izlLix-JzJS MMgBfT .-. y r-r ::Armmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm J . WIW'-'J if "'w iiiiniiwiiiJniiLaBiwiiBgWfafe.A -Jggi!lHH!BSgffaSRMKIg: ' : ' . . i ADVERTISER, 5DAY. MORNING. APRIL 22, 1875. Publishers Settees . rviwas or the advkbtiske for saleby O. :orf Bookseller, Statloaer and-iCcwsDeal- f0.V '""'" "- r.fn tMaf BrtnnArininAiJnsmmce. f otictw. et as ordinary reading matter. t charged ten cents per line, each Insertion, ta dUplny tye, fifteen cents i Una. tiskments under the head of'Wanted." hr lieiu, - - Kohanred twenty-five cents for each adver- ..i4.iv,,. c.ia "iyai" "Konna. .. Fment of Ave lines, or less. each Insertion. Ad- hisements " 2ve lines, at the rateorave Lu per line. ach insertion. Authorized Agent. Trr;oAs.ct Fheridnn. Is onr nnthonzea .... ..-.,. r.xilvo itnii rprplnt forall pnt a 'cal " fcnlesduen. i . -..o itniir nnlhnrlrjl nppntat Nemft- rs A. 1"" -"" ---- - City to rfCPive ar.u r-ci. iur muui-o u - ...nrnnrfsisoiirautlior!zedapent In Glen ctprwrinct to receive and receipt for monies ieBSonu";-'i'" i rrTEK.atSt-DcroIn,IsourauthorIzed agent 'tbt place, to receive suliscrlpttons and ndver- (st. and lo collect ana receiywur uuuia n" EE BVERTtSKB. -c Mis-ick Uonr authorized a&ent at Aspin- ji to receive subscription and advertising, and Hied and receipt for monies due us. Bbitt. at Peru, U hereby authorized to re- - . M4..AMlc1nir fnr thf An. gre SUOSCripiIO" auu jm;inr.... . KRTisER.and collectand receipt for me same. FAIUBROTHE!HArR. ZOCAmMAmTJSRS. The poetry of Abbie, "To Be," 111 appear next week. George Marlon and F. E. John- have received their new goods. The spring term of the Peru Nor- il School commenced last Monday. I Our merchants say that business 1 very good much better thun for jjme time past. Communication from Drl Fitz- brald, of Bt. Deroin, .will appear ext week. Our first big mess of lettuce we ecelved from Mr. Judklns, and he 1 our thanks for the same. ! A nice warm rain ehower fell on lunday night, and the grass is start- ig nicely on the. bottom lauds. The Missouri river has been on a Jse for the last week and the banks fere getting pretty well filled up. Nemaha City, we understand, is sow to have a saloon, aa the "whisky ring" curried their ticket at the late city election. A little boy in Peru has named lis kite "Beecher's life of Christ." e Buys he thinks that makes it go lp higher. Thursday ami Friday of hint reek were unusually cold, disagree- lb J- 'iayg, i5MtHMnuKhsMreg,Hy; tfral.l tint waTHitntrSt irAlfriutnitinawi'rt1 R MkrfMfe" -Vf . - r-- - ,u' jti lot BuftleientlydeyelflpetiftSUii'nj u rg 1 . ZP - 'WI ; fcd. - f- , K " -, 'TU '. I 2- .." - -t- . The Tecumseh Uturftain hoists the name of Jame G. Blaine, of Maltip, fur President iu 1S7G, and the name of Charles Hays, a prominent Renuhlicau of Alabama, for Vice President. Western papers Rn$' that the oc casional warm days hatch out the .new orop of grasshoppers, and the -cold day freeze the little de'ils to death. Well, that is not a had kind of weather after all, on an average. . Mrs. George Marion started for Chicago tiie first of the week to lay in her spring and summer stock of Mil linery goods. She will return about Saturday. Look oat for a fine display when she receives her new goods. Mr. McCandless, that sturdy old farmer of Aspluwall called and re newed his' subscription last week. Hia idea about it Is that lie must have tho Advertiser on account of its ad vertisement!. It is a good one, for all the principal business men advertise through tho Advertiser. A glance at our advertising col umns will convico the reader that there are sure signs of a revival of business In nearly every branch of trade. Our columns are fuller of ad vertisements and local notices than they have bepn for some time, and we regard it as a sure indication of grow ing confidence that the bottom has heen reached, and that a healthier bualiess feeling prevails everywhere. - We took n ride the other day thro' the country, and noticed that notwlthstandlngthetardinessofgenial growing weather, the spring wheat U coming up nicely, and fields of fall sown wheat look well generally, farmers are working with a relish, afber the loug winter, that betokens prosperit' and plenty or ut leant that if they have not abuudaut crops it will not be their fault. The bovs of Tecumseh made quite a raid on Brownvllle last Sun day. Well, there was Will and3eo. Beatty, Bob Crow, of the Herald, and Merrls Barrow, of the Chieftain, and Albert Townsend, clerk in .the storp Of Beatty aud Sons. We regret that they got away- on Monday morning before we had the pleasure of peeing them, but George was very glad to seeeo tnany of his young friend?. Elsewhere In this lsue we pub lish an Interesting ''talk" between Gen. Thayer and1 a newspaper report er, in regard to the opening or tlp Black Hills to miners ami emigrant-. Gen. Thayer Is interested In behalf of the people and Territory of whom he is now the Governor. He will be as emcleut In the accomplishment of iai matter, because of his influenced un tne President and his cabinet, as any other person, andhis statements may be reiled-on., ' ' - .. . ,... ,. .. .- JMJ . ,,s -r"rB55reBgj - m& A miam vmw - -3 . -j. i . . See G. W. Bratton's new, adver tisement In another oolumn.. U. S. District Court -will com mence in Omaha on the 4th of May. Hon. C. W. Seymour and Dr. Larnh, of Nebraska City, registered at the Union on Monday evening. Thanks to Mr. E. A. Welty of St. Deroin, for favors received, and hope he trill continue his efforts in behalf of the Advertiser. Wiblpy'R new brick bueiness house Is about finished. The plaster ing was done last week by Gates rind Bauffteld, who alao did the brick work. Wecorqtnence o splendid and most interehtinir serial Htory this week. Get your neighbors to subscribe or they will wear your paper out borrow ing it. We had the pleasure of meeting Charlie Deuser, of the firm of Denser & Bros., har.iwaremercrjantsof Rock port Mo In our city on Mouduy of this week. Lat S n d4y,ws ?''-:is5inR iLiy"1 .Jy fWIMI jWMfTlg. f-) - , w.vMwMr.;i;Prtiw"wii. .. - '. TSiS! S- "fc'.iShtnj. promenaaisg eranue rwuaawg, irw of Brown vllle. We always find at the shop of the Body brothers the best of corn fed beef. One day last week they slaugh tered the fattest beef animal ever sold in this market. ' See the new advertisement of Perry & Berger, architects, contrac tors, bridge builders, etc. These gen tlemen have been in this city for o number of years, and have universal ly given satisfaction In their work. The nurseries at this plaoe are do ing an Immense businesas this spring. We have not had a report from the Kauflmau nursery, aa yet, but notice wagon loads of splendid trees con stantly going to the country from Kauffman's. The Furnas nurseries have already shipped four car loads of stock this spring, aside from the borne trade which is excelleut, aud ntill the work goes on. How very gratifying it Is to see the people supplying themselves from these home nurseries with na tive grown trees. Those who are do ing this will have the best luck with their trees, and after a while the most excellent orchards. We understand that the old gen tleman Jtlrwin, an employe in Barnes' tailor shop, had his pockets picked on last Saturday night after he had gone to his bed in 'the Sherman House. The amount taken was not much it is true $5 to $10 but all he had ubout him, and had it been more the thief would have been better pleased. We fpIiiU Ii3aijIne5SO23(tuld4be,59'' daa (Lir.il (i suctirtam . especially to 'rob suca aSlfi d-Hearted . inoffensive rolil gen llema ijMrwCir.wIn, who hi to work hard for hh money. On the 15th inst. the following appeared in the Daily Herald of St. Jo.-eph, Mo, The failure of J. B. Hoover, at Ne maha City, Nebraska, which occurred u few-days ngo, turns out to have been a very heavy one, the liabilities foot ing up. as near as can be ascertained, almut $23,000. The greater part of the wholesale houses of St. Joseph are "In for it " in sums ranging from $200 to $2,500. A meeting.of the creditor to determine what shall be done, will be held at 8 o'clock this morning at tl e office of Brittain. Ovelman & Co. It is not known what Hoover's sssetta amount to. The next day, 16th, the same paper had the following: Yesterday a meeting of tlie credit ors of Mr. J. B. Hoover, of Nemaha City. Nebraska, was held at the office of "Brittain. Ovelman & Co. Mr. Hoover was prespnt, accompanied by his brother, Mr. W. H. Hoover. A satisfactory arraneement was made, which will, we think, result in the payment in full of all claims at an early day. The many friends and customers of Mr. Hoover, who deeply regretted the misfortune whioh overtook and eepm ed about to overwhelm him, will be glad to learn that, having the univer sal confidence of his creditors, he will be permitted to resume" btiBinessat his old stand, and have the opportunity given him to pay his debts rapidly as he can, and that he will not be forced into bankruptcy which was thought would bo the result of his embarrass ment a few days ago. We have the ut most confidence in Birl Hoover's in tegrity and honor, and are therefore well satisfied that his creditors have adopted the wiser couree in the matter for their own good. From what we understand ae'to the am aunt of his liabilities the Herald's figures above are some five or six thousand dollars too large. Every body acquainted with Birl is his friend, and they all wish him a eaa and speedy deliverance from his present financial troubles. At the -time the above was 'put in type, we concluded, from the Herald's report, that the matter hid been net tled, but such was not the case".- On Tuesday of this week Mr. J. B. Hoover met all hia creditors, either in person or by representative, in the office of the State B-.ttrk, when arti cles of agreement were entered into, and the whole matter satisfactorily adjusted between debtor ami creditor. Hoover resuming business at the old sRuid, as above stated. St. Jos eph creditors were represented at the meeting by C. D. Smith, of the firm of C. D. Smith & Co, atuF Jno. S. Brittain. of the firm of Brittain &. Ovelman. .Hbrpe creditors were per sonally present; All were well satisfied with the nrr rangement, glad to give Mr. Hoover an opjortunity to go on In business. rrivimr him words of cheer and-en- a j courageraent. J. B. -congratulates himself that he had fortunately, beeu dealing wi tlr white m en --.. -Riley McCollTimhas taken charge of the American House. - W. W. Hackney has just receiv ed a splendid' stock of goods. - A petition is now being circulat for the pardon of Wells, now confined in the county jail. Vnnnir men who want fashiona ble aa well as substantial clothes made go to M. B. Barues for the same. -Mr. J. H. Drain, of Nemaha . . otartpd for thp Ulty, we learn, n Di - r ni.i. xin t C..WM9 attend our old" JJIUUtV XJ.II13. UWVi friend. The County Commissioners were sitting as a board ol equaniiun un Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The new and neat sidewalk just made from Main street to the Presby terian church building is an improve ment which has long been needed. , Men who advertise liberally are the most liberal dealers, and of such you can get the best bargains. Look :o;vlrlthBATyTOWsajdjeo-who tuy;re; "- T f Yimng gMtAjipeN hajrff; Toent ly. been puttiny la- lippearancat buiuti piaues in mis vuuuiy, uut m nw alarming extent we believe. The cool nights are not healthy for them. The St. Joe' Herald says Wm. H. Hoover was in St. Joseph the oth er day at a meeting of the creditors of J. B. Hoover. This wag a mistake as Wm. H. was not In St. Joe at that time. For chicken oholera feed your poultry with raw oniony, chopped fine, mixed with common food about three times a week. This is better than a dozen cures for chicken chol era. Ex. And then it will give your eggs such a nice flavor, that you will feed your hens nothing but onions. Thoma9 Tobin, residing In Glen Rock precinct, this county, took up on the night of the 10th Inst., a light browu three-year old horse, with sad dle and bridle on when taken up. In another column, under. head of new advertisements, he requests the owner to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. The TecumBeh Chieftain says : Eld. R. C. Barrow, of this city, is writing a history of the Chri?tain Church In "Nebraska, which will be be published as n serial in the Evan gelist, an eight paged religious week ly, published at Okalnona. Iown, at $2 00 per annum, or $1.00 for six mouths. Many will doubtless wish to rend and preserve these chronicles of Piirlj days in Nebraska. The firnt chapter is written and will be out in .two, ,wfekBjimiliMij)g history u iiliB:MttlementinBrwnvilie.-aniHthe ewey; : . rJ' .' ""..T.'"" -. . yJz r- r. ."-- IwKanlzalloiiof tke -wfil'fietfi Yt1el?8rclv tef 'ILtJlhat uluiid X till rutLii 'WPiia Mivih. -i pk okup68iligKtL'. . The Tecuniseh Chieftain knew exactly what it was tulking about when it ultered the following: The Lincoln Journal speaks of the Hon. Church Howe as the "represen tative granger of Nebraska." If by this the Journal means that" Grange is the other uniiie for all that's "infam ous in politics" and shocking to good morals, it .speaks truly ami well. If on the other hand, it considers tho Grange an institution of worth and merit, of honor and fidelity. It speaks falsely and outrageously, and it knows it. We think the Grange is nn Insti tution that has much good and merit in it. and "therefore. Church Howe can not be its representative. We presume the Chieftain knows something of Mr. Howe's side per formances durlug the Legislature of 1875. 9IOKEY.TO. OAH To tlie Farmers of Ncmalia County. All parties desirous of obtaining a loan for three years, at 12 per cent, per annum, in connection with life in surance, can do so by calling on J. FITCH KINNEY, Jr., at the Star Hotel, wrownville, where ,he will re main for sixty days from the 1st of May, 1S75. Early Rose Potatoes for seed, at W. A. Judkin's." Feather and mns9 pillows, mattress es, baby buggies and new Carpets, at Roy's Furniture Store. What makes good bread ? Good flpur Hiuddart &, McCoy keeps it. Having-just returned from Market I have laid in one of -the best stocks of goods in town, consisting of prints, muslins, shirtings, cottonades, ladieH dress goods, and notions in great variety-; men's aud boy's clothing, huts, shoes and boots, for everybody, gro ceries etc I will sell goods at bottom prices, to suit the times, and'! will give you the worth of your money every ti;me. Call ami see me. George Marion. Stand not on your going hut go at. once to Huddart and McCoy's and get a sack of that, not new method, but the old reliable method flour. JOSEPH POSBr, House, plain and ornamental paint ing, paper hanging, grainlng..ulazi tig, kalsomiuiug, etc.. etc. Work done on short notice and warranted. Do not carry your flour and feed home nti'your back, but go to Hud da r.t & McCoy's after it, and have 'it delivered free of charge. II1CE ! IIICE ! ! Witcherly &Stnith are now prepar ed to deliver ice. Call at at the bar ber shop and get, yourj tickets and Meaveiybu r .ordeWV BLAOX HILLS EX()ITEMENr jTOE GREA.T RUSK. PLENTY of GOODS CHEAP for CASH , W. W. HACKNEY. 'Call ,at: Judkln'8 every Tuesday and Thursday, and get'fresh veget ables. FOR SALE. Second hand furniture sofa, bed steads, cook stove, &o. Call at Mc Creery's drug store. QUARTERLY. SHEETING. The third regular quarterly meet ing of St. Deroin circuit wilfbe held at Ro3efield School House, beginning April 24th. Saturday preaching at 2 P. M.. and on Sunday 11 a. si. Rev. M. Prichard, P. E., will be present and, officiate. D. B. Lake, 39w5j Pastor. "" i FORSAIiE. Second hand furniture sofa, bed steads, cook stove, &o. Call at Mo Creery's drug store. Huddart&McCoy sells good flour for!tw6dbIiars.T T ' .fte&3j . : jti - IWxi j, Si 'jfrvm Cfcyi'JW08acM, 0ar4,Wlthat &-: latuiciiie. Read what the Mt. Pleasant (Iowa) Journal says of Dr. Howell, celebrat ed electro-magnetlo healer of all ohronio diseasea without, medicine, w'howill be in Brownyille at Mrs. Nepher's boarding house on Friday April 23d, for a few days. "Dr. Howell is performing some wonderful cures In our city. Little did our fore fathers think that their children would one day be successful ly treating disease without medicine. The Doctor's success in diognosing aud locating disease and, performing quick and permanent cures after oth er remedies failed, is remarkable. Charges reasonable and consultation free. FOItSAIiE. Second hand furniture sofa, bed steads, cook etove, &o: Call at Mc Creery's drug store. A PARTNER WANTED. Ben Rogers desires to dispose of one half of his livery stock. to a partner witii two or three thousand dollars. It is one of the best stables In the west jqnd pays well. FOR. SALE, ' Second hand furniture sofa, bed steads, cook stove, &e. Call at Mc Creery's drug store. L. Lowman is selling cottonade and domestic cheaper than ever. EyBARBER. .SHOP. 'thatA? Frledline haVopwedfeattBhop j ptrthe booth side of Main stretjt, ad, -propoes to-practice the art tonsorinr in the most satisfactory manner upon all customers. Mr. F. has had much experience in the business, and flat ters himself that he thoroughly un derstands it. Ho solicits those who patronize barbers to give him a trial. L. Lowman is selling Japanese silk at25cts per yard. THE McCORMICIC HARVESTER Is the best in user it is stronger and more durable.than any harvester on the market; it is lighter of draft be cuje of its superior construction. Every machine warranted to give en tire satisfaction or no pay. The Mc Cormlck Advance Is so well known as a reaper and mower everybody ac knowledges its superiority in cutting and raking all kiuds of'grain and grass. It is more durable and runs lighter than any other reaper. Robert Tea re, Ag't. Office at Hill's Store, Brownville. L. Lowman is selling the best So calico ever brought to this market.' M. B Barnes has a most splendid assortment of cloths, neckties, scarfs, collars, and all kinds of gentlemen's fashionable dress goods, just received. He has also a nice lot of rattan walk ing sticks enid canes. Fashionable suits made to order and satisfaction guarantied; PAINTISG.. J. W. Tanner is now prepared to do all kinds of painting, paper hang ing, ka.lsamiulng, white-washing, etc., on reasonable ,terms and at short notice. Go to Abbott, Emery &, CLemosu Forall kinds of Firm Implement and Machine Repairing, Plain and Fancy Painting. Wagon. Wood ami Iron Work. Good work! Low rates! L. Lowman will sell chevoit shirts at great bargains. V. T. DEN IS JUST RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY pjr FURNITURE, STOVES AND DRY GOODS. JR. A. Hawley Is agent for the well known Furnas Nurseries, aud will fill orders for trees that will grow, be true to name, and adapted to our cli mate and soil. NOW IS THE TIME TOBUY GOODS AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES, FROM W. T. DEN. Boots and Shoes for men, ladies aud children5, at L, Lowm'an's. Farmers, buy tlwr Brown's Illinois Corn Planter. Browu don't par royalty; lie is the patentee himself. AH other planter nave to pay a royally to G. T?'. Brown. Send year 34ThecIuzensoftBrownvIlIeTarid?ev? rylMy.elReTOlIljleawstak'HnoUee. JraetJ) to W, T.DEBf.- SHERIAy SHORT-STOPS. Miss Dressier is teaching I.n, Pros pect, alias Hard-Scrabble district. Judge Morgan Is but at Blootn ington putting out trees on his timber claim. SchooV commenced In Sheridan the 13tb. ' Misa Emma Morgan, teacher. Wheat is doing well. Oats near ly all sown. Corn is up it's worth sixty-five cents. F. IS.. Skeen, has moved back to Nemaha City, 'cause they are. going to have a railroad down there. There has been a big prairie fire north of Sheridan, and now the Black Hills are to be seen from here. Our school meeting was a quiet one. Eli Wood wa3 re-elected treas urer and J. H. Duudas elected direc tor, to fill vacancy effused by the res ignation .of F. K. Skeen. We see a great many load? of lumber and lots of 'fruit trees going out into the west part of the county. Tha grasshoppers didn't eat up the enterprise of those people. Some of the "new deal," who cry fraud, corruption, etc., were just so indiscreet as to say that schopl dis trict treasurers had souandered mon- -MBflBB a " w'' ' w i -i.jMt.1... --, .- ... 'Sr'itTi', tt'ZLSta. - m. m a .-s- W, shfiild ,pfo .MWMtfh y ip.abfi wil ly tey s. nireetnsDTrtobB-about-agafn?1 When will we ever get the correct census of thetate? Well, London, we are sorry that we omitted marks of quotation when we said "Itemizers should not give offense," etc., and when we said "I train myself to speak well of persona or not speak at all," we intended it as a quotation, and thought it absurd not sharp, and when we said "nothing personal intended," we meant to be decidedly personal. If there is anything under the sun that we do detest, abominate and loathe jt is to see men go into a school house that a teacher has worked his or her finger nails off to keep oleau and make attractive, and sit aud spit tobaccojuice over a square yard of floor or pile up great'quids of tobacco against the seats or feet of the stove. There is some cause for complaining about the Sheridan school houdo.. Yet, let it be remembered that we don't want to be personal. MEW STY-LIE Letter and note paper in boxes, at H. C. Lett's Drug store. NOTICE. TO TIIE TAX-PATERS OP BROWN- VIL.L.K, XKKUM.AS14.A. Your taxes become delinquent May 1st, at which time penalty and Inter est will certainly be added. The City Treasurer is always willing to inform you of the amount of your tax or to receive your money. Call and see him. ' 42w2 bfeji SPREKG VXD SU.U3IER GOODS Returning from the east, and re ceiving as usual a large and well se lected stock of goods in all the diff erent lines I usually keep, I will be pleased to show my friends and cus tomers the most beautiful styles of goods iu the market this season. Louis Lowman. Having now in store a good assort ment of spring and summer goods for gent's wear, I propose to make it nn object for all those who wish to wear good clothes, made In the latest styles and made to fit, at reasonable prices, to give me a call. M. B. Barnes, Merchant Tailor. L. Lowman sells buckle plow shoes as low ns $1 25 a pair.. W. T. DEN HAS ;TVEjVE HEAD OP FARMING HORSES FOR SA1.E OR TO TRADE PuR CATTLE. AISO A SUPPIiV OP WAGONS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, CORNPIjANTERS, &.C., AT BED ROCK PRICES". , YOU ARE INTERESTED. If you regard life aud property go and see the Non-Explosive Lamps at H. C. Lett's drug store. Large stock of clothing or men, youths aud children, at Li Lo'w maus's. Wm. H. Hoover, Real Estate Agent and Convej'encer. Court Room. DADIES' -GAITERS, BUSSES' SHOES AND GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOES. ALL. THE LATEST STYLES, AT XV. T. DEN'S. iosQO& Mulberry fence posts for sale by Bailey and McGee of Brownville. L. Lowman sell's kip gore corsets. 50 cents. THE FEOPLE'KNOW WHERE TO BUY THEIR GENUINE TEAS AHD GROCERIES. DEN SELLS THE BEST .ARTICLE AT THE LOYTEST PRICES. Wanted. AJ1 kinds of jrajn. Theo. Hill & Co. Kitchen tables for three dollars, and uew bureaus at Roy's. L. Lowman is receiving parasols. "Weir Cultivator. New Improvement for sale by Rich ards & Smith. L. Lowman sells Louvre fd gloves, two button at SI 25 a pair. PICKtED PORK AND SMOKED HAMS, SHOULDERS AND SIDES, AND FRESH LARD, AT DEN'S. L. Lowman is selling clothing cheap sar aMa'tttifirSlT?" wrJfS . -jJ' Crf EstelfcUblayiartabg fwmsraiHirra ? fiailsaa a d '. cerd,mt?RoyB'j furnllurejstorev - - ' - - X0XBp2fLISPniGS . f. Last 8unday' was & delightful day. Service in the Methodist house last Suuday. . -. , . - Mary Winters Is tQaohihgaohool atCltftoa. Monday very warm mercury up. to eighty-five. Ed ger Barrows is going to- visit friends in New York. Many thanks for sending me thai address of the late Stewart Black. Elder ShurtlifT preaches In the Christian meeting houso next Sun day. The weather has been unfavor able forfarmers. Theyare late with their spring work. The earth journey of Mrs. Hay- den is about ended ; she Is expected I to pass to tue Deuer worm soon. The latest discovery in the sci ence of mind is to tell, numerically just how Insane a person is "oue half, or two thirds,-' and so on.. Who wears the laurels for the discoveiy? Will the framerSjOf the new Con stitution for Nebraskafconsider the af fliction of the tax payers, and fix mat ters up in a little better style? Re member thejimjyintj3f property nos Mwolvad, That th;Te w,firaae aft has been a general success. Sonxo people would oelebrate a victory be fore they are out of the battle. t We fear many good temperance people do not fully consider the malignity of the terrible disease of drunkeness, nor the extent of Its ravages, nor knqw how to apply the proper remedies. Many remedies have failed to cure. Temperance organization alone will never remove the curse of drunken ness. Temperance Societies are aux iliaries, aiding the great ocean of re formation which will cleanse human ity from the filtli.of intemperate hab its. Humanity wants lifting up into the idea of Temperance in all things. Brother, sister, work on, work and wait; away" off in the future & good time is coming when the Temperance cause will be a general success. But not now. Work on, "In duo you will reap if you faint not." time AT HAWLET'S." Union porn planters, Bacheller's hand planters find Ironbeam oulti vators. L.. Lowman is selling ribbons aud fancy dresi trimmings cheap. No. 1 residence lots for sale L. Colhapp. by J. WM. H. McCREERY Keeps Pure&fugfl, School Books, Blank Books, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c, at lowest prices. 2S-3tn IAE2CSj SC'.Cal Ira rt'-Hf&Detfj5D ffiglStofeJan d h?rwu-Mittie 'SOV-. " - --W.'allf JttcOREES&Y ' ' has Osage Orange, Timothy, Blue Grass, Clover. Red Top and Garden Seeds, FRESH . 33m3 Two car loads of Marsh Harvesters and other farm machinery are being unloaded for R. A. Haw.ley's Imple ment and seed ware houso. Parker's Patent Bee Hives for sale cheap 2 enquire of J. L. Colhapp. A full line. of mokerJs articles con stantly on hand at L. A. Bergnian's, very low for cash. I am selling calicoes, 100.000 yards, latest styles, at 10 cts a yard. L-. Lowman. H.C.LETT Has just received the finest stock of wall paper ever brought to this city, and for less money. Our Governor's Choice is tho favor ite cigar; manufactured by L. A. Bergman, No. 41 Main Street. Rlismk ' Have rnow opened their Spring Stock, wnich is fall in every department, con sisting of choicest spring styles of 'DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, 'PLTJSIuTNg, COTTONADES, JEANS, CASSIMERES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, . SHAWIS, MEN'S AND YOUTHS' CliOTHINCx, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS. .Also a fell line of GROCERIES, QTTEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, can alxays he found at IlllSil JOB PRINTING. OF ALL KINDS'. Xeaty aad Promptly Ereditod. . . At this office. 9!J -- 0 iw ST. DEROIX SPLI5TEKSV The tiveris falling. The physlciau8are having good practice. Cold nights last wsek proved In jurious to the garden "sase." fl Our neighbor grangers received goods from Chicago last Saturday. Christianity is as it does. We are known by our deeds either good or evil. Knocking the bottom boards off ttbe fence, we think a dangerous ex periment. St. Deroin .Ferry makes regular trips under the management of C. A. Goodwin. H. R. Robbins maufactures desks, cupboards and all other articles in the cabinet line. Give him your work. All owners of hoga are assured that they the hoga must be kept up, a3 the hog law will be rigidly en forced. Mr. Cooley occasionally baa a visitor from Missouri. We don't see the propriety of importing. Why not begin at home ? A new name is added; to the list of subscribers to the Advektiser. Nothing like working people up. So who'll be the next? Tfee mail wi-ttar. Ihwoi here aed iewa:vtt)e 4MHr9S9 IVtNHdRfv SNA wlNrti i.tb ft-,- ::SUJWi;WMi.if . Sf Txuak TulhVancl-deflesa" competltfoUv Query SToch, was it you that took a young lady to the big spell at Brownville, spunged a good dinner for yourself, lady aud team, from a friend, then invited said friend's daughter to accompany you to the spelling and compelled her to pay her own fure ? This we consider a stingy, insignificent trick, and if it were not you, who way it? RESPECTABLE PRACTICE. Editor Nebraska Advertiser. "Dear Sir: I saw In your last week's Issue, a card from Dr. Willi ams, pf St. Deroin, in whioh he wishes to set himself right before the public, and in doing so makes tho assertion that he has all the respectable practice in this neighborhood. Now" I pre sume that tho old saying that "two of a trade can never agree," Is true In in this case, and I certainly do not wish to be mixed ijp In this quarrel of the learned M. D." but allow me as a subscriber to your paper to enter my protest against the assertion made by Dr. E. M. Williams that be monopo lizes all the respectable practice, from the fact that Dr. Fitzgerald has for some few years been the medical at tendant, of not only my family, but most 0 the families in this place (Hillsdale) and will continue to-do so until we find out something more un professional than has been alleged aud proven against him ; and I moat as surrediy am not aware of what we have doue to forfeit our respectability, unless it be the" fact that we do not 'propose to avail ourselves ofDr.".WJI3 diums' profewdonal.seryicesh-Excuae - 1 Tl, 3Ci I ,--tlj. " ! I ?... 'i.-TT.. !!-." M7II, -K..ri-. nitll " iiiinUMt, 's&mlv Ifil9 not! JlKe.ioiaesn-.wiJoje-coumnnni mwr t?- i :- 3"-...T "' jl'ju. .it.:. iki...-? ing under the stigma of not being re spectuble. Yours truly, A. M. HoeIe. Editor Nebraska Advertber. I notice in 3'our paper of the 15th Inst, an article signed by E. M. Wil liams. M. D., stating that he does a legitimate practice, and has all the re spectable practice in this community. I am not satisfied with his statement. I consider myself and family, and my neighbors, all respectable, and my family physician' is Dr. Fitzgerald, who is also a gentleman, and goes when called on, and keeps sober and attends to his business, and has the largest part of the practice In my neighborhood. I think it a duty I owe ray neighbors and' family physi cian, to put them on their guard against any such a drunken, pretend ing doctor as E. M. Williams. Plase publish the above and oblige Thomas Rath burn. Hilhdale, Neb., April !6tf,lb75. Important to the Traveling Pabiic It Is. the duty of all persons;bcforc3tnrtlng on a Journey to ascertain by what route they can reach their destination with Jiic- least trouble, and If there are two or more roads leading to thejsome point, to decide which Is the safest and pleasantest to travel. We take pleasure In stating that tho Cni cago" & North-Western Railway is the oldest, and several miles the shortest, route between Omaha and Chicago. Within the past two years the road bed has been put In admirable condition, and almost the entire line has been relald with steel rails. The Depot Sn Chicago Is centrally located, and as their trains arrive there thirty min utes in advance of all other lines, passengers can always be sure of making- Eastern con nections. For all points In Northern and North-Eastern Iowa, you should purchase, tickets via Marshall, Cedar Rapids, or Clin ton. For points In Northern Illinois or Wis consin, via pulton; and If you are going to Chicago, or East, you should, by all means, purchase your tlckett-by the Idr Pioneer Route THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN. You!wlll find oil all through trains Pull man Sleepers, new and magnificent Day Coaches, and the best Smoking and Second ClaKS Cars now pn any road in the United States. Particular Information, with' maps, time tables, etc., may behad at any of theThrough TIcket.Offlces In the West, or upon personal or written application to J. If. Moutaix, Western Traveling Agent, Omaha. NeS., or to.W. II. Stenxett, General Passenger Agt.. Chicago. J. lJnjDDA-XfcX &, CO., mcEfciMErsiuoi, No. 51 Mala Street, BROWXHLEB, 5jEB. BEST WINES & LIQUORS KEPT ON HA$D. BBOiinvco BIXIilARDS. We have fitted up In fine style a Billiard Parlor, and put ni therein two tables Iresh from the man ufactory, toplny upon which we Invite gentlemen, lona or the exercise. 1 ne tjuuaru i'arior ia located In thftory over the s1oot. 29tT I :4WB''!n 1 , ASPi2ftVAXL ASElf ATi 0i!& Health better in this coranlsBily Look out or a freshet." Pleat of snow up among the Blaek HUls. Cranes are all goii. Whjit will the itemizer do for gossip, - -(ij For fancy neck-ties' go t! TId- row's. Total population ef Aaptawall something less than 2,000: Elder Shockey Is tip In 3?qwa at the present time pr&cl&niiBg tha- goa-- ' pel. :" Our stock cart begin to get some thing green now good thing to8harp- en appetite. j Hitt and Trowbridge have ship- . ped their fat cattle. Prices not flaU terlug by any means,. The Catlin bor tbers are work lag on tbelr . placo this spring. WouliKrt wonder if they'd huiid soon. Sale at Warren Partchs tlaatSal? urday. Mr. Partch is golcfg clears 'round the world if he can tnot sunW himself more conveniently. "Everythlag In excellent condi tion for farm work. Spring of 1875. . will be marked as an epoch in tli8 History of Nebraska. "" k ' We heartily concur with alstcz 'London In the sentiment expressed with rajwu?J U YLi.yc WwR..i kaafe f i' WtJil rmSTht Wm aMl fcii-. Hd hCHh -A . -jarta- TgUmnWife-fcik of constructing a "hell" In one end, t! hia house. We suggest ther prudenw. of waiting till colder weather befbr, putting the 'thing into prauticle .op-j. oration. J. H. Coxton, of Nebraska Clty, is prospecting for coal oue mile Wes'ffi of this place, on "Whisky Run." He5 entertains great confidence in- the ex perlment. We would beuagreeab'.y? surprised to know that we could be' sufficiently supplied with- col from, our own banks'. '3 MARKET REPORTS'.! -ifi Browatllle Markets. .. , ,,if A3&VEBTISEB OiTFICS, 4prl?21, lSTT'i. Green AppIes.......-....-. . 2 Ot Flonr-Sprlns .-S2.252.Gr " Patent . . . 3 Wheat No. 2 Red Spring ' JJ5 " White Medlterraneari . ' rf Corn Meal ? ICO Sbs-L;:. '. v 58,CO OdtfiwMMMtMM MMM(MHM,MtMM4MiHMl . .Vftl Corn.-..........-. ... r.-. JP fp' Potatoes 1 1'OOpTl 25" Butter. i .; 202y Ecgs - .. Hogs dressed-....-.....- ie" & f. . u r 4.4 , iW Sit LobIi Blarkflt.- Sflf St. LoctS. April 2D;(1S73 Wheat-Red fall No. 3 $12TF2J No. 2 fall SI 30i'31 Corn No. 2 mlxetl...M. . ''-'7V . Oats No. 2. mlxed.... - ? V Rye SI 06gtl Oa Ilogs Heavj'. ..-.... 8 2o8 ?u C ittle Native steers.......... ' 5 74 ' " Texan sieers............. S75iZi Chicago SarKcJl oai'gvr -.r.-aiui rmtmir. lr r . -uf . - i--v - . W8l bMnM 6ntJNo.-2 m Rye............4" Uariey .-.. ., Cattle Stockers " Butchers.-.. " Shipping Hogs Light . - jS2iS Z 4j- 5P KSSKStad K:LjmzJi&. a. .yWfMfc iCetnrrSt wVH 1 ?110vll2 - 103H'5J - 4 005 00 4 50563 SS070O 75Q8 25 Heavy.. , 7 75S2S PROPOSALS TOR DPKiisrTiisrq- FQR THE CITY OF imOTVrcVILJLE. XTOTICE is hereby irl'vcn that bids will be" JN received at the otHce of the City Clerk of said city, up-to the next regular meetingor the City Council on the 3rd day of May. 1S75,. fordoing the pnbJie'pfitUliic of Bald city; The Council reseryes the right torojectany and all bids. By order of the City Council. 42w J. B. DOCKER, City Cleric. CENTRAL i 13 C T P F F R SALOON 8tiL5"" Threo doors afove , r:r. 3L C'a-.'va nuddarts, f UlUUio u vaioj BROWKVI LliE ' nlntAKu i rtrtV always on : GRAIN, SEED AND - FEEB STORE First Street, bet. Main & Atlantic. CORN, 04TS, WHEAT, ;RYE, BRAN, SHORTS, AND Chopped and Mixed Feed.- ALWAYS ON HAND; 500 Bugkels Iowa. SEED CORN. Good Grain & StocJc Scale Connected with the store. C0EN BTTHE WAGON IQ&D, HUDDART & McCOY. JUDEINS' FIIOURSBJPEED STORE MaIn8treet,flrstdoorwiMtofCarsoij's3nlc, BrOAViivillc, iScJxaslca XIKCOLN NE"WlfETHOD AND SPRING WHEAT ifx-iOTt: BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED. & EHXED FEED, CORff, &cl. IOWv. SEKD CORN. 3-Idnot proKc to UNDERSELL, bat to SELL Ai LOW as any hooae in ihc ci:y- TV. Jx. Judlcins. 20MEV700D . ttTjmSJLJSG- Haing In ray employ JTr. nclcnowlelged to be, the best miller In tho ctoto nssiRtml bv Mr.Henrv Eminon. I am I prepared to furnish GOOD FLOUR la any dm m ifflf MyFlour Is for s4i!o. at all tha principal stores in BrownvilU, homrwoo ShcridartMnia,.A)rll,Ist,;ls - .:li 3 b k. f j f '1- li :"Z- : "Sir ' i i V 11 u ' 4. b fe: igfcj- j nSKi SB -14!'? "f1 - ' -45; ;-A, i-"- i $ . u- -t :". -