Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 21, 1878, Image 3

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" " '
Dolly Stage Line South.
From Brownville to Aratro. Falls City and nulo
via Nemaha City. Asplnwall end St. Dcroln. con
necting w ltn conveyances 10 no ouicr puinia.
LeaveiBjowiivIlle dally at 1 o'clock p. m.
Arrives ot Brownville 11 o'clock a. m.
J. a HAKI,KSS,Propr!etor.
Nebraska. Railway.
6:43 & m
6-20 am .
Wlam ar.
12-30 pm
9.46 pm
7:-0 p m
72M p n
Nebraska City "?$ n
1 ..Lincoln
1:00 p m
11:15 pm
7:00 nm
WM. IRVING, Sop't.
nrownvlUe Hub Lino to Phelps.
Xavp Brflwnvlll 7:30 a. m.. 1:30 p. m.JOa p. m.
Airlve at Brown vlllc 110 a. m.. 5:30 p. m,
J. B0USFIELD. Suueriutendent.
Pnbllahers' Notices.
L-icai. Notices', set as ordinary reading matter,
will be charged ten cents per line, each Insertion.
it In display type, fifteen cents a line.
Authorized Agents.
Tims Bros are our authorized agents at Nema
ha City to receive and receipt for raonif-s due as.
TnoMABBcr-EEss Is our authorized oi;ent In Glen
Hook precinct to receive and receipt for monies
fine us on subscription.
A J. lciTTEH, at SU Peroln, Is our authorized agent
at tbut place, to receive nutucriptlons and adver
tliini;, and to collect and receipt for monies due
The AnvEivnsrft.
Jons S. Minick Is our authorized ngrnt at A6pln
vall, to receive subscription and ad vcrtlslnjr. and
ctlle-ct and receipt for monies due us.
Publisher Advertiser.
See advertisement of U. S.
shal'd sale.
Don't forget the meeting of the
Coal Company Saturday 23d, 1 p. m.
t Larkin's school house.
In Plattsmouth the young rupn
nmuse themselves on Sundays, by
eliding down the banister of the high
hehool stairway.
Mr. Juraes Cochran is announced
for the oflice of City Marshal. Mr.
"0. I a steady reliable mail, and if
elected marshal would make a good
Mr. Datid F raster's team in Ne
maha City got away from him Mon
day evening. They made hi load ot
ooba ily. The horses stopped when
thev ran to the Nemaha river.
An agricultural papes gives the
following warning:
The female canker-worm ascends
'nrmle trees earlv in the snrin" fre
quently in warm March, to Jay
'ggs. Look out for her.
Immigration that crosses the
. river at litis place is greater thlsspring
than at any previous time, but they
ore nearly all bound for Kansas. Im
migration declined for western Ne-bra5ka"crosbeHtii-rivp-furthcr-i
The Allen boy, so long in the
.yA here, implicated in the supposed
murder of bis father, Clark Allen, was
. released by the court on Tuesday on
his own rocognizunee to appear for
trial at the June, 1S7S, term of court.
District court is in iiesaion this
week, but we go to press too early to
give any important proceedings. The
grand jury sit during Tuesday, and
there being no business brought lie
fore them, were di-eharged Tuesday
evening for the term.
A uheul raiser in the Prairie
Partner nay , "From Jong observation
and expeiience, I nni more iitui more
convinced that a loose friable bed for
wheat is a mistake, and that com
jiresaioti or nolidity is essential to the
well-doing and non-roolfalling of the
Strange that certain newspapers
will claim to work Tor the good of the
temperance cause, and tit the same
time take pailicular pains to hunt up
and publish everything derogatory to
the character and standing of temper
ance lecturers and temperance socie
Ues.Plallsmoitth Chronicle.
Temperance lecturers and temper
ance societies ought tn so conduct
themselves that nothing derogatory
could be hunted up.
Two Brownville girls, for a little
exercise, walked down to Nemaha
City fivo miles one evening last
week and then back home the same
evening. One of them said, "if Wash
Fairbrother ehould know thhi he
would put us hi the paper." Yes
all right girls you did well, and we
have found it out, but will not men
tion yournanies, although there would
be no harm in so doing.
Some of onr non-resident readers
may be interested in knowing that
the Etatutes of Nebraska do a wise
thiug by encouragiug and fostering
tree planting. Forest and fruit trees,
grape vines and hedges are all exempt
from taxation ; and in addition to this
one hundred dollars per acre for for
est trees and fifty dollars per acre for
orchards are deducted from the valu
ation of the lands upon which the
treeB are planted. Locate in Nebras
ka if you want to farm and plant for
ests and orchards.
State Journal'. Wo understand
that the trains on the C. U. &.Q,., in
Iowa and Illinois are loaded all the
way from Chicago to the Missouri riv
er, and that of all the emigrants com
ing west, Nebraska gets fully her
sharp. . . . The Crete Post claims that
between two and three hundred peo
ple pa?s t'hroug'h that town daily.
Each and every oue of 'em home
hunters A gentleman named
Preston, from Btnghamton.N. Y. the
leader of a colony composed of fifty
families, arrived In thecltyyesterdaj.
He will leave in a few days forThayer
county, where lie will view a town
phipof land belonging to b? banking
-house of Omaha. Mr. P. has spent
months .visiting Kansa and comes to
Nebraska well pleased" With our soil,
"linvtll'e atid people
Graham Flour, at Huddart's.
Hand-made harness at Bauer's,
cheap for cash.
Cheap Sulky and Gang Plows,
by Thomas Richards.
Dr. J. N. Converse has opened a
hardware store in Lincoln.
Choice Coffee, 5 lbs. for
$1.00, at IflePlierson's.
Subscribe for Tun Advertiser ;
try it six months if no longer; we
warrant you will like the paper.
Smoke Dan"ites.
Go to the Regulator
And see the new arrival of Plows.
Tiros. Richards.
The population of Brownville
has greatly increased this spring.
There are very few, if any, vacant
iiouses in the city.
Everybody who has a "garden
spot" is raking and burning rubbish,
and makinggarden. And what beau
tiful weather for such work.
Harness and Saddles.
Have eold several orders already and
more coming.
Stevenson &. Cross.
See the new Plow Boot at
Mo Gee $ Bro's.
The Chicago Lumber Co.
Will save you money on
Oak Posts
Cedar Posts
CottoDwood Fencing.
Corner Main & First streets, Brown
ville, Neb.
Sraolie 3Dan"ites."
"To-Xlglit Yon'roISecn Drinking
Again." Great temperance song and
chorus, by C. F. Shattuck, sung by
hundreds of temperance clubs, with
greatest effect, mailed by all music
dealers tor 3oc. i'lKiiisiiea oy Al.ts.
Huyott, St. Joseph, Mo.
Best Sugar Oared Hams
in tiie market for 9 els., at
TIios. Richards
Will soon receive his new line of cook
stoves, and will sell them at very low
Mr. Philip Crother, county su
perintendent of public instruction,
wishes us to say that school officers
who hove not been supplied with
necessary blanks for reports, etc., may
lie supplied by calling on, or wiiting
him, at Nemaha City.
Toting 3an,
Go to J. L. MoGee & Bro's
for the latest style of spring
George Latinnn announces him
self this week for re-election to the
office of city marshal. George has
been a good officer for the past year,
and efficient, although his pay is very
meagre; and we know of uo good
reason why heshould not be re-elected
A good workman and reasonable
charges. Ilelmer's old stand, adjoin
ing brick block.
Col ton Hose, 5 cts. a pair,
at McGee Bro's.
Twice as Large
A spring stock of Dry Goods, Cloth
ing, Notions, Furnishing Goods, &c,
Ac, as any other home in the citj at
We had the great pleasure, on
Monday evening this week, of wit
nessing the initiation of Mr. James
Bennett into Nemaha City Lodge No.
109. I O. G. T. We could not wish
Jim a better thing than that lie may
ever remembpr his obligation, and be
true to it. In so doing there are
money, character, and good health.
Corn Planters !
Keystone, Union, Deere's, Western
and others, the best in the market, by
Stevenson & Cross.
Dan"ites" is the name of a new
brand of cigars now being manufac
hired by D. B. Colhapp of this cit3,
which we are assured is equal to his
celebrated "Perfecto" which has tak
en the lead in this city and elsewhere
so long that other manufacturers were
forced to imitate it, thereby throwing
upon the market a cheap and inferior
article, which dealers were selling as
Colhapp's cigars. To avoid this im
position lie is now making the Dan
"ites," a brand which no other man
ufacturer has a right to use, and which
will hereafter take the place of his
celebrated "Perfecto," and consumers
may feel assured in buying the Dan
"ites" that they are buyiug a first
class article.
Has in connection with the black
smithing department of Mercer &
Clover, a wagon and woodwork shop.
Also on hand a full and complete
stock of wacon and' carriage wood
work, plow beams, handles. fec, and
everything needed in the construc
tion and repairing of all kinds of
wood work. All work warranted.
Remember the place L. G. Lock
wood's old stand.
The HIssouri, Iowa and Nebraska
We have before us a letter from the
Chief Engineer of the above road in
which inquiries are made concerning
the resources, of Atchison county. He
says his company contemplates the
completion of their road to the Mis
souri river at an early day. The road
has been in successful operation for a
number of years from Alexandria,
Missouri, a point on the Mississippi
river, to CentervilleAppanoose coun
ty, Iowa a distance of about one
hundred and twenty-five miles. It
seems now to be but a question of
time when Atchison county will have
an east and west road Atchison Co.
Brownville ought to secure t'he'ter
.minofc of thi- road
Sutolie Dan4 ites."
E. Bachelor is at Mason City, la.
Hackney returned from Chicago
Maj. Ford moved his family down
from Peru Friday.
Albert Smith and wife returned
fram a visit to Tecumseh Monday.
Stevenson & Cross made a flying
business trip to St. Joe and Leaven
worth last week.
Joe O'Pelt, who went to Chicago
last week to purchase furniture for
Marsh House, is back.
Mrs. Robert Bennett, of St. Joe.,
sister of Mrs. H. C. Lett and W. H.
McCreery, is visiting them.
Jack Richardson, that big-hearted
Democrat of Peru preciuct, drop
ped in Saturday and ordered another
copy of The Advertiser.
Capt. J. S. Minick, Aepinwall,
has purchased the splendid residence
of G. W. Bratton, this city", and will
soon be a citizen of Brownville.
V. H. McCreery attended the
auction sale of buggies at Leaven
worth last week, and made purchases
for himself and several others of our
city. He returned on Saturday.
Everybody Knows
That Lowman nlwaj's brines the
stock of goods in the city, and it will
pay to wait for them.
Charley Clark, eon of W. S., Ke
rn aha City, had a fearful ad venture and
most wonderful escape from instant
death on Thursday last, 14th inst.
The particulars of the accident are
about as follows: Charley went to
the well for some water. The water
is drawn from the well by the com
mon manner of pulley, rope and two
buckets. At this time, however,
there was a bucket only on one end
of the rope. In attempting to handle
the bucket full of water it slipped off
the curb back into the well, and
Charley, to save the bucket from be
ing injured bj fulling to the bottom,
made a grab with both hands at the
end of the rope which hung dangling
in the well. He caught the rope, but
alas for Charley, he made a mistake
and got hold of the end to which the
bucket was attached and was jerked
into the well, and with firm hold of
the rope a few feet above the bucket
down lie went, head foremost. A
knot on the other end of the rope pre
vented the rope from being drawn
through the pulley and stopped the
downward course of the boy sudden
ly. The well is about forty-five feet
deep, walled with jagged rocks, and
so narrow that the two buckets some
times lock in passing. Notwithstand
the fearful distance of the fall, that he
was hurt by being bumped against
the rocks, and the sudden wrenching
of his little hands and arms by his
weight when lie stopped going down,
lie did not let go of the rope. This
would seem to be an impossible feat
for any one of stronger hands and
cooler licrulB, but that thio Iiltio nlno
year old boy did it there Is no ques
tion, for he did not get into the water,
which is deep, up to his waist. He
says he went clown head first, but
w;hen he stopped he turned feet down
ward "quicker than flash ;" that then
he elitl down the rope into the water
and got one of his feet into the bucket,
which only went something like a
foot under the water. The bucket
supported him, and holding on to the
rope he said he felt safe for a while,
but thought ma3'be his mother would
not miss him and find where he was
before he perished in the cold water.
But his mother soon found out where
he was. Charley's little two year old
sister was near the well when he fell
in and fotrunately saw him disappear,
for she screamed and rau to the kitch
en door, and meeting heF mother said
"Ma, Tarley in well." Mrs. Clark
hastened to the well, and seeing Char
ley's hat and the movement of the
rope, was convinced of the terrible
truth of the indistinct words of her
little girl. She, looking down into
the fearful depths of the well, called
once, "Charley !" But receiving no
answer, and believing her darling
boy dead, ran screaming for help.
Soon Mr Raburn Elliott, a near.neigh
bor, who was fortunately near, came,
and many others, and Charley, the
little hero, with his leg stuck down
in the bucket, and still hanging on to
that rope, was drawn out. Before un
dertaking to draw him up they com
municated with him. He said, "pull
away I'm all right." And he was,
but his face, head and clothing were
covered with blood, but lie had no se
rious hurts. As they were draw
ing him up he hallooed to his mother.
"Don't cry, ma, I'm all right." Im
mediately after he had been lifted out
ofthewellj everybody there, except
Charley, scared nearly to death, he
loaked up at the pulley and coolly re
marked, "If that knot had come
through I'd been a goner." He said
he thought of that knot when dowu
in the well, and knew his life depend
ed on it that if it drew through
the pulley he would siukin the water
and be drowned.
Mr. Clark at the time was at work
out of town. We mention the par
ticulars of the affair in detail because
such remarkable presence of mind in
a nine year old child is perhaps with
out a precedent.
Stoch of Clothing go to Mo
Gee S;Brs1
Sugar, 10 lbs. for $1.00,
at MePlierson's.
lllERCBit &. CL.OVER
Have put up ernery aud polishing
wheels for polishing plows, cultiva
tors, shovels and corn-planter run
ners. We are prepared to do the
finest kind of plow work. Every
thing in our line of work warranted.
N. B. We keep on han1 single
hees, double trees, neck yokes, clev
ises, &c, at L. L. Lockwood'a old
Farmers, buy Deere's Sulky
Plow, the bpst in the market, by
Stevenson & Cross.
Rheumatism, neuralgic, sprains
and bruises will hf rpltpvo-l hv TTnnio
Ram's Nerve and Bone Liniment.
: Fold by A . W. Nickell.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, cheaper than
ever offered in this market before. Come and see.
Farmers are busy.
Beautiful weather.
Smoke Dan'ites."
Repair you fences.
Town full of lawyers.
Smoke Dan"ites."
Corn buyers are active.
Hotel nearly completed.
Sever persons want oflice.
Not a vacant house in town.
Tun Advertiser is $2 a year.
Sugar cured hams at Huddart's.
Full line of conveyancer's blanks.
Spring repairing has oommeuced.
Are we to have a "town herd ?"
Commercial travelers are numer
ous. The Marsh House will be opened
The Transfer Co. have had a bad
Full Hue of sample piece goods at
We don't refuse silver on sub
scription. Candidates are growing mor8
Apples, cooking and eating, at
Spring tramps are worse than
spring fever.
One-half the city tax is payable
in warrants.
Commissioners Court first Tues
day in Aptil.
George Armstrong Is shipping
brick to York.
Hackney is receiving a choice lot
of new goods.
Salmon, Mackerel aud Whitefish
at H. C. Lett's.
Best stock of envelopes and pa
per at this office.
Codfish and Halibut at the West
End grocer3' store.
Bu3r the Skinner plow; for sale
by TIiob. Richards.
Horse and jack bills, neat and
cheap, at this office.
Corn shellers and stalk cutters, by
Stevenson & Cross. .
Ouly ten days, 3ct remains of tho
first quarter of 1878.
There issome talk of the "Blakes
visiting Falls Cit3 soon.
The West End groccrv store has
added a.stoek of notions... ' ... -
James Cochran announcea him
self as a candidate for marshal.
Sunda3' was a pleasant day and
liverj-men done a driving business.
Farmers, buy your agricultural
implements of Stevenson & Cross.
The Phelp City dramatic associa
tion plaj'ed at Rockport last week.
The West End butcher shop is
handlingson p ver3' finei'oung beeves.
Smoke Bauxites."
John S. Minick has purchased
the residence property of Geo. Y.
S. A. Osborn is willing to servo
our citizens in the capacit3' of city
The farmers of Richardson coun
tj' are anticipating trouble from the
chintch bug.
While you are attending court
subscribe for or renew 3'our subscrip
tion to Tub Advertiser.
Alex. Robison lias received a
part of his spring stock, including
children's and men's shoes.
Judge Ritter came up Friday
with a lot of cattle which he shipped
to Chicago Saturday morning.
R. S. Hannaford has recently
purchased the Harris farm adjoining
the town site on the northwest.
Smoke Dan"ites."
Davenport Iron Sulky Plow, two
levers to regulate on sidling land, the
best made, by Thomas Richards.
Hannaford wants to rent the place
where lie is now living, adjoining
town. Good pasture, wood and water.
"The Old Reliable" put in n
couple of new meat blocks this week,
and is repaiuting and otherwise "fix
ing up."
Hackney, when east, purchased
a bankrupt stock of D Goods and
Clothing, and is offering cheaper bar
gains than anybody.
Peony roots, Perenial Phlox,
Rhubarb, Currants, Blackberry and
Strawberry plants can be had of R. W.
Furnas, Brownville.
Two hundred and fifty cars of
stone have alread3 been used in rip
rapping at this place, and still tho
work is being pushed.
Smoke Danitea."
Young married people especially
are invited to call at Hannaford's and
see those nice irfant chairs. The
nobbiest thing on wheels.
The Singer Sewing Machine Co.
publish a card in to-da3''s paper which
speaks in ver3' plain and emphatic
terms. Find and read it.
Under the head of announce
ments you will find the names of
those who are willing to serve the
people for the next twelve months.
Geo. D. Carringtou is State agent
for the sale of individual, township
or county right of Michael's sorghum
evaporator, Glter and cooler. Mr. C.
worked with one of these e'aporators
last fall, and is confident it will do all
that is claimed for it. Call on or cor
respond with him.
Smoke Ban'ites."
JoaephL. Roy. undertaker, has
recently added to his stock of under
taking goods the "White Globe Cas-
Kei, tor inrants, and the "Black
Cloth Covered Caskets" for adults
both very fine and handsome. He
..uo B..-.U eeuureii tne ngnt to use the
"Peck Embalming Process." He has
Ulso is tcck 3 Hce line of robing.
Sono Such in Illinois.
The Nebraska City Press publishes
the following letter:
Watka, Knox Co., 111., Feb. 27.
Mr. B. Lombard, Jr. Galesburg
Dear Sir: Having just taken a trip
through southeastern Nebraska Otoe
Nemaha, Richardson, Johnson and
Pawnee couuties I found it very
much better thau I expected, and I
don't knotc of anv five counties in Illi
nois that have as gooa farming land
all through as the above mentioned.
I found among your farms some ver3T
choice and cheap oues, especial in
Johnson and Pawnee counties, and I
found ail the above mentioned coun
ties well watered and timbered, and
it seems to me to be a ver3 fine fruit
country. Yours truly,
Willi am Williamson.
If the people in the counties above
named would take the pains to make
known the superior advantages exist
ing the3' did years ago, thousands ad
ditional population would beobtained.
In looking over the old subscription
books of The Advertiser, we find
that fifteen and sixteen years ago the
oouut3' was advertised by sending the
paper regularly to friends in the older
and eastern States. We find one man
Dr. McPhersou was a subscriber
for one hundred and fifty copies of
The Advertiser sent weekly to
Ohio and aw York. Another citi
zen seveuty-five copies, four others
fifty copies each, ten men twent3-five
copies, and'fifty other subscribers fif
teen, ten and five copies each. The
results were wonderful in bringing to
us additional population. The ad
vantages then to be made known ex
ist still, and in greats increased pro
portions. TiiP3' ougiit to be kept be
fore the people. No belter advertis
ing medium is known than local
newspapers. We.are endeavoring to
do our duty in making up a good
paper such as wi'l! set f.rtli the facts
and objects indicated and suggest to
others equally iifterested, to act their
part. There never was a lime when
more people were looking west, and
especially to Nebraska, thau at pres
ent. Let them have light aud infor
mation. If you want nurse' stock any
kinds of fruit trees, shrubbed, roses,
evergreens, etc. Furnas has the best
Plows ! Plows ! ! PiOWS I ! !
Laid, ground and polished, by Abbott
& Emery.
55. C. Lett
Has absolutely put the price of Gro
ceries down to prices lower than evc-r
was sold in Nebraska before. Just go
and see his goods and prices.
George Furnas has opened
grounds for tile silo of nursery stock
on the lot. Main Street, next Alex.
Robinson's shoe store. He has al
most everything of Hard3' Flowering
shrubs, Vines and Ilulho, Shade-trees,
Evergreens. Grapes, Rhubarb, Aspar
agus. Phlox, etc., etc, etc. Call and
seo him. SSwS.
UJ 3 .3 w
Heeling or the Nemaha Coal Company.
Tiie members of the Nemaha Coal
Company, and all others interested,
will please take notice tiiat there will
be a meeting of tho company at Lar
kin's School House on Saturday
March 23d, at 1 o'clock p. in., to tran
sact important business In which
ever3T member Is more or less inter
ested. The last two meetings, on ac
count of rains at the time of meeting.
were failures, and therefore the meet
ing on the 23d should he fully attend
ed. Lewis Fisher.
Extra copies of The Advertiser
can 'lerQafr bp hd f A W. Nickel.
4$ is
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Our attention this week has been
called to n petition addressed to Mr.
Irving, superintendent of our rail road,
and nuruerouaty signed by the busi
ness men of the cit3 politely asking
Mr. Irving to change the time of de
parture of trains from this ei ty , nnd
also for a respectable passenger coach,
such as a Iad3 or gentleman would not
beashamed to enter. We have one
arrival and one departure of trains
daily. The trains leave at 5:45 in the
morning, being so enrhy, it is a source
of great inconvenience te freighters,
and arrives at 7:50 in the evening
but the time of arrival is not a mat
ter of serious grievance. The accom
modation of passengers is not nearl3
so good as it was under tho manage
ment of Dr. Converse, who always
had a passenger car attached to his
trains, but now, travelers are compell
ed to put up with a dirty caboose. It
Is hoped the petition will bring about
the very desirable "reformation."
Ladies' Blade ICid Gloves
50 -cts. a pair, at McGee
I will sell a Sinirer sew-in? m
chine, or uny other, for cash, at half
iiieuiu iik. prices, for the next sixty
years, mure or les-.
B G. Wiiittemore.
Can bo made by WASTING for the
most spring stock ever
brougiit to this county.
Extra copies of The Advertiser
for sale b A. W. Nickell, druggist,
book-seller and stationer.
Gardeu and field seeds, 03 the
ounce, pound or bushel, by
Hawlkv & Douglas.
The best and cheapest plows for
sale and will noon be sold 13 Stevenson
& Cross.
St. C' 1LETT
Has just received two tons of that ex
tra Fall Wheat Flour made by R. F.
Davis & Co., St. Joe, , which takes the
premium everytime it is put in com
petition. The best is the cheapest.
STTJ.3S5S goods and LOW PRI
CES, go to LO W M A N 'S.
J3 9 :-
! O
k W -a I"1 !
C 9 cZLS
q fc2 - f ta 55
a - ;.- jl ja
i - h- 6 C& C3
q 3 -3 13 p prS
0 K CGI -2 cX 5J5 gig
STYLISH goods and ,W PRI
CKS, go to LOWMAN S.
Monet to loan on farms.
T. L. Schick.
Onnges and Lemons, at Hnd
dart's, fresh and nice.
Choice line of Pocket and Table
Cutlery, at H. C. Lett's.
Everything in thefamily giocert I
line nt Huddart's.
Nice fitting drawers for gentle
men cut and made at Marsh's.
Cash paid for butter at Huddart's.
VAIAj paper
And Window Shades, of ever3' pat
tern aud style, at NickeM's Drug and
Book Store.
Large stock of Farm Implements
will arrive in a few days, for Thomas
Keeps n full and complete line at
TEAS, at NiekelTs
Drug and Book Store.
Farmers give your orders toTho-.
Richards for Plows, Harrows, and oil
godF in his lin.
ti ? E- ft
ia n L t ! i
gyro r4 T r CI
fci o o pq m
S a in k ri
E& tfR&lS&nS&lE&S g
9 & eks3 ta r& V daea cat sebafcsa
The llest
Sewing Machine In the world, to be
had cheap for each, can be seen at
B. G Whittemore's,
Main street. Brownville, Neb.
At Nlckell's Drug and Book Store.
Is Tour Ufa XTortfc Saving!
Consumption lias its origiu in colds
and neglected coughs, that at first
are hardl3' noticed. We hear them
among our friends, every day. How
often the3' lentl to the grave, when a
simple remedy taken iu lime would
prevent suffering, broken health, ami
save life. Uroivn-j Cough lal-
SVLin is the mo-.t reliablelung healing
remed3' of the age. It promotes ex
pectoration, and alla3-s irritation of
the throat and bronchial tubes, caus
ing the lungs to throw oft' all unheal
thy secretions, and removes the ten
dency to cough. Price, 50 cent3 per
Public speakers and singers, and nil
persons subject to hoarseness and
throat affections, find immediate and
pprmnnent relief by using RrotV5l?j
Tar Troches. 25 cts. per box.
All of Brown's Great Western Rem
edies forsslebv A. W. Nickel. H. C.
Lptt and W. H. McCreery, Brown-
vIHp. NpIi. S7lf
D. ,f . , ., . .,
isease and Death, when they
reach our own hou?eholds. are too se-
rious for jesting. We use our beat en-
deavora to drive off" the dread messpn-1
gers, and are only happy when we,
leel that tliey are at a distance. Atlpotntoes
the first approach of that fell destroy-
1 V, Consumption, in tiie shape of a
cough or slight cold as well as more
severe Bronchial or Catarrhal com
plaints, we should at once ueEIIert's
extract of Tar and Wild Cherrv. It
has no superior in such oases. Every
bf ttle warranted to give satisfaction.
Sold by A. W. Nickell.
Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and
closes the pores of leather, effectuallv
preventing the entrance of dampness, I
dust, &c, and rendering the harness
soft and pliable, while at tho same
ime increasing its durability. Sold
by A. W. Nickell.
There is no earthly boon more
precious th-.n good health, and it be
hooves Its pos-sessor to endeavor tore
t.n it. If 3-011 are assailed witlt such
piovoking ills as sick headache, torpid
livpr, sour stomach, and a genera?
feeling of weariness and disgust, don't
go and commit suicide, but take Eil
.er.t's Say-light Liver Pills nnd be
cured. Sold by A. W. Nickell.
Distempers, coughs, coble, fevers
and most of the diseases which hors
es, cattle, shepp. hog and poultry are
subject to are readily overcome and
cured by using Uncle'Sain's Condition
Powder according to th plain direc
tions. Sold hv A W. Nieki-II.
Mothers will find Dr. Winchell's
Teething Syrup just tho medicine to
have in the house for the children. It
will cure cold's coughs, sore throat.
and rennlate the bowells. Try it.
Sold by A. W. Nickell.
Fresh Drugs and School Books,
full supply always on hand at W. II.
McCreery's. " 30mS.
Purp Appl Cider at n,"',arl'K
".l ll- LJ L-Jtt-M .HI --l -J!
5" Annoancanient fee S1.60."a
ra-We are anthor'zwl to nnnoniioo the
name of S. A. OSUOltJ as a candhluto for
the office, of City Treasurer.
13-1 hereby announce myself as n cnndl
dnt' for re-election to the o.lice or City Mar
shal of the city of Urovvnvillf.
C2At the urgent solicitation of many
frit-nds I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of CUv .Marshal
fl3 I hcrebj- announce mv&elf ns a candi
date for the oflice of Cltv Trea-urr.
Kavlag- heen informed -hat
the pirates in the sewinciMa-
chsne huniacss, tn Chiragrc,
have iiujiertalien to swindle!
3'oisr cuimminily hy en eavor
i:;g"So paljji olT bogus oroid nia
clisues, re-yainted asid re-ja-pannerf,
for genuine tsevr Sing-
machines, this notice it 1
tnfnrm v l, rvn w. vv
!-,, ., -.J wi!lseidare.dpeithat will meror.FREK
"" aTfcYESlcan he placed un-oK CHARGE. This great remedy -wd!.-,
On the representations Of par- I eorered by a mlsiooary in South America
tics pretends ng Jo relai: Singer
m.tT.snQ V,,.. fi.iw ,..
machines from this cifyor else-
..... u- nii.j,'.' Mt-Ilix; illlU
purchasers from such run the
rlsK of being swindled oatof'
tiscir money, as they cannot,
procure Singer machines legit-1
imatcj and no machines sold j o
by them are guaranteed by as. 1 95
We have authorized agents Tor IQ
the saSe of our machines, 'L
inroKgiionz tj,e conntrj-, xvho j
can produce our vrrllien a-i
thoritv. axid ST Is? S,tPfi .Vf.Tr
TO UVY OS-' T51SE'. !
Mr. E. M. Mc WILLIAMS k.&
our arrant in Semaha GountT.
III State Street. Chioiifn. Pi
Collet-tor sOHice, DM.otNt-b.,
uii.Hiia, .uarcti o. 17)5.
I will onr at piiMlc tale, at the Coort
Hon-e tn the CUy of Browr.vlll- Nemaha-
County, and State of Nebraska, on !
Tltesdaj-, April 2, 1S7S, ;
nt tvio o'clock n m tii rnlin.r-n .....ik.i '
propeny, to-wit: Commencing at the north
westcornerof the. south wwtnmirinfuw. I
r. ..... ...v. ....v-.wx ,.rtliuni f
tlon twelve 02). township flvo i. norUi of
ranse fifteen Uo;. eat, ami runnlne thence'
wwth a6roN. tjienca eMt.1rodsaiid M)llak.
H???c,e north 5 rort-s. theooe 'vest SBnidaand
Torms made known on day of sate. :
f -j"l---r f----:; t?i--.o
PE-M-IN0 J-W$ Tfir ffifrrirT fl-iirT-AVa
X -wi
01 -S
Farmers, pleaso call and get prices ; I
to bundle your stock.
Oinee W Main str(t. Hmdtry buHdin-.
jciaaarc!3agyc-gf.t in -i .jteat-fcg-paaag
Bno-Wvii.Lic, Mnrefc 2ft. IST3.
Folsfnrlng nre te qootattaae ytrdii7
noon, tho time of golr.c to fret.
LIVE stock:
Steers. fslrtocbo!coM....w.........L.-S tStH 73
iOvSj int.... 3 tw
Wheat, choice full.. . $ 0
" spring ....................... ?St 30
j " .. P BV
" It-J .w.m H.m.m.tM urn. M.i..... npik fe'
Corn In the ear, oM-................. . M
" " M " now. WJ
1 bkalkk is ohocbkibs aso pxobvcs.
Com Moni. a 100 SMl M
I liA 50
&t& '
. CHfl IV
.... . .. 600 4
rati on
n..m.w.w.w M.t. v V"
fT J' JICS . H....H.....W MS.,
"to -.
Chickens, old, per dozen ......
Chickens, dressed, ft ft. -
Tnrueys. dressed, yfi............
Wood, fl cord ......... ........
2 M2 23
- 8
3 J65 00
Hay, "A ton- .............. . 4
-5 CO
Flour, Tlannlhal fft.l wheat...........
" Wichita mil wheat
" Eagle Mil! mil whoa;
" Glen Rock fall wheat..
" Glen Rock spring wheat .
" Sheridan spring wheat
" Nemaha Valley spring.....
vi rn n in ...w.....'nw..w..
Bnm and Shorts mixed, par lli.,.,
Corn, pur hushel. ......... .v.............
Sugar, cofTee A. 8J4 tb tor...... ...........
" Extra C. 8 Es ..
" brown, N. O. 9 ... ..
" Cut Lnur.TJJfc ....
" I'owdared, T5i -s ...-.-
Coffeo, Rio. 4 to 44 Ks
' O. G. Jua, 3 Ibsi ...
4 '
3 7S
" ?
2 7
2 73
1 35
1 m'
1 CO
1 tx
1 05
1 M
I 00
I 60
Cranberrlec, per qt..... ,
Drld Corn, per .... '...
Dried Peaches, ft 9.
Drleil Apples, fl ft. ......
Pared Peaches. "9 ft .
Pitted Cherries, 8
Dried P!e PInnt. per E
Syrup, per gal .... .....
JLrl ru .
Coal OH, porKHllon...-.-....
7 00
White FJhm. per kit
Isnit, per barrel..,
Coal -Ft. Scott rod, pr ton ....
' " " black, par ton
.CmcAo, MMh it.
WHBAT Act!valMittiMeUl(Sandakbadd
lower; No I.St.nftH10
CORN Opened ft riner bwt subpenaemiy be
cama weaker r.d jtrMres keUntd ; Xo. 9, i-a
HOGS ReoeipUs, 'JbJIO. Al! ftrrdeoicwer;
packers buy a liberal shpr at $3. $."!. ";
light, weak and lower. &.53.i; havy irt
fair demand at $3 75t I.Bt. ; -qri nnapid.
CATTLK Recelptt, .7J; market abeady
iud active; i pper. ?t 7"tii5 eo ; fevl:j and
stockers strong, at $t.831.9Qi
" OTICFls hrreby given that an el"Ion
will Im bold In tlt aer-l Wurdof thp
City of Erowavilie. Nebraska, on
Tuesday, April 2, A.. ISTS.
when the following officer Mrtli be votd or.
to-wlt :
One Mayor.
On" Police Jiidce,
One Trasrer,
One Clerk,
One Marhnl,
One Councilman 1st Ward;
One Ctiu-cllman 2d Wmni.
One CuneH"Kn Sl Ward.
On which dav the poll will b oytw at
tba ioHowliie awl pKMi
1st Ward, at old Trwfcr .
2d Ward, at otlk-eof I.. L. Hntbnf. '
1 Ward, at corner Stb n4 Main Mrcei?.
Polls opened at S o"clok a. MK.and tlorn at
7 o'clock p. tn.
uv order ot the Krmtrsa.
7w 1 J. B. DOCKER, City Cterir.
To ell who are ftafferinc from tit errors
I1 Isretlons of youth, nervoas vreak-
nc"!' er,y ,8eay ,0-s of mahood, Xc. I
;Seu' ,'--'J' to the Rev.
' Jwph T. Inraan; StaUon D. Rlble House
New York City.
1 g-jxrjjixn
Maanfectarer aad Dealer la
(S&IrkA Ins
1-2 3
fH v,
Blankets, BmolcsiPIy Nets'. &p,
tar RalHoe le- ta hoxt notir. Ta-pV
. . ..-' L l-x: ---- ..
,e4 vacaajnoii buckiux. rwr r"i
,SeT,&n&es.c..a!w.jsa aa
, . -
G4 52ain ., SrOWnC A'eb.
-3 afsco rv? T ? " i, r t
"SSKP Zi I f L, Tl E. ! U -j
t -tirwmzit - ,u 1 r
(n Wrv .f y in
M ?&-. irws i i-
s&EFzs 1 urns X
B Iff V &
1 rr mmw& $
." r"a. r n. tbfw? a -
k Lvl SI . - VJ aaLBI
tFri '& o twnssaV'i
AJ - - A .K-. A . '
"-":., B''..Jel---:i .-J,irt