Published Every Thursday Morning AT S80raTCU. XE3aAKA. TKK3I?v I ADVANCE: c eopr. year- ' -He cop" six xaoetlwt- C ae rop three moatta.. g Xj aaaerseat from tagoCtec antilaafei far. l SSTABIJSHZB 1S55. BEOWiSYILLE. NEBRASKA, THTJKSDAT, MARCH 3, 1877. VOL. 21. 1?0. 37. 0FFlCTALFAPBE0FTKfC0ir5TT EEADLX& HATTER QXEYERTPAGls Oldest Paper ia tlie State f JOT BBOWJS'TIZLB OOSjE LAST WEEK OF EACH MOXT3L MATHEW BESTTIST, BROWrynX.!. 5BBRASEA, JBA2.T'S Peace and Quiet Saloon ! AND BILUABD HALL. lEAZ HSLKSS, Wagon &RlacksmithShop r dojk west of coTTBT Hocsi: . TT"AGOX XAKDG, itepainag-, VV wm a... .11 -ararfc rfoe tn the best maaaer acd s aort sottee. ,.;:.,., il ZZZ, matBa suuata caarsa- er: Q'Tftiimtaul tr A.IBSO'ILTJ- 3 ip j . agOnm&rZing Blacksmithing, H3HyL-l-Eo Sl . OLD RELIABLE MEAT MARKET fv Sz .iJitm BrTCHERS, I5HOTFjmi.i.E, 5SERAS5.4 N't. V ! -"'mmmi JC'T?mSmiV ' ' ? - "aTs? ""- t Good, Stveet, Presli MeatjwT A;fi or hand, tend mttimfmetUm antieU to mii f-iomcrs. MERCHANT TAILOR, and tes.!er ia yiaeEadisk.Trark. -trk a4 Fokj (3tks, TesU-r. Etr Itf . SrosriiTilce. 3ie!ras5in.. HATS "YCU SSSH T7T Tl Si a s t 1 8l f i ill1 Lull PUP H-iv:n pur-JMed the Li! Lis 1 ullai T w.ah To min'-'CT' thar I ? ivj a 2rsi ciasa I r- uinrSo' prepareil to Jo&It Rogers, CIT3T HOTEJLrj Tesia aucet. lmwmiaJrani n1 Haca7, f T- - XEAETHE -iLSJEW Vi-!Afc. V " X citr: ' -m rl. -z 9HmSnh aoasjwxn. WulBia. !riTf:-ae pbUc nsMfcly. Gir pcia.: ratal I Tiimrs or Ut -J-- TBUMBlllg With OS a --- narraiiafF from Ul !! II rates to! i nsaor t Clocks.. Watch, Jewelry ; JOSEPH SHUTZ, j He. 59 y-r-g Street SrewonriHe. j . Kepairta? of ncfcs. trse "J8gT ; aonMi aort oouce. a i uwami i .- ( ti JTOJ2JT jrBJeAJTIXD- IB. STEOBLE, Iea'er in TAMI ,T GSOCESIES, TEAS, - V . --rrm cnrrTii. TreS. - Lk.ltCA ;..-. -.- - - x GLASWARE. W-gjggSy15 , f, ' 4: J -. ,,. ; Lg CjiSJ. A. j3. 3lL- SrCkD-ti-j TTT.QR, SKOWriii; jiSaaACA. cutting. OTKT on or cetttaa- and xkre. a0 fiaatawt. aQ(M aVaaVd t TCi" Caaat-aTOC" . had le orte od eon , allfttmetior . CaU at B bp HI ; . Imm miit satu&ctior. CaU at . xesioeoee ae Atfaotesgeet. ArtHiir V. Wals!h.9 Srownville. yebrasli: B. B. COLHAPP, ICassatetsre; of HTfl & " n i i ft si .1 TrtnA 5g Xate Steeet. 22EOT5mville, Teljrasfea. .feders rT8i HeSaMiaring Iootis Sottdted. H0MIWO0S 1QU :HTsres."ir & jxiTUrd aateioripate at ait ae jciil ti tt 5 n T m B3 f mts a JIJ f! I MS h A P? , rtl s JsJ 3 7 v&yi ; I iiiiii ii m; &: vi r. n i5 1 in. a i , .... j . aaat a am m aa A i -S flSS ris-ri!irr. Lfc? V SMSJ.'.U j iij u Hftvteei a my taoxoloy Jr. FTi'-1 JiLfct, PHOrZSSIOXAI. CAEDS. A. OSBOP.N, AT7QRXET AT 1. ATT. s. OOce wtta W.T. Swrers, BcawavBe. 2ete. I,. SCHICK, ATTOEXET ATL1W. fij hi n Hr if tn Thr fTnirmtnn Inarrn-r . ee Best done wOwig Cerks Offlce. CmkC J. S. STULL, Attorney ana Counselor t X.n.-cr, OfflcevavecHnTsstore.BeawavnJO- T H. BBOADT, "Attorney and Counselor at X.a-v, OOcfsverStaM Swk.lwmflkJ. W . THOMAS, ATTOE3EY AT IA"W. OGee.ta.fcawt r 2mffiwUfcu2?fc. iMKCS :sJeveterse.lraajtiB: herself useful. ; TTT T. BOGERS, AUorneyand Cenmelar atLa-w. , Win Rtre dOtecat attoattaw taaylBwWai"M ; iteieeMMK.ome at iw ;- iBJteTHTilteJ. I A S. JiJijLAx A X , ' . -. . -. physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, oradaa ia ii. ita.BcwwreiBfii.; Special atleotton . M to iMlriia WKmaaCaiMn- oase, JW w. H. pktsicia a.' stkgeoiv. j Ofteeia City Dms5cfe,323al street, Bcwbti-i tx: : p AT. CLINE, - T L STTTfl V ITTT f fA SOOT AX SHOE 3L5SR custom: woax zaarajtted. Botfly Uy OMna. j k -- n... s. So. 2T ytmin Rt, Brwwaile.JNto. , j i J w- GIBSOX, j 1 ULAcssjnTn asd hors shobk. l . m . . A , .-J ' wtciriume mhii .- aw m win ?. ; Yfcwtareet.etwfeaa Mafct aaa AOirtg.BrfiTf j -rUle.Xe. -J. H "F A 1 I rn TT i J3..LJ-i3!orthr I i "T'iiiiTwi mi i I mii TTi'lrriM I i I Hf r j ZZ j rr ! " ( , I " is Zl. I I , j f - ! 3 (. i . SLmiets. 3ms2ies,?3y irTer. c. K&- lnuTinir doa an borc aatKC. Th ete- boae5 Vac.nim OU BHttiii7. for pn 1 1 v tilt Har- ?;. Bote. &jf.BC.aiway8-m :S4 5i:rla St.. SrevnjriHe, cb. SUBDA2iT"-S lD rtl t1 S 3d vt I A All ' UijjLII tj 1 HO tiUiUll es3ii u STOBE. Seeoad door eaa: cf Poet Office. 3ROFSTILLE, SEBRiiSS.4. fis? ? rm 3331 12 Ui ftllifiii: 32rria Street. r uP stH- over "Wltcbiiy A Smiiti's Barber Saop. - - l i-? BEOWynLLE, yEBEASKA. 5,rllfe!SopVa911,?y ! Every pains token to eive ptesifcsgaoa be- Jmake every si or style of pletare e PIRST CT.ASS "O j ajjea to ev? my zallery. a fall sswrt-! Tolod FAtif0LSmf !KEDPICTCB,aaaiayotb ! - icnrc. fs?iVTp; ragsrT-g.??., " al l W o a a mmm Perseag wtgtotr pj.otonraph workoonein . . , cu , i,-r nnMK otwviU aot the bt style, at lowest prirT ahoold aot , AUito-aailaadee-lbr themsetve. P. 2.. ZOOS. LA- SO S02n 3m S3 ? t5 S s - - U' ccsroaf sroaxE. 3JLAJD3S TO 01iX2IS. BepefcteeneatXyOwM. 3fa.e2alasret.a- i. Tbosr, mini3 UiU Jj HMniiu J il Ml il iiiiii StCUER CQ5SSTA3nX."" OJ5T EASB. 9 CJ e xs rmi i s 7SS IL MM i . I V . V? , iSfe:. 7 O -"'Ai 'j"1." -. mi ajflajanu S3 3i 'si&amPS v ni mi Uiuts flio oil 3j ft iZi?iJB-iir- CTG- -"nSvSr-gs .-r t t fxnuavc OPTS AHD SHOES' i i 1 Seeps a fell Use at BuilifiL CaS .uiaStreJ, BROU AJJ-uLEyiIB.Uo cryv.never-required -a -pinch morel THE if iLEJb' nERIIufl Ml OR W2io TFill Save Her' CHAPTER XIX. X B S- PKCDENCE- Mrs. Praiene was the first teenier the chamber of death, clesely fel tew ed by Beekwood and Darkneil. Then that worthy wman cast bonnet and Isbawl aside in what Mr?. Bleek woe hi bare called a jiffy, and set about With a strength wonderful for one j of her ize aad appearance, she raised ! the tall, lithe form of Gertrude from the bed as if her weight had been that of a leather, and placed her is a large reclining chair ia one corner of the room a comer removed as far a?. T Tl . 1 2 .. . .. I jarge reoHBiag ciwir m hub iei r i tne roni a coroer removec as iar a?.; poss We from the dor, for nise s I Mrs. Prudence said would be ab?i- T..t J 1 S . ! ?dece said was gospel n a sick- j room. j As she carried her barfei tA the' chair. Kefcwl ami uarKBfl aiooo-; ed ever the bed. Sir Hasrh ie rone I" said the eva$- ! eal lawyer. "He has topped his feist; fece the fence that separates this i world from KJasrdom Come. V ho j knows, aad he turned careesly j away trianaac his pink finger-aails j ,,,.,, cm.n t tnifc "bt Wr-! " Cl I'Ol .... x. ., j i . . .. -, , . thfe twae. BOS tOUBQ 05 te gramu. pent-etrt?' (the great perhaps)? "a ' Giseoverr we snauaii rnuse soisefciCK; .. r f His breial cynkjm shocked even ; . - . -- his confederate ; aad the oW lode-' keeper teraed away to the bei, to i comteoapkite the body of the men who bad been his ster. ! Mr. Rock wood, acquainted wkh maay fra6 of death in his glanced abmtt him, a? usual. ttne, ia a lisrht and airy way, aad might, pos i sibly, haye been oaaght humming the sib sttaicn of a sose, ic rrciw, l r - i j . .1 . I ia com pan r with Doctor Melvos, en-; tered the room. They wew elosely followed by Mrs. Bleek, wh. prepared for aay Iwwrror that mieht occot. stood, expectaai, ; iest withia the doorwaT. j nio tka uart" sM thp rooter-! and Mrs. Bleak hastily obeyed, jaa- i miog two of her lingers ia the pro- eese. nTefT,T)ocJorratya??,-aad I rector, ia a low voice, addressed that : l eminent practittoaer se he rose from , bead iag over the figare oa the bed ! Doctor Mai von made a flight ges- t tare with upraised hand: dropping I theat imateeiately. The gestere was and-er?tood. '-My service are a leaser of aee here." said the doctor in a whisper. 'Tt BkA pp tn tb voiiftf l&d v. 1'oor iHd! He mast so to speak, have - r . I -i:--i i I ni. aI.J- mM.' liltU ID MCI BilK:. X wtn :nw itk. I bve been treaeneoas." . . . .. i It had been so treneaeoas tmat GertradeT white as a Sgar of me rate. ! recoaiaed. in snite of the excess of i eare shown by Mrs. Pradeace, raid as one instalepsr. "Xo danger, I hope?" asked the rector, with an ansfoes, pale face. J The esaauaatJoa was careai, sjw . .. j. . i . when toe aoctor mokeq up, k laee. too, wae very grave very grave in-: deed. I She mast at oace be removed to j her room. Quiet, perfect quiet, is whet she will require. The slightest ; noise or disturbance, and"-here he A the dea maee- the'' SAQJe gesture with hfeiyeexaoke hands which the rector had foam! so ! wer hf the conseqaences." Taking; the rector by the buttonhole a little I aside, he said, with increased soieat- nitv. "This is a ease I would not like t . j to face aloae-so yoang. and the life j -:, r n.lL.. -t k rnf"i . nroeinHB ? Rolbv must be sen t for.' c - . . ry ait Hies a?, siBve )iw wjen id. I ejaculated the thoroughly alarmed ! 3Ji utierlv bewildered Fraacis Mild- may. "Woeid yon like any other deeters? Ill telegram to London I'll send rcr them all I" "No, no!' smiled Malyon, go&d Ihfloieredly; "bot in sack a oase as this I should wish the family doctor ( gether aad preparing the Sies. Eut j for ti MR'crniss it' aad I am hap to be with me. I told yee whatasud- I what is the good of wishing! Here I j . ' Lad my heart fe lighter to know ueu,J:lwra- " piruu . CJ.c.- able a nature, and behold a sad veri fication of my prediction. She must be kept from all outer influences, such as too roach talk, or other causes of disquiet. Mrs. Pradenee is here, and in face of thie terrible event I wouW suggest that Miss Weatworth be at though devoured eagerly by the easy- onee conveyed ts her rsom." going rector, they are scareely sefflei- " Certainly, "said the rector; "thisjently novel J or profoead to interest is no pteee for her, poor ehild 1" the general reader. Now I have tohi Gertrude wss conveyed from the deacs-esusiber, teneerty carried or the doaseeties, aad Mrs. Bleek was following, wringing her hands and j meaning, when the deeter aufetly able yoe to puzzle thenaiives, I want, i but firmly interposed. oh ! seen a budget of news from you. I "I think aot?" he safd, and gktnc- 2Tothleg to wrfteaboel? Uever, nev- ed inquiringly at the rector. er. aeer say that! There's not a 1 "Decidedly not," was the prompt creature in Dripsey, from its great ; reply. "Where quiet is necessary. I hearted reetor to poaching Bemmag- feel sure my dear yao-irg friend eoald er, whose doings haven't more interest not be in better hands than this good to me than all Africa, ay. aad India lady's ;" aad he waved his hand to to boot, my father oaee away, and ' Mrs. Pradeace, who bobbed the ee- hoase with me in dear old Sngkand. murestof certsies. "How is Sir Hugh? Has he recov- I "It shall be as yea say." said Doc- j ered from hfe sad aacident? Dees ! tor Malyen. "Mrs. Prudence, yoe j anybody talk about eae 1 Does any- wttl not leave Miss Wentworth's side, j body miss me beside yourself and j night or day ; while my friend. Mrs. . Peter? Have yon given up disputing i Bleek will remain here to do the lost wkh mighty 25"imrod,thehunrerand oiibss a Liie luxe ucim uu -ui.Ku.1, S, .t- !.. IinnM tf Z AOT A 7.9.. f house. Do vou take snufT, Mr. Mild- may?" The rector, who was almost ready and with a heavy weight at his heart he retired with that charming man, the doctor, into-aa embrasure of the window. A3 he did so, Mrs. Prudence ap proached Rockwoed, holding a crum pled paper in her hand. "This drop ped from the parson's pocket," she said, "as he lent over the bed. I pet ray foot upon it before any other eyes than mine coo Id see it." Roakweed read the paper eagerly. It was the penciled note which the reGterhad received that morning from Gertrude Westworth. "We were aet a bit tea soon," h-e said, looking that placid lady in the feee. "Mere likely toe late. Your game at present is aly met pkuedt Mr. jQgtru-wad ! CHAPTER XX. m -ra- -r -V T- -r r fTT T- T cr t ZK n. .TV .Tfc K. .& r X H x . - x.icrjas :o i. Jmn ivsra. Umrbeu, Jmi.r SHMmtra 11. JuL s&ip JhtaetnA, to ika J2au. TX i, iZ-JT.? 71.. J..,.n.. Tt,Zi1rttr SyW. HY DEAB FK.VXE, "H! b! I eaa be as familiar as I liie now. maaei lear 01 a uicuvunrj or one of those stapid oki dossfes be- ; ::ur Suae at ray head. I can call you .Frank, aad I will call you Frank, my dar, eearfred aad tutor, tor JfranK yoa are by naee, aac irans yoa are by natere. " Waat of respect I What nonsense I T run W rPeei voe. but evervthimr . fc. ij x w i w ii j..m.i.. c c-i. ;nl. yoa mse & .ownKwt in ""'"b. for iastaace :. aad, by the way, we cau i I. l ,. A k. 4 r c?o a o;arv iwc were woj , ! a stun aerl He was oaoht with a piece of . . ..... I- -X f per ana a large Btea-aoo.. jb.s ?.. didn't I think of yoa when the sail- ers haahi hiaa p, and be lay dash ing his juwi; aad flapping his huge kail about on deek. I doa't mean, of course, that you are in the habit oti eiashrog year jaws aaa natpptag year i tall attoat; eat wm&t menu is. hew yoa would have enjoyeti the hshing I It's something KKe sport. ; .- W- .luui tka .kan vnrt rklt If Mr ' , " " H .- e- i a at aaay at any tiae get hfe? pull of you. I aad soap year h oif before you ean say Jock Robtn&oa that is, if it did oeesr to any one to endeavor to say Jack Botrinaoa. under seen eiretria staaees ? "Th -ea itboat here ie as foil of sharks as Uaeola's Iaa of lawyers. I can see their aaetv baek lias above wale Idfojg ahawt everywhere. '' 7I El'.'n rfe askorel ; eyervthing I ve ever met with, aae have nearly Creanea me ocs, oyiKs . things for dear menus in jagtaau. "By the ship that brings mt yoa will reeelve, oli, soeh a pipe! jest the gpj w- pages re omitted here, ai all down the sides of a long pas sect of thing Fve heard yoa wish fir " maeh blotted and dread- ?eee. It amkes a fellow feel elever all taerel and aet work, beads aad ; t rreMea frtnire. a jly pipe that ao fellow eneld &!1 asleep over without ! dreasiag of foreign lands, palm i trees, the desert, roviag gentlemen ch-k aniTi-Ml.piMl nn na&s ! w uh smmm. .. ..... ""n-i - - t teate, aad all that sort of thing. I .i. . . . .-. have aso seat ;easp-opTOKsuw i of native maattJactttres peaceful aad wari riike. to adorn the walle of the lit tle saaofcinar parlor, aad assist you on year travels with the pipe. I don't warrant their herns on he the real thing, thooh the ehap or a Jew i Li-. ,i . i. i. j eoegm mem os om, opna we Bik aearos ec - ofneo, jge. ai jc. aI Jacob. xe fellow! a Maltee, aad aeA a clever The other day I eautrbt him with a file and a graving tool, raak- rag a native shield oat of an old sauee pan lid. Bot what doa it matter? dear old Marchioness says, 'If believe very maes,' it's all the same thing in the long ran. minds ate of Peter Applethwaite. I've seat a whole heap of things for hint, if yoe'll kindly giwe them to him with my love, besides a nazni Seeat collar f Roramager. Ah. Pe trl If oil tKa rarrrni com lita unn tWi ter! if all the rogces were like yoa the world would i&U out with heaesty. "Don't I wish I was at Drip?ey , no w, seated beside the dimpling! brook in the cool shade of the pleas- ant trees, wrth the best or tutors ana I kindest of friends by my side, oneting t oM Isaac WAlton, while Peter stands grinning behind screwing the rods to- m, "uubs iok, cirax u tnoina -. so not that the ink blisters ray fingers j fc me4hlia lbfe 5bet ef paper which, in their tern, scorch the VUimaam-wh:A4udmtdL Fer-ive me f per. Here foHows an aeeount of the ix'wv.a a -- uuvMiif UOU Ulh aau eostorae, with hmuit sage aad moral refieetioas, all of which we omit; for tu4e?0 1I mh(lMfbtc rnnTtai3a taov J ( you all this, ay dear Fraak ah! there x aoesree rae aiccioaazv arain : aad given yon information enough, should yoo ever come this way, to ea- I J .. -. f 7 .. .. .. . t f u vuu vjoMre-uue iu:e aj. tne Abbey, as yie promised rae you would do ? Oh I my dear, dear friend, please i write ; I am dying with impatience to know allabont everything. Itwasffirmsmy opinion or, call- itmy - in allloonx and sadness when I left; and even while I write here, in the dazzling snnshine, a cold chiii creeps intn mr hpart. T fermvr not tc-hv. and the shadow of some coming sarrow I falls dark across mv paper. I must -- -" " " J confide in someone, and of coarse what other could that some one be batjfOtc? Of course I shall keep the promise I made you to- the very letter and tell my father all; bet sepuratieaj has made my father straage to me, ani i is with fear and trembliac shall await the result. Howdffifereat vras my feeling when with nay own f dear Gertrude's permission, I opened my heart to you I I spoke, sbespoke, we both spoke, aad though yoa look ed rather scared at first, and lectured us in your severest puipit toae, as a couple of children, a couple of foots. your heart soon relented ; yoa took i the children under your care, aad. pitying the felly, pardoned the fools. ,kWho could help &ilRg i love with Gertrude? You were in love f with her, I know; so was Peter; so was Rummager; eo was every man and woman in Dripsey aad Went worLh. How good she was I She never crossed a threshold bet she didn't bcteg a blessing, and she never deuarted without taking ooe with hgr Qh , m Mf MiWmay, my dear tutor, ray dear Prank my dear( S alouc, or speaKtag, ana so ge t Betters like year retottoac tae aoaar , wee steadily beat aaoa aer. anything that recalls your noble fiteeiased to it. I've been rtadiag the j love, yoo kaow will help yee to Yea will be sorry, amiss, far heaiag and kindly smite I do m Jove her, so i 'Ies of the Lard Chaacellors.' aad ' kiek it afoag. . said all thie ; yee caaaet. iitt. to be adore her, that to me she seems like j yaa've no idea, Gerty, how some of j 'Wiadlestraw Hoase has asany j itary sorry whoa year staeagtth, re some pure angel from heaven, aad I these fellows worked their way up. j mysteries, which shall be ae ieager i tarae. aad with it reasoa. Miaj& te a a mere creature of earth, born ealy j There was iord Etdoa ; he Haarried , Btysteries ts yoo. The yeaag befr . hacd aNety.' save wat ea, wih,Jer that I may worship at berfeetl We j respoedenee as, thoah. to ase his i " . . .,riar hi S4mi ; I " ' atoa tRe pape bis dictiea grew , somewhat iacoherent. aad tboash, each etewinc sentence waa tinU ; ! with the prismatic colors of veoth, it i i - rwHlo. tlwr irwU nniro ' wearisome to any but those saf&rieg under the same eomptaiat. If my fkther." Everard weat on, "has bet oae aim ia life as he has often writ ten to me my happiness, he will see once that that without Gertrade : hapeteess is utterly impossible er-' lg! Aad when you've broke the matter tc Sir Hog'h, who always liked me, they too wHI eorrespoad, aad j fevervtaias wUl be net smooth in ao ! time. I at doubly anxioas. becaee, i if ivtfciwr saoald haaaea to Sir -- j rr Hugh Wentwocth, Gertrade's a I - ..!.! t.n . j. . n n - - Pal 1 1 posi-f You LWM w nl iKUMlie ilip. iiiimb. i r tas i. may worsnip at eree. e w -" " w--- ---- --.. imnstagala omit a considerable por- would be his rein, ' everybody said, eesaity reeahres U ?bt!tioa of Mr. Everard Corbett's cor- Phaw ! net a bit of it, bet Jst the , ty, who aaa resist JcrabeaavJw,'., limkmxm.&& ready, bet only tfciak whea that od-1 us Philin he's a snob, aad I bate hin,besldea, he bates her takes pogsession ! The Abbey will be no BhM , her U! mv ansel! fA fullv uaderlrned.l I enclose voa. as'JF st aadlook attbeaa. Oh. my aerled. v hrst letter to Gertrode aa-1 ealed for yner peruat ; doat scratch CT - anythiag oot, though, before yoej5e ah! feoifea, tooltsh areaat m femd it to her. for. I aSMte voa. if.yeasn:i eoaee Kiwsea i mjp vou only aoeM read y heart &, ie.. &c,-I woabi have spokea y- i self to Sir KiMrh. but at the vear nto-, self to Sir Hugh, but at the veav aeat the aceideat aeeurs. aad I'm L,Q r ! rurrkv TanurMl. I CUIC A -0 at r.T w , f . cavu -: --. ..j..i .i. . .w .- fi.w IJ CiKimrcu limn ihc nwrcj an uno&u I were a barsrlar. with aa eve to the tseoons t wr Tx.fcttw- nt Tia- If. -r. .!. u.i .. s. !. t- i j . UJ OSIMHIII IWU au uren iifc a. buccu . j Qefrg j doa't see how he jatU as j e.pefeiiy eoaeealed tt f he leomeettlit: but the old fox Hed to laagh qeletly to biatself wheaever I ffl:m wr tl-ll J.J.TMam, (...w mj ( narture. and said his orders were :...;, t j,tt Hbu u;m anxr . rW' T ? ki,!H ,.?-! UiViC . A. v a puwiuw kiwa au ., . . , -- .-. -:.i law, iir. itoeKweou. oturaieiwei. of them were ever rude to rae quite the other way but there are some arsons whose eivilitv Is nwre eSen- sive thaa downright rudeness, and Mr. Mathew Boefcwood is oae Qf come near yea, my own sweet aart them. Of course, as a 'clerical,' yoa Pt daily and nlgatiy prayer are bound to sov it's wroasr, bat I should m like to eaae hhn and so wan Id vao. Paraa Frnnk. aad VOU . ;". ;e w t .sm ' KUW Ik, 11 IUU CUHIU lll o" " all alone to vourseif ia some shady and seeuestered nook up river. And new, good, kind friend, good bye! good-bye I They are raakir S up the mail, and I wouldn't raiss it! i V.i m ryrall mxrrai- msu3 lKvr mjTli -f, mid bow much fjj T ?. ra,0 Toer K,- fhro' .f T . . . .. rwnld" , r I your promise to seek aa opportunity 1 of Speaking to Sir Heeh, and of : watchiofr over mv Gertmde. Oh! if you could only imagine how much I love her! my soul's idol ibalf a page emitted,. Write by evezr aiL J won't raiss one. It's so jolly to , kaow one isn't forgotten, aor found a grave in the shortness of one's frieaes memories. A long, long letter, mind bang the postage! Yeers ever aSectfooateiy, "E-5TEBABa QaasKxx. (cfoeare.) TO' anSS GEETRUBE WHXWOii'iH. Mr wr, 'Pardon me for beginning so ab ruptly, bat words-are all tort weak to express the torture that feel, sepa- rated as we are, with thousands of miles of sea between ns. aad each day the horrid ship will carry me further and fnrtheraway, whleniBg the awnil gulf. Bat ob, dearest! Love is the rainbow that scans that awful golf, and tells us to hope with the glorious certainty of that bopes fal&imeiitl All I hear aboat my father con i rstinct, rather that be is & noble,, kind hearted man, who cocM net batap-, j prove of such a devetiee as miae i such an attachment as oors. It is the . first thing I shall tell him npon my arrival; and once the barrister besi-; ..-. ..-.VUU.U U.. .. J - iness settled, I shall corae home, and j begin to study immediately. My ! lather's agent, whom I stayed with ia London, lives in a place they call tke , Temple seen, a jolly old boy, aad j such wily cbantbers, looking oot ep-S of the first-rate lawyers made from , itate to say aaoro thaa delighted, to be Tied oasL' Tfaisr was s&M wibb ?om ten to fifteen thousand a-yeer. Oaly.aa assistaat ia the fabcic of fottaaef severity of twncr fehea e adcVed, think of that! and some of tbemiyoe ace faeiMiag np for ae all. In ' more-gently, Dolie wtf adsleea, yoang men, too that is, yotmgith. ! , this life, as I have ftftea bad the hap-! there's a; dear. I will raafce yoa-aa-WecaeM posh on pretty well, at Acs, piaesf of saying toyoor dearsi&ter, other wwapcsiag- draoght. A Httle on a Quarter that sum. M am more aad more convinced that I was made for the law. Whew Mr. Frampton that's the satae of t and have got it with me in Bay cabin, ; so tat I can try it on whea I'm read-1 . . . .i early, agam&i esery oa's avux. it tamtrary. If it hadn't beea for ay Bessie,' he said, 'I never would have ' . - - - . . . ! sat on tbsr meaaxag tae woofcacK. -a taats just now ic to wim could do nothing witboet aa i &r ', and oh. my own. darliag of darK S what brighter iaceotlve ' could I have than your own dear self? 1 1 ass. dying to get news of yoa ; aad j as I mttstn't ask yoe to write year-; self, yoa mast tell rae every thing J eweryfiteatf through our good Parson Frank ; thoogh when he has spoken to Sfr Hngh. and I've spokea to my feer over here, we will eorreeaoad i each day wiilwwt foB. Bat ya raay depend I shall aot Eeaaaea in horrid Iadla. I hate hot weather; besides, I woalda't stay ia Paradise without yoa in ims. tt H be Paradfeewithoatyee. Yes, ' darling, my own sole treosece m life. i - 1 eP. out come 5 a wwk ror as both The first thing to do will law books ton's covers be to get np a library of, -a big one. Old Fraaap- tbe walls of three ear oae. how happy wesoeU he i if aothiag: shoo Id arise aotbaagcaa I father, if aet rich, is not paor. aad I hfe only son ; aad wUh sy work-. er. wbh I assere yoo is real- y great when oacKte to it. see ao- thine but hasoiaess and fortaaebe-r - - fore ae. Of coarse, nohodv exneeas to ' ?o throegn the wocia witness a sn we or two a tew sorrows ; oat ! we are ioaeLker. we can fece every- rthiv Brnirprv nnn tnep re Ginra. I "!5 .. - J " 'Parson Fraak will tell yoa a my nautical adveetares. I hate the sea. It's not near steady enough for me, as aa eaabryo Lord Chancellor, intending- matrknoay. like something- with aaore regular i habits. I've sent yoo some little til- In1? fenthprfon cwri stuffed birds, ' ; " iwrm ra '. w"" -" tte"'. " wnwu A ; ' c W W Preserve the wearer - - . .. -.- i .. . i a. . ..m i n i i i ! a terin : aad a1 y I w ir-w.ei, JVBRASO UOSBBBT?.' UZEYMSt. NO. 3. Irmm. Br. ShfUimm Balm, o WmmUa sirum Emm fo Dnmid Mnfjtm, J. D.r J'osfojaee. TmSbmrn. To b te& till Dear MAliKf. 1 write these few Haes to say that all is ready, everytafaig prepased for tV .uuntLui XIv ilaap lirrLf rt I urges, with roe, prompt actios on youc aad yoer frfead-s parts ; for whet says the Divine bard ? 'If it were does, when 'tis eon, then twere well it were done oniekly.' In each exceed ingly delicate raattecs I always ad vise guarding against two things loss of time, and tee many assistants Mafee privy to' yoer may. For twvBflfkeaat aa a yon sel tf oa&TiaARBjr as the satfcetEt has well woeid sso urge apes yoex friends tke necessity ef ptemptaess oa all money I matters. Dwtle Mite, veer efearaing tsister, and my beloved wife, wM aa- swer for tfee Best- 'The terras ace haaooee, nob hi. priacely ; bet if we baeg together, David, even these tecme racy beraede larser in time. Your scheme fe as ecigieafiH its conception as it should be NapeieoeJie i in iis execution. The teooraciis wec- I thy ef his hire, aad I see a vista of f endless prosperity open oot before as. I have always said you. had & rated, i David, even wneacorapefted, by force j of irresistabie circumetaaees, to re - i fnse you that pecuniary assistance so ; frequently demanded. TSssy,' have said to year sister and jmy aa - complisfaed wife, your brother has. a - imind a.gigantfcTaindl He baa,faa? of my father's agent was oat of the always reply, ye are ever right; 'Yoa ae hat yeeagr tefece aaocsow room for a moment. I tried bis wig on, j slow to decide, quick ia action, and so heavy, ai I 2ty yea iatieed, I and I looked splendid. Aad there's a prompt ia oash payaienie. I fcaowj do!' great deal ia looks fa such matters. Ijyeo, David, at oae tifae did aot sea j I da a4 want aar .pHy al',Swil remember yoa called a barrister's wig ! the fall force of that reasaaiae hetj tak aothiag from yeac head?. iToti a nasty ugly thing, but yoa're aeite yoe win see it bow. The world, my weefci kill rae, toe, if yeaeatP wrong, I assure yoa it's awfal be-'highly taleatad brother, ssaaes at Gtftraa, kaeeiiog oa her beda&d coming to same peopie. I doa't rated : totally difiereat aspect to the awin-' groaohiag baek agaiast the' wall, telling you, dear, because I tell yon j who has money to lead thaa to the, saoke passionately . aereely, bet wNih everythiag, bat I've bmtpki a. wig, ; gsaa who hi seder the deeloraofc ae-1 oat for & atocaeat raSiag the calm: of t t tease it to SBcaed. Tfieat, he masse be heeya-jt. He fe & iaea f ideaa. ( As yet tisty ae deed ; fe ae wait. LVCaBey wettJd eeiy tsamiBef -. J .-w- j his freedom of atie. asd aceveat tht bsey&acv that beviiT of the intellect whiefe I iasist npoa! Se py nj ow dr Mite has often re- plied,. lyoa axe right; David waatef scope. Give him scope, aad David win seceeed ! Yos hava acceeded, my estiniahle aod highly tffted "tec as be stow to oectoe ; bat, bavin?' decided, let as be aaick ia aetfon. I Sftptiesas ye kae-w the darliag ; Btinikta's way. 'seatij a,fA rrtf? ,' r""r ww s eesetty to borrow, 'rne baft Is at year j feet, David, aad w - ... - f need aet iear saaoTaae. When ae-t -ab! stern aeeesst- j ty , aad I aerfocm it, seafft eiec3pec titiae hroa rale ? ' acm it, ao asatter ib seif-saerlfiae.' the gates of Wiadlestraw are as the ; portalB of a grave. Kaecfe, aad they open bo. -t 'Without professlag to baa pHaa thropist, y aiai ia life bae beea, when possi We, to confer beaefttB. Ia this eaee, by resmviag aa oestractioa, t eoofer k beaettt oa away. ta fc & what I look for. cati - I have soaght It when yoeag very yoang bet never foend a. Your dear sis ter's BoOesoaby is aaiae pronpt ia action, proaapt ia payntent.' 'Let ae know yoar pheas at oaoa. time aad place of aaeeUog, and I win be there. Once ia ay haaete, the yoang Barooet awy sleep soaadty with both ears eaee hie Things are ao je by halves at Wiadlestraw. Yoar sister, aad aay littfe jewel of a wife, assises her waraaest lave, ha ijota. .juai.wKaajUMajaa. vorffe with we MiK, "Uir g! -F-C.-SM daTtUL- BBBaBIBBBBnaaat ! favorite thoesh the question of . . d. naay have eaased ah! selflsa, set- nsn weria, vau wm money an ma. - . .. ., . ,. . a.-m in times, banpiiy post, a slight cas- frieadistirp betweea as. Thiae al wais- feBTTOrea CHAPTER 7TXI. BKAIB TZS WIX&S JkGATlSRr - T 'j11 " Weaswoete awafee,?, d TKE SABS Or riSCAOS. abrbx Gton! starts ap ha her bed. aad throw tag tt tae Jeetaargy f hteb has hitherto held her i - al ,at t " a wiy aad. She is ia her owe , Ko ; tfce aim zmaanwr of a we-1 ." atao ie beading ever the algkt-laamB. Casefoi Me. Pradeace hose, aoiet a weAeWel aa.aar. ifot eaoagh of the aeaeeUe,' aar asess the a arse, cestiag a as?Mt glaace over her sboeider in the diceeti Of: I : the bed. 'I'll doable ft next Uae V 'What do yee do here?' aefcs Ger- krd straggliag to collect her seat f i tered Wbre fe IffBu Rlr- - j -- --- a en laamik rn a. aa wm vb i am here to watt oa yoe She was aaproacsiagtbe bed, w! Gertrade drew baek ia horror. I doa't want yoa here yea a Lve, ao rfefet to rae, I will be here! If yoa toaeh scream aad alarm the , tr Her eyes were dilated. ' -ifcc croaehod baek aeaiast the wall with seek evident stgas of terror, that the woatan hesisated, paaetag before she ali i i m Oa aa na i a i 8 rX ji 'What barm hsrve I done yoa. Miss , Weotworth. that yoa caoela be afeaal t ska spoke, ia a soft 'It Ie my baseness to tb pillow of the sick, aot so raaeple f I would alleviate grief, aot add to . t I tell von I kaow vea.' was tke sa- t spoeee. given so sharply that the iaa-; - r paeeaeie aarae from yea wicked dfemffel r T orfcfc -. .. r to see ary fether. Sir Hack Woat worth, aad I will see; hhn.' I weald aiaHiee voa to lake rest. I saM the aarse. who bed asisal coeiBO-cd Yoar t stieegth has bees sorely tried; Yea fbcaia, too. Ib I ! have rest, any T The giri, with her raised mil. een rnKouv aer 11 mt t I m . .- nes. sccanad' something something her whole fra with a , eoatvalsrre skedder. j I a geiae; id r saoed,fai aifow f rigkteaad voiee. speeJkiac sacker to . herself the the-isBCse. Okv wla oae aid vae will ao oae hek sae to ;eep ray nosoa dear? Ysb, she' west en, her viae siafehag:Saesagt of j raoaaise; whJepes yesv hxfe all part; of soeae dark, creel plot, god thogr ss& , drrrig rae bmu!! j Again the aesse stassed. j Where is my fetfaer, wocasa? 2a j he dead? I! 2o whispering; bow-- the lasagnes- i aamwaaiaskedfiniiaisoct. eff-sereoiE-' Tsfhekdeadfa1" M&F The wom&s had app-aehed the. bed, aad kept her sfaorp red eesriv- j etad ea Gertrwde. My pc yemg Jcdj, Svr e it Scorn., rue to wisi to hide the sad traife fjonx. L y. Sr Hack Weatwortk was dead r ,, -, j,, , whea we fbwd yea kaeflg ?" bed Then yea have- killed his! j "II Come, come. ny yoaackioy yon bb6 eakn yox?eiif you 'xwaet broth-Iia4ee4. The dcfiors orders acs pacieoae, aad with sfeea wW come steeagth teH3eefcHeteiafeaff 6hemec- j xwar. Ah meV aad the wocfc&y we- maa fati n rm il a. aiaoiiiriiTi 1 1 n r ri t4iarr ir Trrti iae,i mi aotcfcq ' a.apiti. i wrjnmaa cj M' the saall, com ereataca whose, ;rec eves that seeaaed aevr to Tsjlafe nseal resaaaiig)h; lht it, is jsmb- 'Yoo have ao baaiaess ia, mjraom. by wboe ordess are yos here? Sir Philip Wee tworth's.' The worde were atleved gearfiy. ; soothiagry, aa one seek"ig. rnihar, a ; Ua tbaa to irritate, bet the. hw, ! mc hfow it vaas. fell aaea,.0ci5Hde , with a erBdoiag vioieoe. She reeaalaed sUeat foj awats. gaapias , as it wce for hecatk, her heads pacjead over her hoact her eyes fxad oa her toraaeahar. ily brother!' she said, at, last, speaking: very slowly. JJkj; of. oavrse be iaaeritB thetttfof Yease hereby big ordets, yoa aay? lira. Pradeacei No.' of lying readily aad sedaaany. & posibie that the aanse haaf aeeer or aary atfosr Cai- heard of Coafariai tke by heart that a with good (?) iateatioa. to strife.' 'Where ia her m inMrtaa bm ha n woSbt Mr. Mr. . . . .,,,,,,.. ,,,, j Tw-a.-ajj Astraaoe.sed aemOe aaaaOeofla describeshle btttacaacj passed, over Gerund? fose. Itdfdaoteeeapethe f needle-like gaae of Mrs. .. .. . . . . : more uxan m tne wocoe av ; was aceeatpaaiea. i Ob. my poor, dear fafeec what a tfote ia astae to kaow aO aafe, aad iUve! i They we aorttevwd ward-aFi ! aaxred seateaee. sack as i ' bf hsetiks froat Che speaker's Sp? la a dreas; hat the oak ea of Mrs. ' Jrrnweoee eraaHCaeai I -E I T. K. J ! eyes bad eaegrat asm : 1 aese of the- snails. lawiiater- ! Words that were to cost: ; ' trade Wentworth dear. Aa indescribable ftwibodlnwfaW- ger caeae over her e ' were altered ; bet ao geed, i E " Bvk: weal !er. I Had tke aawse aaastf tsekf? 1 Tk In i. i .til. ' f i ske said, Xo. The treiaoliag- he of Oestzi t said. "Yes. Cece, 3iw Weoiwwrtk, urged theagrse, eobeadaliiialayme. and take setae test. Whet yea. hove I goae thread M tasc tkfeslr-'aaith f " sf whetaerl. ad or body, Yoar mind wae often waaeer- aad yoa talked staaaigeh several "f 1 s while I wae iiilia beside this aiekt. Gertrode's aeat i trembled; Itstaolata1 Tafesd str&aeely! Whec old I smyT 2s was aavw Sfssi. Prad)eaae;tes9 to ! "WBd a t rber. kt .,ii s sssawea. i 'Jemm j Gertrade. ! The i&saaail Ihwagaaja.' IfK. a. Cua'ada The wewetelat. hat cy. I aavcdo aleep whea da a saWdkfiaek Ike it k u nogka. I Aa saeefoSoje' aee aa9aeri that tke best tfcac a esaooae tine- wwder- ffi&CaroHeaace of & aorneca' . kT rRii6r the iiocae aaWsia-ceJ oax." 1 i i ifr ' i m"W m u -f - wae broken by CtestsaaVa ahms. aaaUenly aad aoaarly. -mk r"5?ul?i ISaTaaS ?.,7&BrW sooa as they spokea word ereifllex- to lffcShiJrfuJt'fZ... ,.w