JW 1A-3MTf JLJ gJgMCB ,?fwegan aregy -TTONDER WHO1 THEY'RE POR.1" s3tfftreiK:aa&ax&afefl My ma's been working vory lmrd, And also very sly. And keeps her sewing ont of sight Wlienever I am nigh. 1 asked lior once what made her stop Whenover I came In ; Hlic Mild she only stopped to get A needle, thread or pin. The tiureau drawer 'next to mine. Is locked up nightaud day, And when ma wants to open 11, She Hends me off to play. I stole a peep oneaficrn oon. Although It was not right ; Out oh! thelittlo things I .saw, Were such a pretty Kig lit. Tlie cutest, nicest little clothe, Just big enough for doll But then I know they're not for her. She nmls thern not at all, I know they're not for inn nor pa. Nor me nor brother "Bcr," For we can't wearsuch fitlTe clothes, I wonder who they'reibr ? i TTKOrATURE ANXIETY. More than balf of this world fa self afflicted. People raise evil spirits bluo devils and imaginary evils, un til they lash themselves into bona fide despair. Of this class of self tor mentors was thegood, honest kitchen maid, whom her mistress found weep ing bitterly in the kitchen. The heated oven had cooled, the bach of bread ready for baking was falling in the pans from the "high estate" to which the yeast had raised it, and Bettie was sobbing as if her heart would break. "What is the matter?" "Why (sobs), just as I had got the oven nice and hot " (sobs again.) "Well," said the mistress frighten ed, "did you burn yourself?" "No, ma'am ; I happened to think i "Well, Betty." "That if ever I should get married ii "You wouldn't cry at that, certain ly." "And should have u nice little ba by " ""Well." "And it could just go alone, and I ehould get the oven hot, and should leave it, and the baby should crawl in boo oo o ! it would burn itself to death !" DOMESTIC. A JERSEY JOURNALIST LOSES HIS A. An ex-edltorof a Jersey City paper tolls the following story : "As ho ap proached the Grand Central Depot, Now "York, he noticed two very pret ty and elegantly-dressed young ladies, who came and treated him as an old acquaintance, and he, thinking it was n case of mfcstakeu Identity, thought he would carry the thing through and buve some fun. They informed him that the' had procured a Bection In tne drawing-room car, and invited Mm to take a seat therein. He did so and enjoyed a very pleasant ride of two hours. On the arrival of the train at Poughkeepsie, both the la dies put their arms around his neck and kissed him good-by. He stepped in tne uining-room and ate some lunch and returned to the train, when, to his dismay and alarm, he found he was minus his pooket-book, containing two ten-cent stamps and a flve-cent piece. ',' n . . The Fort Wayne. Ind., Sentinel of the 30th ult. contains the following: At Waterloo, Indiana, this morning, Alexander T. In man was arrested for the murder of John Burnett, of Knox County, Ohio, Tuesday evening. The circumstances are as follows : Burnett was riding toward Waterloo, and when within two miles of town he was overtaken by Iumau, who struck him over the head with a club, drag ged him to one side, and robbed him of about sixty dollars. The body of the wounded man was found shortly after by a passing horseman. Inman waB lying by the body, stupefied from drink. The dying man was taken to the residence of Mr. Huffman, where he immediately died. Inman, in the meantime, went to tho house of a widow near by, and informed her that he had committed tho deed; and couutea tne uiouey before her. - He was arrested aud takou to Waterloo where his trial is now in progress. -Ip-you-are buying carpets for dura bility, choose small figures. SAVi:3roursuds forgarden plants, or forgardeu yards, when sandy. If your flat-irons are rough, rub them with fine sale and it will make them smooth. Fkosted Feet. They may be cur ed as follows : White oak bark, taken fresh and boiled in water to a strong liquor. Bathe the feet in the liquor. Tt is pronounced the best of all reme dies. Tell your dairy-men and every body that has 3-ou ng heifers or kick ing cows to milk, that if they will tie a small rope around them tightly just forward of their bag while milk ing, the' will soon give in kicking, without pounding or whipping. Cobn's and Bc.v oxs. Burn with caustic, af'.er bathing: repeat if nec essary. Another remedy ; Apply the pulp of lemon until the hard pulp can be removed. Cotton greased with linseed oil or turpentine Is very good, as it softens the corn. Italian Beefsteak. Score a steak transversely with a sharp knife, cutting it through. Lay it In a stew pan with a smull piece of butter ; sea son with peper and salt and an onion chopped fine. Let it cook then J of an hour in Its own gravy, aud serve hot. Ant-Hills. A correspondent of the American Entomologist says that a few Bllcetl ouions, buried in the ant hill will cause the ant to leave it. A gill'kerosene-oll, poured into tho ori fices of tho nests, will secure the same result. Plants must never be watered when the sun ahines upon them it scorches them as badly as the frost of autumn. Always water them after sunset, aud be sure to give the soil a thorough drenching. If only tho surface Is wet, the roots will not strike down and give the plants a vigorous habit. Sprinkle the foliage with the fine nose of the watering pot, but pull it off to water the roots. Judge Tappau, of Potsdam, had 2 cows poisoned, occurring by eating green wall paper taken off the rooms in his house. After the paper was ta ken off, it was emptied into a yard to . , iLtj... - .-..-- r wrMiTTnTaiTTrawr-TTmmMMrTMaiMmamiiiniii . . TIME SCHEDULES. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Darlington & JJlmiOttrl KlverRallroad in Ncbrasltn. STAIN LINE. 11:25 a.m. leave- .I,Iattsmouth 2:13 p.m. i Lincoln .. IfcOS p.m. arrlvtJ -Kearney June SKCp.m.arrive 11:16 a.m. leave o:iSo.m leive lOMAHA BRANCH. 1:1 p. n. leave J Plattsmonth 40 p.m. arrive Omaha,, j 115 a. m. arrive 10:00 a.m. leave BEATRICE KRANCU. ."MI p.in. leave .. fl'05 p.m. arrive Crete ...Beatrice... 7:45 a. ni. arrive i:4jn.tn. leave Chicago Si, North Western Railway. Trains at Council Bluffs arrive and depart as follows OOINO U'KST AKBIVE I OOINO EAST DKPAKT Lay E.Tpre.vs...10:3-)p.ni. Day Express..... fi.10u.ni. NIglit Express !K15a.tn. Night Express- -l:ftjp.ru. I Ex.i'relgUt 10:30a.m. W. H. STENNETT. Geu. Pas. Agt. Kansas City, St. Joe. fc C. II. Railroad. Trains leave Phelps Station as follows : Going North, 5:T0a. m. I Going South, fc.T a. n. Going North t:U;. m. j Going South, j6:lu p. ci4 A. C. DAWES, Gen. Pass. Agent. Midland Pacific Railway. 9 30 a ni 3:05 p m I Nebraska City 1 2:00 p m (!:". p in 2:C0pm 8:30pm Lincoln 11:00 am 2:05 n in arrlveIU:l jm I Seward...... 'J-.S0 a m...Ie&ve J. N. CONVERSE, Stip't. MILLINERY. -SlUifWy., J II I jH) frm & hm p ,x ', i5:ar r iTrtHrwVftoiiW EH2ZS i w.tG.iijr;A l n Tiiui.vs.snu z BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEYS. E. E. Ebright, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary puhlio and Real Estate Agent. OlUce In Court House Build Ins Browfnvllle Neb. T. L. Scliick, A TTORNBY AT LAW.-3IAVBE CONSULT ed In the Ger-nan language. Office next Otti inff.Brownville. Nebraska door to County Clerk's )fflce, Court House Build- is-ey vlIIe.Neb. J. S. Stnll. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. i jjrov ls-6y i 1-rn-RVTKV A Offlce.No.70 Slain street,! dp italrs.) Brown- J. H. Broady, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LA W. A. Office over Stato Bank, BroVnvHl.eb. E. IV. Thomas, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, front room over Steveason & Cross's Hardware Store. Browh vllle.Neb. W. T. Rogers, 1 TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. f -urni i- rfiiitront nttMnt'on to any ie?ai ousinessentrasted to Ids care. Office in Court Huuse tiuliain?. iirownviiie, jc. MEDlCAt.. 3iRrr,s FLUID EXTRACT I f f I If f T f V V mm V The ouly known remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And a positive remedy for aorr. qua vel, strictvres. diabetes, J0 YSPEPSIA, XKRVO US DEAILITY, JROPSY, Non-retention or Incontinence orUrlne. Irritation intlamatton or Ulceration of the ELASBEE & IIDCE-rS, SPER3I ATORRHCELV , 3DICAli. Hewett & Newman, TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Erownvllie.iNeD. I ! PHYSICIANS. GRANGE DIRECTORY Officers of the National Grange. D. W. Adams, Master. Wankon, Iowa. O. II. Kelley, Secretary, Washington, D. C Officers of the State Grntice. Wm.B.Porter.Master; Wra ilcCaig, Secretary: Lincoln. Nemaha County Central Association. Church Howe, President. Sherman: W.G hwan, Vico-1'rns'.detit, Howard ; T. J Jfaiors. Secretary, Ppni: S. W. Kennedy, Tmisurer, Brownville, Win Bridge, County Deputy, Peru. Tbustk3. Win. Bridge. Peru: J. Murlattc, BrovrnvlHc: S. Robertson, Howard. GRANGES. MASTER. SECCETAUY. I Church Howe , Win. P Friss yi. Hony IJ. R. Whitney..- J. Gilbert ! It. V. Muck IG. Watban Win. Hannaford.A.C. Leeper ... N.J Hurmes Mrs.L.Schnyder The LARGEST STOCK now opening, and LOWEST PRICES ever seen in JJrownvine. All goods FRESH AND NJEW. No old tail ends of goods that were kept over from Inst year, to be peddled out by runners, but new and neat. The loliowlnn list will show how low goods can be sold this year: HATS. 50c. Always sold for 75c. " " " $1.00 " " " $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 OR.VNCS. Amity Ilr.uton Ciirton Charter Onk.. Forest Grove. Fcib'nz Grand Prairie Ell Wod . . P 3Iealer Highland noney C'rrek.... G. Gl.v-gow .. . Helping lianu. u. ijinj. London ..... ... Libert Ifayette .... emana . Robt. Skillou.. C Meader.... . W. W Smith... S. Webber.. J. H.Peory ' W. II. Hams H. Childs T. Patrick J. Illgsln- s. Robertson ..... W.2I.Stokft T.C Kiiasey Nemahii Centre Wm. Wutkin-'. .. Thos. linrress Nemaha Valley A. Waltz. iB. F. Senior. -. Normal T. J. Majors 'j. M. Peltit Plcas.int Hldge. C. Campbell liobt Coleman... Pleasant Valley Win Joues J. Marlatte . Pleasant Hill LcRoyJlason L.L.3tason Protection John Strain. ,C. Barnes Prospect O. It. Hewett .....jJ. B. Piper. Rosewood Perry BuckPls... . ..- Ri i iik Star- Wm. Haglej- W. Hridge. Risincsuu ('"O. 'row A.J.Skpen. Seeuritv. Wm. F. Paris II. O Mlnlck. lTnity..' S. Cochran J. Xaxwell Washington ("has. Blodgett... O..T Matthews.-. Zlon. J. A. Uiei -.. u. Ji. uiei BTT"' -w-imj- w wmm 1.25 Very flue 2.50 Fine Chip, 3 25 Handmade chip, fine 4.00 Pine French Hip-Sore COJiSETS. Always sold before for $1.00 a a ( : i.2."i a a et tc 1.50 Tliompson's Glove ilttin? 2.00 RIBBONS At 1-3 Former Prices. i S. nOLLADAV. M.D.. Physician. Surgeon A. and Obstetrician. Graduated In 1&.1. Loca ted In Brownville tSSo. Office. Lett Crelgh s Drugstore. McPberaoitlocIc. Special attention paid to Obstetrics and diseases or Votpen and Children. !w5m HL. MATHEWS. Physician and Surgeon. Office . In City Drug Store, No. 32 Mam street, Brown ville. Neb NOTARIES &. COLLECTION AGENTS . A. Bergraann, ATOTARY PUBLIC AND WNVEYANCER. LN Office. No. -II Main street, Brownville. Neb. Leucerrhcea or Whites, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, stone in the Bladder, Colculus Grav el orBrickdust Deno-.lt, aqd Mucus or Milky DLshargea. LAND AGENTS. KMAliNBY'S EXTRACT BUGH1T Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS. AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men. W'omen anil Children, JZZ- NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE. Fiof.Steelesavsi "One bottle orKearney'Flu Id Extract Buchu la worthlmore thau all other Bu chns combined." Price. One Dollar; per Bottle, or Ix Bottles foi Five Dollars. Depot. 101, Dunne Street, ew York. A Phydclan in attendance to answer correspond ence and give advice gratis. jKg- Sena stamp ror pamphlet, iree.-EX CRANKA BRIGHAM. Wholesale Agents, San Francisco, Ctfl. TO THE- TTriLLIAM H. HOOVER, Real Estate and Tax V Paying Agent. Office in District Court Room. Will -jive prompt attention to the sale or Real Es-tateandP-avmeut or Taxes throughout the Neinaha Land District. Ill II MUM I GRAIN DEALERS. (iC. 75c. $1.25 1.75 Geo. G. Start, CASH DEALER IN GRAIN AND AGRICCL tnral Implements, and Storage. Forwarding aud Commission Merchant, Asplnwall, Neb. IIOTE-S. SOCIAL DIRECTORY. LODGES. EvccNior l.o.lce No. 13. K. 1.-Meets every Wednesday evening in Masonic Hall. A Isiting Knights cordially invited. J. C McNauohtok, C. C. F. E. Johnson, K. R. S. Hrnwnvilln Lode No. 5, I. O. O. F.-Regular mectiniis Tuesday evening ol each veek In their new hall over Lowman's store. Visiting brothers rrenartfullv invited. Hknky Coiin. N. G. B. B. TiiosirsoN.Secy. Urownvillp Di'vision No. 10, Sons of Tem perance. Meets every Friday evening in Odd Fellows Hull, over Thurman's drug store. Main street. Strangers of our order visiting the city are Invited to meet with us. A. O. Gates W. P. G. W. FAianoTHER Sr.. It. S. .Vemnlia Valley Lodge No. 4, A. I". &A. 31. Stated meetings third Thursday evening In each mouth. K.roM-nille Chapter No. -1. R. A. 31. Stated meetings lirst Monday night la earn month. Fiirnan Council No. U It. S. fc S. K. 31. Stated meetings fourth Monday In each month. It rnrmelCoiiuitnnileryNo. :J, K.T. Slated meetings cond Monday m each month. Hose and Lilj Conriavc. No. 63, K. It. V. R. itt'.-Meets at Masonic Hall on the fifth Mon days which the cows had access. The paste on the paper?gave the cows a rel ish for it, and they ate of it quite free ly. They were both very choice aud valuable cows. One of them died in about twenty-four hours after eating the paper. Bruises, Burns, Sprains, Etc. Dissolve 1 ounce camphor to 8 oun ces spirits of wine; add 1 oz. oil tur pentine ; 1 oz. spirits of sal ammoni ac: i oz. oil of organ um ; 1 large ta- blespoonful of liquid laudanum. Rub well with tho hand -1 times a day. mi. ? i . . . i . . . iliivs. liiu uuove is 1 or tne oest recipes lor Adah Chapter No.'2.-Oderol the Eastern Star. nil kind of buiises, sprains and swell ings, both in man and hrtrse, ever tried : it will never fail. Trv it. Dr. G. W. Davis, in Chicago Courier. Philadelphia Cottage Cheese. Take 1 or more quarts of sour milk, put it In warm place and let it re main until the whey separates from the curd . then pour it In a 3 cornered bag, hang it up and let it drain until every particle of whey has dropped from it; then turn it out aud mash with a spoon, add milk or cream, with salt or sucar ns preferred. This in a healthful and delioious addition to the breakfast or tea table In summer. A week conclusion Saturday night James Gleaon, wife and child, were burned to death in their house at Evart, Michigan. June 29th. A Brooklyn sewing society fines any member who talks scandal $1 00 for each offense. Only the wealthy are able to attend. Stated meetings third Monday in each month. CHURCHES. Hethodist E. Church. Services each Sabbath at 10: W a. m.. and 7:30 p. m. Sun lay School at 2'4 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. V. B.SnuoiiTKB, Pastor Prcsbj terian Church. Services each Sabbath at ltr. W a. m.. and 7:J0 p. m. Prayer Meeting ed uesday evenings. Sabbath school it 2 o'clock p.m. J. T.Baihu, Pastor. Christ's Church (Eplscapal.)-Corner Atlantic and Second streets. Divine service every Sund.iy eveningatT1, o'cloek: snndav School atSo'clock, p.m. Seats free. Rev. J. E. Roberts, Rector. Hair- Coeds city officers. City Counril. Meets the First Monday la each month. Mayor. F. A. TiMlel, AUermcn First Ward W. T. Den. E.S. Wibley : Second Ward I". E. Johnson. W. A. Judkins: Third Ward Lewis Hill, Fredrick '"arker. Marshal, D.Camp bell Clerk, J. B. Docker. Trcausrer, J Blake. Police Judge. J. S3. Stall. COUNTY OFFICERS. County Commissioners A. J.RItter, H. Hock mever. Alex. McKluney. County Clerk, Wilson 11 Majors. District Clerk. W. II. Hoover. Sher iff. 1). Plasters. Probate Judge, E. M. McCo mas. Treasurer, A. II. Gilmore. Surveyor, J. Gilbert. County Superlntedent.D. W. Piernon. Arrival anil Departure of flails. Nortiiern D.illy, by Railroad Arrives 11a. ra. Departs 1 1 :"i0 a.m. southern Daily, by Railroad Arrives 2:30p.m. Dapart-s 7:10 a. m. Northern Via Peru, Daily Arrives 12 m; De parts 1 p in. Southern Via Nemaha City, Dally Arrives 5 p. ni. Departs 7 u. m. Westeri: Via Tecumseh to Beatrice Daily: Departs at 7 a.m. Arri es at 5 p.m. Southwestern Via Table Rock Weekly Ar rives Tuesday at 6 p.m. Departs Monday at 7 a. m. Nortlivp..iern ro ueiena. seim-weeKiy At- In Groat Variory, REAL AND 1MMITATI0H 1-3 -former Prices. And tlnally, all goods that enn he found in l Ladies' Furnishing Store, will he .sold at prices never hefore seen in Brownville. We make no presents, and pay no per centage ror out side runners, hut let the goods speak for themselves, CAI.L AHB SSS MS. 43tr Km O 5i o ft. M02 f ' 1 A Piqua girl who had a quarrel with her lover, remarked that she f&$?$: G p- m' Depart "wasn't on squeezin terms with that i JInsi om.n"uri from t?; ,?-4?J ApPi un , dajsfromlOtolO'ta.m. W. A. POLOCK.P. M. fraud any more-" One of the hands engaged at unload ing a barge in Davenport, Iowa, the otherday wasaccldentalJy knocked in to the water. After making exer tions to get out, and becoming ex hausted, he concluded that there was no other alternative but to go down. This he concluded to do in style, and straightening himself his feet struck bottom. This gave him fresh hope, and he stood up, astonished to find iuub me water was oniy a couple or j leet deep. A Burlington Board of Trade man got into trouble by letting his busi ness weigh to heavily on his mind ,-the other night. His wife heard him "murmur in his sleep, "Ella, dear El la," fondly and tenderly, and as her name Is Mehitable, she woke him up with the bald end of the hair-brush, and asked him who! "I was think ing of Ella Vator," the wretched man said calmly, and chuckled off to Bleep again. ft A western editor triumphantly ex claims: "Man shall not live by bread alone,"-and then acknowledges the receipt of a jug of "old Bourbon." A Seventh regiment youth in the Fifth Avenue told his sweetheart the other day that he had jut got a new gun, but hadn't yet rooster'd It. Buffalo are moving In Immense numbers west of Fort Dodge, and htnidreds of hunteis are gathering for the slaughter. Now is the time, if soldiers are of anj' use on the front ier to inforce the law against the wan ton destructions of those valuable herds. None should be killed unless the meat as well as the skin are taken away for consumption. Milwaukee ITewa: "I tell you," said, a Wisconsin man to a neighbor next day after burying his wife, "when I came to get in to bed, and lay thar, and not hearing Lucinda jawing around for an hour and a half, it just made me feel as if I'd moved into a strange country." We hear of men on their death-bet! confessing ot the crimes of murders, abductions and incendiarisms, but who ever heard of a dying man con fessing to stealing papers? Nobody! Death cannot scare that man. They have a man at Vmcenues by the name of Welcome Sprinkle. The supposition is that he was born at the close of a long interval of dry weather. Brisk talkers are usually slow think ers. There is Indeed, no wild beast more to be dreaded than a communi cative man having nothing to commu nicate. Swift, f m Landlady (fiercely) "You mustn't occupy that bed with j'our boots on I" Boarder ".N ever mind, they're an PATENT WEATHER 2 The best for excluding g2 pg "WIND, DUST, OR RAIN, jj from under doors. j For sale by fr-rj L Swan & Bro. - tes 2- r-i 3I V V - (J J Z1 CD ? a - r. s - i- ". -3 2 BANKS. G9 r I o o o b 5 C C X c P TS r o i o H 8 e H -"s W 9 1 r- . ? l JJ1TQ NO riUl -i r O r r r ? - VJ 3 -3 S r i ( V Ho r. 53i I A J1S IN THE BIBLE. By the author of "Night Scenes In thelllble" and "Our Father's House." of which nearly 200.000 have been .sold. "Home Life" is com- mended by ministers of all ehurches'ns "tho auinor a oest book," "mil of precious thoughts," "Truths precious as goms," "a choice hook for every family," &c. Steel en eravings. rose tinted paper, rich binding, and far rapid sale unequalled. AGENTS, Young Men, Ladies, Teachers and Clercyruen, want ed in every county: $75 to S100 per month. Send for circular. ZIEGLER & M'CUR. DYr5thAve.fc;Adamsfc5t.,Chlcago,in. 3Sm6 old pair, hurt 'em." I guess the bed-bugs can't The editor of the American Sportx 7nan, published at Meriden, Conn., has bought a flve-hundred-dollar dog and meets belligerent visitors with a happy smile of calm oontent. A German Jew was eating a pork chorin a thunderstorm. On hearing an unusually loud clap, he laid down his knife and fork and observed: "Veil, did any poty efer hear such a fuss about a little piece of pork ?" A correspondent of the Practical Farmer advises the use of celery as a cure for nervousness, and avers he has known cases where tho cure of palpitation of the heart has been af fected by a plentiful use of this deli cious salad. omTTrT G obMr 2sl S"25. 3 s?0 9 H H 2 Ul Ej B 9 o S '5 S-.2 p 9 en J;J hj b Q H e O H.g p - g H 0 a H N u b u Hj r3 H w a 0) 0 0 K W 8 r3 2 B s E 0 a H 6 t 0 1 J bS i 0 s O ri 2 - KHPfe rr a ' ' p S e a 2 3 w J f Ti ? "T g 20 a. J? . 40 ots. per lb. BER.G3I.iX' JtCO'S. The following anecdote was told by a preacher for a fact. A preacher was praying, and .'n his prayer said, "I pray theliord to curtail the power of the devil." Just then an old darkey in the congregation oriod ; "Yes, aroeuT Bres God r Hut K?m rtifcf J smack, emoove on?." JOHX CltAnDOCK. -VT. F. CKADDOCK. GIUODOCK & SOX, GUN SMITHS ! Breech-Loading Shot Guns, Rifles, (HBRIXES, A2ICSITI0X,SP0RT1XG (JOODS. Main Street, -Brownville, ire6. Guns made to order. Repairing neatly done. v CT cs3 s v o s: r s aBSS s V2 M jo g a cr; a I HJ J 05? if g . luiia J f" n m " X O T,v -2 ZI3 t m 1 1 o " a S. ZC 1 . . Z S a r;a", s2;-s. e - f a 4 hrH'T' r . n H ft 0 2 H Hfs , 23 W b ?r; 2- - .a S . 5Tv . : fcJ,, k- e? -a J. RLARE, DENTIST .ill Oneratfnns Par. gSj? formed in the best ? siflnii.r Offick: At residence on ilaln street. AtRok Portto. from 1st to rth of each month. SrssS y Eil mo CRO I FIT I" body & bbo.; (Successors to J. . Cbooks t Co.,) BUTOHEES ! RUN TWO SHOPS. One opposite Sherman House, on-3Iain street, the other next door to Bratton'p.on Sixth street. Hood, swee. fresh meat always on hand, and st SiacttoneniaxMiteed Jo cnlnrcer, ir--lT AMEItlCAX HOUSE, 1. D. Robkon. Proprietor. Front street, between Main and College. Good Feed and Livery Stable In connection with this House. BL.ACKS3IITHS. Nervous and Debilitated OF BOTH SEXES. JVb Charge or Advice and Qinsultation. Dn. J. U. Dyott. graduate of Jefferson Jledlca College. Philadelphia, author of everal valuable works. c.n be consulted oh all discuses of the Sex ual or Urnary Organs, (which he has made an es pedal study) either in male or lemnle. no matter from vi hat caiiho uriglnatin or of how lopg stand ing. A practice of SO jears enables him to treat diseases with .success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance rah forward littpr describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to pre pay postage. Send for the Guide to Health. Price lfc. J.B. DYOTT. 31. D., Physician and Surgeon, ifrl uaneSt.,I. Y. l3-y J. W. Gibson, BLACKSMITH ANDTIOKSE SHOEIt. First streetbetween Main and Atlantic. Hrownville, Xeb Work done to order and satisfaction guaranteed. IfYoui' Grocer fox a SIiaXlex' ITloux-. Al FRANZ HSX.S---R, AGON &gLACKSM!THJHOF ONE DOOR WEST OF COUT.T HOUSE. WAGON MAKING, Repairing. Plows, and all work done in the heal manner and on short notice. Satisfaction guaran teed. Give him acall. 3My. eS The Nebraska Advertiser is for sale at Geo. S. D aim's Book Store, next door to the Post Ofiice. BfORGAFS WELL A 1) 1-3 ti O I b r r.y, 1 ZLA 2 C5 B3 r? rri O m H w OO CO vECTMBy iiiss i rl B fe es H d f O Si H hr1 0 CO It1 W m The above cut shows the Anger rnhIns its load of earth. As will ho seen, the Auger may be drawn up to Pulley E, which gives room to run a truck under tho Anger to secure Its load ; nnd by turning Crank F the Turning Rod is removed from Drum A. Then by turning Crank G the Turning Rod and J.ever Is moved forwajd, and the rod inserted in the Boring Shaft C, and is ready for tilling the Aurter, which is let down by means of hand brake; and as the Auger works loosely on the shaft, tho air has free circulation to the bot tom ot tho well, thus preventing suction or atmospheric pressure. 03VI 3IA.IV INJD OjS HORSE - CAN WORK THE AUGER SUCCESSFULLY TENTY FEET ljNT HOUR ALF. W. MORGAN, Post Ofiice HSox 12, BROWATILLE, NEBRASKA. GROCERIES. SWAN & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail JDealei's in Addreea Groceries .froffli k mm. t No. 30 MAIN STREET, B0-V7jT-V-XJJIr9 3TE33. DRY GO?DS. ILL k CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tv im mm r 2 w3& h a rEAEJtlS IJX K Dr. J. "Walker's Califonii.i Tin Cgar Jittcis arc a purely Vegetable preparation, made cbietly from tbo Da tive berba found on tbe lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tbo medicinal properties of whicb aro extracted tberofrom witbout tbe use of Alcobol. Tbo question m almost daily asked. " Wbat is tbo cause of tbo Unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit teks V1 Our answer is, that tbey removo tbe cause of disease, and tbe patient re- coveis bis bealtb. Tbey are tbe great blood ptirilier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Keuovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in tbe history of the world has a uicdiciue been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinkgar Bitters in healing tho sick of every disca.50 uianis heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tLe Liver ami Visceral Organs in Bioa3 Diseases The properties of Dr. Walker's ViNKG.VR Bittkus are A peneut. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, -Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altora tive, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousaiidsproclaim Vrs-- egaii Bitters tbe most wonderful In- vigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, aud remain long unwell, provided tbeir bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, wbicb are so preva lent in tbo talleys of out groat rivers throughout tbe United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tbe Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of tbo stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In tbeir treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary Tbore is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vlsegak Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at tbe same time stimulating tbo secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its iluidswitb Yisegar BitteIjS. No epidemic can take bold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Head ache, rain in tbe Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tbe Stomach, Bud Taste in tbe Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of tbe Heart, Inflammation of tbe Lungs, Pain in tbo region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful svmp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will provo a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Xeck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old cures, eruptions ot tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, VTalkkr's Vi.vkgar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic -Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have uo equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, sucb'as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, aro subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of "Walker's Vin egar Bitters occasionally. , For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Ilheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuueles, Ring-worms, Scald-bend, Sore Eves, Ervsinelas. Itch Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of -whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a'short time bv the uso of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other "Worms, lurking in the system of ao many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display 60 decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and slucgish in the veins ; cleanso it when it is foul j jour feelings will tell you when. Keep th- blood pure, and tho henlth of the system will follow. It. H. McDOXAL-i & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., Saa Francisco, California aadcCOF-.r Washington and Charlton StaJT X. Y, Sold by ll Druggists and Dealers. PttmriNor. -1-856 OLDESTJe .ESlfcfi mnm in Fairbrother & Had PROPRIETORS. AlcPIIEftsOJr BLOCK BROWIVVILLE, EBR.U Oldest Paper in Kebras BESTLOCALPAPEfilNfST li Y The Advbtxsi1 H in na NINETEENTH YEA! Its history Is co-equal and co-trtensive that of Xemaha County. Its politics s. Ati-2eiocraiicaa Ast! -Hcnra In a word i: 1 a REPUBLICAN JOURNJ dbveted to the Interests ot :jl j jf x, j r Li .. V r u TJEOEh MARKET HEP OH Of5Chjaitfo.se. LouU ud lirowavlhi corefullweo.-nplled weekly. .1 TERMS FOR 1971. Single copies, .... .. ....... Clubs-of fr, each Clubs of 10, each .. .. A ny additional number, cjsch . .. . JSSyo pnper sent unlcs pnld fori vaocei Atldresa ; FAlRftttOTIIEIt-. IlACKElt, A t ? BROH'KVILLE. US j fTHE ADVERTISER ? mm mm ESTABLISHMENT. BICSO? IX THIS WES" "We-iicfr do worlc vrithoutxlvliigiat 1' tion. litiil-being up to time our fir'IItl suchi that tre xire able to d every K r printing, froifi common lend'A. 10 finest work. Oar prices cannot be surp 1.1 tor clieieness by any ollar ct.iuHsMn with li ! v-itrtp. fviHof work. Iirt!cit. iasj wor to do will do woil to call and i.eo ! I SEWS, BOOK & JOB PRINTIS i V&itiiss & Wedding Cards, "1 CIItCULAlW. mOTE A WD I.ETTEU HD 1 BILL HEADS, Monthlr Statements, HusIdcsj Cart A'I ENVELOPES. NentIv;Prloted,in any Color.or Com bination of Colors. DRY GOODS, i .. j h WINES, -$ I rv - I C urn a .e 8 INVITATIONS, Eftlief Jo Fancy ITolw or Cards, In GoU SUver, or Bronzes of any description, ' or in a variety of colors- MEEGHA?T7S SHOW CAEDS Got ni 1 Btykii not to be arpftied, ei- kui or West, in Beauty or I'rics. I 4 -X. A. E x. s : V Trie ed on White or Colored Taper. c- with.; Slack or Colored Inks, from a P" Drugjj sts' Label to the finest printed p' did Bronzo Labols. OIL CLOTHS, 3IATTISrC3-S- "WE HAVE THE LA.C3-EST STOCK, AND MAKE THE LOWEST PBIOES. MEDICAI. CAR5. Catarrh, Throat Lung Affections Are vastly on the increase, and can only be cured by remedies for the cause of disease. Inhaling remedies are useful and will cure. DEAPXESS, BLINDNESS, fcc., are caused by a rnsh of blood to the head by Scarlet Fever, Measles, Scrofula, c., &c. Dr. Dodge's new remedies remove the cause. FIstnIa in Ano cured withont the nse of the knife. All forms or Ruptures and Hernias treated for a permanent care. Trusses of all desirable maaufactures furnished on short notice. Ovarian Tnmors a specialtv. Ad dress Dr. N. S. DODQE, 127 South Halsted Street, Chicago, 111. -I9m3 TLETTER HEADS, 8 BILL HEAD NMtlyprlnted at thi office. kok oi-k, J ConsUtntions. Dj--Laws, Articles of B poratioaYand every other variety of PamP lets,, printed ct any and In any special U TO liWYEBS A-XD LAND AGEST We are ready at all times to take In tlel Etc., EJte.. print them on shoct notice. acJ the lowest living rates. If i -BliAN-KS LJ W H" .' V W ind got np wlthjheatziesE and i ! ri m nrl ri ff1 ?'. . j -. .r. nK? ;;yaten,n -v. .I - -j-"-