iwmmmmmmimmmmmmm SP8P X . "?"" 5 -,. OITICIAI, DIRECTORY. District Officers. a. B. FOUND , !?O.R.HMITn. "WILLIAM IT HOOVBR O. A. CECII ., Conatv Officers. ,.j3dKC, .District Attorney , District uicrK. ..Deputy Clerk. joht h. stuli. WUSOn E. MAJORS A. H.'JILMORE. H.V HL.AUK- ..Counlv Judcc ..Clerk and Recorder .... .Trea.su rer -Sherifl B. PARKER'. JAMBS JT. HACKER PHILIP CROTnEH JOHN IT. SHOOK. ") JONATHAN HIGGINS.J J. H. PEERY. J City Officers. V. T. I103ERS ... i. u. Hcr.nunu J. B. iraCKKR. ......Coronei 8nrvpyor .School Superintendent ..Commissioners RFN. R. THOMPSON OEO.L3. LANNON. COTJNCILMEN. lu-n.KORINSON) JOSEPH BODY. W.A.JODKIN.S. J. J. MERttEIC. J LEWIS HILT.. 1 f NEIDHART, . Major .Police Judge -UicrK -.-.Treasurer .-.Marshal 1st Word did Ward 3rd Ward SOCIAL DIRECTORY. C&arcjhes. .TethodTst E. Church. Scrvicescach Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.. and 7:00 p. in. Sunday ScfiooT at :;p. m. Prayer Meeting TbcTBday evening. a. r. Wimom. Fasfor. Presbyterian Ohnrch. Services each Sabbath ht iifcJOa. m.. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer MeetlnKWed ncsday evenings. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock a.m. II. B. Dye, Pastor. ChrlBt's Church. Scrvlca every Sunday, a 1030 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sundav School at 2 p. m Rev. Mattiieiv IIexry, MLssionary In charge- 3It. rieosant Cumbrrlnnd Presbyterian. Church four miles south-westof Brownville. Ser vices first Sabbath In each month. B. J. John son, raster. Christinn Church. Services every third Sunday of each month, by Elder Chas. Jlowe, Social meetings every Sunday at 11 a. in. Prayer meet ings Thursday evenings. Catholic Services every 41b Sundav or eacli month, at 10 o'cloch a. in. Father Cunimlsky, Priest. Schools, Brownville Union OradedScbool. J.M.Mc Kenilc. Principal: Miss Jessie E.BaJaAygls HflsiWV&V? 2d intermediate: Miss Emma rjuiith, 1st Primary; Mrs, Carrie Johnson, Cd Primary. I. O. of O. F. nrei-nvlHp T,oitice No. 5, I. O. O. F. Rejrular meetings Tuesday evening ol each week. Visit ing brothers respectfully invited. A.IT.Gllmorc, N. O. Jas. Cochran, Secy. Jn'rmnha Cltr Lcdgn To. 40, T. O. O. P. Meets every Staturday. O.CZoOK.N.tS. DA-vnr To0bteix)Tt, Sec. Knights of Pythias; (Exretslor Lodge No. 15, K. P. Meets every Wednesday evening In Masonic Hall. Vlsltlin; Knights cordially Invited. J. B, McCabk, C. C. W. KicrmA.v, K. of 11. S. Masonic Nemaha Valley Lodec No. 4, A. F. fc A. 31. Stated meetings "Saturday on or before the lull at each moon." Lodge room open every Satur day evening for lectures. Instruction and Rocial intercourse J.CMcNaughtou.AV.M. B.F.Sou dcr. Sec. Brown vllle Chapter No. 4. It. A.M. Stated .meetings second Thursday of car.h month. U.W. Furnas, M. E. H. P. A. K. Davison, Sec Faruan Council No. M, R. S. & 3. E. 31. rU&tedmectlngssecnnd Thursday of each month. J. C. McNaugbton, T. I. M. A. It. Davison, Kcc. ITIt.CnrBteICoranianderyNo.:i, K.T. Stated meerlngs second Monday Ineachmonih. B.W. Furnas, E. a; A. W. Nlckell, Kec Kne anil Lily Conclave, No. 63, K.R. C. It. fcC Meets at Masonic Hall on the fifth Mon days. It, W. Furnas, M. P. Sov. R. T. Balney, Hecretary. Adah Chapter No. 2. Orderot the Eastern Star. pHted meetings third Monday in each month. Sirs. E. C. Uandley, W. M. Socloties. Comity Fair Asportation. It, A. Hawlcj. President; John Bath. Vlre Prest,; 8. A. Osi orn. Secretary: J. M. Trowbridge, Treasurer. Mana-cers-IT. O. Minick. S. Cochran. F. E. Johnson, Thomas Bath. Geo. Crow. J. wr. Gavit. Choral Union. J. C. McNaughton, Prcst, J. B. Docker, Sec Blake Drnmatlr Association. W. T. Tlogers, Prcst. Jl BJ Dftcker, Sec and Treas. itletropnlltan Cornet Hand. D.T.Smith. Mu sical Director. Ji Huddartj Treasurer and Busi ness juanoger. Brevrarille Iiitcrary Society. It. W. Furnas, i'residen A. O. Cecil, Sec LO.ofGr.T. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. Mr. A"DA VAN PELT, W. G. C. T Lincoln. K. W. METOALF, W.O.C Tecumseh. Mrs. L. F. Market. W. a. V. T . Rlverton. F. G. KEENS, V. G. Sec KeArney. MirbEVA RANSOM. -W.G. Treas Falls City. A. J. SKEEN. W. G. M Brownville. W. F. WARREN, W. G. Chap Nebraska City. A. J. SKEEN. Dlst. Dcp. for Nemaha County. Uroiriyvllle Lodso No. 69, I. O. ofG. T. Meets every Friday evenlnglnOddFellows Hall, over .Nlckell's drue store. Main street. Stran gers of our order visiting the city are Invited to meet with us. L. L. Hulburd, W. C T. Ben. Lorance, Sec G. W. Falrbrotber. 8r.. I. D. Nemaha City Iodee No. 109. Meets every ifonday evening. M.rs.3. A.IIonilucum.W.CT. John P. Crother.Sec P. Crother. L. I). AsplBTrail Tjod(re No. lOS. Meets every Sat urday evening. John S. Minick, W. C. T. T. J. IIItt,Sec .Ion, No. 137. Meets every Thursday evening, at the Kennedy School House, two miles north west of Brownville. J. H. Lorance. "W.CT. Oeo. fianders, Sec. H.O. Minick, L. D., Brownville f?ccHrIty, No. 135. Meets every Saturday even ing, at Falrview Church, six miles Botith west of Brownville. John Maxwell. W.C.T. H. n. Bow man. W.S. Geo. Crow, L.D., Brownville. liiadea. No. 9S. Meets every Saturday evening, at Linden School House, six miles north west of Sheridan. H. B. Good. W.C.T. M. A. Palmer. Sec H. F. Palmer, L. D., Sheridan.- Fieaaaat Fralrle.No. 100,-r-Mect every Satur day evening, at Bratton School House, Benton precinct. M. L. Eastwood. W. C. T. E. Elwell, Sec B. n. Bailey, L. D.. Bratton P. O. Bedford, No. 10O. Meets every Friday evening at'Coal Tar School nouse. four miles south wesf of KemahaCity. Jno.Stokes.W.C.T. P.Young Se. C. Tucker, L.D., Nemaha City. SSrldknNo.lfi'i.Moet8 every Saturday even ing: T. Si Sell, W.C.T Robt. Bryant, Sec Geo. Harmon, H.D. fOther lodges In the county that desire a place In this directory will please inform us of name, num ber, when and where It meets, names of presiding officer and secretary, together with any other in formation they may wish to communicate. BUSINESS C&RDS. A S. HOLLADAY. XJl Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Graduated In 1S51. Located in Brownville 18S5. Office, 41 Main street, Brownville; Neb-. THE ADVERTISER THl7RSDAYrSEPTEMB:Ett&. 1878. Publishers' Notices. TnE Advertiser Is on sale at the Drug and Book Store Of A. Vf. .Nlckell. Locai. Ncticks. set as ordinary reading matter, will be charged ten cents per line, each Insertion. Set in display type, fifteen cents aline. Authorized Agents. Titcs Bros arc our authorized agents at XCema ha City t receive and receipt for monies due us. Thomas BcrrEss fs ottr authorized agent In Glen Rock precinct to receive and receipt for monies due us on subscription. A J.Rittek, BtSUDerotn.Isourauthofizcd agent at that place, to receive subscriptions and adver tising, and to collect and receipt for monies due The ADVERTisiat. Iohn 8. Minick is our authorized agentat Aspln wall, to receive subscription and advertising, and celled and receipt for monies due us. J. W. Gavitt Is our authorized agent in Benton precinct to receive and receipt for monies duo ub on subscription. FAIRBROTHER & HACKER, Publishers Advertiser. 'THE OLD EEBEL YELL." The Confederates, Under the Lead of Jeff. Davis, Again Move in Force Against the Constitution and the Union ! It is, in allessedtlal particulars, indor sed by a vast majori ty of the raeu and all tbe women of the South. Yazoo, (MJ39.) Herald: Let the world say what it will, be it ours- to declare that tbe cause for which we fought was a just cause, and that in appealing to the arbitrament of the sword we did no more than the men of the Bevolution did in their war fare against tbe tyranny of George the Third. From the Okolana (MIeb.) Southern States. The One question State's Rights-Comments of the Tress on the Subject ox-Presldcnt Davis and Ills Declaration or a Popular Principle. T Jj. HULBURD. ij. ATTORNEY AT LAW And Justice of the Peace. Office its Court House Building. Brownville. Neb. QTULL & THOMAS, O ATTORNEVS AT L-AW. Office, over Theodore Hill fc Ca's store, Brown-viile.Ncb. L. SCHICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over J.L. McGeo&Bro'sstorc, Brownville, Nebraska. T. T H. BROADY, U r Attorney and Counselor at Lair, Office over Stata Bank.BrowuvIlle.Sfeb. TT T. ROGERS. T T . p Attorney and Oounielor atLaiv. Tvnisrlvedlllrencattention to an vlecal business eutrustedtohlscare; Office in the Roy building, Brownville. Neb'. Q A. OSBORST. O. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office; IvO; 81 MUn street, Brownvilc, Neb. J W. GIBSON, biIacksmite and horse shobr. Work done to order jad'satlsfacUon guaranteed First street, between Male and Atlantic, Brown vllle, Neb. AT. CLINE, FASHIONABLE BOOT AXD SHOE MAKER CUSTOM: WORK made to order, and fits alwaye guaranteed. Repairing neatly and promptly done Shop, No. 27 Main streeBrownville.Neb. JI. BAILEY",- SHIPPER AND BEALER II X.IVET STOCK. BROWXV1LLE, NEBRASKA. Farmers, please call and get prices-? I want to handle your stock. Office 3rMa!n'Eteet,Hbadley balltllug. QEORGE ARSMTRONGr GRAIN DEAXEK, Brownville, Ncbraslmi.- Farrners, please call on me for prices. T will give you tho highest the market -will afford; as- I am. desirous of handling voot gram: 4Uf marsh: house, JOSEPH 0'PELT, PROPRIETOR. Livery Stable in conneciiocwith the nouse. J3Sta&e Office for all points East, "West,- ,North, South. Omnibuses tq"55S .aonnect with all trains.-Sr 3ATHPLB R003T FIRST FLOOR oofe-lteepcT, Reporters, y4?-' Operators, School Teachers AtGreat2lcreantileColIes:e, Keokuk, Iowa. -r reeaoni"B ouiuu, oucu Dcgnn, bequeathed by bleeding slro to son, Though baflled oft, Is ever won." The principle of State's rights Is not dead. There has never been a day nor an hour since the foundation of tho Federal Union when this liberal, progressive, and catholic construction of our form of government was more quick with the tires-of vitality thanafe this very moment. We say this iu the face and- front of all the Charles Sumnerism or "na tionalism" that has been worked up and forced forward by the haters of human liberty now high in a power stolen from the people. We publish below a few of the thous ands of comments upon the cardinal tojiicof the times comments inspired In the main, by the speech of ex-President Davis. It will be seen that the doctrine of State's rights is a popular doctrine with tho journals from which we quote ; and they are but a few of the many that have spoken in the same tone within the last few weeks. A II save five or six of the hundred pa pers in Mississippi have indorsed, or, at least, have lent their semi-approval to the timely utterances of the Confed erate Chieftain. This fact speaks vol umes upon volumes in proof of what the States has always and uniformly claimed, towit:- That our people, as a people, have not been beaten nor bullied out of their opinions by the war that was waged upon us by the assassins, thieves, and incendiari'es-of J'urilania. The "fruits," the "ligitimute results'' of the war, concerning which the Radical and Conservative people-have chattered and jabbered sinee our flag went down before the ruffian hirelings of Lincoln, have never been, and nev er will be, accepted by either the old or the young Chivalry of tbe South. Nor is it the ex-Confederacy alone that the friends andsupporters of the State's-RIgbts principle are to be , found. Their strength and weight in the JWorth is sufficiently powerful to mark and sioay the policy of the Demo cratic press and lend a Jeff'ersonian flavor to the Democrallcplatform. It is the one central idea of the party, and the party would no more think of condemning it than they would think of condemning tbe Constitution .is it came in all its stainless spleutior from the bauds and brains and souls of the Fathers. It is true that here end there is a loud, windy sheet or speaker of the Conservative persuasion that de nounces State's rights as Bourbonistio, much to the delight of the foee of our party, but these sheets and speakers are forlorn in numbers, character, and in fluence. They are mere hangers-on, ,and handicaps of our party. They represent nothing and nobody but a few pitiful place-hunters, a few Du gald Dalgettys, who forever have been, are,, and will be in public market. Their constituents are confined to Radicals, semi lladicals, and demi-semi-Radieals. All that is best and brightest and bravest of ourjtcople are Bourbons tothe core. It is only the trucklers, tools, and- time-servers the lees and offscouriug that cry "Pec cavi!"and take to their bosom tbe hideous reptile of Radicalism in the shape of Conservatism. With these words we commend tbe following to the careful perueaiof the publio:- Macon (Miss.) Sun: The Okolana States' editorial on Jefl. Davis, JuBt week, suits us. Holly Springs (Miss.) South : The address of Mr. Davis, tried in the lire, will come out pure gold. Jasper County (Miss.) Herald: We say, All bail to the noble chieftain of the Lost Cause, the grand old hero of the doctrine of State's Rights. Pontotoo(Miss.) Democrat: We are a State's Right Demoorat ; we fought for thoseprinolplefrou the battle-fields of the Confederacy, ancV we expect to maiutain them while we Jive, and be buried with those principles in our breast. Vicksburg(Mis8,) Commercial:- We publish to-day a few more press com ments on the speech delivered by Mr. Davis, at Mississippi City.- It will be Rpnn that none of our southern papers find anything in Mr. Davis' uttsiv ances to condemn. Handsboro, (Miss. Gazette : With regard to the fourteenth amendment, even if it were no longer of any prac ticalforoe or effect which is a mis takeits existence is- a stereotyped and perpetual insult to the Southern States. It is one of the foulest blots upon the political his tory of tbe landi Newton (Miss.)- Report:- In- our opinion, Mr. Davis did speak the true sentiment of the South, In epite or . . IT.tMWraiant,in. the vinkKhurrr JETeradgraveand'un authorized declaration to the contra ry; Aberdeen Examiner: The men from tbe Nortti that we care to win will read the speech of the ex-President' In tbe sense in which It was written, aHd they will also recognize the faot that; Crystal Springs (Miss ) Monitor : The Mr. Davis of to-day can be noth ing but the Mr. Davis of Confederate times. To change his view would be simply to admit his error, Which God forbid he should ever do, as thousands of bleedings Southern hearts would rise up in mutiny against him. Canton (Miss.) Mail: The doc trines taughtby Mr. Davis are the un derlying stone of the foundation of our government, and all men are com ing to see it; and though the Con fed racy failed, tbe principles that in spired its existence died not with it. Those principles still live, and are destined to re-engraft themselves in the constitutional law that is now struggling for supremacy in the gov ernment of these re-united States. Forest (Miss.) Begisler : We are glad to know he (Davis) is still true to tbe principles which .carried eleven States into the war in 1861-'5. Eleven-twelfths of theSouth indorse him, besides a vast following in the West. Although the secession of '61, under tbe subsequent leadership of tbe dis tinguished statesman and soldier nam ed, is at an end, it by no means fol lows that no one else will ever urge the correctness of its principles inu &re jgneu JTJiqJj pal J&oSGeiiSK or bearings and distances. Corinth (Miss.) Corinthian: What ex-Pre&identDavissaid at Mississippi City, recently, we indorse heurtiiy. Southern principles and Southern leelings are by no means dead, and it is about time for the skulking cloak of policy to be cast asipe, and for the honest manhood and true chivalry of theSouth to come to the front, aud proclaim their fidelity to the Lost Cause. A few more such Grand Old Patriots like Mr. Davis, and it will not be Iou-g before the glorious South of anic-Bcllum days will be restored. We say, "Hurrah for Davis !" and de fy tbe North to make the most of it. Give us ten years to get ready in, aud then we don't give a snap whether her school keeps or not. The Holly Springs (Miss.) Report er : The Mcrala speaks of the "uew South," tbe "young South." We suppose it means by this the South as represented by Lamar, Key, aud that class of statesmen. There is no "new South," or "young South !" The statesmanship, valor, patriotism aud virtue as handed down to us by the fathers of the old South is what we admire, venerate, and love. The Herald and its "young South," or "new South" ean't replace these. It may heap imprecations upon the head of Jefferson Davis, and extol Senator Lamar to the skies, but in our judg ment the former is more iu accord with the people of Mississippi than the latter, the Herald to the contrary notwithstanding. Port Gibson (Miss.) Reveille: Jeff erson Davis was formally arraigned, and a true bill of indictment found against him for high treason. Why' was be not tried ? Ateuch recurring term of the court Charles O'Couor, counsel for Mr. Davis, announced to the court his readiness for the trial oT "prisoner Davis." It was a case of such magnitude that a bond of $100- 000 was required. Why was he not tried ? Simply and solely because the trial would necessarily have involved and' determined "the right of seces sion," and it Is known to those in high authority and public favor that Chief Justice Chase stated that rather than hazard a decision upon that point he would avoid the trial, and the pris oner might go. Bah! An unqualified lief Chief Justice CbaBe never made such a statement; but even such a lie has Its purpose in firing the Southern heart In inspiring tho "Rebel yell !" The Democratic press of the other Confederate States, like the New Or leans Daily Democrat add their shriek to the general yell. It says : Destroy the doctrine of secession, and we still have the right of revolu tion -; deny that and you deny the right of the people to resist usurpa tion, tyranny, or fraud you legitima tize despotism. And theNortheru'Copperhead press the old seditious allies-of the Confed erate traitors, as truculent and dis loyal as before the war, servilely catch up tbe refrain, and add their traitor ous shout to the yell of their rebel masters. The Ottumwa (Iowa) Dem ocrat says : There is uow a partial strengthen ing of the State sovereignty or home rule system, caused by the Democrat ic majority iu Congress ; but the great struggle for supremacy between the two opposing ideas will take place in 1880, with Grant as tbe champion of the Hamiltonian or Centralization system, and the opposing idea, if it has a champion at all, must be repre sented by the candidate of the Democ racy. The New York Day Book quotes, approvingly, Jeff's treasonable doc trines. Itsavs: 1 Mr. Davis says secession was at leaBt a debatable question in 1861, but now, with the principles of tho Re publican party carried out, and the consequent ruin and desolation of tbe South, what Southern man can question tbe wisdon and absolute ne cessity of tbe secession movement? Thus all along tbe Democratic line, from Maine to Louisiana, and from the Pacific to the Atlantic, is again heard the old "rebel yell." reinforced by theshoutof tbeNorthern copperhead. Again tbe Republic 'is in imminent peril ! Three years of the Democracy in control of Congress has relighted all the fires of Treason, Hate, and Re venge, and all the foes of tbe Repub lic, all the malignant enemies of free dom and free institutions, marshaled as of old under the demon of Ander sonville and tbe Libby, under the' oruel and systematic murderer in those hellish denB of our Union pa triots by stcrvation and exposure, Jeff. Davis, are again assailing tbe strong holds of the Constitution- are again united for tbe pillage of theNorth and the destruction of the Union I Rally, Unionists, both Democratic and Republican ! Everything again Is-in peril liberty, nrpperty, country! The old fiend Is notdead, only "scotch ed 1" He now must be throttled and forever laid to rest! Unionists all !- To .the front. item Political Notes, New Republic'. Republicans should support the par ty and its grand principles now, and leave local issues to be settled hereaf ter. A Southern raid on the United States Treasury for $35O,CO0,0OJ Is to be voted for, o? agarnst, at the next election. The help which- some farmers are unwltingly giving to schemes 'of re pudiation and inflation, if Btfccesaful, will bring greater loss upon them than upon any other olass. If the possession of one-half of Congress by the Democrats produces such bad results what would be the result with both Houses under their control? Banning will not be chairman of the House Committee on Military Af fairs inkhe next congress. Hia par doned penitentiary birds will not even have the opportunity of stuffing ballot-boxes for him. Dennis Kearney stole his apostro phe on or message of greeting and love to Butler from the speech of Tom Fitch, of Nevada, and the Louisiana Demoorats appropriated the plank of the Ohio Nationals to make their platform. The farm owners and the small property-owners in this country should naturally form an effectual barrier against any assault upon the are destroyed they will bo the greatest sufferers. One of the greatest needs of the country at the presenc time is a thor ough appreciation of the intense hun ger of tbe solid South and the im mense magnitude of Southern war claims, alreadj' made and prepared to be made on the United States Treas ury. Bad administration, broken faith and promises, disloyal practices, and general stupidity characterized De mocracy when in control of National affairs. A coat of paint cannot make it- a new party. It is the same old In stitution ro.tten to the core and un worthy public confidence. Do you Wish the Union preserved ?" shouted Judge Thurman at Hamilton, Ohio. "If so', support Democracy." The Judge should have stated it more clearly. It should have been stated thus: "If you want to preserve the Union support those who endeavored to destroy it." This is Democratic logic in a nut-shell. Thurman tells the people of Ohio that the expenses of the Government were much larger in tho ten years of Republican rule, subsequent to I860, than under Democracy during the ten years previous. This statement leads tothe conclusion that the Democratic party was more economical than the Republican. Sage conclusion ! While the Judge is up he had better state how much of the excess was needed to suppress tbe Democratic rebellion. The Coat Trade Journal says that eince 1840 theifastest Atlantic steum shipsihave increased their speed from 8.3 to 15.6 knots an hour.aud the con sumptionjof fuel per hundred indicat ed horsepower has been reduced from 4.7 cwt. to 1.9. Since 1840 passage ha7e been reduced from 14 days to 7. 1873 was the most unlucky year 7 vessels and 829 lives having been lost. , . ' Both Houses of Congress are large ly filled with those who fought for years to destroy the Union. Why should not Sitting Bull be allowed to return and keep all he took away? Bull stole horses, burnt houses, aud murdered men, women, and children, but he was not educated at West Point, nor bus he violated -his oath to support the Constitution. Col. Beacon, of General Sherman's staff, jreports that the poln selected under the act of the last Congress for anew post is at Bear Buttes, eight miles from Crook City aud eighteen .miles from Deadwood. The site is between the Indian camps along the river and the gold mines. urn m t A child was called aB a witness in a Charleston court. The opposing law yer asked her if she knew where liars went when they died and objected to her testimony because she answered no. 'Well, that question has not been settled by anybody satisfactorily,' said A letter to the Commissioner of Ag riculture, dated Sacramento, July 22, says : " We have the prospect, of har vesting the largest crop of grapes ever grown in California, and are making preparations to cure 1,000 tons of grapes iutoraisius." Here is an extract from a little boy's first composition : "When cats is a swearin' and a blasfemiu', and a try in' the canes of their bilers in th back yard at nite, it makes a feller awful frade, If he-isu'tsleepiu' with his big brother.' The showing made by Gates, the Missouri stale treasurer, iu his report to Gov. Phelps, does not materially diminish the prospects that his man agement of the state finances will en tail a loss of from $500,000 to $1,000,000. In France the hog is never scalded to remove the hair. A large pile of straw is fired, and over this the pig is hung until all the hair is singed off The small patches of hair are singed off by means of wisps of straw. JPh TfcJTT PILL For TEN-YEARS TU'ffT'S PILLS" have been the recognized standard Family Medicine in all the Atlantic States From Maine to Mexico, scarcely a family can be found that does not use them. It is now pro posed to make their virtues lcnovn in the "WEST, -with the certainty that as soon as tested they will be come as popular there as they are at the North and South. c. "?( TUTT'S P ILLS'' BUI 1 j a ELSLy 11 DO THEY CURE EVERYTHING? NO. They ate intended for dis eases that resultfrom malari al Poison and a Deranged Liver. DR. TCTT lias derated twenty-flvo years to the htmly of the Liver and the result bun demonstrated that it exert creater influence over the uyuteui than any other aceau ol" the body ; Digestion ami Aeslinilntion of the food on which, depends the vitality of the body, is car ried on throuKh it ; the regular action of the bowels depends ou it, und vrhen these functions nro deranged, tho Heart, the Brain, the Kidneys, the Skin, in fact tho entire organism is afiected. SVWPTOHSGFA DISORDERED LIVER, Dull Fain in the Side and Shoulder, I033 of Appetite; Coated Tongue; Costive Bowels; Sick-headache; Drowsiness; "Weight in the Stomach after eating, with Acidity and Belching up of "Wind ; Iiow Spirits ; Iiosa of Energy ; Unsociability ; end forebodings ofEvil. . IF THESE WARNINGS ARE NEGLECTED, SOON FOLLOWS DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUS FEVER, CHILLS, JAUN DICE, COLIC, NERVOUSNESS, PALPITATION 0FTHEHEART.NEURALGIA.KIDNEY DISEASE, CHRONIC DIARRHOEA, AND A GENERAL BREAKING DOWN OF THE SYSTEM. HEED THE WAHNIXG! TUTFS PILLS. The first dose produces an ef fect which often astonishes tho sufferer, giving a cheerfulness of mind and bouyancy of body, to which lie wasbef ore a strang er. They create an Appetite, Good Digestion, and SOLID FLESH AND HARD MUSCLE. ITEMS OF INTEREST. is Republic. The service fee for the Short-horn bull, DukeofTjnderiy 3rd, owned bv the Duke of Manchester, England is 80 guineas,. or about $400.- Every sheet of postage stamps counted 26 times while being made. Ben. Butler, who has been Tiioro nicknamed than any other man in the country, is now called "the bald headed son of toil." The State of Minnesota alone will this year raise twice as much wheat as waB raised in Belgium last year. Belgium, however, is ahead on lace. 1 The Indianapolis Journal, speaking of the anxiely of (be Democrats about the Republican candidate for Senator, iuvites them- to "shinny on their own side" and Took out for their shins. The candidate of either party that attempts to expouud- tho position of his party on tho questibirof finances Is liable to get mixed. Miss Mary Livermore has been de livering some lectures in London on the "Woman's Suffrage Movement in America." Her English friends are anxious that she should remain long enough to infuse a little life into tbe movement in England. Au English court has decided that a railroad canuot contract to carry freight at a lower rate for oue shipper than' another, on the ground that hav ing its privilege from the government, it should not discrimin te to tbe inju ry of any person. The first patent taken out in this country for au Improved plow was in 1797, by Chas. Newbold-, who improv ed Jefferson's castiron plow. It took till 1812 to develop another. The New York Graphic advocates the election of Miss Anna C. Brackett as president of Vassar College, In place of the late President Raymond, holding that the influence of a wo man would be greater than that of a man as president of a female college. Ex-Congressman Shellabarger says General Grant's nomination Js inevit able, provided he will consent. He thinks he can consolidate the party and be elected. And the New York Tribune says the woods In all parts of the country are full of men who are talking In much the same way. Since the attemped assassination of the Emperor William by Dr.Nobling, there have been 563 arrests for Insult ing the Emperor. Of this number, 521 have been convicted, including thirty-one women. The aggregate of the wutencen of imprisonment is 811 years. Five of the accused com mitted suicide before trial. Staid and steady going old Holland has an Indian war of large dlmtn sions on her hands. The savage tribes of the Northern Summatra have re newed their hostilities against tbe authorities, and as they are- armed with- Euglish aud American rules, they promise to make serious trouble.-The- seene of hostilities is a'worse fighting ground than our ovn lava beds. Mr.Scovllie.of Handley.New York, sayathat Guinea fowls will eat pota to beetles as fast as other fcwls will eat corn, and that one Giiuea hen will keep an acre of potatoes- nleaf of oeeties. Jtie further adds that? they can be utilized as a barometer and a watch dog, from their habits of soreeching before a sform and rvino- alarmat the approaoh ofastraDger. It is the confession of a widower, who has been thrice married, that the flret wife cures a man's romance, the second teaches him humility, and the third makes him a philosopher. Beports from tbe petroleum fields of Russia indicate that that country may soon become a formidable rival of the United States in the European mark et. fr im . 11- Western creamery butter now sells in the.Xw York and New England markets for more money than that of the dairies of those states. A LOUISANA PLANTER SAYS : " ily plantation is in a malarial district. For several years I cnnld not make half a crop on account of sickness. I employ one hundred and fifty hands, often half of them were sick. I was nearly discouraged when I began the nse of WET'S PIlS. 1 used them aa a pre caution as well as a cure The result woe MANUFACTURER AND DEALER 13" jiiLsriei oicka HIM en CD 3 22 OS CO 4 H Q S - 1 Prl 'lfcjf- Yy3lS 5a CROWN cfEOXOH MM- txrans ; CD l oi; 0 s n v hrj U is" L -'JfllS S3 37o. -i-O 3Xaixi Street, 33io-v.ville, 3VilxaIr:. IBIROW'VILIILIE IV! ABBLE WORKS' 1 p marvellous ; my laborers became hearty, robust, ana nappy, ana 1 nave naa no tanner troaoie. With these Tills I would not fear to live in tbe Okofonokee swamn." E. JUVAL, Batou Sara, La, "BEST PILL IN EXISTENCE." " I have upcd your 1'iixs for Dyspepsia. Weak Stomach and Nervouencss, and csn say I never had any tiling to do me so much good in the way of medicine. They arc as good aa yon rep resent them. I recommend them as the Best I ill in existence, and do all I can to acquaint others with their good merits."' J. W. T1BUETTS, Dacota, Minx. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, 25 CENTS. Q flffice, 35 Murray St., New York. Joseph SeJmtz, DEALKU IX Clocks, Watches, Jewelry Keeps constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock or genuine articles in his line Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry done on short notice. n.L reasonable rates. ALT. WORK WAIiRAKTED. Also sole acent In this locality for the sale of IiAZARUS & MORRIS' Speaking of rude rem irks, any re mark Is rued that gets you into trou ble. An unmistakable case of black bawling a crying negro baby. AN FORD ,mK ci-iajr,l:es neidhae,w Manufacturer and Dealer In Foreign and Domestic MarMe, Monuments, TOMB STONES, TABLE TOPS, &c, &c QDETTA f nEQIflNQ !iorder?P.ro",P';,Vn,ed'andsaUsfactJonK"ftrnteetl. O JT fl L I A Li lJC31UnD Cilice and 1 ard. Main street, between 0th aud 7th FURNISHED m. m. oonner, TramUgAgmt. AMERICAN finnis VtY: I Ills II.V1 .I'ci iniiuuHain CELEBRATED PEUFECTED SPECTACLES 6 E?E GLASSES No. 5D Main Street, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. RADICAL CURE For CATARRH FSTARTLY relieves and permanently enrca thla loathsome dljca3e in all its vnrvtm stuwa i. possesses the soothing ailil healing properties of plants, herbs aud barks lu their essential form, free from every fibrous contamination, and in this re spect dlfftira from every other known remedy. In ono shortycar It has found its way from tho Atlantic to tho Tactile coast, and wherever known has be come tho standard remedy fortho treatment of Ca tarrh. Tho proprietors havo been waited npon by gentlemen of national reputation who have been cured by this remedy, find who have, at consider able expense and personal tronble, spread the good news throughout tho circles in which they move. When you hear a wealthy gentleman of In telligence and refinement say, "I owo my lifo to Sanford's Radical Cure," you may feel assured that It la an article of trrcat value, and worthy to bo classed among the standard medical specifics of the day. THE benefit I dcrlvo from Its dally use is to mo invaluable. HEKRT WELLS, or Wells, Faeoo & Co. IT has enred me after twclvo years of tmlnter ruptPd suffering. GEO. W. HOUGHTON, Walthax, Mass. T FOLLOWED tho directions to the letter and am J. nappy to say 1 novo naa a permanent cure. JD. W. GRAY, M. D., ilUSCATlsr, IOWA. I HAVE recommended it to nnlto a number of my friends, all of whom have expressed to mo their high estimate of its value and good effects With them. WM. BOWEy, 225 Pcre St., Sr. Loris. AFTER using two bottles I find myself perraa nenUy cured. I have einco recommended over one hundred bottles with the jrreatest suc cess. WM. W. ARMSTRONG, 159 Habbisok Ate., Boston. WE have sold Sactoso's Radical Cents for nearly one year and can say candidly that we never sold a similar preparation that gave such universal satisfaction, we navoyet to learn of tho first complaint. 8. D. BALDWd & CO., WABnrSGTOjr, 1st). rpHE cure effected In my case by SAjryoiro's Rim JL cal Cube was so remarkable that It seemed to those who had suffered without relief from any of tho usual remedies that It could not be true, t therefore made affidavit to it beforo Seta J. Thomas, Esq;, Jnstico of the Peace. Boston. GEOUGEF. PISSMORE. Dkcqoist, Bostojt. Each package of SAjfFOKn's Radical Cttbz con tains Dr. Sanford's Improved Inhaling Tube, and full directions for Us ue Jn all cases. Trice, $1.00. Forf alo by all wholesale arid retail druggists and uraicrn lurouRjioni toe uniiea states ana Can id as. WEEKS & POTTER, General Agents and Whole sale Druggists, Boston, Mass. UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Instruction given in nil the brandies of n, liberal education. Open to both ladles and gentlemen. Candidates for admission to the Prepttra tory Department must pats a fair examina tion in Orthography. Reading. Arithmetic, Geography. English a rnmmai, and the His tory ol the United suites, Instruction isglv eu in higher Arithmetic. English Analysis, and rhysieal Geography, each for a. single term. TUITION FREETOAtl. Fall Term begins Tuesday, Septomber 10, 1578, and ends Friday, December 'JO. Winter Term begins Thursday, Januarys. 1579. nntl ends March 21. Spring Term begins April 1, and closes on the Second Wednesday of June, the day of the annual commencement. Cattalogue, containing full information, can be had upon application to is. u. fr-Ai lU'MKl.D, Chancellor. Lincoln, July C.1S7S. Jyl Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. Just published, n new edition ofDr Culverw(ll'H tTelvbnited Kmhiiv on the rtulical cure (without medi cine) of Si-KKMATOBniiojA or Semi nal weaKiiess. involuntary Seminal Lassed, I.M1-OTKXCY, Menial-nnjl Physical Inca pacity, Impediments to Marriafje. etc.: also Con sumption, Kplleps-y and Fits. Induced bv self-In-duhience or sexual p.ttravnciince, c. jKSPrlce, In a sealed envelope, only sl.x cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty j ears success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of sell abuse, may bo radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the application ol the knife: pointing out n mode of cure nt once simple, certain and ellectual. bv means of which every sufferer, no matter whut his condition mav be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radl caHj, aSTh!s Lecture should IiPln Ihlli9n1nf mm youth and every man in the land. Sent Under seal, in n ulntn pnvetnno In nnv ml- dress,.porf-oM1onrecIpt of six cents or two post nee stamps. Address the publishers. THE :UL VERWELL MKOICAL CO., 41 Ann St.Xew York. Poit Office Box. 4336. :jyi TETTER HEADS, 8 BILL HEAD Neatly printedat thisnfllce. I "win sell Drying Ma chines and take pay in Pruit Dried on same. Or I will Dry Frnit on Shares. Or will ptir chase Ko. 1 free-stone Peaelaes fox cash ROBT. W. FURNAS. SPECIAL NOTICES. netallprlceSlOOOonlyS'275. rr. tw price 5,1,1 1 omjr gDft. .. KllHM-1 If. IJMIILX. nutoii, N. J- (t CA DAY A itent'H VroatcnnxasUiHfJrMminia f) U Delight .Sample Tree. Fiikd JoNy.Nanu J?, v. I ! The only combination or tht 'ft true Jamaica G Inner with -hoic A Aroniatlcsund French Brandy. for w 'Cholpra, Cholera Morbus. ('Munpti and Pains. Diarrhoea mid Dysen tery. Dyspepsia. Flatulent-. Want of tone and Activity in thVs stom itch and Bowels. and avoiding th idangprsorChanneor Water, food and climate. A sic for MXrORiis Jamaica (JmoKii 1IW4 JAMAICA U1M5J5KJ SPECIAL OFFERS FOR Newspaper Advertising WepubllshobookorilS Pages 8Vo. (no advt tislng) eivliie wpcclul oiler for ndvertlsiBtr nil over the ennntry- Price lo'Vcr than eve: ottered before- The hist t-dittonsent post-i ihI" rfceipt or S.cents by IiAt'CHY A CO.. Prtiiitr Warehouse and Advertisement Agency, ll. u!t- i Street, U. Y. iiv. , J". EL BTJEH: Manufacturer and Dealer In SWEETJ CKSO ESL IfiTF nVhnrmnf Awarded h,i!t t itue at Centennial F-poitte fcr fine chwuy qnahtx and r- tlUnrc did l'mff riar. aeler of w;'t" "7 and tla-n mn. TIw W.t tthco ever mad. A our M'li strip t ule-m uk n clUv imitatrd on mfi.r.i r ex'', ne that . Jf,r m on-verTj,u:. S. .Ibrn at i!rr,. bi i..I i..rasmrl. fn-e, to C A. Jx Kj jX & ( a., 3if. ., IVtersbitfg, V u J2JJ!$$ 8 fe if)" j "nJfosgU. ,.-.7 1 a k jiff ik I - Mj tfrW ft -wfMff A I S L m ft! 3 2 M m& W m k 5" & x "msi "" 9 y iSJrSigggff 3&B! BP tpj? fifffl f wm a aaaga &my ISSSev. 50 o c CO Blnnliots, Brushes, Fly Nets, &c. Sr3 Repairing done on short notice. The cele brated Vacuum Oil Blacking, for preserving Ilaf uess. Boots, Shoes, tc. always on hand'. 64 Main St., Bi-oiYnvillc, Neb. r, LIN1 a COLLli nnsa VOLTAIC PLASTER An Electro-Galvanic Battery combined with a highly Medicated Strengthening Plaster, forming tho best Plastcrior pains and aches in tho World of Medicine. A MOEBTD SWET.TTrTG. GezUemen. I sent for one of COLLETS VOL TAIC PLASTERS, and it has been of graat benefit and one pronounced It an ovarian Tumor. in redncinir & swclUnc in mv left aide that two nbv- Elclans pronounced Enlarjrement of the Spleen, L. A.KISTEH. CYM'iUASlA, Ict., March 20, 1377. OHEYABETHEBEST. Gentlemen, Enclosed yon will find Ji23,and I wish you Tt-ould send me another dozen of your COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS. By the above yon will Bee that I can do something to help others In somo way even if I am not ablo to be up and around. There ara'a number who havo tried ronr plasters who had given out that all plasters wero good for nothing, and now Join with mo that they ore the best they have evertrled. I have got along this winter better than I iave .before In three years. Wished I could havo heard of your plasters We. yoarB'&oHETTAM.CEOSS. Baxibtox Spa. N. Y March 27, 1S77.- IPrioe, as Cents. Becarefcl to call for COUJKS VOLTAIC PLAS TER lest von iret somo worthless Imitation. Sold bfal lWhol?!le-andBetAll Wf" throughous tfie United States and Canadas. and by WEEKS & iTJi ir.n, rniii'muiai M-.- . can make money faster nt work for na than at anything else. Capital not required; we will start yon. ?12 per day if home made by tbe Industrious. 51 rnmr.n 'Inrinnilclrli wanted everywhere to work for ns. ,Nov Ls the time. Costly outlit and terms free. Address True Co., Augusta, Maine. siyi rHTste IIotHiI, 137 IJut WmLIck- i rss us u eui s w iifctoifcTss's ail ul, 01 a j'rivnie naicrr. nsniunzirotn eoriy aoucca or In fret Ion of ritberMz. SriclnaL WcaknrfntproJrdo? EmIIon, Lo of Memory, Icipnlrcd Micht, Lo.t Manhood or Iiu potency, Aervou Ilebllity. prrma ceatly cuml ; uLeiaof tbe Bladder, Kidney., Liver, Lunsr. AUhmi, Ctarrh. HIo, all Ctronic Duukj. aal DIS EASES OP FEMALEis jfeld to LU trrataeot. Dr.Otta hu had a 1i&-Icdk cxicrienre, and com trbcre others til. II. Is a gndoaU of th. Rclucnud Schot, cm so emtcctv, Lu tb I.ir.-at practka In tba U. S. LADIES reqeiriog treatment iVHh prl rate bom and board, call or nrlt. Etcry comi-nwrit, fer patients. Send fifty rents for sample of Rubber Goods andtcfr calar vf important Information by express. J)1Z. Ohlii'H Female nib. j5 per Box. Cocsnltalion free. MAERIAGE GUIDE ffiSSJEtt joavf and middle ard of both Sexea. on all dbeas of a jrinU nature. Valoable ajice to tbe marned and thow conteioplatlcz maniav. lh to be bralthy and trnly hip py la the married rela tion. Krerrbodr sbonld at thU Ui& ltL. iO cent, in an !- dnai, tealed. .CpRysToLogical Vi&w of Marriage ! . uuc wj vwcqioc ana Jutiej at marrfaje and ibe causes that unfit for it th- tu rret of Heprodnction and the Diseases of Women. A Look for nrival ronul c atircctLc. a30pSM,prica OcXf. A PRIVATE MEDICAL AlTVISFH! On aTi dlxorcrTs ol a private J ature ar...iy trom Self Abuse. xcees, or Secret Diseases, -cUh tin Im: iscani Ofrurf, 24;airrparr.pric-iUrt. A CLIiriCAI. LECTOBE on Ihe aborr dii-atrs and rhoie of the Throat and I.nnes.Catarrh,Euptore. th Opturn Habit..?-, price Klcia. n.inree. .c?. )Ui, 210. M r Vi If I MRS. J. B. McCABE, !32 Pnrston'H Puraiitive Pillft nmk Xew K . Blood, nnii willcompiftelj- change the MixmI in t' entlreMystein In thre months. Anv iicr?oii n! will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 aeeks inu , he restored to sound health. If Mich a thin; be , slbe bent by mail ror 8 letter stamps. 1. s. JllllWIKN A: CO.tBangor.Me. 11 w I i Greut chance to mnice money. IT you cin't get gold you onti gi-r. w c;ueuuuyer3uu hi r e subscrlnttoiKi rtrtl:e lieupe.st and be-t illustrot.; bllcntloii 111 IhAtviirbL'Aiiv one cun beeomc il iwi4ttfi.fui !it.nf The most eiesant work.s ui'urt given free to u scribers. The price hi mo low tlittlulinmtevervbodv sub.-cribes. One agent reKjrts mnhliii: over jfol in a week. A lady agent reports taking over-ll!ub-scribers in ten days. All who engage make ntonev fast. You can devote all yimr liiae t the busta'- . or onlvyotirsiiure lime. You uw-d not be awu'. from home oer iilcht. You can tie it an watl vt othetK. full particulars direction! and termsirrev. Meruit anil ccpenolve Outlit frek Ifytm want prolituble work, soud uh your add re, at once, it costs uothingto try the Inwlnerw. Ni one w)tn SHBt-: rails to make greHt tmy. Address "The Vr pie's Jour11.1l," Portland, Maine. a week In your own town. JJ natttt fre No risk. Header. If you want u. bunlmw at which a person of eithersex can iiiokgra: DUVall tho tliiu ttiev work, writs tor. nar. ticuhirs toll. Ilitllett A Co.. Portland. M.,e-'5Iyl ufliness you can eiiwK in. $tapr ...n.ic m. .i i-Tjrer ni rftner mi. in theirown loealltlas. I'mtlvMimw DHUi Pies worth 3S fri. rinrtlVa vnur spare time at this bualneM. AddruwutitMon jtce. Portland. Maine. siyi PIMPI.ES. I will mall ( Pree the reepe fur a slmirle Vfokt aki k B,vtE that will remove TAX. ERKCICLSS PIMPLES.and BLOTCHES, leaving the skis soft' clear and beautiful: also Instructions forprodueiHir a luturiaiitgrowihofhairona hnldheod orumooth ?? ?TrvK' '"Closing 3 ct. stamp. Ben VaiHtell -aAiinSt..y. Y. asm TO COTCTSTTTvT73rrT-?r Theadvertleer. havlntr been pennanenttyeureil of that dread dlsca.se. Coiumniption. by a nlutrto remedy, banxlotu to make known to hfei teiu:i- juiicrers me means 01 cure, 'to 1 ll who desirt! ue ..in sena a copy 01 cnargej, usintr thesj lor CONSUMPTIOX. A&THMA, BKOXClTlst n p 0 t ULl I .1 lr IP "" IIS .8 i risrlit a fcw I Hbd Parties wishlnir the nrA.rrtnttar, tvlll. !;.. ..1 32m- riptien E.A. aviijo?v- 191 Penn St.. Willlamabnrg.X."' -. Main si fceL 6la aid ? Brownville. M. Dresses cut and made in IJio latest stjlcs, am! charges Reasonable.- Ier onm Oil.OU HAVE YOtJ SEEN ,?AN,DS8 aQjLXaliiilllLJL IPUH BTGDUAnTfl. 1 1 1 S I 9 111 6 M 11 I L IIJJ JLiUUl 111111 JL 1 TRANSPARENT TECIII5C CARDS. Instrne tlon and amuseihent combined. Important I par ents and teachers. SSdlhVrentarllirficdeslKjM. Tke entire pack sent free lor a Cls. currency, vaadtiii Co.. MAnn Ht.. N. Y. 2g AOENTS iM-oftt for a weekv Will rove a or lorteit wn. 3ew article), nst patented. RiimnlM ,n r. t. all. Address V. It CllIIirtfiTRit- 16 Fulton St. , "e w York. uaa , ERRORS of youth. ' A Kentlemen. who -suffered lor years from Xerr otis Debility. Premature-Decav, bihI alt'Dfe' ftect or youthful ludlscretum. will Jor the sake ofawnVr ing humanity send free to all who need It. tire rec ipe aud directions for innking the auto pie remedy j .in.uucnui.'urnj. JMiuerenj whbib tfrproift by the advertiser's cvpeileiicfoan dovoly a4TreHs Inc lit lerfect confidence, JOUX B. OGDBJf . 12 Ce dargt..yew York. ffin ATTDAV TftJi7uate, C'urtd.- I . x-l J. VV-.a. J J New paths markeU V J . .' ,v1"1' P""esi or nil books s '"Plain Home Talk ami MMiimi rn, "glzWxWJW&a&H?' mon Dr. Is not easily earned In these times but It can be made la three months by any one of elthdrsei.ia any part 'of the country who is willing to worK steaaiiy at tne employment that we furnish. SG6 per week in vour own town. You need not be nu-av frnnn ,nm( OVPr nieht. Vol! Carl 1V( VOlir whole time to the work, or only yoar spare mo- I NOW HEADY! ments. Ave have agents wno are maKingoverfj) 1 per day. AU Who engage at once can make money , fast. At the present time money cannot be made ' so easily and raptaiy at any omer ousiuexs. it I i t iTaving pnrchitsed tlic E JL 33 3tii j. IV X DKBTMDFEEDSIIBLL I wish tt announce that I am prepared to da a first clas livery business. JosTi J2 offers. cheers of thb book arraTiroe? tto coninlf "ta nrffiX&S?" a bJ. mA fret"- wiySx ft?J.V?S'?,?.d"-l edition. a.-'JTrdrthcsPop- and illustrations. Contents, tables free. Acnt -.. ,.u t,.., ,. x . Km YOTTTn App'y to to pnbiiswrxo J"- V-LN T this uewspnper for hHlf IvT irM "2ember,,,P at dise'o;int) in th DLJTilT Me.-CaniKfc Coirege. iteoknk. Io wa, on Hie MiSdlMlppi. Bookkeepors. Pen raen. Reporters. Operators and Teacher U'.r "I1'? u"ed Don't fall to address Prof. Miller. Keokuk, lowal i&yi' STANLEY The Grand Achievements ol Ai OTIIKR AFRICAN EXPLORERS costs noining 10 try tae ousiuto. terais ana 10 . flill hlfnr-7Tt htZ ,.,!. i . i , r.iT J. Outfit freo. AridrwCs at once. II. Hjnxrrr A cA. ! .i,..51 ??? ot explorations In Afr ca. and Portland rinp "-3vl ""' journey ooun we tro. The pub Ic are J)rnana, Elaine. jyt eagerly awaltinz this book, it isnfmii-arir. est. rfcAfy illustrated, tow priced, and will sell with, out a parallel. For full description and terms, ad- GOLD PjLATED WATCHES. Chp. trt in ihe known worid.fflrtpKiFwtcA?rr::j dns N.D.ThompfoatCo.jrtriniO U7iuairi lJ3if.-Aridrce.A.CoTTit&Co.Chiciga jo Pine StrcetT St. LoaiiajHI'lIc WiRlSD fyusi lit 1 JUirfJS PREITAG. Carriage, louse i Sip Painii Graining, Gilding. Bronzing, Papsr Hanging and Calciraluing. CB-Cbeap atwl first chtss. For reference. arpl- t Stevonson Js Cross. Shop over Abbott jfc DteeryV Bracksmlth bhp. na, " asowxviujti jisaj 1 i i