'-ia!- u - u.. mnnp M p ADVEKTfBlSK lURSDAY.SEVYESIBEnS. 1S7S. i imiMiraiin r i i'i ""f-Tinw For a ffepublfcnh State Convention. tie Itopttblfcnn Kloctors of the State of No- ka ate hereby called to send delegates- ilhp several counties, to meet In State iiVVmtlon at Lincoln, on the 1st day ofOc- r, ISTS, at2 o'clock, p. in., Jor tlio purpose placing In nomination candidates for the llowng named offices, viz: )no Judge of Supreme Court, pno Member of Congress. hno Member of Congress, contingent. rernor. Ircutenut Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor. Treasurer, Superintendent of Public luEtrnctlon; Attorney General; Iaud Commissioner, And to tran6netsuehoJherb'nlncssKsniay froper3y come before the Convention. lliCEevcral counties arc-entitled to repre sentation In theStAteConvention as follows. based upon the vctc received, either by Silas Jarber for Governor in 1S7(3, or C. A. Holmes tor Regent In lo, (except Seward, whose representation Is based upon the voto of Jeorge B. Lake for Judge of the Supreme ICouVt for JS77.) giving one delegate to each 150 votes, and one for the fraction of 75 votes. f also ono delegate at largo for eaoh organized county. Jhle-- j)ric ilfihh. One ill ten thousand perhaps CflunotBO resist, and he or she who can, but wilfully aud premeditated-? drinks, knowingly im pari rig his puree, his health, his reputation and wronging his fa-mHy, ifr guilty o greater qin than the man who sells the liquor.- If it is possible that any man cannot resist, has not the1 power to keep away from the saloons, why his friends should take on re of him, and1 the sooner he has-a guardian the better. Ct untie. Vote. ". Adams.. 1,018 8 Antelope... 211 3 Boone-.. . 3Io 3 Ihiffjiltu .. Ktt 6 Burt GSJ 6 Butler . 592 5 Cass .1,373 10 Pedaru, Hf 2 Choyeiin o.. fi57 Vlay...l -J.0S7 Cbuntles. Volts, gftirs. 8 471 -1 409 4 7 318 3 '214 2 . 367 3 aai 8 .2,35 17 1 1)17 H '361 3 Colfax. Cuming. Ouster-.. Dakota Dawson. fJtxonj. Dodge.. Boutins:. Klllmorec Franklin. Frontier.." , Furnas . 253 rtage " 1,072 Gosper... firwlpy... Hall 773 Hamilton 622 Harlan 3SS Hitchcock . Howard.. 301 .Kelt. Jefferson. JohuEOn... j Kearney... 'Keith..... Knox........ Lancaster. 'Lincoln-... ,MadlRon. Merrick ,'Nemahn I Nuckolls .tftoe. IWwnee -., 5 .... yji 7 .. 2S9 3 .... 1 Ml 3 .1,977 14 433 4 . 370 3 , .W0 -5 1.0S0 8 225 3 1.2S5 10 6 1 1 4 R 73V I Phelps. ' Fierce....-., j Platte..... 513 I Polk 518 uoa whiotv-. sj 2 UIchardsoH-l,327 10 Saline 1,125 ft Sarpy... . SSI 4 .Saunders 1,092 & JSeward 1,130 9 Sherman 1 Stanton..... 123 2 Thayer........ 431 4 Valley 181 Washington- 977 Wayne Webster 525 Yolk....... 013 8 1 5 7 II Is recommended. First, that no proxies boadmltted to IheConveutlon except sweh ns areheld'by persons residing In the counties from which the proxies are given. Second, That no delegate shall represent an .absent member of his delegation', unless ho he clothed with authority from tho County Convention, or Is In possession of proxies from regularly, elected delegates thereof. By order of tho Republican State Central Committee, JAMES A. DAWES, Chairman. H. M. "Wells, Secretary, ifncola, July 24, 187S. Uriuce Bismarck weighs 240 pounds. Ben Butler is an independent can didate for Gbvernorof Massachusetts. Hurrah for the Rcpnb'tlcan rooBter. It looks as if it had swallowed the Bee bantam. The Knights of Pi'thias will Have a big celebration at Milwaukee, on- the 10th inst. General Logan is a rousing the Re publicans of Illinois to a sense of their lmperitlvo duty. Secretary Sherman eayB that not more thau'$250,000,000 of U. S. bonds are held abroad. . The good' people of Omaha have donated near $2,000 for yellow fever 'sufferers of the South. The trade- dollar seems to bo all right this far west, but in tho East It 'is several' cents below par, because it 'is not a legal tender. It Is really a 'liner dollar than the new legal teud ;'er, and Its depreciation is caused spec ulators. The Inter Ocean speaking of this, gives Eome good advice, we think. That paper Eays : We advise the people to hold on to their trade dollars, and not be swind led by speculators, who, having bought them up at a big discou nt and paBsed them off on the people at par, are now trying to depreciate them aud buy then, book at another big per cent profit. It is a shame that in I this- endeavor they have been aided and abetted by the Director of. the Mint, and he ought to be removed in stantly for the part he has played in the matter. But at any rate do not be swindled by this movement. By the time Congress meets there will be 'such a buzz about this double dealing In regard to the trade dollar as to compel its recognition as a legal tend er or its conversion into the standard 'dollar. The peopie are getting, ex cessively tired ofthese eort of ma nuevers, and they will soon make it lively for those eugaged"Jn.theru-.. If they will just hang on to the trade dollars they have in their possession aud positively refuse to part with them for less than one hundred cents, they will bo practically at par before many weeks without any notion of Congress. They are a necessity for the Chinese trade, and, as the Treas ury has discontinued their coinage, they must necessarily bo in active demand. Stiok to your trade dollars. The Nemaha Valley Eand'Gompany ordered a hundred extra copies of the Chieftain this week. This company are expending considerable money mi advertising Johnson county. They have arranged with a number of rail roads for low rate to those wishing to visit this seotiou of Neb. Tecumseh Chieftain, The people of Tecumseh are wide awake, enterprising, and if they do not catch a-suare of thoso hunting for new homes-in the West, it will not be for lack of energy and advertising. Here Is another extract from the Chieftain whioh shows that their live men are on the alert, and put in heavy work wiiere it willdo-tho most good: At tho request of C. A. Holmes, tho Atchison & NebmBka Railroad Com pany have now made arrangements with several railroad companies in the east to sell round trip tickets to Lincoln, with privilege- of" stopping over at Tecumseh. A personal. letter from Senator Pad doc!i to-Mr. Welch, written sines the adjournment of Cougress, commends Mr. Welch's fidelity, industry and ef ficiency in the House in unqualified and generously warm terms. Rcpub lican. When a congressman has to circulate certificates of character and compe tency from bis colleagues he makes public confession that he is in a very bad way, Bee. Not at all. The Bee Is constantly charging Welch with incompetency and inefficiency. Some people may want to know whether these charges are true or false. One In high, hon orable position one In whom the peo ple has ooufidence, and being person ally present to Mr. Welch's official acts and conduct, knowing he has been a good and an able representa tives, and honestly, generously and fearlessly saying so, a9 he ha8 a per fect right to if he sees fit, will be tak en, as it is entitled to, as the highest of authority and the best of evidence, as to Mr. Welch's fitness for re-elec tion. When placed in the scale of publio opinion against the Bee's illog ical reasoning, the Senator's indorse ment will be as a mountain against a pisant hill, as an elephant against a monkey, as a man honorable and truthful against a shyster and dema gogue. The republican party is, and always has been the foe of the workiugmau. Rockport Mail. That's a lie. The Republican par ty struck the shackles and gyves from the limbs of millions of workingmen, and elevated in tho social scale the "mudsills," the men of toil, "the greasy mechanic" the "stink" of whose sweat was so offensive to the longfloeed oligarchy, before the rebel lion. The Republican party gave the laboring man bis homestead, the most money, the best money and the best money system, evergiven in the Unit ed States. These facts and many more that could be named, are evidences that tho-Republican party is and al ways has been the- worbingman's friends. for every twenty votes cast for said electors, and one for every fractional vote therefor. A. W. Morgan moved to amend' by making the popular voteithe baa's. Amendment loss. The original mo tion was then adopted, and the fol lowing delegates were apportioned to the several Precincts :- Island,!; Peru, 8; Glen Rock, 4 ; Lafayette, 6; Washington, 3: Doug las, 4; Brown ville, 10; Nemaha City, 5; London, 4; Aspinwall, G;St. De roin, 2; Bedford, 3; Benton, 5; Sheridan was chosen as the place, and 12 m., Saturday, September 21st, the time for holding the County Con vention. It was recommended that thesever al precincts hold their primary con ventions, for the election of delegates to the County Convention, on Sat urday, September 14tb. at 3 o'clock p. m or any other suitable hour that may be designated. Aud It was fur ther recommended that they, at the flame time, select two members from each precinct as members of tho Cen tral Committee and report thesame to the County Convention. There being no further business the Committee adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. C. F. STEWART, ch'n. A. H. Gilmork, Sec'y. Organization of the First Schopl Dis trict in Xcmalia County. Welch does not possess-the- pualifi cations which Nebraska's only repre sentative in the Lower House of Con gress should have. Bee. The Bee asserts this in half of' its editorials, while the other half is oc cupied in tellingof the great influence Mr. Welch has In appointing govern ment oillcials, and keeping in office tho hated Hitchoock appointees. itosewater hasn't either the logio or sense for iv successful scoundrel. There are said to bo eighteen familes Jn the oity of New York whose com bined wealth is $240j000.000. James Hill, a colored man, former ly Secretary of State of Mississippi, ft as been appointed Postmaster at Vlcksburg, Miss., in plhce of ex-Senator Pease. The shoemakers- of Chicago have ended their strike, have become rec onciled with their employers aud gone to work. The strike did not pay them for the time lost. The Republican central committee of Wisoonsin have had Secretary Sherman's recent Toledo speech- pub lished In pamphlet form, for distrib- ution through the State. Republicans tarlabor. Democratic Paper. And the Democrats want to doubly tax labor, and everythingelse, to pay for what they lost in a war began by themselves. From the 'many fav-oroblo reports here aud elsewhere, grass wheat must be a success as fall -'grain. The Brownviile Advertiser reports a field of fall (grass) wheat in Nemaha county yielding 36 bushels to tBe acre: Tecumseh Chieftain. And we have a blggertory than that this week see item of Tuck'er's yield. Mr. Sedoras who threshed the wheat and others who helped, and saw It weighed, informed us that five acres averaged, good mensure, forty three and a half bushels 'to the acre. You see the possibilities-of our soil are just being discovered. One can raise as many bushels as ib'eyrwant, of anything, under proper conditions and tillage. Butler, Dawes or Daily, for gover nor, we believe would prove accepet able to this people. Paivttee Repub lican. We could give either of those gent lemen our cordialsupport. The nom inee of the Republican convention Is- our candidate. The Bee forced an issue In tHo'Om aha primaries on Frank Welch, an-d" bragged, fool like, that theRepubli cans would put their seal of condemna tion on that gentlemau. The contest" was made, and the result was that three-fourths of the delegates td'thV county convention were Welch -men. This is a valuable vindication for the Republicans of Omaha, not somHcbf for the expression favorable -to Mr. Welch as the decisive negative to tire leadership of the unscrupulous ami disreputable -Pee. The Kearney Press a week ors two ago shut its eyeB and made somo fig ures. Nowall the anti-Welch papers from the highest down to mother Williams are copying Eatona figures and offering them in evidence while Rice sits back and chuckles to see the mullet heads bite. State Journal: "Fraud" got loose day before yesterday in Omaha, and sat down on Rosey. It will take another thousand dollar check to re pair the damages. While awaiting this plaster his squeals are terrific. - Which Is the greatest criminal, the seller or drinker ? Spirit of the Hour. The drinker, If of mature age und intellect, is the one more to blame, as we verily believe if there is any difference. The follewing is the full ticket nom inated by theKausasRepubJicau State Convention : Governor J. P. St. John. Lieutenant Governor L. U. Humphrey. Seoretary of State Jnmes Smith. Treasurer John Frances. Auditor B. I. Bombrae. Attorney General Willard Davis. Chief Justice A. IT. Horton. Superintendent of Public Instruc tionAllen B. Lemon. The platform contains a moderate greenback plank and ia generally a good one. We extract as follows: 4. The public credit should be sa credly maintained, and all obligations of the governmenthonestly discharg ed, and we denouuee the issde of an Irredeemable, absolute money, legal tender scrip as a species of repudia tion which would ruin the credit of the nation aud the business interests of the country. 5 That experience has shown greenback currency, the creation of the Republican Purty, and under whose fostering care it lias been brouglit tn a-par.with coin, tp be ad mirably adhpted to the wan la of trade and to the end that there may be but one class of" pa per-currency, we favor the witbdrawal-of national bank notes substituting therefor.greenbaokcurren oj' Issued directly by the government as the sole paper currenoy of the coun try, and wo demand that it be issued in Buffiaienvolumetomeettue wants of business without depreciating its value, and tht It shall be received' In payment of all rfebfsand dues, public and private, except as otherwise spec ified by contract; that ve are in fa vor of an honest greenback that shall always be worth Its face in coin, and that It be issued in the largest volume that' can be kept afloat nt par wlh ooih, to which end we favor a law of congress, by which the volunio of greenback currenoy In circulation shall always obey the natural law of supply and demand. G. That ns we helievo n double coin standnrd of valuoo Ih preferable to a single standard. We am in'favnr or placing thecoinnge of cold and silver on a par. giving to neither an advan tage or preference. Editor- Nebraska Advertiser : As an item that we believe will prove interesting to the friends of Ed ucation in Nemaha County, we pub lish the following proceedings of a meeting to organize tho first School District in Nemaha county. This was not only the first organized School District In tho county, but the first ru the Territory first in Nebrus ka: Brown ville, Nebraska Ter., May 5th, 185(5. Pursuant; to a call of "a qualified voter" as required by Seotlon 34, chap ter 18 of the Common School Law of Nebraska, tho qualified voters of Brownviile Sohool District, composed of the corporate Iinritsof Brownviile, and the "claims" of J. W. Coleman, Thos. L. Rickets, A.J. Benedict, I. M. Wood and W. L. Ferguson, met at the ofiico of D. L. McGary, in Brownviile, and organized by calling R. Brown to the chair and Homer Johnson as Secretary. The two offi cers acting as judges of electiou, the electors, by ballot, elected A. J. Ben edict, President of the Board, Homer Johnson Treasurer, and Robt. W. Furnas Secretary. Each Immediate ly took an oath of office, in accord ance with Section 37 of the before mentioned not. On motion of J. W. Coleman it was i Resolved, That we hereby delegate to the District Board of this School District, all the power given to ua in Section 39 of the Common School Law of this Territory. A. J. BENEDICT, Pres't. Robt. W. Furnas, Sec'y. Nebraska Sunday School Association. LONDON ITEMS. Call for a Republican Tcntiou. Conuty Cou rt republicans could all get offices Bnd if. the demoorats were not so par ticular about electing good men, the "greenbaek""party would never have been thought of; Rocknort (Mb.) Mail. Especially suoh "good men"as the Democratic State Treasurer of- Mis Eouri. The repablioanB tax labor ; the na tionals want to tax chu robes; the Demoerats will tax wealth. Demo cratic Paper. And J furthermore, the Democrats will steal the taxes paid by labor, eburches and wealth-. Instances: The State Treasurer of Missouri; Tweed, the Democratic county treas urer of Ohio, eto., etc. An Inter Ocean "special" says:: The amount of standard silver doP lars coined is $12,806,500 ; amount outstanding. $9,659,184, leaving on haad $10,237316. The demand for them is Increasing, especially by banks whioh pay pension checks, the paying of whioh, aggregating $7,000 000, will commenoe on the 4th of September, when, pensioners will re solve a small portion In. standard Bil ker, dollars. The Omaha Bee tells the people that the U. S. Senators have no right to express their opinions as to the fitness of their Congressman for re-election. We think they possess that right in common with every other citizen ; and if they are deemed truthful 'un prejudiced and honest, and not par tisan shysters, their opinion will "have much weight, aa it ouglifto have, on the determination of the' issue, for their position as Senators gives them the opportunity to know whereof they speak. Mr. Welohjis morally barred froth a renominatiou by the infamous and dishonorable means employed two years ago to compass his firdt nomina tion. Bee. Those who were in that convention remember well the desperate efforts made by Rosewater to defeat Mr. Welch, and that in spite of an infa mous fraud attempted by him, Woloh Vaa nominated over all competitors by a very decisive majority, fairly and honorable. Why does the saloon man sell hfe destroying beverages, seeing every day and knowing as he does, the re moralialng and Injurious results whioh Inevitably follow the sale of intoxica ting drlnfc. Spirit of the Sour. Why do intelHgent men buy and drink "his destroying beverages?" eto., is another question of equal Im portance. We never believed that people oannot withstand the tempta Senators Saunders- and P'addook both indorse Fraak'Welcti. They have an opinion that he is entitled to the indorsement of his constituents-by a re-election. Whose opinions are de- servingof the greater weight? Theirs, based upon personal knowledge, ex perience and association, or that of Rosewater, prejudiced, sore, unscru pulous, whose only object Is the grat Iflcatlon of persona? ends. The Republican electors of Nema ha County are. hereby called to send delegates from the several precincts, to meet in County Convention on the 2lBt day of Betera ber, at 12 o'clock m., at"Sheridan for the purpose of elect ing eight delegates to the State Convention to be held' at Lincoln, October 1st, 1S78, and eight dele gates to the Judicial Convention to be held at Nebraska City Septem ber 23rd. Also for placing in nomina tion candidates for the following nam' ed officers, viz : Three members for tho House of Representatives. One Senator. One County Commlsioner for the Third District. The several precincts are entitled to, representation as follows: Island, 1; Peru, 8; Glen Rook, 4; Lafayette, 6; Washington, 3; Doug- Tna4. T.nnrinn A. "RrnnTnunio 1ft V.U, ... , ilUUUUU,!, liIU.IMV J. , Nemaha City, 5; Aspinwall, 6; St. iDeroiff, Bedford, 3; Benton, 5. C. F. STEWART, Chairman. A. H. Sil'mOre, Sec'y. Proceedings of flic Republican tral Committee.- Cen- GoTer-nor Miller, of Arkansas, learning that rifle olubs were belug formed in Phillips county $mr the purpose of preventing the .negroes from voting', has issued an orier to a militia colonel to suppress any mili- tloa twalk down to the saloon, in at tary organization gotten, up outside of the door, behind the screen, and' his lawful btate muma. The Republican Central Commit tee met pursuant to notice in the Court House In Brownviile, and was organized by electing C. F. Stewart, Chairman, and A. H. Gilmore, Secre tary. The following members were found to be present: Jsfand N. MoArthur. Peru Wra. Bridge, R. H. Roberts. Lafayette Charles Parker. Washihgton John Pohlman. Douglas A. W. Morgan, 8. Coch ran. JSondon H. L. Matthews, Richard Kesterson. B'roumvilleQ. F.- Stowartr A. H. Gilmore, JTemaKa City Levi Johnson, Philip-Crother. AspmwaU J. B. Fisher,. G. R. Shook. St. DeroinA. J. Ritter,.P..Fraker. Benton Henry Stelnman,. James -Gavitt. R.. H. Roberts moved thnt the basis of representation in the County Con- vention be made on the vote for the Hayes electors at the lastpresldential election and that one voto be allowed And no rain yet. , .The summer is gone. Some very warm days yet'. You are all going to the bnsket meeting, of the Christian?, at Hnr mon's Grove, next Sunday,, are you not? Mrs. Paine Is improving. About all the family of Judge Peery's is sick, getting belter. The annuni conference of the Protestant Methodist Church will be held in London, commencing the 12tii inst. Some of the noblest souls of the day are found among tlifl Meth odist clergy. They comprehend much of the spirituality of the teach ings of tho Christian faith. This of General Grant "This nation lias never appreciated the in tellectual ureatness of the man. His mind is not one of ratiocination, but of intuition. Ho grasps a thing instantly and unerringly." There, is not that what we have been telling you all the time of U.S. Grant? He is not appreciated nor unoleritood. but there are agencies which bring such some people Into light, so thay can be properly seen, when tha tl.Tio is fully come. His mind is of the "in tuitive" order, the highest wo have before told you. And he well we will not tell you yet ye will not be lieve. Strange some people can nev er see a thing until it "comes to pass." Eider Wm. Winters gave two very interesting discourses last week on baptism. Ho did not attempt to establish a theory of his own but read high authority for the practice of im mersion in water for Christian bop tism, and the definition of the word "baptize" by eminent lexicograph ers. His discourses were ia reply to those of Rev. Presson. It is amusing to one not committed to creed, to stand off and witness this theologlcal'warefare. They may ar gue away their entire lives is discuss ing the antiquity and mode of these rites and ceremonies, and never oome any nearer to.the truth of the "Chris tian Mysteries." The Baptist, Johu, says, "I indeed baptize you1 in water; but be who comoth after me, he it is, who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." When they come to comprehend the "spiritual birth" then the "mists will olea-r away," and the "fruits of the spirit" will be seen, and the spir itual heavens will appear to view. Ther there will be no more debating State Journal: Who were tho friends of the greenbacks in 1877 ? On the 2d of Novembr, 1877, Mr. Hubbell, a Republican, moved to in sert, as an ameddment to the Ewing currency bill, providing that the re sumption act of 1875 "Shall be so construed as not to au thorize or require the secretary of the Treasury to retire and cancel said notes, redeemed as aforesaid, but to authorize aud require said Secretary to deposit said notes in the Treasury of tho United States, whereupon said notes shall be paid out at par value in discharge of ail claims and demands against the United States, or in ex change for coin ; aud said notes ahull, as heretofore, be a legal tender, und on and after January 1st, 1S79, shall be receivable, at their face value, in payment of all dues to the. Govern ment, and for all debts, except where coin payment is stipulated by contract orstntute, and ail provisions of law In conflict- with this act are hereby repealed." This proposition was defeated, only 6 Democrats voting for it, and only 30 Republicans votingagalnst it. Ewing, of Ohio, tlie pretended Greenbacker, voting agaiust it, and Frank Welch, of Nebraska, voting for it. Who were the Greeubackers up to June, 1S78? April 29, Mr. Fort, Republican, in troduced a bill forbidding the retire ment and cancellation of the green backs after January 1st, 1S79, divested of the provisions ur nuutiers uereat ed bill that provided for the receiving of greenbacks for all government dues, the best that could bo done in the Demooratic House, and it passed. But it was in June that the decisive vote was cast. The Republican Senate passed a bill as follows, (June 13, 1S78) : Be it enacted, etc., Tliat from and after the passage of this act United State notes shall bo receivable the same as coin In paj'ment for the four per ceut. bonds, now authorized by law to bo issued, and on and after Oc tober 1, 1878, said notes 6hall be receiv able for duties on imports. Let our greenbnok friends read this over again carefully, and see if It is what they want. On the 18th of June Mr. Fort, of the House, a Republican, moved that the rules be suspended and this little bill, that everi' man could certainly under stand, be passed. The session being nearly ended, it required u suspension of the rules to save the bill. Ninety seven Democrats voted agaiust the suspension of tho rules and the pass age of the bill, and thirty-four in fa vor of it, three to one against honor ing the greenback by making It re ceivable for all bonds now authorized by law, and for important duties, these being the two sorts of debts the greenback will not pay now. One hundred and six republicans voted In favor of the bill, and only fifteen vot ed nay. The bill was, consequently, State Secretary's Office. Fremont, Aug. 20j 1878. To Sunday School Workers-: s rm - r UBEbTisu : aoe oujcera or- your State- Association, desiring to farther the interests you have committed to their trust, of promoting the efficien cy of Sunday Shools throughout the State, by uniting Christian workers in earnest effort, to advance the cause of Christ, have agreed to invite the Churches and Sunday Schools of Ne braska to unite in the observance of a "General Sunday School Day," Sept. 29th, 1878. Our State Society aims to organize a County Sunday School So ciety in every county, to lioid State and County Conventions and Insti tutes, and by these means to explore our field, awaken Ihterst, and thor oughly qualify workprs for their res pective duties. To effect this, contin ued, persistent, determined effort is being made every year. We feel we need the prayers, the sympathy and the substantial aid of ail our Sunday Schools. The work itself is done gratuitously, bqt it involves consider able expense of travel, correspond ence, printing, eto. At the Jat State Convention In Kearney it was Resolved, That to meet the necessary expenses of our Association, Sunday School in the State be asked to contribute nt least the amount of two cents for each member enrolled, and as much more as they may please. We therefore, First, ask every School within ourborders to take this collection, upon (his, Nebraska's Sunday School Day, and send It to the Treasurer at Fremont, who will return a postal-card receipt to eaoh Sohool contributing. Second. We ask every Minister of the Gospel to preach a special sermon on that day to ench of his congrega tions, upon the claims of the Sunday School upon the Church and commu nity. Third. Wp ask thnt the session of ench Sunday School be followed by n prayer meeting, that a short report he given at this meeting of that par ticular School for the summer, thnt they pray for themselves and for God's blessing upon the teaching of His word. Fourth. We ask thnt Sunday evening each church and congre gation in our cities and villages, and each school in all our cnun tie's, hold a meeting for thanksgiving and prayer for the extension of the Sundn3' School work In our commonwealth. Dear Brethren, will vou pray for us? Confident that nil pnofors nnd schools receiving tlii appeal will res pond chperfullv nnd promptly, nnd trusting thnt nil the Mnster'.s servants into whoso hnndo or before whoop eyes the this circular mny nnrno will give It encouragement, nnd nid in ev erv way pnpsible. we pend It forth on wings of prayer and fnlth tn Its mis sion, For the Executive Committee. T. P Gaoe. Stnte Reeretnry nnd Treasurer. UStiAL ADVERTISEMENTS. (No. &51 ) QHERIFF'S SALE. O' Notice la hereby given, that by virtue or nn ortler of sale Issued out or the District Court of Nemaha County, State of Nebraska, anil to me directed osSheriiTof ssild County, upon a decrfcenndjudgmei.t rendered by said Court, In a caSn wherein J. It. Hyde admin istrator of the estato of B F. .Lushbaugh, de ceased, was plnlntltT, and Obedlah B llewett and Marin llotrett were defendants, I -will of fer for sale, nt public auction, nt the door of the Court House In Brownviile, In said Coun ty, on Saturday, October Ctli, A. D. 1878, nt 1 o'clock P. M.. the following described lands in Nemaha Conntv. Nebraska, to-wit: Tho wca half f) of the North West quarter (4)of Section Thfrty-one (31) In Township No. four(4)Northof Kanue No. Fourteen (H)Kast In Nemaha Connty.Nebrashn. together with all tho Improvements and privileges thereto belonging. Taken on said order of sale ns tho property of Obedlah H. Howett and Marie Hewett. Terms of sale, cash. Dated, this 29th day or August, ISTS. 11 w5 RICHMOND V. BLACK, SherlQ. T73TATEOFSAMUELLEEPER. -lii In the County Court ol Nemaha County, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that nn application has been made to the County Court of said county to uppolnt Albert C Leeper adminis trator of tho estate of Samuel Leeper, de ceased; and thnt September 7th, JS78, at 10 o'clock a. m., nt the office of the County Judge of Nemaha County. Nebraska, lu Brownviile, Nebraska, has been fixed by the court as the time and place of the hearing thereof, when and where oil persons Interes ted may appear nnd contest thesame. August 11th, 1S73. JOHN . STULL, 9w3 County Judge. mKsaMassnaaMaanaBBi FOR SALE. FOR SALE. A prime lot of grass seed timothy and red top. of this seasons growth. Apply to It. A. STEWART, Brat ton, Nemaha Co. Neb. 9w3 UTOCK CATTLE FOR SALE. U 100 head of smooth thrifty steers, two nnd three years old. In go.od order. Apply to It. A. STEWART. Bratton, Nemaha Co., Neb. FARM FOR SALE. I ofler for sale my fine stock, grain and fruit farm. A stream of purennfalllng water runs through the centre of tho laud. The premises are In good repair. The entire tract being enclosed with a tlrst-class live fence. Has a No. one farm house and out buildings, and u thrifty bearlug orchard, and plenty of Are wood. The location Is desirable and handy to mnr Uetbelngsituatedtwonndahalf miles south west of Brownviile. nnd about thesame dis tance from Nemaha City, For particulars enquire of the undersigned on the premises, or of Theo. Hacker, or S. M. Rich. Brown viile. WILLLAM SUTTON. August 2Lnd, 1S7S. Owl IiEGAIi ADVERTISEMENTS. S., . (No.j HERIFF'S SALE. Notlce Is hereby given, that by virtue of nn order of sale fsitreCT cut of tho District Court of Nemaha County, Stato of Nebraska and to me directed ni Shtrlfl" or said County' upon a decreo and judgment rendarcd by salii ' Court, In ncase wherein Ephralm'M. Long was plaintiff, nnd Theodore P. M. Wnld schmidt or his unknown heirs were defen dants; I will oner or sahr, ntpnbUcauctlon, at th Pdoorqf the Conrt House In Brownviile. in said Connfy. on Saturday, October 5th, AID. 1878, at I o'clock P. M the following described lauds, in Nemaha County,Nebraan,tQ-wit : est half at the rTorfti'Enst quarter and tha Easthnlfof the North West quarter of Sec tion twenty (20; Township Ave (5) North or Rnngo No. Fourteen (I- East in Nemahu County.State of Nebraska, together wi(h nil ' the improvements and privileges therero'be longlng. Taken on said order of sale as tho property of Theodore F. M. Waldschmldt or his un known heirs. Terms of sale, cash. Dated, this 2d day of September. ISTS; RICHMOND V. BLACK, "w5 Sheriff. No. 870. QHERIFF'S SALE. U Notice Is hereby given, thnt by virtue of nn execution Iwsned out of the District Cour; or Nemnhu County, Stnte of Nebraska, and v uQuiiniiu .- oi.s.Ti.1 oi sniu county, up on a decree and Judgment rendered by said Cpnrtlnacase wherein Abner Walter was plalntlfr. and James G. Russle, was defend ant, I will otter for sale, nt public auction. aS the aocr of the Court House in Brownviile,, In said County, on Saturday, October 5th, A. D., 1878. at 1 o'clock P. M.. the following described Lan!B, in Nemnha County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Jots number thirteen (13) nnd fourteen (11) of block number eighty-one (31) in the original plat of the city of Browni-HIc in said Coun ty, together with all the Improvements and privileges thereto belonging. Levied apon and taken on snld execution ns the property of James G. Itussle. Terms of sale, cash. Dnted, this 1th day of September, 1878. Ilw5 RICHMOND V. BLAOJC, Sheriff. Republicans everywhere will be will be returned to his pince in Con- Kress. This is no time to discard tho services of tried nnd true men. The time is near when the wisest oounseN will be demanded for the safety nnd well-being of the people. Inter Oc ean. Out in the Black HI'Is. jack rabbits nre called narrow gunge mules. Proposals for Oats. ItKAUQl'AKTKKM DKPARTMBNT OF T1IK VLATTE, unier miariermuAiers urace, Omaha Ujirriicks. Neb.. August 'J2, 1&7S, Sealed proposals In triplicate, subject to tho usual conditions, will be received nt this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, September 11th, 1S7S, at which place and tlmo tho will bo opened In the presence of bidders, lor furnl.-liln nnd delivering in quantitlesns required up to Decemher31,lS7S, nt Omaha Depot, Nebraska, orat stations on the Union Pacific Railroad, east from Kear ney Junction, one villtlon (1,000,000) pounds Outs. Proposals forqnnn titles less thnn the whole required, will be received. l'relerence will be given to nrtlcles of do mestic production. The contracts will be let with the proviso that the quantities contracted for may be In creased or reduced one-third by the Chief Quartermaster of the Department, at uny time within sixty days after contract. Bids should htnte tho rate per 100 pounds, not. per bushel ; should state the year tn which the Oats proposed to be furnished were grown, nnd should be endorsed on euvelopes, "Bids for Oats." The right to reject any or all bids, is re served. M. L. LUDINOTON. Chief Quartermaster. No. 1,0051 CHERTFF'S SALE. 0 Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale lssned ont of the Dis trict Court of Nemnha County. Stato of Ne braska, and to me directed ns Sheriff of said County, upon a decree nnd judgment render ed by said Court, in n case wherein Moses U. Payne was plaintiff, nnd Augustns John son, George it. McCal I urn, Joseph Lamnster. and William Workmlster were defendants, 1 will offer for sale, nt public Auction, nt the door of the Court House in Brownviile, lu snid County, on Saturday, Srptember 2Sth A. D. 1S78, at I o'clock p in., tho following described lands, in Nem.-iha Conuty, Nebraska, to-wlt z The southeast mm rter of section five f5 in in Township .ni.x itf) north of range thirteen. (1:0 east. In Nemaha Connty, together will all the Improvements and privileges there to belonging. Taken on snld order of salens the property of August Johnson, Georgo R. McCallum, Joseph Lamnster and William Workmlster.. Terms of sale. cash. Dated, this 21th dav of August, 1S7S. RICHMOND, V. BLACK. 10w3 Sheriff. A CARD. To all who nre suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will .vend a recipe that will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by n missionary In SoutlCAmerlcn. Send n self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inmiin; Station D, Bible House, New York City. 19yl Does and will sell Goods afc Prices Corresponding witii THE PRICES FARMERS GET FOR THEIR PRODUCE. TED. HUDDART. TV First MANUFACTURER OF a inwa e. RROWrVTILIiE, NEBRASKA. OUTSIDE WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, All work guaranteed Give me a call. TITUS BRO'S, DEALERS IN defeated by a voto of 140 ayes and 112 noes, not getting a two thirds vote. Tom Ewing, thu pretended Green backer from Ohio, and Ben. Butler, the pretended Greenbacker from Mas sachusetts, voted no. Frank Welch, of Nebraska, voted for the bill. a GENERAL MERCHANDISE, NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA, Bo not Intend to he undersold by any house in Xcmaha Comity, Come and see us, and learn our jtviccs WE KEEP A FULL STOCK OF DxyGroods3G-roceries3Eard-vare, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, COAL OIL, LAKPS, &i, Ssc CO UXTR Y PROD UCE TA KEN IN EXCHANGE FO R GOODS. No. 1,0011 OHERIFF'S SALE. O Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue or an onlerofsale Issued out of the District Court of Nemaha County, State of Nebruska, ami to meuirecieu assueruioi aaiu county, upon a decree and judgment rendered by said Court, In a case wherein Robert Hawk was plalntiir, and Peter F. Ilrety, Catherlno Bretyand the Union Mutual Life Insurance, Company.oftheStateof Maine, were defend ants, I will otTer for sale, at public miction, at the door or tho Court House In Drown ville. In said Coun'y, On Saturday, October 5tli, A. D. 1873, 1 o'clock I. M., the following described hinds. In Nemaha County. Nebrasku, to-wlt: Tho north west quarterof section three (3) In town ship six (th, range fourteen (11), east, in Ne maha County, State of Nebraska together with all the improvements aud privileges thereto belonging. Taken on said order of sale as the property of Peter F, Brety, Catherine Hrety and tho union .uuiuai i.ue insurance company or tho State of Maine. Terras of sale, esish. Dated, this '.Sth day of August. 1873. IQwiI RICHMOND V. HI.ACK.Sherlir. No. 1.0-J0J OHERIFF'S SALE- 0 Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale Issued outoftheDistrlct Court 01 Nemaha County, State of Nebraska, and ti me directed as Sherltr of said County, upon :i decree and judgment rendered by said Court, In a case wherein James I.. McCieeond UeorgeW. Harmon were plalntlirs, and A.J Cnlbertson was dofendaut, I will oiler for sale, at public auction, nt tho door of the Court House In Brownviile, lu said county,, on Saturday, September 8, A.D. 1878, at 1 o'clock p. in., the following described lands. In Nemaha County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho soutll lmir of tho Honthrnxt nnnrtr nf section ono (I), lu township six (fl). uorth of range thirteen (i:, east. In Nemaha County State of Nebraska, together with all tho Im provements and privileges thereto belonging Taken on said order or sale as the property of A. J. Culbertsou. Terms of sale, cash. Dated thUth day of August. 1S78. 10w5 RICHMOND V. BLACK.Sherlir. ?ST ATEOF J OSEPH J. PASCOE -Ll In the County Court of Nemaha County. Nebruska. otlco Is hereby given thnt an application has been made to tho County Court of said County to appoint Annie J. Pascoe adminis tratrix of tho estato of Joseph .1. Pascoe, de ceased; and that September 1 1th, 1S78, nt IO o'clock a. in., at the otllco of tho County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, In HrownvlIIc, Nebraska, has been tlxed by the Court as the tlmo and place for the hearing thereof, when and where all persons Inter ested may appear nnd contest tho same. August 20th, 1S78. JOHN" fi. STiir.r. 10w3 County Judge. No. 10SI. CHERTFF'S SALE. O Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale. Issued out of the Dis trict Court of Nemaha County, Stato ot Nebraska, and to me directed as Sherltr of said county, upon a decreo and Judgment rei-dered by said court. In a case wheroln Lucretla R. Holladay was xdatntlir, and Wil liam Nesbltt was defendant. I will oirer for sale, at public auction, at the door or tho Court House In Brownviile, In said county, on Saturday, September 21st, A. D. 1878, nt one o'clock 1. M., tho following described lauds. In Nemaha County, Nebrasku, to-wlt: Tho south half of the southeast quarter of section ten (10) In township four (I) north of rango fifteen (13); also commencing six chains and sixty-three links west of thn northeast corner of said section ten (iw), thence west to the north lino of said section ten (10) chains, thence hotith twenty ('My chains, thence east to tho east line of said section, thence In a northerly direction to the place of ticglnn'ng, containing twenty eight acres, all in Nemaha county. Statu of jeoraxKa, togeiiicr Willi an the improve ments and privileges thereto belonging. Taken on said order of sale as the property of William Nesbltt. Terms of sale, cosh. Dated, this 10th day of August. 1S78. 9w5 RICHMOND V. BLACK.Sherlir. over the mode of a ceremonyi nor quarreling ever the meaning of a, word. Sosaya "our London theolo gfan.,r What think ye? John Winters has engaged o, school to teach at Red CIoiHtrNed. Rev. Begga will preooh his farewell-sermon next Sunday evening at 7 o'olcck. Go and hear it In answering the Inquiries of a of a correspondent, th Western Rural haH the following good and true words for Southeastern Nebraska: Southeastern Nebraska offers as flue advantages for general furmiug, or for the suecialtles nnmpd hv nur correspondent, as any section within J our knowledge. The winters are I comparatively short, tame grasses and clovers do admirably there, the climate is favorable to health and the maturity of crops, and fruits do well. Our own judgment is, that few if any sections in the new West offer better advantages to new settlere and es pecially young men who wish tomake mixed husbandry a nusiness, or to en gage in a few specialties, as stock rais ing or dairying than Southeastern Nebraska. It is not so remote from market as to be open to serious objec tion on thnt ficore, having a choice of either Chicago or St. Lonis, to Bay nothing of seaboard points. Excur sion tickets can bo had over the routes mentioed by our corres pondent, to persons desiring to pur chase land. Those who come to Southeastern Nebraska should not fail to visit Ne maha County, and learn of our extra ordinary crops of corn, wheat, barley, rye, fruit, eto. Lands here, improved or unimproved can be bought cheap. THOS. RICHARDS, Dealer In the following first-class THRESHING MACHINES! AULTMAN & TAYLOR, CANTON SWEEPSTAKES, Tlirefc of tlie best Machines Made. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. No. O-JCJ CHERTFF'S SALE. J Notice Is herebv irlven. thnt lir vlrtninf an execution Issued out of tho District Court of Nemaha County.State of Nebraska, ami to me directed as Sherltr of said Conntv. upon a decreo and judgment rendered by said Court, In a case wherein John A. I'onu was plalntiir, and K C. Onklcy and T. N. Morrow were defendants, I will offer for sale, nt publio auction, at the door of the Court House In Brownviile, In said County, on Saturday September 21, A.D. 1878, at 1 o'clock r.- M.. the following describe! lands. In Nomnliirrtinntr. Nnbrnsbn. to-u-lt ' I I.ots Number Ufteen (15) nnd sixteen (1(1) lu I block number thirteen (1.1) in the original I plat of the city of Brownviile, In said coiiu 1 ty. together with all the Improvements and Levied upon and taken on said execution as the property of T. N. Morrow. Terms of sale, cash. Dated, this 10th day of Auznst. ISTS. D . RICHMOND V. BLACK, 8wj Sherlir. Full Lino of BUCKEYE REAPERS AND MOWERS, WOOD'S HARVESTERS & BINDERS. Kansas is not oaj right on the Southern question, but is sound on the finances. Her Republicans are wide awake, and will sweep the State by even more than the usual majori ty. Inter Ooean THO DEALER IN dLI FAMILY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, TEAS, CAjWEJO FItTJITS, JYVTS, TOYS, QUEENS, GLASS, TIN & WOODEITSFARE, STATIONERY, BRUSHES, POCKET KNIVES, Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars & Musical Instruments. CITY BAKERY, BROWNVIILE, NEBRASKA, No. OT2.1 SHERIFF'S SALE. m Notice. Is hereby Riven, that by virtue of an execution issued outof tho District Court of Nemaha County. Stnte of Nebraska', and to medirected asSherllf of wild County, up on a decree and Judgment rendered by snld' fourt. In n case wherein J. B. Berber wa plalntlfr. and Thomas N.Morrow and F. M. Sparry, partners etc., nnder the Arm name of .uurrow apcrry, were defendants. I will oirer for sale, at public nrtction, at the door of tho Court House In Brownviile, in nairf Connty. oa Saturday, September 21st, A. D.187S, at one o'clock P. M., the following described lands. In Nemaha Conntv, Nebraska, to-wit: Ixrts i number llfteen (15) nnd sixteen fltf) in b ock number thirteen (13 In the orifclnal1 pint of the city of Brown ville. In snld Coun ts, together with all the improvements" aud' viuiin;i3 meruit) ueiongmjr. levied upon and taken on said execution a.i the property of Thomas N. Morrow. Terms or sale, cash. Dated, this 10th day or August. 1S7& 8g5KICIISIOND V. BLACK. Sheriff. 17STATE OF JOSEPH RrG JJWALD, Deceased. In the County Court of Nemaha Connty. Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given that RePtefrfber 2S. Deeember28.1S7S. and March 0, I87!. nt the' office of tho County .fudge or Nemaha Coun ty. Nebraska, .In , Brotrn ville. Nebraska, have been fixed as tho times nnd placo whore ami when nil persons who nirvo claims rtnd demand's lignrns-t" said de ceased can have the same examined, adjust-' ed and allorfed. All claims not prenld at the last men tioned date will be forever barred by order o thecoOrt. August lit. 1S7S. JOH S. STUI.L. & CountySJudse: 1 t f