'-'Mi IT s.w.aes3sotzx?. r.cKAGEzat. FAIREROT2ER it ElCSXr f.iirbroek & KLIOKER,! 1 PublUhcrs and Proprietors Published Every Thursday Morning ADTBE'HSlKs RATES., ts uca . aae year ATBWVC.TEXE,3 .np -c-eaeczecacieeft. peryar attack. pcs Baca addjcfanallscs. peravwxte. sae 103 ES SOBe - . . pf- - 1 " ynmnr mm ; Vv ' visfvv ' hiMIM Z (VV n - "" M A Ynml J laTV Iv t mfnsmw-?i -r c-Memi 5- - : mm s- see tsmw mc v sm i emnrmi mn . am . smBsasmi i sec si r sen i sen - i ass em t em r emwrnm . mm y mm V - - . ... . N. TBU3I5, IX ADVANCE i OmcC, year Onecapy. ac tiwtn fiiram. tfcreemniMhf 3- 30 pacer sent fromitaeiOlBce-EntniHiia fcr. S3 00 iOO 50 I - . . - -. , M r L t 4 ESTA3USHED 1S5S. P1DIG3IATTEE OyEVERTPAGE Olst Paper ia the State , BR0mYILLE, KEBEASKA, THTTBSDAY; ATJGfUST 22; 1878. MgMBm '"'" ' " ' " "- VOL. wid1?! atjczal rate-Q.. , SnoSS i;,! J ftete rdST "OTi aepsfeS -NO. 9. ArXH2IZEB BT isir.s. G0TEE5BI3T. SSTA3IiISSlE3 H?-1856. FIBST HftTiO m mi -U7- 23ito"?vsr ;. Jwifl-uip Capital, . o0,00J) Authorized " 500.000 Es P8HA3ffiD TO THA:ACT A General Banking Business BIT AICDSELL COIF & CUSESJCY DEHTS em ail Ui prtnctpal citi nf ttie United States-and S-urope- LDES3 T?.TnAT, " ESTATE' '. ' AG-EISrOY Wiliiain IT TT ocer. YESETINE DeesagenenlReaIHstateBaslnesfi. Pells "Lands -on- Commiisten. erarolnea Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgarfs, and all Instru ments tjertainlns to the transfer of Heal Es tate. Easa- Gomplete Abstract of Titles to aHEealEstate In Nemaha County. c - r- MONEY LOANED p MucwrpiffiiritT enfs. Ttae Iraft dctcoaet xMt it mi aepot3irvt.i DMLtea GOV: ,imu rrmnfrrtl to dcpoett JSOCEXT BOXDta. STATE, COURTX&fciTY SECURITIES Z3S OSXTTS- Roold yky l )weo3 :.aiiK: tspolt. '" --L . t lift j Prank . Jcanron. LaUr HotuHey i i 1 t i I s- ejtRsox A .ions .5fc3AUTy. A8t.CaaUir. President. HEW aWTATT RAKT. iB a? nfgfrw R - .4ffijJjgHP " 3UiiMiEKfcSr- r I -raill try VegetLne, He did, A351 "WAS CTUSBI. UT,.vnrA7tx. OPeb. lr ET7. ax Sir, I -wtsfa m sive yoa this testtsaony. tfear ynwiaar-tBow.aml let others know, whii Vese tine tiasdaee forme. Aboc: two years asoas;naH soreciaaeatiiarle?-: itsooaliecasieaJas ulcer. so trtjoblesom ihasIconalteil the djcser.&at Iicot so relief. sTowln-worse frotn dny Sw -sy J sdi? eredterrtely: IcoaidnoCrestis-arnigiiC, J 'f3 so reiluced say friends tbeosi: I ttobW aerer re. caver: I coasnltettc doaar & Coiunhaa. I foi tewed hteadvice. IttlldncTKKl. Icaatralyaaylj was discearazed. At " time I was looiiar over air newspeper I saw Ti:raivera3en:ent ofVeg- j ettne. the -Great Stood PariSer" for ctaasia? tbe ; lood from all jnsorttte! r"f jr Unayra U Jeers, i Ac I saidtonjv Cim3y I will try some oftiwi esratine Befeffe I had ased th irst bortle I b- I I can to fel better. I isade up Ery inlnd I aad got j uie rti.i aemcwe t ia. x coi a now sit: weu mshts. IcoHtinapd takloe the Vegetine. I um)c tairseea botsliss. iIyfcaiUi.li;oi- le alcerjd jroee.aad I am able tc-artead so txttttness. X paid about four hundred dollars wr raeOwiB oad dec- ton before I bought ae"Vegeaae. r have reeaia- L meadecvegeane so others -srttti good success. X aiway3fceepiiboaler lcic thrlicaeaosr. It Is a most excellent medicine. Very respectfully yoara E.A-XTHONT. I'to Been Thialcinz. i J Mr-Antfeoci Is one of the pioneers of Delaware. j O. Eg is a wealthy genueiaaa, of the hrra. f F. Aatbonl &. Sons. 2Lr. Aathooi Is extensively iao wu, espeealiy asions she Genaana. He is well Snoira la Ctadanau. He 13 respected by an. ) Iptjbe Eiood. In morbid conditions of the blood are siaay diseases. sachassaZt-rheom ria? "iiu. boils, carfaancles.sorea. nlcera aadplaiples. In thia cuaditiaa of the blood ry the Vbseteje, aad care thfte aScttonf. AsabfoodpariflerltbjiS no eqeaL Itj effects art wonderful. I've been thinking; rve-been thinking "What a glorious worldrere this. Did folks mind their bcslnes.-vm.ore And mind their neighbors' less. For instance, you and I, my Crlend, Are sadly prone to taJfc O: matters that concern ns not, - r And. others follies mock. Tve been thinking. If we'd begin To mind oar own affairs, That possibly out neighbors might Contrive to manage their's. "We've limits enocgh at home'to mind It maybe so with others r It woaki Beem strangeif It were not, Since all mankind are, brothers. O ! wooki ttot we-had charity. For every man and. troeian ; Ferglveness Is the mark of those Who know "to err Is hnman." ' Then let ns banish jealousy Let's lift our fallen brother ; . Anda werjoarney down life's road. Do good to one another. is no nae in her 'worrying over me. Sue conidn't help me If she kne-tr.1 'Is it ornq.LLPAPEE',op raEcerxn T t- m YBGETIKE. DEALER IN" js a.tvx xenseni AT all jrorns. C0IFEtI101EB!,CJlMT FP.ESH A3TD 1HEAP. oots. 4 Shoes SO 3Iain Street, Srowiivillc. - ."Vebrnska I! Uo Oysters Cook'ed'to Order. jsol Old 5t5tiri3.- a-. Xi. KOir, TACOB 31 rs. Sarali Rausclikolb. MAROHX, KERCHANT TAILOE, ;t ialrm FineBasllsk,FfiHi.,elia FI Clth, etttac. Kte., Ktc. UroivnvIUe. Xelrai!ia. j, a A & 3. "''BRmTi T-n Jr 1 i'S'B ' ' - S 3 iwrTfel-j' v ; tS?t Nf .JteKH'y- w -ii When They GatlieieQn the Eaj 'Tonr co'asin Helen is coming next tveet, Robert Bralth's mother said, when be came In from his work and sat down to read for a few moments. There's her letter on the windows-Hl if yonrd like to read it.' He' took np the letter and read it through siowly. One passage he read over twice before he laid it down. 'I never spent a pieasanter summer in my life than-the one I spent with you. And if Bobert is the-s3me dear to sooiL an f.nt that irrr- fwt Q d lellOW tUat D6 Was CQeil A Snail arose eat m sores, ior the laat three years I have it- -.. - aoc beeH aMe to walic; nowlcaa wait and sleep. enjoy this one quite as mncn, Taryoa and do ny wort as well as-ever I dKl.aadl mast .nrr. ' tt..k r rr-an tUo. Kat- nf saTioweuautuyonrbioodparifier.vepane., know Kob ana I were the best Of -,f ARaF?p.r wFT.ri. 'I rriends,and I have not seen one since TasEnsa.-TaerestSHCceasofthcVesredneas .. . T ,-,: uir -. .ii t arieaaseraadparuierof the Mood b shown be- that I like half as well.' yoadaae6t&yUegreatnaaber3who6ave taken tt ,t thora in 'ho rfnnr rc-itTr thr it. aiHt received immediate relief, with sueh re- -s a" tOere in iD8 UOOT, WISH me serious, Bobert?' Her eyes were grave now, as they rested ques tioningly on his face. 'Don't ask me to teli yon anything more about it, '-htr-saidrturning ab-' and ynn-are dead I ruptlyaway. 'Men have lived through it before now, an&Xshall,' he added, with another laugh. 'Don't bother yoxjrhead about me, Helen, but eDJoy yourself as best you can.' It was a pleasant ride home in spite of the thoughts that would keep her head upon his knee, and' fie was crying out to her in a wild, inco herent wayr telling her tbaUhe loved her. ' " ' " Oh, my darling r h e'er Fed out. 'in" the wild outburst of Iong-pent-npJ passion, L love" jon-t I love you I An African Salamander. Cared Her. DOBCHSSTER,iAS3.,Jaaell. Da. Stevxnb : Iear Sir. I feellt my dcty to savoae ward in re gard to the ?reat benefit I have receives from the I ase ox oae or the greatest, wonders cf the world : It 3 vo&r Veetine. I have been one ofthe sreatest aafferera Jor the last ei?ht years that ever canld be Unas Idosujcerely thantmy God and yoor eeetine for the TvlieFTtuim "at th PViuiunii - .... .. .-. . ..- aa.t pained me niTT-tnMe eares. TEGtETINE is better tlian any . , 2SSDICINS. HzxDEasojr. KrBoc IS . have ned H. K. sseven Veseuae. aad He it ! lefrpr away in his hands, and he looked 1 across the meadow where the! grass was crinkling in the wind like a sea of emerald, and thought about that summer gone by, and the sum-f In that vanished one dreamed such a beautiful mer eveuinjr 7 he had l?i,?."&a5Jae?ln veasecrpinaryjns Araam aT,A . marT1r u nCr Joftr soe aiuoc ume ooiiie ot veseuae accoraH"Cec 1 ., "" - "'"'".' ... .v... U lid ea3 4 B K 1 mose xh! than all other setfhHaes I have taken. THO&. LYSE. Hearson. Ky. v ersttve in ooajponl of liootg. Backs, and Herbs, ft fe- very p.cosoat MlaSe: every chUd iestt. him. U own ia Vvrtizssa t jjfABON &jLACK$M!TniHO? OXT DK)K WEPT OF COmTKOrSE. rr"AGO: MAKTXG, Repairing, V P!ow. and a.i work done in km Keeps afa dudituvi u sar-t aoace el ?eliiaiacall baUafecnoi suaran- 4-iy Bill USES & use Ornamented and Plain. Also Shrouds lor men, tedtes and leftists. AU orders left with S. SeeoMbn will receve prampt at taction. S Bodies Preserve aJ Emtateted. 06 ITaiH Street, BKOH'XTILLE.XEB. IKE 23TZS.TISSS. t ill l UilJJ nil-!' nil iit iLuiJiilUjLlij Meat Market, JOB P Bill lis YEGETINE Recommended by 3S. D.'s. H JL Stkvkv : Bear Sir. I have soM Vesstiae Cat a tea tl: aw kbs. R-sT-rei mas. exceueacsaitaaiccioa. A. B. UE FLEST JC B. HnTfwaQ.Iac. e. X7 Y&BBQ VI, " - f - BROT"ATILIJE. NEBRASKA. J Good. S-weet, i Tresli Meat ArwKys mm band, aad aaUedto all custoaaers saslaciloa ijrt cr r1 - wr pw A nnFT is now proprietor of tfce mssmsi axitumpTl to y . i GOOD, FRESH, SWEET -F $ DEPARTSfEST A aae aartment of Type. Bor- ers. ltnli'i tect.&C. ftjr printing. i3fflGBB.I3!INGjtin5EIH3i '.-CAR-DS, N " Calare and Broozed Laaels. j - STAT53SHST5S, j LETTElt i BILLHEADS g mi 1 Bit V Si-0-g.S.. 1 CirealaiSvBodgera, HrsgraBm , Show sGards, j BLAXK WORK OF ALL Kl.VDS. With neataess aad dispatch CHRVP 0E IFE2I0E Vokk 1 Carson Ei-ci. SROirXTILLE, XEB. EGETINE PREPARED BT H.E. STE7EHS.B0ST0F, MASS, Teireline is Sold br ail "Drursrists. ORGANIZED, 1S70. S1JT p AT BROlyjTTIULE. STATE wmviL iuuh&tihlk ;ioo,ooo. But he had hidden it in his heart, and no one had ever guessed what it was. STow she was coming back, and the old dream must be lived over again, or crushed down and kept oat of sight if it so be that his will was powerful enough to do thai. But he doubted his own strength. There had been times in the dead summer, when it seemed as if his heart must speak'aud be heard. But his pride had kept him silent. Here was he, a farmer ; and she was the child of wealthy parents, city born and bred, and he urged that he had no risht to sav anvthing to her of iove, because their stations in life were so different and so far apart. If she had been a farmer's daughter, or a child of poor parents, or he had been a rich man's son, with culture. and education equal to her own, then ! But always the 'if in the way came up to stare him in the face, and 1 so he crushed back the words he had almost said so may times, and Helen Hunt had never discovered his "secret , he felt sure. He could not help feeling a thrill of keen pleasure at knowing she was coming into Robert Braith's mind. Sne-wss by his side, and he loved hher. The old 'gammer seemed to come back again, with its 'light which.-never was on land or sea to Robert, The -dream of bis heart was jest as f sweet as it was in. the vanished-days. She had not changed atall since then, but was .the same winning woman who bad won his. heart away, and would keep it forever. The days passed like charmed ones, with rows upon the river, and long, delightful walks at sunset time; with songs In the brief, delicious evenings, and quiet talks about books and the men and women who wrote them. Robert wa3 not her inferior in the culture which comes from reading good books; because he was a farmer was no reason why he should be igno rantand uncultivated. He bad stud ied and formed wide acquaintances with earnest, thoughtful men through the books they had written and in this way he had educated .him self to a much higher level than, most of the young men Helen Hunt had met in her own circle of society .at home. But, because he lacked their self-esteam and conceit, Robert al ways thought himself as lacking something in mind and manners, 1 wnioh those she cameda contact with. ' her own sphere of life ought, -to and did have, for all he knew to'the contrary. Perhaps he was right in thinking that thy ought te have it. But she could have- told him that they did not always. One day Jerome jAistyne-came out from the citv. Robert had Are yon sure about that, Robert?' she said, .struggling up into a sitting posture,, with the color coming to her cheeks. 'I was stunned a trifie for a moment, nothj.ngmore. 'I thought yoa, must be, dead. yon kwere so pale,7 iie said. Mf.I had r 1. Known A corrssponden t of a New York pa per gives the fallowing deseriptwa of.( a sitting with 2Tatbaa Coker.the fire- eating nag: county, .Maryland : A brisk fire of anthracite coal was, burning in a common coal stove, and an iron shovel was placed in the stove and heated to a white heat. When Lall was ready, the negre pulled off his boots and placed the hot shovel upon ithe soles of bis feat and kept It there until the shovel boame black. Hfe i feet were then examined bv the nhv- sicians, but no barns could be found, heated substance having come in con tact with, them was visible. The shov el was again heated redhei, taken from the stove, and banded to him. He ran out his tongue as far as he could and laid the heated shovel upon it. ticked the iron until it became cooled. The physician examined the tongue, but found nothing to indicate that he had suSered-ia the least from the heated iron. A large handful of common squirrel shot, proeuredat a store near Dr. Staek's office, wanext placed in an iron receptacle and heat ed until melted. The negro then took the dish, poured the heated lead into the palm of his hand, and then be put it into hfe mouth, allowing it to run all around bis teeth and gums. He repeated the operation several times, each time keeping the melted lead in his mouth until solidified. After eaab operation the physician examined him carefully, but could find nothing upon his nsh to indicate that be had been in the least affected fey the heated sub stances he bad been handling. After j ; the performance with the lead, be de- iiDerateiy put a is hand Into the stove, in whieh was a very hot fire, took therefrom a handful of hot coat?, and passed tbem abvut the room to the 2Iixed Bafeies. rm 1. nava, 'Well, what?' she saldbyly, when he paused j 'I would not have sai.whatjjdidj he answered slpwjy JiForgive ce, Helen., At such times weaay things we -would not say in sober moments. ' 'Robert she cried, suddenly, you said you loved me. If "it Is true, why should you not tell me so?' What keeps as apart ?r His face was pele witb pain at his heart. The time had'eome when be must apeak. ' 'I'll tell you what 'keeps us apart!' he answered. Toa belong to a sphere of life so much above mine that love cannot briuge"c?Yer the distance between us - j Robert she cried, -heri whole face aglow, 'is that the reason w.br you have kept silent ? Because I have lived in a world you know bqt little about, you imagin-e-ifc-woald be wrong for you. to ask me to follow my heart! Poor, foolish Robert! Love is more to me than all the world beside, and your life is the-bappiast one I ever aiw. isnouia maKenasacrmces in taking it in place of the old one ' bet she stopped in sudden, sweet contusion. 'My darling !' he cried, and caught her to his breast. 'Are you sure vou care enough for me to give up all you gentlemen present, keeping them in would have tojriIlingIy? Think of the change,. Helen.' 3oae time ago there was a. dose-lag: party given i a cartels Betgtoborheod '.. . ... ' ., 4 In Texas, sad mosi of She htdfes pres- blaoksmith of Talbot . . , . ... . y . eat ueti jkik uaimtr, wnese no By perversity reqeired too mush atten-' tion to permit the mother? to-enjey the dance. A somber of saltan? youn-g men volunteered te mind the youagones white the parents iadulg ed in an old Virginia- breakdowns No sooner bad the wobmq left the ba bies in charge of the misohJfeveea de vils than, they stripped the baWesv ehsaged their cfotbes, giviag tfre ap parel of one te aaother. The daacs" over it was time te ge heme, asd ths mothers huzzledly cook. ecoh. a.beby Itf the dress 'oTber own, and started,, some of their homes ten or fifteen1 miles off, and were far on their way before daylight. Brc Site day mHow- iag there was a treraeadoce rew in the settlement. Mothers- discovers that a single night had changed tho sex ef their babies ; observation dis closed physical pbenomeoa, asd then commenced some ef the tallest- fe male pedestrtaBrsrs. Irving miles apart, it required two or three days to unmix the babies, sad a-? mar months to restore the women te their natural sweet dSspeettfesa. Te thfe day It is uaea& fer any ef fcbe baby mixers to venture into- the aeighbor hood. TToeo Texa& EtgOmr. Bismarck's Little Joke, I have thought she answered. I give it up gladly. I tired of it long ago. I want you I There was a sudden breaking in the clouds, and the sun eame forth in new heard t radiance. The world was tranfizur- that he was a lover of Helen's and he 1 ed with rare and wonderful glory, 1 was sure of it when he saw the man's face at their meeting. But Helen's I showed no sign of suoh sudden glad ness as ought a5noTfXT2T,Tn: Ferry and Transfer Gatlemanty and aCTTxnranlt!ng clerks will at all Unaes be In atteadaaee. Xour pUroaace solicited. Reaatnber the place tfee old Pkscoe shop. Mate -St.. TraaeaBts a gHiralb"u-Ein;:basines6,selL Drafts on all the principal cities of the MTCED STATES A3SX EUEOPE Robert thought, as he bent and kissed the face uplifted to his, lull of iove and trust and peace. And she laid t his band for same time. Xotthe lease evidence of a burn was visible upon his hand after he threw the coals back into the stove. He then stated j that often when by himself he would pick up red hot iron because his tangs were not handy, end that henever felt I any discomfort froea it. He felt no raere narm, be said, trom fire than stones. handling to express itself in the her head on his shealder and whis- face of a woman when she meets the ft-manah&Ie-vesr.oad -Robert felt satis fied that she did not care for Aistyne as be did for her, and the thought brought a sense of exultation to him. Aistyne did not stay long. When he went away ha earned a face which had a look of defeat in it. He had striven to win the woman he loved, and failed. From the bottom of his heart Roberc pitied him. He had pnot liked the man very well before, but when he drove down to the sta tion with him, and saw bow deeply . he felt the loss of what he had hoped to win, a feeling of kindness came over him. Must they not both bear, pered softly, 'Robert, mykiag!' Antediluriaa Inhabitants. 5ot soSYery Dark, After all. It has always been one of the strong- est bulwarks of religion, that in all forms of religious belief, pegan and civilized, there k a tradition that the Some one was read tag the Bible to Jim Andersen the other day, and j came to the passage about the plegtie ef darkness In Egypt. "That must have been horrible," said the reader, I pausing, "awful ; just thiak of it, darkoess so intense that it eould be aetually felt." "Hoh." said Mr. Anderson, "that After the eongraes adjeerned t he other eveaiog. Bismarck, puacsed BeeeoDs&eld pteyfulljF ia tfee ribs, as the two sauntered down Mafar street. and said : "Whe3 treaty?" "No parUcaieriadivldsale&srelalmr it, my dear friend. Theteeecy be loses to all of cs. It the psodtttt ' "O, vipe your shin off; sfaee said Bisatarek, kicgfciag. "Tea,t yoe huntersiautr' and be repeated It very slowly. "Who's treec-eh ; treat; say to a feller -if hewill have seeae diBgs; set 'era. op. See?' Beaeoasfieki kuibled,ad stepping behind a greeaorueja, exelairaed': 'It's mine, its mine! Whet wit! yoa bavet" '"Peer, replied Blsemceb:, ids feee beacsing whh good beraor: 'ofey dimes peer." Oil Ciijt Derrick. 'My sea, would ye ajapgeaa .tfee La?d's gfeyecooahLbe eegvd Ik a tsaee ne lasaar ebbq fcDourwts-w. a niefcei eni T 'Well, yea, ttbm, if a eeat kakg in every body 'a eye as it ie in jwa, I think there would be no dl&elt? j patting it on about foer ttrae.' hannuFnFrh crtrrrkrv Tirhinh ramp nf Looming back; but at the same time, i, . .".. . . fc Q , j . ,1 luvtuit UUC uciuici Uilui uuo:c;o . -'Braith, you are sorry forme you ZS Special depositors. . accommodations granted te STATS, COUNTY & CITY S3CTJHITISS, BOUGHT JNX SOJLX. OFFICERS. W.rLHcCREERY, : : President. W.W.KACKNEi", : Vice President. " Bm'ECTba X. HOADLET. a. C- DFUSER. . VT2C H. HOOVEK. C. 3C. KAXrFFMAX, W. W. EACKSTEY . H. C. iETT. W. H. 3eCREERY. CEIT ?s" rx.i. PATENT iUlSTULE B00GYT0P1 'Tvg69 1 py 1 JBroicnvillc, - Nebraska. J. SAUSCHSOIiB'S Lunch & Beer xaol Mt I don't. I bay my beer Dyjase. i, FML-Danser'soldstanii. BrtrwnTlIIe, - - IScbTas&a COJSJjPAJTs'Y'. Eavtasr a 5rst class Steam Ferrr aad owning aadcaasratiBztbeTraaafer Z.ae from SROTTa"TII.I.E TO PHELPS, we are prepared te render eat e satisbcrmntn the traa-sfer of Freight aad Passengers. We ran a regular li at to all traisc Al orders left at the Transfer Com; posy's office wii; receive prompt atteaooa. J. Bosfield, Gat. SitpL PrTTTu FSAKSS, Peace and Q iiiet -iabZ --kkr-i t&wrjm STfSTSSBTW A PERFECT SUNSHAB AXD STOBZL JPJtOTECTOE. For sale bv-, r . , B.P.SOUDEH; Deale-ln ITAItZ-ESSj SADDLES. J Collars. Whips, Xa3hrfElyIiets,Etc BROWNVILXE NEBRASKA. OPIUM and. IjauinUutj. Srsduxs? : p Bj rrt inctuuinn sfiu I II W SIEvenrCun WarrantecL vnufi9.xisit t P rnctudlnc ShocrJns OutflU- warranxea. tficsaSt.Is S55f SraIdon and Billiard Hall! THE BEST OF BRA2H3ISS, WINES, mmm ! 433alnS.opposlteShermanHonser BrownviUe, - - Nebraska. QHARLES HELiLrrR, UCOBOL 2f r 3s5" f fasejqsleue i Boot iaiii Shoe jBwESl. : si ne was sorry, it would only rnae it harder for him after she was gone. He knew that her voice would hold the old dangerously-sweet fascination in it, and her eyes would only make him feel more keenly what he longed to claim for his own, and what was out of his reach. But and something of that same recklessness which comes to all of us, at times came to him she was coming, and he could not help that, and he would lee the future de cide its own affairs. He would drift and dream even if the waking up at the end of it was bitter with loss and a lifetime's regret. The next week brought Helen Hunt. Robert drove down to the de pot after her. She was standing on the platform, with her face turned i another way, when he drove up. But it did not need the sight of her face to tell him thav-?b-was there. He would have known that tall and grace ful figure anywhere. I am gfad to see you back he said, I coming up beside her. His voice was not quite steady. He had tried to make himself cool and self-controlled, but the presence of the woman he loved unmanned him a little' 'Robert I' she cried, turning quick ly as the sound of his voice, with a glad, eager light flushing up into her beautiful eyes. How they thrilled if.. 1 . . mm: sae neld out her hand j there was no mistaking the Genuine ness of ber welcome. It spoke in ! words, and made itself felt in her face. 1 ... . . . i nanny expected to see you back here he said, feeling that she would expect him to eay something, and knowing nothing else to say then words failed to come readfly at his command. 'I have been looking forward to this for months she said. T was so hap py here that I have been Iongiug to come back ever since I went away. I hope this summer will be as pleasant as that one was.1 lI hope it will, for your sake he said, and his face bad a grave, pafned look in it which her keen eyes detect ed at once. What Is the matter with yon, Rob ert?' she said, putting- her hand on his arm. 'You" look as if something trou-oied vou pity me he said. I thank you, for it. You undertand what there is to pity me for. You can well afford to pity me, since- yoa beve "won wliat I have lost. I wish yon all tberhappi- f ness I had hoped for myself.' 'I I don't understand you Robert said, with a strange thrill at hi3 heart. 'I have won nothing you would have prized.' 'Do vou call Helen Hint's lovel nothiog? Aistyne cried. 'I would give the world for it, If 'had11 it to give.' 'You are mistaken Robert answer ed was Dothiagv I remember oce n&bt early inhabitants ofthe earth weref1Q Ease Feliciana when it was so dark 'M! Talk about darkness. Why, I had to wade through it just like mad to get home. Lots of people got tired out, and seared, and staid right where tbey happened to.be all night. Why, when we went to bed that night, we never hung up our clothes ; joat posh ed 'em kind ef io-tcibe darkness like as we took 'em off, and there they stuek. It was foay, in the morning, when it began to grow light, to bear the things dropping oet as the dark- destroyed by a flood. Later scientific investigations have proved beyond dispute the fact that a large portion of the surface of the earth was thos j destroyed. Recent discoveries, made by the aid of the new diving appar atus, in the Atlantic Oeean, furnish the positive proof. At a point a thous and miles off the coast of France the di vers came np and reported the ruins of a city at the bottom of the sea below ; broken columns, half-filled streets, "I'm sm&deaf. when I stag," re sounded loediy above to beaclag of a piano attuned to woe. "If Iftafs the ease, it seecsa to rae I wmtMi warble quite jgp ernes, if I was Mas, said tike aext door neighbor, a bo eaiked ap the crevices and p bod tbe eottoB further into his and mined waFIs. showed a city built ine 105- ite grip aed falling oa the T by man over which the waves had rolled for thousands of years. The columns were massive and strong and many of tbem exquisitely carved, showing an advanced stage of civili zation among those antediluvian in habitants. The other day we were walking along the big bluSV west of town and found, among otberreasaias of aneient life, a fossil shell, about I two inches and a half long and two -"j .cue .. 4j ajiiiuci ks k&asi ; g a, iw .&.. i- . 1 luiururt we puotie taut wksios eld I fieor. I remember that X pot an pair of boo&s upoa the; " But here a messenger announced that the committee was waiting for Mr-Anderson, aad without complet- 1 lag bis interesting narative of faets he withdrew. Bwdette. Every one who owns an orehacd, or even a single tsse, should now be looking after the borer, fen See that their trees are not destroyed. If taee early. It is not a very hasiTte: te de stroy the pesfer hy the nee of knife and wiret ii"t aHlGHte." A competitive trbti'Df'QattkHkg me ehinee Is to be held -a the Bdatni show yard. Zngtatu, theJbuyol, Afsrl ccftsral Oocfaty appoint hag: thojati- I ges. bo K wcariryesiBr tike ImilkifMr bv-jaiehiaarr Bngtend. But Aistyne interrupted him. "I am not blind be said. 'She loves you, and you will find it so when the day comes for you to tell her what you must, some day.f She loved him! There was a world of rapture in the thought. But and the haunting spectre which comes to sit by your hearth and mine came in to his heart then their ways in life were so wide apart that they could , not be bridged over. He could never ask this woman to atoop to his lowly life. And he could not lift himself to hers. And yet she loved him ! He could not for one moment forget that. J And to know it was so sweet, so un- and J utterably sad ! The days, after that, went by more like a dream than ever. He tried to keep away from her, bet his heart would not let him. He tried to school himself to the thouzht th&t, since he might not have her for his own, he ought not to think of her as a man Just I thinks of the- woman he hopes to win. But he could not do that. He could only love her, and tell himself that his love was but a vain one. But it could not always go on in that way. Fate took the matter in her own hands at last. Robert was at work in the meadow one afternoon. The loaded wagon was driven away te tbe barn, and he I sat down to rest un-wl its return. As he sat there. Helen came down the as your hand, and the formation of it showed that the little fellow who once lived in it was a shell fish of tbe oyster family. One peculiarity of these inhabitants of salt water is tbe Lfact that they cannot live if detached rrom the roefcs on tbe bottom of tbe ses. This little fellow bad beexr at tached to the rocks by a car tillage- on tbe back edge of his shell, and he sat upright like a leaf, when the least ac tion of the water would have broken him off and destroyed him. It is ap parent then that he wasan inhabitant of deep, still water, where waves aad currents are unknown. If he had Iivedln shallow water his sheii would have been broad and fiat to- enable bim to resist the eommotios of tbe water. This then, is one strong proof added to tbe many others that sboe&d on every hand, that "where Sidney now stands onee rolled a broad, salt ocean. It extended for more than a thousand miles north and sonth aad from the Missouri river to the-Sierras. Then where the Atlantic ocean now is was a popciou3 coma-try, teeming Having- bomrht the cos- i "OOOIea ou. My coming has noth rng coco with it, has it?' tom sfl1J& of A. Robteos. ! I am Yrpreirf tx ? twi -1 nfnll Hnrf. i- f ?rtnr chimin !. nit - i ... -- 1 - twuiu it nave. nesaiu, witn Reasonable "Rates, a Iittfe-forced laugh. 'I haven't felt hat's alL btby-and- lare. She saw him, and came across faad drF- Th fe QOC mere specula A sign on a hoeseoa Crogliaa street is done there, and it was quite natural that a mechanic working near bv should take & ban die under his arm and cull there and ask tbe boy on the ksep : "Bab, te the washwoman in?" "No, sir i" wee the prompt reply ; "there's no washwoman here at all J" "Bet the -sisjB-says washing done here." remarked the man. 'Spee it does V remarked the boy, in a higher bey '-pose H does? A lady may Become the victim of cir cumstances to sues an exteat that she is wilting te wash and iron shirts ; and sheets, bat thet timeaa'i make a washerwoman out of ber, does it? "I thoeght it did." said the man. "Hemp! If yoo draw a boggy down to the shop to be repaired dees that make a horae of yoe ?" The man was silently tnraiagaway j when the boy added?: "If yoa want to find the lady of ua- I fortunate eirenmstaaess- go round to ttbe side dear; but tbe washwoman isn't af heme." IhshmU Free Pram. MI afeoald foot Ute to; try tat ahdaet me' said.Mis- Settth at the beeafcfei- tebie the . other morning. "Him Lso should I, nay deer so should I,' said Mr. Smth with cxeeedtae; eecne with its millions of human beings, who reared their temples, their eities, and wrought their works of art; but suddenly the mighty foreee of heat and steam in ia centre of tbe earth upheaved tbe thin erase of the earth where we now stand, and tbe waters flowing off overwhelmed forever the surface where'tbe Atlantic now rolls, and left these bigb broad plains white ronSf a5d iUlte eir fo-afew days, t Shot-3ro. CMain street. -aat n conJe around all rfz TSrnirtn-ZTIf l7f T I au.,uuus tnoiaerr u ueuven, ana earss wece ueing reut uay ; ous ne minss tn-at e jj uicnutuCn . as.cam labont it-sbe doesn't know, and therelin twain as hewas by nera:derwith.Liaisa estMed tohfe sight. the meadow, and sat beside him, un der the old apple tree. What they talked about tbey never could tell. He remembered, in a vague way, that they saw a darkening sky, but that was all, until the sud den fury of a semmer shower broke- upon them. A flash of brightness, a cry from hsr.a crash, as tion, it la confirmed and preeiaimed f bv thousands of tomrues-which thous ands of centuries of time bos not still ed. iSk53r Telegraph. by. Don't say anything to-mother if heaven and earth were being rent A correspondent writes that his slumbers are disturbed by the loud blinding ! barking of dogs. He says he is will ing that every dog should have his "Darling Kiss My Eyelids Down" is one of the latest swf just reeeiv- Fed. We suppose it wouldn't eo to kiss her eyelids op, or crosswise, or I any other way except down. We won't. We propose to do oar kissing on the moeth or go wrthoet. It I may be well enoughs to fefee a girl cs tbe yethis, bet w&ean't see asy fen in it. No, tbaek y, dear; you'll have to get soese other fellow to kiss tbem lown for you-. A elerrynenerrted cc at a fnseral by praying tmwcdSXj in behalf of "the bereave bwli mismd the one to come who shall fill the place made vacant by the dearth 0 ear aeeeec od states. r There isn't ns inch ferrr maalir tt tbe hHMKgwwthrn ef a boy'e Svnt name? pecitet as there b over tfcer lasting; of a eorner-stoae, bwt there thing? pat in it.FmHam When commencing ftcral life, remembec the economy and rnfeactiiy wflt snecese, and bm the that eaa be employed. Mrs. Borne, of Portfaeds, -., drapes her honst hmhib as out wisfe crape- and dSpJafrthe I nil lies 11 flasr. on eaeh anniversary of the death of Liaeeta. Aha? lineoifeorfei bsaaniHne hae led the Snteky Le;iiatei t ness an act forbidding the enrryiag- etfeee eeeaod weapons- A Western editor, deekuee tbeth wears no man's eollar. Certalaey not.. What woeld bottoa a eollar tec-imter. ft wvWKHCS -Jfr e4fter day ; but he thinks that every man The great tomato war will soon be declared at Greeewoodj Ind. Prepa rations for tbe skinning and canning! match are being made on a larger scale than last year. Acres on acre? of the fruit are beginnings to ripen on all the farms in that' regies. The I bail will opes in abeol.two weairs. How to preserve the parity ed&he-ballot-bez Leek the box;aprln.aifee proof safe and threw swap m kee. The heart that hi jsena,iaia-afee to tbe ftevecs b alwey. thticstvtebe touehed y-Yr ttiaiiis JlfratT.