Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 20, 1874, Image 3

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AD V bK-IlorilV
MAY MORNING. ArGrT 30. 1S71.
PnrIl9tiers Kotlcfc-.
CCIt- orTEE AIW-TTSR for by Q-
Bosoller, Stationer ana e '--
WfttalB strteUnEXtdoortOUiePostofflcfc.
fori.K OT!ry re&-t zrter.
3crc ten cents per Itn, ec inssr-.w".
d!3plcrtrp.ey-fiv t - -"
to Rbovo rttes.
::xts under the head of "Wanted."
.Bent " "For Sale." "Lost," 'Ftmna. -.
caarsed vwentr-Hve cents far eacn w"11
t c' Ave lines, or lew. eaefe Insertion. a-
e -- Sve lines, at the rate oi m e
,per line, each Insertion.
Authorized Agents.
-. i nrnetbori:ed arcat
tT "- .. .-H u)rir.
tp:ace to rece ve scoscriw. ---
: ' to coi'ecs ma i"i" - '
MixiCE 1 r scthorized azent at Apm-
t tt vp 5rwrnpuon wm i .
c at 3 receipt for monies one u.
BrrT a Pru h nereov - -
e cbe-rlptlon and advertising ior ure ai-
TrscE.and collect and receipt ror tae same.
1 -bUsaers Advertiser.
m. ,
V Drarey intends to remove
-C rr..
-''Sax Beatrice, soon, to Bloomington.
Prof Aughey has named the Be-
bllcan Valley "The Rhine Valley
the West."
- The State Normal School opene
ursday. September Srd, with a full
rps of teachers.
Jake Rogers, chief of the Council
fluffs- "bus" line, spenta few days in
rownville this week.
Major Church Howe returned
in Lincoln on Friday last. He
ve us b short call.
Huffman, of the Bloomington
ftuard. reimbursed himself for that
alen rib, tile other day.
s The heaviest rain we have had
ir three months, fell last Friday
lorning. It will do much good if it j
ras late. !
The Juniata Gazette estimates
lat the grasshopper? ate 20,000 tons
corn and other fodder last week in
Ldams county.
PH. Gibson, who has been ab-
lent some three weeks visiting in
Ecwn, Missouri and Kansas returned
iii Saturday last.
Dr. Jno. MuPherscn, says the
Hoomir.gtdii Guard, will shortly re-!
love his hotel building from JRepub-
Hcan Citv to Bloomington.
- TheBloqmiagtoni?.ucrdsy&-UiJ
land office closeat "Lowell-the!22nd
tr : ana win oereopeneu t jjioom
n thdttMbPS
- J C. McNaughton, A. J.'McFall.
. Gibson, and Dr J. Blake left
on Monday lost to attend the Grand
lLodge of Knighls of Pythias now in
isesaion at Omaha. j
- R A. Stewart, of Benton pre -
pemet, gave us a call on Monday. Mr. i
iS. report" the grasshoppers as having !
slettjiis neighborhood, and did not do
snear the damage reported on the j
Mr. Bagley, attorney atFalls City,
;and associate editor of the Journal,
was in the city a dHy or two this
week, and honored us with a call.
Mr. E. is a brother-in-law to Mr
James Stevenson of this city.
Judge Rltter, of r-'t. Deroin, gave
as a call on Mondaj. and left with us
evidence that he does not forget to do
good thing for the Advertiser
? .
when he can. He came up to attend removed to his o"ld reside nee in the
n special meeting of the Board of . Rogers Block. Ben made the Union
Commissioners. House very popular, and the travel
ing public will miss him. but th'
Mr. J. H. Earns, of Peru pre- &rod name of the house will not in
.Int, called on Mondaj- and sub-' tl,e least depreciate under the man
scribed for Advertiser. Hesaid he!aSeml of Jos. O'Pelt. as hi hum
wanted a good local paper, one that
gave all the home news, both Sfete
and county, and that he belived the
Advertiser was the one he wanted.
Mr. Roberts, of the State Journal
printing campany, was in town on
Friday last. He is the same gentle
man that the fcalls City Journal lied
about, and had the lie proved ou it by
the State Journal. Mr. R. is a gentle
man, and attends Btrictly to his legit
imate business.
- John Davies, Jno. L. Carson's
faithful employe, was married on the
teth infct., by Rev. W. B. Slaughter.
to Miss Amanda J. Gantt, of this city
The wedding took place at the resi
dence of Dr. J. Blake.
Johnny, accept our congratulations
and best wishes for your happiness
nuu prosperity in
the new relation-
which you have taken upon yourself,
Last week we spoke of the large j
lots of large watermelons raised and
brought to town by Mr. David Hawes
of this vicinity. Mr. Eawe on Saturday-
last made the Advertiser bny
happy by a treat to a couple of mel
ons, the largest one weighing 41$
pounds, for which we tender our
thanks, and hope he will raise big
melons again next year.
The Nebraska City Chronicle
says : Royal Buck, now of Red Wil
low, had an article communicated to
the Lincoln Journal a few days since
in which he gave a doleful account of
the crops in that part of the State
from the drouth, grasshoppers and
other causes. Other parlies who left
there about the time the letter was
written say the statements of Mr B.
are greatly exaggerated, and that the
prospect w&s good for all kinds 0f,n08UCn ?ces..ity will overtake him
. .. -TA- ,.-, ro.flntlv hilled
I A Airs. JKice w -
b llghtnillg ear Beatrice.
- Alex. Colin, who is traveling for
the well known cigar house bf Colin
& Bm. of this city, is spending a few
days at borne.
The -Belle of Lexington." Capt.
Barrett's ferry boat, made her first
trip as a ferry boat hero, on the after
noon of Monday last.
If you wish to become a teacher
in any of the schools of this county,
and for that purpose want a certificate
from the county superintendent, you
should present yourself ot his office
on the last Saturday of the mouth.
Jake Rogers wishes us to inform
the good people of Brownville thath
has no intentions whatever to put on
a transfer line between this place and
Phelps, and that whoever started the
report did so without his knowledge
and out of -whole cloth."
Count y Superintendent Pierson
gave us s -Jail on Saturday, requesting
us to give notice to all persons inter
i ested that the time set for the exam
ination of applicants to become teach
ers in the schools of this county is on
the last Saturday ot each month.
The board of managers of the
Nemaha County Agricultural and
Mechanical Association are requested
to meet in Brownville on Saturday,
August 29th, at 2 o'clock p. m.. to de
termine matters concerning the coun
ty fair. Sw2 H. O. Muhck, Pres.
The Women's Foreign Mission
ary Society will hold a public meet
ing at the M. E. Church on next Sab
bath evening. The public are cordi
ally invited to attend No collection
for missionary purposes will be taken.
Mrs. A. B. Slaughter, Pres.
I. S. Nace, traveling ageut for
the house of L. A. Bergmann. manu
facturer of cigars, returned last Sat
urday after a ten days trip. Gus says
he cleaned the houe of all the cigar.
Ion hand, and that he -will be com
peIied to put turee or four more uien
t wnr',:.
The grasshoppers are still here,
and are as ravenous as ever. The
worst of it is. they are depositing
their eggs in every suitable spot of
ground, so the young hopper will be
on hand next spring early, to renew
its devastations unless they hatch
jout tnig f some think they will.
jor hope so, so that the winter ma3
'kill them.
Those who set the prairie on nre
out west, if caught, meet with fear-
mi retribution. '1 he Hastings Jour-
Kasays that reppntly three dead men
were found on thejirairie, with card-
juiueu on uiuii imuhs ou wiuuu were
written t "shtffrWor settinffDrainie
fires." .-Ever5T firesetojU is sure to
--- -
WSr "i.-rfv,.- - f- -A l-iBst . ki .-iL,
uea,ru:,il?ruCjprgpjirnw-)M,1,reuiurt, ,pKejixlfiuuiutfcana
settlers, and many times leaves them venlTon. ' ' - 1
homeless and destitute, and they are.
very properly, determined to put a
a ctop to it if possible.
I When Democrats, or Indepeud-
jents which amounts to the same
thing in fact say the Democratic
pnrty is dead, they say that which
they do not believe themselves It i-
subterfuge and a lie resorted to to
get votes against the Republican par
ty. Should some of them be elected
to office by divisions in the Republi
can ranks, it would be disgustingly
demonstrated that Democracy is not
dead, for they would triumphantly
stick their roosters out and crow lus
tily over "a glorious democratic vic
tory." On Monday last Joe O'Pelt, ol
Phelps, took possession of the Union
Hotel of this city, and Ben. Rogers
experience in the business at l'helps,
where his house wai universally pop
ular, i3 assurance that the Union will
be kept tirsl-elitsw. and command the
very liberal patronage it has hereto
fore done.
Rufus Leach has quit the augur
business: He av there wax too much
work for the amount of bore. Hetzel
i going it alone, ami we hope his. bor
ing may succeed. Granger.
Lest the above squib might lead
some into an error with regard to
Morgan's patent well augertand cause
its real value and utility to be under
rated, we desire to call attention to the
fact that the auger is getting into gen
eral use in this part of the State and
many other localities, and is univer
sally admitted to be the best thing of
the kind yet invented, and is truly a
cheap labor-saving, money-making
machine. Mr. Morgan took this amiie
auger thtit was abandoned by Leach,
and in one hour and six minutes, pre-
wely, Mr. Hetzel holding the watch.
bored twenty feet and nine inches
There was some work humau labor
of course connected with this, but
the "amount of bore" Was certainly
good and hard to beat. We give this
j explanation in justice to Mr. .Morgan
nd his. enterprise. By his inventive
ingenuity he lias constructed a ma
chine of much benefit to the country,
and by hard work lias established a
shop m our city for its manufacture,
and it is- hoped that our citizens feel
sufficient interest in ull such enter
prises calculated to giVt? laborers ami
mechanics employment, and add to
the business and wealth of the city,
as to extend all possible encourage
ment to the same. We understand
that Mr. Morgan has inducements
offered him to remove his machine
shop to another city, but we hope that
i as to compel him tr. do po
Marshal Daily called last Tues
day, and we smdked a cigar with him.
Bennett's mill near Nemaha City
is again operating and making good
The Nebraska Holiness Associa
tion cammenced a tabernacle camp
meeting at Table Hock on the 18th
Our county convention will take
nlace on the 29th inst. Let there be
a general turn out of Republicans on
that daw
The Star Hotel is again about to
change hands. Mrs. Franklin, late
widow Hacker, is next to take charge
of that hotel.
Mr. Chas. Shafer, of Nemaha
City precinct, called this week and
renewed his biihscription for, as he
expressed it. -your lively paper."
TheState Prohibition convention
is called to meet in Lincoln on Sept.
Dth. The county convention toeleit
delegates to the State convention will
be held on the oth of Sept.
Ed Lippitt. who has been absent
some six weeks attending a musical
institute at Mouni'Mith, III., returned
on Tuesday last, and expresses him
self as well pleased with the musical
treat he has ha'd.
Next Saturday, b- it remetn-
KarnH iw f l,u iltn fjfr T?ot,ti Ikl iimi 11 Mfi.-
cinct caucuses. Every Republican
should attend his precinct meeting to
assist in selecting delegates to the
county convention.
Henry Shaffer, well known in
this county as the bet miller in the
west, paid his respects to the Advek
tisek on Tuesday last. Mr. Shaffer
informed us that he is now employed
at the Honiewond mills, and as soon
as he "fixes up a bit" lie will make
some of the best flour ever sold in
The widow Melvin, living near
Bennett's mill, had her wheat stack
destroyed by Are one day last week.
The loss was about 300 bushels of good
wheat which her tw sons had work
ed hard to produce. The stacks were
in the timber, and were not burned b3'
prairie fires or any accident conceiva
ble, but it is hardly credible that any
body could be fiendish enough to set
the fire purposely.
A recent deserter from the Re
publican ranks in Bedford precinct
was heard to say that he would see
that his jjreeinct was not represented
in the coming Republican county ,
convention. This gentleman un-i
doubtedly thinks he runs Bedford!
Whether this be -scWr not. we know
nf many 'steadfast RputfUcaus ' rcutCa5tee,'4reMdeut.MjSrmitfs messoKes
there. andOf courseexpect to-see the
... .ti . u. i ! .- - i. ...
We understand that Squire Ken
nedy, at the County Association last
Saturday, resigned his position as
as purchasing agent for the grangers,
and that before he did so he fully vin
dicated himself from certain charges
of irregularities which hud been
broug'it against him. and that he was
gcnerallj' acquitted in the minds of
hi- audience of any real or intention
al wrong management while he acted
as such agent.
The Independent and Grangers
had quite a gnnd meeting at Grand
Prairie last Saturday or would have
had a gooti time had nt Church
Howe and Kennedy not into a savage
personal quarrel, which somewhat
marred the harmony of t hat purtiou
f ihe crowl who are not politician.
-crabblmg for office. Their precinct
caucuses for electing delegates to the
county convention will be held on the
29th iu-t.. -ame da "I the Republi
can county convention, ami their
county convention to take place mi
the Tuesday following. September 1st.
We nre informed that a rejoin
tinn was pa--etl ly !! Independent-,
at their meeting at Grand Hrai ie la-t
Saturday, that all agitation of the t-
niovnl of the county seat from Brown
ville should be -topped for the pre
ent. The rea-on for this actum we
v:ii only conjecture We presume
the Independent- do not want to un
dertake to carry so big a load until
they are slnmger and better organ
ized. Notwithstanding this apparent
abandonment rrf that scheme, it i
only postponed, and those opposed to
it, meantime, should" be on the alert
to prevent any advantage from being
taken of them. Hope has been- ex
pressed by some county seat mover
lately that a delegation of legislators
would be elected who would favor
changing the law so that a majority
vote only would be necessary to re
move the county seat.
I wish to inform all tny old friends
and the public generally, that having
sold out my hotel business to Joseph
O'Pelt, I am now devoting my entire
attention to the superintending of my
livery stable. and feel confident
that in the future, as in the past, I
can give "general satisfaction."
Bex. Rogers.
If you want a good lunch and Ham;
burg b?er. call on Dick Hughes. Call
and see if he does not keep the best.
3 5
Kegs of Bcyj-ehlags Beer received by
Dick Hughes on Monday t4ie 10th.
I will continue to. -uppli-customers ati
live cents a glass if 1 DON'T make a
If you want a No. 1 stove for the
least stamps, call and buy of Tisdel&
On the evening of the 17tl inst.. by
i Itev. J. T. Baird. Mr.Harrvfi. Dolen
and Miss Lulu MePherson, daughter
of Dr. John McPheraon. all of this
The wedding took place in a quiet
private manner at the residence of
the bride's parents, only a few favor
ed friends beinsr invited to wituess
the ceromony of uniting the two lov
ing hearts "in holy wedlock band3."
In keeping with the time honored
custom the subjects of the "art pre
servative" were remembered, and at
the hands of the bride received a
goodly portion of wedding cake with
"the compliments of Mr. and Mrs.
Dolen." And Harry did the gener
ous thing by sending up a bos of fine
cigars, and we sit in our 3anctum and
puff away just like one who don't
care for expenses. Well, Harry, you
and your fair young wife have the
printers' blessing, with the hope thatto
you may be vouchsafed the best boon
to mortals given good health, and a
love for each other that shall never
wane in the inevitable vicissitudes of
At her residence in Peru, August
10th, of erysipelas, Mrs. Mary ri. riay
er. Thus another one has gone across
the river. Mrs. Sayer was born in
Marshfiehl. Mass., April 2nd, 1S39;
was early left an orphan, with the
care of a family. She raised them all.
and gave them a fair education, not
neglecting her own mind She edu
cated herself after the war closed. She
was engaged to teach under the an
spiers of the freed men' bureau down
South. She taught there three years
and came We-.t. Mrs Sayer taught
the colored School in Nebraska City
quite a While before her marriage.
She wa well known and highly re
spected in the City, where she will
long be retneinbeied by her maiden
name, Mary S. Osborne. She was
engaged to tcaeh in the Normal
School at Peru, where she gave good
satisfaction ; and here s.he was mar
ried to Mr. Wra Sayer, and here she
died the death of a good woman,
leaving u husband ami one little babe
a few weeks old. So wu silently pas
Her funeral was preached in the M.
E. Church by Rev. M. Prichard from
the text "Whoever liteth and be
lieveth in me shall never die.
L F. Bkitt.
Nebraska City papers please copy.
By Hon Etlwnrd UlcPhersoii, Cleric nf
House of llenresL'iitaiivcB U. S.
This accurate and impartial volume
gives the full record on the "Increase
of Salary Act'' and its repeal, on
transportation, civil rights, and finan
cial questions, including the act of
1SG2 creating the "legal tenders" and
coin interest on bonds, and the vari-
jousfexpanding and ccntractingactH
and memorandum, interviews, letters
.i .
A I aha-.
Supreme Court decisions. Illinois and
Wisconsin railroad laws, constitution
al amendments, nride and pending,
in States and Nation. "Back pay"
statistics; tables of appropriations,
debt, elections, currency distribution
by States and sections &c. Invalua
ble for campaign. Cloth, S2"50. po-t
paid. Addrc-s Gi:o. Fits. Dawson.
P O Box 4:M, Washington, D C.
If you regard life and property go
and -ee the Non-KxpInive Lamps at
H. C. Lett's ihuir store.
Go and .ee the non-explo-sve lamps
at H. C. Lett's drugstore. He has a
lamp that every family should have.
Call at Craddork & Soil'.-Gun Shop
for the best quality and cheap t guu
n nd ammunition to be had in Un
fit y. We do not intend to be uudei--ohl
by any dealer.
Those in wan of thnrough-hred
Iri-h -etter Iiird l)og. can be suppli
ed by catling on W. T. Den.
The lest ten cent calico sold at L.
Sugar cured ham- ami country
con at Swan &. Uro's.
Why is it that people
trade at Den's? They all
tiade al Den's, and will
.continue to trade where
they find a shot gun or
stove, a wagon, a suit of
clothes, furniture, dry
goods, fish, pitch forks
and handles, hats and
caps, boots and shoes,
powder and shot, cart
ridges, gun wads or aiii
kind of goods they want,
cheap for cash. Call on
Den and see.
Wanted. AH kinds of grain.
TriEO. Hjll&Co.
Another car load of Stu
debuker wagoirs- re
ceived by W T. Den.
Who sells the beat wagon?
Why, Den sells all the
wagons, both spring and
farm, and the Studebaker
must be the best.
Choice Hannibal fall wheat flour at
Swan & Bro's.
Now is the trine to buy"
your breech and muzzle
loading shot guns a W.
T. Den's. He has just
received a ton of shot, a
cargo of Bogardoes dead
shot powder, caps, cart
ridges, gun wads, and ev
erything in the sporting
line will be sold cheap for
cash at W. T. Den's.
rowmnauoiif.,ajui .action inAiana-J Yti jH. JMaGreerhasSllt kiiCdrffj'
ma, jrlfhnile. ?&oul-iH,naandDttxasarje-ityandiVKTiae fr,'
Horse Hay Rakes the best and
cheapest, by Stevenson & Cross.
W. H. McCreery always keaps a
full stock of pure drugs. 52-3m
JSriCRELL is at Tlturainn's old
stand, next door to State Bank.
Fruit Jars the best and cheapest,
by Stevenson & Cross.
Prescriptions filled at all hours, at
Nickell's Drug store. 50m3
Eight pounds tea for one dollar by
Stevenson & Cross.
Carpet chain, cotton yarn and cot
ton batten by Stevenson & Cross.
Cabiuet work of all kinds made to
order at J. L. Roy's.
If -you v13h cheap. suits, call and see
our ctock of clothing.
F. E. Johnson & Co.
Boots and Shoes for men, ladle and
children, atL. Lowmari's.
teas : teas : :
The cheapest and best at Gilmore &
Farmers, don't throw away 80 orSO
dollars on a wagon to save 10 dollars.
But buy the Bain they are the cheap
est. Cull at .Nickell's Drugstore, when
you come to town. 50m3
Machine Oil at NichelPs Drug Store.
A new stock of Pure Drugs at Nick-
ell's Drugstore.
50m 3
Farmers will not have cheap, infe
rior wagons, but buy the Bain.
Saddles and codfish for sale by Ste
vensoli S Crns3.
Machine oils and belting by Steven
son & Cross.
The "National Currency Tobacco"
made by Colhap of this city, when we
consider its quality, and cheapness,
and the peculiar &tyle in which it is
put np, is the best thing in the tobac
co line we have seen. It is put up with
a view to small wholesale customers.
Farmers, Grangers ami others who
want to buy directly from the manu
facturer should see Colhapn before
supplying themselves.
Plasterixg hair
For sale by the pound or by the
bushel by J. H. Bauer.
Our Governors Choice is the favor
ite ciar; manufactured by L. A.
Bergman, No. 41 Main Street.
Large stock at Stevenson & Cross'.
Large stock of clothing for men,
youths aud children, at L. Low-
.New Bed SteadsCarpjtg. Bureaus.
and Wash Stands, oheapntfnr casjMat?
'Roy's Furniture Store. QaU soo3
Lard Oil, tile purest in twn, at
Nickell's Drugstore.
For the best implements of any
kind, stoves, hardware, groceries or
wagons, go to Stevenson fe Cro-s.
Closing out goods cheap at Loui
Lowman's. Three or fourshoats wan ted. hy Ste
venson & Cro-s.
Summer clothing at cost by Loui
St. Joe. No. 1 Flour at A. JI. Gil
more & Co's.
New styles of Prints just receives by
XF.'JS. Juhn-on & Co.
Get your Machine repairing done at
Lockwood's machine repairing shop.
. .
St. Joe I?o. 1 Flour at A. H. Gil
more & Co's.
1'akn in excli .nf for drj goods b I
F. E John-oli &. Co.
Done at Lckwood's machine repiir-i
ingshnp in the best manner, and for'
the least money, of any place in the
county. ;
Groceries just received by F.E. John
son & Co
A large lot just received by F. E.
Johnson & Co.
The best machine oils by Stevenson
& Crors.
Paints, Oils and Glass, at Nickell's
Drug store. 50tn3
Fruit Jars the best and cheapest,
by Stevenson & Cro
Kept at H. C. Lett's drug store, of
ever3 A'arietj-.
Fence wire, the best, for sale by
Stevenson & Cros.
Paper Floor Carpet, 25 Gen Us a yard,
at Hoy 's.
Hardware, Tinware ami Queens
ware by Stevensou & Cross.
New stylo belts received at Low
ma'n's. Closing out linen goods at asd be
low cost at Louis Lowman's.
Selling goods as chap as- ever at
L. Lowman's.
Stoves, groceries and iron by Ste
venson &. Cross.
Keep the largest and best selected
stock of ribbons and fancy goods at
T r..,;Q p.rmnn'a
JJllUld -1W . w
Wiihrhas. As the State Temper
ance Central Committee has called a
State Convention to be held in Liu
edln SeptemherSth. for the purpose of
nominating a full Stat ticket, and
whereas they have recommended that
the temperance voters of each county
in the State hold a mas3 meatihg at
the county seat on the 5th of Sept., to
elect delegates to represent the coun
ty in said State Convention. There
fore, notice is hereby given bj' the
undersigned Couu't' Central Commit
tee, that said County Convention will
be held at the court house in Brown
ville, Saturday Sept. oth, at one o'
clock p. in., to elect eight delegates
for the purpose aforesaid.
Wat. Tidrow,
John- K. Du:das.
Jakvis R. Church.
County Central Committee of the
Temperance party.
Saginaw salt at Swan & Bro'a.
For fair dealing and the lowest fig
ures go to Stevenson. & Cross.
Scythes and Pitchforks the hesi
and cheapest by Stevenson & Gross
California Wine and Brandy at
Nickell's Drug store. othnS
' Corn in tile ecr for goods at the Red
A choice selection of plain and fan
cy ribbon at Louis Lowmatl'a.
Wm. H. Hoover, Real Estate Agent
and Conveyencer. Court Room.
Louisville cement. Alton lime, and
hair at Swan & Brn's.
Look Out for Zllatl Dogs,
And buy your Horse Rukes of Ste
venson &, Cross.
A full line of smoker's articles con
stantly on hand at L. A. Bergman's,
very low for cash.
The Constitution of our County As
sociation requires that at their last
meeting in August, each Grange elect
delegates to represent them in the As--ociation
for the year ensuing. Please
govern yourselves accordingly.
Church Howe, Pres't.
Aumt Izt 1S74.
If you want something to eat when
in town in the shape of a nice lunch
good bread and butter, loiled ham,
cheese, &c, go to Sirall's.
W. H. McCreery has a large Stock
of jMiints. oils, glass, wall per and
window shades at reduced prices.
52-3 in
Fruit. Tars the bgst and cheapest,
by Stevenson & Cross.
Engine Oil. 70 cts. a gallon, at Nick
ell's Drugstore
fS'UggUSg"" V-"
WanSPsWW - iil -
g 1IU.U1IA JUI3L.1S.J.
Jout lublih"l. 111 a AnV i Fnvolnp'
iV xtx cents
A Lertareon tlie Nature, Treai meat, ami
ItedicilCiirettr sem'no.! Wenfcne.or Sprmtor
rlM 1 induced hy t-elf-Abise InvolnnUtrv Kmls--10ns
Iinpotency. Xerrou Ielillty. and Imtiedi
ments to niarriae senerally : Iils Conrnimption
Eplleiiov. and Fits: Mental and Physical Incarac
uthor of the "Often Hook." Ac.
Tlie workl-renowned author, in thte admirable
Ltfeture. clearly proven from bt on-n experience
liHt th awflil consequences of Salf-Abw may he 1
effectually removetl without mpJIcliMjs, ami with ,
oat dangerous surgical operatk8. boocka. Instru
menu. nuga. or cordials. iHHntiH? ot a BMMe of
care st one certain awl effectual hy whhrh every
sufferer, im matter what his cooduiofl miy be.
mv ccie himself ehe&pty. privateli'. and rad
KS" TMt Lrdttre leHtprovn a boonio ttomttmtit amt
thousands. j
Sent under t!. to any address. In a jrfaln sealed J
envelope, on the receipt of six cente. ortwop6t
ace Kainps. Also. Dr. tnsbee1tHMlIT KOR
PILES. Seod lor circular. AddreastaeInoH9ber.
127 nowcrj, New Yorlc,Post-OflSceBox4,5SG
Catarrh, Throat & Lung Affections
Are vastly on the lnc-ease. kimI ears only be
eureri lr remedies for the onus? ot d.ave.
llnliallnsremeiliesareiiseftfl and will ure
are cansel by a rush of blood i the hwr j
by Scarlet Fever. Meak., Scnfnl. Ac. 4c.
Ur. UOOKe s new. remeuitn rem ive m? oue
Htomes rem ive u? tiue
el wit boat i lie U5e of tn-
f Rupture nd IJerni t-
ieuf cure. Trtu.- of ..I!
PUfuIa in Ann cured
knife. All trm- if
trcHted for a. pwmmieii
de&trHlle mnuiMt-
UvnriHii Tumors a Hpecialtv a1
r.N. K. DODUE, 1-7 South lia'-'-i
rires Ir.
Street. Chicago, UK
By tn author of ".Tlqltt Scrnes mrh-litbie' '
autl "Our Father's House. ' of wIimjo tMrlr
nMj4tHve been inUl. "Home Lte i -rm- i
memleil by minister of l etT8ti a- "the '
nntiior'- best iKJOlt "fnll tS nrpolmK i
.tlWHHiht.." "rrnth. precious m semx," -
".M"" ". ... "V rn"'?.' .j 5-.
cnoice nooK lor pvery fetmlly. &r. Ste-1 en
f Kntviiic-. nw-f iniiHi paper. rtrn mnainc.ann
I farrapIilKJilenneqiiBllfd. AGE5TS, Ymtttc
.Men.umies, i,acnerxanlCM,rsonien.-SB,nV-
p.1 fn averv county: K5 to Um per month.
Penrt foroirrulnr. ZIEGLER & 3I'CUK-
T'..'itD Ave. Aflntn4t Pnlmirn Til -
. --.... -
3T Clay' r.tor yxr Strip The
i best for excluding Wiad, Dust or Eats frwa er
MUmwM- a. bsegiiaiinJ i ieaierm
WfIs cs s: wincs- 5 '
i -
doors. Toralebj-
sbw yor.E soitiBv 3HV!h:et.
Atjuust 17. MtiKBT At 2SJ2$ per
cent, ; prime mercantile paper 57.
Gold Dull at 169i10a4.
State Bonds Dull.
Railroad Boxds Dull;
Stcoks Steady at3i pr cent.
AaousT 18. Wrb&2" ; JJr good de
mirtMl and strotjr; No 3", reil full,
S! 09?l.!Ui ; No 2. SL1730118J.
Coitf No. 2 mixed 84tJ5c cash.
Oats No. 2, mixed -Jir48c.
Barley Spring SI 24.
Rye Steady and firm ; 7a$76c for
Hoos Qiet; Yorkers $6.756.25 ;
lmon, 6.606 75 ; bwteber, 7.ttUS.7 65
Cattlh Good to common natives
S4.256 25; oewg and heifers, 3.00
.0 ; Texau 2.754 25.
Aug. IS Cattle Fairly active
for good at unchanged priews. other
very dull tettdiitx siromcly down
ward? , Texan, $1.7o2.7o; choice
steers $5.91)6.20; poor to good na
tive S2.7oo.o0.
Hoos Quiet, god to extra, $7.25
&S.00; hulk of sales at $7.2oS.25.
Hqgs $45.50 for fat ; $28.5 for
stoek ; jnarkot lively.
Whka5-Spring, te67c; whits
Corn 75e offered, for corn in ear.
Oats 30c.
Barley and Rye, same as last
.a., zosisoisr.
IVA rt.
i ? w
Repairing netl voho. No. M Main stresttBrowii
Alanufacturer and Dclc. in.
ZinU PRtIs,IIruslice, Dlaultels.
40 oeM per jHml.
Im A. Bersrmanii & Co.
i Undertaking a Specialty.
Keeps Afm! !':if "
33 Hair. Street, imOWKVJLLr:, 3iES.
- t 5 j
. fi f
, ft 8 fc
I 51 fa
40 eta.yd-rlb.
flpentiM i'er-
AtKodtPcrt-ilo. trcrst blbiriKMt.
."T-.k -
' sc''i in. ---. o rr. t t
. .
j -JLL holrt pablic ia.:iai w in
1 . & . . .
A. i9icairnav oj v-icu u3T a, st sir CTITC
(pas UT
I SKF &?l'V..:tI-JT .. Kf
i i-l.S. LZAtr . . -TB Tarsals bv
" H. ,JV M-1 -- ( L t
I rv-T JiftK5lF5rsraFS fcfl 3K J J W-ZSsl , .i
rokboi "w.. , . TKZs&xxzMaKMEt&rTzxe t2 . l fOAKTuaamiMZ. jz. w. xoorasroocx.
., . 13rin4tJfesBHsHS8HKS'59F "' 'I - 'jffin iri'i'r?rri r n'fTTnrWBtBinrtlkn'
rtrfBF'. i bw BjHBS'BKSSSgBHBWWF nJt9 tffBhr1 JhiL nri iAiRim?' n M.fcSSTTBl , .
a sa , .v htiffi V m r.
H W AWm! VV KXliM M7K! - V UUI1
rt ita n t a n n p- r r . t-i i t"1 w r ifc. iij::j i car c & s
BSSKjii nm -sj -5 j i.w y-. gijgy
SC1 ft IIO
Mil 15
I ;jMfedk -fi&i&iiU !
i $M m s
,55. " ' " lcSs&s s
XBBt !?- . 1 1 i t Wa
9 JB-5r'
In Strouraville. Tbotio wthla( cent
wlllpteose itkkv notice.
1. W.PEKH.3C.
12tf Co. SuprlniH'dec!.
pi - iff3CTwjAAV'jua!BrwtoTTa
Custom Work
Hade to orusr.
9 JUIutn Street,
Menu Jaf-turer and Dealer In
ForeignSomestic ICarbk
MSuiaons, Toziibsfn,
Msin Street, between Mb aitdTtb
All ortfecs promptly filled and se41facUa
CHAS. XBIDHAltT.Pricietor.
M. X. COJSTNKK, Travettog AgU,
&; i- gii is it n
SroserieSjProvisions, Feed
XfflE 3SS jL " fk
Highest prlcrpald for nil Kind ol Col i!T
Prodooe. either In eaeh or itmwtit.
m r? JCain Street,
Th b8t lb excladlTt
frot uader doo-s
V ill
GansroadetoorUer. Repairing ceti. .
e. s. 1JTMX.
RoiMMroiL. ad Jowetry MaavntctareA to c:
ForMUe-by G.S 2 T T
( Paciata&
AW.RT!vrFrt Frenitom at t:- -yWir.tiel'i
-t Krwili-. Xln.'
arRf BUTer ! ml th- Iit-ann , ,
t:i't. hejtl nt Ht Jtoeph. o. It fn--1
the'r Ir.t Fremtarj t cvry Klr -b
been eathlbtud.
iind3.-iini-rMp-8e -Prttc: I.
on IWe CoHase."
A-dre- BfBS JL ARlCOl i -
i rowwiti:.
Marble Works
1?f3 1 5
n iiniwaT
iiMiiiimn g2j
0 '
Lf :
II i J Ln i .-"- i- i- J.
TIF A lH 'SWf1 Sff BWf?TIFTllTsr,F