Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 01, 1874, Image 3

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I oft
F .
he advertiser
puWlHhers' Notices.
ST ' 9MV"t " . . . . - it,nn,inmro.
o. 97 Main sirec;.ncAj.uui i'i"--
varices, set as ordinary reading matter.
.hnPdtrn cents per line, each Insertion.
la display type, twenty-five per cent. addlti-
to above rates. tinder the head of "Wanted.'
Ronf "For Sale." "Lost," "Found." &
recharged twenty-live cents for each adver-
nt of Ave lines, or less, each Insertion.
ents Ave lines, at the ra:eo. .-
per line, each Insertion.
Authorized ARcnts.
trrrrn atSt. Peroln.lsourauthoriredascnt aHh,inl!ons and advor-
tf place. ""-- -,, mnn,.vs due
nnd to collect nnu ivwi-..
"c; mivick Is oraiitnonzeu:mc..i -.-.-
I to receive SMliscnption nnu c. .....,.
ct and receipt roriuoumu --
. v.i.- nntlinrlzod to re-
BniTT. at rem. it j ; -
. .i nnrt nilrprtlslne for the An-
re UD',ri'Iltlu" "
. -..,... . nutoinf fhi- the same.
11ibIIliers Advertiser.
Ask your neighbors to take the
Wo have splendid weather days
gasant and nights cool.
To any person getting us a clun
Kfcten new subscribers, we will senu
te Advertiser free for one year.
fc- Do not fail to be at the speaking
pjtxt Tuesday evening. Gon. Koueris
3 no superior as an orator In tne
- Father Dennis, of Nebraska City,
II preach in Brownville hereafter.
nre informed, on the 3rd Sunday
each month.
Harry Dolen has just received a
le lot of gent's clothing, and now if
m can't wait to have a suit made
)u may buy one already made.
Remember that Rev. Shockey
rill preach in the court house on
"eilnesday evening iient. Givo him
jood audience he is an able speak-
A gentleman by the name of Dr.
reeman, of Illinois, we understand
fifes been chosen to preside over the
)rmni School nt Peru. He will not
;o charge of the school until the
Expiration of the present term.
The Choral Union will meet next
ffiriday evening at 11 o'clock in the
Jjfresbyterian Church. A full attend
Gcce of the members is desired, and
RScordial invitation is extended to all
vers of music in our city to become
members of the society.
t- ft is conceded every where that
tttio Advertiser ha? no superior, and
&ery few equals, as a weekly paper, in
le itate. We spare neither labor
Kor expense to merit this good name,
tand respectfully ask our friends in
fee country to help us enlarge our
Ribseription lit.
"Jim Bus," since our lat issue.
is left the Star Hotel, and opened
ip a restaurant and boarding house
lmediately west of Carson's bank.
Km and his wife know just how to
Ran that kind of a house to give "gen-
ral satisfaction." His table will be
Itst-clacs all the time.
"The display of goods to lie seen
Mrs. Berkley's show windows is
riendiri. Stop at the corner of Mc
pherson block, No. GG, and take a
)ok. Each window is a mngnificent
Ittle millinery store. But if vou
rant to see -fine feathers, and orna-
lente; and everything beautiful for
le ladles, that wo don't know the
ifltno of, just walk in. Mrs. Berkley
las a splendid stock for the fall trade.
, We took a horseback ride down
Nemaha City last Thursday even-
g, and found 1lirl Hoover just re
ceiving and opening a very large and
Splendid stock of fall goods of all
kinds and varieties. He is going to
Reeep himself supplied with all kinds
W goods suitable for" his trade, and
tell them cheaper than anybody else
Ibr ready pay, and on no other terms.
lirl has his large store room and
rre room Iiteraiiv crowded with
pods now, and his trade is extensive
td lively.
Brownville Division JTo. 19 S. of
jffj elected officers for the ensuing
Barter, on last Friday eveniiicr. as
Hallows :
CV. P.-G. W. Fairbrother. Sr.
KW. A.-M. Emerv.
B. S B. F. Sanders.
i. R. S. Miss Georgia McClary.
o. lu. jL. Lippitt.
tC. David Adams.
rc. Albert Smith.
PA. C Miss Mary Clark.
fch. A. W. Lemon.
. S. Miss Ada Smith.
LO. S. Lee Zoolc.
fc- We fill most of ous first page this
Hek with matter pertain incr to the
ithern "White Man's League."
ao so because it is verv interest-
reading to readers generally. It
res much reliable information on a
t-y important subject, and gives a
1 idea of the nronortsnns nrui oc.
it of treason. Those who were ever
gpd and true Republicans, and loyal
jneart to their country, after being
iiy advised of the condition of af-
1rs in the South, will not forsake
le party now, but become well satis-
jd that the work of the party is not
pt finished, nor will be until every
Itizen of every State is Becure and
ife in person or property wherever
may be or locate in any State of
lis Union.
J? -mmC
- Henvy rain last Saturday morn
Considerable ram
fell here on
Friday last
What has become
item writer?
of our Peru
..mi.- Ta nf Company
--J.IIU xjo - ,i .
reached us n little too late for this
sue. It will appear next week.
-The State Fair, at Omaha, com
menced on the 29th ult., Tuesday, and
will conclude on Friday the 2nd mst.
-Republicans, turn out to the meet
ings appointed in the various parts of
the county. Old Republicans should
not sleep at their post.
While you are in attendance at
court call in and see the Advertiser
and subscribe, and give your family
the benefit of a good local paper.
The Omaha Republican says that
an anonymous friend of the grasshop
per stricken sufferers, has presented
one hundred sacks of flour to the Om
aha Relief Society.
We would like to receive itemiz
ed local news from every post office
in the county. Who will accommo
date us and nt the same time help
their own locality by advertising it?
Wo notice while in the country
that some fall wheat has been plant
ed, and that it is coming up and grow
ing finely. Our recent rains are all
right to give the wheat a vigorous
growth before winter sets in.
We would like to know what
Gov. Church pays that independent
fellow across the way for his puffs,
and whether it is more or less than 10
cents a line. Church ought to pay
him something for he always looks
Dr. Converse delivered the ad
dress ttt the recent District Fair held
at Lincoln. If his agricultural
speeches are no more reliable than his
railroad speeches, the people down
this way couldn't bo induced to take
any stoek in them.
Rev. W. P. Shockey requests us
to announce that he will preach in
the court house in Brownville, on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings,
October 7th and Sth at 7 o'clock.
Subject on Wednesday evening.
"Thief on the Cross."
The Republican county central
committee met last Saturday. G. W.
Fairbrother was elected chairman of
the committee for the ensuing year,
and A. R. Davison Secretary. The
members brought encouraging reports
for the ticke,tfrom all parts of the
countyt Let every Republican work
earnestly anSJhonestly for success,
and nil will be well.
Rev. W. P. fthoei'ey writes us
that he suffered some "religious per
secution,'' on the night of the 16th
ult., In Blair, Nebraska. Wl.ile street
preaching the city marshal arrested
him for being Instrumental in ob
structing sidewalks. He was, howev
er, permitted to finish his sermon.
Next morning lie appeared before the
police court when the Judge, J. T.
Davis, di.-charged him at cost of pros
ecuting witness.
Johnny Smith, the barber, has
left the city with his shop. We are
informed thntlhe hour of his depart
ure was about two o'clock last Sunday
morning. Why he selected so early
an hour for making his exit we do not
know. Perhaps he wanted to make
a big day's march. Johnny is a good
barber and we always thought he
was a gentleman when ha let whisky
alone. A barber who is in the habit
of being drunk ought not to be pat
ronized. 'Twas night 11 o'clock probably.
The mechanic had closed his shop,
the merchant his store. The good
father and husband had gone to the
bosom of his family. The loungers
on the corners had all gone In to take
a drink, as the last chauce for the
night. The lights of the city were
put out, excepting here and there one
to guide the belated traveler to a tav
ern, livery stable or saloon. The city
appeared on its eastern slope in still
ness and silent grandeur. The quiet
ude which reigned at the time of
which we write would have been su
preme had it not been for the gentle
murmurings of Missouri's muddy
waters, the chirp of a wild goose on n
distant sand bar, and the solitary
tramp, tramp, tramp, of a No. 9 boot
as it tramped on into the suburbs of
the city. Then the wild goose placed
her head under her wing and was
still, the waters of the Missouri rolled
on as ever to New Orleans, and the
man- with the No. 9 boot stopped ;
and then he might have been seen
stealthily approaching a back door.
Then a gentle rap, rap, rap a woman
in dishabille thrusts her head outand
demands, "What do yon- want here,
sir?" "I vants to coom in a leedle
oit." says he with the No. 9. "I
vants to seeyou. IhefgoSdwo dol
lar." "Ko you won't, sir you git
right away from here now running
around disturbing decent people this
time o' night-or I'll smash you into
giblets with this 'ere mop." And he
got away from there in a hurry.
Oots wanted by Stevenson & Cross.
L. Lowman's stock of flannels, wa
terpoof cassimores and jeans is larger
than ever..
mixed feed:
For sale at Lockwood's.
Jj. Lowraan has returned from tlie
enst with a large stock of men's,
youths' and boys' clothing.
Lincoln has a pickle factory.
Gov. Church has gone to Omaha.
McCoy, this week, shipped 700
Mr. Wm. Swan is expected to
return this week.
Capt. B. M. Baily, returned from
a business trip to East Tennessee on
Thursday last.
Gus moore, we are gratified to
notice, is installed in his old quarters'
as clerk at Hill's.
F. Ra Sykes has charge of the
city photograph gallery. See his ad
vertisement in thispaper.
See the new card of "Union Ho
tel." Joe O'Pelt is running that
house in number one style.
John A. Ponn will start for St.
Louis on Sunday next to purchase
his fall and winter stock of goods.
F. E. Johnson returned home from
the east on Sunday last. He bought an
immense stock of goods while absent.
Geo. B. Moore is now editing
the Granger. Moore Is a Bourbon
Democrat of the old Kentucky school.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hoover, of
Nemaha City, took a drive up to
Brownville on Wednesday evening
Tom Shurts went tip to Lincoln
last week and returned home on
Monday. He brings refreshing neWs
with reaard to the Trunk R. R.
Benton Aldrich, of Washington
precinct, called on Friday last and
paid for another year in advance. Ho
says he can't do well without the
Gone to Omaha to the State Fair,
J no. L. Carson, H. C. Lett, W. H.
Hoover, H. M. Atkinson, Theo.
Hill, Ted Huddart and Ben. Rogers.
All went up on Tuesday.
We understand that Mr. Price
Democratic candidate for District At
torney, of whom Mr. Broady writes
so favorably has withdrawn from
the canvass, and will not be a candi
date. Stokes and Church Howe were
in town oh Monday. They very
much resembled disappointed and de
feated office seekers. They immedia
tely called on Jim Stevenson for con
solation. Stetson Lj Swart, an old and
honored citizen o,f Brownyjlle, de
par ted-th'ls life oh Sup day "The" 13 th
day of September. ' He died at his
old home In his native "State, LeeJ
non. II. M. Atkinson look a
hasty trip to Omahfi and Lincoln last
week, and returned on Friday. He
saj'S so far as he can hear or form an
opinion, the Republican ticket is all
right throughout the State.
Mr. Jno. H. Shook, Republican
candidate for County Commissioner,
called on us one da3T last week. John
having never run for office is ft very
modest electioneerer, but then he can
and will beatStokes clear outof sight.
Jacob Gergens, the man whom
report said was hung some time ago
by a mob in Richardson county, was
in tlp city yesterday. Jake says he
now has his mill in that county ready
for business, and that Henry Knefier
did the work with his little hatchet.
Our much respected fellow-citizen.
Dr. F. G. Holmes, and family,
started for Waterbury, Ct., on yester
day morning. They intend to be ab
sent for about six months. The Dr.
has business in the east which de
mands his attention and presence.
We wish the Dr. and his family c
happy visit and safe return home.
It will be seen by notice else
where that the firm of A. H. Gilmore
& Co. is dissolved, Mr. H. C. Lett
having bought Mr. Gilmore's inter
est. The stylo of the new firm will
be Gibson & Lett. This will be a
strong firm ; and as they say Irf their
notice that they intend selling strict
ly for cash, good bargains may be ex
pected. Capt. Polock, Judge Stull, Mr.
Bailey and ourself attended the Re
publican meeting at Peru on Tuesday
night last. As our paper is about
ready for the press we cannot give a
detailed report of the speeche3 made,
of What and whom we saw, &c,
which wo would like to have done
did time and space permit.
The meeting was addressed by
Stull, Polock, Bailey and Bill Daily,
each making short and pertinent
speeches, which were well received
by the respectable audience. A gen
eral good impression was made, and
if we are fioC ereatlv mistaken Penr
will roll up a handsome majority for
the whole Republican ticket.
Wesley Dundas, who was ap
pointed a member of the Republican
county central committee, addressed'
a oard to the committee at its last
meeting, stating that "while the Re
publican party at the State maintains
its present atitude on the temperanee
questioif he did not wish to be a mem
ber of the committee or to be held in
any way pledged to the party."
Mr. Dundas was therefore excused
from serving on ihV committee, and
his place was declared va'cant, aud
Mr. S: Cochran was placed on the
comtrjittee in the place of Mr. Dim
das, from Doug-las;
See "Bids for Forage, by A. J.
Perry Q,r. M., Omaha.
Capt. Jno. S. Minick and lady,
of Aspinwall, paid a visit to our city
on Thursday last.
The Independents commenced
their speech making tour at Peru on
Monday night last. The Republicans
followed them the next evening.
George Hodkin, who resides
near Nemaha City, came to town on
Wednesday morning of this week
with a load of grain. While at one of
the ware houses on the levee his team
which he had left for a moment be
came frightened and ran away. They
came up main street at a fearful rate
of speed, and ran into the team of
W. H. Lorance which was hitched in
front of Carson's bank, killing one of
Lorances horses almost instantly.
The Wagon tongue penetrated the
bod3T of the horse, just forward of the
flank to the depth oftwelve inches or
more. They then turned aerosB the
street, and'went on to the pavement,
up which they ran "still attached to
the wagon, until they got in front of
Pascoe's meat market, where a wheel
caught on a post and stopped the ter
rible race. There were many persons
on the Btreet but fortunately all man
aged togetoutofthe way withouthurt.
Mr. Hodkin, of course, was very
sorry for the killing of another's
horse, and proposed to make Mr. Lo
rance whole. Three arbitrators were
chooen by Hodkin and Lorance to
say what pay Lorance should receive,
and they gave him a nice grey liorse,
which Hodkin, in the goodness of
heart, had previously offered from his
District Court for this county will
commence on next Monday, oth inst.
The following persons are regular
Grand and Petit Jurors drawn for the
grand jurors.
G. Mahla, R. tiarver,
O. F.Scovill, J. W. Brush,
H. W. Carlisle, H. Branstettef,
W. Windscheffel, -V. S. Griffin.
E. Berlin, J. F. Cross,
John Chapman. Geo. Shook,
Henry Baker,
Uhariton nan,
F. M Taylor,
James F. Ely,
T. S. Horn, -G.
W. Culp,
Jno. Maxwell,
C. R. Camp,
D. O. Cross,
Jno. Holman,
T. C. Klmsey,
B. H. Moore.
J. M. Hacker,
Christian Zabel,
Jno. Ebbs,
E. B. Lockard,
J. C. Eberhardt,
Leonard Cooley,
Perry Buckles,
L. A. Bergmann,
Perry Crippen,
V. Ritter,
W. W. Crandall,
G. W. Bratton,
Homer Johnson,
Henry Beason,
Levi Johnson.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of A. H. Gilmore
&. Co., will please call and settle up,
at the old stand. No. 81 Main street.
Jklr. Gilmore havlngold his interesji
In the business it is necessary that all,
should pay up promptly; ;
A. H. GjTjMOKE & Co.
The business will continue to be
carried on purely on the cash system
by P. H. Gibson and H. C. Lett, un
der the firm name of Gibson & Lett.
We invite all our old customers, and
a3 many new ones as will, to dome and
examine stock and prices before pur
chasing elsewhere. Our terras are
cash or trade. Don't ask for credit.
Gibsox & Lett.
F. E. Johnson & Co. are now re
ceiving their fall stock of good3,
which was purchased at bottom prices
and for cash. Call and see for your
selves the great reduction in dry
goods and clothing.
Machine oils and belling by Steven
son & Cro39.
For the best stoves, hardware,
groceries or wagons, go to Stevenson
& Cross.
Soap five cent3 a bar at Wibley's
cash store.
Call and see how cheap clothiug is
sold at F. E. Johnson & Co's.
Oats wanted by Stevenson & Cross.
250 pieces Side Band prints just
received atF. E. Johnson & Co's.
You pay for no' bar debts at Wib
ley's cash store.
"New styles just opened at
Johnson & Co's.
F. E".
Farmers, buy your Hardware and
Groceries of Stevenson & Cross. They
desire to be patronized, and in deal
ing with them you will get the worth
of your money.
Soap five cents per bar at Wibley's.
Another fine lot of Stoves for Ste
veh'son & Cross.
Cheap teas at Wibley's.
Fresh Oysters and Lime by Sto"ven-son-&
Cheapest tea at Wibley's. I sell
strictly for cash, therefore crfri 9ell
cheaper than any man that trusts" his
goods out.
Saddles and codfish for sale by Ste
venson & Cross".
I have tried the credit business long
enough to find that It does not pay
my customers dot my self.
E. S. WibleyJ
iCeep the largest" and best selected
stock of ribbons arid' fancy goods at
Louis Lowman's:
California Hondy, twenty-five cents
per pound at Wibelys.
Two DaysSpeeding'Over the'Xcms
ha Driving Park Conrse.
ocTOBEirrifita ad i7tu.
"Running parse, $23.00.
Four years old nnd under, half mild dash.
Five to enter and two to start.
Frst horse, S15.00. Second horse, S10.00.
Purse 850.00
Dash of slxhundred yards. Five o enter
and two to start.
First horse, $30.00. Second horse, S20.001
Trotting purse, $2.1.00
Four years old and under, without records., two best In three.
First horse. $15.00. Second horse. $10.00.
Pacing purse $15.00.
Four years old and under; mile heats, two
best in thre. Four to enter, two to start.
First horse, $16; sec'orid horse, $5.
Mule race
Scpcial premium by W. "W. Hackney. Mile
dash for all Nemaha county rhdies. A pair
or Chicago Custom made boots to the owner
of the winning mulo. Four to start.
Sack race purse S5.00.
Special premium by J. and E. Huddart.
Three to start.
First mule, $3.00. Second mule, $2.00.
Slow race purse $8.00. Special premium
of $Sin nursery stock, by George Furnas.
Four to enter, two to start.
Trotting-purso $20.00.
Mile daash. Nearest to four minutes.
Four to enter, two to start.
First horse, $15 00. Second horse$5.00.
Running purse $30.00.
Four hundred yards dash. Six to enter,
two to start.
First horse $20.00.' Second horse $10.00.
Trotting purse $50.00.
For horses that have never made three
minutes. Five to enter two to start. Mile
heats 3 best in o.
First horse, $30.00. Second horse, $20.00.
Pacing purse $50.00.
Mile heats, 3 best in 5. Five to enter, two
to start.
First horse, $30.00. Second horse $20.00.
Running purse $100.
For horses of all ages. Mile dash. Fivo to
enter, two to start.
First horse, $65.00; Second horse, $35.00.
Foot race.
Special premium by W. T. Den. 150 yards
dash, for all men over GO years old. A pair
of fine calf-skin boots to the winner. Three
to start.
Wheelbarrow race.
Special prehjlnm by Alex.Jtpblnson. The
conditions of the race will 'be given on the
day. of the race. Pair br-Chicago custom
made boots to the winner".
Boy foot race. Four hundred yards dash
for boys twelve years old and under.
Special premium by "WIIs Majors, first boy
a hat or cap. Second boy, special premium
by L. G. Lockwood, base ball bati
It is expected that a number of other spec
ial premiums will be offered on or before the
dny of the fair.
Tho;Metropolitan Band'bas kindly agreed
to be present on the occasion. Everycltlzen
of Brownville and the County should work
for the success of the Fair.
On each of the foregoing races there will be
charged an entry fee of 20 per cent, of the
purses contended for, except special prem
iums. All applications for entrance mnstbo
made to the President on the evening before
each race.
Trotting and paclug to tto conducted under
,tho rules and regulations of 'Tho National
Assort Ion ortHeAmerlcar Trottlng-Tnrf.r
Running to oein-acconiance wiui iiuira
'pfthe'Ijacieue'Aflsocjauou, wueroopri
cadle. s . '
Persons desiring the privilege of refresh
ment stands, innsi obtain the same from the
same from the President.
For vehicle And driver", once, 50 cents; for
one person and horse, once, 25(ts; for one
person, once, whether In vehicle, or on foot,
Gates will open at 9 o'clock a. m., and rac
iu'j coirimence at 10 o'clock a. m. All horses
entered for the purses mrtst be ready when
called, as the programme must be carried
out without waste of time.
President of the Nemaha Driving Park As
sociation. LARGE LOT
Groceries just received by F. E. John
son & Co.
Wm. H. Hoover, Real Estate Agent
and Conveyencer. Court Room.
Louisville cement, Alton limd, arid
hair at Swan & Bro's.
If you regard Iifeand property go
and see the Non-Explosive Lamps at
H. C.Lett's drug stored
Go and see the non-explosive lamps
at H. C. Lett's drug store. He has a
lamp that every family should have.
The "National Currency Tobacco"
made by Colhap of this city, when we
consider its cjuality, and cheapness,
and the peculiar style in which it is
put np, is the best thing in the tobac
co line we have seen. It is put up With
a view to small wholesale customers.
Farmers, Grangers and others who
want to buy directly from the manu
facturer should see Colhapp before
supplying themselves.
Large stock of clothing for men,
youths aud children, at L. Low
lnans's. Stoves, groceries and iron-by Ste
venson & Cross.
Sch&ol Books at Nickell's Drug
store, opposite Theo. Hill &Co's.
Call and try H. C. Lett's Porlarine
engine oil ; warranted to be better and
cheaper than any oil in use.
Dick Huc-hes keeps" "Governor's
Choice" and other excellent brands of
cigars, and always has the best beer to
be found in the city.
Our Governor's Choice is"tlre- favor
ite cigar; manufactured by L. A.
Bergman, No. 41 Main Street.
For fair dealing and the lowest fig
ures go to Stevenson &' Cross.
Wanted. All kinds of grain.
Theo. Hill & Co'.
A full'line of smoker's articles- e'ou
stautlv on hand at'li. A BergmaTj's.-
very low for cash.
Farmers will not have cheap', infe
rior wagons, but buy the Bain.
Eight pounds tea for one dollar by
Stevenson & Cross.
Great Decline on Cooking and Heat
ing Stoves.
We will offer to our customers a
full lino of the very best and latest
improved Interns at prices which will
satisfy each and every purchaser.
Call and" get our prices before pur
chasing. .Our stoves are made ex
pressly for the western trade great
saving of fuel best bakinp. Re
member what we say. Come and see
us. Tisdel & Richards.
Why is it that people"
irade at Den's ? They all
trade at Den's, and will
continue to trade where
they find a shot gun or
stove, a wagon, a suit of
clothes, furniture, dry
goods, fish, pitch forks
and handles, hats and
ca'ps, boots and shoes,
powder and shot, cart
ridges, gun wads or any
kidd of goods they wantj
cheap fo'r edsb. Call on
Den and gee".
I have opened out a new atfick of
dry goods, consisting of new sti'les
of prints, muslins, tickings, flannels
of all kinds, jeans, cassimeres, dress
goods, &c.Also notions in great va
riety, shoes and boots1 to suit every
body, clothing for bojs and men, hats
for men and boys, also a good stock
of groceries and queensware.
I will sell my goods. cheap to cash
buyers or for produce.
Geo. Marion,
No. 49 Main Street.
Another car load of Stu
debaker wagons just re
ceived by W. T. Den.
Who sells the best wagon?
Why, Den sells all the
wagons, hoth spring and
farm, and the Studebaker
must be tha best. r ,
If you Want sbraething to eat when
in town in the shape of a nice lunch
good bread and butter, boiled ham,
cheese, &c, go to Small's.
of every description done at Lock
wood's Machine Shop.
Boots and Shoes for men, ladlesand
children, atL. Lowraan's.
A choice selection of plain and fan
cy ribbon at Louis Lowman's.
Cabinet work of all kinds made to
order at J. D. Roy's.
Sugar cured hams and country ba
con at Swan & Bro's.
Choice Hannibal fall wheat flour at
Swan & Bro's.
e . -is ; HSf 1 j
-Nowis the time to buy
.your- breech 'anil inuzzlei
- loadingshot guns- atW?
'I. Den's. He has just
received a ton of shot, a
cargo of Bogardoes dead
shot powder, caps, cart
ridges, gun wads, and ev
erything in the sporting
line will be sold clienp for
cash at y. T. Den's.
Notice to
the Citizens of Glen IJocU
Notice i3 herebi given that we, the
undersigned, residents of Glen Eock
Preeinct, Nemnhtt County, Nebraska,
will meet at 'the Glen Eock Schdol
House on the 17th day of OctdbeT,
A. 3). 1S74, at 7 o'clock in the even
ing, for the purpose of forming a
cemetery association, and to elect
members to servcras trustees and one
member as clerk. All persons inter
ested in said association are requested
to be present.
Jonathan GrLL,
Thomas Burress,
Andrew Higcjins,
Benj. H.Swift,
12w3 August Beimers.
New Bed Steads, Carpets, Bureaus,
and Wash Stands, cheap for cash, at
Roy's Furniture Store. Call soon.
Kept at H. C. Lett's drug store, of
every variety.
All who are anxious to buy cheap
goods should not fail to visit Mrs. E.
Marion. New goods, nicely trimmed
hats for ladiea and children from one
dollar and fifty cents upward, to suit
the buyers. All are invited to call at
Ny. 45 Main street.
MIXED feed:
For sale rit Lockwood's.
Ladies' hats for fall and winter,
new styles, at L. Lowman's.
Carpet chain, cotton yarn and cot
ton batten by Stevenson & Cross.
Ladies'-belts, dress trimmings, but
tons, j'ake lace, gimpure lace and
beat trimmings atlr. Lowman's.
Large strick at Stevenson &' Cross'.
Dress gcbd3, fancy goods, just open
ing at L. Lowman's.
tf you wish cheap suits, call rfndseo
oufrctock of clothing.
F. E. Johnson & Co.
Saginaw salt at Swan & Bro's.-
Get your Machine repairing done at
Lockwood's machine repairing shop.
Taken" in e"xebarfg for dry goods by
F. E'. Johnson & Co.
Paper Floor Carpet, 23 'cents ayard,
at Boy's.
Done at Lockwood's machine repair
ing shop in the best manner, and for
the least money, of any place in the
School Books at Nickells Drug
store, next door to State Bank.
NOTICE'' sportsmen.-
Those in want of thorough-bred
Irish setter Bird Dogs, can be suppli
ed by calling on W. T. Dkn.
Farmers, don't throw away SO' or&'O
dollars oh a vngori to save 10 dollars.
But bUy the Bain they are the cheap
est. Hardware, Tinware and QTtfeens
ware by Stevenson & Cross.
A Lecture on the X:xtijrpJ Treatment and
Itadlcaldorc of Seminal Weakness, or Spermator
rhoea, Induced by Pelf-Abuse, Involuntary Amis
sions. Impotency. Nervous Debility, and Impedi
ments to mnrrlasreirenerallv : Tiles. Consumption.
.--"- - - - -.
Epilepsy ,,and VUs: Jtental and Thysical Incapac- j
nutlidr of tho "Green Book." Ac.
Tho world-renowned antlior. In this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience!
that the awfrtl consequences of Self-Abuso may be
eflecinaUr rfmcvsd without ntctticlues. nnd ?-ftH-
outdangorous surgical operations, bougies, instra-
ments, rings, o'r cordials, pointing out a mode of
cure at oncf certain and effectual by which every
sufferer, no matter what, bis condition may bo,
may cuio himself ch'eaply, prlvftteiy. and rad
ically. fST ThUZeeiui-e rHllprovcabocnloUiov'sanHshrul
Sent under seal, to any address. In a plain sealed
envelope, on the recplptofslx cents. ortwo"pbst-
age stamps. Also, Dr.'Ullsbee'sItEXEDYi'OR
PIXES. Scndforcircular. AddrcssthePnbllaUer,
J27 Bowery, N'cvTorlc,Post-OaiceBox4,5SG
Will II I' l l i- ' L II "-raP1 H '
HAVING rented tile Photographic F.ooms
nml apparatus ot J. R. Shroff, I am
prepared to do all kinds of Photographic
work, LARGE. OK SMALL. Photoa
at reasonable flenres. Rooms over Post
Office. '17 T CVlflTC
Um3 T. Hi J( Kt-J.
TTlElKD STABLE In connection with the
Honse. Stage Olllce for all points East,
"West, North 'and South. Omnllmsses to
connect with all trains. Sample Room on
first floor. loct74tf
Dissolution Notice
fTiHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex
J lsting between F. A. Tisdel and Thos.
Richards, under the style of Tisdel & Rich
ards is this day dissolved by mutnM con
sent. The business will hereafter be contin
ued by Thorrias Richards and Deloss T.
Smith, nnder the style of P.lchar-ls & Smith,
and all accountsrontracted byTisdel it Rich
ards will he paid by Richards fc Smith, and
all accounts due Tisdel fc Richards will be
collected by Richard's & Smith.
Sept. 2Sth , 1S7 i. 1). T. SM ITII.
To the Fjrrmcrs, Patrons and Friends.
As the partnership heretofore cxNttng be
tween Tisdel & Richards has been dissolved
bv mutual consent, we would extend to each
aiid ev one of you our kindest and most
sincere thanks for your liberal patronage,
and tho new firm" of Richards &Smith would
ask a continuance of the sriirie, and they will
sell yon tho best machinery or all klhdi
made in the land. :Io Hardware nnd Tin
ware at the lowest possible rates. Please call
and they will welcome you. arid make yon
happy with the best gcfcds lrf the market,
and at the lowest rates.
1 1 w.1 RICHARDS & SM ITH.
VTOTICE is hereby given, that on Tuesday,
IN the 13th day or October. A. D. 1371, at
the usual place of voting in the .several pre
cincts In Nemaha County, Nebraska. ,nn
election will be held fdr tho election of Inc.
following officers :
For one Member of Congress;
For one Member of Congress, contingent ;
Ivor Governor;
For Secretary of Slate;
For State Treasurer;
For Superintendent of Public Instruction;
For Slate Prison Inspector ;
For Attorney General ; .
For District Attorney In the 1st District ;
For State Senator ;
For two Representatives ;
For County Commissioner in 1st District ;
For County Commissioner in Urd District;
For one Assessor in each Precinct;
For three Judges of Election in each Pre
cinct For' two Clerks of Election" In each Pre-
For'one Supervisor irt each Road District.
Which election will he opened at 8 o'clock
In the morning, and will continue open un
til 0 o'clock In thoafternoonofthosameday.
By ordor of the Hoard,
j.Jrt2 County Clerk.
Omaha, Nei:., Sep. 22th, 1S7!.
EALED PROPOSALS in duplicate, will be
received at this otllce until elqven o'ciocii
a. jr.. Monday, uctooer tan.. i. tor me
delivery, in new gunny and bnrlap saeks, at
Omaha Depot, in quantities as rcrjnired, of
Three million (a.Ot-'O.W) ppunrfs'of corn.
One million five hundred thousand ( V00,
000) ponnds of oafs.
Each proposal rrmst be guaranteed" by two
responsioie parut-s, not oiuuera. in.t "J
will become bondsmen on'nwanVof the'eon-
tracts. j
ohUTwiirDecrtTertalrrecr. under any cir
cumstances, unless the bidder Is. present in
person, or by duly arthorlzed agent or attor
ney at the opening of the bids, and Is then
and there prepared to show that ho is fully
able to carry out the contract In all respects
if awarded to him.
Bids must be endorsed on envelopes, "Bids
for Forage."
to tlie foregoing requirement.
Too contracts wilt be let wltn tlie proviso
that the contracts mar be Increased or re
placed one-tlrlrd liy the Chfef Quartermaster
or the Department, at any time ucring tne
dcUvery' of the craln.
The right to reject any or all bMs Is reserved
Blank bids furnMiisj, and furj conditions
made.known on application at this olllcc.
By o"rdcr of the Department Commander.
Chief Quartermaster Dept. Pfatte.,
2. Brevet Brlgadlcr-Gen. IT. S. A.
t B
JgzT The Annual Xecting- of tlie
StccklioTdcrs of the State Uank of i
icorasna, ni uc item ou a ues-uaj,
-i t- ii i. t. i.i m .-i
20th October, 1S74, at the Bank, at
7:30 O'clock, P. U.
13w4 H. 1. GATES, Cashier.
I oaHii HLaifiilnilRl j
,A No. 37 & 39, .
VMx Main St., p
mum lOTif'"
Fl0Tis;sices Sale.
-VTOTICE i, h'erebv gfvefl that Smith T
jj Tattle and F.3I. Upcrr'y made and cx
ecatod to the Nlnte Rank fi Nebraska, their
chattle mortgage, dated Dcwmher EJd, lSTi.
and recorded Jjceembrr 'SU, tbi.i, in chattle
mortfrJiRe records of Nemaha County, Ne
braska, hook 1, pas;p SI. That.Shr Is now
due on said mortgage Fte Hundred an(i
BPventv-two dollars and ninety-live centn.
(So72.5. The following property H described
in, and subject to and covered by j-ald mon-
gage, to-wlt:
One bliifk horse nampd Drr," abont sev
en ears old ; one brown hor.e named "Pnt"
about seven yeprs old; one brown horse
named "Jim," about six years old; one ony.
or sorrel horse named "Pete," nbout nine
years pld ? ono roan horse named "Bill,
aborttnlhe years old; one black horso nam
ed "Dan." about elirhf years old ; one roan
horse named "George." about live years old,
known as the "Sladdox" horse; one bay
horse named "Charlie, about live years old.
known a? tho "Pprrry" horse; one b.iy
mare named "Belle," hbont nlno years old;
one top bucgy. known as ho "Phillip's bug
gy;"' one top buggy, known n the "Eaton
buggy;" oneoneii bngcy. known as the "Dr.
Ilollnday bugpy ;" on, oprtn hack, known as
the "Eaton back;" one tuni bacK top car
riage. Studebaker .make; ono stationary top
darrlage. Studebaker make; four sets don
bio harness; ono set single harness; cno
force pnmp; one heating kqvc; .one cloek;
two sleighs; two sadalesati'l tvrb bridles, and
one side saddle.
The said property will ba sold at public
nffctloh In Jront of the Court House in
Rrowh!Ue. In said county, on tho 15th day
of October. ISM. at ten o'clock Hi tho fore
noon, to satlsty said debt.
September IT, 1S71. Mortngce.
12w3 By J. II. Rhoadv, Att'y .
Coiamsssiozier's Sale of Real
"NTOTJCE Is hereby given, that by an order
JLl of salo Issued out of tne JiNtrlct Court
ot Nomaha County, Neofav;a, nnd to us di
rected as Commissioners In the case herein
alter mentloniMl. upon an order and decreo
rendered by said court In a certain action
therein pending, wherein Barnard.1. Kaulk
man Is plaintiff, and Caroline Kanlknnn,.
J.ohn II. Kaulkman. Mary Rosin Kanlk
man, Joseph Henry Kanlkman. and Jo hn
Peterson, are defendants. Welll oiler for
sale nt public auction, at the door of tho
Court House in Brownville. In said Cnnnty
pf Nemnhn. on Morality. October .ith. 1S7I, at
1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, tho
following real estate In Nemaha County, Ne
braska, to-wit: The northeast quarter of
section No. fourteen ll. in township No.
six (G). north of range No. fourteen (H. east,
containing one hundred nnd sHty acres.
KJwo CommlSblon?rs
Dealer in
"S. ft A a A .
Undertaking a Specialty.
Keeps a fail line of
50 Main Street, BitolrtiTILLF., SEB
g. s. jzuim,
MBroicnriile, Tfe&.
Ttepaircd, and Jewel ry Manufactured to onler.
For sale by
SsSKCust0in Work
-S33SC&. Made to Order.
SCrirfr.ln Street,
r-. -."jrh a
- -g?f!&3S&$
J1 t'VS. -v.
Hepaliing neatly done. Ki.3SMala'!tcM':,Br. wn
Manufacturer and Dealer in
N I XSa ZT-Tt-re 7-
Whips, Hobes BiaP.Rets, Brushes,
Fly-"Xets, Etc,
Repairing done on short notice. The -e'o--otai
Vomnm nil Hlnnkin??. for mvser tt
i bted voeunm Oil Blacking, ftrprcrv r?
' Harness, Boots, Shoes, Ac, always on h -n J,
C4 Main Street,
falk f
ea ust ,fm 1X1
t n i r -ii' w -. a
n '3 7k&" .-iv
o j .
H rSSSffiSr'a S A r-J
c-g i4 iwslr iiSiJ, j. '
Si n f y '
if 1"
1. II.H..Jl'l.l -, J 1 J-