Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 31, 1876, Image 3

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    t m i4ijl j vjimI"
tij:e cards.-
t?tngc Line houtli.
ItrownvlUe to ArK, Talis Cftyan-Kl
.aha City. Atnwll aud fct. Igferwa, con
s - wMk eoveBoes lo u ir pu.
a-.elovBleiiu-at,ipV.locK J'-
: t-s at Mum-Vine U o'clock a. m.
LLMAKL1SS. Proprietor.
JrRfc-: I.allvrny.
' -a
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I'trn-- -
in ar.
....; MOO a Si
a-bi I -
..-aro i
j. :;. cox ekse, si't.
ilro-.r.nvlllc iiuss Line lb Phelps.
- .. . . .,...111 : s in li...5JI?. m.
, a; Bwn-li ?- lis .. nt.. fcaop. jn
B. 3f . jlAl LEV. Siwin:enSent. .
' rfi.ientro - A-erf h AVestera Kalltvay.
T - . i -oancll JMufli arrive and depart as follows
Publisher!' Notices. -
rtTR Onrm or tmk a ivkrtism for sale by
U? I- A. lolok.. stationer - News Dealer.
PostoBlce bolidi'iJK. Mrcwnvllle.
Xia- SOTiiis. set as ordinary reading matter,
"V : be chars-ten eo pr line. each insertion.
-!.! display type. fle cents a line.
Authorized Agents,
v- X'W i.lnereyantJrled
:, receive btrtpim and aavortMs; for the
.Vv kk. - "Hd xec0,x for the
wrii v DrsBAS. at Sheridan, U our authorised
;entt that place to receive --d receipt for all
3 V. Hoover Hour wtboctae4 aseat at Xema-
liu Ity to receive d receipt for monies doe as.
T;r..VAS BiKBKSfifeooraotbprtoedaKeat in Glen
.Rork precinct to receive ami reccjfw ror no
dao ufeon subscription.
A J. Kitter. at t. Teroln,lsoraMlhorlKiSnt
'atthtplaee.reeelveflirtcriptJonsai adver
tising, and- collect and eIptror teonles doe
Thb Axvkktirj6k. ""
John P.' feooraothori-edaRe-iRtAspln-w
all . U receive snbpcrlption and advertising, and
-coH&i and receipt for roon! due ik. "
, ,' ' lctll4'!iers Advertiser.
See that Hendricks handbill.
3 - HepubHcnn
-September 23d,
county convention,
.Statu Republican convention
September 20th. : , . .
-. ernnlia County I7 air, .September
0tli. 2lStamlM. "
" Mr. 'J- IX.. CJiIhnHn serit a. few
Jays iu tlfoity.ln&J. week. .
The State Feir w.ill open at Lin
coln September 25th and continue live
- William Oummlngs, after a two
weeks viit, started fur his home at
WarsawInd., last' Thursday.
- We.hnve a good original Ilayes
tvud Wheeler song. by. our Republi
can poet on the outside of this issue.
An interesting letter from Jos
eph Loveless, now at "Grand Gentrel
Park, Centennial Mining District."
Black Hills, will appear next week In
our columns.
. Mr. Louis Lowman is now visit
ing Chicago, New York and Phila
delphia, and intends to lay in the
largest stock of goods in Ills line ho
has' ever brought to Brownville', some
of which will arrive this week.
. Mr. Joseph Schlitz this week re
ceived a splendid lot of clocks of dif
ferent styles, patterns and prices. Al
so Tin. additional stock of line and
'pommon jewelry. Call and see Joe's
new goods." His prlcesarerlghtdown
to "bed rock.'.
-r We print to-day a true copy of an
I -oldJiandblll announcing.!) speech by
Mr. Hendricks. Northern Democrat-
io haranguers tell the. people that
' , Hendricks was a war Democrat. Was
lid? Read that handbill. Not much
was he a" war Democrat. There is
abundance of proof that he was tho
Major-Geueral In Indiana of the rebel-,
order known as tho "Knights of
life ttlde Circle."
AVo are, requested to announce
that the. Republicans of London pro
duct will organise a Hayes nud
Wheeler club at the Mlulek school
liouse, 6u Friilay of next week, Sep
tembersth. The Republicans of the
preciiiot axe urgently solicited to be
present at that time. Members of
the, Brownville club and other clubs
"In the county are Invited to assist on
that occasion. Speakers wili be pres
ent to address tlie meeting.
"We notice that no special prem
iuVns are yet offered for any kind of
innocent sport and amusement at our
approaching fair. This should not bo
neglected as this feature of a well con
ducted fair is always amongst the
most interesting, and goes as far as
any other towards attracting visitors.
Amongst special premiums it is sug
gested that preAIuma be olTered for
tho best croquet players, ladies and
geutronien ; and best base ball cliibs.
Mr. Lackwood sajs ground will be
prepared forcroquet.
t Wo are indebted to Wm. H.
Hoover of this 'city for handing us a
copy of the'Muncie Titnes, published
nt Muncie, Indiana, by Mellett
p'ershing. D. R. Pershing is an old
r friend of oure. Twcutj'-fivcyears, we
guess, have passed since wo both re
sumed at Warsaw, Indiana, and pub
'.nished rival paper. Wo were truly
pleased to o this copy of our friend
. Dave's papor; anl much-pleased with
. the pn per itself, is on the rightl
truck, ami fctrikes vigorous blows for
)layes and Ylee.ier. Hero's our
. hand, Dnvo, and grant us an ex-
.pbnnge, at least until after the elec-
IVori. We want to soe your ltepubll-
can Sk-k erect when you announce'
Abe Oclober ejection newt.
The Democratic State convention
will meet ia Dniaha on tho Gth of
Republican meeting at the Mi n
ick school house, three miles west of
Brownville, on tho evening of Sept.
Mr. Lem. Cumminga of Creston,
Iowa, after a visit of several days with
his friends at Nemaha, left for home
on Tnursda' last.
Call and subsciibe for The Ad
VHP.TISEK.-Tri' it inrougn iue ram
paigu. Every Republican in
county would be pleased with it.
The St. Joe, Mo., Exposition
commences Sept. 25th, and lasts five
davp. We return thanks to Colonel
Burnes, President, for a compliment
ary admission ticket.
The State Journal says that Dr.
Converse says he has not sold his rail
road, and does not think he will, and
that the prospect for the early com
pletion of the road to Falls City is
Business is reviving in Browu-
ville verj' perceptibly. The way our
streets are crowded with teams and
people from the country every day,
rminds us of the old times of prosper
ity and plenty.
We have received notice that
"Howe's great London circus and
Sanger's English managerie" combin
ed will be In Brownville sometime
during September. The ahow will be
In Lincoln on the loth.
. Miss Rhoda Clark, In company
with Mr. John Beatty, of Tecumseh,
came to Brownville on Monday, and
Mr. Beatty returned homo on Tues
day. Miss Rhoda will remain several
days with her frieusd of this place.
Mr. Benson, of Bedford precinct
called and subscribed, and left come
of the "soft, ' and gave ue a pleasant
chat, one day last week. Wo are
pleased to number Mr. B. again
amongst tho friends of The Adveu-
Mr. H. Colin, from Brownville, who
has often viiited this citj' selling ci
gars, has iinally concluded to pitch
tent here and begiu operations as a ci
ar manufacturer. He will ocoupy
the building now used by S. W. Wil
liams as a restaurant. Crete rost.
Crete's gain in this respect, is
Brownville'a blessing.
-Republican county convention,
mas meeting and grand rally in
Brownville on tho 23d of September.
Republicans, in every part of the
county rem ember the time aud prepare
to be present on that day. Distin
guished speakers will be here who will
be diilv announced.
Mr. W. T. Den started for the
Centennial Exposition on Tuesday of
this week. He will visit St. Louis,
Chicago, and the principal eastern
cities, and will go over Into Canada,
visiting Toronto and other cities In
that country. Ho will be absentabout
live weeks.
The Republicans are talking up a
grand rally to be held at or near the
centre of tho county, about tho first
of October. Wo expect tho Republi
ouisof the country to work it uprand
fix on the time and place, and every
encouragement and assistance possi
ble will be given by tho Republicans
of Brownville.
A Hayes and Wheeler club will
be formed at Nemaha City, in the
school house on Friday evening of
this week. The Brownville club is
invited to go down, aud many of the
members are going. Our generous
hearted fellow-citizen, Capt. Bailey,
says he will see that the band gets
there and the band has resolved to
go. Now let all the people of Nema
ha precinct turn out on that occasion.
We think wo have the banner
Haj-es and Wheeler Glee Club of the
State. It will sing next Saturday
evening in McFherson Hall. The
names of the members of the club are
as follows:
Mioa Florence Smith,
Miss Ada Smith,
Miss Florence Bailey,
Miss Celia Furnas,
Miss Mollie Furnas.
Mr. Chas. Body,
Mr. Geo. W. Fairbrother, Jr.
Mr. D. Boone Colhapp,
Mr. Wm. Bailey,
Mr. L. G. Lockwood.
The following conversation took
place the other day under our office
window, between a prominent Demo
crat of this city, aud a staunch Re
publican from tho country :
Republican "Tipton made aspeech
to you Democrats the other night, I
understand ?"
Democrat "Yes, he made a good
Republican "I suppose he had
much to say, as usual, about corrup
tion." Democrat "Yes, of course that's
his best hold."
Republican "Well, Tipton' is
one of them that voted himself some
seven thousand' dollars over and
above his regular salary, aud I think
hr nQ nnrrnrkf ia nrnr Krwlr. "
Democrat (hesitating and scratch
ing his head) "Well, I guess he i?
what they call a salary grabber but
then you know it takes a thief to ex
jwse a iticf."
Wo could name tho two gentlemen
if wo desired to, who conversed in
this strain, and the very words itali
cised were used by tho Democrat. We
don't soy Tipton is a thief, and can
only conjecture what his Democratic
brother was driving at. Tipton is not
much more admired by Democrats
than he Is by Republicans, but he
makes an admirable eiown for them
in the Democratic circus.
Republican Club Meeting.
Club Rooms, Aug. 2Gtb, .7G.
Club met, President Gil more presid
ing. Business opened by a song from
the Glee Club "Hold the Fort."
The minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved. G. W.
Fairbrother announced that on next
Friday evening, Sept. 1st, the Repub
licans of Nemaha City intended to or
ganize a Hayes and Wheeler club, and
that the Brownville club is invited to
befpresent and help them.
The President of the club announc
ed that Hon. J. L. Webster, of Oma
ha would address this club in Mc
Plierson Hall on next Saturday ev
ening, and invited all, especially
ladies, to be present.
On motion, tho executive commit
tee was instructed to furnish addition
al and ample seats for this olub room,
and also to furnish two more lamps
for lighting the club room.
On motion, the executive commit
tee was instructed to have costers
printed announcing the speech of
Hon. J. L. Webster fornext Saturday
The regular business of the meeting
having been transacted, T.L. Schick,
Esq., was introduced, and addressed
the olub making an argumentative
and very effective speech.
Mr. Schick Unishlng his remarks,
the Glee Club was called on for a song
but some of them having left the hall,
Judge J. S. Church was called out,'
aud as ho walked forward to the
stand, was greeted with the most
hearty aud continued applause. The
Judge, although not expecting to be
called out, made one of the most hap
py efforts of his life. It was his first
speech of the campaign, and It was
truly a ringing one.
At the conclusion of Judge Church's
remarks the club adjourned.
G. W. Faikekotiiek, Six.,
We copy the following from a
late number of the Council Bluffs
Hon. D. G. Lane, of the 'West In
dia Islands, who is visiting in this
city with Rev. P. B. McMeomy, aud
who will locate next spring in Craw
ford county on a large 'tract of laud,
has kindly given us the following in
formation In relation to the grasshop
pers and pototo bugs. Ho says that
tho West Indies were troubled with
them for years, but so soon as these
remedies were ascertained there was
no ravages by either. The western
peoplo will hail this information and
preventative with delight, and we
hope the3' will at once try the efficacy
of these exterminators. The follow
ing is the communication :
To the Editors of the Council BIuITs Globe:
Gents: For the last two weeks I
have been in this country from the
West Indies, aud I find the grasshop
pers making great ravages in vegeta
tion. In order to prevent this, burn
one pound of sulphur on charcoal in
the centre of a field, and save what It
has taken so much toll to develop.
To prevent potato bugs from de
stroying the crop, plaut two grains of
flax seed iu each bill. This will pre
vent them from injuring the potatoes,
as they will not go near the ilax.
Daxieii G. Lane,
Hamilton, Bermuda, W. I.
On the outside of this Issue wo
publish "Extracts from Col. Mosby'a
Letter." Mosby was a rebel a con
federate officer. He was wrong then
but he Is right novv Those old Union
soldiers who are now with tho con
federates, for the confederate candi
dates Tiiden and Hendricks, were
right then but wrong now. They and
Mosby and Footo, of Tennessee, and
Longstreet, have changed places ; the
latter were against their country then,
the former are against their country
now. The man who was wrong and
turns to do right, deserves more cred
it than the piah who was right and
then retrogrades. The man who is
with confederates new but was against
them then, is deserving of more cen
sure than praise. But the old confed
erate who steps boldly forward out of
the ranks of the confederates and as
sists now in saving the Union from
confederate destruction, is deserving
of more praise for his act noio than
censure for his act of rebellion then.
Tho difference is in this: tho one
takes a step forward while the other
takes a step backward.
Every citizen of Brownville, fath
er or mother, who has a child to edu
cate, greets with pleasure the fact
that Mrs. Ebright will resume her old
position in our schools. When it was
said that she had permanently remov
ed from our city, the regret was uni
versal ; for none could believe that
her place could be filled in the prima
ry school. It certainty would be dif
ficult to fill Itso well, or for any other
person to give entire satisfaction as
she does.
Mr. Wesley Dunda3 left with uo
one day last week a sack of fall wheat
flour, recommending it as excellent.
Upon trial it has been found to be
precisely as recommended. It is
made from new, clean wheat, and is
white aud sweet. Better llour has
never been in this market. Made by
Dundas, Bro. & Sage, at Elk Creek
Mills, Johnson Conuty. Frank Muir
has it for sale.
The Brownvillo High School,
with the various grades connected
therewith, will commence next Mon
day. Prof. Poore, Principal, assisted
by the following, corps of educators:
Miss Lynch, High School ; Miss Hltt
aud Miss Tucker, Intermediate ; Mrs.
Ebright and Miss Poore, Primaries.
Judge Church, on Saturday next
will attend a Sunday School pic-nic
at Gilbert's in Lafayette precinct, and
on the evening of that day will'ad
dres3 the Republican club of Johnson.
Hon. G. R. Shook is cxpeotctl to
be at tho meetiug of the Hayes and
Wheeler club at Johnson on next
Saturday eveuiug.
Foraii3'tIting-you vrant in tlic
Ory Goods, Clothing IVotion,
Boot and Slioe and Hat and
Cai line, call on Lowiuan. liiz
iviiimaRetnepricesi torsui lite
On Saturday evening, the 2d of Sep
tember, tho
of Omaha, will deliver an address be
fore tho Brownville Hayes and Wheel
er Club in
Mcpherson hall,
on the political issues of the present
Presidential campaign-.
Mr. WEBSTER is one of the best,
most scholarlyand logical speakersand
reasouers of this State or the West,
and all, of every part, should hear
him on that occasion.
THE LADIES are invited, the
gentlemen are Invited, Democrats,
Liberals, Independents, are invited,
everybody of the city, precinct and
county is invited to be present.
The Brownville Silver Cornet Band
and the Hayes and Wheeler Glee Club
with good musio and song; and a
grand time for the prome Ion of good
principles is anticipated. Let every
Republican do his duty.
Republican. County Convention.
In accordance with a resolution of
the Republican Central Committee of
Nemaha County passed at the meet
ing of the committee held on the 5th
of August, delegates from the differ
ent precincts of the county will meet
in convention at Brownville, in the
Republican club room, on the
23d day of SEPTE3I1JER, 1S7G,
at 1 o'clock p. mM to nominate can
didates for the following offices, viz :
One Senator and three Representa
tives in the State Legislature, and one
County Commissioner; and also lo
elect six (6) delegates to the State con
vention which meets in Lincoln on
the 26th of September, 1S7G : and to
trunenct such other business as may
be by the convention deemed proper.
The Republican voters of each pre
cinct in the couuty will convene at
the usual place of holding eleotions,
on Saturday the 16th of September,
at 3 o'clock p. m. and elect delegates
to said couuty convention as follows:
Brownville... 11
Neinaha City . 5
Aspic wall 5
St. Deroln 2
Bentou -l '
"Washington '. . 3
Lafayette .1
Glen Rock . 2
London .... .. 3
Island l
The members of the ceutralcom
Itteo of any precinct lire authorized
to change the hour of tho precinct
meeting from 3 o'clock to any hour
deemed more suitable, by giving due
notice of such change.
Geo. W. Fairbhotjiek,
Ch'n Cen. Com.
W. A. Polock, Sce'y
Editor Nebras ,-a Advertiser.
Please aunounoe tho name of Alex
ander Kearns, of Bedford precinct, as
a candidate for Representative, eub-
ject to the decision of the Republican
county convention of the 23d of Sep
tember, and oblige his
Many Friends.
Go to 1L. liOivman's for your
cheapest and best Domestics of
every BRAS!).
Our Western Border Its Life, Scenes
and History.
No portion of American History is
so replete with thrilling Incident and
interest as that known as the Heroic
Epoch of American Border Life.
There Is a charm and freshness
about tho stirring deeds and exciting
adventures of tho dread-naught old
borderers such dauntless worthies
as Boone, Kenton, Brady, Logan,
Harrod, McCullough, thePoes, Zaues
and Wetzels, that attract alike old and
young, and when read in the light of
recent events transpiring in the Indi
an country, show most vividly the
trj'ing scenes through which tho pio
neer men aud women of our country
have passed. This history is fully
given iu the timely volume "Ouit
Western Border 100 Years Ago,"
by Charles McKuight, Esq., author of
"Oid Fort DuQuesne," and published
by J. C. McCURDY CO., Philadel
phia, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St.
Louis. Agents aro wanted every
where. Address the Publishers for
terms and Illustrated Circular.
Go to .. ILovman's for your
latest st3lc Belts.
Craddocli & Son,
Retail dealers in farm produce, fam
ily provisions, stock feed, flour, but
ter, eggs, &o.
The best brands of flour constantly
on hand, and sold at the lowest price.
Cash paid for butter and eggs. Goods
delivered free of charge, according to
order, iu any part of the city.
IVcw style of Men and Boys'
Fall and Winter Hats, at Ii.
Bolted and unbolted, at F. D. Muir's.
The best Chevoit Shirting in
the country, at 121c, at ILouis
Woodlawn Flour, at F.
Hayes & Wheeler a ml Tiiden
& Hendricks Hats just receiv
cd at JL. Lowiiiuu's,
612,00 Bureaus at Roy's.
Club meeting Saturday night.
Don't forget the county fair.
Graham Flour at F. D. Muir's.
New Eamples of Brussels carpet
at Roys's.
Attend tho club meeting Satur
day evening.
District Court for Nemaha coun
ty November IGth.
500 Pieces very best Prints
for Sc per yard, at .ovrn;an?s,
Hanuibal, Wichita and High
Creek Flour, by F. D. Muir.
A large assortment of various
styles of bedsteads, nt Roy's.
Jack Vicker3, of London, is at
all times ready to dig or clean wells.
Glen Rock fall and spring wheat
flour, warranted, by Hawley & Doug
las. A trial is all we ask.
Wanted A partner to handle a
patentable article. Address, or see,
J. L. Colhapp, Brownville, Neb.
150 Pieces medium Prints,
1G yards for one dollar, at ..
Craddock & Son sell the best
spring wheat flour at S2.S0, aud fall
wheat flour, a good article, at $3.50.
New Brand and new Winter
Wheat Flour Elk Creek Mills, Dun
das, Bro. & Sage. Try it. For sale
by F. D. Muir.
J. L. Colhapp has taken the
acency for John Garmore's Artificial
Ear Drums. Their use has benefited
thousands. For further information
call on or write to theagent at Brown
ville. The best Chovoit Shirting
In the comity, at 12Jc, at Louis
The Opinion of a Granger.
London, Aug. 25th, 1S76.
Editor Nebraska Advcitlser.
As politics Is all the go, I thought
I would givo you my opinion. And
first there Is tho Tiiden aud Hendricks
club they eay they are sure to win.
Well, perhaps they will if the fool
killer don't come along and bag tho
fools before election day. And I will
ask you what they think of tho chair
man and officers of that club ? I
would ask all good loyal citizens to
set down and ask themselves one
question : What were they in
1 critical time of war? If they do
know let them come and ask
and I can tell them they were secesh
to the backbone. What is Tiiden ?
A railroad king who has made $20,
000,000 within the last few years. Was
it by fair means, our foul? and then
ask yourself whether it is anyways
likely that wo 6hall get out produce
shipped to market any cheaper if we
elect him. What made him impeach
the New York ring? Because they
would not give him enough 3ellov
dust. What made him bring the
whisky ring to taw? Because they
would not divide with him.
A Granger.
- ,F. D. MUIR'S.
500 Pieces very best Prints,
for Sc per yard,, at Louman'a'.
Sewing machine needles of all kinds
at Nickell's drug store.
150 Pieces medium Prints,
IG yards for one dollar, at .
For the Centennial.
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and
Day Coaches from Kansas City, Atch
ison and St. Joseph to Ft. Wayne and
Cleveland without change, via the
Wabash Line.
Connecting at Ft. Wayne with
through sleepers to Philadelphia, and
at Cleveland with through sleepers to
New York and Boston, making but
one change of cars from the Missouri
river to the "Centennial, or New
York and Boston.
The Wabash Line Is also the most
comfortable route to Indianapolis,
Cincinnati and other eastern cities.
Passengers taking this line have
ohoice of routes either via Quincy or
St. Louis, andean visit all principal
cities, watering places aud proraineut
resorts through the country without
extra charge. J. S. Lazarus,
Gen'l West 'n Agt.. St. Louis.
W. L. Malcolm, Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Excellent qualities of Che
voit Shirting-at LoTvnian's.
Fail Goods! Fall Goods!
has received his fall stock of
Boots and Shoes,
and will sell them at greatly reduced
prices to those of last year.
They are very, stylish, and the iatt
novelty in the marke't.
has received some fall styles of
and Notions. Call and see them.
Gentlejien's Linen Collars,
in every style. Also
The Latest Styles op Ties, at
the nowest thing out, at
McPtorson will lead iu making
this Jail iu all elapses of goods.'
ChevoU Shirting, 12 cts.'per yard,
.at L. Lowtnuu's.'
The grasshoppers are threatening
us a raid.
Mrs. Peery is quite sick with a
billlous attack.
Camp meeting this week, and
some of the London people are going
to it.
The grangers had pic-nio last
Saturday at Eq. Kennedy's grove.
"Linden" always did make him
self ridiculous with hi3 attempt at low
wit, but this uncalled for attack on
London makes him appear more con
temptible than ever. That "trash"
need not come begging "affinity"
with me, because of the help by abuse
he offers. I well know his quarrel
some proclivities, aud, let tne provo
cation be what It may, in tho future,
I shall not condescend to honor him
with any further notice.
If it were all true about the waste
and extravagance of the Republican
party what then? it is something
external, and for which thero is a
remedy. But there are evils which
affect the very foundation of govern
ment, and uo republic can live where
those evils exist. Let those who
would place Tiiden at the head of this
government, consider well the conse
quences which would follow should
they get him there; and think, too,
of tho fearful retributions which
hang over a people, who in any way
make laws that would interfere with
the rights of any one, let him be over
so poor, or weak, or ignorant. There
Is a continual warfare going on be
tween good and evil, aud it will nev
er cease until the good prevails and
it will in the fullness of time. Evil
carries within itself the elements of
its own destruction.
Weather cool and pleasant.
Green apples and cholera morbus
Marshal Wright went west on
Grasshohopper and other luxu
ries expected soou.
Johnson Union Sunday School
in a flourishing condition.
Threshing has commenced in
this vicinity. The average yield of
fall wheat per acre Is about 16 bushels.
Oats very poor; corn splendid.
A grand ra!l3of the Republicans
of Washington and Lafayetto pre
cincts at Johnson on Saturday even
ing September 2nd. Hon. J. S.
Church and Hon. George Shook, will
address the Hayes and Wheeler club
at Johnson. Everybody Invited to
Sunday School plculcSaturday at
Fredenburg's grove, two miles north
of Johnson. Five or six Sunday
Schools are expected to join together
in a picnic dinner. Addresses by J.
S. Church and others.
Candidates for Legislative hon
ors are getting more numerous every
day. It is understood that Washing
ton and Lafayette are tho precincts
from which at least ouo member of
the lower house will be chosen, and
the friends of the various candidates
aro getting warmed np.
Keep tho baby quiet.
Farmers busy plowing.
Corn Is still on the raise.
Republicans, buckle your armor
"Make Kay(es) while the sun
shines and Wheel(er) In.'
Still "the low hung clouds drop
their garnered fullness down."
Prof. Jno. Swan, Jr. returned
one day last week with his blushing
Call up your dogs and file their
teeth sewing machine agents are
Mr. Pierce's little son met with a
severe accident by leaping from, the
buggy aud breaking his arm.
Specimen Democratic brick "I
never voted a dollar and never intend
to, to -carry on this unholy war."
Another brick "I do not know
whether that proclamation (the
emancipation) is going to be taken
back or not. I am going to vote to
take it back the first opportunity I
get. It was'a wicked thing to have
issued. Jlendrlcte.
It is rumored that In case that a
certain horny handed, kid gloved
granger, of Bedford, should receive
the nomination at the Republican
State convention, for Lieut. Governor,
that there will be no Independent
party in Nemaha county. Will Bro.
Piper rise and explain ?
Peru has become quite a shipping
point. There ha3 been about 1,000
head of hogs and 'some 400 head of
fat cattle shipped from here during
the last six months, besides large
amounts of butter ond eggs. Come
over'brother Sheridan (which was the
centre of Nemaha county,) and com
pare notes with a real live town.
Truly Yours,
Van Winkle.
Glen RocIl.
The prospect ia good for late
planted corn ; tho early is already
Died, in Lafayetto.precinct, Aug
201S7G, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Worle.
Mr. D. Watkins is building a fine
brick residence, and when finished
will cost about $3,000'.
Mr. and Mrs. Worle has two
more children down with diptheria.
One not expected fo live.
A. lieimers returned home from
Lincoln tiiis week. He thinks his
wife will bo ablo to leave tho asylum
soon and return lo her family.
Miss Ejla Ashley, who was
throwu from a horso somu time ago
and broke her arm, is around again.
J. 'Gill is preparing to build a
large store room, 20x40' feet. He
thinks tbat his largo run of custom
demands it.
Good spring and winter wheat
flour at tho Glen Rock Mills, which
will be sold as cheap as at any othjr
mill in Nemaha county.
We notice familiar faces at the
camp meeting from all parts of the
ponntv. and soma frnmflto?. Thn
j Elder gives Gien Rock the praise of
having the most attentive people, and
best behaved young men, of any place
be has ever attended a camp meeting,
That expression should be a great en
couragement to the youths of our
The time has como when every
Republican-should work for the inter
ests of tho party. Hayes and Whee
ler clubs should be organized. The
Republican party is the only one that
can have any effective watchwords or
rallying cries in tho. coming Presi
dential campaign. Think of it, vo
ters, what a sad spectacle to see mem
bers in Congress going up to the
olerk'sdesk in tho House of Repre
sentatives, and there renewing their
oaths of fidelity to the Union and the
Constitution that very oath which
they had so recklessly falsified but a
few i'ears ago ! Will they not falsify
it again if similar circumstances oc
cur? Let their past record answer.
We think our country has seen trou
ble enough with that class of men not
to give them another chance to con
trol tho nation. It is evident that
their purposo is, as soon as they are
strong enough, to Indirectly or other
wise repudiate the national debt, or
for tho nation to assume the rebel
debt. And ought we now to pay for
tho emancipated slaves? It would be
a disgrace to the living soldiers, and
to the parents of their dead sons that
sacrificed their lives for what wo now
enjoy. Can tho soldiers consistently
throw away tho fruits of their hard
earned victories? No, never! We
think Tiiden, the Democratic nomi
nee, would have done just as Beaure
gard and other rebels did had he been
placed in tho same condition. He
would have had to petition to Con
gress to remove his political disabili
ties. Somo will doubtless say Tiiden
never done anything against tho gov
ernment. Well, say that wo should
admit that fact. Where does he stand
to-day? With ex-rebels and their al
ies! Wo look at it as ouo long, solid
chain, and Tiiden form3 tho big link.
Let us all vote for Hayes, for he will
make a safe and efficient President.
oils at Nickell's drug
A Sample Dottle for Trial.
If you are troubled with headache, dull
ness, Incapacity to Keep mind on any sub
ject, dizzy, sleopy, or nervous feelings, gloo
my forebodings, Irritability of temper, or a
bad tasto In tho mouth, unsteady appetite,
choking sensation In the throat, pain In the
side or about shoulders or back, coldness of
extremities, etc., or In fact any symptoms of
liver complaint, biliousness, constipation of
the bowels, or dyspepsia, go to your druggist
A.tV. X1CKELL, and get a bottlo of Dr.
Sherman's Prlckley Ash Hitters. No spirit
is used In their manufacture except a pur
article of Holland Gin. Ladies In particular
will find them peculiarly adapted to thoir
wants In all ngosand conditions of Hfo The
label tells all they contain, consequently
physicians do not hesitate to prescribe them.
Sample bottle for triul free. Itegular size,
51.00. geowly
Important to the Traveling Public.
It Is thednty of Jail porsonSibeforesmrtlng
on a journey to ascertain by what route they
can reach their destination with tho least
trouble, and If there aro two or more roads
leading to tho;same point, to decide which is
the safest and pleasantest to travel.
"We take pleasure In stating that the Ctti
0J.C0 & NoRTir-W'ssTRRK Railway Is the
oldest, anrt several miles the shortest, route
between Omaha and Chicago. "Within the
pst two years the road bed has been put In
admirable condition, and almost the entire
line has beon relald with steel rails.
The Depot in Chicago is centrally located,
and as their trains arrive thero thirty min
ute In advanceof all otherllnes, passengers
can always be sure of making Kastern con
nections. For all points In Northern and
North-Eastern Iowa, you should purchase
tickets via Marshall, Cedar Itaplds, or Clin
ton. For points In Northern Illlnolsor "Wis
consin, via Fidton; and If you are going to
Chicago, or East, you should, by all means,
purchase your tlcketsby the Old I'ionecr
You'wlll find on nil through trains Pull
man Sleepers, new and magnificent Day
Coaches, and the best Smoking and Second
Class Cars now on any road In the United
Particular Information," with maps, timo
tables, etc., may be had at any of the Through
Ticket OiUces In the "West, or upon personal
or writton application to J. If. Mountain,
Western Traveling Agent, Omaha, Neb., or
to W. II. Stknnett, General Passenger Agt.,
Peace and Quiet Saloon !
-.: - --rV-TT-
' r?-- .-HBBS51W-"
The G;d Cjgss cf Hcman Missy.
Jut ruUUhcl, in a Seated Envelope.
2rlce stx eenU.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and
Radical Cure of Heniinul Weakness, or Sprniiuor
rli3, induced by eIf-Abuse. Involuntary Emis
sions. Imjiotency, Nervons Debility, and Impedi
ments to ninrriase general! y ; Mies. CenumpUn,
rrnUensy. and F1W: Mental and PhrpLal Incapac
ity. Ac. lly ROBKItT J. CULV.KltW.ELL, .D.,
author or t&e "Green Book.' Ac.
The telebrated author or this admirable Lecture
clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yei success
ful practice, that the alarming ennyeueiK: of sull
abase may be radically cored without the danger
ous use of internal roedWne or the application el
the knife: pointing imt a mode of cure at once
simple, certain, and eOeftuul. bymean'of which
every sufferer, no matter what lili condition may
be.maycnre himself cheaply, privately, and radi
3" ThULceivre tciUprove ahocnto thoHand.ana
Sehtunderseal.In a plain envelope, to any ad
dress. iMtttpaid. on receipt of six cents or two post
stamps. Addte the publisher.
f. 1111CGMA.V &, soy,
41 A nn St., New York: Tost Office Box, 155
cii;K:ttirer enl Dealer in
0w for
(J rasggSiuMy re
Slaaet.!, Brxisltes. "Fly Wots, c.
Si- aeplrliK dun on ?bHrt H..H.-e. The 9
hrtted V.- m H U!.. kip-. r-r .r-wrving liar
:, Buuta, Shoes, s.c. always on liaad.
64ata St., Brovrnvillo, JVel.
1 )n duy UUoe'. .tsca: vUl. OuttitaaJ
O 1 -ten five. TKUKAVO.. Aata.X
Having purchased tho
I wish to announce that I am prepared to
do a lirat class livery business.
Josli- JRogcrs,
All I'lonrsold ly jhe have slveiTen-
tire satisfaction.
None liut Vio. 1 Krand ept o'nband
tin J sold nt
feed; corn, pot atoest
IF. 3D. iEXflJ
Before going to Philadelphia rshall
visit St. Louis, Chicago and S"ew
York, and will Jay In THE Alt-'
GEST stock of General' Merchahdisd
ever brought to Browavllle.
During my absence my clerks will
continue to. give you the benefit of
the LOW PRrCE3 at
been selling goods.
which rhave.
"W". P. ZD35T.:
Havlns a first class Steam Ferry, and owning
and cbntroluig the Transfer Line from
we are prepared to render entire satisfaction in the.
transfer of Freight and I'usDengerS. We run a
regular lino of
to all trairts. AH orders lefi-at the Transfer Ce
lany's olHce will receive prompt attention:
B. 31. BAILEV, Oen. Silpt. .
Undertaking a Specialty
Keeps a f jll line or
5G Main Street, BROIYSYILLE, KE"
I buy my beer
3?T. CLXltfE,-
fv .
"--fc r-c .-- -T
-JirO,V- -
gusto ivi wore:.;
5t53IIn Street,
m-oyvv.i., .Ei--i-C
V - i '-jiJt.'' ' 1
J-. ID. IRO",
Dealer In
F rft i r 9 bv VT V
SfiVx ii Ik & A
rf- 1 n
f 7"Trri?A K s 5 if 1 ?Ss
TXs&JJ&n ? e ' 52 i Yv?
csss IT
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I O J Wk A-i
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