Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 07, 1878, Image 3

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    t"..fSrc-iT &tPa ' ' i"l'W!ttsmasmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm M
If i
it s
Dctly Stage Line South.
?-& Brawn vUlewArapo. Falls cnyaafi elo
iteUnz wtt resveyaaces lo &I1 other poinj.
j.eftvw BxHvttleMrat i 'eloc p. m.
Arrives atBrowBvTOeile'elecfc a. m.
J. C. KAKLESS. Proprietor.
NetirasltR Railway.
3rwecvllle J
rteferaslca. City
, . sceopza
339 &m
Graham Flour, at Huddart's.
Corn Shelters by Stevenson &
Hand-made harness at Bauer's,
cheap for cash.
Early vegetables and fruits, et
Stevenson & Cross'.
J. C. McNaughton as "Bob Han
dy" Tuesday night.
..Yorfc I ..SW a ra
VJf. IKVT?G.8ep't.
Brownvllle Bam Lint to Phelps.
Ir Brwormvlll ". n.. 1) p. m.. & p. a.
Airtve ntBrerorine Tafttai.. Il a. m.. fc p. m,
Pittliters Notice.
rjocl. Xotics-. et as ordinary reading msMer,
" will fee efcrl Ma cents pr lis, each insertion.
Set Ih eteptay :yp. fift-n cents t Mae.
Authorised Aficnts.
irres Bao re astaorlMMi at ?-
b OHy to reeeHresad receipt awr b1 iaeas.
YJWmas Bcrrs Is ottr boiird agent 1m QH
Beet: pwrlct to ncetve an reept fer xaales
ttay; m mi jwtoscriptiOB.
J. I,rrrn. fctSt. btnin.boorMrt:
tat Mutt pfaee.M reeert-e !M-ertpt m adver-
- ttetag. BiueolteetaBdreeptwi
Jmx 3. atzstCK te ear aathofHed eat at Asfrta
U. te rr-4e atewtpUen ad adertisiHS. an
collect ans recMpt for monies due as.
Publishers AdTerttir.
i iimm iiiii i in
Cheap Sulky and Gang Plows,
by Thomas Richards.
Stevenson &. Cross are doing a big
business in plows and stoves.
qsaH rSr5!! c5
&bi s bs? sfe is &ssalzZs3&
ffSigliUMMl SEE ai' ' 5,
Canary Seed, at J. L. McGee t
Bro's, 15e. per pound.
Three-foot show case for
cheap. Enquire at this office.
Corned beef at the West End
meat market.
A fiinall grain field seed drill for
sale. Apply to J. 1. Carson, or Robt.
W. Eurnas.
Square dealing and low prices is
the style of doing business at the Chi
cago Lumber Yard.
Cottonwood fencing and split oak
posts, cheap, at the Chicago Lumber
Large variet3 of notions and
boys' clothing, and a new inroice of
ehees, jut received at McPiierson's.
Garden and field seeds, by the
ounce, pound or bushel, by
Hawxfy & Douglas.
And Window Shades, of every pat
tern and style, atNickell's Drug and
Book Store.
Our friend Reed, Merchant of
Sheridan, favored us with a call and
substantial aid for our paper this
week. Mr. Reed is a pleasant gentle
man. You can save money, even if you
live twenty-five miles from Brown
ville, by buying your lumber of the
Chicago Lumber Co. of this city.
Fact ; come and get prices.
We noticed some very fine let
tuce at Stevenson & Crosa'.
City Council Proceedings.
Hannaford is in need of money,
and wants tojeschange furniture for it.
Second spring order of farm im
plements have come for Stevenson &
Dr. Collins, our new dentist, says
business is opening up even better
than he anticipated.
I will sell a Singer sewing ma
chine, or any other, for cash, at half
the old list prices, for the next sisty
years, more or less.
Coucix. Rooms,
March 4, 1S7S.
Council met. Present, tfaynrStail,
and Councilmen Hill, Mercer, Jud
kiii3, Richards, Body, and Neidhart.
Minutes were read and approved, af
teriwhich the following accounts al
lowed :
Chicago Lumber Co
Cochraa,fcLove, bnllding crossings.
JoBri X.ovg .. .
11 25
i eo
15 80
25 IS
Dr. Ed. Arnold returned last
week from Chicago, where he spent
the winter attending the Rush Medi
cal College.
Do you wish number one Con
over's Colossal Asparagus plants?
Furuas has a few thousand choice
pittnts at one dollar per hundred.
Dtm'l forget the "Bke.
I Ifyo want tmjflkmg, first call
"o t3s&vers & Crohs.
Abbott s Stery are busy tm
fiaftr ti ftrsi chtss work.
An old lady named Corbin, re
siding near Dunbar, Otoe county,
while going home from Nebraska
City on Thursday, last week, fell out
of the wagon and was instantly killed
Do you want the worth of your
35 cents? Then go to McPherson
Hall Tuesday evening and witness
the "Blafces" in the gre!t five act
comedy-drama, "Speed the Plough."
Elder Cartwright, of the Chris
tian church, has been holding u pro
tracted meetiug iu this city for the
past two weeks, during which time
there has been nineteen accessions to
the church.
"Speed the Pfauuh." Tuesday
..Syeuias. MePleron HH Go.
. Much plewimj wb done last
-waefc. ! MtueU wheat wa sown.
The best mid cheapest plows for
;! d willcooH Uesold by Stevenson
' If tKa wwtther euuliutiea mild,
peoeb trees will be ia bloom wilhiu a
fw tlnys.
Lh. liKir.eeateti:. ibi5ter, saad,
" hWi puper ad psrat, x the Ciu
tuegs LHtber Yxrii.
Mrs. Hayden and Miss Hattie
Smith arrived in Brownville on Fri
day last froai Oregon Mo. Mi3 Hat-
tie wns nu-iated into the Good Temp-J
lar's hxlge that evening, and her nu
merous young lady frieuls were "jut
delighted' to see her aud welcome
her back to Brownville.
From the Sheridan items in the
Peru Jlcrald, we elip the following :
Mr. David Hacker's house is quite
an ornament to our future county seat.
being the firt houte built on a diago
nal lot of the square. He is fitting
up hi house as fast as possible for a
good hotel and boarding house.
"Sfffd tl Piegii"--Mbody
'.ffeeeld Hd see'mx it Mt MuPitersou
1TU ix? TfIy pveniBj:.
Pemty room. PereHial Phlox,
Rhubarb, Currant-. Blackberry and
Strawberry pbtui? en be liMtl of R. VT.
luTua, Brownville.
The local editor of the State Jour
nal, speaking of a certain lady of
Lincoln, says s-he, like Potiphar't
wife is above suspicion. Mrs. Poti-
On Wednesday, noon, this week
Mr. Lee Zook and Miss Rachel
Thompson, by Elder Cartwright, were
immersed in the Missouri river, at
the foot of Main Street, for the remis
sion of their sins.
See the new advertisement of
Cbas. Helmer in another column. He
has purchased the custom shop of A.
Robison, which he has removed to
No. 62 Main street. Charley has been
with Mr. Robison seven or eight
3'ears, and needs no recommendation
from uo; his work in the past speaks
for him.
Loolt Here Farmers
I have the the best thing in the shape
of a Horse Collar ever sold. It is the
Turley Patent Rope-rim, easy adjust
ing collar. Will not break into. T
warrant these collars to give satisfac
tion or money refunded give them a
trial. B. F. Soudeu.
"Tell your readers that McPherson
started east last Monday to purchase
his Spring goods, aud to wait patient
I until his return with the biggest
and cheapest stoek ever brought to
Brownville.' All right our readers
are posted.
AVe learn there was a donation
party at the residence of Prof. Mc
Kenzie on Tuesday evening last, for
the benefit of Rev. Wilson, which
footed up the handsome sum of $50 00.
Surely Bro. Wilson should feel proud
of this expression of the high esteem
in which he is held.
The undersigned hereby offers hi
three work horses, wagon and harness
for sale cheap for cash ; also a tine lot
of shoats. If you want a good bai-f
nrnin mid li'-f 51 ,4mitll tPflm ." COUje 1
............. ...... .. . -. . -
and buy before March 10th 1S78.
Dr. A. Opper.manx,
36v2 Sheridan Neb.
Hs just received two tons of that ex
tra Fall Wheat Flour made by R. F.
Davis &. Co.. St. Joe. which takes the
t t. ! . l !..! 1 i . " ' .
pnr, we oeiieve, was ine uiuy who, premium every time it is put in com-
was so sweet on Joseph, hut Joph j petition. 1 he best i the cheapest
wasn't that kind of a young man
The Lincoln lady must feel highly
complimented by the comparison.
Mar eh wme in rather lioiiHh. If
'iUo tilti dvliip in-True, it" wM o
like a Jamb. Thanks to the uterk of
the wetbr, if it b true.
Harvey MeGee went East Mon
day to purchase his spring atoek of
goods. We may expeet a grand dis
play and a mammoth dt-ck when he
Theinveutorof "Artificial stone"
iio exhibiting some of hb made stone
in Omaha and Lincolnand the "lo-j
I ..! t .i.- .:: i..-.., ,.i.:..
OUt r ;. iw4jfri iiv. 5iuKimii5
to write column pufl about. They
say this artificial stone bt-als nature
"all holtow." Mr. Stout thinks it a
good" thing, having purchased the
right to make it for Lancaster county.
The "OW Reliable." pre&ided
over by that good natural Etiglish
maa Jstjh Body, bad tresh nb for
"eale lHt week, whlali were very fine
aud wnl oil rapklly.
Frd Marohu intends visiting
Cliieosoon, making it both a basi-
-nes3 and pleasure trip. He will brine
beck witii him a nice line of sample
goods iiieer. if possible, than anj
thfV have ever had before.
Prof. Tice'a predlctloas for March
fays, "T-t to -eoond clear aad fair."
. Itrulned ail the afterwooii of the first
day, and the secoud all day vas re-
mnrkablv dark and rainy. That Is
about a newr as he generally guesses Jo-eph Body,
On Friday last we had the pleas
ure of forming
W. T. Moore of the "West End"
butcher shop, says his is not simply a
cold-weather business, but that he in
tends to continue during thesummer,
and that he is now perfecting ar
rangenieutfi whereby he can supply
his cutomei3 with meat, fresh aud
sweet, during the "heated term.'
Old settlers of this county will
rerr.emler A. L. Coate, the first sur
veyor Nemaha county ever had. Mr.
Coate writes to .m. H. Hoover from
New Orleans, and wants some old
friend to write him a "big letter," full
of news. He has been in New Or
leans for twelve years. We'll send
Allen an Advertiser, with our best
wishes, for the "days of auld lang
Following is the report of attend
ance at the Brownville schools tor
February, 1S7S :
High Schoool 30
Grammar Schoot. 21
Iatermdiate Dept . 22
1st Primary IS
ai Trimary 21
3d Primary 21
G. H. Lannon, servlces'as 3Iarshal
"V7. A. Jndklns.fjnnrirtPs
J. J. ilereef , balance on fire hooks.
Treasurer W. T. Rogers presented
his report as treasurer, which ou mo
tion was accepted and placed on file.
Petitions for liquor license were re
ceived from P. Fraker, Wm. Stevens,
and W. H. Small, and laid over under
the rule.
On motion, it was ordered that thp
clerk give notice of an election to be
held on Tuesday, April 2, 1S7S, in the
several wards, for the following offi
cersone Mayor, one Police Judge,
ofie Treasurer, one Clerk, one Mar
slial, and one Concilman, for eaeh
The following named persons were
dbosen as judges and clerks at said
ejection :
11? Ward M. M. Conner. J. W.
Hinton, F. August, as judges, and E.
H.. Wilcox, L. L. Hulburd, as clerk?.
2d Ward James Coahran.D J.Ar
nold, D. H. McLaughlin, as judges,
and S. A. Osborn, R. C. Berger, as
3d Ward R. L. John?on. G. W.
Bratton, C. Schantz, as judges, and F.
Scofleld, G. Carrington, as clerks.
And further, that the places for
her 'fsaid poles be held at the fol
wihdsmiTJOjpJaces: -jrard Old Transfer office.
2(1 2vard L L. Hulburd's office.
3t? AVard Corner 6th and Main sts.
n motion, a committee consisting
of ;MeSsrs. Neidhartand Mercer, were
aPPli!ted to ameud the ordinance
regulatiug the percent, of city treas
urer for collections.
Adjourned to meet Wednesday
(yraafng. March 13th.
J. B. Docker. Clerk.
furnished hy Special Correspondent
for The Advertiser.
Teaobers' Club at London school
house next Saturday night. v
More than usual acreage of wheat
will bo sown this ppring.
Feb. 26th, infant child of Alex.
MoKinney departed this life. "Of
such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
Sam. Hayden still sick.
Who can discarn the signs of the
times? the war spirit seems to pre
vail among the nations. Is the great
"battle of Armageddon" near? Is
the long, wearj day of sin drawing to
a close? Is a brighter duy dawning?
Is the "kingdom of heaven" to be
ushered in after the last great battle,
and the people learn war no more?
The Lord hasten the time !
Public speakers should not pre
sume too much on the ignorance and
dullness of their hearers, sometimes
they come to grief by it. When a
speaker denounces Spiritualism, or
auy other belief, and the next sen
tence preach that doctrins it is too
thin ; the people look right through
it. It looks very much like taking
other men's nets in which to cat oh
your own fish. Cling to your own
leaky craft if it sink you, rather than
take ths sails from the more sea-1
worthy ships of your neighbor, and
I1S01 1 c
LrvE stock:1 ox-dst
Farmer, pteaseoall and get prices; Iat 5 I C Pj j-y 1 j
Office 01 Main street. Hoed!? boildlafc
Baow2rvria.B, March ft. 1875.
The Hiarirots bare beeii tolerably aetiv
this wic.aspoeislly la corn, which baa ad
vanced e la tue iae of a deiiB In Cnlca-
eo qootattoos, bcyars being aaxloos to aer-
then turn aud say, "your ship is not ;eae.
EST SOEi'sLfc-SaSl..
WiiiiamS. Hoover.
- U
I 4a
Ineral Order No.
Fm our lien's Youths'. Bars i
Children's Clothing, no to
Girls. Total.
23 46
22 41
23 4$
35 46
Total 118
The average attendance was low for
February on account of whooping
cough among the children of the low
er rooms. Jarvis S. Church,
At London, on the 14th of Jaauary
1S7S, Mrs. Tillie Sage, in the 24th
year of her age.
In the loss of our yeung friend we
are again admonished of the fact that
"in the midst of life we are in death."
Seldom ha the dreaded enemy of our.
race removed from our midst one so
universally loved as she, and no won
der, for iu all tne relations of life the
ennoldiiiK qualities of her mind aud
heart was constantly displayed. The
young husband of her boseoni, foand
in her the perfection of tender ne
anu aitection, aud Iter young com
Hogs are eoostoerably deprvreed la eonse-
qnaaeeor a demoralized market In Chicago.
Ia aa Interview with Mr. Bailey yjte-terdny.
be said "Advise hold their hoam, '
Does a geaeral Seal Estate
Lands on Commteeta. ex
wakes Deed. Moztaeara. an
I A M A. - -tw
at least nntil we can see what this deraotall- ! raTOI pwsaianne; 10 tarn
tnn In n.-c- . . BSM a
Mm fr srr MMWmmwms
In prodoee and provteloos the market re-
mfthlf an tltA ..nlv !! 1 v rmt i
uh mm mms mmmmmj rTmvg&& ! tpk 9mVJ v UWIU t
betas; la eggs aad lard.
FoUowlas; are the quotations yesterday ',
Boon, the Uoie of olac; to btsm.
axd sirrax.
Steers, mir to ehoiee Si 2S3 75
Oowa, fm 2 00Q2 50
3ew;Be- -
ill u -'
TT9f Rrt'is
Oompiate Absinwfc of', 'les
to all Real Estate In Nemaha Oooa "
' ri
25 Main Street,
First door east of Richards' hardware stc
MrowiiviUe Nebraska.
panions aud ucquaintauces fevery-lafrti
Wbea:, choice fell.
The best evidence in the world
tof the superiority of the Singer Sew-
itfs Machine is that it alone has been 1
made the subject of imitation, and
that agents of other machines have to
use itt'name to draw attention to their
sunrHjns wares. The genuine Singer
can ftdly b obtained of the authoriz
ed agents of said entnpHny.
E. M. Mc Williams, Aseut,
353 Bia'itvilie.
-Farmers, buy Deere's Sulky
Plo', the best in the market, by
Stoveuson & Cross.
some meddlesome folks are try-1 z
ing tu have an ordinance passed for- ji
bidding our two very deeent and re-j w
spectablebatl)prhop3 to open on Sun-! m 5
dsj-. Such are those who strain at a ri j
I'nnt ami mi'flllnn- nnmul Wn V.. !
11.. ... !. . -e r .. vi.. .!... ..r inr-
tne acquaintance 01 ,. . . , -.. . . ,
' novo in npnnlp rhn.iinnc o., ll
Mr. J. IF Pafri..- n.T f4rBrit tl.U , r l .....,.,-. n.,
r i . I 11 j . , ' 'attending to their owM business so
eountv. Mr. I'Mlrmk willpd tn iisvp 115 l .
.... . . long as their nguts are not in lerfered
print sxjiue ior nini, selling
forth the faot that he is jawing espec
ial attention to the breeding and ship
ping of high class poultry, and has
constantly for sale eggs of the most
faiorite varieties.
Following is the list of jurors
ehoen for the term of the District
Court which sits on the 18th inst :
L r1. Yader, Jacob Good,
O. K. Fisher, J. P. Miller.
Henry Btehiman, Jes&e Shorllidge,
Geo. R. E-i wards. Church Howe,
Daniel C. Cole, C. E Bingham,
William Catheart, Franei- Redfern,
Green Edwards,
at the weather.
John Ebbs,
Henry Hillers.
The city marshal of Kearney
must be an excellent official. We
draw this conclusion from the way a
saloon keeper pitches into him, in the
columns of the Pre. But the May
or, the -. k. fcays, is a bully fellow, for
he always pays for his -whisky.
A. CampieH, Henry Curtis.
The Blakes ou next Tuesday
evening will give the public "Speed
the Plough," said to be the best selec
tman tbey have jet made. The com
pany is making elaborate prepara
tions, and we may expeet a grutifying
performance. MePherson Hall should
be filled to oversowing.
William Bridge,
Cory don Hitt,
J. W. Weber. .
Daniel Watkius,
Fred Setz,
(Stephen Gilbert,
J. H. Dunn,
Ja5. MoCundless,
J. P. Toolund,
John Hinton,
Samuel Miner,
John Titua.
Geo. S. McGrew,
T. J. Kealy,
R. B. Smith,
Wm. Holroyd,
Joseph Lash,
Wm. Stevenson,
G. W. Halladay,
Jas. A. Adamson,
Wm. Cummings, Alex. McKinney.
In answer to a recent local item
of ours the Falls City Ji&urviaeays :
The Falls City merchants have not
lost a in grouud recently, that we are
'Hwareof. On the contrary, w ven-
The Hepubucan says the young ture theassertion that no citv of equal
men of Omaha have organized a well
regulated gymna-iuni. Something
that the young men of every town
ought to do; for, a the Jiejntbliean
fcays, "the value of moderate gymnas
tic exercise for the benefit of hsalth
oaii scarcely be over estimated."
size, in the Suite, can boast of better
stocked and more numerously patron
ized stores, or a more active and en
terprisins set of merchants than Falls
City. There ha been no material re
duction in the trade of this city dur
inc the pot year, naught butasteady
increase and a constant advance to
ward a surer footing and a broader
! erasp of patmnaee has characterized
A buiWlng was burned in Kear-I her trade. And to this wonderful
nev last week the work of incendi-' ""see.4" and market! activity in every
, , . . , , , ,v.l,np of business, our merchants are
ary, who when caught confessed the j Iaree,y jndehted'to aljber3, ae of the
felony. The Prees says the iufuria- ; columns of their city pappr. Thy
tod cithtens of Kearney placed a rope are fenib!e of this faot and mean to
about the fellow's neck, and would continue thi mane of success more
i..!.... him if.nvnnphsii nnii extensively in the future, even, than
"i ' : a m. . l t...... -i..,- itniv havp in ,he pst-
i,nO iOIfts. I11B liaiuo ia iuuu -cjsu.j
Mr. Mtir-h, one of tlie prnnri-
etors of MePherson Block, and of the
magnificent hotel nowbeingiiuined.
arrived in the city last week. He i.s
making arrangements for speedy com
pletion of the work on the hotel, and
the construction of a lare barn and
other valuable improvements in con
nection with the hotel ths "Marsh
Mr. Lewis Fiher. President of
the Nemaha Coal company, informs
us that the meeting last Friday was
very poorlj- attended on aeeount of
the rain-storm at the hour of meeting,
aad that the meeting ahjourned to the
Sth inst. 1 o'clock p. rn. at Larkin's
school house. Every member is in
terested, and therefore urgently re
quested to be present.
There was an omission in print
ing the bills for the "Blake" dramatic
entertainment ou Tuesday evening
next. It was and is the intention of
the company to sell "half" tickets,
admitting children under twelve
years, for 25 cts. The prices or ad
mission are, and Mr. Dolen of whom
tickets can be procured is so instruct
ed, ndults 35 cents, children under
twelve 25 cents. No extra chanre for
reserved chairs.
r & q
m ":
1 i.
f-p7-TKfee and Death, when thev
r F""H Tl,,JrlU'n ItftH-i "- nr tnn s
iec 1 mai nty are at a uitance. ill n
tte nrai anproaen 01 mat let I destroy-
j rious for jesting. We use our bete-
oeavors to drive on the tireau meascn-
eers, and are only happy when wel comforting as-uranee that the soul of
where will bear evidence to her pri
vate worth, her moral influence, aud
enduring friendship and mingle their
tears of sorrow with tho-e of her af
llieled relatives and IipkH broken hus
band, her loving father and grief
stricken, sister, at her sudden depar
ture'. Rarely have we seen an ocea-
jsion so deeply impressive as at the
funeral and burial of the deceased.
Bro. Beggs conducted the services,
and delivered a most solemn aad feel
iog discourse, from Rev. 14 chap., 13
vere. But few eyes were iindimmed
with tears, Mtid but few hearts kejit
back their ?orrow. Jt occurred to us
as though that large funeral train wa
composed entirely of mourners. But
why mouru? Ah! we know it wrings
the heart with anguish when the
I dear form in the pride of life is wrest-
wl tsstm the warm rocjMJe-ef friends
by death.
But why mourn when w- have the
departed one is now happy in tthe
skies? that she has made n ex-
if. Uonsumntion. in tne shaue f a
-. ..- . ..
eoMgh or slight cold aa well as more j enange 01 mis sorrowing worlrt for
se-vere Bronchial or Catarrhal com- heaven? Remember, too, that the
p.aini wesnouiaaioiieeue Aliens j pKrltiOI1 is ,Jot ftmJ . tbjt
-mircdi im tiiiu wiiii viierrv. ji
has no superior in saeh caaps. Every
bfttle warranted to give satisfaction.
Sold by A. W. Nickell.
1 Barley.
Cora la the ear, oU.
- aw
w' I iiave opened "tliis Hes
se tanrant for t!b.e accoxiono-
Tlatioii of the p-a"biic and
. ara -Dreared to fcrnIi
20 - -
, Warm Meals at all Hours
Don't go Hungry,
coKascraB wbrkly by jesrH hwdakt, ix oaecKKias axb paoocca.
Cora Meal, f HW S
natter. . iaaf 2P nam Jtevtaurant. an satity fr- era. .1
Yjmt9 Tfe S the mwr man !ir proenrjn? fJC i-.
I1 w when you enme lotown. hot f" t
Apples ..
Chickens, old.
Chickens, a
Tnrftsrs, dressed.
Wood. 9 cord
Hay, toe
Ftawr, Haaalbal fail
" Wichita fail wheat
Eagle Mill Ml wheat.
Glen Bock fall wheat
Glen Bock spring
Sheridan spring wheat.
" esaaha VaHsy sjwtag.
C. S. Singlinzii.
5' ?r
Bran and Shorts mixed
Corn, per brahal
f rz. fm.n
-5- s -2 T?
?s - 3 --S -"
3 "v s--a
Fre."h Drugs and School Books,
foil supply alwavs ou hand at W. H.
McCreerv's. " 30m3.
If you want a xooti. square meal,
for 25 cents, go to Mrs. Rauschkolb's.
er rv3 i js
ir-3 t--S
is ?-l OS E-a
"5 z?- P5 O C3
S ! K S -S3 05
Fair bank's Counter Scales,
ri-5 L- Stevenson & Cros3.
- KT
General Order No. 1.
For your Dre?s Goods. Fancv Good,
Notions, Prints, Sheetings, Muslius,
&c, &., go to
oges and Lemons, at Hud-
dart's, fresh and nice.
The case of the foreclosure of mort
gage on the Brownville Ft. K. & Pa
cific R. R. aud the sale of the road u a
der the decree which has been pub
lished, and in which our people are
much interested, has suddenly come
to grief. Mr. B ready, on behalf of
the county, city, and otherstockhold
ers, put in an appearance to have the
decree and ale set aside and to he per
mitted to defend, on the grounds,
among other things, that they were
not made parties to the proceedings,
and had no knowledge thereof until
after the same had takeu place, and
that the appearance and confession
of the B Ft. K. & P. R. R. Company
la Your ILife Worth Savin??
Consumption has its origin in colds
aud neglected cough, that at first
are hardly noticed. We hear them
among our friends, every day. How
Often they lead to the irrave, when a
i simple remedy taken in time would
I prevent suffering, broken health, and
save life. Brown's Couli Bal
sam is the most reliable lung healing
remedy of the age. It promotes ex
pectoration, and allays irritation of
the throat and bronchial tubes, caus
Inir the luncs to throw off all unheal
thy secretions, and removes the ten
dency to cough. Price, 50 cents per
Public speakers and singers, and nil
persons subject to hoarseness and
throHt affections, find immdjate and
permnnpnt relief by using Srown'S
Tar Troches. 25 cts. p?r box.
All nf Brotvn's Grent Western Rem
pdie'. for shJp by A. W. Nickel. H. C.
Lptt and W. H. McCreery, Brown
ville, Neb. 37tf.
Keep a foil aud complete line of
Money to loan on farms.
T. L. Schick.
duy brings us nearer end nearer to
eaeh other; and that after the lapse of
a few years at most, onr reunion
! will be nerfected in the skies. We
will miee our dear sister in the Sab
bath schoal and eliureh, where we
have so often met in the poet; bat she
is with her Savior. Her last words
gives her dear relatives every com
fort "My blessed Jesus is with me."
I May you all meet her and her hleaeed
Jesttd in that home above.
A Fbiexd.
Full Iiae of sample pieoe goods at
Large stoek of Farm Implement."
will arrive in a few day, for Thomas
Sopar, eosee A, 3' for.
" Extra r.SBe.
X. O..
bnwM, jr. O.
" CatUiar.T'a.
Powdered. 7 fta
Coflea, Bio. 4 to 44 Wv
" O. G. Java, 3 lbs
Crattheert, per .
Dried Cora, per
Dried Peaches, 9 Bv
Dried Apples. V -
rared Peaches. V B.
Pitted Cherries, ft B.
Dried Pie Plant.
vrp. per sal
La rd
30m 73
. 73Jl 0W ,
" dostttt ,..n.- 2 90ft 25 250Jti 1
----- n. aTav a B dVh -a 111
MBSBSrW V til 5ladba 3 T
wliea 5 00 S- tf r C2S3 -Z - . r
a J W i - LJ
- ;s gi? 4
" fc V B iJ -I ECTtn - 2 16.
wneafc 2 75! UJrL "5J fe" - Ti .
mm l mnrmmmm mm ,
1 1l 35 byJske.
perBB 75'
as. T t". "TZ3 .r-xy
1 SS W - '- -J Jmtf -J- ,
1 , . . .
h l m LT.,7 . -
iw B JrlJlE'asSaSSSgy:
i an ' ini.. Tfe5iSihSr . .
. i so ,TMnTlnrBwr----igj
i oo odiJegaiarN'jrgB'ey:
- . ti-ttsiy II 11
S I2EB1 &
Ik. IS '
; as - "
...... ..... "Stt
Coal CHI. peraaUon
White Ft, per kit
Salt, per barrel
Osstr-Ft. 3eott red. per ton
black, par ton
?& hSk
p afa:.l'ni:
")rn.inif nr-l nn ! P'ln
.lt hr'ioUs f'r trifti. lat'If aai!
, All orders left w!ra s. Seemaa wl
7 ( 5 aiBia Sxrwt, KK01T XYILLK. N I
Choice line of Pocket and Table
Cutlery, at H. C. LkTT'S.
Every thine in the family grocery
line at Huddart's.
einereu oy juoe iiason was unau-
W Snnfco DC tirttlrrlnt o r it ctlll ft. .:.,,! .....J l. n.:, . . I r
a Swede, and from the Pre' ac- ..... ' . " .,. , "' -, u.u,,u wauie iurecm-
a t,., . I inillK. linciPrtBrirI incrlr. n-hontrocnid i....n ......: : .;...ij .-
oount he mast be a fari-a rather dan- ... ' pnts" "-' ' " "-" ' 1 .T. ' '" . . .b 1UBl "" lo cir'
, ...j -'" . "-, uumvtiiiL me nnieu case aireauv rsenti-
Mothers will find Dr. Winchell's
Teething Syrup just the medicine to
have in the house for the children. It
will cure cold's cnuzhs. pore throat,
and resulate the howells. frv it'
Sold by A. W. Nickell.
Apples, cookin
and eating, a;
Sugar cured haatsatH. C. Lett's.
General Order No, 4.
I am making room far aju Im
mense Spring JtSauiiiierkfttck.
Now is the time to ger iSRr:&isis at
Distempers, cn-tgi.s. colds fevers t
and mopt of the diseases which hors-j
e". caitie. sheep, hogs anu poultry are
subjeet to are readily overcome and
I cured by using Uncle Sam's Condition
Kelly Barb Wire, by Stevenson i Powder according to the plain diree
& Cross. ! tions. Sold bv A W. Nickell.
CmcK, March 0.
WHJtBAT ModWateijr aetrve bat weak and
lower; JSo. I, B, So. 2. alU edae, StT
CORX Opened weak and easy bat ekwed
hhzber thaa ysstmtaj; reaalar ?fc. -, 4B9 ,
ec ; silt edae.49ZM. ,
j IlOCe BseeipU. ISML Market a Utile
r. am- tr. .i- iteht. &SMSX79: hcTT i opened Ice
Tiftffl lfIHT7F
i! I ifllill
it Hi
I wish to inform the oobiic t1 J
sblppfna. fSCnaLS ; some left over.
Bucliwlieat Flour
At Huddart's Family Grocery Store.
Pure Apple Cider at Huddart's.
At Niekir Dru? and Bok Stor.
CATTUB suatlpli. 3W; ship in H, GO
,BM0H6; stoekera,
' -w 1!1 mt tk limu lo binnfl
The tollowiBC taWe shows she nmaber of CJL5Klfl. POtJLTRY. A
pownthj te a boabel of the vrioa arttekM
mentfckaed: , which will be served to custom-r
Nice fitting drawers fr gentle
men cut aud made at Mar-h's.
Cash paid for outter at Huddart's.
General Order No. 4.
I am making room fr an Im
mense Sprinjr& Jsammcr Stocii.
NoV is the time to get rgaiiss at
A ppiea. drtart -, . "ft
BoafW. castor
2 Beaos,
Boekwoeat X.
. . . . Cotl.stom. .
" "" Corn, on cob 7l
TKA.RE TrlRr. March 5. ISTis. BnjatniD 1 forn te!!et! ?j&
F.. iiifunt wn of Ilobt. and Mary C. Teare. of r,rn Meal ...T... "'. ?
wboopinr coiwth. vt. plasterinz" i
, Hay.trn J.W
t Kony.stra'd.aaL12
Llmt. nnslaeked 0
To at! who are. softerlnr from tte errors , Malt. Barley
.l '-n rtinfrr tnnr nt Mn. mwrMm3 mu m n T I wl"
.. iU.. . j.w..u. ... ..., ..Twn.- I rkt
ness. early deay. loss of manhood, Ac, I j onion Seis.I
will fend a recipe that Will core yoc. FRTS
OF CHARGK. This great remedy was dis
covered by a missionary in Sonth America.
Peaches... a 'living price.
sIweeVl"ie ttemwm m ttmn ot ynuT v -'
Peafe !Lo.' e. I mm yoor obetrfent aerrau
Oar am.
Wm. T. Stool
5; Joseuk 3-aknts,
There is no earthly boon more L-wi - if ut imtH envelope toth-i
precious than good health, and it be- J jo-ph T. Iaman; Station D. Bible Hooae.
hooves its possessor to endeavor to re- . j?- Tfrk. City. uji
tain it. If you are assailed with sueh
i Wheel.
. 57 j Broom Corn
.JS j Hnncarian .
I Millet
rr1 Clocks, Watches, Jewelry
f. Kepw ewsfntiy on h&ad a lars-
Vf aasoited M:k i nstnrn.'il in '
,ra Repairing f clock.. Watcbe SDi J - -
TEAS, at NioSelTs
Drug and Book Store.
gerous one. iro-wever.
anrl grocers of Brownvilie. have been
E. F. Warren, Ksq., of Nebraska for th past year drawing trade away
-City came iilto Brownville last Fri-, from Falls Cit- and other competinir
dav. He intended to arrive iu our j towns. When farmers come from
Unfle Sam's Harness Oil fills and
J closes the pores of leather, effectually
ber. stock and fnrnitnrP m-rohanrs . i , u-..u .u .......,-: . ' V """" " c cul ui ue l . uaraPnei
- "'""f- " "'cun mc vuiisuiiuiiiiou ann I uusi. a.c.. ann renfirinp-
. 1 ...--. . c-
cancel said mortgage, and restore the pnrt an" pliahle, while at the same
the harness
ties and iron taken from the road. ,"me '"""afmr its durability. Sold
JThe decree and sale wer- set aside, i Am -Nlcge"-
Gitv Thursde.3 evening, but notwilh- Richardson county and within a few i
j and stockholders let in to defend not j
on the ground of wanl of authority in i GfvHSrclI Ordsr NO 2
Pearmanyet?" "Yes. sir; we initi-
Foryour Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
o to
provoking ills as sick headache, torpid
liver, sour stomach, and s generaf
feeling of weariness and disgust, don't
go and commit suieide. but take Eil
ert'a Day-light Liver Pills and be
cured. Sold bv A. W. Nickell.
Extra copies of The Ativbf.tiser
for sale by A. W. Nickell, druggist
book-seller and stationer.
Extra copiesof Thb ADVERTISER
can hereafter be had of A. W. Nickel.
Farmers, buy your agricultural
irspiements of Stevenson t Cross.
v CC3
! .
Brond-oast seeders cheap, by T.
Garden, field and hedga seed, by
Stevenson & Crosa.
Harnesfl, saddles aa
I Stevenson fc Cross.
t -
d whine, by
: l tui J I .i e tt.11 rvt-- .... .
gtaiiQlllg HC wears a reu riuuwu, a.uu ; nines oi ran-, ony io nam away lnra- , JufJire r;,,nn tn m.V, c,,,! nno
other temperance emblems, he got off ber. agricultural machinery, dry ! am.e. hut on account of the froni:
the tram at Peru, thinking it was , jroods. etc . and when those farmers j equitable showing in behalf of the
Brownville. Mr. Warren Informs us ; bring their hogsallthe way to Brown-1 tockholder.. S5o through thPmeiflf.
.i,o thf l-arioas temperance ortranisa-i ville which has been doneand which ,!,. ,n fr tj ..... S Rheumatism, neuralzia. Riiraine
'. rtunttvarf fiourishiaccrand-! i beinir done from week to week, we ' .!, . j , ... . . i anQ "ruises will be relieved by Uncle Termor frivvoiir orders toTho.
hTwVld : vbu Mu?ht U,infe we h,ve Bufflcien. evidence Up-; ' Zul ZZ I S5 VX.T. LST' U"'"!'e'"- SS.S:- "" '
nn tt-hih tn hscn fhp nnintnn fhntflia' . ... .... .. ... I ' o" iu a is iiuc.
w" " .merits ot this rai road tratinn
" i
X(yrvE i hereby alven that an election
. will b heid in tte several Wards of the , ri
Citv f Brownville. Nebraska, on t V
Tucsdaa-. April 2, A.9. 15S,
when the iollewta; oaicers will hevosad fo
One Mayor.
One PoUea Judf:e.
One Treasurer,
One Karsba:.
One OeniMsMnaa btt Ward;
One Coanctlmaa 3d Wasil.
One Ortoncllman 9d Wanf.
On wlueli dav toe- pntts wtttlss-'
th KHlowtsa; Mmi piaeas:
l -. lVm. li Tvftncfar nBWi
3d WantatoJBceef IUJfaaW.
2.1 Ward, at earner M and
i Pollsos-eaedato'ekaeka.
7 o'eJoek p. m.
By eeda- of tho CoaamM.
B7w4 J. B. DOCKKB. City Oark.
tA "
O tz rz
m 5- -v rn . -.- a
a -o zm
fH l r-
low on hrt rf!ir t rniu)E
at l .iiK rurr.Asrrz. kv j.- .
'Mn uiKZ.'.,j U Z tiW ilt- O'
.-i a
Z & -
tLE3K.lTti) i-Kili.tTrr
md ZZ
r -z r rtnrnTtfti rn a rur m snnr
? bMJl& & tit BUtMt
- H
OBISON, - eaec? w
"fo. 3ialn s.ree:
. n .. i r Unttn n -ini. H e "n .. .:i t vT Ua.1 .
ated him uit e lempw - j.c.uni. . x.,,, ,.c .t-l u-bich is very much the heaviest liti-!
our last meetiug." Ann we saw we, inuucemems ior iraue man uo i"B,Patibn that ev
,r verv plad to hear that our oiu
Davennort Iron Sulkv Plnw t-o
t-er oriPinntpH in v,i ' !evers to regulate on sidling land, the! Sewin-Afsohine it
very glad to hear that our old j merohants of any city ia Southern county, and our people here still hold : 6' y Thomas Richards. had cheep for ca-h.
Tiac Best
in the work!, to be
can be seen at
t EztWF3Bimi f
i fr-
. ! -' " - -'.,.,
di niatf fTvru,s? x; -.vss-
1 fi.'jLMa '"" t iMflsv T a a A B ' Inf'V'l Ma m a
- i sa i iW. ;
ukaiau: IS
Soot and Shoe' 2
Having btuHtbt the cus
tom sfip of A- Robumu.
I smreparea te do work
o' a!l at
Reasonable Rates.
As-Bpair!ns neatly aad I
prompt iv done. '
sinop Xo. C Main Street, -
iBoots ft
navlas: pareeaeetf ta
3B x ; JP Wl 4X 1-S T
SS aifniH StJ-oel,
) IwiahtasavsMsanesrtasu las
4 a llrst tsne. lrr-r-, IcrMdaeav
rtelfd !isd d.-n? sd a th'i
ih" midc track in the tight
roiWirii?. Vrfr4tAf. rnrBV, -
Tod Fi$b. at Huddart's
Main street, Bn nville. Neb. ,
-'iJSrk fitf-t "
B. G . WinTTRaroRK s.