S9B5WSflr!W st.r . .. i - JJUlUBi I 1MB :T7T"P"WPimiliPlll )FFICIAL DIRECTORY. District Officers. )UNO. .SMITII- -Judgc. ,M IL HOOVER- IK ;ix Conntv Officers. .District Attorney District Clerk. Deputy Clerfc, 3. STUM. E. MA JOl inrr.MOKE I BLACK PARKnil'. is jr. HACKER- IPCUOTIIKIU. H. SHOOK. VTHAN IIIGUIN TEERY, L -Conntr Jurlee -Clerk and" Recorder -Treasurer Sheriff Coronee -Surveyor chool Superintendent Commissioners h. ROGERS- HUI.UUUI) DOCKER t. It. THOMPSON. . 11. L.ANNON City Officers. .Mayor -.Folicc Judge Clerk Treasurer - Marshal COUXCIL.MEX. I.ROBrXSOX) lEI'H KOD . Jl'DKIXS.! MERCER, lUI.n. I' rniRHART, BnomsannaBBanaB 1st Ward .2nd 'Ward -3rd AVard THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, SEPT. 12. 1878. Pulilisliers' Notices. TiruADVUBTisKn is on sale at the Drug find Book atore of A. XV. Xlckell. LocAi.NoTiCKS.set as ordinary reading matter, will be charged ten cents per line, ench insertion. Set in display type, fifteen cents a line. SOCIAL, DIRECTORY. Churclios. Ithodlnt K. Chnroh. Servicescach Sabbath t 10:30 a. m.. and 7trt ti. m. Snndnv Srhnnl nt i'1'.m. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. I. P. Wilson. Pastos. sbrtorlarr.Chtircfa. Services each Sabbath ; nostra. m.,and :30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wod- snay evenings. Sabbath School at uo'clocK . m. JU B. Dyr, Pastor. irist'H CbnTCli. Services every Sunday, a iwuu. iu. uiiu :wii. m. ouiiuavscnoo! aisp. m tEV. Matthew IlE.vBr, Missionary in charge- It. Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian. t'hurch fonrmllessouth-westof Hmwnvllli. Scr. Ivlces first Sabbath In each month. B. J. John son, I'ftslQT. rNtlnii Ch u rrh. Services every third Sunday i eacn montn. oy j-.iaer Chas. Jtowv Social iieetincseverySunday-atll a.iu Pravermeet- I tngs Thursday evenings. fntliolic Services every -lth Sunday Qf each f month, at 10 o'cloch a. m. father CunnnlsRy. I l'rlest. Authorized Agents. Titus TJros arc onr authorized agents at Xexna lia City to receive and receipt for monies due us. Thomas Bubbess is our authorized agent in Glen Rock precinct to receive and receipt for monies due us on subscription. A J.Ritteh, atSL Dcrolrr.isonranthoriicd agent atthatplace.torecelvesubscrlptlous and adver tising, and to collect and receipt for monies dnc Tiik Advertiske. foiix S. Mikick Is our authorized agent at Aspin wall.to receive subscription and advertising, and called and receipt for monies due ns. J. XV. Oavitt fs our authorized agent In Benton precinct to receive nnd receipt for monies due us on subscription. FAIRBROTHER & HACKER, Publishers Advertiser. ber welfare, has no choice but to cling to that party with whose administra tion is associated tbe most brilliant epoch In onr history ; whose work is far from being dene, and which has in its heart and brain more potential ities of good for thecouutry In the fu ture than can possibly be embraced in any or all the organizations opposed to it. To build up and support the Republican party Is to do the most ef fective work for the good of the coun try. No patriotic man can injustice to himself and his convictions permit himself to be driven offfrom the grand purpose by some disaffection upon n question of minor importance, as all questions which now divide Republi cans are. O'CONNOR'S RETURN. AlelO'Drninntie Story Equaling In Ro mantic Interest the Ad ventures of Enoch Ardcn. ITEMS OF INTEREST. 'Schools. IrnwnvIH Union (3inIniIR(-nnnl. J.V.Me- Kenrle. Principal Miss Jessie K. Rain, Assist ant High 'School; Miss Ix.u Tucker. Grammar Department: Miss Alice Hltt. 1st IntormHdl.-ito: Miss Kate On. 2dIitermedIate: Miss Emma Smith, 1st Primnry; MTS. Carrie Johnson, 2d Primary. I. O. of O. F. JrosvnvIIIo T.ortec No. 5, 1. 0. 0. P. Reirular mwtlnca Teesdav evenlnsr of each week: Visit ing brothers respectfully Invited. A. H,Gllore-, X.G. Jas.Cocbran.Secy. iNVranlta City Lodge Xo. 40, I. O. O. P. .-neeis every ataiuraay. o. CZWOK.JN.U. .DAVID TOUHTELOTT. Sec. KnicKts of Pythias. KkrcNIop I,odrc No. 15. K. P. Meets every Wednesday evening In MasonlcHall. Visiting Knights cordially Invited. J. B, McCXhk, C. C. Wit. KAUrrsiAK, K. of R, S. Masonic. rTeiimiin nttey l.odKC No. 4, A. F. fc A. III. Stated meetings "Saturday on or before the full of each moon." lodge room open every Satur day evening for lectures. Instruction and social Intercourse. JCMcNaughton,W.M. B.F.Sou der. Sec". Bi-ownvIIIe Chnptcr No. 4. K. A. HI. Stated meetings xecond'Oiursdavoreach month. B..W. Furnas, M. E. II. P. A. R. Davison. Sec Furnas Council No. M, It. S. iV S. I?. 31. Stated mectlngssecondThursdav of each month. J. C McXaughton, T. I. M. A. It. Davison, Rec flit. Cn rfflcICommnndrrr No. 3, K.T. Slated meetings "econd Monday In each mon jh. R. W. Furnas. E.C; A. W. Xlckell, Rec. Rosp mid TjilrConpIovcNo. 03, K.K. O.Tl. &C.-Meets ntMnsonlc Hall on theflfth Mon days. R. XV. Furnas, M. P. Sov. R. T.ltalncy, !ecretary. AtTnh rlinpter No. 2. Orderol the Eastern Star. Stated meetings third Monday In each month. Mrs. E. C. Handler, W. 3T. Sooiotfes. rbtraty Fnlr Assorlntion. R. A. Hawleyr President; John Bath. Vice Presto 8. A. Os orn. Secretary: J. M. Trowbridge. Treasurer. Mana gers II. O. MInlck. S. Cochran. F. E. Johnson, Thomas Bath, Geo. Crow. J. XV. GaviU Chornl Union. J. C. McXaughton, Prcst. J. B. Docker, Sec Blake Drnmntic AHsocIntlnn. XV. T. Rogers, Prest. J. B. Docker, Sec nnd Treas. Metropolitan Cornet Ilnnd.D.T. Smith. Mu sical Director. K. Huddart, Treasurer and Busi ness Manager. JJrovnvlIIo I.Itcrnrr Society. R. W.Furnas, Psesldeut, A0. Cecil. Sec I. O. ofG. T. GBAXD KDGE OFFICERS. Mks. ADA VAX PELT, W. G. C. T Lincoln. II W. METOALF. W.G.C Tecuraseb. 5?Ri. It F. Markel. XV. G. V. T RIverton. F. (!. K EEXS. XV. a. Sec Kearney. jviiss i-.vA kasum. w. u. rrcas rails city. A. J. SKEEX. W. O. M Brownvllle. w. t. wAitiiKi. w. u. cnan zseDrasKauur. A. J. S1CEEX- Dlsu Hep. for Xemaha County. Brownvllle Lodge No. CD, I. O. ofG.T Meets every Friday evenlnglnOddFellows Hall, over Xlckell'fl drug store. Main street. Stran gers of our order visiting tbe city are Invited to meet wun us. i u. liuiDuni. w. c r. Ben. liorance. Sec O. W. Folrbrother. Sr.. L. II. Nrmnhns CVcy LoiTceNb 3 OIK Meets every M mdayevenlng. Mrs.S. A. Huntington-, W.CT. John P. Crother.Scc P. Crotbor; L. D. AHpinvrnll Lodso No. 10S. Meets everr Bat- uraaj-evening. Jonn s. aiiuick, vcwis- 'a. J. Hltt, Sec Zlon.No. 137. Meets every Tliursday evening, at the Kennedy School House, two miles north west of Brownvillc J. II. liorance. W.CT. Oeo. Sanders.Sec H.O.MImc, E. D., Brownvllle. Security. No. 135. Meets every Saturday even ing, at Falrvlew Church, six miles south west of Brownvllle John-Maxwell. W.CT. II. H. Bow nam. XV. S. Geo. Crow, L. D., Brownvllle Linden, No. OS. Meets everv Saturday evenlntr. at LlndcnSchool House, six miles north west of rnenaan. ii. u. uooa. w.ut. M.A. Palmer, Sec H. F. Palmer, L. D., Sheridan. IMenwnnt I'ralrlc. No. 100. Meet every Satur day evening, at Bratton School House, Benton precinct. M. L. Eastwood. W.CT. E. Elwell, Sec B. H. Bailey, L. D.. Bratton P. O. llrdforil, No. 1 00. Meets every Friday evening at Coal Tar School House, four miles south west f Xemaha City. Jno.Stokes.W.C.T. P.Young Be. C. Tucker, L.D., Xemaha City. SherIdnB,No.lfl2. Meets every Saturday even ing. T. J. Gell, W.CT Bobt. Bryant, Sec Geo. Harmon, L.D. f Other lodges In the countv that desire a nlace In this directory will please Inform us of name, num- er. wnen ana where it meets, names or Dresiamg otlTceirand secretary, together with any other In- rormauon'inpymay ivjsd to communicate. BUSINESS CARBiv a s. hollahay; Xl. Pliyslclan, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Graduated In 1S51. Located In Brownvllle 1S.V. OlIIce,t Main street, Brownvllle, Xeb. T L. HULBURD. Jj. ATTORNEY AT LAW And Justice or the Peace. Oilice In Court House Building. Brownvllle, Xeb. STULL & THOMAS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. onice. over Theodore Hill &. Co.'s store, Brown-vjIIe.Xet. T L. 6C7HICK, ii ATTORNEY AT L AAV. Ottlce over J.L. McGee&Bro'sstorc, Brownvllle, Xebrasks. T H. BROADY, t) Attorney anil Counselor nt Law, OQlce overstate Bank.BrownvlUe.Xeb. XXT T. ROGERS. W -A It Is estimated that Chicago will contribute about $20,000 for the relief of the yellow-fever sufferers. The question of dividing Texas in to two States is being agitated pro and :con by the press of thut State. Archbishop Puroell says of Kear ney : "He rs a vile-mouthed black guard, and the less notice is taken of hitn the better it will bo for society." Major Samuel Wainright.of thesix teenth infantry, has been dismissed from the army. He is a brother-in-law of Adjutant General Towusend, and wus court-martialed for drunken ness. The use of steam on street railroads is expressly provided for In several !bilis passed by the British Legisla ture. TheBpeedis limited to eight miles in towns, and ten miles in the country. It is computed that Minnesota Is cap able of producing 700,000,000 bushels of wheat aunualiy, and that the wa ter power of Minneapolis alone oau manufacture half of it into flour. The wealth of California now is dug from her tillable fields moie than from her mines, and fifty men make for tunes iu agricultural pursuits where one man "strikes it rich" in raining. The island of Cyprus at one time contuined nine different kingdoms, and more than a million inhabitants. Owing to the alleged peculiar temper ament of its people, it was called "the homo of love and beauty." The proper authorities are now en gaged iu erecting a monument over the grave of Thomas Jefferson, at Monticello, in oocordance with the design of a monument of which Jeff erson was himself the author. Con gress, at the last session, appropriated $5,000 for the purpose. When the late lamented eclipse was doing its level best In New Mexico, the Peublo Indians, believing that the sun god was angry, ordered 200 women to strip naked and run around the race-track until the danger was ouer. The women obeyed the order, and na the shadow passed off were bailed as the saviors of the world. Turks or Mohammedans of liberal views are not tolerated in Syria. Therefore, we have the extraordinary spectacle of liberal Mahommedans coming to the United Slate for the 6ame reason that brought the Pilgrim 'Fathers to A'merico. Wru. Home, In the account of his travels in Great Britain, says : "I am oharmed with the attractive and pic turesque oppearance of English farms. Especially beautiful are the oommon hedge fences of tho country. They have a lovely, softening appearance. One particularity attracted my atten tion, and this was the uneven shape and size oi the 'closes,' or fields." In time of need the colored people of the South come to the front. Iu stricken Memphis the colored men have organized to relieve dlstreBB, to guard deserted Ijoubcs and property, und the press dispatch reports that the negroes on the police force are among the most eflicient officers on duty. This conduct of tho colored hpeople, we are tofd, has greatly In creased the confidence of those who were once their masters. The Republfcans' of Illinois have made twelve of the nineteen nomina tions for Congress. In every instance except one, where the present incum bent is a Republican, there was a re nomination. Republicans in Illinois do not regard this as a good time to trade off tried and true men for those without experience in legislation. The Vicksburg Herald (Indepen dent) has aroused the Ire of the South ern Democratic papers. The New Or leans Democrat scolds like n pick pocket because theZferaW said of Jeff. Davis' speech : "We despise and spit upon secession as one of tho most devilish dogmas ever devised by ambitious political leaders. We do not believe men should make governments as they do limited partnerahipsto be dissolved at the caprice of a very small portion of their number, if that portion hap pens to be a State. When govern ments are formed there is no such thing as peaceably splitting them up into the parts of which they were made. There never was, and never will be, any Buch thing as peaceable secession. But here comes Mr. Dav is, in 1S7S, proclaiming his faith in this wretched evil; the South should disown the doctrine.audask of him to be 'let alone'." To tills tlie editor of the Democrat replied : "Mr. Davis Is simply a man of firm convictions, believing now what he always believed, and the ed itor of the Democrat and thousands of others? think with him." Replying to the Herald, the Augus ta (Ga.) Chronicle and Sentinel said : "We do uot hesitate to say that, very far from being the raving of a lunatic, it is a noble exposition of true princi ples, without which this government must ultimately perish." This ques tion is not a personal one. It turns on the old issue of union against ee- Spcclnl Telegram to the Dally News. Owego, N. Y., Aug. 14. this place has a very remarkable, but an entire ly true story, which is the general topio of conversation. In 1863 a man named O'Conner kept the Side Hill House, three miles north of Owego. Ho was arrested In that year, tried and convicted for passing counterfeit money, and sentenced to two years in the State Prison. He waB married and had two children. He never returned home, and his wife, believing him dead, was married in 1869 to a shoemaker named Berry. A day or two ago O'Connor made his ap peurance in Owego. Berry, Ills wife's second husband, was absent from home. O'Connor obtained an Inter view with the wife. She accompanied him to Horneilsville, where one of his children, a daughter who had grown up and married during his absence, lived. Berry ooming homo and find ing out the situation, went to Hor neilsville, found his wife, and asked her if she would go back or intended to live with O'Connor. She decided to return toOwego. O'Connor left on tho next train, taking with him a son. a young man aged 17 years. He is go ing to Soutli America. He says that after being released from Auburn Prison lie went to St. Louis. There he joined a band of .bank robbers. They robbed an Illinois bank of $240, 000. O'Connor's share of the spoils was $25,000. With this he fled to Cuba. He was followed, arrested, brought back, and sentenced to ten years in Joliet. His treasure lit se creted in Cuba. On his release in 187G he went directly back to Cuba and recovered his spoils. With this money lie went to Brazil, where lie has acquired wealth and poshion He came to this country for his fami ly. He had in his possession $23,000 in coin, $10,000 of which, it is said, he gave to his wife. Plain Sandwiches. Cut some very thin slices of bread from a square loaf baked iu a tin ; butter them, and place very thin slices of ham, beef tongue, combeef or game between the slices. Season them with salt (and mustard if liked), press tiiem on a clean board witli the blade of a large knife, cutoff the crusts evenly, and divide them Into oblong squares. Pile them on a table napkin, and serve j or keep them till you go on a picnic and then eat them. A pretty girl stepped into a shop where her spruce young man stood behind the counter. In order to re main as long as possible site cheapen ed everything, and at last said, "I believe you think I nm cheating you?" "Oil, no," said tho young ster; "to me you are always fair." "Well," whispered the lady, blush ing, "I would not stay so long bar gaining if you were not so dear." S AM FORD RADICAL 0U For OATAHRH P'STAKTLY relieves and permanently cures thi3 loathsome dlseasu In all its varying stages It posscBees tho soothing and hcultnsr propertied of plants, herbs and barks In their essential rorm. tree from every fibrous contamination, and la this re spect ilIuYrs from every other known rcmody. In one short year it has found its way from tho Atlantic to tho l'aciflc coast, and wherever known has be como Uio standard remedy for tho treatment of Co tarrh. Tho proprietors havo been waited upon by" gentlemen of national reputation who havo been cared by this remedy, and who have, at consider Ulo OXDCnso nnd ncrsonal trnnhln. nnrpnrl thn pood news throughout tho circles In -which they uucujuuuuariiwcaiuiy KcmjfluiAnat in- I. DB. COLHAPP. MANUFACTURER AND DEALEll 1$ althyjreE ly, " loi An old darkey was endeavoring to explain his uufortunate condition. "You see"' remarked Sambo, "it was in tills way as I can remember; Fust my fadder died, den my mudrier married agin; and den my mudder died, and dpn my fadder married agin ; and somehow I doesn't seem to have parents at all, nor no home, no nuflln." move, tCIUCrcnco and refinement Mr. Town mv llfn tn Banford's Radical Curo," you may feel assured unit it is uu arucio oi ffTcni vaine, ana worthy to bo classed among tho standard medical speclflca of the day. TUB benefit I derive from Its dolly nso Is to mo invaluable. HEXRY WELLS, of Wells, Faboo & Co. IT has cured me after twelve years of unlntor rnptcd snffcrintr. GEO. W. HOUGHTON', Wat.tttav, Mass. I FOLLOWED tho directions to the letter nnd em happy to say I have had a permanent cure. D. W. GHAT, ii. D.,SIcscateje, loyrx. I HAVE recommended it to quite annmbcr of my friends, nil of 'whom have expressed to mo their high estimate of Its value and good effects with them. WM. BOWEK. 223 Petz St., St. Louis. AFTER using two bottles I find myself perma ncntly cured. I havo sinco recommended over one hundred bottles with the greatest suc cess. WM. W. ARMSTRONG, 159 Haerisox Ave., Bostos. E have sold Sastord's Radical Cvnxz for OS CO g $ r H is o 63 w nearly one year and can say candidly that first complaint. we never sold a similar preparation that garcsnch universal satisfaction. We nave yet to learn of the cession. Speaking of General Grant and the nomination in 1880, Senator Conkling said to a Graphic reporter that Gen eral Grant would probably do exactly as his friends wished. If they asked him to run because the good of the country demanded It, he would do it. A chance of defeat would make no difference with Grant, as "he Is the truest and most magnanimous of mcu. A Typographical Crime. ruddy's Pig. Attorney and Counselor atLatv. "WlllctvedlllKentattentlon to anyleealbuslncss entrusted to his care. Office In the Roy building, Brownvllle. Xeb. Q A. OSBORN, onice, Xo. 81 Main street, Brownvlle, Xob. J W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH AND HORSE SIIOER. Work done to order and satisfaction guaranteed Tlrs4 street, between ilaln and Atlantic, Brown Uro-.Neb. PAT. CLINE, FASniONAni.13 BOOT AXB SHOE MAKER CUSTOM WORK" made to order, andiflto-al ways cnarsnteed. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Shop, Ko. 27 Mhln street, Brownvllle, Neb. SHIPPER AND DEALER IK T M. BAILEY, SHIPPER AS live stock: BSDWNYILLE, NEBRASKA. Farmcm, please call and get prices r r want Co-handlb your stock; Office 34 Main street, Hbadley balldlng. EErUBLICANS. Kcnsons Why They Should Support Their Tarty Hossiter Johnson writes: it one book must be singled out nnd doomed never to receive decent typographical treatment, It should have been any other than the Bible. I should like to see what could be the effect of giv ing it n fair chance. I believe it would be read if it were made read able. We ought, to have oue edition of it without foot-notes unless in rare cases where these were absolute ly necessary. Where the italicised words are necessry to a complete nnd idomatic rendering they should be printed in plain .Roman, when not thus necessary they should be dropped. . Instead of verses we should have paragraphs, nnd ail figures and indi cations of the verses abolished. Con versations should be printed in brok en paragraphs, with quotation marks just as a novel. Poetry should be printed as poetry. Instead of being crowded iuto one volume, the book should be iu four or five moderate du odecimo volumes with large type and good paper, so that it could be at once held out without tiring the arm to read without straining the eyes. Fi nally this book should iiave a good analytical iudex. A cumbrous con cordance Is not an index, and does not serve the purpose of one. If pre sented In sucli a form, tho Bible might be enjoyed as literature and (perhaps better understood as a divine authority. To Tighten. Wagon Tires. I did meet with a few extraordinary mean men in Sydney. There was one, a mprchant-prince, who made a boast that he had neverglven away shilling in his life. So far as I know, lit only departed from his extreme selfishness on one occasion, and the circunstan ces are worth relating. One morning a poor Irishman stepped int his counting iiouse, and looking tho very picture of misery said : 'Oh! may it piase yer Honor, I've iost a pig the only ,'pig I had and misthress , the governess, hasg'v- en me a pound, and sint me to you nr another. She says you have enough gould to buy a st3r wid, and will 'je sure to give me a little.' At first old hard-fist refused ; upn which Paddy threw himself on astod, and raised sucli a piteous wail that tie merchant, thinking he was mad abmt the death of his pig, gave iiim tie pound to get quit of him. Next diy the proprietor of the defunct porler was passing the warehouse, and s'O ing ills benefactor at the door, tomb ed his hat to him. Well, did you get drunk with tiat pound, or buy another pig?' asled the ricli man, grufily. Bought a pig, jer Honor, n daring little tiling, wid a awatc tw 1st it. Iub tail, like a lady's curl.' 'Weil, it is to be hoped you'll take better oare of him than yon did cthe other. What did he die of?' Die of ? Did yo say die of. row? Why git out wid ye he teas so jit J killed him ' No man cau go down into the dun geon of his experience, aud hold the torch of truth to all the dark cham bers and hidden cavities, and not come up with a shudder and chill us lie thinks of the time when he un dertook to talk politics with the deaf old father of his first sweetheart while the girl was present. The physical development exhibit ed by the university students in Scotland has been ascertained by Scotch professors to belong in the first degree to tho Scotch and Scotoh Irish from Ulster accustomed to feed on oat meal ; Englishmen, not given to the porridge, rank far below in measurement. 6. D. BALDWIN & CO., WAsnnr qtox, Ltd. THE curo effected In my case by Sajttoed's Radi cal Cuek was so remarkable that it seemed to those who had suffered without relief from any of the usual remedies that It could not be true. J therefore mado affidavit to It before Seta J. Thomas. Eq, Justice of tho Peace. Boston. GEOKGE F. DiySMQRE, DBUoaiST, BosTOS. Each packnjro of SAirromVs Radicai, Ccez con tains Dr. Sanford's Improved Inhaling, Tube, and full directions for its use In all cases. Frlco, $1.00. For sale by all wholesale and retail drugjrists and dealers throuKhont the United States and Canadas. WEKKS & POTTEK, General Agents and Whole sale Druggists, Boston, Mass. CL3 Slj II CR07N cf HONOR, i A w 0 H Q H 4 SB cm' ens i 2Vo. 49 Main Sti-eet, Brownvillc, ieliaslv CO BiQonfH E2SS1 PLASTEI An Electro-Galvanic Battery combined with a highly Medicated Strengthening Plaster, forming tho best Plaster for pains and aches in tho World of Medicine A MOSBID SWEHIHrG. Gentlemen. 1 sent for one of COLLET'S VOL- i aiu iu.AST.EK5, and it has been of great bencut Tweuty years ago a New Hampshire man named Lewis stepped on a needle, which broke as it entered his foot, but the peices were not removed. Last summer tho eye half came out through a sore under iiis left knee, aud not long ago the remainder was taken from the fleshy portion of his right hand. An old man in the refreshment trade was telling some of the boys the otherjdtiy that he once knew a young lady who missed an oiler of marriage by refusing to partake of icecream. The unanimous verdict of his auditors was that no opportunities of that kind go to waste in preseut times. In reducing a swelllngln my left side that two phy- ine spieci nor. L. A. BISTER. Biclans pronounced Enlargement of the Spleen, uuu ouuprouounceait an ovarian inmor. Cyxtiiiasia, Ixd., March 20, 1Si7. THEY ARE THE BEST. Gentlemen, Enclosed you will find $23, and 1 wish you would send mo another dozen of your COLLINS VOLTAIC PLASTEUS. By the above you will bcc that I can do something to help others In sonio way even If I am not able to be up and around. There aro a number who hayo tried your plasters who had given out that all plasters were good for nothing, and now Join with me that thay are the best they have ever tried. I have got along tills winter better than I kave before In threo years. Wished I could have heard of your plasters before. Yours, 4 c, LOP.ETTA M. CBOSS. Ballsto Spa, N. T., March 27, 1ST?. 3ErIoo, as Cents. Be careful to call for COLLJXS VOLTAIC PLAS TER lest yon get some wortBlees imitation. Sold by aU Wholesale and Betall Druggists throughout the United States and Canadas, and by WEEKS & POTTER, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. l53 EJ .-fJN BIOWITVILIjB L IU ABB C3 Tell a woman that England had changed to a republic; the Sand'wich Islands had sunk, and Lake Erie had dried up, she wouldn't exhibit half the interest that would post-ess her over the statement that something had at last been invented to remove freckles. o i-. A dry goods drummer, having an hour's-leisure, went into a Paterson foundry the other moring, and, going too close to the machinery, a ten-ton trip hammer hit him iu the cheek and broke itself all to pieces. He immediately left town to avoid a suit for damages. iun a 'i oi Ej CHAELES 3STEIDI-IA.IIT, Manufacturer nnd Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Marble, Monuments, TOMB STONES, TABLE TOPS, &c, &o. PFfTA f DFTfrW A 'ordcrf Promptly lllled.and satisfaction gnn-ant-ed uJrr.Vil.ril-1 J-CiJlU LlO Olllce and ard, Main street, between Cth and 7 h FURNISHED M. M. CONNER, Traveling Agent 2SCHKSH n r i i fe33 E2S3 Vfeg'E For TEN YEARS TWTT'S PIL.L.S have been the recognized standard Fami) y ITXedic i no in all the Atlantic States From ItZainc to AXcxico, scarcely a family can be found that does not use them. It is now pro posed to make their virtues known in the WEST, with the certainty that tvx soon oo tcetod tlioy will be come as popular there as they are at thettorui and South. ( i U f J) S i Lia a a English race horses are fed oi the best upland hay, of which abott six to eight pounds are given to e:ili on the average daily, anil fFom fiften to tweuty pounds of the best oafc. ii some cases beans being substitute! for the latter. The quantity of bsj var ies according to the constitution- The limit to tho oats is the appefte, the trainer taking care to notquitesatisfy the horse, which would prodwe sati ety and disgust. Q.EORGE ARSMTRONG, GRAIN DEALER, Broivnville, PTebraglco. Farmers, please call on me for prices. I will give you the highest the market will aCbrtr, qb I am desirous of handling your grain. 4ltf MARSH HOUSE, JOSEPH ffPELT, PROPRIETOR. Livery Stable In connection with the House. p-Slnge Office for all points East, "Wcst.-tta .O-North, South. Omnibuses to-ffia 3connec't with all trolns.sr SASlPuS ROOM FIRST FLOOR. I have found the following way to tighten wagon tires to bo successful: Apply leather rings between the shoulders on the outer ends of the spokes and the corresponding por tions of tbe fellies, which may be done as follows: Procures' number of small pieces of leather, from nn Inch and a half to two inches In diameter; with a sharp knife nnd compasses, or with a cutting punch, make round holes in the centre of these pieces, and make a straight cut from the hole to the outer edge of the pieces so as to form open rings. The holes must be made of a siae that will nicely fit the tenons on the outer ends of the spokes. Place a fulcrum on top of the hub on which place 3'our lever, with Its short end under the felly near a spoke; have an assistant bear down ou the outer eud sufficiently to raise the felly, and expose the shoul der and tenon of the spoke; open your leather ring and fit It nicely around the tenon, holding It to its place while your assistant relaxes the lever, and settles the felly firmly up on the leather by a blow or two on this there Ib no mistaking the faot 'the tire. Having repeated the pro cess with a- suflkuent number of spokes to make the tire all right, trim off the projecting leather even with the surface of the spokes, and your task will be done. If your piec- - Soolc-Keeners. Reporters. rr 3r- Operators, School Teachers fSte2?fW ZtGrfeai'Mercaritileeonese, Keokuk, Iowa ' loves hiB country aud earnestly desires From Toledo Blade. The question which every disaffect ed Republican f-houfd pnt to himself before he commits himsolf against the party Ib, Whether it is iu any way possible that he cau secure better re sultsby votlug with some other party ? If he will review all the elements In this query we are satisfied that his an swer wiW'be in the negative, and that he will be compelled to admit that not only can ho not hope to better himself, but further that he cannot do so well. The Republican party is not all that any of us would like ; many of its minor acts are opposed to our ideas of right and expediency, and we frequently wish that -some of Its leaders we?e different, but with &M mat me worst oi .Ltepuuiiuuui&ui ia much superior to the best of Democ racy. There is nothing whloh any Republican can complain of that will be righted, or even bettered", by the euccess of the Democrats or the Na tionals, while there are many tbingB of much more importance that will be irretrievably injured by the suc cess of those parties. The road to im provement in any particular is through the Republican organization. I It is the only one which has the ca pacity or inclination to effect reforms. Attempts at such by other parties are simply thinly diBguised schemes of corruption. The Republican who Stewed Cahijage. Shred a small cabbage as for cold-slaw; bo It in water for twenty minutes, thai drain thoroughly and cover with sweet milk. Cook until tender; sason to taste with butter, pepperand olt, and just before serving add the yo'k of a beaten egg mixed with a little sweet cream. Thd dish is very gool with out this latter addition, and aavorite with mauy who dislike plain boiled cabbage. a An Alabama woman recenty gasp ed her jaw out of joint. Later. Seventeen hundred applications have Bince been received from married men, asking her how the tiingwas accomplished, and the most avorable circumstances for such an jndertak ing. Elmira Gazette. What good is they, anyiow?" scornfully remarked n bootblack, re ferring to the fair sex. "Did yu ever know one ou'era to stop and give a a feller a job? Not much? They ain't got no shoes on fit to bheken, nnj'ways." es of leather should be spongy, ham mer them down some before using. B. Ii. in Western Mural. "Marriage Ceremonies Performed Free" is the sign displayed by an Ohio Justice. He keeps a tava-n, and is satisfied with the profit on what the bridal parties eat and drink. A Missouri writer says : If a boy ten years of age starts on the western prairie with ten sheep, and permits them to multiply until he is twenty one years of agxi, lie then will be a rich man. 'It's agin my profession to tell,' was the answer of Sara Bass, the dy ing Texas bandit, to a request for Information iu regard to his accom plices. Dr. Cameron, of Dublin, says that the secret of female beauty is a layer of fat under the skin. That's why n 1250 pound woman Is always hand some. Russian ladies ore apt to exceed la dies of other countries in the number of bracelets they wear. From 12 to 20 are often seen on their arms. e A man in Detroit has reoently in vented nn apparatus for arresting and extinguishing sparks. Are the girls going to stand that? l rm When a woman begins to linve a catnt her elbow at meal time, and gives it sweatened milk that's a symptom. A young lady rebukiugly asks ns, which id the worst, to lace tight or to get tight.- Wo give it up we never laced. Twins have occurred fifty-six times in Ohio within the past year, so great is tho demand for Ohio men. DO THEY CURE EVERYTHIBG? NO. They ae intended for dis oasosthat resuitfrom malari al Poison and a Doranc;ed Liver. DR. TUTT l:a.s rirvotcd twcnty-Ovc years to tho study of tbcl.iier mid tho rcMiut Ims fU'KiiuiHtratccl that It c.xcrt Rn-atcr iitdui-nce ovi-r tlip bystrm than niiy other nr-un ol" the body ; DiKOsticn unil Assimilation of thr fond on which, ilcia-nds tho -vitality oi' tho body, Is i-ni-ried on through it; the regular aitlon of the borreN di'icmlt o:i ir, nnd vi hi-n these function ure demised, the Heart, the IJrain, the Kidneys, the Skin, in fuel the entire organism is affected. SVMPTOFilS OF S DISORDERED LIVER, Dull Pain in the Side and Shoulder, loss of Appetite; Coated Tongue; Costivo Bowels; Sick-headache; Drowsiness; Weight in the Stomach oiler eating, with Acidity and Dolching up of Wind ; low Spirits ; loss of Energy ; Unsociability ; and forebodings ofEvfl. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE NEGLECTED, SOON FOLLOWS DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUS FEVER, CHILLS, JAUN DICE, COLIC, NERVOUSNESS, PALPITATION 0FTHE HEART, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY DISEASE, CHRONIC DIARRHEA, AND A GENERAL BREAKING DOWN OF THE SYSTEM. IIEED THE WuLRXnTG! TUTFS PILLS. The first dose produces an ef fect which often astonishes tho sufferer, giving1 a cheerfulness of mind and bouyancy of body, to which he washeibrc astranjj er. They create an Appetite, Good Digestion, and SOLID FLESH AND HARD MUSCLE. A LOUiSANA PLANTER SAYS : " My plantation ia in a malarial district. Fcr ecrcrnl years I could not make half a crop on account of sickness. I employ one hundred and fifty bauds, often half of them were sick. I was nearly discouraged when I began tho use of XUTrsPliLIiS. 1 used them as a pre caution as well as a cure. The result wzb THE AMERICAN FMT DRIES, OE PNEUMATIC EYAPOKATOK. Correct Principles'- Correctly Applied 1 Exclusively Original and Jladically 2Sreiv In the History of Fruit Driers I Th e Drier for th e Million I Simple, Durable and Portable I A Household Necessity! PEICELIST, INCLUDING EVAP0KAT0R AND FURNACE, ALL COMPLETE i Wo 1-18 inches wide, 6 feet long, 3 lines of trays, S40 on car. No. 2 24 do 8 do 3 do 60 do No. 3-36 do 16 do 4 do 150 do Tlie A-mexicaii Drier ii M.ni.iMst nrpmlum? In every Instance where It has been exhibited KKh aua for u,c supcr,or " or tho ilouc containing much information of vnlne to overj- Farm Grocer and a full and Interesting history of tho value or Kvnp s the parties who buy them. Ac, and Investigate our claims. fruits and vegetables cured upon it. Send for juuswnieu wuanie or, Fruit Orowcr. ueaiei u ui nmtcd and Conserved rults, BOBT. W. FXJRWAS, Brownville, Nebraska, For all territory west of the Mississippi Klver ond castor the uocity .uoumuiu, y whom all communications bhould be ad dressed pertaining to that region. HERAL WEST VM rMi Laiil HlLii ! CBfiS;owr1& r I III wlilcli a wUU nay all 1 uay tlculurs to II. In roar own town. V' outfit free. Header, ir you want a business at perSOllOI ClUierJlii..'- """"fi :ne time they work, write tor iar allett & Co.. rortlantl, Me. olj 1 Hallett . marvellous; my laborers became hearty, robust, aim nappy, ami i nave nau no tnnner iron Die. With these Pills I would not fear to live in the Misery does not always love com pany if tho company happens to be mosquitoes. What la the difference between a hungry man and a glutton? One longs to eat, and the other eats too long. 9 What Is the difference between a watchmaker and a jailor? One Bella watches and the other watches cells A long controversy in the columns of the London Shilling Magrzine on spelling reform opens withan article on "1,212 Ways of Spelling Scissors." Cotswold lambB for size aid South downs for quality; the sane Is true of sheep for mutton. But for the farmer and gaidener all other vocations and professions would languish and perish. . Bran appoints, but womaa disappoints. CONSUMPTION CURSD. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission ary the formula oi a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands or cases, has felt it hla duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send, free or charge, to all who desire It. this recipe, with full dlrectlonsfor preparing and using, in German. French, or English. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. XV. Sherar,U9 Towers' Block, Rochester, New York. M llwl A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors nnd indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that Trill euro yoc, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in SontbrAmerlca. Send a self-addressed envolopo to the Rev. Joseph T. Ininan; Station D. Bible Iiouse, New York City.- - 19x Okofonokec swamD." E. KIVAL, Bayou Ssns, La, "BEST P'LL IN EXISTENCE." " I have used your Pills for Dyspepsia. Weak Stomach and Ken-oneness', and ccn say I never liad any thing to do mo so much good In thd way of median e. They are as good as you rep resent them. I recommend them as tho Beat Pill in existence, and do all I can to acquaint others with their good merits." J. WTIB1JETTS, Dacota, MlSH. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, 25 CENTS. flrnco, 35 Murray St., New York. IY1V.M fKt.lU, ISIEMt Wiuhlns I1U. furtte ccnof mil DUm cr I'M vat o ntnr, rcniune Jroni siiy auuc or Infection of ithrSer. Seminal WeuVnennP'od""'? F.m!Ion, Lo orMcmorv, Impaired Mfclit, Lot Manhood or Impotcney. JtcrvoM JJcblllty, P urotlTcnred; dfceuwof the ltlndder. Kidney. ' Lune. ArtW Catarrh. Illo, all Chnvie IX, nd IIIS KAWJS OF FEMALES, Ul to hb trettajjnt. Dr. OUn li a rradoat of tbe Reformed Sehool, ma do mercurr. ta tha ntrrtl m the U. S. LADIES reouirir, treatment with SrauTbotM and board, call cr write. JEtot conTentenc for SufcSSr Send flay cent, for anjpl. of R S.yjWjT cnlar of Important Inforsutioa byeTjims. Uii. ULJ-A ffiSmSb GTODE BBBAK yoanc and ralldU ajrd of both Smh, on all dLeaja of pnra. nature. Valuable adrice to tbe marrwd and thae contemplation BiTOW. How to b bealtby and trnly happy n the carried rela tion. Everybody lweld pet thU book. Mx SO ctnU, to any aj drrai, tealcd. Br,A.Q,0L!M fflT business you can eiiRacc in. ?. to S) per L I day nindebv auy worker of either .sex, r I right in tlielrownlocalitli. Particulars LU 1 nndKiiinnlMwortliMfree. Improveyour ...... .. t .l.l....n Cl..-nn . rn spare time ai inis ousiukjs. Auuicwcuusuii ".vu. Portland, Maine. 5lyl CHRONIC Ncw"pnths ma'rkcd out by that plainest of all books 'Tlnln Home Talk and Medical Com mon Bensc" nearly l.ooopases.ao Illustrations, by Dr. E. U. Voote, of 13) Le.xlnKton Ave., Y. Pur chasers of this book are at liberty o consult Its author In person or by mall free. Price by ninll. rj.25 for the Standard edition. orIJ0for thel'pp. ulnr edition, which contains all the same matter and Illustrations. Contents, tables fret'. A cni Wanted. JIUKKAY UILL PUBLdbHIM' LO. 123 .East 2sth St.. r.Y. -J-" P! AHU SPECIAL. NOTICES. ItetailprlceSl 000onlyS!i73. J'ar lor Oman price S340 only s!5. Paper free. Daniel h'. Jlenttyy UWaMhinutnii, N. J- tCAIAY ABcntl'rontiiiiiMliip&rAiMia' 4JXWniM.SaDiple free. Fukd JoNK.s.Aassau,N. . I The only combination or me St true 'Aroi 'Choi JAMAICA GINGER. true Janmlca Ginger with choice Arnmaticsnnd French Ilrandy.for Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Cramps and Pains. Diarrhoea and Dysen tery, Dyspepsia. Flatulency. Want of tone and Activity n the Stom ach and liowels.and avoiding tint dunxprs or ClianKeof Water, rood and climate. Akfor riANtuHD'H Jamaica Oinoek. llwl TfTTTCT Apply to the publishers of lUUrl VX this newspaper for half "ilTTmVT membership (at discount) In the lJjL.lN Mercantile Collepe. Keokuk. Io wa, on tho Mlsslssslppl. Bookkeepers, Pen men, Reporters, Operators and Teachers thorcuphlylltted. Don't fail to address Prof. Miller, Keokuk, Iown. I6yl A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage I ...... .-,..,-. - . A Gutdo to Wedlock end confldimual Trestue on tns tlntiei ot marnojo sod tho rans that linSt lor if- the le- rSf0SJH Dr5s creu of Reproduction and U1C Xfl3(.ueva ui ivuiucu A book for rriTste. consitS- e-ate readioj;. UU parta, prica iOcta. a DDittATr; anirrai aiiv shKi On all duonlera ol aTPrivato Wcturc aruayj trom Self Abase. Ercesea,or8ecret Discnoes, isub. tha bct jean of rurr, 24 !rpe pare. price iOcts, A CtrKICAI. LECTTJKE on the ahOT diwt pe rd those or the Throatand Lungs, Catarrhjlupturo. the Opium Habtt.Ac price Wets. .... Either book sent postpaid on receipt o! pne . or H thrte, COn'aininp.ViOpeEe'.bcatinailie'il'nstrated. lorTJ c.. AddrcaJ SS. STJXT8, So. 12 2. Etii:. bt- Loaa. He. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. .t- , . .nn.Billllnnnfl)H aSLCulvcpwclI'rt Celebrated I.HKar on the railteiu cure (wunoui mn cine) of Kpkrsiatobbihka or Semi nn wmicnnsii. lnvolnntary Seminal Losses, Impotenci-, Jtenlal and Physical Inca pacity. Impediments to itarriage. etc.: also Con sumption. Epilepsy and Fits. Induced by selfin dulsencc or sexual eitravacance.itc. ffB-lTIce. In a sealed envelope, only six cental tiT ooiohrnf wi nntlinr. In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty jears succt-ss-ful practice, that the aUrmhiR consequences orself oususeof Internal medicine or the application of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which everysnlferer.no matters hat his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radt eallv. fiS-Tlils lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. senmnderseai. tn a piain envelope, to anjim SPECIAL OFFERS FOR Newspaper Advertising. "WepublLshahookof llti Pages 8Vo. noodyir tlslng) ffivinK Hpccinl ofTeri fop ndvertlsliiK nil ovoptho country- Prices lower than ever oirered before. The last edition sent post-paid on receiptor Si cents by HA1 CJIY A CO.. Printers' "Warehouse and Advertisement Ageticy, WI. ulton street. '. Y. w l NATY SWEET RSFSW PlinTTjinrr tS hm irr jiiufliuy.1 Aw-trdc I h ghe J pr at rcntenmal Expomtjon frr tine thrtc -g tpial Sirs zr. 1 erct'lmx and luting char nrtrr of mctetenmi and flamrwi. The Wst tobacco erer made. As enr blue trip trade-mark i closely imitated on infer nr Rocds. see that Jaction't Eat a onereryplng. ro!dfcT a' i dealers. Eeud for sample, free, to C. A. JacksosJz Co., Mfrs., retersbnrg, Va. dress. ;aif-ii, on reclpt of six cents or twopost ace stamps. Address the publishers. THE CTJIr VKIUVELI.MEUICAL.CO.,41 Ann St.'ew York. PostOOice Box.-Tiofi. 3yt SI! IE 11 w Purnon'H I'nrBativc PHIt make New lllcli Illood, and will completely change the blood In tho entiresjstcra In three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from I to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health. If nuch a tblnic tw pos sible, sent by mall for 8 letter stamps. I. s. JOIINMJ.N fc t'O.j Bangor. Jle. ltwjl NOW ItKAIJY! The (.rand Achievements Of E?I 78 AAU UAI1KI5. r?? u can make money taster at work for as than at anvthing else. Capital not required: Ave will start you. J12 per day it home made by tholndnstrinns Mpn. women. bovsaiMlciriS wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costly outlit and terms free. Address T rtte Co., Augusta, JIalne.- Jlyt SmVVM MAI KAIL. Agcntswantcd.Uusl J H 1 1 il ncss legitimate. ParticuUrs free. 5 .NLC SftGOLb PL1TEDWATCI1ES. Cheap. ctt in the known worW. Sample Watch Free i- AFRICA!? EXPLORERS A full hisl'r ot Ins explorations In Africa aim nirirrfoiJourniyfc.irir' (hngo. The public art eagerlv awaiting this book. 1 1 Is oTmaleftlff inter et. riciyltlustratel.f"ir priced. nnd v I! I sell wittt out a parallel. For fall description and' terms, ad dress N. D. Thompson t Co. t p it M i.t WI NTEH 520 Pine Street. St LoulsaiiaHiO nnHit-o' TETTER "HEADS, um BILL HEAD Neatly priutetlat thiKoRlo. ! m