Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 04, 1876, Image 3

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    KW'HWI - l I
'PT-T V A T) V"R"RTTS17R ' Cal1 for a Kepnblican County Conven
i I1J2j ms UH.L10U1U tion t0 Efcct Deiegalc8 t0 thc
Dully Singe Line Soutli.
ronl Krownvilleio Arago, Kails City and Tlulo
,, NVmalia City, Aspinwall and St. Ueroin. con
lctiiic w it" "IU eyances to all other points.
Ime Itiow it ville dally all o'clock p. m.
ri i at IJrownville II oV lock a. m.
' J. C. IIAIU.ESd, I'roprletor.
Neliraikn Railway,
. p in
i ion mar
Bpin nvillc
Nebraska City
V20p m
t:4H p m
3:40 run
8:T0p m3:20pra
3:7) ani12- p m
12:10 pm
l(h30 a :n
Mile H?wan
jnitii . 1
Ulipfii 1
Urownville IIuks Line to Plielpg.
I pare Biownvlll 7:30a. m.t 1:30 p. m.,SS0 p. m.
jvinvet Urownvllle.Slwi m.. H-no a. m.. 5S p. m
Al B. 3L BAILEY. Superintendent.
Chicago fc Western Railway.
1 r-dnsatCotyicII BInlTh arriveanddepartas follows
Iiav Express IfcX.p.m. I Day Impress C:40a.m.
iebt Enrev NiRht Kxpress-
5 ' ' I Ex. Freight KkWa.m.
V. U.STEXXETT.Oen.Pas.Agt.
Publisher' Notices.
T.xrr.K com ks or Tin? A dvkrtiskr for sale by O.
'. Di'NS. Bookseller, fetatloner and Xews Deal
er. Xu. 9? Main street1, next door to the I'ostoffice.
JH-ai. Xiiti. set as ordinary reading matter,
will be charged ten cents per lin. cacli insertion.
Set in display.tyi?, fifteen cents a line.
Attlhortiert Agents.
V K l.HnnRnow. at, Ishereby authorized
to rH-elve "subscription mid. advertlMnc for the
AovKRTisKK. and collect and receipt for the
Vy-.rrv,CIH'Niv?,t Pbcridan, is our authorlred
et!at that place to receive and receipt Tor all
luomes due us.
j y ifoovER Is our authorized agent at Xcma-
ha City to receive and receipt for monies due us.
Thomas Bi'BMs Is our authorized agent in Glen
Rock precinct to receive and receipt for monies
SIjc us on subscription.
K 3 Bitter. atSt-DoroIn.IseurauthorlzedaKcnt
at that receive subscriptions and adver-
tMug. and to collect and, receipt for monies due
l ,hs s, Sunick is our authorlred agent at Aspln
nall.t recel'te Subscription and advertising, and
collect and fecelpt'for monies due us.
Publishers Advertiser.
See the qard of H. H. Bower's in
another column.
,- Mr!i. Ben Rogers is on
friends in Wisconsin.
a visit to
I. L. McCoy lost some hogs in the
Tcceut Hood in Pawnee county.
A. J. RitCer has. sold the St. De
roin Homing mill to Geo. Collar.
ff-orV large Hock of sheep went
through town one day last week west
ward bound.
Several articles prepared for this
paper, and oneortwo communica
tion, are crowded over.
Ex Gov. Furuas writes a very in
teresting communication from Phila
delphia which we publish this week.
No one who has ever witnessed
ohe performance of Loavitt's Bell
Ringers will fail to see it again on
next Tuesday evening. .
G. W. Fairbrother, W. H. Small
and A. J. Bitter left for Omaha on
Sunday last to attend the sittiug of
the U. S. Courts as grand and petit
jurors. c '
Our "Neighborhood News" is
full this wteek, for which we return
thanks. With the assistance of our
itemizes we flatter ourselves that The
Advertiser is the best county paper
in the west.
Independents will be permitted
to participate in the primaries on Saturday-,
and are even invited to comu
boldly. Now is the accepted time
not a month hence, when other over
tures to them may make it for ever
too late.
- The Good Templars lodge at As
pinwalj gave an "Old Folk's" con
?erfc on Saturday-evening of last week.
A delegation of 30 or more of our peo
ple went down and were very well
entertained and speak highly of the
The call for a county convention
on the second page has been inadver
tantly omitted heretofore. We hope
the Republican electors will take no
tice of the call for preoinct primaries
on Saturday next, May 6th, at 3
o'clock p. m., and will send full dele
gations to the county convention.
Itlstobehoped that all who desire
to co-operate with the Republican
party in the approaching campaign
will start In now at the primaries.
Marshal McCabe arrested a bel
ligerent individual one day last week,
and was quietly marching him to the
Tolice Judge's office, when the fel
low suddenly and unexpectedly at
tempted to give leg ball. It was a
refreshing sight to see the marshal
stretching himself away towards the
Missouri river, and to the spectators
it was doubtless the most interesting
foot race, ever witnessed on Main
fctreet. The Marshal's shin bones
were a little too long to make the
race a fair one, and he succeeded in
arrestlug the fugitive before he crossed
ihg city limits.
The following, obituary we take
from the Rockport Journal. Judge
Carnes was a brother-in-law to Dr.
William Arnold of this city:
On. Monday evening last Judge
Carnes died at his home In Templeton
townehip. He had been an invalid
for several years and his death was
not ft n looked for.
Judge Carnes was born in Alle
ghany county. Pa., Nov. 17, 1817; re
moved with his parents to Coshocton
countj', Ohio in 1S20, and in 1865 re
moved to Missouri, making his home
In Templeton township this county.
In 1866 he was elected County Judge
for a term of bIx years.
HiB remains were interred on Wed
nesday In Green Hill Cemetery near
Rock Port, the funeral being conduct-
eu by the Masonic fraternity, of
. 'hicu order he Lad long been a mem-
State Convention.
The Republican electors of Xemaha
County are hereby called to send del
egates from the several precincts to
meet in county convention at Sheri
dan, on Saturday, the 13th day of May
at 1 o'clock r. m., for the purpose of
electing four delegates to the State
Convention to be held at Fremont on
the 23rd day of May, 1S7G, at3 o'clock
p. M., for the purpose of electiug six
delegates to the National Convention
at Cincinnati, to be held on the 14th
day of June next, to nominate caudi
dateH for President and Vice Presi
dent of the United States".
The several precincts are entitled
to representation in the County Con
vention as follows:
St. Deroin 2 l Aspinwall 5
Nemaha City, 5 Brownville, II
London 3 , Peru !
Island 1 Glen Rock 2
Lafayette ...,
Washington, .......
The Republicans of each precinct
are requested toineet at their respec
tive places of election on Saturday the
6th day of May, at 3 o'clock p. m., to
elect delegates to the county conven
tion. By order of the County Central
G. W. Fairbrotiier, Ch'n.
W. A. Polock, Sec.
We regret to announce that our
fellow townsman, W. D. Swan, who
has been so long with us as to be one
of the family, as it were, having now
closed out his business, will soon take
up his residence elsewhere. We are
n'ot yet advised as to the field of his
operations in the future, but where
ever he ma' ohaace to rein in thecom
munity which receives him will re
ceive a good substantial business
man, for such we all know we have
On Saturday last a son of our
townsmen, J. Ii. Roy, was thrown
from a fractious horse and seriously
injured. The horse ran down to the
levee and attempted to run up on the
railroad track north of the depot, but
got no farther than the railroad bridge
on Atlantic street in which he was so
badly injured that he died the day
following. The boy is recovering.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, May 9th, 1S7G, at 1 o'clock,
p. 31., at the office of J. H. Broady, at
Brownvjlle, Neb., there will be a
meeting of the stockholders of the
Nemaha Driving Park Association,
for the election of five directors of
said association.
E. Huddart, Pres't.
A citizen who has just come
from there says Brownville is the
dullest town he has struck since he
had the measles. He hat! them in
Nebraska City. Falls City Globe
Journal. He didn't strike it right. Wo sus
peot It's the fellow that put up under
the court house.
From the census returns of this
county we find the population to be
8.276, of which 4,230 are males, and 4,
046 females. Births during the year,
245, of which 106 are males and 139
females. Deaths during the year, 77,
of which 4S are males and 29 females.
The editor of the Granger will
please give the editor of this paper
credit for the reply to Judge Church's
letter In the last issue of The Adver
tiser. Do not gue&s when you don't
know : it makes unreliable journal
The sentence, "Pack with my
box five dozen quills," contains every
letter of the alphabet. Tccumsch
No it don't! Where is your g, and
your j, and your r? Try again.
Appleton's American Cyclope
dia, Art Journal, Picturesque Europe
and Picturesque America. An agent
will call upon citizens to obtain or
ders for these works this week.
The lecture by Rev. T. B. Lem
on on "Temperance" announced for
Thursday evening of this week, is in
definitely postponed.
We give place to the address of
Rev. D. B. Lake, delivered at the
Odd Fellows celebration at Nemaha
City, April 27th.
Sherriff Plasters is extending in
vitations for the next term of court to
favored citizens of the county.
J. 8. Stull starts to-day for Chi
cago, to be absent about ten days or
two weeks.
A. W. Nickell has put over his
door a very neat canvas awning.
The District court calendar will
be printed for the next term.
Capt. J. L. Carson went to Falls
City on Tuesday.
Retnetnber the primaries May 6th.
I. 0. of G. T.
The regular quarterly meeting of
the District Lodge of District No. 2,
will meet with Aspinwall Lodge No.
10S, on Wednesday, May 10th, 1S76, at
10 oclock a. m. There will also be a
public meeting in the evening, to
which the publicare cordially invited.
We desire a full attendance from every
lodge in thecounty.
Yours fraternally,
A.J. Skeen, Di6t. Deputy.
Jnst Received.
A car load of Woodlawn spring
wheat flour, which I warrant to be
cheaper, and as good as any in this
market. W. A. Judkixs.
Farmers ! Farmers !
Have you seen the new gang plow?
If not, call on Richards & Smith and
examine the new "Pearl." It Is the
lightest draft plow out; easily opera
led by three Botscs. "Warranted in
every respect.
Read notices in '"lost" column.
See the dissolution notice of J. &
E. Huddart.
Cast your eye over the new ad
Barney Otens wants 150 head of
cattle to herd.
For anything in the harness line
call on Bauer.
S. Till has moved to his country
residence near the city.
Ladies', men's and boys' saddles,
of all styles, at Bauer's.
Government advertises In this
paper for military supplies.
New carpets, floor oil cloths, bed
steads, bureaus, &c, at Roy's.
Read all the advertisements and
see the bargains that are ofFeied.
Whips of all kinds drover, rid
ing, and driving, at Bauer's.
Read the "legal notices." You
may have an interest in them.
Leavitt's Bell Ringers at Mc
Phersou Hall Tuesday evening.
Harry Eades does the funny bus
iness with Leavitt's Bell Ringers.
Weaning bits for colts and calves,
a sure thing, at Bauer's harness shop.
If you smoke, drop 'in and see
Till and try one of his "Lilly" cigars.
Two Parker's Patent Observation
Bee Hives for 6aIo at Jo. Huddart's
grocery store.
Centennial whips are the latest
out, and our enterprising horse cloth
ier, J. H. Bauer, has them for sale.
We are printing and furnishing
very cheap, a "credit check," which
our Business- men will find very con
venient. Jake Rouschkolb is painting and
papering his beer hall, and says he Is
going to have the nicest place of the
kind in town.
Messrs. Howard & White, who
pay cash for butter and eggs, have a
neat advertisement in this paper an
nouncing the fact.
Tom. Richards, of the firm of
Richards & Smith, is calling on the
farmers taking their orders for auj'
agricultural implements they may
Mrs. White & Scott, at Mrs. Ma
rion's old stand, have a neat and large
stock of millinery goods, and send a
special invitation to the ladies to call
and examine.
Craddock & Son's flour and feed
store is now in full operation. Seed
oats and corn in quantities-. Highest
market price paid in cash for all kinds
of country produce.
Cabbage and toraatoe plants, of
all the best varieties, for sale Jos. O.
Hamilton, corner 4ttr and Atlantic
streets. Orders from a distance will
receive prompt attention.
Skinner's sulkey plows, 16-inch,
are the cheapest to buy. They do the
work of two common plows, -and save
the expense of one man and horse.
For sale by Richards & Smith.
$1.50 pays for The Advertiser
for one year; $1.00 for Bix months,
and 50ts for three months. Our terms
for a less period than one year are at
the rate of $2.00. Remember this.
Harrison's patent combination,
kitchen safe, the most useful, and at
the same time tiie most ornamental,
pieceof kitchen furniture ever brought
to this city, is now for sale at J. L.
Roy's furniture store.
Harry Eades, the great comic
singer, whose vocalization, powers of
imitation, peculiar transformations,
and terpsichoreanizatiou, never fail to
call forth thunders of applause, will
appear with Leavitt's Bell Ringers at
McPherson Hall next Tuesday even
ing. Don't fail to secure seats early.
The Chicago live stock market
of Monday was quiet, and prices
without material change from Satur
days quotations. Receipts in Cattle,
4,500; good to choice fat steers selling
at $4.30,5.35; medium grades, $4.00
4.2o; butchers' cattle, $3.5004.00.
Hogs dull and lower; sales chiefly at
$7.50; few sales at $7.00 for inferior;
choice lots, $7.457.65. Sheep dull,
and prices barely sustained, ranging
at $4.005.00 for common to fair;
$5.256.2o for good to choice.
Buck Beer ! ! !
Is a healthy, exhilerating, harmless
drink ; "Doesticks" says "it's not ia
toxicating," any way. Well, in all
our eastern cities its advent, about the
1st of May, is hailed with transports
of joy by the German element. All
the saloons are decked in green, bands
play, "Bucks" two and four legged
frisk around, and a holiday is had,
by the worshipers of Gambrinus gen
erally. Revelry holds ita boisterous
saw, and Buck beer rules the livelong
day. Jacob Rauschkalb is fixing up
his place in honor of the advent of the
said Buck Beer in this city for the
first time, and everything promises a
good time; and presided over bj
Jake, with the best beer that can be
had, we doubt not all will be jovial at
hid saloon.
Pumps ! Pumps !
Hawley & Douglas have the largest
stock, the greatest variety, at the
lowest prices, west of the Missouri.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofire existing be
tween J. & E. Huddart, is this day
dissolved by mutual conseut, J. Hud
dart retiring from the business. All
persons knowing themselves indebted
to the late firm are hereby notified to
call and settle immediately, and ob
lige 45w2 J. & E. Huddart.
Protect Your Houses lrom
H. H. Bower will sell the coming
season. In Nemaha county, the solid
copper rod, "King of all rods." Also
a good iron rod covered with copper,
making two complete rods in one.
Also a cheap iron rod copper coated.
45 w3
Plows! PloWSt5!
Where do all those good Garden
City and Skinner plows come from?
Richards & Smith; they keep the best
of goods.
Tne Best Brands
of fall wheat flour at W. A. Judkins'.
Corn planting has begun.
There has been but little rain
the past week, and the roads are im
proving. A Sunday School has been or
ganized here. Meets at the school
house at 9 A. M. Preaching also on
Sundays by Eld. McKinney.
Sam Stairs and John Salone start
for the Black Hills this week. We
wish them a prosperous trip.
Miss Frank Shaw teaches the
school at Hillsdale this summer.
Commenced May 1st.
The "Old Folks'" concert was
well attended. A large number of
ladies and gentlemen from Brown
ville were present, and we think that
all were well pleased with the exer
cises. The "Old Folks" are in excel
lent health considering their age, and
seem to have borne the ravages of
time remarkably well.
Yes, spring, the most joyous sea
son of the year, will soon be upon us
in all its beauty. The abundaut rains
and every thing combined seems to
indicate a prosperous season ; 'and as
we have no ravenous grasshoppers to
contend with, we dare to raise our
bowed heads and look forward with
hope to better times. May this cen
tennial year of our nation ever be re
membered as a prosperous one.
The fruit prospect iB fine.
The country is getting to look
beautifully. The trees are in their
fresh, green leaves; and the snowy
blossoms of the plum aud cherry
contrast charmingly with the rosy
bloom of the peach.
Some of the young men of Lon-
with violin and accordeou, gather at
the different houses and treat the in
mates with song and music. They
are always greeted with a hearty wel
come, and time passes off pleasantly.
Music hath a refreshing and elevating
Influence on the mind.
Mr. Geo. Yauney and family
have returned from California. They
started last fall for that land of fruit,
flowers, and "heatheu Chinee," but
on trial find Nebraska the better
place of the two.
Those persons with rusty plows,
who try to brighten them by plowing
up the public roads, ought to be look
ing out a little, or they will have the
mail carier after them. "Uncle Sam"
is strict in this, as in all other mail
Syllogisms, like figures, don't
lie. Mediums among Spiritualists,
say by aid of spirits, they do mysteri
ous things. Other men can do simi
lar things, therefore spirits do not
help mediums. Angels opened the
prison door of Peter. Men can open
prison doors, therefore angels did not
open the prison door. Were spiritu
alism all a humbug, there is not a
feather's weight of argumeut against
it, to a logical mind, in those "ex-
posers" who gcaoout tue land, and
neoDle should, he ratitlniiH hnw-lhpv
t-aregurrEtrourtirineir wit3 ami tueir
1 ... --2. -- .- -.
The frog and bed bugs are again
heard in the land. Deliver us from
the latter.
A short stroll over the prairie
found us at Tone Wilson's place,
where he was sliuging oats over the
land from a wagon. Tonesays this Is
a lazy but economical way.
It was whispered in our ear that
the tax collector was out here. We
have a particular dread for such fel
lows. Protracted school meetings is
what the call the adjourned meetings
of the school district.
Jud Wright is away so much of
his time that we should think it
would be a pleasure for him to stay at
home and get slightly acquainted
with his family.
It must be gratifying to the "self
conceited, sniveling youth' of Brown
ville to have their superiority over
fourth-rate lawyers and fllmsey legal
advisers acknowledged.
We noticed the genial phiz of
James Cochran in Johnson on his
way toTecumseh.
Laura Suodgrass is swaying the
scepter of school mistress at the Union
James Hageman is ready to re
ceive your cattle for herding.
Johnson seems jubilant that Bhe
will have a chance to locate the coun
ty seat at Brownville permanently.
Humboldt hasreceived'two mails
in the past eight days.
Four trains went up the road on
Over 150 rail road hands took
dinner In town on Friday.
A. P. Smith starts for the Black
Hills on Monday. He takes his wife
and a young man named Scott. He
starts with 1,0q0 pounds of bacon.
A frightful runaway cccurred on
Saturday evening. Oto Deas, living
five miles north of town, was thrown
from his wagon, and striking on his
head tore his right ear about half ofT.
He was taken to the Enoch House,
where he received medical assistauce.
Ebenezer White, Jiving 7 miles
south of town, is probably one of the
oldest persons living in the State.
He has reached the ripe old age of 103
years, and walks a half mile to church
once a week.
News scarce this week.
Spring is here and everything
swimming. Farmers not more than
half done sowing small grain, and
not much 6how for getting dofie.
On the night of the 22d we had
the heavfest rain storm of the season,
with hail and wind. Considerable
damage done to property. Atthehome
of Mr. Smith, in Richardson county,
the wind upset a load of lumber,
literally breaking every board to at
oms. This is leap year, and old bach
elors are being taken up wherever
found. This is right, girls. Some
professor says that Ioveis an affection
of the stomach:" and if that ia the
case, it must also be contagious, for
the old bachelors are all affected. C.
Brockaway sings no more, "My stom
ach yearns for thee," but has taken
Miss Geach as his better-half; and on
last Sabbath H. M. Preston was mar
ried to Miss Barbra Heyl, of Frank
lin, in Richardson county.
We notice that Mr. Howe's
friends get things mixed. Come,
friends, straighten up. We notice the
action of the officers of the State
Grange in, regard to Howe scandal.
Now, brother Patrons, read your
pledge. Is not that a political ques
tion? We think so, and one that
your pledge does not allow action on.
Keep politics out of the grange. Wre
have courts. The charges brought
against our Worthy Master are seri
ous ; let him bring the parties to time
and stand clear of the charges. We
think character is worth something;
and until this matter is cleared up,
there is grounds for strong suspicion.
But above all things, keep the subject
out of the grange. April 2ith.
The herders are gelling their
ranks filled up fast with cattle.
Small grain in. Corn planting
Is the last countersign. ,
George Valandingham has sold
his farm to Wesley Peaslej'.
Preaching at the school house In
Shefidau Saturday evening and Sab
bath morning at 11 o'clock.
W. T. Reed buys corn, and pro
duce of all kinds.
Most any time in the day you
can see meu walking around the pub
lic square in Sheridan.
The Sheridan people have been
very liberal In donations, and are
still preparing to give more before the
The weather has been pleasant
for the past week.
The farmers are mostly done
sowing grain.
Grant is going to have a new
sohool bouse this summer.
Hon. J. G. Ewau has been quite
sick for several weeks past.
You may put Lafayette down for
a clear vote on the county-seat remo
val. We learn that the Rev. J. W.
Taylor will be able to fill his appoint
ments regularly hereafter.
Mrs. C. C. Hix is teaching school
In the Blodgett district. We under
stand she is giving good satisfaction.
Miss LauraSuodgrass commenced
school last Monday in the Union dis
trict. They have, undoubtedly, se
cured a good teacher.
We learn that Mr. Childs and
Mr. Claypool intend starting for the
Black Hills next Mouduy. We wish
them much success.
The peach crop in this vicinity is
nearly all killed; other fruit promises
A few daj's ago we had the pleas
ure of looking over the public library
at CIifton"Mr. A'ldrlch, the librari
an, very kindly showedssus a list of
the books'.. ancLalaoofitbe members
and patrons of the institution. We
think they have a good selection of
books, considering the means they
had to purchase with. Due credit
should be given to those persons who
have loaned bookB from their private
libraries for the public uee. We were
glad to see that the library Is being
well patronized.
Wo are told that a few persons
who signed the petition for calling an
election for the removal of thecounty
seat intend voting against the remov
al. Such persons must be either very
thoughtless, or else must act first and
think afterwards. Perhaps they may
change again before the election day
comes around.
Strange hut True.
I w'isb'to close out my stock of Wall
Paper, and will sell it cheaper than it
has ever been sold in Brownville. I
have just received a nice stock, and
have now concluded to sell it out at
the following prices :
Brown blank, 8 to 10c ; formerly
sold at 121.
White blanks, 12i lol4c. ; formerly
sold at 17..
Satin at 20 to 25c. per roll.
Trimmed for the wall. Come and
see my stock, and I know that you
will buy. G. S. Dunn.
Says he has so reduced expense that
he can sell DRUGS cheaper than any
man In Southern Nebraska.
Money to loan on real os
tate securities, in sums of $300
aud upvrartls, at 10 per cent,
interest. Call on
Black Hawlie,
Defiance, and Garden Cily cultiva
tors, cheaper than by any one else, at
Richards & Smith's.
Climax and Quincy corn planters as
low as any on?, by
RicnABDS & Smith.
Keeps a full line of Drugs, Paints,
Oils, Glass, and everything kept in a
first class drug store.
Do not buy your Wall Pa
per till you have priced II. C.
Lett's stock, tor he Trill sell
lower than any man in the
State. No boasting.
"Business in a Minute."
We will offer the Skinner, Pekin,
Canton Clipper, Moline, and Garden
City 12-inch breakers, all complete,
for cash at $20. Double shovel plows
at$5. Call and examine.
Richards & Smith.
Jul) Printing.
Do you Want Posters ?
Do you want Handbills?
Do you want Business Cards?
Do you want a neat Billhead ?
Do you want a tasty Letterhead ?
Do you wantja nice Visiting Card ?
If so, leave your orders at The Ad
vertiser Job Office, where all work
ib done by experienced workmen, and
guaranteed to give-satisfaction.
Advkktiskmekis under the head of "Wanted."
"For Rent," "For Sale." "Lost," "Found," ie.,
will be charged twenty-five cents for each adver
tisement of five Hues, or less, each Insertion. Ad
vertbements over five lines, at the rate of five
cents per line, ach insertion.
LOST Between Nemaha City and Brown
ville, a gentleman's plaid Shawl, which
the tinder will please leave at this office and
claim Ills reward.
LOST A buciryslde-cnrtaln, on Saturday
last. The-finder will be suitably reward
ed by leaving the same with Ben Rogers,
LOST If you; have lost nnythin:: adver
tise for itl n this department of our pa
per. It cost but 25 cents.
FOR SATjE 150 bushels Millet seed for
sale. Persons desiring any of this seed,
can be accommodated bv calling at the resi
dence of JACOB EAHSMAN, live miles
west of Brownville, on the Tecumseh road.
Foil SALE rersons desiring Short
Horns, Berkshire. Dark Brahmas or
their eggs, or Italian Bees, can procurethera
of S. Cochran. Brownville. 36tf
ITIOK. SALE A farm of 1C0 acres; all in
; cultivation; hedge fncp. good house,
stable, well, &c. Convenient to Church and
School House. A good bargain, with terms
to salt purchaser. Apply to JohnStraln. Ne
maha City, or this office. SCtf
FOR. SALE At a liberal discount an SS7..7)
due bill on the Bardett organ Co.. whlclv
can be used In the purchase of a Bnrdett Or
gan, direct from the manufacturer, amlfnl
Iv warranted. FAIRBROTHER & HACK
ER. Advertiser Office.
ITIOR. SALE At a liberal discount a S2ii.0O
; due bill on the Horace Wntet Piano Co..
which can be used in the purchase of a Phil
harmonic Piano, fully warranted. FAIR
BUOTHER & HACKER. Advertiser Office.
Foil SALE Space In this department at
Ave cents a line, counting from five lines
up. If j'ou have any thing yon wish to sell,
try one of our cheap advertisements.
I7!OK RENT A dwelling house with four
; rooms, garden and cistern. Also one
with eight rooms, cellar, wood house, cistern
well and garden. For terras apply to W. T.
ITIOR. RENT A very desirable form with -
in one mile of Brownville, with good
orchard. Are wood and pasture. Forty acres
under cultivation. For terms apply to W.
T. DEN. SStf '
T7TOR RENT Space under this headat five
I; cents a line, counting from Ave lines up.
If yon have anything to rent, try one of our
cheap advertisements.
WANTED Advertisements for this col
umn, at 5 cents a Hue. No advertise
ment taken for less than 25 cents.
Dragging- Out Existence.
The nervous, weekly Invalid docs not en
joy life, but merely "drags out existence," as
the phrase is. Unfitted for the active pur
suits of life, and incapablo of partnkingof
its pleasures, to which health alone can give
a zest ; disinclined to boclal intercourse, and
a prey to melancholy, the valetudinarian is
indeed an object of pity. Yet there is noth
ing in all this that cannot be remedied by
that genial alterative tonic and nervine,
Hostettetter's Stomach Bitters, which sup
plies bencficient stamina, braces the nervous
system, and overcomes those bodily irregu
larities to which nervous weakness Is most
frequently attributable. Diseases of the
kidney and bladder, imperfectdlgestlon and
uterine troubles are fertile sources of debili
ty. Their eradication, however, becomes a
matter of certainty when Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters are systematically used for that
purpose. The Bitters likewise annihilate
and prevent fever and ague and other debili
tating febrile complaints of a malarial na
ture, apnl
The Walmsli.Fnst Slail Route.
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and defiant Day
Coaches are run fhroughTrom Kansas City, Atchi
son and St. Joseph (leaving in theraftcrnoon) to
Toledo and Cleveland without change, v II. &
St. Joe. R'y and the Wabash Line.
S'g- No extra charge for seats in Through Bay
Direct connection Is madg at Cleveland with
lh rough Sleepers to New York and Boston,
i 'rne vranaan is equipped wtm-tmtJinprovea Air
Brake, Miller's Conplers, and the Day Coaches are
the best in the West, havlngnpatent heating appa
ratus by which the heat Is distributed under tne
Passengers taxing the Wabash Route have but
one changelof cars from the Missouri river to Indi
anapolis, Cincinnati. Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Bal
timore, Iluftulo, New York, Boston and intermedi
ate points.
Express Tralas of thc"3Iissouri Tactile and St.
Louis, Kansas City Northern Railways make di
rect connection with through cars of the Wabash
Like from Union Depot, St. Louis.
J. S.Lxzatius. Western Agt., St.. Loul3. W. L.
JfAixoLM, Gen'l Pass. Agt.. Toledo.
oward & White,
Basement No. 60, McPherson Block,
JBx-ovii-illc, IVeljx'asslca,
are paying the highest market price in
Mrs. White & Seott
At Mrs. Marions old stand,
Brownville, Nebraska,
have now on exhibition a large and complete
stock of everything in their line. Particu
lar attention paid to
We are nlo agents for Corn well's belf fit
We invite the Indies of Brownville and vi
cinity to call and examine our goods, as we
feel confident they will compare favorably
with anything ever in this market, both in
prico and quality.
Notice of Special Election.
Pursuant to an order of the Board of Coun
ty Commissioner of Nemaha County, Neb.,
dated April 20th, A.D. 1870,
Notice is hereby given that on Saturday,
June 3rd. A.D. 1S7G, in the said County of
Nemaha, at the sevpral places of voting, an
election will be held for the purpose of vot
ing on the question of the re-location of the
county seat of said county.
The electors bhall designate on their bal
lots what city, town, or place they desire said
county seat located at.
Which election will be opened at eight
o'clock in the morning, and will continue
open until six o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day.
By order of the County Commissioners,
this 21th day of April. A.D. 1S7B.
41 wC County Clerk.
Shaving, Shampooing, Hair Cutting. &c,
done in the latest style of th art tonsorlal.
Shop, tnird door alove First National Bank,
& Q a. day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and
tJX. terras tree.
THUE &. CO., Ansustalalae.
lam, aware that a considerahle amount of 'tradGheL
longing to Brownville has been taken to other-places;,
and i?i not a few instances money has been sent to
for tlie purchase of articles of Merchandise, all for. ?i&
purpose of getting
Now lam determined
Hko to he Out Bone or Under Sold1 by Anybody
(no matter where they reside,) and will act aGGording
ly. It is impossible to give an
as my stock of Merchandiseis so varied and complete
thai it would take
to enumerate: but I will give a few items to show the
low prices at xvhieh lam selling my goods :
1G yards Standard Prints for .....
12 " best Brown Sheeting for
12 " Bleached Shlrtin? for ....
S " Striped Shirting for ....
S t Best Gingham for .....
Hamburg Edging, 3 yards for ....
Linen Handkerchiefs, 10 cfs.cach aud upwards.
White Hose, lO cts. each and upwards.
Cotton Overalls, per pair,
Cotton Pants, per pair, ......
Fashionable Clothing-, per suit, from $lO to $'25 OO
Linen and Cretonne Suits for Ladies, from $1 25 to SIS OO-
If you all want bargains, go
Beer Hall & Lunch Eoom
(Phil. Deuser's old stand)
Brownville, XcbrasUa.
Bologna, Cheese, Bread, &c.
Everything Clean, IVcat, Quiet.
Second do
Brown's Illinois Corn Planter
is thc best.
IVcir Cultivators,
Nebraska City Stirring and
Breaking Plows,
Studebalier Wagon, the best.
Money to loan on improved farms at ten
per cent, interest.
1 We now have in our employ an cx-"i
ft perienced and practical HOUSE,
I buy my beer te
by Jake.
For new styles in
go to Lowman's.
An experienced practitioner, will till and
extract teeth for all who wish, at reasonable
rates, at his residence on Main street, ne-t
Jiloor to Bratton's store.
&ftf!rTnal ft
K -gF A-fV Jk G2-S a , F- V?l AmM
ww, j- i don't.
" " - H T.
1 (10)
1 OO
1 OO
1 OO
1 25
Proposals for Itlilitarj Supplies-
U3IAHA, rtEH., April TJ.I57U.
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, sub
ject to the usual conditions, will be
received at this oJUce, or at the olllces of the
Quartermasters at the following named sta
tions, until 12 o'clocR. noon, on Friday,
June:.. 1876; (allowlngfor differences of ttrno
at which time and places they will bo open
ed In the presence r bidders, for fnrnlshlns
and delivery or Military Supplies during the
year commencing July 1. ls"0. and ending
JtineSO. 1877, as follows: WOOD and HAY. or
such of said supplies as may bo required at
Omaha Depot. Omaha Rnrrurks, Fort Harf
sufl". Fort McPherson. North Platte, tfldney
Barracks. Cheyenne Depot. Fort D. A. Kns
Mill. Fort Sanders, Fort Frod Steele, Fort
Brldger, Fort Hall, Camp Douglas, Fort
Cameron. Camp Itoblnson, CunpSherldan,
Fort Laramie, Fort Fetterman, Camp Stauv
baugh.aml Camp Brown; also, for 100 tons
of Coal at Camp Brown.
Proposals will also be received nt this of
fice, to the day and hour above named, for
the delivery on the cars at the point noareS
to the mines on the line of the rnlon I'scltlr
Railroad, of seven thousand live hundred
tonof COAL.
Also, for the delivery at Omaha Depot, ot
at stations on the Union i'acltlc Railroad
east of Grand Island, of two million poundV
of CORN, and one mtlllori pound of OATS
Proposals for either cinsa f th storos
mentioned, or for quantities lees lhanwthe'
I whole required, will berecclved. Ji.
i JKJ4 f?ovPMMiSt Mwrrw'tborlght tfitrft- -
jniiui)r uriiii firujrueiuH. ,
A prorerence win be given lor articles
domestic prodnctlori. ,
Blank proposals and printed ctrChlnrs; "
stating tho kind and estimated quantities of
Hay and Wood required at each station-, and
giving full Instructions as to the manner of
bidding, conditions to be observed by bid;
lers. and terms of contract anil payment,
will b furnished on application to thN of
fice, or to. the Quartermasters at the various
stations named.
Envelopes containing the proposals should
be marked "Proposals for at
,'' and addressed to tho -derslgned,
or to the respective Posts and Do
pot Quartermaster.
low I Chief Quartermaster.
o -
Will receive a car load of the latost patterns-
derect from 'the manufactories, and will keep"
constantly on hand a large assortment at the
has a complete stock of
Fields Garden'
in the latest styles, at
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry'
No. 5D ITain Street Brownville.
Keeps constantly on hand a large and u'ell
assort edstoc V. of genuine articles In hi line.
repairing or uocks, watches ami Jewelry
done cm short notice, at re&soriable rates.
Peace and Quiet Saloon I
Having In my employ Mr.
acknowtedaetl to be the best miller Jn the
State. I am prepared, to fnrnfsh GOOD
FLOUR In any quantity. Every sack war
ranted. My Flour is for sale at all the principal
stores in Brownville.
Sheridan 311116. April lst.IeT5
If licet