jSSfcfflWaa f" THE ADTEBTISE rV AJ3YEE.TISER. 1 - "wvF-AiaBstrntaa. t c. kacxxs. - e.'W.rAisi FAIRBSOTOEB & HACKp23 FwhUstaer-aatsd Proprietors. LFAIXBROTXrEX. it HA.C3LEK. V . FtiJbUaliera?.b-ProprIeAaxs.- Published Every Thursday Horningi OEedBoii.sse 7ear AT BBOOVHiE. rrKffa.VSKA. Back secaaedtsuaca. pes yesr a tack, per rsarMte . X f ft TER1IS, I ADVANCE: n iM eapr . cae year Bask ttfeaal iacbsisatc i . A 08 1 LCBinBesr onsart9cJwwSixt ta 1 fc 111 III !! I III 1 SJT OBaarw aatloa.tI.3A Orre eoay. six sobZIm.. A rB .aH-w SS-Aa traaateatadgiertfacmgatagscat. be naf .il-3!3rs.r-seatremUiLoSicesMtrfpsMfcr-. - maatin- 30 J far is. advaace ZSTA3L2SHZD 1E56. Oldest Paper in the State ERCWKTILLB; KE&RASRA-, THBBSDAT, OCTOBER 10. 1S78. YOL. 23. NO. Iff. SEADIXGXAlTEttOXirrcRYPAGE ! 0mCIALPAPEJl',0F TKECerSTT. IS . "-" "" IK ' I I ' Fl " : -sy n - " a . i I 1 3f "" J ift. V X . '9 , - wJ A te at " -"fc j V ' JT"" ; ; . . .. r i w tt iUTHOSIZED BY THE C. S. G0TEK5HE5T. Firs! National OF SIt Va'ul-up Capital, $50,000 Authorized " 500.000 fc PUKPAKEDTO TASACT A General'Baalking; Business, 00IS & OUEEENCI D-EAFTb- twt an Um? yruteiaa! cities Ue United States and Europe MONEY LOAXEP r. umA .el rKmtmB4t mmm .wtfl! 'hfott n. alrs la OVERXKST BOXlte. STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS UtKiaitNt Wm.T.I. - 3- Be. - A Wi FiaitHtc. .JOHN I- CA.RS03T, A. It TiAVr5 Ca.Mi-r. President I.CJIcXAl9KTOX.At.Ca.ber. rSA53"Z 2CEU30:H., iSfAftnu .E,Di anjCMiTwCHnp nnuunWyLnnun.:,)l5j,,w, OXE OOR WEST OF COURT HOUSE. WAGON MAKING, Repairing, Ptw al aS TS-irfc tione in tie tn-st ouiaTftjitMXhrt stice i wtv Mm ac&II. -a.tiAlbcU cnnran- 4-lr. y li: Meat Marke Li. 30DT& BBO. JiUTCifBJiS. .BnOlVAVILLE, S"EBn,45II,t. Good. Sweot, Tresli Meat' Atnrs wwnit, and attL fact lot; Ud4Ut all eweioniers. :ar- SPZCIA1, NOTICTES. PliSflSI Retail rnoSIOOOoIySti75. Pr 'or Orion price S-iOHiij S.1. Papr fn?e. Ihinirl F. iieattr, xufainston, . J. 27 Fancy Cards wtta aiaeje&Plajn or Gold. I-i Dst5iwsfsnQtfitICc U.v.l&?'a. Hutisoti.N Y ZUootnUfc. TarnerCard Co , JsbaaA. ILaRi. EAR DISEASES'. Dr. C C ''bof malerVUook on Deafne" and Sixv f the Ear aadtheir proper treatmeni ' "ni-ja. ' - fnrnmffEar Homo Kt anmnivate rri f frma r the nr pleasantness crUiisdiseaeandawx 'tiij hiirai ai)dpT3ianntrn'. Abd'tr-err lamUx-dUHj'.dhave S-n"rnr' c: .Adi-esaiDr V BHoaMAKEKA-rra-SarRt!on)Eead2ij,ra. X3v. IlilBMffl! ParHinN PnrcatiTe Pills la.lc Niv- tticfc Ekd and irti . coeip;t?i 'Jiaas te blood 'n th- , estlresjrslem ta three xnont&s. Anr person "ecbo will take I plli. ead. Kit from 1 1 - LI wefcs may rx restored tc oand liealtk. if uch a thlar bo pw BMe sent by ni. for s ietter stamps. 1. S. . JOUO.N A- CO Bangor. ile. Hwl SWEET IAYY iwii JLw3rl4 JLjAt 5 rr-rr at aanA. Err 3. -en for tr . to l a. -i.koi Jt Ca At;r-, I-lraccrg."a- " ' y J.i ii. !. .wi iy lsrt X.. .Cm m aGE.TS AVASTED i For DR. 5LA.RCTTS NEW BOOR!! FROM Inlbisnev -rolnmeUie nooGlaraa'icrsfXTGirr fexxxp rs" the Bibze portrays wui vivid nd t tanitimr forre and eicqance tie events of Sacred I Trati and adds freaa, testimony to ti beaaty puth- ' onJndsabllmityof tinstones of tlwRble. Virecta will a cd tils Book wlta ia rpartl' ns tlxiuirji'ajrlcw InsstyU. oeaaufa. Earavinss, and rich ttndiTr lie bet in ?he marSet Tnrms Kfirre'. nrri.ir3 Trrr. -Artdr-ss J. C. JIcCTRDY Oc CO, Chl casa, IIL ISw PARIS, 1878 AT EVERT". IStSS1' m EXPOSITION SanUalBTS FOR 1 2 YEARS "AHI-T lot) Hare been a-ararded the Mason Sz, HftTnl-Sn Sfe OAJ5 X2S JE 'JL? O JL G-rs Atthe Porl"lExooIlfnirthi v,aj-thiviTiaisra.rrt- iuwijjjitjiu! taitetreeocipense th dlspoiialjttrv Tiey-iave alsc recelv tie SSrvJ50 :MpAL of SWETES i JIOR- wax. Et o other American Orann have ertfc,medhijfheawardatAXV-orld Bxaooitian. S'ofil for cash or payments hy In- Ktaamenw. Xi&i CATALOorSLlrith nrSt tries. clce. eeu frwi. ilASOS i EJJIU5 ' OfeGAIT CO BOSTON. XKV TORE, or C3I- CAGO. Mw4 i BETHIHT COLLEGE TOPEKA EANSAS. (Hri and Yonnc lidn-r LxciniTe1 TfSer care or Protestant EStcopal c&arcn. Pr ta. Frwrr ettit ta tea taciers In the Suafty. Air Hrnaclitu taarfiz. rtiti 3fnslcvBra-rtBg. Freaeli. - ?,r,tf: ad Drairfcctne oalr Extra.. JarBe&rdlnpapus frora tSS ta 3S pr sc&aat Treeateste praae BISHOP ViH), PrwQf Bank: HPT T I HT T1 luiuiAJJiilj R?FP akBTste! t a r. Irifi ELBlfliiM.,' WaSBBaaBBaaaBBBaaBBBBaflBSBBBBaaaaaaBan1 KaJILAME BACK.; iuCJ BsTrvjifs CUrcixs: Pokcs PiastxsI m lsfbrla-aenesorweataessorth back? If I K&encsadasiacdal. local aciespa.n?J tie best reaedy known. ItwastnTentedtoorer-a come tie slew action o" tie ord air Pcrouss piaaterv ItreJev-spainatonceuMlcorswijereJ ntlier plasters wi.1 not even rel!re. Sold every-S wbere )? Drngglflav Price. ce-i?. IfiWx S U An K dawn i ESTABI.ISH2D IN ISoG. OLDEST SEAL ESTATE .A-GKEHSrCTT' 7J7JX NEBRASKA. William S. Hooker Does a general Real BstateBesiaet;. Sell Lamfcs or Cowwfcw. esanalnes Titles makes Deeds, Mortis?, and all Instra meftts artetaios lo toe transfer f Real Rs taie. Has a. Oossplete Abstract of Titles to ail RU Bsa In eafe Comity. J. H. BA.UETJ, Maira&etarer m beater m "" 3 li n SlsxLkcts. Brnsaes, Plj" Nets, &c. S Rpar.us d4,ne n - i-i- notio Ti ce.e rated VacnTHE ji" BacK ns iur presen:it.e luir mesa. Biots, fcaei. ore alwars on band. 64 UJain St.. Baowiivjlle. !cIj. THE AJDTXB.TISZH 1 i DEPARTlIEyT. A ft'ip ."ortiLen: o.' T'i. Br- ar. R-'les. toelc. Ac. for print;ng, CARDS. Colored aa4 BcsBzed Lafcek, STATE1CESTS. LETTEIl Jt UILL HEADS "EHTELOFES, rtretthirs. Dodgera. ProefcBiaie. Show Cards. BL15K W8K F ALL KISBS. With neatness acdihspatJCfl CKEAr OK I5FSK108 1VEK yOTOT ! TTZD. j Carwa Block. ehov:;tille, seb. ALBERT ffi. SMITH, BBEM! . T c no a rge i. 3 E BrownYiile, Neb. j Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-1 dressing &c. In the Latest Stvles, HAVE 1TOTJ SSSS" Havtag paretuteti the ILEPHaNT' UYEBTUDFE I wish toannonnw tlutt I aro preparer U do a first cla&s lirerj-basinets. Josh IZorers. ik, i n s . 5-3 y ? 5 TJndertaki A ! o.eepa af jllline nt BDBIALUSES&USRCTS! rw,. .i t.i . Ornamented and Plain. ATsoSTirmid for men. ladles and infants. ', All orders Ie' witfc. S wnMn -nrlll ua.v. ' prompt attenMo a fclilaaa " .eceive SJnJtiil tzL rr T . f 43 Bodies Preferred and Embalmed. i jft llaill Street. BTwfiWVTTT T V VT"TI ' -141" o ireei, SlwU A I XlJJi!,. A tU. JACOB ifAROHX, i MERCHANT TAILOR, . za! dealer m Fiaerjisltsa,Fi-2ca. Scotclt and Faaer Cltbrr Testinss. Re, Etc. ITrcvnxviire, Xcbi-aska. DDlf-ill;:;: 1 ! It 1 i si i PA s H hi it S S a la i ED STABLE. : CATARRH Catarrh of ike Nasal Cavities, Acute, Chronic, and Ulcerative, Hay Fever, or Rose Catarrh, Catarrh of the Eye and Ear, and Catarrh of the Throat, STXGSSFULLT TEEUED TrHH SAHFOBD'S RSDIGAL DURE. '"TATAEEH.13 a disease ofaeaceocsTTienbraae. j Tepcraiaeat3 and consniuaona Tarrtta seTer- lTj in. tzdtTiizil cases. CatarrJir7' arise frona cold cr a smrywlca of caLia, fixm sodden ciiasss cf atrrcsphere, ireailsg wet elotiUng-. or exposure erctiloca ecriirion of tie blood, fresi Scarle: rni? tt Vi-wTm ati IKnIitlni?Ij-ta trhlgli eases t!ie &3?fS!?T& H8&& rose, tie disttscare feature la aQ casirriial cases fron -ffiateTer case tiej-arise, nay be ttfii aid wajerr.aad so agdJ ito cajse redness ad exec riaaca o tie aSis -wUh -nralci tier ccoe fcicos- tact, or tilci and yellowlsi. eriltnTig & fasl odor. cr clear ana wmtellice tie -sriito or aaegs. Tiers Ea7 be as estlre Iaci ofiecreticn. tie surfaces be tag dry; aadfcrrrttft, tie tace.froatasdTipper part or tie aeadieellsg' ciccrafbrtable. and as If it iraa esdrded bra ttat.c27leldla? baad. Tila latter piaae la railed Dry Catarri. Tie free mattery dis ciarses casae tie passages to srcell and become; tilcsened. r-Tid-rtasf breatic? tirougi tie nose rtfTlraTt cr tnycsJile. aid tie saf erer tmda tt aecesar to breatie tiroazitiemoati.tierebT perr;.ttfag cold atrta pass djectly to tie brcaciial tabes azd lcis. Tie matter possfciff dotvn tie tiroat creates a constant desire to ha'si and ex- Eectorate to tirorr It ci; tct iriea tie ceisiraia i dry aid fererisn, instead oipassiisfieelT'dowa Ires tie ics aid tiroat. tie mscss becomes nard aid forms fcito ecais, iacrsstatioss, n bard iTTTpa. Taia auacre so zrmirio lie nasal passases aid tiroat as to rMjnire TerypcraiEteit ef arts te dlslodre tiem. Tie eye fci srmpatiy becomes m- flamed, red, ?ai, nrid Tratery, or fct tie momlajr tie lids maT te Srcrsd sized tocetier. and matter Is secretedlamore or less cnasrttv. Ti! ear alsa becomes serlctsly nSicted. dlsciarztajj Qnaitttles cTmatar. besides beimrTistted by tie moat -rtoleit searalxlc pams. ernling- frecsently Is maamma- trcsciial tbeaaadtaiffsaraiarzaaT cases aTect- voa system i3sm?etidded,sucis2ectlci3tccca a trEr'ssTTcr of tils most serKros disease vars ' au-xiosreazLxtedwltilttomasespeedyprepara- tlon lor KTtreatmcnt befiare Itbecnmea chronic ' The adm-Tn-rcs offered by SisjomN Hjth-t. cremSgSts.afaSeJ? e.i?"t?c!10J???A"aAccremedT. . .- . " imiated to meet BTery a, r ptase of tie disease. Tie immercss testtmosiaSs from tie best Tlted States attest tie esteem la -wirdHltls held reni zae cesz T5"toi tn B7 taosa Trio hare Bees ireedlroritie mest de strictive aid disserocs dlaease "sltJfKilii. maa iSzdla to-dsyaSictod. eTTJST pib: r?- A carefcUr revised Treatise oaCaiarra.-t2i an accurate description or symptoms aad sympathetic diseases, to getierTrttimiintedirectioES for esect- permaaeatcsrs- Also obeervatlczsoa diet and the - -. - ... .. -ww. .. cin..j .ml ( general iealti. cf vast Importance to allamicted jrtti catarri. It Is Tfrcrmed asoct eaci bottle of tie P-'riT. c mi, ortyiU be mailed free oa rs- cemt or stamp. Each package of EAsroms's Eauicas C733 con talas Dr.Saruord3 Improved IaiaLmr Tube, -nriti fall direcaorisfbrnsela. all cases. Prxe.5 Soid by all "Wholesale aad r-tail dramnsts turonsi out tie Catted States aad Caaada. WESKSi POTTEB. General Ageats aad Wiolesa Drag-. gt3t3, Bostoa. M sa. Cures Pains and Aches. Is eijaalires the CrcalaCcc li SCDCiaS- I I ... ry .02. It cares Eaptcrea aau Scaais. It removes Paia aad Soreness. It cares Sudaey Ccpiaint. It stresgeas tae itdscles. Is csrea LRhcnniatiKrr sad Searairia. It relaaesstifieBed Certs. - It cores Xcrro'tj She da. Is is IsTataaale 1 Paralvsis. It cares laaammation of tie Ltver. It removes Servocs Paiss. Is cares Spaal Weateicss. Is is GrateCil aad Scotiias. It cares EpBepey crPla." It Js Safe. BeHahleand Ecoccmical It fa prpscrfljed bv Ftivsiciaas. It ij mdocsiid by Sectrfeiaaa. PBICS 25 CENTS. BecarefaltoebtanircaaErarV(7LTjrcFzAsr32. combtnaticn of Eiectr! or V ;Itac Plates wlth S1! Mfr'z'id Piait - ' M s0- m tie above eat. Sold by ajT Wicfesale ad EeJ rragxWa throcrtl ?IiI15f!giStates a.-Uj. aaa.laj.and by YVKKKa 53 S S r" 7 32 1 ti iLu-'-l J-'.-'-.-. '-.. -.3 ForTEN YEARS TlTi'S mttJS have been trie recognised standard f ajnily medicine .n all tiie Atlantic States From Stunc to Hexico, scarcely a f&rrriljT can be found that does not use them. It is now pro posed to mske theirv Irtnea known m the TTESX. -with the certainty that as soon as tested they -will be come as popular there as they are at the rTortla s.tid South. f 'laTTTfra pass yd y I l y s iLLf S S&lall DO THEY CURE EVERYTHING? NO. They are intended for dis eases that resultfrcrrf malari al Poison and a Deranged Liver. DR. TTTT has rvotcd twenty-five years to the tady of the liver and the result has demonstrated that it exerts greater influence over the system than any other arcaa of the body ; Digestion aad Asimnatioc of the fooit oc which, depends the vitality of the body, is car ried oc through it; the rrgnlar action of the bowels depends oa it, aad when these function arcderaaaed. the Heart, the Brain, the Kidneys, the Skin, in fact the entire ornntsai is affected. SYmPTOSS OF ft DISORDERED LIVER, Appetite; Ccazed-TrTie; Coative Bowels; Ffrtr-bsartacfra; Srjw-'; "WeghS ia the StcsachaSer eafcs, with lcd Selehi tip of Wir;TJcw Spinet Ixaa -cv. t. -rr-Tr- t mKv. rgy ; TJnscrw.hiTTty ; andfarebc" r of2viL IF THESE WARNINGS ARE NEGLECTED, SOON FOLLOWS DYSPEPSIA, BK.10US FEVER, CHILLS, JAUN DICE, COLIC, NERVOUSNESS, PALFITATI0N OFTKEHEAHT,.NEURALeiA,K'DNEY DISEASE, CHRONIC DIAF.RHCA, AND A 6ENEHAL BREAKING DOWN 0FTKE SYSTEM. SEED "TTTK jrLRXXXG.' - -' fg V3& S51S I lUi I b IrL.LjQa, a a a a' s aJKBiaaawa - The first dose proances an ef- feet irhich often astonishes the sutferer. rivimr a cheerfoiness of raintLaiidhonyancyoi body, to"wliich.iie v,iisbeioreastrang er. They create an Appetite, Good IMgestion, and SOLID FLESH AND HARD MUSCLE. A LOL'ISANA PLANTER SAYS : "3Irp?rrr!fr!t;fialahiamalr:nl digtrict. Fcr eeverai years I could not naie half a crop ca 1 account of sickaese. leapkiyoaehaailralad fttr ", pftPTi hlf nf tNm -nrprff sifV I-X33 neiriv dssccarased Triea I begaa tie ase cf '3iLTS FILLS. 1 ed tfiesi aa a re rfrtitm as vreH &s a care. The ressit -wtb agrveScag;aiTbtorerabef?i,7v, hearty, robast, asdhappv. aad L have had 20 further troo&la. "With these KHs I wtid act fear to Eve ia tie E. myAL. Batoc- Sxka, La, "3EST PILL !i EXISTECE." " I have ae! vonr Pttrsior Dyspepsia. Weak gtnmarh and "eroasats.aaii ca say I aevsr aad3By-&je'tedt ma so taach gcod ta tie wray oc edTCTTW TheT-arsaaocda-jyoarep- "f .)" ri ryiin a rru ffi iniHesKteaee.aBdsJoalllcaa to acqdiat others with taerrggodareritsJ' J. . xIBaETTS, Dacota, Jtas. JS0LD EY ALL DRUGGISTS, 25 CEKTS. Q JOmce, 35 Murray St., New York. Book-keepers, Eeporters, SdicoiTeaciiers, AtGr6at3Ierctmtile'Ccaie?e, Keokn at-Hs2nt JbinlerrsbA riajec. aapoji-t-r fn: wvmr, 12. t tn tr?aTn"'?t -nn4h -! hA-nT-tT'T thnmnrirr r .ii.un l... ?M r....i.r nlAn i SwiK&to5g5Scai ine aciIOH utlI- e-e" iIU ". t- t-.-'ju in.iiHn.1 - v,j ..,... --.. j..t . , - ,. u.j .: ?.,!' ew" ia3q n g 3x ft, J j S 3 M4 V0LTA1G Pi 4STFR s 1 iif" Jy- y SB ULMH'.l-mW III! r j- Operators, ( J27A27&&?. rr s jr w s jr jar r ts jy P iliM? 5 1 eaf Sr'sfl. nr WI) w-u The Baa Man. of Eodie. Washoe Pete was generally consid ered a 'bluffer' by the critics of Bodie, and his wild exaggerations were the sobjeat of merriment only in that hi"hekl town.' He was allowed to swagger and boast to his heart's con tent; and even when he drew his 'nobbv whistler' and shot the lights doubtful compliment that it was 'pur- J fair shootin', aad nigh as stiddy riirv a Trih Tom bowed when he " popped away at that 'bad man' from ' J Dead wood.' Oae day last summer Pete walked into Stribride't saloon with tbe re mark that he had 'heerd the Last Chance was goiii' to be sold, and they've1 seitinp an expert to look in to it.' The expert, paie, F-mall man, dres-ed in dusty jcrayjwaa staadinr at tee bar, and looked araesd as tbe tall. sronM-be ruSian uttered these words r 4Thet so Pete.' said one of tbe men present, 'and thet's the expert,' pointing t the SZnaH man iou are an expert, en I eh !' shouted Pete, eyeing the man menacingly .-c..r. . r t., rii-it xuis ic wuc i tucw cc. Then j : ,. ri. i .. , "r ""!" JLI k.. 7,? rZ mii i r - Tirvai-' r i iiij.ii m.t a. a avnj j. " ---- ,!'. .11 .. .. -, !. ....ir I n ,-.-.- e?.,T- pra.rt u u-d p,wu i., vn'r, th. "- - - - w---B -. -w -.v siinkiest. meanest, wiist coot to pet yourself up to report on a mine I ev er laid eyes on.' 'I don't want to quarrel with you, . ... Sir.' SUSWereo tne expert. YeJ better not, young feller; ye'd better not. I'm a whirlwind uf des- pert in a fisht, and don't you for get it.' 'I'm a man ef peace ; I carry no wespoas, ami, of eirse, I could not r.ijed to stand before even a zephyr yf tlte desert, let alonea wild untamed whirl wiit d.' These deprecatory wrds only in esissed the bad rmii' still more, and, feeling that he ki a 'soft thing,' pro posed in hib own mind to 'play it for all it was wurth,' ami gain a record' by whipping lib man. "L'ok a hyer, stranger, I don't wast no insinuations. Do I look like la zephyr? Suy!' Here Waahoe Pete, .hn k tita ftaf til rho TimrtV InOA ,rv.-. - .m ...w wUww..w - .. - . .ttru- .i... a., .,. ,.!,, ... - u ni i j u iiicuu j buiivift, iAub , zephyra? I'matoriMido. I 'tear' when I turn Iooae. Zephyr sneezing. Why, I've a good raiaI to- Piease. mi-htv whirlwind, resist- t e: ess tornado, don'E hit me. Y'ou wouldn't strike a consumptive man, , would yos?' ' Wouldn't I?' yelleil the 'fighs , er' in a terrible vokse; 'wouldn't I? I'd strike the side of a mountain !' Well, I'll tell you who I am ;' and the tall iitau -lorni ever the shrinking stranger ae if about ll t --pple on him HD-i .tnnittilate him. "I'laJbiMi. I'm ehief of this yer cain-p, ami ken lick tbe man thatsez I aiut. I'm a rasing lion of the plains, aad every time I hit I kill. I've got arms like a quarz stamp, and crush when I go fur a man. 1 1 weigh a ton. and earthquakes ain't , nowhere when I drop. I 'Bet I've only ji.t been discharged from a hospital,' replied the expert. 'I'll send you back agin !' and the stalwart 'bluffer' caught the little man by threeolktr and buried him up on the fioor. It's unkiud to ue a poor, weak, 1 suffering invalid that way,' expostu lated the expert as he slowly ruse i from the fioor. 'Plnse don't joke se- roughly. Let's take a drink and call itsq lare. I'm sorry that I have of- ' fended you.' j , 'Ye thhtk I'm joking, do ye ye take me fur a josh, eh ? ' I'll show ye what I am afore I get through with ye. Ye don't play me fur no tender- , foot. I'm a native, I am, an I've stood this yer fooling lung enough.' Saymg which he dashed the stranger against tbe table and drew a long As soon a5 the expert saw this he j w t, r ..-. .1 w. C T &l U IU(. 1UIV kkiC UJUCi LHbCUU? snruizraf? il 12 fn ..2 intA tflu .A2, .vifannj .' hape, and throwing hi hands up, I crietl: 'I'm unarmed; I haven't eot! as much as a peu-knife on me. Please don't carve me. Kick me to death, if you mast have my: life, but for heav en's sake don't stick that terrible thius into me.' ! . - - ... . . , . , 2ow as Washoe Pete had no mten-, .. --...., , . t i t- , ... j raghisneek he wa-well pleased .... . , . with the opportuuitv thus afiarded . , .. , . , J, ,, Lim o. daplaying the deadly weapon, and, after asserting his bloody iuten tion returned it to its sheath. He flourished the knife three or four times over the cringing expert, and then lowered it, with the remark: 'Why der your cowardly soul, I wouldn't disgrace the weepin' by shoviu it iriloye. No, sir ; but I'll plugye,' and he drew a revolver. 'I'm unarmed I'm unarmed don't ye hear me?' wbiaed.the expert. ! 'Go an' heel yourself, then,' retort ed the bad man. I don't want to fight.' 'I'll fiakeye fight. I'll take ye at yer word, aad kick ye to death.' 'Please dou't.' Washoe Pete laid his knife and Dis- tol OB the aoailtpr ?1TH than strnHa rapidly to the stkjs where the emert ! was half crouching ' half-tandino- t By this time the saloon was full of, men, all of ffam smHing- at the plct lf ure before them, regarding it as the j Tne "ssil floras of France, ,ng-' was a put up job," sn& anally hired like feet into a number nine slipper, fin the hurry of political eootroersy ti? counter befwees the greatest brasnra- hibit ferns nearly fifty feet high, and the money was a gift. But after a j Clerk, dis vara? vedder is sbriakinsri tbe ceruse we ma ci-vif -n,' H-a A7 Si K crt J . ,, t Brh K finnU -. ,1. i.aA faal- In r?ionr,ofo. Innr fin? ?mnarfc,f wit TTr.ia "H-nnm i n-n In. e;T?nmA? IS-a .--fl T iul i, .. .. .- sca i n 'a iuc otetta, uuu a tuiaji. paie, " "- "-i" .. . - -.-.-.w., , .-.. .-. UUUo. v, j - ui anj,ji13 nB Ur. .. ,k. rvnv gear sesiMSOST tat it wbs inrwin..-f-v training ei pert, new wythesectionjand.01 H"15 f2 cireurnfejeace. a stranger to the wild ways of the bor der ruffians. 'This thing has gone on 'boat long neagh,' yelled, 'bad nfan,r stopping before the expert. 'Ye've been chin - niar me till I'm riled. Sqear yourself I'm gomf ta kick, and a Comstoak imnleain'tja patchin' as a kicker to Washoe Pete d'ye hear me? 'One instant, please, Pete. (I don't know your other name.) Yon are sure other weapons about i J" yon? They might go off accidentally ! and injure some innocent party 'That's all the weepins I've got, ef the iBfarmatifin'Il ease yer sneakin' mind; and now Fm roinr to begin . r T r . - - . nr.. .. Kiesm'. uiear ine tractr. ruewoolty boss has broken out o' the kerrell, and there'll be a corroner's inqnest in jest about seven minutes. He raised his ponderous boot, but it did not swing. The little raan straightened up like j the name "BHehlll FieW' tbe name an uuheut bow, aad his left hand shot! still given to the cemetery. The direct from his shoulder like the pist-1 English Dissenters, excluded from on of a lcomr,tie, striking Washoe the gravej-ards of the "Chorch of Pete between the eyes and sending 'England," adopted Benhilf Fields as that wortiry sprawling on the sawdust I their burial place. For near three that covered the floor. f hundred years it was used as a ceme- I'm the cyclone of the West,' he , tery, and now 124,000 sleep in thctsa shouted, as he bouaded to the pros-! cred oii awaiting the tramp of the trate form of the 'wwolv hoss' and raised tbe braggart into a sitting pos ture. The latter was dazed by the 'terrible Uow he had received, anddid . tfcr. nn UU trnnri! when ' " w.s. L...U.. " p .. .- c ' the expert drew back to strike again. Then the blows fell like thunderbolts upon the head and faee of the 'Whirl wind, inducing that individual te raise once more and attempt a defence. He made an effort to reach bis-weap-j os, bsc the active expert flunked him ami planted-twit terrible blows on hk ears and neck. Then the 'bad mail' howled . Let me up I I was only fooiin' can't ye take a joke, dern ye?' Ye think I'm jokin.' do ye? Ye take me for a jssh. eh? I'll show you what I am before I get through with ye. Ye don't play me for no tender foot. I'm a native, I am; an' I've zlOi this yer footm' long enough.' Thfe apt reproduction of the native's peech a few moments previous, and its almost perfect similitude as regards tae was two meh for the -oo(ina- i tured crowd, ad a roar of laughter d greeted It that might have been heard beyond Bodie's bleu". .-. . , ,---.- Se in, oern ye, i give in : v&ni ve lase a man a woru wnea lie squeafc?' shouted the 'tornado,' swinsig his arms wittily, and stag- .5s5 " ha m! as. s n aw it In J t B Itc a w n.1 t. fRvj I dodge tbe lishtniogstroke of tbe ath letic expert. 'I'm a howling hurricane ef wrath,' shouted the expayt. sending forth both nt with a terrffie effect.' 'Let up, won't you ? I ain't a sand teg.' 'Not much ; you're only a 'ragin' lion o the pluin,' ' ami a swift left- Ibaiwier tit upon th bully's nose. 1 give in, hoars-ely ejucukited the expert's victim. 'Come on with your quartz stamps, old wlly hos.' When you hit you kill, and vmi weigh a toa. Fetch in a couple ofy our earthquakes. Why dont you chew my mane? You're a chief, are you? AH right, ehief, there's a neat ue for you, aad there's a couple more.' With these wrtJe tbe expert 'coun tered ti the bad mail's' oheek, and then stretched him panting on the floor with a 'stinger straight from the vhoulde:. intlietined Tuoon the lower! portion of the chest. The expeit cooly called all hands to the bar to drink, and as the 'bad man of Bodie' crawled away he was heard to mutter that he 'didn't lay out to fall up against batteriu' rams, no more' a he 'lowed he was game in front of a hull gymnasium.' Pateat Plonr. Almost everybody knows of the Hnur. rsi MBfenHhntnctPverv' o- I one understands what it is. Stripped l ! lechak:alities. thi perhaps about .the story oiiSs manufacture. The " ' ha.ir HftMr USUI fk na man a nt nrmfn. I . .. . . "" " . --'"''" ""-" i"" "jtv. .. , muuu cta a at uuauiu . Jh cuczu uiuu nf fhp Umn -nt into ths flour in it ! - - w .- w.H. s - manufacture that its color was intol j erably dark. The wheat would be rrrnf,r1 unl than RnltaH Tn fha ra- ,c . . .,,,- ,, fuse the bran and middlings would . . . . . . .r ... be mcluieiJ a large oroportion of the wefeht of the spring wheat, and thi -. ., llff, i would sell more particularly for feed r :forhores. Now the best flour, and , eXDMaiire. fa raade of lhls very refuse of the old-fashioned pro-! cess. It all carae out of tbe discov- ery of a way to draw out the bran. 1 Under tbe new nrocess tbe wheat is ! ground about as betore. The first re sult is an ordinary Sour sold- for ex portation. Then the remainder is taken and pet upon great horizontal sieves, and while agitation is going on there, an ingenious system of draft is rushing Hp through, carries oT the bran. Win; is left is the glatinoos portion of the wheat, the moat nutri tion and most productive, and out off tbi?,parified now by thedrawingofif of I the bran, we get our new-proces flour.' The result of tbe discovery of tbe ., 1 t 1 it. - .... ptoctta nas oeeu to mane sue pr Sorinr- whnt of Minnesota and nr- Per Wisconsin the mot valuable kind r- -j . . t oi &raiQ. and to make the fortunes of the invealors of the method. Banya&s- Grate. In the heart of London, on that jrreat tnorongnrare "Uity toaiv ana. .just across the way from Wesley's first chapel, there is a borying grtmnd of the old English nnn-conformtsts which bear? the name of Bnnhiil i Fields cemetery. A quiet stroit among its temba ravealed to Q3 some of the most sacred associations, and I f we did not wonder that Soathey calls it the "Carapo Santo of the Dhaent - ers." The ingQiar name which the old cemetery has borne for 300 years: had its origin as follows : Tn 1549 "more thail One tbOQSaQti f . . . .. .. aray loans' ' or nnman nones were re - moved from St. Paul's church: yard to wnat was men a wrtu waste ueiu m the suburbs efJLondon. These hu- man remains formed a large mound or hill in the midst ef the fieW. hence ' ' resurrection. It has not been, used as ! a place of sepulture since 1S32, but in 1560 it was opened with appropriate ceremonies as a peblie walk AmoBi the many tombs containing' eciousdust, that of John Bunyan is? precKM doubtless the most noted. There is no path so well trodden as the one that leads to his grave. It is with no ordinary interest that one stands by tbe lost restfng place of this ''Prince of Dreamers," and reads the simple isscriptien : JOH- BCYA Author of "The Pilgrim's Progress." Ob. August 31. ISSS, &. 63. A new monument was erected by public subscription under the. diree- tion of the Earl of Sbaftsbery in 1582. This monument Id-in the form of a large sarcophagus, being nine feet long and six feet high. On the top ie a full length reeumbent marble statue of Bunyaa, wrapped in a eloak, with his bead on a pillow and a book in n'5 band as if he te dreaming out his "Pilgrim's Progress." PkUodefphia Pre.!. On onesideof tne monument Chri3- - tiaa is represented as starting on j jra. Clara P. Boss delivered a iee his jour&ey. Ke is bent down be- j tore on 'Woman's Kinsdom' In Bos- neath the heavy burden and looks very sad. On the opposite side the i Pi!gcim has reached the crass, his burden has fa lieu from bis shoulders and his countenance io beaming with joy. But John Bunyan needs uo bet ter moHBQieet than his own "Pil grim's Progress, " a book tbat will lie next the Bible on the good man's ta ble while the world endures. No un inspired book bae been fanslated in-1 to so many languages. And a srand old hero was the dreamer of Bedford Jail. Imprisoned for no ofeh- er offence than the preaching of the gospel he was oSered his liberrr if he would not enter the pulpit again, but his noble soul ?porned tbe offer, and he replied : "Let me out of jail to day and I'll preach again to-morrow." As we ?azed on thc ca,m face of tbe dreamer carved in marble, how his own words thrilled our hearts: "As i waieu tnrougif me- wuuerness 01 this world I lighted on a certain T 1 it I L MJ place where there was a den, and laid in that place to sleep ; and as I slept I dreamed a dream." Blessed dream! Little did Bunyanknow how many millions it would cheer on the way to the "Celestial City.''-rroy Time. A TYan:in:r to Husbands. Husbands will do well to take warn- Ing hereafter, and not be so fast in borrowing money of their wives. Yesterday, in the Couaty Court, a jury returnea a veruiei lor Airs. Maria Knyper against her lawful bus-! v -!. -ii- W-H uuuu. uvvuxu -"'fui ,,Ui"i "Uicu uwu t . Vjiuchu aiKira, 4i to have gona it0;he geaerat family - - pj to y grocery bills and butchers' Lmilimb tuit T-hih Maria claims accounts, but which Maria claims . , j . i u , was -merely maneu- me om genue man, anu was so oe promptly repani. r rvo tanrc tn vniz riiaa aoam. rt wg in --"- - ' ..- w-w .v. w. . ,,, .1 tl..i- r, ,: , -,r.-' fc'- - i- - ----- - .. - r j had been married sefore contracting nri-ei. Lfiat. ufi.ii i.ufittfinr?) ruk jiuii , their present relations, one being a , , . . , .. .. Innp lorn wirtnw nne! ihp nlhr n snr. -' .M. -m.'"1- Mr. H. C. P.ussey, who- , usi "fiUvci i u a viu a j uivu etarv difficulties, the two azreed that 1 their respective property should re- main iataet. each enjoving the bene-!-"," ' . ..awa m fit of his and ber estate. But no,ca"le baTe been shlPPd frora tBe 5nnniir wpr,ti,pv mHrri.Hl rf ih, m-1 rsB?e sn,! that the entire shipments terest kegaa to roll ia.than Cornelius ,itfiP bv litfcle. snmppdad tn btainin nearly SSQO from Maria. He never for! - C ., mnt ,.Tnd tt,,r k- a . . W. .w.- ..-,,.. w .... . , .J. thing but an aagei ia the old lady's eyes natil he was awakened from his dream by an attorney's letter notify- fnz hjm of tbe &ct that j,s wa3 jn deoted to Mrs. Maria Kayper to the Q, r cc at r.. :i.!,.T a-r "fuapo-cible!" ex- claimed tbe old gentleman-; "it ean- ser oi oemg invueu to remain ; iiary Aead-ov, sad went into the re-notbe!"a3d-tbenhe7uShedupstair3home- Glover was fh aaaaimous j beHoat ?eaehiag tbe rafc named. to the apartment of his beloved Maria. Congressional Seberman wbo was al-1 Upon hfe receat eaiigtajent h was "What does this mean." be shouted. ' was getting his grab-books fastened notseBt rn tBe fen,. .h Kno 'handing her tbe lawyers letter. Thein sorne Denwrats traeaorav to the old lady pet on ber speetaeles, resd t the letter, pat the speotaeles in the . . . . case aatn, naauea ttie fetter DacE, nnrf romnrto? "Oh t-, 1 fmm m-z , .. . w...... .. , ... .ksm. ...b. f attorney about tbe little aecount yon i owe me." and resumed dusting the bed-jootrr. Cornelius tore around a little said j is instructed the jury, ia eecr, that : fir they believed the plaintiff foroish ed monev to the defendant oat of her! own estate.on condition that it shoo W : be repaid at some future time, aad that no part of the same had been re- paid; or, if the Jury believed the plaintffTdelivered the money in dis- pote to the defendant without any ex press agreement, and under saeb Gtr ccmstances that Jheyams-ocjrht to be retnrned r or. if th?v bplivpd nlain- I -- - - tiff cohabited with defendant as his j wife, and further foand that during sach cohabitation the plaintiff far- nished from her separate estate men- ey to the defendant npon hfe. request nnil Ihot nb mnnar hie nn haon ro. - , -..- w... . Mw , ... ww. .w 1 naid bv defendant to the nJaintiff. i then they should find for the plaintiff, Luniess tney also loand that tsg-money j was delivered to the defeadan: as a . voluntary cift. But even here thei ' ort held thaf ihhfrrfpn of thp nraAf . . ....... -. ..-, was on the defendant to show tbat;aod Sft t3ai4 bead of eattle for such money was plainly intended as a gift by the plaintiffto the defendant. The facts and tbe law being all against Cornelius there is nothing left for him but to pay it back again, aad for other husbands to take warning, lest a little bill be presented them when they hardly expect jt. Tne success j ir Milted Fillmofe. bai. the of the courageous Mrs.Knyper under j Bufialo list sufcsesibees ta tbe yei- Uwu ,r, .cU.u.aSC .a - er wives, ana before long the doeset fof tbe county court will probably be jotted with caseslwlth a wife on one side and a husband on the other, fight- ' ing like grim death for victory, The law which favors-pach proceed- , insr5 mar be very en h! table, bat deals L , - - t , - f a terrible blow at tbe 'OBe-flesh" no- jfon that has so long prevailed. In ter Ocean. Republican "Class" legislation. Eaemies of taeRepubtcan party charge it wish having devoted itself mainly "to tbe improvement of das es." This is partially true ItS first, work was to pat on their feet, and give nomesteacs ano a jfcir coanee id the world to the men whom southern arrogance-derided as "the mud-sills of soetety." The aforesaid ,mud-sills," r reciprocated tbe kindness.in due tf me, by making tbe armies of the- Union i miracles of daring and endurance. ton on Tuesday, in whicb sbe took groend against woman sBfTrag.. Ta ? ciosfagsbe ss-id: "No woman's Kfe is complete without husband and chiWren. Never was monarchy so sam- XBe ?5 e law mvoiv absolute, never a kingdom so loyal as ' ed tbe WIS -.WO sew sehool the Sock of little ones over whom ahoosesaBd ths npveneat of 2V mother reig&s.' To those womea who. blessed by love, eoasecrated by wWebood, refuse tbe crowning glory. of their life, tbe majesty of mother - hood. Sbe sadr "there ks nosunshine iyte a baby's face, no music like the patter of its little feet; its prattle (sweetens every eup of disappointment and blunts tbe edge of care. The time will come when the hair on your temples is gray ; that tbe heart be neath wbieh no child has lain will ache for thesaeredburden ; when tbe elasp of little fingers will be passion- ateiy tongeu lor; woen to Be caHes by the dear name of mother would , mafce you a radiaat queen i " t In the Japanese hell, tbe- wieked ' fall into nests of burning scorpions, where they are tantalized by glimpses thefr frfentJs n)?iaZ themselves ia a Ia,ke ofw,1 water. They are tied to roeks,aod red-hot lead poHred down tbeir throats ; are chased by hyenas tbeir throats ; are chased by hyenas f tbroezh a field of open knives and I other sharp instruments; are tortured' j by having tbeir limbs sawn off and by ' I being thrown into a revolving wheel 0f gre, gome are made to hug redhot .stove-pipes, while Satan himseif.with a amile. Is fanaing them. Otbera swjm jn sea2 Qf blood sorrouoded by anrnm? aemon. innprn ami are I .7" 77 ... ----- t-WM.W. K. .. ...r..... ... .w....- ...1..... untoi in 9 mL ran sf KdhAtcHlnhHr having their toagues pulled out. Some cflrrv Hesvv burdens of csal aad ' .i. s. :. .k . u i, frt rvrt- rP ttafa fKa ftp a. hitn nanr rtn (kU1-.. u u.t UkU & "- tiras. umana uMaatercam isxcMXJiGfr : ine 4-1 jTb i- -n, ft 1 ate J. V. luff, of Denver, bad the , , , . . his herds were numbered by the ten J 1 was in ine Union stock yards last week with the sixth shipment from i ,l.to 1. am A p,n,n W.T ilW WnM4 .f UnnT ' 7HI reach M 0Sa this aeafrQ requir- ,0 tw w '"ttepors iaem 10 mar- i -. rtil i. a it trot Thi- ;haira tn rohof arlant t-ixa. I "'s lcade oi tbe WtfSt fe growing. f " c "' W3C1" c"c' ' pn5e aBd rwxes3- To newspaper men It will be rather nroornful news, when they learn tbat) ' ice Krsat aau mjij uwver 1 in uao ' ierror ol "e P0" and tB9 ame-,e" meilt of Kepabiicaasn. WesaoaMbel I oripiy Fa rt rf rrfc nLkt-n rVa w i "--J - vr. , -c. ! there was a dearth of sews be was bandy. Inder Qcsoi j A Dutchman wasr seated In a shoe it I store trying his best to get h Haiiry jit yJEinure GczeUe. J ITES3 GFmTEESS. gbrysantheiauBw and straw bats I shea Id now be takes is. Practical ceokery is tacgkt in the lisadon PsbKcSbfeea. Ocr coraaieree with France fe hovt worth SMMta,ftaiNMilly. iareteea tMKaarii bead f eattle ae conentratedt a Dsfea itr. Ean- w- -mm i SQS- j The English estnwie thai the coa of killing each Kaffir te S2e late war was$5i Tbe Baes?of E4barg'5glrrfcaby :. n. -r- . . . j; ukmb t MCarkt'i w" . twenty-sixth graudefaHd. A Ckicese kp-grower sfeipp&d thir-ty-aine bales ml hps, fr Scktnr Cal., recently. I Colored has fctteefipeiMiBdrer tbe East this seaeoa. A Saratoga savings baak skat up hist Mooiiay with i J 51, 1 TO liabH iuea ami $3,060 aflsh &sas Afrs. Vas Cot wa eeeveted on a FuIuh ferry boatasni wJgbg two hun- ' d red and' twenty-five poande. , tew fcVerfand with agiftof S100. Moboerats yesterday. Republican? to-day. Democrats next week is the way the Boat Pwst put it tbe day af ter tbe Butler CoRventkm. Xo lass- dtao 5Sfr.9M.SS graiaa of opium are broeght into, ton- country aBBually. Tb&re are esBoosed to be over2ea,CflOapiem eatera In the Uni ted States. Tbe Protecfetaaisfes ie ths dominion, par lament have a majority of over seventy. Does this mean tbat C3na- ; da has tned fee. trade ami k heartily j sfek of it? i Siae tbe fteglnBJasr of Mm. yellow fpvpr prkUlprnW ia Vannkb uirloan I of the! pbysiefaas eraployed by the -. ... ... . . MMmWL f B..W.k. Howard asoebttton there bav? died ! of the dkujase.. Already Bgkiads bead is on Cyp ress, and at Its old bttslaess of break lag eaaias. Tbe goverameftt baa or dered tbe efuaB-tipatks of all slaves on tbe isiaiHl. It beks as-ikoccb.Be. Betles-will be left blooming alowe oa his ticket in Massachusetts. Tbe lieutenant governor aad several otbe nominees have withdc&WB. x"e "w " campBKory ecuea- tma iB lt&lT b workteg well, it ia ( 00 old ones. The San Francisco taint ia the mosS P"odBtiye Jbstitciioa of tbe kind in 1 tne world. Its cotsage amounted last year to $42,7fr,50Q more than the ag gregate production of tbe three larg est mists in Great Britain. ATme. inehat, a Hoa tamer came near being killed while sbe was per forming in a cage f wild animate a: ilalboro, Mass , a fKfeexl panther biting ber oa Ifearra a ad hip. Her coolness saved ber, aad she cowed trer beast with a whip. Dtspatehes from army o&cfafe state tbat the outbreak of tbe Cheyenne f ladiaBs is owing 4b&i management fof tbe Ifrdtaa sprvlw aaif tKt inor i .j Uor-a ..r.. .t woem nave remained ob their reser- vatioa bad tbeirraUoae been supplied but theywece eecapeHed to resort io raWils to 3Bfe,fe4eH:e ; Nashville Bcmmer fDem.) rj Sbernwa is oa tbe fea Secre- J ernwa te oa tbe feaee at last He is not aw so awh of a harl money reseraptiooigt as be was While Wail street basgt&g to h coat tei to feeeP n'si oa tbeiraide. he seema to se starviag to gel over mt tne ""' e lTeenlaek bull. If the Canadians can not succeed In annexation to thfc couatry, thejseen: j , , r.-it . . - trLHie to anefcaetr lOtwilE cTT 'r by emigratia. Over thirty thousand sUes last vear bv wa- of tw tJTU . . - -' vs tDe Pr- ef ber citfcseas sgbt tbe United In .... auraK aiooe, aau n is tboaght the emigratioa this year will be grea'y i increased. Professor "White, ofCaraeH Umver sity, jaat letursed from Serope, says i America must look to ber laurel in regard to tbe cobmbob school system. as In England. France, and Italy sys- terns ot ori&aarv ane enmmn jennr" , education are beiaMr AtoA, . ( i an w.a gxea care. JEorope, te , hi3-ks, has made great progress with , in the last few yea.13 twrd better , J Z.l- systems of edecatioa. f .waw n. :N. x w JTCT UUU.-3i.C- mat aa ei- jiajor general n? the L r: federate service bad enlisted as a pri vate soldier in tbe regaiar armyt There baa beea a great deal of curios-- ity exhibited as to who tbe reJacd Geaerai mi,nfe 5 Tt tr,-: th the man fe Major Geaera, s. who is a gradoate ef West Point Un I giaarv. reereifc; t bet was detailed fzc clerical duty at the War DepartEsent. - '. The Domeeratfc oarlr of ph-ns'-A banded in its cheeks yesterday, sur- I rendered its orraafaatioa to the Greeabaekers, aad has passed Ii.to history. We bave, perhaps, not s- - 1 ken 23 respectfaity of tbe decease! supri.jr its etteCSr as ber. jkcer Jbu. ,.x7 "T