?sca5SSts??iseggsgaffi!gaTrw;, 3?HE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1S7G. Ti?IIJ CAUDS. Dally Slago Line Sontli. rrom Urowiivllle to A men. Falls City ami Rulo "fru Nemalm City, Aspinwall i(l bt. Deroln. cou Iiectitt; with conveyances to nil other points. Leaves Riownville daily at I o'clock p. in. 'Arrive at Brownville Jl o'clock a. m. J. C If ARLESS, Proprietor. JVuurafclsa Railway. I:Mpm 2S l m XJOpinar 5:HJl, StfOam , S:15pm ltJOpin S:4U p 111 10:15 p m.. ..Brownville-. Peru Nebraska City .7!coln.- . Seward &30 p m I:lS p m ..J:pm &pra0pm 12:10 pm le-.iOa m J. CONVERSE, Sup't. UrownvSlIc Dues Line to Plieljis. Leave Brown vlll 7da. m., ld p. m., 5rf p. m. Airive at Brownville 7-la.m..H:0fl a.m.. 5:30 p. m B. M. BAILEY. Suwerintendent. "Cliicngo &. Sovtli "Western Kali-way. . "Trains at Council Bluffs arrivcanddepartas follows "tJOIN-O WJ58T ARRIVnlOOINOKART DEPAKT Dav Express 18:85p.m. I Day Express. f.:a.m. Kieht Express 9:15a.m. NIrM Express- !. p.m. . I Ex. Freight I00ii.m. W.H.STENNETT.CJen.Pas.Agt. Publishers' Notices. SiTUACoPiBsorTiiK AnvKRTiPKn for sale by L. A. Polock, Stationer and Sews Dealer, Postofllce bni'dlnjr, Brownville. Locat. Noticrs. set as ordinary reading matter, wIU he ohursed ten cents per line, each Insertion. Set in display type, fifteen cents a line. Authorized .Rents. W. K LooFBOt-Know. at Pom. thereby authorized to receive subscription end adveitMnK for the AnvxRTi-vKK, and collect and receipt far the mc. . "WEM.KY Dt'XWAS.at Sheridan, h our authorized ' agential that place to receive and receipt for all monies due us. J. P. Hoovkr K onr authorised agent at Nema ha City to receive and receipt for monies tiuoiis. -Thomas Bi-hkkss is our authorised agent In Glen Bock precinct to receive and receipt for monies de us on sulxscrlption. A J- KittkK, at St. Deroln.lsoHr authorised asent at that place.lo receive subscriptions and ndver . Using, and to collect and receipt for monies due THE AWVKHT1SKK. Jons S. Mikick is our authorised agent at Aspln wall, to receive mbacrlntion and advertising, and collect and receipt for monies due us. FAIRBROTHER & HACKER, Publishers Advertiser. LOCAL MATTERS. -On Monday evening of this week the Good Templar Lodge of Nemaha City hail asocial gathering In the In terest of tiie cause of temperance, and wo had the pleasure of being one of the guebts. They had good music- -vocal and instrumental a most excel lent, though short, lecture by Judge Church, and a most splendid supper. "We wondered at the courage of our Nemaha temperance people to attempt n free supper and to prepare a sufficient quantity of cakes, pies, chicken, and every other good thing for everybody. For, you know, soma people go to a .free supper who never go to any other feiud they believe in free-pitch-ins, but never go when there is a half dol lar to pay, even to so good a cause as that of temperance. 13 at the supper, notwithstanding this, was abundant for all, and the hungry were fed. Not withstanding the night was dark, the clouds low and threatening rain, there waB a big crowd present. Young men and lads from all parts of the county gathered at Nemaha on that occasion, and from the disorderly conduct of some of them wo judge they did not turn out on that night strictly to en hance the cause of temperance, man hood and good manners. In "tho hall and the rooms occupied "by the people, there was goudorder, "harmony and all enjoyed themselves; but out doors and around the building there were a lot of young men and boys who aoted so badly ns to make us think of the old times In Nemaha, when it was the fashion for nearly all Uhe young men who went there to get drunk Kid kick up a fight. We do not say any of thesoon Monday night were drunk, but they acted as sober men and boys seldom act. Thcyseem ed to bo extensively on the muscle. During a short time we were out see ing what was "up," avo heard several quarrels, some half dozen banters to "step out and fight," and saw as many coats stripped in preparation to fight, eaw one regular knock down between two good ixed boys, and thore was one fight we did not see, and we un derstood some of the parties engaged were pretty severely pounded. We speak of this feature of tho oc casion under consideration for the good of society there, and for the good of those young men who know better, but seemed to forget that they were disgracing themselves, their neigh tors, their town, and their friends.--At ft tempernnce meeting is no place to go to settle feuds by fisticuffs. So "far as we were acquainted with the riotous parties, we must say there were none of the Nemaha lodge en gaged, and while we exonerate the good citizens of Nemaha from all blame, they may protect themselves and common decency fiom u repiti lion of such disgraceful scenes by the enforcement of wholesome laws made and provided for such cases for the protection of society and the rights of law abiding people. On last Saturday evening the "Hayes and "Wheeler club room was again crowded with ladies and gentle men. Gov. Furnas made the princi pa' speech of the evening, and as every 0110 autieiputcd It was a noble effort. The Governor always speaks in ear nest, means just what he says, uuder stands his subject well and is a!wa3's armed with official documents to make good his positions. Such speeches are always instructive and leave an (impression for good results. When tho Governor had finished hla remarks short and pertinent speeohes were made by Messrs. Pol lock, Church and Bailey. Republi cans are waking up hero as well as elsewhere, to a seii6o of the danger that menaces them. On next Saturday evening the club will meet in McPherson Hall. Judge Church will address the' Svemaha City Republican club on this (Thursday) evening. Gov. Furnas will addresB the same club on next Thursday evening. . IP. 3. Allen's Best, at Huddart'e. ;sgig:asi;3issss5ass5 THE COUNTY TAJK TO HB HELD OYER SATURDAY. Because of the inclemency of the weather the first day, it has been de cided to hold the Fair over Saturdoy. The time for the reception of articles will bo one day later than announced in the premium list. By order of the board, B. A. HAWLEY, President. New lot of .Hannibal Flour re ceived to-day by F. D. Muir. Newt, and Foster McCoy, of Pawnee City, are visiting friends in this city. Sunday school concert at the Presbyterian church next Sunday night all are invited. Go and see and hear "Every body's Friend," at McPherson Hall, Thursday evening. Thanks to W. S. Clark, of Cen tennial Guards, forlateNew York and Philadelphia papers. "Everybody's Friend" a rich drama, at McPherson Hail, on Thurs day evening. Go. Admission only 25 cents. Mr. Lowman returned from his trip to tho eastern cities on last Fri day, lie brings with him a splendid stock of goods. - Strangers attending tho Fair can spend a very pleasant evening by go ing to the dramatic performance on Thursday evening at McPherson Hall The "Blake Dramatic Associa tion" will give one of its mo9t pleas ing entertainments on Thursdn' evening of this week in McPherson Hall. Admission 25 cents. Wo noticed Dr. Hanlin, of Falls City in the city on Mouday. We learn the people of Falls City are near ly crazy to make the Dr. State Super intendent of schools. B. Savell left with us' this week a specimen of grass wheat which is hard to beat. It weighs 03 pounds to the bushel, and measured 49 bushels to the acre, from tho machine. The Douglass county delegation to the State Convention are Silas A. Strickland, Charles Bankes, W. A. Gwyer, Paul Vandervoort, I. S. Ha3 call, C. II. Dewey, J. J. Moore, W.T. Kelly, Gen. M. O'Brien, W. B. Pey ton, E. K. Long, Wm. Coburn, Geo. S. Martin, Pat. O'Hawes. Mrs. A. D. Willisraao'i, of Den ver, and her daughter, Mrs. Mahar, has been sojourning amongst their friends of this city for a couple of weeks. Mrs. W. will return to Colo rado soon, and her daughter, who has been very sick, will visit friends in Chicago, as soon as she recovers. Dr. Louis Moll, of nanover Kan sas, arrived in the city last Thursday, and started on his return trip on Mon day of this week, Misses Florence and Hattie Smith accompanying him. The Dr. is a cousin and was the guest of Mrs. H. Smith of this city. He made the visit to see Ada and George Married. The Dr. gave us a pleasant call, subscribed forTilE Advertiser-, and we were much pleased to make his acquaintance. Mr. Lauge, tho rtgent of tho Ne braska Railway at this place, author izes us to say, for the accommodation of persons who desire to attend the Fair this week from Peru, that a spec ial train will leave Peru at 9 o'clock Thursday and Friday mornings and return in the evening, starting at six o'clock. We presume many will avail themselves of this very convenient, pleasant and cheap way of attending the two last days of our County Fair. Our County Fair opened on Wednesday. We go to press early on Wednesday and cannot make much of a report; but there appears to be much interest taken, many entries are already mr.de, and the general in dications are that tho Fair will be a success. On Tuesday it rained light ly nearly all day, but on Wednesday morning tho weather had cleared, with pleasant north-west breeze, aud the appearances aro that we witl have good weather and all a pleasant and profitable time. Mr. T. Paul Morton of our town who is a sufferer from chronic disease of tho eyes, has through the efforts of T. L. Schick. Esq. as his attorney procured a pension from the govern ment at $10 per month since August 1st, 1SG5, aud $1S per month since Juno 1st, 1S7G making an arrearago of $1,100 and continuing at the rate of $18 per month. His application has been pending for six or seven years, ami has been in the hands of several different attorneys, but owing to tiie improper presentation of the case was not allowed until came into the hands of Mr. Schick, and the mistake was corrected by him. Mr. Morton Is needy and deserving, and will bless and vote for the Repub lican party which remembers the sol-diers-aud sailors whosacrificed health or limb on the altar of their country. The gratitude and sympathy of the rebel horde which votes for Tilden and reform is pretty uncertain to the soldiers who are dependent on the government for support. No Union soldier can afford to vote the Demo cratic ticket. Wichita Flou? at Huddart's $4. s: GRAND EALLY. On Saturday the 23d there will be a grand rally of the Republicans of the county in Brownvillo. GEN. J. C. CO WIN, Of Omaha, and other eminent speak ers vill bo here. An address will be delivered at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m., from a stand In tho open air; and at night all will rally at MoPher, son Hall. Tho band and glee club will be on hand, and speaking, music, processions, and bonfires will be the order of the day aud night. Republicans of Nemaha, makeyour arrangements to rally on that day for HAYES AND WHEELER. T. E. Allen's Best, at Huddart's. Chevoit Shirting, 12i cts. per yard, at L. Lowman's. v -- New Winter Wheat Flour at F. D". Muir's. v Spring Wheat Flour, warranted at Huddart's, $2,50. Don't fail to attend the Republican rally In Brownville next Saturday af ternoon. Gen. Co win, of Omahaand other able speakers' will address the people. Married, on the evening of the 14th inst. by the Rev. J. W. Ellis, of the Presbyterian church, at tho resi dence of the bride's mother, Geo. W. Fairbrother, Jr., sou of the editor of The Advertiser, and Miss Ada M. Smith. The occasion waa a very quiet but happy one. None were present ex cept the families of the bride and bridegroom aud a few invited guests. After aB'imptuous repast at the festal board, the evening passed with music and songs and in social converse. May the virtues which adorn our son and daughter at the beginning abide with them forever. We learn that tho fire fiend vis ited Red Oak, Iowa on the night of the 16th inst. and that tho barber shop and its contents of Mr Witcherly, tho tailor shop of Mr. Barnes and the transfer headquarters of Ben Rogers, were destroyed. We understand that Ben saved his property the buiiding did not belong to him. Witcherly was owner af the building in which he carried on business, and he" suffer ed quite a loss. The Pacific House and eight or ten other buildings were burued. Our old Brownvillo friends havo our sympathy. There will be speaking in the open tiir nest SattiTdcy, at tho Re publican rally, if the weather is pleas ant, at about the hour of three o'clock p. in.; if otherwise the speaking at that hour will be in the hall. It is expected that everybody in the city will come out In the evening to the speaking in McPherson Hall. There ha3 been considerable effort made to procure good speakers for the occaaion, and every Republican in the county who possibly can should be in town on that da' to hear them, aud by their presence if in no other way, encourage tho cause and princi ples for which we are so earnestly con tending. The following are the delegates elected last Saturday to the Republi can county convention, so far as we have received tho names : Brownville A. R. Davison, Os car Cecil, Jno. B. McCabe, Charles Neidhart, C. F. Stewart, J. S. Church, Win. H. McCreery, B. M. Bailey, W. A. Polock, S. M. Rich, G. D. Cross. Nemaha City Levi Johnson, Moses Banks, J. H. Drain, J. P. Crother, J. F. Drain, J. M. Hacker. Peru John Wine, A. Carlisle, Thomas Horn, T. J. Majors, Wm. Bridge, Wm Dally, J. D. Storm, F. L. Prouty, Henry Roberts. Geen Rock Joseph Lash, Henry Redfern. Loxdox H. O. Minick, Richard Kestersou, Alex McKiuuey. We copied last week the follow ing notice from the Nebraska Teach er without comment : Prof. W. Rich has decided to' leave Brownville, where he has so lougaud so ably conducted the Public Schools, on account of the reduction of salary made by the now school board. Thus by a false economy which will amount to a saving of no more than a few cents to each tax payer, the city will lose the services of one of the best Principals in the state and at the same time the high rank which her schools have so long held. It is proper to say that a reduction of the salaries in the several depart ments of our schools amounting to $2,100 has been made. The principal's salary is for the present year, $1,000 and if any other school in tho state, of equal pretensions, pays a larger salary, wo are not aware of it. We do not think that Prof. Rich ever predi cated his resignation upon the reduc tion of his salar Prof. Pooro, the New principal is a gentleman who has had charge of the Lexington aud Chenoa schools in Ill inois successively for many years and is well and favorably known among the best -educators of that state. Un der his management our schools will not lose their high ranks but will keep pace with any in our state. Brownvillo regards her schools as tho "immediate jewel of her soul" and of this the Nebraska Teacher may take notice and set us right before tho world. Fall. Wheat-Flour, at Huddart's $3:25: NEIGHB0EH00D NEWS. Peru. Do your duty and vote for Haye3 and Wheoler. Tho festive hopper still remain eth in the land and prepareth for an abundant progeny next spring. Our coming legislature should provide some means whereby a unit ed effort for the destruction of the young hoppers next spring can be made. The election days are come, The noisiest of the year, When politicians pluck your sleovo And lead you off for beer, Your correspondent has been sorely puzzled over the problem of how a Sunday school superintendent can conscientiously pray for the prop er training of his flock, aud then ad vocate the election of a perjurer to the highest office in the gift of the people. Yours, Van WINKLE. Hayes and Wheeler Club met on Thursday evening laBt and listened to the reading of Gen. Logan's speoch, noted the addition of eight names to the roll, making in all 50 names, and adjourned to meet Thursday evening September 21st, when an address will be delivered by Hon. J. S. Church. On Thursday evening September 28th Ex-Governor Furnas will address the club. All are invited to attend and hear the above speakers. At the precinct Republican con vention the following named gentle men were elected delegates to the county convention, to be held at Brownville Sept. 23, J. H. Drain, J. F. Drain, Levi Johnson, J. M. Hack er aud Moses Banks. Tho Good Templar supper on Monday evening last, was well attend ed. An interestinc nroerrammo nf vocal and instrumental music was well carried out, especially so on the part of the Excelsior brass band. G. W. C. T. Lake was reported sick and unable to attend. Judge Church ad dressed the young people for the space of half an hour, giving some good, whole3omeadvlce. All seemed pleas ed and satisfied with the evenings en tertainment. Services at St. John's church (Episcopal) next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, by the Rev. E. R. Rich ardson of Nebraska City. .illdCU. Rain every day. There is nothing smart in vulgar ity even in political speeches. A little son of James Ely's was badly sh,otf by the accidental dis charge of a pistol. The Sunday School pic-nio is postponed until one week from next Saturday. The one who left a dead horse on the road in London should be prose cuted for committing a nuisance. The weather is not very favora ble for puttingup hay. 3Tew Slillinery iioo'ds." Ladies of Nemaha' County, when you come to Brownville to tho Fair, call at Mr3. Cook's, next door to the post office, and take a look at her new goods. Latest style hats and fancy goods just received from New York. I cau give you bargains this week. M. G. Cook. Announcement Editor Nebras.m Advertiser. Please announce the name of Alex ander Kearns, of Bedford precinct, as a candidate for Representative, sub ject to tho decision of tho Republican county convention of the 23d of Sep tember, and oblige his Many Friends. Craddocli. & ri,' Retail dealers in farm produce, fam ily provisions, stock feed, flour, but ter, -eggs, &c. The best brands of flour constantly on hand, and sold at the lowest price. Cash paid for butter and eggs. Goods delivered free of charge, according to order, in any part c-f the city. On the lGth the Republicans of Otoe county nominated a ticket and elected delegates to the State Conven tion, as follows: Senators, N. R. Pin ney, Gen. C. H. Van Wyck. Repre sentatives, Geo. McKee, J. B. Elliott, F. M. Robb, aud Paul Sch minks. Delegates to theState Convention, Dr. Larsh, Peter Jludenhause, Wm. Mc Lennan, F. Sims, Ran McKee, Geo. Osiuble, H. T. Vose, C. H. Van Wyck. Commissioners Court. At a called meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Nemaha County, Nebraska, begau and held at the county clerk's office, on Aug. 19, 1S76, the following officers being pres ent: Alex. McKinney, J. H. Shook, Commissioners; W. E. Majors, Co. Clerk ; and D. Plasters, Sheriff. The following business was had and done, to-wit : The official bonds of tho following named Supervisors were approved : John Goheu, for districtNo. 2, Doug las precinct. L. G. Edwards, for district No. 3, Peru precinct. V. P. Peabody, for district No. , Aspinwall precinct. J. M. Httcker was ordered to view, mark and locate county road as prayed for by Wm. Hannaford, Leeper.etal., and as appears of record on page 51G minute book. Superintendent Maxwell was or dered to receive NefT, a girl about 8 years old as a county charge. The proposition of A. L. Mathews, M. D., to do the county practice for $149 per year was accepted. V. P. Peabody was appointed Su pervisor in Aspinwall precinct. The sale of se quarter, sec. 3G. 5, 15, school land, was declared forfeited. The bid of Geo. Armstrong was ac cepted. Board adjourned". wilse: MAJORS." LIST OF SPECIAL PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED AT THE- COUNTY FAIR. We, the undersigned, agree to pay the articles set opposite our respective names, on the conditions hereinafter stated : To the ohampion Base Ball Club of Nemaha County, one Base Ball worth $2.00, by A. W. Nickell, and one Bat worth $1.00, by L. G. Lockwood. To the Cliampion Croquet Player game to be played on the ground a handsome Croquet set, by the Society. To the handsomest baby.l set silver plated knives aud forks, by Stevenson & Cross. For the best twelve ears sweet corn, one copy of t.he Nemaha Granger one year, by G. B. Moore. For the best practical essay on the the destruction of the Grasshopper, five dollars worth of vegetable, flower, or field seeds, by Hawley & Douglas. Best display of fruit, one copy of The Nebraska Advertiser, by Fairbrother & Hacker. "Everybody's Friend." Corn and Feed at Huddart's. Did you hear the news from Maine, boys? Challengo flour, Nemaha Valley Mills, at Huddart's. Sewing machine needles of all kinds at Nickell's drugstore Challenge Hour, Nemaha Valley Mills, at Huddart's. 21ESTAUHAX1 1 Second door west of the First Na tional Baud, By Mrs. Wm. Stevens. Me'als at all hours served to order and the best the market aflords. 13:f Milliiiei'y Goods. Having rented Mrs. Cook's rooms at the foot of college street, I am pre pared to furnish the ladies with mil linery and fancy goods and would be pleased to see 1133' old and new custom ers. I will receive in a few days a nice stock of goods direct from New York, which I will sell lower than they can be bought elsewhere In the city of Brownville. Miss A. II. Crater. For I2ie Centennial. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and Day Coaches from Kansas City, Atch ison and St. Joseph to Ft. Wayne and Cleveland without change, via the Wabash Line. . Connecting at Ft. Wayne with through sleepers to Philadelphia, and at Cleveland with through sleepers to New York and Boston, making but one change of cars from the Missouri river to the "Centennial, or New York and Boston. The Wabash Line is also the most comfortable route to Indianapolis, CreVnn?ti nud other en&tum cities. Passengers taking this line have choice of routes either via Quincy or St. Louis, andean visit all principal cities, watering places and prominent resorts through the country without extra charge. J. S. Lazarus. Gen'l Weafu Agt.. St. Louis. W. L. Malcolm, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Dramatic performance Thursday evening in McPherson Hall. Campaign Soiig" Book. We have received from the publish ers a copy of the "Hayes and Wheeler Campaign Songster," containing va good collection of rousiug Republican songs, full of the necessary nerve and energy. Many of the songs are print ed with the music complete, for tho use of Glee and Quartette Clubs. A lurge majority of the songs are set to tunes already familiar to every one. The songster also contains short bio graphical sketches of our next Chief Eexccutive. with portraits on tho ti tle page. We expect to hear these campaign carols roll from the manly thioats of loyal voters everywhere throughout tho length and breadth of our land, before the (fay of victory ar rives In November. The publishers offer extra discounts on quantities of the "Hayes and WheelerSongster" to campaign committees. Seud 10 cents for sample copy. Address John Church & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fall Goods ! Fali Goods I McPHERSON has received his fall stock of Boots and Shoes, and will sell them at greatly redDced prices to those of last year. LADIES' FRENCH KID, PEBBLE GOAT, BOX-TOE and SIDE LACE SHOES AT McPHERSON'S. Thei are verj' stylish, and the latest novelty in the market. McPHERSON has received some fall styles of PRINTS and Notions. Call and see them. Oentlemen's Linen Collars, - in ever3T style. 'Also TheLatest Styles of Ties, at McPHERSON'S. GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS & SHOES, the newest thing out, at McPHERSON'S. McPherson will lead in making LOW PRICES this fall iu'all classes of goods. BUSINESS BREVITIES. $12.00 Bureaus at Roy's. Club meeting Saturdaj' night. Don't forget the county fair. New samples of Brussels carpet at Roys's. Attend the club meeting Satur day evening. District Court for Nemaha coun t3T November lGth. A large assortment of various styles of bedsteads, at Roy's. John Vickers, of London, Is at all times readj to dig or clean wells. Glen Rock fall and spring wheat flour, warranted, by Hawley & Doug las. A trial is all we ask. Wanted A partner to handle a patentable article. Address, or see, J. L. Colhapp, Brownville, Neb. Craddock & Son sell tho best spring wheat flour at $2.S0, and fall wheat flour, a good article, at $3.50. Hon- to VnniiufsU the St onincli's Tor mentor. If the enemy of mankind was permitted to exert his diabolical lngonuity in tho Inven tion of a now disease, ho could scarcely de vise one inoro worthy of his gen lus than dys. pepsla. The dyspeptic snifercr Is tormented by symptoms resembling those of almost ev ery known malady, and is often worried In to monomania by these conflicting and per plexing manifestations. A favorite though absurd hallucination of the victim of chron ic indigestion Is that ho or she has heart diet case. Dyspepsia 1ms often been pronounc ed Incurable, but experience has shown that Hostetter's Stomach Hitters will vanquish It, together with tho constipation and bili ous derangement which usually accompany lt.Diseases of the kidneys and supposed rheumatic pains arc also frequent concomi tants of dyspepsia, but they, too, succumb to tho above named invaluable corrective. A Sample Bottle for Trial. If yon aro troubled with headache, dull ness, incapacity to keep mind on nny sub ject, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous feelings, gloo my forebodings, irritability of temper, or a bad tasto In tho mouth, unsteady appetite, choking sensntlon In tho throat, pain in the side or about shoulders or back, coldness of extremities, etc., or in fact any symptoms of liver complaint, biliousness, constipation of the bowels, or dyspepsia, go to your druggist A.TlT. XICKELIj, and get n bottle of Dr. Sherman's Prickley Ash Bitters. No spirit is used In their manufacture except a pure article of Holland Gin. Ladies In particular will find t'fem peculiarly adapted to their wants in all ages and conditions of life Tho label tells all they contain, consequently physicians do not hesitato to prescribe them. Snmplc botttofor trial free. Itegular size, SI.0O. ' Scowlj- Important to tho Traveling? PuMic. It is tho duty ofjall persons.bcforostartlng on a journey to ascertain by what route they can reach their destination with tho least trouble, and If there are two or more roads leading to thelsamepolut, to decido which is the safest and pleasantest to travel. AVe take pleasure in stating that the Cur cago & Noktii-Westkux Railway is the oldest, and several.mlles the shortest, route between Omaha and Chicago. Within the past two years the road bed has been put in admirable condition, and almost the entire line has been relaid with steel rails. The Depot In Chicago Is centrally located, and as their trains arrive there thirty min utes in advance of all other lines, passengers can always be sure of making Eastern con nections. For all points in Northern and North-Eastern Iowa, you should purchase tickets via Marshall, Cedar Rapida, or Clin ton. For points in Northern Illinois or Wis consin, via Fulton ; and if you are going to Chicago, or East, you should, by all means, purchase your tiekctsby tho Old Pioneer Itoute TIIE CHICAUO & .NORTH-WESTERN. You'wlll find on all through trains Pull man Sleepers, new and magnificent Dny Coaches, and the best Smoking and Second Class Cars norc on auy road In the United States. Particular Informatlon.'wlth maps, time tables, etc., may be had at any of the Through Ticket Offices In the West, or upon personal or written application to J. H. Mountain, Western Traveling Agent, Omaha, Neb., or to W. H.Stennett, General Passenger Agt., Chicago. fflifjBk Ths Great Canse of Human Misery. vP3& Jiitt Pullishrtl, iii a Seated Envelope- iviee six cents. A Lecture 011 tbe Nature, Trent incur, and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sprmator rhaa. Induced by t01f-Aliso, Involuntary Emis sions. Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impedi ments to marriage generally ; Piles, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and Physical Incapac ity. Ac 15y ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M.D., author of the "Green Book." tc. Tho celebrated author of this admirable Lecture clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that tire alarming consequences of self abuso may be radically cured without the danger ous use-of internal mcdiciire or the application ot the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and eflVctunl. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what Ms condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi cally. J6S" ThisZccturc ictllprove ahooato thousands and thousands. Sent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaltt, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the publishers. . IlllOGMAiV & SON, 41 Ann St.. New York; PostOHIce Box,t3S D.QT HAPPY RELIEF to Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abures in early life. Manhood restored. Im pediments to marriage removed. New jinfi method of treatment. Xwv nnd x TO llj'piJTin'E' remarkable rrmedies. Booksandpir maiUUfluu. culars sent Iree in sealed c.ivelopcs. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION. 419 N.NInt St.. Philadelphia, Pa. An institut'on havinga hi reputation for honorable conduct and proiessiona skill. yl o S v EOv &85gSSZ&Z35Z3EZ5S35gZSSf AUTHOEIZED BY THE V. S. GOVEG53IEXT. THE FIRST NATIOHAL BAM OF Paid-tip Capital, $100,000 Authorized " 500,000 IS PREPARED TO TRANSACT A Seneral Banking Business BUY AND SELL COIN & OUBEENOT DEAFTB on all the principal cities nf tho United States and Shirope. MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drafts discount ed, and special accommodation-. granted to deposit ors. Dealers in GOVERNMENT BONDS, STATE, C0UKTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Received payable on demand, and INTEREST al io wed on time certilicates c deposit. DIRECTORS. Wm.T.Den, B. M. rlis 3LA. JIandley. 1-rank E. Johnson, 11. At. AUcIimkmi Wm. Frazier. - - aOICf L. CARSON, . A. R.DAVISOX Cashier. Pruiit. J. C. ilcNAUUUTON, Aast. Cuttter. if 4r t Phi" V SUCCESS All Flour sold by me nave given en tire satisfaction. None but No. 1 Brands Kept on liand and sold at BED-ROCK PRICES. FEED, C0RR3 POTATOES, OATS, BACOU, &c, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SOLD AT TIIE LOWEST MAKICET PRICE IB1: XX IMITJTE,. HTCXR. THE Before going to Philadelphia iBhall visit St. Louis, Chicago and New York, and will lay In THE LAR: GEST stock of General Merchandise ever brought to Brownville. During my absence nvy clerks will continue to give you tho benefit of the LOW PRICES at which I have been selling goods. J". Hi. IEO"3T7 Dealer In Undertaking a Specialty. Keeps a full line of MET ALIO AND WOOD BUBIAL GASES. 5G Main Street, ISROWKYILLE, NEB in3 CO '! if C5 lA ESS 2 5 j f1 fm4txk . , o a P S3 I buy my beer by Jake. 3 I don't. PAT. OLXJSTE, FASHIONABLE ,i??3- H52 - BOOT AND SHOE CUSTOM WOKK 3IADE TO ORDKi:, AND FITS GUARANTEED. SO Main Street, BROIFSiFlLLE, NEBRASKA. E. HUDDART'S Peace and Quiet Saloon ! S: Jsfr CKCVM.-.&VM AND BILLIABD HALL. J. H. BATJEiR, Manufacturer and Dealer Iii Bianicis, Brushes, Ply Nets, &c. SOT Res&irinic done on short notice. The cele brated Vacuum Oil Blacking, for preserving Har ness, Boots, Shoes, Ac. always oil hand. G4, MaJn St., BroTVBTilSe, Xcli. Job Printing. Do yon want Posters? Do you want Handbills? Do you want Business Cards? Do you want a neat Billhead ? Do vqu wanta tasty Letterhead ? . Do yon want.'a nice Visiting Card ? Xf so, leave your orders at The Ad vertiser Job Office, where all work is done by experienced workmen, and, guaranteed to give satisfaction. rIj'RIfp'ilIIIllTI h T S e T K slTa a 9 ? sea & B fl I Ira S I H fl I Sri? Ps $$f fflf rjv m i S?S?ir'?.i5iXa "ar9o W a-srs- 'rS v? s- i tz spy 1 6tiF if)" 9 J&s J-is " ?W j0& rfS- I CD "! . f JTjitui 111 SkW"C -m ml II J uq MMtrSmrr 4 t ill ,"jf W .J 1 1 m C Urns r Plott's Star Organs. few ami beautiful design. AGTCNTS WANTISD. AiWrew.EUWAK" PLOTTS' "Washington, A". .X. !JJi..WtAJJ.t.C.VVi'...J..i.i t.'rJf!TV3Z.-V!V) FROFZSSIONAI. CAEB5. ATTOKKETS. S. A. Osborn, . 4 TTORNEY AT LAW.-Oeo Wllh W.T.JHs A crw.HrftWHVif.Kcb. T. L. Soh!6lr, t TTORNEY AT LAW. MAY3K CONSULT IX. ed In the German language. OWco nxt our to Ootinty Clerk's Offiee. Cmirt Howe JwWtl ng, Brownville, Nebraska. l-jr ' .T. S. Stull, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. 0ce. over Hill's store. Browmi.yli. J. II Brocdy, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. L Office over State Bantc. BrowitvlIle.N'eb. E. "W. Thons&s, ATTORNEY AT LAW.-OGic,frit, r4Mwvr Stevenson ctUrotw3.1IardVRrS;ir,rwii-ville.Neti- IV. T. Rogers, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LA". Will Rive dlllxent attention, to aar !! nnslnessenirnsted to his care. OlHce in Court HMfce Buildlng.BrownvllIe.Neb. PHYSICIANS. AS.HOLLADAY, ir.D, Physieton. Smmob . audObstetrlcian. Graduated In 8S1. Le ed in Brownvillo 1SK. Otllce. Lett t CMtgti'n arcjrStore.XcPhereon "Block. sjpecfeU ttMJoi paid to Obstetrics and diseases of Wooiea and Children. W-m HL.arATHEWS. Physician and SurKeow. OtBeo . In City Drug Store, No. 32 Main stt,3lrwB ville.Neb. BLACKSMITHS. J. V. Gibson, BLACKSMITH AND IIORSB SHOKR. First strxetbetween Main aud Atlantic, llrmvi vtlltf Neb Workdone to order and satiantcuoft guaran teed. ijLajtvt', '-'- ORGANIZED, 1870. AT HROWKTIIXS. CAPITAL," 100,000. Tmnsncts ationcrnl banking business, solla Drafts on all the principal cities of the UNITED STATES AND EUHOFE CS- Special accommodations granted to depositors. STATE, COUKTY & CITY SECTJBITIES, SOUGHT AND SOLD. OFFICERS. W.H.McCREERY, : : President. J.C.DEUSER, : : Vice President. H. E. GATES, : : : : : Cashier. , , DIRECTORS. - L. ri'OADLEV. J.C. DEU6HR. WM. 11. HOOVKR. (. M. KA UPKM AN, W. W. HACKNEY, 11. C. LETT, W.H. MCCREERY, The T. IP. & "W. Kouter Composed of the Toledo, Pccria & Warsavr Hail-way, Cincinnati, Lafayette h Chicago Eailrc-ad, Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafay6ttc E. E. Is THE DIKKCT ROUTE from BURLIKQTOrf, KEOKUIvifc lUSOjilA LAFAYETTE SrDIAKAPOXJS CIXCZKtfATI laOUISVIiliE TfASHVILLIv MEMPHIS ' , COLTJ2iISUS NEWARK ZANESVILLE PITTSBURG VASHLrtGTO?? BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA JEW YORK EOSTOK ALSO C&iago.Petoit, icledj, Cfehcd. EuM,' And to all points in the East, Sosit3e, aitii Sotslitcast. The attention of the trtveliBK public te called l the following superior advantages offered bytlu.i Itoute: Unrivaled for Speed nnd Safety! 7 un excelled In lttf Equipment 1 .Mag nificent Track: New Steel Hall Luxurious Iterlliiin Cltnlr Cars! JJXUIcr Platform I WestlngliouuAlrBralte And In fact every niodnrn-appliance which teen! ciliated to increase the comfort rnd safety of Pas sengers. Magnificent SleppiB? Cnrs ar run on nixht traitis, splendid Lipy Coaches on day Iraiim to Chicago, and elt-xant Reclininir Chair las on eveiitmr trains to IMHAKAPOMS and CIN CINNATI without oimiicc. By this route paseiwra'Wiit aoid delays and disagreeable OranKnis transfers f hroujrh laraeelt les, which makes lv e"fe-'aUy desirable ter bl people and those tint af-usitom d to traveling, and rorladieatravelinKa.Ioue Gentlemanly ana cour teous conductor of this route are always ready to anticipate the wautsof iMisseniters. ThrouKh 'tickets can be obtained at theofltcesnf allconnectlnK Roads. Baggage checked throHtrh, Besurc aiid ask for tickets reading, via Ti P. W." Route, from Burlington, Keokuk or Peoria. A. L. HOPKIXS. Receiver. I ,wta n, II. C. TOt75SE.NI), . P. .t T. Agt. f l rIa' "I Fqr farther Information In regard to Freight or" Passenger Business, address, W. R. CRTJL-IPTOK, General "Western Agent, 101 Main Street.RURLINOTON, IOWA, feb tojati THE ADVERTISER Bias DEPARTMENT. A fine assortment orTyjie, Bor for printing, j!( BOSIOTJISITIKGSWIDBlnBl UCI3a IUIiCS.A-tUV. 5 CARDS, 3 Colored and Breazed LJ, . STATEMENTS, LETTElt & JULL HEAPS ENVELOPES, Circulars, Dodgers, Programme. Stow Cards, J5LA5K WOIlk OF ALL KI50S, With neatness and dispatch ClIKAP OK IXFEICIOK 1V0KK S XOT SOLICITED. g FAIKBHOTHSE & EACEEE, Mcrherscii Block, if BUOWXVIliLE, KEB. g I - -' i r - -i - i1 " JL. IEOIBXSOILr3 rw. & mm n jJSS 5 Xfek; : aSSr-:: iMdJ&8k. 3i DEALEP. IN OPTS AMD SHOE CUSTOM WORK I5XA.D3E TO 0133033:52- 2tepaIriBg neatly done. No. 58 Malnstrcet, Brown viiie.Nfco. ijinD If! BDU n n lllh ijiJm liliis 1 , Having purchased the "EL JsU?JXjk.lSrr " f tH i aru rtcrf 5 f mleS - I wish to announce that I am prepared t i uo a nrst class livery btisine. r ww 'in n jnwM w 'i i mi t w.tnriaBiaa - -li- r--i -j m mm 1 8? S3 2 UUU 1 Si 2 S