Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 07, 1877, Image 3

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    '.'-WW JR.,
rii iWJ'.av aafcaaaaaBiaaCaeWaBJaaaaiWiaMaowaWigaMaMaWW
Dully So liae Sesith-
lOBr. AteWvaU M St. 1W
to-7vraarpt alltfe i peiaOJ.
eBorri&',ltl " -
. ! ii i in i nnriflci . .
T I- mf.Btvffw;
KramrSI tic f-5.4
.smi Sg
s f Ciw.1 1 -
reiT-nt-IHe Trail l X.t 1
j Jumuttst.:
i- -itptaee.tot?eetTsoU.iLv!jua aa a
sin sad to roliect sad leueUirfbr-Jeul'ii
. S
aiatat Aapa-
to j,grrena-.mmon """ I
. " "" . t-? - M I f W9
.lct reetpt the nxwtSw esess.
pbmaea$ Ail Steer.
,OCi &Att38.
Th Faati.
jeev ilseClsejue,1 Je 33th.
festival thfe,
YedneEdoy. extaimg.
far all imaediate
M fefeewtay IhL
The Nelwaeka City Jiea essa
laius of taieesahle sidewalks'1
. that city.
Tfctsttesiai proenred a large
uantity of very sfciesieus strawber-
r.s far their Festival tbfc evening.
Tim MeLeorhUss on hietrnUin
jfer-t Sotordsy erewing. untied act a
-turzeoa something; over lour feet in
A dramatic dab of the facoti
lempUra of Pawn City Wet Pii
day evafng pTyed Tea Nights la
Bar JUaea" fe -
The Ltnenln dufa. ael fca give
credit to toeafe is oajjlion ffwa a
cooxrtry preea" 1 tt domrt 'to
crae teateacts.
B. G- WhittejswK hs a adra
iiseraet te fan addtre-c! to the
ladies in repaid to thalr sewfag m--chinee
d serfas Haaefeiae ettacfc-
i- ynca. set av orataary jihiMiis '
.' ii i aw juTtr i nT-nr" "" "
i.sttori!il Agents.
IToovme Soar Mwg
v CTij "to aoaeve aajeetp aw coasts
pwJaexiecerTe and receipt flsr
;e BartnfpTir
Jfew.Bew-le.lMeiOi-igniag;afty SdSaTaeWr
stock cattle be is destioe of sning.
Wosld rather dispose of them in one
lot, but wiH eell in quantities to soft
purcfaar. Will eeil am jeoronaOile
'terms, giving: time oa a pa! H wu
Falte City has another
per, la Jtcwarw, vwrnj
neoel Kho. ao aid and popaJar etfl-
zen of Rlcbawoeon eoaar & present
county oierk. Th GAe-Jattmal
.?r.vs it doH !ikc ta artaagmeat at
The "BJBkee, Taesday evening.
The Bnefcpnrt (Mo.) Jovmai sssys
a mad aoc wae killed ia Rockportlasti
wek ; that rkrasers arc waging soc
cesfit! warfa "P00 graesaoo
pr; thafa trsmfT wo killed last
week wail stmltsg a Tie on the cars
at Paeiae Joaetioa ; that a coatiBooes
-id walk fe being pet down between
Main street and th cotwr hoaee.
Thinkiag that possibly some of
our readers don't know ait about
what's sood, we copy the following
from ta St. Joe. Ueraid :
CoL John Pinger and Tom Moorby,
with a few ?ed friada, be a moot
palatable luneh yesterday on three
hundred and odd craw-fch, captured
bv them on the previoos afternoon.
George Haock attests to the laeoioos
ueas of the craw-Csh, and says that
' an able-bodied man can eaaiiy master
a bashJ-fa!I of them.
Comnifealoaor Shook has snag
aa in oer ofSce a spedraon braaehj
cut from a Transcendent Crab tree on
his pxemiees at Hillsdale. It fe liter
ally loaded with. .good. fced, hsclthy
frctt; ad he says the whole tree,
which aboot twenty feet ia height
and eighteen feet through the top, is
loaded in proper t km. He estimate?
that there will be from fifteen to
tweay boabete of trait on the tree If
it rtpeae a it now promises well to do.
Above the Clouds," Tnesdoy
evetrhag, ta 12th iaet.M
la looking carefully ever th atop
reports in our State exchanges, we do
aot find a single instance of fear ex
pseseed of material injury from grass
hoppers. This fe very good news.
In nfaeee where the hoppers deposit
ed their egEB ist SH. th experience
aad observation regarding the yoaag
hatched this spring are universally
tueeae as it has been hi tme coon
ty, fht: that they have been kkb-
iae; by installmente since early in the
epriag. aad disappearing in the same
manner ; so that now tb number is
comparatively small so small that
while aa oeeasionsl natch of gram or
a garden may be damaged or des
troved, the etops and gardens gener
sllv throagjaoet the eoaatry will aot
be "touched perceptibly by them. The
Tranent for geawml good crops was
never better. These being The facts
throwheet the State, they aSbrd an
aeeasioa for matsai Jay aad cesgrat-
uleiieae amaag the people of ell &ee-
aod of sitveostiaae.
Ge to t&:?e5tfl.
The "Blake- Tneady Jaei2th.
We had aootfeier rain oa Wedaes
day. The BroVHPTffJe hfeascbool defi
ed tor semmer vacation last Prfdsy.
Commencement eserefees of the
Peru Kormal School win be at 9 a. m.
I ob the 14th ins. ; meeting of ArumHi
at at 3 p. ra., &ad, Social Bauaian at 7
p. m. of game-day.
Joe Foster, aacea resident of this
city but'of lata yease of Phelps, Mo.,
was buried in WaiastTOreve ceme
tery be Sunday. Many of the eki
friends of the deceased attended the
We are ;eqtas4ed to asjr tiat the
reason wby Hr. Frost, wlao is bria
far Cool for the jSemaba Coal Com
pany, is aot proceeding with the
work ae rapidly ae he expected, i? on
aceoent of a lailere to receive neces
sary tooie whiofa he is aakiae every
effort to procure. He has bored to the
depth of about thirty feet, bet strik
ing zaciz coeld aot go oa wiihoot nec
essary -drills." Soon as drills are os
band he wiH ptssb work with bis a
ees;oaed eergy and Indaatry.
Oer readers certainly appreciate
the great amount and variety of
reading master each week contained
times are very dell, aad job work and
advertisiug scarce, we t work hard to
make the very best paper possible;
eetersaraed that not a single one of
its features shall depreciate. Those
who know a good local and family
paper when they see it, accord to The
Advertiser all we claim for it, and
we hpe ?ach will be prompt in re
newing their scheeriptioa when the
rtime paid for expires.
The attention of all persoas that
are delinquent oa the interest on
their school lands, tt& desiroes to
save the same from being forfeited,
and to avail thetaeeives of the exten-
kKi of time should pay up at once,
ae the Commfcefeoer of Public Lands
b made demaad few all books and
papers in the poeeeseloB of the eoaniy
treaesrer to be forwarded to Lincoln.
All persons who have paid tas on
I school lands will have their chums
adjoeted as soon ae the county eoea
misttoocrs ps upon the -awe.
A. H. GriJtCKK, Oo. Treas.
Owing to the rarcvai aad eoa
tiaoed wet spriag farmers are, in
mutt? H&atascee. late in getting in
their corn crop. Considerable ground.
we learn, will not be put in because of
lateness of the season. We hope the
farmers will pet in every acre possi
ble. There is already plenty of eorn
iin nd doing well for shipment. The
bte placunsr is fine for home feeding.
Sessember rS75. That season plant
vrci9f?te&3f So atlctea date ae July
better than that fed en "soft eorn"
the - inter of IS75-6. Merchantable
corn will bring a good price hereafter.
Plant all yoa can. Feod the soft eorn
aed market the merchantable.
"Above lb CioadB," June 15th.
Cto Monday of last week Com
misefover Tverj aad Wile. E. Majoo,
ex onty cierk. atte&oed the meeting of
the 5tate Board of Equalization at
Uneoln. They speak of having had a
very agreeable visit to the capital,
Htade partieaiariy plcaaaat by the
khxditese and emtrtesy extended to
ward them by the State officers. They
apeak in unreserved terms of praise
of the accommodations and courteous
attentions received at the hands of
Lieut. Gov. now acting Governor
Abbott, Auditor Weston, Secretary
Tsechuen, and Lend Commissioner
iDavte. The information received
from these centlemealy officials upon
various matters pertaining to the bes
inese ia hand was valuable, and
highly appreciated by our vigilant
clerk aad eomratsaiener.
WHl tune your Pianos, aad guarantee
We understand that a serious eoal
oil accident happened in ths family
of Wm. Pugh of Sheridan, this coun
ty, on Saturday last. It appears that
a little eou of Mr. Pugh, eight years
old, wa requested by his mother to
so to the kitchen aad start a fire la
the stove. In attempting to do so the
boy got the kerosene ean and began
to pour oil out of the spout into the
i stove in which there was some fire.
Instantly, the fiame following the
stream of oil. into the can, there was
an expiosiou, aad the boy, with hie
little sister younger than Mm about
two years old who had followed him,
had their clothes saturated with oil
aad were nearly enveloped in flames.
The mother, however, hearing the
sereams of her children, had pres
ence of miad to promptly throw a
blanket over them, extinguishing the
names, so that although badly burned
the little giri very severely about
the arms, breast and face it is tbeaght
with good treatment they Wilisarvive
their injuries.
T!e parents say they never nee eoal
oil in kindling a fire, aad the children
coeld not have learned to tamper with
the dangerous material from them.
Soma other children, say they have
seen their school teacher pour coal oil
into the stove, aad there fe probably
j where they received so dangerous a
Sisce the above wee put in type
we received the fbikrving from Wes-
isHERTDAzr, j one o.
Mrf Pash's little chiid that was
berned last Saturday, died laet night
after forty-eight hears of terrible suf
fering. Tne bereaved family havethe
active and heartfelt sympathy of the
entire eoearaeaity.
Breakfast 33acE.
Scctia aae, att Maadert's.
!Xw, boj3, yoa ahoaid t onee
begin t save np oircos money.
voh come to town doa't
fell to
go end see the big show pie-
Mrs. Cook received .s fresh ia
staltoeert of nice semmer goods on
The employes of the 27ebraeka
Rail way h&ve recaved oScIal aotiee
frona the Scaerintendent of the 3. &
5C that that coaapaay h3 taken fnll
possession and control of the rst
Baed road. That this change- has
really taken place will be pleasant
news to everybody oa the line of the
road. We wHl now have some reason
to be hopeful that this portion of the
Nebraska Bail way will be finished to
Falls City withia "fee present year.
Sirswfcerrr "Festival.
The ladies and friends of the H. ..
Charcfa wHi give a Strawberry and
Ice Cream Festival this Wednesday
evening, in MePher?on Hall, for the
beoeSt of Rev. D. F. Bodabaogh.
The brass hand will be out and good
time and splendid feast is anticipated.
All are invited. Admission 10 ccats.
Te C&Hsty SqtajaRteiideEJfes.
IiLyoOLN-, 2TE3., June 4, 1S77.
Convention of Principals and Co.
Sap'fs at Plattsmaath, Joiy 9th t
lwth, iaelesivve.
Hotel board $ per week; private, I
Train from Omaha at 6 p. m. Sail
announcement soon.
E. R. Tjgc?30Xf
Sept. Pab. lest.
The only bosinesa of the city
eoeneil last Monday evening of im
portance, was the allowance of some
email ailla, the presentation T re
ports and their reference to commit
tees, and the adoption of a resolution
instructing the Mayor to make and
tender a deed for the ferry franchise
to the ferry eompany, aad demand
payment from said company for said
franchise. We are informed that the
city fathers have determined to com
mence scit as&instthe ierry eompany,
and that E. W. Thomas, Esq., has
bee employed on bebaif of the city.
Soael ifcrfct Oil at Haddari3s.
For the purpose of devising ways
and means to conquer the grasshop
per, the eitiaens of Brownville ware
called together at the Cocrt Hcase on
Teesday sight. A goodly number
gathered thouzh tks notice was short.
Organised by electing Dr. McPber-
son chairman, and Geo. B. Moore see-
xeiary. r. mct- y
i TV r..TIl- , -. ... - WL-
tnenKs Tor tne privilege ot preeiumg
over a meeting called for the purpose
of devising ways and means to save
the harvet. Different eitiaens were
called upon to express their opinion.
A. R. Davteon, Capt. Bailey, H. C.
Lett, R. A. Hawley; J edge Choree,
aad others, ursed organization and a
united, determined effort. David
Campbell thought we ought to go ost
sid of the city limits aad help to des-
Itroy tne locusts oh the farm. To
tbte proposition there was bo dissent
ar - jj
it was stated that the Mayor had
appointed a committee for eaeh ward
as follow: 1st ward James Steven
son aad C. M. Kauffraan ; 5nd waid
R. W. Farnae and D. H. McLaugh
lin ; 3d ward Boht. Teere and W.H.
On motion of A. H. Gilmore, the
following resolution was adopted :
Unsolved, That we heartily endorse
the ths appointments made by the
Mayor, and that we will teeond ali of
their efforts to destroy the grasshop
pers. B. B. Thompson said the grass hop
pers were most abundent in the bot
tom below the city : on the base ball
L ground, at the cemetery, and on the
Morgan property near Judge Whee
ler's. James Stevenson notified all pres
ent from the 1st ward to be ready
Wednesday morning to assist In
ditching and other work. D. H.
McLaughlin warned residents of the
second ward to be ready for action.
The expression of all present was
that the grasshoppers could be
destroyed, aad therefore the work
must be done.
Meeting adjourned until Wednes
day evening at S p. m.
Goe. B. Mggke, Sec
Scad 2Jcr!ii Oil at HuGdarts.
A Xke Presest.
I Stilts? ?iinTi-n Advertiser;
ua tne oae aestsnatea aetow we
I received the fotiowin? note:
3auwavii.7.a, ySmy SB, 1677.
Presented by B. if. BaQey to Andrew J.
Sedoras. lor valuable ser7fces reaoered.
Tours iraiy, B. M. Battjt.
Accompanying this note, as the
present referred to, was a large, beau
tiful and valuable stirrer. Ia giving
this pleasant private afikir so much
publicity, we do so in gratitude to the
generous donor, believing It due him
to make this public acknowledgment
of his highly appreciated gift ; and in
return for hie acknowledged appreci
ation of the faithfulness and fidelity
of Mr. Sedorss during the years of his
employment by the Transfer Co., he
can say from his heart that be net
worked for, or had dealings with, any
mau more generous-hearted than Mr.
Bailey, or mere picasant, always, to
ward his employes. And the sever
ance of business relations with him is
a source of deep xegrsft. Permit us to
say that wa accept the generous glfs
with pride, because regarded as a to
ken of friendship from one whose
friendship is so highly appreciated.
We wSl preserve it, aad in our hearts
the ncme of the giver will be cher
ished and fifi securing as oar livee.
- A. J. Sedosas,
Thuhsa SsiJOEis.
fSoM ai the rate of five -dollar jer
faseath, ay D. T. Smtefa. 3rowsvie.i
il c- Lsrr.
HaJcnanotli taftlisbaient.
It always aSbrda a newspaper man
esaecief In one who means to be a t
tree and generous Journalist pleasure
to make a note of any case of real merit, i
enterprise orworth, to which his atten
tion may be called. The mercantile?
business of the Rentleman whoe t
name beads this article, in its new
quarters, attracted oar attention, and
we took the liberty of taking a cigar
and going throcgh the establishment,
takine notes of our discoveries, by the
wav. We were truly surprised to see
the extent of bis boslaess and the im
mense varied stock of goods orr hand.
We were not previously aware tha'i
there were eo many goods in on e
house in Browaville, ore man doing
the amount of business he Is doing.
This establishment occupies thre
noors in McPhereon's Block, of abc at
one hundred feet deep, which are fill
ed with the finest and purest qua iity
erocerles all new and fresh the
kinds we would not undertake to anu
merate drugs in fall stock ; and Mr.
Lett informs as he has a large in roles
on the way from Cincinnati, Ohio,
bought of first haHds, from the. well
known laboratory of W. S. 3IerrrdL aad
says he la determined to fum ish all
physicians the purest preparations
over offered west of the Mb. ro'er and
at less prices.
Mr. Lett informs us that sir jce open
ing up in his present large rnd com
modious rooms, and keeping nothing
but the best goods his trade-lias so iu-
l creased that ho feels that the old Def
ray days of the past are Tetarnlng,
4 aad that the bright day? of prosperity
are once more dawning up ton Brown
ville and Nemaba county
It is truly refreshing aad encourag
ing to find such a house and a busi
ness man occasionally w'no is satisfied
with his lot and that be is doing a
20od business. Such nterpriee ae
Mr. Lett is instilling inrohis business
should be emulated by every man
within the city, instead of giving up
as victims to despondency, gloom and
unhappy predictions regarding the
future. Go to work ! and not idly
wait for something to turn up, but as
Mr. Lett has eon md fc doing make
some thing turn up.
In conclusion indulge G3 in saying
that Mr. Lett's house k a good place
to go to to get the full vaiee of your
money in anything embraced in bis
varioas stocks of goods'. It will do
you god to go in and gee his store,
and you will go away sayiag we have
not too highly colored the truth, that
Mr. Lett and his elerks are accommo
dating and pleasant, aad (hat "The
gode help them who help them
selves." Gents' suS SyV Straw Hats,
in Fine aad Cemiuoa styles, at
lowest Sew Torli wrices, at L.
Departed tola, lii on the morning
GtiTMXjrj'ORD. -OD T. M. and L. J.
Dtydes, aged 9 years, 1 month and 26
HLd??e3e, Rhearaeifera, was one
of long duration, extending over a
period of more than two years, iinal
y relapsing- into rheumatic or brain
t lever, which caused his death.
During hie last Illness of fifteen
dajs his sullering was extreme. Hv
was an obedient and xffeetioneie son,
beloved by alt who knew bim, and in
whose hetsrts hk memory it firmly
ly engraved. He ie mkeed in the
community, and oh ! who can teil
how much he is missed in the family
circle. Yet we "sorrow not as those
who have no hope." He has gone,
and we shall see his fair face and
slender form no more this side the
land of rest. But if we are faithfnl
we shall meet him. in that bright
world where sickness aad sorrow
never come, and where parting will
be no more. Hew sad, that one so
yoeas shoeld be ceiled away ; yet we
rejoice to know that be is one of such
as the Savior said the kingdom of
heaven fe composed. Rest, noble
youth! thy sufferings areo're aad thy
joys are now begun. Thy grave only
contains the "tenement" in whieh
thou dwelt. Thy spirit has returned
to him who gave it. Rest, noble
youth! in that divine abode from
which thou sbalt never return.
Best, zacaoaMd oee! Sweet rest is tntae at
2fot wcarr bow, for all Xhj toil ta done.
Ovc toy grave oer lonety- Seara fell Imz
? waroice thatdeata for thee Is past,
i- Hie, iacaorial lite, is bow bagiia."
J. X. B.
S. C. iSTT
Has just received more of those nice
fresh Green Apptte for Sunday jriee.
Corn Beef in cam, besides a large va
riety of fresh Groeerfo?, -5rtqpxr
Qu3cntcare, drc. Please just step into
his new store and look at bis stepani
For Sale.
Oa bock-board begsy, cheap for
cash. Enquire ef E. M.IflB'fgi1;
Crasslsopper ?aas, .
Made by our joflj friend H. M. Hart.
sten of "Bed Stove."
. i. . i. . . "-..
i it. iHtpi j ia ijx a.;?i4?
Uroiim tJsdfe, at
If you want a yr dtai, recollect
Haanarbrd's is the place to get it,
either in farnitare, churns, or any
thing in irfe line.
Slisses' and Clsi23rc2.s; suits,
ironi 1. To to SG.OS, al Xotv-
So to iiic Iiegii5fitcr
For Ksid ware and Farm. Impiemeats,
at jSo.7 Mam street, 3rowaviIle.
Thomas Bxckaros.
r"eir Cultivators,
For sale at Brown vflle aad Sheridan,
by Thomas Biebards.
A good two-hcred eorn sheller,
with power or crank, as geod as, new,
i for sale or trade cheap.
HAvrLar &Dmmss.
Bri'If eXetlinc An Interesting OrOer
Regard ing School Lands.
bridge irrxisG.
On jscfeday. the 4th iaec.t prant
jt notice the County Comesfssfoncrs,
beard, met to examine bills for
bridge building. C. W. Wheeler wai
awarded the coa tract or bofldinga
bridge cross the Nemaha at AUeu
mill. Sr. Wheeler entered into a
written aostract with the eoenSy to
furnish, at hid own expense, the sub
structure, and build thereon aa Iron
Warrea Trses bridge at said place, oa
( or before the I5th day of Agast, 1877.
For the substructure the commission
ers agree to pay toe sum of S175.00,
and for the erection of said bridge the
sum of $3o per lineal foot. The whole
to be peid in brfdge wa crania, oae
haifwhealtha material for the bridge
and substructure is framed and on the
ground where the bridge is to be
erected, aad the balance when the
bridge A completed and accepted by
the board of eommiaeioners.
being uader eoneideratioa, the oom
raieeionore, according to the most au
thentic reports from varioee para of
the county received, understand that
In some iooahttes crops are endan-
i gcred ; scd, to meet any emergency
which, may arise, they ordered the
purchase of a number of barrels of
coal tar. fcr distribution among the
people t&roegh theirrood supervisors,
to aid in completely destroying ths
'hoppers in the county. The business
was placed in the hands of Commis
sioner Paery for pur abasing and se-
perintendiag the distribution of Use
eoal tar-
The miiawing order, ia which many
are interested wae made:
Ordered, that the cog sty treasurer
of Nemaha county be requested ta
furnish the commissioners, of
county, a list of all school lands la
the county sold prior to 1872 ; stating
the aseed valaatioo of sold iaade for
each year for taxable saroose r the
) amount of taxes levied against said
tend;; toe amount of tax paid; when
paid, and by whom paid. .Said Jtet to
be lurnksoed by the Jaly session of
the board of county commissioners.
The elerkto publish the time in which
parties owning school lands may come
and make out their aceonnt for re
loading county and state taxes there
In the meantime the board of com- I
missioaers will endeavor to see that
the rights of pu rchaers of school
fends are not prejudiced by thfc delay
so far ae extension or other matters
are concerned.
Done, thir- June 2 1S77.
Joetx H. Shook, 1
JO?fATKAf HlGGdS, Y Co. C25 . ,
J. A. Pkbrt, J
Hiead Ug&t Oil I
The b5t aad safes oil ia "the mar
ket, at idart',
Tc rsi gitTBto- T
Brj Goods, Kotians, (ScthiBg,
Furnishing Booas, Eootg, Shoes.
Look at z few prices, and then
eoine aad j adge for yoasserr es i
Standard Priats, 6$ 8 c.
" GiBjbaofiSj - icHfiii2c.
ct CbcToit, io flic.
Bern All-Wnol Caraimere Seiss,
I8.C0 per suit.
Cwistie one sd Rtl, exstaalne
sjd e t:a'icel lis at - aell
good cheap.
Is selling remnants of wail paper at
less thaa cost.
Sr erytiiine: els eap a.d ere oil
at Z.oTrcnaii'.s.
Tf. 21. 3ICC212SRT
Hae Fresh Drugs, Wall Paper,
School end Blank Books, Bird Cages,
Palnss, Giass, Oits, etc, at lower pri
ces than any house In Brewnvlils.
?or TradI
A secofid-band wagon to trade Sar a
cow. Abbott & Eioatr.
Buy tlie Kansas T'aon.
Wagons, tin, spring wgjrons. $110,
iron, 31 rate; files, raaHeabies, harrow
teeth, wagon and easrriaee wood work,
cheaper than the cheapest, at Leek
wood's. Floaraad feed at HuddarPs.
Head. LisrlitOalatXIuiItlart's.
All FFool CassiBaerc suits.
$S.O par szilt at IiO"iVKSsnJi.
Buy Tour Cooli Stoves
of Thomas Richards.
Sants' Pail Suits at tS.0O xt
AhjOESDESSE lia-e cfLasici'
R!l Ifisspa' Trlrcsiied HaTS.
tjnst recciTed freai Ifcrr York,;
r . -v -ii'ucw. j. tt . mrr m.
..t. -aU TT ZZ.& a 9. AXd C ITi. ij, XL .
r '
1.. Lowaau.
Stoves T t0'eI
I By Thomas "Orchards.
? A
r rrS?
Pios5e reaember, if 70a wast any Sewing
TnwT'ta rap&lM of amy Jctn3. cr any sca
ebtaa. or any attseinaenV needle, ot: crtf
iyon-esatsistfwirfarririir r a wroatad
I pat oa S oat wmrntaet or a rebel! t rraertftw,
? Tea wlK save from 2tT ) r?reerj: " y B!tt
w . - i
oe cr !etKxnnt to xi. u. wiixi-rjisKJ5, i
ErowTi.vllie,-Keb. I
.-r 0 The TKor. F!esKie. irw-TJavia,
1M t2 w. A vr. 2oeUles. . per ecxen.
tt t . ? f?0? nnab12
wntrx pant t any aertM. livery needle
j warrassedcr tl best Tai:ry.
itssl?r In
Quemstrcn-e, Glasszeare,
lo&isce. Giub. jsssaEcmxzjt ?r?as,Aira
msssBBsssm seirs.
Fnxn.llied. 7y Speokil 0rrr-erpoiMXaeati3,
X&r 5?lte AttTtrtlser-
The citizens of Sherldas aad vi-
j oaiy met Jeae 2d ft the purpose of
J making arrasgemesta for the ealabca-
tion ot the 4th of July, to be held at
Harmon s G ro ve. Ed . Jeel ano Poesy 1
i Freeman, stand oaainiittee; T. J.
Giel and C D. Duadas. ooUecliBg
com m tttee f J. B. Piper, litet&ry coai -
mittee; Henry Dcakin, commtttee
on mueic: William Pe-h. mesafaal.
The people of the whole coeaty are
cordially iavitsd to attend
thing will be suitably arranged for the
convenience of tho public
Den Set Mathews fe ra tews eoa-
temple ting to build on his Iota.
A new harness shop fe in course
of erection, burft on the Court Hoese
Square by Morgan and Opeermeca.
We never saw so many teeme in
town as. since Doe. got his tomber
yard started. Ha sails more lembar
the a can be hauled out throeen the
wet bottoms.
William Pugh children got
badly burned by a bursting coal oil
can. The children Intended to kindle
fire with coal oil. The doctor thinks
he ean save them.
Mr. Volkers. a German, has mede
Larrangementa for bellding a two-story
building for a furniture store. With
in two weeks be intends, to oommene
William- Stoddart is collecting
l-raonay. intending to rid the towneiiel
of Sheridan from the grasshoppers.
Doc. has turned painter for a day
or so painting signs.
On Saturday next ins school dis
trict will have a
raeetlBg toaectcer
i . i .
whether a lightning red shall he pet
on the school house or not.
W. T. Red looks fine aad Hke a
seatiemea, riding in hfe new buggy
and driving hfe Werj black steed.
It did not rain last Sunday.
Very heavy dews at night, thick
mists is ths morning vary favorable
for ague.
Peaches and cherries have been
injured by the frest. Apple prasaeat
stiii gaod.
Judge Peery has been visiting
Lincoln. Expresses himself "meeded
with the trip.
V.nlK: -X -tI P
i iij -iwg -very oeewive isoa
the "w detriment." Battles fie-
CP'.aBt, snd million of 'boppere slain,
ytelt seems their nurnbers do not di-
m i.ich Tsi s ir vmOts mn tuT
Ti m. o &. -.- u. tiuv
ut) mukloFMnnv aiaftiuwwF mrk
now they mysterioosly appear. As to
the idea of the egss not being healthy,
was a mistake; they were never in a
more sounu eoncitton, aau tne young
. ... 1 i -
hopper sever in a better state ta est.
It fe now as it ever ha been. "The
wisdom af the wise is Jfcofch." For
anything reliable aad practical it fe
fast about as sale to trast to the "eom
B&eti peeaee ss the s!sam. oete
rpeople are losfnc- all hapi af raising
anything this seon. Others yet
hope for earn. Great effort fe being!
made to save small grain.
Boys and young ac who piay
cards until iate into the night, are
laying the foundation of dug race and
ruin for themselves, and grief for their
friends. Boys, be warned, and take
advice in time of those who seek your
welmre. Ton but think it makes
you appear like men tn drink ram and
play cards ; it may, but it fe like had
Bex. -Begs informed th people
last Sunday that there bad been a
reconciliation ejected between the
Methodist Church North aad South.
Every one who desires pe on
earth, good will to men," will rejoice
to hear this and all honorable reeou
eiliatmec of parties at variance, let it
be religious or political. There is so
much of the war spirit Is the world
which shows a k-avsse civilisation and
the low moral condition of men
their present state of develepmantt.
Tfae-present will mainly deter
mine who fe to be vietorioae, the
farmer or the hopper and every aaa
who has the opportunity should re
double hfe efFoeta until the danger hr
past. We learn thaf Louie Ffeber
and other, on his aad adjoining,
farms, have slain hueheJsof theyoans;
We are glad to note that Dr.
Grim is steadily improving and will
soon be oat scaln.
People are beginning to Iaaslxe
for one Frost recently engaged to pros
pect for coal near the new foam Uc
They begin to leer that Jaefc Frost
will catch Bob before bagets the, hole
The tempiase lodge at this nates
fe moving along nicely eemc aad ae
An enjoyable time that at the
IhaM on ket Friday evening. Cbaee
again. ai.
f?lea I&ec&.
Jane month of roses is here.
Wednasday nlht trail raiUed
down qntte lively for some time, doer-
aging corn considerably. The next
nMfsing las ETfteno wascnTerec vrtis t
. - f
green leaves knocked off by the hail
stones. Many window Kghto wece
Lake Shora. Hew CMeagofied
thataanadc. Psthar iafc fe ooite
a resort for these that la-re to bats! out
i the finny tribe.
Tis reI!oa tibat estn giv
sweote&t comfort wbilewa Jkm." Aad
yes many of ear saotarias. Beapsajae
tese to he "coealecEed hmeasse they
are net' Christ.
Sv wry body go to the Basket
meetlsg, the fourth Saadej of this
mooth. "2att drhik;, aad he merry.
fe? to-morrow ye asay die."
The people thet were so fear art
fest the esfa sheehi dectfey thee eat
i are bravely getting over their thiB-
; nees and you will hear them meekly
i remarK "i.Bsat tains iBoj aaa saua
T J Ba. lt!l. . k- I
to do aay eamemege."
2?eh?aks fssbead af her slstar
fstte:lowa. Is zS&sm eoex thea Sw
l&i.LTBLmmom. ijttMtwnr
KaMlHfnt V I-w f W -wU.. ,:, n.
ta aeaoy ptaeee oador water. On op-
lands now acd taoa. a fleM of own
i as joss cosmbc utroojen too croooa.
F . - " "
ataay farmers aave Joot ecmoscACM
sajae. Threate hoppers there afeo.
Oa tha est&asive a
ot of Waj
tonTvatt "5!m Pnatitaai mJ K. T--l
v.. ..,., .,... '"'
tatof ti
tey Katioaal of Bod Oak.
T aow
grasshopper machines
gsaaenvpec cwcoiikp (bos nao oeexi
1 m-t t t j
in ase, aot was left la too ioaee
i aer. The kopBezs have aot. a? yet.
i a&G aJ R on mr. tiienaett'
i hreodlag Jin i
. which he ealled
my atteation to. I took a look at hi
blooded oalvea, elgntcoa head from
ifareo day to two weeks old. all Dor-
i hame, mostly fall blocd. Mr. Sten-
sett fe also breeder of Poland Chin
bogs. Will
I Wfi J. J- !
Reg-nJrvr Seeretien KeatII ta Hfltfc
Tbrnijceretija and Sow of taesaa-
tstwacm.mmda Th atie wniea the aw of
HoBtecas nii i i nrcnt mb?
r. ..!. TT . 77
"" arm an., waen uc system ai u -
trirtnm.i n - - - - rl"-l. -.JT. TLr
aenomeea n Rnrtati ta iLMtile flatc nvdefi -
dent. soaarabniliiM or vtUaosd-tas ttrer
hue mam mm nliiT - Um timit emmttrm-
t fc th- -, , m-. w. , 17.
orzUadtreeeed. The Binen zcetnlcs alt tate
aad raotOTw verr to tmuiBwim of non-
tu.i. m.x MtTZ-ZzL. -w-
. k.w.. rmm
iBecaMra. k saasans tne aeuoe ot u
fe&fceevs,' bv whldi tatparttles are. so to
sUaracd irsci-tae Mood. aadaav"ieB-
!n Uie uiUtuo- ocssaa to crow star-
tttmt wnrl dfrotPMod cowatirauml. Waotner
tt bo esd aa a inoons of reeelMtoa; gaawic
orbttUsosseerettoii.aadTcUavlzia' tne cvr
loiMhid ttowda, or to promote complete, nssd
th:e3ie beatttfnl mstsmCSxm,
BUass smo- m hBhI oaon wttk
So aroompWah tfte end ta vtaw. Jane
!Sa.ttvrvi Riadlel Agenla.
ankttx hsaHMtbr. aasera baa pcovMed m,
mnr twu vdt . - j.1 trmimt a.mS smtl-r KMn
. . ' - - -w .
I ... v - " .
- " "" wjxitr uu. im
idoowt nwM m irun hiowhuobiiiwii oiis
roooKbarita. hero, rxaiaew aad other sttonle
I77w ZX. JTZlT
and bssaile mgrodteats ace soreeOwttve
tnan sbt of the zstoeral
r ttn
freerytntoxryprawars. Tte embraced
Br. HmsXIIb; te ta 3osu Boala or Golden t str Fart JlePtieron. Xorta PisUe.Sbtooy
Wonder Mas nruioiiil a imipiBliTa rem- fiatxaeka. Cheyenae TVoot. Port IK A. aw
;. ---. , . u , seU. Port CnojrtBm. Furt Fred Mei. Port
"- - - ---
mmwKmwm niinir ciii ? a m mam CT4iiTV
ptopReea of a z?ea arrmber of ae zanct ef-
iscove root, bextm and bsbbs. Pot
rtaascerer been
J aaaaasBBasj
K voa ar tnmbled wttt
. reapoetty to keep Ktlad
mr Bb-i
t jQCt.jttpnr.sIaeay.or arvoca Jeeitnaa. gloo -
my forebodings. frrttaMirjy of teaxper. or s
-- ,
bad taste lir the nceft. unsteady sppettle,
ia tn caotinmaa. para nrcast
ot snoatabasdersor baa.coiaaea of
. . . -
I eaA.eiwttit'ft. etc cr tn toe' say sy mptcxas of
IXver earapialstjclllmisneai. cosutrsaiwm of
inebowesv.ordjeila.gota jium dijg;lst
A. TV. JncsZLL, and eat a aotUe of Dr.
Sbevinsn'a Prtciiey Aah Btrtm. 5o spirit
f si aswi in aierr sHuraJacrcre except s pore
1 arwc.e iioiiana wax. ibxb ra wmewa-
1 aruc.e ci aotaiw tnxx.
win ftad tSi-m
to all aaea aad concnttooB of Ilie
label teils all tney eontata. eoaseiTaentlv
crtbe ttstn
sjampic tottZt- for tnl free.
ST flti
Regular stae.
; r.
J Si ft I
LLIUfliflfl U
Jaty l.ITT
nnatetnrilan CbJef wjs tolled J
1372; U a dark rnaBnesny bar. sod
hands 2 mesas tUabv Wm strcd by !
ttessnian Prmee. he by "AJni'atrsti7r.
aon of Byryk's irambWcoalaa. For exten
ded pedigree ee "Brace Au-irtcaa atiid
Tnos ooesMalaans breed in are respset-
juuy rrxiiieaU'. tr, Tift it t. early appaatar
Por terms, sod a:; .xbr partlrttiars.applv t
spenewsdns. J
rTASiiii riiairr
HSU MR 18 LI tf
1x.Ai.f.n 12
Timcare Stoves, JRanges, Wagon Materia
ijROrvr, z.att,s, CTJrjrr.T.jKrs;,
AiTJUuiilJi UlLtili
Com Sliellei-s, Feeti Miils, Etc., Etc.
3T iaiii Street,
casctsH isii mmmt
innimn fiu vvwunb
"tSW W ???? ag "" - ' . --?r 'ga, Var-fTy-jr Vs- yatnfssaa
r Sat Mraacan; - - Jr- IIJJeaassBB?l
- 1"? Ife 53lF7?S"saaataaP5d(S -0-3
r ' fa mR
-ib--Sr feSfif S naaasBSBaN. lli-Bv5
aajr' rJa . W& 9m aflEBaaaasBsa nP4W6lrvT'aiiSeV
3Etr "tt 9 ; Til 9 S9aaaa3 - tHrt,SatiPMaaSg.
3ssn assst llBaaBaBT 9 csjl .. .ess
- - ypBy--ass,"s m .- z
TOMB STO5S. TnKT,,?: TDyS. Sc c
r'Tsr-r'Ta r rre ifiuc ai r.r- - r"i ' t nn nifn'ii -1 maorn
Orr.i-lrlLi JJHOjUllO JCt - ' -
l - S - ' -
JBEossx. Cups liois Shoes Qmrcmtwttrn, Gltunriawix.
aacVait ushii articles
cc wTi3fT?y 3Egf ynrcggj
T Ml Steset, Ifcowsfyillft: ifefeas'ks
! ill a e : -- mon mt Ia B;
i T, Z21ZZJ ?L'Tl r??-
. -. w . vwuK o. ijiBairi
rnr. mua wmtcbit. a. n. :
eaMrd aanh & . aKM
m mvni i( .NMbs fwatj.
i st.adtfiio.wdwwwwdoy
I aOnOt Mm BflUUM fnUHl
Tl ya'jL-
- " hm
1 1 Par b ! amount -'n. wf t)
' ur. v mm ,mwa mm mbs .
M bAJ. m AAfe . ih -- '
i donr tu arwwaTtlle. ta mid :
oetoeam ta . torlal
UavMLncr. w Xrrmmyn.
-Lt Ecte HJo.ln ci V. EC. TTtrnittaT.
i taoii Edwaiia, of tii cou-j o s
. r m zap m c .eenrs.
i f 3f y!
IM, on tao
at ffulatoitT. A. D. JdT7. fii oari
in Uk Oszntr cocrt wttata sad Sac
tts Cwnrtj- of 2To aa. ia the 9aua mC
i mbcku, aBuaa bui imun
In and w. H. KJaoimt.
smtttmic acta that Jmt aroea kt
ed poa a aromfwary note iwilrnl and
driiwiwi to acr by seat oafaBOaati. Oat
d April L I4T3v ta tveiw moata aftar
date. aattj th !Ud J-ftTKants ywtjmL
m WW ser Wtw oo - it day ot .
JsTi. 7br?ro a? so -rcIUs i
aJ.f n
f as? t-we mid tt oas otvcntMt
Much d, gUiamT a nome Delfe H
. in . zhm. stnee sua xnue. ncr cemtt
Anrtnw J. EJ-srani thai there it b to
t ptetstUT imw ill ' on mU aoa the
f obi of 5iue.wri. vttn 1 ter ent Intcrcot
ow nof tjaaart sar ot ApctL. A. Dl
? . i?? jxBiaaMaJ aaamst
Tttetumit Jbjmof aaldattte
-w Burr. and or? La" a th lUBotrat or
rr. ? htm to a eoM AwM
, IjanCtXiM JPU PPT ttM SKM tn JOJ SiOltl PC
rh Mnnna: f!n? on sM u.umfcjwi
Writ of atforhment bo been lucacd at sMU
coaee. and aotico of tantaiuMBt win on
PMarBerleUz AndaWaUd Puntot Ho o
io and V H. Kirujtscn tarn aottaed soar
(tiieynre retjtrirerT to appear aad ooJrwws&Jd
peUlme on w before tne iath dor of Jeoo
I A- P. 1ST-.
uaiec tun uta vr or tut. a. v. bft.
l. . KFrr EDVA&OE.
4CM BrJS. cmn. ser AHfaw.
Proposals for Say.
Hxaftaa Pzpaszmcstot rax PaASa.l
Cbttbt ijpjurxKBAsrBM'Ovraxav
KALED pROpc-SALS, ta trtpUsnte.noaar
O n- nsaaS mmamom '
. win a .wW as
tOSI oAtSCV BStU 1 f cluctk. 3L. SO '
th jj- j g . ir- - at tmm
" T- . " - -.
i oobccm or to ucarterxuasiers at in
I "& 5taKot?s. at wMeo. jm aad
iastosbey wffi bo oaened In ta preenoo
bsMen. iw fgm!sS? awl drtrvwrr of Bar.
I ilBnnv rr
dnrlnx the year coiuinencinR JcLy 1. :T7.
Si j V.Ji
arWeer. Fact FaH. umD Doajrhw. Port
Oaoto Bjobtnsoo.
Port Larsmle. Fort F 'trmaa. Oer
3eno, f air.p stamtacc. aod Ca?"n ft"wj.
Pinipmif; air tosa qnanitti" : -. inv
whoit tFUl be receivn.. TbC to- 'tr1
ervs (be r4e?n to rrfeet any or all prape
aate.ou ro accect projoals tn part it deem
ed atf vtatsitePUg-gg lean ito.Wiii.inl oa a wa
ta im JTt ta Um rib A riin4nii n wgl
be et-ren Jurartirfes c?drzaeti- Brodatton.
! SSsifk pmwilo aad prturea etreot
! "T ,t25 7 gipa" .y-
t striae 'faU !irraettcBs aa to tne swanr of
MrMixtf, wrdiiioB to ne ocoert r-y sho
i 2Sr- ' T '??", ?OB,,??"LS" ." LTTiT
fwfl!b" furnished oa apotltaMnn to tbJw of-
aarterr aatera i
Znvetoccs oontainlae tte i
rarpecOv Fosta ad PgwtCjiann isssasi 11 .
fTwt - cefSnannesr.
and addrssoed to the Bnders1ned. 1
"T5 Ep CA J V 1'
XasS?Sres a Dealer ta
Til pibs. Bvrsvs. 1TMSsTS,
Hobes, &c.
szocit ii, iat :
Tlf BT "Pi
ovWL WooBo"
Jrjfjl 5 asaaatiTaaV-
iimiTiiOin I
fiiililu I
eeid aad vsaarantca, eti Bosioa Trices :
5 .
BroTni ville, 2s eb.
Tfeomas Bickaxcis.
umi mmwmv
mtnmjL. mvw&mmi
- 1 jc, tAret. oet een .ttaatt;U
M. COXXZR. rroecfaa74fl-.
kept in a
i i Hi
Oft M
f vT