i -"-- fjr wf'T'm THE" ADVERTISER. THURSDAY, MARCH 0. ,1S77. A man namedAlexander Vamie lord was murdered at Omaha last I week. Mike J. Waldron has been appoint ed U. S. Marshal for the district of Tennessee. George Gregory, Hartford Ct., fatal ly shot his wife on tba,22, because he was jealous of her. too often repeat that splendid Baying, "Office should eek the man, not man theofHce." ApplauRp") If you will lengthen the term of office, ii will be po long between meals that he will have to do something else or starve. Loud laughter. Wonder if Injiersoll is acquainted with ChurchHowe? Thnt picture ofj an office-seeker looks as much Uko Howens If he had "set" for if. "Wants to be an Angel." the road between his place of residence and Grand Island. The coroner's jury said he died from disability and exposure. Stanley Matthews, the new Ohio Senator, is not a brother-in-law of President Hayes, as the papers gener ally are assarting. Senator David Davis, whom the Democrats of Illinois elected, says that while he acknowledges no party affiliations he intends to give Presi dent Hayes cordial and active support. A farmer named M. S. White, an Englishman, near Seward Nebraska, attempted suioide one day last week, by cutting his throat. His life was eaved. Cause, whisky, and habitual drunkenness. The President has invited Wade Hampton and Chamberlain to visit "Washington so that he may talk with them face to face. They have accepted the invitation and will soon be in the national capital. The Kearney Press brings its roost er out and crows over the news that mail service, try-weekly, has been order from Kearney to Deadwood. "The only point in Nebraska from which mail service has been ordered to the Hills." The President has determined to call an extra session of Congress to meet about the first of June. . The last Congress refused to make any appro priation for the support of the army, hence this necessity and extra expense J.o the country. Xext Saturday Goldsmith Maid and Rarus will trot at San Jose, Cal., for a purse of $2,000. One thousand is also offered as a speed premium in case the fastest time ever made in the State, 2:10, made by Occident at the .State Fair a few years ago, is beaten. The Grand Lodge of Good Templars of Massachusetts having refused to admit colored-men into the organiza tion, many Good Templars are dis satisfied and have made a move to ward establishing a system that will admit colored people to membership. If liquor selling is right, why levy a special tax upon it, and force the sa loon keeper to show good moral char acter? Neb. JPlaindealer. An evil whioli cannot be extermin ated should be regulated in the best manner possible for the protection of society. The license regulation for the retailing of spirituous liquors is certainly better than no" regulation whatever. Does the Plaindcaler want "free whisky ?" Senator Tipton's lacernled political "feelinke" have endured the torment as long as possible. Ho finally "un buzzums" himself to his ancient friend. Dr. Miller, of the Omaha Her ald, In this wie: Hrov.wim,k, March 19. Dear Doctor: While speaking seemed of any avail I spoke. Fn the presence of the astounding fraud I liave been silent. Had ' I been in charge of an editor's pen, I would have attempted to emulate you in painting the crime and the criminals. I do not feel able to do justice to the occasion. So happy am I that I escaped from that political association jn.t when the lower depths were belne reached. I feel proud of the impulse that mov ed me. And then, who could have followed so sagacious and prudent a leader, as I had in Mr. Tllden? I almost wish T were in Omaha and your Herald demanding. an assistant editor that I might have an oppor tunity of standing in the ranks, and continuing the ficht for constitution al liberty, stricken and defampd. But I must not prolong these thoughts nor would I have given them to pa per had not silptice become oppress ive. Very frnlv. T. W. Tipton. And the "stricken and defamed" Doctor pats the Senator on the head, "and says Mr. Tipton is a man who has not onlj ability of a hich order, hut like wise the courage of his opinions, as his clear and consistent public record will show, and few men in the coun try have deserved or secured strohcer proofs of public respect and confi dence. If there is no opening in the assis tant editorship of the Herald, there is a huge vacancy in both, the princi pal and assistant, of the Howe Organ of this place. The Senator perhaps could secure a situation a sufficient length of time to enable him to "stand in the ranks of the stricken and defamed" and sing two lines at least of "I want to bean angel. And with the angels stand."." The (Jaiue law. Some of the rag-tag-and-bobtail poli ticians who still cherish the memory of the Greeley campaign, give Stanley i Matthews the credit of having sup ported Mr. Greeley. This is a mistake. We are glad that he has a better record. The Cincinnati Gazette speaking of this matter, says: The Chicago Tribune, in its excel lent aud well-deserved notice of Judge Matthews election to the Unit ed States Senate, falls into one error that may as well be corrected. He did not support Greeley for President in 1872. He sympathized in the senti ment that originated the Cincinnati Convention, but disgusted with the "result, he supported and voted for Grant. One of the ablest and most effective speeches for the Republican "party in that campaign was delivered by Judge Matthews, aud widely published. A Washington telegram says, "Pro vision was made in the sundry civil appropriation bill for the appoint ment of a commission to inve3tigate tue grasshopper plague in the We3t. Secretary Sohurz appointed as suoh commission Prof. Riley, State Ento mologist of Missouri; Prof. Thomas, State Entomologist of Illiuois. and Dr. Packard, of Salera, Mass., editor -of the American Naturalist. These '.gentlemen are now in Washington preparing for their Investigation, but will start out at once, in order that they may reach the grasshopper coun try before thetimeqf hatchingof eggs, and watch the development of the in sects. They will cover every State which has been visited with the plaguo and will experiment with methods for their prevention and de struction. The commission has au thority to emp!o3' local experts to as sist them, and General Meyer has tendered the services of the operators of the signal service, who will be of great assistance, acting under the di rection of the commission. The re port will be submitted as early as pos sible, and will be published as a part .of the Haydeh survey series." Col. Bob Ingersoll recently deliv ered a great lecture in the city of 2s ew York. Amongst other vivid lifelike pictures, he drew one of the ofilce--eeeker, as follows : Professional office-seeker iz one of the meanest and lowest and basest of human beings. Tremendous ap plause. A Jittle higher than the lower animals, and a littlelower than roan. There is no earthly or heaven- ly independence not a particle. A successful office-seeker is like thecen tre of the earth ; he weighs nothing himself and draws all things toward the office he seeks. He lias no temp er. You cannot offend him ; you can not insult him. Shut the door in his ffice, and, so far as he is concerned, it is left wide open, aud he is stauding on the threshold with a smile, extend ing the hand of welcome. He crawls and he oringes, and he flatters and he 1fns enri Tin swflffprs and llA hrflfa anri'tflllsofthe influence he has in Sylvester W.Norris, of Hall county, fee ard wfyere he lives., Wejsannot Neb. was recently found dead beside J. D. Lee was shot. to death at 11 a. m. on the 23, at Mountain Meadow, where twenty years ago he decoyed the emigrants to their death. Seated upon his coffin five shots struck him in and near the heart, and he fell baek on his coffin dead. He made a confession orstatement regarding the masaore, detailing minutely every thing of interest pertaining thereto, in which the most prominent Morman leaders, amongst them Brigham Young, himself, are implicated. The massacre of the emigrants, wa3 not the work of Indians and a few men, but of the Morman church the exe cution of an official order of a council of the elders and leaders. Lee claims that be did no killing, that he did all he could or dared do to avert the ca lamity and save the emigrants, that when he could not do this, he endeav ored to save the children and recites several instances where he rescued little children from the knives of sav ages. Immediately before his execu tion he said, "I have but little to say this morning ; of course I feel that I am upon the brink of eternity, and the solemnity of eternity should rest upon my mind at the present. I have made out, or endeavored to do so, a manuscript and an abridged histor' of my life. This will be published. Sir I have given my views and feel ings with regard to all these things. I feel resigned to my fate ; I feel as calm as a summer morning. I ha'e done nothing wrong ; my conscience iscleir before God and man. lam ready to meet my Redeemer. This it is that places me upon this field. I am not an infidel ; I have not denied God or his mercy ; I am a strong be liever in those things. The most I regret is the parting with my family ; many of, them are unprotected, and will be left fatherless. When I sneak of those little ones, they touch a ten der ohord within me. (Here Lee's voice faltered perceptibly.) I have done nothing wrong in this affair. I used my utmost endeavor to save these people ; I would have give worlds were it at my commaud to have avoided that calamity, but I could not; I am sacrificed to satisfy feelings, and I am used to gratify par ties ; but I am ready to die : I have no fear of death ; it has no terror, and no particle of mercy have I asked from court or officials to spare my life ; I do not fear death ; I shall never go to a worse place than the one I am uow In ; I have said it to my family, and I will say it to-day, that the gov ernment of the United States is sacri ficing Its best friends, and that is say ing a great deal, but It is true ; I am a true believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ ; I do not believe in everything that is now taught and practiced by Brigham Young ; I believe he is lead iug the people astray, but I believe in the gospel as taught in its purity by Joseph Smith, in former days ; I have my reasons for saying this ; I used to make this man's will my pleasure, and did so for thirty years ; see how and what I have come to this da' ; I have been sacrificed in a cowardly anil dastardjy manner: there are thous ands of people in the church who are honorable and good-hearted, whom I cherish in my heart ; I regret to leave my family : they are near and dear to me ; I do not say these thiuga to ar ouse sympathy ; I declare I did noth ing designedly wrong in this unfor tunate affair ; I did every thing in my power to save all the emigrants ; but lam the one who must suffer; hav ing said this, I feel resigned ; I ask the Lord, my God, to extend his mer py to me, and to receive my spirit; my labors-here are done. Section. I. Be it enacted by. "the Legislature of the. State of Nebraska ; That from and after the first day of June A. D. 1S77, ithhall be unlawful for any person to take, wound, or kill any wild bird within this Stale, at any time. That the months of Octo ber, November and December, in each year, bhall be open to shooting wild grouse, and wild turkeys, with the common shoulder gun ; Provided, also that this act shall not be applied to water fowls, jack snipe, sand pip ers, waders, and woodcook. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon coifvic tion thereof in any court havingjuris diction, shall be fined in any sum not less than live nor more than fifteen dollars for ever3' wild bird taken, wounded or killed, and forevery wild bird's egg, or nest taken or destroyd ; such fines when o ilected, to be paid into the county treasury for the bene fit of the public schools ; and the per son so convicted shall be committed to the oommon jail of the county until such fine and cost are paid. Sec. 3. Thoe having in possession any wild bird recently killed ; shall be deemed and taken as prima facie evidence that the same as killed by the person or persons having in pos session the same. Ex-Prcsidcat Grant. Grant lobbied the U. S. senate to defeat the confirmation of Schurz for Haj'es' cabinet; because of the ter rible arraignment Schurz gave Grant aud his administration when in the senate ; but the power of Grant's cor rupt administration lias departed. Lincoln Globe. Had the above unkind fijng appear ed in a rabid democratic sheet before election it would have been excusable, but of a paper professing to be repub lican and making fair statements it does look queer, if nothing more. Seward Reporter. The reason it looks so queer is be cause it is so utterly false. Grant did not lobby against any of Hayes' ap pointments, aud his administration was less corrupt than that of any ad ministration since Washington's in proportion to its requirements. New York, Marcli 24. George L. Whiting, head book-keeper of the Brooklyn bank, was arrested to-day charged with having robbed the bank of $100,000. In a valise which he car ried at the time was $120,000 leaving $40,000 unaccounted for. The circum stances of the robbing are that on Wednesday afternoon, after bank hours Whiting was correcting some clerical ererors in company with an other clerk, and remarked that he heard the officers intended reducing his salary, but he did not propose to let them do it easily. He would com pel a compromise. Whiting had sur reptitiously learned the combination ofthe safe, and remaining after the rest left, opened the vault and took $100,000. He left a note offering to compromise for half the money, and assurance that he would not beprose cuted, declaring otherwise he would destroy the whole pnekage. Detect ives worked the case and caught him this mornic coming out of his house. He revealed where the remainder of the money was secreted and it was found intact. The Omaha Republican shows neither good judgment or good tasto in its assault upon the Senatorial del egation in connection with the ap pointment of Hall to the Postofllce, es pecially in connecting Senator Pad- dock with the matter. As a matter of courtesy Senators have usually been allowed to name the Postmasters of their local office, and consequently Senator Paddock would not be justi fied in interfering, in this especial ap pointment whether he approved the appointment or not. As this is so far the only change made in u Nebraska Federal office, except when a vacancy occurred, necessitating it, the Repub lican has no right to make a general assault upon our delegation, or upon the administration for violating the policy of civil pervice reform. One drop does not make a shower. At any rate let the responsibility of any bad appointment thnt has been made rest upon the shoulders ofthe party responsible, as a personal and not a political matter. Senator Paddock thus far has made a good record, and it is unjust to attack him in relation to the Omaha Potofflce, for which he. as every one kn ows. Is not to bo held accountable. Lincoln Journal. UEGAI. ADVERTISE2IENTS. QHERIFF'S SALE. O JCotice Is hereby given, that by vlrtno of an execution issued out of the District Court of Nemaha Conntv. Slate of Nebraska, and to undirected as Sherill'of said counly, upon a judgment rendered by the County Court of said county on the -1th day of January. 1S76. and a transcript of Mild Judgment lllctl In the District Court of said county on the2lst day of January. 1S7G. in n case wherein Ed ward Wolsenrelder was plaintiir and Fran- f vr t m i . . I cis ii. u. num. ami Virginia Hunt were defendant, I will oiler lnrbnlcatpnbllcauc tion. untie residence of the said Francis if. D. Hunt, in St. Heroin precmct, Nemaha COantv. Nebraska, on tlie lOlli Day of April, A.M. 1877, at one o'clock in the alternoon, Jim, follow ing described personal property, toAvit: one Roan Dull, two vears old; .one yearling steer; one Marsh Harvester; ono Win. An son Wood Mowing Machiner taken on, bald execution as tho coods and chattels or the said Francis II. D. Hunt. Terra ofsale. cash. Tills, March US, 1877. DAVIDSON rLASTERS, I0w2 Sheriff of said Conntv. T EGAL. NOTICE. Lt Audrew Cochran, Thamas Jj. WIswall, Rue P. Hutchlns and Caroline WIswall, will take notice that Charles Welnlaud has commenced an action In the District Court of NemaliaCounty, Nebraf.ka,a:alnst them, together with John Ford and Jennie L. Ford. The object of said action Is to obtain a Judgment nijalnst thesald Andrew Coch ran, Thomas L. WIswall and Rue P. Huc'i ins. upon a, Judgment rendered In favor or plaintiff and as.finst them by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, March 7th, 1S78. for S J.TjW 26. And. also, to set aside cer tain conveyances made by Thomas L. WIs wall and Caroline Wiswall to John W, Ford and Jennie Ii. Ford, of the following lands situated In said county of Nemaha, to-wit: the east half of section 35, and tho west half of the north west quarter of sec tion 85, and the south west quarter of sec tion 26, and lots (J, 7, 8 and 9, and north west quarter of fconth west quarter, and south east quarter of the south west quarter, and south west qu-mor of south west quarter of section 38, town -I, ramie 14. as having been made to hinder, delay and defraud creditors, and to have said land sold and the proceeds applied in payment of plaintiff's claim. An order of attachment lias been Issued, and the same levied npon the lands above described as the property of Thomas L. Wis wall. The said Andrew Cochran. Thomas r, Wis wall and Caroline Wisswall are required to answer by the 14th davof May, A. D. IfcTT. Dated March 10th. IS77. B. E. EimiGHT, and E. W. THOMAS, 39y4 Att'ys for Plaintiff. pORONER'S SALE. V Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Coroner of Nemaha Count v Neb will, by virtue of an execution issued bv the Dlsfrict Court of said county, in favor of Da- ,J V. PIilsU!rs, aml. Asa Da nna agaln-st A . R, Phillips, and to him directed, at 1 o'clock p. in., on the 31st Day of Marcli. A. D. 1877, at the residence of Irwin Brbtol, in Douglas precinct. In said county, offer for sale at public vendue, the following goods and chat tels, to-wit: Six head of two-year old calves and six head ol one-year old calves- and immediately thereafter will sell at tho Jorm er residence of Thomas Ilurkholder, In in Washington precinct, in said county, two cribs of corn, supposed to contain about 500 bushels. Said cools were taken on .said execution as the property of said A. R. Phillips. Dated, this 15th dav nr March. A. D 1ST7. 39wJ E. H. ERIUGIir. Coroner. T EGAL NOTICE J-J In the matter of tho properly escheated to the State or Nebraska, belonging to tho Hooper Estate: Notice Is hereby given thnt Giles R Reclor has Hied In tills oiilce his tl nal settlement sheet as trusteofor the State, showing tho debit and credit account be tweon himself and said escheated property. The County Court will pass upon said ac count April 1 1. ISTT.eommencinirat lOo'clock n, m. All parlies Intel ested will then show caiihe why said account ought not to heap proved. , , ,;IAUVIS s- CHURCH, Judge. March 30, 1S77 39 w4 9X FANCY CARH, l6stylesvith"nalne.oc", -postpaid. J. B. Ilusted. Nassau. KeusCo..X.Y. ft ftar?? no two aUke ,nc-40 nfsame-in handsome a S Roonule-case S"ta.. 2 chrnmoKc. 50 line white g HU-c. 50 C-irdinal Iteil 15c.. 25 Jot la cold Sc . t,yxour narap on all. The whole lot for one l. aaiplesorcnrNandu E column weeklv pa per for 3c. (. 11. T'r.i.imr i" M'lnti.. ct !..',.;.., ff"S- " "Wl ' TRIFLING WITH A COO IS ALWAYS DANCTBROUS. uss WELLS' CAR30LIC TABLETS, a sure remedy for COUttHS. aud all diseases of the THROAT, I.UNfiS, CHEST, and .III' CD US MEMBRANE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE 3? OXES. SOLD BY ALL. vnvqGl&TS c.2. oniTTKrro-i.-MAV4kjnt?fTrrnrK: f h") - month. Aoents Waxtkb on our aXj"U TIlttEE OUEAT ?2 BOOK. lhe SIUY of UjLlAKJLSYROSS. a lull account of this Great Atvstery. written Iy his Father. up.itsR,btDson ( rua- e in thrillinlnterest. 1 he Illustrated naniMiook to all religion, a complete urv unt or all denominations and sects. 300 illustrations. Also tho ladles' medical guide, by Dr. Pancuast. 100 illustrations. These books sell at sight Male anil Vemale asjents coin monev on them. IV.rthuI.irrf free. CopTes by ms.il 52 each. Jolinjj. Potter & CoThlladelphla -tm 1 A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. eS-We -want 500 more iivi;;-cln.ss Sew ing JtfacMuc Agents, and 500 men of onergy and ability to learn the busi ness or helling Scwlnj JIaclilnes. Compensation Liberal, lmt. varying according to Ability. Cliaractcr and i,unlillcallons of tile Agent. For par ticulars, address Wilson Sewing Machine Co.,Chicago S27 .t&.9 Broadway. X Y., or Xew Orleans. La. -T.v A. HOME A.IVI iKA-SM OF YOUR OWN, On the line or a (iRE.il' RAILROAD with good markets both KAS V and VST. HOW ISTHE TIMEfo SECURE IT Mild Climate, rertile Soil, bet Country lor Stock Raising in the United State-j. Rooks. Maps. Full Information, also "THE i-xw." i: Mt" seni irec to nil parts or the world. zar bjiowjstvilijB the LAST WEEK OF BACH MONTH. MATHEWS BSNTIS1 BROlVKrlliIi"E, NEBRASICA, E. HUSDART'S Peace and Quiet Saloon ! 2 J 55 Jsb W tW.X13-H.t-tO AND BILLIARD HALL. FRAjMZ helher, f AGON & JUICKSMITH$H0P OXEDOOR WEST OF COURT HOUSE. WAGOX MAKING; Repairing, Plows, and nil work done in the best mannerandoushort notice. Satisfaction. Kuaran eed. Oivehlmacall. r34-lr. OLD RELMBLEMEAT MARKET S.A-.IR.ID-'W-A.IRIE -A-lSrX miniTniJiTTRTiTin iiw.H iMffiim BAKEBY, iCoflfectiooery and Restauranf, WESTFAIX Hossell'.s old stand, Brovrnvllle, Nebraska. M'JkS InL Xw2sAara.JD DEALER IN ALL THE LEADING K3.E5 J3UTCHEBS, BKOIVIVVIIAE, NEBRASKA. Good, S-weet, Presli Meat Always on hand, and satisfaction guar antied tojall customers. J. MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealer In FlneEusIish, Trench, Scotch and Fancy Cloths, Vcstlnss, Etc., Etc. Browiivillc. RTebr88lia. HAVE "YOU SESIST Which is fully warranted to give entire satibfuction.such as the GARDEN CITY PLOWS, SKEWER BLOWS & SULKIES, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, NEBRASKA CITY PLOWS. I would also call your attention particularly to the PEAEL &A.2STG- PLOW, made by the Chicago Plow Company, which is the LIGHTEST DRAFT, and neatest Gang Plow that has ever been put'upon the market. The Pearl Gang has been run successfully for tho past two years with three horses. WARM WEALS SERVED at all HOURS FRESH PIES AND CAKES, JIado dnlly. and a fall line of Confeotloncry and Toya constantly on hand. rJ JL a Uii.t HOT 1.3.1111 UJUL i CATTLE HERDED AT 20 CENTS PER MONTH TlfE intend herding cattle tho coming YV season on our ranch near Johnson sta- 1 Hon. We have 1,8-JO acres of good range. andean accommodate 600 head. Plontyof water, pood corrals, and everything oon verrlent and handy. If yon hare cattle yon want herded, and wIsh to know If they will he well taken care of If placed in ourcharKe, wo would refer yon to John W. Bennett. Jo slah Winter?, or any one else for whom wt have h$rdod. LOUIS K. & GEO. SNURK. $7ial sjxjMi!kjtjjiTvwuzaBar: I buy my beer by Jake. Having purchased the " id n. k 2? it a. is rr ' HVf'KffipnHs-nUfiHm LiiLlii ShsJ fLLlJ uiaOLLu I wNh to announce Hint I am prepared to do a llrst class livery business. Josh Rogers. CITY HOTEL Tenth street, between rarnam and Rarney, Omnlizi, lSiti. TS NKAll THi: BUSINESS CENTRE OFJHE X city: open day and night; busfion runniiiKtonrid from the House making connection with ull train" Ktist, West. North and soutn. We solicit a share ol the patronage from Southern Nibrasks. and the traveling public generally. Give special rates to U.S. Jurors, or any parties remaining with us any length of time. ;;. !'. A'-HwI., J.'ruiriuiur. I would state that I am putting a full line of H&Tflwaxe, StOVQS and Tinware, nd a large stock of Farsn Implements, t Sher- idar., to accommodate my many customers in the western and southwestern part of the county. I would further say, that everything can be purchased, j in my line, at Sheridan as CHEAJ? ns the same good9 can be purchased in Brown ville, or any other town in the State, I solicit your patronage, and BY FAIR AND SQUARE DEALING, I hope to merit the same. The business at Sfieridnn is in charge of 'W'XS. ECAHrlVION, wk wn' always be on hand to see that your wants are sup plied. O - - ' ritaS g esar g c- PSjJJgkgJ fW Van u rmif Ha '2121'- K 1 n RsxscTsraa jSaSasa Q iSsvybiSS&ta iiEf&sk YEIMG CLOTHES lie -will Color or Dye your COAT, VEST or PAXTS, In the best style. jJV.'lll Dye l.ndle' Shawls; ivlll take all the Spots out of Gents' Garments, and press (hcin up In good hnpp; irlll re pair Garments, and -warrant to give entire satis faction ; and -will exit and make gentlemen's elothes. Equaled byFew,ExcelIedbyNone 1 he following implements are undoubtedly the best machines in America. I have sold them for years, and they have proved to be what the farmers want and appreciate, and which I am receiving dailj': Prineeton Stalk Cutters, Citampion and "Wier Cultivators, Qwincy Corn Planteis, Sfriedznan Patent Harrow, Vibrating fc Scotcn Harrows, Ssterly &. Bnelieye Seeders, Bayton Grain Drill, H. P. Dickey Pan Mill, Old Reliable Sandwich. Corn Sneller, Halladay Wind Pump, &e. For any of the above implements please call on the " HEO-TJLATOR" TJ. IMI -A. X Hi Sd- All l'crnonit at a distance treated "hy Mall ivltli Perfect Snccext. ty dkerlTJ- Iiifr, their symptom. (Send fbr our large and beautifully illustrated pa per, sent free to any addrew. DR. TOWNSENS'S M U'l'.IWWI 3ir flYlTPllntPf J J ) 2 "O" ts. 23! 3 .l..I.U. '.law., I1.IIW1 II II ! I -- Why because I nhala' larion Is the only wuj inai me Air .raeaagp lh.ll Brownvill o i or Sheridan, Nemaha Co. TJaomas Hiclaards. CATAB.B.TJ I vsuacuiusaDaj S rxn h4 riuhMl nnrf ra. miii ihiim mmjumji'Urrh it a lteee of too ,,.,. ,.,- . . , . AirPawsagesortheliead. y,J?,'iiA:ivE. A SPKr tsc this treatment as w AI.TY oftr .inpatients direct, which Is eaay and I DV -:all. riewvrr'ttMiti nlt-mumr ami w cirnr 4cci1be your -; mptcmAun tee a perfect CUltK of It'atarrh. Why? For the sam reason as given abova. The Bronchial Tubes a re sim ply conductors to earn air to the Luncs. AI.I.. PERSONS THAT hence Inhalation mt read thi.i are in v. ted to go direct to the seat of seud lor our large aaU the disease, and if you beautinilly Illustrated Pa- w III follow ourdirectlnnn per. sent free to any ad- we guarantee to UUIU3 dress. Bronchitis. Eeis EfaYdbfEdca abflB3?sa te WrJhi&q DEALER IN Address. Somebody in brother Yost's Repub lican is expressing an agony of solici tude in regard to the future ofthe re publican party of thisstate, and espec ially of Dou-rlas county. It says Sen ator Saunders will, in the appoint ment of Mr. Hall, as postmaster of Omaha, demoralize the party through out tne state, and turn over Douglas county to the democrats. This is certainly argument to the marines ; but when addressed tocilizens of Om eha who have already witnessed the complete triumph of the bourbons under the lead of the Rcnublican and its patron, the late senator, it Is "too thin." The ravings of the Re publican, threatening a calamity which its counsels have already ac complished is not only preposterous in itself but an iniult to the intelli gence o f i ts read e rs. Lowell Renister. 10W4 O. F. DAVIS, Land Com. U. P. It. It. OMAHA. XEB. WILL STAND AT A, S. HOLLADDT'S STABLES, Brownvilie, ffcbraslia. Season ConinjencingApril 1, Ending July 1,1 S77 Hnmfoletonian Chief was folded .limn i.k 1872; Is a dark mahogany bay, and stands 15 hands tf Inches high. Was sired by "Ham bletonian Prince." ho by "Administrator," son of Hysdyk's Kambletouian. For exten ded pedigree see "IJruce's American Stud Book "; Those contemplating breeding are respect fnlly requested to make early application. For terms, and all other particulars, apply to GEORGE HATCHETT. Superintendent. TH0S. HUTCHINSON, HTHT1 Shop In Alex. Robinson's old stand, next door to Roy's Fnrnitnre Store. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry JOSEPH SHUTZ, No. 59 Main Street Browxxville. Keeps constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of genuine articles In his line lltepalrinir of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry done on short notice, at reasonable rates. -ALL WORK WARRANTED. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING Ironchitis ! 5 "" QBOCBEIES, JIATS AjTJD CAJS. HOOTS AJiJ) SHOES. QUEENSWAEE, G-LASSTVAEE r.nd all other artioles kept in a general stock, A" d I W&y?Because Asthma T'H a contraction or thu sua Bronchial Tabes, caused ,cy lnnammauon and Ir ritation of the mucui VK OUAIVNTEE TO mMnb?0,0 '"'"S 0 CUKECocghs. Olds. Dip- Bronchial Tujws. Use tlieria, pnenmonia. Neu- 718??at'd AJr mlgia. and nearl v all oth " 1,v 4,'ect "3, Ji'e "1J er severe attacks when alt warrant a CLItK. We other remedies fail. ,lRV cured cases of 20 years standing-. ""Lt '" '"-j -.. j. ..... --.- r,, nm i, ,i Can be cured. Why Ilecause we have cured hundreds of cases, soma of them belnK given over to die by all physi ciaos of other sclioobt or' practice. Coasumptten UYSPKPSIA WK Is a dlse ofthe Air CUItE. Idver and Kid- PsfKes. nd over two ney complaints are etfw;. hirds of the cases are tnallr rearhed bv Oxv- cauied by CaUrrli. "Wh ceuated Air " ' K"arantee a cure if yon will come In season. Consumption B KTB K HK iiuii-Miiiiiuin PEBU, HEB. STEOBLE. AT CITlf SAKSRIT, Dealer In FAMILY GE00ERIES, TEAS, CASXED FRUITS, CASDIES, Glassware. Woodenware, TOBACCO, CIOAliS,3IEEP.SCHAUH PIPES, ASD JIUfatUAIi I3IttnLJlt..Tia. A.. D. MAESH, TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Cutting, or Cutting and Making, done to order on short notice and at reasonable prices, Has had long experlonce and can warrant satisfaction. Call at his shop at residence on Atlantlcstreet. Dr. Townsend's Oxygen -Hted Air will purify the blood In ona-thlrd th time that any other rempdv can. Because to Inhnl.t O-jyirenated Air ft "o direct to the Lunrs and passes through the tl! Hues and comes In direct contact with ih bioc.it as it is forced intn th .Iiongs by the action of In our veins retnrnatu the heart pvery four minutes if the blood U ORGANIZED, 1870. BLOOD DISEASES' CANCERS -AND- TUMO-RSIiS I m i i m STOOd. HIHl frtrntui r..... CMIBD wilhont cnttine tne heart to the lunjrs or drawing blood, wlth'D,s ,h more Oxygon veryliuioornnpom. Any y Inhaleintotholunja Person tioubied with Can 'he more yu purify thn cerandTumori. will please blood. When Oxygen write for testimonials. itc. comes in contact with from patients rnred. We''ho Impurities In thr warrant a perfect cure. Wood it carbonizes and ,nmn,ulmMtnmmxm burns, causing the blood W.. to oe heated so that it M PsrV TVT Tl wa1,'mseverypartortho lU..Xalif illiJJi body, as it roes nn lt I.a: ofthe revolutions through th Cancer n.i i?!? w egjarantee to pnrifv Wt" "harge of ThSdl: ?,0wl J? " t-i-i"iii ,i, M. ... fcnrcn remedy. Address all letters as heretofore. 3S. JP. TOWNSEND, X.I, 122 High-st., Providence,, R. I. AUTHORED r THE U. S. GOVE.E.T. taTSffW.niiifft-t-inicltr and our mostratJrfiVl '"misnea with territory by rito!fiJa for vcrtfeingthesame; COUNTEY PRODUCE TA3'iSIST XIV IsrCECAitVGIC 3TOXi GOODS. 72 Main Street Brownville, Nebraska J STAH BUR of lEBUSKI Will keep constantly an hand a full line of JSUTIXAJJL. CASES. TheTew York Commercial Adver tiser, withsood-humored short-sight- eilness, asks; "why not turn Packard and Nicholls loose in a forty-acre lot with a high fence around it, give 'em a shotgun apiece, and let the Louisi ana Governorship be arbitrated then and there?' The Democrats would object, unless it was stipulated in the bond that Packard's hands should be tied behind him. Aud then they know that there is a good deal of pluck and fight to the square inch In Packard's composition. Inter Ocean. iisLlilurULi lAil HOTEL B.F.SOUDEE Manufacturer and Dealer in Hon. K. K. Griggs has written a letter to his friends here that lie will be back on a furlough the 1st of May, and then return to his consulate du ties. He will leave his family In Chemnitz. He hna not resigned and does not intend to. as has been re ported. Beatrice JZrpress. 9 if EilXSOU?, 5EB. SNIDER & WRIGHT, PROPRIETORS. This house is now conducted in first-class style. Larce rooms for COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS, Billiard parlor and reading room connected with the hotel. TJie people of Southern Nebraska nro solicited to try Metropolitan, when visiting Lincoln. r-- j-- . LfAwv r i i - mx 3.v sssm- AT 13ROWA'VlI.Z,fi. THE FIRST NATIONAL BARK O V BROWNTILLE. ca.j?i"j:a.t, 100,000. Myon,f said a doting mother to her eight-year old, 'what pleasure do you feel like giving up during the Lenten season ?' 'Well, ma, I guess I'll stay away'from school,' was the reply. The Nebraska Railway. This Is positively the best route from Brownville to all points EAST a.T7J sotjt:- Avoid a long and tedious buss ride through Mis souri murt by tal-irs the Nebraska Raitaar. Ue pot within a ftn steps of your doors. Trains by this route loed J ou at Nebraska City in time for di rect conneciun wiin C. S3. &.. Q,. Trnlnx fbr Clilcnpo nncl tlic Jagt, aiidIC C. St.tToc.Si C. It. trains for St. Louis and tile ?ortli. Also via J.IXCOLT, for OMAHA, EEAENEY JUHOTION and the PACIFIC COAST. Ifo long omnibus transfer by thisrout. Through Aib&cui lum iciuiuiu iuiuiiiiiiiuMiregaruins larc. assttstfsss- "' HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, COLLARS. BRIDLSS, ZIXK TADS, URUSnES, BLISKETjj, Hobes, &c. Full stock ready made goods constantly on hand tc..can be had on application to tbctindcrsicncdari p,l Warehouse, Plymouth R. It. Depot In BrownvWc. up . "1 1SIC. CHOICE ITLOWHR AXD GARDES' SEEDS, STRAWBERRIEg,PEAOHES, &c New Soi'ts, ly IVXn.il. Plants of the newest and tinest Improved sorL, carefully paeKed anu prepaia oy man. iiy collec tion of totraw berries took the liret premium for the best Collection, at the great show of the Mass. Hor ticultural Society, in Boston. I grow over 100 vari eties, the most complete collection in the country, lnclndingall the new,lar?e American and Imported kinds. Priced descriptive Catalogues, gratis, by mail. Also. Bulbs. FruitTrees. Rosea, Evergreens. Choice Flower, Garden, Tree. Evergreen. Herb, or Fruit Seeds. 25 packets or either for $IX0,by mail. Cp The True Cape Cod Cranberry, best sort A. for Upland. Lowland, or Graden. by mall, C. prepaid. ei.OOper 100, SiOOperLOuO. Whole sale Catalogue to the Trade. Agents wanted. B. 31. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Jlwes. mwuiuuuj, Transacts a gonaralh Kine business, sails Drafts on all tne princ Icltlcs of tho UNITED STATES AND EUROPE Kff-Spcalal accommodations granted to depositors. STATS, COUNTY fc CITY SECHBITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLS. OFFICERS. W.H.McCREERY, : : President. W.W.HACKNEr, : Vice President. H. E. GATES, : : : : : Cashier. DIRECTORS. Ii. TIOA DLET . J. C. HEt'SER. WM. U. HOOVER, C.M.KAUFFMAX, W. W. HACKNEY. H. C. iETT, "W.II. McCREERY, Paid-up Capital, $0,0Q0 Authorized oGO,OGO IS TRKHARKOTO TRANSACT A General Banking Business BUY AB SEM, COIN & CUEEENGY DEAFTJS on all the principal citlM ofthe "Dinted States and Europe c .a. tj rr x o isr cJehLfthaWpa,Pt!Sc ITZA?.0 and trying to wtaff off & iPv tSS .W11 OsyRenated Air Tnd dafmwfg iTKJ?,lE;T.-0p BROWATILLE PERRY & TRANSFER. MONEY LOANED On approved security onlv. Time Draft, ai. ed.and special aemmcntlonsCTantJS",H,C0U,Jt ors. Dealers in GOVERxiSfBONDs. P STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS .--AjJr.i. Wo. FraWiw-. Jobnon. Lntbcr Hcadley. JOHN L. CAESON, J. W. G AVITT, AUCTIONEER Postofllco address. IIUMBOLOT, A'EB. All buslne- ontrastct to his enro will re ! eclve prompt attention. J Sirjp3Zffife "SS" OOMPADSTY. VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN Ts the most beautiful work ofthe kind In the wnM ' It contains neirly 150 uaces. hiirtri. i.rVS?J5Fw ' t rations, and tlx Chromo Ilatctof FloverT beinM fully drawn and colored from nature! Price Mi .. .. i ---- vick-s Kioraiiji vtck' Ad aide. Quartert-r. r.ran.. i CataloKue- ace IHnslra&oniToBiT " cel BROWSVIL1E TO PUEIPS to all trains. AI orders lertat t. Pny, office -inreceh-ipJafer Ca,. 4 t t -., ..u-.u-jl-r,ri. v ' ' "W -"- --w-- ti i, rt yr),,,,, , - i ' waM