& tO -. -r ' r " - - '- ". 3tF .- " ' ' w. -.Jl,J :- WO --- '- '. - ilOai i i -MnnHPoa i " & " .',' THE ADVEffEBJBf A V 'Y tab 41 A4-4 AA't' A,vAJ -A AA - '""'rL,:.'" Sr-r- THE ADVERTISER w. W. SMmeKOTilAJa. T. C KiCKXS. FAIilBROTSER & Hi.CSJER, ' PalilUhera and Proprietor. rublished Every Thursday Morning AT :fc.j?ihA. 'Brrtl atMtttonil Lacs. v-aaMBs TEKfliS, 1W ADVANCE t One eonr. o7' Oct copy. ota saoetfca i, m - a poor, ttocte jacatfra , - T-pmiTAM. ; '-. ' (M!ietarNoB9r?i:.rteA iMtil, r i 3" All traasl esaertwsefe astts Vr wtlc' fM-ta advance. -V jt- v jwoereent fnoaOir offlc ; aaltpaM frr. XSTABilSHXD BEOVKTILLE. NEBRASKA, THT7RSBAT, JANUARY 10. 1878. YOL. 22: NO. 29. OFFICTAi PAPEir.Or TMECeUXT? READING HATTER OXETSRYEAGE, Oldes-tP-sper ia tlietate, . Wi Eg T iSl Sr --sm' r B- a -Vw " l rnieflS V lwSy Sk w ' w a wCi-o" .v.,'f''".tt & HAuaar i -- -anaa bonn cje . nv " nn - -ni f i nnw t i oou ?annnw ,w annon v i i oaw i t p a r jit. hh uannu t anni w i innnn w i -v 4 - ' inborn .nn. t. t ij a ow -fc - .- w i - vi'l.r ill V .Bk h -;; m,ll.i inr ' 'Hifllnr - 4 ..riL.-. , "- T3vrT? tttji slj r : r mnn t nnnn. r mt innnw j i wann r mani oanr ' nn aoa v.a t - & .j i oaaam otow -.t- Jhv i m . r-i l w.i ail-a xzi.ttik:i'ras- - - t' . t,-jaIi 3l "i.. -''4- rimtiMMr!MinZIZ: S'OO j V .- - - t. 5U' - ! m 1 4, -'I v . s ; WHMTCmTWK yfita&llJM&i OITICIAL DIKECTOEY. 3tstri Oficers. s BJOOB-- OBJ S.SK1TH- - C A-CSCO Jadkre. DfetrtctOerfc. .EnrpeiyClerfc. ; WEST END ruAm MAWEin nui us h n I' i ifililli Coanty OSoers. - . t,t-t . fTirRCH Cooaty JaSse VirVajN E M vJOR . i.VII?N" PLAfcTZatJ jr. r. ERaiowr j VMfea M- HAgKEK Ji iUX H BHOflte. 1 JONATHAN HIOOISS.f. J H. i-HHRY, i CVrk wl Recorder , j-ri fcliave opened the T wish tn inform the public that I barveyor Ctiy Offiocrs. WSSTSSDMAEKET, waere will at all times be found f An Excellent Jlcdicine. Spai.vsrnxo. Q- Te&. H, K77. i TMa is te certify that I have bsI Vejretit3ia- Hiitumatisin and geaeral p rostra t km of the Ner v.mm sysiefii, wnh gooC sucress. I reowsH&eiw! , Vezetiae aa c csetMetti mrdievie fcr snah cam- piaicts. "Voera very iroly, , C W. VATDEGEIFT ' ' Hr. Vaa4Frift. of th firm &f Vaesrift& Hiff- j uj.n. to b -well known bosuss ihah to tats piace. i tivtBg osse tfce largest storta la Sp-riapfieW. O. A Chance lleetinjr. r - ,. . . ...' .V i pocket, from which he drew some-, the stranger leaped upon the stoop- The.. Sans Appeal for Pocket Honey. f thing. , -.-.ue. .w.-r.. -w ,. u.-r ( The gcIJe saw the movement . ing figure before him, and bore it te j linsfness aH"PleaSHre- stcl: i. VL EBEIHT J V. lOCKE- VC T. KOGEHP -.- .,EJ H. I-A3 SEOK uovxcrucKX. T SICKABDP- I ".- A JOKrJIE, J UK 'EH. ( " iiWiirrLL. i i XE.IDHAI.T derfc FRESH HEAT, Oar ?Jinister"s Wire. XMkI .JKWui 1 Icisvrtxr, Ey Teb. 1C, 1S77. 3tB H. H. Stevens : ' r Sear iter .Three- rears ara I was sfiferff tern- ' y-, - rr rirvTTT ri i- a- bly w th Iaftasimatory Hbearaatftsiu. Oarsttnts jt..hl .Ti tj, iTKJ J JLi A S. i , X.C, ser.s xi-ifeadvisfcd me to take VeetJ. After tak- j ' tncone bottJe. I wa eatlre'y reUeved. This year , feWitJsrarttnm o' tfaedwpf .1 acHJo carameBcea , taktn it. and aai biiur benefltted greatly. It als I t greatly improves my deration. i 1 Kespctru;!v 3Ra. A.BAT.T.AP.H. I MU West JeSuoe stzeeu 3tt:""srd whteh will be served to customers at Iivinr prices. ""ar! golicitin? a ?hare of your patron- re. I am voor obedient servant. PROmSSIONAI. CAKIS. L. KULBURD. iTTMUEET AT LAW .-r! Jinpp cf rt PBa. JOiee x vwr a Jj i ."fcni;. BTr:rvi;i. yete. Wm. T. Moore, t flmly 1 L. CTULL & THOMAS. O ATTOiancts ax x.atv. tin ov-er Th- HU1 A Cw.'a w. T. SCrTK K. i All vfc..- fc - - --- -- . Ne-rata. . Snfc and Sure. 3s- H. H. brjmsrs In.l3n yr VEuETIXE -waa recomcenpeil t me: ad. rieldia? to tfce prsaastOH6 f a frteag. I eonail to trr i At the tbae I as saflerlnc ' T CT & T3 V TC'3'PT 7"KT 1C5C I iram.ceneraliMl:tyRnd Berwnas prwtratlon.sa-J- -- rt rAjAiS 1 r.-JJ AAM IOOD, perdoee4 by everwsBrfc aad irresroJar habits. la ' wooaernst atrsnnecinc- ana cunuve pxoperuij Feemed to affect ray deoiittated ystfza rrocntae hrHdoce. and under ua Derto$ent use I mwSdiy rt1- S T j covered, gamine more tLaa nua! health and prod VSGSTrTE ajv most nnqaa! .! indorsement a.s beitp a safe. sore, and powerful arent in promoting heaith ad restertng the waited systeaa to new Hie t e aak as lone as I Itve I sever exptot to fled a j Better. i T H. BROAIA". o Atiamfv aim Canitlflr at Law, -'" "- . :ti Voh iteeoveraaat BaaK.Mrown. .-. O X, x EEAL ESTATE Two ships npon life's boundless sea. We meet ; we hold the sell-same traj-. A few short days, then compassed. Compel oar parties: we okiey. Yet for some time we miss the ship That by ns used to heave and bocad Upon the wares nor o'er them catch From off that deck the welcome secsd Of explain speaking to his men. Of voices answering to oar cheer; Nor creak of rope nor flap of sail Speak sympathy anto ocr ear. Away the friendly -vessel cleaves. And we hold oar use&l coerce ; A Mttle sad oer heartstrings fee! Oer peises lack their wonted force. Though nevermore, perchance, we meet That stranger ship spon the main, Ib there no port which peril past Or wind and waves we hope to gain 7 Where, lying safe from anjjry sterm. We find at last that ship once mere. And greet her inmates heart to heart, As if old friends upon the shore? , and stopped also. "Guides should lead not f the ground. said the stranger, quietly, bat with a cried the stranger, grasping his pris-, varnish at the Lebm(TeBn- Law J A iadyinLctnton rottbel&d&hitor firmness which seemed to be exoeed-joner by the throat and holding him j School. HaviageniyoBe dollar in bis J her head that the devil was inherf ingly unpleasant to the person ad-i tight. "Stir hand or foot until I have ipoeket. and ieig redd to extrem- and bung bersett. If wQ3eBtgote I dressed. fyou pronerlv secured, and 111 send 1 1 ties, he made this ingenious and ; haBJ-2 kberasetves Sk a. kte Ubtssr' follow," "I arrest you in the King's name," I' An ornament for the American bar i Raam?atd Curraitts. elwfeet aaQ i receiviag the final touches irflegaH chenpr by Stevenson & CrH?. philosophical appeal to bis father is IWiethat, they are-gng- tfce scase "But," faltered the guide, "my your sonl to eternity. horse won't go." This was such an unexpected turn of femohis : "I hate monev anvhow. f that's all. "Won't be?" queried the stranger, I afiafra that the would-be ghost coeld j It eaases mre trabie tbas av one &tieen5wareIvrer tfes eTacrfcbv jhanliy believe his own senses, and , thteg earthly. The strfA ftr It makes ; Steveaan- &. Grsa. - ' with mock Eimnlicitv. ..-- i i ' The guide heard a sharp ciiek, and was hand-cuCVd and stripped of his maa canons and selfish. The posses- saw something gleam in his compan-f dagger and' pistol before be I i lomrav n CABiflontlMis ber Ifce e .j ! -: ;. t i.s j t .: " tweau i eina u il uutAeHiin urrac aau junsr. k l. . ii .w a - ; mu ma ne innii rems'is ion's right hand. He seemed to un-j time to speak. J The stroog deaire ta tbe homan heart k f, ... . . UCIOiauu ii(.uuj, v . nuim.umn.-i i.C Jru i-lUTL i IlilUCIUj; tIC IU WVMIII I KUWI 1W SID3U tl TS UHSl a k J Q 1-r llv drove his spars into hi- flanks, and shot ahead of his fpanion without another word. He no sooner reached his oW lirse "s o cem- asped. 'Xo. t aspirations, and subdues his nobler , aer- maoiaa wm4st Tommy (is the aAM landlord," replied the iruii- int poises. It renders him cunnlag ro'theap rvTammaf mammaF whatr vidual addressed, "I am not. Eat I . aad trieky ; caurea kimto measure his f shall I do? I want to ctufk posi-jam an oSieer of the King, at your foilew-mait's charaeter by his own irll3 rnaat aifti'innl'. Kulir Kt- .. . rt"- . -j Stavensoa & Cross. tion, however, than the stranger saw f service on special duty, to do wht Ij And still, notwithtandiag my thor- otoross. him cive a sharp turn to the right have to-night accomplished. Tour ough hatred for it'and its blaekeniag! How often, oh, how i and then disappear, as though be had precious son Wilheim, whom you influence on mankind, I feel ranch i wMh alj one solitary beC t 1 i.t I. .w f.i: r.t.f.l t- . T r " r . .. , . . nhirt ISItIi nfu kniso n. tea, a saair Wrn Yoera.trlv. W. HeLARK. 129 Hoetgeiaery street. AHegh itny.Pes: Surety, oh friend. It may be so ; Thoezh thoo and I have, parted hands. We rntet again with firmer clasp. Life's ocean crossed, on heavens sands, TEE GHOST KOBBES. vanished through the foliage of the trees that skirted the road thoueht was leading tin inMwnt.mowcnmforfoWa ami utr mnw intl.i soirt. and that one a brass 9tB. IKS ' sheep to the slaughter, lies in the' pendent, with a few dimes about ray ' w,th evoarisj: envy tfp fete wife's He heard the elatter of his hor-e as! road, killed by his fathers hand." old clothes than when on touching aew seven-bettoa RmJ gtoves aa' he galloped ofifl Without waiting an-1 Two week3 later, at Bruchsafe Pvis-, my pocket no musieal chink is given wsbes all the shirtA in hi-eWeoMm ! V A r T. ROGERc. f AttarBtyaa CaatelrliaTi-, i - v-Hohif"re. OlSce t rh Roy suilwiic - TjTlHe. Q HOLLADAY. -. phyiieiaa. itirseeH. Obstetrician. I -,.1as.tod in 11. Loeat -d w BrowiwlUe Kia. j - a., altenttct ia to uasmnr. dc it. ( jma'Tircrts iraitT.-" -f. AGENCY VEGETINE. Tb toliowa letter from Bev. O w. MaasrteFd T2S NEBRASKA. .ooirer. oc;nete&sser and penfier ortbe atoed. A. OnBORN. 1TTII3XET AT LAW. . N Ma'n -.rrFct. BtnTtrrlte. Xei. .J- - f Htbe Pass. Hass.. Feb. IS. ifR. H.P3XKTBNM ! Jmr Sir Ab-Kitten years ago my health failed tbronch. the deslettcc efiV ts or dyspeosia. oeariy a year later I aagaiterked by tybod-feverin its the dav, when the gloomy shadow ! wwrst rorm. If settle' fn crv baefc and took the - ' a j Doe & renerat Raal Estate BnaiBts. Sells , --m of a lanr d-ep ie.ted abrss. which was ar- :i other instant, he touched his horse on, in Baden, the landlord of the ' bak. It is a kinder tenesome feel- j w-erejost one glove. Th-re des'seenr Iigntly with the reina, gave him a' s-ign of the Deer and the Ghost of the , ing, ami a leetle empty, so rest assured i sootethinvg wroeg is thte tiivisfea f prick with the roweis, and off the ' Robber of the Black Forest, who was ' that before hng no 'musical chhik' j buUoHi. ! nobfeaniraal started like the wind in J thesame identical person, having been will be wafted to my expectant ear, Highest price la eaair for Pla- tne waseoi toenying guiue. 'proven guilty ot numerous fiendish and iiioenom&ieKana toe muescme . toes, by csteveasofffi: Cro. I The stranger's horse beins much murders and artfully contrived rob- feeling will come over me. aad I'll rphe baby has got a aw filth On a fine evening in the spring of superior to the other's, the race was a ; beries committed at different times ' suffer. So please avoid all these un-j ut tDe jv is laid b with & mM maa to a dfetafci- d T-eexmT" snow-white limestone road leading saddle by a heavy hand which was j head from the executioner's as, siaee: earnest appeal." was the reply. ' Wel, sfcr th throgh the Black Forest. i laid upon his bcidle, stopping him. i when traveling through Sehwartz-I What a taleet he will have for "before the elect Ion, voo sed tb taiee Just as the sun wus going to rest fori He turned tg his seat, beheld the f wald has not been so perilous to life wriagmg verdtats from the sympa- g jde md ask me kov ray feHv- purse, nor has there been seen tbies of the jury-box, and drawing W83 eomin- on aad I've beea feai- ) HydTpirfand iwSStZfiZx&SFm 1S30. a stranger, mounted on a noble- short one, and terminated by the j in the Black Forest, paid the penal- pleasant cooseqtiences by granting an UQ the headf said mte a dStfviquaf!u?vCT"NEaSo- !ootn? horse, passed slowly over the guide being thrown nearly from histy of his crimes by letting fail his 'auspicious ear to my aselaaeholy bmtL candidate. "What p stranger's face, dark and frowning, j and I leHi morUM in gathering I had two surjrlCHl op- T V. OIBrON. ijiIachhith axd kore sh.oer. w..rk ljjieao arier -' ro- rot. n9m Xam ed .anUc.Srow A. D. MARSH. iMmas on UJmmiMOB, ezaaines J.ina, , eratioobr th fcattsktl! in the State, tat reevivtd makes Detds, fortgag. and All Instru- , " permnt enre l snnvrpa rreat pajr, att-oes. , ....,. anawaseonatantlT wfJcenedbvaprotnsedjchaixe an ts pertalnisg lo Use transfer of Heal Es- , i tisy imi snji: pieces or bone at different ttmea. , tti. Ha a I 5tiUT-i raftoo.thjarMot eves years, till May. ' 1P4. whea asfiriead recoaaoended me Mm yowr n.l- Alw.4.--,4. rr7'il.r, I oc. awl talk with voa of the virtne aTVBGK- ! UosiiHete AiietrECt 01 lities tine, imm ui t- .- kindBe-s sd f 1 through rour niannfiwrn'r ntJr.ir the ingredients. ' 1 to all Real Estate in wU CWHity. j Ae. by wheh y.,ar remwly as prodiced I By what I saw and heard I pained some coofi- oenee In -EGETIXE. 5 ACTHOEIZEB ET THE t. S. gTEiI531EXT. ( I romaaeaced tikingitsooa after, but ftMt worse I froai Its enVcta sti.l t persevered. sb ohb Ht it ! ; o neSuinr m- in otfeerrespects. Tet I did hoc ' were beginning to stalk, he drew rein, and trembled violently as he felt the i any Ghotly Knight of the Road in , fees from the pookets of his clients ! as he said ; j smooth, eold barrel of a pistol pressed j that section of the world. "This must be near the spot, surely, t asainst his cheek. j I'll -top here, anyhow, for a while,. "This cursed beast almost ran away ijs This A iTOTernment of tkePeeple and see what I can learn." with me." cried the guide, eonipoaiag J for tae People, by tke Paple I" He thereupon dismounted and en- ! himself as well as be could under the j tered the parlor of the inn, where he circumstances. sat down beside a small table. "ie, l Knew," sam nis eompan i ig- you alt over town ! and that's the war voe to tH' ya. tic t me. 1 Mr. Beeeaer's sermon last Sabbeth. j But it don't make aay dISereace. 1 in which be virtHaliv deniel the l- voted for Black. " spiratkm of the Scriptures, tbe doe- to "How can I erve you, meiaheer?" ion dryly, "but mark my wortl, j or jj Wednesday, Dec. 28: Best brands of FUnrr, by Stv- AILOE, rswtncvriiE. - - nebeasjca. ITU s the revolts 1 aesired uH I had t&fceait cuthfallr ' for a littw? mr lliu'r, whea the difficulty in tb bacK k. r-nri Ad lor ntac raoetha I have , i . .tn. or tulltWK mmA UkiK. mm to r.jor fit arwirt nntioe md at rdWTmwei .j.. Ma lia rowg gAwritee be e ' w arrant sarirfxeti. j SUop ia Alex. Rb4e. old stand, j tup rtrr-r niTinitn n i n i IUL L UV Mi IA UftMr jeJovedtabet.,fharth iill I 1 1 1 . I IK MIH llHltH' In 114 1. MIIWI IHIIIWIilik. UlillH) said the landlord. See to mv horse outside TUa niin rUct Vk? ltfk.r-r-! nr ffm Ika aII 4 1 1 t 1 f J .1 t :. . -. U. - I ., . f, JC .. ww .5. . --"- j ei tteu o uc anu or.m.me. o . It hiabee rearkl of a CtaaSR' .. -. uu. w.w.w...w'. v. . -.. .n. a v aauucu af liable irrutna w . ru a - T-t-L ?, leireles. It was produced by tbe d-fc.- Kjnk. w ? - - or Sli OVZS"V"TIJ3L12. ? AT CL1NE. FAUIOXAt havp tn tiit ,mf zaoed tTveaty-Rve Txnwi5 of Sefc. bc.n heatrterttinn vr har?4H Hiv hSf and ' T W.C n.r.p ninr.i v'. -jnA-M..an Intuv th.M wt' ' Donnir the past Jew wejes I hod ascrofnloos swellm ai lerse as my nrst gather on aaother part , of a.y bodv. 1 I tooft VJRJETIxr iaitfalBtly. cod it removed ft ivfi wtti th- soxntce ia a mooth. I tOinfc I should aae Deeneurea o Biy roam iroaate'ooeer k x oac. taken taraer aoaija. after having seeocte accustom ed toiueSrets. J.et yuarfpatsoa trnnWed with scrofMaor kidney the gueat carelesly, but at the same time eyeing the landlord from head to foot; 'and let me have some wine Rhine will do. young man, if your horse plays sneb ( Wh f aU make3 the sfiver I eUssion whieh has been carried on in -..i.- - . . . . replied tricks again, toe tl he the means ot t movement a reallv dangerous one is I Congregational Associations aad J3? WtKT iwp soeta wKlr a'siaie to g rkl o I otber." master's the jaei tUat it .is, as for as we oao ! throeh the seeuiaraBd reltgloos press! T,8 al ' " Tf3t ,alTl' j.8l m-ks. ptaecst, v QtemavM ca- ' l...!.. MljAfuW Jvl V..k aMIIIIJM J ' . ' fmr I .t-.-sc. rka fnr valra rwvat biian0 which inav be iniatasen and shallow. " IS A, r -uflkjvr ;i caftT Tf llTPft , tor wwx - ...w - , s.. .rSTOX WOTOK made to ':.5!I2S' A IttlOytZt'tl , ' T f,7 -.. ,r,,T7 rZfi flfllt' i-yr?patat"abewUhcrDfiHaorl:Itoey f lCtlll-T.l2) Lfiyitalf yoUfVUU ,dfcewitaller5tand that It takes ttnietoaareeano- seriou.-ly i)riag his health." They both turned and hack to the road. When they rich- , i- -m, ,- , TTminm nt .th - ! u-i. in fr Jrrinm m.3tr f a! A elergvaiaB said tba rodp a rnmrnt v -m- u w ...v w w-- nv -t-t -- -w-j --- . (mi II .- ' - a - .-. ---. - - . . The landlord was turning to with-led itasrain, and tttrnel the heads of moment. There is io u-e iu try itK to nhnrrh in Vasmiehfttji. Mr. Mer-iyaS ladies are MC the dtsri.es draw frm the stranger's presence, i their animals In the ritrht direction, .efa I the faet that the attitude cf the , , , farinriv gn -diror f t he I Shem aad Ham. bat Hm al when he stopped and said : - Uhe tranger sain to his guide, in Caniereu , t- i" ?.. ,r.i. - - ! tla failure. f mnniil to irrstall and " l BHll irntcft jfrr-PTMwz" nrti a mrrwrn nv "r - .. - - i pastr I ir tfaji'Uj'ij.i. and. if they will patiestly tate VGE- laeci. r-ra: toed Kepainnc otty aad promptly Me. f TUTE. it will, in mv jedemeat. care -Ti'J- flfl(l Wut great oblteat.ons I am. tlv,yyt iocravery traly. OEPH SCHUTZ, DEAiix rx . la HiEPAREUTO TKASiACT A l ?. ..- T)..-.' rrv w.ioc rpV7.pirvwreneraisa.r;i:225,i5oriss -IUtrn.3, B?MIU1IUwju.."J j Vj S Ms Stroe. EKOT5VllA.'ieA. j -c-..roi MHUitlT r laI.hnat Bwiwell i Vx -aoaorted nck ot c-aaMeartiei la hw Ue K-pairto? -f Clocks. Tlwm-.Jt mi. Jewaary A.i F KJT arAR. vrD- I bcy "o AXI; S1XL 5.E.STEYMS,B0ST0LT,MASS. 0eiK &-ISESg0Y-DE-Am-b--- .a-. G. W. MA"SFIBI.B. raster of the 34C ethodibCpbooiial Choree VEGETIKE PREyARE2) BY " Whieh travel?" "To Nanstadt, "You will rest hereto-night pose," continued the randlord bis 8 ' ' . .. - - - . . . r-. , I rJkil fAMll DUll lft tkAf IMMf tA t SlUaBl. I o r? opinion oj ztr penpie. so long " " v. . .. ,-f.w. . a- the President remains firm, and take pstralebarge-f a Congregation- IJtie-stakofiBM&Bnwk!t-floast-- way, laelaheer, do ,you ; tone whieh must lave eonvinced hearer as to his earnestness : , Congress does not override his veto a Church at Indian Orobard. But-hie. ants, aitd other ktadka. by Skeeni rieal Vv Ilhelm. 1 hope we ; inesyt.rQmeni yiti aSain tne Puo- . e3Camlll!liiOI1 by a council convened t &Cros. P n ranJiarf tlt0 fTiipt. i Noxv frtei wf ....... B( fiati'ti nl mainlain rKa Vkaat nv. t hereto-night. I eupunderstand each other for tae rest ot ,.-"'". 7. , ,L j w.i-.J.kV. j for the Durnose showetTtBat he Is not- i.- .,. u.- I , - . iMUn in as. intr (;umit ueuv c natnr, - t. mwcj t. nviw :mejouruev. iu are tu . uuur-. nrfBeinai and interest, in rld. and I orthodox on the eternal ftell-nre I K,M at w-a ftr rh. WiVt af ' - r -. I J-L ' - : . . ... - . . .-- "- ...r -, . -- "I will stay here for two or three ahead of me, in the right road, with- mtti; remain po. Bui -if tkatpontio ' punishment doctrine ai not as tbor-1 tbe grei, hours, but I must then be off. so as to i out serving eitner t destination ttiere in the left- If r see J'00 rto es. An adraissbMi foe i?- on all th prrnmaU cities of the United States and jEhirope Teretine is Sold br all DrasIsts f i MONET LOANED TACOB MAROHN, Hffi. Liilll 1 i -etilaWaVi ' O aporov-d irartty o7y Th Drafts diseaeot dViasa-t i aadwaj ed.aMAMatiMBd to oop- ., ow. BeiaOO-E8XMENTao:CB6, all ac n ' FtaehAcUak.rteach. fii aeI l". j Ve-tias'i. Etr.. tte. Browiiville. Xchraaka. I STATE. C0UKTY& CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS nip UliiJ T T IX BROirxriLLE TSJS LAST WEEK OF EA CB1 MOXTH. BcrteiaoyoWene6eomn.adITKRiiSTl-i lotued oa fmr cerUficalK r ' ioposU. TT IF AT H E W t rRSCTWt-. Wm.T. !. S. 3f. Batter. X-A . Kaodtey. PriMik K. Jobaaoai. UMher SoMll-y I Wis. Froiafcer. ZBOjDcSs BBO UTCIIEXS, BH01TSTJI.7.r, XE3RA5KA. er. of lightning had become more fre- 30HN L. CAKS05, orooa. DENTIST, imovrrrix.i."E. ebraska, A R.&AVISOS.Cafcier. I. CiftNATTGHTO.-. Asst. CUabier. Presoaeat. I ORGANIZED. 187G. EW HESTAURAfi T ! LUNCH.. g f 0 reach mv morning. T am going to purchase lumber ftr,tbe market." "And you have considerable money Aith vou, no doubt?" asked the Iand- 8 7T Tl lord innocently. li Sii ?I "Yes, considerable." replied th 3jp.j r4 g - i a 1 gasst, tipping at his wine disintere liUiJAlJUiJiJ tedly. "Then, if you'll take mv advise," said the landlord, "you'll stay here increased its vioienee, and the flashes , till mornittg." ' Why?" replied the stranger, look- j qent and more biindin , ing up curiously. "Be-an-e?" whispered the land lord, looking around a? if he were dis closing a great secret, and was afraid of being heard by somebody else, "ev- 1 ery man that passed over the road be- t tweeu this and Nanstadt at midnight aweex, resll Itieat for the last tea ears. has been robbed or murdered under very singular cir cumstances." "What were the circumstances?" asked the stranger, potting down his x!aa empty, and preparing to fill it to the right "ebrge. aad", after tbe bulie a. o anything Bfas.iifotun,aeeoratngtOpreaeMtmaieaacmt Tho4Hi.li th-rfore rfsed I rl . . a- bullets " j pieious, I will jlrive-a brace of tbroush vecwithoira word-art rre. l his ! a frans avowal, ana a train XTjvr-poob'fcH.-3 I foi statement.opiiilksApinioR. adi atnera. rneeoBti taerewre reiasea antt, 9ra, ; tK t !.. .... I e '-"-' " -" " '-J ,. to orJata him, it eomefMlel mm f WReB afi are 3e4Ue aboatlker to tbe ChBTch. which sakeaeatly th if?bte tBrnej ei. ad wbe iUtattersAeodiiMlttv itself ! orwtia- . .i .. .. a. - The guide had started gs directed, j the more extraordinary because the. j Bd lnstwM nr him. The Sprinfr- Tlr mmmA aUlTJ t- n .i.aUao but it was evident from his mutter-.same paper habitually compliments j ftehI Repttbliean aBd other New Eng- m If s -e?e9 t ie ; ings that he was alarmed at some- j thb majority of the A mertaa. people , ,aB(1 reilfter sowgh8 a J ? ' whfefr s. thing beside the action of his follow- who believe in "resumption of pceu j preS3,oa 0f opinion from Coerega-i . ' .. .. Kw ,. " -.K-i.. rvmpnta"Jr.StPrf..ffTW .,lr- a r. I . , ...... r. . i " !.?.-.. - " a j. -w , uonsi mmisieri oomMKHK me waie .,,- , Uai T. i MiH ta ak-t ' HCAo C A. o'J CU1 tW I' 0WV In the meantime the tnunder had t pliators,' swtnaier3, ete. .very j Aa0eatioB aid of tho addressed'., .. . -r true iceFMibiiean and evrv true I)m-i . . ri.i . i r , -. i more Sun. than forty failed to reply. ocrav m me oroaaer acceptasion oi Twenl y.eveo wold have reused to l Trmn B . WawM1 tw. w- those term has iut been reioJein' ..-,,, ,r.i. c .u, . Iroa Bd Wago Taberr bag. , w. ' r oruiru aur. irriain, iw iuc js3w o-o o o la a .-. o-oo r . i --a er awnue tae two uorsemen rooe mai larsnat jiae.ua.Bon, ine .rreai-i .k tbARomteil taad rfmd Peven i on in filence the guide keeping up his dent of Franee, has at last, though re-. bjyg sHkKtantiallv a be does, and directions to the letter, while his fol-. luetantly. yielded to tbe popular will! ,. , ... a,. t ',k-bt lower watched his every movement i of France. And the New York juma . vjewg Mr. Merfiam holds that tbe as a cat would watch a mouse. Always on band, and satisfaction guar antied to all enstomers. HAVE YOTJ SESN ZVIELAJL: -tIS 1 at trr irnrns. nniirrnTinurnv PilTO UHTP tlilU"tbllUlltni,bftKW,nuio,! FRESH ANL CHEAP. , Oysters Cooked to Order. r Mrs, Sarak Eansdikob. AHKHfHFBBASU AT 3KCtrXTILX.. ifliLmMJi "Why you see." the landlord went 5 ion, while he approached his guest's took, by StevessoB & Cross "Crazy Horse." an exebaoew aaysr 'was tbe posseesor of thlrty-towr scalps noiseaating hkrowB. aad Kbe ioined in thee rtiLein" But here ,-... . - j . liioiaBS eosoered nra atiie a nafr .lu,aKU 1U l,lest rrtcio0a. ant rre . nn, .ahmik: a rrelatitMi srora Gmd. Suddenlv the guide slopped and j fe MacMabonism boldly avowed and k a x b, it fe ftot BeCe3rHy J min- AM " "fff ll" T looked behind him. Ajrain he beard j defended in this republic The 7im, ilJ?p,r?d . tbat tbe doctrie of eternal thM: bloftied sealp-bder was er the click of tbe stranger's nistol and , concedes squarely that an unmistaka-; L, Be,er asserted norl arch,rct h5 " fecM- SJf saw his uplifted arm. " j ble ajority of the whole people de- , y in the jptu, and there-f Uk of ba!r he P"8 " rf W" "Have mercy, meiuheer," he groan- fmand the remonetizition of sliver. . fofe he wbW t4!1M5h it bj WM , owa rajeig. ed. "I dare not so on." I wbich no ons sfn?,e voter nor OBe , willf- te leave it. where tbe Bible1 Harass t4 Saddles, by Stewi- "I give you three seeonds to co on, i 5"Se meeting in all tbe land asked KeaTe3 uto tbe individual eonscieaee son a. Cxoed. to have demonetized in ISlS ll6"e!,!nnd idmn ifr. "Raeber , j ba3 r warmly staboed bis former aseoco-l Dr. Theodore Cbrletlieb. a Gtmrnut dJvi of eeniodoee. who .visit UoJt "AT., 100,000. D. 3. OOLHAPP. Transacts a-eeralhit im: business, sells ' Drafts n ait tbe peine ' leities of th e riai jag porcnascd the e x- m i? xx a. rr t MVtDyiynrcEncTiniro LiiLnlflilil rtLO diaDLtd I w'sh toannonnrc that I am prepared to do a first class liTtr t asiness. Josh Hogcrs kreolied the stracfrer. sternlv. "One!" ---- ---. - , . . , . .. . . "Tn Heaven's name. ?Mre" im- aner, anu says w reump.ion in nlnr.l th i,l 9lmn.t orrrArpH E1 l7 SS submitted to a popular . ,- ,- . n.. with fear, "look before me in tbe ; 70e ft would b5 rted lbe P0 eoontry as Gney'a reptestftti ' 1 . -T- . T I i. t:l .1. If IT. ' . 1 . 1. "E.. ...1U.I a lliouu lo . null K1. .? T- o . ..T I . , ..! .. n,!)! hl.nn. " P. iWUi WMi, IIRC me .uac-MS- . ,. .. . ... ., in hk cigai aiiiow, Mpw- UZl : 7 V :T i C ! 7 -..-.---.. lhafthe government is m -DW ' 1B E n,s f ed assayiag tbat "tberitof Cbrts" Iwth -eve al who have been robbed ; The stranger looked. At first he , ofhe ftf .b fe HUeal aad miMta.y experie.aespoke ; fe Ma, al it mrn aw j. tuiu icBiu iiuiu iHcui ia mai i 5aw sonieinmg wnue staaaing mo-i . . . . - . p . , e. wm ' as loiiows, 01 nis resiee ia jseoras 1 thev remember meetinir in the lone-! t;nnia in it.o untar .r rka tMh .ana ita nope is mat e -. . i.su , -. -hur tmHna nf tha cma nari f fhn n. anmD.hini ., . -t - ..,., , remain firm (in opposition to tots - .sUte . ;;:;,"JL ' , V. " r:,::; J:- Preaen" a u?" m raUJ u:? : dearly expressed will of the people). "" ,. .... tidily wicked, ho roplkd Lba4 I """ '"""" "" a"u j,uii, qhu i me scene, anu ne sav. mat ine wnnei . ,. . - , . fi jtow, j want re eat yowr that frightened their horses so that I f12Cre was indeed ghastly and fright- - "d e-l ', . . "e , "" ,, , I tion." said ifr. KeHosg. to a reaaka they either ran away or threw their . faj enoush lookinc to chill tle blood onn? VFI,i sustain a ieo. e . j SLotA&tina of oareers. My bead ljh v j a a n.j-i3 r-v ox- . wo oor r ar- an r v ona Iv . I rv ul".t nc kAiawa uiiro ww itvui j ' our records that proud declaration of Abraham Lineoln' therefore go down. Beiap afcd to- w herein be tbougbt ov xo- 5Iiati:crer of UNITED STATES HD EIJEOPEi Fill CIGAR -wj J deposttora. aeconi)eoda.lios -rateii t- I STATS, CGU2ST-r C2T"ST riders ; they felt a choking sensation in the veins of even the bravest man. ' ' fV.. . ... .. . ooarter- in Omaha were at tbe Hern and a sort of smothering, and finally J Tf hf5 blood chilled for a moment, ! "f reoras inat Prouu aecwrauon 01 ( rfoo Hwe ami the Uoj persona ' dled. as tuey tuoaght, but awoke in therefore, it was not through any fear) T, . - : r" boorded there: AlviaSaundfsgov- -A.. IE0--3LS0-N - ! an bour or to find emselves ly- thftt he felt for his ghostly intereepter, f ', . "f K S0vernment oj tfee pe- j erDOfof KekMklf M United Stotea he set his teeth''"K"'. V rV. senator; Algernon S. Paddook, cre- ti.'bioli uiTTlfnna raftflaoAoii tluin anil t whimpered betrreen . , , ., . i Ury of Nebraska, now Uild States senator; Hitelieook, terrUorioyi war shall, afterwards Culled States sena- n -a--rrs-, f St ?Sj& j mg uy ine rtMiuiue, roooeu 01 every- ' thin ' r for tbe next instant 'fiarfl Trhila no "rnHoafi Bi,inniafC? ;.. -t-,- . '- .1 i . . i i it. 'sinee. The popular will most not be inaeen, ejaculated tne stranger, them jt loud enough to be heard by t . .... r rtanf ! nA- Krwi ov; tha Tm f? 59 Wain Street. Tlrowiivllle, Xebraska. i Ordars Frem Keicfeboriig Towns Solicited. WS-4- '(? Kr a ?-" - 5 SS -SV ! BOUGHT JN'X) SO OFFICERS. o3 afcds Wr E in V.H.KcCREERY, 'W..HACKHEY,': H. E. GATES, : : : : President. Vice President. UU. .-' ?!5&&vfe " f I jV Cs or; r-t r, -n-a-of i 4 --- . " "Be it man or devil ride it down I'll follow. Two !" TVil Trrr ef iia.sri itwn : lina """"v " -"--r -4" --- vm - the guide urged his horse forward at I the top of his speed, quickly followed recruiting officer, afterward tbe eel- S t sttaihilator of ,i their aatacaJly piooa DIEECXOES. cashier.: ,00T5 AHD SHOE safer x.. hoa Dusx. j. cajsaszm. ws. H. hoovkk, . x. KAcrr XArr. TT.W.HACECSt. H. C-IETT. W.H. ilcCRHERY. CTSTOX WOSK XXE TO OliDETi. Por a good Pare call at tlte office of tli2 B..SOTJDEjR. Manufacturer e1 ToflJer te i Repairing Neatly Done. I Oeetm. the iOTerei?ns. are conceded to be I ! by the stranger, who held his pistol .,. tha Mfjl TKa , .kii-1 i ready in his hand. ll,n, ,., tw' tv- .m!v I braled d:r-d0wn aad In aaother iastaat tbe guide would , Jf. . .awuaa,tQj , I th a-klax. Tbe feglwea of whieb have swept past the dreadful spot, but , . ,.wl; . , r.u . Thayer was colonel wad then rernit-! Tike folfowitifr parOee arre r Qf WaU stfeet aBd the &gL ljjj the j ed. and there were two caadidates for fuUy requested not to attend any of rang tbrough the dark forest, and . . m . of VjM.Vahn in Fn. apwin. upmn n xia,Ke. - oar pi ol mmmnt allon offi .L t.:.j. ,.. . .. :rtll pot up tbe joke tne iresiueui tau-t, oe sppeaiea w 10 the stranger heard a horse Hi i p n ram i MllallJ1 -5 Jg'-QcrirfZZc, - ttbiaska. hcre yen can get all kinds of rBi IMRRESS, SADDLES, WHIPS,; 1 loosing abstractedly at the rafters in rfcis terror-stricken guide the ceiling, as though he was more intent upon counting them than he ' was interested in the landlord's story. The inkeeper looked at him in as tonishment. Sueh perfectcoolnesshe had not witnessed for a k:c time. You will remain then?' so!T7et- C7Z3 ed the landlord, after waiting some time for his guest to speak, i "I ?' cried the stranger, starting I from his fit of abstraction, as though he was not sure that he was the per ' son addressed. "Oh, mst certainly not ; I am going straight ahead, ghost Ul LIU qUVIi kU'UIJIlb. xiau an notir later, the stranger and j hi. finger upon the trigger. a guide, called Wilheim, wereout on the road, going at a pretty roand pace lo-iira ao9uai. ' stranger stayed hie hand. At length Aunng a flash of lightning the he gho5t addressed him in a voice "auBa ""serves mat ins guide looK- tnat anything bet sepulchral. "Here. Wilheim, ye move out of . I.T t, jjm uuise t. p-acd as though he intended to drop behind. 'Lead on," erietl tbe stranger, "don't be afraid." respected nor obeyed, says tbe Times. TIia Praziiant im cahiI Arm arafriat I lfcr- nwa FT ninair nrtvat t-. . the popubtr will, saya the Time ' r , T. . ' to destruction, li xhm r J ... petarv toGoveroraders.uow boi-. . . Tbe Congress most not override Ihe ..." ... . . t eoentnr woa to se ay? the Timet, although ihe j - r, . . eoentnr wob t ted elates senator ; General Tbayer, I . -. , .jr, ., jr-- tbeselves, let people, who have beeu srpprjfed to be United States marsbalOeiward Uni ted Statee senator, and Major Merrill, more thao one oeaoaion bo bod boad an American married woman soy ty ' her hosbaod, 'Eear, wIU yoo brta me y sbawl?" and tbfc bsebatod brottkt It.'' He bad ai- seon a aa cooM boeae and find bbs wife eoiig in her ea?y obair, and sb wooid o roain seated, not ol&rrioa; to l hiar ' sIipors or avea- rfctar. Tbfe Ib vobw tbe Rsv.-Tbeodoffo Cbrt&tHeb tilfnlV ifl, murlMn nofinn ik on the roOaf roam of tbiw it. and n tet rwforaa ivtMe matter, and qoft their tyranny, whkjh Is driTtot; Cbriaiiaaity away fmea- Mer- tbeaa TUra aitn wub tfew oteaJiAaft with tbe eoob. The through the wooJs riderless. ro. th4EnoonW.-loi: fKe.lr' ?reacn "iT lue ?imse- Ai """".The woman Finding himself alone the stranger Teitora nnt sn ;n.itin fw- Ji" " PPer. ?ivB afterward by B wiM) uisti upo- raised his pistol, took delfberate aim at Ie thgie " a 'in deBOnein aH I neer. where we were all present .it j. g u iadae asdnr bfc the ghostly murderer, aad pressed i ,.., . . . ...I was voted that Tipton eoold prewbl The wB,ail who awaot. - t tc vr uu Lrin: c iu lpca itir ana . uvua -. . is finger upon the trigger. j j eith-r ,d all . a, n. ; down iikeU. so be was inooe eteam- f fftill mm &adit erlticisnw oa rber Tbe apparition approached quickly. Ued a5 affliced wkh a .sijTer era3e P0"- bse UBlUd aatas saa-iaoks ti,e actoes- but in no ho-tile attitude. The Sm tUli)AS,i S ed very unensy about something, and Peace and Quiet would be redicuioosly absurd. With an overwhelming majority of thepeo- jator Tnaga wbo pie and of both branches of Congress n-- ol..l I 1 "'' antAtUiUC UiS ltor. P's rvara nc . , , - r .. 1 ..: I 1UUI U.1.U vui ... ......w ...... ...... - 1 w FL SCOTTr RlCKMORDr r COiXARS, BSTDIuES, 2I5K PaBS, HErSHES. BUCKETS. Eobes, &c. "I'm afraid I cannot," replied the person addressed, continuing to hold his horse in until he was now at least i Saloon and Billiard HalIrIlex,?thbeh!ndhlCOIBPai,Ioi,-"My 1 THE BEST OF horse w cowardly and unmanageable ! Brandies, Wines, Bins, Alcohols raoSc ante, lae bm w "ifiat really was a iortouoos coo-- .v,,. .-, miAm, Tama tb " O -t-. I course of silk wores. i "Y'es, sir. Wben I was sworn in ns oot ball x dosa a helping hand, I'ts hit the game while on the wing, haven't I?" The stranger was nonplussed for a moment, but recovering himself, he j nn3t who told a vlsiiOT confidentially. grumbled something umatelligioie . jp are all S3tne in here, and the fel- and leaped to the ground. One word j jg GlXfe&fe sre all crazy, on to his horse and the brave animal , don,ihiHeU.'Intr Ocean. 1 stood perfectly still. By the snow-t o. o.a. 0-1- -ar U Vvv t wnrte iraonincrs on- iuc wwum-uc be against them, thev are hoping and? .,'-". . V . ,- -l ao 7 m motBf"t naa-cu. x ,. " , 1 United rcates semitor. Jniv Ii, I3hb. ! ,- hn fti. loaal strusclrnr-to secure la 3ny war one- . 1 TiS''Bo ay wno n nnornio mui- thlrdofonebramrbtosostslnaveto!!10" TeF w"e ,reaoJ ! ber opera gte attba toere. spencer at me fo aii-r, auu . , r . tlttencoek soon soeeeeooe inayer. t Tbe sa4e of low poacfioa Hj bos' ntr And yet that majority of the people I ro-iini' nc f tlifl Ufnatie tn Ika ftsvt.1 "-' " "" 1 ilaht Tt t. wrlstaniJtnv itt . StfWu t.-w. aou e. a t39WMhlgrde!.iS66; Kkbh tne boid Spencer. Saunders and Paddock. No , ' , tM mAm.. t, t, ,b-r a,aaia . azfcr aau vo- 7aowsv--- -. -- . - i it territory i a tbe X., a foe bas probably' .. T , , .. r ao ni lv they) .... . doe oa the prmaiienr ?caoof Ivan s I Kttle over 3300.000, wbtCB wtas bar- ealien into one rn-ess or coterie soi Foor, Satin is now the rege. It went out . ......... t i-.i cr. .....- I of tbera were.tbere in 1S8S, and foor , ac &B v Uac mibri. . m. i i - i Fsn stocfc ready made ceodc coastaoUy Qn hand i And TVilsldes- 3 .L RtHRAQHEE. SATE1E. Agents-tRdted.licsi- ' 3 aos Iottttitactorrtiralars free. o s iu a iHunaerstorm. If you will go on , white trappings or tbe though, I think I can make him fol-lehosthe was-next enabled to grope , ,,. - -p-UnA ..tl ;Iow close enough to point out tbe'biswas in the dark towards that in-pare n h. MnJ ,rftnni " ,.i MT. . . . ,. ,., 1' ... dividual, whom he found beading i tfbrate(fmurderest at g lim& MjfcJfciBd ofVinorote fe it -Yrr' wa-ia,fesed week speai ' wf ".jr. "" k-w -.... co, -. i rnaHi to tne late moaeso ai acinar-.coibv kict "jph is. ireea. " resii -- &" - w. A report?? oa a Cfc-fcogo &e weponor "I .3ainSlreett oppoaite Sherman j slrange lght gleamed in his eyes, a man, on the road. ad..wasboncin a bfaek. satin, dress. J sir; hatd" kBae CbeicoaJi a. daKar Hargestievfihei W 5oeodfcla ..,0wBv1,,wk. wntie his hand sought his brea?f As the tiger pounces upoa hf prey -" TttkSm. a , gestiir fche oaM." -bw y, 11llBlfcfc10WI r3fl