Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 14, 1878, Image 3

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raya gUw -w-rra-v- - s---"?'aWSBgggBE8B8MHBagBBMBBgBMMEEaMBBErfaBFBaanBHMS "TC
I I i . . . "" i ' - , .1.
THU116DAY, MARCH 14. 187S.
Dally Stage X.lue Sotitli.
TFrem Brownville to Araso, Falls Cltyana Rulo
u XetashsTCity, Aspoiwall and Bt. Iroiii. coo-
acting with conveyances l o all other points.
j,snvfsK .mown vine caiiyai 10 aucx i m.
Arrives at Ilrewnvllle 11 o'clock n. m.
J.X1 UXBLSSS, Proprietor.
Xcbraska Railway.
-V4S p in
Ties am
fcitt a ui -
1 BrowavJile
Nebraska aty
I Lincoln
WJI. TRVnCG, Snp't.
Brownville Bnss Line to Phelps.
Z.eave BrewnvllI 7:39 a. m., 1:39 p. m 5:39 p. in.
Arrive at Brown 110 a. in.. Sp. ml
J. BOCSr IELT). Suuerlntendeat.
Pnllisllr Notices.
Incui. JfoTicBs. pet us ordinary readlnc matter,
will be charged ten erats per line, each insertion.
He. In display type, fifteen cents a line.
Authorized 'Agents.
Titus Bkos are oar authorized REents at Nema
ha City to receive and receipt far mollis due as.
Tnoms Bcbress is oar authorized t-peal In Glen
Keck precise to receive and receipt for monies
due as ea sefescrietloB.
A J. ltiTTEK. at St. tterolH . Is oar authorized a;;ent
at that )liee,to receive xabscrlpUons and adver--tiilng,
aad to collect and receipt for monies due
Tke Advertiser,
johk S. ill nick hi our authorized accnt at Aspln
Wall, to recotve satncriptloti and advertising, and
collect and receipt for monies due ns.
Publishers Advertiser.
XjOCAIj matters.
Another big rain
here Mnndav
Tf you wn l anything, first call
oh Stevenwn &, Cm.
Blank Deeds. Mortgage.0, Chattel
Mortgages, etc., printed on best pa
per, for sale at this office.
' We prognosticate that the water i
in "the Missouri river will not rise
very uigli this season.
Another coal meeting at'Larkin's
echnol hoii m Saturday 23d inpt.
Seo notice of the president.
:. i-sii..iJ,.- r W . , .., ,... I
to nave jjc. dh irii. tn iuwa. wiiii i
JJtem to orlivpr x cottie ni lectures.
The oW dintillry t raft and ap-
tiirteuxnces i? t te ofTereil for sale
aciiiii. ree ntrtivcnf hiteniftl revenue
Peony roots. lVre:iI Phlox,
Rhubarlv, Curmtits, BlMckberry and i
S'tmwUerrv nlaiiloan be had of II. W.
Fiirna, IJrtwnvilIe.
TJie Red Ribbon men of Lincoln,
ha"ve made Rrraugements for calling a
State Temperance Convention to be
iield in Lincoln some time in May.
Mr. Clarence B. Buckinaw and
Miss Filora Hoover, Nemaha City,
were last Sunday joined in matrimon
ial bends. Jno.. Crother, J. P., per
formed the ceremony. We wish
much happme-s to the young couple.
The little nresn slip on 3'our pa
per that contains j-otir naues will tell
you if the time paid for i- up. If the
tJme paid for has expired please renew
jour subscription call on us and do
-so or Eend in the u.onej
A "tramp," lone and forlorn,
wandered into the city one day last
week, but his staj was brief. Mar
shal Lamion politely informed him
that he -was not wanted in the cit3 at
all no use for him. And the tramp
kicked tiie mud from his old shoes as
a witness and left.
Humboldt Sentinel : Mr. 11. A.
Stewart is building a new barn
Farmers are all busy sowing wbeat
... . . John Holman takes his cattle to
Browuville to-morrow where he in
tends shipping what is the matter
with the A. and N. R. R., and what
Is the matter with the Humboldt
Mills? Our people are all going to
the Little Nemaha to mill.
' . The Blake Dramatic Association,
ns per announcement, performed on
Tuesday night that very entertaining
and pleasant old comed3'-drama,
"Speed the Plough." That the
Blake's are appreciated at home was
evidenced last night b3' the unusuall3'
large audience present. We have not
seen eo large a turn-out of the "best
oitizens" of Brownville at any per
formance since the lastEthiopian per
formance. In the play the cast of
oharaoters was admirable, the ama
teur had their parts well committed
and the "human nature" features veri'
well studied however, some of the'
characters will play it better in this
respect when they pla3T it again. J.
B. Docker, as Sir Philip Blanford, T.
L. Schick, as Sir Abel Handy, Mc
Nauphton as Bob Handy and Osborn
as Henry, the young man in search
nf his father, all did admirable acting;
but Mr. and Mrs. E. Huddart as
Farmer Ash field and Dame Ash field
in their Yorkshire characters and dl
alect certainly excelled themselves.
J n any such character MrB. Huddart
is a star and in sa3ing so we do not
detract-irom the merits of an3' of the
others of the company. Miss Fannie
Arnold as the beautiful aud accom
plished daughter of Sir Philip, was
-appropriate iu everj respect, and
Mrs. Hatchett as a shrew and the
wife of Sir Abel Handy, although one
of the hardest characters to sustain,
did admiriabty. Miss Blle Morris,
as Susan Handy, was a pretty couS
try girl, and in this, her first appear
ance on the platform in a drama, did
excellently. While we did not deem
"Speed the Plough," as the beat thing
the Blakes have given us, so far as we
have heard, everybody else thinks it
Js. There is one thing certain how
ever, and that is that the Blakes are
popular, their playe all good, and
whenever the' choose' to appear-be-j
fore the public they ma3' be assured
of a geod hc.
Dan ites;"
Graham Flour. at Huddart's.
Hand-made harness at Bauer's,
cheap for cash.
Early vegetables and fruits, at
Stevenson t'Cross'.
Go to Use Regulator
And see the new arrival of Plows.
Thos. Richards.
Cheap Sulky and Gang Plows,
by Thomas Richards.
Stevenson & Crops are doing a big
business in plows and stoves.
Last Friday we had heavy rain
and the first thunder of the spring.
Tice said that day would be "clear or
Mixed ready for use, at the Chicago
Lumber Yard.
Do you wish number one Con
over's Colossal Asparagus plants?
Furnas has a few thousand choice
plants at one dollar per hundred.
The 17th is St. Patrick's Day.
Business houses in Lincoln will be
closed on that day, and we understand
that such will be the ca3e also in this
Dan ites.
Ex-Gov. Furnas, who, agricul
turally and horticulturally, always
"takes time by the forelock," planted
his early potatoes. Wed nesda3' of last
week 6th inst. And the Gov. puts
in ten hours a day now in his orchard
and nursery.
Harness andSaddles.
Have sold several orders already and
; mors coming.
Stevenson- & Crtoss.
District Court will commence
next Monday that is, people inter
ested will cottie to town on that daj'.
But court probably as usual will cot
begin until Tuesday morning, as the
Judge will hardly be down from Lin- j
coin before the train arrives at S p. m.
t m. uui jea.uuu.1 tin i
or.i..., i,.t i
Wilj snon .ive us nett. nnenf cook
stoves, and will yell them at very low
The following from the Kearney
Press of the Uth gives an idea of how
people are piling into some portions
of this Stale :
Forty wagon, loaded with house-
no,u Kon,,s an" "nuer ieit iven rnoy
i this morning for homesteaders on the
i other side of the river.
Ynunsr 31an,
Goto J. I. McGee $ Bro's
for the latest style of spring
An eastern paper has learned the!
following about some Nebraska sa
loon :
A Nebraska saloon-keeper became i
so auecieii ly the temperauce agita
tion that he promised to reform ; so
he put out a siKii. "Owing to the
cau-e of reform all liftmen-cent drinks
will hereafter be sold for ten cents."
A cood workman and reasonable
charces. Helmer's old stand, adjoin
ing brick block.
The Nebraska City JFews tells
about the career of a half-breed Indi
an youth in that city", named Wm.
Bullock. Bullock ha been a resident
of the CIt3' for five or six 3'ears at
tended college there for a loug time,
and the good people of theCiti1 "tried
to make s-omething of the bo3'" that
is. the3' tried to make him over, but
it was "no go" the thing "couldn't
be did," and notwithstanding the
beneficent influences which surro-tud
the j-outh of Nebraska City and a long
term in college, 3ounc Bullock one
night last week turned burglar, broke
into a saloon aud robbed it of cigars
and some valuable property ; and he
is now incarcerated in the jail. Our
doctrine comes right up in this case,
and stands prominent, viz: The bo3T
wasn't made right in the first place.
It is a true gospel that as parents obev
Nature's best and highest laws their
children will be favored, physically,
moral! and intellectually.
Corn Planters !
Keystone, Union, Deere's, Western
and others, the best in the market, b3
Stevenson &, Cross.
Has in connection with the black
smithing department of Mercer &.
Clover, a wagon and woodwork shop.
Also on hand a full and complete!
stock ot wauon and carriage wood
work, plow beams, handles, &c, and
everything needed iu the construc
tion and repairing of all kinds of
wood work. All work warranted.
Remember the place L. G. Lock
wood's old stand.
1'hilomathean Societj. open ses
sion, Normal Hall, Peru Neb., March
16, 1878.
Introduction Miss Emma Morgan.
Musio Glee.
Declamation Mr. Cornell.
Music solo Miss Stocking.
Essay Miss Emerson.
Music Solo Miss Margrave,
Debate J. R Cooper, A. B. Mutz,
S. C. Winters, T. Compton.
Musio Chorus.
Recitation Miss Jones.
Music Duett Misses Dillon
Essay Mr. Piper.
Music Chorus Good night.
Organist Miss Minnie Locke.
The object of this entertainment
to raise mone3' to paj" for the organ
lately procured. The famous "Peak
Sisters" have consented to aid the so-
iety and w6 cordially invite all to j
attend. We assure them that thpv
will be fully recompensed for their
trouble. Admission 25 cents.
I. L. Btjroh,
d. t corneli.
Grace Wiibdb.
Ban ites."
The Dakota Mailhs no more
lack of support.
Three-foot show case for sale
cheap. Enquire at this office.
First rate Corned Beef and Pick
led Pork at Body's.
A small grain field seed drill for
sale. Apply to J. L. Carson, or Robt.
W. Furnas.
Of any shade or color, mixed ready
for use, and Bold by the gallon, at the
Chicago Lumber Yard.
The State Journal is terribly wor
ried over its unkind assault on Mexi
can soldiers.
Abbott & Emery are preparingto
put. up a steam power in their shops
in this city.
Pickled Pork and Corned Beef at
Dan ites.
Corned Beef and pickled Pork,
excellent articles, at Body's Market
The Record sayB the doctors of
Richardson and adjoining counties or
ganized a medical society in Falls
City last week.
Ever3 good farmer is now mak
ing every lick couut and the city is
comparatively dull.
A little girl near Kearney recent
ly fell head foremost into a well twen-ty-seven
feet deep, without receiving
serious injury.
Ion't Forget
The Chicago Lumber Co. when you
want a hill of lumber, even if you live
twenty-five miles from Browuville.
At the meeting of Count3' Agri
cultural Society Saturday last, the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year:
R. A. Hawley, President ;
John Bath, Vice President;
S. A. Oslioni, Secretary ;
J. M. Trowbridge, Treasurer;
Managers H. O. Minick, S. Coch
ran, F. E. Johnson, Thomas Bath,
Geo. Crow, J. W. Gavit.
Garden and field seeds, by the
ounce, pound or bushel, by
H a wiji-.Y & Douglas.
The best and cheapest plows for
sale and will soon besold b3' Stevenson
&, Cross.
Posts aud Fencing
Cheap at the Chicago Lumber Yard.
A saloon-keeper of Plattsmouth
has the following bid for custom, in
the Herald :
Realizing the sad fact that the Red
Ribbon men are bent on starving me
out, I propose to burr up the crisis
b3 putting down billiards to
ten cents a game.
Temperauce beverage and good ci
gars furnished onl3' to those who want
them. I will force nobody to -take
ani'thing violating their obligations.
Note-: Indians, Idiots, Drunkards.
Women and little Bo3s are not. ad
mitted to any of the privileues of my
place; as I keep the only Reai Tem
perance Billiard Hall in this town.
WI13 the Red Ribbon men are bent
on starving him out. if his "real tem
perance billiard hall" is such a heav
enly place, is what we can't see, nor
WI13 women and bo3s should be ex
cluded. Why not invite in the boy,
to learn them lessons of temperance?
And then he promises to not "force
anybnd3' to take anj-thing violating
their obligations." " That is real kind
in that keeper of a "real temperance
billiard hall." " 'Will you walk into
my parlor?' said the spider to the
Tlie Chicago Lumbrr Co.
Will save you money on
Lumber Lime
Sash Cement
Doors Plaster
Blinds Hair
Pickets Sand
Posts Paint
Corner Main & First streets, Brown
ville, Neb.
Have put up emer3' and polishing
wheels for polishing plows, cultiva
tors, Bhovels and ecru-planter run
ners. We are prepared to ilo the
finest kind of plow work. Every
thing in our line of work warranted.
N. B. We keep on hanl single
trees, double trees, neck 3'okes. clev
ises. &c, at L. L. Lockwood'B old
A long-wined piece of poetry ad
dressed to an estimable 3oung lady of
Peru, written b- a Johnson county
poet, with request to publish, we are
constrained we must deoline. It
may be good we do not know, as we
haven't time to wade through it to
determine whether it would be likelv
to "touch the spot" or not. And the
"piece" is too long and we do not
want any poetry anyway, to tell the
truth fiat-footed. We try to publish
everything with the least bitof merit,
that is sent us usual!- because we
like to accommodate people, and new
beginners we like to encourage ex
cept poetry, which is usually the
trashiest of all trash gotten up for
publication. There are six million
at a rough guess misguided young
men and girls in the United States
who busy their heads or stomachs,
trying to write poetry, and onlv a
I dozen or ?n whn nro cunnurni : u.
ing accounted at all meritorious. We
rtonf minil nnr n a . .. .
- ... - ....u uui-asiuiiaiiy 10 puoilcn a
short poem the shorter the better
for a good looking lady or a friend, or
a few obituary stanzas for anybody,
but as a rule we declare that "nm-elv
i original" poetry is a great bore to us-
and we don't want much of It.
w ftrnt iw srnrK of w won
I 111! IIllUl illiff uIUUll UI Illil UiJiUJUif.-
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots
ever onerea in tnis marisex oeiore. Dome
Butter plenty.
Rain Monday night.
Tramps are numerous.
Town full of strangers.
Wind and dust last week.
District court next Monday.
Corn shelters are humming.
Gardening has commenced.
The Advertiser is $2 a year.
Sugar cured hams at Huddart's.
Lettuce and radishes in market.
Merchants receiving new goods.
Think twice beforeyou go in debt.
Sugar cured hams at H. C. Lett's.
Q,. M. &. P. R. R. slow hut sure.
Full line of conveyancer's blanks.
It will be called the Marsh House.
Full line of sample piece goods at
We don't refuse 6ilver on sub
scription. Apples, cooking and eating, at
Hawley & Douglas are shipping
oats to Chicago.
Best stock of envelopes and pa
per at this office.
Buy the Skinner plow; for sale
by Thos. Richards.
Fairbank's Counter Scales, by
S.tevenson & Cross.
New York walking shoes for la
dies, at McPherson's.
Horse and jack bills, neat and
cheap, at this office. j favored tue "Blakes" with their pres-
Browuville is the best market in') encelTueaday evening.
Southern Nebraska. TomRyau, thegentlemanlj con-
Corn shellers and stalk cutlers, by doctor on the B. & M. in this State,
Stevenson & Cross. owing to recent changes on the road,
No town anywhere has a better has moved to Nebraska City.
class of business men. John Titus, of the firm of Titus
Two-thirds-thecorn raised in this j Bro.'s. Nemaha City, called yester
county ie fed to hogs and cattle. I day. Hesaysthey are receivingsome
For the latest styles spring dress i of their spring goods, and iutend ad-
goods, go to J. L. McGee & Bro's.
How do you like the new ns -
sessment law as far as vou've got?
Farmers, bu3' 3'our agricultural
implements of Sievenson & Cro?s.
--The fashionable thing now is
whooping cough and spring fever.
Assessors are asking direct qups-
tions as to your financial condition.
Haunaford is in need of money,
and wantstoexchaiiEefuriiiturn for it.
Onh three weeks till the city
ejection, and one candidate iu the
Don't you want to be ma3'or, or
councilman, or marshal, or treasurer,
or something?
Left at, this office, a ladies riding
cauntlet, found near the residence of
J. Q,. A. Smith.
There is a case still on the court
docket of this count' which was filed
September 2. 18G2.
While you are attending court
subscribe for or renew your subscrip
tion to The Advertiser.
Alex. Robi.-on bas received a
part of his spring stock, includiug
children's and men's shoes.
Davenport Iron Sulky Plow, two
levers to regulate on sidling land, the
best made, by Thomas Richards.
McPherson will open this week a
part of his spring stock of dry goods,
notions, boots, shoes, hats, caps, dec.
B. G. Whittemore has moved his
sewing machine headquarters to first
roomeastof Richard'shardwarestore.
Clover & Mercer, blacksmiths,
advertise in to-day's paper. These
two are a strong team in their line of
Have 'ou seen the new oourt
room ? It looks well, and is conven
iently arranged. It was done under
the care of Billy Hoover.
The yard master at Burlington,
whenever he sees a car of extra nice
hogs, says "those are Bailey's; he
ships the largest and nicest of an
western dealer."
Ban ites.
Meeting of the Xemalia Coal Company.
The members of the Nemaha Coal
Company, and all others interested,
will please take notice that there will
be a meeting of the company at Lar
fcin's School House on Saturday
March 23d. atl o'clock p. in., to tran
sact important business iu which
every member is more or less inter
ested. The last two meetings, on ac
count of rains at the time of meeting,
were failures, and therefore the meet
ing on the 23d should be fully attend-ed-
Lewis Fisher.
A strange yonng man sent air in
sulting note to theivrong woman last
Sunday evening, and came near get-
b u ienui ueao: put on him for his i
mistaKe. The young man was not as
much to blame, however, as the
"posted" individual who put him on
the wrong track. Slanderous tongues
are not sure guides to ven the haunts
of lust, and a mau is a fool who will
place any eredenee in "what iw
4. Z3, I- b. e
01 I
. rv c L.
S - 83
J' s s
Dt. MePhersou returned from
the east on Monda-.
W. V. Hackney i3 in Chicago
buying hisspringstock.
The slender form of J. 8. Hetzel
was on our streets Monday.
Joe O'Pelt is in Chicago buying
furniture for the new hotel.
Mrs. J. T. Baird, of Plattsmouth,
is visiting Mrs. Hoadley of this city.
"Carry the news," that Harvey
McGee is back and iusily opening
new goods.
W. H. McCreery went down to
Leavenworth yesterdaj'. He will be
absent hut a few days.
"Delos T. Smith, who has been in
Chicago for a couple of weeks, re
turned Tuesday evening.
J. H. Broady left yesterday for
Falls City to attend District " Court
now in session in that county.
Geo. Cross, at the Chicago Lum-
j her yard, believes in signs ; a sure
sign he's doing a good business.
Mother Colhapp, mother of Dan.
started on a visit to see her daughters
in St. Louis on Monday, this week.
Mrs. Dan Colhapp returned from
Tecumseh on Sunday last. Mrs. Al
bert Smith will remain in that city
for some time.
Quite a number of citizens
from Peru and Nemaha City
Jdingafull line of hardware to their
j stock.
, L. Low man left Monday mnrniucr
for Chicago, and citizens nf both town
land country know what that means
, a large .stock of eveo'thing kept In
his store. . He will be absent ten da3-s
or two weks.
Don Arnold has sold his well au-
jer. and the right for this county to
Hiram and John R. Kelle who are
read- to receive orders for the boring
of wellet They alsohaveagood pump
whieh.rhey are furnishing in oonneo-
tion with the bored wells.
-Mrs. J. W. Ford spent several
jdays In this place during the past
week. She iu forms us that she in
tends moving to Brownville about the
first of April, when, at the solicita
tion of man' of our citizens, she has
consented to give lessons in piano and
organ music.
We wore pleased to meet Maj. J.
W. Ford in our city last week. The
"Blake" boys succeeded in inducing
him to stay until after their enter
tainment to lead the orchestra. The
Major is traveling for S. N. Brown &
Co., of Dayton, Ohio, dealers iu
wheels, hubs, spokes and carriage
materials. We hope it will not be
long until he becomes a permanent
citizen of this county. He ieft again
on the early morning train Wednes
day. Second spring order of farm im
plements have come for Stevenson &
General Order No. 3.
For your 31 en's Youths', Boys &
Children's Ciolhirsjr, go to
Farmers, buy Deere's Sulky
Plow, the best iu the market; by
Stevenson & Cross.
Fresh Drugs and School Books,
full supply always on hand at W. H.
McCreery's. " 3tim3.
Rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains
and bruises will be relieved by Uncle
Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment.
Sold by A. W. Niokell.
Iff. C. LETT
Has just received two tons of that ex
tra Fall Wheat Flour made by R. F.
Davis &Co.. St. Joe, which takes the
premium everytime it is put In com
petition. The best is the cheapest.
Money to loan on farms.
T. L. Schick.
Oranges and Lemons, at Hnd-
dart's, fresh and nice.
Choice line of Pocket and Table
Cutlery, at H. C. Lett's.
Everything in the family grocery
line at Huddart's.
Kelly Barb Wire, by Stevenson
& Cross.
Pure Apple Cider at Huddart's.
Nice fitting drawers for gentle
men cut and made at Marsh's.
Cash paid for butter at Huddart's.
And -Window Shades, of every pat
tern and style, at Nickell's Drug and
Large stock of Farm Implements
will arrive in a fevr days, for Thomas
Keen? ? full and complete line of
General Order No. 2.
For your Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
&c, &c, go to
TEAS, at Nickell's
Drug and Book Store.
i St A T "
and Shoes, cheaper than
and see.
If you want nursery stock any
kinds of fruit trees, shrubbery, roses,
evergreens, etc. Furuas haa the best
and chennest.
Mr. and Mrs. Handley will hold
a musical and literary reception at
their house on tnonday evening the
ISth. A good programme ib arranged
for the occasion. A cordial invitation
is given to all.
Dan ites.
George Furnas has opened
grounds for the sale of nursery stock
on the lot, Main Street, next Alex.
Robinson's shoe store. He has al
most everything of Hardy Flowering
shrubs. Vines and Rulbs. Shade-trees,
Evergreens, Grapes, Rhubarb, Aspar
agus, Thlox, etc., etc, etc. Call and
see him. 33 w3.
The daily State Journal a few
mornings ago had its entire edi
torial page devoted to an endeavor to
show that the veterans of the Mexi
ican war joined that army for "al
most anything hut unadulterated love
of country." Gere is troubled with a
superabundance of egotism, and it
sometimes causes him to lose sleep.
The Nebraska City Warren whom
we joked last week for leaving the
train at Peru thinking he was in
Brownville, was not E. F. as we had
it but W. F. Warren. They are both
good lawyers and gentlemen, but we
got the Warrens slightly mixd and
if we caused a laugh at the expense of
the wrong man, we ask his his pardon,
and hope it was the cause of no seri
ous calamity.
V,T. R. Adams, agent for the Hay-
j worth Fence company Patenteesand
! manufacturers of combined cast and
wrought iron fence posts, and dealer
in fence wire, of the most improved
kinds, will be in Brownville next
week to remain as permanent local
agent for this part of the country.
Farmers aud all who think of fencing
are invited to call and see samples of
Posts, etc. Office of L. L. Hulburd.
Mr. Lovi Johnson returned last
week from Omaha, where he had
been serving as a U. S. juror He in-
MlUi us mac r.irvmgBupenntena-
ent M in Nfebraska. SttVe
' n 1. ni.-wA.. I A 1 .
ft as his opinion that the company
will complete the road to Nemaha
City within the next three months.
Now that peace is made between the
Russ and the Turk, the next
question to engross the Nemahaians
will be the bond question. Bonds or
no bonds what do you say ?
On the 5th inst. a terrible conflag
ration visited Hot Springs, Arkansas,
and the business portion of the city
was destro-ed. A correspondent of
the Globe Democrat gives a list of 130
business places, churches, hotels, etc.,
burned. The total loss is estimated at
nearly half a million dollars. In the
list of property burned, we noticed
"Cogswell's liver' stable." That
sound very natural, yet we presume
it was not our former citizen A. P. as
he resides, according to our subscrip
tion list, at Eureka, Kansas.
z, ES
vP5 C! T
i 2 jt d "
El E3 $
5 V2 i 1 !3 13
t Zi "
l P3 52 E-a K Ci5 gLg
Under head of announcementb in
anotherco'umc appears" the name of
our good citizen Ben. B. Thompson,
as a candidate for City Treasurer.
There is not a man in the city who
would please us better. He is compe
tent and deserving, and having had
much to do, in various ways, in city
business has always been found
prompt and faithful. He is an old
settler and old soldier everybody has
confidence in his honor and integrity,
and we hope it will be generally con
ceded that he must be our next oity
Mr. Rogers, the present excellent
treasurer, will not be a candidate for
General Order No. 4.
I am making room for an 3m
itiense Springs isanimer Stocii.
Now is the time to get fiarjralus at
There Is no eaTlhly boon more I
precious than good health, andjt be-
hooves its possessor to endeavor tore
tain it. If 3'ou are assailed with such
nrovokine' ills as sink ItoHriflnliP tnmirf
liver, sour stomach, and a genera,!
leeuug oi v-earinessanauisgust.non'tl
go and commit suicide, but take Eil-1
ert's Daj'-Iight Liver Pills and
cured. Sold by A. W. Nickell.
Mfire ' HFS
l sb $ 4 G5 &
"mfiTbTkr o
i m pea amMsma a a mani mi mu:
Senator Paddock proposes to i
amend the river and harbor bill as fol
lows :
To complete the improvement of the ,
uuuiinej oj me jjiisdoun Kiver near
'ui,0i... ri,(.. tv- ,.. i.. .
Lcnrxu. v, , Aicuraahu, iu accoru
mice wiiii uie recommendation and
estimates submitted to Congress by
the Chief of Engineers, seventy-five
thousand doliurs.
To COinnletesurveVRon tho Missouri
River in ucirdanee"w!tl, t.-e "com -
meitdatioit.Huf t he Chief of Engineers,
Koconipaiiieu by estimates of the cost
of the same, as follows: For continu
ation of surveys at and above Platts
mouth. Nebraska, the same to con
nect' with that already made at Oma
ha and Council Blflus three thousand
five hundred dollars.
.For continuation of surveys at and
above Browuville, Nebraska, to con
nect with that already made at Ne
braska City, three thousand five hun
dred dollars.
I will sell a Singer sewing ma
chine, or any other, for cash, at half
the old list prices, for the next sixty
years, more or less.
look Elere Farmers
I have the best thing in the shape
of a Horse Collar ever sold. It is the
Turley Patent Rope-rim, easy adjust
ing collur. Will not break into. I
warrant these collars to give satisfac
tion or money refunded give them a
trial. B. F. Souder.
Extra copies of The Advertiser
for sale by A. W. Niokell, druggist
book-seller and stationer.
Extra copies of Tub Advertisbr
can hereafter be bad of A. W. Nickel.
Garden, field and hedge seed, by
Stevenson &, Cross.
Harness, saddles and whips, by
Stevenson & Gross.
Farmers giveyour orders to Thos.
Richards for Piowh, Harrows, and all
goods in his line.
The Best
Sewing Machine in the world, to be
had oheap for ca.h, can be aeeti at
B. G. Wiiittem orb's,
Main street, Brownville, Neb.
Distempers, coughs, colds, fevers
and moat of the diseases which hors
en, oattie, sheep, hogs and poultry. nre
subject to are readily overcome and
ureil by using Uncle Sam's Condition
Powder according to the plain direc
tions. Sold by A W. Niokell.
r'J bow e A fH Mm
fiJjyjJi-trttA S&J&i
At Niekell's Drug and Book Store
General Order No. 1.
For your Dress Goods. Fancy Goods,
Notions, Priuts, Shtsstings, Muslins,
&c, &., go to
Disease and Death, when they
reach our own households, are too se
rious for jesting. We u our best en
deavors U drive off the dread messen
gers, and are only happy when we
feel that they are at a distance. At
the first approach of that fell destroy-:
y, Uonsumption, in the shape of a
coiign or slight cold as well as more
-evere Bronchial or Catarrhal corn-
plaints, we should at once u-eEilert's
extract of Tar and Wild Ciierrv. It !
has nosunerior in such eases. "Everv !
hi ttle warranted lo give satisfaction, i
Sold by A. W. Niokell.
Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and
closes the pores of leather. efiVctuoily
preveniing uie euirance 01 oampness.
ilu-t, &e., and retidfringr the haroes
soft and pliable, while at the same
ime increasing its durability
bv A. W. Nickell.
Sold I
General Order No. 4
I am making room for an
lm- i
mense Spriis2r&. Summer StocSi.
Now is the time to get Rargraisas at
Is Your L,ife TJ ortJt Savin??
Consumption has ltd origm in colds.
aud neglected coughs, that at first,
are hardly noticed. We hear them
among our friends, every day. How '
otten lliev lead to the rav wbpn !
..,..i ,,... . . .
elull"c lemeuy iuen u lime would ,
prevent siinering. Oroken health, and
i.v HT. S7rkw..). fin.rh r..i
:." ' L V .' .. . r''"5" . I
aiu is ine most rename lung Pealing .
remedy of the age. It promotes ex-'
pectoration. and allavH irritctinn of .
;. .. - : 7. , ,
tl;e throat and bronchial tubes, eaus
ing the lungs to throw off all unheal
thy secretions, and removes the ten
dency to cough. Price, 58 cents per
Puhlle speakers and singers, and all
persons subjVot to hnarenefls and'
throat afiection-. find immediate and
wrmnncnt relief by using Eroivn.s
Tar Troches. 25 ots. per box
All of Jirown'i Great Wetprn Rem
edies for -alp bv A. W. Nickel. H. C.
Lft and W. H. McCreery, Brown
ville, Neb. Btf.
Mothers will find Dr. Winehell's
Teething Syrup just the medicine to
have In the house for the children. It
will cure cold's coughs, sore throat, '
and regulate the bowells. Try it. I
Sold by A. W. Nickell.
V OTICE is hereby given that an election
" will be held In the several Wards of the
City of Brownville, Nebraska, on
Tuesday, April Ji, A.D. IS7f ,
when the following officers win be voted for,
u-wit :
One Mavor.
One Police Jndgc,
One Treasurer,
One Clerk.
One Marshal.
One Councilman 1st Ward,
One Coaneilmnn 2d Ward.
ru& fV..llM a.i TU I
Qn which day the polls wilt be opened at:
tie fallowtse named dlaeaK:
g $?& HT&rd.
3d Ward. Htoornoretbawd .Mate streets,
PoU opened at a'cloek a. m., and eloeo
I7o8look n. m.
i By order "f UisrCoonell.
V-i j it. DOCKER. City dfrk
ai ate Jks&
- a m. i & at
-G2- Announcement fee $1.00.-53
g-1 hereby annonnce myself as a candi-
. uai lorme outceoi uny Treasurer.
BHt Mfss Mary
In Asplnwnll prectwet, by KWarT. L. Cart-u-ricti
t. Polaskl Hurtord and Miss Hounah.
JL. Dressier.
liye stock:
Farmers, please call and get prices ; Twaai
to handle yonr rftoclc.
Dolce 3i Main street, Hoadley nnltdtasr.
Brownvillb, Marcfc If , K3.
FellaTCtag are the quatatlano yesterday
noon, the timu of going to prwsa.
AIf SIHWfflt
Hops 1 3tf& H
Steers, fttir to ehole. St 2tS 75
Cows, faU.. . S D0! M
Wheat, choice fall $ t 96
" spring ? 80
Rye. ate M
Barley. 1 1m 26
Corn la toe ear, old ....., . 3i
new. 1S 1
- sfcclled ; 38f 23-
Corn &a1,
Chicken. oW, per doaon
Cntekens,urtS4td,3l !,
Turkeys, dressed. 9 ft.
Wood, $ eord ..
Hagr, M ton
Floor, Hannibal fell wheat
" WJcbtte tail wbea :
" Batrta Mill Jail wbeat.
tea Reck Mil wheat
" Glen Roak sprtajr wbeat .
" Sherklaa spring wbeat. .
" Nemaha Valley spring:.
" Graham
'4 69
2 7S
1 6u
1 m
1 w
i m
! Apples.-.. .
Bran aad Sberts mlxtl.
Corn, per beehel
k Sugar, eofiee A, 8fa fe tor..
I " Extra C.'aJU s
' lunan t! f ttlibc
! ctLoat7ii
Powdered, 7ffte.
Cofifee, Rio, 4 to 4 ft?
" O. G. Java, 8 lbs
Cranberries, per qt.
Prted Corn, per J
Dried Peaches. ? &..
Dried Apples, Jk m
Pared Peaches, fl aC...,
' ? Cherriea, Jt -
DrllF Ptat.perafc.
! ljRTa
i CoRl OI1. pergalhMi.
! White Flab, per kit-
. per barrel . S i 3S
Coal Ft. BeeU red. per taat 1. ff
whH9K T lOTIwtn '
.Chicaoo, Jiarcli 12.
WHXAT Active, stronaer ami blather.
Nf. 1. !.; ?to.2. glU fdg. M.Wjf WK.
CORN-Sedy and ftraaer; 70. 2. 13 mi
H006 Reeelpta. BJSW. Market dpeKed
brisk and active, but rloeed doil sad weak.
Mixed peekltic slow.$S.U3; light. JBt&
: .; beavr ft SMfS.tCi many dnpoM.
CATTLK-Reeelpt.2.?'. NhlpmeaM,tSl ;
some jaacy cattle eMertws ; sblppees. WL7a
5,8": St"?, atrongand acttvejU 3&M08.1.
The Mtowintc tiWe hows the :
pounda in a bttaheJ of titB varioas act
Apples, dried I Penchea ,
I Potatoea. Irteh .
Beana whSeHj
Beam, caawtr t l Ptatoe. weet JW
Peaa M
Bran Rye
rweKwoeat seaatt 5
' oai.awwc mt l
rial UAlaA
rorn. on cob 7 I BhM Qraea.
' ornsberjed
Corn Meat..
ueage Onuiga
alr, piaaterin
Hy. ton 2,
' on-y, atnTd. jral12
yn.e."f,ckd - -!
jaait. wtriey ;
Tnrnip .
Onion Sets-.
Broom Com.
.. v t, , .
T H wh. are MtTering fro toe errors
ad lad4r of yoorh. servos weak-
m-, riirij uoo;. , jfjb u nunonn, oc, x
will .send a recipe 'tat wil' euro yoc, FREE
'OF CHARGE. Thl jcrat remedy wssdivT
eovered by a missionary in South America.
, Send a self-ad Jrwec envelope to the Rev.
.Joseph T. In man; Station D. Bible Hoosa.
' New York City. IByl
fi V J
Agrf W
S f
s lam w
i a 0
SjR. tffr ? jfS b "S1?
3-If- llf $F1
y - -fee; sfiTrS y w -i-j
IJDOots 4 Shoes
S5 Main Street,
. .'-..Mqg r