'LiMJjipipiJipiuiijpy(p!!tf.i.iiiijt 41 J. ' t. ? v " "'-k v v "" - c - ,-- ,. - -&' W9t&BBffsfc&& Sj&ffi)&yr'fir "" The Old Storj. "Tbe satis are set and the breeze Is up. And the prow id turned for a northern sea; Kiss my cheek and vow me a vow That you will ever bo true to me!" "1 kiss your cheek, and I kiss your lips. Never a change this lieart shall know; Whatever betide come life, come death Darling; darling, I love you so!" Oh, but the northern nights are keen J The sailor clings tothe frozen shrouds; A kiss bums hot thro' his dreams of home, And his heart goes-south- thro' the flying clouds. The maiden laughs by the garden gate Dreams of love are the soonest o'er! Kissed fall on. her lips and hair. And the world goes on as it went before. Intemperance.' Streaming down the ages, blighting the rosebuds, shriveling the grasses, scorching the heart and blistering the soul, has come a lurid tongue of flame which, heated. by Mve madnees of hell, has hissed out the terrors of death, and dropped overall the world a sea of unutsrable despair. In the dark ness of the midnight it has glured about the hearth stone wet with tho weepings of wives, mothers, and chil dren, and has bronzed the beauty of earth with the horrible cast of hell. Twisting around the altar of the ohurch it has withered the sweetest flowers that ever attempted to bloom for the adornment of heaven, and has fed death from the very waters of life. At the gate of heaven itself it has glared with appalling madness and seemed like an impassable wall of flame between misery and bliss. Dripping burning drops of agony into the tenderest depths of writhing souls, they have heaved with unutenible pain and called on God to blot them from existence forever. This blight ing curse of the world is the demon intemperance. Language has never been made that can depict it in all itn hideousness. Look on the stack of skeletons'that rears its ghastly head an insult to God high in the clouds and shapes the whistling winds nto an utterance of withering denuncia tion of the fiery monster that gnawed the flesh from those bones and tossed them into the hideous pile; come forth from hell ye damned, writhing spirits that were robbed of heaven by the sparkliug temptor, and cast the red shadow of thy wretchedness upon the faces of the Jiving; graves, give up your festering, bloated millions, -and stretch them in all their rum scorched ghastlinens and horrible rot tenness over the plains and mountain tops; come hither, broken hearts and torn, bleeding 6ouIs from the time of Noah until to-day ; hold upyour with ered hand3, ye countless starving "women and children ; come all ye floods of tears, that scorched where e'rethey touched, and boil together in one vast steaming, seathing ocean ; come death, andjhell, aud agony, with your harvest garnered from the still and the brewery, and let us mass it in a horrifying picture, and let it tell what language never can ! Portray the work of rum in speech ! As well attempt to blow out the sun witii a breath. Not even the ragged scars aud midnight of even a single soul, that has been torn by the bloody tal lonsof this cruel, hungry vulture, aud plowed by despair, can ever find des cription in any language that was ev er spoken. Yet whllea hundred thous and BufTered this unuterable agony in this beautiful country of ours last year; while the echo of their concert of despair as they huddled about the gates of death, still rides every breeze that fans our hills and sings through our dells, and quivers on every sun beam that dances on our churchyards and while a hundred thousand more, with bloatted faces and bleared eyes, and tattered characters, are making the land hideous with their cries of helplessness as they struggle in the clutch of death, men are deaf to the horrible warning, and are sipping from the same damning cup that made all this indescribable wretchedness. From every station of life, from the palaoe and the hovel, come the bleed ing mangled victims to this terrible curse, and standing before the world with hopes blighted and characters lost, the3' point with their unsteady fingers back to the black waste of their past lives and cry in soul-harrowing concert: "We touched the accursed thing, and are lost! lost! lost!" Western Rural. Don't Turn Sight Into Dar. It Is not necessary in this age of the world for the farmer to rise in the middle of the night and begin his work. This getting up early in the morning is a relic of barbarism. It h&s made hundreds aud thousands of young men curse the business. There is no need of getting up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the winter morning. The farmer who persists in doing it and porsists in drugging his wife and children from their beds ought to be visited by & missionary. It is time enough to riBe after the uu has set the example. For what purpose do you get up? To feed the cattle? Why not feed them the night before? It is a waste of life. In the old times they used to get up about 3 o'clock in the morning, and go to work long defore the sun had risen with "healing on bis wings," and as a just punishment they all had tho ague; and they ought to have It now. The man who cannot get a liv ing upon Illinois soil without rising before daylight ought to starve. Eight hours a day is enough for any farmer to work except in harvest time. When you rise at 4 and work till dark what is life worth. Of what use are all the improvements in farming. Of what use Is all the improved machin ery unless it tends to give the farmer a- little more leisure. What is har vesting now compared with what it was in tbe-old time. Think of the dayfl of reapiug, of oradling, of raking and binding and mowing. . Thiuk of threshing with flail, and winnowing with the wind. And now think of the reapers and mowers, the binders and threshing rnacbines, the plows a .,ifirtnra nnon which the farm er rides protected from the sun. If, with, all these advantages you can no6 ' getaliviug without rising in the mid dle of the night, go into some other business. You should not rob your families of sleep. Sleep is the best doctor upon the earth. There is no such thing as health without plenty of sleep. Sleep until you are thor oughly rested and restored. When you work, work ; and when you get through take a good, long and refresh ing rest. From Ingersoll's Address at Peoria. Charcoal and Lime. Permit us again to urge all breeders of poultry, who wish healthy fowls, to be liberal in supplying their fowls with char coal. It is one of the best preventives of diseases amongst fowls that can be named. Eveu if the fowls are not confined, but especiully so if they are, oharcoal pounded up into fine bits or pieces about the size of a grain of corn, or a little finer, should be put around in small piles where the fowls can have easy access to it, and they will soon make use of it. The cost of charcoal is but a trifle and where the distance from town or city is so great as to pre vent it from being readily obtained therefrom, the ashes from a wood stove may be sieved out aud the small bits of charred wood or coal Ueed in the place of that made in the regular way. Especially during the spring and early Bummer mouths, Is it ad vis able to use charcoal freely. Lime, too, is valuable in many ways. In the form of whitewash it begets cleanli ness, freedom from disease, and lay ing hens should have lime where they can make use of it, in assisting in the production of eggs. Poultry World. A Hao Rua. An effective rug can be made in this way : Cut long inch wide strips of oloth, flannels, and va rious kinds of material (widening the strip in proportion as the fabric is thinner.) Sew the ends together so as to make one very long strip, which, for convenience sake, can be loosely wound up into a ball. Then, with a large wooden orochet-ueedle, you crochet a circle, a square, or ob long mat of this rag strip, just as with ootton or worsted. It makes a strong, durable, and, with bright and taste ful colors, a very pretty rug. Ex change. i Trees. Trees should be planted not only by dwelling-houses and along roads, but they should be in ev ery pasture and by watering places, and near every barn, wherever cattle, horses or sheep are to be provided for. All these animals suffer from our bur ning sun ; and to say nothing of their comfort and enjoyment, the cost of shade trees will be many times paid back in the saving of the milk, fat, fleece and strength, which will result by protecting domestic ammals from the heat of the sun. In the Russian army, horse biscuit are served out to cavalry horses. The biscuits are composed of crushed oats, pea meal, hemp oil, and salt; they are 10 Indies in diambter, aud when baked, are placed in boxes, the layers. being powdered with bran. Four bis cuits constitute a ration aud are equiv alent to ten pounds of oats ; the bis cuits can be given dry or steeped in water; und although the horses be come somewhat thin in flesh on the diet, they etill retain their strength and vigor. .p There was once an old woman, who, in answer to a visiting almoner's in quiries as to how she did said : "Oh, sir, the Lord is very good to mo ; I've lost my husband and my eldest son, and my youngest daughter, and I'm half blind, and I can't sleep or move about for the rheumatics ; but I've got two teeth left in my head, and prahe and bless his holy name, they're op posite each other !' It has been said that this old woman was thakful for small mercies Bishop Potter, of New York, in ex cusing himself from tho making of a speech at a luncheon, after tho Trini ty dedication at Boston, told the story of the man who always boasted of any speech he made, and once told a friend that he had just been down to Rostou, where he made a speech. "Oh! did you?" said the friend, "I'm glad to hoar it. I always did hate those Bostonians." Is there much difference between a gay lute and a blasted lyre? Music al folks will be able to guitar good idea of the subject at once. Each one 1b expeoled to answer accordion to his views, as concertina case like this is not looked for, but we hope they will not spinet out too long. This violin-t ate effort is made by the Boston Ad verliser. Tarred paper, known ot paper stores as building paper, is the best defense against the depredations of rabits, mice aud borers. Now is the time to use it. Cut in strips about eighteen inches long, and wide enough to en circle the tree once and a half, and tie on. Let it fit snugly tothe ground. How lovely in the calm etillnesB of the evening to listen to the nightin gale's note!" "Yeth, he's a doocid tine fellow, is the nighlngale; but I thoy (bright idea,) he must be a beast ly noothanoe to all the other little birdth that want to go to thleep." London Fun. If smoke enters the room and it is difficult to stand erect, get your mouth as close to the floor as possible, and breathe easy, as there is always a fresh ourrent of air near the floor. A wet cloth over the mouth will greatly aid breathing. Zaoh Chandler has, near Lansing, Mich., a farm of 3,160 acres, whioh has cost him, witii improvements and stock, about $100,000. Tbe stock con sists of 38 horses, 50 cattle, and 200 sheep, all of the'best breeds. In noticing the statement that dur ing the year ending June 30, 1876, there ocoarred on the ooaets of Eng-1 land and Ireland 3.757 wrecks, the London Times calls attention to the fact that more than one-half of these wrecks occurred in fairly moderate weather, when the wind did not ex ceed a strong breeze, and that 534 of tho casualties were due to inattention, carelessness, or neglect. This, the Times declares, is little short of a scan da! to British seamansip. In fifteen years 12,322 persons have been lost on the British coast. An eastern paper declares that a late fair in that vicinity consisted of a calf, a goose and a pumpkin. It rained so hard the first night that the goose swam off, the calf broke loose and ate the pumpkin, and a thief prowling around stole the calf, and that ended the fair. A professor was expostulating with a student for his idleness, when the latter said, "It's of no use ; I was cut out lor a loafer." "Well," declared the professor, surveying the student critic illy, "whoever cut you out un derstood his busluess.'" The Georgia negro has no more faith in banks. He lays all his money out in clothes aud hair oil, and the news of a bank suspension causes him to ex olaim, "Bust away wid ye, butyer oau't hurt dese lavenger breeches !" "You are a nuisance; I'll commit you," said an offended judge to a noi sy person in court. "You have no right to commit a nuisance,'' said the offender. A wise man looks upon men as he does upon horses, all their caparisons of title, wealth and place, he consid ers as but harness. Cecil. "Are these soaps all ouescent?"in quired a lady of a juvenile salesman. "No mam, they are ail ten cents," re plied the innocent youngster. England imports about S0.O0O tons of foreign butter, at an annual cost of nearly $44,000,000. B ATA Of Ten Years' Duration. The Dis charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smell and Taste Wholly Gone. Entirely Cured by S Rf.DiC.AL CURE, MessrsWeeks & Potter: Gentlemen I feel com- Scllcd to acknowledge to yon the great beneHt aotokd's Kadical Cure has been to me. For ten years I have been afflicted with this loathsome disease, and especially In the winter time haa it been most severe. Tho discharge has been thick and bloody, emitting a foul odor so bad that tny presence In a room with others was very offensive to them. One week after commencing the nse of BAj.ToitD's Radical Cube I was not troubled with It at all. Slys-nsco of taste and smell, which were tchollu gone, havo now fully returned, and my gen eral health Is much Improved Yours. MELBOUBITK H. FORD. Short-Hand Writer. Ghakd Bapids, Mien., Nov. 3, 1ST6. LATER. Gentlemen: Tho package of Sajtfobd's Cuke arrived hcroto-nightallrlght. I don't know what I EhOUld havpflnnn If Rlllrt nn t boon Taw tliia roniwdj-- I Tin'; c tried Nasal Douches and everything else, and although I have been able to stop tho oflensivo dis charge, I hnvo not been able to recover mv senses of tasto and smell until I tried Saxfoed's Cube. Tou can refer any one yon choose to me, nnd I w 111 cheerfully inform them in detail as to tho benent the remedy has been to mc. Tours. MELBOUBXE H. FORD. Geajtd Rapids, Mich., Nov. 15, 1S70. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE Not only promptly arrests the corro din p discharges In Catarrh, but, by sympathetic action, it restores to sound health all the organs of tho head that have become affected by it, and exhibit any of the f ollow lng affections: Defective Eyesight, Inflamed and Mattery Eyes, Painful and "Watery Eyes, Loss of Hearing, Earache, Neuralgia of tho Ear, Discharges from tho Ear, Ringing Noises In the Head, Dizziness, Nervous Head ache, Fains in the Temples, Loss of tho Senses of Taste and Smell, Elongation of the Uvula, Inflammation of tho Tonsils, Putrid Sore Throat, Tickling or Hacking Cough, Bronchitis, and Bleeding of tho Longs. Each package contains Dr. Sanford's Improved Inhaling Tube, with full and carefully prepared di rections for use In all cases. Price. $i. Forsaloby all wholesale and retail druggists and denier throughout the United States and Ctmartas. Wi- EKS &. POTTER, General Agents and Wholesale Drug gists, Boston, Mass. COUINS'BI rroi Voltaic Plasters A N Electro-Galvanic Battery, combined with xv a lilnhli. lnffl.ntni1 PlaatA. forming tho rrandest curative nircnt in tho world of UIKUII .J.Llllfu.l. A. .UO.t. . 1WI medicine. ana utterly surpassing auoiucr-riasiera uereioioro in use. They accomplish more In one week than the old Plasters In a whole year. They do not pal liate, they cube. They Believo Affections of tho Chest. Believe Affections of the Lungs. Believe Affections of the Heart. Relieve Affections or the Liver. Relieve Affections of the Spleen. Relieve Affections orthe Kidneys. Relieve Affections of tho Spine. Relieve Affections of tho i crres. Relieve Affections of tho Muscles. Relievo Affections of tho Joints. Relieve Affections of the B nes. Relieve Affections of the Sinew. No matter what may be the extent of your suffer ing, try one of these Plasters. Relief if instantane ous, a fact supported by hundreds of testimonials in onr possession. Bear in mind that the most impor tant disco verles In pharmacy date back less than ten years, and that combinations of gums and essences of plants and shrubs are herein united with Elec tricity to form a curative Plaster, in soothing, heal ing, and strengthening properties as far superior to all other Plasters heretofore in uso as tho 6Clctic physician Is to the horse-leech. Irioe, 25Conts. Be careful to call for COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLAS TKElcst you get some worthless imitation. Bold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists throughout the United States and Canadas. and by "WEEKS & POT TER, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. The Nebraska Railway. This is positively the best route from Brownville to all points EAST A-T7 SOUTH. Avoid a long and tedtjus buss ride through Mis souri mud by talcing the Nebraska Railway. De pot within a few steps of your doors. Trains by this route land you at .Nebraska City in timo for di rect connection w ith C. B. fc. Q,. Trains for Clilcnpo and the Cast, and ICC. St. Joe. ifc C.B. trains for St. Louis and the A'orth. Also via LINCOLN for OMAHA, KEAENEY JUNCTION and the PACIFIC COAST. Nolongomulbus transferby tbisroutc. Through Tickets and reliable Information regarding fare, c..can be had on application to the underslgnedat B. B. Depot in Brownville. is not easily earned In these times, but it can be made In three months by anyoneofeithersex.lnanypart of the country who la willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. $06 per week in vour own town. You need not be mi I: away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare mo ments, we nave agents wno are maKing over jai per day. All who engage at once cun mane money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily) and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to try th business. Terms and f5 Outfit free. Address at once, H. "Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. 22-3yl METRQPQLiTAN HOTEL, SNIDER & WRIGHT, PROPRIETORS. This boose Is now conducted in flret-clasa style. Large rooms for COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS, Billiard parlor and reading room connected with tne hotel. The people of Southern Nebraska are soliolted to try Metropolitan, wheu visiting Lincoln. ??H THE INTER OCEAN. 187S. 1S78. THREE EDITIONS: WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY & DAILY. In making its seventh annual announce ment. The Intek Ocean reassured its read ers and the public generally of its faith in the Republican party and Its devotion to Republican principles. Its record daring the past year has made it more than ever before the great Representative Republican paper of the country. The value of such a paper and Its Influence for good were nover more apparent than during the electoral compli cations oi last fall and winter, Tho course of The Intek Ocean during that trying pe riod won for It the admiration nnd lasting friendship of Republicans everywhere, As nn exponent of truo Republicanism, to which the public turned for advice and for encouragement, The Intek Ocean stood throughout the momentous struggle without a peer. There never was a time when Republicans more need a Journal steadfast and true thnn now. Never before, In the history of the oountry, has there been a period of such po litical Interest aud inquiry as Is now In the immediate future. Great questions are to bo discussed and disposed of; embarrassing complications are to be grnppled with ; fun damental principles are to be defended. Re publican to the core, Tiie Inter Ocean will give all possible information on all political topics, and, while treating opponents with the greatest fairness, wlli maintain Its high standing as an earnest and outspokeh advo cate of uncompromising and unadulterated Republicanism. While The Intek Ocean stands second to no paper In the country as a political Journ al, It takes high rank as an enterprising and thorough-going newspaper. During tho past year it has eclipsed all Western papers In the excellence, completeness, and reliabil ity of Its foreign dispatches and letters, aud has had tow equals In presenting In most readable shape general and homo news. In every part of the world great events aro oc curring, with probabilities pointing to more important in tho future. Nover before was a good newspaper so important to both young and old. In all that goes to mako A first-class newspapeu, Tnu Intek Ocean Is not ex celled by any publication In the country. It Is a national newspaper, one that will be found useful and Interesting to Americans in every part of the globe. While it cspeclally ropresents the great Interests of tho North west, it is national in Its views and com prehensive In Its news gathering. The Intek Ocean makes especial claim aB A family paper, devoting more attention than any other political newspaper to de partments prepared and conducted with the wants of the home and tho demands of the family In view. TIIE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Is conducted with great care, and everything possible Is d mo to make the market reports reliable and complete THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT is carefully edited by a gentleman of ability and experience, THE HOME DEPARTMENT Is of special Interest to the ladles, and Is devoted to the practical nnd useful. TO EDUCATIONAL MATTERS especial attention Is given. Believing that tho per petuity of tho republic depends upon tho ed ucation of tho people, The Inter Ocean Is the warm advocate of the free school system, and everything that will lmproveaud extend It. THE WOMAN'S KINGDOM is a new de partment devoted to the Interests of that largo portion of tho gentler sex who, either from necessity or otherwise, desire to devote themselves to some useful occupation or pro fession, for the purpose of earning a liveli hood. It is uot for the advocacy of nny par ticular Issue, but for the female character In every department of life. THE QUESTION AND ANSWER DE PARTMENT, long a special feature of The Inter Ocean, Is a valuable encyclopedia of infornintluu, nuU CTMLTa lia III U On grOUHQ 111 the course of a year as many of the elabor ate works published at such high prices. THE INTER OCEAN has the largest nggro gate circulation of nny newspaper published In tho Northwest. It is sent to more than 8,-500post-offlces, distributed in every State and Territory lu the United States. In all the British provinces, and numerous foreign states and countries, TERMS OFSUBSCRIPTION : Daily Payable In Advance. By mall, per year, postpaid $10.00 By mall, three months, postpaid 2.50 Hemi-Weekly Payable In Advance. By mall, per year, postpaid 3.30 By mall, club of four, postpaid 12.0 By mall, club ot six. postpaid 17.s0 By mail, club of ten, postpaid 1S.00 Weekly Payable iu Advance. By mall, per yeur, postpaid 1.C5 Club of four, postpaid 5.C0 Club often, postpaid 13.00 Club of twenty, postpaid 23.00 Ono FREE copy with every club of twenty. Money can bo sent by draft, money-order, express, or restored letter, at ourrlsk. Special arrangements made with country publishers for clubbing with their publi cations. Sample copies sent free. Address THE INTER OCEAN, 119 Lake slieet. Chicago. Toatttr Phmo-Orsan, best. ff-Look! startling -JOCLboy . ee ! Organs. 1 stons S.i5.Pnnos nn v isn cost f SJ0.Clr.Free.Danlel F.Beatty.Vashington,N J. 3 new voca'ifclt new instrumental pcs.Shetf Music lOcsilver or stps.MusicPub.Co Sliddleboro.Mahs. fi-TT'Kr.(;sRnd Revolvers. Illustrated Price Listfree VJ U XX U Great W slern Gun Worls, Pittsburg. Pa. Ok CARDS. 25jgtyle!wlthnamel0c. OutfltlOc. ) Sample ac.J.nustcdACo.yaysau.N. . nil ABGE MIXED Cards with name.incase.lSc tJ J ai w Ithout casp. 9c. 30 new fun cards 10c Outfits 10c. l". WASHBURN & CO.. Middieboro. Mass. m Mammoth Outfit to EverTbodv. Stem-winder watch free with first order. RHl Ain.)ollars a day gua.anteed, IU. CltOXEflH &-. Pn.pi,ll Ta nr Mil! waukee. Wis. ' ' i T A ryCTf "OlcjtForCuts.BruisesifcSpralns, Rllnd nnd Rleedlntr Piles. REMEDY. Rheumatism, Fractured Ximbs. Frosted Limbs nnd Parts, pains In the Muscles and Joints. Indolent Ulcers, Discharging Sores, bw-elled Sore Leg. Erysipelas, and Varicose Veins is bAxronn's Extbact of Witch Hazkl. Ask wr it, because it is better, stronger and cheaper "janatiy other, and Is warranted by WEEKS A POTTER, Wholesale Druggists, 36U Washington St., Boston, Mass. 2iw4 Send for Reduced Price List of 3Sd:ft.so3sr sc li a. 3ve Xj x 3sr CABINET ORGANS. EWAXD SPLENDID STLE3: PRICES REDUCED S10 to 850 EACH, THIS MONTH (Nov. 1377). Address, ."1IASON fc HAMLIN ORGAN Co., Boston New York, or Chicago. nn SOT FAIX to send for our New Catalogue. It con tains valuable Infor mation for very person contem plating us par- rh9n nf nnv srtleln HH chase of any article . z for personal, famll j or agricultural me. Free tour Address. "OKTG03CERY WABD & CO., Original Grange Sapply Bouse, Ltn ct S Wabash Ace., CHICAGO, 111. AGENTS WANTED ! ! FOB PABTICULABS. ADDBESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE Co 829 Broadway. Nc York City? w Orleans. Chicago, III.; New Orlennn, La.; orSun Francisco, Cal. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET DAVY CHEWING TOBACCO was awarded h'ehent prize at Centennial Expo sition or cheici'ia qualttles and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and flavoring. If you want the best tobacco ever made, ask your grocer for this and see that ca h plug bears our blue strip trade mark, with w rds Jackson's Best on it- Sold at wholesale by all lobbers. Sen1 for sample to C. A. JACKSON & CO.. M'f 'rs..Petersburg, Va. W; ANTED FOR DETECTIVES AGENTS THE ftr V.TTROP'R finfl ATWP.TiTnA Ob Life is thk Secret seb vice. A selection of Celebrated Cases. A Bevelation of the Most Renowned Detectivs of the Globe, for the past 25 years. It discloses some of the most marked in stances of deep laid, plans of mlschler and outrage ever recorded by pen or pencil. Illustrated with Full Page Engravings. 650 pages. We offer Extra inducements to Agents, and pay Freight charges on Books. For terms address the J. B. BUBB Publishing Company. Hartford, Ct. Mw-t $2500 A.YKAR. Agents-wanted. Busi ness legitimate. Particulars tree nesslegitltnate.ntrtlcul-rsfree. i.?.TTrntrrTT.fc--fn n Tttf Mix. I idlmi J.WOBTII& CO.. Et,Lcul, M j. .nrMnlf GGrado.2iD - Arerage Scholarkhlp.. Attendance. DEPORT3E.VT. WmtJF NSSilfll JvJ,Undm soto1) In Classes of In Classes of No. of days Asglvenby Asglvenby PHAi ifiSKjfiffi owl l"'""""""" in so Principal. Assistant, for month. Principal. Assistant, j yPsp Tiie above card lias been adopted and is now in use In tbe Brownville High School. We can furnish them to Principals of Schools, and School Boards, printed on heavy coIoredpa per, at 75 cts. per 100, in quantities of 100 or more. Cash to accompany the order. Address, FAIEBEOTHEE & HACKER, Advertiser Office Brownville, JVebrasJca. TITUS DEALERS IN HEIEBAL NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA, Do not intend to be undersold by any house in Nemaha County. Come and see us, and learn ourjwices. WE KEEP A FULL STOCK OF Dry Groods, Groceries, HarcTware, j . QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, EATS, CArS, BOOTS, SE02S, COAL OIL, LAMPS, &c, &c. CO UXTR Y PROD UCE TA KEN IN EXCHANGE FO R GOODS. - " l mm m speculat 0ESm!iM 1 tS'rSr'B.r .i 1 kS5Qi UfcSfS K3I T jMR.il .JJsTJ N!? ,v-. VII J'cyiV r TOTS' vtUrl Vif C?s" u S2stSk -rk y sryy IkliiHmwWWwEI . ,,...Wi,5e11 the Watch without tho Chain fcr 10. -i i rrw!- J. rTRTDS & CO,, Cliatoa Place. & Ho. 11 Ihshtn. Street. K t . r ma n - . . - -. - - . -mw 3 t::::3. Hit fHf gH HHL M! JelLlilLJfsiLJfete 0e"H c"CZ.Z B'SAW.WSfn WtBSfefi. asglSSMSfe.lii 111 STS u2 a a 5- r - 5J Hsvxffy AS&p MvffiKlWfvTrm r1B32?,Kfi'sSMiirl r-v 3 I H I jc -. ?. . s-.n-ncvflsv -awasusajfh jni n t"isiCwnin-i,ni-ovr.Kis bwki Simto Wnpraf&I JSislEiooI 3PJEHXJ, INESilI COTCJ1NXY, NEBRASKA THE COUESE Extends through five years two In the Elementary Normal, three lu the Advanced Nor mal. It is the almof the School to secure thoroughness In scholarship, and skill and abil ity in the special-work ol teaching. FACULTY FULL. TUITION FREE. First class Boarding Hall; beautiful location ; ample buildings. Fall term opened September 2nd ; Winter term, January 6th, 1S76; Spring term, April Cth For Information address the Principal, EOBT. CTJRET. THE ADVERTISER JOB PBIHTfNO DEPABTilENT. A fine assortment of Type, Bor ders, Rules, Stock, &.C, for printing, BUSINESS, VISITING k WEDDING CARDS, Colored and Bronzed Labels, STATEMENTS, LETTEK & BILLHEADS ENVELOPES, Circulars, Dodgers, Programmes, Show Cards, BLANK WOBK OF ALL KINDS, "With neatness and dispatch Cheap ob Ixfebior Wokk XOTSOLICITED. j TAIEBEOTESE & HACEER, ITcrherson Block, BROWNVILLE, NEB. TOBACCO. Front the Seed to the Ware house. A practical hand book for the Tobacco Planter, embracing the author's practical experience in cultivating and curing the weed, and the methods practiced in all the States in which It is grown. A complete guide to the planter and a work of great interest to the consumer of tobacco on account of its historical and medical Information. A book that everybody should have. ISO pages, octavo, by B. Bnsh Senseney. 21. D., Chatnber&burg. Penn'a. Price One Dollar, aent to any address on receipt of the price. Agents wanted to sell this book every where, and It sells without tronble. Address jutiA .iu. fuiunui) i'uncr01 a -wposnory. vampuurg. JrcIlXl. BEO'S, MER0IIANBIBE, . ... . wnT8 jihe bost imitation Gold TTatchln the Market for Trading - . wbtM mm vuuiwi4uuu uiuuiurineuiilociOHITrO unmount po.u mat tne Dest Judges find ltdUlictilt to dettct thodJfler ence. except by a chemical tost, and it Is the beitsubttituto fnrpold known. AMERICAN JIOVSJIKST. EXPANSION BALANCE. BEAU TIFULLY ENGRAVED OU EN. GINETURNEDIIUNTI.VG CASES, and equal In appearance to & COLb WATCH THAT COSTS from SI 50 to 8200. It sells and trades readl lj. for from J0 to 1100. and Uyoa I wish a watch tor jour own use orto make money on. try this. Owin-fr. ' our largo sa.e, we are enabled to rrdacethe price of them to SI2 each with an elegant Chain attach" ed Iheyaro ued on Kollroads, Ssteam ers, and In Manufactories, and other places where accurate timo is required, and Klves general satisfaction. Vfi send j them by Mall or Express, on receipt of III. eentOD. when the cS'.omeV de?lt end remits JJ nn account. These Elepmt iai UN5 weish about Fifty Pennyweights, sr.sssss.TSi id Chain for tis. sent by MsUln a Kerf via OF STUDY ViMptestionably the best sustained icork of the kind in the World!" HARPER'SMAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE FXESS. The veteran Magazine, which long ago outgrew lta original title or the Xew Jlonthlu Magazine, ha not in the least abated the popularity it won at tbe outset but has added to it In many ways, and has kept fairly abreast of the times, thanks to the en terprise of the publishers and the tact and wisdom of its editors. Por hate ver is best and most read able in tbe literature of travel, discovery, and Ac tion, the average reader of to-day looks to Harpers Magazine, lust as expectantly as did the reader of a quarter of a centuiy ago: there is the same admir able variety ofcontents and the same freshness and sugge8tiveness in its editorial departments now as then, Boston Journal. terms: Postage free to all subscribers in the United States Harper's Magazine, one year..H 00 ft Includes prepayment of U. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine. Weekly anr Bazar, to one address for one year. $10: or, two ol Haper's Periodicals, to one address for one year ? : postage iree, An extra copy of either tho Magazine. Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club o five subscribers at J4 each, in one remittance: or six copies for 130, without extra copy: postage freej Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Magazine commence with the Numbers lor June and December of each year. When no time is upeclfled. It w III be understood that tbe subscriber wishes to begin with the current number. A complete set of Harper's Magazine, now com nrlzlntrss Volumes. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, fori.2S ner volnme. Single volumes, by mail. postpaid. $3. Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cents.by mAll nnfltniiM- A complete Analytical Index to the first Fifty j Volumes of Harper's Magazine has Just been pub- I llsnea, renaeMngavauaoie ior reierence iuo vai and varied wealth of information which constitutes this periodical a perfect Illustrated literary cyclo pedia. 8vo,clot.J3;haltcalf,J35. Sentpostage prepaid. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address. HABPEB & BBOTHEBS.New York. NOW READY FOB AGENTS. THE GREAT STRIKES! That timely new book, by Box. J. A. DaOcs. A complete history of the causes and thrillingevents of the great railroad and labor war all over the countrv. PlifKLy ItrsTBATXD. AGENTS WANTED everjithere. The best chance to make money ever offered. Beware of Inferior workt. K Get the best and lowest pricea. Address I4m6 STA2TDABD BOOK HOTJSEt.Lou!s,iro S3 GOLD PtATED WATCHES. Chap t In the known world. Samole ITatcA Free to Agents. Address. A. Coclteb & Co , Chicago. $45 PKEwrrrw watot xsn rnuir a stem.winderJrea wlthevcrrorder. Oat- 11 1 frsc J. B. Gujlord & Co Chicago, UL A Repository of Fashion, Ilcasure and Instruction ' HARPER BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED. XOTJCES OF THE FJiESS. The Bazar Is the orsan of the fashlr.n.ible world, and the expounder of that world's laws; nnd it id the authority on all matters of manner, etiquette, costume, nnd social hablrs. Boston Traielrr. The Bazar commends itself to every member of the household to the children br droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladies bv its fashion plates In endless variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for tbe children's clothes, to paterfamilas i oy its i&sieiui designs ior eniDrouiereu slippers nnu j luxurious dressing-frowns. But the reading matter of the Bazar is uniformly ol Kreat excellence. The I paper has acquired a wide popularity for the fire side enjoyment it affords, and has become an estnh i lished authority with the ladies of America. .V. 1. I Evening Tost. ! TERMS. Fo3tace free to all subscribers In the United States. $1.00 Includes prep'ament of U.S. postage by "the publisher. Subscriptions to JInrper's Magazine. Weekly and Bazar, tooneaddress for one year. $10; or. two ot .Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 37.00; poataire free. I An extra Conr of either the Magazine. "Weeklr. I or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every Clubot I Five Subscribers at 1 each. In one remittance: or Six Copies forfJO without extra copy; postage jree. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Bazar commence with the year. When no time Isinentioned.Uwill bo under stood that thesubicriber tv ishes to commence with tbe number nettafter the receipt ot his order. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of ex pense.forJTeuch. A complete set. comprising ten volume. ent on receipt of cash at the rate of 5 25 per vol., freight at expense nf purchaser. rioth Cases for each volume, suitnble for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of Jt.00 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt ol i stamp. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copv this advertisement w iinoui me express order of Harper Brothers. Address, HABPER A BltOTHKn.New York CHS APSST AUD BEST. --. .uu. r iuxt : , , Cliicao-o Weoklv Post "--' -) v II VViVJ. 1 UOU TJie JPeojrfe's J? a per. Columns, Alletl -with Kdllorlnl, cwh, Acrlrulturnl. lisccllanv. ucl3Iaxket Keporta. One Copy I year, posture paid. 7Ge. Clubs of five, postage paid 70c. Clubs of ten; " " .,.. C5c. Clubs or twenty," " GOc. TEE 35AIX.1T POST. 1 Ono year, postage page... S7.00 I'arts or a year in Proportion. VTo propose to'Rreatly enlarge the DAIIA" POST durinsi October, after which thopilce will be SIO.OO per year, postage paid. All who subscribe before enlargement, at the present rate or $7.00 will receive theenlart;etl paper to the end of their time without extra charge. Same terms to Agents on both Dnllvand Weekly as last year. Address TIIE TOST, 8S Dearborn street, Chicago. "S Great chance to make money. If you cairi get gom you can get greenbacks. We need a jierion In ev ery town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and bet illustrated family publication In thewnrid. Any one can heenm n rfiirrtsfhl nwnt The most elegant works or art given free to sub scribers. The price is so low that almost ever body .sub-cribes. One agent reports making over $150 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over -IW1 sub scribers in ten ilays. All who engage muke money fast. You can devote all your time to the business or onlv your spare lime. You ueed not he away from home oer night. You can do it as well as otheis. Full particulars directions and terms free. Elegant and expensUe Outfit free, iryon want profitable work send us our address at once. It costs nothlngto try tho business. Xo one who en gages falls to make great pny. Address "The Peo pie's Journal." Portland, aialne. rrirate HeexJur, IsJ East Wuhleg- r. lUItllaill Illfurtli. So all IX-ea-M of a I'rl ato future, rasaltl-17 fro a earlT ahnui or Infection ofrftbtrT. Seminal Wenkiierrodrclni5 Enst'stoim, JLoaa of ilcraorr, Itipttlrt-d Mjclit, Loot Manhood or Impoteney. Acrvoua Debility, jnna umtlycorej; du3of Ce Bladder, Kidneys, I.lcr. I.ung. Aithnv Civtsrrh. Hies, all Chronic Dtrxcs, and DIS EASLSOrPEiIAXES,jitU to hli treaticent. Dr.Oila has hsd a life-loa; extcneort, and cum where others fill. IU U s crsdoate of tle IUrocmed SvLool. ums no mercarr. has the urzbtpncucRin the U.S. 1, VWtES reanirinK tunntwith private home and board, call or wnle. Lictv conrenitnce fer patinU. Send fifty rents for taniple of RolUr Goods nn.1 rir cnlsr of lmportsat IatmsiIoa byezpreif. DK. O LIN'S FemaU nib. IS per Box. Conwlytion free. MAEEIAGE GUIDE KSffi-W yoang and middle ad of both Sexn, on all obnn of a prhmte nstcre. ValaabU adTlce to the msirled and tbore contemDialln? . EivrlvT. How to be besltby and truly happy la the marrltd rata j t!on. Ererybody shoold jst this book. lYweW cesti, toaayad- UaiCf ci(7U A PHYSIOLOGICAL 'View of -Marriage ! n. umug to vw caiocic ana unfldcm.al Trcatlie on tna duties ot marriage anil tho cauit-sthat unfit for it- tho. iieu of Eoproduction sntl ithe Diseases of Woaen. A oooic for pnvtte. conncl- a te reatLcg. 20U pa;ei , prka On all d oniers of a!Prtvato Kature iiuui,i tram Solf Abuse. Excesses, or Secret Diseases, yru tne U.S dcitnoTrnrr, Z.'4.ivp:irr.pnc,Oct. A Cr.rNIOAIj LECTURE on th- abov diwawt and Bioe orthe Throat and Z.ung, Catarrh.Buat tire. to m PuiUuTC a.trriirAf AniMprm ff. , 7""'w,tl,,fc ... Book-keepers, Reporters, Operators, School Teachers, At Great Mercantile Collesro. Keokuli, Iowa. BROWATILLE Ferry and Transfer COMPANY. Having a first class Steam Ferry, and owning and controling tbe Transfer Line from BROWXTILLE TO PHELPS, we are prepared to renderentiresatlsfactlonln the transfer of Freight and Passengers. We run a regular line ot ti;G;-l-b- to all trains. Al orders left at the Transfer Com pany's office will receive prompt attention. J. Bosflcld, Gen. Supt. -v7-vTTVT 1 Apply to tho publishers of lUUi'vJ this newspaper for hnlf- TTXi!VI rnenioerniup int uibcouni) in tne lYLiliiN ilercantlle College. Keokuk. Io wa, on the Mississippi. Bookkeepers. Pen men, Reporter. Operators nnd Teachers thoroughly fitted. Don't fall to address Prof. Miller, Keokuk, Iowa. Idyl ffl n m'q iWss7Tfr31 ggANl) -O'lHJflf'W -2"e i 'i , SL, JEK?5iJKgc lffi5yffji . 5 . r4rr i i I -jzffC v - - j ... --l7yrii!-irS: lOO.OOOCopissDfSt.NrCHOLAS for ran CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Oaly 35 Cents a Copy. Some Idea of the attractions offerod in the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY NUMBER of St. Nicholas, of which 1W.0C0 copies will b is buiI, may be rained from thp following- There are poems by Henry- V. Longfellow and William Cullen Bryant: a line hitherto unpublished sketch of Hoy Life, by the late Thwxlort Wlnthrop - and . shortstoryhytheauthoror'AHcelnWonUeriana ?-neVra,ry f;tory. "swcet Marjoram May.' h- rank tt. Stockton, Thi PeterkinV Charadoa" bV LuereUaP.naloTapoetlerUMleby Dr J o Hoi land, and a comparison between the manners ot yanK folks lu old times and nowadays, byi.uii Of the story element, the brightest feature Is the beginning ot the new serial by Miss A Icutt, entitled "Under the Lilacs. with Illustrations by Mary Halleck Foote. The Christmas Number contains also the opening of a new serinl story forBojs.u tale of tropical lite, by Gustavus Frankenstein, entitled "Toer-touti-tain," admirably illustrated by the artists Morait and Kelley; aportraitofMlssAlcott.wIthabketch of her 1IA : several poems by Two Little A mertcau Girls; a Pay, and a Christmas Carol iset to mu sic): and halfa dozen complete short storied, bright, funny exciting and pthetir.ite..Ae. The New Cover I by the English Artfet, Walter Crane, the famous designer of '-The Bubj 's Opera." ST. NICHo"lIiLS for 1S78. Besides Miss Alcott's serial for Girls, and tho three serials for Boys, to follow each other In rap d suc cession, will contain a short serial story by theuu-tboror,-TheSchonbeig-Cotta Family; and an ar ticle, "Around the World in a Yactb.Bojs'" has been prepared by ft brilliant wrlter.now on the ac tual tour of the w orid In his cwu yacht. There w ill be contributions by a Daughter or the Famous Pe ter Parley, and a Letter to Young Americans by George Macdonald. The "now"fcerIes of Instruc tive pnpers.by various authors, will tell HOW to bind yonrown books; HOW to mine co.l. HOW to enjoy yourselves nt home: HOW to I e an agree able guest: HOW to entertain company , HOWto ben carpenter; HOW to make an lie buat. HOW to build a house: HOW India rubber is gatheicd: HOW matches are made: HOW mone is mtule; HOW mackerel are caught ; HOW thev laid the Atlantic cable: HOW they mine In California: HOW they work In the tea country: HOW to tea parlor mugician ; etc. There will be akouscriH of stories and .sketches of Foreign Lite. Travel and Adventure, such as "Old NIcolal" ta Bu-siun storv . "A Day among the Welsh Castles." "Easter In German .' "The Indians of the Amazon." "How Ivitt was Lost In a Turkish Bazaar." "Master Montezuma" (a Mexican story;. "Hausa, the Lapp Maiden," and many others. "Jack-ln-the-Pulpit." "Young Contributors' De partment." "Letter Box.' "Blddle-Hox."and "For Very I.tttle Folks." will be continued. The four bound volumes of St. Nicholas already published are the most wonderful, beautiful and attractive Christmas Present tor Young People. Each volume In complete In Itbdf. Vols. I and 2, ?5.oo each : vols. 3 ana . jj.oo each. Subscription price. J3.0O a year.postage paid. Sin gle copies. cents each. Sold by all Book Sellers and News-Dealers. SCB1BNEB t CO.. 743 Broadway. N Y. 'A Lbmplrtr Tutorial HUtoryorthe Times." "The Best, Cheapest, and Most Successful 1 am ilu Taper in the.Union." jSARPER'JfWEEKLlT. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF TJIE VEt.SS. TUcZM'eelti Is the ublest and most pou ,rful lllus trnted periodical publ shed in tbe country Its d itoilals ar scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its illustrations of current exunts are lull and fresh, and are prepared by our beat de signers. Zouisville Lbvrler Journal. Jtarper's U'eekl y should be in e ery family through out the land, suit purer, more interesting htgl cr toned, better-lllustratetl paper Is not pnbllshwl In this or any other country. Commercial 1.1'et n, Boston. The Weekly is the only illustrated paper c t tho day that In Its essential characteristics Is recog nized as a nutlonnl paper. Brooklyn I.af it. TliitMS. Postnge free to all subscribers in the United tati Harper's Weekly, oneyear l 00. $1 Includes prepayment of U. S. postage bj tht publiahers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine. Weekly ut.d Bazar, tooneaddress fur one enr. ?1UM). or.two of Harper's Periodicals to uneuddreisfor nnujcni f7.co: postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekl orBazar. will be supplied gratis for evirj'tlub ol Five subscribers nt-l,0ti each. In one remittance, orSIx Copies for J20.00. without extra copy, put age free. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Weekly commence wtth the year. Wtiun nottmele metitujned.ii will beun Trr stood that the subscriber wishes to commence wl'h the number next after the receipt ot his order. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, lu neat cloth binding, will be sent by express freeci expense, for $7.00 each. A complete set. comprl ng 21 Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate tt $5.25 per vol.. freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, fiiltnblefor binding will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of 1 w each. Indexes toeuch volume sent gratis onreceirtct .stamp subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals only Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement w Ithout the express order ot Harper & Druthers. Address HABPEB A BBOTHEBS. New York. HESIOVA-L ! REMOVAL ! REMOVAL i NEW QUARTERS OF Till: ADVERTISER OFFICE Some people have hard work to Mini its they say. It is one of the onslest plHqea to Hud In town, when you know how. Wo nre on Main street north aide first stairway EAST of Hunnnford's furniture store llrst stairway WEST of Iluddnrt's. sa loon. "When you are at the foot oMue stairway. if you will look rlcht sharp you will see our sign. Then read It carefully, and walk right up open the first door you come to on the RIGHT hand side without knooking aurl wnlk in where we print TIIE ADVERTIS ER at S2.00 a Year, and do the best and neatest JOB PRINTING of all kinds, promptly, und at the lowest prices. Find'that stairway come up and see us and subscribe, or renew your subscription, or have a friendly chat anything to make It Interesting but be sure you find us. JOHNSON'S Commercial College, 210 A: 212 Third Street, 1st Building South of the Post Otllce.ST. LOUIS. Open Day and Night all the year. All the branches of a Business Education taught. Independent Department for the English Branch es. Higher Mathematics. German, and Elocution. Phonography taught personally erpermait. For a Full Course of Double Entry Book Keeping in all its form?, with Com mercial Correspondence, - - - $20.00 For a Full Commercial Course, embracing all the Branches of a Practical Busi ness Education, Life Scholarship, $50.00 Beference made to thousands of students xih& have completed nndtsr our mstr-otten. For circulars. gl lug full information concerning; time to complete, board, course oriBstrocttoa. etc., address, . . J. W. JOHNM1N, Prcr. CUTTHIS ADVEBTISEMENT OCT. i-3tf AGENTS ! Bar- sn LOW PRICED & FAST SELLINR BOnva sample pages, bindings; in3trtlons ? vZ llm bCAMHELL Jt CO.. ST. LOUIS. -tO If & I FV 'Kh i