f r5MMWiiBeljrB .- - - - "'; tw :"-.: -;f-" , a v" f s" rlf'-&: ... w . . . . ', " -e S2BSsU' -- ---- THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, AUGUST 9. 1877. TIME CARDS. Dally Stage Line South. From Brown vlllc to Arngo, Fnll City and Bulo na Neual City. A n ud ,bt- iproln. con arctiNK with conveyances to all other points. Iva jtrownvtlH" dally at 1 o'clock p. m. Arrives at llrowuvitle II o'clock a. m. J. a HAltliESS, Proprietor. Xcbraska Rail-way. AIllilVE MUVB tam 75 nin jtMHn, in ar. Me. .rliMpm lMpm 940 pm 4:hm p in. ......... . 5:19 pm Brownvillc Tern Nebraska City JTJncoln Seward . .4:43 v m .ShVtntn i2:aepm.3;2opm 6:00 nm12:40 pin ll:opm . 9:20 am J. 2S CONVERSE, Sup't. Brownvlllo Bubs Line to Phelps." lpTe TtrawnvlU 7:a. m., I'M P- va 6:30 p. m. Arrive atllrownville 7:a.m.. 110 a. .. .'.:3m p. n J. BOUSFIEI.T). Superintendent. Publleliers' Notices. Jxk-al. Noticks. set an ordinary reading matter, will le charged ten cents per line, each Insertion. Set in display type, fifteen cents a line. Authorizeil Agents. Titus Buns are oar autliorHtod agents at Nenia- hn City to reoelve and receipt for monies due us. Thomas BrnRiw h? onr aMlwrizod agent in Olen Hock precinct to receive and receipt for monies ilue us on subscription. A J. IUttkk. atst. Iorolii. isouranthorizodascnt at Uitilftce.tixecelve8iilcriptJnH3 and adver tising, and to collect and receipt for monies due Tick Amvbktiskr. Johk S. JIinick Is not authorized asent at Appin wali, to receive subscription and advertising, and collect alia receipt for monies dac us. FAIRBnOTHEB HACKUP., Publishers Advertiser. TjOGAIj matters. Throe lbs. Tea for$l, atNickell's. Rttiney will buy all your country produce. The-State Fair commences Sep tember 2ith. Glen Rock Flour ruarkbt, at Huddart's. again in the We had a very nice shower Sunday afternoon. thunder Nickell does the leaet money. sell tho best tea for Just try it. Call and see those nice table chairs for children, st Hannaford's. They are new and novel. Flour, Meal, Feed, Corn, Graham Flour, &c., at Huddart's family gro cery and provision store. " J. C. McBride, State Treasurer -and editor of the Nebraska Farmer, has been invited to deliver the annual address at the Otoe County Fair. Wagons, $70, spring wagons, $110, iron, Si rates; files, mallenbles, harrow teeth, wagon and carriage wood work, cheaper than the cheapest, at Lock wood's. - The- ."lcSPl&gan gives the following item on grass-wheat: "Mr. Davis showed us some grass-wheat that camo up of itself on the stubble, last fall, that yielded 12 bushels to the acre. It was very nice Indeed." For Sale. A largo span of mulos, about 17 hands high, for sale cheap for cash, by John Barnes, living near Nemaha City. J. A. Bailey, a farmer living near Lincoln, has ripe peaches in his orch ard at this early day. The variety is the "Amazon June." Beatrice JSx yrww, Aug. H. We have one tree from which we gathered ripe peaches last week. Don't kliowtho name, but they are a large, juicy freestone. We had sev eral such treos, from which for years we gathered the most delicious fruit tho first days of August, but old age and the borers have killed all but one. A SlrlKc At high prices in Groceries and Drugs by H. C. LETT. Order Eastern Star Special 3Icelin: H. A. Guild, Grand Lecturer Grand .Chapter Nebraska, will lecture to the Fraternity at Masonic Hall, Brown ville, Tuesday Evening, Aug. 2S, 1S77. Members of Adah Chapter No. 2 are hereby notified and requested to at to.ml. All Master Masons, their wives, mothers, sisters, and daugh ters, and all widows and daughters of deceased Master Masons, are invited to be present. It is hoped there will be a full at tendance on this important occasion. . Fannie aknold, Associate Matron. State Camp Tilcclisig. Tho Camp Meeting for the promo tion of Holiness will be held on the Centennial Camp Ground, near Ben nett, Commenoing August 23, 1S77, and continuing over Sabbath. No trains will bo run on tho Sabbath. Railroad faro over all roads leading into Lincoln will be one and one-fifth for round trip. Be sure and buy round trip tie7c($. Those passing over the U. P. R. R-, will be returned at one-fifth fare. Ground rent for tent ers, one dollar. Tablo board at one dollar per day. Straw, horse feed, &o. can bo obtained at reasonable rates. H. T. Davis, PreB't. C. C. White, Sec'y. Dried Beef At Huddart's Family Grocery Store. II. . LETT Has Mackerel to sell at retail; also Cheese, Ham and Bacon. Rare Bargains in Pitiladcl pliia Hand-Made Shoes, for Sa dies and children. Jast ar rived. 2" I-OWIIIAN. Stoves! Stoves!. Bv Thomas Richards. Side Meat At Huddart's Family Grocery Store. All the choice brands of cigars, at Eainey'e. Nemaha Valley Mills Flouragain in market at Huddart's. Jjard, Lubricating, and all other kinds of oils, atNickell's drug store. Recollect that It. S. Hannaford does not Intend to be undersold in the lino of good furniture. Wo understand that Dr. McPher sen will soon remove his store at lie publican City to Brownville. State Journal: Judge Kinney's friends claim that his horso "Legal Tender" can throw dust in the eyes of tha celebrated trotter "Randall." We had a tery heavy rain Mon day morning, und hope it was general over the country. If so, it will "get away" with all the small potatoes. Charley Ervin, with bis Iittlo family, after spending a night with us, took the train on Tuesday morn ing en route for IiJb home in Plum Creek. Wo wore favored with a call from Mr. J. W. Gavitt, of Benton, on Wednesday morning. We are always pleased with a call and a 'chatty chat' with friend Gavitt. The railroad company have com menced riprapplng again at this place. The water is at a low stago now, and by Industry tho depot may be secured against tho next rise In tho river. The St. Joseph Industrial and Agricultural Exposition will take place Sept. 10th to loth. Thanks to the secretary r, J. T. Imbrio, for a copy of premium list and a complimentary admission ticket. McBride & Clarkson, of tho Nc br as Jm Farmer, will please accept our thanks for a "complimentary" pass for the "Nebraska Farmer Exoursion'' which takes plaoo on the 11th inst. from Lincoln to St, Joseph. Everybody who is so fortunato as to visit our city, ejaculate that they "had up Idea the place was so large." Enormous views of our importance as a commercial center seem to have ob tained among our neighboring towns. Central City Courier. No doubt enormous Is just the word. Kearney Fress : A new and dangerous counterfeit of tho silver half dollar has made its appearance. It is said to be plated with silver, has the genuine ring, and is very liable to deceive those who are used to the dal ly handling of money unless they use more than ordinary care. The present prospect of a great jlQld-nfL corn, warrant the farmers who were .holding vast cribs of old corn over against prospective grasshopper raids, or drouth, in dis posing of their old corn to get ready for the new ; hence our buyers and shippers are receiving immense quan tities daily. Dan. Colhapp took a trip west last week, and returned on Tuesday of this week. Ho did good business selling cigars, as he deaerves to do, for he makes an excellent cigar and does honest, square work. Retail dealers find that his cigars wherevor 'set out' soon become popular with lovers of the weed. A cotemporary has an article ad vocating the raising of sheep instead of dogs. The idea is a good one, al though many farmers do not see it in that light. The writer is positive that sheep raising pays better than raising dogs. Weagree with him. It always looked that way to us. We know farmers who maintain from four to eight dogs, and "nar3r sheep." We suggest that they figure a little as to profits. Tho following officers were in stalled at Mt. Zion Lodge, I. O.i.of G. T., on last Thursday evening: Miss Alice Paris, W. C. T. Miss Rilla Cole, W. V. T. W. W. Sanders, W. Sec. George Sanders, W. F. Sec. Mrs. Julia Saunders, W. T. Win. Benedict, W. Chap. Miss Name Polock, W. I G. Theo. Polock, W. O. G. This lodge Is In a prosperous condi tion. The City Council had no meeting on last Monday evening, there not be ing a quorum present. On Tuesday evening there was barely a quorum, and no business was done save tho al lowance of a few small hills. Tho members present not wishing to pass upon saloon licencesand other Import ant matters without a full board, ad journed to meet again on next Mon day evening. Last Saturday forenoon wo rodo down to Nemaha City, taking the bot tom road. Our attention was at once attracted to tho large number of teams that thronged tho road, and wo began to count, and counted, in our ride of about four miles, more than fifty teams, nearly all loaded with corn for our market. How many loads arrived over the same road before we started, and how many camo the bluff road from Nemaha instead of the bottom, wo do not know, but there must have been a large number. When we oon Bider tho several roads leading to Brownville from other directions, all furnishing aa many loaded wagons as the Nemaha roads, an idea may be formed of what Is being done here In the grain business. A new lot of fine MUSICAL INSTR UMJSjYTJS Just received at STROBLJZ'S. Machine Oil At-H. O. Lett's. y?Rgggggjini!f ww!m-t-kimJE. Written for The Advertiser. THE YALLEY OP THE LITTLE XE- JtlAIIA. BY FANNIE COURSER. 'But who that see these lines will ever know, or carp, that I, ft tired child, fleeing from the city's din, once wandered on tucsu shores." We arose at day-break. Who would suppose that I, who keep Buoh late vigils at home that I, the most con firmed morning-dreamer in the world, could be induced to rise with tho day king, and, as the first trembling rays of that luminary were streaming over "woodland and wold,' to mount my gallant steed, and gay as a "bird on the wing" to "fly, flyaway." The dew-drons vet SDarkled in the mead ows, and the flower3 on the hill-side were rivalled only by tho peerless gem3 of Golconda in brilliancy of hue. And 'twas out into the glorious air and sunshine, and mid the song of birds that we sallied my cousin and I. Once mounted, wo turned our hors es heads in tho direction of the "Lit tle Nemaha," and were hurried along at an alarmlncr pace past fields of vegetation, swaying like tho waves of ocean with ripened and ripening grain. Once we stopped to view what had been a fine field of barley, but whioh was now ruthlessly attacked by a band of Iittlo marauders, by name tho grass hopper. Myriads of these formida ble enemies were gorraaudiziug upon the rich yellow heads, and their epl curian taste did not seem satiated un til tho whole field was devastated. As these observations were taking place my steed mi3nomered Demos thenesbegan, from scare or freak, to pitch and rear, and it was by sheer accident only that I wns enabled to keep my equilibrium upon the saddlo. My dear companion rushing to the rescue, seized Demosthenes' bridle, and with a sharp cut across his neck with her riding whip, soohsubdued his turbulent spirit, and he hung his great black head, looking meek as a lamb. But I did not relish the thought of riding upon so incorrigible a beast, and, coward like, I proposed a change. My poor arm, I knew, was not equal to the strength of muscle that might be required in case of a second stampede, and being not an experienced horsewoman I thought best to trust Demosthenes to more ex perienced hands. Accordingly we hailed a rustic swain, who at that mo ment happened to bo crossing a field near by, and with his kind assistance, by placing one foot in his largo hand, and a hand on his equally conspicu ous shoulder, each in turn wore again mounted "On the steed that loved us best," and soon were on our way. Misroir I found perfectly docile, and my regrets wore expressed that I had not in the beginning rode upon him. But "Vanity of vanities!'' he had no oVertiiinbln-ohnniotorlotlc' if it may be so called he was ugly. Demosthenes more rightly called Satan conducted himself with the utmost propriety during the rest of the ride. Let me say, however, in discred it to him, that every time poor Mis roir, by chuuee or otherwise, brushed ugoinst him, ho pricked up his ears and halt turning his head displayed two rows of the most revolting look ing teeth in existence. But how refreshing was the Ireeze that came from over the distant hills. Everything in nature seemed in uni son with our young and vigorous life. Tho morning-glory's pretty petals were opened to the bright sun, and wild-roses in every variety of hue spread out along the roadside. Tho Robin, and-Bob White, too, made us aware In loud notes of their presence; and that slow-of-wing bird, the grass hopper, was hilariously leaping from "ear to ear," and "sheaf to sheaf." LIttIo did it concern the progeny of this creneration whether or not the embryo of their race is destroyed, and thev ate their breakfast with as much satisfaction as if the country was ex pecting to bo overrun with their off spring for a thousand years. In some places the farmers were whettiug plow-shares preparatory for a day of honest toil, and in others again the men were already in the field lording it over the yielding soil. Wo passed many farm houses, and the door of some of these stood open, and we could see the good house-wife "clear ing the morning repast away," or busying herself with other affairs in the neat kitchen. Some of the most productive acres in tho country are situated in this beautiful valley. Tho bridge crossing tho river waB reached just as the sun was entering its meridian. Wo crossed this, and on the other side a commanding view was obtained for some yards up and down the little stream. To the left was the old grist-mill. We wheeled in that direction, and passing under a canopy of box-elder, elm, maple and coltonwood limbs which met on both sides of tho road and formed an archway, we approached at length the dusky mill not tho "miller." The noise of tho machinery and the water seething and foaming over tho mill dsftn, confused us for a moment, but we rode into a more open space where we could observe without having our ears grated with any disagreeable sound, and selecting a disirablo spot we dismounted this time under the friendly shade of an "elm tree and while an accommodating lad took caro of our horses, my cousin settled herself with a volume of some "an cient lore," and I, less practical, brought to life a little black-bound, serious-looking note book, and then, and only at that hour, was thought given to this little sketch. Chicago, III, Aug. 2, 1877. A large stoch of fresJt, CANDIES and "' CANNED FRUIT inst received this weeh & 'lr Tl STROBL& Bay the Kansas 7agos. aMSEBCTS Choice eating and cooking ap ples at Ralney's. Tho fall term of the Brownville High School opens September 3d. One grain firm alone in this city on -Tuesday last contracted for a little over 4,000 bushels of corn, at2G27c. A two-hole corn sheller, with jaclc, power and elevator, for sale cheap for cash, or will trade for a horse. Call and see Hawley & Doug laB. J.-L. & A. H. McGeo will open an entire new stock of genorar mer chandise on September 1st, at the old stand of F. E. Johnson & Co., in Mc Pherson Block. From tho number of hogs ship ped from this place it Is fair to pre sume that other points around about us are losing their "grip.'' Bid up, gentlemen, if you want to handle the porkers. Chambers & Hurd, of TecumBoh, graiubuyers, have also opened a grain business In this city. They will erect store houses as soon as they can-pro cure suitable grounds. This is a strong firm. Mr. S. Wagstaff, of the Falls City Soap Works, was in the city Monday last. Ho informed us that ho expects to move his manufactory from Falls City to Atchison, Kan., in a few weeks. Miss Fannie Arnold's musical olass In this city will give a concert of vocal and instrumental music the last of this' month, in MoPherson Hall. Tho Ford orchestra will also assist, and our citizens will be permited to enjoy another musical treat. The striko Is over, peace restored, and those Davis Sewing Machines have come that so many people have been wanting to see before they bought any other. Call at B. G. "Whitte- more's, Main street, Brownville, and. ho will be pleased to show them whether you purchase or not. Wm. Bailey returned Tuesday last from Chicago. Being detained in that oity from Saturday evening until Monday morning, he hunted up our old friend John L. Colhapp, and spent several hours with him. He reports John as doing well, and well satisfied with the present and the prospects for the future. Brownville, Aug. 7, 1877. Members Choral Union met pursu ant to call. On motion it was re solved to give a conoert at an earlj day for the benefit of the Walnut Grove Cemetery Association. Messrs. J. R. Dye and Delos Smith, and Mrs. A. W. Niokell and Miss Cora Gates, riweca-fl . pettiiulfciucQnifljtUeajfioiwwiMf tion of musio, etc., the president of the Union to act as chairman of the committee. Adjourned to Tuesday evening of nest week. T. L. Schick, Sec'y pro tern. Two of our citizens who carry on business in close proximity to each other, on Monday last, became In volved iu a deep and elaborate theo logical discussion concerning the Kingdom of God. After exhausting metaphysical, Biblical, and scientific learning, they fell back upon street phrases, witlLConsiderable energy and warmth, and raised a collateral inqui ry as to personal veracity and physic al strength. The bystanders being opposed to a religious war, the King dom of God was suffered to remain In doubt. In May last our London corres pondent had among her Items the fol lowing "personal:" "Miss Fannie Courser, of Chicago, has been spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Dysart. Miss Courser is an accomplished young lady, and an authoress withal. She Is traveling for her health, which is failing bo causo of olose study. She expresses herself much pleased with Nebraska and thinks of returning tho last of June to stay the remainder of the summer." Miss C. on her return to Chicago, write3 the very roadable letter far our columns which appears this week un der her name. DECIDED Earjrains in all departments, at I. LOWHArs'S. The Great Strike On prices of Sewing Machines is caused by Hawley & Douglas selling a first-class machine at half the old prices. Something Hew. In order to introduce our Bio Seed Fall Wheat, tho Wheat ov Taos, In your locality single grains meas uring onc-haif incli in length I pro poso to send a sample of the wheat, free of charge, to every subscriber of TnE 'Advertiser, who wiil name this paper and send a three cent stamp to pay postage. Agents wanted In every county to sell this new wheat. Address, with out delay, L. L. Osment, Cleveland, Tennessee. W. II. BIcCSEESY Has Fresh Drugs, Wall Paper, School and Blank Books, Bird Cages, Paints, Glass, Oils, etc., at lower pri ces than any house in Brownville. Sugar Cured !2ajns At Huddart's Family Grocery Store. Machine Oiia Never eo cheap as at Nickell'g drug store, next door to State bank. Pair Worlt Mules Xbr Sale. A pair of well-matched, well-broke mules for sale. Enquire of Wm. T. Rogers, Brownvlllo, 33uy 'our Cook Stoves of Thomas Richards, - gglJaA For anything in the family gro cery line.call on. Rainey. T. F. Gill, who has been so long in the employ of J. H. Bauer, this city, left for his old home at Colum bia City, Ind., lastSaturday. It sour pleasure to note the fact thatMissMbllio Furnas, of this oity, elder daughter of the ex-Governor. has beenUendered and accepted the position of Principal's Assistant in the Falls City High School. Miss Furnas Is a most excellent young lady whoso accomplishments merit this high and honorable recognition. We oongratulate Mis3 Mollie upon her good fortune, and the school and Prof.. Rich, the Prinoipal, upon their lucky choice of eo amiable, soholarly and ac complished, a young lady a3 principal assistant in their school. Died in this city, on Saturday, tho 4th inst., Mrs. M. J. Stewart, wife of Dr. C. F. Stewart. The deceased leaves a husband and little daughter to mourn their irretrievable loss. Mrs. Stewart died of cancer of the breast from which she has been more or less a sufferer for the past four years. Duringthe three months pre vious to her death her suffering was Intense. She was about 43 years old, was born in Ohio, and came to Brown ville in the year 1858 with the family of Dr. John McPherson, her mother having died in her infancy she was raised by Mrs. McPherson who was her mother's sister. Her maiden name wa3 JaqueB. She was married to Dr. Stewart in January 1864, and was ever a faithful, loved and happy wife, an unobtrusivo, quiet, mild tem pered lady, respected and loved by all her acquaintances. IN IMMENSE STOCK. CLOTHING Sold al the ILowest Prices. Coats froia jc u, at , . . EiOUIS iLOWMAK'S. , t A Card. In parting with my long-tried and trusted friend, J. H. Bauer, I take this mgaus of expressing to the public the very high regard of which he is en titled to. During the eight years that I have been in his employ, never has there been shown by him the slight est deviation from a straight and hon orable course. As a man and a gen tleman ho Is not excelled by anv of my acquaintances ; to be trusted in all things, both great and small. And ere I leave, I extend to him my heart felt sympathies for tho kindness which he haB shown to me. " T. F. Gill. Seeds for Free Distrirjntion. The Hon. Com. Agriculture calls .on .mefifora;4PSltat to resuljsjjf gs.qs uisinuuittu uy mv in tuia uuuiiiy. Those who received will please report ,to mo as early as possible that I may comply with requirements of the Commissioner. It'is desired to. know: Kind of soil, upland, dry or wet, name of seed, date planting, amount planted per acre, yield, weight grain. How do they-yield, quality, and other essenti als oompared with other similar pro ductions. Robt. W. FUllNAS. Fruit Trees. Stali FrsiiJs, Ros 'ea, Shrubs, Vines, &c, E. H. Burches, Brownville, Neb., is soliciting for orders for any and every thiug in Nursery lino Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Grape Vines, Roses, Flowpring Shrubs, &c. He will guarantee everything sold by him to be aa represented. 7w4 UrGYa BOOK FOR 1V0MEK. The now book, "Buckeye Cookery and Fraclical Housekeeping," 425 pages, tinted puper, in elegant bind ing.levery page fuirly bristling with new ideas, contains 1,000 new recipes, and very full and ablo articles on Housekeeping; Dining Room ; Kitch en ; Dinners, and how to give them ; Marketing; Carving; The Sick Room and Food for tho Sick; Hints on Health ; Beauty, and How to Preserve it; Medical and Miscellaneous Reci pes, and altogether an exceedingly at tractive table of contents. No book of puoh value to the housckooper has ever before been issued from tho press. It tells how to do everything in de tail, from peeling a potato to manag ing a "hired girl," and is really a treasury full of tho best experience of hiindredsof good housekeepers. Frice $1.75. Mrs. N. Polock is agent for Nemaha county. A sample copy can be seen at tho post office in Brownville. Among other testimonials Mrs.Gen. Van Cleve, o'f Minneapolis, writes: "I can heartily indorse Buckeye Cook ery as reliable and good. All the rec ipes .which I have been able to exam ine are perfeot. I am especially pleased with the 'Cook's lime table,' Bills of fare,' 'Fragments,' 'Hints for the ejek room,' and 'Medicinal notes.' Tho - article on bread-making and yeast is worth, to young and inexpe rienced housekeepers, muoh more than tho price of the whole book." DECIDED Bargains in all departments, at Ei. lOWMAS'S. The following are Prof, Tloe's prognostications for August: 7 to 10 Severe storms. 10 to 13-Clear. 14 to 1G Threatening storms. 17 to 18 Clear. 15 to 24 Cloudy and liable to frosts north of 40th parallol. 25 to 23 Threatening weather and ralns 28 to 31 Cloudy and rainstorms. The warmest days will be the 2d, 9tb, lojb, 20th, 20th, and 3Qth; the coldest, the 4th, 11th, lGt.h and 22d. Kcw styles in Latvu Pi uevTor summer, at and 2-0135A3.'J3. -she: - AA - g.tJW4'k'7P.. i nS3EE05SK3BEaBS NEIGHB0EH00D NEWS. Furnished Ijy Special Correspondents Xor TJio Advertiser. London. Refreshing showers of rain last Sunday night. Little Murrey Bacon has got tho whooping cough. It was the Rev. McKinney not Pinuey who was mentioned in our item as preaching in the Methodist Church July 29th. On the 4th ult. a daughter was born unto James and Margaret Rob inson. May this child of their old age be a comfort and blessing to their declining years. The rain was not favorable to the appearance of some of the young la dies who were returning from the bas ket meeting last Sunday. But then the corn looka better for it. "Is it right to forbid license to one man, then grant it to another?" "Not much 1" But then the man most wronged is the one who gets the license. It is n "privilege" not to be ooveted, that of selling rum. Miss Alice Lockard is visiting friends in London, the guest- of Miss Mary McKinney. Yes; "history repeats Itself," sure enough, and we aro having an expe rience in Eome of the horrors of a "reign of terror." Capital and labor are having a skirmish. The equilib rium is lost between them, and a fear ful tempest of mental elements is the result. Capital and labor are equal powers; neither can do without the other. Tho poor man's labor is equal to the rich man's dollars ; both should share equal In the Investment. When this is not done balanco Is lost, and a fearful disturbance will follow until an equilibrium is restored. No legis lative enactments, no moral sophisms can prevent tho working of this law of justice. When an "insurrection" is commenced, those who begin it lit tle dream what a terrible conflagration will rage. When tho excitement be gins the sans culottes aro aroused, law less and fearless, until the infuriated mob commit, without object or aim. all manner of violence. This state of things will occur as long as men make an idol of the dollar, fall down and worship it, and offer the labor of the poor man as a sacrifice to this hungry God. 15 rat ton. August 4. Harvest over, crop good, but tho acreage small. The hum of the threshing machine is heard. What fall wheat has been sold brought $1.20 per bushel. The closing of MisB Annie Grice's school was quite an event, and our school house was packed to its utmost, capacity. The opening was a song by our Glee Club, and well done. The programmo: A recitation by Mary. Whitney, "Curfew shall not ring to night"; Dialogue by four little girls; Declamation by Master Stewart ; Song by Belle Collins, "Kissing younjg meiij " " v " I J--v.kunvyi. jj "'-J """ Whitney, well done; Song, ''The Friends wo Love"; a class of gym nasts, drilled splendidly. To name all would take too much time. Wo noticed, among other pieces, a tableau, "Wash Day"; dialogue, "A Car With out an Owner," and another well exe cuted dialoguo in three part, and in conclusion a song. All present had a good time. To-morrow(Sunday) Elder Shurt leff preaches. What we want is a good rain. John Uolman has erected a wind pump on his stock farm. R. A. Stewart has added quite an addition to his residence. The county commissioners are putting us in several good bridges on the Muddy. Turk. I. 0. G. T. Tho regular quarterly meeting of District Lodge No. 2, will meet with Nemaha City Lodge No. 100, on Sat urday August 11th 1877, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Lodges are entitled to one represen tative for each ten members or frac tion of ten. There will be a publio meeting in the evening to which the public are cordially invited. The G. W. C. T. will be present and aid us with her wise counsels and edvice. Let there be a full attendance from each Lodge in the county. Fraternally, A. J. Skeen, D. D. Head Light Oil I The be-ft ami Fafestoll in the mar ,ket, RtHBdlHrL'p. Go to the Regulator For Hardware and Farm Implements, at No. 27 Main street, Brownville. Thomas Richards. EI. C. liETT Has just received a new lot of fine Coffee, consisting of Costa Rica, La gneuyra, and Old Government Java, at low prices. Breakfast Bacon At Huddart's Family Grocery Store. DEATHS. WRIGHT Died, at the residence of Ellas B. Wright, Augusts, 1S77, Aohsa Wright, his wlfo, aged 61 years, U mouths and 5 days. Sho suffered bnt Iittlo pain; some kind, nnseen hand smoothed and softened her pil low. Tho etlng of death was taken away, and sho passed to the Heavenly land as qui etly as tho morning dew. Kind neighbors covered her coflln with wrcatlts of beautiful flowers, ond sho has gone to ihat fairer land whore flowers grow to perfection and bloom ferover. S. rmmuw.T.'ffi gr7arar?raa "jf W. GIBSON, 13LACICSMITII ASDJIORBB SIIOEI1. Work done to order And satisfaction guaranteed First street, between iloln and Atlantic, Brown vUle.Neb. Iaoom &RlacksmithShop ONi; DOOIt WEST OF OOUHT HOUSE. WAGON MAKING, Bepftiring, Plows, and all work-ddnoin the best 1f eed. Otvehtoacsii. iy. ssssssoaRse: lAUiJHm-Jim!.ja&3a- 300,000 G T IE -A. IP S3 IB Titan at any other Yard in tJie State, and warranted of the best quality. For further particidars call on or address GEO, AEMSTE0M, 5m3 Brownville, Nebraska. ' M1 I II I ll.IWIll1WI.,ll . ! ! -I I ,., SPpUyW WAITTBD! For wJiicIi IwiUpay the highest marlcet price in casfu 4w4 COMMERCIAL. CHICAGO JUAUKET. CniCAao, August 7. WHEAT Active but lower;, No. 1 new S1.I6 bid; old, Sl.t bid; cash, Sl.WjI.l ..; closed at l.00jl.00; August. S1.(W1.0 .; Septombor, Sl.08 ; No. 3, 98c. CORN Active bnt lower; high mixed 4VDZ&17C; No. 2, -1 8&i0&o; cash, 4 .4917c; August, J5&18c; Septembor, -1 o. TIAIiLEY No. 3 old, Jlc. CATTLE Market extremely dull; ship ping grades nominal; Texnns?, $2.7Q3.25; native butchers' stock, S2.7u1.00; closed woalc and easy with pons full. HOGS Opened dull and easy, afterward became fairly acttvo at 5 10c reJuctlon; ox tremo range common to choloe. $-l.9bfi.30 heavy and mixed, $5,005.10; good smooth light, $6.30. - THE BKOWXVILLK MAIUvETS. STJtMET JfAIiJCBT-PIiOD UCE. CORRKCTXD WKKKI.Y Y JOSKTII IXTnOART, DKALKK IS OHOCBKIKS AJO WIODUCB. BuowxvixitB, Augnst 8, 1S77. Corn ileal, 3 10 SI 001 25 natter. 12J Potatoes new ................... ....... 50 Onions 951 00 Chickens, old, per dozn ... 2 0002 2t Chickens, spring, per doz...... ... 1 5B2 98 Chickens, dressed,? 0 8 Turkeys, dressed, "pB) S 10 Wood, 14 cord 3 'Ji 00 Hay, H ton 1 SO05 ) HEl'AJL JLtLIUCET, Flour, Ilanrilbitl fall wheat " Wichita fall wheat " Glon Roek fall whoat. .......... " Glen Roek spring wheat .. " Sheridan spring wheat.. .. " Nemaha Valley spring.. " Graham ............ Rran and Shorts mixed, per ISO Corn, por bushel ............. Sugar, collec A, 7 88 for Extra C. Yv " brown, 94 lbs Coffee, Rio, 3J4 to I m " O. G. Java, 3 lbs Syrup, per gal ................. Head Light Oil, per gallon .......... Coal Oil, porgallon ....... Whito Fish, per kit..; Salt, por barrel....... 0 Hi 5 18 480 3 35 3 IK 325 3 25 75 35 1 00 1 00 1 Qi i eo 1 oo ol25 00125 39 26 90 250 BOWNlrILLE OKAIX 2IARKET. CORRECTED TJV K. K. WUXOX, PRODUCK ASD COMMISSION MKHCUANT. Wheat, choice fall II 0001 05 " spring 860 90 Corn in theear 200 22 " shHed. ....... 240 27 ItROWXYILLE LIVE STOCK: MARKET. CORRBCTKD BY B. M. BAIT:, STOCK DEALER AND ailll'PJER. JtLJl&La ,2OO0S5I 180 ISscx-9 Nature's Iteiueillal Agents. It Is said that for every dleease that effeots suffering humanity, nature ha provided a remedy, and that all man has to do is to dis cover these remedial agents and apply them to their npprohrlate" ailments. These are mostly found in thovegetable kingdom, and roots, barks, herbs, grains, and other simple and harmless ingredients are moreeffoctive than any of the mineral poisons used so freely by many physicians. The celebrated Dr. Radcllir, in the Seven Seals or Golden Wonder, has compounded a vegetable reme dy peculiarly adapted for n wide ran go of diseases, combining as it does the curative properties of a great number of the most ef fective roots, herbs and barks. For pains and aches it has never been equaled. Wliy Do You Oliakc 1 Forthe better eonvenienecof theconsamor Dr. Shorman's Malnrlftige is now pnt up In 75c bottles as well as 1.50 as heretofore. To those who are acquainted with the ilalarl fugo it is. not necessary to say a word in its behalf. But to those who shake In Ignornnee of it, we will simply say, try it, and add your testimony to thousands of others that it cured you. No other medicine is required, as it is a combined tonic, alterative, cathar tic, febrifuge, cholagogue, and antl-pcrlodlc. It neutralizes mlasmaticpotaon, parities and invigorates the blood, restores the liver and other diseased organs to their natural heal thy condition, thereby thoroughly eradicat ing the disease. For sale by 7eowly A. IV. fiJCXCEliXi. kap IMease remember, if yon want any Sewing machine repairs of any kind, or any ma chine, or any attachment, needle, oil; or If ynu want a new machine, or a new cabinet put on an old machine, or a rebuilt machine, you will save from 25 to 50 per cent by calling on or sentfinR to B. G. IVZUI'TISSIOKE, Brownville, Neb. VT " The Victor. Florence, New Davis, AS? e$4 W. A W. Needles. 60c. per dozen, all others 50c, per dots. Assorted numbers sent post paid to any addrem. Every needle warranted of the beat quality. JOII2T F.-LAT1IROF, Attorney at Law and Solicitor of Cisiaw and Patents, Federal Building", Cor. Seventh awl 7 street. P. O. Box 436, WASIU SOTOX, D. C. For eleven year connected with the Government Department. Refers by permlwtoA to Hon. X.J. Ingalte, chairman pension committee, XJ. S. ben ate: lion. Y. W. Ci ., Houneof Representative; lion. A. MacArtbnr, Aas. Jm. Sup. Court, i). C; Hon. W.B. V'a.hbnrn, ex-Gov. Wis. is not easily earned In these time, bnt it can be made in threw smiths br any one of eithersex.in any part of the conntrv who la williair to Ma 2 a a ?k steadily at the employment ill I S H tnat we famish. ?t pr week tn V mum .fiiir own town. Von neeii not be away from home over night. You can give yoor whole Hire to the work, or only yoor spare mo ments. We have agents who are maklsg over $30 perday. All who engage at oncecan nnKemony fturt. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It eoste nothing to try th bnsiwss. Terms awl Outfit free. Address at onee, IX. Haimbt fc tx., Portland. Maine. 2S-?yl S. S. KIRK & Co.'s American ad Fereign Patent Soliciting-, Patent Selling and Patent Pnrchaslng Agency. Office. Exhibition and Sales Ttooms, opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON. D. C. Tin "VTVTT WISH to OBTAISTaPATKNT U J 1UU or save other baslneaa lean acted before the IT. 8. Patent Office? Oarpraetleat experience In pntente enables u to geenre the stronRcet and best guarded patents ; and otherwise nrotect vear interest in the very best maanar. HA VflTT WISH TO .-SELL A PATXCT? XJJ X J J We have the largest number f practical ruieni u tic salesmen tn uie U.S., wno will bring your patent directly before the proper parties throughout the V. H. immediately and at the same time; Knarnnteein, asele if a t;ood pat ent within a few weeks from the time the patent la placed in our hands. T( VOTF WISH TO BUY THE MiHT XJ J JL J K.I to manufacture anything. fir yoar County, State, or the U. 8.T Write aa what you deaire, and our agent will call upon you with, the best article that oaa be obtained. Address, S. S. KHtK A CO. 8W V. Bt. 2. W.. WawMgton.JP.C. aiRCHANT TAILOR, and dealer in Fia&HaKb a. Preach. Satx and Faafj ( ietbs, TMtlasa, KU., lit. Siayg,ir.tojate$Mt1l.,l mnmi, m. Hogs - la A ilSpC??. fdgni 1 17 17 17 KICK foe SALE E. H. WILCOX, Agent. B&OWKTII.LE Ferry and Transfer COMPANY. Having a first el Stm Ferry, and ewnlag MMlcontrolinic the Transfer Line Ire m KROWKYIULE TO PHELPS, we are prepared to render entire mttsfiictfeirtn Uie transfer of Freight aad PasMugers. We ran- 4 regular line of to all tratns. Al orders left at the Transfer Cam pany's office will receive pronip taitdattoa. J. Uosiicld, Gen. Supi. A.. IROIBISOlsr, "DEALER IN OPTS AND SHOE CUSTQ31 WORX MADE TO OI2XElK, Repairing Neatly Done; ISromHviHir, - Jebrask8 Sr HiJD.BABT'S ' Peace and Quiet Saloon and Billiard Hall I THE BEST OF Brandiesi Wines, Gins. AFcolioIs ) J UIII0) 70. H) Slain Street, Opposite Sherman House? Kreiviivllle, Neljrnalca. B.F-SOTJDBB,, Manufacturer and Selr in HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS 'I J J COLLARS, BRIDLES, ZIJK 1'ABS, BKUS1IKS, BLAXIvBTS, Robes, &c Fall ttock ready mate goods constantly M hand DBAlxBR&.Uft' mwsML . MERCHANDISE seen as E,Y GfOODS OLOTHIM3-, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hate, Caps and 2Totions. NEMAHA CITY,. W1S13. 2 MbfiierktPifcKll.wsIiAI; - COUNTRY- FROBUCE XEDICS IFU2S, Etc. HOHEWOWD MILLS Having la my employ Mr. a inowlettead to he the best milter la tha (State. F am prepared to itttatsH GOOD kloub ra any canty, , every sacjc.war- ra .ten. Ify Floor Is for safe at ail the prlw "BEi- TITUS BRO'S D states ta Brown vU. V.! .'. HOilEUOO. feandn Mit'.i.AjpuitM, IMS. f " , , w . , ii i jIFj. m fcrf fciifc"w-W v-T' " ..uA"'1! -- jg(JNIMrtej(fciiii"il I'jii Mt9MMAl' - - - '.flH , - ,, -iiiM.il r fflnllaflE'"TT1lT-fr-ff' FTMl(rnMBailftJrffii jU MdMB'WWHfci A, . H FK!33CCiMBiliiiHBeWBfaii fr3f-rs: . '''s!is'vLiiijL H -v, . r-!t rhgff 1S3S