Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 11, 1876, Image 3

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Dally Stage Line South.
v-em Brownville to Arapo, Falls 3ty and Italo
A Vem&ha City, Apnwalt and fet. IWroia. coa
Armr with conveyances to all atber points.
Leaves Brewn cttie dally a.i 1 o'clock p. m.
Ar-lvcs at Brwwnvilie 11 o'clock a. ra.
Ar J. C.HARLESS, Proprietor.
Nebraska Railway.
Brawn ville
4:ts p ra
Ifrl5pi a
Nebraska CStv
S3) arul35 p m
imep m
Brownville Bats Line to Phelps.
jave Brownvill 7:S. m., VM p. nu. &39 p. m.
Arrive at Brow nvllle T3Sa.m 110 a. ra.. 33 p. ra
. B.M. BAILEY, fcuperintendcat.
Cht6ag & North. AVestern Railway.
Trains at CwcaCIl BieCs arrive and depart as follows
Dv Express Wc2Vp.rQ. I Dav Express Sj.a
'lKht Express 9-JSa.m. 1 Nlnt Express. 4.-Sp.ra.
s 1 Ex. Freight
0 Publisher' Notices.
Extra Copies or the Advertiser for sale by G.
S. Dcn Bookseller, Stationer and News Deal
er? So ?7Mafn street, next door to the PostoCice.
Icai. Notice?, set as ordinary reading matter,
, will be cnarsedten cents per line, each Insertion.
Set In dfcmUy e. fifteen cento a ttae.
, Atitaprt 7edl!A g g,nl
W. K. IOTBetntew. a: reraJs.aergKaisathOTlie
19 receive rateocripMwi and advertising toe the
ASVebttses? and coitect aodlrecefpt'fbr the
"Wesley DncPAS. at Sheridan. Is oar autbor'zed
nen:Uaat place to receive and receipt for all
monies doe us.
J P. Hoover Is oar authorized agent at Ne:a
ha aty to receive and receipt for raon!s doe us.
Thomas Bcbrbss Is our aathorlred agent In Glen
Bock precinct to receive and receipt for rsonles
dae us on sabscrlptwa.
A J- Hitter, at St. Deroin, Is our authorized aent
at that place, to receive subcrlptlons and adver
tising, and to collect and receipt for monies due
The Advertiser.
JonsS. Mixxck Is oer authorized agent at Aspln
xall, to receive subscription and advertising, and
collect and receipt for monies due us.
Publishers Advertiser.
State warrants are worth 100 cents
on the $1.00.
County seat election three weeks
from Saturdsy.
Our State exchanges "speak flat
teringly of the fruit prospect.
The Presbyterian Sabbath School
will hereafter meet at 9:20 A. M.
We learn that two of Mrs. Emp
son's children have the scarlet fever.
The Nebraska City transfer boat
travels six miles in making a round
trip, so says the 2ews.
Young man, save your postal
currency and take Jeruslm to see the
elephant on Saturday, the 19th.
Is Nemaha county going, tohave
a CenterniTalTWrnTSrcriTy-tefcnjrd;
tlon : one in which the whole county
can join ?
If you wlsh'to- increase the debt
of the county, and further depreciate
county 'order, vote to remove the
county seat to Sheridan.
Remember the eounty conven
tion at Sheridan next Saturds' after
noon. This is the way" Preident
are elected, and thee primary meet
ings should not be neglected.
Geo. Horaewood is determined
"to supply the demand for bb flour,
and to that end has secured the servi
ces of Herman Ltecht, an experi-
oncpdmill connection with
M- TTr.- GUniT- wrfll rrtn -hlawnlfl 1
r. will ran -hiaicnl
Geerge i business.
- ,.i - t -
day and night.
At therlryymeungneld In
Nemaha City IasVSturdayT and of
which J. P. Hoover was chairman
and Philip Crother secretary, the fol
lowing gentlemen were elected as
delegates to the Republican Countj
Convention : J. H. Drain, J. C. Cro
ther, Levi Johnson, Moses Banks and
W. S. Hacker.
The following are the delegates
elected to attend the Republican
County Convention to be held next
Saturday at Sheridan :
C. F. Stewart, A. W. Nickell. J. S.
Church, D. O. Cross, A. R. Davison,
T C. Hacker, Wesley Penney, W. A.
Polock, W. E. Majors, W. H. Mc
XJreerv, and T. L. Schick.
W. A. Polock, a prominent Re
publican of Nemaha county, has
written a letter to the Omaha Bee de
fending Church Howe. He says
Howe Is the most popular man in that
county, and that he will be sent to
the State Senate if he is not nomina
ted for Centennial Governor. (?)
Pawnee Republican.
Polock was only talking for "bunk
um." He didn't mean what he said,
because he don't believe it, and be
cause he knows It can't be done. Po
lock always was erratic.
The death of Mrs. Esther Eous
field, which we mention elsewhere,
was'attended with some circumstan
'ces unusually painful. A rumor was
afloat that her death was hastened, if
-not occasioned", by remedies adminis
tered by her attending physicians.
It was deemed best, under the circum
stances, and in justice to ail parties,
that an inquest be held over the re
mains. Coroner Ebright, therefore,
on Saturday caused a jury to be se
lected fa? that purpose, which was
composed of our best citizens, and
which gave the matter a patient
hearing. After due deliberation the
jury arrived at the conclusion that
deceased came to her death by natu
ral causes, and not by the effects of
medicines. The verdict was timely,
and will relieve the grevlous uncer
tainty which would have forever sur
rounded the cae. The jury was com
posed of A. H. Gilmore, John L. Car
son, B. H. Gibson, Joseph Huddart,
James Steveqson and E. T. Ilainey.
To increase your taxes vote for
county seat removal.
We this week publish the law in
reference to the re-location of county
seats. Read it.
Hon. Schuyler Colfax lectured
in Omaha Friday evening. Subject,
Abraham Lincoln.
W. D. Blackburn, who is corres
ponding for the Centennial Gazette,
visited Tecumseh recently.
Cooper, Bailey & Co. have, im
mense bill boards announcing the
coming of their circus on the 19th.
Our town was gaily decorated
with flags yesterday in honor of the
opening of the centennial exposition.
Alex. Robison is completing his
new building on Main street. It will
be second to none In the city when
We are authorized to say that all
teams from Missouri, coming to at
tend the big show on the 19th. will be
crossed the round trip for $1.00.
Madical Zcaves is the title of a
new monthly, paper published gtLin-
We fiave received the premium
list of the Johnson county fair, print
ed at the Chieftain office, Tecumseh,
Dy narrow & Crow. It Is a neat
Bishop Clarkson officiated at the
Episcopal Church on Sabbath morn
ing and evening. There was a very
large attendance to listen to the tal
ented gentleman.
The Presbyterians of this city
have procured the services of Rev.
Samuel R. Warrender, of New York,
who will preach his first sermon in
this place next Sunday week, the 21st.
John Hacker and John Max
well started for the Black Hill coun
try last Tuesday. Mr. Hacker has
been up in that country some years
ago, and feels confident he can find
gold there.
It would be interesting to the
tax-payers of this county to examine
those large books in the possession of
Treasurer Gilmore, and see if the tax
es upon the property proposed to be
donated to the county by the Sheridan
people, h3Ve been paid.
Call and examine the new Bur
dette and Western Cottsge Organs.
Best in the market. Sold on monthly
payments, or a liberal discount made
for cash. Also agent' for Pease and
Chickering Pianos.
D. T. Smith,
Brownville, Neb.
A whole page circus advertise
ment improves -the aoDearance of
i. . ; . V H . . I
the readers feel thankful to the pub
lishers for giving them an illustfafed
paper. To those papers that are run
ning patent outides we would sug
gest the selling of btth inside pages
to the next circus company.
We understand that a man named
Brumps, a doctor of Holt county. Mo.,
committed suicide in the Atchison
county jail lat Monday, by taking
20 grains of morphine. He had been
found guilty of producing abortion
upon a young eirl in Holt county, and
bis sntence would have been five
years in the penitentiary.
Down in Xemaha
Count v the
Granger has commenced a
fight on
t tvt "J.i krs tx? rn ir nna a rwi n r w r
Awrfj.iwo . oo. wiiiiu6
xolnjby W.J3. Copeland.and devo
-" - VJ,' . -f- r '-mfw i
iBtilia.flicegmbiimUnii 4-rurTr ttrtTljS
Re6JiiMMHniInaUoa forEenator.
Wes(&n3?ebrazkian.' -flf 1&
WjgpSBllsb this iLenxtibrZfhe infor
mation of Mr. Majors. We doubt if
he would ever have known the Gran
ger was llghtinghlm.
We are glad to pee the evidences
of prosperity in the Lincoln State
Journal. It ha been enlarged to a
thirty-two column paper; put its tel
egraph news in a legible shape; and
is evidently trying to be somebody
at any rate to be decent. The gear
hath-a-way of making newspapers go
as well as the female of the equine
genus of quadrupeds.
Imagine, if you can, our feelings
yesterday morning as we were ap
proaching our office, patriotically
intending to display the nicest flag in
town, when we were suddenly con
fronted with our own flag proudly
waving in front of a business house
down street, and which the proprietor
had the night before procured from
our devil under false representations.
To say that we were "hedged in"
hardly expresses it. We "pulled
down our vest" and passed on medi
tatively. W. Jewell, of Howard, met with
a very serious accident on Monday.
He had started home, and while de
scending what is known as theHarrls
hill north of town, his horses became
unmanageable and threw him from
the wagon with such force as to ren
der him unconscious for several hours.
He was found shortly after the acci
dent, and taken to the residence of
'Squire Clai'ton, where Dr. Stewart
was called to see the unfortunate gen
tleman. His injuries we hope will
not prove fatal.
The most popular sang of the
day, says the Ghibago Journal, is
"Gathering Shells from the Sea
Shore," composed by Will L. Thomp
son. Such Is the extraordinary popu
larity of this most exquisite song that
it is scarcely possible to keep it in
print. Messre. Lyon t Healy of this
city have just given an order for 5G00
copies, and other dealers are ordering
it by the thousand." For sale by all
music dealers. Price 40 cents. Pub
lished by W. L. Thompson & Co.,
East Liverpool, Ohio.
Are yon going to the Bhow ?
Geo. Launan is now acting as
Milwaukee bottled beer at Hud
dart's. It hasn't rained now for several
Thanks to David Campbell for
business favors.
A. W. Nickell has the nicest so
da fountain in town.
Ladies', men's and boys' saddles,
of all styles, at Bauer's.
Brussels carpet can be had of J.
L. Roy for $1.30 per yard.
The Centennial Exposition was
formally opened j-esterday.
Whips of all kinds drover, rid
ing, and driving, at Bauer's.
See the call of the president of
the county agricultural society.
Leavitt's Bill Ringers failed to
arrive in time to give a performance.
Read all the advertisements and
6ee the bargains that are offeied.
Weaning bits for colts and calves,
a sure thing, at Bauer's harness shop.
We have furnished quite a num
ber of our buslnes houses with "Cred
it Checks."
Two Parker's Patent Observation
Bee Hives for sale at Jo. Huddart's
grocery store.
Nhrnslin fftrTniir'1rinBft'"VriMl nnnrf
i-- . . . -K3" - i'mw V!
nquse uuiiaing, wiin room .lor.all feer
officers rent free. r" " ;-"
Paecoe A Williams are having
the room next to Till & Cohn fitted
up for a meat market.
For a "business" definition of
the word "snide," call on Geo. Cross,
at the lumber yard.
T. L. Schick left Monday on a
business trip to Lincoln, Tecumseh,
Humboldt and Falls City.
Centennial whips are the latest
out, and our enterprising horse cloth
ier, J. H. Bauer, has them for sale.
The town cattle are now making
regular daily trips to the bottom above
town, under the guidance of James
Isn't it about time the rubbish
was cleared off" the side walk on First
street? Whose duty is it to attend to
such matters?
Who will speculate in the county
bonds issued for erecting the necessary
county buildings, should the county
seat be moved to Sheridan?
Mrs. A. W. Nickell is at present
on a visit to friends In Lawrence,
Kan., and A. W. himself goes right
along with his business as usual.
Skinner's sulkey plows, 16-inch,
are the cheapest to buy. They do the
work of two common plows, and save
the expense of one man and horse.
For sale by Richards & Smith.
$1.50 pays for The Advertiser
for one year; $100 for six months,
and 50c for three months. Our term?
for a'less period than one year are at
the rate of $2 00. Remember this.
Harrison's patent combination
kitchen safe, the most useful, and at
the same time the most ornamental,
pieceofjkitchen furniture ever brought
to this city, is now for sale at J. L.
RoyjS furniture store,
tax collector, informs us that he Is
having good" success in -collecting the
delinquent taxes. He says he finds
all willing to pay, and that so fur he
has not distressed any one.
Several of our exchanges, we no
tice, have sold an entire page of their
paper to Cooper, Bailey & Co.'s cir
cus. The advertising agent didn't
have money enough with him to buy
a page of The Advertiser.
Chicago markets.on the' 9 report
ed active in cattle, receipts being 50,
000. Stockers and feeders sold at $3 50
($4 55; shippers, $4.405.30; com
mon to good butchers' steers, $3.60
4.60; good beeves, $4.6o4.75; medi
um, $ Hogs in fair de
mand, but weak and low ; scallawags
&&gSgS-..W 5a:-DCl Resales,
Sr7i807;30 for medium to choice.
Sheep quiet and nominal at $4.505.
According to call the Republi
cans met at the court house on Satur
day last for the purpose of electing
delegates to the county convention at
Sheridan, to be held May 13. when
the following proceedings were had :
On motion A. W. Nickell was cho
sen chairman and S. M. Rich as sec
retary. On motion of T. L. Schick a com
mittee of three, consisting of T. L.
Schick, J. S. Church and W. A, Po
lock, were appointed to present the
names of eleven persons to attend as
delegates the county convention.
The committee reported the follow
ing names, who were then elected by
a vote of the meeting :
C. F. Stewart, A. W. Nhkell, T.
L. Schick, J. S. Church, D. O. Cross,
A. R. Davison, T. C. Hacker, Wes
ley Penney, W. A. Polock, W. E.
Majors, W. H. McCreerj-.
It was on motion resolved that any
delegate who was unable to attend
should select a proxy, and that where
the delegate failed so to do, the dele
gates should fill such vacancy by a
majority vote.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
A. W. Nickell, Cb'n.
S. M. Rich, Sec'y.
County Fair Called fleeting of the
Board of Xanagers.
The officers and managers of the
Nemaha County Agricultural Society
ty will meet at the courtroom on Sat
urday, May 27th, 1876, at 1 o'clock p.
m., sharp, to make the necessary ar
rangements for holding a- fair this
fall. A full attendance is absolutely
necessary. R. A. Hawley, Pres.
Four Aces.
Four Ace Flour at Craddock oVSon's
feed store, next door to Hackney's.
Holds over any flour in the market.
Manufactured by A. P. Davenport,
Craig, Mo. A single trial will con
vince all that it Is the best.
Farmers ! Farmers !
Have you seen the new gang plow?
If not, call on Richards & Smith and
examine the new "Pearl." It is the
lightest draft plow out ; easily opera
ted by three horses. Warranted in
every respect.
Preaching in the Methodist
Church next Sunday.
Farmers are working and rejoic
ing that the "rainy season" is over.
There Is a report that Joseph
Loveless is killed by the Indians at
the Black Hills. Sad news from the
laud of gold.
The fragrant apple blossoms per
fumes the air like "Myrrh on the
winds of Araby."
If the "beavens have been drop
ping fatness," it will be through some
chemical change under the law of
"definite proportion," for what has
been falling from the heavens the last
ten days has very much the appear
ance of a combination of oxygen and
hydrogen, which Is not fat.
There are many children, and
some adults, now sick with a disease
similar in type but not in violence, to
the scarlet fever.
Miss Emma Clark, of St. Joseph,
Is teaching the London school.
"Earth hath no sorrows which
heaven cannot heal," but are there
"poultices" enough to mollify the
wounds of an editor? Blessed are
they who lay the healing hand on
this persecuted class. If an editor
does not agree .with everybody, in
Tjothreligion and! pVlitics, and write,
'fla tn I rig ed ltori aisToeaeevery body ,
why he Is a viliian, of course. His
moral character is like the "apples of
"Walking around the public
square!" That's a good joke on the
would-be county seat.
For pure, unadulterated religious
excitement, Johnson cannot be beaten
Several herds of cattle are roam
ing o'er the prairie near here.
Mary Hageman has gone to Be
atrice to rusticate with her sister a
short time.
Mr. Munger has a quantity of
corn he would like io sell at 25c.
Julius Gilbert drove a herd, of
cattle to Nebraska City, where he re
ceived 3sC for them.
On and after June 4th Sheridan
will still find herself ten miles away
from the county seat.
Mr. A. Dodd of Brownville was
here making arrangements with Mr.
Munger to start for the Loup River
with their cattle about the last of May.
It makes the heart of the farmer
glad to have an occasional rain, but
when it becomes a monotonous thing,
then he isn't so glad.
We took a ride down to that nu
merously named town Howard, Po
dunk, Pinhook. &c. Mr. Campbell
was up to his head and ears selling
goods, and the town was otherwise
Miss Lou Piper Is teaching the
Sheridan school.
Miss Clara Carington is teaching
at Grand Prairie.
Prospect district la without a
school for the summer; too bad.
We have no road supervisor in
"thf8"fba"tl""dl3trict and when the peo
ple get stuck In the mud they have
no one to "kuss."
New stock of boots, shoes, shirt
ing, calicoes, etc., at W. Dundas's.
There was to be baptising in the
Nemaha hist Sunday but that auxili
ary to a better laud was postponed as
there was too much water there.
The people in the south west part
of Glen Rock travel the worst roads
west of the Missouri river. They
have a road supervisor and are living
in hopes that the horney moon will
soon gcdown.
Our Deputy county Clerk wishes
us to just think what It will cost to
move the county safe to the centre of
the county. Well there are teams
enough. in the county to move that
or perhaps he could be moved in sec
tions. We have had' nice growing
weather for the last week. Yes,
growing colder every day.
Mra. Bishop has been In' Sheri
dan the last week, just visiting her
first grand child.
Is there a man in Nemaha coun
ty that will eay, as a matter of right,
that the county seat ought not to be
moved to the most central point in
the county? Are those opposed to
removal governed in any wise by self
interest, or are they just working for
the good of the "dear people ?"
When we see "London," signed
to an article In The Advertiser, we
feel satisfied that we are to read some
thing from a female at the London
Wesley Dundas appears to have
almost forgotten Sheridan. He is
working at his mill in Johnson coun
ty. He comes home about once in
two weeks, counts the children, reads
his letters, tells Juel to be good, and
sell cheap for cash, and back he goes
to the mill. Juel obeys, acts like a
good boy and sells goods low down.
We cannot be present at the
next meeting of the district lodge of
Good Templars, and are sorry again.
Xcniaha City.
Spring time has come once more
Gentle Annie, and a cold wet spring
it is.
Rubber boots take the lead of
fashion in the way of foot-clothing
this spring.
Dr. J. Hoover Is improving in
health but little, if any. He whiled
away a little time buggy-riding with
his son last Thursday, which seemed
to do him much good.
The young pilgrim that came to
Philip Crother's one dark uight last:
week- is a mademoiselle, and Mrs.
Crother tbinksrar great deal of the lit
tle stranger.
Squire Crother still wields the
awl and draws the ends as In days of
yore; and his boots and shoes bear
evidence of good substantial work.
Mrs. J. B. Hoover is again In
good health. She started on Monday
for Plumb Creek to visit her daugh
ter. K. Skeen 13 in St. Joe getting his
.little daughter's eyes doctored. They
were effected by scarlet fever. We
hope the'St. Joe oculist may effect a
permanent cure.
The Good Templars of Nemaha
lodge have purchased an organ of Mr
James Dye, for the benefit of the order.
It affords a splendid opportunity for
the ladies to show their fine rings and
active fingering.
The Titus Bros., have set up
their new show case crammed full of
notions. Their store Is plum fell of
just what theyneedtomake their bus
iness prosper; good substantial cloth
ing and cheap groceries.
The gentleman that hands us
our mail Is always on hand at the
store ready to wait on his customers.
Call and see Birl, he can suit you
with goos and prices.
The Circus.
Cooper, Bailey & Co.'s Great Inter
national ten allied shows in one will
exhibit at Brownville Friday May 19.
It is a good show judging from the
following notica clipped from the
Chicago Tribune:
Notwithstanding the inclement
weather yesterday afternoon, hun
dreds were again turned from the
door of this great exhibition, which
seems to have taken possession of the
hearts and aeBroMtion. of our good
people. Yes'torday afternoon the im
mpnse"'pavllton8 wore filled to their
atrarjsreapacity, as has been the case
since their openinir. Never in the
haunals of amusements in thlscity hah
any exuidition, no matter of how
large pretensions or extensive reputa
tion, gained such signal and satisfac
tory success. There can be no matter
of doubt at all but the people are ful
ly satisfied of the excellent merit of
the zoological display and the arenic
performances, and, after nil is said,
they are the best critics, and the onlj'
ones, too, that the managers care to
please. To specify all the excellent
features of this interesting entertain
ment would require more space than
we can allow ; suffice it that the ani
mals are of the rarest and choicest
specimens, and the performers are nil
well up in their respective lines.
Just Received.
A car load of Woodlawn spring
wheat flour, which I warrant to be
cheaper, and as good as any in this
market. W. A. Jddkixs.
Pumps ! Pumps !
Hawley & Douglas have the largest
stock, the greatest variety, at the
lowest prices, west of the Missouri.
Dissolution Rotice.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofire existing be
tween J. & E. Huddart, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, J. Hud
dart retiring from the business. All
persons knowing themselves indebted
to the late firm are hereby notified to
call and settle immediately, and ob
lige 45w2 J. & E. Huddart.
Protect Your Houses Iroin
H. H. Bower will sell the coming
season, in Nemaha county, the solid
copper rod, "King of all rods." Also
a good Iron rod covered with copper,
making two complete rods in one.
Also a cheap Iron rod copper coated.
Plows ! Ploivs !
Where do all those good Garden
City and Skinner plows come from?
Richards & Smith ; they keep thehest
of goods. ,
Tlie Best Brands
of fall wheat flour at W. A. Judkins.
Strange bat True.
I wish to close out my stock of Wall
Paper, and will sell it cheaper than it
has ever been sold in Brownville. I
have just received a nice stock, and
have now concluded to sell it out at
the following prices,:
sold at"12iv
White. blanks, 12 to 14c. ; formerly
sold at 17i.'
Satin at 20 to 25c. per roll.
Trimmed for the wall. Come and
see my stock, and I know that you
will buy. G. S. Dux.
Says he has so'reduced expense that
he can sell DRUGS cheaper than any
man In Southern Nebraska.
Ulones' to loan on real es'
tate securities, in sums or.$300
and upwards, at IO per cent,
interest. Call on
T. fj. SCHICK.
Black Hawlte,
Defiance, and Garden Cily cultiva
tors, cheaper than by any one else, at
Richards & Smith's.
Climax and Quincy corn planters as
low as any one. by
Richards & Smith.
Keeps a full line of Drugs, Paints,
Oils, Glass, and everything kept in a
first class drug store.
Do not buy your Wall Pa
per till yoa have priced U. C.
Lett's stock, tor he will sell
lower than any man in the
State. A'o boasting1.
"Rusiness in a Minute."
We will offer the Skinner, Pekin,
Canton Clipper, Moline, and Garden
City 12-inch breakers, all complete,
for cash at $20. Double shovel plows
at $5. Call and examine.
Richards & Smith.
Job Printing.
Do you want Posters?
Do you want Handbills?
Do you want Business Cards?
Do you want a neat Billhead ?
Do you want a tasty Letterhead ?
Do j'ou wantja nice Visiting Card?
Tf en lMi-n vntir nrflprs it Thp Ti-
It so, leave jour oruers at ini,AJi
vertiskr Job Ofnce, where all work
. ..
is done by experienced workmen, and
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Shaving. Shampooing, Hair Cutting. &c.f
done in the latest syle of the art tonsorlal.
Shop, taird door above First National Bank,
Advertisexestts under the head of "Wanted."
For Bent," "For Sale." "Lost," "Found," .,
will bechaxsed twenty-Ore cents for each adver
tisement of five lines, or less, each Insertion. Ad
vertisements over 3ve Uses, at the rate or five
cents per Une. each Insertion.
?OR RENT The Episcopal Parsonage,
J2 corner Second and Atlantic streets. For
particulars enquire of T. Campbell or John
TTUJR UE3T-Space under thlnead at Ave
1 cents a line, conntfn? from five lines up.
If yon have nnythineto rent, try oneof oar
cheap advertisement".
LOST Between Nemaha City and Brown
ville. a pentleiuan's plaid Shawl, which
the finder will please leave at thlsofllee and
claim his reward.
LOST Abnccyslde-cnrtaln, on Saturday
last. The finder will be suitably reward
ed by leaving the same with Ben Rogers.
OST If youThave lost nnythlnc adver
tlse for IU n this department of our pa
per. Itcost but25 cents.
FOR SALE 150 bushols Millet seed for
sale. Persons desiring any of this seed
can be accommodated by calling at the resi
dence of JACOB EARSMAN, five miles
west of Brownville. on the Tecumseh road.
FOIl SALE Persons desirinc Short
Horns, Berkshires, Dark Brnhmas or
their ecg, or Italian Bees, can procure them
of S. Cochran, Brownville. 36tf
FOR. SALE A farm of 1G0 acres; all in
cultivation; hedge fence, good house,
stable, well, &c. Convenient to Church and
ScbooljHouse. A good bargain, with terms
tosnttpnrchaser. Apply to John Strain. !Ne
mahft City, or this office. SCtf
-TTtOR SAIjE AtallberolclIscountanSSrUJOf
A: due bill on the Bardett Organ Co.. which
can bo used in tho purchase of a Bardett Or
gan, direct from the manufacturer. and fnl
ir warranted. FAIRBROTHER & HACR
ER. Advertiser Office.
FOR. SALE At n liberal discount a S225.00
due bill on the Horace Waters Piano Co.,
which can be used in the purchaseof aPhil
hnrmonlc Piano, fullv warranted. FAIR
BROTHER & nACKER, Advertiser Office.
1TIOR SALE Space in this department at
; five cents a line, counting from five lines
np. If yoa have anything you wish to sell,
try one of our cheap advertisements.
WASTED-Advertisements for this col 5 cents a line. To advertise
ment taken for less than 25 cents.
On Friday, May 5th. at tho residence of the
bride's parents, in this citv. Mr. Norman B.
Catiine to Miss Mary Adams, all or this
Tho ceremony was performed by Judge
Church. Miss Mary was ono of our bright
est and most engaging young ladles, tind her
marriage will gratify her many friends who
will always wish her much happiness.
On Tuesday, May 9th. nt the residence of
Charles Lucas in this city, by Jmle J. S.
Church. M r. Lewis Briner of Brownville, and
Miss Rosa Wright of Humboldt.
In this city, on Friday, the 5th Inst., Esth
er, wife of John Bensfield, aged 33 yean and
live months.
The funeral sermon was preached on Sun
day morning at the M. E. Church, by Rev. J.
M. Richards, to a large congregation. Mrs.
Bousfleld was a member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church ; much esteemed for her
action and untiring labors in the christian
cnuse.and her excel lent social qualities. She
leaves a husband and three small children to
mourn her early departure.
Dragging Otit Existence.
The nervous, weekly invalid does not en
joy life, but merely "drags out existence," as
the phrase is. Unfitted for the active pur
suits of life, and incapable of parlgltiag of
its pleasures, to which health alone can give
a zest ; disinclined to social intercourse, and
a prey to melancholy, the valetudinarian is.
indeed an object of pity. Yet there tooth
ing in all this that cannotbejremcdle'by
that gSnlaToltcrallve tonic"and nervine,
Hostettetter's Stomach Bitters, which sup
plies beneflclent stamina, braces the nervous
system, and overcomes those bodily Irregu
larities to which nervous weakness Is most
frequently attributable. Diseases of the
kidney and bladder, imperfectdlgestlon and
uterine trouble- are fertile sources of deblli
tv. Their eradication, however, becomes a.
matter of certainty when Hotetter's Stom
ach Bitters are systematically used for that
purpose. The Bitters likewise unnlhilate
and prevent fever and nuueand other debili
tating febrile complaints ofamalarisl na
ture, aprll
The AVabashFast Mall Route.
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and elegant Day
Coaches are ran through from Kamas City. Atchi
son and St. Joseph (leaving In therafternoon) to
Toledo and Cleveland without chonge, via H. &
S:. Joe. R'y and the Wabash Line.
ZS 'So extra charge for seats In Through Da;
Coaches. Direct connection Is made at Clevelind with
th nrega Sleeper U Xrr Yodc aad Bstn.
The Wabash Is equipped t4tk tfce tMpraveg Air
JJrakeMIUersCoaplera.fcad the Day Oaobee are
tne best la tue west, bavinga paten: nualtitappa
ratm by which the heat 'Is dfettlbatdd under t&e'
Passengers taxte Dm Wsfeerk Jlaatbava few.
one change!o( cars from the Missouri river to Indi
anapolis, Cincinnati. PIttburg, Philadelphia. Bal
timore, Buffalo, 2f ew York, Boston and Intermedi
ate points.
Express Trains of thelMIssocrl Pacific and St.
Louis, Kansas CIty: Xorthern Railways make di
rect connection with through cars of the Wabash
IiiXE from Union Depot, St. Louis.
J. S. Lazarus. Western Agt., StJ Louis. W. L.
Malcolm. Gen'l Pass. Apt.. Toledo.
Warehouse Notice.
THE following freight seven reams of
Wrapping Paper and one sack of Twine
was received at our warehouse December
2, 1S74, billed to Messrs. Gibson & Lett, and
marked "iS. & I.," Brownville, Neb., and has
remained there unclaimed for that time.
Now, unless this property is claimed with
in three months from this date, and the law
ful charges paid, the same will be sold ac
cording to the statutes In such cases made
and provided.
May 11, 1S76. 46w4
Howard s White,
Basement No. 65, McPherson Block,
BroAViivillo, jTer?irasIj:a9
are paying the" highest market price in
EErs. White & Scott
At Mrs. Marions old stand,
Brownville, jNcIraslca,
have now on exhibition alargcand complete
stock of everythinfj in their line. Particu
lar attention paid to
"We are also agents for Cornwell's self flt
We invite the ladles of Brownville and vi
cinitv to cn'l and examine our soods. as we
. '! confident thry will compare favorably
with anything everin this market, both in
i . ...
i prlcp and quality.
Money to loan on improved farms at ten
percent, interest.
CASH ill
Plott s Star Organs.
New nnd beautiful designs. AGENTS
Washington, N.J.
pt Ef iemrai
lam aware thai a considerable amount of tradebe-
longing to Brownville has been taken to other places?
and in not a few instances Money has been sent to
for the purchase of articles
purpose of getting
Jrozv lam determined
'Sot to be Out Done or Under Solrf hS Anyuocfy' -
(no matter where they reside,) and ivill act aGGorcing
by. It is impossible to give an
as my stoclc of 'Merchandise is so varied and complete
that it wouldtalce
to enumerate : but I will
lowtpriGes ativMch lam selUrbgfnfpi
16 yards Standard" Prints for
12 a best Brown bheetinfor
12 " Bleached Shirting for
S " Striped Shirtin? for
S f Best Gingham for
Hamburg- Edging-, 3 yards for
Linen Handkerchiefs, 10 cts.
White Close, IO cts. each and upwards
Cotton Overalls, per pair, 6fl
Cotton Pants, per pair, ...... 1 25r
Fashionable Clothing-, per suit, from $10 to $25 OO
Linen and Cretonne Suits for Ladies, from $1 25 to $1S- OO
If you all want bargains, go to
87 1-Ilsr
Beer Hall & Lunch Room
(Phil. Densex's old stand)
Brownville, Kebraslia.
Bologna, Cheese, Bread, &c.
I Everything- Clean, IVeat, Quiet.
Second door east of Post Offiee, g--,
faAr. n
W i
Brown's Illinois Corn Planter
is tiic best.
Weir Cultivators,
Nebraska Cily Stirring
Rrcaliin? Plows,
Stuilebaltcr Wagon, the best,
For new styles in
go to -Lawman's.
An experienced practitioner, will fill and
extract teeth for all who wNh. at reasonable
rates, at his residence on Main street, next
door to Bratton's store.
Notice of Special Election.
Pursuant to an order of the Board of Coun
ty CommlttMoner of Nemaha County, Neb.,
dated Aprll 'ZKh. A.D. ISTtJ.
Notice Is hereby given that on Saturday.
Juno 3rd, A.D. IS76, in the said Comity or
Nfoaba, at the several piaees of voting, an
election will bo held for the purpose of vot-
' ing on thequestion of the ro-locatlon of the
county seat oi saiu county.
The electors Mioll designate on their bal
lots what city, town, or place they desire said
county seat located at.
Which election will ho opened nt eight
o'clock in the mornlnsr. and will con tinne
open until six o'clock in tho afternoon of the
same day.
By order of tho Counlv Commissioners,
thl-i 2ith day of April. A.D. 1X7(1
MwG County Clerk.
Pbuymybeer ) S3 S I don't,
by Jake. l i
of Mc7'chandise all for tne'
give qh)
i-.'M p- iv-m
each and upwards
Proposals for military Supplier
Heaq'rs Department of the Platte,"!"
Chief QrAiirERMASTER's Office, -Omaha,
Neil, April 2). IST6. J
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, sub
ject to tho usual conditions, will bo
received ot this ofUce, or at the offices of tho
Quartermasters at the following named sta
tions, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Friday.
June 2, 157(5", (allowing for differences of tlme
at which time and places they will bo open
ed In the presence of bidders, for furnishing
and delivery of Military Supplies during the
year commencing July 1. 176, and ending
JuneSO. 1S7T, as follows: WOODand HAY, or
sucli of said supplies as may bo required at
Omaha Depot. Omaha Barracks, Fort Hart
suir. Fort McPherson, North Platte, Sidney
Barracks, Cheyenne Depot. Fort D. A. Rus
sell. Fort Sanders. Fort Fred Steele, Fort
Brldgor, Fort Hall, Camp Douglas, Fort
Cameron, Camp Robinson, Camp Sheridan,
Fort Laramie. Fort Fetterman, Camp Stam
baugh.and Camp Brown;- olsor for KW tons
of Coal at Camp Brown.
Proposals will also bo received at this of
fice, to the day and hour abovo named, for
the delivery on the cars at tho point nearest
to the mines on the lino of the union Paclflo
Railroad, of seven thousand five hundred
tons of COAL.
Also, for the delivery at Omaha Depot, or
at stations on the Union Pacific Railroad
pfCORN, and one mllllon.pounds doATSE.
r- iToposais jor eitner oias ot tne norwr
mentioned, or for quantities lees than thai
whoje-req aired, wiU be rec-valijijL,--.- j
Tlfc. Government reitervew life rlsat to ro-
jeetany or all proposals.
a prewrence win do given, for articles or
domestic production.
Blank proposals and printed circulars,
stating theliind and estimated quantities of
Hay and Wood required at each station," and
giving full Instructions as to the manner of
bidding, conditions to be observed by bid,
ders. and terms of contract and payment,
win bq furnished on application to this of
fice, or to tho Quartermasters at tho various
stations pntned.
Envelopes containing the proposals should
be marked "Proposals tor at
.' and addresHl to the nn
derslcned, or to tho respective Posts and De
pot Quartermasters.
4Hvri Chief Quartermaster.
till Mri
"Will receive a car load of the latest pat
terns of
bed Steads,
derect from the manufactories, and will keep
constantly on hand a large assortment at the
has a complete stock of
Field Garden
in the latest styles, at
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry'
No. 59 Irlain Street Brownville.
Keeps cocQahtly on haart a large and well
Msorted stock of genuine articles In bis line.
tKepalsias of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
done oa short notice, at reasonable rates.
Peace and Quiet Saloon 1
, s
Ilavlng in my employ Mr.
acknowledged to be tho best miller in tho
Slate. I am prepared to fnrnlsh COOD
FLOUR, in any quantity. Bvery sack war
ranted. 3Iy Flour Is for sale at all the principal
stores In Brownville.
Sheridan Mills, April 1st. ISM.
S2-?S? -!- -' f -gsraay
t ini'f- i