I : THE ADVERTISER TU1E CAKOS. HrowDTlUc Boss r.tne to Bbelps. J.TeBnwttI!.ni..aaP-c-l . .& rriTe at BrwvtHe caop. rn-, sjta p. a. j. c. BOCSFTELd. sarcrfcueadeBC Dally Stage Line South. From B-!T3v!e Je Araso. Pills CR al Bate rwiNerBi.-w.Cir. AsjHBwtUand SC Derate. Cec il rcttes: wis& cBTT&nces to aJt ether pomje. Iax-es BiwaraTttleAJibriteao'aecta. ra. Arrive atBwnrrttle8'681?-11 , . ,T f yri-gTYRSs. Proprietor. J'ebnuk RjQ1ttt-. LKVK j-a.m - MMav: ABSTT2 BewnviBe Spni Per jemp rn te4rastaCUj .4aOBm .42 via 1 TUl- Jl:4piii lliUpxa WSfB. xatm zttpm .Ycrt t Swam W3C IRVING. Sept. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1S78. ' Bain wagons are in demand. French kiap boots at Rebison's. Win. Willies h5 a new sign for Ills boaiaes". Take a look. new thing. at Loivman's Every hse ia me to three families. town has from Best Stove Pipe 3e a Jot. Stevknsn & Caoes. 0e hadred new resident boss es ueeded ia Brownville. Nebraska. Wagoa $65. and war ranted. Sjtevejison & Cross. Hawley & Doeglas pay the high est jwieeTor all kiads of grain. Steveno & Cross are selliag corae very a ice beallag stoves at pric es that seem very low. Toei KiH fe pettiag himself up a aeat rsWe a Richard street. He savs be is tked of payiag rent. Baia aad Nebraska Wagoas. Stevenson &. Cruss. Labor tm this ead of the railroad Appears to have stopped for tba preh eat and MowWar all the aaaed ties were taki toe road. A f.rtbec d4le ia tisware.j Caii aud get prises. Stevenson & Cross. 0r old friad Lee Woodruff, t Trm-i. arrived in the etty Jest Saturday. &n& remained hb4H Mon day. On Sday. of eoerse, be at tended eliareh. For dry good, clothing, no-f tionv, bats, cap-i. and shoesex ainlne Lowman-!) stock. All Oils at JKdkalTs. Diok Hatehett is fitting ep the room lately occHpid by Hawaaford's furniture shop, and is otherwise pre pariajr to keep a first class oyster sa loon this wiater. We txadersiaad that o last Son-; d-ay evealng, a'ter dark, a team driv- ea by George Drain, nf Neniaaa,- ran ) over a v&ioable hore beioacin? to Mr. iCaadles. of A-cinwall. break ing oe of his legs, iaj rring the ani mal so badly the. the had to be killed. If we were eorrectly informed Drain was driving a wason load of yoong people to Aspiuwall to attend ebareh, and was driviag very rapidly when the horse, hitebed ear the cbareh, was etrnk bv tbe wasoa. Heatiag Steves ibe handsomest an oheapest. Stevexsox & Cross. The ruee, last Saturday, between the Bank's horse and Billy BaIleyTs eorrel, was quite an exciting. little piece of sport, bHt betting didn't ap pear to be numeroes, for everybody was in doubt as to the winning horse. Did yoa ever notice that the boys are aot keea to bet un less they believe, beyond a reasonable doubt, thattbey have a dead sure thing? Well, we don't know what the judges "gave in," but we saw that Bailey's horse won the race by about 25 feet. Some two or three hundred people-were oa the grouud to witness this short race. T.iik about yoer ag- ' rteekeral and poraeloeical displays, ' -veer Short boras and Berkshire, but , i if yoa want to "draw" give the peo pie a horse raee. Jf you want a cloak, Ifyou -want a circular, IFyou want buttons, Ifyou want yarn, If you want worsted Ifyou want canvas, Ifyou want hosiery, Ifyou want gloves, Ifyou "want anything, Go to LOTFJIAN'S. -John Deere's Sulkey Plow, the best. STEVEjfSON &. Cross. Ewtoh Advertiser: Please j say that we have just dosed a three t weeks tour ia York county, Neb., with fiae results. We number fifty named ia the Universalist work in this coaaty. The sisters of the Universalist Cen-J teaary Association bold a fair for the benefit of our chapel fund, on Wed nesday the ISth ult at the time of the county fair, in the city hall aL York, which wma success. The peo ple of York exhibited their liberality by turning out en mass, of all den-om-inatioas ami the world besides, pat ronizing the festival. I have never enjoyed more" pleasant social relations without caste, lottery, or dance. aM were most lively. We realised $115. Tbasks to all. W3J. P. Shockbv. Codfish Balfc. Boneless Codfish, Summer Cured Codfish, at HILL'S. A laree stock of Stoves 5nd Tin ''arecbesD bv SJKTTEfiWC-- GBBSS. V I . Srrfc Sank Uoilce. Depositors in the State Bank of Ne braska, at Brownville, are requested to call and set their money. Persons bavins accounts againsttne bank will please present them for payment. Parties owins the bank will confer a favor by payins promptly. W. H- McCbeeby, Presf. MOSEY is wanted by E. C. Lett in exchange for the largest stock of Glass and Qaeensware ever offered for sale in Brownville. Ladies yon will save money if yon examine his goods be for baying. Hay knives, Corn knives, .Butch er knives and Pocket knives. Stevenson & Ckoss. The hardware store of Stevenson & Cross is well worth a visit to get prices and see their store. They have a fell stock of hardware, groceries, stoves, faraitnre.qaeensware.tiB ware, &.c, and are offering bargains to every customer. Hard and Soft Coal, At the Lumber Yard of W. A. J ud kis &. Co. Ear the next thirty days there wiU he offered at J. L. McGee3 s the greatest bar gains in cloaks ever offered in this market. Large line to select from. All in need of Cloaks mill do well to avail themselves of the op portunity. H. C. Lett has a big stock of sUme taare. OMETO BROWNVILLE. The Chicago Lumber Co. will save you money on LrMBER. Ladies call and see Mrs. Cook. She has a stock of as fine goods, of every variety, as was ever brought to the elty, aad is receiving more from time to time. In her prices she de fies com petition. Whea y waataaytaiug in the hardware Use be sure and call on Steveason & Cross as they carry a full stock. Sest Paper atIekelTs. Coffee. Siigai'. Teas. cfo. $2.00. I win give two dollars cash, to the person bringiac me the largest ear of corn raised ia Nemaha Coaaty. This offer will be open to and include the last dey of October, IS73. I myself to be tae jedee. Jacob EatcekoL3. 3Ia5oaie. Segaiar comroanicatlen ofNemaha Valley Lodge No- 4, A. F. & A. SI., Oet. 5th, 1S78. B. F. Socoeh, Secretary. at the LLUMBERYARD Gentlemen's Heary Under- vrear- Bankrupt Stock, at f LOTDIAX's. m TO THE FARMERS. If you want to biH cheap goods, sibch as Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and groceries, and in fact a full line of all kinds of goods, call at the neiu store kepi by Sarve McGee and Gus Moore. Silver CnaiT V;Inter Wlieat. I have a peck oi "silver chaff win ter wheat," Bent me by the U.S. Com misioaer of Agriculture, which I will let some careful farmer have, who will take it and plant,, giving care, and report to me results Robt. W. Fcrxas. AT THE t CHICAGO l Lumber Yard. CLOAKS. Ladles, Misses, Children;, CLOAKS, at LOTrDZAX'S BASKETS. at H. C. Lett's of every kind ; and see them. cat! And Sad dles, clieap for Casii, J. EL SATJSB'S. Rubber btwts and shoes at Rob- ison's Buttons, silk and lace ties, trimmings, and fancy goods ol all descriptions, at LOW2IAX-S, Heating Stoves reliaed and made new on short notice. Cheap by Steve-son & Cross. Blankets, Tarns, Man nels, Jeans, cheap at Mc Gee - Moore's. H. C. LETT has very cheap Lookinc-GIasses. If yomvant dry goods at the lowest possible prices-; before you buy them go to LOT-T3IAX-S. McGee c?- Moore haveiheir new store open, and will be pleased to see aM their old Friends and Customers. Go rufts. fee Hofcts09s for; gloves or i ill i KP Pfl Hi . - V M U Mi v 1 ? i illiillilJjuO iGoio LIST OF PEEXIUSS. The followins List of Premiums were awarded by the Nemaha Coun tv Agricultural and Mechanical Asso ciation eX its Eteventh Annual Fair September ISth, 19th and 20th, 1S7S: CT..cg 1. CATTLE. J. Salman, Supf Blooded Stock. Best Bull, 3 years old and over, J. AL Trowbridge. Best Bull, two years old and under three, J. M. Graham. Best Bull, one year old and under two, Paris & Butler. Natives and Grades. Best cow, T. A. Bath. Second best cow, W. F. Paris. Best heifer two years old, W. F. Paris. Best heifer one year old, W. F. Par is. Sweepstakes. Best Bull of any age, J. M. Trow bridge. Best cow of any age, T. A. Bath. ... J 0H2.O. Aw-rrtinT W. R- Leach:, "Committee. J. A. Aesabeight, J CLASS 2. HORSES. IB. Jf. Bailer, SujpL Roadsters. Best Stallion four years old and over, James Caldwell. Best mare four years old and over, A. S. Holladay. Second best mare fouryearsold and over, Alexander Kearus. Best mare three years old and under four, I. J. Jarvis. Best pair geldings in harness, W. A. Bailey. General purposes. Best mare four years old and over, W. A. Bailey. Second best mare fouryears old and over, I. J. Jarvis. Best mare two years old and under three, Mrs. E. Jonts Best pair geldings in harness, A. B. Paris. Best walking horse, either sex, W. A. Bui ley. Second best walking horse, either sex, John Beard. Best saddle horse, either sex, W. A. Bailey. Second best saddle horse either sex, R. W. Dunn. Best paeiug horse, either sex, F. Haddart. Second best pacing horse, H. N. Bagley. Draft. Best stallion four years old and over, John Lavigne. Second best stallion four years old and over, Wm. rlawley. Best mare four years old and over, J. C. Bousfieid. Second best mare fouryearsold and over, H. N. Bagley. Brood Mares and Colts. Best brood mare and sucking colt, Wm. Alderman. Best three year old gelding, I. J. Jarvis. Best sucking colt, either sex, Wm. Aldarman. Best yearling colt, Henry Rich ards. Second best yearling colt, either sex, W. F. Paris. Jacks and Mule?. Best Jack, J. R. Jones. Second best jack, J. R. Jones. Best pair mules three years old, B. C. 3tokes. ! ; Second best nalr mnles thrpp vwr nM w p p!irU tmnb t t t.,..j Second best sueking mule colt, J. R- Jones. Sweepstakes. Best statiion or any a ge, B. C. Stokes. Beat mare of any age, J. C. Bous fieid. Best gelding of any age, A. B. Par is. D. Plasters, "j . ,s J. C. Bodsfield. lwan"nfe R.V. Black, 'j Committee. CLASS 3. SWLN'E. J. 21. Tromdridge, SupiJ Best boar one year old and over, H. N. Bagley. Second be3t boar one year old and over, J. M. Graham. Best boar under one year, H. N. Bagley. Second best boar under one year, H. N. Bagley. 3est sow one year old and over, J. M. Graham. Second best sow one year old and over, H. N. Bagley. Best sow under one year, H. N. Bagley. Second best sow under one year, H. N. Bagley. Second best litter of pigs not less than five, H. N. Bagley. A.J. Riohardsox, "i , .. J. H. ABGABRIGHT, lWard.IDS E. D. Rogers, 'J Committee. CLASS 4. sheep ATr GOATS. J. W. Brush, Supi. Second best buck two years old and over, C. W. Butler. Second bet three ewes two years old over, C. W. Butler. Second best three ewes one year old and over, C. W. Butler. Second best three ewe Iambs, C. W. Butler. A. J. Richardson, 1 , j. E. D. Rogers. iward' J. Argabeighx, J Committee. CLASS 5. POULTRY. Lzsier Bagle, Supt.J Best Shanghai, Dorkins, Brahmas or other large breeds, John Davies. Second best large breed, Eugen O'Pelt. Best pair common chickens, C. W. Butler. Bet pair Guineas, J. J. Brush. Second bes.t pair ducks, ChcrJes Brush. Best pair geese, C. W. Butler. Best and largest display of fowls, C. W. Butler. G. W. Bratton. 1 . J. Gavttt, nrr. J Awarding W. a. Poloce:- JCom mittee. class &. agricultural products GRAINr ETC John. Ererichs, Stipi.' Best half bushel winter wheat. W I --. 'tawley.- Second best half bushel of winter wheat, Alfred Crane. Best half buahel of spring wheat, -J. W. Brush. Second best half bushel of spring wheat, J. W. Brush. Best half bushel white corn In the ear, J. W. Brush. Second best half bushel of white com in the ear, J. Vickers. Tiaat Koif hnahM nf vellow corn in the ear, J. Vickers. I gsm-oihI best half buahel of vellow f corn in the ear, Alexander Eearns. Second best sweet corn, C. B.But ler. Second best half buahel of spring barley, J. W. Brush. Second best half bushel of rya, W. H. Hawley. Second best half bushel of oats, J. W. Brush. Best and largest variety of grains and seeds, J. W. Brush. S. W.KENXEDr, Awarding E. D. Rogess, f Committee H. B. Shxbtlxfee, J Lommme8- CLASS 7. FAK3I AXD GABDE PBO DDCTS. Geo. I. Storms, SirpL.' Best half bushel of Irish potatoes, Catlin Bros. Best five pounds lard, Mrs. C. W. Butler. Best five pounds butter, Msr. C. WJ Butler. Best two loaves of bread baked by girl under twelve years of age, Mi3 Lulu Davies. Best peck of onions, W. F. Paris. Best peck of tomatoes, Mrs. Max well. Best peck of white bean3, Mra. C. W. Butler. Best four winter squashes, Mrs. C. W. Butler. Best four sweet pumpkins, Mrs. C. W. Butler. "Best dozen beets, Mrs. C. W. But- I ler. Best dozen carrots, Mrs. C. W. But ler. Best dozen parsnips, Mrs. C. W. Butler. Best sample peppers, Joha Davies. Bec sample dried corn, Mrs. C. J. Brush. Best display of cabbages, five heads, Mrs. C. W. Butler. Best and largest variety of vegeta bles raised by one exhibitor, John Davies. S. VV . KsED, AwardIng H.B.SHIKTLIFFE, rrummitee E. D. Rogers. J Committee. class S. Fruits axd flowers. E. II. Burckes, &vtpL Be?t and largest variety of apples, ten each, Wm. H. Hawley. Best arranged basket of half bushel apples, not less than five varieties, Wra. Ros-ell. Best and largest display of peaches, James Caldwell. Best aod largest display of pears, Mrs. Teare. Best dozen plums, 'Mrs. R. Teate. Best dozen bunches grapes, Mrs. R. Teare. Best grape wine, John Davies. Best wine of any other material. Mrs. R. Teare. Best canned peaches in glass, Mrs. M. A. Handley. Best canned pears in glass, Mrs. R. Teare. Boat canned cherries in glass, Mrs. R. Teare. Best canned gooseberries In glass, I Mrs. M. A. nandley. Best canned grapes, in glass, Mrs. R. Teare. Best currant jelly, In glass, Mrs. E. D. Rogers, Best grape jelly, in glass, Mrs. W. H. Hoover. Best crab apple jelly, In glass, Mrs. W. H. Hoover. Best gooseberry jelly, in glass, Mrs. E. D. Rogers. Best apple jelly, in glass, Mra. R. Teare. Best plum jelly, ia glass, Mrs. W. H. Hoover. Best display of cut flowers, Mrs. R. Teare. Best garden annuals in bloom, Mrs. C. W. Butler. Best pair vase bouquets Mrs. R. Teare. Best pair of hand bouqnet3,.Mrs. R. Teare. Best basket of flowers, Mrs. R. Teare. W. F. Paris,! . ,- J. MARLATT:'ffp N. B. Catlik, J Committee. CLASS 9. AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS. IF. E. Johnson, Sitpi. There were no entries made in this department though considerable ma chinery was on the ground. The committee report "The Agricultural Implements exhibited by Messrs. Hawley a Douglas, though not enter ed for premiums deserve especial no tice and diplomas. George Crow, Chairmaa Awarding Committee. CLASS 11. FINE ARTS AND TEXTILE FABRICS. Jrs. 31. A. Handier, Snp4.J Best pen drawing Mrs. T.Richards. Best specimen of dentistry, G. H. Collins. Best pair woolen stockings, Mrs.R. Teare. Best pair woolen mittens, Mrs. M. A. Handley. Best patchwork quilt, Mrs. W. F. Paris. Best worked skirt, Mrs. R. Teare. Best coverlet, Mrs. C. J. Brash. Best display of millinery goods, Mrs. E. C. White. Best dress hat, Mrs. E. C. White. Best dress bonnet, Mrs. E. C White. Best and work, Mra". largest display of needle- r a tthi M. A Handley. .nest aispiay or hairwork, Mra. R B. Taylor. Best pin cushion, Mrs. R. Teare. Best specimen of braiding, Mrs. M. A.Handlev. Best display of worsted worlf, Mrs. S. A. Oiborn. The same committee reported 02. Class M, (Miscellaneous) as follows Best reck work, Mrs. G. W. Butisr -- ;i-- Mrs. U U Taylor. Best fruit basket picture, Mrs, T. Richards. Bestjpicture pressed flowers, Mrs. T. Eichards. Best handkerchief case, Mrs. S. A. Osbors. Tfaedisplay of goods by Mr. W. T. Denn md Mr. Louts Lowmaa, were very fine and deserves complimenta ry notice5. . Gso Crow, " . .- r. tt W -n I Awarding rrrr ! x- rAKKsi rpnmmin. iiRS. iizA Cole, J -""""-Louis Lowman's special premium for the best five pounds butter was awarded to Mrs. C. W. Butler. The committees in some cases awarded second premiums where the societygives none; snch premiums I have nt included in this report. S. A. Osborst, Sec'y. 10Q new overcoats izLsi received at r-nrf -t- McGee $ Moore's, I0YD0X ITHES. Oct Jst, and mercury 90 degrees In theshide. Mrs Curtis still very sick. Miton Smith very sick. Polticians should remember that revolutbn is not always reformation. Gecrge Miles, who has been very sick, is inproving. Yo ought to see how nicely the Methodst church looks since it has been nsvly painted and papered. XlU. v m. winters has gone to Lincolito attend the State meeting of the enomination of Christians. Tb remains of "mother" Sedor as wasirought to London last Friday for bunl. The warfare of earth life is overorher, and she has gone home to res "Father" Sedoras, don't mourcforyour dear companion, who has trffeled the rugged path of life so long wth you. She is happy your journey without her will be short; in a few ays more and you will go to her. We unto the inhabitants of the earth. War and famine, plague and peslrlece. PBle of Nebraska, your '"lines have Slen to you in pleasant places" indeet Epubllcans, be vigilant, be true, be fak.ul. The times demand yoer deepct thought, profouudest wisdom, yourecided action. The crude Ideas of ioammatory, incendiary, erratic mind are taking shape ia various polital parties. The political salva tion eihis republic is in the old Re pabihn party alone. .'rs. Mattie McGrew, those pea-ches-'nd plums were delicious, and tbosMg apples, Geo., were fine. Mr. Geo.IeGrew has a fine orehard of chok apples, and it is pleasant to the eye tgo through his orehard aud see thosrapples ia their rosy and golden beaiy. Mr. McGrew has a splendid faruand knows how to take care of it. . 5r.y"ohn Vickers wants it "dis-timOt-uaderstood" that- heisnot ,ftixlus" that people know that he toone premium on corn. He took thevemium because he bad the best cora;"thatwaa enough without say fiacaiwas anxioos." The premium Ibtarouid show it all. Mr. Vickers is thehampion corn raiser in Nemaha couiy. JI right! If Mr. John Viekers sayae wasn't anxious, we take it all bac? and declare to oar numerous rears that he was not a bit anxious. We ope this humiliating retraction wllte-establlsh harmony and have no cIeterious2aSJCfc on the finance queson. Ed. Adv. the LUMBER CHICAGO YARD. Allen Furnas, for manv yaijBresident of the Indiana State HorSjUtiral Society, a prominent man Vc-ther respects, and whd has J been pending our State Fair, spent luesay of this week In and about oarcy. He was shown through some ofour-jest orchards, and sufficiently in thicount-j to form something of an id of the county. The Dr. is de lightij With this, his first visit to Ne braskt especially with Nemaha coun- 1 IT. -tt returns with manv items and fasts hi relation to Nebraska, that wHl h "put where they will do the rflostijod.n C3oiCe Snset Music of all Mstfs, at Stroble's. l-i migration west at this point is much neater now than It was in the sprinr. During the past six weeks our frry has crossed to this side the river an average of about forty cov ered rasous a da v. Dr. Marshall's Las? syrup relieves the vofct cases of Cooghs and Colds almisirnstantly. Call on your drug- eistanLtry a bottle of it, the price is Jo cents. Sold by A. W. Nickell. j Glias Jolinton of vaaiaha ilunlcred in Xaiiaas. List eveain we received a letter fron a former nsident of this city, In whiia be gives tae following partieu larsof the murder of a Nebraska bov at Ihillipsburgh, Kansas. On the latbof this month, Charles Johnson anda fellow named Grashorn, who I Claln- to Ha n. rmon nroinhur crnt ! r -. w . ..c..a. -a w... .... k.vwt intoa dispute over a claim which re- sult,d in Grashorn shooting Johnson fourtimes with a Spencer rifle, kill-f Best zephyr necktie. LilJ 1US him matantii- Jnhnsnn nrMi.. . t-U.1. t- tTTt e r,;, rron Brownville. Nemaha county. 1 and j ad zoue down there to take a hon5tead. He served throuch the late wr. in some Nebraska conmanv. "hlrlt dI-v c"jPPIed. on account of j vhicb fae drew a pension of about $la ?ermoth. He was about ai years of ice. Oar informant does not state uci.ui;rine moraerer wa arresiea or f t ao nt now remember Charles' -ijonnson. and old settlers sav tnev never knew him. We guess he was not from" Brownville. I New corn will be taken oa seb- scriptKin. at fsi cents per bushel. BUSLYESS BEETITIES. Ague Cure, at McCreery's. Stevenson & Cross for low prices. Fnll line of sample piece goods at Marst s. Drugs, Fresh- and pure, at Mc- Creery's. Money to loan on farms. Apply to T. L. Schick. More Queen3ware and Furniture I for Stevenson & Cross. j For a first class shave go to J. Rj Hawkins barbershop. Tin Shop and Furniture repaired. STETEysox & Cross. Niee stock of clocks, watches and jewelry, at Joseph Schutz'. Nebraska Wagon. S6S. and war ranted. Stevexsox & Cross. Extra copies of The Advertiser for sale by A. W. NIckeli, druggist book-seller and stationer. ul 5: umns' .ntl5t- wHl I T13IC -Oiair uct. ast ami ystcafjn one month. Ifyou need any dental work call early. 13w2 Taluable Land For Sale! The northwest quarter of Section 20 6 13 ia Lafayette Precinct, Ne maha County Nebraska. Apply to First National Bank. Brownville, Neb. Or C. W. Kennedy, Montgomery, Alabama. 7m3. WallPaperand Window shade's at the Drug and Book store of W. H. McCreery. Hardware. Tinware, Qxieensware, Glassware, Stoneware, Silverware, Graniteware and Woodenware. Stevenson & Cross. HEADQUARTERS FOR Zephyr "Wools Knitting Yarns, Germanlown YFool, Fancy Goods, Hosiery Gloves, And Handkerchiefs, At LOW3IAS-is Lomaan's goods have all ar rived call and see before pur chasing. Wanted I 101,000 bushels Fall Wheat by Hack- ney. Bain wagons will sell. Two car loads coming. Stevenson & Cross. Made to Order. I have received another in voice of my Philadelphia Fine Shoes made to my especial or der. Call and see them. L. LGTFJtiAZrS. Thousands of dollars are now being-! saved every year bv progressive far- mers. who soon discover the zreat value of freelv bsiqs uneie cam a i r TT i r Condition Powder in the feed of aiocs; is restores tne sick, mcrea the beauty, and usefulness aad motes the growth. Sold by A. W Nickell. Stoves, Furniture, Groceris, Harness, Wagons, Cornsbeliers and Plows. Stevenson & Cross. Scitool Books at ffic2-ell?s Dr. Jaqces German Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine. Give them a trial. Sold bv A. W. Nickell. Suitings cents per yard at L. Lowman's. Ladies Morocco Sbes for oae dollar at Robisos's. More of those world beaters, the "Marsh Sulky Plow," a new thing just received by Hawley & Douglas. Hay rakes. Paints, Flour, Rope, Pitchforks, Iron. Nails, Saddles and Salt. Stevenson & Cross. JUST EECEIYED ! A fine lot of Carpets and Oil Cloth, at the CSICAGO STO'R.IL $10 Seward ! $70 cash will buy a Newtoa Wagon which is as good as a $10 reward, this is to make room for a new stock. Hawley & Douglas. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and all diseases of the Langs and Chest, are readily ocred with Dr. Marshall's Luns Svrun. It never fails. Try it. Price 25 cents, cold by A. W. Nickell. That brilliant yoaag Christian minister. Hi. Bryant, we notice has returned from the green pastures of Kentuckv. Ross WHoherly, Falls City, who came near dying a week or two age, 1 from hemorhage of the leng is re covering. Mr. T. C. Haeker, a week or two ago sent a basket of pesches to iris old friend. Gen. Reab. Williams, editor of the Northern IiuHonian, published at Warsaw, Ind . The Gen. acknowl edges the receipt of the fruit, in his 1 paper, as follows : We received, by express, from T. C I Haeker, the other day, a basket Cf as fine peaches as we have ever seen from the unrivaled fruit regions of ilicei gan, Delaware or New Jersev. He; m informs u by letter, that the peaeh- es sent us were grown in Nemaha , r county, of which Brownville Hacker's home, 13 the county-seat- One firm in that place hipped, this ' " season, over two thousand bushels to t r i - - r T- i! 1 .11111111 1 .i.ra 11 ma n .. .m .T. rnnv oil;. points went. The -ample- -eat n superior in ever Specie an v thlner we have seen this year, and we kind remembrance. We are con- .- 1 . lllfVfli 1 If 2X1. 1 IirrT'-fciX t? U41U!(I1 Li J ! n r 1 i'. -v-i r I i . i. i z r. . . -- coacerned-as any state"in the union. ,irr. . - u . n iime is money ' weaitn is otten a source of consuming care but health - , . :r r . : i sidioes foe revels ia neslected colds! t be wise and for your cold, coush, ca- tarrn or any oroacaial comulaint use Eilert's Extract of Tarand wild Cber- . ry anu oe carec. oW ov A. V. . I . t ff "" r sicse. Pfeteres and Brackets oJeap. Stsveqk & Cbsis, I -ZL-l . iwHeaiineoiff sores ana ulcers. AH 1 83 fine a iruit growing reg,on-at any I of BroW vovular Eamify JledieiL STOTESI THE FINEST AND LA STOYES, .A.T LOWEST PRICES, Call and seer STEVENSON & GROSS. Prosperity. The amouat of goods that are daily coming into Brownville is astonish- - ing. Each firm seems to be trying to outdo his neighbor in filling his store with the beat and greatest varietv of goods. L. Lowman's shelves' are crammed full of clothing, besides what he has stowed away np stairs. Jas. L. McGee has a large stock of rfrtr trfwrHs nnri rrrnir?A3 nnrf mnW have utilized three more clerks during fair week In disposing of them. Mc Gee & Moore have jest opened with an immense stock of clothing, and de sire the patronage of their many friends. John' Mcpherson has a new arrival of winter goods in their prop er shelves, and is ready to sell cheap for cash. That enterprising young man, T. L. Janes, is receiving grocer ies daily, and.can't be beat for cireap- nesj, and quality as will be seen bv u; - .- j . t m.' u uukcnucuicui. uc i. tee. lue above firms and many more aTe run ning larger stocks of sroods than ever. . ... , , , , ' COHCT WZX.T BT K. C. Z3XL BXUXSK before, which certainly speaks vol-; - . . ,---, - t , mFtwIi -umes of praise for the beautiful citv ' Coca. Heal, ? mk : s&t b of Brown ville, as well as for the firms themselves. Brownville with her splendid class of business men, is rap- idlv takins front rank as a commer- I cEI ci ty . Pent Hcroi& Go in to H. C. Lett's Drug and Grocery store and price his geods before' you buy. Ward off Ague, BilHous fever and many other ills, by taking a few doses 'of Eilert's Daylkrht Liver Pills. Have you no rest, mind ill at ease, body free from pain? these sc$r-r . x , ww lit J , iOIIEfi LX t ototeu rills will bring renor make vou well arain It is better to laugh than be crying; skepticism they stomach of acidity. by using Dr. Wincheli's Teethin quicklv acres the colic nains and .-, J iu l .t gives rest to the dartinc Dr. Wiachell's Teethins: Svrun oroduces ! natural sleep and the child "will awake clear and refreshed, also it regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and dlar - rhoea. whether arising from teething or other causes. 25 cts. a bottle. Sold by A. W. Nickell. line at ?ic:ellTs Improved cook stoves and ranees of wj..iJ t-;., v, Stevenson & Gaoss. A large stock of Boots aad Snoea received at Robison's. "Economy is the road to wealth ;" fifty cents worth of Uaeie Sam's Harness Oil applied to your old har ness, will make the leather look new and keep it soft and pliable. Cider Vinegar at Nickel's Jluslcallvlntereslprtlll You who have the interests of mus ic at heart, and would see it advanced in your community, will do well to see E. M. Ltppitt and secure his ser vices for a Singing School. He has just returned from a Musi cal Institute himself fall of new ideas conducted by three of the best masters the art knows, and can give f you a course that will remove ail ob stacles which hinder a perfect under standing of the science. He is now ready wish new books containinganuseal fine selections to receive any applications for schools by person or mail. Best of references given, aad terms within the reach of all. Call or address him at Brown ville, Nebraska. Robison sells Boots and Shoes 1 eheaper for cash than any bouse ha tj,e rrest hair-1 i,w"ci3 ieu lau iu chjwv me ue- rvt - r ii n? kw ft i- . w - s-. . -.. W --. -i . . t 3nCLfc.lU L&SCV 4CTitA3tr k tCIICC U Haaaaford Is sellfag f&rnltare at.. . ., , Unale Sam's Nerve and Bone Lin I meat is Sbr man and beast and is a balm for every woe ad, SoW by A. VT. ' Nickell, Whole stock of Kip Boots, three dollars at Robison's. 2 very Family in the TFest Says 33rown?s Blackberry and Ginsrer is a safe, pieasant aad reiki- 1 na m .r4 a s 1 " . T. . i TZ 'Z J"2L.JF piainL Procure a bcttle of thi3 Cele- brated Family safeguard at once. I BiOm m 4wm mm m null "On an X? . r'"' "w- " . pUvTMnnrnni. . . arV?f?kaXX 5 rem 5tbf.L,'er i lSSSJvSi'' -ff ' every Wcsi- I -'-"" BroTvn.?sr Arnica Salve has no- . 9YRflI fflf -I3mrttmf. llt'lrtfnBtl.n a. .. wl I -- -- .ww.AUfc luuauauua auu . 1 l .- iwDtt3iiaeoici , Lett and W. H. McC"- Browu tin u -' rr?.a VHeeb. so. RESSMAK Mazr 2l .-j rrsin-i , 3resse cut aad made tn iht? ; latest ."styles, an?I rtarges ' I??Ucnable. X; BGEST VARIETIES OF COttXXErRCTJOL. CHICAGO Ckmaoo. Ocsofeer lJSTS WttKAT Active; No. T, Sftr; N.2.S y , fc ' CORN Weak and Weber; rated. No. 5t!ic " HOGS Suy aarf aeUw; Uek&iUft&Sar zatxed. Sa.-1K873g CATTLE cteass SJt&K; ad TH BSOWmLLE 3ZJ :ts. Bsbw-jthu; Oateoer 3. IKS. roaowln? are tae qeetattaas yestmte: neon, the ttma af zotzg- to'presa. UVE STOCXL COKSSCTZa ST B- It. BAXUET. SOCK SSAUES ASB SHIFP2X. sss. ss) Sieera. fair to note. 3SM1 i CW3,l .-teessfr COKSaCT B XT W. IT. Till II i II I . P V TT Wheat, a. m aorts-. Bye. 25 la 1 2 ', Barley ; Cora k Jkaeac ; am m , soviet. 3Tsxr Jc&saEsstEBamveBL ?r" rnk s 10 Po.seas" -?Ps OstoBd. SO .2eS " 3T2SSO0 OUc&eag, aW. per doaott . fffaf. CMeireEB. orssd.'l Trfeeys, iressed, ! ! WMl, cool Har, r ta .- JSMEAJL JCJ.MSSE. Flow, a. T. BaTte 173 3TS 75 ? It 75 IS IN 1W 1 1M im IN IN IN " Savanak 2IU1 faB wkwt- " Glea P-acfc fall haaf " GMt Rwfc spring -grfceas " Shertdaa soring wfceat " Nnmnha, Valley sprtrvr.. Gnhsa Bcaa &md Sham wtixei. fmmi Cora, jc inlini Ssar.oflfeeA.sloc Sxtrs-C.ltaa " C.1 Utbfos, USfe. CatLoaCfSi, Po-acerf. gf 2s - O. G.Java. S$fMM- ' Tea. W Ccantojcrtes.perqt j.BriCoc, pec. , Britetf ?wus. -g lrfitl Appfes, -& Pared Pdws. na ?i Cherries, -p a. S7TKB.prgaI K 2 2 10 20 1 m IK $M :n Coal OIL White Fish, yr kK JWncfcoioI ' Sa ,sr Coal Ft. tJ STANDAItD WEICBTS. f The MJowta? saM Kyfcs Mfe or poeads la a or too asMs Apples, drtetL. -34 I Peaches- aacmr. TotAfez.lzii. W -M I Potaf on. 3WhjCo - I aap sr. JK Salt . & sx. Baefcwea . Coax.stOB- SHEQS. Coca, oa eoo 79 ; Bloe Gnus H Cra. shelved 1 Clover . Com Xeal Fiz 36 Hair, plastering . f Hv ti Siy.SOB 2J j Osage ! y Hoaey. s&a'd. pntl, ,1? ! Socsfcaas 3 LIe.j;aaiagfceg SO JTIaotay. . .& Oatoos 02loaSts CL JT v m. 3T ' Brooea Cora. Hangarfnn MUleC. . J3C AMERICAN iT I Trill selli I3ryirrg: Ma chines and take ay in. 3xTlit Dried oa Same, Or I -nrill Dry Prxtit on Snares. Or Tcii! pn itase 2vo. 1 . -wv. .W., W.VI.JVJ. WMi. EOBT. W. FgRHAS. A . D. MARSH. TAILOE. WtOWNVILIje, - - NEBRASKA. trOr mm. hmvt urn kj adtf M .c prices. Han aatl lonj experieaee warraas saUsfiietioB. an Dr.A.6 HI 1MJ5H Ktmz -T- 1 Vial! 3 LjtrSiti zam 9. Ckicaar - . r.m if Prfra aasn-. wa.tlar " tarry Saea Tti Ir-ftitii it-ifWfiiw"' t-ffsmm. t xJtt.Lx aasefTsssS. masmmi zaa RLwitier. KWnej,. Iirer. Jjsn. A'.IirjM. .AtHr. e. su .jntok, tfatmvts. 3c lli1 Ai or rr.H.F.rt-. i S -i nmn. Vr ... 3 aictnorB tar rawnw s.i esur T saporsa alimmw trtam DR. Oiiys MAEBIAG-S GUIDSSSir" aaan. Tiuilltt xtnrt ta jix it sat m unw imn ' TuMitK-. -TfjFr'jM tec xuit xrtillm'j fcafv? orrsi -i Sen. t-i-jaiymr' yi-j awtk tata 3 ccs ta 137 OW EZiDT! Tb Oraa.! irhkrv-ea"' " Q TSi3 fU A5D OTHER ? flfUl lf AFRICAV V - i i fll 1 L.I. 5 EXPLORESS a Ac Wswy H efHriiiiM Aftaca ar r K raw UL TA MHk nj- rasi-s w& 131 2 &k 1 I f I a k(t cMl.MrlM htiirt-.yorloii TETTER HL4DS, 5 BILL HEAD NsiU piiJ(t4Ul th.hrgf-y