Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 09, 1874, Image 3

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m a
'HE A-WEItjiSf'R.
Publishers' Notice
ADVEn-rfsKR . w J?"'
fa. Comes of
.dcxx, .Bookseller, Stationer ta
yevrs "A"
-. No. 87 irate street, next door to
,r wffice.
Ei Notices, set as orUlnaT3jmc
rill be charged ten cents per hoc.
c at. ftJiH'-
: la lP"y type, twenty-live p
1 ta above rates.
cJ fclrer
rtiOtl Ai-
vKKTrvESfEKTS nnder the b
i-Por Kent," "For Sale." "Ig,
lUbech&rsed twenty-five cent, nf five lines, or less. a
TtisemeLU n 3ve lines
'enw perl.Ee.ach Insertion.
AutUorlied A
J. Hittf-K. at St. Dcroln. is
Miuiver -
; t that place, to receive sebsc
tWns. and to collect and rec
i Miini inrr
i The Adveiitiskr.
Johx S. Mixick la oar authorise
rtlsteg, and
orif t ro
tor AD
;Slt me.
ran .
tdit ber.
wll, to receive suWriptfon enC
collect and receipt for tnonie dt
L. Britt. at Peru, H hereby
ceive subscription nnd adve'tls
vsBTisEB.und collect and nee"
FAiRnnornEP a
rrjn? c?
Hon. T. J. Majors
i it
:clty on Monday.
Tupsday was one of thJi
3f thfli
'uv rflof
.days. The mercury abou
p. M. Indicated 108 in thf shade out
Tlie grangers of Rioha- aoh eoun
iave passed resolution- doMns
h- have passed resolution raom
ami adopting the Salem mev us
itheir organ.
Enquire Jones, of H ite, J,ld
IMuJ. Church Howe were me .
ou Tuesday, and gave the-VDE ns-
lEaa friendly call.
SenatnrTinton arrived m Brw-
.ville ltuit Thursday looking inocel
lent health. His many warm f.nuds
here were pleased to see hiim
- Phil Mnmt over f''om
llockportlastSunday. We werogiaa
to see him enjoying good hesltnag-ii"-Phil
is la business with 1 ' " era
fat Rockport. i
S .
I i j
We are requested
5-, hat,
5hrs. unless .wit
th&i ?arerf' or
guardian", will not t& , mltie.- to
the festival grounds at Mr. Haud!ey's
on Thursday evening.
We had the pleaaifre-fa call
. , ; 4 tw
from our old and tsieernsj" iri'i.n Jr -
L Rice, of St. Derom.Iast M -naay.
TheDr reports crops in "our.sbing
condition in that eectiou.
Colonel Stretch of IThe Fad City
i i
Juuniai is in a quarrel wjui wie auc,
and has again Iiad tiia jeputatiou lor
tuth badly damaged, aifd jjufflttiow
or other he is not happy.
An abortion case rciylily
tolisrhtin Liucidn invdfvjug a num
ber of prominent citixeud. 1uliiXag-
glj Mc Williams v, as th$ virt:u. Toe
coroners Jury failed to ineiTWeguilt
on any particu'ar man.
We are requested tjtejfcj.h6t the I
i, lii ... . i m. ui i
nepuniicau rou.n ceuw. up..u.iieV
win meet in u.ecou.t .m... - h0'iBwn.-Bneii air festival at the rel
vllleat2 o'clock on Srtdgfer July ! def of Mr AIpx IIanievunt!er
th Inst. It ia urgenfi recited I the bealItIfuI foredt treea wflIch ,ur,
that all the members oftaf commit- Mn h;a hou3eon Thm,S(uv Vtfn.
tee will be preent.
An old colored ir? i amed
Jtdinson, at Omaha, receiitiy Utjaine
insane, and wandered ffiy from
home. After along &earan ftr 'him
he was found a mile or 5-wflom town
entirely naked, herlingygi a ;ot of
cattle and feeding ou gags ss did
i I R. A. Stewart. Esg
! ot l' I'.iin l
vrecmcc. was m town )nTiQtiv
and did not forget to call on u He
na3s Mrs. Stewart s a 29m uige of
newspapers and she sas fu advf.k
TlSEtt has, within a few , een
1 greatly improved. Intelligjc-it ladies
E always did like our new Pjjer s.yle.
On the evening of' ait 1 hut.
Mr. Thomas Crummeli.lp t. Jos
eph, Mo., wai married to M (. M.
Iverson, of Brownville. E r liird
tied the silken knot. Toti', v ujjj
yon and your fair bride e ji ailing
happiness, and caution.x i, t j0
sweat yourself to deah 4 . Jalv
The Falls City J urnal 3 v,,ies
most of its editorial pagJnt jr.v: to
the Advertiser, tf then Wr lny.
thinsf In the editor' bI! jj, eg)rts
either wittv or true it k b- U m
In some paragraphs cnpkd fn i the
AuvKHiiabK. xae ,,jjj . p.
ly from us, then his Vm rs
' get reading matter wort! iui
The comet Is now v
st of
naked eye. tt Is located
the large dipper, and on t
parallel with the nortl !
Colbert, a Chicago aatt
mates that the comet's,d.
the earth is 4G.000.000 m
travels 30 m'rles per seeon
t it
gn to
h xes
Its tail is 1.000 000 miles. Ii fife
T f
The County Conimi' ne
; ..ulir 00;.-; ..s Ar r.'
only business of general apt
transacted up to the hoj we
press, was making the U jm,
for revenue purposes .of
which is as follows r r-
County general funtl -
sinking fond .!.
' poor fund
" bridgo fund..,
IV. - .. . ,
Old Brownville precinct ILXi
We will here state ithsl
aluation of the county- ii $2.'7 J -jiq.
The Commissioners als
track for buildlHg Dot
m . J .: i
Farnsworth & Eaves,-
' T -.
E l'lrp I
lineal foot. Span 75 fee
Pi' n-jth.
The proceedings of theB
pear in our next issue....
p -
worth. Kas., got the job.-. rj,e.. Me u cheaper and better goods and always
put up a wrought iron (hi . (u-n i deal fair and give the best satisfac
two months, and receiv- 'IS.- T)er.tion.
-- '", DRin" i . '- 'J -n- ' - - -t" ' ..- ! i.i. i .. i . .
nESftU.E-q..left on Tu
rtntr rti-.Sc'iX!ST.,c, frin to Republic
City.- -f
ofttfe&Jgb of the Fourth the
youin fols-of the city took a ride on
the p.eamferry boat -Bwy J- Arnold.
TheaiHs fine exhibition of Ore
worianc the BrownvIIle band dis
couiH"rj fine music which sounder!
the waters of old Mud-
9 .K.H....
VOUI' Hiau "J luu uniuo ui
u.. t.i ..,. .. P
MillerlfofBe 'ord precinct was bitten
oirSTh.ind ya rattle 'snake a few
dayalago wh .3 binding wheat, and it
wafear J(f b, his neighbors that be
wo id l c" efn m the effect of the bite.
tTTi "?-jL .' t nnAn n.trvlnicitaif3r? hilt
i t IUSKJ Wat) kiHiteuui'""-"""-
became xha isted before the effects of
tbe: h j.w rQ sufficiently counter-
We und- rstand that Den had a
ga "noose-warming party" at- hi3
coi ntry'rlsi ence, on Tuesday eveu
injiofthis eek. The occasion was
to giye Tun- a good start in keeping
hr t'ae Ii lb jountry. The baud was
ou ,iam a n mber of invited guests,
an l.tllE Soys say they were well trent-
i ed to a ood supper, and so forth, and
hi4 ag qd time generally.
Mr F ank E. Jnhnson started
onTlU' ; ' on an extensive tour
tProug fh. great West west of us.
Heexp 49 vJaifc California, Ore
gen au the Intermediate Territories
erahe J "tunis home. Frank is one
of .our . lost alued citizens, and we
u,PU wu uC6W.u b
juok, mucn pieasre uunns "-
bence, f.aua saie reiuru io ma lneuus
f-tt -ew
Jo' p V . Bell came up this week
from St.JJoe
He informs us that ou
commenced receiving.
ndon,a t'ery lare invoice of all
kimls 1 mhor, shingles, &c, but
ttifrbw q-i iliti lumber he or any oth
er Jtirn eritealer ever brought to this
city. Tr Bell's lumher trade here is
irrTmer e anil it renuires constat)!
shjpmmts to keep up an assortment.
John K. sys to us "tell the people
that the urice of lumber with us is
lowdcvn row."
he Fourth in Brownville passed
i off-aa Itfalways does Here as quietly
I - .... . . . . I
as the holy Sabbath. Business hous
es. including saloons, were generally
I closed, land everj'body who had a
j Seam, or cojld get one, left town fo
j any points to which their fancy rii- j
I .-'-, ,.
, rwreu inem
At several places in
t i.e-eou.y me nay was ceieuraieu ny
i Fpeakuir,! taring, etc., and were all
wiifPattenued we learn. The crowd
' at tTie Granirere' celebration at Ha!-
i lam's grove Is said to have been ex-
, iremeiv large, and everybody enioved i
themselves we!!. Considering tiie-
! scorching weather that day. At Xe- '
t blt's'gro've the old Strong farm - the '
pedple-of that part or the county as-!
semhjied and partook of a pic-nic din-j
ner, and. had the pleasure of the com- j
pauv'pf'fthe Brownville band, and
( VAl, ratHl to by J. S. -Churdh, Mrs. 'county, upon the body of a peratfn
bright reading the Declaration real name is unknown, bdt
f : "
ffihwladje:. of the M. E. Church Will
ing, July Oth. The occasion will be
for the benefit (fTthe Rev. Slaughter,
Pastor of the church. The rofresh-
j tnents for the evening will be
ice 1
1 cream raspberries cake and lemonade.
The City Cornet Hand has been en
gaged to enliven the occasion with its
stirring music. Everybody Is cordial
ly invited to attend. Ten cents ad
mission to tlixj grouuds will be charg-
cd at the gate.
Three or fourshuats vyanted, by Ste
venson &. Cross.
On the Fourth of July the Nim
rods of Nemaha county had a Pigeon
(Match just south of W. T. Den's
farm, Eight single birds were allot
ted to each man; twenty-one yards
rise, and eighty yards boundary.
Three prizes were awarded. TiKs fol
lowing is the score:
W. Jr. KaulFman. 0; O. Cecil. 5;
H. C. Baker. 2; J. Coibet, 6; Then.
Gill, 2; E. Snyder. 5; W. T. Den, 7;
B. F. Dobsotl, 0.; Capt. Davison, 5;
F. E. Johnson, 3; J. Hogue, 3: D.
Adams, 2; D. C.tldwell, 7; C. Chat
field. 5; A. Rohlsoh,3
Caldwell and Den tying they shot
again for first prize. Den killing hi
first bird and Caldwell missing his
first, Den was declared winner of
first prize, and champion of the
O. Cecil, E. Snyder, Capt. Davison.
B..F. Dobson and C. Chatfleld shot
for second and third prizes. Second
won by Dobson, third by Davison.
Another match is made up and will
come oil soon.
Look Out for 31 ad Dog)
And buy your Horse Rakes of Ste
venson & Cross.
keiv goods: low prices:
Prints, muslins, sheetings, eotton
ades. duckings, tickings, notions of
all kinds, hosiery, a full line of men's
and boys' seasonable clothing, shoes
and boots to fit everybody, a new line
of hats for men and boys, besides a
full stock of groceries. Call and fcee
me and get the worth of your money.
Geo. MARiox,
Red Store. 49 Main street.
u jiu wsn -o nay groceries by the pnek-
a noli r. .. . . ... .. 1 r . !
.c,c. .... u ..a, unu we win sell you at St
Joe. or Chicago price, with freight added.
Tisdel & Richards are felling all the
. hardware
and stovps I'l.n.. o.n
. - ..vj ou.
McCormick's new light draft reap, the best in down grain, sold by
fctevenson & Cross. ,
On lat Sunday morning while Mr.
Thos. King, of this city, was strolling
along the river bank, about a mile be
low town, a peculiar and very offen
sive smell attracted his attention, and
looking for the cause discovered a
dead man. He immediately came to
town and notified Coroner JSbrlght of
the discovery he had made; wbe pro
ceeded to the spot where the corpse
was lying, accompanied by a number
of citizens. Ajurywasat once Im
paneled when the following facts
touching the case, circumstantially,
were elicited : On Thursday the2oth
ult., a Swede, giving his name as
Left9tein, applied to James Zook, en
gineer at Graham's saw mill, for work
and was employed, and went to Mrs.
Shidley's to bdard. He safd he walk
ed frdra Omaha to Brownville, and
appeared to be without money, much
depressed in spirit nnd at times un
well. After the first day he did not
return to the mill, but stayed at his
boarding house until Monday morn
ing, 29th. when he disappeared and
nothing more was seen or heard of
him. The corpse found, although
much disfigured, having to all ap
pearances been dead several days and
exposed to the hot weather, was
thought by Zook and Mrs. Shadley to
be the body of Leftsteiu. The jury
concluded that the man took his own
life by hanging. They were led to
this opinion by the fact that nearly
above the body and about four feet
from the ground a part of a large
handkerchief was found fastened by
one corner to a leaning sappling and
the other part was about the neck of
the dead man. The supposition was
that he made a noose into which he
placed his neck and strangled to
death, and that afterwards the hand
kerchief tore asMinder letting the
body drop to the ground. Upon ex
amination of the bodjT no nlafks
more than the handkerchief would
make around tile Heck indicating
violence were found.
The only paper found on the body
was a letter written in the Swedish
language, signed by Charles Berg "and
addressed to "my brother." It pur
ported to have been written at Gall
Hall, Denmark. JuneOth, 1S74. From
the fact that the surname of the wri
ter of the letter was Berg, the jury
i.t ? j i - t
came m me conclusion mat me name
of the deceased was Berg also.
Tiie only property of any vdue
found on de"cea-ed was a gold ring
with the initials "A. A." engraved
on the Mime. He left aplain silver
j watch at his boarding house, which
is In the hands of the Coroner. The
man was of medium size, of light
complexion and about ,'K5 years old.
After hearing all the facts tilts jury
rendered the following verdict:
State op Xkhraska 1
Nemaha County. J
At au inquisition holder) at a place
about one mile below Brownville, on
the bank of the Missouri River, In
Nemaha County, Nebraska, on the
oth day of July, A. D. 1874, before
me. E. E Ebright, Coroner of said
I supposed to bo Lefstein Berg, lying
j dead, by the jurors whose names are
hereto subscribed, the said jurors up
on their oaths dc say : The said per
son, whose name is unknown but
supposed to be Lefstein Berg, came to
his, death by hanging him&elf with a
silk handkerchief ou a swamp (log
wood bu;h at a time unknown to Said
jurors, at the place above described.
I .ah lesiiuifiiiy viifreor we nave set
our hand- this, the
3th day of July,
1 .
A. U. 1B74.
J. M. Zook.
joh.v d.u'ghef.ty.
IjAwrhxcb Pearl.
Barnard Mooxey.
DaVidsox Plasters.
B. M. Bailey.
E. E. Ed'rioh't, Cor.
Attest ;
The best machine oils by Stevenson
& Cross.
I wish it understood that I an1 not
selling goods at your own 2rice, but
am selling goods twenty-five per cent
less than any millinery astablishmeHt
in the State. Take a good look around
before calling.
Mrs. D. E Bkrkly.
All tho&e wishing to learn to speak,
spell and read the German language,
are invited to attend the Sabbath
school hold in the Baptist church a to
o'clock p. in. cal'h Sunday. Respect
fully, . Baltus Stroble.
Fence wire, the best, for sale, b'
Stevenson & Cross.
quick: pRicic ::
1 JThepunlic will now please take no
tice mat l nuvejust finished burning
a kiln of brick, and am ready to de
liver them to customers. If you want
an excellent quality of brick come
right along and make your purchases
lw2 Geo. Armstrong.
1 isdei & Richards have now on
ham! a car load of the oelebrated Vi
brator Threshers, the best. Call soon
and get the best grain saving machine
in the world.
Machine Oil at Nichell's Drug StCrG.
Fruit Jars tiie best and cheapest,
by Stevenson & CriM
Kept at H. C. Lett's drug store, of
every variety.
If you want something to e'nt when
in town in the shape of a nice lunch
good bread and butter, boildd ham,
cheese, &c, go to Small's.
W. H. McCreery has a large stock
of paints, oils, glass, wall paper and
window shades at reduced prices.
Frdit Jars the best nnd cheapest,
by Stevenson fc Cross.
Engine GU, 70 cts. agallou, atNick
ell's Druo- Kt6r.
Some weeks ago, dur readers re
member, a call, signed "Many Cit
izens," was issued to the lax-payers of
London precinct, for a meeting to be
held in Londori on the 3rd of July.
On the day and at the hour named,
quite a number of the tax-payers of
London precinct assembled, and W.
T. Rogers, Esq., county attorney was
present to seo what was to be done
and to represent the county commis
sioners. The'meeting organized by electing
Charles Campbell, chairman and A.
J. Skeen secretary. Considerable dis
cussion was indulged in with regard
to taxes, unfair assessments, and the
action of the Board of Commissioners
in equalizing the assessments parti
cipated in by the agrieved, of whom
there were but a few and Mr. Rogers.
The origin of the discontent amongst
some of the tax-payers, and from
which the meeting originated, was as
follows : The assessor of London pre
cinct did not value the lands of that
precinct at figures anywhere near up
to those given from the precincts im
mediately adjoining London precinct.
The attention of the commissioners,
when sitting as a Board of Equaliza
tion, was called to the discrepancy
when they proceeded to increase the
valuation of such lands of the pre
cinct as they thought had been assess
ed too low, which action of Course in
creased the taxes on such lands. To
this the owners of these lands object
ed, taking the ground that the com
missioner's had no right to meddle
with the assessements of their pre
cinct. Hence this meeting of indig
nation was called.
Mr. Rogers addressed the meeting,
demonstrating to the people present
that they had not been unjustly dealt
with, and that. the burden of their tax
es was not greater than their neigh
bors of other precincts, especially
those of Brownville precinct who pay
more than one-fuurth of all the tuxes
of Nemaha county.
Mr. Rogers also produced the law
which authorizes the commissioners,
a a Board of Equalization, to do just
as the had done to increase the val
uation of property when they were
satisfied that the assessor had valued
it too low, or to reduce in cases Where
the valuation was too high. The
reason why tills power is given the
commissioners ii that every tax-payer
should be made td hear his or her
equal share of taxiltion nothing
more and nothing less.
Mr. Rogers' plain exposition of law
and facts had the effect to enlighten
the minds of the gentlemen who
heard him; and had they had as
much light ou the subject before the
meeting was called, it never would
have been called. Mr. Rogers then
Introduced a resolution exonerating
the county commissioners from all
blame. The resolution lis nearly as
we could get it read as follows :
JZesolved, That it is the senso of
this meeting that tha assessors of
London Precinct and the county com
missioners sitting as a Board of equal
ization be and are hereby exhonornt
ed from any charge df dishonesty in
any errors that may have been com
mitted in the aaedsment and for the
year 1874.
The resolution was adopted.
This we understand was about all
the business done at the meeting ex
cept the passage of a resolution sup
pressing the minutes of the same.
Call ami try H. C. Lett's Polar! ne
engwio oil ; warranted to be better and
cheaper than any oil in use.
For fair dealing and the lowest fig
ures go to Steven-jon & Cro-.
Scythes anil Pitchforks tiie best
and cheapest by Stevenson & Cross.
California Wine and Brandy at
Nickell's Drug store. o0m3
A second-hand Wood Reaper and
Mower for sale. Enquire of
G. G. Furnas,
50 w-i Brownville.
Geuuiue niaplo sugar at Swan
I'he best and most reliable machine.
(Call soon and give your orders, and
by sci, aoipgj'wiU besure of getting
one. fFcor;salebyj W$i x. ,
A full aet of carpenters.imjJlwitelJt
and wagon makers tools for sale cheap
by A. 1L Gilmore & Co.
F. E. Johnson & Co. are now re
ceiving their spring stock which were
bought at greatly reduced p'rlces. Call
and see for your selves.
Columbia River Salmon, Maclte'rel,
Codfish and smoked Halibut at Swan
& Bro's.
" "" 'mm m.
Boots and Shoes for men, ladies and
Childreii, atL. Lowmr. ns.
teas i
The cheapest and best at Gilmore &
Farmers, don't throw away.SO'orDO
dollars on a wagon to save 10 dollars.
But buy the Bain they are the cheap
est. Call at Nickell's Drugstore, when
you come to town. 50m3
A full set of Carpenters, millwright
and wagon makers tools for sale cheap
hy A. H. Gilmore & Co.
Buy the Buckeye reaper and mow
er, the best reaper ever manufactured.
Sold by Tisdel Itich'ards.
v t
Paints, Oils and Glass, at Nickell's
Drug store. 50m3
Grand prize given to McCormick's
; new light draft reaper and mower
l mc ii urui s rair over an omer ma
chines. Sold by -Stevenson & Cross.
Wood's reaper, the well known old
reliable self-raking reaper, is now for
' sale by Tisdel & Richards. '
Prof." Williams alias "Col." Wil
liams, well known in this locality as
the proprietor of the Grand Duke Ex
press Line and by his classic" locks,
oratid to an appreciative auiiien'Ce oh
Main street on Monday evening, con
cerning the stranger in our "Polar"
system, as follows :
Gentlemen of respect and energetic
feelings I have studied Bibography,
Physiology, Plenipotentiary, Gastro
fiomry, Egnography and this is my
fundamental system. I have teached
school and the-English principles of
the system of greatness, and I say it
before you by my energetic feelings
that I can teach more men the funda
mental system of our holy English
literature than can me, ccrlaiii and
we. The comet of reverential pow
er, gentlemen, is a star with ari efflu
via of gormandizing greatness. It is
to be found in the diagonal sphere of
the polar System, developing in the
plains of Exegesis on the pyramids of
gigantic hope and and urtiform
greatness. No, gentletrtert, Castor
and Pollenix and Odonis wiil never
subtrahend the vast resources of gran
diloquent aiitl mighty depths of its
superabundent and vehbrrieiit genu
flexions. Its orbet compromises the
most rapacious mundacity and mor
alizing influence which is circumam
bient around the north pole. Its gor
mohdiziug tail extends from the sjs
tematic revelations of uniform power
td the North American hemisphere.
Its gyrations quicken my systematic
nerves and produees a towering flood
of heart-beating volubility, kertain.
and Sure. Why I would launch out
on the far spreading opinions of a a
goose of the first magnitude und sail
on in the Iimitable depths of rever
ential power, and comb the fiery tail
of the comet with the grandeur of an
astronomical pertinacity and a hori
zontalincongruity. Think 3rou that
in all that solitude of space I would
rest my weary feet on the immensi
tude of nothingness and gaze ou the
brilliancy and indulgence of the
fundamental system of greatness?
No! Ten thousand times no! I
would bask in the generous rays of
enervating refrigeration in hoc vobis
in the language of the mammoth
Apostolicus, I never would. Never!
never!! never!!! ceriain and sure.
Council Proceeding:!
Council Chamber, July 6, '74.
Council met. Present. Mayor Tis
del, Councilmen Den, Wihley, Jud
kins, Johnson, Hill and Parker.
Minutes of last meeting read and
The following accounts were allow
ed :
T. McL'iu;hlin, stono work S121.50
P. Mooney, road tund 20.12
R. Cllatfleld, lumber -12 150
liroiuly Schick, general fund 25.00
J. 11. Ilroudy, special fund 13.00
Harney Mooney, road litnd .: S7.33
Jno. Prlct-, fund 5.70
Levi Mayuard, road tund i 3..71"
j a tries Coci.ran, road fund....:.. 0.00
D. Campbell. Marshal 50.W
D. Campbell, sundries 1.00
J. I). Docker, Clerk - 30.00
X. G. Baker, stone 1.-j0
An ordinance, pertaining to cattle,
horses, &c, was read, passed aud or
dered to be printed :
In the matter of the levy for taxes
it xrtis ordered that the following levy
be made dii rill taxable property of
the city for the year iS71 :
General fuud
Street improvement bonds
Road fuud
ilailro.i 1 fund
Sinking fund
... 3 mills.
... G mills.
. mills.
... 'iy. mills.
... 5 mills.
Total.....'. '21) mills.
On motion it was ordered that a
pound be built. 18x21 feet aud eight
feet high, and that a committee be
appointed to select location aud build
the pound :tt once.
Messrs. Tisdel, Judlfins and Den
were appointed said committee.
On motion Messrs. Tisdel and Wib
ley were appointed a committee to let
the city printing for the eusdihg year.
J. B. Dodker, Cl'k.
L. Ldwmah has received ii splen
did selection of fancy goods and no
tions, at 87 Main street.
Spring and Summer Goods.
Will open a large stock of fancy
dress goods at L. Lowman's.
To the Grangers of Nemaha. County.
ISi-int; informed that several Granges are
sending oil' fqr yoots, I wish to say to you,
tliatifyoS will allow trie Ihbsnine profit you
pay cNewhete.ttwl betKat.l.stted to take
your orders'!! LOUIS LOWMAN.
NewSujcar CureiTHams
just'out of the smoke at Swan & Bros.
Ladies' and misses' spring hats a
L. Lowman's.
Cabinet wor"k of all kinds rilade" to
order at J. L. Roy's.
tf 5oU wish Cheap. suits, call lind see
dur ctock of clothing.
F. E. Johnson & Co.
I have just returned from St. Jo
seph and am now receiving a very
htrge sto'eko'f faulily groceries, which
can be bought lit the very lowest cash
price's. W. H. Small.
W. H. McCreery lias all kinds of
machine' dils, and will not be under
sold 52-3m
Lard Oil, the purest in town, at
Nickell's Drug Store.
Horse Hay Rakes the best and
cheapest, by Stevenson & Cross.
'. H. McCreery always keeps a
full stock of pure drugs. 52-3m
XlClCELL in at Thiirman's
stand, next door to State Bank.
-Fruit jyrs the best aud cheapest,
by Stevenson & "Cross.
Prescriptions tilled at all hours, at
Nickell's Drug store. 50tn3
Eight pounds tea for due dollar by
Stevenson & Gross.
Carpet Chain, cotton yarn and cot-
; ton batten by Stevenson it Cro.
We spent sevpral days lately in.
Johnson county. The appearance' bFl
crops Is good, better than we ever
saw, except some few pieces of late
planted and badly worked corn.
Farmers are in good spirits and are
getting ready for a big harvest. We
should think all the people in the
county were Grangers ilnd believed
in a good supper and a social meet
ing by the way they turned out to a
Grange supper on Spring Creek. We
visited Sterling and found it lively
and growing fdsl. The railroad com
pany undertook to change the loca
tion of the town. They succeeded in
getting their depot and a hotel fardbt
upon the prairie, where they starid
alone, while the town grows up dh
the old site. If the B. & Ft. K. it.
R. is ever built the company will riot
try the same game at Sheridan as Ihe
grade is such that they cannot make
a stopping place anywhere else. An
other thing surprised us somowhat ;
although Johnson county ia Granger
to the backbone, and has a railroad
through it. the fiirmers get 25 per cent
les for butter and eggs and they pay
more for rherbhaudise, even in the
Grange store, than ih the much abus
ed town of Brownville.
Wo wish it distinctly understood
that not one of the inhabitants of
Sheridan has any enmity towards
Brownville; do not join in the wish
so often expressed that it was in the
bottom, of the Slissouri River, or, as
a loud talking Gxattger expressed- it,
in Ii I. But we had supposed that
we might live in the center of the
county, or even vote to move the
county seat to the center, if we ever
get a chance, without being "reckless
speculators, enemies of Brownville,
speculative ring, unscrupulous sharp
prs, adventurers dedirlhg to" vorfc .in
jury to the county, Cause stagnation
of business, stop emigration to the
county, cause enormous (axes, trying
to organize a political party fo move
the county seat, &o." Dr. before yrm
try again read that little item in the
editorial column of the Granger of
last week which reads, "Abuse arid
ridicule are not the weapons with
which to annihilate tho independent
uprising of the people.
Some of the Grangers have lots
of fun about the Fourth of July ora
tion of a Democratic lawyer from
Brownville. They say itjustamoun
ted to this: 't never asked for an of
fice, never asked for a vote, and never
will. The only way to have honest
officers is to elect men who never
asked for an office or a vote."
Some of our would be legislators
found a new dodge in parliamentary
tact lbs the other day at London.
Woilld It ndt be dice td have tin- Leg
islature make laws rill winter, then
on the last day of thesessidn conclude
all their itcts were a disgrace to the
State, ami by resolution tear up dud
destroy the whole record.
Will canvass Nemaha County this
season for the purpose of taking or
ders for the old and reliable Marsh
Harvester. This machine has been
greatly improved for the harvest of
1874, and to-day W the finest and best
built machine ever offered tdthe pub
lic. The machines will he delivered
at Brownville or Nebraska City, as
best suits the purchaser. Send for cir
cular and terms ofsale. See the Marsh
Harvester, buy it, ine it, and by so
doing you will live long and happy.
Address Wheeler & Tucker,
Nebraska City, Neb.
Repairs fdr the Harvester will be
kept us heretofore by Tisdel & Rich
ards, of Brownville.
A new supply of spring Colico at
Teas. A full assortment at Swan
& Bro.'s, at prices to suit all.
New stvleo of Straw Hats, at L.
Alton limeatSwan & ISro'sr
Paper Floor Carpetj 2-5 cents ayard,,
at Roy's.
250 pieces choica Prints just fe-
Fceivedat F. E. Johnson &. Co's.
Hardware, Tinware and Queens
ware by Stevenson & Cross.
Com in the ear for goods at the Red
Stoves, groceries and iron by Ste
venson &. Cross.
Spring and summer clothing at L.
Received a full Stock of Parasols, at
L. Lowman's
Received. Spring and Summer Par
asols, at L. Lowman's.
Toilet soapo at Swan &. Bro's.
A choice selection of plain and fan
cy ribbon at Louis Lowman's.
If 5ou want a" No. 1 stove for the
least stamps, crill aud buy of Tisdel &
Aifolh'er car load of McCormiek's
new light druft reapers coming for
I Stevenshu & Cross.
Received, a full Mock of Lidteh
liiliefi and Percale suits, at h. Low
maii's. McCormick's new light draft reap
er aiid mower was awardetf (he only
medal at' the World's Exposition in
1873; Hjid sold by Stevenson & Cross.
For the best implements of any
kind, ntoves, hardware, groceries or
wagons, go to Stevenson &, Cross.
Wrn. H. Hoover,
.Real Estate Agent
Cou'rt Room
and fconve veneer
The best and cheapest reapers will
be sold this year by Stevensdu &
A new stock of Pure Drugs at Nick
ell's Drugstore. 50m3
Farm.ers.will not have cheap, Infe
rior wiigpns, but buy the Bain.
Saddles anrhcpdflsh for sale by Ste
veusou & Cross.
'Machine o!ls and beltfpby Steven
son & Cross. -
Car load of Wood's reapers a Tis
del & Richards.
The "National Currency Tobacco"
made by Col hap of this city, when we
consider its quality, and cheapness,
and the peculiar style in which it Is
put np, is the best thing In the tobac
co line we have seen. It is put up with
a view to small wholesale customers.
Farmers, Grangers and others who
want to buy directly from the manu
facturer should see Colhapp' before
supplying themselves.
Tisdel & Richards are selling all tha
reapers, for the reason that they keep
the best, most reliable, grain saving,
and a full stock of extras to repair
with when a machine breaks down.
Spring- and Summer Goods.
I intend to sell my goods at the low
est figures, actual cost, with freight
added, aud feel confident to please
my customers and the public. Ex
traordinary inducdmbuts tillered to
all. iVb baits! but good, substantial
goods for old tiiiie prices.
jjonis Lowman,
87 Moiu street.
For sale by the pound or by the
bushel by J. H. Bauer.
Our Governor's Choice is the favor
ite cigar; manufactured by L. A.
Bergman & Co., No. 46 Main Street.
Large stock at Stevenson fe Cross'.
Large stock of clothing for men,
youths aud "children, at L. Low-
New Bed Steads, Carpets, Bureaus,
and Wash Stands, cheap for cash, at
Roy's Furniture Store. Call soon.
For a good and cheap syrup go to
Swan & Bro.
A full line of smoker's articles con
stantly on hand at Berguian' & Go's.,
very low for cash.
July 7. Wheat No. 3 red fall,
new, $1 115. No. 2. SI 15. Old No. 2,
SI 20. No. 2 spring offered at $1 09;
!)0c. bid.
Cditx No 2 mixed 5S59.
Oats No. i mixed 53c.
Rye Prime, 76c4
Hogs Strong at So 00G 00.
Cattle Good to extra native $-1 50"
G 00 ; cows and heifers Si 753 25 ;
wintered Texan $2 00(g4 25 ; through
$1 5U3 75.
June 7. Cattle Win teren Tex
an $3 504 25 ; good to choice $4.50
5 50 ; stocker.s S3 2o4 50 ; commb'n to
extr shipping $4 755 50.
Hogs' Unsettled ; sales reported at
S3 2)5 30 for poor to medium ; So SO
(3,6 00 for good in choice.
k Lecture to Young MeD
Just Published, in a Sealed Fix-
volope. iTtce six cents.
A Lecture on the Natnre, Trenluieut, and
Radical Cure of Hemlnal Weakneos.or Siannator-
rlioja. induced by S'elf-Abuse. Involuntary Erak-
stoiis. Impotency. Nervous Debility, end Imp-di-nicnts
to marriasc generally; Piles. Consumption.
Epilepsy. and flu: Mental nnd Physical Incapac
ity. Ac-By P.OBEltr J. CULVERWELK.M.D..
author of the "Gleet: Rook." tc.
The world retioxvnd author, in tfc's admlfble
r.pclurp. cl-arlr nrovJ: from his ntvn fcDertaac-
ihat the awful consequences of Self-Ah u m be
effectually removed ivitlibut uyMiicin w, ana wun
out dangerous surgical operations; bougies, Jnjtru
mmiui Hnirs. or conllaLs. polntinc oat A raooPor
"cure ot 09C5 certain andcgectualjjufrwMch every
jaRerer. no nmiier whaW'Tlwona'uibn may be.
"nTawcuxe hlzusoU cheaply,' privately, and rad-
TjitU Lecture wUIjhmkc a boon to thniuand uh1
ScnTnnder Sfal. to any address. In a plain seated
envelope on the receipt of six cents, or two post
age s:amps. Also. Dr. Illbbee's REMEDY FOR
1'ILES. Sendlorclrcnlhr. AddrcsthePubligher,
127 rJriwci-y, Xfcw York, l'ost-OiEce Box .i,3S6
fWC-JCTW'l.W !"J1 IW. .--
Ueater In
; Stock, of all Grades -t in this
I Western Country, or ever
, brought to Brownville, ancrl
keeps constantly on handi
everything pertaining to a
, first class and conwlete Lum
ber Yard. . ' '
&X&IBESS, &c,
r-nd sells at prices so low
a3 to defy competition, If
yon want anything in the
3 v a i4v$ B F
li i line of Building Material,
x q aT tho 2B1J r llmbor T
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Whips, Robes, Blankets, Brushes;
Fly-Xets, Etc,
RepntrlnRdoneon short notice. Tho cele
brated Vacuum Oil Blacktnsr. for preicrvinsr
Harness, Boots, Shoes, tc, always ou hand.
01 Main Street,
Furnas,Son & McCormicR
They offer the largest juul most Select
general Nursery Mock ever offered in
the West, consisting in part of
J0.00U Choice 3-yer old Apple Trtir;
l;wimn A " " 4
, .. .. -
1, 2. 3 and 4 year old Tear
2, 3 and 4-year old Cherry
Trees. 1 and 2-year old Pench Trees.
Plum, Apricot and Necta
rine j,ree-!.
4.000.000 No. 1 Eloney Loou-t Hedge Plants.
2.000.000 " Osnse Oraime " "
5.1100.000 Forest Tree Seedlluirs.
2,)ni.0i0 Evergreens, in variety.
100,000 each Blackberries, Raspberries and
Strawberries. '
SO.OfOeach Gooseberries and Currants.
0.000 Perjtunl and Climbing Roses.
10.000 FJowerini: Shrubs.
10.000,000 Willow Cutting.
Cooley's Early Whito. ondtSanford,
df-Correspoildericc Solicited. Seiitl
for Cntalo;riie.-tr&
The Chicago and North-Western.
A 491
Indian rors
TEUuEiiAi r;-
PllTI.A IlKr.P'A
Should buy their Tickets via
Chicago and North-Western Railway.
Cl03e Connections made with all Kallroadi mnalng
EAST or SOUTH fr0in Chicago.
Sion.xCit.v. Yankton. Waterloo.
Cedar Itapwls. Dubuque. Ft. Dedxe,
I'ra imChien, Lafrrwie. hi. 1hu1.
Winona. Muriiuelte. Duluth.
Ishpcrtrrr, L'Ane. BrfiiMbe.
Negaj?-ee, iIna.Jirf. ureen Uty.
biiebuygan. stex eix 1't. Wuieitown.
Ojhkosh, M..di-Mia V Uulac
T!iee points are all on the line of this Great road,
orare re.iched by this, route with Iuativlittbgo or c.irs
than by any other.
Anions; the inducements offered by this route, aro
Itock and Urnvel ltal!at-d Track: Ste-t Ifcil.
Kockaud Iron Bridta-s: I'lillinan PalHtiul ('Hrsata
CotteluM: I'arliiraml Drawwi-room Day Omen;
Sinkliit;anl LminidiiKCars: WestlneliMie'?afttv
Air drakes: Miller's Patent Surety Coupling and
Plattnrms: Close Oinneclions at Junclltui I'olnU:
Less Trtmferrs than iMiy other lUmie: tTnn De
pots: no Car Ferry Tra'isfer; iieed. Safely, atd
Absolute Comfort.
From Z to 10 Fast Etpres.s Trains jun each wy
Daily over the various lines of this Ttoit.s. thus se
curing to the Traveler selecting tbi-sRoiitessureard
certain connections in any direction he may wh
to ko.
jJS- See that yoilr Tickets l&cA via this IUute, &
lakenoneothflr , .
M. Hliilll IT. Ti". fi. STKNNETT.
Uen'ISupt. Gcn'l Pastfr AgS
Neatly and Promptly Exocuted.
The best for excladin?
-ii4f iicaa under doors.
- Forsaieby
Swan. &; 33ro. -
2fe "S?
IK" TS 3I32LS.
Bytheauti.-rof "Night Scenes in the Bible"
and "Our ..tin r'.-i House." ot wnich- aearly
SiO.OOObavc !n dd. "Home Life" Iktoiii
mendl by tnuilcitrs of al! entireties as "tho
antlior's bi-' nook." "foil of preciors
thought." ""roths precious a; gems," "a
choice b.v.k f-r every i.unilv." &: Sieel eti
irrayings. rose tilted paper, rich blndinu.nnd
rar rapid .-jileiiiieounlled. AOEXTS, Yountc
Men. L.tlis, T icliers nnd CVrgymen. w.m--iI
in every e-mnty j 7" to I0i per month.
jMid lorcirct.inr. ZIEOI.ER fc M'Cl'It
DV,3th Avo.t&AdnuiaSt..C,hlCRgo.Ill. :i8n.3
40 cts. per lb.
JOKK CttAOOO'h-. ,'. F. CI'i)r0CK.
m mm
s bun
mt ( I 1 I.U
Breecb-Lon Mug Shot G-ir.-.K !!..
Ma.J'". X'-
GunMhadeto'oraVr. Repsilrlngne-itl Cl3ri
J. S5L JSE,.
i vWi
All Operations I'ei
formed in thebes
- MP ? - S - "- " -
f-Vj-ja-, .,,,! ijncecnilala
- sire'
- . '
Vt Uoi'k Por'. Mo., front lit io ih cf eac-
Sa JaafeiiJtL
B5S i
A' -
irf A ltltOiT7v AV
t I U H
JuMl ;
i"-s-J-4?Jr manner.
jy -br'N. -
4i . T4
A I F!
-.- .