l a iT f.- a pwyiiipipi THE ADVERTISER THTTKSDATT, XAT SI.1S77. TB CAXS. Dally Stage South.. rm AiMiimll St. Derate, ees- i i mm mlih nr rft t-t -ttJ T" " iiwcaiw-lealFalneto5::. J. C. KA5eS.Piprfc:ier. SV m MteKllt. Mp3 u-mpa JH1 J.) PKL ewaa JaL j. k. coc-5.spt. Brevra-rllle Bi Lint to nelpa ; - Wr---in 7 a. m.. V p. m 530 p. m. AXZ1" J. r?FHXI). Sartte P-hll-her- Xotlee-. c 2tocic. sef as ec-teary rqmHwcr --Se-. wtnasaeteetepereeacfeerto. ettodtoptoytyyt.aaacaB--ee - Authorized. Agents. J P r satheiHul 3est atKcna- - atin.dnt tor kK-MibKtRi IJUHMt hhjH A J.nxrrs.tSavaaraeriid--se-Sttplee.ori-eaA!'cipWBa-- ar- tc. aadto tEl JVK- S. TtlStCK. ta :ntTdscn-tA3p- wU.teraef cPect--- imiutpf torn-tea iB- FAXBSaOTSSS. i CKEL, FsbBsH-ra AdTertteer. OCAL MATTERS. Nftee r&ta last 5terdy. FtaBr and feed at Hurt. We TilsM. b&c a getks rala Scaday Tfce State . S. OoaveoUoa, Oeatei, will eenece Jane th. at Tfee Bratk Cftfb at Falls r on Monday etening of last wtek :it- played crowed 'AasoBg the Breakers," to a The Uiteetn Globe, takes loeal news from out eatu-ns and gives credtt ye the Graaper for the same. That's asei.r tba& aWaliag. The Seward Mepertar aadersteads that Bev. P. P. lieodon, of Seward, is livlag in open adultery with a woman ia Omaha, le&vtag his wife .nd child to take eare of themselves. The peach crop will net he as large s we thought it wobW be whe the trees were ia big am. The appfe promise, however, was sot deceptive, cad the tree? of scFffideat age are gen erally loaded with that fruit. We dropped into Sanaa ford's furniture store yesterday and foeod all heads hasy, the proprietor him self h4g-r4ivivHigagd in f nkhiag aad peuiag up hmsk of the handsomest bedsteads we have ever seen ia this city. Head r.isiii Oil at Hudd&ri; The Lowell lUffwier- About ihree weeks aeo we published an esti- isate of the newfeer of trees, sprouts, i cctttaes, Sx., that would he pfaated; in Kearney coaty thfe year placing toe neusber SQn9B&. We are now oTiaeed. after oareiul aad exteaded inquiry, that lmj9 will he Bearer the truth. The Bhtfce Draatie Assoeiatioa have decided oa Tuesday evealag. Jane 12th, as the tice to present that beautiful drama "Above the Clouds." The characters have been cast, the parts well eomatltted, and they sow hare in5reieral. TheBJakes have added aa orchestra to their associa tion, wMcfa Is uader the direotfoa of Prof J. W. Ford. This is aa aso rasee that the Steele oa that oeeeeion -will be good. The foWwiK daiaty socap we Sip from SL Niekoku for May: TSmmtme ta the srae-iop. hteoaks ni ttae ?sas, Ocobb tfetegs a-grwta. s&vc . beattwtg; :oat i aad wlliov-scee. :aadlKsdk Boat T tBtek ta: itey- iload Lisht Oil atlluddaxt's. Bev. J. W. Ellis, late of this city, is situated at Cfaieo, California. The people of hfe congregation there geve aim aad his family a very cordial re ception. A loeal paper says : The ladies had provided an abund ance of everything to set the ministe rial family ia a fair way of house keeping; the house was brilliantly lighted table spread with a fine sap per, and after the usual in traductions, baad-shakiags, and welcoming the family were left to enjoy their repat ! Ia the quiet of their own home. The surprise of Mr. Ellis was most com plete, aad the "minister's wife' eould i only look on and wooder what it all xaeaat aad if thfe was the way they did thiags in California. The Brownvllle cornet band is 3ow in good shape again, all vacan cies having been filled, and the mem bers, new aad old, having received In strHctleas during the winter from Prof. J. W. Ford. At their last meet ing they elected some new officers Mr. H. M. Hart, who has seted as president for shout nine years, retain ing his position; Prof. D. T. Smith -was chosen as leader and musical di rector, aad Mr. S. Huddart as treas urer, secretary, and general business manager. If yoc wish to engage their services for the fourth of Jury, 4or an exaursfen or picnic, confer with MV. T? ndrfart- The band boys have been to eonetderable expense the past winter, aad ar sixioss t& earn some of their money back. All Wool CasMmere sms, SS.OO per suit, atLonaau?i. lr 2eb--,efty- eSei OrtiM Bttte area. Judge Tbomas is talking of mov ing to Palls City. x-Gov. Furnas went up to liic coin Friday morning and returned Saturday afternoon by the o:S i i If you -want air dx?, recollect Hannaferd's Is the place to get it, either In furniture, chums, or any thing in his Hae. Newspapers of oar neighbor cit ies speak of the depredations of thiev ish tramps. The time of year has come for them ta again "go throagh" Brown ville. A -Lincoln paper cndersiaads that George Francis Traia is going to lecture there. We fee! sorry for the inaglc city, if she isn't jast as good as she nsisht be. A n-sas roan killed a black bird and found in it six hundred little grasHoppers. capers speaE oc im mense swarms of blackbirds eominsr into the countrv. The hugest "exchange" we ev er received was the Chicago Imier Ocean last week. Besides its regular issue tbere were It pages of d-eiin-qeent tax list. The FaHs City Gtob-Journal , ealis upon all to light the grasshop pers, and says: "There is no doubt bet that this is the only alternative left us. We have either to extermin ate them or sohasit to their fearfal ravages." An exchange says, "Now is the time to est the grass in your front door-yard If you want to encourage a good sod and keep the weeds down. It will also preserve the fresh green appearance of the grass, even through aseasoe ot drougth. The subscription prfee for The Advertiser Is only $1.5. Perso&s Uviag outside of this county, howev er, should enclose fifteen ceats for postage, as we have to prepay the pos tage on all papers sent outside of the eoenty. Please remember this when renewing your subscription. Oor respeoted old friend. Geo. W. Neeiey, writes us from Fails City: "Fneiosed :find $l.aO for my paper. I eaa't do without The Apvkb3TT5RR. If I doat gat It ererj week I am lost. I like to hear from old Brown viHe." George hs our thanks for kindly reaembering as. Wesley Dundee, uader date May 2Sfch, writes us as follows : The parsoaage festival at Sheridan was a very pteusent and profitable af fair. The cash receipts were $7). clear of ail expenses. The building com mittee vote thanks to the eoenty pa pers for advertising, t The Abvbb- tjsk& for print fag tickets, aad ta ev erybody for doingallIn thirwecier tcge; - 5?d?ee?s: WBEtET DCKXAS. The State Jaarxalhas the foiiow g good notice of the temperance or ganizations in this eoeaty : The Soas of Temperaaee is an or der that has done good work in Ne braska, and we near of it ia some e4t ies as being particularly strong. Ia Brown ville, for instance, that order is in a very flourishing: condition. There are among the Sobs about one hundred aad seventy-five members. and thfe is the only division in that eottaty. Afeowt a doaen Good Tem plar Iocbre exirt in that county, and all are dotag good work in the cause of temperance. Samuel K. Harter, Esq., a capit alist of Miami eoenty, Ohio, spent several days last week ia looking over this county. He west from here to Liaeoln, taking a look at oer capital. From tbere he went west over the B. & M. railroad to Kearaey, and down the U. P. to Omaha. He was delight ed with Nebraska, and tnkes the sen sible view, that In the elder and bet ter improved counties is the better I place to invest. After making the tour he will, in all probability, ;make isome investments, anu return to nls house with a good word for Nebraska. Capt. Bousfield, basiaess mana ger of the Ferry and Trasafer Com pany at this piae, wishes us to correct an erroneous impression which has gained eredenee throughout the coun ty, that the transfer Hoe was in whole or in part to be abandoned. He says sueh is not the ease; but that on the contrary it will be kept fully up to what It has been the best tranfer on the Missouri river. Our business men ef this city, and of other points x throughout the county, will find Capt. BoasfieM a pleasant gentlemen with whom to have business transactions. Head Uslit Oil at Huddart's. At a ministerial convention of the M. E. Chureh, held in this eity last week, the following resolutions, introduced by Rev. W. S. Blackburn, were passed : Whereas, The great Head of the Chureh. has seen fit, in- his wise provi dence, to take from our midst our be loved brother and fellow laborer, Rev. Martin jfrichard ; there lore. jtenotvea, mat wnie we Dow in humble submission to the Divine will, ! true friend and faithful brother, an able minister and an earnest worker in the cause of the Master. Hetoivtd, That we deeply sympa thize with his bereaved sad sorrow stricken widow and oHIIdren ; and that we will ever remember them with kind regards and brotherlymln istrations. Besotted, That a copy of these reso lutions be furnished siter Priehard, vacate, and also a copy foreaea of the papers of this city. ib behalf of the association. H. .Bubce, S. D. BOBHRTS, W. 5. BtACEBOBK. Head Ugnt Oil I The best and safest oH In the mar- l ket, at Hn2'darfs". Say Tour Gook Stoves 'nf Thomas IHthaxd. "We have in these columns an ex cellent letter from Mr. Nosier of Ore gon. Hope he will write us again. "The Great Iscropeaa Circus" will be in- St. Joe., Io.T June 8th, and Forepaugh'a the 30th. circus will be there on Ben. Sanders, who is now a lead picker on the Beatrice JSxpresa, was visiting his parents and friends in this rpia.ce last week. The four miles of new track the railroad company were forced to build ( from Nebraska City to Four Mile; Creek is finished, and trains are now making regular trips. Owing to the Increase in thesaiu- ment of cattle and hogs from this point. Cap. Bailey has torn away his oW stock scales and put in new ones of the Howe pattern. We are having very fine growing weather now, and corn that is plant ed and Hp is doing well. Those hav ing farms on low lands, noc planted yet, are improving every hour getting their crops in. For'Sale. One buck-board baggy, cheap for cash. SiMjuire of E. J. Lippitt. Mike Leahy has quite a force of workmen engaged In riprapping the the bank of the river near the ware houses and along the levee, hoping to prevent the water again washing away the track and compeling them to again move the depot building. The St. Jee. Herald speaks of a fatal disease among the cows of that eity, which is quite prevalent. The dominant symptoms are loss of appe tite, groaaing, otoatmg. Ana gener ally die within a few hours after be ins: attaeked. I-Ost! Lost, a County General Warrant, No. 13. At 2, for $90.90. AH persons are hereby notified not to purchase said J warrant, as payment has been stopped. JOsJTAH Jo:S"ES. We have noticed quite a number of "grasshopper pans" being taken into the eountry. Mr. Hart, the tin ner at the "-Regulator," tells us that he Is kept busy making these pans, and that those who have used them say they are "death on 'hoppers." Born to George W. jr. and Ada Fairbrotber on the morning of the SJth inst., a nice, pretty girl baby. The mother is getting along finely, baby is well, and pa is putting on airs till you can't rest. We congratulate the happy parents, and other folks may congratulate grand-pa if they want to. We have had so much wet weath- that corn is. cris.wKhout a roof IglgttufTgcaaUafara-r spoiHusr very fast. There are a sreat many sueh cribs in this country. A corn buyer in this city estimates that seventy-five per cent, of the corn in the ear ia the county has become so badly damaged as ta be unmarketable fcr any purpose. U. C. LETT Has jest received more of those niee fresh Green Apple for Stmdap pies. Corn Beef in nu, besides a large va riety of fresh Groceries, Dntfji, Qttoeftamrare, Ac. Please jast step into his ew store aad look at his eiepani tiock. The Trunk road will be finished to Falls City this seamen, giving St. Joe a not ha r road into the fertile south Platte. Will Omaha awake from her Hip Van Winkle s!eep, and see that the link between Nebraska Citv and Ptettsmouth is built? ITebrat&a City Prem. Will Omaha wake up? that's the question. We hope she will see it to her interest to do so. The banks of the Missouri has been about fall for a day or two at this place, but at this time Wednes day 3b is failing slightly. The banks are constantly falling in and the river is nearing the bluffs. The railroad men are working hard, rip- 1 rapping, to save Its track with what success a few days will tell. The wa ter is higher than It was at any time last year. Announcement. Mathews, Dentist, will be In Peru on Friday and Saturday, June 1st and 2d, and ia Sheridan on Monday, June ith. The DoifySi. JeelTerateis again a daily and very welcome visitor to our table. Among ail oar exenanges 1 none are more so. We always liked j the Herald for Its style, its politics, I its ability, and the great variety of. news it always contains. We heartl-l ly recommend it to the citizens of Brownville, If they want a good west era daily paper, as the best. The publishers, or whoever is so kind as to mail It to us, will please accept ocr thanks for the same. The- concert given on last Friday evening by Prof. Hoffman's orchfestry, of Omaha, assisted by ilrs. Griffey of Council BlnSs and Mrs. Sdwards of Omaha, was greeted by a large and appreciative audience. We noticed that all the good singers and the mu-f sicai talent of Brown vSie were pres ent. We believe we speak the minds of all when, we say that it was the best musical entertainment of the kind ever given in our city. Tn fact I it was something new and from the frequent applaue everybody was very .pn nIeaod We do not wish to de tract from the orchestra or the beau tiful singing of the talented Airs. Ed wards, when we say ha3Er. Griffey fted the enthusiasm of the occasion. Thfe lady is a star beyond question, and her auditors here last Friday night appreciated her asstich, and she would be accounted as a sweet singer In any city east or west. If this troupe should again conclude to visit our nttle citv thev would be hailed with a still more cordial weleouie. GBAED EDUCI0. SPBIK6AND SUMMER STOCK. Tlie finest display or Dry Goods, Sot-ciiS, OiotMng', Frniiiig Goodn, Boots, SIioe57 Jiats, Gaps. &c,, &c. Look a afK prices, Slid theslrea'd a few lines irom the pes of come amjnQge lor joniseiresi Standard Prints, 6i S c- tc Ginghams, - ioX2ic. Cberoit, ioizic tc GeHt!s Ail-Wool Gassimere Snis, $8,00 per suit. Come one and all, examine and be convinced thai we sell goods claeap. I.OUIS 3LOW3IAX. On Wednesday of last week while iEike Barada and Charley Arn old were above Peru on the Missouri river in a skiff, they discovered in a mass &f drift the body of a woman, or glri. as near as they could guess, about eighteen years old. It had apparent ly been in the water several weeks. The business of the men in the skiff" being still further up the river, and the body being in an out-of-the-wav ,i u u.-t. u 1- j -,""". " cauitowu a. eustbc wuu Z4A.C, bUC VCb hU7J Ull.114 UU UC LIT free it from Its stationary position and let it float on down the river, that per chance, some kind hand might rescue and bury It. The face and form of the corpse was so disfigured and swol len that features and complexion could not be described. It bad on of clothing only a short underskirt, and a striped plaid polonaise or tunic. Soon after the body had been set afioat again It was discovered, we un derstand, by some parties a few miles above Peru, and buried. Some weeks ago we bad an item regarding the drowning of two young ladies Miss Lydia Rhodes and Miss Hickman in the Eikhorn river near West Point. The bodv of MiS; a xncsman was oaiy recovered, and this It may be was the body of Mies Bhodes. Mr. Conkling, the operator here, answered a dis-1 pateh a few days ago making Inquiry about the body found here. He gave ail the particulars he had regarding the matter, but has not yet learned whether the information be gave was sufficient to justify the friends of Miss Rhodes in the belief that it was her body. Siaee writing the above there has been sufficient evidenee obtained to warrant the belief that the floating body was that of Lydis Rhodes. , CJrassIiopper Pans, Made by our jolly friend H. M. sfen of "Red Stove " Hart, The following, copied from the Lincoln Globe.&re the returns by coun ties, so for as they have been received at secretary's office, showing the pop- It will be notieed that the increase In Nemaha eoenty is 3S7, while thatOtee is hut 70, Pawnee 166, Johason'91 ; er that our Increase is 70 over the com bined increase of that of her three neighbor counties. Richardson is sot heard from yet. and probably wit! not be until she hears from all the other counties, that she may know how to "fix things." Aatatopg. Ua? IBM Boone..,., MM I3SS Bctthio m ms 'Bart t 4Stl Better -J3B iSW cs ins ie Cbeyenae -fW J5R relay sr see Dakota 9m 302 Dtxoa M2 jetS Dodge S sa ratawr sci sm FrcnOer 33 Hi Fsraas Wm liSa Gosp; 3SI 2 Hartac 3BT K74 4STT ltt Jettezsoa. Jobaeoa. Kaox 2fecrac 45 . SSI IKSS 1H ssa. im 2 KM Naekolla. Owe Pneias.. Pla: Pofe Hed Watow. Salts MS 2ST Sry Stenton. an mi rn Tnayer Wayae- Wber York . 5W2 SQSL The decrease in the population of some of the western counties is at tributable, no doubt, to the fact that government permits the homesteader to be absent from his homestead six month, and that many had availed I themselves of this privilege and had not yet returned when the census was taken, thereby avoiding taxation on their personalproperty. Gents' and 3oyr Straw Hats, in Fine and Common styles, at lowest Sew YorK prices, at 1,. L.oTraians. Stoves! Stoves! By Thomas Bichards. Misses and Cliildrens' suits, from .$I-?3 to :6.00, at Low man's. Go to the Regulator For Hardware and Farm Implements, at Xo.ST ilain street, Brownville. Thomas Richards. TFeir Caltivators,- For sale at Brownville and Sheridan, ! - by Thomas Bichards. For Trade! A second-band wagon to trade for a COW. AB28TT & E3EEKY. 22uy the Kansas TTagon. Wagons, $70, spring wagons, $110, iron, 3i rates ; files, maileables, harrow teeth, wagon end carriage wocd work, cheaper than, the cheapest, at Iaock woadxs. A. good two-holed com shelfer, vrith power or crank, as good as new, forsaFe or trade cheap. sLvvrLzx & Douglas. A LETTER FEOX 0EE60X. Coquhjie Crrr, Hay If, 77. , Editor fdfetaafcaAdveiaaer. "We are now receivinir that geod old : paper, The Advhetiseb, sent es as a present by Father Eavell, of linden. s x nave just been glancing over its columns, and seeing the names of the many old neighbors, it makes me think that perhaps they would like to a friend on the far-ofi western shrp and If you can find space in your vai- . uanie paper 1 sunmit the following. I was at Boseburg last week. This business-like little towa fe skeatet! ia Douglas county, and at the terminus of the O. C. B. B. Everythtsg is lively; four aad six horse teams are running In every direction ; consid erable Improvement is going on in the way of building; aad the merch ants all seem to be busy weighing aad measuring out goods to their numer ous customers. The erops In the sur rounding country look fine, and every thing joyful and happy. Bet I oan't linger here, as I am away from home, where a wife and two little boys are awaiting my return. So. getting Into my buggy, and after passing many picturesque and home-Hke farms, I amva at the m - ffl v? lv w w .. I ww.. . fcuc uwiu iuge mountains, where I put up for the nigfift. The landlord has eeite a cu- " WltfT An nvk;kit.. ..Y- X.L two heads, which he captured the day before. Early in the morning fiads me wending my way up the steep grade until, after traveling four miles, we reach the summit. Oh, what a grand sight and contrast we have before us. The eastern side sloping down with scattering oak and fir trees and deeked with beautiful Sowers oT every color and description, and the beautiful green clad valleys below glittering beneath the bright rays of the saar the mountains rearing their beads far beyond. While on the western side it slopes gradually sixty miles in dls- l tance to the shore of the Pacific, all of the way covered w ith a dense for est of timber. The beautiful Coquilie i river.jwlnding its way and emptying its waters Into the ocean, the glitter ing waters of whieh stretches away in the distance as far as the eye can see. Bnt right here, on the left hand side of the road, in the side of the mountain, a spring gashes out whieh is the head of the Coquille River, the courseof which our road follows do wc to CequIIIe City. So here we go down, down; and after traveling a mile or so we enter a narrow easy on down whieh ripples the spark liag Coquiile. Rook wall rfc-e on either! side six or efeht hundred feet hish. Tail firs and cedars find root among their fissures and crevices. Over ruany , huge, upright rocks little streams take bold leaps, dissolving Into spray before reaching the bot tom. The little stream whioh we started down this morning fe now be coming quite z. river; aad owing to nf fWU,.i eontfneoes cascade fall after fell, from one to twenty feet. What grand power for machinery. Perhaps at some future day there will be all manner of mills erected at those foils. Just now we emerge Into a lovely little valley called Braster, whioh is thiokrv covered with myrtle timber. Now and then we pass a little farm I carved out by the sturdy woodman's axe. 'But we most aot be too tedious. After eroseing many little streamlets, Rwi many wooded delis, sad across Burton prairie, we enter a belt of tira- i ber that is so thick a rifle ball could not he fired twenty yards without istrikiag a tree. They are irom six inohes to one foot throneh, aad from a hundred to a hundred and nfty feet high. What mtigaineeat Hag poles they - vould make were they ia Ne braska On arriving at home I find wife and l-boys'icgead health, aad oa the fol lowing day we make preparations to go ou to the beach. Instead of a bag gy, we put oer camp equipage Into a row boat, and "all aboard I" and we are oa. The Coquille at this point is navigable for steamers. After rowing twenty -five miles, passing many farm houses, mills, and herds of cattle, we arrive where the Coquille discharges its waters through a rock channel into the PacISe, the father oi waters. We are just in time to see the sun sink ias, as it were, into the ocean, an occasional wave hiding It from our view, making it seem as tboogh it was dipping itself up and down In the water. But a few minutes and It ia out of sight. After an early breakfiist we prepare for a stroll on the beach. It is a smooth sand beach, apparently as level las -a house Soar, but sloping eradoaliy to the surf. "HHrrah for the crested waves." I have seen high mountain peaks, covered with perpetual snow, boiling springs, steam boatspringshigh toweringroek walls, and waterfalls but this fe the grand est sight of ail; yes, it is sublime and magnificent. A person never tires. The eye is continually seeing some new object. Tne rooks and shells : ail manner or rocsc ancsaeii ua ; iiie , oirus wi an srtes aau ueccipsKti , i tne sea iiocs, Dears ana seats; tne surf surging to and fro ; the waves l dashing up the sides and over the tops of rocks. Taken all in all, it is grand. After spending five days fishing. I shooting birds, climbing craggy rocks hunting eggs, picking up reefce and shells, and viewing the wosderfsl works of the Omnipotent, with, re- srretjwereturn home. " More anoe. H E. Koklsx. 3. C. LETT Is selling remnants of wall paper at less than cost. Everything cheap an dcood at Iiovrmanist. TT. H. 3IcCREERT Has Fresh Drugs, Wall Paper, School and Blank Books, Bird Cages, Paints, Glass, Oils, etc, at lower pri ces than anv house in Brownville. Th erlat est styles of Iadles' I Dress Goods, at SEIGEBOEKOOD SEWS. F-rxU-hed y Special Corrorponilent lor The Advertise--. London. rv , r.u t - j- s t the Christians and Hetbdista will unite in a basket-meeting at tu Christian Char eh. The lady farmers are rafeiag great TTtFoa rf nhtnfrono a nil) f.. tl.Ia I ,-,. .J ' ,- irarmer-iioper war. trs. Dr. Mathews, Mr?. Malah, and others. have about three hundred each. Mrs. Harding, although a good Republican aad can "count" well, yet would have to call a eoeamissioa to deeid the number of the chickens she has. The address of Mr. William Win ters last Sen-day was Sae. Yes, Bro. Wm., a get "eloed of witnesses Is watching each one of us. as we rua the race of life ; and the evil-doer will find his mistake at last, for aaae ket the lovers of hBaaaity. who are working for Its good, will win ia the rsce sad wear the "iatrrefc. Mr. Winters is is feiiiag health, bet trust not beyond the reach of help. May he be spared to pceaeh many sees geod sermoas. -. Tf Tflias cttj H ?aanciiir a? f)A . ,,. rf .., ,. . ii iuicitcuuig wje t. uvea. "Garden scss" looking nicely, and mueh of it reedy for the table. Guess those who did not make gardes early will be sorry. Mfcs Fannie Courser, of Chicago. has been spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Dysurt. Miss Courser is an accomplished young lady, aad an authoress, withal. She k? traveling for her health, which is failing be cause of close study. She expresses herself much pleased with Neb., aad I thinks of returning the last of Jan aad stay the reataiader of the sum mer. Hope she may. War News ! Maay a desperate battle is being fought, with great loss ol life to the 'hopper. It seems to be "non combative." Its strength is ia its inexhaustable numbers. Although they are here in grvat mefcttadee, not mueh damage is yet done. The measles has been nnkiag its appearance in the family of Prof. Pierson. Maeh pympatby, friends. GRiXD RILSrCTIOXS. Gents? Full Salts at $3.00 at li. LOYFIIAirS. Breakfast Bacon, Extra fine, at Huddart's. AnlSOIESSE line or Ladies" aad 3IIssesJ Trimmed HaTS, I J"t received from Xcw Tork. at LOWEST CASH PK1CSS, by A Wonder-TTorlcins' Ucineiy. ?To remedial agent bag ever been otBersd to the stefc and letUt3te4 at li comparable to HosteUex'a Stomach Bittern, ta eases of rt atttiant am& iateraaKteti: feress. eoasttea- tKBitvtajgjcoaatEtaiwaKl or- ceeay. tt ntwnuir "ma tp dCBw' The aotaehr izgredicats wbicb its aatrJtaoasnaete holds ta satnttoc., net gfce a tfi.i u cyoe UwsTnwMh, aad thraoh ta stomach upon ttte bcata, liver, bowels aad system. There a aothrae; la na that Is aot sahsctoas. Is etm- of theawMt potent tonics of tae vegetaate mprtnea aatl tfcalaice of the best aperiest aad aatf-atmoas root and hecfe, caaifc hard with a, aexfcetly aaze sttmnhttac; tleiant. TaeBttaawate incalatry adaated to iaae eaoesad ia exhaostmg or oaaealsay QeenamrtiBTH, as by its aee atreagh at aae tataeaaad. the abittty of the system iors- stet asoM6BhcchaaS other lull lam wzmpi-1 dtefal to aetOth tasaty Peril ity JUiad. Within the ltnttte of oar own eaaatry are tobetonad alaaost aC the wtglatlawL- f ctt aauelcaeaiuhthelataahtofiebe. Batcx toasfcre eshroai doawiln.atetouoaaattiaraa atar; at ahaost Mrhinhax saccd. pea iya the uareler In a tow hours fr-m The healthy Haoontatn dtotrfct to the apae aad een iroea the aewmr groves of to the toe hoaad rlawea oftheaoctarahtteeg la BMftdnir these rapid Joaraeys the tsvet-leaaraobtoctedUthodevseIlBSttota-anenees sh pcocraettre of stefcaaas and dte eas. it te aagetoce of rital Importance that he sheald be provided with a remedial aeenE that will not only eae. bet likewise prevent sadden, attack of dleea-e. The Sevet Seals or Golden Wonder, whteh to & coaster Irri tant, & disinfectant, a iPaTial n attamaxat. an anodyne, a aerriae and a tonic, to asm preveetton a no lese eaeetaal care of arress, agoe. tttorrhoe. dj jeatery , aad all otaeraU- xws to to which travelers are hie. h irareier should toil to .self with a anpply of thto valaahto natedy before starting; npon hto jonraey. aacg "Why i)e yE Shake J Forlthe better eenrenteneeof theceaetnaer Br.SberasanVMfttoxtraee to sow patapht aehMtleaswegaa Sleaw heretoaare. To those who are acquainted with the Taatox raee It Is not necessary to say a word In Be behaK. Scttothowhoaheketa of to, -we will stnapty say. try It. aad tastlatony to thonuaariii of other that It cared yon. Xo other snedietae to reqnfred. as It to a comMsetl tonic, alteratlr-j. eathar tle. febrtf asre. chofcsecue. and antl -periodic. itnegtrallzetmta mntlegoteop.pgTlflesaad lavtoerates the blood, restores the liver aad other 21sc7rd crgans to their satoral heal thy eonditton , thcrcfey thorocghly eradieat fcs? the dtoease. Forsalefcr Teowiy A. TV. XICEKL.I.. vg fe v gj-T ft-. 4Q3T a-T . A "5S J mmm I X 5" F eS fi!S tU ZZ W 5i"Z M M S 4 j " " aafiaBHaaaT M am I'Dttymybeer Z, , H I don't. byJaice. NOTICE 0 SRHE BDHJ3BRS.L -V-OTrrs iy hereby given rtiat aeal! bids willbereeet-redattheoulceof tbe&jcn-l I sy Clerh. lir Brownvttl. Xe. np to th? 2nd day of Jane. HC7, at 1Z o ctocK. yu. me tne i buflding of an Iron or Cocnbtnatton Tm ' Bhfcse. of d u m toot saan, wtth H wC ' raasway. and t feec litrti. Sobstractare to t the of woed the bt ef horreak oc wntse Mlc timber. Plans aad npqcfflcsttoaT to ac- uocauaBcr Uda. Coansy Conuosfciaes re-1 srve the rtoht ta Ttdect nay er C Mds. 3y order of She Coastr Coaemlceiwaera. I wTLSOCt E. XAJOBS. . w Conoty Cferfc. f HT BliOW'YILLB TILE LASTWJZEKOTACH. MQ2mr. MATHEWSiHraffit$B DENTIST, BKOiVAViLJE:. SESKASBL1, C030JDSRC7 A T ,. COXDITIOS OF TXEPi ETS XX Eurtoirs- Special Tsf CaSte te tte Izter-Ooaoa. lia inaarfcrs tWs -nreelr. and Tsmz. at tb kafcs , eoastaad 1m aerlw -srra a&em -sorr m i i hup nawi aa. H- r?MiMar4MMff fret wfek a temdaar te layer's iasvmc Jb aad aateaoortag rwrkmm- mtieayt bnaiaea a fee doac. Walte wheats aie aot weewi j f Jbrsue.aad only ia few tanaaoai aie ofc- taiaabM ok stUbtty easier Kaa$; ast z& marirnw aad alt descrtpitana of picoarTary aad tow ..ilo.i of tonemzn as ifctirtd irfly caaefter. 3fwtm te acato ntaigpcac to aafcC-f ttacpci qnxfMr lower. agta m. tkj Ick Kaas anr ntyws wave present, aad thede- of evac v daacsiataMi vei -an.- u. i - -- - I W W. IWKaillW WMLJ MM U sold at ictat! at a de - rThtejnfHopeaeefcomTnT,hij:ataa. Sed aa t. ,m. . n 1 1 "" - -- -" 1 j m a w- 1 Other low socai of axetaa wn n hmd 11 1 iy Ivwev. is a hid at ter lower shaa oa Taoiday. The hi CHICACO 3UEKET smaiAiiv. ThoChieacD Trimmmr nf Taa ilaj says the f wil aataaoiscil aad the pctnefpa! jcaara wuca atronger. The tndtas; was. chfvtty saaestattva, as pctees arevaaaMt parahase hx- whlMt the fasctcB. awrkrt was wc&. These was asoeaewhat freer wiiirnTal ! soee eertei.bat the gesesal oaarkeC was bk- rom behaj acttrm. For miW. ti and aocass these was a maeh axaw Jfeettac; and in hxaer were advweiiit a. aril Tj1 rr inpnnnalw m BTrn I adv&aeeatdta seahoacd. The fotlowtne; ht a synopsis of the Chicago hot Sac each day stace-oar had ksae. S. Wheat ebjHod ae tower. aC 3.Ri lfc.473 Ibc Jteao. Oaca earned lei tower, as Se tas May aad Mbc far Ji Bye wag steadier, at 79c ai. at afesx-May. Hoes Bactar was aoastL- ttewad mvr,smmagit9iMf5Jm. Cattteae Uw aad L-bk, wtth aaaw at fuaSaJt. SL Wheat rtmrart aa hhjhec. atfL5H( $LSRloc Jaae. Does. htchcr. at t7c cash aad 4Z tor Jbbo. Rye net qstecat wtthaaaatof sfaesatos at Canto weceacttvaaad 5mMc Jaayai nwatctoaedTe tower, at n&i mH each Ik seller Jane, radtt &.& far July. Ore etosed I?i,c loaer. at &H aad 4556 toc Jaae. Ryw was itaatty at Barley was aomtaal. at mVZTc Heaa ad Si hbjaer. Cattle weca active aad stsoaecr, setliae; at l $xah.w. Jaajr 5. Wheat cavrad le lower, at I.fl or setter Jaae. aad M.H tor Jary. 0rn le tower, at 4 cash aad Hi tor Sye w&s jteady at m tortoy wnu ttsalyaaeataal. Hee wc5chheher.a&lJ &3periatM. Cattto were 9rm at SL3& JAaS. Wheat ctoued eatohes-at jS.J torcahar Jaaa.aad $UK tor Jaty. Com closed Schictetr,, at 4S$i tor Jaaa, aad tfc a an 7a.. rfcura ware acOeo aad .athuaajiLaX Cattle wer aetrra and toe higher, wtth sates at extra S9l Wheat totrty active, aaasttled aad ahjher;clecdatfl.aLa4 Camtrresalar and tower: aewahjh aslxed R; RtM edge Xa 4Sftayr eaah, tf toe Jaae, aad gBiaaac tor Jaty. Bye Smear at Tic r Barley -leialnal at St. Haas SUsflA Cat EXV rOHK JCATCKTgRg. Xaw Tonx. atoy - WHEAT Hhrher; eat No. C1aaaa sprin la saare, U; Xa 5 MOwaasaavBUS hat; HM BABXKY Qatetand i COKX Blaher: ST. JLIMJIS AKg3T. aT.Ia7avJsay. WHEAT-Hlcher. farel wiKl.mf Smjl 3 o.tvtLtt. COB atraaK. B0L. CATIUK Acttee. firm atiXSaJBL . jy, THE BEOWyVlLLB 3IARKBTS. a&unsr wa gincr jjeopctag. WKXKX.T ax j jarAZJOtiaoi jurn Mrfl Garjt3CaU.vsaV. 3Eae rftaatom. -Ba$ie .atoJ3S m 3 35i Gntakaasi,arseea, V &. xnrfcaya, drta.art. Bto Breod.B Hay.Btoa. I lUTTA TL MA XSTBT. MSOWXTILLX GMAEf MAMKMX. Com. Barley, Ka.: MMOWK fIILM LTWM iTAMWBT. Pteers. totr to Cow, tot Hoeji STEOBLE, Deator t& rAMTTri 6S0GEEHS, TEAS, wtware, Gfo&morz. YOOBEkWARE, 3RBSHE5, CAKDIES CAXTTEn TBXT.1S AS1 ATtfTS, itBA9e, CIS ABS. 3ISOrXAr2 FSBST A5B f JlCdiAb i.'yiliCil'.rjirK. . ATGITY "V. T Jf wlaeyiautpecaaac- eeweaam a Ja ,jWtlaaaaaaaVaam Ftoar. ton naisi at 9has sm Faaar.saetacwaaal aaft 39 S TT FIK3ZPIS y EB, Taan .iaab.A.7aetoc I -r-v a f Coae,Bta.Sfca4toi X sa 3 H I I j j I J j II J f I Tea aWlS tJ till U U U Ul ill Uliiil oymp, per gal - - , 9aBl 5 Can! Oil. aereaOaa S whtol'lKa.BarBll K aaayperaai :a wTteat, rhatie toll t BB)X S apstae lwatolB) coaatBcraaSTB.x. iiiiit mar aas ii A33 aJUTFaa. ehotoe Mmm 2 aaal m I a .'ate mr i TTU 1? IlllUitr5 b!M COKS?TASTI. OX HA5B. 5C2Ia Street. BfiOWXTlIJLEXEB- i IGAi AD"?2SXI5E5I3nS. A TTAreXEXT NOTIC2. ta sa fcr IT i makii lm? am Stat of y bwwta. III. Herfwa. pkteWT. -a. H. a BBttS. llM HI WWHI. 2faO te bBvr tr-a tlwSa tfte 5t daj mt ytmsf. ISTT. Mfci JmrtwM termed, am. mater I "?B5 maeMwia JBr tSestss. vffi. May tsrr. a ATTACEMBNT NOTICE. Bwfcta T-ICirHlr. Jaaof atFtate ta sadtJbr Xtia Casty.SMl Uef 2?e antgrtta Siaaoa F. Rtekant, pauacac; -93. H. XntlreklNnoyxiataaOBtiaar9Ca osy of 3tay,ia7,aahtJojtlai t&mmt am. Order of AitoWTawt ta, tae above iwf taw, tocttssrz. of tUJt. Btnratn "Mst ii.gr:. mx IL.HnjRTKD.AMry fcr PIS. ilL ! "" ' " "" tteiwof alMt that JummB. MccvraucK. awmkf xccti:X to ioiui S. Stall a4r anwot itH 3tevrU3T. A. D. MW. 3t re- . 1 IX ... . . T !- ,L ,.. 1 eace retort of eowua eaaafir. Xehrasfca. Ia hoafc i,ipmmXt: Utas :hhaowdt oa '"Wl WW". ia?nKiaT?nawv htdegetlhadtn.aadaot'jectto.aadeowawidbr' said at-Ktcaae. lo-wi:: Twenty -eTe T sacks of aoawy laeawi, a? saae soentr aooBt three thoosaod poctuhr. The proper ty, oca maeh thereof aa shall ha arlSutmr to nay the sold nawnt da. wsth -.. wBi I be auAJ at subtle aactloc a: the Coart aoaco eonr in ucowanue, ta saia xmama.M&M&. NehcBtfha. on She Sth. day of Jane, A. 33- I3T7, at 11 ofbK In the jhratmwa. tr aaatejrsaht dMbcandets. JOSCf S. STTLL. Ifay H. 1ST7. 17U WscaBKiee. T EGAL lOTICB. J-i Ztoalei Hoaehln aad W. B. KasofeOB, o theStAtenf Xaaeas. wttt take aottoe that IwibiMu ajawardst of the catfhry ef Teaman. ta Sho Stue of rim hB. dtd. aa kh 2sh day of Febraary. A. D. SET. file aarpettts&B. iter she Ooanty Comet wishta aad tor r&e County ol Ambsm. m tae stale or XcbriMdka. aaalast the Mdd BanSBT Hoaah tn aad w. fi. Ktnafc aw. rtoaindnabi, MtttnE Snrtti. thmt her acttoa to toaad ed aaaa a proamkcy mot exeeated ftad de&vered to Her by said defendants, dat- ed April 1. tT. dwe twelve months aftor tnts. TTlieninji the said atfeadwata preeateed. m par her $HJK on the !t day of Apcti. WM. There are ao credits oa said Bote; that a: the Ume aaU note w eaceentod asd de Rvered. pawntUTs aaaw wa frabetto Hoaeh ln; that aiare' said ttiae. aad boeartha ewm atiin umwit of thto action, he waa ntarrltd: to Andrew J. BdwanhK that- there hvdae tn p'atnBrT fnua dearcdanta on saai aoto thw b of SaKJa. with Si Br ems. rna?rt L thecaut hwaa the tot day of AnclLA.1. KTt. fnr-nht nienar The ncrther obet of said satt la aaaratoc f Biter Bash.-aad obtain the aaasant or aooaar owtaue ay atoa to the scad ItaaSet Hoochta and aapry the a tn aayateatof vt ni or anaecmeas aa seen niian in u maw. aad auttoe of fnwntohaaeat served oa. PMarBortoaV Aadtbawnhl Daatot Hogeh tn ad W H. Kiaatson are aotMed that they are teaatredaa ap liar aad natiwi.racld aettttoa on or betee the Sth A. IK &ii. Satod UUa Uth day at Mar. A. IX MS., CilKELLE EDWAtUb. trti ByJ.&ataU.l Aiaicmj . NOTICE OF INCaRPORATKKf. i A XoUw ia hereby atren that Arttotaj of Iarorporathn hare been fttod fa thdndhe af aVerOboaMv CTatte af Tesaaan Caaahy, en la. ottbrmuoL, by the SemahacoalCaaipnay. tot. That the acune of said Tne Jtersaba Coal cnasaaay. 2nd. That the pilathjal peat of ran- Its bastaea la AaatawalX. I Ooaary.yebraufcra. anl. That the aea nrss to be tmnsacte1 by said iwniamil n a.r coal aad daw auaes wtttun the lhadto ol 2VestsJm Cbsaty , Jth. That the imnnnt of caattal : aa tnorlzed to one Thnorand ItolMKa, ta atones of SvedoUacs each, to b pant by the per sons chsrrUtef; to said stock, at the ttaar of sobacribtnav jtiv. That the corpoeato power offaHldeeaa- f panTlean on the Mtb day ol Paornary. A. v i.. . ana an3 to coaunw wmv worn uik b twoyear thereafter. etc. That the-tadebtedaeas af M eeenpa- . i ay ahaU not excatd at aay Ilia i two-third tana aas Tontaatry soa-enp- I 7th. That th naVer of M -rtaay are laada Bnara nf rireet. etors'fr Ja coiwr: an.r that sHud adioan mnar h 4e kbaUkT fan sazJ f.-mpiny. L"" FISHER. wi rreMdetr. e xw V. 3 3U 3 c3 a O&Xu JtX. I ierey announce to the public that I have apeneil a BR TG STORE at Sheriilax, and that I am prepared, to sell any article pertaining to awell-Iiept drug store as cheap as can he pro- L cared elsewhere. I hnr for Lcaah.and aim to sell CIIIMI for CA5J2. I3esitles litis ore I have ou han- a rail stocls. oT all kindy ot COTTONWOOD and PINE r UMBER which X will sell at ErownYiIlr Prices. Come and see rue, and hay yoursoods in uiv line, at 5LHTJDDASa"S Peace and Quiet "sgfcsgp Saloon and Billiard Hall xnz ezpt yy St.MM fines, Ciss, Mdi, rfo. 40 3Ia.Ia Street. Opposite Sbetmac XICj, Bro-tviiTlJle. brsIut. l A . rVJC ) rH I e-C 3 JNI - anV1asyw -r ,"-- -- LaaaBaXj f - m Si ri -&s t& . Li BaN -BK r BJ OOTS AND SHOE crsrtcx woas: -I3: TO OKBER EWpiri5iKUj. yx.'IcEet.Sc . irfn.Xsa: M l&ttRE'KJST 1UBKEF BOST & BEO.- BUTCHJBRS. I3-idTVXI-riE,' Xi-BRASSA. Good, Sweet, ?resB." Te-t ad sAt9-ac sa- Dim Store o A T -orr a JmT &JX& L e ' 7JCS3if.-A. X - .r w -a SrfdbaaV "eBlSf -3-tec Ut aC csaca-ss, i .fi.ii?r'T JH'JII1- -JJ'tfTlT 3atcs. IBS " . i j,X. ! BWjiMlWimijlji!U i i Him- (ewLJWianiamTpii "f ' -!!"' (f wwww