Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 12, 1877, Image 1

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.- , atr:
'rB-fx cp-i a. - - yCWgeg'Si.
Publishers and. Proprietors.
Published Evy7bHrsci&yMriilH
VOL. 21. NO. 42. lomciiiPAEEsoiFTHscejEiaw,
READING HATTER 8X ETERTPAGE I Oldest Paper in tie State
1 III I I llp qaypay
:l"ljiSBf -Ty ' ffj ! ?! -- - --""'"i''
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M1 A
Caeairr stx Hiii X 88
S3- y a pagrBeH from UgCUawlgui Br.
Q2I-8 -wufa W T Bgars, BcwwBTfc. Sefc.
H : a--ct nmr to 0aay Clerk's OQno. Omss
H-3e BoflalBBaygJM?tiata.
Attorney and Oo-nxiselor a X.cltc,
T S. 3B0ADY,
Attorney ud Oenajtlor at Xta-w,
Attorney and OeRMsleratLnw.
W g-re HBee rmrrfli unaaytegat
tnat!Tohteear Oaetai
trz 3r rnTin.2Sb.
Physician, Surgeon and fettrian.
--adnata ia 81 LimlnflBaiwucllfcBB.
tj-a atseattoe "Jd to Olisma h i- ad a oajcir
c T";ienajidCharn. OUK.
- CIsy Ih-OK St C ytMin street, Bwrm-
s-i'nv WTiaJC node ek. aaate
XQ f mar J'
" . "5nT,Vo-E"S?TTrs?t,rn-c- "JTsrfcK&C,
- "
a?- PoArrTfiar docr oc tort aodce 'I eee-
iiTtei Vacssns Oil Btecfe mc ftr preerrtag !Hc-
r " . - I w I
nea Boots. Scoea c. awajs oa fiaoc.
4, 3Iain St., BroTrnTiile, Neb.
3Iain Street,
-mT ft i UP ttfc'5 or "WTteblj- 4:
iO'i Smith Bmcber Stoop.
JiELXJ -1 J-L---,
iTnak" evrr i or srl "t ptetura o-
itral. Lifc-te paotoicBBpos a seey
JELTe. pain tajcen to sive
ptetuttnc aadlK-
coming positions.
Non bat
al'Tcred v iev tar zallr A- ?I1 assort- ,
inent of PICTTRE FKAMEP. of aU trh-8
ani crads on nana, ajjjl jk?. ulxcjss
CQIjOfiED PKTXTSiE, antt aanr other
Persoa -?rtsar Photoersph work dooe In
tbe best style. lowest prlees, skoaM not
jaii to call adseeior themselves.
P. 31. ZOOK.
r a t-f; TO OI215HS..
vaessTASTzn oc Eisa.
eain - StreatjBOWSTIiniWlBB
Ll.&.iJl l
"Wlio "Will Save Hia?
The Lilacs, Bolton Garden, Wet
Broraptoa ; er if job go by tbe ad
dress sards of its inhabitants, South
A room most richly fern-febed a
room crowded with ail sorts ef uphol
stery, and everything in tbe worst
possible taste.
A carpet we wifll commence with j
tbe carpet covered with a base
scroll-work, relieved at lateralis by a
sort of red eabbfisre o:
.f -A AWU..f w &... tij cun. !
Sower, aad other seeh vegeteMes and I
doral adoraateat.
The window aortaine rivalling the
earpet ia loudness of toae, tbe farni-
tare covered with gaady damask, or
respieadest in fiiaoy wood-work aad
A ebaadetter, glitter lag Itke a foea
taia with crystal drops, bat twice as
large as tbe room required. Tables
littered with haadeeese art gift books,
of whose eonteafc? no oae aerbaps wag
asore igaoraat than their owaer.
Mirrors ah ! these were ia eoosiaat
reeaiettan of every sbaee aad size ;
not that pletares aad portraits were
absent ao, do, Ttty Fay was every
where. Yee, Mfee Totty Fay, of the Royal
Cajcicabiodv Theatre, was tae owner.
rather tbe teaaat, of tbfe resplead-
- T
eat Paradise ; owaer also of tbe Sxr&y
pood re oa the sofa, of the dropeieal
Iookiar bowl of sokfaeh. aad of tbe
sereaatlag, aody-piamaeed parrot
that swaac; itself aboat en the gilt
ring attached to its perob.
Mkn Fay's walig abound'ed ia por
ralte ia aotbtog bat portraits, in
fact, aad every aocts&it a portrait of
Mi Fay.
Here we perceive thai admirable
actress "Totty" as Princees Batter
pat, daneiae: the charming "break
down," and atnsiag tbe delieioac-ocg.
low, don't Yoa Wiak at Me, Joe. ' j
which has made her name iataMKial. j
isestoes iaie woxk oi arc we nave ;
maofiverable represeatatioas of Totty : j
Titaaia eafeasrag the aaa' head, t
which we fear Totty very oflea did ; .
"' jr- . -.
" iarxrt SLoxr-a
ea& ; aae, to select anotner oae
very masy, Totty as Cleopatra not
that she wag at all like Cleopatra, es-J
eept that she wee brandishing a goblet
aad swallowing pearls bv tbe taoe-1
saad, which Totty was -v&ry eesable
j of doiag.
Wae she haadcooc I
Paee rather roaad tbaa oval ; eyes
sail aad merry, like those of Nell
Crwynae, who always, aoaordtag to
Mr. Papys, '-wlaked when she teach-1
ed :" aose of a celestial tern ; aocrth
large, red-lipped, saaey, aad white-
. toothed ; a chin ah ! there eaae tbe
1 strong bit of character belonging to
the foee tbe chin roead and well est
projected slightly, giving a look of
fizmaess, ohstfaaey perhaps, to what
otherwise woe Id have been weak aad
In figure, Totty was very dimiae
tive, bat so admirably well made as
to have ototai&ed from her admirers
the complimentary title of "the pock-,
et Venus." What hereaefes called
her we will net here pat dews. Tbe
little creature was a spoilt eh Ud of for
tune, and evidently not bom to the
magnificence with which she was ev
erywhere serroeaded.
A dashiag manner, aa exsafcite fig
ure, a pretty face, a BMtsieal voice.
and a charming dancer, made up the j
"little treasure" of which tbe man- i
agemeat of the Chickabiddy Theatre I
was justly proed the photographs did
the rest. Totty 's pvptante features !
and graceful form, in every possible ,
and impossible attitede, adocniag the
shop windows, their veriety aad nam-
rav lAJ?rv9Mia Oa rm.&-w twt.VkMliAv
At tbe present moseo; she is ae.-
' poodle with fragments of spoage-cake
and talking to a gaar maid who is
t removing tbe remaiae of a lencheos
i which had eoaslsted of two metfoe
chops and a beaker of stoat Totty,
1 all "pocket Venae" as she was, being
fond of tbe substantiate. i
"Bless me, Lucy!" (addressing the J
servant, and speakiag ia that toae of
familiarity which ladies of the ballot
adopt alike te inferior and superior j ;
"wfcod have thought of your coming
from Weorfirwret Wood hurst, near
i Cinderviile, you mean, .feist ten mites I
from Wiadlestraw ?
"Yes, miss ; I was born there."
"So was 1 1
The smart servant started the sirl
was new to her place, and the freu
and easy manners of the Chickabid
dy Theatre were at times of astartliar
Woodhnrst was a small place, and
Lacy Braid beHeved she knew all ha
inhabitants. She looked euriouslv at
tne gracemi utue assure ptaying
witn tne uog, anu iarj.e azam.
Totty, watching her from the comer
of her eye, ws3 highly amused.
, xnere was eviaenuy no recognition
i in the servant's glance, yet a dozed,
! doubtful look, as one wco struggles
J with a memory.
i -roar lather was old iSraia, tne
- tbiacksmlth lame BraM-ord Hop--
perty-Kiok, as we used to call him V
We! The servant's face would
have furnished an artist with a capi
tal study for the figure of Astonish-
meat, as her mistress uttered this
She stared, as the saying is, with
all her eyes, but there was no recognition.
That extraordinary &brks of golden ' that? Eaid Sir Philip, rising angrily,
hair, that marvel loos creation of the his dark, haadsoms faee growing
artist, together with creamy tints and darker, and his brow3 fiercely con
roseafce bfebes which Xatore's "cun- trading. I!I thank yoe, when you
aiag haadT bad not laid on, were still i are iaaiined to show your tantrums,
too mech for the "young person from ' to vest your temper upon somone or
tke coantry" who. It must be pre-1 somethijwr in my absence. That was
raised, bad only a day or two before ' the lost dear in my case, confound
eatered upon her piaee. yoe I'
"Well, thfe Is a queer start, if ever j Tu sba'n't smoke hare without
there was one!" aad the Packet Ven-j first asfciag y peresksstoa. When
ae, throwing herself back on tbe sofa, ; yoe persaaded ae to wse away from
laasbed aproerioeely. "To think of Wood hurst, yoa said it was to make
i aU blvaUla Amaltjif fnpntrun
daagbter turning up inlmealady.r
" iwa,u Me"w" k a
. . t t
J ,,,, . .
How often I've snow-
UKIKG aw ill JRs Ire ;ccu wwiivruj; a nam
at lw -
and howtfffeen I've snow
-J i ,
balled jroa
The servant's fiaee Sashed crimson,
thea grew very pale.
Her Bjfetress weat oa gleefully,
"Yoe re&frember tbe dame's sohooi at
Parsoa's Green, ad how yoa aad I
went aattiae in Hartfield Wood, with
Toas Prfee, the miller's son? By
jtaso! bat they were larks P
Tbe ghrl gave a ery, letting fall
from the tray she carried the remain
der of tbe spoage-eake, whiehFhifiy
(the dog) Immediately appropriated. I
"Graeiooe coedness! oh, gracioas i
goodaess ae! It's Naaee Murdoeh !'
Taowgh the reaeaUioo was ex pee t
ed ehalteaered, ia feast tbe atteranae
. . - t
JT A. I . ., - MA.nJ f. c-frMatfe-a a
ni i iib BiA mm.w ubiibi mrm i . i- .
paiafol chord la the little atre9s
heart. Her mirth vanished iast as
qeiefcly as It same. She gave a
aad nodded.
sigh j
"Yes; I'aj Nancy Mardaefa," she
safcl. "Aad I doa't wonder yoe did
not kaow ase as I aat bow. Why
I ;
dida't know yoa wbea I saw yoa at
the redetrv o3ce. We are both j
ciaee we need to go black -
bexryisg ia old Farmer Bfagrove's
"Yeg, aAW.'
Thee was soaaetbhvg m tbe ser
vant's cart iBcwer that made her
ailstsese paaee for a mooeat for a
ateraeat oaiy for tbe spoilt, light
hearted little creature weat on while
lo4y eou tinned to remove the thiags
from the table.
'It was saeh fan
And how I usecii
ni mi i I
with all nay school books left in a
ditch, aad as black about the hands I
ad mouth as a Christy minstrel! I j
am so
glad to see you, Lucy; x'll
doable your wages ! -
Xiaey eoald aot have heard the last
a aaocaccm cat. At least she taade
ao allesion to K, bet stood, her eyes ;
Ixed apoa the fioor, fidgetting wrth I
I the striags of her apron.
"YottT mother, ma'am ! Exeaee
aae, bat have yoa seea her lately V
Taere was a paase. The little act
ress looked aagrily at her servant, the
servant looked persistently on the
ground, while the dog lieked up the
fine erambs of tbe spoase-eake,
which the better to eseape observa
tion, he had privately eeeveyed aader
tbe sofa..
A aether paeee, brofc&B saiy ay
Totty with aa eSact.
"Do yoa kaow where she is now?"
"Yes. BM'am; at Doesor Balm's,
Wiodtet-traw Hoeee.,r
The servatt, who had Mfted the
tray from the table, aad was moving
towards the door, again faced
roaad toward her mistress.
"If you please, ma'am, I sbeeM
wish to leave to leave at onee."
"Yes, maara rniea," she hesitated.
"I aea a poor girl, and it is not a ques
tion of wages."
Totty Pay was thuadesstraok. She
felt the blow aeetely, aad colored
through her rouge.
"You see, ma'am miss," the ser
vant wet oc, "we are both known at
Wood burst, and I am engaged te
Thomas Price, as you mentioned just
aow ; and if it came that he should
kaow" here the girl's voice foiled
her, for she saw the intense pain she
was infiietiag, aad broke down. "Oh,
indeed, indeed, ma'am miss, it's not
a question of wages !"
And with a burst of genuine tears
Leey Braid hurried from the room.
At the same moment a gentiemaa
dismounted from bis horse at the
door, was cdaaiUed and rapidly as
cended the stairs, to find Totty Fay,
her hiddea in her bands, aad
sobbiag violently.
"What the devil's the matter? es
elaimed Sir Philip, in his usual re
fined manner. "You are misusing
the water rates hers with a venge
ance ! That new girl of youra opeaa
the door to me with eyes led as toma
toes . and here you are, doing tbe
part of the distressed heroine. injured
I inaoaenee, or some trash of that kind.
Has cae girx oeen slanging you, or t
have you heen slanging the girl?
What's up ?"
He threw himself rhio sir easy chair
as he spoke, and without ceremony J
took a cigar fjm his case, and com
menced smoking.
"Put out that cigar." said tbe girl.
. stamping her little foot with
impatience ; "d you hear?"
He did hear, aad laughed,
j "Decidedly something's the matter,
j xot. ias Beasfe Tulip' (a rival sing -
t er at the Chickabiddy) "made a hit
in a new song, or have yoa missed
your tip in aa ohi one ?
T havel bat yon ball pay me
kit -
ten's Totty darted from tbe sofa,
snatched the cigar from between his,
lip, and hurled it oet of the open
wiadow, to the great delight of the
parrot, who screamed and danced on
its perch as at a capital joke.
'What tbe duee do you mean hy
1 ..,. . t t t. j nt
Aad haveH't I "kept my
u, ttJ stV ' tTTT.
osftes ttrc ijaxmci, iu a. liu. ,, xxw
coald know the maa&ers and eestoaas
of polite society better tban you do ?
Oaiy give a fellow warning another
time, aad I'll stoek my cigar ease be
forehand. What was that sirl blab-
berlnjr about? I don't think I've
seen her here before.
Where did yoa
get her from ?
'Prom the registry oSee.
Sbe has a pretty foae.
sometbiaejof the yotk ia It a raix
tereef roses aad ereatn, broad beeae
aad fat baeoa. Where did she eoeae
'From the sane place that I did
The devil she did ! bat that's awk
ward. Does she know yoa?T
'We were schoolfellows together.
She did sot know me at ar?t, aor did
I kaow her. The reeoenitioa took
plaee oeiy five minute- ago
'Ah! I see! quite a little raral
draata ; Soods of tears an both sides ;
mkstrese and maid equal for the tiate
belag, eiasaed ia eoeh other's arrays
with oetbarste of aSbcthm, which, as
Bsahi exits, she hopes will be reaee-
bered ia her axt quarterly pay naestt.'
3he caaae bat two days ago, aad
will leave directly.'
'What for?
Aaia the yoang girPs &yes filled
with taarb ae she called theei to the
cold, cynical foce of the esaa.
kCma pern ask? Loey kaew me
when we were both little toddRag
children '
I 'Ah,
yes! I know,'
sneered the
in thaw "a
aate bites out of the same sliced
of bread aad batter Act First ia the
village drama. Now, I seppose. pre-
seatiag aponherearly friend s change
ia dre0astaaee,sbe waate more bat
ter to her bread, aad a dookey all to
She wants no raoaey at all she
wants to go away. Philip,' she said,
faying her hand upon hie arai, 'have
yoe forgotten all the proabes yea
made rae at Woodharst V
'Promises! I suppose, wbea a fel
low is over head aad ear3 in hve, he
makes all kinde of promises that are
quite beyond ha man power to fulfill.
Now. I didn't promise you this, but
I've brought H. Isot it pretty V
He took from hig pocket a small
velvet case, opened It, aad flashed a
ring before her eyes.
'Diamonds aad Kubies ! It is the
riag yoa admired so maeh at Haa
eook's the other day. It came to a ti
dy ftgare, but knowing my Totty lik
ed It, I brought it oa.'
The girl took the ease, looked at its
eoateats for a minute, thee, quietly
pet it dowa on the table.
Yoe promised to marry me, Phil
ip !'
The Baroaet with difficulty repress
ed a whittle. There was a gravity in
her aseaaex that pointed htm.
'Had yoe aot doae so, do you think
I would have gone with yoa ? I have
your written promise to that effect!"
and with sn involuntary moveesent
(she laid her haad upoa a sesell table
desk of rosewood and bchl work
which was close beside her. The
moveraeat wae aat lost upoa the Bar
oaet. 'Are the letters there V he thought.
'By Jove they are ! for I never caught
that desk unlocked.'
'My darilns little Tatty,' he said
aloud, aad with a laugh, 'at lovers'
vows Jove laughs !
T doat care what Jove does ! He
may laugh or be may cry for what I
care ; but this I know, I will no long
er be played with by yoe, Philip
Went worth. Is it not sefiieient that
for your sake, I k;t a asetber's love,
but that yoa should make me aa ob
ject for your jeers aad laughter?'
'My dear Totty !'
"Bur-you atf redeem your promise
or '
'Or what?
'Or I will expose yoe I' and the
little fist descended with such a
thwack upon tbe desk, that tbe par
re! nearly fell from its perch with a
nervous scream ; while Flufiy, the
poodle, who bad &ren foraging about
tbe room,
immediately disappeared
under tbe sofa.
'What!' laeghed Sir Philip; 'a
breach of promise, Totty? You don't
mean that yju would put the" legal
skewer through two fond hearts, and
serve them up to be torn into pieces
by a lot of vulture-beaked barristers ? j
To what judge do you intend to sub-j
mit those interesting documents ?
'To Lady Caroline Somers! and
, cow the tiny fist beat a smart tattoo
on the pretty surface of the desk, etill
further convincing- the watchful Bar-
the respect thatrs doe to a lad j !"
with a movement as quick as a
What's goneJonet that the letters were there.
Lady Caroline Somers I
He grew very pale, -aa he saw
i once the- menaced danger.
', deliberate threat, and the
It -was a
firm set
mouth, with the sKghtiy projecting'
chin, showed that there was a resolve
to fulfill it.
'Some malicious feol has been fill
ing your ears with a lot of twaddle. I
cant understand what you mean 2'
'Possibly not! Her ladyship may
have a qmcserperception. My moth-
er loves me-stllJ Ood bless her! Yes
I know thai.; though she was always
so stern and hard. Ah, had she been i
less stern and hard, I never should t
have been here never, never, nevfer!!
And with aM the reekless abandon of !
her character and caste, she threw her (
arms across the desk, and, letting her ,
head fall upon them, sobbed aioad. j
The man who was standia? eceet ,
before her vc&s biting his moeetaehe
savagely. He endeavored, however.
f to repress nay farther show of passion
and as he placed his hand upon the, fair!
head of tbe yeung girl, hse thooghte j As he beads over the fire, Bsteniag
were concentrated upon the possible! ta the smart talk of Tom Eromptoa,
contents of the desk. J with a sneer be scarcely takes the
To what lawyer do you intend te j pains to eoaeeai, he has a very veaer
eonfide those precious deposits ?' able appearanee the hair snowy
Te no lawyer. You have never white, the faae deep lilted, the eye
met my mother; bet yoe know hecj brows full and drooping. The eyes,
character from her behavior to me however, have all the fire of yoath,
from tbe threats she launched at you. aad they glitter with a penetrating
If you and I fell to come to a proper
understanding, Philip, I send those
letters first te Windiestraw Hoeee,
Land thea to Lady Caroline Seders.'
'To wiersV
It is impossihie to sonvey, ia writ
ing, tbe bocrlbte alarm of the I Baron
et, eoataiaad In this oae exaJsmatioa,
ae the wocda "Windiestraw Hoeee"
fell apoa his ear.
'What fesSTyotrr mothec to da with
WiaaTfcStxaw Haese V
'You kaow it, thea V aad Totty
ope sed her eyes wka soaesvrprlee.
'No ; bat frieads of asiae do. A
bydropathioestablishoieBt, fc it not?
kYes ; my mother te actroo. share
said Totty.
Sir Philip turned to the wiadow to
hide an essJatioB it was iatpoasible for
him otherwiaa to eoaeeai.
He had sever dreamed of a daaaac
like this, aad. for "the moment, ha
ww aapreaared to meet K.
With the, worde 'Windiestraw
House' eaae ako the memory of Ger
srade Westworth.
No wondr that his thoughts w?ra
acain coaaaatrated upoa the contenu
of the bahF desk.
.Karery tiave taere been more
liar and ill-assorted persane eomc to
gether thaa tbe three now assembled
before the biazlag fire in the bouse-
keeper's room of Weutworth Abbey.
The turret cloak, ever laboring un
der a sort of cfaroaio cold ia the head,
has wbeeziagly proclaimed tbe hoar
to be eleven, oae boar short of mid
night. The weaibe oatakte h fright-
rul, the rain is coming dowa in
heats, the wind is raving-ia turret aad :
tree, aad everything is making itself
hs thoroughly disagreeable aa possi
ble. The eomfortahie blaze of the house
keeper's fire irradiates three counten
ances : that of old M?s. Sleek, the
housekeeper, besself ; that of Benja
min Darfcaoil, oace lodge-keeper, aad
aow steward, of the Weatworth es-
tates; and last, though by ao mtams
least ia hie ovta opiaioa, apoa the
sharp features of Mr. Everard Cor
bett's elerk, Tom Brom-ptoa.
Poor Mrs. Bleek!
Outwardly, five years had mad hat
little ebaage ia that excellent though
somewhat depressing woman ; she
bad become a little more shadowy
perhaps, a little more "mummified,
bet that waft all. Time tbe reeaorse
Ieee thief who never gives hot to steal
away bad, however, had hi re
venge even upoa thfr poor creature.
An Intellect, never of the brightest,
had more and more saecsmbed to the
cold pressure of the tyrant's finger,
and, retained by Sir Philip ae some
blind, worth leas, wom-oet hound
weald have been retained apoa tbe
"establishment,' from sheer shame
of turning it away, she dickered
about the old house, to which she
leluag like the damp epen its walls.
The old boose.
There, iadeed, the five burrriag, or
lotteries: years had made a vast
ehaage. It had become a deserted j
boose. Sir Philip, who, on the death !
of hie father, had thrown himself
head long into the pleasures of Len-i
son and Parisian life, bad taken an '
eaaoeoentable dislike to the place, j
and but for Benjamin Darkaoll, tbe j
whilom keeper of the lodge, would j
fAYra rua"aiT i rlorm crl4 zaTraw- fIrA
, . . ' , . .
Ki, oimioiKii ana ccij Uinw, '
build some pleasanter abiding place
, .. ! .. ..J"" -,.- u i
held to the "house. To him that!
mouldering brick work and crumb
ling stone represented the "femily .'
The master, always away, and
e hud de riag at the very mention of
the "dreary place." as he calhd it.
: the-ainister memorien It ooajured
L i -t .t-tTn
up, 14- is sat itirprirlng it shoeid fell
I itwuq n .rt 'r. . rtj I
i uiui ct rttru ajjrktr iuiv ucsat .
A very commonplace scoundrel, af
ter all, was PhiHo Wentwortb. Yog
may meet hundreds like him any day
In the parks. Successful, aad, there
fore, courted knaves ; jpeaffemen (ah !
that misused term I) got up hy Tree-
ntt, and. turned out by Poole; with
heads as empty a3 egg-3beiis, and!
hearts like Dead Sea apples. Aspend-
thrift on himself a sybarite, who, to
Btnff" hfe own nnnnh w'th rf leaves. .
. - " .(
wouia give to otners a piMow or
thorns 7 he had ruthlessly cut down.
atjau expenses at the Abbeyyane toifcwj
strangely enough, he bad been, urged
by Benjamin Darkaoll.
'My end is gained!' the old man
would chuckle to himself. lMydagh-
ter's wrong has been righted as fas as f eom-plete thing! Not a detail waat
so foel a wrong can ever he righted, lag. from the mooatrag of the har
and my bieod mine! will inherit, ness ail sliver to tbegaasds horn!
for genarations the honors of these , Toe never saw saeh a crowd ia Pi
proud "Weatwortbs.' Philip must' cadllly as whea Sir Phfiipdra-ve &om
make a great marriage a grand mar
' riare a marriage that the world will
speak of j aad his name he written
down in every print, and eehoed
from mouth to mouth ! It was a
game worth the piayiag, and I have
gained it for him!
And so the new steward shut up tbe
Abbey, living there himself with tbe
aged hoesekeeper, and a domes tie or
two. miadful oalv of Sir PhIlio3 in
terests. griadisgr scrapiag. and watoh
ful, till tbe tenants earned the absea
tee landlord, and tbe miser who had
taken his place.
. keenness, as they glanee from the lad
to tbe shadowy old woman, who sits
like some ghost la he; antique chatr
dim aaS" chilly even ia the ruddy
glow of the piled-ap hearth.
'A dull place this for a sharp, active
yoeag follow like yoa, Mr. Tboeaee,
to some and spead your holidays.
You are not afraid of ghosts rtseeasg,
for, aacordiag to yoec gsaadmothar
we have pleaty of them here.
Tees laughed.
'Blese you, Mr. Darknoii, I am
more afraid of rbe&sftatiee ! A daeap
sheat wrapped roead one's body fe
wnsse tban all the raw beads aad
bloody boaes in the world.'
'Bheamatiee is bad,' asseated the
old housekeeper, more to herself than
as addressing any oae. 'I've had'tbem
for years, and folks get used to 'era.
She had a way of eetehiog ap oaiy
portions of sentences, aad geaerally
eoafastag the raeaniag of tbe frag
ment she seized apoa.
' 'But,' eoetiaued Tom, f f I did be
lieve in the parties in question, I
should fancy they weald crop ep here
pretty plentiful. The h'Abaey (I'm
afraid Tom put the h' to it) 'fca't
qarte tbe place to raise any spirits but
the dead 'u&; though if I was ia
Bina9dua 13"
tenaats without leave, I'd soon serve
thea.with a writ of ejectment.'
'An! grinned the o4d man, 'that's
easier said than done. Pbnatem's of
the paet eliag about ancient places
such ae these, and wbea they do ap
pear, it's hard to lay them. How
would yoe manage, may I ask?
By cteariac the bouse from ten te
bottom, opening all the windows,
tor-thrash lag away all the cobwebs, aad
and letting ia light and air. Depend
upon It. there's nothing like a good
wholesome current of fresh air, aad
a boey housemaid's broom, to chase
away hobgobblias.'
'We've seat uway all the house
maids. piped poor Mrs. Bleek ; 'aad
the male servants, too. Things isn't
as they was, you kaow, Thames ; aad
as to light aad air, we've had none of
them since the great house ehaaged
'Changed owners! what do yoe
n 7 and Darkaoir? eyes gleamed
at her savaeely, though his voice
wae as ever, carafe Hy modulated,
The Weatworth estates are. as thev
. t - fk w-. .u .
-. . , ,a .cm -
"es, yes ; bet what's the good, Mr.
Benjamin, of saapeiag oae up so?
Yoe kaow what I raeea thatie what
I tbiak I meaa for, apes reaeetiee.
I'm aot so right aboet it.1
'Bight aboet what. Graaay? pet
ia Tom. while tbe steward fe
scowled at them both.
'Oh!' aad the poor seel proceeded
ta wander off in another direetioe
it eaat be right, yoa know, for the
'femily never to visit the Abbey, bet
to leave so beaetifai a place for years
to old Benjamin there aad me, who
are bet shadows ourselves, yoe knew ;
aad oh,' here her mind took another
tern 'what n ambers of shadows I
see when I take my rounds ! They
crowd every room, aad I meet them
! even oa the great staircase, goiag ep
or earning down. They all belong to
the place like me, they are a part of
it, aad een't quit it bo mere than I
Tom couldn't repress a slight shiver J
as bis grandmother cackled eat a
, laesh, which she followed up by ma
ay melancholy shakes of her already
too shaking head. He felt that the
conversation was getting: a little too
depressing even for hte, and so made
f - . ...
a dash to ebaaee it.
Tour Sir Philip, he said, address
ing Darkaoll, whose -ever watchful
eyes -were fixed on the eld weravin.
whose speech at all times, wbea she I
ZJltlw JIZ tZm '
t-. t t
gaze, grew even more la-
. - '
in 8e style down oar !
style down our!
wsyir (whs lorn, 'sown our way' t
meant jadon.) 'Just before I came
away I saw his- faat new turn-oat In
the Parks.7
Benjamin Dark Beit's feee bad
changed its expression as if by magic
3is eyes spaJked with a so of joyful
j expectation.
fcWhat was ItKke eh? SomethiBgf
that a noblernaa would be proud ef !
i that a aohjemag. would have, ao
1 believe yoa, gaffer! slap cpl
The true thing, and jio mistake!
- 'Ah I'mnrmered the steward, draw-
j ig a long breath
' 'blood will sat!'
of satfefettttoa ;
j A foar-ia-basd dra. eoattaned !
Tom, warming with his tceae, "the ;
The where?'
The WhHe 'Ocss-OeJfez. aad tooiad
them into the Parks T
'Aad tbev gdinairgd ikiai,?
rf .
-Well, there eoald be bet oae oaia-
fon as to the tera-oetr said ToatIra aB taxn hack the Jook alone;'
with an evideat reservatiea ia
tone of his voice. They were all
swell, i&side and eot sw-eJls, aad
t'other sort!'
There was Coloaal Saortec, who
there was all that row about in the
Divorce Coert ; Lord Bardolph, who,
hy rights' (for Tom had the tree Brit
isher's respect for a ioid), I ought
to have mentioned first; little Tom
my Bombshell, of the Goatee a
screamer Ac is; aad Clabber Spado:.
the sporting barrister, who gets more
hy bettiag tbaa by brief:.'
'All gentlemen T
Aad BarknoU rebaed hte haade.
Tip-top! Aad ae for the
there was saJg-aoage (Tom's
was peoehar) 'of all colors, outside
aad taeide, with little Totty Fay oa
the box!'
Totty Faae! Who feshe?
Tom laughed, aad without taking
heed of his graadmuthQrs mistake ia
the name, gleefully swapped his ling
ers. 5b peevsctfout that's what she
a singer ! Y
should hear
hex give 'Now, daatyou wiak at me,
Joe ! aad Tea aad shrimps on Sn i
day !' Oh I and Tom smaekad his '
lips with delight 'ao weader Sir P.
is so saka-a with bur! If I wae a king ,
I'd make that girl my h'empcese.!'
The old man's brows slightly eaa-
'Youth will have th foefingB of
youth!' he aMKaseead; aad PfeiBp
t, . ,fV . r seeminaly oblivioo- of what waa pasa
Faae! Faae! broke ia Mrs. Bleek tg m Tota n.-rf at after tha
who bad beaa recking herself baok-! steward, aad fiinernsr oa a coveriac
wares aad forwards ia bee ohair. Ie i of somekiad. found hiaaself owtefcieai.
the yoeas lady aay relate to the e Frtacipal . J" J
ifaaea oc ijiacotaonirc . iaey were a ; , u. ,,.u
pcoed lot, aad osed to visit here in
j tbe old time. She eaat be a Brace
Faae. No; nor any eoQaeetkm of
Lady Eleaucs, nor
.. 3a;ngtbe dajjag belong to Lia
cotesbire at aJfiIdat Tom, areJy
able te keep hie eoeateaaoee as his
rraadaiother continued to tick off
several acmes on her skinny finger.
Thea,' said tbe old womaa, tri,
aaBhatly. 'she is a Baefciagham
Faae aad thov wei the mnum t nf
iraae, aaa taoy were taa acoaamst or
ai :
Aad with this cpaaofotiop she sab
sidudv beak hmto her roomy chair, aad
cheek led axoeadhaeiy over the aaw
ias powers of momery she had
I hear Sir Philip's gaiae te be mar-i
rted 'bout tbe seeee lima, I aappoca,
as my master. Mr. Cnrbett.
, .. . , -r-
-oeojamia jjuxaaou saarteo.
'What! Is Mr. Everard Corbotsgo-
iag to be married ? Yoa surprise ate!
News travels but slowly dowa hare.
Is she hi she rich ?
W1U be!'
aad Toes aedried ooaft- ,
1 deatialry.
IiBtaIhr 'lat ombHa mK a aatllama
- - j i - ' i I
I aterriar. bat eooueh to foraigih a hoa-
die of arparacae or aa early pea to a
; lamb ahop, you kaow.'
j Aad Sir Philip's wifo. the wife that
i is to be Lady Carolina Samerc have .
o- k
v -
IP ae sare 1 nave, i rsuqjaaat tae
'Bow' after buainees fe over, aad oftea
before thai, wbea baetasss k slack. ,
aay U!a, I should think, bat 'Hoe. i
sweet home !
'Handsome, of caasser seat tte old
dm, mqainaely.
ere Toaa aaacert. i ,, f vtT!f . - ZTuSl
Well, beauty, ae the oyster said todte ?JJJmi?auL &?.
.w j. . .. V. e moving to aad fro with the aatais&el
tbe shrimp, fe a matter of taste. Sem j,., . jfaroo t f
people like the feateree efocteated, aad f the gate.
some like them fiat. Her ladyship ! As yet, he saw irothmr. for Bberxaefe,,
has a Hfc th h.i- if a aunt rf was SV uankaeaii
a Barret.'
.. ,, , . rn .
motiroeu tiaooiaea, ae
at; -aadf
a np ia&h curig sp s ue wiwio as ane
aad as crisp-as a sprig of endive. She's
,. ., . . ... ..
a i&iDBafe.' aae. ao mtotafce V
1 What's thatr cried oet tha old wo
maa. seddeely starting from a dose,
aad raetag her bead with a geetcieof
great alarm. 'What's that?
what?' uemaaued Toaa
somewhat sharply, for he was begra-
aing to have more tbaa a misetviag
to the state of what he called his
grasdmother's pper story.
I heard tbe bell of the grsatgatel
ria?; I heard it, for my heariag is
good, though for my eyesujht I caat
av rMth - tmXr . tt ' .-
tTT Zr 1 f
ars,-c. j. a v on j KiVIWKZ wc MK pui.
ap her
She- stopped aad agsia held ' peee for the passage of a henna be
hand. There ! I hard it iae. tbaa a dark figure, shrouded ia. a
agate, aad the
of the owls, too
I hear maay thises that others
, ..
oM as i aca.
There waa a sileaee of
r- "mar np&anbc CVllWT oius-
I Bte3 dcri wb BM. startled
L, . .a-BJa- ifr -
J " k "..." -
c, ! aBUT um
aay ether seaads. if cfher soeads
t there ea; than the Ware aad easels
ef the storm.
She's right,' said tbemwardr with
a queer pezsJed leek, which was not
Sxz recaoved from alarm . that was
the ben of the great gate which ran?
jest then; and there! there F do yoe
hear ft?r turning to Tom, who stead
hand to his ear. a atetae of eager he
...... ....... . .
Hcaree eoac sett way atteses.
Yea. lfomhad heardJt
t-as beard
iSbW' dfefcteeajy;
boer Sk khL
very, csseated Torn.
'N 9ae from tbe villaee would eoxst
! to come to the gsresl eatranee.
! ,t V"
Thoegh the epestfcw. was asked a
raadwei, Toaa took epon hlmseif to re-.
pry that be tfaoaght that, wader the;
eiraeEastaaces, it &iight be as welt to
go dawa to the sate aad see.
A aica eoM I eball catch V gram-y
bfod the old man. ae If sauce the half
laetooed to resame hi? seat aad lefcfea
visitor riag oa. 'Us tea to the dash,
of tbe ram aad the saream of the.
wiad I Beetdes. I cant hold the krn-
-a BOtsostroasr ae i was.
No, no,' pet ia Mrs. 3leek, whose
mlad had waadered off again. 'We
. aoae oc o& are so strong ae we wero.
t I'vecaroed Mies Gertrude and Master
Pluhp oa ray baok ortea aad often,,
aad aow I eaa'tstooa taaick ua-apia
a'ajost. bet some eruei pais tihoota
through mo somewhere. Ah. dreary,
dreary me! how things do efaiage to
be sere!' And oace mere shecom
aaoaocd tJekmg off some piece of;
Weatwocth chroaoiogy oa bar fia
gets, mettering worda. with thtepe-
eeliarirj they had ao relevaaay te
aaythiag aha had boon saving;
Thecal the bell again,' said Tom.
toDarfcaolL oaabody sxast a&s-.
war it. It wouldn't do to leave-a dor;
oet saeh a night as thi.T
'Why aot? searted the steward. bfej
sweeteeeeof maehavias: foroae&al-
together oaeested him. 'If doge seleaC
jsooh weather, let t&eus. take their
'Bee decs doa't riae belle.' araeet
f Tom. aa another seal made itself aow
distinctly audible, t'ocae, look hera
GaSr ! If you'll carry the lantera
as yoe kaow "the road, IH keep yeo
eoaaaaay, aad iara the bolt. Yoe.
amy depaad it's business of Wapocfc-,
t aoe to brtag people oet of tafchoas-
ca &wo:u awu "n,Mgt ai t j.
v be a tetram. yoe kaow soma
aews, bad or good., from towa. Sumo -tbtar
oaaceraiae: Sir Philip, parhaaek
'What? I saver thought of that.
You're a brave lad. and aad a use
ful. Came thhr way ; there are over-?
eeote aad wraippers ia the hall. Sbayrf
I'll fetch the laatern.'
His apathy, his seifisltaess. had aK
together disappeared, aad ha ImbWceT
oS. to rerom with a laatera. the' can-
i die of which be lighted at the &re
Tbe hoaeekeeper coatiaaed to ehadfc-
Ia fcoat, aad caUfac to Un impa
tiently to come oa. was 3ae$&BfciR
It wat then Tom perceived' thai
that eccentric personage was already
ItTs a straae
J said DarkaolL
iaattwa.v dowa, the- bread saczfogh
fdvtv Bftjf'Taj6rtaii-i'-
out his hat.
Well. mattered Tom. K I ever
came among eoek a set of la-Batata be
fore, may I be tbe ia Brompmaf
Here, only a afaate aco, thie very
, ?1 oid cove was refusing ta leave
tp ftre slCw of rheaaiatlcs, aaai
,g & -&- Amzj wiaoethis
I w. r
Aad so it was. The steward, for
setiui of every thiag bet tbe posswbilt-j
iy of bad news about Philip. hauT
plunged oat toto- the eight, aad wasi
antkiag rapid headway towards the-
eateas Toam caraeapwiih hioa.
f - Mi V
'riere. I ay. take my wrapper r aae.
aamsaKaB iia BMr ii over wbi
s shoulders. 'You're not aaL
s yoe were a bundled years
aad y
Pall tae end of it overyear man,.
'11 be covered ia Itke a peaay-
wiakfo. Shelf I take the key T
Yes ; the larse oae tberasty i
aad the steward held ap the laaeasav
towa oae. 'It hasn't beea used for
How dark the nHtbtis V
may well say that. said '
havinc selected the key. That.;
about the third eromn of laareia Pve:
scumhlod into ia aboat aa asaay mo
meats. Still, they mirfat have homely.
prickly holliee. which weald
m ,Jv sh worse; so
JTV .s?m ac
waJea to. nraavht o k tk
t ' t -w
fam'ly matter.
Hiiioh! bote;
the eater be cried.
he raa smactly
aieei it TBaalc yoa for notaJa.
etabe I have aot much ause ha,
eaeaic of, bet I wish to preserve what
aJumF- K k iZT:
1 thick
'Who's than? Aayooetherr
No answer. H
Aayoae aaovhag oatscae? semteel
Qoeer uae thfe for a
caoakr grinaed the Sri
Bold hard with that
f years for a moeaoat. -aSerl
! teadty tost, half my valuable
Jtm zagerf while I strtk tha pg
gar!' aad Torn: applied the- gagafc key
! tfitfkCH rtll arA U.Tt gTnMrt kan
! "
It wae a work of dtiaealty, bet he,
wnJea theoW maa jofeed hfe
turned it, aad witn aaother shuBS. So
osiar his
j pallod baok
I little.
of she graat gates s
I hadBot revolved apoa ue ceerod.
ed biases more tbaa sefifefoat to exra
i " eU- Slf160 awtftIy tteeegh.
i tiwiuiiieih ttwoisao:
; Both Tom and the steward secoilsd?
I befure- this unexpected aaasiatles.
t T1kA fior Ta. amfAVAil n auJi 1 ..&j-n
i amuv cmvrm ifWPhe.j - AIJaj'rrTA
J 6 a few peces. Asm peeeed.
feoafroiHed by the steward.
. Aay more of yoeT bawled Tbra,.
peeriog: act. 'No! Well. iMs Is a
queer caper!' sad be closed the gate.
Who ase yoa ? What 's yeur best-
?s here, womaa? What do yoe, 9 rl ii I 1 ft tff "Tl VU- va,tX olftj.'
nHi j awii
' urj acore that stood before him.
' For soae aamaB bo powads wezsr
. V f ?? f sitKS&)
7ZT tkL 5 ey wnvra-
I 'Who are yoe? aad the efti mars
1 repeatiBg- fee eeestioQ, 'What djaci
vsat ?
I bare some hctneiTiirr
Ifca-. ,, ?
, jg-:ry-?,.,.g-.-- -y--s w-wg.;