r? -J W i -rfT THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, FEB. o- is; TI2IE CAEDS. Bally Stage ZAtte South. Trom BwumM'j ArazQ. FaBf CSFfcWl Bat via Vmnate CJt , AjJ aaC Berate, ca ncia wtffc es Mes to ail Cher ?tns. IjaiTeaBwvilie4aaraH'eiaelca. m. J. C HAJKUESS. Prapri-r. Ncbrajtfca Railway. T . 1 BenwiIki . Pes ,fc?Bm OTpm-. fc49pm ?,mLsSv-r 3rf9pi3 J ssi p m yp ib. fcPrrprl 1 TJnrjlli f JTM- '-f as. lbpi J&33ani J. XCOKTEESE.Sep't. Brownvllle Ban Line to Ihclps. Ss.v Br rl 7 m t p. mSs38 p. .13. AinTtiBw teTa-ll a-. fep. ra, B.X.BAILKT .SBiwrtwteBdeBt. Publishers' Notices. KTnOftTSE A kk Jfcrsale by 1 A rjteefc. StaHmcr ad 2-s Dealer. Posso e taMfBag. nai"h. oc N s . set as c4ta&r rMflsg er. nu ke gyed er esrti jwr ? e ertt et .n dfatoy : .ee ? altae. Authorized Agent. J P Hon ta rtawi tmem t at 2Cea Cliylregearrafcr t'Sdgggs TfioMS B ww is -s tfcwiw a at la R .pretaetreeet a receipt c aies due an ob aiih i Iyrhm. J K .. errt.scaMh42etla?ent a: that ploe.M rece s-ntt"m a. aeer uaiDg tdtoU-cta4 reet?iK- -es dse ThiAbtb sw. Johtx Xtstc- is r aflrte4 a tat Aspta II. to reeet-3hgcrrt-aa4atf rtfetag.a eUec aafi receipt Sr Bea - FIBHOTKxL fc ACK5K. Pafettofcera Ad (rttser. JjOCAL matters. Barn U E. W. Tfesaas, Esq., on Sundav, 19th it.. a sn. The Legfefetere &4ered sine die on the eeig e the lata last. District Uert fcr this county -will emneee Mdy, Maroh atb. Oor whitewashed Sentr was -visitiag friends in this city test Sun day. Call early a.a4 pere yer seats for the Mesfeai Oa-eert. Te bH "wfli be erewded. S. Seaman has test his packet book containing iwtes awl accounts. A reward wHI be given tke Swier. Two children were berried in the cemetery n Tuesday, botfc victims of dipiherta. Owe was tke ehfkl of Mat. AW-erin an. th br of E. M. Dey. The fiae iaire "eeerriMe" who "got oer money,' spent tescSe&day in this city, pe.tie em vria5 airs, as If be presumed his heavy ceat ef whitewash was not yet too thia. Charley Halstead and John Ear Jywine, of Tecumseh, were in the city on Monday night. They report Tecumse'lrv!y;'sif 'titetrtbe hop pers are hatching oot in John-son county. W. T. Rgere is agent for the renting oi the real estate owned in this coenry by the late Evan Worth ing, deceased. Parties desiring t rent any of tbfe ad, some of which is very desirable, sboeid apply at once. By notice In another cole run it will be seen that the formers of Lon don precinct are to have a meeting next Saturday, to dvise some plan to destroy the young grasshoppers. Ev ery farmer in the precinct should at tend this meeting, as npon a unanim ity of action depends the success of their eSbrts- A few weeks ago a report came from Johnson county that a three-feot vein of coal had been found near Elk Station, on the A. & N. road, eight mUes below Teearaeh. The man who is doing the boring, writes an Item in th Tecumseh paper last week, saying that it is all a mistake, and that that which he at first thought was coal has proven to be only a stra ta of black shale, interlaid with an occasional thin vein of coal. He says this bed of shale is cateulated to de ceive inexperienced miners. Thomas Richards is about start ing a branch store at Sheridan, bav in" already sent oet a considerable number and variety of farming im plements, and will send, as soon as a suitable room can be prepared, a full line of hardware, tinware, stoves, and all other articles kept in a first class hardware house. Mr. Richards has secured the services of Mr. Wm. Harmon, who will take charge of the business at that point. His large -number of customers in the vicinity of Sheridan will be pleased to learn of this enterprise on the part of Mr. "Richards, and will continue to give him their patronage as heretofore. One day this week we called at the shop of Abbott r Emery, located at the foot of College street, and we found in every department commend able industry and educated labor un der full headway. The horse-power was goingt sawing out wagon felloes ; Grant Clover, who has no superior as a manipulator of iron and steel, was at the anvii turning a mold-board for a new plow he was making to order; and up stairs we noticed several new wagons, to which Joseph Ponn was giving the finishing toach of the paint brash. We call attention to these things, because they deserve the attention of the people who want any kind of work in the line of Abbott & Emery They ean make you a wagon light or heavy or a plow as you want it, and do good and honest work. And, by the way, we would say that those who desire a good, substantial plow; should call on this firm before pox- chasi-reg. They aUo promptly do repairing of plows, waparis and machinery. This at the Larkms School ease on sas Srm deserves, and is receiving, v?e are urday next, 24th inst, at 2 ofclock p. akgad, to say, s Uhexal atroflage. E-Gov. Furnas arrived home from Omaha on Wednesday. Johnny Majors is spending a few days with his young friends in this place. J. L. Roy Is building a new resi dence on his farm, and intends mov ing soon. Reserved seats may be secured for the concert of Thursday evening next by applying to Harry Dolen. We have seen reports that nim ble hoppers are making their appear ance on sunny hill sides. May they all appear -soon, and perform their mission early. See the card of Pat. Cline, In an other column. Pat makes a good, honest boot or shoe, and by strict at tention to bnsines, has secured for himself a liberal share of the patron age of this city and vicinity. The third lecture in the course under the auspices of the Literary and Musical Tin ion, will be delivered next Friday evening at the Presbyte rian Church, by Dr. S. H. Weller, of Xiincoln. These lectures are free to the public The papers of the State speak very highly of the lecturer. Miss Mamie Carson, daughter of John L. Carson, about twelve years of age, while returning from school at noon on Tuesday of this week, fell and broke her arm. The accident is the more serious from the fact that it is a refracture, she having bad the same arm broken but a few months are. Judge Mcinney informs us that he is making a machine that bethinks will "get away" with the g'hoppers. He will doubtless have it on exhibi tion at the grasshopper meeting at London next Saturday. The machine is simple in construction, cost but lit tle for material, and any farmer can The ISemaba Ceunty Agricultur al ami Mechanical Association will meet in the Court Room In Brown ville at one o'cleck p. m., on Satur day, March 3d, for the- purpose of electing officers for the ensuingyear. A full attendance of all officers and members of the society is earnestly desired. L. G. Loc-wood, Sec. Wm. O. MeReynoWs, so long connected with the mercantile estab lishment of W. T. Deo, this eity, has accepted a position in the wholesale and retail furnishing goods house of R. A. Hope & Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Billy is a worthy youns man, a good salesman, and we wish him quiek promotion with his new employers. Mr. James Parmer requests us to say to the people of Brownville, that he will commence herding cattle just as soon as there is safiicient grass to justify if. Jim herded last season, and was the best herder we ever had contin uing clear throush the season, and In all ?rtsof weather. Those who want their cows well taken care of will place them In his herd. If the weather, especially the nights, gets a little warmer, and re mains so for a short time, millions of young hoppers will hop out into the genkilsunsMne. Thenanaccommodat ing SBow-atorm "cold spell," or any other kind of a "spell," that would annihilate thern would be so pleasrj ant. This early beautiful weather-aP- fords a reason upon which to found j such hope. The "Metropolitan Hotel," Lin coln, has recently changed hands. The new proprietors are Snider & Wright our old friend A.J. Wright, recently a resident of this county. We understand the Metropolitan is now considered a first-class house, and Is receiving a large share of the Gustom of travelers. Those who visit1 Lincola from thia part of the State! will be well received and taken rare J of if they etop with "Jud." See card of the Metropolitan in an other column. On last Saturday Benj. Chapman called and renewed his subscription to Tee Advertises for the twenty- first time, he being a subscriber from the first number about the fifth man. he informs us, to put down his name to support a newspaper In Nemaha county. Although Mr. Chapman has moved about considerable since the first number of The Advbktiser was issued, living for a while in Texas, he has had the paper mailed to him reg ularly every week. Last Saturday the share holders in the 7emaha County Mining Asso ciation we believe that is the name adopted met at2 p. m. in the school building at ZSemaha City, to take steps for permanent organization. J. M. Trowbridge waa chosen chairman of the meeting, and J. M. Hacker, secretary. When the question was raised as to what shape the organization should take to best promote the objects in view, the meeting was at a loss to know what to do, and most of the af ternoon was spent in discussing the various phases and difficulties, imag inary or real, as they occurred to the minds of the speakers. Tba great! trouble seemed to be whether the? company should incorporate accord ing to law or not. Finally a testvote was had, and a large majority appear ed to be opposed to such Incorpora- tlon at present, when the meeting preceded to elect ofiacers, as foITcsrs : Lewis Fisher, President. Iieroy Mason, Secretary. Thee. Higgins, Treasurer. Directors Lewis Fisher, John H. Shook, J. S. Altai, A- B. entnerr- X H. Drain. Themeetfnfftnen adjourned to meet fc. sr.&. iuiipaieQa5 is uetiu. Dr. ilathe s, dentist, -will be at his office in this city on Friday next. There were sixty-five load3 of corn brought to this market last Sat urday. Tickets for the Methodist Choir Musical Concert Harry Dolen. may be had from Brownville grain dealers are pay ing two cents more for corn than Is paid at any of our neighboring towns. See the new advertisement of W. H. Westfall, headed "Bakery, Con fectionery and Restaurant.1' Mr. Westfall keeps a neat, tidy place. Levi Johnson, Peter Aultand J. H. Drain, of ISemaba City, accepted an invitation from Dr. Converse to pay him a visit In Lincoln, and went up on Monday's train. The object the delegation hss in view is to negotiate with the Doctor for a speedy comple tion of the railroad to7emaba. They want the road now to ship away their corn, and will do any reasonable thing to pet it. Jack Richardson subscribes and pays for more copies of The Abveb tiseb, than any other Democrat in the county, sending them to friends at home and abroad. S"otwithstand- i ing the already large number he was taking, he last Saturday gave us the name of another friend to whom be wished the paper sent for a year. We wish there were more Jack Richard sons in Nemaha county, and think his example is worthy of imitation by a considerable number of our Repub lican friends. T nblic -eotinsr. At a public meeting of London grange it was thougbt expedient to call a public meeting of London pre cinct, to consider the best mode of co operation to destroy the grasshoppers. All interested are invited to meet at London Church, on Saturday the 25th inst., at one o'clock in the afternoon. J. H. Peebv, Sec. Teachers' Institute. S"EtAHA Crrr, Feb. 16. According to announcement the In stitute convened at the school build ing at 7 o'clock p. m. The County Superintendent called to order, and an organiatron was effected by the election of F. M. King secretary, and the aDpointment of Philip Crother and Miss Ella Marlatt as critics. Music, "The Boating Song," Miss Jennie Crother presiding at the organ. Being disappoiuted by the non appearance of Prof. Poor, who was to address us, Mr. Crother kindly con sented to occupy the time by reading a lecture, thereby relieving the em barrassment of disappointment. The secretary would embrace this opportunity of suggesting to public benefactors the importance of being careful about their promises. Music by Misses Jennie Crother and Amanda Zook. Discussion of "Are Institutes Ben eficial," led by Mr. Crother. Many participated: sentiment in favor of institutes. The evening session, which proved quite interesting and profitable, closed with music. Morning session opened at 1$ o'clock with mesic. E-say on Elocution by Miss Flora Locke. She disapproves of the A B C method of teaching beginners, and recommends the "word method." Dwelt on the importance of early el ocutionary training. Orthography and class drill, by F. M. ing. Music. J. F. Winters gave his method of teaching music- He thinks it practi cal in our common schools. Select reading by Philip Crother. Msic. Adjourned to meet at 1 p. m. Music. Arithmetic, by Mr. Crother. Mr. J. R. Dye favored us with a song. "I'm Going Home." Language, by J. F. Winters. Music by Mr. Lippitt, "King of the jjQse -r- Evening session opened with music by Mr. LIppit:. Mr. Gilbert, of Aspinwall, gave an educational address. Music AH the World's a Barber hop. "Office of County Superintendent Should not be Abolished, was the question announced for discussion. Discussion opened by F. M. King. Many participated. As the question is receiving much attention through different parts of the state, much in terest was manifested. Popularsenti- ment was in favor of paying a salaryi sufficient to justify a good man to de vote his whole time to the education al interests of the county. Query Box was opened, and the mysteries made plain. Crities' report. Song suited to the occasion, by Mr. Dye. After authorizing the secretary to express the thanks of the teachers in the minutes to the musicians and en tertainers for the highly appreciable manner in which they lent ns aid, and to furnish a copy of the same to each of the county papers for publi cation, the meeting adjourned. F. M. Ki'G, Sec. Hawiey & Douglas will have thet best variety of seeds In the State this ispring, at wholesale and retail. Tke Best. All kinds, and the best, of Bran- i"". wines, gins, alcohols and whls- kies, kept by Ted. Hnddart, at Red- Store 2?c. 4S". Opposite Sherman House SaveyHr naosey and bay yHr Tvtter ges of 8Waxi. All ?oeds niaxfee- DOWa. IOTf5; Floar, all the favorite hands of spring, and. fail wheat Hoddaxt's, im&HBOEEOOD 1SEWS. FHTBUhcd by Special Correspdesta for The Advertiser. London. Last Sunday was a glorious day. Go hear Rev. Beggs. You will be instructed concerning the beauty and blessedness of living the "higher life." Meeting next Saturday at two o'clock p.c, at Methodist meeting house, to devise ways to meetiu "bat tle array" the armies of the powerful nation of grasshoppers. Meeting ev ery Saturday until the war is over. "The Lord will bring down the high looks, and to bringdown "high salaries" is one of the ways of doing this. It has been among the good works done in the Senate Chamber at Lincoln this winter. John Brush's infant child Is very sick. Institutions of learning should be fostered with care. But intellec tual culture does not keep people from evil-doing as much as some think. Moral education is what hu manity needs. The moral conduct of the world is deplorable. The higher faculties are slow in development. It seems hard for people to look up to the angels and sing with them of the Christ who brings "peace on earth, good will to men" Slier id an. From the appearance of the weather beautiful spring has surely come. The effulgent rays of the sun in a few more days will bring forth the hoppers. Messrs. Skeen & Snyder are done sowing wheat. Pretty early. Isn't it? The hopper waits to receive it. Mr. Thomas Richards, of Brown ville, Is going to start a branch hard ware and agricultural implement house in Sheridan. Good, Mr. R. We think you will make it pay, for Sheridan is a lively trading point, and the farmers stand in need of a good many farming implements for the present season. Dr. Opperman is a useful man in Sheridan. We congratulate you. Dr., and hope you may sometime get an other fortune. We must compliment the Doug las school on their exhibition. It was, without doubt, a grand success. The music was eloquent and thrilling. calculated to destroy the stillness of feet that are in the habit of dancing. The Legislature passed one good bill while in session, and that was the bird bill. We think it is a per fect imposition on the people to have the Brownville bird hunters scouring our country with dog and gun, taking the lives of the Innocent birds. Why, if the feathered tribe Is left alone till there gets to be one of them to every 16,600 hoppers, that insect would soon be gone. Let us protect the birds in every respect. Poset. Fect. ,. Weather warm and balmy ; more like May than February. Considerable corn coming to market price IS cents. P. M. Martin is preparing to ship several thousand bushels of corn the coming week. We have seen no yocng g'hop pers, although have heard reports of some, but bave no faith in their hatch ing out yet. Our esteemed young friend Wil lie Welsh, who had been teaching school north of Omaha, was brought home a corpse last Thursday, having died very suddenly of congestion of the brain. Willie was an exemplary young man, and his decease is mourn ed by a large circle of friends. Our old citizen, David Barnes, Is no better. The "Bell Ringers" caused a run away In our quiet town. Damage, a broken wagon tongue. There was a show in town Satur day evening a whole menagerie; leastwise we saw the band and three or four boy3 going toward the depot. Tomps McAdama has been to town the last few sunny days. Won der if he Is looking up a croquet ground. The question now is: Are they f going to get through with the elector al count before the nxt centennial? Van Winkxe. The Brownville street markets ruled firm and active during the entire week, our grain buyers receiv ing more corn than any previous week during the season. Ye qirote as fol lows : Choice fall wheat. Si 001 16. &Png heat. 351 60. Barley. 1540e. Bye, 4950c. Corn, 21fc. Corn Meal, $i.C0lfi?per 100.- Buckwheat, 45c. Steers fat, 34c Cows, fat, 2r4c. Hogs, fat,413c. Butter, lQ15c Fggs, Sc. Potatoes, 78S0c. Onions, 731 00. Chickens, $2.Q0L per dozen.- Chickens, dressed, 6QSc per Ib. Turkeys, S10c. Wood, $3-2o5-C0 per cord. Hay, $4.5O5.0O per ton.' Farmers are already bay in fana (implements of. Ha-y Dot?Gir. Books at Nickell's. Flour and feed at HuJdart's. Ifyou want a reliable wind pump toy Of BLET & DCRJG-AS. Come and see the nezu shades of Prints at Mir Pher son's, Prolans, Greens? Uardznals and Blues. Xe HCLYrteat Floor at Huddart-'g grocery store. 3foney is saved byyi-. yonrTtriater goods el 3otv2. Money is saved ly ht yonr witer geods efe-Hai. fan cakes! Craddock&Son have an excellent article of Buckwheat Flour for sale. Save your money and buy yonrvrialcrgoods ori,OTVa. All ods marked DOWJT. X.. tOTf-IAX. Craddock & Son sell the best spring wheat fibur at $3.00, and fall wheat flour, a good article, at $3.50. Best Tea at Niekell's drugstore, 3 pounds for a dollar. Cash for wheat Peru Mills. and corn at the 26tf Wagon repairing at Lockwood's. 3 pounds Tea at IckelFs for $1. Fresh Oysters'atHuddart's. School Books at 2wckellrs. "if '. . cCRE3tT Has Fresh Drugs, Wall Paper, School and Blank Books, Bird Cages, Paints, GIas3, Oils, etc., at lower pri ces than any bouse in Brownville. Holioway-'s Pills and Ointment. Scurvy and diseases of the skin fe ver, restless sleep, foul stomack, taint ed breath, languor, depression of spirits, always attendant on the worst cases of cutaneous eruptions, are speedily and radically removed by these edicines the ointment cleans es the skin, and the pills purify the blood, stimulate the liver, aad pro mote digestion. 25 cents per box or pot. 35wl Peru spring wheat flour, choice. fatHuddart's. Every sack guarantied 2so.l. School Books at 2 iekelPs. Craddock: & Son, Retail dealers In farm produce, fam ily provisions-stock feed, flour, but ter, eggs, etc. The best brands of flour constantly on hand, and sold at the lowest price. Cash paid for butter and eggs. Goods delivered free of charge, according to order, in any part of the city. Fresh sugar cured hams at Hud dart's, 9a ilain street. Machine repairingat Lockwood's. 1TITS! ESWPEIFFSJ A case of new Prints of the latest shades Blues, Brvians, Greens and Car dinals, fast received at Mc J?hersonTs. Books at ickells. A faU Une of Notions closing oat cut cost at Mc Pherson's. Job Printing. Do yon want Posters ? Da you want Handbills? Do you want Business Cards? Do you want a neat Billhead ? Do yon want a tasty Letterhead ? Do you want a nice Visiting Card ? If so, leave yoar orders at Ths Ad vertiser Job Office, where all work is done by experienced workmen, and guaranteed to irive satisfaction. Disease Grorrs Apace, Like an III wind, and cannot be mastered too early. "What Is a trlinzattoe of sick ness to-day may. If unattended to. feecoases a serious case In a week. Smnllnflmentu shncid be Hipped In the bed before they biossoai into fall crown matedies. If this advice were attended to, ra sy a het-y bill toz medical attendance might be avoided. When the liver Is disordered, the stomach fool, the bowais obstructed, or the nerves disturbed, resort should at once he bad to that supreme remedy. Hosteler's Stoeaacb Bitters, a few doses of which will restore health and action and pus the system in I pertect oruer. it is a wise precaution to keep this incomparable preventive in the house, since it cheess, with unrivalled promptitude, disorders which bretd ethers lor more dangerous, and in their latest de velopments are themelves often, fatal, feh Xer-rous Prostration. Americans, like Ortogral of Basra, desire that the golden stream should be sudden and violent, and In their anxiety to acquire wealth overwhelm themselves with tne cores of business until their overtaxed sys tems are broken down under the pressure to which they are subjected. Thlfi is one proline cause of nervo as diseases so common in this country. Another and probably a greater one is the very general propensity to run into excess in. excitement and the nse l f rkjuers and tobacco, -which soon ruin the Vstrongest nervous organizations. Such suf ferers have more difficulty in obtaining: re- lilef than almost any other class. Dr. Rad lcll3 Seven Seals or Golden "Wonder is a sovereign remedy 5or all nervous aCectiocs. i no .sj.er uow sney were incurred. The worst cases of nervous debility have been. ' cared with slngufer rapidity by imae. The Seven. Seals is a purely vegetable compound containing no poisonous- or unwhoiesoaae ingredients, and acts directly upon the ner t vous'system. feb Vb.Y Do Tott ShaJce 3 Forthe better convenience of the can-sinner Dr. Sherman's 3ralrage la now pntcpln TSctottles as weU ss SL3d as heretofore. T those -who are acquainted srittt the lloiarl- t nge it is not necessary to say a -ord in its behali. Bctto thosewhoahafceiiilgnorMrcer of K."-e "1 simply say. trylt.aiid addyour t I testimony to thousands of others that It enrsd yoo. 2fo other medicine is required as It is a combined tcnid. alterative, cathar- i tic, fehTifnse. choJagccne, and antJ-periodic. J- It n&ntrT?rpt mf wsmatlcpoteon,pnrifl es-and llnvlsorates the blood-restores the liver and other diseased, organk to their natnral heal--! kthy condition, thereby tharoaghly eradicat ing the diseases Por sale by Teowly a. w. 5ICKELI. -A. OAT-T). To all 'who are srTericsCrct the e.J.os end. indiscretions of yonth. nervous "eakness. early decayIcaof rahood.d,I"srlHenl a recipe that -wHTcure yo-. FEEE OP CHAKGE. This creat x edy was discov ered by a missionary to bct America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Bsv. JosFHT-Ixas-, fitaffiM 2, BSUe Ecmoe iV J"orJ ISmS Ssd hoate. Atculg A:i;prl. I T m -i Members of the M. E. Choir will give a Musical Concert. March 1, 1S77, in Mcpherson Hail, Brownville. Every 1 N Woman and Child, WHO HAS NO valid excuse for not being present, will have cause to regret their absence. The MUSIC has been selected with great care, and he who hears will IN HIS SOUL rejoice. The admission fee L correspond with the times. Ye are; invited to STEAL away from your business and enjoy it. b:-7- Confectionery and Restaurant. W. H. WESTFALL, RosaelTs old stand, BroTVDTille, Xebraslia. WARM KEALS SERVED at all HOURS FRESH PIES AXD CAKBS Made dally, and a fell line of ConfectianeTy and Toys constantly on hand. pAT. CLIXEi 7pl FASHIONABLE f Pi BOOT ASD SHOE XaKEE p CUSTOM" WOES! made to order, and mto a a?" ssaranteeil. RepairiBg- neatly and promptly dace. Shep. No.-3Taia street. Brownville eb. For Kent. All tfae real estate of llielaie Evan Wortliinjr:. deceased, lying- in JTemalia County, Keb., is for rent to good responsible parties. Some of tliese lands are very desirable. Apply in person or by letter to W. T. EOG-EES, 35w4 I3ro"nv5Ile, Sebraslca. A CARD, Uavlnjr returned from my trip to Europe, I wonld an nccace to the public tnat I sboll remain at borne, bein ably prepared to attend to any siclines. accute or enrcnic, of eitbersex. Any consultation confiden- i Jially responded to by address-, ins: m. AiXJLPE 0EEERM5, 3wi Sheridan. 5eb. ArTHOuIZED BY THE U- S- G0T 3iX. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK Paid-up Capital, poO.000 Authorized, a 500,000 IS PBEPAE-D TO TRA-5ACT A General Baskino: Business BCYA5DSKT.L QOJE 0TJEEE1TGY DEATTS oriailUwturlBetoalcitlea m( the United. States and Siirope MONEY LOANED On approved security y- Tbae Bra b dtiiMir d.ad i al iccwmolnn(Tgr3edf p vfc ars. Dwders ta. OOVEKXXENT SQNQ6, STATE, COUNTY CITY SECURITIES DZPOSITS Received payable on linmnmA. osd is-ral-o wed a teae ertfciie3 r dett. oniECTOS?. ''t.T. Bn. S. X. BuOey. 3CA. HtutdUr. Frvnt E. Johanea. Xtbr Hatay, "Wa. Fer. iLH-DAVFOX CaWT. J.C.:eKAUCHT02r.Aia Preair. MA WIL OF BSOIS V M..T.L John McPhrson. DEALER !DRT GOODS.. eBOCBBZES,- FT 3 TS? VZ CAPS. BOOTS A3D SliGBSf Q"UeCTS"W"A.SJS COIMT EY v ? 3N" yiTTCTT A - 2 Malai Street Browiiville, iffeb25as4$o20at 1ETBML1TIR HOTEL,! .ECOC, XEB PBOPKIETOES. T boose Is no- conducted la first-class style. Targe rooras for COM3; TSa.VELEKS. BUltard porter and reading room connected wttii ttu feeteL T&e people tersoataem iSeorasfca are 9oUcKeil to try jletrepolTtan. irlxett visiting Lincoln. Dissolution Xelice. rruIK copartnership fieretnforpexistlBpfee 1. tween Tbossox Richards and Deteesl SmlUt. under the firm name ef RicbanI -Smith, is tfefc da; dissolved by mutant aa .en t. Iteiess T. Se tltrr retiring from the fecsl nss. All liabilities of trie late firm are as- SHmed by Thomas Richards, who will con tinue the business at the old stand. AH persons knowinsr then-selves Indebted to the late arm. either by nose or boot aa- I eaent. trill please eoll and settle at ence. as theaosmessor the iHd arm mess- oe dosed bb. THOMAS RrCSARDcs. pe-oss t. nnr. February 2; KTT, TO TEEPUBEIG. T sun tbnnfe-fcrt far the litvernJ Btitrsnaire f heretofore extended to the firraof Rhihartte I Sc Smith, and hope, by a strict attention ta aesteesa, to rnertt a continuance er the suna. TAOM.VS RICHARDS. TH K AD V KRTTrTR PB11TIK A.Sae aaaertraant f Type. Bor ders. Bales, Stec-, c ISIlfmtm&a-WrfH CAKDS.. Csfercd zsd Ecanzcd Lafecb, STTATnC CS. LETTEK & BILLHEADS :jTY:OPS, Ctr8oUx3,Xodse .Pwerarsmea. Show Cards, BLAX- TTOUK OF ALL-DiDS. j With aeatsesa sd dispatch Cheap oe Istekior oek S XQTSOZICEZED. r2G,T iHiC-12 iTcPhersda Bteelc, BEOWXTim!, 5EB. .1 GBOCEBT & PBD1ISI0I STOSE. Second door east of Post Office. BROIT.VFI ., ZEBRAS A. BROW5TILLE RRY & TRANSFER co i.rpjk2sir. IlAvto a Srst d Sdi Trrr. oad yntwg aadeatrthnc the Transfer tae fzom BROTVA-TII.X. TO PDELPS, we an pregared to reader Httin gaWnfiigtttgiM.w tr9rr mf Fragb and Pateasexs. We a rvekirlteeftt "T t I taJl tratM. AI orders ieftat the Trsaofer Cmta.- pei ysoOee wE reegtve promytattcBtwn. u. 3i. bailey, Gen. . D. B. COIiHAPP, 3iacfactrer ef 58 Main Street. Brownville, 5ebras;a. Orders From fielghbonng Towns Solicited. IX CI ) T: "J&-5R1 -M r jgisifelilE5J 1G PT!lnIJv I 1 I'M t I t i ?IrS. G-LAS S"W"TJfv to&fi? artfeJesfkeptTin a general ateck-' P "rV 2 TCi GOODS. R ODUCE okgaNi: iS70 IK WM xt srow.tii,e; CAPITA'T, ; ? OOvOOO-' r - TtJtHRaefc.areHeraJh DraJUen 9 thprs siBsffcttsfa ess. sells JclUesef te bti STATRSAffD SMOEH 3-Speciel aocssui iedatio granted ta depositors. stat, couitT & crrsr SrT3j iBOTJGtB ? 62i. OFFICERS- fW.H.McCREERY, : : President; W.W.KACOEr, : Yice,pFesidenL' H. E. GS, : : : : r Qtshiect IHKBC-OBS. HkVBEYj. J.C.REWS3RS W3LK. HBVR. C: M.KAEll VS-.W-HACiSJsV. X. CL if l", W. H. XcCRSSKX. I tray tsty beer by Jake. OLDREUABLEMEATMABKET BODY & BSO.- BUTCHERS, ROTTFIE, 3TB&A5KaV Good. Seet, resK Meat; Always on hand, and satisfaction guar antied to all csstomecs. T. IVfATgOE S", i KERCH AST TAILOR aad dealer in FiaeE33HshT"Frencii. Scstch and Fascr Cleths. Ttiarr Etc, $tc. .. Brownville. ICebrasa. Having purchased the jE Z IP 3T . IV ? " LIMIIDfEEDmilfJ I wish to asBonsce that I am prepared fi do a first dags very boaJnese. Josti Rogers CITYHOTEL Fsi Omaha, IS"el. IS-KAXTKS K-KSt THSoF' A mar: oatadaraptf mcfct hiJijiumfci.fc mitt nw UteHaaae u3aecuNM!a- MiHc I St. "West. yH :? nwtn. npnn?f: ; ln? patrwnngg frat joBtfcgra Jftbmgfa. aitd. a fraThE patc iwaesxHr ipL'nl salgy Vr length af tue. E. T. PACSE. Pn H0M1W00D MILLS Haviwgl n my employ Mr. CIV3E SlTTT2, iawledzed to be the beat tUr . Hhc tale. I am prcparftl to jvrsisli CtOOL f F KTX ta aay qaoaOty. Eesy mkrac. ssats. 3v Flo r Is Cor ! at. all ih istoretf vs. Brewwrflle. I nvrk t?a ii i"i hm Sbextdui XH.Apr lat. 1SJ5. Clocks, Watches, Jewefr tTOSl?I SHTJT. JTo. 59 IVTrtfTi Street Bro raville. fr K s. ewMtaatlr on Haadkvnrtf-aB4wp yy MBortgdstce-erciit a:aeartirteai i s Resoj eix at chM. Woteae d wir nn ilrirr nntirr if nriran-Mr nfnr . nr BJtowmzzB titb LAST WEEK OP BACH MOyTH. EWS DSJfTIST, BROWyviLLE, 5EBEA5KA, JE3T CKADOC. W. F. CBAMe CRADDOCK: - snx. SxT7 ' or:r siiitiisi skkkh u)isi5c shot ers,nv I CSrates. AmmeirttCTO sod 4portto2 ffeeife. fcaattetooreer.aac ega: nag neatly aoae. ill 2ain St., Brovmville, Xeb," ns"z HxaosR, aQON a&PLAGKSMiTHHO? BOOS WST O? COTST HOrSB. TTJAGO aCAKING. Bep-iriBg t. Plo s. and all wt d oei-fcie hest. rmnnivTart as srt asaee. Si7Tfifff . soraa. BBOTT-- W nnnmnn kiTifr: '9 " "9 m I T27sr fL&rni-hi'Y) sri o: ivBe"r--' 3.T. SOTJDE S0erht mm, sabdles; Mips,. coisfc SBHHZES. ZLSK PADS, B2BSH1S, BLJS Sobes, i&s.- fhotttix.l bbi;? S uee ready m i zosda cnnstahltF e is i ran e f IV aSS B 111 " s- ! H3 " S Z- HA.YE YOU S-3T MATH xy sH inMg mzmgesBSSSPt rSLiS' nil-' HST y,r IT rt