. J. H. BATJER; XaaaiactaTer'an BeaJter is flt Slnskets. Sraslies. ZFly Nets. &. j t3- aepoiriac Vae en .4ert aottee. Tke cete- I braed Vncnoas Oil Blaci-iite. foe jceernBs Har- ' aee.Koct8.btuies c juttjivhoc iiaad. G4 5Iain SS. BrowjiYJSle. Seb. THE A3)ViiSTISCIl i i -j u u ! !i I il 1 1 it y DEPARTJtEVT. A KB smrtmB- f Type, Bor ders. Rules. Steele. c fer juiatiBg. K.iBKa.1HnS3MISBBJ CARDS, Colored aati Stmuc4 Label, STAT-OC-CJtTS. i J.S3"IVBi: HIL-UHE-VDS t ENVELOPES. Cimiiu. DoceK . Proprao S1lo"W Cards, j KLlX "RWIK (r ILL KISBS. With aeaciieso t dipalrt. I i J CHKAP OE l5FS8IK lYltK i"G T&jUriTMt. "irr Croo Block. BEOW.VV1LLE, EB. 13 R13 E St A. "D ES S n ca. icx -. o, toe l 5g S S II y u vvLgi - a 'j Zl H 55i LI si 2 r t KmurnviitP utv.i;iiiiii Shaving, Shampooing, Unjr i.air dressing &c. v li! test Sty! Q u L 8S. 'S TOIT SEEN Hiv:ng j urcta-I the ELEPHANT Mvipyi an tern ?TIRIf Uftfi I flllU I LtU d iSDLE. I -a-fcO. to aBRoance that I am prejMLret! tc ' a j a first etas livery bawbee. , Joali Rogers. "J? aw i: $i ? C J & Mt Kep- af.'I'iDeot u Pier? o nipfi'T rrn yMLti o Ornamented and !an. ' Alaofciiroadsldrineii. ladies and infants. AU onters left wlUi S. Jietmaa will reerMve .SSZSZ.. 50 MainStrcct, BROTTXYILLE.XEL. PAT CLiyE, FAsHIOXAni.E BOOT AXD SHOE ILLKEU TSTOX WORK autde to Older, and Stf ihar. traranteed. Repajrta? aently awl ptwaptly . Shoe. JT rr 2taia street. BrawaviIie.Kefc. GOr.PXAXEITrATCHESi.t-hcsr- I tttthcir-j.kLrt-iiipfcri:Jrrc-8- i C-fffou. Adr?sA.cacrzr5C.C!sis. 1 I I 1 I P WT'' LMii V & -J ""5"?'k9--Wt " HI QrM I u J"- !-?! II e. fc?"" 1 r o Vv 2 w -l-j'lSfci ST' E m fciT SSiP-3 r. hrf -dl-S--tii-S?E 3-Kk-m;.-K. i iJ t tj L2 , Neb. " niTTF FT PUT! Rim I Ilil JJisiii iliils I j I&. A A 4: A -5 - S - s? -3 TSI 0I1D! nnn v c x a i Catarrh of the Nasal Cavities, Acute, Chronic, and Ulcerative, Hay Fever, or Rose Catarrh, Catarrh of the Eye aad Ear, and Catarrh of the Throat, STXCESSFE1LI lEEilZD WHS a ftUimsn'S DJWPAI niicr kliCl Xil II. T TK. ITl II ITH C nmuiiys nnuiUHam auiUmi -U.XA2EH Is a disease of tie irzeozs casafcrase. v l eJ-.erar!(TTa c-i ecaatr-aiton-i ya7"l--i seTer- fer fci i-iiTldzal eases. Caicrriirij'ire firosia coldoras-xesss of colis-ircis-.c.eacl-a--?e C233ee.-ne2.th; or aca-3 cocU2os-aI tSa ttresih. jed Titad force3 esluated. TSc; dsea inaT arae frora a icron-ow ctMiiKicn cf lie ticzc. tna Scariei j: erer. ieasia, aid Blptu eye ar.ft tese. pemisfcL? coU sr 'wsg tre- yto the tronsiial 23d foi-SS tto scabs. ncr5it2-T- anf! lrrrt t . 1..--. ... ' . - ' . . lSttS.0?eTI2S," Sfi!iS7leSis4yitfeg S4eSBei fceoKnes 5arioMlyarected.diciarsii cp3eroaj sesti-soiuais rrota Use best people la te usised Sates attes : the esteen la -sr-uc-i jcia tekl Dy Uiose ttIio bare been fireed from tie ioobc de- '''i asi cazcro3 CLUeiie -srua TTZiCi Zl JTJST PXSUS3EIED. .i i n i ot - . . eararegeaeray-rrrQ.TSlaiHl cjscaare louu -A ' - 'Tin ll'i 111 I I !! f I I I I a .K. T . T" ? 4.T I , iae J-aaactrreaarsremallcMiTriial cae r a , en J"' ". -- i. -. ...- uu a ijr.rn 5r rpnr ropniv. - zarire xrsi T7a!Ter exase tier srsc.iaay Deuna ac nart of it was devoted to a verv able .i ..it. - t .- . vatsrx.saclEo ocii ss w cans-retiiiias 2rd exco- Part OI II wii evoteu lo a KfJ ""? the SOUth has acquired thirtV- tics.ortMcia3dTelloTrt3Cettararolodor. HIaCU Ioa ol tue "aaju.ai uuea.-uu. ? jJlUonal seats in the HoBSt: of aarteuesitSoiTieiS.SiS.itcate: """ " '.""" "cic -w.-.j. -isentatives and thirty-five additiona is azj a igTri-rri.me iacg.rrcsi. aia epperpan reoetition Iartrlv o those maue DV ortteiea4rairuanfortaSIe.aidaafriSTra3 I lclJckl,-4U" "lie-'J' "' i"vrt. m . rrJSSS1 fcJ5Jr Jr ' other eminent speakers. Comu SSSSJStaff uSarSSI me Qan?ers or democratic supremacy, f and their votes StVS55ZfZ.& .naumsaw: the nest HoU; -STV?4-ie,?-.vtofc2t reasoa lUBt IU TOB-wjueuce ui iuuu-, states is one of menace to the princi-i " UUL waai-eu muat - --. --.!- -.J .- tttHtepLtiorsnd.iaaryd.aii-ess. Tie taroat, idation and violence they caunot hope ' ntpc.,nd temftnit vnf flip rrnrrnmonr ' their last session in Drwsraiu. raoes,aaciTiij3ar3t3iT cases aiect- - t t -. ' r J . cd bj-cstarrx azd. -cb prostraaoa or use ae-- for a fair election. In four Congres-1 Tfae derivation of the ri-ht of stiff- dnee tbe taxes upon ; .lf !?- " ymac. sgtt. pT-rc3 secess .; .!..:,..:, t .u.. c.-. ... I .,.....;. ,. !.- -..w:, .l 1 "tSwr--.B..v,.M,sw..l. ,-iuua.ui.iuui.uu.ic.Biucoww, """ j rage to the electors of one portion Qf ! Wiaw,i fi" H",rkJ' ou" .--1 rto!ia-iKed-xV:Toidia3ieTciS an average Republican majority or 6 - ,hf .,.. rv r,w,no.0r3 ; ar.r.i. ,-r, I If acts like tnese commend a party. Tk en2i:ttfsi-!: 000, the ?iai has gone forth that the, Bn nnrtinn nf rh .wmtrr r.rt fr. Ko I with sueh unpatriotic antecedents, to ' hi erCdfpfa"jei?,5? Democrats must be elected, and the,fl.j-p. to RUbmIt tn th rpJnlts nf nn ' the confidence of the people, I confess catateieelfrfcrSrP work of intimidation and outrage has t .i...:.,. rriri Kt.- r.r..o ni fr-.r.rf ! my ignorance of the springs that move ' a- tiiii.j Tisec iTeaase en taarr2.-sita aa H,--....f-. EWrta EisJO-3, HuiKiiL CE3! 9.d(!t--(! i. ..nt..w.--c itu uw.eirr-Liojciicietcaatie ..,- --,- .t.-..w r.7 .r .t. - . . . -. . . C2.pt t ii-rr?. r -T T-V"Tt f C . -rcvTVa P n.. i - -- .. rdil&eciel'plSI e tse mned 8tuM aadCsidSr wijrS5 v au, wngi'aw ebc r-i' rtr-tw-"r rhr.nh itL 0I D , Cyras Pains and Aches, t?riai"3 th? C rcdsliss. is ii KH.-i nnn -rary Actioc It ere Btstre3 aaetStrsaw. It reTasPata aid Swaes!. it cres KUarr io npisdac lJKresijUieiisLja 3&sccui. It car?s Jtjniciasra aad Nesrifcia. It re-axis SaSciata crd. - I earei Scrrrst Siocis. to t tavjJaalle ia Par.lo. twr-T2aa-rip.i:tCi- eifceLtres. Is restores Serrosa Paijss. It caree Sptnol ""e aae-W. It te OratefBl aad Soiig-. Jteares 2nfl6T or FST It a Safe.TSefc&ie. asd Ecwesjca. i: r. azzyFzzjTaasas. . I IIKJI.U PHIGE 25 CgKTS. Be cal to ofcf!m Collcs' V.tiic Ptas ll--tT iit?-lrir.f r .. S1 liy aJi Wioi,,..,. jtuiiv: v aato cult c.Stao-?a.s an. r. 3 - L: Ut" abve ( 1 -ntrfctfe .ri. crui.Littc ani.vi. iUk! by WESS ForT3-X YEARS 2TTTS PIXXS have ber. the reccxjzm.ee. sTm-dartl "ainilj"21edici!-ieiriajl tiae Atlantic J.zate-5 Frota 21aine to Sleiico, setarceiy a fomiiy csn be lotinc. tbat does net use tiiern. It is now pro posed to maV. their trirlnea icnov.u in the "VTESTT, ".th the certainty that as soon as tested they will be come as popular there as they are at the .To rtli and So mil. .. TiiTT'Q 0 13 EV . . V E S.iavE7lI DO THEY CUBE EVERYTHING? NO. They are intended for dis eases that resultfrom malari al Poison and a Deranged Liver. D. TTTT lis., denjtett twentyflTe years to the study of the laxer and the result bz dc-aee-trxited thai 1: exertd creater iaSnence over the ysteis than any other orssa of tfce body : Diseation and A-f-ieiilatien of the food oa which, depends the vitality of tke body, i car ried oa throack it; ilierepnlar action of the bowel- depends on it, and when these functions are deranged, the Heart, the Brain, the Kidneys, the Skin, in fact the entire ortani-3i is affected. SYHPTOHS OF A DISORDERED LIVER. TVnT? "pfn fn xa Side aid SlctIdr, less of A?tite; CcatedTfn-'fpie: CcstiveBowels; PV-hag.-'.v.fre ; ZOrow' ,0; T7 in. thaStom'yhgfSerearfr:r..wrh rfrHtygnd STffhtn;: up ofWfnf. ; Iiow Sprrta ; Tcm nfTnonry ; TJuscctsZzTiZT i f d fcreb,-' IF THESE WARNINGS ARE NEGLECTED, SOOS FOLLOWS DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUS FEYHS, CHILLS, lAUH DICE. COilC, HEHVCKISNESS. PALPITATION OrTHEHEART, NEURALGIA. KIDNEY DISEASE, CHRONIC DIARRHEA, AND A GENERAL BREAKING DOWN 0FTHE SYSTEM. TTEED TTTE V'JJLS'jOi'G: TUTPS PILLS. The first dose produces an ef- vruuu. igttuua, ana SOLID FLESH AND HARD MUSCLE, ALOUISAHAPI-AHTERSAYS: "3fj'Iftlinf?itiQniaiaa,TnTr!rnl gissic. For serenti years I cocld E0J make hair a crcp ca sccoc-H of siclcsess. Ien:ptO70et-idrec.srd CSt bands, often half of them trere sict. Iwaa snrtr discocrared -vvisn I bepis tie ase cf XTTXiS-PlUuS- 1 used znezz. is a prs-rfl-Ttion ss -tveS es a. care. Tbe xesai: was lasTTeHocs ; nylifcorera bec2re hesztr, robese, and hi?pf, and I hare had so farther trrjebte. "With tlePit-Iwcilzotf-5rtQ fire in tiie Ofeefgr:oVee swamp." E. RIVAL. Batoc Sxsjl.,1j "BEST PILL !H EXISTENCE." T haTe rrd ync- Put? forIypeps3. WeaS Morwfffi and. erroRi-Bess, ana can es? i nersr hid ar tluB: to do re so rush gocd in tha way oi snecic-iie. laej are as pxxi as yoc rs- r-rsseitass. Keo3ia?i-ca-ea as ins xiex -PiUeastesccand-k.-UI--E-. to acqs cihera witc. taeir scodntenli.3 J. "W. XIBBEm., Dacota. 3Inrs. SOLD 3Y ALL DSbGGISTS, 25 CENTS. s3 Oftlce- 35 Murray St, New York. Boak-ceepers, Operators, (J&&, AtGi3-ertatt2eCoi-,Keokaiiorrra. ; 3opws Ha, Hajtt al owtefy aat ipeialy urturfi51'- ,JST 11. tf.T-.-i. 5xiTTVafc. ScSSf:dgie'edthat.aIth0ChtheEePafalicanshave "-' 'r , n. -. ..iEpariaictt to lUirc;S tie E-OiC-ci. CrLZ. otVti Jxr-,n r .v"-TV- d iZlZXZZD. --- IiST!?I?? r li? tern r S' ifV". tULtlifbn SIm 5':a a ess 7 S &iiQr B sac T5 HJ232?1 j5itLaA--A--;--Kfrr,r?Kaoi s ct ttmaioucai-atvuiaurauio ueuieu iu. ru. 01 iree sp-ecn, the enta!iug upon otlieers and men an jors scarcely needs an introduction. thou-h Mr ofdSdSLucy ot-hSS-, Wbols m'J Provided for enforc- expense of S30.CQ0 in the way of inter-1 His personal history may besumma- &zmtive. to which he vrasliefore a Strang- Iu the IaWS oi' the United States , estInOUey borrowed for the necessary rized as follows: ; . .1 .. Z .Kk -r-. !"- r-fc-, j- -r ?l riT rw Tk TT 4 'IIOV -rooto on i TinariTa ctiAHlri fc. K.a r. f Ttnm-iai n-....l i -r-. - ;P . . -U T T Ktfw-Fa ef- jjr x,llucai "gets oi an citizens, and he the discoverer of a guano island ; and "" w"u succes- umana Jee. &Sy has placed them on their good behav-1 thus we seeasoneresult of Democrat- " TFBIIGMl OE DEMOGEAT.jsPirit croPs oa of other States, tbe t patti of doty will be the enforcement 2 QUESTION PEESEXTED , THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO-DAT. TO EIo5aeilt Speech of the Hon. tfreene B. liauin at reora, ill. t .r c., r.r .. Ti-nrrarc r A LOHClse btate 01 lUe X.-.n5e,rs 01 Southern Supremacy. The Hon Greene B Raam, Commis- "Tfaeesistenceof 10,000 Republican Tn Snnth P:irnlfn vcith r Rpnuhlif'tn - ..... w -w. , .. x mairit-v of 30-000' the Republican Convention has resolved to have no candW-te for Governor, stating as a already begun. In aumpter County. which has heretofore been peaceful, Governor Hampton and Senator But- ler.inpublicaddresses.haveannounc- SiY. TTTtrit'- . mitnu mtu. .e crr. iu .w,-. ... , ...w wv....-. .... vv w-.. . . . . r. . r.. .. - - -- ' - - - --- .-.-.-. -- .... - . -v -. -.. rtffi irw in., r r?i(rrirm nnrzif- uiip nr overnor Hampton's military aides ' has alread- been engaged in the wor !of.breabJ? UP Republican meetings wilh riif ciuuh in liihl fifiri lv i ifn r . . . "."'- -- we 5h&n n bettr of milar deeds of! violence in the States of Alabama, I Mississippi and Louisiuna. I earnestly call the attention of the cauutry to tbe fact that the Demo-i cracc Prty of south Laroluta mam-, tuins a military organization, armed, j equipped, and uniformed, for tbe pur-1 poseof carrying the November elee- . .i-n by force. I am not given to ex- f Bqeruou, j. am iaiiu Lite jiaui. am .auug tne piaia. aT '.7" - a, number or military companies, organ- , feed under the State law, supplied ;-. - ... K.iarauo i smnprnf internal Kvermp. n.iiver.a i .. ; witn iraproveu ureecn-ioauin;:, um- r ,, , i,;-, .,, 4.. ;;, j i , ibilow-citizeBs. we are to-dav invited hed States muskets, and nniier tbe1. . .. - . " , l I 1 eontrol of officers of the military statf ' of Governor Hampton, attend ail tuei ' f t political meetings in South Carolina both Democratic and Republioau, and oy military array and violence, either oisper-e tne tepunitintn meetings ori silence their speakers and carry them ' o5" by force. I must leave to a vivid imagination the duty of painting the picture with suitable martial colors. We most not loriret the fact that the rrhfIIion wm n M-r..rm nf th . . - t, - ... , ! riihtof a Democratic tninoruv to rule. The spirit of that petiod 1 .... ., and this s , the same. Thoirlint-nf rdt r.-n , ... j .rv. ; .. - . T ., ., ; - w ' a- wwuumw a , duunu uiucia iu iui2. jiu icqi tnev 'S i took up arms after the election; in ic-,t.,.i- ...,,.-- . 1 .. idence UDon which proceedings of im IS.a thev take up arms Lefore the eiee- - ..,-. T" . ... -. - . . .1 i peachment were to be based. Iead- tian. In both cases it is to assert the1 .. . . .. , ri-rht of a Democratic minority to rule. r fol ff?lvr-piti7.an3 thiil ths cnn. ,.-.- ,ut . Z "!, .- - I ....-- -. .-..-.;. .. ..-.-.... V.U..U. ... J one of great m-nace to the peace of the country, and should not be allow ed to continue, in my opinion All fKu. if nora.sjrr "","""" i is to assert tbe sover - ei-rn bower of the United States bv I ..... , .. . of civil rights. Section 5,529 of the United States Revised Statutes reads as follows: Il two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire to prevent by force, intimidation, or threat, any citi zen who is lawfully entitled to vote, ; from giving his support or advocacy, in a legal manner, toward or fn favor j of the election of any qualified person , a: an election for Jrresident or ice President, or a a member of the Con-; gress of the United States; or to in jure any citizen in pernou or property on aecoiiHt of sih cnnnort op ni.vii-i cacv. each of sueh pe'rons shall be j revolutionary schemes have been en punished by a fine of not less than I dorsed by the popIe 2300 nor more than S5 OflO. or Iiv im- WHAT A DEMOCRATIC HOrjaB HAS - --. , - j . .. prisoument, with or without hard ia-; I bor, not less than six months nori more tnan six years, or both sueh line j and imprisonment.' If the right of eittzeus to assemble and peacefully adveoate the election ' toCongressof the men of their choice. is interfered with; if public meetings nr. thratpnpi. Hiifl r,iSli ri-.fc-ri r. i , .-..-0...;.... Tne Ue ul &av portion of tiie armv for this purpose b forbidden by Dem"- ucianc icgciaiiuu. .luujau.i. J. Ills Idw can be enforced by civil process through the instrumentality of mar shals, districtattorneys, United States commissioners, and courts. These violen t and bloody miuded men should pointed to assist in enforcing the laws. We are a people of law. If the laws can be set at defiance and violated i with impunity, there is an end of civ-1 11 govern meat. The President, by a eourse of kind ness and conciliation, has endeavored to arouse in the minds of the South- ior before the country. If there is a ! oegi en distinctly to understand that, ted States or State ot5ci?Is in protect-! engagements, including Fort Donald- nauteb-girk to entertain his distin-l0 WHIcn oy voie was agreed to. it needs be, 10.000 deputy marshals. linTitiivmhfr thn United States nroo-i son. Shiloh. etc In 1S6T he was ap- unshed visitor. I eeWng afoeraed to meet a with arms in their hands, will be ap-1 ertv J- :n arretins anv civil crimin-' pointed Assessor of Internal Revenue, j -- at the same plaee Setdiaer Sehool Teachers, " tui"c """ tegaru ior civu anu forces OI tne United States lO protect. i.j wuu wuxuiug ins c-- - am rvaATla ?- n ..ir :t . . - . - . . . j.-i ti'3. r rn trwi W a ma - - W -? -tl- ? i - recurrence of the recent lawless acts jia South Carolina, or if the same fell , ot tne law, ana l oave no doubt that Iron irill tpo thn Priwtrfonf i1 iKnr I- ----" -u luai. I" -. --. fpath. with a degree of firmness and determination that will receive the '. , sion auu-approoauon or au law- t -- I ... . .. . aommg ww:a.. nowrr will be do.ve. If the country i to pass into the ; hands of the Democratic party it will '. . . .. .. ... oe oecause oi me aeniat ot tne right of suffrage to P.epubiicans in the then-States. By the freedom and francbisement of the colored race tive ad- "R-r.-& votes iu the Electoral Collese. If the i fn.nrpi plctor: nrs Rl.i-tnl fr unto ... -. .. ..-- .v .-., are honestly counted e of Benresentatives ,.-,, be RenUbiican. If the ?nUrh- i are carried for the Demo- it will be the result of in- .- -i 1 . . . rTrrifT.F mif miirnpr ?.. t irnnn I i state to vou to-dav, as a deliberate . concIasioni that the attitude of the . Democratic jartv in the Southern , monaM, tu ..,. f tha n,i;,. tq,hc A.pu,IIBNton,Bf8ajf,ni.lirn'i t rest6 upon"the rhta of free 5peech and a free ballot , and when it become., a uecotnea a se.tiea conviction or tne .-! J -! - .L. ........ . ' nanniriTfirNno(o(trinnu maramnir. ' people that ww--j.w ..... w.ww..w. . . .w.w -. . . . - . a.t . ... . - .. t . . aPn r rri.ii t 'vr r .r c ti rr-arra ana rrtrfiri ery of tiie right of suffrage, and that .. - " "a ' j from this wrona there is no redress, the destruction of the government it- seifbecomes simply a question of time. m . ? a.-i .. . r t inere is sun anotuer aanger, scuiu- ern Republicans naT fof a whUe t white and black. aeauiesce in the de-i privation of their rights, butjthere is a riia a t af nnri fo t z. Ik u r at? rt r l e.rr-i , Uiri . C4AUU&aAJ(.C iCVVUU .TUH.U 1 men u-iit nan Tho nt.nhniui ftf i meu wH fc5Sert it5e,fj aQdt animate1 b te wmth ofjusicei they will gfce heir opprsior3 to lhe 5rouud. Tbe Dea.4KJratic minoriifes Qf the are sisepin upotl a volcano. " "t " - - iiiouuwvM r w hve destroved shivery of the. . .-.-. body, but we have not chaoged the , babK, of the mEer He ia.eud. tQ , tiwte slavery of tbe milid . and ' --v .-.-. ... --...-.. .-. -.. r ...a--. Tl.-. IU UltttC k-IlO jm C UL.CIIB uuut... S.UC ecntroi of men who are willing to ., . w,J.r. . ,.,. TT..r..l inonat tt power over the ores irate I - . f f . T G . riirhts of a free neon-le. I nrav God th&t 5Q diKiu a jj sha!!"never fgj, my cntry. Fetiow-itizeDc, I am no alarmist, i .. but unless I mnreau the :is ot the: ... .L . ... r .i limes, it is me uenoerate. purpose 01 U,eDemocrat,cparty,mtheHouseofIt ha5 redujed tbe aaaQal iatereit jsistent Republican, aad as speaker of fw en- Representatives, to iee the executive? eh frofB 15,977,5e7in IS65 .to 4,-jthe house during the last legL-iaturej " e'eBte-p ' VTTTKp branch of the governmeut. They,, ..., r, . . ....ii.,l mnv Imirr .! fripnri I . ... taii,u- - -ait-t'fft, have endeavored to prepare the pub-1 . , v . "c uima ior seen a step ov & steady -. 7 "- J -' ..bui .aat'iaw .( .- n rJ The Potter lnvesti-' j:atiuir (Jommittee ffi created for the ' express purpose of manufacturing ev- 1 mg democratic speakers an over tne country are now attacking the title of the President, and Benj. H. Hill, of Georgia, one of the most prominent! senatoisfrom the South, in a two col- jimn letter published during the pres ent week, insists upon the impeach- merit of the President, alleging that , . .. . . , . . . ... . " . . , . tion is allowed to co unpunished, ic 1; Tiro out nn mur -w. r. ni: !nqn.r. I n-ill olornls T-u-rii.rv inln virfno for- i ..-." I irerv into an art. and will TC-TfT1- usurpation into a science; aad furth er, that President -Waves is as bad a man as Johnson would have been, had he rewarded Booth with a seat in : his Cabinet.' These are not the hasty utterances of an irresponsible man, but the de liberate sentiments of a Senator of the United States, who is one of the F . . . I n i n. nn I Ii.i d .if T nt I - rr n. ( aa I .. .. . . . . .... ... . .1 . r- .. . ... .. .. P ..... ... partv ; ana are made new, so that if j the Democrats carry the November elections they can claim that their DONE. We have had an experience of three' vears with a Democratic House of i Representatives. They have given t us a toretaste of the bitter cup they j baVe in store for our lips. With loud j profrt5jmis f reform in government,; they bave neglected to make appro- ... r -T .. priations ior tne support ot tne army, support Thev have passed a law forbiddins ' of themelves and families.! -"r- majors is loriy-two years ohi. ror the use of the army as a posse to aid ! years, represented .Nemaha and sever in the enforcement of the laws which I al other counties in the Nebraska sen- is violated, and I am informed by the I Hon. Secretary of War that 'the prac-! tical enect ot the law has been and ; a organizing tae urst .eorassaregi must necessarily be to withhold the! by whieh he was elected Major, and aid of United States troops from Uni-t i av-on n.h.n fmm ihp i.risottiprt . stateof tbeconntrvand imrierfector-Jln ganization of civil police force in-, fringments of the laws cannot be pun- . ished by the arrest of the offenders,7 su-u - 1.-J; a..fc .- wwuww.. By Section 5,577 of the United States Revised Statutes the President is au- thonged to emolov the land and naval ie legislation that thacsh the whole i t r i military and naval powers of the gov- hn ment may be put forth to protect j ; i.- I the owner of a manure heap od aPe - i ruvian island.yet when the lives and , hbertiea of American citizens in the! snnfhom St.t .... n....,..j u K.-ulu.lUvJunc. aic cuuoiicicu, me . W .V.- 4.W United Statea force forces are express!? interfering. TheDem - prohibited from ocratiemajontv, dnrmg the late ses I .. .... - . sion or uongress, sougot to pass, and did for a time, force through an en actment withdrawing the protection f e government engaged in the en forwrnpnt of Incsr? in f ho Innfh or. . . . . . . ,vc . 1""-lL give iiiku uuuiiers iree scope. m, r. i -.. j . iU - iaicu a """"" Wi " ei'i" me age ot au, he win be the only Ftc P"rp"e ut wao..umS me cnar- acterof tne President and Secretary " j..wii3L.j. uuuu huluu-ou I ... thfl IT--M.-.---' -.M-- -. .V. -. -.4 r. t charges of election frauds, and refu I ed to allow the investigation to extend to the attempted bribery of Presiden tial electors in Oregon, Eouisiana and Florida, under circumstances directly implicating the Democratic candidate ior iresiuent. rne onlv measure brought forward looking to an exten- I sfon of A mprienn pnmmprrp wis stran .-.-.-.- -.-.-..w -- w.MM - S - ed by the Democratic Speaker. With J idspread distress prevailing on every , hand' tfae-v made no efibrt to alleviate raiuaote nours ot lutlleetiortstore - those great Dem - ! publie opinion Nor is this lawless spirit directed ; against civil rights alone. There is two was stricken down with fever a deep-seated disloyalty to the lawsjand now sleeps m the apringdale ui me united acaces in neanv ! pvprv Sdllthfrn Sr. Open resist - " r - i anw la ...lie eniorcPinpnL or Ln in tnr- i nal -evenue laws i constantlv mdp ( nai -evenue isv-s. i. tonssanuv maoe - - - - -- - . -.. , by organized bands of illieit distillers who have the svmpathy of their neighbors, and often of those leading Pc men. In dealins with offend- er " aas Deen loaaa aoeoiu.eiy nee t a a essary to provide the officers with breeeh-loadiiig guns to enable them w CCWi-A muutli, it) tkki auacK. jlq booxe cases ss ma- ny a sixty armed officers have been I required to make seizures and arrests. This lawless spirit must and will be overeome. ' .-- at -T- T -r -T- rel, cuizens, me epuoticao c II..--. tt-.-. t. t ui: j " tne support o. the people-patriotism and courage to preserve the Union and perpetuate tree government, capacity to mase r j and enforn laws roMt.hH.ah and "- ntain the mihlie credit, to nav the mat C wd the people, aad to refund the public debt at a lower rate of interest. The Republican party has reduced e national taxes from S55S.032.630 1 iuISS5.toSS7.783.S79inlS7S. It has 1 - . . l--m n .a nn, . . . . , ,... , ., M, ,Bj,.i-iu .ou. 11 uas -cnucCTi me ' . expenses of --. . I the uovernment troci 51, l - ,-., . 2Si,aoo.24 1 in 1S5. to $236.5.328 in 1S7S. The Republican pert v has establish- i ed freedom andprociaimedequairigbts ' tbrouchout the land. The right of free assemblage, the right of free speech, the right of a free ballot, the right of equal protection of the law corner stones of the Repnblie are cherished in ail parts of the country by the Republican party alone 1 he republican party occap.es tne f .-... ... van of the forward march of the hu- j mau race. Its suceess is the hope of I the country. l ..- . t J .T J9x x ae aavancing caao upon lasamn nlH.p of nrrMrreis rill he mnvpd hi. r t twenty-five years by the success f I the Democratic nertv. I Republieans, awake! awake! cird on vour armor and move forward to victory I" Thomas -Uajors. In nominating Hon. Thomas ila- ijjors tor the unexpired term in the Forty-fifth Congress, the Republican ; . ... t i-"'B wueuua "B "" "ll" , view to the best interests of the State ( With the exception of Judge Crounse, no candidate before the convention could have tilted that position with greater efficiency than Mr. Majors, ' whose efiorts to seeure admission as contingent Congressman have very naturally brought him into contact i i I wnu an tne leading niemoers o tne present House, ana anoraeu mm ex- cellent opportunities to acquaint him- self with the intricate workings of the national legislature. Beingo.teof the ii.i.,. :.i.....- :m .t.-Si. Al- ro.t uiuest .eiucut m .uc -.c, ... ji- ( He has resided in Nebraska twenty ate before the war. At the outbreak of the rebellion he took an active part with which he participated in many: wnicn oosiiion ne neiu several vears. , IS75 he was elected Contingent t , uougtessu.au. nei. ery sanguiue that his representation for Nebraska will be --r - --- - j successful, and there is no doubt that his election to fill the vacancy caused i by the death of Mr. elch will con-? Iron nails thrown into the drinkicz expenses of the war, to provide a safei BeQca -eeona r t- irnrfin tii ;tit- and abundant paper circulation for Ju5e n le -1"6' water will made a good tonic for the fowls. . -. VOL. 2b. IS'O. 18. f JEon. Albinos 2iance. The next Governor of Xebraska ! 1 ,i .,., t.-ls.- . UJ an OUUS me lUCKieSS ana moat ; auc- cesafal politician in this State if not i in the entire Northwest. He will - tenter the gubernatorial chairat the, t ag e Of thirtv-nnf th( rnnnoKt fnr - j j "a - ' ernor in the Union. And with the jesceprion of General Banks, who was - elected Governor of Massachusetts at a I th'a. ...... ,r arr . - r .. , auu uexuuroprague.jsoa, i.. JLeaaasd, W. W. WHson , wno was Governor of .Rhode Island, . man that has ever become chief elec utive of a State ac such anase. Oma- Z 7-.- na xtee. The Peoria Tramcripi has this to say of two of its former citizens : .Nebraska seems to be a most excel lent place for the development of ' ynnS" America. A few years ago a i i - - -. i..-au,.us.u..c) gac i niftTon nf UTfltronaa tKta C. -. A. his son 160 acres of land out in Ne- h.t o 1 Ul . .4 -.' M4UCOU IAU tUlU UlUi tU 4o oat and growupwiththecountry."Theyoung -p,, w t- , r -. , . . , . J L& Uobt. W.Furaas called the mee-ttag man obeyed, and a few davs as he , j fa m T ..... T, "... ..t order, on whose norataatien Dr. was nominated by the Republicans off r. T ft. . "IW1 JJ1" .t. j ., - i vicorge JU. Jdiiler was eleeced temnor- that voumr and thrivintr common- w. . OTO,-C" tcmyvn wealth for Governor. When elected i " " .t ... ..ucu. i,.TO ' M he xriH t Albinos 3S"anee will be an honor both to the State which elects him and the State which gave m birth. During the early days of the rebell ion two young men named Valentine, i worked in the composing room of the Transcript office. The elder of the wj. j-" juuu5c'i .auima-ij ' ixHOV " Jim, went into me l l.TT-I I . t. .. i .. .. ..ii.i . .....a -.-. .., i. --j --- "w the war was overs 'settled in Nebraska, studied law, was . T j j- . u.ull s-, cbjb.ii.. ceivea me nomination ior congress. course, u. io i u i..puucau auu , .if .-,. r... -r ., aH eweuoa i su.e. . e eonnuenuy i look forward to the time when the old ' "me -irascripc compositor, -b.im" f Valentine, wil hold a seat in the I -fc j - c-, . - t - - ' WBO wm ao DODOr lo acy position as- ' &gaea mm. j Thdispatch announced in Kraose I Hail, where an entertalment was be- liialK v. hsrc an pnlprts mpnt was !.- i I i.j l. !. itu,. kua: t -icuiiuc uau uccu - r ,rL i tiJiii liiirri-i-. i-nLL-Tii ii iuiui. jicii ;anoeQCe the sood newsl0 Va.on'he who -as ' and Mr, a'-me. who . oritnl-tifTis Tl.pTi.dwi nrVI ri l gratUlatlons. ine JUOse, or ai., as i We here " him haS a reCOrd OD the t -1 . . -I . oenca .atiuu wo au oiuer ut.tr Kit, and which for eq- uk-v- ia'zice and hnty is seldom J equmittu. irese cutn n.syci.cu7t- 5 Hon. Albinns Nance, the Repabii-i ' can nominee for Governor, has a; I .vlnr4l .ra--1 S n W - ?-tT-k t m AaM , .,j .,.., t.-t..i i .(.,;,( , , ,, a J f . Ti ,ui: uw "ur aiirfjj Aeiraof.tsus f t of every other political 1 laitn. ite is wen up m partia- mentary usage, and his execu- tive ability was well proven durin tbe last session of the legislature. We bespeak for him a most hearty support. West Point Hepublican. The Republicans of Nebraska are j as sonnd as a diamond of the first wa- lict. .til. .iieti. ctaic uiu.;utnu Irr 1- .- i . .1 T I utucoiu ou me oru iu.w. tuey reaoiv-. ed, among other right sentiments, j that 'the faith and the nation shall I be sacred, and its contracts be redeem-f rvt4 -ntlf m a-kl tntf-nw n f) WiM mm I ?" "" .Ct., u. fcUC - tion s honor he heic as inviolate as the nation's life;" and, furthermore that the greenback shall not be dis- honored or depreciated, not be made as gd as honest coin." That's the doctrine of sense and honesty. Remarking that party line are not very closely drawn in Nebraska Jost now, the Jackson Herald says that "a Repablloan can be an Administration j Reuublican. a Mv Policv ReouWicaa . . -V .. I ' a mcwu' neuuBiiran, anu ibb ' ter class seem to be about as popular as any other kind." In the Hoose of Representatives, june h, 1S7of wbile the Funding ; rjii wa Kpfn nrfl tn ita nnmf. ' fiOQ. b. F. Butler, of Massachusetts, '. , r -T- ) movd a - -- . . . ' President Ex-Gov. Rokt. W. Ftec to amend eotipa 4 by addsns i . - "" a, ...-j,!. r ... a, ,"' as. Nemaha Coentv. rds, "And the United spates i " . T .. - tne - t aj30 solemnly pledtres iL faith to- make nrovwion. at the earliest nrw-.f tjcable period, tor th redemption of ;United SuUe3 uote3 ia TOin.. whih amendment was disagreed t. Butler voted ia the af- twentv-focr hours after arrow ing a sow should be fed an soft food or t slops, which should be given ia a Directors Gov. Silas Garbeer, Ha. warm though not, state. A mash of f J- Sterling Morton, Prof. C. D. WW hran or meal answers very well. f 9or r & C- Monoli, and Hon. Lo r r- . rezo Croonae. The Bbhep of Calcutta recently called on the Maharajah of Jeypore. who kindly called in a troop oft t.-.-- .-, -.....i -,.,...-.. si - av eflnDp(.f.(T Ar?.- rritn ti, - J ...-,, -.w.- ...... .w , .TJnited States .and refused to admit! I thp ntm t rxnt nrrraon MT-nn Ktt K ,.,.-. . cesesor3 cese. It j is tbe experience of a i?irrns nr. . K- -- pne tor, that one stock of clown jokes will oat last seven set3 of vas covering. Mary bad a little lamp. Twas filled wilh -.erosenet SfcebiawrishCdaws. tie ctlcii-si Aad -yarshed free Aer scee. 0KMr aparejl.rls8iaist iaaerOesn? S" Jtls trarrrtentadyertfamitN- ... farln-iraac. . --. wc na i OFFICIAL PAPER', OPTHECeiTI 1 3Tehraslia State Historical Sccletj. is Tjvmrv n: cl, .. ,- I " i -" -row- Pursaant to a call hfcieteftxre pohtish- ed, the folfowing named gentlemen convened at eh rrma!.,-i xr... convened at the Commercial He-tai, Uncoln, Xeb. - . Tf r...-. t -ri- . . - t .. -.tw.jjc jo. tinier, nris. iart- man and J. T. All-.., nr,,. -,-, I tv: Gov. SiU, f?rJr-oT-rf xr . t- ley, Webster eoenty- S. R. oiimn- I . . r - - .on. and 5m-i s Muv- t I -.. K&ncj , inacuier COBB' I sy ; itev. j. J4. Tajrgart and J. EL Crouton , Otoe eoeuty ; C. H. Walker, Franklin county; Hob. E. Crounse and E. X. Grennell, Washington county; Prof, a D. Wilbur, Saline county ; J. Q Goss, Sarpv coontv; U. LH. Wheeler and Wnu Gmore, Ciiss county ; u. T. i5. WHHams, Seward county; E.B. FiSeW, Baflitlo cona ty; Bev.L. B. W.Shrvwsk and Z. Sh.c-rf r:, ,, . ttt .. tv-JZ . J L . t. .-.-.,,. i-TOl. It.ITO HH T'Tmiha m-.t. ary chairman. K. W. Furnas was , kd ---. r t xr j Wheeler Dr. Miller, on takiag.be shair de livered a short, appropriate and press ing address on the importance of forming a historical society, and regretting that it had not bees dose before. On motion of S. B. Thompson tha j cbajr appoialsd tbe I WIB Btlfr , men committee oa orSiJiia&tift& . g. Thomninn T Q. Goss, D. H. Wheeler, J. il. Taggart, and Iioreazo Ciounae. ' m.. .m.rk j ., , -"e committee in due time made the foHo wing report which was adopt- . A . l - Your cemmkise to whloh wa3 re ferred the matter of organization, re port favorably and recommend tha name of tbe organ teat ten be ".Ne braska State Historical Society. That the officers be one president, two viee-presidents, treasurer aad secretary. Also a board of five di- ! reoril- emberhip to be eleetive, " luc Pyeat ot a lee ano. anna- " asjeameai 10 oe airreea oeen nere - .1 .. . . - after. Also that eommiltees bean- 1 pointed on permanent officers and constitution and br-laws. wUi recommenda. . tions to the report, the chair appoint ed the following eommiueee: On permanent officers: T. P. Ken nard, SMas Garber, E. N. Grennell, 0. T. JB. Williams and C. D WHbur. eenstkution and by-laws, D. H. ht.t-l.T- T T A lli T. "D TTT . .. Uww.., - J.. i.-J, J. JJ. II. ??hrvtwir T f-T nrnTlan oJ Camj-1 A,u-. . w.-r-.-m, UU k,M-.UV. 0n motion, the meetiae then ad- .- .. .. fc w ..-.. . . . -. u...-, uoauiuaiij Wr v ?,-,... f..-.. jsectetarv. I-xxcoi-, Neb.. Sept. !8th, ISSS. Pursuant to adjournment the meeting convened with the following addi tional named gentleman : H. T. Clark, Sarpy coanty; J. H. Brown, A. Humparey, J. H. Ames, John Cad man, and A. G. Hastings of ILan- caster coantj; J.A. ifaellorphy, Gtis3 county; Hiram Craig, Washtegten 'IcountV - J J. BuddJ Douglas coanty ; T-- p j Henier3h0t Thaver eoaatv - A FuIUHlf pachardon countv; Ther- on Dujge eocaxy D"r. Miller, ehairman', being absent. . Gov. Silas Garber was called to the ehair. The committee on coast!tloa aad by-laws, through Prof. ABbey, pre sented a constitution and b?-law3 whieh, after beig rad ra Jfell, wees adopted. The Constitution aad Bv-L&W3 are somewhat feosthr. and wltt. Soon as possible, be peMfcsfced ia pamphlet form ad be eireetete. -p membership fee was 3xd Jor tfce -.-.eao. .. 5s x..... Hi-t -. a .-.. . . u.. . .. .. . ... . I . 1. .I.'- . i - PT. bwh n rar adrirM) rlw fr.aM-. W y. Wilson. Liacok..! Mr. Eeaaard, toom Ae eommil4ee on permanent oSieers. resorted as M lows, which report was adopted aad the officers deeiared defv e-t.e.et. z omcKus. First Vice-President Dr. eo. r. Fittar TVmcpI. -m-.- ' - ::ew,d ee-Pre.ldeit Jago K. s D"J. Kiebardson ooeny. j lrcBsoter .v. w. rrieoB, Jbeaoes- j ter eounty. secretary rroi. anteei Aaghey, Leacaster coeaty. Correspoadiog Seeretarv D. H. Wheeler, Cass eoeaty The eommttwe recommend that tbe President and Seocetarv be r-of- fieio members of the Board of Dfceot- gate. Sf.ii ej.t. SLLA? GAKBKR, 'RoSrr - w- Fckxas, Cfeate-aani -Secretary. Baltimore is shoek at the traseem&v j baste of a man who was aba par bride- mwim int s n.--...:. .nm tun 4nnt. , v .-- . - w w-w wwj sa-ns tBVC C-CT-lSl-l of his first wife. He arsned that ba ean-fconid not aflbrd io lose mnoh Hv , j he was seventy-three years ohL . --.M-.W M-. - aw. . I"! a t-KaMo -X4 -. , " I Hi tie) Ie tb$ Kt-bath, wrilf ree-edw Ipei5pratia of the feat. n.w 'H3-fet-. . "rnrwi, .