Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 19, 1878, Image 3

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BrowxrvUlc Bus L.lne to JPbclps. BrswarBI 9 a. a.. sa 3 p. m.
Arrive &BrCTrnTBe ttaap. raaat frjap-p.'
J. C. SOCBFrSXD, Saeeriutesdcst.
Daily Stage 1.1ns Sonlh.
trtKnBrainrriHlsArsss.PaHB Cttj-aad EhIo L
Cui iaaia OCT. AspUJWiOi aaC fcC BMa, caa
ceoiB? xt& conveyances Vo all ocber petals.
Xrf-ijes Branvfll' daily at tone' elect a. ex.
xrlVes at Brrsi rtDe Se'eWcfc p. m.
J. C itaw.tss, Proprietor.
" lUpEl
WL rKVETG.Sep'r.
Bain wacons are in demand.
French kipp boots at Rebison's.
at Lowman's new
Peaches are very cheap in this
Lowman's goods have all arrived
call and see before purchasing.
Mre hooses waated in Brown
viile. Every roof now covers one fami
ly or more.
Nebraska Wagon $85. and war
ranted. Stbveksox & Cross.
Delegates to the Republican con
vention en next Saturday from Glen
Rock are. Hani Thomas. E. Neal, A.
Nni-Hi4-ef. Fraak Redfera.
Bii Se Pipe 2de a Joiat.
Steve-so" & Cross.
If vea want a salt of clothes
man, boy, or Child, go to
Delegates to the Sheridan oen
ventioa next Saturday, from London
precise are. Dr. H. L. Matthews,
Jno. Strain, Ed Berlia, Frank Mcln
inrh. Hawley Dg"s pay the high
est prie for all kiads of grain.
Can. Wtton. a yoeg man
working on the ferry boat at Peru,
-was Hrowned lest Friday. He acci
dentally fell from the boat. Body
not recovered.
Bain and Nebraska Wagons.
Stevenson Chose.
If yoe want dry goode at the
lowest possible prices, before yoa buy
them gate LwitAN"s.
The fallow's are the delegates
elected by the Republieaas of Bedford
precinct, last Saturday to the enty
convention : A. L. Fry, A. Hear as,
J.S. Charefe.
A farther decline in tinware.
Call-ead se prices.
-r " Stevensckn- & Csoes.
The bam of eouaty conimission
er Jes-a H. Shook, was destroyed by
fire Moa lay afternoon, this week.
"Cause, children playing with match
es. Loss not ascertained, bet we
learn it was a very good building and
the eontents ef considerable value,
Heatiag Steves ibe handsomest
uan cheapest. Stevenson Cross.
State Jottrncl: D. H. Mercer in--forms
-as that there were produced
from a peaeh tree in his father's lots
in Brownville, peaches that weished
over niae ounces apiece, and measur
ed eleven inches in circumference,
and what is more, this tree is a seed
ling. If any one can beat this, let
them blew their bogie.
John Deere's Salfcey Plow, the
best. Stevenson & Cross.
J. A. Lord's Dramatic Compa y
opened out in this city Monday
night. We bad not the pleasure of
being present the first evening, but
on Tuesday evening we witnessed
the play entitled "Fate", acd must
say that we were well pleased. We
would pronounce all the company,
that took part In '-Fate", good per
formers. The talent of this corn pa ny
.13 of a superior order much better
than usually visits Brownville, and
the -very frequent demonstrations of
approval which greeted Hie charac
ters in -Fate' is evidence that the
very respectable audience present ap
" predates good playing. We doubt
.not that the company will be greeted
Tvith fall houses during the week
they Intend to remain in the city.
State Journai: Nemaha and
Otoe counties have now fruit, and to
spare, for the coauties whose orchards
ad vineyards are not yet in bearing.
Every day the baggage car going
West on the Nebraska Railway pre
sents an encouraging sight. Heaps
of boxes of peaches large aad lus
cious, and heaps of baskets of grapes
black and sweet, are carried to Lin
coln, Seward and York. From Nem
aha County the chief fruit supply is
derived from the fruit farm of Gov.
Furnas. In company with the Gov
ernor, we were over the farm in
spring time, when the promise of the
blossoming season was the fareest
and most beautiful, and the gather
ing time has fulfilled the promise of
the spring. For six weeks tha Gov- j
eraor has been harvesting his peaches,
and a geutleman who has just visited
the farm, says that the trees seems as
fall as ever. It is the same with the
grapevines, which are literally load
ed, the Governor counting the yield
Kt in pounds, but Dy hundred
weights and tons- Mr. Furnas has
been, and Is, an active worker for
Nebraska's interest, but his best work
ts his fruit farm.
For dry goods, clothing, notions,
bats, caps, and shoes examine Low-
man's stock.
AH Oils aXIckeIFs.-
Nchraika Hallway.
raccantK. i
rera i
Wr "Vol fc-t f- 1 -
1 -r. i M
1 Trt I 3
of Nemaha County are requested to
meet at the Court House, in Brown
ville, Monday September 25th, at 1
o'clock p. m. for the purpose of select
ing 5 Delegates to attend the State
Convention to be held at Lincoln,
September 25th. H. C. Lett,
Chairman Central Committee.
Th an nnal State Convention of
the Chriatain Chnrch will be held at
liiricoln, beginning on Tuesday even
ing October 1st. S. G. Babbow.
Hay knives, Corn knives, Butch
er knives and Pocket knives.
Stevenson ; Choes.
The ADVHKTiaBR ia hard at work
on the delinquent tax list, and has to
refuse much job work for lack of suf
ficient force in the office.
- Ladies
and housekeepers who wish to replen-
i ish their stock of Glass and Queem-
wcrs, are advised to wait till H .C.
LetVs big stock arrives which will be
in about ten days. It will pay yoa.
If yoa want a cloak,
If you want a circular,
If yoa want buttons,
If you want yarn,
If you waat worsted,
If you want canvas
If you want hosiery,
If yoa want Gloves,
If yoa want ANYTHING.
The St. Paul IiHtheran church,
(pastor. Rev. H. Rehwoldtjjustereet
ed at Hickory Grove, near Sheridan,
will be dedicated the second Sunday
in October 13th inst. The President
of the Iewa Lutheran Synod and oth
er prominent ministers are expected
to be present. All friends of the
chureh are invited to be. present at
the dedicatory services, which will
begin at 1 o'eleek a. m.
Iron Sulky Plows $50, by
T. Richards.
Buttons, silk aad lace ties, trim
mings, and fancy goods of all descrip
tions, at LoffXAX1;.
The Peru delegates to the Repub
lican county ceuvent'ou are as fol
lows: T. J. Majors,
Tom. Hatebinseut,
Wm. Bridge,
F. L. Proaty,
J. P. Burdick,
Benj. J. Cy,
Henry Roberts,
John Wyue.
H. C. "Lett
has a l: stock of jjjome ware.
There will be a meeting of the
Church of God, In the Grove, near
Asplnwall, this county, beginning on
Friday the 27th day of September,
iSTS, and eontiuuing four days. Sev
eral able ministers will be present.
and address ail who Kiay attend. All
are cordially invited, and will be well
cared for.
Best Paper at NiekelTs.
TTtl -W- a a
uy aoes Kienarus sell so man v l
Plows? liecaese he has the best.
The Otoe County Horticultural
Society, have decided to exhibit their
mammoth and beautiful collection of
fruit at the State Fair. Now let Ne
maha County look well to her laurels,
Gallant "old 0e" i- in the geld aad
she mean business from the word go.
State Journal.
There is no one particularly looking
after Nemaha's laurels this year, we
believe. Messrs. E. H. Burches and
D. H. MeLenghitn have proposed to
superintend the Nemaha department
at the State Fair, and will probably
do so, bat from laek of means to pay
exppases. the matter of coileotion of
fruits has been deferred se long that
we fear oar di-play will be rather in
ferior. Suiting I
cents per yard at L.
For all Tdnds of Yarns.
Gerntantoivit and Zephyrs,
'C.,goio J.L. McGee-'s.
Rock port Journal: An old gentle
man by the name of Chastine, living
on the Hopkins farm near Cectre
Point, fell dead from heart disease
while sitting In a chair at his dwell
ing. His remain? were interred on
Taesday near Watson.
Great reduction In Agricultural
Implements by
T. Richards.
Hay rakes. Paints, Flour, Rope,
Pitchforks, Iron, Nails, Saddles and
Salt. Stevenson : Cross.
Call at J. L. McGees and
see the neiv Shazvls. finest
in the city.
The editor ef the Peru Herald
says i
We publish the Hcrakl strictlv in
the Interest of the people. Favoring
neither Republican, Democrat, or
Greenback, and in return we are pat
ronized alike by all.
If you want to sec a large
stock and see it movin . so
to J. L. McGee's.
Thos. Richards keeps the largest
and bet stock of Agricultural Imple
ments. IZa.lrSc.s Calf.
Any person owniug or knowing of
such an animal in this vicinity, will
find it te their advantage to let the
fact be known at The Advertiser
A fine lot of Carpets and
Oil Clotli at the CHICAGO
Rubber boots and shoes at Rob-Ison's.
1 Clothing is going off rap
JeHya&J. IrAzG&ee'ir; '
A. V. Walia arrived home from
the country last week. He has got
'em, too.
Ike Williams, Mr. Bedford's son-in-law,
has moved back to Brownville
from Hamburg.
Mrs. Middleton has our thanks
for a treat of delicious grapes, grown
on her premises in this city.
Mrs.AdaFairbrother, after a ten
d3ys visit with her mother, Mrs. C.
M. Hayden, London, returned home
on Sunday of this week.
Elder G. B. Mullis and wife, of
Plattsmouth, Neb., and Miss Bell
King, of Logansport, Ind., are visit
ing friends and relatives in this city.
Mrs. Sina Morris and family
have taken rooms over McCreery's
drugstore, where she will continue to
carry on the business of dress mak
ing. Elder Charles Rowe will preach
in the Christian Church on Sunday,
September 29th, 1S7S, instead of next
Sunday as was given out. All are
cordially invited.
Miss Morgan, Preceptress of the
State Normal School, In company
with Miss Hattie Smith and Miss
Emma Morgan, students, visited
Brownville on Monday last.
A. M. Smith has a nice new
carpet on his floor. It makes the shop
look neat and pleasant. If yon want
a good and pleasant job of tonsorial
work done, at Albert's is the place to
get it.
Clarence Gillespie, Esq., of Falls
City, last week received the sad intel
ligence of the death of bis mother,
Dr. Gillespie his brother, and a sis
ter, residing at Grenada, Mississippi.
They were victims of yellow fever.
Aaron has had his Express wag
on painted in good style, and it is the
best vehicle of the kind in town. In
dustry, honesty and close attention to
business, will always "pan out," as is
demonstrated by the prosperity of
Aaron Parmer.
Burches and Dae McLaughlin
fare worKlnjr use Turss. satnerme
and shipping fruit specimens to the
State Fair. This business is in the
hands of the right men, and had
they been put to the
Nemaha wouldn't be
work earlier,
beaten very
Just as we go to press, Wednes
day, a dispatch is received by Wm:
H. Small from Falls City, that Ross
Wieherly is dying, that if his friends
want to see him again alive they must
come at once. Mrs. W. H. Small and
Mrs. R. Hatohett startsd about 2 p.
m. for Falls City.
While the people are In the city
at the fair, they will not see all the
"sights' ifthey fail to eall and see
the big stocks of goods just received
at McGee's, Lowman's, MePhersoa's,
and McGee & Moore's stores. They
all have immense plies of goods and
will wait on you with courtesy and
L Lowman returned from Chi
cago Wednesday last week, and
brousht with him bv far the largest
stock of all kinds of dry goods and
clothing he ever brought to Brown
ville. He claims to have the largest
stock in the city, and judging by the
immense piles of goods on exhibition,
we think he fes correet.
Oar county Fair commenced
Wednesday morning of this week,
and we go to press with our paper
the afternoon of the same dar, conse
quently wecanuotsay much about the
fair. We understand however that
many entries have been made, and
eoatinue to be made, promising a bet
ter fair than we have had for several
Many of our citizens remember
the whole souled Simeon P. Bell,
"Sim.," as he was called, son of John
R. Bell, and brother of Mrs. Harvey
MeGee. He lived in Brownville
about nine years ago, as superintend
ent of his father's lumber yard. On
Sunday last Simeon P. Bell departed
this life at St. Joseph Mo. The dis--ease
of which he died was dropsy.
On Monday, this week, Harvey Mc
Gee and -wife went down and attend
ed the funeral of their brother, and
returned home on Tuesday.
Dr. John A. Warmer, whom we
mentioned last wees,, as having spent
a day with us among our native for
est trees, and orchards, has, in pur
suit of his calling, tree culture, trav
elled nearer "all over the world"
than any other man. While here, he
was shown what he bad never before
seen, and what he had "longIooked
for," a small dwarf oak tiee, or shrub
rather, that grows abundant on the
bluSs, and in many places on the
prairies. It is known In Botany as
"mtercm prinoides," or dwarf chin
quapin. The Doctor gathered a goodly sup
ply of the little acorns that were just
ripe. Thus Nebraska adds a new
item in the American Forestrv list.
Zephyr Wooisf
Knitting Yarn,
Germantown Wool,
Fancy Goods,
Hoisery, Gloves,
And Handkerchiefs,
McGee Moore have their
neiv store open, and will he
pleased to see all tlieir old
Friejids and Customers.
Silver CIiaiT inter Wlieat.
I have a peck oi "silver chaff win
ter wheat," sent me by theU.S- Com
missioner of Agriculture, which I
will let some careful farmer have,
who will take it and plant, giving
care, and report to me results
Rost. W. Ftkitas.
to Robison's for gloves or
Go to McGee q- Moore's
for your Dress Goods.
10 Reward::
S7Q cash will buy a Newton Wagon
which is as good as a $10 reward, this
I is to make room for a new stock.
rs-irwrEY z Doboxas.
"Lemons" to-night, ISth,
Ague Cure, at MeCreery .
Stevenson & Cross for low prices.
Frost don't seem to be a cure for
All the choice brands of Sour at
Full line of sample piece goods at
Marsh s.
Drugs, Fresh aad pare, at Mc
Go see Louie Lord to-night at
Marsh Hall
Money to loan on farms. Apply
to T. L. Schick.
W. A. Judkins Co. have a nice
large sign up.
County convention at Sheridan
on the 21st, inst.
More Queensware and Furniture
for Stevenson & Cross.
For a first clas3 shave go to J. R
Hawkins' barber shop.
Go see "Lemons" at Marsh Hall
this (Wednesday) evening.
All kinds of dres3 goods and
ginghams, at J. L. McGee's.
Tin Shop and Furniture repaired.
Stevenson & Cross.
Nice stock of clocks, watches and
jewelry, at Joseph Schutz'.
Nebraska Wagon $65. and war
ranted. Stevenson & Cross.
The Peru Herald is soon to he
enlarged to a 48 column paper.
Low prices in hardware go to
T. Richards.
Jake has had a "shake" and he
says lager beer won't cure the ague.
Everything in the family grocery
line at Bill's, Joe Huddart's old
Hetzel says he is sorry to hear
that quite a number of our best young
men play poker. Too bad !
People frooi Missouri come daily
to trade with J. L. MeGee. They all
make money by doing it.
Extra copies of The Advertiser
for sale by A. W. Niekell, druggist
book-seller and stationer.
Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, will
visit Blair Oct. 1st and remain one
month. If you need any dental work
call early. 13w2
Valuable Land For Sale !
The northwest quarter of Section
20 6 13 in. Lafayette Precinct, Ne
maha County Nebraska. Apply to
First National Bank,
Brownville, Neb.
Or C. W. Kennedy,
Montgomery, Alabama.
Wall Paper and Window shades
at the Drug and Book store of W. H.
Hard ware; Tin ware, Queensware,
Glassware, Stoneware, Silverware.
Granite ware and Wooden ware.
Stevenson &. Cross.
Stoves, Plows, and Fanning-miils
will be sold cheap for the next 30 days
to make room for a new stock.
T. Richards.
Nice Baby Carriage or Rocking
Chair for the Handsomest Baby at our
County Fair.
Stevenson & Cross.
Call for
a Kcpnl)!icanGocnty 'Con
vention. The Republican electors of Nema
ha County are hereby called to send
delegates from the several precinots,
to meet in County Convention on the
21st day of Setember, at 12 o'clock m.,
at Sheridan for the purpose of elect
ing eight delegates to the State
Convention to be held at Lincoln,
October 1st, 1S7S, and eight dele
gates to the Judicial Convention
to be held Rt Nebraska City Septem
ber 23rd. Also for placing in nomina
tion candidates for the following nam
ed officers, viz :
Three members for the House of
One Senator.
One County Commisioner for the
Third District.
The several precincts are entitled to
representation as follow:
Island, 1 ; Peru, S ; Glen Rock, 4 ;
Lafayette, 6; Washington, 3; Doug
las, 4; London, 4; Brownville, 10;
Nemaha City, 5; Aspinwall, 6; St.
Deroin,2; Bedford, 3; Bentou.o.
C. F. STEWART, Chairman.
A. H. Gilxore, Secy.
TTanted. !
100,000 bushels Fall Wheat by Hack
ney. Xo. one good Kip Boots, xew
stock jast got In, Sold by Pat
Cllne Tor 82.50
Bain wagons will sell. Two car
loads coming. Steveksox &, Csoss.
Boston boots just received
at J. L. McGee' s
Made to Order.
I have received another invoice of
my Philadelphia Fine Shoes made to
my especial order. Call and see them
L. L0V3A2.
Genuine Alexander Kid
Gloves, at J. I. Mc GEE'S.
Thousands of dollars are now being
saved every year by progressive far
mers, who soon discover the great
value of freely using Uncle Sam's
Coadition Powder in the feed of their
stoek; it restores the sick, increases
the beauty, and usefulness and pro
motes the growth. Sold by A. W.
Tlie Berft Boot in town for the
Least 3loney at Pat Cllne's
Stoves, Furniture, Groceries,
Harness, Wagons, Cbrnshellers and
Plows. Stevexsox & Ckoss.
Scliool Books at IJickeU's
Knipe $ SJiiffer Fall
W7iai Flour at
31b and IS ounces of good Tea fori
Sl.UO at Hill's.
Dr. Jsqaes German Worm fJnfc
stand unrivaled as a worm medicine.
uive them a trial. Sold by A. W.
Call and see,
i-riiti uans
est Tin,
Three Pint Gups for
Three Pie Plates for
All Other Goods in Proportion.
Bavin? two Tinners In tlie S&op, Repairln-r will Ie done
Clieap and on short notice.
.A. JTrLL-tliei Xecline Soon.
Weather delightfnl. ' We take pleasure in qootingr Xe-
Chills and fever in almost every , braaka's "merit marks," as sbown by
house. tae last jsational Crop Reports, pob-
MrBarches and Mr. MoLausb-. lisbed by the Agrlccltaral Depart
lin passed through London gathering I ment, Washington.
up apples and other fruit for the State
Fair. Nemaha County must bear off'
the houcrs for fruit.
Eldir Young, of Lincoln, has
been appointed, by the Protestant
Methodist Conference, to preach in
London the coming year. Father
Young is in feeble health, uovr, but
he is a rery spiritual minded man,
and of nore than ordinary talent. It
is hopeche may be spared and ena-;an
bled to ift, by his labors, the people
into a higher life.
Si&ness at Che house of Henry
Curtis-Mr. Curtis has been sick a
long tine, and great feers have been
eutertaned for his recovery, but now
considered some better. Mrs. Curtis
has beea quite sick, and the children ,
too. Mill the friends rewember this r
family k its troubles.
a Ml li-no nr nJiklA n
i,a.yw.iiiai7 wvm.m.v -w
JL CL (3 & Moore S.
T!jc Fair:
Ti.n.;,!!.T-H. nJ . not fnit
'-""- " "
te come-ad see ray inimee sioes or j
goods, have a fuIiortment of ev-.
ervthinsin my line. i
L. LoPxax.
-Dorit think of buying a silk or I
cash inert drese before sroinsc to see the
soods at
oae !
Lades Morocco
dollar atRoSisoa's.
Shces for
Mod of those world beaters, the
"Marsh Sulky Plow," a new thing
just reeeved by Hawley& Douglas.
In rccordance with the call of
the counv Jiepubiioan Central Com
mittee,! portion of the Repoblieen3
of Browaville precinet met in the
Court rom on Saturday 14th inst.
1 OCIOC, p. m., .or toe F- -
electing 10 delegates to represent the
precinct in the county convention to
beheidat Sheridan on Saturday the
21sl iast The euuous or election was ,
organizid by electing J B. MeCabe, .
chairman, and G. W. Fairbrother Sr.,
secretary j
The voing was earried on by ballot i
and polls kent open until 4 o'clock. ;
The foiloring named ten gentlemen j
receiviugthe highest number of vote j
are the ddegates elect to said eonvea-i
tion :
C. F. Sewart.
John L Carson.
John S Stull.
WilsosiE. Majors.
Geo. W. Fairbrother, Sc
T. L. SAick.
A. H. Gilmore.
John Q A. Smith.
John B. MeCabe.
B. M. Bailey.
j-e. Ear anil Deformities, 'ia your community, will do well to
One or more of the Surgeons of the ' ee E. M. Lrprrrr and secure bss ser
Central Sargical Infirmary, of In-1 vices for a Singing School.
dlanaolis, Ind., will visit Falls City j He has just returned from a Musi
professionaily at the Union House, : cal Institute himself full of new
Tuesday and" Wednesday October 1st , ideaa conducted by three of the bes4
and 2nd, aad at Nebraska City, ! master the art knows, and can give
Thursday and Friday Oct. 3rd and ' joe a course that will remove all ob
tb " fstaeles which hinder a perfect under-
All aSltcted with an v disease of the SLS?"? np. w-
- 1 He is bow ready witb new books
Eye or Ear, Catarrh, Cross Eyes, Club coaeiniag unusual fineeeleetfoas to
Foot, Spinal Curvature, Epilepsy or reoeive any applications for schools
Chronic Diseases, can consult them ' by person or mail. Best of references
free of charge. Artificial Eyes insert- cjven, and teraw within the reach of
... . ,.! all. Call or address him st Brown-
KU" UiC ttUU !-. " ""
plies, wiiaous, cutting, pain, or ueieu
tion from business.
-TJndaimed Letter List."
The following is a list of letters re
maining in the Post Office at Brown
ville, Nebraska, for the week ending
Sept. 14, 1S7S, which, if not called
for will be sent to the Dead Letter
WilHniHF . Maw
Wrigfet. Jcaes
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
T. C. EAgses, P- H:.
per doz- -
60 els.
Nebraska in the Front Bank.
- In making up these crop records 1C0 '
is adopted as the basis. Nebrask
i stands
3ds : Corn, 116 ; spring wheat, 97 j
, 9S ; oats, 92 : barley, 93 ; buck -
i rye
wheat, 1W; patatoes, 104; Hay
Timothy, 112; Clover, 117; native
pasture, 117; beans, 101 ; sorghum,
101 ; apples, (this year) 92 ; peaches,
121 : grapes, 95.
No Suae in the Union shows such
average aad diversified crop rec
ord. We are shown superior to any
ather State as to corn, buckwheat,
potatoes, pasture and peaches. Ten
nessee stands next to a-3 on peaches
109. But four States lead us in wheat,
and that but a trifle. Our "twin sis-
ter," Kansas, stand- So on apples, 105
on peaches, and 107 on corn.
I' Is better to laugh than be crying;
mothers often fail to enjoy tke de-
Ubts ( & happy laughing babe, be-
cause inrougu taeir prejudice or i
skepticism they refuse to relieve its
stomach of acidity, by using Dr.
Winohell's Teething Syrup whfch
qoickly cures the colic pains and
.gives rest to the darling. Dr.H
WiochelFs Teething Syrup produces
natural sleep and :he child will awake
clear and refreshed, also It resolates
Alas flnn raf?Kail .1-n
the bowels, cures dysentery and diar
rhoea, whether arising from teethinsr
r Jh '! J? cts
a bottle. Sold
On Sunday last an old man and
woman husband and" wife about 80
veers of a?e Meh ni-Ki tbrnHfh
- r.- J - -5
this city, afoot, each with a knapsack
on their back. They stopped a mo
ment at the residence of Ted Haddart,
to rest and get a drink of water.
They said they were from Indiana,
and had walked every step of the
way. They were going to Douglas
county, Kansas. They dipnoi ap
pear to be destitute of money said
they stopped at the best of houses and
, , paid their way. Ted was sorry after
th v had jeft that he nee!ectd to get
tfaeir Q&m sy& .- M
wheelbarrow man all
to pieces.
iEhrerything ill tile School
Irne at Kicken's.
Improved cook stoves aad mages
at reduced prkes by
Stkvkxsox & Cross.
A large stock of Boots ttai Shoes
received at Robison 's.
"Economy fe the road to wealth :H
8ftv cents worth of Uneie Sam's
(Harness Oil applied to vour old bar-
(ness, will make the leather look new
and keep it soft and pliable.
Cider v inesar at ITiekeTs
Husically Interested I ! I
You who have the interests of mus
ic at heart, and would see it advanced
vine Nebraska-
Robison sells Boots and Sfeoes
eheaper for eash then aay house in
the West.
Hannaford is selling furniture at
Uneie Sam's Nerve and BoneLini-
iment is for man and beast and s a
balm for every wound, Sold by A- W.
For a goodset of Harness,
Saddle, Collar, Salter, or
any thiziSJ in tlie SarnesS
f line !o"W do"S721, go to
r SO "tJI3SHS.
Wholesale and
I offer this Eall a
ive stock than ever,
iais, uaos,
ery buyer to
cAAlfiiftfc fin bUUbo ANu nifuEOj
Knowing yon will find it to yon advan
tage to give me a liberal share of your pat
I take great
In all 33epajrti23.ei3.-te
And propose to maintain a Well-earned rep
utation for
SELLnsra goods ottra.p.
Yours Truly,
J. L. He&ESe
Iai'ii Block. ZXo. 73.
yUilirLiiiiUil id ifiLiLliL. Ul iliHUL
Thinking the time has come when an
other Lumber Yard is needed in Nemaha
a i Coinrtyysve tvIII receive a new and fresh stock
I q
5 CI
IT.ii fl1 i fcEfe?
rfbi iTAafciife
sEfTf T ia
And everything kept in a first class Lum-
ber Yard,
kinds of
We vrill
S ,5'?:
4&iH&i ir
All of Tvhich we will sell as low as Ccin be
purchased anywhere.
Hoping by fair and honest dealing and
strict attention to business to receive a share
of the trade.
Yard on Main Street Between First and Levee.
Positively Nemaha is In good
spirits again.
Railroad w!!l be here sure wHhln
a few weeks.
A lotter front Mr. Irving. Super-
intendent of the B. & M. to Mayor
Johnson, says by reason of an unusa-
al amount of work, repelrtag, etc.,
the extension to Nemaha has been de
layed, but bow arrangements are made
for the proceed. He will be
here, probably this week, to looatede
pot. Grain buyer are viewing the sit
uation and selecting lots for store
buildings several will be pet up this I
Theodore Hill has bees here aad
bad choice of locations oa the btofH
for aa elevator. He says be left the
Black Hilts for the espeoial purpose of
going into the graia business at Ne
maha. Nemaha would thribbie its pop
ulation this fall if we had the houses,
but every house ia town is full. Ooe
hundred oew tenement hoe-see want
ed at once.
A moderately aeet little resi
dence was sold here last week for
StOO. The purchaser was Dr. Foster,
from somewhere in Missouri, who
proposes to locate here to practice his
We kern that a inciter yard will
be opened here as sooa as the ears get
Several of the serehaat asd
grocers of Brownville are serieesly
ruminating on the euesttea as to
whether ft would pan set bigger if
they would remove, or apes a braoeh
bouse here. Of towrse it would, aad
two to oae the braaefa hoaee would
soon be the larger part of the con
cern. Our merchants are jubilant aad
well stocked up, but they most ea
targe soon to accommodate the trade,
or other stocks of goods will come ia
that will totally eel ipse them ail.
The City Hotel by Mr. Johnson,
( will soon undergo a process of repair
ing, enlarging, renovating, painting, I
fete., preparatory for a vast first-class
Thb ADVKKTifcHK conies regBfer-
Iy every Thursday morniag aad is
received and read eagerjy. It ie a
universal favorite, nearly everybody
! takes it and we look for a favorable
mention of our local afTairs.
The fcHowing are the delegates.
( selected at our primary lase Saturday.
i for the. Republican Coaveaetos at
FGE - S,
retail dealer in
MnfimiQ &.P;
ii nuuynwjwu
larsrer and more attract
and cordially invite ev
care to have
likewise handle all
I 4?4l2;
Sheridan on the 21st, vis: Philip
Crother, Levi Johnson. Eli Terry, J.
H. Drain, and D. A. Morton.
Mrs. iC. Skeea went to SL Jo
seph on Monday, this week, for the
purpose of purchasing a foil scoek of
millinery goods. See will return ia
about two weeks wbea she will be
pleased to see ail aer frieads aad ens
tomers, who are invited to sail aad
examine the da.t and ' Jasgec stoek
of Millinery ever brought to Nemaha.
See is determined not to b axnofted
either in qtmlttty of xooda ac prices'.
She is also prepared to do tl'sese mak-
Whole stock of Kip
dollars at Bobisoa'z.
Time ia money wealth. Is often a
source of eonenming care, bat health.
fe happiness; eoneamptio tfcai iu
sidioue foe roveie in neglect od eolde I
be wiee aad for yor eoM. eottgk, c&
Jarrh or any bronchial ompJatn nse
Eilert's Exttact of Tar and wild C&or
ry and be enred. Sold by A. W.
State Journal: If any of acr
readers shoeld ever have the a-ydtro-pboofa
they shoold Fememtor teat
the celebrated Iowa mad sioao ie la
possession of Tarner Sin." of Paris,
Jaeksoa Township, Linn Ommty.
Its properties were first known 13U
years o In Virginia, aad is nas ever
since been in possession of the Evans
family. The present owner of the
stone had it twenty years, and ia that;
time nearly seven bundled eases have
been treated, and in not oae instance
naa the stone jailed to give relief and.
effect a eare. . Cut thiepara;aja oar
and keep it for a memoraadna.
Pletsreg aad Brackets oaeaffc.
Stkvknsost & i
The delegates from Asftowatt te
represent the precinet in fcne Oaamj
lCoavetlBan the fist aai
Hon. J. Bw Ffefcer.
Joha S. Mf nirit.
V. ?. Peenodgr.
G. W. Cwip.
H. A. Brand.
Chsrlea Settaadtar.
Go in
Lett's Drm
Mo H. a
store aad price hie
. - .
Ward oir Agae. Billioes fever and
maay o&er ills, by t&ktog a few doses
mi EUert's Daylight Lhex Pflfe.
Hsse you no res, mind HI at ease.,
body free from paia? tfees sngai
coated PiUn wM riz: raHttf smi
tajake jod" wtsM acaadV
5-jfr R
- ""!-"