Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 13, 1877, Image 3

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THURSDAY, DEC. 13. 1877.
Daily Stage Line Sooth.
PromBrownvIlleioAraco.TnUa CSrj-ad Balo
rfa Seah CJty. JUptzrarall nd St. Deroln. con
Brctic? with conveyaiicea to all other points.
IftvBroniv!l!e!ftUTtIociocfci. in.
Anivea t BrownvIHe Uo'clock ft. sn.
J. C. HARLESS.Proprietor.
Nebraska Railway.
BrownTaie 1 "SO p in
Peru 7:3 P tn
Nebraska atj
L.-5p m
.11:15 pm
Bxo-wxx-rlll Bbii Ltse to Phelps.
I.ATe BrtraraTlll "-M a. as.. fc p. m530 p. m.
Arrive atBra-xnvme7:30a.Tn.. 11) K p. ml
J. BQCSFTEU). Superintendent.
Publishers' Sotlces.
UocAi Notices, set as ordinary readine matter,
wll! .charged tn cata per "ne. each Insertion.
t-es in display typ. fifteen cents a line.
Authorized Agents.
1tc Baos are enr aethorixed asents at Neais-
i City 'jo receive and receipt for tnonln due vx.
TnaviS Screws Is enr satborbd ssent In Glen
Keck prrctect u receive and receipt tat f
due as ob sttbecHpUoa. ,
M. J St. Derste, Is ooraathoriiedarest
at tbUpiac.w receive SBbniPtiens and adver-1
minr. cad to crtieet and receipt fermeales due.
tee advektisex. n
;8KS s-iiisicc is Mr atirizedssetaiAipin.
wall.ts receive tecrtptioa and advertising, and I
ctiitci and receipt for monies doe as.
PcMUhers Advertiser.
Nellie Boyd Monday night.
Three lbs. Tea for$l, atNickell's.
Cash paid for butter atHuddart's.
Produce wanted, by Steveueon &
Cash paid for Patatoes, at Hud
dart's. Harnebs hames, by Stevenson &
Double Lounges St. Joe priceB,
a; Hannaford's.
Horn Shelters and Tinware, by
Stevenson & Cross.
New corn taken on subscription
at the market price.
Nice lot new clothing just re
ceived at Hackney's.
Minoe meat and apple butter, by
Stevenson &. Cross.
-Choice Family Groceries, just re
ceived at McPherson's.
Rasins aud Currant", choice and
cheap, by Stevenon &, Cros?.
Choice line of Pocket and Table
Cutlery, at H. C. Lett's.
Rubber Boots and Shoes,
at McGee Bro's.
GROCERIES; a full line of the
best, by Stevenson &. Cross.
Merry Christinas and
Everything in the family grocery
line at Huddart's.
Queensware lower than ever, by
Stevenson &. Cross.
Ask your neighbors to subscribe
for The Advertiser.
Nickell does pell the best tea for
the least mouey. Just try It.
Extra ecpiesof The Advertiser
can hereafter be had of A. W. Nickel.
Holiday Dress Goods, In endless
variety, at McPherson's.
Call and see Stroble's large stock
of Candies, Toys. and-Musical Instru
ments, received for the holidays.
A light second-band epring wag
on and harness for sale by D. T.
Smith, at Richard's hardware store.
Be Wise,
And go t H. C. LETT'S and buy a
nice set of Glassware for your wife or
friend for Christmas. Price, 75 cents
to $1.35 per se
The Best
Sewing Machine in the world, to be
bad cheap for caih, can be seen at
Main street, Brownville, Neb.
Men's, Women's, Misses'
Children's Arctic Over
Slwas, at J. L. McGee
Regular communication of Nem
aha Valley Lodge, No. 4, A. F. and
A. M. on Thursday December 20th.
Every member is requested to be in
attendance as business of importance
Tsrill be transacted, and officers for the
ensuing year elected.
By order of the W. M.
Robert Tear, Sao.
Highest price in cash for Pota
toes, by Stevenson & Cross.
There will be a "mum" sociable
at the residence of T. L. Schick Esq. '
on next Wednesday evening, Deo. 19,
for the benefitof the musical interests
of the M. E. .Church. Forfeitures :
Five cents for speaking; Ten cents
for tardiness after S.30 o'clock. Ev
erybody invited to be present, and at
. o'clock promptly.
Best brands of Flour, by Steven
son & Cross.
On last Friday evening the Di
vision of the Son3 of Temperance of
this oity resolved to disband and to
organize a lodge of Good Templars.
This organization will take place in
the former meeting place of the Di
vision, on Friday evening of this
week. Ail who were members of the
Division at its dessolution, with few
exceptions, will be on band and at
once become Good Templars. All who
were not at the last meeting of the
Sons are urgently requested to be at
the hall on next Friday evening.
Teas of all kinks, best varieties
and lowest prices, by Stevenson &
Fanners, livery men, and harness
makers, who have used Uncle Sam'e
Harness Oil, will never use any other.
It is the best and only reliable oil in
the market. It received the highest
Rward at the Centennial Exposition of
J876. For sale by all first elses har-
uew cemuiieumeuis. ana bv A. V.
.,,., - i
iUV'-ii, ruw n vjjie,
.. J. -r ,,, ' t
-Head our new advertisements.
Cider, by Stevenson &
cooking and eating, at
Cider vinegar,
by Stevenson &
Parlor Sets St.
Joe prioes at
Go and see Nellie Boyd and J.
W. Toobey Monday night.
Kraut, Buckwheat Flour and
Cranberries, by Stevenson & Cross.
The newest thine in Ladles'
! Overshoes, at McPherson's.
Full blood Berkshire and Poland
pigs by Stevenson & Cross.
Another new lot of Boots, Shoes,
Arctics and Wool Lined Goods, just
received, ot A. Robison's.
I have now In my employ a first
class baker, and will be pleased to
furnish my customers with all varle-
ties of fancy cakes. Larce cakes made
to order. U. KTEOBLE.
Blankets, Yarns, Flan
nels, Jeans and Overcoats,
cheap, at McGee $ Bro's.
-vTT TTC .: rt
- The Nellie BoydDramatlo Com-
panv Will open in McPherson Hall
Monday, December 17, and continue
through the week. Nellie Boyd, the
people's favorite, and J. W. Toohey.
, toe popular comedian, are supported
by the best company traveling. Re
served seats at H. H. Dolen's, with
out extra charge.
will be made by
to sell canned goods by the CAN or
CA&E. He will assort you up what
you want, at lower rates than ever sold
for before In NEBRASKA.
When you see the immense stock of
goods and prices, you will believe.
If you don't want a cheap sale wag
on, buy the Bain. Wears longer, runs
lighter, aud is worth ten dollars more.
Sold by Stevenson & Cross.
A fall line of new Holiday
goods at McGee $ Bro's.
Subscribe for your Periodicals,
Mapazines and Papers, at Nickell's.
He will save you mouey.
Great Reduction
In prices of Teas, atHJckell's.
call and see.
Fine stock of candies and nuts
for Christmas and- New Years, by
Stevenson &. Cross.
Gloves and Mittens,
McGee Bro's.
Buy Tour Cook Stores
of Thomas Richards.
Buckwheat Flour
At Huddart's Family Grocery Store.
- "- i
Happy New Year.j
Buffalo Lined Boots and
Shoes, at McGee Bro's.
Sandwich Power Corn Sbellers,
and extras, for Eale by Stevenson &,
Blacte Cash-meres, the best
in the -market, at
McGee & Bro's.
TIN SHOP ; repairing and job
work done promptly, by Stevenson &
Extra copies of The Advertiser
for sale by A. W. Nickell, druggist
book-seller and stationer.
Bain Wagons will be here in
few days. Stevenson & Cross.
"Why is it that the county com
missioners do not proceed with town
ship organization ?"
This question was propounded ub
recently, and we answered that we
did not know.
We advise the commissioners to
meet as soon as possible and proceed to
fill the requirements of that law.
The people by their votes said tbey
wanted the change made, aud the
commissioners have no alternative in
the strict line of their duty but to go
ahead and organize the precincts. It
matter not to the commissioners as
to what their opinions of the law
may be, as to its constitutionality or
as to how expensive it will be, It does
not effect their duty" nor lessen their
responsibility. Tbey are not the
proper judges of constitutional points,
and should not presume to say that
the voters of the oounty were ignorant
of the thing they elected and did not
know what they were doing. It ib
fair, generally, to give people credit
for voting intelligently.
We do not want to be understood
as finding fault with the commission
ers, for so far as it affects as we do not
care whether the county is organized
under the new law or not. We simply
speak of the plain duty of officials to
carry oat the law in the discharge of
duty regardless of the advice of any
i body.
j The commissioners should begin
the work, and then if any one desires
j to stop them it will be an easy matter
to do so until the courts pass on its
It WiU Pay You
To buy your Fancy Goods
Christmas, at Lowman's.
Tea party at the Presbvterian
Church thiB (Thursday), evening for
the benefit of the Sabbath School.
Admittance 25 cents refreshments in
Leave your orders for Bain Wag
ons, as several are already sold of car
coming. Stevenson & Cross.
Quarterly meeting of the M. E.
Church will commence In this city on
Saturday evening of this iveek. The
Presiding Elder, H. T. Davis, will be
Nellie Boyd at McPherson Hall
Monday night.
Dr. Jaque's German Worm Cakes
are a safe and efficient remedv for
WOrnifl- Thua alrAa naira.fatl fr rlo.
. .&. wuw ....Kwa uv . c i fcw vac
imu vnm. .n ,, u r,.
- - ' .
the uystem. Foraale by A. W.NIokell. ,
Machine Needles, by Stevenson
& Cross.
Fall line of sample piece goods at
New and large stock of Boots and
Shoes, at McPherson's.
Money to loan on farms.
T. L. Schick.
Mrs. C. M. Hay den, of Oregan,
Mo., is visiting her children of this
Mr. B. V. Black, Sheriff elect,
has removed to Brownville. He will
take charge of the office on the 1st of
Novelties at NickeJPs Drug and
Book Store, for the Holidays.
An immense quantity of corn has
been hauled into the city during the
past week, notwithstanding the very
bad condition of the roads.
to loan on long time,
terms apply to
Mrs. D. B. Colhapp spent several
day visiting friends and relatives in
Teoumseh last week and returned
home on Tuesday. Mrs. Lou Crow,
of that city, returned with her.
Nice fittine drawers for gentle
men cut and made at Marsh's.
On Thursday of last week we
were favored with calls by Dr. Mc
Glumphey, assistant Superintendent,
and Clayt. Shnrts, Steward, of the
State Insane Hospital. They report
the institution in good condition
since the new Superintendent, Dr.
Matthewson, has been installed.
Choice Jap Teas, just received, at
If you want to pay corn on sub
scription now is the accepted time.
Mr. Ross Witcherly has return
ed to Brownville, and his many old
friends! and customers are glad to-see
him back on his old "stamping
ground." Having returned to stay,
he has gone into the tonsorial busi
ness in partnership with Mr. Hawk
ins5 first door West of Carson's Bank
The new firm have repapered and re
carpeted their shop and otherwise
improved its appearance, and are
readv to attend to customers in the
latest and most approved styles of the j
art tonsorial. Hawkins & Witcherly .
are both good barbers and will secure
a due share of the public patronage.
COOK STOVES; the finest stoves
aud cheapest prices, by Stevenson &
For your Harnessand Saddles, go j
to Bauer's.
Ladies' and CJiildren's
Furs, at McGee Bro's.
Toys and Holiday j
There was 43;ooo hogs ou
Chicago market Tuesday, and
on Wednesday.
Hannaford is constantly receiv
ing new furniture.
During the month of November
there were ehipped from this place 137
cars of grain, principally corn. Much
the larger part of this business was
done on the Nebraska Railway.
We cordially invite the trade of
all. StevensCn & Cross.
We call attention to the card of
Mrs. Roushkolb in this issue. In ad
dition to her restaurant she has a
splendid assortment of toys, candies
aud other goodn for the holidays.
Go to the, Regulator
For Hardware and Farm Implements,
at No.27 Main street, Brownville.
Thomas Richards.
It Will Pay You
To buy Hats. Caps, Boots,
Shoes, &.C., at LoWman's.
Capt. Carson, after having three
L times tendered his resignation asagent
for the United States Express Com
pany, and the company having as of
ten positively refused to accept it, is
still their agent at this place, and the
office will still remain at the First
National Bank.
Stoves! Stoves!
By Thomas Richards.
Owing to the crowded state of our
columns we go to press this week with
out our usual Chicago market report,
and omitting much other matter al
ready prepared for this issue.
Salt Lake Peaohes, at McPher
eon'a, fresh and nice.
Notice to Taxpayers.
All land owners in Nemaha County
whose lands have been sold for delin
quent taxes and not redeemed, are re
quested to write to the undersigned
stating the year in which said tax was
levied, and the precinct in which the
land is located.
The records Bhow that In many in
stances the assessment was illegal and
a suit will be brought to test the legal
ity of the sale. Immediate action is
necessary. Church Howe,
C. W. Wheeler.
Address, Brownville.
Wood and
new corn wanted on
Lowman has reduced
prices in Dress Goods,
Notions, Clothing,
&c, for the Holidays.
Come and compare.
For Jioifs Clothing, go to
McGee Bro.
Cigars! Cigars! Cigars!
By Stevenson & Cross.
We are prepared to do the best,
neatest and cheapest job work on the
shortest notice.
Iron and
Wor.r, rpi.U-T Ll
i -v m- a u v v & w U till ail r til lr
stock, by Stevenion & Cross. '
Bui Ceacert aad Sapper.
On New Years Eve, the Silver Cor-
net Band of this city will give a grand I
promenade concert and Oyster supper1
in McPherson Hall, to which they in-J
vite the citizens of Brownville, and
the adioinins townB and country. The
price of admission, and the
gramme, have not yet been fully de
termined upon, but we are assured
that the former will be within the
reach of all, and the latter made as
attractive as possible. With one or
two exceptions the music will be en
tirely new, and with a view to pre
senting it to the publio in a satisfac
tory manner the members are rehers-;
ing almost nightly.
We trust the people of Brownville
will keep this affair in iniud.aud ex
tend to "the boys" that patronage
which they so richly deserve. For
two years or more they have kindly
given their services to the church fes
tivals, concerts, publio meetings and
what not in our midst, and have con
tributed In no small degree to their
success. During this time they have
been at considerable expense for in
struction, music and instruments, and
if the organization is kept up to its
present high standard and our citi
zens surely do not desire to have a
poor band their expenses must nec
essarily continue. They now confi
dently appeal to one and all for a
small contribution to their treasury,
believing that their services in the
past have been, and in the future will
be duly appreciated by our people.
We hope they will not be disappoint
ed. They desire to meet all their friends
give a huge "Sociable," as it were
and welcome In the New Year with
muslo and mirth. During the even
ing Geo. D. Prentice's beautiful poem,
"The Closing Year" will be read by
one'of the members of the Band.
At the hour of 11 o'clock the con
cert will conclude, and those who
wish to trip "the light fantastlo toe,
in the mazes of the dance" for an hour
or two, will have an opportunity to
r J
do so. The above hour has been
named In order that those who do not
desire to participate in this kind of.
! amusement, will have a full evening's
enjoyment 1n advance, and If so dis
posed can retire before dancing com
mences. Further particulars in regard to
price of admission to hall, supper etc.
will be given in due time.
Marshal Lanuan wishes us to in
form the citizens of Brownville that
he will enforce the ordinance re?traln
ing cattle from running at large. Be
wise and heed this notice.
More new Clothing,
McGee $- Bjo's.
t salt, $2, by Stevenson !:
Goods for the Million
Children and Missos
Eld Glores at Lott-
McGee Bro's are offering
great bargains in Shawls.
Call and see them.
We called at the store of Joseph
Schutz to take a look at his nice
things, and were astounded at the un
paralleled rich display of his show
cases. He has the best jewelry, and
the most complete and varied stock
we have ever seen in the city.
Magnificent sets Breast Pin and
Ear Drops worth from $3 to $25.
Finger Rings of all descriptions
ranging In price from $1 to $25. You
never saw a case of handsomer rings.
It you want something of more
utility than rings for a Christmas
present to your girl, get her a GOLD
THIMBLE of solid gold, worth $9,
or a gold pen and holder.
BRACELETS and Chains, of the
latest styles.
The moat elegant gent's Studs, Head
Lights, Breast Pins and Sleeve But
tons. Ciooks of every description and
style, and Gold and Silver Watches,
warranted of the best works.
Splendid selection of Celluloid Cor
al, and a thousand other beautiful
things which we cannot describe nor
If yon want a beautiful, rich, ac
ceptable Holiday present, you will
find ita Scbutz's jewelry store that's
the place to get It. It will do you
good to call and examine his stock of
Great Reduction
In prices of TEAS at Niokell's Drug
and Book Store. Please call and see.
Grand Reduction in
all departments at
Arrangements are made with the
publishers of The Advertiser by
which students can enter the Great
Mercantile College, Keokuk, Iowa,
at about half price. The Great Mer
cantile College Is bringing a praotical
education within the reach of thou
sands of young men who can not af
ford to attend the high priced col
leges. tf
Another nice lot of Stoves com
ing for Steveneon & Cross.
Book3, Slates, Inks, Pens, Pencils,
and everything you need, atNickell's
drug store.
Unole Sam'8 Condition Powder
cures and prevents disease. Every
stock raiser should have it on hand to
be used as occasion may require. If
your druggist does not have the genu
ine Uncle Sam's, do not be deceived
with an Inferior article, but send to
the Emmert Proprietary Co., Chicago,
acd gel it for yourself. For sale by
A. W. Nickell, Brownville, Neb.
Christmas Etc Ball.
A Grand Ball will be given at Ne-
maha City on the night of the 24th
inst., in Hooker's Hall. Mr. James
Scovilland Mr. Thos. Finch, conduc-
Everything is being done, possible,
to make this a most pleasurable occa
sion and a grand success. The peo
ple are assured that no pains will be
sparedlo make everything agreeable,
harmonious and lovely.
The supper w.ll be prepared at the
residence of Mr. Scovill, and this is
sufficient assurance that it will be one
of the best.
Music for the dance will be made by
-. ra T- 1 .
uye's string isana, wnicn is not ex
celled in the country.
The Hall is spacious and all who at
tend the ball may dance to their
heart's content.
At six o'clock in the evening the
fruits of a Christmas Tree will be dis
tributed at Good Templars' Hall.
This is gotten up not specially for
children, but for the amusement of
older people, and will be very attrac
tive. Persons having gift packages
for the Tree will send them to the
hall during the afternoon of the 24th,
where they will be received and
placed on the Tree by a committee of
ladies for that purpose. A card con
taining the name of the person for
whom the package is intended should
be attached to each package.
Immediately after the distribution,
about 7 o'clock, dancing will begin.
Everybody that dances should at
tend this Christmas Eve Ball, for it
will be the mostcharmingamusement
occasion of the season. The price for
ball and supper will be $1.75.
See the new advertisement of
Thos. L. Jones, of the west end gro
cery store. He is receiving his holi
day goods.
Lowman has reduced
prices in Dress Goods,
ofionS (JlOfhlTlO
' O
r f il TTT" T
(XC, X.C., 101" ZllQ JlLOII-
days. Come and com
pare. Large stock of Cocoauuts, Chest
nuts, and other kinds, by Stevenson
& Cross.
Has Fresh Drugs, Wall Paper,
School and Blank Books, Bird Cages,
Paints, Glass, Oils, etc.. at lower pri
ces than any house in Brownville.
Dr. Winchell's Teething Syrup i3
a safe and sure rptnedy for diarrhoea,
dysentery and children's complaints
generally. It should be in every
house where there arp children. Moth
ers, give it a trial. For sale by A. W.
Nickell, Brownville, Neb.
Cod Fish, at Huddart's.
" ' im m
at Nickell's Drue: and
-Ko-nnlia Qocmiy RiUlo Sopfoty.
The eighteenth anniversary of the
Nemaha County Bible Society held
its annual session in the Presbyterian
Church at Brownville, December 9th,
1877, A. H. Gilmore in the chair, and
Jarvis 5. Church acting as secretary.
The secretary, treasurer and depos
itary made their reports, which were
read and approved.
The meeting was opened by reli
clous exercises, conducted by the Rev.
Wm. McCandlish and Rev. S. P.
The following officers and board of
executive committee were duly elect
ed to serve for the coming jear, A.
H. Gilmore, president; Jarvis S.
Church, eeoretary; A. W. Nickell,
treasurer and depositary ; B. M. Bai
ley, H. C. Lett, executive committee ;
Rev. S. P. Wilson, ex-officio a mem
ber. Addresses were made by the Rev.
Wm. McCandlish, Rev. S. M. Wil
son, and Prof. J. M. McKenzie.
Jarvis S. CHCRCK.Sec.
The Executive Board met In the
office of the County Judge, in Brown
ville, December 10, 1877, A. H. Gil
more in the chair. Rev. S. P. Wilson
o.pened by prayer.
D. O. Cross was elected a member
of the executive board to represent
the Christian Church of Brownville,
and being present took part in the
On motion, A. H. Gilmore, A. W.
Nickell, S. P. Wilson, the Pastor of
the Presbyterian Church, and Jarvis
S. Church, were appointed a commit
tee to correspond with the ministers
resident in Nemaha county, to get
them to connect with their pastoral
work the labor of supplying the
needy destitute with the Bible, and to
request of them a report at the end of
the year of their work in this behalf.
The Depositary was authorized to
pay over to the American Bible Soci
ety all moneys ou hand, aud to order
such a bill of books as should be nec
essary for the coming year.
The following is a copy of the re
port made by the Nemaha County
Bible Society to the American Bible
Society, to-wit :
On hand at Pern, Jan. 6, 1S77 . S55 65
On hand at BmTrni-iii. 35 60
For books Hold'during the year at Peru 20 10
For books sold at Brownville 6$ 30
Donations at Pern, Doc. 7, 1ST7 S 00
Donations at Brownville, Dec. 9. 1577. 21 65
Cash ai Geo. S. Dunn. 10 80
$55 65
Paid Am. B. S. by Peru, Jan. 6. IS77
Paid Am.B.S.bySrownvIlIe, Jan. 5
Paid on freight by Pern-
Paid on freight by Brownville
Cash on hand at Pern, Dec. 7, 1S77
Cash on hand at Brownville Dec 9
35 60
2 01
26 09
85 37
I 211 50
Valne of books on hand at Pern 336 10
Valne of books on hand .Brownville- 142 35
Valne of books received from 2T. Y 119 20
$20 10
63 30
Books sold dnrlng year at Pern
Books sold dnrlng yearatBrownville
Books donated tit Brownville.
Sooks sold to Lancaster Co. Bible So.
Books damaged
Books on hand at Pern
4 GO
SI 33
127 00
$27 65
Books on hand at Brownville
Total I
Jabvts S. Chuech, Sec.
Boles Adopted by the Board Govern-,
leg Teachers and Pupils.
The following regulations were
adopted at a recent meeting of the
School Board. The attention of the
parents is especially called to regula
tions respecting absences of pupils
from gohooL
1. Teachers shall be presentin their
respective school rooms fifteen min
utes prior to the opening of school at
each session, and open the doors of
their rooms for the admission of pu
pils. 2. They shall have the full care of
all the school property in their rooms,
and it shall be their duty to see that
it is not injured or destroyed during
regular school hours.
3. It shall be the duty of each
teacher to lock the door of her school
room before leaving the school build
ing, unless the janitor is present.
"4. The several teachers Bball have
entire control of the conduct of their
pupils during school hours; they shall
keep good order in their respective
rooms, and do all in their power to
prevent improper conduct among
their pupils on the school grounds
during recess and intermission.
5. When any teacher shall find her
self unable to control a pupil, she
snail advise with the principal as to
the course best to pursue; but no pu
pil shall be fully expelled from any
department except upon consultation
with and by tiie direction of the
board of education.
6. The teaohera shall frequently
meet together for consultation, and
they shall adopt such plans of work
as shall be best suited to secure good
order-and the most rapid and thor
ough advancement of the several de
partments. 7. They shall follow as closely as
possible the course of 6tudy adopted,
and use such textbooks in the several
classes as the board shall prescribe.
S. They shall make the monthly
report required by law, which shall
be approved by the proper officer be
fore an order for their salary shall be
1. Pupils are expected to give prompt
and respectful obedience to all the re
quirements of their teachers.
2. No pupil shall be allowed in the
building or on the grounds before the
ringing of the first bell in the morn
ing, or be allowed to remain on the
grounds after school is dismissed in
the afternoon, without the consent of
the teacher.
3. Any pupil willfully absenting
himself from school, without having
a good and sufficient excuse, shall be
deemed guilty of disobedience, and
shall be liable to such punishment as
tho teacher may think just and prop-
j Book Store. Call and
er, or may be expelled from school if
the board'so direct.
4. Any pupil found on or about the
school grounds during school hours,
without the consent of the teacher.
! shall be held guilty of disobedience, j
and be liable to expulsion or punish
ment. 5. Any pupil being .absent from
school five full days during the term,
shall lose his place in his department
or in bis grade, unless bis absence I
shall be on account of sickness,
or other unavoidable necessity, in
which case the pupil may be allowed
to retain his grade by bringing up all
the studies passed over during his
6. Each pupil will be held strictly
accountable for all damage committed
by him on any of the school property,
and shall be suspended from school
until satisfaction is made.
7 No pupil shall be allowed to re
main a member of the school who
shall be guilty of using profane or
obscene language in or about the
school grounds.
8. In all esses of expulsion the pu
pil shall not Le again received into
the school except upon the written
consent of the school board.
These rules shall be in force from'
and after the time of their adoption,
and shall be inserted in the first is
sues of the newspapers published in
the city of BrownTille. Adopted and
approved this 10th day of December,
A. D. 1877.
Signed by the Board of Education.
Children and Misses
Kid Gloves, at Low
man's. Resolutions of Respect.
The folowlng resolutions were
adopted by Aspinwall Lodge No. 103,
I. O. of G. T., at a recular meeting
held December Sth 1S77:
Whereas, Brother Frank Tracya
member of our lodge, has been called
from earth aud earthly scenes ; and
Whereas, We desire to express to
the parents, and relatives of the de
ceased, the respect and high esteem
in which he was held by the lodge of
which he was a member; therefore be
Bezolved, That in the death of Bro.
rruuti j.racy our jouge nas lost ai
worthy member, the temperance I
cause an able advocate, and society
one of its most ueful and promising
young men.
Hesolved, Tbat the remembrance of
his kind, frank dealing with us as an
associate, as. a friend and as a brother,
will be a source of pleasure to us, and
we will emulate his virtues, and so '
live that we may meet him in the Ce
lestial Lodge above.
Hc&olved. That we deeply sympa
thize with the parents and relatives of
the deceased, in their affliction, and
assure them that their loss is our loss
and a loss felt by all who were fortun
ate enough to count our lamented
brother an associate.
Hesolved, Tbat a copy of these reso
lutions be sent to the parents of the
deceased, and, also, a copy to each of
the county papers for publication.
B. A. Gjclbebt,
G. W. Gulp,
Louis Nkat.s,
Closing Exercises of the BrorvnTille
The present term of school will
close Friday, Dec. 21. The winter
term will commence Thursday, Jan
uary 3, 1877.
The closing exercises of each de
partment will be held In the respec
tive rooms of the different depart
ments. Examinations will commence
on Thursday and continue through
the two days, being interspersed with
essays and declamations, especially In
the High School department. The
examinations will be partly oral and
partly written. The friend9 and pat
rons of the school are cordially invit
ed to attend.
The pupils In the High School de
partment are classified a3 follows, ac
cording to the studies pursued:
Benjamin Iorance, John Ralney,
D. P. Tipton.
Florence Bailey, Fanny Chatfleld,
Bertna Church, - Cella Fnrnas,
Sarah Harmon, Belle Morris,
Clara ilercer.
Theodore Cook, Robert Dunn.
Willie Lett. Edvrard McComas,
Alphonse Small, EdwardSheilenberger
Anna Berger,
Sarah Daniels,
Mary Falrbrother,
Carrie Leach.
Mary L. McKenzle,
Minnie Riiluey,
Leila Crano,
Lnella Flora,
Lizzie Hughes,
Itcaa LlvlngstoB,
Lottie 5. MeKenzIe,
Mary Schantz,
Emma Schantz.
Eddie Abbott,
iTon Bratton,
Harry Crane,
Albert Gllmore,
Paul Jameson,
Thomas Loranee.
Charles McLaughlin,
Albert 2Jace.
Isae Plasters,
Evan Vortbts,
A. a Bingham.
Docker Chadwiefc,
Elmer Galen,
Willie Hawley.
George Kennedy,
Cassias Marsh,
John B. McKenzle,
William O'Neal,
Harry Rainey,
Ellis Tueker.
Sallle Cox,
Mollle Deuser.
C'Rra Barrett,
Mamie Cbatneld,
i get just the thing to
J Sarah Den,
Lulu Dort;
Mattle Hacker,
Jennette Kelly,
Xellle Lett.
Anna Marsh,
Lura Rloh,
Annie Worthing.
Mary xlacter.
Matile Kauffmon.
Flor en ce Leach.
Mary McComas,
Llbbie Rogers,
Maxy Sanders,
The pupils who will fully complete the
course and graduate nest Job. are-Miss
CeliaFurnns, Mlas Bertha Chu:wb, Mr.D.P.
Tipton, and Mr. Benjamin Loraace.
Another Fact.
Hawley & Douglas have made a
bona fide
purcnaseoi a car loan 01
Vfltrfnn trnirnns TFmtr o nn fho
road now. This is the third car since
the fair.
C 03i3jfJEXt CZAJL.
BnGW-vrLi.E, December 12, 1S77.
s ss -jo
Steers, fair to chotee
Cows, fat ,
3 S9&4 CO
-2 02 3)
Wheat, efeoice fall.
- s S9l0j
7S S9
Corn in the ear. old-
it tt t i
Corn Meal, p Mtt
Lard. ,
Potatoes .
1 MS! 28 ;
i2e it;
- 50 75
.. 7ei to
9ei co
Chickens, old. per dozen
Cblcfirens, spring, perdwr
. 2 oo2 5
Chickens, aressed, r S .,
Turkeys, dressed, y &.
Wood, cord
Hay, f ton
Flour, Hannibal roll wheat
- Eaj;Ie Mill fail wneaU
' Glen Root fall wneat
i ie iv
1 00
3 to
Glen Book sprusg woeM .
3heridan spring wheats .
Nemaha Valley spchg
Graham ,
Bran and Shorts mixed. pec
Corn, per bushel
Sajrar, coffee A, 7 &s fer
" Extra C. S Es
brown, 9 s
1 Si
i Coffey PUo, 3
1 M
O. G.Java, 3 no
1 GO
To! 25
- '
2 0g2 23
g w
J Syrup, per gal
Coal OH. per gallon
White Fish, per kit.
Salt, per barrel
Coal Ft. Seott red. per ton
' " black, per ton.
Books, Writing Desks, Bibles, Albums, China
Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Toy and Finely Boxoid
Gift Books, A-ntograpn Albums, Parian 3iists
and many nice gifts too numerous to mention,
at tne Drug and Book Store of
ForuUbed by SpeciarOorrerondcnttT
tor The Advertiser.
Desk AzTBKTJSER:-Sema ftme
. has passed since we had the pleasure'
of contributing to the neighborhood
column, owing to a press of other du
ties, but duriug our absence the world?
. has moved on in her ordinary course,
merging our beautiful autumn into
stern winter with his additional du-
, ties and pleasures of short days and-'
. long evenings.
, Thanksgiving passed quietly here'
J without public exercises, but surely
i their was no lack of sincere thank
fulness for past and present blessings,
, and for the golden promises of the fu--
The Good Templars lodge is mov
ing along nicely with a good prospect
of an increased membership an a
prosperous quarter. It i3 the inten
tion to give a public entertainment
The farmera are busy wifh the
corn crop which is not yet half gath
ered. E. Weisenreder Is buying comfc
Aspiuwali market IS cts.
: Christmas draweth nig hi
1 lam happy -to inform theptibh3'
t who may feel interested in the mat
i ter, that we are having some glorious
; winter days in Nebraska fall of sun
shine aud inspiration.
Services at the Methodist churchr
every night this week. Rev. Young,
of Lincoln, will assist in these meet
ings. Go friends aud you may be
benefited by it. Religions culture is
i very necessary in making up charac-
ter. No character i3 perfect Gr beau
tiful without it.
One day last week a child was
please. Great variety.
i born unto Alex, and Elizabeth Mc
' Kinney.
! We sometimes hear the taunt af
i "water religion." Then the aggrieved
party strikes baek, aud says "religieir
in tho mmirriAN hanoh Xinar timjilH
' . ...
I " not be the better wy eaoh
! one find religion wherever he oaa ;
only let him be careful to see it is re
ligion. No matter if each one does
not just understand how one csn &ud
. insniration where he cannot
Ah tho
acqui3itioDlj of tbougut al gracos of
1 the pPirit are reaohed through airtag
onisms. All truth is found by dlverg-
! j ing facts.
For the cheapest Coffee
and Sugar, go to McGee c&
Grand Eeduetion in
all departments, at
The rapidly increasing demaarf
forEIIert's Extract of Tar and WiW
Cherry, i a positive indication of ita
merits. Thousands of individuals who
have heen cured of courbs. calds.
bronchitband incipient consumption,
where other remedies have faT, are-
tl'the best proofs possible that tbk is,
' without doubt, tt e best cough remedy
yet discovered. For sale by Nickell,
a Pair of Three Year Old
! For sale. Euauire of
Bot. Tear.
Brownville, 3fcfcw.
Tlaey are at Yoar Ioor.
Brown' Celebrated Remedies tor Dl
ea.4esort.Ue West.
Blackberry and Ginger, for the
Stomaek and Bowels. Cough Buism
aDtJ ar Troches, forThroat and Lung
-AHecuoDg. .-vrnica liniment aiJ
g cane, nn cjiiaiua, Dwellings 83U j 1-
fleers. Hair Tonic, for Beautifying
fMsm'and Preserving the Hair. Parisian
i!y Balm, for the Complexion. Eu
; resa .ague rms, mat never mil to
core the Chilis, as J Browa's Liver
' Pills, known to every family whese
they have been tried as the Great
Remedy for Headache, Torpid Liver,
'and BilHousness.
Ask for them and take bo other.
For eale by A. W. Niekell. H. C.
Lett and W. H. McCreerv. Bewa
ville.Neb. 'SStf
Notice to Tax Payers.
w Ail per
arsons owine personal taxes for th
i year 1ST will take notfe that sM taxes be-
" deliaqneoi May 1. 1T. and after 2o-
' vember 1st the traurer Is directed to levy
. and collect tfce same, toy eittT with COST of
collection, dt distress and se e personal
' property." Therefore, en ai.d after tit? first
t of Janaarr. 1S7S. I -will proceed to cetteac e-
' co nil dc to law all personal tax tor the year
. 1375. and previous years, that rem&ias urn-
. paki. A. H. UILMOKE, Co. Tress.
i Brovmviile, Dec 12, 1S77. 25w2
:l 1 i s ?
w vml? ItSSk. -
iwmwn mmiimimtmmm